Journal of the C. J. La Trobe Society Inc. Vol 20, No 1, March 2021 ISSN 1447‑4026 La Trobeana Journal of the C J La Trobe Society Inc Vol 20, No 1, March 2021 ISSN 1447‑4026 The C J La Trobe Society Inc was formed in 2001 to promote understanding and appreciation of the life, work and times of Charles Joseph La Trobe, Victoria’s first Lieutenant‑Governor. La Trobeana is published three times a year: in March, July and November. The journal publishes peer‑reviewed articles, as well as other written contributions, that explore themes in the life and times of Charles Joseph La Trobe, aspects of the colonial period of Victoria’s history, and the wider La Trobe family. Editorial Committee Helen Armstrong and Dianne Reilly (Honorary Editors) Helen Botham, Loreen Chambers, Susan Priestley, Fay Woodhouse Picture Editor John Botham Designer Michael Owen
[email protected] For copies of guidelines for contributors and subscription enquiries contact: The Honorary Secretary: Dr Dianne Reilly AM The C J La Trobe Society P O Box 65 Port Melbourne Vic 3207 Phone: 9646 2112 Email:
[email protected] FRONT COVER Thomas Woolner, 1825‑1892, sculptor Charles Joseph La Trobe, 1853 Bronze portrait medallion showing the left profile of Charles Joseph La Trobe, diam. 24cm. Signature and date incised in bronze l.r.: T. Woolner Sc. 1853: / M La Trobe, Charles Joseph, 1801‑1875. Accessioned 1894 Pictures Collection, State Library Victoria, H5489 2 • Journal of the C J La Trobe Society Contents 4 A Word from the President Reports and Notices Articles 50 Forthcoming events 5 Susan Priestley 51 Contributions welcome The Lieutenant-Governor’s Goldfields Tours, 1851-1853 19 Dianne Reilly ‘The High Ground’: Robert Russell, artist, architect and surveyor 30 Peter Hiscock Patricius William Welsh: a man of high hopes and ambition 39 Tim Gatehouse ‘Charterisville’: the home of David Charteris McArthur 45 Helen Armstrong ‘Driving S.