"'''0. CALDDAa IIIATS, PATS, .... .laDl,. A. tI.... ,. ZI ... AI I ••••.,b P6 val" IDhllnlkl,; paoellS81D rOODS, »I•• • iam.. AI tI,... ,1I ZI ".. A. Ib.08,' .. nil. Fair-Colcler luetlalkl,. 61a... 150 I ...... 'lV0 ...... H... I; S GAll, .~IN ao 111 ••• ,11 II nJlIl I ••efl.lkl, for • .-a.". llam.. t ••••• f.r II _••••• --Dr ••••r IIvoll&h reb. 28. 11145; SHOES, AIrplane .tampa 1 and IOWA: C~ &Del ConUnlled • , ...... flall.I ,., ....p •• y.u. H... I.; GAIO­ DAILY IO"WAN Cold. Wltb Dlm111i1ab1D&' WlDds LINI. " A" .OU,OD No. 11 au..... D.e. 11: FUlL THE y.u. O~ e •• poill f or perl•• , • •• 5 .r laat beau_, ...... a.. ,erlod 1 eoa pO.8 •• aew lIeaU_, H.... "'al,'. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Ib ....la Au,. 31, UU5. tni~c~ENTS====~======flD===~=~==g==~..===n=.= •• ~~:;:;======~======IO=VV==A~C=rrY==,==IO=VV==A===F=RID==A=Y=.=N=O=VEMB====ER===17=,=1=94=4======flD===A=~====~==nau======~~=V~O==LUME====XL==V===NUME==~==r=~ER~~47

Bodke Carter, Radio AtaGlance- , . Today's U. S. Ninth, First Armies News Reporter, Dies Iowan ' 11- 11- 11- NlPth, JOlll Plunge Against Reich u. S. First armies four 0 the r a 11 i e d fOrces in ------Commentator assault against Rhineland. Senate Backs Byrnes' Boake Carter, radio news com­ Rain Delays Taken III mentator, dies In Hollywood. Appointment as Head Six Allied Rain holds up Yank seizure of Ormoc's Jap defenses. Ormoc Victory Of War Mobilization Forces AIIack ..AI Broadcast Iowa newspapermen's conIer­ ence opens here today. Yank Invasion Force Waives Customary Long-Silent Ninth Hospital Attendants Mlnlsterlal association upbraids Takes Mapia Islands, Committee Agreement FDR for prof.anity. Springs to Action Will Not Reveal Enemy Lookout Post On Nomination Near Roer River Cause of Death GENERAIJ MacARTHUR' WASHINGTON (AP) - James F. Byrnes' former senate col­ SUPREME HEADQUAR- Russian Shock Troops TIEADQUARTER, Philip­ TER, Allied Expeditionary H 0 L L Y woo D (AP)­ pineJ, Friday (AP)- heeh of leagues, Republicans and Demo­ crats alike, paid tribute to hlm Force, Paris (AP)-T'lVo morc Boake 81'11.'1', 46, writer and t J'opical rain w re more eff c­ news commentator, dit'd last Crack Nazi Lines ,Yesterday as they unanimoWily American armi ,sma hing for­ live today thou Japall's veteran approved his nomination as di­ ward under one of the greatest nillht shortly aftel' lH' was 'ad­ Firbt division troops in d lay­ nlitted t{) llollywood Presby­ rector of war mobilization 1\ n d aerial and artill ry bombard­ In 3-Mile Advance in~ thp imlninent clo. or of an hospita I. reconversion. ments of the war, joined the terian Aml'ril'aU tt'IlP around remnuntR HospitaL attcndants decl ined Byrnes, former South Carolina four allied armles already on of Iln en('my J' gim nt at the to reveal the couse or death. Capture Rail Center senator who stepped down from the attack y terday as the long northern t'nel of Ormoc conidor the supreme court to take the job western front flamed into a gen-' Cartee was a. commentator Of Vamosgyork On L('yte island. of war mobiUzation director, had eral winter offensive aimed with millions of friends and planned to retire to private li1e at In Drive on Budapest 'I'wo units of tIle 24tll wcI' so the heart of Germany. enrmcis. llis ability to view do- close to closing the gap that this week. He Is 65. I mest ic and foreign events from EARL H. EMMONS of West BraDcb puts flnlshlne touches on tbe LONDON, Friday (AP) - Rus­ thcir smull arms fit· dominat d Trip to Europe The long - hldden Un it e d 8 neutral corner came from a displlr of bls Frederic W. Goudy collection In the board room of sian tanks and s hoc k troops th vital Ormoc roar, which the But he came back from a re­ Stat N i nth army, which direct rp~u It of experience. He Old Capitol. The work of America's most famou IIvlne type deslcner, cracked the main German defense Americans are attempting to sever cent visit to the European battle­ JMIES F. BYRNES, director of slipped quietly into the line had travelled widely and his ad­ the d.1.plar II belli&' presented IP connection with tbe annual neWS­ line 10 mlles east 01 Budapest yes~ behind the Japanese. Iront convinced that there Is a war mobUJzaUon and reconver­ north of Aachen w ks ago, and ventures took him to the far cor­ papermen's conference belne held. on the campus today and tomorrow. lerday ina bitterly-contested The two American torces ara lot of hard ioing still ahead In sIon, was unanimously approved the veteran American First army ners of the world. Emmons' collection of Goudr books, manuscripts, letters and pictures three-mile advance, and far to the expected to complete the maneu­ the war. The White House an­ by members of the United. State, launched simultaneous assaults at He was born in the British con­ I, ODe of ihe molt complete In the country. surpassln r even the northeast struck to within five ver momentarily, un 1 e s s the nounced that President Roosevelt nate yesterday to contluue bls mid-day Inside the Reich through su late at South , Russia, of pel'8OPlI collectton oWlled by the famous type deslener hltrlSelt. miles Of Mlskolc, Hungary's fitth weather enables the Japanese to had prevaHed upon him to con­ work with the board after Pre&!­ the ,apini hole atreapy torn in Irish-EngUsh parents, educated in city now exposed to Red army ar­ pull out of the trap. tinue on tbe job. dent ROOIevelt sent a formal nom­ Imler's Sieifried line. England, travelled in almost every * * * * * • tillery fire. Third !leet carrier planes sank So yesterday, Roosevelt sent to Ination to the 'etlate. Byrnes bad More than 2,350 country on the globe, spent sev­ Conference Opens Today- Battling along roads leading one Japanese cruIser, four de­ the senate a formal nomination planned to retire to prlvale lite and RAF heavy bombers based in eral years in the newspaper busI­ around Budapest to Austria and stroyers and 11 cargo vessels and of Byrnes for a two~year term as this week. Britain delivered a series of blows ness in the United States before Czechoslovakia, the Russians also oilers in Manila bay during the director of war mobilization and at the enemy directly In front of he transterred his activities to the crossed the Budapest-Miskolc rall­ Nov. 12 strike, revised figures is­ reconversion. This office, embrac­ the attack and headquarters of the radio. In two nationwide polls he Iowa Ne'Mspapermen way at Vamosgyork, 36 mil sued by Admiral Chester W. Nim­ Ing Byrnes' former duties liS di­ First army officially described the was voted the outstanding news northeast oC the Hungarian capital, itz showed yesterday. rector o! war mobilization and Soviet Embassy Hints action as the &rea test tactical air commentator. Moscow announced last night. some new ones, was created by support of the war. Carter served for a time in Outstanding newspaper editors. Type Designer," Frederic W. Th underbolt flgh ters of the This stroke cut the rail supply of Filth alrtorce sank 30 Japanese congress last September. Byrnes At Possible Entry Mark Early Gaw France as correspondent 10r the and America's foremost type de­ Goudy has been fltling It under an in­ German and Hungarian troops barges in sweeps over the enemy Both American armles regis­ London Daily Mail. He worked for signer, Frederic W. Goudy, dis­ Motion picture with commen­ ci:inglng to the central section or terim appointment. two years in the oil fields of Mex- tinguish the newspaper confer­ barge area between Ormoc and tered sizeable gains in the open­ tary by Mr. Goudy the trunk line, and threatened lpJl, a coastal villalle a lew mUes Senator George (D., Ga.) moved Into Pacific War ieo. ence which brings to the unlver- tbat the senate waive the custo- ing hours of their offensive, over­ SATURDAY, NOV. 18 their entrapment. The capture of southward. The barges, lylnJ Two years ago he announced he slty more than 100 editors and mary committee consideration ot running numerous small towns Vamosgyork, where several trains with their ramps touching shore, Russia Assures Allies and villages. had embraced the "Biblical He- I staff l'Ilembers Of weekly news­ Senate Chamber, Old Capitol and ammunition stores were (le­ the nomination and act at once. brew faith" and was hard at work papers. The conference is meet­ appa tl,f were unload d. But 9:30 a. m. Discussion, "News­ clared seized, represented a ~2- Tbere was unanimous agreement. Of Consolidation with David Horowitz, a Biblical ing through the cooperation of one of those sunk contained 20 papers In Community Leader­ mile advance north of the Iallen Japanese, all 01 wbom were killecl. Porter Nomlnated Immediate Goals student at WilkeS-Barre, Pa., on the University of Iowa school of enemy stronghold of Jaszbereny, The senate also received the After Nazis' Defeat a new translation of the Old Tes- journalism and extension divi­ ship in Post-War Iowa," Don While the battle tor Leyt~ SUP REME HEADQUAR­ 1. Berry, editor and publisher, laken Wednesday. nomination of Paul A. Porter, who tament. Carter said that he had sion, as well as the Iowa Press moved toward its climax a small WASHTNGTON AP)-R u s s i a TERS, A III e d Expeditionary the Indianola Record and Tri­ In the lrontal assault on Buda­ force of Americans sei.ed the has been publicity director of the Force, Paris (AP) - Here are observed most rituals of Judaism association and its northeastern, pest's outer d e fen s e s, Marshal Democratic national committee, to appeared yesterday to be setting a but did not foUow orthodox or eastern, southeastern, east central bune; chairman Iowa Post-War Mapia islands, enemy outlook post !rlendly stage for the forthcoming the distances in !ront 01 the al­ Rehabilitation commission Rodion Y. Malinovsky's Second off the northwest New Guinea be a member of the federal com­ lied six-army offensive: "rabbinical Juda ism, an organized and central districts. The pro­ Ukraine army troops captured by munications commission, and the meeting of Marshal Stalin with 10:30 a. m. Round table, "Fine coast. The new invasIon was made President Roosevelt and Prime British army, 37 miles from religion." gram for tbe two-day confer- storm the rail stlltion of Gyomro, nomination of Brig. Gen. Frank Carter was divorced by Mrs. ence will begin with a meeting P r In tin g and Typography," Wednesday as a protective opera­ Minister Churchill. the Ruhr at Duisberg. Frederic W. Goudy 10 miles east-southeast of the tion to remove Japanese spotters. T. Hines to be retraining and re­ American Ninth army, 31 Beatrice O. H. CQrtel' in Philadel- of Sigma Delta Chi, professional capital, nnd nearly a mile north­ employment administrator lor the At the same lime, new Moscow lowa Stadlulll miles from Dusseldorf. phia in 1941. iournalism fraternity for men, at west of Gyomro village, described war veterans program. Hines is statements on the hitherto hush­ He entered the hospital late yes- 11 a. m. 2 p. m. Football, Un! versity of hush subject of Japan may indi­ American F'i r s t a I' m y, 28 by Berlin as the sou theastern head 01 the veterans administra­ miles from Cologne. terday, having complained of feel- The program for the rest of the Iowa vs. University of. Minne­ ca te a psychological preparation anchor of the axis defense arc tion. American Third army, 13 'AI ing ill after his daily radio broad- conference is as follows: sota for Russian participation in the around Budapest. Gyomro village OPA Officials At the capitol, Speaker Rayburn miles trom German border near cast. CaneI' had been broadcasting 12:30 p. m. Luncheon, Iowa Union itsel! was under assault in battles expressed doubt that conifess will second stage of tbe war-in the Pacific. Saarbrucken. over KHJ for the Mutual Broad- cafeteria ' of "unabated violence," Berlin halt the increased schedule Jan. 1 American Seventh army, 40 casting system. 11:45 p. m. Assembly, senate said. in social security payroll taxes. Latest Russian assurances that miles from Strasbourg. chamber, Old Capitol WLB Members Agree The Germans were hurling in a 'Nof Welcome' They are due to go up !rom one the Soviets aim to consolidate the French First army, 40 miles Greetings to the conference, considerable number of tanks and to two percent on both employes Woshington-London-Moscow tront from the Rhine beyond BeUort Wilbur Schramm, director of To Continue Work self-propelled guns and infantry­ and employers, Senator Vanden­ aLter the deleat of Germany came gap. Knife Slayer the school of journalism, Uni­ men in unsuccessful counterattacks berg (R., Mich.) has proposed in the oIficial Soviet embassy bul­ against the converging Russians, In,Atlantic (ify versity of Iowa that the tax be continued at one letin. WASHINGTON AP) - T h r e e a Moscow midnight bulletin said. The Ninth, takini its place be­ 2 p. m. "Report from Europe," W. war labor board members yester­ percent. An article by Red army Col. A. tween the British Second and Five hundred Germans and Hun­ GaUn inclUded among six cardinal Earl Hall, managing editor, Ma- day bowed to a request from garians were taken dUring the day, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J . (AP)- , American First armies, lashed out 'Went Insane' son City Globe-Gazette President Roosevelt and agreed to points of Soviet foreign policy: north of Aachen on a nine-mile and one Soviet unit alone killed Gerald R. Trimble, manager 01 BI· P · C II non-intervention in Internal af­ 3 p. m. "Newspaper Problems," withhold their resignations until more than 600 Germans, it said. the Hotel Claridge and president e glan remler a s arc between Geilenklrchen and introduced by Edward F. Ma- Germany falls. of the Atlantic City Hotel associ- foil's of other nations, denunciation Eschweller and swept ahead 2,000 (AP) - Otto Sixteen miles northeast of Buda­ of imperialist expansion and ag­ Steve Wilson yesterday signed a son, school of journalism Chairman William H. Davis, pest other powerful Soviet tank ation, told office of price adminis- I yards to within four miles of the tration officials yesterday that the Maqu·ls Into Army gresSion, and furtherance of alli­ Roer river. formal confession to the mutlla~ "Why and How Do We Keep George W. Taylor and Frank P. and in1antry forces swept through ances with peace loving states. lion slaying of two women in Our Books?" Leon S. Barnes, Graham, three 01 the four public Dany in a headlong race along a Atlantic City hotel industry does On the left flank, the mysteri­ not want to entertain them during LONDON (AP)-In the midst The expected meeting of the bii hotel rooms, police reported, add­ managing editor and co-pub- members 01 the WLB, had asked road that by-passes Budapest on thne leaders was not mentioned. ous United States Ninth struck at ing in h ~ own handwriting at the lisher, the Northwood Anchor to be relieved in order to return to the nOl'th and leads to Vienna, a projected conference here they of a government crisis, Belgium's 12:45 p. m., plowinng into Ger­ end: "I have always been erno­ "Rolling the Advertising In private life. Austrian capital. planned holding Nov. 26. IPremier Hubert Pierlot, in a na- many from eastern Holland behind tionaUy unstable ... I went com­ and Out," James W. McCut- The White House announced . Approximately 100 OPA