Lagrangian Views of the Pathways of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning
REVIE W ARTICLE Lagra ngia n Vie ws of t he Pat h ways of t he Atla ntic 10.1029/2019J C015014 Meridio nal Overt ur ni ng Circ ulatio n S pecial Sectio n: A. Bo wer 1 , S. L ozier 2, 3 , A. Biastoc h 4 , K. Dro ui n 2 , N. Fo u kal 1 , H. F urey 1 , Atla ntic Meridio nal 5 6 2, 7 Overt ur ni ng Circ ulatio n: M. La n k horst , S. R ü hs , a n d S. Zo u Revie ws of Observational and 1 2 Modeling Advances Woods Hole, Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, M A, US A, Depart ment of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Duke University, Durha m, N C, US A, 3 No w at Depart ment of Earth and At mospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atla nta, G A, US A, 4 G E O M A R Hel mholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Ger many, 5 Scri p ps I nstit utio n of Key Poi nts: Ocea nograp hy, U niversity of Califor nia Sa n Diego, La Jolla, C A, US A, 6 Ocea n Fro ntier I nstit ute Dal ho usie U niversity, • Lagra ngia n met hods are critical to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Ca nada, 7 No w at Depart ment of Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, describi ng t he t hree ‐di m e nsi o n al str uct ure of t he Atla ntic Meridio nal Woods Hole, M A, US A Overt ur ni ng Circ ulatio n • Fl ui d parcel trajectories reveal t he lack of meridio nal co n nectivity i n A bstract The Lagrangian method — w here c urre nt locatio n a nd i ntensity are deter mi ned by tracki ng t he bot h t he s hallo w a nd deep li mbs of move ment of fl o w alo ng its pat h — is t he oldest tec h niq ue for measuri ng t he ocea n circ ulatio n.
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