
I ."' AC 91.11 - 1 I C:o.-· ,,,Rf?,,i'Lj)_ r Guide to q;-;r--tr HAZARDS IN AVIATION MEDICINE



Prepared by Windsor C. Cutting, M.D. Stanford University


FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY Aviation Medical Service

For sale b:y the Superintendent of Dooumenta, U .e. Government Prlnt1n1 Offl.oe Wubln,ton, D.c., 20f02. Prloel88centa L J I

Foreword To Each Aviation Medical Examiner: The need for a manual on in aviation prompted the Aviation Medical Service of the Federal Aviation Agency to make this handbook available for your guidance. The author, Windsor C. · Cutting, M.D., an individual with much passenger flying experience, was for many years Professor of Pharma­ cology and Therapeutics (Lt Stanford University and now is Professor of Experimental Therapeutics there. Also, he was until 1962 Vice Chairman of the Council on , American Medical Association. Incorporated are comments submitted by tbe following consultants who were kind enough to review the manual in preliminary form: Walter Modell, M.D. Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Director of Clinical Pharmacology Cornell University Medical College Herbert S. Kupperman, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Medicine Department of Therapeutics New York University Medical Center School of Medicine Richard W. Payne, M.D. Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Instructor in Medicine University of Oklahoma School of Medicine H. George Mandel, Ph.D. Professor of Pharmacology The George Washington University School of Medicine Throughout the manual, Dr. Cutting has confined himself primarily to pharmacological considerations important in evaluating airmen for aviation duties either at the time of routine certification examina­ tions or during treatment for ailments occurring during periods of participation in airmen duties. He has purposely avoided detailed discussions of individual drugs, clinical consideration of pathological states, and policy aspects of the Federal Aviation Agency's certifica­ tion procedures, except in special instances.

ill The manual is, of course, provided only for your guidance, and the individual examiner must consider the details of each case-specific pathology involved, nature of airman's duties, specific drug, exact dosage, individual patient response, and existing regulatory or policy guidelines. After such considerations, the examiner should find him· ~elf well prepared to advise patients concerning limitation of airman activities during periods of drug therapy and better able to determine medical qualifications at the time of certification examinations. Necessarily, in any questionable case involving airman certification, the final decision \\"ill rest with the Civil Air Surgeon. In conclusion, I wish to express sincere appreciation to Dr. Cutting and the reviewing consultants for their efforts in preparing this man­ ual for your guidance.

H. D. EsTF.S, M.D., Acting Civil Air Surgeon.

iv Preface Probably the best general recommendation for flying personnel and others directly associated with flight control is abstinence from all drugs. However, some illnesses and symptoms may not preclude fly­ ing or ground trnffic control work, but may be benefited by appropriate drugs. The question therefore arises as to whether use of the required drugs in such instances may be safe and in fact advantageous. This has led to the preparation of this book for Aviation Medical Examin­ ers. It lists drugs, the toxic effects relevant to aviation that they may produce, and n conservative estimate of their allowable use. The drugs named in this book are arranged so that related drugs are grouped unqer general therapeutic headings. Individual drug names will be found alphabetically in the index. Mixtures of drugs have not ordinarily been included, but, infrequent synergism aside, the hazards of mixtures may be considered the same as those of their individual components. To simplify the text, snit or designations such as hydrochloride or propionate are omitted; their dangers may be assumed to be the same as the free compound. For ease of identification, trade names are given parenthetically after the nonproprietnry name. The symptoms listed under the heading "Undesirable effects in aviation" include only those that might be considered important to flying. It is presumed thnt the examining physicians will ordinarily have access to the name of the drng under question, and will not be faced with n problem of identifying the drug from the symptoms of the patient. Discussion of the lotter is beyond the limited scope of this book. Under the heading "Use in aviation personnel" the statement usually reads "Airman duty contraindicated for so many hours or days after use," often with qualifications or exceptions. Customary or usual dosage is assumed. The time limits are intended to be conservative; that is, to indicate the time at which undesirable effects would be pre­ sumed to be absent even in sensitive or reactive persons. In only a few instances has it been thought possible to distinguish between the dangers of air duty as opposed to ground duty. Itshould be stressed that although the likelihood of n drug reaction may disappear after n particular time, this does not mean that the person is fit for duty. In many instances, it is, of course, inconceivable