offi- tion-wide broadcast over the Brus­ Yank Forces Drive a big aerial bombardment after an pletely insane and could not possi- , cheon, editor and publisher, yesterday, however, that at Presi­ ClalS !rom New Jersey, New York, sels radio, last night called upon Nazis Across Montone 800-miIe leapfrogging trek across bly control myself." the Mt. Vernon Hawkeye-Re- dent Roosevelt's request they had Churchill Says Civilian Mar y I and, Pennsylvania and members of the country's resist­ the paths of other allied armies The 31-year-Old, 6-foot blond cord consented to remain "until tbe Washington planned to meet here Iance movements to disband and River in Italian Push that befuddled the Germans. waiter also admitted, said Capt. "Keeping Circulation Up and eUmination of Germany from the on that date, Trimble said. join the regular army and sur- From the !ront dispatches filed Thad Brown of the police homicide Down," Charles A. Doxsee, war or, at least, until such time as Needs to Come First "Under no circumstances will render their arms by next Satur­ ROME (AP) - Eighth army through strict censorship restric­ SQuad, the theft last Monday of editOr and publisher, t b e they could leave without seriously we entertain this conventiQn at I day "or be prosecuted with the forces at the eastern end of the tions emeried one fact-for the $70 from the safe of the Call­ Monticello Express affecting the work of the organiza ~ the Hotel Claridge," Trimble said I full vigor of the law." Italian batUeline reached the Mon­ first time the United States now lamia Shipbuilding company com­ "When the Editor Cam- tion." After Nazi Defeat in a letter to Forest E. Burroughs, The broadcast came at the close tone river on a wide front north has four great armies harnmerinl missary, where he worked. palgns," H. Ward Barnes,. It is known that some of the OPA regional rent executive, New of a turbulent day in which hun­ of Forli and drove to points less against Germany. Wilson admitted, said police de­ editor and publisher, the president's advisers take the view LONDON (AP)-Prime Minister York. w'eds of uniformed and civilian than five miles from the import­ TbJrd AnII)- tective Lieut. R. F. McGarry, that Eagle Grove Eagle tbat any changes in wage controls Churchill told the house 01 com­ "I have contacted every hotel members 01 the resistance gatb­ ant highway town FaenzB, the al­ These concerted blows were he hac~ed Mrs. Virgie Lee Griffin, . FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 17 or other labor policy should await mons yesterday that once Ger­ here," Trimble continued, "and ered near the houses of parliament lied command announced yester­ dealt even as the United States 26, to death with a butcher knife, Hotel Jefferson the defeat of Germany. On the many is beaten "we must make we have all agreed that in view to demonstrate against the govern­ day. Third closed a nutcracker on Metz and slew Mrs. Lillian J ohll3On, 6:30 p. m. Dinner other hand, there had been specu- exertions to restore our export of the unfair and unbusinesslike ment's decision to dissolve the Patrols pursued the Germans in the second week of its offensive, about 38, with a razor blade. Toastmaster, Earl English, lalion that tbe president migbt trade," but that first on the pro­ methods yoU have used, not only "White army." across the Montone in the vicin­ the British Second drove to within Wilson, drinking wine at a near­ school of journalism make the resignations of Davis, duction priority list would be the in this particular conference, but This was one facet of the gov­ ity of San Martino dl Villafranca, a mile of the Maas river facing by bar, was ar,rested by a patrol­ Type Identification contest Taylor and Graham an occasion fUling of essential civilian needs in also In the relations your office ernments' troubles which consti­ four miles northwest of Forli, and Germany some 30 miles north of lIIan soon after police had broad­ Campus entertainment tor altering the war labor board's clothing, furniture and house­ has conducted with the hotel in- tuted its most serious situation returned with reports of encoun­ Aachen in the scond day of its cast the suspect's description. He Address, "The Work of the form. wares. dustry, we do not want your con- since the country's liberation. tering the enemy "in strength," attack, and the United Stales Sev­ recently received a medical dis­ In his first public discussion of terence in Atlantic City. ------enth and French First armies charge from the navy. the growing question of post-war "The manner in whlch you have k I struck deeper into the German economic competition among the handled this is typical of the man- Ministers As Apo ogy­ 'Big Thr ..' Statesmen- . Vosges mountain lines guar~ WMC to Hold Hearing aUies, the British leader endorsed ner in which the OPA has been the southern RhIneland . the suggestion of one member that conducted in Atlantic City. This A front dispatch said the First On Sit Down Strike "undue restriction" on export in­ conlerence was tentatively ar­ army chose the first break in the Of Italian Prisoners Hail Allied Unity dustries ought to be removed, but ranged about 10 days ago, then it Roosevelt's Profanity weather to attack. he accompanied this with the was canceled on Saturday. After a statement that "until Japan has signed contract arrived, you con­ GLENDALE, Calif. ------(AP)-The "We earnestly pray that you OMAHA (AP)-Reasons lor the NEW YORK (AP)-Undersec­ steps are necessary to prevent been defeated the war must have tacted the manager of the Madison Glendale Ministerial association may feel contrition and seek that Powe,. of U. S. World ·sit down strike" of 65 Italian retary of State Edward R. Stettin­ Germany ever from waging war first calion our e.fforts." hotel and told him you were not prisoners of war from Ft. Crook, ius Jr., Soviet Ambassador Andrei again will be taken." said yesterday it had sent a letter forgiveness which the holy God sure you would hold the confer­ to President Roosevelt asking him enjOins and publicly apologize to Council Representative ~eb . ~ at the Omaha cold storage A. Gromyko and the British am­ Halifax said he belJeved the British to Relax. Draft ence at the Claridge because you company plant here remained un­ bassador, the Earl of Halifax, last close association of the United to apologize for what it termed his and reasure faithful constituents Debated by Senators have had some technical viola- "shoc~ profanity," while using and friends the world over whom disclosed last nllht but there were ni,ht saluted the Dumbarton Oaks States, Soviet Russia and the Brit­ After V-E Day tions. . indications the facts may come to propoeals for creation of an inter­ ish commonwealth "rallying all LONDON (AP)-Britain's con­ a voting machine in the booth on you have so greatly grieved." NEW YORK (AP) - Senators light at a hearinl conducted by "No one but a magician could election day as reported by a news In describing President Roose- Joseph H. Ball (R., Minn.) and national security organization as the peace-loving forces among the scription age maximum limit will fail to have technical violations 01 the war manpower commlaaion in a milestone in the preservation of nations, can secure our children be lowered. and numeroua man­ magazine. (Time.) velt's visit to the polla on election Claude Pepper (D.,FIa.),lastnilht the OPA rent regulations." Omaha today. peace. and children's children against a power controls will be relaxed in The ministerial association made day, the news m.,azine IP lut expressed belie! it would be con­ . 'Neither the company nor the They addressed a rally at Madi­ repetition of the present tragedy." the interval between the defeat ot public a letter to the president, week's issue: stitutional to give the American lInlon has any idea what the trou­ son Square garden celebraUng the Halifax 8 aid that Germany Germany and the end of the war II Duce Meets Cabinet signed by Dr. James Whitcomb "From the green-curtained vot- repraentative in a world COUDcll, ble was among the prisoners," At­ 27,th anniversary of the founding would seek to foster misunder­ with Japan, Minister of Labor LONDON (AP) - The German Brougher Sr., president, which ing booth came a clank of gears as power to commit this nation to torney David Swarr of the com­ of the Soviet Union and the 11th standings among the united na­ Ernest BeVin anounced yesterday. news agencies, which are silent said in part: the main control lever jerked ir- the UH of force to rei'll aares­ PIny Hid. anniversary ot the establlahment tions. Gromyko exprelleci a simi­ Maiting public a plan for real­ these days on the movements and "We ..• do hereby express to ritably back and forth. Then a lion. Swarr said the com,pany doeln't of dlplomaUe relatioDl ' between lar View, saying that allied unity locating manpower to indUJtry, whereabouts of Hitler,10und space you our deep &rief over your re­ voice, familiar to all of the Un!- But their view. were cl1alien,ed kDow what the trouble was "be­ the United Statu and the Soviet presupposed "constant alertness Bevin said that the conscription yesterday to report that Mussolini grettable breach siainst God and ted States and to most 01 the by Senator Chapman Revercomb qll8e the company doesn't live Union. and struule .,ainst propaganda age for men for the war against met with hi$ cabinet and discussed the consciences and hopes of mil­ world, spoite distinctly from be- (R., W.Va.) and author John T. !be orders to the prisoners; tha t is StetUniUl 4eclared "The world IOWinc seeds of doubt In the rllnlcS Japan would be from 18 to 27 as the "mUitar)' and political situa- lions o( people ot this BJld other hind the curtains: 'The God- P1ynn, who termed such a step un- .t"n_" _ tft"ds .. bl the army," Il1II1 Rat aaund that w~taver of the allies." 800n as the war in Ellrope eJl~ed...... - .,.... tl' dam1Ied thiDa wou't work.' .. CODIUtuUoDal aucl unwise. tHB DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1844 THE DAILY IOWAN November 16- HOW ALLIES MAY DECIDE FUTURE STATUS OF GERMANY llemI In thl tTNIVIlRSlTY CALENJ)AR are ..,hed"l... In lilt .... Pub11lhed every mOl11in1 except Mcmcla7 by Student PubUeatlODI ~.. ~~ d~'·. Office. Old capitol. It"",. tor the GtNDAL NOTlCU I "" ~, dfl>O'lted with the campus editor Of TIl, Dally lGWlb or .., • fIlcorporated at 126-1S0 Iowa avenue, Iowa City, IOWL iii \~ placed In the bo" provl41d for their d_11 In \be oUJceo ., ', ' III . " • Dally Iowan. OIllttBAL NOTICU mu", be at ",. DeIJ¥ low• • Board ot Trustees: Wilbur Schramm, Kil'k H. Porter, A. Crai, Back , '111 .:1IO P. m. the day ptecedlng tint pullllcaUon: noli... wW 1101 .,4. accepted by telephone. and muot ... TYPED OR LEGIBLY WllIm BaIrd, Paul R. 01lon, Donald OttiUe, MarT Jane Neville, J4ar7 Beth ..... and 8IGNED by • reoponllbJe penon. __ I Pilmer, Karal7n Keller, Jack Moyen. Vol. XXI, No. 1791 Friday, November n, 'Itt Fred M. PownalL PubUaber Tracks OJ Dorothy Klein, Editor Dick Baxter, Adv. Mar. UNIVERStTY CALENDAR Subscription ratea-By mall $11 * * * Entered u second class mail 1922 FrIday, Nov. 1'7 • 8 p. m. Graduate lecture: Anal. M matter .t the poetott1ce at 10.... per year; b7 carrier, 111 oenta Major, a valuable Boston ter­ 1:30 p. m. Newsp~er Men's ysis of Conditions in Alsace-lGr. CIq, Iowa, under the edt III COD­ w.eekly, $& per ,ear. rier, underwent a blood transfu­ conference, senate chamber, Old raine," by Prof. Chas. J. ~, P*I of Karch 2, 18'19. sion operation for swallowing the Capitol. senate chamber, Old Capitol The AstIoclated Prell 1a delu­ top of a perfume bottle. A French 8 p. m. University play: "The Tuesday, Nov. Z1 TELEPHONES sively entitled to use tor republi­ airdale donated the blood. Now cation of all newl d1apatchea Corn Is Green," University the- 2 p. m. Bridge (partner), UDi. Illlltor1al Office ____41112 credited to it or not otherwiae the question has come up, is Major or isn't Major a pure blood­ ater. versity club. In .Dd 8ocl~ Office UN eredited thiI paper allo ed Boston terrier? Saturday, Nov. 18 7:30 p. m. Iowa Mountaineen: L Hullnea Office _ .. 41.1 the local De .... pubUsbed herein. 1926 DAD'S DAY Movies: "Iowa Mountaineen FiItb UJlI 9:30 a. m. ~wspaper Men's Annual Summer Outlng-Quetlca FR1DA Y, NOVEMBER 17, 1944 Two little girls saw a stork hov­ of ering low over the roof of their conference, senate chamber, Old Provincial Park, Canada, 1944,' , BOIl ' ....id.nl loo.. velt home in Omana, Neb. They called '''-mi.r Stalin G.neral D. Gaull. 'rime Minl".' Churchill Capitol. room 223, Engineering buUdlna. /oUl 2 p. m. -Football: Minnesota vs. 8 p.m. Humanist society: Lecturt their father, but he couldn't corne. Iowa, Iowa stadium. eon' NOitrH by Dr. Alexander Kern: "Th, o He was Inside the house, listen­ 8-11 p. m. All-university party, Ideology Of Dr. Holmes," 8e1ll\e The Daily Iowan Sa Iutes- ing to the first cries of his new­ SF" IDOl Iowa Union. chamber, Old Capitol. born son. Monday, Nov. 20 ViC4 Ken Rose and Bob Carlson, Bob Carlson, allo ft()m Turlock, 19:&8 4 p. m. Graduate lecture: "The Wednesday, Nov. tI the members of the Hawkeye football was t~ team's reserve center. He A child marriage, with the bride Necessity of a Re-Evaluation of 4 p.m. Y.W .C.A. vesper service, UnI squad, Who are leaving the uni­ will also return to CaUfornia be­ 2\4 years old and the groom a Descartes' Influence in XIII Cen- senate chamber, Old Capitol. smi veralty for llavy enliltment. • Lou fo~ enterinJ the service. trian of 3, was held at Horace tury France," by Prof. Cbas. J . ThurSday, Nov. II Ken Rose, one of the Hawks{ Mann school last night. A ju­ AlthoUih the departure of these Beyer, senate chamber, Old Capi- Thanksgiving day-Classes su .. star playel'S-outstaJiding for his venile Billy Sunday read the serv- tol. pended. ;~ punts, Is. Jeturnlng to his home in two play(!f's will lea~ the Hawk­ ice. teeS Turlock, Calif., before enterin, eyes in "sad straights," they are 19H (For information recarcttnl dates be,.ond tbJa iItlhetiule, - ,Ie< the navy! saluted for thelt navy enlistment. Even the best laid plans go raaervatloDl In the offioe of the President, Old CapltoL) Bro wrong ... even those of astron~ RhC omers. The widely publicized GENERAL NOTICES W. : Leonid meteoric sky show failed of : G.I. Joe Goes to School- to materialize, to the bafflement IOWA UNION ner reading "Renascense" (Edna OkI: of astronomers. MUSIC ROOM SCHEDULE St. Vincent Millay) will be \Irt. nab~ "G. r. Joe Goes to SchOol" was of us who returned from France in 1934 MondaY-l1-2, 4-6, '1-9 sented. The program will include ofl the subject of an address to the 1918 and I1n9. Alice of Wonderland, age-82, Tuesday-1l-2, 4-6, 7-9 a discussion of what to do with • Mici seventh :session of {he conference "For those who return to us In .. died today. When this mtle old VVednesday--11-2, 4-6, 7-9 Get many and Japan afte-r the wtr, A of governoring boards of state uni· jured in body or In mind, the most lady was ten, she inspired C. L. Thursday-1l-2, 4-6, '1-9 Bob Miller i:s in charge of the pro. In, versities and allied instltutions that we can dO is still 'far too Dodgson to desert his mathemat­ Frlday-1l-2, 4-6, '1-9 gram. reso yesterday morning by Francis J. little," the 8 pea k e r deelated. ics to write of mad b'atters and Saturday-1l-3 JINX HII811 1. Brown, consultant on the Ameri- "Certalnb', too, there is an obliga­ March hares. 