Theoretical & Experimental Studies of Elementary Physics Award: DE-FG02-91ER40685 University of Rochester Department of Physics and Astronomy FINAL REPORT 11/1/1991 - 7/15/2012 Date submitted: September 28, 2012 Principal Investigators: Arie Bodek Ashok Das Regina Demina Thomas Ferbel C. Richard Hagen Steven Manly Adrian Melissinos Kevin McFarland Susumu Okubo Stephen Olsen Lynne Orr Sarada Rajeev Paul Slattery Paul Tipton Submitted to: DOE/Office of Science Program Office: Office of High Energy Physics Current Spokesperson for the Principal Investigators: Kevin McFarland (
[email protected] (585-275-7076)) University of Rochester Office of Research and Project Administration River Campus, Hylan Bldg. Rochester, NY 14627-0140 Executive Summary High energy physics has been one of the signature research programs at the University of Rochester for over 60 years. The group has made leading contributions to experimental discoveries at accelerators and in cosmic rays and has played major roles in developing the theoretical framework that gives us our “standard model” of fundamental interactions today. This award from the Department of Energy funded a major portion of that research for more than 20 years. During this time, highlights of the supported work included the discovery of the top quark at the Fermilab Tevatron, the completion of a broad program of physics measurements that verified the electroweak unified theory, the measurement of three generations of neutrino flavor oscillations, and the first observation of a “Higgs like” boson at the Large Hadron Collider. The work has resulted in more than 2000 publications over the period of the grant. The principal investigators supported on this grant have been recognized as leaders in the field of elementary particle physics by their peers through numerous awards and leadership positions.