J. CETACEAN RES. MANAGE. 9(1):15–28, 2007 15 __________________________________________________________________________________ Distribution and abundance of marine mammals in the coastal waters of British Columbia, Canada + ROB WILLIAMS* AND LEN THOMAS Contact email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT Information on animal distribution and abundance is integral to wildlife conservation and management. However abundance estimates have not been available for many cetacean species inhabiting the coastal waters of Canada’s Pacific coast, including those species that were heavily depleted by commercial whaling. Systematic sightings surveys were conducted in the inshore coastal waters of the Inside Passage, between the British Columbia (BC) Washington and the BC-Alaska borders. A total of 4,400km (2,400 n.miles) of trackline were surveyed in the summers of 2004 and 2005. Abundance estimates (with 95% confidence intervals) assuming certain trackline detection for seven cetacean species were as follows: harbour porpoise, 9,120 (4,210-19,760); Dall’s porpoise, 4,910 (2,700-8,940); Pacific white-sided dolphin, 25,900 (12,900- 52,100); humpback whale, 1,310 (755-2,280); fin whale, 496 (201-1,220); common minke whale, 388 (222-680); and ‘northern resident’ killer whale, 161 (45-574). The potential for responsive movement to have affected the accuracy and precision of these estimates is difficult to assess in small-boat surveys. However, the analyses were designed to minimise this factor in the most obvious case (Pacific white-sided dolphins) and pilot data collection has begun to assess the magnitude of the effect and to calculate correction factors for other species. The density of harbour seals, both along the shoreline and at sea, was calculated and it was estimated that total abundance of harbour seals in the study area was at least 19,400 (14,900-25,200).