Glacial erratics on the margin of North : implications for an extensive ice-shelf


Dawes, P. R.: Glacial erratics on the margin of North Greenland: implications for an exten­ sive ice-shelf. Bull. geol. Soc. Denmark, vol. 35, pp. 59-69, Copenhagen, October, 29th, 1986.

Glacial erratics of high-grade metamorphic and plutonic rocks occur on the northern coast of on the edge of the Arctic Ocean. Crystalline terrain is not exposed in Peary Land; sample sites are 250 km distant from the present-day Inland Ice which covers the nearest potential source - the Greenland shield. The dominant till clasts are locally derived from a northern ice-cap that coalesced during the late Wiscon­ sinian glacial maximum with the Inland Ice at about 82°30'N. Recent Quaternary mapping by the Geological Survey of Greenland failed to locate crystalline erratics in northernmost Peary Land; consequently prominence is given to early observations. The present paper describes a collection of erratics made in 1969. Conveyance mechanisms, viz. ice-cap regime (glacier or ice-shelf) contra drifting ice (icebergs or ice) are discussed and possible transportation paths are sum­ marised. Based on rock type and mineralogy, the Greenland shield is the most likely source of the erratics and derivation from an expansion of the Inland Ice around eastern Peary Land the most logical glacial model. However, such a provenance contravenes with the presently available on-shore data which indicate an eastwards Weichselian ice flow along the coast. Instead of invoking a rather complicated glacial history for Peary Land, involving different land ice regimes, an alternative glacial model based on an extensive Greenland - Ellesmere Island ice-shelf is outlined.

P. R. Dawes, Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark. January 15 th, 1986.

The implications of certain glacial erratics on the scribed and the implications in terms of proven­ outer coast of Peary Land is the subject of a pa­ ance and ice conveyance are discussed. per in this journal by Funder & Larsen (1982). These authors were primarily concerned with volcanic erratics that occur on 's most Glacial erratics and ice regimes northerly islands, Kaffeklubben 0 and Oodaaq 0 and more sporadically on nearby coastland The gross distribution pattern of glacial erratics (Figs. 1, 2). The erratics were referred to the late in northern Greenland (Kane Basin to Wandel Cretaceous Kap Washington Group, onshore Sea - Fig. 1) was determined by Lauge Koch. outcrops of which occur to the west of the erratic Adding to observations by Bessels (1879) and sites (Larsen, 1982). This led to the suggestion Feilden (1895) in the west and I. P. Koch (1916) that an easterly directed Weichselian glacial force in the east, Koch (1923a, b, 1928a, b) noted the must have existed along the coast. In a conclud­ contrast in the till clast composition between ing remark Funder & Larsen (1982) refer to the Peary Land and land to the west. In the west a peculiar occurrence of granite and gneiss erratics heterogeneous erratic block assemblage contain­ reported by Koch (1923a,b) and Dawes (1970) ing both local and far-travelled elements includ­ along the same coast. Crystalline erratics were ing characteristic Proterozoic and Lower Palaeo­ not found by Funder & Hjort (1980) during re­ zoic rocks, as well as gneiss and granite, covers cent regional Quaternary studies, and Funder & the entire area from the Inland Ice to the outer Larsen (1982, p. 60) conclude that "the reported coast; in contrast, Peary Land can be divided into occurrence of these erratics remains a mystery." a southern province covered by a similar hetero­ This paper documents the discovery of the geneous till and a northern province character­ crystalline erratics; the rocks are briefly de­ ised by locally-derived clasts. 60 Dawes: Glacial erratics

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Fig. 1. Locality and geological map of northern Greenland and adjacent Ellesmere Island showing main outcrops of metamorphic- plutonic terrain (potential source of crystalline glacial erratics) and other geological provinces. MF = Milne Fiord. Greenland geology from GGU publications; Canadian geology from Frisch (1974), Trettin & Balkwill (1979) and Survey and Mapping Branch, map of Robeson Channel, 1:1 000 000 from 1975.