v that a person ill enough to have required a drug would be well enough to work by the time the chance of from the drug has disap­ peared. In other instances, the need of a particular drug would of itself indicate a disease state permanently incompatible with flying, ground work, or both. The general medical condition of the patient is always of overriding concern. It should be stressed that the function of the Medical Examiner is to determine the airman's fitness for duty. The first consideration must be to determine whether the disease process of itself, treated or untreated, contraindicaras duty; the consideration of the effects of a drug are then secondary in determining final fitness. I am most appreciative of the comments and refinements of Drs. James H. Britton, H. D. Estes, Herbert S. Kupperman, H. George Mandel, Walter Modell, Richard W. Payne, and Homer L. Reighard in their consideration of the text.


vi CONTENTS Pag, Foreword ______---- __ ---- _____ ---- _____ ------·.------_ iii Preface______v I. ANTIBACTERIAL AND RELATED AGENTS_······-········· 1 Sulfonamides, systemic and urinary .. ·------1 Sulfonamides, alimentary and others .. __ ...... __ ._. __ .. _._ .. _ 1 ...... _...... _..___ ._ ...... _._. __ ._ ...... _____ . 2 inhibitor ..._.._._ ...... _...._._._ ...... _..... 2 group .. __ ...... _._ ...... ___ ...... _. __ . 3 Reserve penicillin substitutes __ •••••••• . • • . • • • • . • • • . • . . • . • . • • 3 I ...•..••••••••••...•••••••••••.•..••.••.••••_. 3 Cbloramphenlcol.... . • . • • • . • . • • • • . . . • . . • . . • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • . . 4 group...... 4 Streptomycin alternatives...... 4 Sulfones...... 4 Antltuberculosis synthetics_...... 5 derivatives ..._.._..._.._._._ ...... ______5 Urinary ____ ..______...__ .._. ___ ..__ ....____ ._ 5 Polypeptide ...... 6 2. AGENTS ..•.....•.•.••.••.•..•.•..•••••••_____ 7 Nystatln______•••... .. •.•••••••••••.••••.••••••••••.•.•... 7 Amphotericfn. ______•...•.•••...•••••.•..•••..••.•.••.•. •. . 7 ... ____ . ______. ____ ...... _. ___ ._._ .. _.....__ 7 3. AGENTS_·························-······· 8 ..••.•.•••••...... ••.•••...•...... •..•.·--····-·· 8 group._------­... __ . ______----. ____ .__ 8 Chlorguanide group. ___ ..------____ ----- ____ ------__ .___ 8 group ..... ------______----- ______.______8 . ------______------­ ... __ .... __ . ______. __ 9 Glauearubin______9 Oxyquinoline group ..----. --- . ------__ ------__ .. ___ . _. _ 9 ••.••••...... •.•.••...... ______9 ...---- __ ---- ____ . ____ .. __ ... ___ ..... ______.. 10 Arsenicsls..•••.••...... • ______10 Bismuth and mercury compounds...... 10 compounds ______••.•...... _...... 10 4. METAL BINDING AGENTS ()...... 11 .. ___ ..._...______.._____ ..._..___ ..._.._ _ _ 11 Ethylenediamlne tetraacetlc salts •••.•.•...... _._ 11 Penicillamlnes. • . . . • . . . . • • . • • . . • . . . • . • . • • • • • • . • ...... 11 5. AGENTS IN TROPICAL DISEASES ••.•.•.•.•..•._...... 12 t Antlmoniais.•.•...•...•••••.••••••••..•..•..•••.•..-...... 12 Synthetics...••.•... __ •.•..••.•.....•.•..•...... •.. 6. ANTHELMINTJCS._•..•.•.•.••..•.•..•••..•.•.••.••...... Flatworm agents...... _____ .. _..__ ._ .. _._._ ...... - .. __ _ Chlorinated hydrocarbons .. ___ ._. __ ...._..___ ..___ ...... 6. -Cq'ntinued Par,e derivatives __ --- ______--- __ •••••• __ •••• ___ _ Cyaninedyee ______13 13 ______••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ------••• 14 Bephenium...... ------­ 14 Other anthelmintics ••••.•• _•• _•.••••••••••• _•• ______•• ___ _ 14 7. ANTICANCER AGENTS ____ ...--·._.----- __ .....______15 Alkylating agents. -- - •.••• -- ••••••••. ---•••••••••••• ------•· 15 Folic acid antagonists•••• ---- •• ____ ••••• __ ••••••••• ------. 