Zentrale Abschlussarbeit 2018

Mittlerer Schulabschluss

Herausgeber Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein Brunswiker Str. 16-22, 24105 Kiel

Aufgabenentwicklung Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein Institut für Qualitätsentwicklung an Schulen Schleswig-Holstein Fachkommissionen für die Zentralen Abschlussarbeiten in der Sekundarstufe I

Umsetzung und Begleitung Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein [email protected]

© 2018 Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein

MSA Englisch 2018 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

Liebe Schülerin, lieber Schüler!

Vor dir liegt nun das Aufgabenheft des schriftlichen Teils der Abschlussprüfung Englisch Mittlerer Schulabschluss.

Es gibt drei Teile darin, zu denen jeweils mehrere Aufgaben gestellt werden:

Teil LC: Listening Comprehension (Hörverstehen)

Teil RC: Reading Comprehension (Leseverstehen)

Teil W: Writing (Schreiben)

Du hast ausreichend Zeit! Die Prüfungszeit beträgt für alle Aufgaben zusammen 105 Minuten. Lies dir bitte jede Aufgabe gründlich durch und bearbeite sie so gut du kannst. Wenn du mit einer Aufgabe nicht zurechtkommst, gehe zur nächsten über.

Wenn du dich einmal bei der Lösung geirrt hast, markiere deine richtige Antwort so:

A  richtig B  C  Häkchen fälschlich gesetzt D 

Besonders in Teil LC Listening ist es wichtig, dass du vor dem Anhören der CD-Texte in der schriftlichen Aufgabenstellung zunächst nachliest, was du beim anschließenden Hören herausfinden sollst!

Nutze die jeweiligen Pausen, um die Aufgabe zu lesen und zu vervollständigen.

Benutze einen Bleistift, um deine ersten Vermutungen zu kennzeichnen, bevor du nach dem zweiten Hören den Füller oder Kugelschreiber nimmst.

Für die Teile RC und W (Reading/Writing) denke daran, dass du in deinem Wörterbuch nachschlagen kannst, wenn du Wortschatzprobleme hast.

In Teil W Writing nimm dir Zeit, die Schreibaufgabe erst zu planen, dann einen Text zu schreiben und diesen vor dem sauberen Abschreiben zu überprüfen. Nutze die Zeit und überprüfe in der Aufgabenstellung, ob du alle Aspekte bedacht hast. Kontrolliere hinterher noch einmal die sprachliche Richtigkeit.

Bitte erst umblättern, wenn du dazu aufgefordert wirst.

3 MSA Englisch 2018 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

LC Listening Comprehension

LC 1 Going on a whale watching tour

Listen to a tourist asking a young woman from a whale watching centre about their tours. While listening, tick () the correct choice (a, b, c or d). There is an example (0) at the beginning. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 60 seconds to read the task.

0. You can take the longest trip with the …

a)  Royal Beater. b)  Skipper’s Heart. c)  Old Roberta. d)  Wooden Lady.

1. Species that can be spotted are …

a)  local birds and flying fish. b)  only dolphins and orcas. c)  common seals and grey birds. d)  dolphins, seals and birds.

2. A group of students introduced …

a)  a dolphin support system. b)  the photo identification. c)  a communication system. d)  a special underwater camera.

3. Stewart Mitchell is …

a)  a tour guide. b)  the head of university. c)  a health adviser. d)  an expert on sea life.

4 MSA Englisch 2018 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

4. One specific whale can be spotted …

a)  in the morning. b)  at night. c)  quite often. d)  rarely.

5. Tourists should buy their tickets …

a)  on the boat. b)  at 9 o’clock. c)  in front of the boat. d)  before the trip.

6. Tourists should protect their …

a)  skin from sunburn. b)  face from cold wind. c)  feet from cold. d)  eyes from saltwater.

/6 P.

5 MSA Englisch 2018 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

6 MSA Englisch 2018 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

LC Listening Comprehension

LC 2 Car designer

Listen to the reporter talking with Josh about his job as a car designer. While listening, complete each sentence in about 1 to 5 words or numbers. There is an example (0) at the beginning. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 45 seconds to read the task.