Fig. 2. Map showing the maximum extension of the late Wisconsinian-Weichselian Inland Ice forming ice shelves in and Wandel Sea, and suggested main glacial flow directions. Compiled from published sources mentioned in text; position of boundary in northern Nansen Land (see fig. 1) after O. Bennike (pers. comm.). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, vol. 35 1986 61

Koch (1920, p. 13) observed a predominance Koch during his dog-sledge traverse in 1921. of crystalline erratic boulders near the Inland Ice However, reference to these erratics is restricted margin confirming their southerly provenance to a few sentences; "several blocks of granite"- from the shield that he assumed underlay the ice "occasional granitic boulders" (Koch, 1928a, p. joining the then known outcrops in Inglefield 504; 1928b, p. 376). No samples were apparently Land (L. Koch, 1933) and Kronprins Christian brought home and the precise observation sites Land (I. P. Koch, 1916; Mikkelsen, 1922). The are unknown; a location in 'Peary Land proper', most northerly outcrops of the shield are now somewhere between De Long Bugt and Kap Ole known to be in southern Wulff Land (Fig. 1). Chiewitz, can be gleaned from Koch (1920, Koch (1923a,b) concluded that during the 1923a,b, 1928a,b). time of maximum ice coverage, the Inland Ice The granitic erratics were regarded as derived reached the Arctic Ocean in the west and as far from a high-grade core or nucleus of the 'Cale­ north as about 82°45'N in the east, south of a line donian' fold belt which Koch assumed formed from inner J. P. Koch Fjord to outer Indepen­ the interior of the alpine mountains of Johannes dence Fjord. Koch projected this line for 300 km V. Jensen Land (Fig. 3). Such a high-grade nu­ across Peary Land from coastal observations in cleus is now known to be non-existent (see Ellits- the west and east. Not surprisingly the detailed gaard-Rasmussen, 1955, p. 48, for discussion); position and precise nature of the boundary line the metamorphic grade of the North Greenland have been modified (Troelsen, 1952; Davies, fold belt is generally low, it increases gradually 1963; Christie, 1975; Weidick, 1976; Funder & northwards reaching low amphibolite facies at Hjort, 1980), but the concept that northernmost the outer coast (Dawes & Soper, 1973; Soper et Peary Land was not overridden by the Inland Ice al., 1980). has been upheld (Fig. 2). Northernmost Peary Davies (1963) records a 'gray gneiss' in stone Land comprises a mountainous with al­ counts along the outer coast at Kap Moris Jesup, pine peaks over 1000 m, the highest of which in Kaffeklubben Ø, Kap Ole Chiewitz and Skagen the Roosevelt Fjelde reaches about 1900 m. forming between 2 and 30 percent of the clasts. It Summarising, there is general consensus that should be noted that this rock term covers pale during the glacial maximum northernmost weathering low-grade psammites and phyllites Greenland was influenced by two main glacial that are derived from the exposed sequences of regimes: a southern ice accumulation derived by northern Peary Land (W. E. Davies, pers. expansion of the Inland Ice, and an independent comm.). Davies noted the widespread occur­ northern ice cap centred on the mountainous rence of a pink granite in the heterogeneous till areas around Frederick E. Hyde Fjord. These ac­ south of the maximum extension line of the In­ cumulations were confluent in central Peary land Ice. Neither this granite nor other granitic or Land. In the west the Inland Ice traversed Nares high-grade gneiss types were observed by Davies Strait to a distance of more than 100 km from its along the outer coast, but he recorded such rocks present-day position to become confluent with in eastern Peary Land as far north as Skagen the Ellesmere Island ice sheet (Fig. 2, Christie, where a 'red granite gneiss' makes up 2 percent 1967; England & Bradley, 1978). In the east the of a stone count. Inland Ice extended over eastern Peary Land to form an ice-shelf in the Wandel Sea; along the northern coast a piedmont glacier is envisaged Distribution of erratics formed by coalescence of outlet glaciers from the northern ice cap (Davies, 1963; Funder & Hjort, A variety of crystalline erratics was noted by the 1980; Funder & Larsen, 1982). present author in 1969 along the coast between Kap Ole Chiewitz and Henson Bugt (Fig. 3). The coast east of Sands Fjord forms a low-lying plain Discovery of crystalline erratics covered by Quaternary deposits: drift, moraines, marine silts and glacio-fluvial gravel. Bedrock The discovery of crystalline erratics along the exposures are rare. The plain is limited to the northern coast of Peary Land was made by Lauge south by a fault scarp that borders the high ice- 62 Dawes: Glacial erratics

