Peter-street, fronting Alfred-square, with small yard in the Court the said cause is attached, by Mr. Frederick Flint, the rear. person appointed to sell the same, at the Public Sale Rooms, Particulars whereof may be had of Messrs. Mercer and No. 9, Upper Ormond Quay, in the city of Dublin, on Edwards, Solicitor?, Deal; of Messrs. Mercer and Mercer, Saturday, the 31st day of August, 1872, at one o'clock iu the Solicitors, 1, Copthall-eourt, London; Messrs. Dean and afternoon, in four lots :— Chubb, Solicitors, 14, South-square, Gray's-inn; Messrs. Certain leasehold dwelling houses, situate and being No. Cheston and Sons, Solicitors, of No. 1, Great Winchester- 65, 66, and 67, Lower Mount-street, and Nos. 16 and 17, atreet-buildings, London; and of the Auctioneer, at Can* Grant's-row, in the city of Dublin. terbury. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had (gratis) of O be sold, pursuant to a Decree and Order of the High Mr. Charles John Mander, No. 9, New-square, Lincoln's- T Court of Chancery, made in the causes Blackstock v. inn, London,-Solicitor;'of Messrs. Stewart and Kincaid, Blackstock, and Ashman v. Blackstock, with the approbation No. 6, Leinster-street, Dublin; and of the Auctioneer, of the Vice-Chancellor Sir John Wickens, in seven lots, by at No. 9, Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin. Mr. George Turner, the person appointed by the said Judge, O be sold, pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of at the Law Association Rooms, 14, Cook-street, , T Chancery, made in a cause of Fish v. Rivers, with on Thursday, the 29th day of August, 1872, at two o'clock approbation of the Vice-Chancellor Sir John Wickens, by in the afternoon precisely :— Mr. George Etherington, the person appointed by the said Certain freehold estates, situated respectively in Higlifield- Judge, at the Red Lion Hotel, at Petersfield, in the county street, Worthington-street, and Renshaw-street, in or near of Hants, on Wednesday, the 4th day of September, 1372, at Liverpool aforesaid; and certain leasehold estates situate three for four o'clock in the afternoon, in one lot: — respectively in Pennington-etreet, Brownlow-hill, Bridport- Certain farms and lands, situate in the parish of Froxfield, street, Back Bridport-street, Warren-street, and Seagrave- in the county of Southampton, comprising certain farms, street, in Liverpool aforesaid, late the property of Thomas known as Beensgreen and Ragmore Farms, containing about Cross, deceased. 148 acres of laud. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had (gratis) in Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Mr. London, of Messrs. Edwards, Layton, and Jaques, Solicitors, Joseph Soames, of Petersfield, Solicitor; of Mr. Adams, 8, Ely-place, Holborn; and Messrs. Jones, Blaxland, and Alresford. Soicitor; of Mr. F. L. Soames, 10, New-inn, Sons, Solicitors, 32, Lincoln's-inn-fields; and in the country Strand, Solicitor; of the Auctioneer, at Petersfield; and at of Messrs. Abbott and Leonard, Solicitors, Bristol; of the the place of sale. Auctioneer, 44, Church-street, Liverpool; at the place of O be sold, pursuant to ;i Decree of the High Court of sale; and of Samuel Forrest, Solicitor, Liverpool. T Chancery, in a causa of Hopkinson v. Hopkinson, with Winchester. the approbation of his Lordship the Master of the Rolls, in O be sold, pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of one lot, by Mr. William Knowles, the person appointed by T Chancery, made in a cause of Filder v. Filder, with the Judge, at the Bell Hotel, in the city of Gloucester, on the approbation of his Honour the Vice-Chancellor Sir Monday, the 19th day of August, 1872, at three o'clock in John Wickens, in one lot, by Mr. T. S. Morris, the person the afternoon precisely:— appointed by the said Judge, at the George Hotel, Win- A freehold estate, called Brawn Farm, situate in the parish chester, on Wednesday, the 28th day of August, 1872, at of Sandhurst, and near to the city of Gloucester, lying in a three for four o'clock punctually :— ring fence, and comprising a substantially-built farm resi- AH that valuable freehold property, situate in Lower dence, with a quantity of arable, pasture, and meadow land, Brook-street, Winchester, with its wharehouses and work- containing altogether 277*. IB. CP., late the property of shops, known as Fielder's Sack Factory, comprising exten- George Hopkinson, of Wotton, in the county of Gloucester, sive ranges of two and three storied buildings, 115 feet in Esquire, deceased. length, together with the clerks' office, hemp and other stores, Particulars whereof may be had (gratis) in London, of sohps, stabling, &c. Messrs. Merediths, Roberts, and Mills, Solicitors, of 8, New- Particulars whereof may be had (gratis) of Messrs