Since Josh was ten he has enjoyed ... 0 drawing and painting.______

Instead of doing sports Josh ... 1 ______

His father helped him by ... 2 ______

After finishing his A-levels he ... 3 ______

At the beginning his parents ... 4 ______

After Josh’s first job in America he ... 5 ______

Josh’s job fits him so well because ... 6 ______

Right now Josh doesn´t want to ... 7 ______

/7 P.

7 MSA Englisch 2018 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

RC Reading Comprehension

RC 1 Renewable energy

Read the blog entries about new ways of providing power from natural resources. Then answer the questions below in about 1 to 5 words or numbers. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

My Blog: Renewable Energy

The SolaRoad

The town of Krommenie in the has officially opened the SolaRoad – a bike lane made up of solar-powered cells that will generate power for traffic lights, houses, electric cars and street lights. Biking on the lane will not create power, but the cells making up the lane soak up the sun to generate energy. This concept creates an energy source out of a road surface which is exposed to the sun daily. The idea was developed in a cycle lane as biking is a large form of Dutch transportation, it also holds less weight than a typical road or highway which makes it easier for the idea to be tested and altered where needed. Over 3.5 million Euros were invested in this project.

Football lights powered by feet

The first ever football pitch that uses energy from players feet to power the flood lights has opened in . The inaugural game using the new technology took place in Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian football legend, Pele, opened the game. The pitch works by using specially developed tiles, laid under the turf, to harness the kinetic energy of players’ movements. Electricity is then fed from the tiles to a system of floodlights overhead. The 200 energy-capturing tiles, developed by British start-up Pavegen, were installed across the width and breadth of the field. […]

Phone Charging Shoes

15 year old Angelo Casimiro has invented a device that charges your phone as you walk. With these phone charging shoes, when the wearer jumps, runs or walks, the pressure is transferred to a pair of discs inside the shoes which then produces energy. This energy can then be used to charge your phone or any other device via USB port. This invention was aimed at people who are constantly on the go or who live in remote areas with no regular access to electricity. However, the shoes require a lot of movement to completely charge most devices. An estimated 8 hours of running to charge a lithium-ion battery and 2 hours of playing basketball to give the average cell phone about 10 minutes of charge. There is still a lot of room for Angelo to improve his device.

8 MSA Englisch 2018 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

Solar powered cars race across Australia

‘Back to the Future II’ movie predicted that we would be driving in cars powered by rubbish in 2015. However, the majority of cars driven today are still powered by diesel or petrol, and vehicles remain high on the list of polluters. Every two years Australia hosts the ‘World Solar Challenge’. This challenge hopes to highlight that someday cars could be fuelled by our biggest, cleanest, and cheapest source of energy – the sun! The competition challenges universities and technical institutions to design and compete solar-powered vehicles for a race across the Australian all the way from Darwin to , a distance of 3,000 km. This year’s event took place in late October and had 40 teams from 25 nations. […]

Quelle: http://kiwikidsnews.co.nz; 01.09.2016

What kind of construction produces 0 A solar-powered bike lane energy in Krommenie?

What was the total cost for the 1 SolaRoad?

Who created the innovative 2 technology for the pitch?

How can you connect energy storing 3 shoes to a phone?

What is the minimum amount of 4 exercise needed to operate a mobile?

Which competition is regularly held 5 in Australia?

Where is the finish line for the 6 Australian competition of cars with alternative energy solutions?

/6 P.

9 MSA Englisch 2018 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

RC Reading Comprehension

RC 2 Cities designing for health

Read the articles about three cities helping residents live healthier lives. Decide whether the statements below are true or false and tick () the correct box. Then find one sentence in the text which you need to prove your answer. Write the first four words of this sentence in the table (justification).

Cities designing for health

San Francisco - Doctor’s orders: a walk in the park

In 1965, a Mississippi Delta doctor named Jack Geiger began writing prescriptions for fruits and vegetables for malnourished children at one of the nation’s first community health centers. The local market filled the prescriptions and billed the center. This holistic1 idea of public health is echoed today in a partnership between physicians and the San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department. For patients struggling with chronic and mental illnesses, as well as diseases related to inactivity, doctors might prescribe, for example, a 45-minute walk in Glen Canyon Park three mornings a week. The more specific the instructions, the more likely patients are to follow them, according to one doctor involved. Not only do walks improve human health, they also build deeper relationships with the Bay Area’s natural resources. Parks officials are making their open spaces as inviting as possible by providing free group walks in parks around the city and providing free water bottles and pedometers to participants.