83 30'



Fig. 3. Locality map of eastern Johannes V. Jensen Land showing sample sites of crystalline erratics and main area of surficial deposits (stippled). The star indicates general area of volcanic centers with crystalline enclaves (after Soper et al., 1980). capped mountains of Roosevelt Fjelde and H. H. east of Kap James Hill than, for example, in the Benedict Bjerge (Fig. 4). west in the Kap Morris Jesup - Constable Bugt The observations on erratics were made during area. This may not be geologically significant but a skidoo traverse from Frederick E. Hyde Fjord could reflect the incidental nature of the observa­ to Kap Morris Jesup (Peacock, 1972). No system­ tions. However, no crystalline erratics were atic investigation of the surficial deposits was un­ found at Kap Morris Jesup despite several days dertaken and no stone counts were made. Seven sojourn in the area; the westernmost erratics small fist-size samples were collected - GGU noted were at Henson Bugt. 53582-87, 53589. Conclusions on erratic block In the east, where erratics were sampled, dis­ distribution made during what was essentially a tribution is irregular; at several localities crys­ one-way forced trek along a narrow strip of the talline erratics were not located or were rare; coastal plain, must be treated with caution. How­ elsewhere they can form a notable part of the till ever, some general inferences are given. clast composition. For example, at locality 53582 The crystalline erratics appear to be common­ sizeable crystalline erratics are so conspicuous est at the outer coastal fringe of the plain. Many that they were used to construct a depot cairn. were noted in reworked moraine near or at sea level; some occur several metres above sea-ice level. Abundance of erratics generally decreases Till-clast composition inland; several blocks were seen 150-200 m from the shore, but none inland, for example at or Along the outer coast, crystalline erratics are the near the fault scarp to the mountains. only till clasts observed that cannot be referred to Crystalline erratics were seen more frequently local bedrock. [One small piece of pale limestone Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, vol. 35 1986 63

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Fig. 4. Westerly view over the outer coast of Peary Land at Bliss Bugt showing the low-lying coastal plain backed by Roosevelt Fjelde. Two glacial erratic sample sites are shown. Kap Morris Jcsup (KMJ) in distance. Aerial photograph 548 H-Y, 8857, July 1950, copy­ right Geodetic Institute, Denmark. containing bryozoa and coral was also found near pebbles to cobbles and boulders; the largest boul­ sample site 53582 by an expedition member in der noted was about 2 m on its longest side. All 1969, but was not retained. Potential sources have sub-rounded to rounded shapes with could be Carboniferous-Tertiary sequences of smooth, ice-water polished surfaces. A variety of eastern Peary Land of Sverdrup Basin deposits of rock types occur (see below); at some localities, Ellesmere Island (Fig. 1)]. Crystalline erratics for example sample site 53589 (Fig. 2), a particu­ form a subsidiary component of the till. How­ lar rock type, in this case a red granite, predomi­ ever, in many places they are conspicuous since nates over other crystalline rocks; at other lo­ they tend to form much larger clasts than the lo­ calities a range of types occur. cally-derived sedimentary rocks. The local erratics are non-metamorphic to low- grade arenaceous rocks, predominantly psa- Crystalline rock types mmites, grits and conglomerates, with chlorite- mica phyllites and occasional dark calcareous The crystalline clasts of the till are composed of arenites and impure carbonates. Dark grey to metamorphic and plutonic rocks, mainly gneisses black igneous rocks also occur, in places forming and granites with migmatites and pegmatitic vari­ a dominant clast component. Main types are eties, and lesser amounts of metabasic rocks, am- dolerite, gabbro and fine-grained volcanic rocks. phibolites and metagabbro. Many of the acidic In one area, to the east of Kap J. P. Koch, basic rocks are reddish weathered; pegmatitic roeks rocks are so prominent as to suggest in situ expo­ are characterised by pink-red feldspars. The gra­ sure. nites observed are fine to medium-grained, ho­ The crystalline erratics range from cm-size mogeneous to foliated; the gneisses vary from 64 Dawes: Glacial erratics rather homogeneous to veined and crudely Sample GGU 53587 banded varieties, with some augen and porphy- roblastic types. Pink, medium-grained, equigranular granite composed essen­ tially of biotite (brown to green), K. feldspar, mainly perthitic The seven rocks in the present collection are microcline, plagioclase and quartz. Myrmekite is common. Ac­ briefly described below. cessories are zircon and apatite. Large fresh K. feldspar grains can contain quartz, plagioclase and biotite as inclusions; pla­ gioclase varies from fresh to moderately saussuritised. Quartz varies from large crystals showing undulose extinction to inter­ Sample GGU 53582 stitial grains and small rounded grains in feldspar.