5unday--12-2, 3-5, 6-8 Secretaty, ~m f'elJoWlilip I Gov can Council on Education, Wash· lion to compensate all who have 1936 vers inaton, n. C. glYen lI\onths or years of their F'i~lDklin D. 'Roosevelt's philos­ RBCRkATIONAL SWIMMING HIGHLANDERS' REHEARSAL npl Brown pointed out that veterans lives In setvlce to the nation and ophy, as explained by his wife: The swimming pool at Iowa SCHEDULE to II "do not want a 'special course' and (or 'whom !noney alone Is not a :Cull "Each day must be lived. You field houle will be open to all men Schedule of rehearsals for all dent that the great majority wish only expression of our appreciation. must accept what comes. Do what students ano faculty members for from now until Nov. 24, ihcl\l!ive Ora to be treated as other civilians and Fortunately, the great majority are you thil1k right or best. Decide reoreational swimIning on TUt!s­ -Tuesdays, Thursdays and fri. UnUI • s speedlly as possible to lose their In this latter group for not more days at 4 p.m., armory. what must be done and cease I day, Wednesday, Thursday and turtl 'veteraness'. There is grave danger than one in :tour of all who have worrying." Friday nights from 7 to 9:30. W. L. ADAMSON oriS that institutions will treat all vet- worn lhe uniform will have seen 1938 Students and faculty must ar­ Pipe Major 2. erans as though they all had the combat service or will have risked WITH THE FUTURE STATUS OF GERMANY stllll n the discllBsion sta.-e, France, now recop.ized as one Three non-Aryan musketeers, range for lockers before 6 p. In. at tend same values and were a different substantially more than those who Finkelstein, Licker and Goldstein, 01 the "Ble Four" plannlnlr the future of EuroPe, I s expected by diplomatic sources to make an early the fieldhouse. CANDIDAtES and 'species' than the usual college have operated the machJnes of in­ were set apart today by Mayor bid for permanent annexaUon of nlosl of the Germ an Rhineland. Latest press dispatches Indicate that FOR DECiREES student. dustry and maintained our civlllarl Eo G. SCHROEDER edOc LaGuardia to guard prominent Germany will be reduced to alblost one-halt het 1 9S8 iliatus and. thIs map, based on most recent infor­ AU stUdents who expect to rt­ pi\al "Some will want to economize econbmy." Nazi visitors in New York. mation, tounds UP the situation as follows: (1) Fra nee to claim area to Rhine river: (2) Bavaria to FIELD HOUSE eel ve a degree or ,certitlcate .t the conY on time and will welcome inten- q'u.. 'l&M &a.I8ed 1940 to to restored Austria; (3) Holland to be compen,. ted for liooded lands; (4) East Prussia to KO to All university men may use the Dec. 22 Commencement should S. sive courses; others will be glad Brown r a i sed two qLlestions SOUTH BEND: Iowa carne, saw Poland and Russia; (5) Poland to ret 'pomerania .. nd part of Silesla, with Breslau area Iroinlr to make 10rmal application immedi· . to return to the leisurely at. which he considers vital: "Is there !leld house floors and facilities oC tt and conquered, with a 7 to 0 vic­ Czechoslovakia. Leaders of the "rUr Four" I'overll ment~ are shown above. from 6:30 to 9 p.m. They must be ately in the office of the regUttar. belie mosphere of thc average campus a serious danger that in our efforts tory over the prevlously unbeat­ dressed in regulation gym suit of University hall. and enjoy the summer vac'ation. to express equal gratitude to all cobt' able Irish. black shorts, white shirt, and rub· HARRY G. BAmoII whic Some, as indicated, will want a we shall actually render a dis­ Opinion On and Off the Campus- Reclmr high d e g r e e of specialization; service to the great majority of ber-soled gym shoes. u L others will desire a broad, general veterans by remoVing from them E. G. SCHROEDER mill! WOMEN'S RECREATIONAL the program. In the majority of caseil the sense of personal responsibili· Interpreting the- Should the Electoral College Be Abolished~ SWIMMING It Is unwise to ,set up special pro- ty and individual initiative that is ROMANOE LANGUAGES trib~ The Ph.D. French Reading ex- 4-11:30 p. m. Monday, Tuesdi grams or CUrricula for veterans." winning the victories of war artd Thursday and FrIday delel Ruth Olson, A2 01 Iowa City: Dorothy ~dmondson, A1 of Co­ Betty Denkman, A4 of Daven- amination will be given Tuesday, AnOther cautiOn oltered by the is absolutely essential to the suc- 10 a. m.-12 M. Saturday Hc . Ipeaker was that of maintaining cess of the individual and the weI .. "Yes, 01) the whole, I don't think lumbus Junction: "I think it port: '·Yes. Under our present sys- Dec. 12 from 4 to 6 p. m. in room ot tI War. it shows how the people want an should be abolished. I favor this tern it is possible for a candidate 314, Schaeffer hall. Recreational swimming perl~ the standards of higher education. fare of the nation in days of 1ea~ eh;ctlon to !CC/. In this election the new plan whereby the popular to receive the victory by popular Application must be made on are open to all women students, He suggested that schools should peace?" faculty, faculty wives, wives 01 apr' evaluate their own offerings and His second question was: "Have popular vote was close but the votes of t~e states, which some­ vote but be defeated by the vote the sheet posted outside Room 307, traiII electoral vote was extremely Jarge of the electoral college either be-I Schaefier hall before Saturday, graduate students and admini4lrl· determine honestly the fields ill. we not lliready multiplied the ag­ times are close, will have more tive staff members. Studeola oC c N~ws " ih favor of President Roosevelt. I meaning to the outcome of the cause a member of the college did Dec. 9. as n( which they can offer effecti"#! ~ncies to serve the veteran to the don't think It is a fair representa­ should present their identification work to veterans and not try to extent that he will be confused election." not vote the ticket or his district Rom&nce :La.ncuage Department cards to the matron (or IdIIIltt. lege! tion of the wishes of the people." . '~ "be all things to all students." rather tban helped and the result By KlIUtE* *L. SIMPSON* or because of the aUoca tion of the allce. versl Evaluation of :PrivUel'es of all oLir counselling will he dis- Paced by a two-army American Lou Heston, A4 of Fal.rfleld: votes." UNIVERSITY LIBRARY M. GLADYS SCO'l'r and "The heed now is not more legis- gu~t rather than appreCiatiort? attack at the Aachen breach in Mildred Almstead, G of Hudson, "Definitely. The present method The university libraries will of s laUon tor veterans; it is to work Some veleran service agenCies the German Siegfried Une, the N. Y.: "Yes, I do. I think it is an doesn't give an accurate picture of Shirlie Gordon. A2 of Lowell, close at 12 M. Saturday, Nov. 18, INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMINT we, out carefully, thoughtfully, and have been developed in a genlune­ west front is roaring with aggres­ outmoded system that might result the way the state votes. Deciding Mass.: "Yes, definitely. The peo­ Dad's day. Reserve books may; be EXAMINATION ship, the election by popular vote would withdrawn, for overnight use, be­ cooperatively proper admlnistra- Iy urlsel1lsh attitude but many sive aotion from Holland to the In a poUtical tragedy such as the ple should decide who they want The Industrial Management II' son tive procedures whereby the vet· have seen in such service a plau!i­ Swiss border. Hayes-Tilden contest. Hayes won be a much fairer method." for president. Their vote should tween 11 a. m. and 12 M. Satur­ amination has been postJlOl*l and eran may be able properly to ble, and, lor the moment, com­ The scope and fury of the ex­ the election by one electoral vote be the final one, rather than the day, Nov. 18, and should be re­ until Nov. 17. Su evaluate wbich of the special Mendable way of creating or per­ panding allied assault indicate that although Tilden had the largest Dorothy Greer, A3 of Aledo, Ill.: vote of the electoral college." turned by 8 a. m. Monday, Nov. 20 . It.. E. LID and privileges available to all will be petuaHng their own allency and the expected winter break-through number of popular voteS. The elec~ "No, I dO"fi't. If the eleetoral col­ R. E. ELLSWORTH with of greatest value to him." he said. henCe their jObi;. This is true both campaign is .in progress although toral college limits the exercise of lege were abolisl1ed 'it would l1Iean Lois Harkness, ca of Davenport: Director, University Libraries tar), Brown' advised tbe Usteners nOl in and out of governmenl and on pure democracy." . "It certainly should. The electoral CO:MMENCEmNT it has still to reach j ts maximum they woul(l go by popular vote and INVITATIONS eral forg~' tbe 118 n'l1llion of oLit all levels - local, state, and' na­ college is merely a holdover from to- intensity in the critical north. the states with the small popula­ PILGRIM FELLOWSHlP Students graduating at the- Jlt. W, poplliation who have not wotn the tional." NadYJ\e Mathis, A2 of Iowa the days when 'states rights' was Copgregational Church Pilgrim Only the right flank of Field M!lr· tions would have their votes cember Commencement may order le,e! UniforM. The nlJmber of youth A Gt-adual Shift the all-important thing." fellowship will be in charge of the shal Montgomery's powerful lkit­ CUr: "I don't think the electoral smothered by the states with large invitations at the Alumni oHice, ' the : Wqo have entered war Industry is Reminding hb! audience that the stUdent meeting Sunday evening. ish-Canadian army group has yet college should be entirely abol­ populations." Old Capitol. Orders . must be and an army' 'larger than that in Unl- bblft to Ihe post-hostilities educ&" been committed to battle. It is ished, but I think the electoral Myron Lorenzen, A4 of Water­ Students will meet at the church placed by 12 noon, Nov. 25. lnvi· now form. FOr many, the problem of tional program would be gradual at 6 o'clock for supper, after Which swiftly clearing the Meuse bu Ige votes ot the state sholJld be di­ S.rab Gibson, Al Of Ma1'llhall­ loo: "I am undecided. The elec­ tations are :six cents each and cash menl r~tralnin'/ and readjustment will rather than ' abrupt, Brown said just north of the double-headed vided. All the electoral vote$ town: "Xes, I do, because i:tI a state toral college gives the smaller a vesper service with Elsie Tur- should accompany order. surp· be as serious as for the veteran." that a number of men will be sent American drive into German), should not go to the one person if one side carried, the electoral ~tlltes more of a chance in com­ F. G. moau supp Brown' asserted that institutions to foreign universities, small edu­ through the Aachen breach be­ who receives tbe majority of pop­ college wOlild have to go by the parison with the larger states, but Dlrec&ot' of COfiVOC.u. and will have the most heterogeneou$ cational Units wlll be established tween Roermon and Duren. ular votes in any given state." majority. When all the states are tbe fact that the electoral college Medical Science for t populatIon ever · faced b; 'arty at camps, posls ana stations and on Field advlces disClosing that the towled \ogether, the popular mil· may be contrary to the popular LUTHERAN FELLOWSHir 4. facu\ty, Imd they will encounter board shJpi the courses will be long unmentioned American Ninth lUna Feldman, A3 of New York jority might be different." vote makes me hesitant in ac­ A fellowship night at st. PIU!'I of tl .!gantic problems over the next Bhorl. army had gone into action failed CIt.y: "Since it's really not a fair Claiming this system." Winning the War, Lutheran church will be held trio Su decade. ''They will be. called upon Ai; to the number taking advant­ to place it exactly but it appar­ representation of the popular vote Jack Ourtls, G fit MUlelltlQe: "I Betty Jo Phelan, A~ of Mason day night. A pot-luck supper will In tl to .meet the needs of the mature age of the G. 1. Bill of Rights, ently is striking astride the Ger­ and does not always express the don't think the electoral college (llty: "I think it is sa tis factory as be served at 6 o'clock followed by tiona veleran .and the equally mature Brown said: "Many are anticipat­ man-Dutch boarder between the 'people's choice,' I believe some shOuld be abc>llshed. You can't de· it standS. It is representative. It General Claims a social hour. . to cl ex-war worker, yet they cannot ing a large influx of veterans in American First army and the right other syStem could be devised sttoy the college until ;Y.QU adopt avoids pfoblems that popular vote REV. L. c. W,vtrI'IL level Ignore the needs and demands ot the educational programs soon Wing of Montgomery's forces. Ii which would be more in line with a sure-fire method to inSUl'e the would present such as not a great WASHINGTON (AP)-The P.... allaU the ittearn of seventeen-year-oldll after victory in Euro!>e, but even that is true, General Eisenhower the principles of a democratic I interests of different I)arts of the enough majority which would re· trnited States would have lost this prlat who will come directly from the this is not likely to occur: Accord­ has concentrated two full armies country." countl'y." sult In a second ballot." war swiftly, Brig. Gen. James 'S. CANTERBURY CLUB tenll hiah school. Unless precaution is ing to the point system for dis­ for thiS break-through blow on a ----~------~--~------Simmons said yesterday. had it not Canterbury club will have 8 cor· acllv taken it will be the 'regular stu- eh.r.e -rlKlently ahnounced by the shorter front than was formerly been [or the great medica1 pro­ porate communilm Mllowed by a dents' who will be the 'forgotten army, three of the factors - age, IIId held by the American First army gress since our Civil war. brellkIast Sunday . at 8 o'clock. S. rnl!h' of the next few years." d6p.endllllcy, and len,th of 6etVice alone. Mud-Western Front Mor.ale 'Wrecker- Breakfast will be 15 cents. ptl'. the I lUllaIo1Is. Moral ProblftDS ~will tfnd to make the majority A great part of the saving of FrOm the scene of the recent manpower he attributed to the son. that: H, went on to say that there of thea_, too, over a,. fot educa­ First army attack In Hurtgen for­ MAlUANNA TUm.I Would be other problems or social tion;" &y kENNt:TH L. DttON personally, could not v~ 'eh for it. think the mud would f.reeze, but it medical research of the present !II fl est to Roermond on the east bank Once one is. 'within 'artillery does not. Rain changes to sleet, war, which is directed by the oi­ ~ clalb MlllsttMht, Inorale and reUgion. Realizing that the avetaie age of of the Meuse it is substantially 40 ON THE WESTERN FllONT, Nov. 7 (Delayed) (AP)-As with range the roads suddenly seem to snow and hall, but the mud re­ fice of the surgeon general of the educ: "Perhaps even rhore thart all else," thOte in service Is 28, he ventured fnJles air I1ne. 