C. square, Lincoln's-inn; and in the country of Messrs. Whit- and F. J. Warner and Mr. E. W. Faithful], Solicitors, combe and Co., Solicitors ; and of the Auctioneer, both at Winchester; Messrs. Lambert, Burgin, and Fetch, Solici- Gloucester; and at the said Hotel. tors, 8, John-street, Bedford-row, W.C.; of Messrs. r Walker, Twyford, and Belward, Solicitors, 5, Southampton- |~VO be sold, pursuant to an Order of the High Court of street, Bloomsbury, W.C.; and of the Auctioneer, at JL Chancery, made in a matter and cause re Benson, Winchester. Stephenson v. Benson, with the approbation of the Master of the Rolls, by Mr. Joseph Foster, the person appointed by the said Judge, at the George Inn, at Kirton Lindsey, in the Important Sale of Freehold Property, situate in the several county of Lincoln, on Wednesday, the 4th day of September, parishes of Llanbeulan, Llantrisaint, Llanddausaint, 187^, at three o'clock in the afternoon, in two lots :— Llanfairmathafarneithaf, , , Am- A freehold and tithe free estate, situate at Messingham, Iwch, , and . iu the county of Lincoln, comprising a house and homestead, npO he sold, pursuant to an Order of the High Court of and about 49 acres 1 rood and 6 perches of arable and -L Chancery, made iu a cause Goring v, Vivian, with meadow land, now in the possession of Mr. Hardy. the approbation of the Master of the Bolls, by Mr. William Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Dew, the person appointed by the said Judge, at the Bull Vizard, Crowder, and Co., Solicitors, of 55, Lincoln's-inn- Hotel, at , in the county of , on Tuesday, fields, London; of Mr. B. C. Pearson, Solicitor, Doncaster ; the 8th day of October, 1872, at eleven o'clock, in the fore- of Messrs. Brooksbank and Galland, of 14, Gray's-ion- noon, in fifty lots:— square, London; of Messrs. J. A. Jackson and Son, of Certain freehold estates, embracing an area of about Hull; and at the Auctioneer's office, Spring-gardens, Don- 1,580 acres of arable and pasture lands, with suitable home- caster. steads, several dwelling-houses, shops, and public-houses, r situate hi the town of , and village of Pentraetb, two JHO be sold by public auction, pursuant to an Order of water corn mills, and valuable accommodation lands, con- J. the High Court of Chancery, made in a cause veniently situate upon good roads, within easy distances of Stanford v. Hoskin, with the approbation of Vice-Chancellor stations on the Chester and Holyhend and Anglesey Cen- Malins, by Mr. Charles Cox, the person appointed by the tral Railways, and near to the towns , Amlwch, said Judge, at the Greyhound Hotel, at Richmond, in the Llangefni, and Llamerchymedd, comprising some of the county of Surrey, on Wednesday, the 28th day of August, farms and best grazing land in the county, among which 1872, at three o'clock in the afternoon precisely, in eight may be named, Ty Hen, Treban, Bryn Glas, Rhiw Goch, lots:— Fcidd Seller and Melin Howell, Caen-street, Peny Fan, Certain leasehold dwelling-houses, situate at Richmond, in Cefn Carrog, Newadd Wen, Merddyn, Hafod Llwyn, the county of Surrey, and known as Nos. 11, 13, and 15, Ysgaw, Tyn Llidiart, Hendre Howell, Trysglwyn, Felin Friston-villas, Nos. 16 and 17, Sydney-villas, Nos. 3, 4, 5, Trysglwyn, and numerous smaller holdings, let to respectable and 6, Whitchurch-villas, aud Nos. 8 and 10, Boston-villas. tenants. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from Dixon, Ward, and Letchworth, Solicitors, 10, Bedford-row, Messrs. Raukeu, Ford, Longbourne, and Longbourne, Soli- London; of Messrs. Smith and Moore, Solicitors, Richmond; citors, 4, South-square, Gray's-inn, of London; Messrs. and of the Auctioneer, at his offices at Richmond, and at < Gregory, Tvowcliffes, and Rawle, Solicitors, 1, Bedford-row, 21, Finsbury- circus, London. London; Messrs. Pilchard and Sons, Solicitors, Llwydiarth Selsey, Sussex. Esgob, Anglesey; Mr. Isaac Taylor, Laud Surveyor, rJT'O be sold, pursuant to an Order of the High Court of Coleshill Cottage, Flint; Mr. Robert Algeo, Surveyor, _L Chancery, made in a cause of Cock v. Cock, with the ; at the principal Hotels at Barigor, Carnar- approbation of the Vice-Chancellor Sir John Wickens, by von, Holyhead, Llangefni, , Amlwch, Llanerchy- Mr. Edward Wyatt (the person appointed by the said xnedd, and Menia Bridge ; and at the Auctioneer's offices, Judge), at the Dolphin Hotel, Chichester, iu the county of Wellfield House, Bangor. Sussex, on Wednesday, the 28th of August, 1872, at two for O be sold, pursuant to an Order of the High Court of three o'clock, in seven lots :— T Chancery ia England, made in a cause Rattey v. Very valuable copyhold and long leasehold estates, situate Cleoburey, with the approbation of the said Judge to whose at Selsey, about 7 miles from the city of Chichester, on the