Grey medium-grained biotite gneiss composed of a dark grey Sample GGU 53589 equigranular gneissic palaeosome veined by cm-scale pinkish weathered, leucocratic veins. Essential minerals are brown to Pink, fine to medium-grained leucogranite composed essen­ greenish-brown biotite, plagioclase, K. feldspar, quartz with tially of K. feldspar, both orthoclase and microcline, plagio­ some myrmekite. Sphene, apatite are common accessories; clase and quartz. Biotite, brown to green, forms the minor ore, muscovite and epidote are minor. Plagioclase is patchily mafic component; this is in places altered to chlorite. Apatite, turbid and moderately saussuritised; K. feldspar, mainly micro- epidote and small ore grains are accessories. Plagioclase is char­ cline is generally fresh. Quartz varies from small rounded acteristically turbid and saussuritised and often replaced by grains included in feldspar to matrix grains commonly with su­ muscovite. K. feldspar is perthitic, Quartz occurs in inter- tured boundaries to, in the leucosome, large crystals showing growths with both plagioclase and K. feldspar. prominent undulose extinction.

Sample GGU 53583 The characteristic mineral assemblage of the rocks is K. feldspar biotite-plagioclase-quartz; Pinkish, medium-grained biotite granitic gneiss composed es­ the one basic rock in the collection has a horn- sentially of biotite, microcline perthite, plagioclase and quartz. blende-biotite-plagioclase-quartz assemblage. K. feldspar is dominant over plagioclase; quartz is in inter- growths with both microcline and plagioclase. Accessories are The rocks form an amphibolite-facies granitic- apatite, zircon, with lesser amounts of sphene, muscovite and granodioritic metamorphic-plutonic suite with ore. Plagioclase is slightly saussuritised, typically along twin planes, microcline is fresh. basic meta-igneous components. The acidic types are characterised by having two-feldspars and a Sample GGU 53584 rather narrow mineralogical composition. Sev­ eral rocks show evidence of retrogression with Pale grey, medium-grained, biotite, leucocratic gneiss. Plagio­ the replacement of biotite and amphibole and al­ clase and quartz are the main felsic minerals; K. feldspar, teration of plagioclase. mainly microcline, is subsidiary. Greenish-brown biotite is the main mafic giving a schistosity to the rock, but hornblende and clinopyroxene grains are present. Main accessories are apatite, sphene and ore, with minor epidote and muscovite. Plagioclase is commonly poikilitic containing rounded quartz grains; it var­ Potential source areas ies from fresh to slightly saussuritised with calcite and epidote as main constituents. Biotite is slightly replaced by penninite. Potential source areas for the erratics are areas of crystalline rocks surrounding the Arctic Basin, Sample GGU 53585 and islands of the . The erratics do not possess diagnostic character or exotic miner­ Red, medium-grained, biotite, granitic gneiss with feldspar por- phyroblasts. Essential minerals are biotite (brown to green), alogy that pinpoint any one of these areas as the plagioclase, K. feldspar, mainly perthitic microcline, and definite source; all above-mentioned terrains quartz, with some myrmekite. Accessories are sphene, apatite, contain high-grade metamorphic-plutonic com­ zircon, hornblende and ore; sphene characteristically rimsFe-T i oxide grains. Plagioclase varies from fresh to turbid with heavy plexes. saussuritisation, microcline is generally fresh, quartz varies However, the erratics do form a discrete meta­ markedly in grain size and displays mortar texture. morphic-plutonic suite characterised by a very narrow mineralogical range and a common meta- Sample GGU 53586 morphic grade. This, and the apparent lack of other rock suites, strongly suggest that the source Black, medium-grained schistose amphibolite composed essen­ tially of hornblende, biotite and plagioclase, with some quartz. region is composed of rather limited geological Accessories are apatite, sphene and ore. Hornblende is the terrains. The most likely candidates are the dominant mafic; large crystals can be poikilitic enclosing proximate areas of the Greenland shield, 250 km rounded quartz and plagioclase grains. Larger plagioclase crys­ tals are slightly saussuritised. to the south and crystalline rocks that lie twice Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, vol. 35 1986 65

