Fall-Winter 1990

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Fall-Winter 1990 ,3 -. CONTENTS Doinc·i i- A PERIODICAL OF PARTICLE PHYSICS FALL/WINTER1990 VOL. 20, NUMBER 3 FEATURES Editors PARTICLE ASTROPHYSICS AND RENE DONALDSON, BILL KIRK THE ORIGIN OF STRUCTURE Contributing Editor Particle physics is the missing link MICHAEL RIORDAN in our theory of the evolution of structure in the Universe. Editorial Advisory Board Edward W. Kolb JAMES BJORKEN, JOHN MATTHEWS, MARTIN PERL JOHN REES, RONALD RUTH MARVIN WEINSTEIN 10 SLD PREPARES FOR PHYSICS SLAC's newest, and largest, detector Photographic Services brings the latest technology TOM NAKASHIMA to the study of the Z. BETTE REED Bill Ash Illustrations KEVIN JOHNSTON TERRY ANDERSON, 18 1990 NOBEL PRIZE SYLVIA MACBRIDE, JIM WAHL Friedman, Kendall, and Taylor Distribution share Nobel Prize in Physics. CRYSTAL TILGHMAN Michael Riordan DEPARTMENTS The Beam Line is published quarterly by the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 22 TOWARD THE NEXT LINEAR COLLIDER: P.O. Box 4349, Stanford, CA 94309. RF POWER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Telephone: (415) 926-2282. BITNET: BEAMLINE@SLACVM George Caryotakis and Theodore Lavine SLAC is operated by Stanford University under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy. The opinions of the authors do not necessarily 25 HISTORY NOTES reflect the policy of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. 26 PEOPLE AND EVENTS Cover: Fluctuations in the temperature of the cosmic micro- wave background radiation as reported by the Cosmic 29 FROM THE EDITORS' DESK Background Explorer satellite. Hot spots are shown in red. The entire sky is projected on the figure, with the plane of the Milky Way as the equator. All temperature anisotropies can 30 CONTRIBUTORS be identified as individual sources (mostly in the galactic plane) or as a dipole moment to the radiation pattern caused by the motion of our galaxy through the Universe. (Courtesy of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center) 32 DATES TO REMEMBER BEAM LINE 1 _· _ · ~I · · 1.2 The spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation as measured by the cosmic background explorer satellite. The solid curve is the spectrum t..) of a blackbody of T= 2.735 K. o0 T - uc/n I 0£?1 . - 0.4 X C g u 0.4 2 6 10 14 18 Frequency (cycles/cm) the past decade it has become clear 2.735K. The microwave background the dipole component to the radia- that it is impossible to achieve this is truly a relic of the early Universe. tion pattern caused by the motion of goal without the foundation of high- Background photons last scattered the earth about the sun, the sun energy physics. This article will fo- about 350,000 years after the bigbang, about the Milky Way, and the Milky cus on one aspect of the application when the temperature of the Uni- Way through the Universe, the tem- of high-energy physics to cosmol- verse fell well below the binding perature of the background radiation ogy, namely the origin of large-scale energy of hydrogen, allowing pro- seems to be the same in all direc- structure. tons and electrons to combine and tions. The temperature differences Just as in particle physics, cos- form neutral hydrogen. The present are quantified in terms of tempera- mology has a standard model: the distance to this surface of last scat- ture fluctuations, written AT/T. Here "big bang." Just as there is a funda- tering of the microwave photons is AT is the difference between tem- mental principle as the basis of the about 3000h- 1 megaparsecs (see box perature measured at a certain place standard electroweak theory (the above right). Thus, the microwave on the sky and the average tempera- principle of gauge invariance), so radiation provides information about ture, T. Once the dipole moment is there is a corresponding principle at the Universe on the very largest subtracted, there is no detectable AT. the heart of the big bang, the Cos- distance scales we can probe. A map of the temperature of the mological Principle, which states In the past year or so there has microwave background temperature that on large scales the Universe is been significant new information made by COBE is shown on the cover. spatially homogeneous and isotro- about the microwave background. If one removes the obvious dipole pic. Evidence that the Universe obeys Perhaps the most spectacular new component, the radiation tempera- the cosmological principle comes result is that the spectrum of the ture is uniform to the limits of the from observations of the distribu- radiation is indeed that of a "black- measurement. Although the cos- tion of radiation and the distribution body" as predicted by big bang theory. mological principle implies that the of matter. Each plays an important This important measurement was background should be isotropic, we role in understanding the emergence made