Contents Algebraic Surfaces in Positive Characteristic Christian Liedtke ................................................ 3 1 Introduction...................................... ........... 3 Preparatory Material 2 Frobenius, curves and group schemes ................... ........ 5 3 Cohomological tools and invariants ................... .......... 12 Classification of Algebraic Surfaces 4 Birational geometry of surfaces...................... ........... 18 5 (Quasi-)elliptic fibrations......................... ............. 22 6 Enriques–Kodaira classification..................... ............ 25 7 Kodairadimensionzero .............................. ......... 26 8 Generaltype....................................... .......... 31 Special Topics in Positive Characteristic 9 Unirationality, supersingularity, finite fields, and arithmetic........ 38 10 Inseparable morphisms and foliations ................ ........... 46 From Positive Characteristic to Characteristic Zero 11 Witt vectorsand lifting ............................ ........... 50 12 Rational curves on K3 surfaces....................... .......... 54 References ......................................... ............. 59 arXiv:0912.4291v4 [math.AG] 6 Apr 2013 Algebraic Surfaces in Positive Characteristic Christian Liedtke Mathematisches Institut Endenicher Allee 60 D-53115 Bonn, Germany
[email protected] Summary. These notes are an introduction to and an overview over the theory of algebraic surfaces over algebraically closed fields of positive characteristic. After a little bit of