that distance to the west in northern Ellesmere presence of 'Siberian' driftwood on the active Island (Fig. 1). The closest crystalline outcrops and raised beaches around Peary Land indicates are in fact only 50 km distant on the north side of that circulation in the Arctic Basin has allowed Frederick E. Hyde Fjord where a group of intru­ for this possibility throughout glacial isostatic re­ sive centres contain blocks of continental crust bound. Moreover both the sea ice and glacial ice including gneiss and amphibolite (Soper et al., forming the present-day perennial cover of the 1980, see Fig. 3). Size, location and lack of gra­ Arctic Ocean, transport a significant sediment nites exclude these outcrops as a source area. load; coarse debris, including cobbles and boul­ Based on general character and mineralogicai ders, are fairly common in the glacial ice that composition, the Greenland shield appears to be forms parts of the Arctic ice pack (Clark & the most suitable of the two most likely sources. Hanson, 1983). Koch (1928b, p. 376) states that the granitic er­ If the erratics represent long-range rafted lag ratics he discovered are "of different character" deposits it might be expected that a varied rock to the erratics derived from the shield. Such dis­ assemblage, representing the diverse geology of tinctive erratics were not seen by this author; all part of the Eurasian coast, would be present. rocks in the present collection are similar to the This is not the case; there is, for example, an ap­ bulk of the gneiss-granite-amphibolite clasts of parent lack of non-Greenlandic Phanerozoic the south. One sample (GGU 53587), a pink mi- rocks. The presence of ice rafted blocks cannot crocline perthite leucoadamellite, is similar to be excluded on this criteria alone, but any con­ clasts in the till of Hall Land (Dawes, 1986) and veyance by floating ice may have been of more to Davies' (1963) 'pink granite'. The exposed localised nature, i.e. along the Greenland-El- shield is composed of an amphibolite facies gra- lesmere shore. nodiorite orthogneiss-granite complex (Henrik­ One possibility, involving floating ice, is that sen & Jepsen, 1985). the erratics could have been derived from the High-grade rocks also characterise the outer Greenland shield behind the head of Indepen­ coastal part of the Cape Columbia complex and dence Fjord and transported to their present site related rocks of northernmost Ellesmere Island; by icebergs in the early Holocene (Ole Bennike, greenschist facies terrain occurs inland (Frisch, pers. comm.). Academy Gletscher at the head of 1974). Amphibolite facies biotite gneisses, am- this fjord is today very productive seen in relation phibolites and two-feldspar granitic rocks form to North Greenland glaciers in general; whether parts of the complex. On the other hand, a wide this part of the Inland Ice margin was so in the diversity of rock types occur, including distinctive early Holocene is unknown. Such a mechanism mafic-ultramafic rocks and syenite-monzonite might explain both the easterly decrease in abun­ plutons; types not discerned in the Greenland er­ dance of erratics along the outer coast and the ratic assemblage. apparent absence of far-travelled Greenlandic Proterozoic-Phanerozoic blocks, i.e. the bedrock under the present Inland Ice margin may primar­ Conveyance: ice-cap or drifting ice ily be composed of crystalline rocks without Phanerozoic cover. However, the theory de­ The crystalline erratics could have been transpor­ mands a major and fairly consistent northerly ted either by an ice cap regime (glaciers or ice- current flow through the Wandel Sea; a contrast shelf) or by drifting ice (icebergs, sea ice or ice-is­ to the current pattern of the present day. The lands). The marine limit between Kap Morris Je- presence of driftwood eastern Peary Land deep sup and Kap Ole Chiewitz is between 35 and 55 up the fjords demonstrates a 'normal' circulation m (Funder & Hjort, 1980). The erratics occur be­ from the Arctic Ocean since about 6000 B.P. low the level of marine submergence; theoret­ Many of the erratics appear to be an intrinsic ically the blocks could have been conveyed by part of the ground moraine and while this has floating ice. As such the erratics might "have been reworked by marine and glacio-marine pro­ been carried long distances across the Arctic cesses, it perhaps is more likely that the erratics Ocean and represent the high-grade rocks of an­ have been transported by a glacial ice regime that other land mass" (Dawes, 1970). The well-known deposited a drift cover. 66 Dawes: Glacial erratics