about a year ago by the Cosmic know that it can't be exactly smooth. of structure in the Universe. Background Explorer (COBE) satel- Some small anisotropy must be lite. The results of the COBE mea- present, because the microwave surements are shown in the graph background should contain imprints ONSIDER FIRST the radiation above. The prediction of a thermal of the primordial wrinkles in the in the Universe. Most of this spectrum is spectacularly confirmed distribution of matter in the early radiation resides in the microwave by the data. Universe. Most cosmologists believe region of the spectrum as a diffuse The second important piece of that these small wrinkles are ulti- cosmic background. The present information that has emerged in re- mately responsible for the formation temperature of this cosmic micro- cent years is the high degree of isot- of structure. However these predicted wave background radiation (CMBR) is ropy of this radiation. If we remove wrinkles have never been detected. 2 FALL/WINTER 1990 The Language of Astronomy THE BASIC UNIT OF LENGTH IN ASTRONOMY is the parsec. where 2ROBS is the observed wavelength of some spectral One parsec (pc) is 3.1x1018 cm, or about 3.26 light years. The feature of laboratory wavelength 0o), HO is the Hubble con- typical distance between stars in our solar neighborhood is stant, and dL is the distance to the object. The quantity cz isthe about a parsec. We are roughly 10 kpc from the center of the speed at which the object is receding from the local group. Milky Way, which represents about a third of the diameter of a Sixty-one years after the discovery of the expansion of the spiral galaxy like our own. The nearest large galaxy is the Universe, the Hubble constant isstill uncertain by about a factor Andromeda galaxy, about 1 Mpc away. This distance between of two! The Hubble constant is usually expressed in terms of a galaxies is representative of the separation of "field" galaxies, dimensionless "reduced" Hubble constant h: HO = 100h kms- 1 which are isolated galaxies not associated with rich clusters of Mpc- 1, and the uncertainty in the Hubble constant translates galaxies. into the range 0.4 < h < 1. The uncertainty in h generally ap- The distance to extragalactic objects beyond our local group pears in the estimated distance to extragalactic objects. For of galaxies is usually determined by Hubble's law: cz HodL, instance, the distance to the galaxy LML1924 with redshiftz= 0.1 wherec is the velocity of light, z is the redshift (z = lOBS/O -1, is dL = 300h- 1Mpc, or between 300 and 750 Mpc. The experimental limits on tem- sources; the quasar distribution; and In the past few years the size, perature fluctuations depend upon the random velocities of galaxies that diversity, and magnitude of struc- the angular separation of the two trace the matter distribution. tures in the Universe has astonished, regions of the sky studied. The lim- The Universe is smooth on large and even alarmed, cosmologists. It its vary from AT/T < 10 - 5 on angular scales but clumpy on small scales. It seems that every time we look on scales of a few minutes, to AT/T < is not clear on what scale the transi- larger scales we manage to find larger 3x10 - 5 on angular scales of 90°. This tion from structure to smoothness objects. Some cosmologists have sug- isotropy of the microwave radiation occurs. Evidence for the homogene- gested that rather than a Universe tells us that on the surface of last ity and isotropy of the matter distri- obeying the cosmological principle, scattering, the Universe is very bution based upon the distribution the distribution of matter in it more smooth. This regularity is the best of galaxies has been elusive. In the closely resembles a fractal, which proof of the cosmological principle. past decade or so there have been would imply that it has no "average" If the radiation is isotropic about us, several large projects dedicated to density. Theorists continue to advise and we do not occupy a special point producing3-dimensionalmaps of the observers that the distribution of in the Universe, the radiation should location of bright galaxies. These matter is uniform on large scales, be isotropic about every observer. A maps have produced a wealth of in- while stubborn observers, ignoring Universe that is isotropic about ev- formation, along with quite a few the sage advice of theorists, proceed ery observer must be homogeneous. surprises. In every volume of the to dig out from the background larger Universe ever mapped, there are in- and larger structures. Guided by the dications of structures as large as the cosmological principle, the theorists N OW CONSIDER THE OTHER size of the survey itself. For instance, say that the reason these structures component of the Universe: the largest contiguous volume of the are so hard to find is because they are matter.
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