'the apparent con­ NEWMAN CLUB' the old question a bout the 'chicken give up all h9pe. Trucks grind maills-sticky, soggy, mllshy and army, in which he serves. leplli he said, "the schOol and coUege A prediction that "the 7,000 vet­ centration of two full Amerlcan NeWman club vJill hold its_· will have to relate Its work and er'l1II nOW in school and college and the egg, you begin to wonder ti).rQugh ankle-deep slush; jeeps semi-fluid. A freezing, paral~zjng The military forces, he said, IIlIIIl armies on that narrow front fUlly have been shifte4 into extra low, wind ~uts through heavy clothJng, bnd Sunday night dinner Nov. II des actiVities to thoge ot all otMr al- will liIcrease to a little more than justilles the assumption that a after a while whether the mud have sponsored 600 broad medical and someboo; is always getting but it doesn't even crust the mud. research projects, costing $17,000,- at 6:30 p.m. in the St>anlsh ~ firm .!!hcles of the cotlU'rtunlty. Aillo, it 100,000 bY' IIMther tAn. After vic­ break-tbrougll eftort is In progress caU8es the front or the front causes of the D /L grill. RttietVatloll! must enlist the assIStance of the ,tol'1 in Japan, the numbers will the mUd. stuck 01: having to be rescUed from You see soldiers walking slowly 008. Three examples of results are ~~I tbere wit.h Cologne or the Cologne mudh.oles in the middle of the t h r 0 ugh the mud, patiently, may be ma(le by calling MIn Iotli !!nUre cdblmunlty In malntainlrtg rise more rapidly, but the peak valley we!!t of the Rhine as the Driving eastward from Paris to the tted Cross plasma, the develop­ road while. jittery streams of traf­ grimly, fatalistically, lifting one ment of penicillin and D.D.T., the Mdesta Monnig. ' 2n5, or the lion II school budget tit a l~vet essential load of perl!ipt a million-larger, allied objectlv.e. the Third army front there are Catholic stUdent center, 2178. fic pile up behind. toot out of the suCking goo at a insect powder. Inlb to meet . the nutnerically gteat~t if we have a period of unempl07~ few signs of warfare along the JOB nIDJAN ahd • qIJ,htatively n\or~ dillicult rpent ~ . wJIl be reac}ted approxi.. Anticipated British success in Once you get off the J:oad, ell· t\tne. Then you wortder how in the des clearing the foe from the Meuse smooth sweeping highway as you "It is my belief," he declared, .preIWIIi tIl~lt essential to tender maxllnum m8tely eighteen months after final erything is mUd. The pathways world they possibly can crawl hillu bulge wiil protect the Ninth army roU throUllh Sezanne and St. Diz· "that D.D.T. gives promise of serVice." . j victory. The number will then de- simply are ribbons of ROUpy muck. through it as they sometimes I In vi leU llarik. The advanct! of the ier. being one of the greatest contribu­ INTER-RACIAL n:u.owIII' In desetibin, the G. I. 'bill of crease rapidly through the remain­ You wouldn't walk along them, must. But they do. One look at tions ever made world health." dual Ninth army10ward the Roer above Only now and then do you no· to Inter-racial fellowship will meet rlihts, B~rI said that our na" ing five and a, hall years of the except maybe there are 1I0me their uniforms convinces you of ~III its junction with the Meuse at ticI mudwaUows which mark erst­ This new, white, odorless inseCt Friday night, Nov. 17, at II 0'_ tiQn "har. by law provided unpre· Act.'" mines elsewhere. Vehicle pa~king that. beset Roermond should also heip the while bivouac areas, even though powder has eliminated the threat in the Methodist student center. tlon "hal by law provided un- In conclUSion, B row n said, areas may have been solid sod a By now tbey bave been in the "orl! British cross the river when they it's raining or snowing most the of typhus, one of the worst killers This meeting will Include Informll p1'ecede~ 'unemployment com- ''Outs Is . a &et1~1I resPonsibility. ot couple of da)'9 880, but now they midst of mud so 1011(, it's part of reach it to come to grips with time. of all wars, and, less well known, reporl.i, discussion and ,ames. pensatioa;' sickness and hospital· SMf-interest either of the indi­ are merely mammotb mud 'PUddles them. They are living in an un­ has rid entire Pacific combat is­ LOIS 'S'l'UDLIY lot~ ization' 1K!nefits, IO~ IIlld land viQual or .of the ol'lIanization can Siegfried line defenses in Germany But beyond Nancy the mud be­ ending world of mud from which, lbell. gins and /Ill along the Third artny criss-crossed with eolmtlestl tracks. lands of In a I a ri a -II a r l' y Ln Ii! PraidItI' provision.; {lOSt discharge pay, pte- have 1'10 place. All of the allencies seemingly, there is no escape. It mosquitoes, and promises to con­ fereniial utnployment tights and a Of &6Clet' at aU levelS-local, state A wide epansion of the Aachen front it is inescapable. The Pup tents dottllll the bivouac areas look like a fleet of 'tiny 8all­ Is on their clothes. In their shoes, trol malaria throughout the world. , WEDNESDAY ift1mlG proll1'11m of educatiOn that is the Ilnd nMiOnal-Il'u.lllt plan coopera­ breach in the Siegfried line could weather seems to get progressively on their hands, feet, faces, weap­ boats becalmed in a sea of mud. General Simmons said research MUSIO.HOUR most forward st.ep this nation has tiVl\ly. Th~ must develop a unJ­ come quickJy if, as field dispatches worse. I talked of a veteran of ons -and equipment. ev.er taken ill tlqualliinl edlication- fied program of service both for Indicate, Gener!ll Eisenhower suc­ both wars in France who said he Every now and then you see a of this war has rendered relatively Wedl'lesday, Nov. 22, At 8 p.!II, vehIcle-sometimes a truck, aorne­ Everything is c01d mud, and unimportant the gastro-intestinal the music depattment wUl ~t al opportunity for some fifteen tile . veterlin and" for th6Se who ceeded in moving the Ninth army understood the sun sometimes pretty soon you begin to see million ' veterans." . . - have mad#! possible ilie prodUction Into pomlon without detection of shines for a whole day" but he, times ' a tank-hopelealy ~ed diseases that formerly were tbe Ptof. Paul Reismann arid I'J"" It mirrored in their eyes. Phillp Greeley Clapp , in a pr0- He continued, "It hai, b)' the of th~ Instrument.! of war. his maneuver by the German cdm­ down. scourage of all armies, excepting Mud becomes the most over­ only the dysenteries. And for the gram of violin and piano ___ tlreletl8 and often almost ltenzied ~''rhe r~ai Jlroblem lies in the !)land. .A power smll"h ·at so nar­ to nortbern Germany. and a nar- Water NbS 'Up the toad edps powering single factor on the latter there are sanitary controls by Veracini and F'ranck. efforl!! of local. stllte, lind national I/'J(!af ~ommunlty ' w'lt~ aU its cross­ row and critical II selernent of the row and lon& dormant llector south llnd (:()un;es clown ruts. Anyt~me front. that work well. PROF. ADDISON ~.:: m'ginizatiOM- sblneUntefl in k4!ell currents. of interest· and of P,er­ Nul deisttAlve front coUld brini of the·Hurtien 101'1IIIt are inactive. IoU step out of II vehiCle yoU Blnk Mute IW and altnO!!t bitter c!otJlPt!tltlon \vlth 80Dai relations. 8y unity of action decliNe l'eililu quiekly. The Germans hal/e y'een hOard- .ha.ltway to your t.nft&. Typhoid, p a I' (I t Y P hoi d and lal!h other ~ prOVided rec.... tlcSh In eVfIr:'J c!Ommunit)" a('\'O$S the That 111 all the mOre probable ini manpower, mobile field troops, ~tm farlhlrr tOt'ward ,ou tM!e cholera h /I V e bee n practitJally Carel Deadline eliminated by new vacclnes. tl.S, A1VD YOU 1fIII eena.rs, lodgln. fadUUes, Nn'lce contln~t, and by unrilflihty de­ since eve~ywhere elSe alone .the as well as air power against the foxholes fined with wlter. While The U.S. and You II'OIJII centers lor in for m a. t i,o n ind \oelQPlna 'ont)' sul!h s!rVI('es al the rton.t southward to the Swiss Alps day when Ii full $cale allied attack the dO~f!hbOys .re UVin« iii thoie WASHINGTON '{AP)--chrilt­ meet Tuesday, Nov. 21: at 1.!!: eounseling, and a host of other ~e!t. dlctllte, Ute veteran will re­ American and rrench troops are woUld taU in the west. It retna/ns hdles thet ball thm out, but as mBs cards to soldiers overseas Save lOod parts of worn cloth­ in the Y.W.C.A. confft'eaot-; epeelal prlvilqes. All of this i., tUfn home With · eontldeflce and pushin. fOteward. Only the Brlt­ to be seen within days or even t!00'l\ as thl! men move forward the should be sent at once to get there ina for patches. Prot. W. L. Daykin wtU apIIII and in happy contrut to the' tllee tb~ fliture With the l&ne eelf'­ I .,oOd Ish~Clnadlan army group center hours, hOWever, whether they have hOle. soon flU up. in time, and must be In sealed en­ ''Labor and the War.' !.f..... ~ ' ~a,ed and be« r u d ,e d bol1ua l'eIi'nce ttiafetY,tled 1)1111 tht.OUCh in-1!oUand, poised- to strike anew succeeded In missing. adequate Ie- The atnazihl thlnc il tI'lat, at- the velopea, the army warned yeater- Stuff wet slioes with paper and , .IIIU,,__ Illven alief fifteen- years to'·tbOII8 the varled IXI*'lelMe$ tn··war. • at the At'hem-Emmerlch' aatewlr1 servea at the rlaht places. .. . • HIn.. time, It iI-ao-toId: You w«ft11~ day. . .•. allow tI'Iem to dry .lowly. ". £~ 17. 1844 nuDA~NOVEM!ER 17. 1~ TBB DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY. lOW Il PAGE THHI!I Elects Ohio ' State Head as President Opposes Compulsory Band Leader Special Late Permits UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S HOCKEY TEAM Military Training Phoq 9607 To Be Granted STRUB·WAREHAM DEp /T STORE Urges Expansion Special late pennlssions will be granted to university women to Of ROTC Program attend out-of-town plays, concerts If Necessary and dances featuring name bands, it was announced last night by L. L. Rummell of Ohio State VLouise Smith, A:I ot Elkader, Imlversity was named president member of the central judiciary of the Association of Governing committee, at a meeting of judi­ Boards of State Universities and ciary chairmen from dormitories, Allied Institutions yesterday at Its sororities and town blocs. concluding session. The privilege will not consti­ Other olflcers elected by unani­ tute one of the other late permis­ mous vote of the association were: sions to which every woman stu­ Vice-presidents, Richard Plock of is entitled. To get the late per­ the Iowa board of education, Bur­ mission a woman must petition IinIton, Iowa, and Mrs. J. Louis the central judiciary board at Smith of the board of supervisors, least one day before she plans to Louisiana State university; sec­ be out of town. She must state retary-treasurer, Judge Ora L. in her petition how she will Wildermuth of the board of trus­ RAY HERBECK, leader of the travel and at what time she ex­ tees at the University of Indiana; "Musle witb Romance" orchestra pects to return. Each day a mem­ Ixecutive committee, John F. whicb will pla.y for "The Cinder­ ber of the board will review the Brown, board of t r u s tee s of eUa. Ball" tomorrow nigbt in Iowa petitions. The next day the woman Rhode Island State college; Joe Union. The band, tbe first name may call at the ortice 01 student W. McBride, member of the board outfit scbeduled to play at a. war­ aUairs to pick up a "goldenrod" of regents at the University of time aU-university party, was or­ slip saying that permission has Oklaboma, and Alfred B. Con­ .a.ntzed five years a&'0 on the cam­ been granted. This blank is taken THE UNIVER ITY women'. hockey team will leave toda,. to com.»ete at Jaeluon park In CbJea..o willi JIIble Jr., member of the board pus of the Unlverstty of Southern to the housemother or householder various other teams Invited b,. the Chlcaco Field H ochy aNOdaUon to participate in pia,. day. Satur­ of regents at the University of California, and has since then risen and is to be turned in with her day afternoon the Iowa piayers wl11 meet Nortb Shore, nt, and Sunda, momID, lIIey will play Michigan. to national prominence. weekly report. Milwaukee. Those pictured are: J\far.. a ret Mordy, .... oup advber: Paula Raft, AS of Bl&'hland Park, At the conclusion of the govern­ Helen Herrald, C4 of Webster D1.; Bettie Lew chmldt, AS of Freeport, Ill.: Car 01 DunceJ', G of Marshalltown: Dorothy Ma&1I1, AS Inr board meeting, the following I City, who represents town women ot Atlanllc: Anita Patterson, A4 of Kan as City, K an.; Dorothy Meu.. er, A4 of South Bend, Ind.; resolutions were adopted. Entertainments- on the central committee, an­ Marjorie Elliott, G of 1\Iar halltown; Rutb Giblin, A 1 01 Des Moines and Pen,. Malcolm, A' of Wellesley, I. Resolved: The Association of nounced that a meeting oC all Mass., captain of the team. Governing Boards oC State Uni­ town women will be held Mon­ versities and AJlied Institutions day evening in room 221A, Schaef­ expresses Its sincere appreciation recelvln& clerk in the radio repair Dad's ter hall, to elect someone to take sectlon. He a1dJ in receiving and to Its officers, particularly Presi­ her place on the central com­ Lieut. Everette Linn, Former SUI Student, dent R. W. DeVoe and Secretary mittee. The new oUieer wlll serve i sulnl radio parts so that alr­ Ora L. Wildermuth, for their con­ the last semester of this year and Receives Award for Meritorious Achievement cra.tt radios which are brOUlht for tinued interest and service in Day the iirst semester of next. repair clln be reconditioned and furthering the proiI'am of this That women In sorority houses A University of Iowa student on tactical field problems as a used in combat a,ain. orranlzation through the past year. must get permission from the of­ CAMPUS BEANIES 2. Resolved: The Association ex­ belore entering the army air central of!ice wire chief. He is the After graduating from Rock Is­ Coffee and* dou* ghn*ut s will be fice of student affairs to be out forces, Lieut. Everette E. Linn has son ot Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. The. .... the toppers thet p\ey fevorit81 witt; tends to the University of Iowa served at the first Informal open­ of town for more than two days Fitzl:llrrald, 335 S. Dubuque street. land, Ill., hleh school, Ber,eant .. the slick chick Perfect lit IIny IIng\e lind and to the Iowa state board of won the air medal in recognition house dance at the Commons to­ was annou.nced to the sorority of "exceptionally mer Ito r lou s GUluly attended the University of Nat home" with coats, suits, ,weaters lind education its thanks for their hos­ morrow afternoon after the game chairmen by Marilyn Nesper, A4 achievement" while :flying in a Iowa, where he was en,tolled in pllallty and courtesies during this Lleut. (j.e.) WI11I~ A. Stoner, bobby ' lOX. TIny.prieed, too, only •••• from 4:30 to 5:30. The commit­ of Toledo, Ohio, sorority repre­ B-17 Flying Fortress in the air son of Mr. and Mrs. Oramei 'the coHele of education. tTpon convention. tee in charge of arrangements in­ sentative on the central commit­ war in Europe. Flying wllh the S. BeSolved: That it Is the sense Stoner, 314 E. Burlineton street, graduation in June, 1942, he en­ cludes Alice Dehn, A2 of Burl­ tee. bombardment group with the has completed his training as a of this association that: We do not ington; Betty Stilli:ms, Al of Des Eillhth airforce, the bombardier listed in the slinal corps reserve, believe one year of compulsory transport pilot at the naval tran­ Moine!