15 and Antagonists ______15 Others------·--···--···-·-··· 16 8. TOPICAL AGENTS------. -- _-----. - ---··.-·-·-·----- _-----· 17 Insecticides.••• __ •••••.•• __ •••••••••• ------17 Insect repellanta ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••_. __ • ______• 17 Antiseptics: , metals, halogens, oxidizing agents, , Fungicidesdyes.------______17 18 Surface active compounds.••• __ •• __ • __ • __ •• _•• _. __ .. __ • __ • __ • 18 Sclerosing agents••. ____ ._ .. - .... - ••-•-•- •• _ - --•• ___ -_•• _•• _. _ 19 Protectives, Emollients, Cosmetics. -•_••••_. _••• _. _... _. ___ .... 19 Sun tan and depigmenting preparations...... 19 9. CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS ___ ---·-._----··- -- -··- _-·----- _ 20 Cardiac glycosldes. _. --·- ______··----·-----··· --··--- ____ _ 20 Antiarrhythmics. ___ • __ .. __ ..... __ .. _.... _ ..... ___ ...... _.... _... .. 20 Agents In heart block______20 Diuretics, osmotic and acidifying....------21 Diuretics1 ...... ______----- __ ... _____ • ______21 Diuretics, mercurials •• ______---­ .. -----...... ---- __ -----_ 21 Diuretics, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. __ ...... _.... _.... _...... _...... 22 Diuretics, and related______22 Diuretics, amlnouracil derivatives ...... _.. ____ ...... __ .... __ .. _.... _.. _.. 22 Diuretics, antagonists_ ...... ____ .. _... _...... ___ .... . 22 Diuretics, cationic exchange resins .... __ .... _.... _ ...... ___ ... _ ...... _.. 23 Agents inhibiting renal tubules._ .. ___ ...... _.. _.. _...... __ 23 Agents in atherosclerosis. ______... --- _...... ____ ... ------... ___ .. 23 Hypotensives, centraJ ____ ...... _____ --- _____ ---- .. ---- __ •• ----- 24 Hypotensives, ganglion blockers. ____ .... _...... _...... _...... _. __ 24 Hypotensives, sympatholyties...... _.. _.. - ...... - .. - •• _. - .. -_...... 25 10. SMOOTH MUSCLE AGENTB------··-- 26 and ...... __ •• -- .. ---·-·--· __ ...... ----- .. - ---·- 26 Xanthines...... 26 and similar agents...... 26 •- __ ----_. ___ . __ . __ ----- ___ -·---·- ____ -·-··-- 27 Posterior pituitary preparations...... _...... __ ...... 27 11. AGENTS IN BLOOD DISEASES ______28 Iron preparations...... 28 Vitamin B11, , folic acid preparations...... _...... ___ ... _.. .. 28 preparations••• _..... __ •• _.. ____ .... _..... _._ ...... __ .. _.... _._ 28 Heparin antagoniate ... __ .. -·------.... _------___ ..... __ ---- _-- 29 i' Coumarin and indandione derivatives ...... 29 Proteolytic and other enzymes______· 29 ~.tf..itamin K preparations______-----_ .. ------­ ______. __ • __ • 30 ~TARY,,...______AGENTS.·------­ ___ ---·------__ -- __ -- . __ _ 31 31 '<~CS----·------·-----·------·-·-·--·----- 31 30. TRANQUILIZERS-Continued Poqe Antiprurltlcs- - - -- _------_- _- ______70 group ______. ___ _ 71 group ____ - _---_--- _- _----______71 Propanediol- group ______._. _____ . __ . ______. ___ _ 71 Chlordiazeposide ___ - ___ - _- _- _- __ ------_- _- _- _- _- ____ _ 72 Others------72 31. STIMULANTS_____ -- ___ - __ -- ___ ------_------_- _- _ 73 group ______- ______73 Other medullary . ____ - -- _____ . -- ______. ______73 Reflex stimulants._------____ ------__ ------__ _ 73 32. PSYCHIC STIMULANTS ______·------74 group ... ______. ______- _- . - _..._ - ___ . _-_- _ -. ______74 Sympathomtmetic group.---- ____ ------__ . __ ---- ______74 Diphenylmethane group. __...... __ . ___ . _. ______. __ ..__ .. 74 oxidase inhibitors ... _.. _...... __ .. _..___ ._. ___ ...... 74 Dibenzazepine group. ____ ._ ...._...... __ ._ .. _.. ___ . ___ .... _ 75 33. AGENTS IN ALCOHOLISM------­ 76 I Metabollc inhibitors ..... __ .. __ .... __ ------_ ------. _---- 76