Provenance dence Fjord and Henson Bugt. This led Dawes (1972) to suggest the expansion of a northern Suggested transportation paths for the crystalline lobe of the Inland Ice around eastern Peary erratics are summarised in Table 1. During the Land; a model used by Weidick (1975) in es­ glaciation maximum, valley glaciers spread timates of Wisconsinian ice sheet expansion. northwards from the alpine-type mountains of However, recent work by Funder & Hjort Roosevelt Fjelde onto the coastal plain where (1980) and Funder & Larsen (1982) based on the they merged into a piedmont glacier which, ac­ distribution of volcanic erratics, and supported cording to Davies (1963, p. 103), "was probably by the morphology of moraines, kame terraces similar in form to the shelf ice on the north side and glacial meltwater channels on shore, suggest of Ellesmere Island." Similar outlet glaciers oc­ that the major Weichselian ice flow along the curred on the east side of the ice cap; a major ice northern coast was eastwards. This is difficult to stream flowed down Frederick E. Hyde Fjord reconcile with a glacial scenario involving pen­ where it presumably coalesced with, and contrib­ etration of the Inland Ice westwards towards Kap uted to, the Wandel Sea ice shelf. This was for­ Morris Jesup, unless, of course, the region has med by the north-eastern expansion of the Inland been affected by several ice regimes with oppos­ Ice down the major fjord depressions about ing ice transport directions. Alternatively, Fun­ 82"N. Funder & Hjort (1980) traced crystalline der (in press) has speculated that the crystalline erratics of southerly provenance up to northern erratics'might represent ancient detritus, the Herlufsholm Strand; Davies (1963) reported a product of an epoch when the Inland Ice entirely 'red granite gneiss' at Skagen, 50 km farther covered the mountain range of northern Peary north (Fig. 3). Skagen is only 25 km south of Kap Land. Such a model demands that the younger, Ole Chiewitz where erratics described in this pa­ presumably local, glaciation has obliterated per occur. (either removed or buried) all such erratics from Thus crystalline erratics occur, albeit rather a vast area of Peary Land, while apparently pre­ patchily, all along the coast between Indepen­ serving them only along one part of the outer coast.