\; Paulioe Coen, A2 of Sil­ has dropped explosives on German sitional school at Roanoke, Va. and studied radio at schools in continuous military training, "for ver Spring, Md., and Pat Moor­ Chica,o and . factories which produce arms tor Lieutenant Stoner attended the which there can be no substitute," head, A3 of West Branch. the German armies. u Is presently contemplated by Mixed Volleyball University of Iowa before joinine military authorities, will preserve Lieutenant Linn Is the son o! the service in May, 1942. He com- CORRECTION All cadet nurses are invited to Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Linn oC the peace of the world or con­ the "get-together" to be held at Tourney Begins pleted his :flIght training at Pensa­ tribute the maximum In national Shelby. His wife is Mrs. Jane Ann cola, Fla. Belore his tralnlnl in The student art exhibit is now the USO . tonight from 7 to 10 Linn of Dubuque. Florida, he was an instructor at being shown and will continue defense. o'clock. All the facilities of the Mixed volleyball tournaments However, If the national policy USO will be available for their began Wednesday night with six the navill air primary school in =u::n:tI=-I-::D=:e:o=:.=:5=.======ot the United States in post-war use. Jacqueline Farrer, N1 of housing units entered. Each team With a signal training battalion Ottumwa. years demands that we enter into Mason City, .is the chairman of the consists of three men and t h r e e at Camp Crowder, Mo., Dean A. Sergt. John W. Gilluly, son of a program of compulsory military Friday evening socials. women. The women's housing Fitzgarrald has recently been pro­ Mr. and Mrs. John A. GiJluly of training, we urge that the program units entered will receive credit moted to sergeant at the army Chicago, Is stationed at an Eighth ot compulsory military training Dad's day open bouse will take for women's intramurals. service forces training center. airforce service command station Sereeant Fitzgarrald is working In Eneland where he serves as a as now followed in land grant col­ place at the Delta Delta Della The scores Wednesday night STRUB·WAR£HAM DEP'T STORE leges, and the R. O. T. C. in uni­ sorority house tomorrow after­ were: Chi Omega 38, Zeta Tau versities and colleges be continued noon after the game. CoUee and Alpha 8, Gamma Phi Beta de­ and expanded as an integral part doughnuts will be served. In feated Dean house 27 to 17, Delta ot such military training. Thus, charge of the event are Winnie on our Fashio'fl: Floor ,- Delta 29, Zeta Tau Alpha 10, and , we can provide superior leader­ Johnson, A3 of Chicago, and Anita Chi Omega defeated Gamma Phi ANNOUNCING!! . ship, knowledge, skill and research Beattie, A3 of Cleveland, Ohio. Beta 22 to 18. .. 80 necessary for national defense .. The mixed tournament will con­ University Directory, 1944-45 and for maintenance of peace. Refreshments will be served at . . Such a program in universities tinue for the next three weeks the Sigma Chi fraternity house and at the end of this time the Now On Sale at and colleges shall be coordinated tomorrow afternoon after the Date winner will be determined on a with any other compulsory mili­ Dad's day football game. Department of Publications, W-9 East Han tary program adopted by the fed­ percentage score of all games and eral government. Cadet open-bouse will be held won. We further believe that the col­ at the Pi Beta Phi sorority house Local Book Stores leres and universities should give Sunday from 2:30 until 5 p. m. Chi Omega Open House Price 35 Cents the needed materials of research Ann Rowe, A4 of Ottumwa, is Dresses and investigation in the sciences now being used by the govern­ social chairman. Ghi Omega sorority is enter- ment as soon as they are declared taiDing tonight at an open house ~:=~~=::=::=::=====::======~=~~ aurplus, in order that a continuing LI"III"an E Boyum for all fraternity and town men lupply of highly trained scientists I " • enrolled in the university, from and technicians may be provided 8:30 to 10:30 at the chapter house, 804 Iowa avenue. for the welfare of the nation. Wed sore Gtf d C ar Ison styl.. that will thrlIl f. Resolved: That it is the sense of this association that: Lillian E. Boyum, daughter of we're Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mar­ Such federal aid as is now given Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boyum, of vis. youl s.. th... '1.t No In the specialized area of voca­ Bejou, Minn., became the bride For her wedding, the bride tional education shall be limited of Gotfred Carlson, son of Mrs. chose a two-tone black and green to classes not above high school Clara Carlson, 1016 Hudson ave­ princess styled dress with three­ levei, and further no provision nue, Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the quarter length sleeves. She car­ lball be included in such appro­ First English Lutheran church. ried white flowers. priation for research and/or ex­ The Rev. Ralph M. Krueger read Mr. and Mrs. Carlson are at tension which might duplicate the the service. Attending the couple home at 1016 Hudson avenue. ... activities of land grant colleges and experiment stations. Ii. Resolved, further that It is the consensus of this association that: Notwithstanding this need NOTICE !If federal aid in providing spe­ elallzed training as in vocational education and agriculture and in replacing physical facilities as In keeping with the full spirit of 1f/kV~ ' many have been lost by emergen­ "Heart Lifter'· des of war, this association is the occasion, the banks of Iowa firm in its conviction that general -It{I'~S~ y ... ' II'. rayoD 9Qberd'M education is a function reserved City will transact no business to the states and that any inva­ thJa plctuncl atyle. A ''br lion by the :federal government after 12 o'clock noon on Co1Uer" orlQlDal. ID. 901'" In the field of education and poli­ dee in primary, secondary or SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18th ~ Dew abad.. IlUch _ blch ... educational institutions is In violation of the spirit of our ....\ dusty plIIk cmd lbu, CJIMD- dual fonn of lovemment and is e falreal way we lenow to radon travel It to un Iha In Observance of ac c en ted with co1artal -! ~ulht with the dangers that 1)American people the truth, and let them divide the &Up. centralized lovernments the p, faJrly between th~ tbey alwaYI baH wbea then· beset fa leu than enouKh to 10 arollrui. ..It fIoww conaqe at .... .orld over. Toda" on lOme routea, there 11 a y.". reallhortate. a ... liM. Slaea 1-11·13. DAD'S DAY tire and a very real manpower .hortaJa ratrict lit from IiviAI lotary Club Sees all th.RrVIce we wOllld like to liva. Two Navy Movies BUI travel 11 a weapon. U .. It economically u you co .... larVa food, paper, rubber and dn. When OIU IUYlca 11 not up $19.95 ~ . Two oUlclal navy movies, "We to our peacetime .tandard., plea .. remember w, are carrylnl .. . IJald We'd Come Back" and "Free­ The First Capital 2'11 timel a. many pa_nlen u we do III normal tim... dom Come. Hilh"-were shown 11 you m_ travel, we .... ben to -.. you. 11M, or .... for Iowa City Rotarians at their phone our alent for the leut crowclad lChecIales u4 eta.,.. "eeltly luncheon in Hotel Jef­ National Bank Know before you 10. w.... _II..... 1ft II pi ...... ] feraon yesterday. John R. Hedges, [ 111-' • ,...... w... ,b __ IlcUnI director of the bureau of oj Iowa City UDloD Bus Depol Ylaual lnatructlon. presented the aaovt ... Jack Bober1s, Arm' IUS L Colle.e Phone U51 Vivid action picture. of the re­ ta\ln, of Guam were :featured in • AIR CONDITIONED BUSES the tint movie; night fl4htlnl 'II1IIn the Jap Deet wal shown av. RUND =:t.--;;:;;;s;.-- til "Freedom Cornel High." Iowa State Bank L. A. Bradley, Dlanaler of the 1!IIlvenlty laundry serVice, was a ~ R EYH a UIa, .- . ,, ~'NII ~comed u a new Rotary mem­ ~. !fat week'. luncheon wIll ;.,.on Wednesday precedinl the _,!k"'V~ holldl,l. ~. lL_...;. ..._-- .....- ....------....- .... !"!1'!11..-!~.. ~~~~-----111!111---- ... c

b JI Squad Displays t. iJ tHE CHQ~P/N 'G BLOCK tl Beller Spirit It ....______.... By the Sport.s StaH...... II Plays Move Smoothly eJ THE MID~8T ~garding Mi!;souri's apparent power they may not have the services 0( ,I As Team Pre",.. p,eople in Cleveland, and allied in some games, for example their Dekdebrun. The Indians do 'Dot For Stron~ Gopher, parts of Ohio, think it's going to tie game with Iowa State, it is seem to be able to muster - ~ Qe quite a ball game. The officials necessary to consider the Sea- outside of Ed Gingrtcb 5t Iowa's Hawkeyes lifted the cloud in Charge have even agreed to let hawks mounting power in recent One tomahawk is n9t sufflti!llt. G of lethargy a little last Jlight as two women sports writers sit in games. Although The Associated Cornell over Darlmoath. PI they went thrdu,gh tAeir la.I;t really he press box. (As if Iowa hadn't Press ranks the Pre-Flighters Brown-Columbia. The :!dt heavy workout before {en~ off been doing It for two years. ) At seventh in the nation, their record Lion seems to have lost everytllinc the teeth of the Golden Gopher any rate, the girls, and anyone merits a much higher rating. The but his whiskers, although Otto this Saturday. Maybe the men else, will see a thrilling game Sea hawks will make it a fine Apel 1Jlay be o! some aid. Chll'ltr began to realize that, deapite the when the Buckeyes meet Illinois homecoming party for halfback Tiedemann is the most pow!!1ld overwhelming odds against them, tomorrow. Lyle Downing. By five touch· claw for a B\!ar which is' reII'!D& there will be no objections if they Inl1ian!l-Plttsburgh. The Hoo- downs- Seahawks over Missouri. and growling and tired of 1d!rl4 play a good game of football. siers took it in the face from a March Field-San Diego Navy. Close and entertaining but,'BrfIII With the flood l.i$hts again rejuvenated Gopher last week and The air-minded boys of the air- over Columbia. - washing the tield Coach Slip their mot~o is likely to be "Come forces have proved to west coast Navy-Purdue. Another iota. Madigan drove the teaJ1l through a 9n, gang, let's go." Who Is Pltts- fans that they rate as one of the sectional meeting which coIiId semi-contact !;crimmage on their burgh to stoI,> them-this year? top service teams in the nation. prove interesting. The Micl~ own plays. The alr was ;filled with Indiana over Plttsbhrgh. Although San Diego Navy's rec- hav long feared Babe DirnanCMfl enough zip, driv.e and chatter to Mtchi!an-W i s con sin. The ord will probably not be buried in the last outing before 1>('!C.) satisfy the coach 01. any Ros.e Bowl Badgers are a team of little ex- in the basement, the odds all point Day. But the riddled Boilel'lllik&! candidate. The squac;l finally went perie9ce ce~tered around star Ju~ in favor of the soldiers. March won't stop a terrific .line, ,. through its plays in a way that Girard while Michigan has more Flelil over San Die&"0 Navy. backs and reserve stren,th.:Na" made observers that perhaps led a~Hlround talent. Indeed, they Randolph Field--;Southwestern over PUt'due. the players actually )lad seel) the seem even stronger since the de- (Texas). Randolph, it seems, has Army-Penn. '1,'00 bad. '!lit formations before. ' parture of their pn!-NovemJJe.r developed a habit of scoring at Quakers are a good, yown tetnl Sc~e V-12's than before. Because it's least 60 points a game. If they fall with ambitions, but tbey rsIIouI! The scrimmage, held ur;Jder more only wise, and for a roommate's below that mark they don't con- have stayed in their .own bitt or less game cond.Lt~OJls, was between the fir.st and &econd sake, Michlean over Wisconsin. sider it a victory. Southwestern yard. The only thing the loldie[J teams. Earlier the starters held a Northwestern-N 0 t r e Dame. certainly wouldn't want to disap- need fear is a let-down after lilt dummy workout against th,e third Mln!U!sota has never beaten the point the flyers, so the power week-and that they may not Itt team at which time the new plays Irish; on .the other hand Iowa has laden e 1 eve n from Randolph enough exercise for Navy . ..u.r were tried out. Tackling was for­ .never lost to them. And the should win by ten touchdowns. over Penn. bidden but any display of 6avage Hawks are an -exception--confer- Randolph Field over Southwest- 0 • • ence teams haven't a ghost of a ern. THE WEST line blocking was greeted with _ L 2 warm smiles. chance. The moral of this story, Georgia Pre-Flight-D ani e I The game of the week .in ib! At one time PaUl ' Fagerlind Notr. Dame ovie1' Norihwettem. Field. The Pre-Flighters are still west will be played at LaS .Ab. smashed with enough force to Decision Upcoming' FaY~red Sea hawks: Kansas-Oklahoma. Hall the smarting from their 19 to 13 de- geles when the Trojans play/a,1I!­ make the bodies fly. "We'd go No Lack Big Six conquerors. Or practically feat at the hands of Duke two turn match with the californb places if we had mo,re line charg­ . so. Kansas is ~ weak sister, with weeks ago and do not mean to eleven. U. S. C. \liiU be spurrali10 ing like that!' shouted Madigan. On Army-Navy Game Leave for Colu.rnbia a few bright flashes into scoring have any more red marks on their try for a decided victory _ "We've had too much of this territory. Oklahoma over Kansas. record. Georgia. Pre-FlIiht over since the Golden Bears heid 'lIilIn powder puff, bJ~l<;ing!" Take heed, Do~g Of .Linemen lllinois-Ohio State. The Buck- Daniel Field. to a 6-6 tie When they jII~ Hawks. Therein may lie your sal­ cor Apparently Only' . . Reserve Power Backl eyes have only two more obstacles Great Lakes-Marquette. The earlier in the season. vation against the Gopher. Obstacle to Change Navy Attack on Tigers in the rainbow trail toward the Hilltoppers, although appearing California-Southern Califlll'l!il Backfield Sttua.tion shining conference championship. strong at the first of tbe season Last week the Golden Bears bbtrtd . Iowa's backfield situation is far Kenna Of Annual Classic For Holiors For Ninth Triumph One ef them is Illinois. I}uddy have been gOing down the hill to a superior U. C. L. 1\. team:llid from happy. In fact, the whole Young-and the ten others, will ever since their first defeat. The it'll take a lot of luek to d!p outfit, due to injuries, service calls By BUS HAM Iowa's power-laden Seahawks try desperately to stop them, but Seahawks demonstrated with com- from a repeat performance 1M and so on, looks like an overcoat NEW YORK* (AP)-We* * were at WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ NEW YORK (AP) - There is left by bus for Columbia, Mo., this the Illini have had setbacks of parative ease that Marquette's week. Southern Califonrla .., after the moths get through with West Point a little over a year dent Roosevelt had the ball on the no lack of good ends, tackles, afternoon, where they will meet an their own. Ohio State over UllnMs. power i~ only appar.eot when they Callfo~nla. it. The first team had Herb ByerS, one-yard line last night with the guaI'ds and centers on the nation's ago. It was a day right out of a underdog Missouri eleven tomo,r­ o • • are playing weaker tealns. The Pacific-U.C.L.A. Last wteIt the Bill Kersten, Bill Dallas and Dick picture book-bright and cheery last down yet to be played over gridirons this season although the THE SOUTH Bluejackets should have quite a Bruins were victoriDUS . 