1. ANTIBACTERIAL AND RELATED AGENTS SULFONAMIDES, SYSTEMIC AND URINARY acetylsulfisoxazole (Gantrisin Acetyl) methylsulfanilamidoisoxazole ( Gantanol) (Sulfamyd) (Madribon) sulfaethidole (Sul-spansion) sulfamethazine (Thiosulfil) ( Azo-Gantanol) ('Kynex) sulfamidine sulfamonomethoxine sulfamoxole (Nuprin, Sulfuno) ( Orisul) sulfa pyridine sulfasomizole (Elkosin) sulfisoxazole ( Gantrisin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Early: nausea, , diz. ziness. Late: , rash, agranulocytosis, hepatitis. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. Medical surveillance advisable for 2 weeks, alert to the appearance of late bone marrow and liver damage, which would preclude work. SULFONAMIDES, ALIMENTARY AND OTHERS para-nitrosulfathiazole (Nisulfazole) ( Sulfathalidine)

1 salicylazosulfapyridine (Salazopyrin} succinylsulfathiazole ( Sulfasuxidine) Undesirable effects in aviation: Toxicity minimal but effects like those from systemic sulfonamides may appear occasionally. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use. A patient needing such agents must be pre­ sumed to be too sick for duty. PENICILLINS ampicillin (Penbritin) benzathine penicillin G ( Bicillin; N eolin; Permapen} benzathine phenoxymethyl penicillin benzylpenicillin ( penicillin G) chlorprocaine penicillin O (Depo-Cer-0-Cillin) diphenicillin ( Ancillin) hydrabamine phenoxymethyl penicillin (Compocillin V Hydrab­ amine} levophenethicillin (L-Maxipen) oxacillin (Prostaphlin) penicillin O ( Cer-0-Cillin) phenethicillin ( Syncillin) phenoxymethylpenicillin (penicillin V; Pen-Vee Suspension; V-Cillin} potassium phenoxymethyl penicillin (Compocillin VK) penicillin G (Aquacillin; Crysticillin; Duracillin; Eska­ cillin; Hypercillin) sodium methicillin ( Staphcillin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Early and late allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, urticaria and angioneurotic edema, asth­ ma and dermatitis. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated within 12 hours of use. Duty may be permitted after that time if there is no evidence of late toxicity and examination indicates is cured. PENICILLIN INHIBITOR penicillinase (Neutrapen) Undesirable effects in aviation: , local pain, tenderness, allergic reactions. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 8 days after use, but in any case patient must be presumed to be too sick for duty.