Edinburgh - Slowing traffic to 20 mph

Scotland’s capital city is rolling out a plan to cap the speed limit at 20 mph on 80 percent of its roads. The slowdown is designed to encourage people to walk and bike, rather than drive, and to enhance pedestrian safety. A 2012 report by Transport Scotland recommends 20 mph speed limits on certain roads to improve bike and pedestrian safety. (…) The Edinburgh plan is expected to be phased in starting in early 2017. Environmental advocates say that encouraging walking and cycling will contribute to the nationwide effort to reduce air pollution and lower carbon emissions.

1 holistic – treating the whole person rather than just the effects of a disease

10 MSA Englisch 2018 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

Houston - Bayou2 Greenways Initiative

(…) The city’s $480 million Bayou Greenways Initiative, a massive public- private project, will connect 10 bayous and creeks3 across the city and its periphery. In the past, bayous were straightened out and paved over to control flooding.

Now, Houston is bringing these low-lying rivers back to their natural life: slow, gleaming waterways full of fish and bordered by wildflowers, grasses, and native trees. The city is also adding 4,000 acres of new and equitably distributed green spaces that will improve water quality. And it’s providing an alternative to high-traffic streets by developing 300 continuous miles of hike- and-bike trails along the bayous. When complete, an estimated six in ten residents will live within 1.5 miles of a bayou, park, or trail. (…)

Textquelle: http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/good-health/6-citites-designing-for-health-20160111

statements true false justification

It’s a new idea in San Francisco to  In 1965, a Mississippi … 0 tell patients to eat healthy food to recover. Being active also leads to greater 1 environmental awareness.

San Francisco encourages all its 2 inhabitants to drink more water.

Edinburgh wants its residents to 3 use their cars less often. Ecologists have warned of the

4 consequences of Edinburgh’s intention to slow traffic. Houston is trying to restore the 5 rivers’ original state.

Houston aims to provide healthier 6 living conditions.

New highways are planned to 7 connect the city with the bayous.

/7 P.

2 bayou – a small river in the southern US that moves very slowly and has many plants growing in it 3 creek – a small stream

11 MSA Englisch 2018 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

W Writing Task How to stay healthy and fit

During your exchange year your English school is planning a project week. Different ideas will be posted on the school website and then put to the vote. You and your classmates favour the idea “How to stay healthy and fit”.

Task: Write a blog entry for the school website to convince the other students.

In this blog entry you should …

- explain why staying healthy and fit is important - describe suitable activities for different age groups - suggest ideas how to present your results at the end of the week.

Write about 180 words.
















12 MSA Englisch 2018 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein























/24 P.

Stopp! Die Tabellen auf der folgenden Seite werden nur von den Lehrkräften ausgefüllt.

13 MSA Englisch 2018 (c) MBWK Schleswig Holstein

Writing: How to stay healthy and fit

possible student’s Task: Writing a blog entry points points

Inhalt • explain why staying healthy and fit is important • describe suitable activities for different age 8 groups • suggest ideas how to present your results at the end of the week.

Textsorte/Situations-/Adressatenbezug 2

Entfaltung des Themas/Textaufbau 2 Satzbau/Satzverknüpfungen/Konnektoren 2 (Kohäsion, Kohärenz) Verständlichkeit/Lesbarkeit 2

Wortschatz: Spektrum/Korrektheit 4

Grammatische Strukturen: Spektrum/Korrektheit 4

Total points 24

Listening Comprehension, possible student’s Reading Comprehension, Writing points points

LC 1 Going on a whale watching tour 6

LC 2 Car designer 7

RC 1 Renewable energy 6

RC 2 Cities designing for health 7

W How to stay healthy and fit 24

Test Points Paper Pencil 50

possible student’s Speaking/Mediation points points Test Points Speaking/Mediation SP/M 50 (see assessment sheet)

Total Points 100