0" I row at Memorial ·stadium. Strivin~ Woodard behind the line. The sec­ with plains cloaked In an early switching the Army-Navy foot­ entire All-America line of 1943 Heading duwn the home stretch party in roIling up a large ~core. strong California team .and this ond group saw Pat Callaghan, fall beauty that might be matched, ball game to a big <;Ity. has passed from the scene either for their oi..nth s~raight triumph or the 1944 gdd season the teams Great Lakes over Marquette. week' they'll do it again, tblS aim! I Johnny Stewart, Nelson Smith and but never surpassed. • The treasury hoped that Mr. through graduation or enlistment the Pre-Flight representatives are in the southlands are clearly de- * • • to the Pacific squad. U.C.hA. "" I an unidentified citizen doing the Despite this touch of heaven Roosevelt was about to pick up in one of the branches of mi li­ rated as delinite 1avorites over a fined as to the caliber of the.ir THE EAST College of ~be Pacific. ball carrying. the ball and run it toward Balti­ tary service. players. The game of interest this Washl'ngton-Sncond 'Air ...... you could cut the gloom that per­ team whose record has been only . th Cl T I f The eastern picture, always ~ w .., The football experts are not more or Philadelphia and score a DDn Whitmire we elI: IS e emson- u ane ray. h It looks as though ...... Hu.I>'...... vaded the post with a knife. Tom mediocre this season. ' i . i S seen t rough somewhat of a haze, oil" ...... " picking Iowa this weekend, and Yates, then in the publicity de­ whOpping financial touchdown in Outstanding among the tackles Al ab ama-MlSS SSlPP tat e. I'n for another defeat sillet iIIe the Sixth War loan drive. Bob Dionne Barna has more experience and actually seems to be unchanged there is no reason why tbey partment, .gave ~s the first clue to js , a 215-pounder should. But Madigan's crew will The proposal is that the service Sparldng the final. strenuous speed than weak Ole Miss, a team this week. Army, which probably Superbombers have piled liP I the trouble. who made the all-southeastern at that has hail. a dismal season. Ala- bas the flnest team ever to come very liice record, losing odlY 'to be on home ground and if it will Kenna. Slipped classic, Dec. 2, be moved from Alabama before coming to Navy ro'!ll of the Seabawks yesterday for run its plays smoothly, will block Annapolis' ,stadium, seating about Saturday's game was Bob Dionne. bama has been both hot and cold roaring down the Hudson from the Iowa Seahawks. Eut 'IitIo "It's Kenna-Doug Kenna," be last year. Ranking right along and tackle and put up a generally 20,000, to a city where upwards ot a chunky 166-pound halfback but it .lihould be up for this game. West Point, did just that as it ' knows but that Washington DIIiII said dolefully. "He twisted his with him is John Ferraro, who respectable appearance then there 60,000 can see it, as a war bond whose runrung and passing madt Alahama Over MlaSiulPIll State. smashed into and through Yankee have some luck? SecObd AirIWft knee in practice yesterday and we has made his 2115 pounds a big Duke--South Carolina. The Blue stadium last week leaving in its over Washington. is no reason why the Minnesota show. factor in Southern California'S him the star of the afternoon. fray should not be a veI'y interest­ don't yet know how bad it is. Just Secretary Morgenthau said at Devils have had a ~ccessful sea- wake awestruck spectators and Colorado College.-Colorado U. slipped out in the open on the march to the Rose Bowl. Dionne, who bas developed rap­ ing football contest. Beyond that, a news conference that he hopes idly after being here a compara­ son for a civilian eleven and just plain struck Notre Dame foot- I It looks like another gam,e ,of tla· damp field." Looking over th.e remainder of who knows? the game is moved. tively short time, has appear.ed should take South car.olina with- ball players. The Cadets were ditional rivalry within 'tlte .. stiII the tackle field one finds such Gopber Opposition Well, the name was vaguely This was the rust public state­ only briefly in two games, 1)ut out much trou.ble. South Carolina under the pressure of having to I schools. Last ye&r Coloraii?'l oo.l· Just what ~d of opposi.tion will familiar, as we had heard the year ment Oy a high-ranking official in fine combi1;latiolls as Bill Willis I.,ieut. Comdr. Jack Meagher an­ has cfailed in its grid campaign at least equal Navy's margin over lege pounded out a 6-.b ' 111a!Iy that. if the MJ.S­ throughout the nation are pre- ".....,...". .. ~srON STURQES ' 11Hf1f,.;il ,~ compete WI' AOIJPrS ~ j;be 23rd seemed of medium size, If not a Ill! pj.lblicij;y value of ttie ga!}le in Army plebe who was aU-south­ osui'i eleven proves an .easy foe, paring to wrap · up their records. • ~ '{?/I 'I/lI(RE ••' , State InterscA9l~c Cr086 Coun.- little on the small side, but you 'a big city. ., ern at North Carolina last year; the second and third s trjnl!er~ wjll Some, of ' ~ourse, will probably '! _ . 1,,:tiMV "I t try Run. They JI.l'A! ~A.~uJ.~ to could see he was well-knit and • Leon Bramlett Jr. of Navy, Hank do a great deal of the piBying t,o. morrow: . store them 10 the dark recesses of ' 1" .I' 'n·I1;; ~~;,:\~l;;I:·C:;:. the \lIllver· well e~=d~s. lrlsh ", 'Car'roll Widdoei kays Walker of Virginia, P.hi! "T;iQsley some baser,nent, while others wlll .::'::'Jft ..., .• ~ '; of Georgia Tech, Pat 'J1hnsh of proudly dIsplay . th~ for years -'iJ'.I ·.. ~ '!r.' ~ ." : nn~ ·\\\.W\ .~~ Five .e,ntr~ts ~ H I compete Well, it wasn't until last Satur- lucks Ready fot lIIinii South Carolina , ' ~ ~l1mchyl.c ~bell said )lis starting lineup to come. R8jJardless· whether the It. .' fUuR£ ,FIUD N%,'i '! from each ~ool P.\.It oo1y the day that the football fans sa,w the , . . r ~ -O..l.ff itel Out of Arkansas, Gubert Bechtol of would include five freshmen, three first three to Mi. w;i.l.L be eolHlted Doug Kenna Colonel Blaik had ...... f ..,,, y "00.... ,~ good " b,d, l~,"£. .."n,,--~, rtiI. Texas, . Jllck DlJgger of . 0 h i 0 of . them teamjQg witil vete~ service teams thr~ghout thothe . -.Added - ","..a " '. in the JlCOl'W for il,i8 team. Al- seen for two years, at least In' biS 1 • , State,' Clyde 'Goodnight of tl,!Isa Babe 'Dimancheff in the backfield. country have shown solne of the Sereen Snaps : . . , though classes A, a aDd c.tart mind's eye. The boy reached a COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)--Ohio and Eaul Robeson Jr. of most colorful football this season. Cartoon - Novelty , . .'Cor~ll. simultaneously they ..m be aeored peak of Ilory that more than vln-" 6taw's Bucliey& are "men.t.aUy • =-=- Seahawks-M i'11lf 0 II r 1. Disne- . llate !'fewlI . '.. _ separately. ... ' dicated the colonel's faith. and ph)"i~lly ready" for tomQr. i Entrants frQ!n Uroveno.ty JUih, As key man he operated the in- roW's meeting Wtth 111inoiJ in coached by Dr. ~. ,.. Qlrpenter, vica.te T formation s.uperbly. He Cleveland, Coach Carroll 'Wid­ Indian. Jtims fau are: Robert flJu1IloQk,. f'rtHlCis Jiar- ran with a '8hifty-Iegged, deceptive lIoes· saJ,d last night. After a brUk KIDNEYS , . Charles Coodyear ney, Richerd T~rl'dJ. 0Qnald Spe.- i stride .bafiling . to tacklers. He li!J--rein\lte ~rkot.l~four-fiftl¥ of Old ; ~njury Jjnx I •• vacek and .S1anky bl.W'J'tIy. Alao in Uu'ew passes wlth calmness and it a rehearsal of mel\bs of stopping ' MUST- ~ REMOVE • 'itventc:d the class B divJ.sJ.n ar.e ~riOl1 anel preoision. On pass defense he was the lllini's speed plays-Widdoes vale.nirect West Lib.erti)'. 60 tar W~ UberW deadly. He was a1l100tball player. pronounced the squad in tip-top rub~,_ has entered oaIr 0IIe l'.\.U!Q!It',,A:llen DOUed for two years by hard shape N!~elj,~~e~E::u:¥'1~ ( -~~tk EXCESS ACIDS again .¥.esterday- 8S ricbl. ba.lfback H .... ~ Eliason. luck, he finally bad' come ifltQ.n1J .. . . • .• . - Elmer Angsman sprained an ankle \lIp lS~IlM" .. Tub. . In class A. B~,. North own. It's amall wonder t~e mas~d CHAMPAIGN; •Ill. (AP)-A Fhuh vut Polaoftb\ii! .... during practice .• Coach" Ed Mc~ ~. If ~""'''''''ot...w.III''''bIo.A, hJgh (Des Momes~J FI'IH'IkliII. hiJb, cadets in Yankee stadIUm, Wlth squad of 35 University 01 I1UnoiB Keever said Angsman might ~ot be idiIeI of tddney WbeI Jnq be ~ o~ Cedar Ra~iJs , Keokuk, East whom he is trem~ndo~~IY popu- football pla~ers left laat nigllt for able to play against N9r1:h.."estern Th_=fiJ.. &lldIuboe ...... high (Des ~01O"'~ and bsk~ lar,. k!pt on ch.antlOg: C:0~e . on! Cleveland, OhiO, where the 'DUnI Saturday, IJnd , he sbitb!d Nunzlo =r.:.. t3.~=.a are competing. rebel, at the kid from MISSJSSIPPI meet Ohio State's Buckey. 110- Marino rrom. le1H o right half and po~~er..IIIJ'OV , Class C, for schil0s ~lllnJ 99 all the long, touchdown-pundua- H lfb k Edd' ILo pI'omoted Jim Bl'Ilnnan o· tb.e z~tJ.okaobe,r...... tIo~ 01' less, will be i;eP.l'Uented by ted..afternoon. morrow. a. , ac . le .r-ay, starting lefl.half position. . t. ";;.ew",,':'ulII"':'~-=--.,: Mechanicsville and ~r.\n'. Greal Backfield who has an . JOJured knee, diji not . • • ! r • , "'&llddi.. i_ . ~~ fllla-PBTE Si\UTH'S He, and bul'iy, crash in' ,Doc make !.be -tItp -and may be Old Sol' 1.. A F t\ Y ET 'f,E, Ind. O"J')- ~~_-: "Football Thrills of '43" Cotton socks should be bought Blanchard, are the dUfere ICe in the treason. Coach Cecil JsbeJ.l. 6Jli 2'J civp!,.n,.=--= ya#t . Putlin on the Dog one inch longer than the lenlth the army oUense of 1944 -rhey ------­ members of PufdUe'~ rnotbal:l team ~~ or :=... ~ "Cartoon-in Color" provide what what was to and Navy. If he clicks in tlIOJ!e left yesterday for Baltimore, .,..here ;r.:r.~ by for ~ 01 the foo: to allow for shrinkage. n~eded lIl.i '001 0vu=:1t!'..... Target - Japan make a .ood backfield (a ~t 18me8, as we think he will, CoJo- the BOilermakers will play. NJlvy ~~4\~~~:"'...ar~ Never scrub a wood floor that backfield. Kenna has tWO nel ,slaik will be entitled to a tomorro",.· fO\ltieen; rn,rWt: and~ : . ~~ '.'" -Latest News- has a fine finish with water, more ,lUIIes to ~ _smug. "ltold you so." nayy_ trainees will !allow today. _ _ !. ~AY,NOVEMBER 11, 1~4 tAGE FIVJ • = • c Ida, will be A1lane West, student guest of June Muh!, Al gf Oeka­ ~A&D .001E IJuhn of Kirkwood, Mo., BlI her Barbara, A3 of Rock Island, Ill. guest of his daughter, Delores, A4, at Co& college in Cedar RapidS. loosa, this weekend. -Pat Woodard and JaneL -sut.on guest for the weekend. Carolyn Voss, A2 of Rock Is- over Dad's day weekend. 1.008 Marie Brown of Council Pvt. Howard Inbody, fonner~ of Appleton. W\Ii., were gueats of Jan Worthington, A3 01 WataJ:­ land, Ill., will entertain her lath- Carol Holzman, At of Milwau­ Blute. will be the weekenc! (\lest stationed with the medical co~ Dorothy Steinert, AI 0{ Wake- 100, will 5pend the weekend in er, E. F. Voss, who wlll at\,etld kee, will go to Chicago this week­ of JOYce Tisher, Al oj Council at Schick hospital in Clinton, and fle1d, Mich., Tuesday, Chicago visiting Elm Morasch, th, Dads' day game. I end to meet her parents, Mr. and c Blldfs. Mr. .and Mrs. R. C. Toms of Cedar Phil Brown, AI of Ainsworth, who is awailing midshipman'S Marilyn Wilson, Al of Rock Mrs. M. Holzman. ALPHA DBLTA PI OtJll.... HALL Ro~rta L\len, M 01 Weat Ches­ Rapids will be the fW!Its ot Mar­ is in Unillerslty hospital recup- school aulgnmant at Great Lakes Island, Ill., will have as her guest Norma Snyder, A2 of Rock Is­ ion Toms, At of Cedar Rapids, for eratint from 8 throat infection. . naval training station in Great Special guests of the chapter Lieut. Cbarl.. Burk of Burlina­ tel', will be the JUe t of Mr•. Al­ for Dads' day, her father, L. B. land, Ill., wiU have as her guest bert Kr,yman of Cedar l\tIpids the football ,ame Saturday, bouse this weekend will be 11 ton, who 11 .tationed wiUl. the Carol .Billm)'er, A2 of Rock- -Lakes, ill Wll,son. Laha Bratman, also of Rock Is- members of Alpha Delta PI ohap­ marine air COl'p! in Chtca,o. wUl this weequd. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. LY9fl 01 Del ford, Ill., will entertain her fath.- Dorothy Kellcher, A2 of Win­ L. C. Johl1$on will arrive Sat- land. ter at the University of MlnneBota be the CU ..t Of Cathryn Ita, A3 of Fannie Cummins 01 Ft. M.dison Moines w1ll viait their daupter, er, Chari. L. Billmyer, a v,e r terset, will entertain her slater, \ltday to attend the Minnesota Visiting Chatlotte Sommer, At In Mloneapol1s, Minn. BurUngtotl, this wMJ(end. will spend lhe weekend with Patty Joan, Al of ~s Moines, this Dad's Day weekend. . Mary, of Des Moines, this week- game and to visIt his daughter, of Omaha, Neb., will be Lotte Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Schwarz of Mary c.se, Al of Omaha, Neb., Lljbtfoot, Al of Ft. NiWiIon. weekend. Aviation Cadet Rar Dunn, who end. Lynn, J3 of Rock lsland, III Rosenberg, also of Omaha. Burilnatoo will be the guest. of will entertain al her ,uest this Bob »entel of Ackley Will visit R. S. Dot)' of Cedar Rapida will is .tationed at Athl!Ul!, Ga., Is the Nancy Green and Corrine Hen­ Iheir daughter, Dorothy Schwarz, weekend Mn. Doroth)' Larsen of his sister, Geor,ia ,Jean Pentel, visit his da\lgbter, RoM Marie, Al guest 01 Betty Wilson, IA2 of &AP'A KAPPA GAMJlA drickson, both Al of Cedar RaP­ ZBTA TAU ALPHA ids, will entertain Betty Metz a,nd A2, this weekend. Minneapolis, Minn. Al 01 Aokley, this weekend. of Cedar Rapidi, this weekend. ~alltown. He will leave 'Pat Tobin, A3 of Vinton, will Ellouise Jhrbee of Centerville Grace Cory, both A3 of Sioux M,ryann Hobbs, A1 of Gary, Jane Olson lind Arlene Danley, Mr. and Mra. J. W. Guild will Mr. and Roy M. Carpenter T~y , lpend the weekend at Carleton will be the weekend guest of her Mrs. City, as guests in their homes Ind., will entertain as her wHk­ both junlon at the Univenlty of '!)tnd the weekend With their of Hamburg will be the guests of -colleie in Northfield, Minn., as sister, Gloria Barbee, Al, also cf Friday. end guest Lois Farnell, a student MlnnttlOta in Minneapolis, Minn., dluabter, JQn GlUld, A2 of their daughter, Marilyn, A4 of J[APPA ALPHA THETA the ~eat .of Shirley R.yder. Cen te rville. will be the iUes\.l of M1Itk.1 Mc­ at the University of Minnesota in Wheaton, Ill. Hamburg. Dorothy Kott.eman, A3 of Burl- Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McKelvie Mary Jane Quinn, C3 oC River-. Kee, A3 of Fairmont, )iinn., thll Minneapolis. Wa\ln\ta Brennan of pes f'{olnes L. M. Gildea of Davenport will in.gton, wlll have as her iUests wUl .pend the weekend visiting .aU.SSELL BOUSE side, will spend the weekend in Sue Norton and Doris Crowl, weekend. will visit Dorothy Heyen, AS of be the weekend guest of his this weekend her parents, Mr. their daughler, Rosemary, A3 of Jee.na Ceccarelli, Al of Madrid, Ames where she will visit J . P. students at Grinnell college in Dr. and Mrs. C, r . Ber"atres­ Langworthy, and Belty Schori, A2 will have as ber weekend l4e t Grinnell, wlll be the guests of daughter, Dorothy, A4 of Daven- and Mrs. W. A. Kotlemsnn. Council .Bluffs. ber sister, Mrs. John Snow of Ryan, V-t2 sludent. ser at Sioux City will Bpend the of EI.in. Chicago. The Alpba