Table 1. Summary of possible sources of northern Peary Land crystalline erratics

Transport Provenance Main positive data Main negative data By From

Ice-shelves off Ellesmere Island and Greenland inferred from Crystalline complex composed of Ellesmere other data and eastern ice flow larger diversity than present as Island suggested by Funder & Larsen erratics West (1982)

Lack of fossiliferous Lower Eastern ice flow suggested by Palaeozoic erratics, east of Funder & Larsen (1982) Nansen Land

Ic e ca p regim Demands ancient Inland Ice South Perhaps the most direct and blanket to Arctic Ocean and simplest transportation route highly selective obliteration by Greenland younger glaciation shield Distribution of crystalline Conflicts with data of Funder & erratics from Independence Larsen (1982) East Fjord to north coast and general decrease in abundance of Demands consistent northerly erratics westwards along circulation in early Holocene sea northern coast

Arctic Ocean circulation allows Lack of non-Greenland

Driftin g ic e North Eurasian coast for rafted lag deposit origin Phanerozoic erratics Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, vol. 35 1986 67

•x., . 0 500 km i

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Fig. 5. Late Wisconsinian-Weichselian model showing extensive EIIesmere-Greenland ice-shelf and one possible derivation of Peary Land crystalline erratics. Dotted line: suggested limit of Greenland dominated ice-shelves; full line: established northern limit of In­ land Ice; dashed lines: ice formlines modified from Weidick (1975).