2 ,, ERYTHROMYCIN GROUP carbomycin (Magnamycin) (withdrawn from market) \, erythromycin (Ilotycin; Erythrocin); free or various ' oleandomycin (Matromycin) spiramycin staphylomycin triacetyloleandomycin (Cyclamycin; TAO) tylosin Undesirable effects In aviation: Relatively free from serious toxic effects. Doses over 0.5 gm. may cause nausea, vomiting and . Late: liver damage reported after erythromycin estolate and triacetyloleandomycin. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 12 hours after use. Frequent medical examinations indicated for the next 2 weeks. RESERVE PENICILLIN SUBSTITUTES (Albamycin; Cathomycin) ristocetin ( Spontin) ( Vancosin) Undesirable effects In aviation: Severe toxic effects, including variously: skin rashes, urticaria, fever, thrombophlebitis, neu­ tropenia, ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use; additionally, it must be presumed that an ill­ ness requiring these drugs precludes duty. TETRACYCLINES chlortetracycline (Aureomycin) demethy lchlortetracycline ( Declomycin) oxytetracycline (Terramycin) rolitetracycline ( Syntetrin) ( Achromycin; Panmycin; Polycycline; Steclin; Sumycin; Tetrabon; Tetracyn; Tetrex) Undesirable effects in aviation: Early: nausea, vomiting, diar­ rhea, light-headedness, photosensitivity ( especially to demethyl­ chlortetracycline). Late: glossitis, diarrhea, superinfection with monilia. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated within 12 hours of use, or if any of the listed toxic effects are present, including late or continuing photosensitivity reactions. Fre· quent medical examinations indicated for the next 2 weeks.

3 chlornmphenicol ( Chloromycetin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Early: nausea and vomiting, blurring of vision, loss of equilibrium. Late: bone marrow damage, aplastic anemia. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. Frequent medical examinations indicated for the next 2 weeks. STREPTOMYCIN GROUP dihydrostreptomycin kanamycin ( Kantrex) noornycin (Mycifradin) (Humatin) streptomycin Undesirable effects in aviation: Oral aclmimstratton: nausea, vomiting, cramping and loose stools; later, moniliasis (neomy­ cin, paroniomycin). Parenteral administration: severe audi­ tory or vestibular damage ( streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin, ne,omycin, kanamycin) ; nephrotoxicity ( , kanamy­ cin); (paromomycin); fever, rash, allergic manifestations. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use or in the presence of any later signs or symp­ toms. Frequent medical examinations indicated for the next 2 weeks. Medical condition would ordinarily preclude duty. STREPTOMYCIN ALTERNATIVES ( Oxamycin) viomycin (Vinactane) Undesirable effects in aviation: Neurotoxicity, convulsions (cycloserine); renal and auditory toxicity (viomycin). Use in aviation personnel: Same as for streptomycin. SULFONES diaminodiphenylsulfone (Alvosulfon) glucosulfone (Promin) hydroxyethyl sulfone sodium acetosulfone (Promacetin) sulfoxone (Diasone) thiazolsulfone (Promizole) Undesirable effects in aviation: Excitement, dermatitis, hemolytic anemia. 4 Use In aviation personnel: Work contraindicated for 24 hours after use; no present application except in leprosy, which would ordinarily preclude work. ANTITUBERCULOSIS SYNTHETICS nmithiozone (Tibione) benzoylpas (Benzepas) ethionamide (Trecator) ( Cotinazin; Dinacrin; Ditubin; INH; Isolyn; Ieoni­ cop; Laniazid; Nydrazid; Rimifon; Tyvid) para-aminosalicylic acid (Pamisyl; Parapas; Pa.rasal; Pasara) phenyl-p- (Tebamin) ( Aldin ) pyruvic acid isonicotinyl thiocarbanidin ( Thioban) Undesirable effects In aviation: Unpleasant taste and gastric irri­ tation (); drug fever, dermatitis, agranulocy­ tosis ( amithiozone) ; mild euphoria, vertigo, headache, dry mouth ( isoniazid, ethionamide) ; hepatic damage, hyperuri­ cemia ( pyrazinamide). UBe In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use; use limited to tuberculosis, which until arrested precludes work. NITROFURAN DERIVATIVES furaltadone (Altafur) (withdrawn from market) ( Furoxone) nitrofurazone (Furacin) ( Furadantin) Undesirable effects In aviation: Allergic sensitization (all deriva­ tives); leucopenia, hemolytic anemia (nitrofurantoin, furalta­ done) ; nausea, dizziness, pruritis, paralysis of lateral rectus of eye, diminished auditory acuity, peripheral neurological dis­ turbances ( furnltadone). Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. Frequent medical examinations indicated for the next week. URINARY ANTISEPTICS methenamine mandelate ( Mandelamine) phenazopyridine ( Pyridium) Undesirable effects in aviation: Relatively nontoxic; rare nausea.