Omicron chapler at Patricia Lynch, A2 of Algona. weekend with their daughter, JeRome Adam. will lpend Did's port. E. E. Bloom Will arrive Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Blase, and son, Guy, of Kirkwood, Mo., will Darlene Smith, a student at Zeta Tau Alpha will entertain Guests of Janice Pedersen, A2 01 Jean Berkstreuer, A2. day with his daughter, <:QUeen, At Mr. and Mrs. ~ . E. Herb!:t ofl day lo attend the Minnesota ~ Marshalltown, will be ber brother, Lucille Holmel of Wintanet ot Sbenandoah. Newton will visit their dau,hter, and visit hia dau8hter, Clara lpend the weekend with their Iowa State Teachers college in eight members of the Alpha Tau Cedar Falls, will be the guest of chapter from the University of Jack Pedersen, and John Mc­ will be the weekend ,uest ot Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Carlson will Edna, A3 of ~awton, Sunday. LoUise, A4 of ~uscatine. daughter, Joan, A2. Accompany­ Grew. Rosemary Brock, A2 of Winterset. spend the weekend with their Mary Carolyn Alexander, A2 of VJsiting their daughter, Bar- Ing them will be Mr. and Mrs. Shlrley Sanders, At of Grundy Mlnnesota in Minneapolis th~ Sue Coble, A of Aurora, n1., Beatrice P),Je ot Newton will be daughter, Beverly Carlson, P1 at Webster City, Will have BlI ber bara Jayne Blake, A4 01 La Pierre French, Susan ThiBll and Center. weekend. wlll be hostess this weekend to the iUest this weekend of her Tipton. guests her father, G. E. Alexallder. Grange, m., this weekend will Jane John. Jean Easterday, A4 of Cedar Betty Lou "aris, A2 or Keota, Louise Brandt of Aurora. liSter, Jane Pyle, A2 of Newton. Margie liolt of Cedar Rapids and brother, George, also at Web- be Mr. Imd MrS. R. T. Jayne. Betty Metz, A3 of Sioux City, Rapids, will entertain as her will spend the weekend visiting Jean Jacobson, A2 of Tama, will Guestl at Eleanor Gatea, "'2 of wlU be the weekend cuest of Mar­ ster City. Arriving lor the football game will have as her weekend guest weekend luest Sergt. R. E. Thuni Ifriends In Cedar Rapids. entertain as her weekend iUelU Kin,.le,., this w-.Icend will be Ilyn Morehouse, Al of Cedar Rap~ ltenneth Waldron of Peoria, III. Saturday wUl be R. H. SIdney, Lois Peterson, a senior at the of Cedar Rapid, who is stationed Mr. ond Mn. C. E. Gregg will her sister, Rosemary JacobSOn and Cleo and Thea Ariz of Omaha, Ids. Also II guelt ~r DIId's c1.ay will will visit his daulhler, Manetta, who will vlslt his daQ&hter, University of Minnesota In Min­ at Colorado Springs, Col. be the weekend guests of their her friend Audra Peters. Neb. be Marilyn's father, A. E. More­ Al of Peoria, thi. weekend. Jacque, C3 of Davenport; G. B. neapolis, Minn. Aviation Cadet Robert MeLar-1 daughter, Marvelle Gregg, Al ot Elayne Kamin., Al of Wood. house of Cedar ltaplds. Mr. and Mn. L. K. Plnnell of qroc:kett, who wUl visit hi! Helen Kuttler, A3 of Daven­ en of Cedar Rapids will be thll Rock Isla'1d, Ill. .u.PHA cm OMEGA mere, N. Y., will spend the week­ JoAnne Wilters, AI of Cedar Ottumwa will be the guests of daughter, Ja<:queline, A4 of La port, wUl entertain her falber, JUest of Ruth Ann Wa hburn, Al f Cecelia Laulersweiler, A3 of Gladys Noteboom, Alpha Chi end in Chlcalo Visiting Seaman Rapids, w1l1 have as }ler weeltend lheir daughter, Mary Eleanor, A4 Grange, Ill., and C. A. Los~man, C. A. Kutuer, who will attend of Cedar Rapids, this weekend. Ft. Dodge, and ELizabeth Peter­ Omega alumna, wlll visit in the First Class Lee Rothenberg, who guest, Allce Niebuhr of Cedar of Ottumwa, this weekeJld. who will visit his daughter, the Dad's day game. sen, At at San Diego, Calif., will chapter house this weekend. is stationed at the Great Lakes Rapids. Elaine, A2 of Chicago. M. J . Torrance will arrive Sat­ SIGMA ~ELTA :rAU be the weekend guests of Mr. Ruth Burden, A2 of Western navy training station there. Mrs. H. V. Nelson will spend the DELTA GAMlIA Dorthea Davidson, Al of Kirk­ urday to attend the Minnelou. Mr. Oscar E. Rosenbloom of and Mn. Harr» Gline at Cedar Springs, Ill., will entertain a guest Lucretia Kirby, a sophomore at weekend wlth her daughter, hr­ JBli Sauers, a stu.~nt at Drake wood, Mo., will entertain Jane ,ame and to visil his daughter, ,Kansas City, Mo., will be the Rapids. from Grinnell college in Grinnell Iowa State colle Ie in Ames, will lene, A2 of Sioux City. univerllty in Des Moines, and • this weekend. spend the weekend with her sis­ Noreene Horr of Grinnell wlll Nancy Pray of Ft. Dodge, will be POPEY£ Visiting friends in Des MOines ter, Patricia Kirby, A3 of Green­ be the weekend ,uest at DOris guests of the chapter house this Ihis weekend will be Louise Boyer, ville. Haesemeyer, .'\.1 of StanwQOd. weekend. A3 of Davenport. Helen Caro, A3 6f Highland Charlotte Fuerst, All of Cl,lrindll, Barbara Hallman, A2 at Aurora, Park, lll., will be hostess this will spend the weekend in Ames GAMMA pm BETA III.: Char Ferris, J3 of Syracuse, weekend to her parents, Mr. and as the gueat of Dickey Clark, for­ The weekend guest of Mary N. Y., and Virginia Howe, A3 of Mrs. Josepb Caro, and her broth­ mer student. Louise Larsen, Al of Counell Sioux City, will spend the week­ er, Howard. Mrs. Dorothy B. Johansen of Bluffs, will be Corp. Bob Bllrg­ end visiting Jean Hancock, A3, at Seaman Second Class J. P . Burlington will spend the week­ strum. her home in Peoria, IlL Hamby of San Anlelo, Tex., who end with her daughter, Dorothy Spending the weekend as guests I Mrs. Edna Denkmann of Daven­ was formerly stationed at the M. JohalUien, A2 of Burlington. in tl\e chapter house will be Pat port visited her daughter, Bette Navy Pre-Flight- school here, will The weekend guest ot Joan Bru­ Saggau MilleI' of DenUon, Marian Denkmann, C4 of Davenport, last visit Gwenn Buster, A2 of Grand­ tus, C4 of Des Moines, will be Hansen and Schar10tte Junge, both weekend. view, this weekend. Mickey Walmer of Omah" Neb. of Davenport, and Virginio Hus­ Dorcas Knapp of Sioux City man or Waterloo. ALPHA XI DELTA will be tbe guest this weekend of DELTA DELTA DEJ,TA Mrs. L. J . GrlUith is spending Guests of Margaret Spann, A3 Barbara Moorhead, A3 of Moor­ Sheila Smith, graduate of the several days visiting her daUgh­ of Chicago, this weekend will be head. UniverSity, and Mr. and Mrs. E. ter, Audrey Griftlth, Al at Des her parents and sl- ter, Mr. and Wlnlfred Mathis, A2 of Des O. Stamy, all of Marion, will be Moines. Mrs. J. M. Spann and Carroll. Moinell, will entertain as her luest the weekend guests of Jean Stamy, Th weekend gUGst of Jean George DeWitt, apprentice sea­ this weekend Helen Johnson, also A3 of Marion. Pyles, A3 at St. JOMpb, Mo., will man, will visit Shirley Braucbt, of Des Moines. Janet Hyde, a student at Cornell be her father, A. G. Pyles of 5t. A4 ot Joy, Ill., this weekend. Mar.aret Hesser, Al of Cedar college in Mt. Vernon, will be the Joseph. . Dad's Day guests of Lee Gard­ Rapid., had as her ~ests tltis ner, A3 of Newton, will be her week her sister, Kay Hes.ser, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gard­ ner brother, Phal'lJllelst Mate ner of Newton. Third Class Jay Hesser, who re­ Marjorie Butterfield, A3 of St. cently returned from oVerlleas. Louis, Mo., will spend the week­ They will also spend the weekend Daily Iowan Want Ads end in Mason City visiting Pvt. In Iowa City. Frank Free. Marilyn Youmans, Al of Keo­ --tDs'r--AHD"-' - "-O-UND-- Visiting Donese Waterman, At kuk, will be hostess this week­ CLASSIFIED of Ch~ago, this weekend will be end to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. RATE CARt Shell rimmed glas es downtown. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Edward Johnstone of Keokuk. Return to Dally Iowan. Rewud. Watennan of Chicago. Mrs. John W. Casaday of Des CASH RATE Green Triumphant Shaeffer pen, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Remley of Moines will visit her daughter, I or 2 da:ra- inscribed with name Dorothy Webster Citiy will spend Dad's Bonnye casaday, Al of Des ' 10c per Une per da7 Johansen. Reward. Phone Ex. Day with their daughter, Joan MOines, this Weekend. I • c:oDlMICutive d~ 365. Remley, AS of Webster City. Jo Ann Iler, student at Drake 7c per liDe per da1 univeris!)' in Des Moines, will II consecutil1e daYI- Sigltla Alpha Nu Fraternity pin. CHI OMEGA spend !be weekend with Carol),n IIc per Unt per cia) Return to Dally Iowan Bual­ Spending the weekend at the Anderson, Al of Plover. Imooth- ness OUice. chapter house will be Olive Ma - Visiting Lucy Howard, A3 of fc per Une per d" Lost: Glasses in case. Dr. Em­ ters of West Liberty and Darlene Chicago, this weel«!nd will be her -Fiaure 6 warda to Une­ erson, Mu.cati.ne printed on Lackander, ·U.S.N. mother, Mrs. Lucy Ann Howard Mln1mum Ad---2 lIDu case. Call Dick HaroU-9976. The weekend guest of Dorothy of Chicago. Henry, Al of Des Moines, wi\l be Dad's day guests of Joann Stev­ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY her mother, Mrs. H. B. Henry of ens, A1 of Pocahontas, will be 1I0c col. inch Des Moines. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Or $5.00 per month DANCING UlssONS - ~ Sybil Sterberg of Augustana will M. Stevens of Pocahontas. ballet tap. Dial 72M. IIIml spend the weekend wilh Jo Anne Donna Atkinson of Cedar Rap­ All Want Ads Cash in Advance Yowle Wuriu. Huss, A2 of Burlington. ids will visit her si~ter, Betty I Pll18ble at Daily Iowan BUS!­ WHERE TO BlN IT The weekend guest of Irene Atkirisori,' .AI of Cedar Rapids, !lese office dall)' until 5 p.m. Romanow, A' of Gary, Ind., Will th,is weekend. . be Prudence Valentine of Gary, Visiting Donna Hiserodt, Al of Cancellations must be called in For your enjoymen' ..• Ind. Des Moines, this weekend will be before 5 p. m. Arcllerr • .."... ReIponsible for one incorrect her father and brother, S. D. Popular .l1li J'hIlhanaoIlle COMMONS Hiserodt and Dean, both of Des insertion onb'. Becord Atbwa- Rena Marcello, Al of Chicago, Moines. will entertain KarlY Thalmann and Pat and Jean Anderson of Des L ...... e .f All JUadII Carolyn Neff, both of Chicago. Moines will spend the weekend .DIAL 4191- FJ.BE8TON£ STOR!' Mr. and Mrs. E. McMinn of with Miriam Burke' a.nd Mildred Greeley will visit their daughter, Nichola, both A1 of Des Moines. Delores, Al of Greeley, this week- Spending tlte weekend with end. Marjorie Coon, M of W8sb.ington, WMC Regulations Betty Jeannette Mock, Al of wUl be Virginia H!lst)' of Wasb­ ~eDta for -.le or ea­ Sioux City will entertain her inglon. MDtIal ,~ workers ~ ear­ latber, R. D. Mock, Dad's day. Dr. And Mrs. R. L. Getman of rW In Utese "BelP Wanted" Entertaining her parents, 1I4r. Davenport ....111 vll!i,.t tl\eir dau,h­ I(9hIIldII wiUt u.e ulllleataDCl­ and Mrs. R. L. Neasharrt of D1!6 ter, -Marlan Getman, A2 of Dav- ' ~I' jbat 1I~ proeedarw sball Moines, wJli be Marlyne Neasham, .nport;, this weekend. ..,.,_ 10 War ...... wer Al Of Des Moines. 8per¥:ling the wee.ken\i ",,l.tb CoIlUldl1eiol1 Be...... G. W. Wilmont J r. of South Netta AnQ GQJQsj;elo, .bl, lit .her Bel\d, Ind., will visit his daughteJ:, home in. Cbleqo wJU be .Frances You are aJWII¥I ~, Nonrla Lambert, Al of South Lee GruMY, A3 of ~ewburlh, aQII PJUOR& ~ Ii4 tbe Berttl. N. T. ,.W Mrs. A. R. Mohr of Des Moinf!l V~ Lois .ADu Schaller, .1\2 Mo~ for iiraWjng c18s~1 3 hr. will »e the guest of Joann Xirk, of CeISar '.alia, thJs weelsend willi dally, Mo1)day -tbro\Wh Frld~. Al of Des Moines, tbis week.ehd'l be her pare.nt.s and sister, Mr. l:xperience u!lj)ecessary. Apply DRUG. SHOP G. D. Vigen of SloUle: City will and Mrs. L. W. Schaller and .Room l04-Art Build,lng. M r II • Edwar4 S. a.l. P"""" Vis!t his dau,bter, Grace Vlten, Carol, of CeQr Rll;Plds. . Musgrave. Al of Sioux City, for Dad's dlQ'. .llcmJ:Ia 'l'jebben. Ci gf Creston, ------~ Robert Fisher of Van Meter will wjU.,..uI the weekend with Jean Formal a.lterations, curtains to be the. guest of Mary relter, .A2, Boehm. A2, at her home In Ogden. stretch. Write Box No. 6, DallY of Vap Meter, this Weekend. Visiting Charlene Fenton, A2 Iowan. Marlyn Guenther, Al of Wio- 01 Stanwood will be her parents MAHER BROS TRA' NSF-" terset, wi! hlntertaln Sibyl Chris- Dr. and ~. V. G. ·.FentQn o[ - WANTED-LAUNDRY • I:Il tensen of'Lost Nation. Stanwood am her sisters Bon- For F.tfIclent !'umttll1'e Movinl .Alice Bar.nes, A3 of Northwood, nle Fent~n of Stanwood,' Mary Curtalhs to laundet'. Phone 42111. A* AlIOut OUr WIll entertalD her parents, Mr. and Lou Fenton of Ceqar Rapids and t'U'Pt'VTAINMENT WARDlJ,OBE GSlJVP M~s. L. S. Barnes, and her brother, Jeanne Fenton of Ohi~go. ' _ .. JMD DIAl. _ 9696 DJAL

MID?r,cammg allIn toof attendNorthwood, the newspaper who are , lI\u4entWIllie ~al8hwUl ' beof theAQIes, weektnd former :~0~r~H~a~y~ra~Ck~r~id~e~S~D~ja~1~6~4~3~0~.iiiiiiiji~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; I 'I Ii conference and Dad's Day game.. 4IlIbt ~f Jeane QlI!kiDI, lJ3 at Bill Bennett of Des Moines, .wIll Sloux City; 'aile • Hollanll. C4 of be Ibe ,uest .of Helen Hastmgs, MlUon and Eileen Newburgh Al A2 of Des Momes. ' , Mr. K. E. Lane of Davenport of Sioux City. will vtslt his daughter, Marilyn The guest of Barbara Coffman, Lane, A2 of Davenport. A4 of South English, . wi~ be Avia- , Shirley Lou dark:, A2 of Bur- tion Cadet Bill Dooley of Ottum­ Ilngton, will entertain her parents, wa. Mr. and Mrs. H. Clark Sr. of Bur- Shirley Zeug, A2 of NeWton, . Iington, and her brother a~9 sls- will have as her guest at her ter-In-Iaw, Lieut. (j.g.) and Mrl. home, Maril)'n Pndry, 'Ji4. of Des . , 11. Clark Jr., and lIOn, TOIIIJIIY, of l'1l01n.e8. Pensacola, Fla. ' . .. The ~kepd guests ofYMtrjorle Mrs. W. B. Mitten of llvanstoh, -'!etoI' 'tntt :K.thryn 1K$lbt, botb Want Ad lIl., wUl visit l1er da.ughter Edith A2 of Ackley, will be Dale Petty SPEAK Mitten, Al of Svanilton. ana ~ . ~~, .of ~, Lois Black, Al of Preston, .~11 PeW. ~ska, ~l . Of , Cl!dar UP have as her ,U8ltll twa Weekend 1\aIIIdi. Will ~ her »uenta BUY - SfLl- RENT I her l1arents, Mr. atld Mn. Il. .• Itd ...... , Dr. JIIld Mh. Uw:in 13laek, and brother, Neal, and aill- HrU8~a aGd daUJ&hter, .Jeanne, aU ler, Mary, of Preston. The)' willi or Ceilar Ra~{d8 : . . ' • - East HaM attend the game and Newspaper Spendin, th. e weekend with ... Business Office--Basellent, ' II-n • ~I;.e. _ ._ _ ., Dorotb,J' l4'DQ.tt,_Al_of,Cedar_Rllp: I.. ___ .... ___ -~-- ...~---~- ...~--'" PAGE SIX TB! DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1944 Yale Dean Emeritus Student Forum 10 Be Broadcast- To Play for usa Tea Dance Sunday