The alternative model is that the erratics have Conclusions and the ice-shelf model been derived from the west. During the glacia- tion maximum the Inland Ice reached the Lincoln As a batch the crystalline erratics show more Sea where it presumably formed an ice-shelf mineralogicai affinity to the Greenland shield (Figs. 2,5). A heterogeneous erratic assemblage of than to the Ellesmere Island complex. However, southerly provenance characterised by distinctive an appropriate glacial flow pattern from the In­ fossiliferous Lower Palaeozoic carbonates, as land Ice is difficult to reconcile with available well as crystalline rocks, occurs on southern Nan- data (Table 1). If it is assumed that the erratics sen Land and islands to the west (Koch, 1928a, represent a glacial deposit rather than detritus b). Whether the ice totally covered northern carried by floating ice, then a model involving Nansen Land is uncertain (Kelly & Bennike, transport from the west agrees with the recent 1985), but easterly expansion along the coast may work of Funder & Hjort (1980) and Funder & have occurred. However, fossiliferous sediments Larsen (1982). Derivation from the east - the - a dominant clast type around the Lincoln Sea - most reasonable model based solely on till-clast do not appear farther east along the coast; thus distribution - necessitates either reappraisal of without invoking some sort of screening mecha­ the interpretations of Funder & Larsen or the in­ nism, eastern flow of the Inland Ice does not sat­ vocation of a rather complicated glacial history isfactorily account for the erratic distribution. involving different ice regimes and opposing ice On the other hand, a non-Greenland ice transport directions along the coast. stream flowing eastwards outside the Lincoln Sea 14C dating of marine shells (Funder, 1982) gives ice - as part of an extensive ice-shelf - could ex­ a minimum date for deglaciation of the outer plain the selective occurrence of crystalline errat­ coast of about 8500 B. P. The late Wisconsinian- ics east of Kap Morris Jesup. It may be significant Weichselian model which appears to fit most of that high-grade rocks in northern Ellesmere Is­ the available data, involves an extensive ice-shelf land form the outermost part of the coast. Thus along the Greenland-Ellesmere margin, fed by ice flowing from this region across the Lincoln ice masses on shore, and in which a strong west­ Sea would not necessarily be charged with a erly component existed (Fig. 5). Such an ice reg­ heterogeneous erratic assemblage. ime would not only provide a mechanism to ex- 68 Dawes: Glacial erratics plain the distribution of crystalline erratics but Geodetic Institute, Copenhagen; the paper is published by per­ mission of the Director, Geological Survey of Greenland. might provide an answer to the question posed by Thanks to Esben Glendal, Bente Thomas and Johan D. Fride- Funder & Larsen (1982) of why glaciers flowing richsen for technical assistance. from the Roosevelt Fjelde to the Arctic Ocean were deflected eastwards along the coast. Essentially, ice-shelves are formed either by Dansk sammendrag the seaward extension of land ice, or by the sub­ stantial thickening of sea ice held fast to the shore En lille samling af istransporterede blokke (gnejs, granit og am- fibolit) fra Grønlands nordkyst i Peary Land stammer ikke fra (Robin, 1979). Today, the only ice-shelf in the re­ de lokale bjergarter. Indlandsisen, som i dag dækker det gion is the Ward Hunt ice-shelf off northernmost nærmeste potentielle oprindelsessted, grundfjeldsskjoldet, lig­ Ellesmere Island (Fig. 1). This has developed pri­ ger 250 km fra blokkenes findested. Det lokale till blokselskab består af sedimentære og nogle få vulkanske bjergarter, som marily from sea ice cover, i.e. continued thicken­ stammer fra en lokal iskappe. Denne var ved ca. 82°30'N for­ ing due to surface accumulation and bottom free­ enet med indlandsisen under det glaciale maximum i Wisconsin zing (Marshall, 1955; Hattersley-Smith et al., istiden. Samlingen stammer fra kyststrækningen mellem Kap Ole 1955; Crary, 1960). However, Hattersley-Smith Chiewitz og Kap Morris Jesup og blev samlet i 1969. Den rum­ (op. cit., p. 33) remarks that "previous ice mer en serie granitiske og granodioritiske bjergarter i amfibolit facies og med metamorf-plutonisk affinitet. Gletscher- kontra shelves, of dynamic character and greater extent, drivis-transport såvel som mulige transportveje gennemgås. may have existed along this coast in earlier, more Det grønlandske grundfjeldsskjold og det nordlige Ellesmere intensely glacial times". The late Wisconsinian- Island er potentielle oprindelsessteder, og af disse er det grønlandske skjold i bedst overensstemmelse hvad angår bjerg- Weichselian ice-shelf suggested here must have artstyper og mineralogi. been of dynamic character, being fed by ice Glaciation øst om Peary Land forekommer mest logisk men tongues from shore. It is interesting that part of modsiges af oplysninger fra Funder & Larsen (1982), som inde­ bærer en Weichselisk istransport langs kysten mod øst. En al­ the ice-shelf around Milne Fiord (Fig. 1) is also ternativ model opstilles, som ikke involverer flere istider og composed of glacier ice (Jeffries, 1985). Erratic modsatrettede transportveje langs kysten, og som er baseret på blocks on the shelf ice there can be matched with en udbredt Grønland - Ellesmere Island shelf-is. rock complexes to the west indicating an easterly flow of glacier ice along the coast. An extensive late Wisconsinian-Weichselian References ice -shelf, characterised by an easterly flow direc­ Bessels, E. 1879: Die amerikanische Nordpol-Expedition. Leip­ tion along the northern coasts of Ellesmere Is­ zig: Von Wilhelm Engelmann, 647 pp. land and Greenland (part of the regional ice flow Broecker, W. W. 1975: Floating glacial ice-caps in the Arctic Ocean. Science 188, 1116-1118. path from the Arctic Basin to the North Atlantic) Christie, R. L. 1967: Reconnaissance of the surficial geology of may have been bordered to the north by a great northeastern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Archipelago. Bull, geol. Surv. Can. 138, 50 pp. ice sheet or floating ice caps, such as those pro­ Christie, R. L. 1975: Glacial features of the Børglum Elv re­ posed by Broecker (1975) and Hughes et al. gion, eastern North Greenland. Rapp. Grønlands geol. (1977). This remains speculation. However, it is Unders. 75, 26-28. Clark, D. 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Acknowledgements. Discussion with Svend Funder (Geologi­ Dawes, P. R. 1986: Computer-supported topographical-geolog­ cal Museum) stimulated the preparation of this article for pub­ ical mapping of Hall Land, North Greenland; description lication. I am grateful to him, Anker Weidick and Ole Bennike of photogrammetrical programme, physical, Palaeozoic for critically reading the text; the latter supplied unpublished and Quaternary geology. Bull. Grønlands geol. Unders. data on glacial erratic distribution. Information from William Dawes, P. R. & Soper, N. J. 1973: Pre-Quaternary history of E. Davies (U. S. Geological Survey) on composition of stone North Greenland. In: M. G. Pitcher (ed.): Arctic geology. counts is acknowledged. Fig. 4 is published by permission of the Mem. Am. Ass. Petrol Geol. 19, 117-134. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, vol. 35 1986 69

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