SCENE THE TWEED N E Volume 3 #03 E Thursday, September 16, 2010 R Advertising and news enquiries: G Phone: (02) 6672 2280
[email protected] [email protected] Page LOCAL & INDEPENDENT 14 New township for 10,000 people gets green light Ken Sapwell Tweed area continues to expand with people moving down from the north- Billionaire developer Bob Ell is ern state.’ poised to create two ‘mini-cities’ in He said he was aware of commu- Tweed shire after Planning Minister nity concerns about the impacts the Tony Kelly gave the green light to his long-stalled project would have on $420 million Kings Forest project on the shire’s dwindling koala population Friday. and had taken steps to address them. Mr Kelly visited the 860-hectare They included a koala plan of site west of Cabarita Beach to an- management by koala expert Frank nounce concept plan approval for Carrick, which Mr Kelly said would 4,500 new homes in 23 separate resi- ‘establish a comprehensive framework dential precincts, a town centre, two for koala management.’ schools, and a 57-hectare golf course. Nearly 500 hectares would be Mr Ell yesterday hailed the deci- zoned for environmental protection, sion as a milestone and predicted ap- including 150ha of high conservation provals for a further 5,500 homes in land which would be given to the De- his Cobaki Lakes project would not partment of Environment to add to Living legend: Australia’s most famous motor-racing ace Sir Jack Brabham be far behind, allowing construction the Cudgen Nature Reserve.