To Speak Nov. 26 WSUI (til) CBS-W... (,.. ) 8:30 NBC-WOO (I"') OS-WON (no) CBS-WilT (IN) ".e-llXEL (ISH) That Brewster Boy {WMT) People Are Funny (WHO) At Vesper Service "What A d jus t men t s If Any, Spotlight Bands (KXEL) Should the Liberal Arts College 8:45 Charles Reynolds Brown, dean Make After the Conclusion of the That Brewster Boy (WMT) emeritus of the divinity school at Present War, in Order to Provide Peopie Are Funny (WHO) Yale university, will speak at the a More Satisfactory College Edu­ Spotlight Bands (KXEL) lirst university vesper service 01 cation?" is the topic for discussion 9:00 the school year Sunday, Nov. 26, this afternoon at 3 o'clock on the Moore and Durante (WMT) at 8 p. m. in Macbride auditor­ weekly WSUI University Student Amos 'n' Andy (WHO) ium. The university board on ves­ Forum. Earl Godwin (KXEL) pers announced that his subject Participants are all members ot 9:15 will be "Well Balanced Lives." debate and public speaking classes Moore and Durante (WMT) Dr. Brown, an alumnus of the under the direction of Prot. A. Amos '.n' Andy (WHO) university, is recognized as one Crair Baird of the speech depart­ Ted Malone (KXEL) ot the outstanding ministers of ment. 9:38 America. In a poll which was Stage Door Canteen (WMT) Hollywood Theater (WHO) taken 20 years ago, he was listed ToeIay's PrOll'ams among the five best ministers in Ed Wynn (KXEL) 8:00 Morning Chapel America. 9:45' 8:15 Musical Miniatures Stage Door Canteen (WMT) One of the unusual character­ 8:30 News, The Dally Iowan Hollywood Theater (WHO) istics of Dr. Brown as a vesper PROF. A. CRAlG BAlRD of the speech department opened the speak­ 8:45 Program Calendar Ed Wynn (KXEL) speaker is his "reading" of Scrip­ In~ pro&,ram at the luncheon for conference participants. Vlrclnla 8:55 Service Reports 10:00 ture. Although he holds a Bible Jackson, A4 of Marlon, acted as wastmlsiress In presentlnc student 9:00 Roman Literature News (WMT) in his hands, he never refers to after-dinner speakers. Bob Ray, seated at the rlcht, was ceneral 9:50 American Hospital associa- Mercer's Music Shop (WHO) it, because he has memorized all manager for the speech conference. tion H. R. Gross (KXEL) of its, familiar passages. 9:55 News, The Dall, Iowan 10:15 During his student days at the * * * 10:00 Week in the Magazines Fulton Lewis (WMT) University of Iowa, Dr. Brown in­ 10:15 Yesterday's Musical Favor- News, M. L. Nelsen (WHO) tended to become a lawyer. After ites Sportlight Parade (KXEL) graduating from the university he 10:30 The Bookshelf 10:30 worked as a stenographer with 11 :00 Musical Interlude Syrnphonette (WMT) law firms in the tri-cities and 11:05 English Novel Can You Top This? (WHO) with an insurance company in 11 :50 Farm Flashes The Doctor Takes It Over Des Moines in order to gather 12:00 Rythm Rambles (KXEL) funds tor his future education. 12:30 News, The Dally Iowan 10:45 12:45 Views and Interviews During this period, he decided to Symphonette (WMT) Ray Long and his Dixieland man, Mrs. Clark* * Hughes * and Mrs. Mrs. of Cedu enter the ministry. He took his 1:00 Musical Chats Can. You Top This? (WHO) * * * 2:00 Victory Buleltin Board Rhythmaires will hi g h 1 i g h t Ida Leuz will act as senior hostess Rapids will make three-minute theological course in Boston where Melodies of the Masters the USO program Sunday at a he came under the influence of 2:10 Late 19th C~ntury Music (KXEL) tomolTow night. Mrs. Ben Sum­ pencil sketches of cadets in the 3:00 University Student Forum Thanksgiving tea dance from 2:30 merwill is chairman of the Sunday lounge Sunday afternoon after the the greatest ministers of that time, 11:00 to 4:30 p.m. Members of Gamma Phillips Brooks and George A. 3:30 News, The Dally Iowan News (WMT) senior hostesses, which include feature and novelty movies to be Phi Beta s 0 r 0 r i t y will be the W. J . Weber and Mrs. H. N. Gordon. After holding brief pas­ 3:35 Music of Other Countries Bill Stern Sports (WHO) Mrs. shown at 1 :30 p.m. 3:45 Reviewing the Polls special guests. Holdsworth. torates in Cincinnati and Boston, Henry J. Taylor (KXEL) Flowers for the USO this week­ 4;00 Elementary Spoken Portu- A Turkey Day dance with music Mrs. Harriet Walsh will give end w ill be fur n ish e d by the he became pastor of the First . 11:15 guese Off the Record (WMT) provided by the public address sys­ danCing insiuctions to s e r vic e Nathaniel Fellows chapter of the Congregational church in Oak­ 4:30 Tea Time Melodies tem will be held tomorrow night people in the gymnasium o[ the D. A. R. Cookies will be provided land, Calif., where he remained Timely Talk (WHO) from 7;30 to 10:30 with Eleanor 5:00 Children's Hour Rev. Pietsch's Hour (KXEL) usa building tomorrow afternoon by women of the Congregational for nearly 20 years. He then be­ 5:45,Newa, The Dally Iowan Pownall as chairman of the junior from 5:15 to 6:15. Church. came dean of the divinity school 11:3' hostesses. 6:00 Dinner Hour Music Glen. Gray's Band (WMT) of Yale university. Although he 7:00 We dedicate The junior hostess committee for was apopinted dean emeritus a News, Gary Lenhart (WHO) TEA HONORS NATIONAL 7:30 Sportstime Dance Orchestra (KXEL) tomorrow night's program includes PRESIDENT few years ago, he still preaches 7:45 Evening Musicale Lorraine Corrington, Sue Coble, from some college or prominent 11:45 8:00 Cities of Belgium Bol:I Berkey's Band (WMT) Betty Frederick, Helen Gardner, , pulpit every Sunday. His appear­ SHAKING HANDS after the forensic luncheon, Gordon Hostettler, 8;15 Beyond Victory-What? Rachel Gould, Dorothy Johanson, ance at the University of Iowa is Music; News (WHO) debate director from Coe coilege, and Velma Martin. A4 of Laurens, 8;30 Album of Artists Dance Orchestra (KXEL) Marion Kelly, Patricia King, Wini­ in connection with an apPOint­ discussed their opposing pOlitical views. Hostettler, formerly of the 8:45 News, The Dally Iowan fred Miller, Colleen Mas u r e , ment at the Chicago Evening club. 12:00 staff 01 the University of Iowa speech department, coached Coe rep­ Press News (WMT) Shirley Jean Olsen, Audrey Ross, During his stay in Iowa City, resentatives at the conference. NETWORK HI.GHLIGHTS Mirth and Madness (WHO) Filomena Rohner, Priscilla Stull, Dr. Brown will be the guest of Martha Jane Tozer and Roslyn ... .. * 6:00 News (KXEL) Prof. and Mrs. M. Willard Lampe. I Love a Mystery (WMT) Weinberg. Cliff and Helen (WHO) Du,ing the evening Leo Corti­ Grain Belt Rangers (KXEL) Dr. Ray Smith to Head miglia will be a t the piano for a 6:15 jam, and song session in the Scouts Plan· Twillght Time (WMT) lounge which is decorated with News of the World (WHO) Iowa Dental Society H. R. Gross (KXEL) turkeys, corn, gourds and Thanks­ 6:30 Dr. Ray V. Smith, head of the giving crepe paper runners. Paper Drive Friday on Broadway (WMT) department of prosthetic and Mrs. Roy Mackey wiU serve as News, M. L. Nelsen (WHO) crown and bridge technic in the chairman of the Women of the I coilege of den tistry has bee n Scoutmasters and commission­ Did You Know (KXEL) Baptist church, who are in charge 6:45 elected president of the Iowa of. serving this weekend. ers of Johnson county Boy Scouts Friday on Broadway (WMT) State Dental society. scheduled ' the next scrap paper Assisting in the snack bar will be Norman B.eatty (WHO) At the annual meeting of the M1'l!;' C. G. Mullinex, Mrs. Earl drIve, a winter camp, the annual Preferred Melodies (KXEL) roll call, and a Boy Scout election university district of the society, C-alta, 'Mrs: Donald Oshner, Mrs. '7:00 held in Cedar Rapids, Monday, Morris Hammond, Mrs. Virginia and Citizens' day at a meeting The Aldrich Family (WMT) Wednesday night. other officers elected to serve for Murdock, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Tar­ Highways in Melody (WHO) the coming year are: Dr. Clar­ rant, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Beck, Mr. Scouts will collect scrap paper Watch the World Go By ence Fenner of Cedar Rapids, and Mrs. Roscoe Woods, Mr. and SERVING TEA TO Mrs. R. W. Higbie Jr. of New York City, national in a drive Friday, Nov. 24. (KXEL) vice-president, and Dr. E. C. Prall Mr!( L. R. Grillet, Mr. and Mrs. W. preslden t of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority (center), are Mrs. Roberl Starting Dec. 2B, a four-day '7:15 of Mt. Vernon, secretary. H. Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. James Sed­ Neff. president of the Alumnae club, and Barbara Jayne Bla.ke, presl· winter camp for Boy Scouts will The Aldrich Family (WMT) lack, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kool and dent of the local chapter. The tea was given Wednesday afternoon ftom be held at the scout reservation. Highways in Melody (WHO) Mr. Richard Beck. 3 to 5 o'clock In the chapter house in honor of Mrs. Higbie whq WII N~ ijgh bo rho od commis- .. To Be Announced (KXEL) Gamma Phi Wins With Mrs. Roy Koza as chair- here for a three-day visit with the Be Omicron chapter. sioners will conduct the roll call 7:30 Nov. 27, to inspect troops to de­ The Thlnman (WMT) termine how many new scouts DEAN HARRY K. NEWBURN of the colle~e of liberal arts, pictured Duffy's Tavern (WHO) Top Volleyball Honors have not yet officially registered. at Wednesday's forensic luncheon with E. C. Larson, debate coacl! Famous Jury Trials (KXEL) Scouts will be in charge of the from Indiana university, told speakers that "this kind of speech ac­ 7:45 Gamma Phi Beta women's vol­ Iowa City administration for a tlvity Is essential to the adult population to face the problems ahead The Thinman (WMT) leyball tea m captured tourna­ Duffy's Tavern (WHO) ment honors in the final games AT ?r##EY~ day during Boy Scout week next of us." last night against Tri Delt with February. Because 1945 marks ------­ Famous Jury Trials (KXEL) 8:00 a score of 29-24. Second place the 35th anniversary of the na­ It Pays to Be Ignorant (WMT) went to Tri Delt and Chi Omega tional scout council, celebration Waltz Time (WHO) placed third. will extend from Feb. 8 to 22. Christmas Seal Sale Chairman Announces ·AN IDEAL GIFT Gang Busters (KXEL) The Gamma Phi "two" team Boy Scouts will be named to 8:15 played Chi Omega with Chi 0 , various administrative offices in Complete Committee for County Campaign Waltz Time (WHO) the Winner, playing Dean house an election for all troops. They It Pays to Be Ignorant (WMT) for third place position with a will be aided by adult city offi­ Harold W. Vestermark, chair- work of the association. One group Gang Busters (KXEL) score of 35-16. cials in their dutles-for.a-day. man of the Johnson county Christ­ of women will sell seals from '~"'--_-=::wI mas seai sale which will open Nov. booths to be set up in business Eight St. Patrick's 27, has announced the complete areas next month. Students to Participate committee which will assist the "Three leading functions of a Johnson county Tuberculosis aso­ In Quiz Program ciation in the campaign to raise tuberculosis association are edu­ funds for the fight against tuber- cation, case-finding and rehabili­ Eight students at st. Patrick's culosis. tation," according to a statement Catholic high school have been Dr. George C. Albright will issued by Dr. Albright yesterday. chosen to participate in the qulz serve as county president. Other Christmas seals are the sole sup­ program on Catholic authors and officers are Mrs. Frank T. Mahan, port of this three-way llrogram their books, to be held at 11:20 Ivice-president; Mrs. Sadie Sea­ which goes quietly forward in this morning at the school, in ob- grave. secretary, and William J. Johnson county in a ceaseless fight servance of National Book week. Parizek, treasurer. against disease and for health." The finalists are: seniors Lon-I Chairmen include: Mrs. Philip Correcting a common belief that ice Sorensen and Harriet Leeney; D. Kete~en, mail sale; Mrs. Mil­ the Christmas seal drive is spon­ juniors, Jean Ford and Marie dred Kessler, r~r~l sale; Robert sored by the Red Cross instead of Montgomery; sophomores, Anna-, Ballan~yne, pubhclty; Mrs. A. H. the Tuberculosis association, Ves­ belle Rogers and Catherine Wel- Harmeler, booth;. G~orge Heather, termark said yesterday that the ter' freshmen Janet Greer and bangle day; Virginia Jackson, Red Cross carried out the first Ca;milla Schnoebelen. Chester radio; Frank J. Snider, rural edu­ Christmas seal drive in America Fisher will be the quiz professor ca~on; CharleUe Jeffry, City edu­ in 1907. "Three years later the and Gwendolyn Michel, the an- catIOn, and Robert F. Ray, speak­ Red Cross formed a Christmas nouncer. ers' bureau. seal partnership with the National Chairmen for surrounding com­ The finalists were chosen on the Tuberculosis association," he con­ VERLOADING a washer reduces ita munities are Mrs. Sadie Seagrave, basis of tests ,iven to all the stu­ tinued. Oakdale; A. F. Droll, Hills; Mrs. O efficiency-is hard on the motor and den ts of the hl'h school. In 1920 it was agreed that the Mary Herdliska, Tiffin; C. J . Koss, national, state and county associa­ mechanism - results in poorly washed Swisher; Mary S. Reynolds, Ox­ tions should assume sole sponsor­ clothea. By avoiding that mistake and Members' of Faculty ford. ship of the sale. iollowina- the Buuestions listed below Will Take Part Mrs. Joe Kaspar, Morse; Mrs. Ninety-five cents out of every Frances Wolfe, Lone Tree; Mary seal sale dollar remains in Iowa to you'll obtain better &I well &I lona-er Wolfe, North Liberty; E. T. Sahs, In Methodist Vespers fight tubercl.\losis. Five ~nts goes lervice from your washer. Kalona, and Mrs. Mlldred Kessler, to the national association. "East Carolina College" or "Col- Solon. lege of Our Dreams" is the subject Committee members will check Clwck Thft. Wah, Tip.! of the panal discussion at the 4:30 mailing lists, fold sheets of seals ,When buying men's underwear, Dea't w.... p. m. Sunday vesper service at the and prepare them for mailing and remember rib knit undershirts J:IeotrjcltJ * Don't run wuher·kmrer tbaa aee..an. Methodist church. address civic organizations on the are sold by chest measureme~ta. 7 &0 11 mJna*- per wllflll II • .,..117 "D",IIIion Sheer," Foi; The d i's c u s s ion will center IUfttollllL around the improvements needed I=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::;::; Bed~y On Duly! to make callele what students Be earetul patt1D6 ael&1Uo • I f * wLea ob~ want it to be. Included will be FURNITURE AUCTION • baUoDI &hrolllb the ~er. 75c everything from cur ric u I u m, Pr~ical, pretty-aU 'round hOle';aJaled to-give you lr~~d long service! extra-curricular activities, rules, 1:30 P. M.. Friday, Today * aIaae .iul dl'J' th. tub, flDlb clear water arades and student government to 424 South Summit Sweet Ulnull tIN h_ after eacb 11'...... Nice for dress, and reaDy perleet for buaineu and everyday wear! Full· professors who use their own text ~/ruAion«l to usure Ihapely, IlllOOth fit; the reinforcements resist wear! books for lecture material. Lon~ wa.inut table, 8 ,ooel chairs and buffet. Table &oP Maa'lc * FoUow 111&11111&0'..... lDftnetlolll tor Those taking part in the discus­ Chef cas stove, twin Simmons slncle beds, cbUfonler, dre_r, olllq and ,r.atar. Ion&, oval minor, 6 Cood oak chairs, hall clock, almost new THIU'S SHill .&AUn IN THISI PULL·FASHIONED HOSI' aion are frot. E. W. Hall of the I .partmenl. circulator heater and ceneral assortment of chain" phUOIIOJIhy department, Dean C. WOJDeD who cheriah Iovdy hOle will enjoy wearing these Wood7 'l't1ompson, director of stu­ tablell, dishes, utensils, etc. 86 den\· affairs, Don Davis, El of OPA cellJ~ prices and posted sale terms effecUn. Dial ZlII'J IOWI-lLLlIOIS liS Heer, clear rayonlt Smooth fiUing. flattering and adequAlely C WaabJnpon, Margaret Smyth, G early mornln, U Inqulrlna' about furniture &0 be IOld. liD ILEOTII. CO. • .rein{orced for longE:llt polllble_&e~ W~_autumn tones. of Pt.. Dod,e, and Carolyn Ander­ Dr._Georqe Maresh. owner J. A. O'Leary, aucti.ODHr . ,aD, M ot Plover~ IllE.W......