5 Ute bi avtation personnel: Airman duties ordinarily not contra­ indicated after usual dosage. POLYPEP'l'IDE ANTIBIOTICS (Baciguent) ; sod. colistimethate ( Coly-Mycin) ( Aerosporin) ( Bactratycin; Soluthricin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Topical use: relatively nonsensi­ tizing. Systematic use: nephrotoxicity (bacitracin) ; neuro­ toxicity ( polymyxin, colistin). Uae hi aviation peraonnel: Airman duties not contraindicated after topical use; prohibited for 24 hours after systematic use, but medical condition would ordinarily preclude duty. Fre­ quent medical examinations indicated for the next 2 weeks.

6 Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, methemoglobinemia, . Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use. Medical condition would ordinarily preclude duty. EMETINE emetine Undesirable effects in aviation: Local irritation, cardiac depres­ sion and damage. UBe in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use. Medical condition would ordinarily preclude duty. GLAUCARUBIN glaucarubin ( Glarubin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Doses over 200 mg. daily may produce nausea and vomiting. Use in aviation personnel: Work contraindicated for 24 hours after use. Frequent medical examinations indicated during the next week. OXYQUINOLINE GROUP ( Yatren) diiodohydroxyquin (Diodoquin; Lanodoxin; Moebiquin; Quina­ done; Yodoxin) iodochlorhydroxyquin (Enterokin; Enteroquinol; Nioform; Quinambicide; Vioform) Undesirable effects in aviation: Local irritation; rare iodism. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties ordinarily not contra­ indicated during topical use; contraindicated for 2 days after systematic use. Disease requiring systematic use ordinarily precludes duty. FUMAGILLIN fumagillin (Fugillin; Fumadil) Undesirable effects in aviation: Cramping, diarrhea, headache, vertigo, dermatitis, neutropenia. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use. Frequent medical examinations indicated for the next week.

9 METRONIDAZOLE metronidazole (Flagyl) Undesirable effects in aviation: Minor gastrointestinal symptoms and dizziness. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. Frequent medical examinations are indicated for the next 2 weeks. ARSENICALS arsphenamine (Salvarsan) cnrbarsone (Milibis) neoarsphenamine oxophenarsine (Mapharsen) tryparsamide Undesirable effects in aviation: Local irritation, nitritoid reac­ tion, Herxheimer reaction, jaundice, neuritis (arsphenamines); optic atrophy (tryparsamide); largely obsolete. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated during first week of therapy with c;rbarsone or glycobiarsol, and at all times during use of other drugs listed. BISMUTH AND MERCURY COMPOUNDS bismuth subsalicylate and others mercuric salicylate and others Undesirable effects in aviation: May produce stomatitis, intes­ tinal and renal epithelial damage. Use in aviation personnel: Obsolete; use contraindicated. GOLD COMPOUNDS ( Solganol) aurothioglycainide (Lauron) gold sodium thiomalate (Myochrysine) gold sodium (Auricidine; Aurolin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Metallic taste, stomatitis, pruritis, diarrhea, muscle pain, dermatitis, albuminuria, agranulocyto­ . sis. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use or in presence of later symptoms; disease ordi­ narily precludes duty. Frequent medical examinations indi­ cated for the next 2 weeks.

10 2. ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS nystatin (Mycostatin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Relatively nontoxic; occasional nausea, diarrhea, after oral administration, which may persist for several wesks. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties pre'cluded by presence of any side effects, but otherwise not contraindicated. AMPHOTERICIN (Fungisone) Undesirable effects in aviation: Fever, chills, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, nephrotoxicity, cardiac depression.

I Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicared for 48

I hours after use. Frequent medical examinations indicated for the next 2 weeks. Me.dical condition requiring use would ordi· narily be presumed to prevent duty. I GRISEOFULVIN griseofulvin (•Fulvicin; Grifulvin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Relatively nontoxic; rare head· ache, , nausea, rash, fever, joint pains, leucopenia, I psychomotor disturbancM. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated during first week of use, but not necessarily thereafter during continu· ation of therapy if toxicity clearly absent.

• 7 3. ANTIPROTOZOAL AGENTS QUININE quinine Undesirable effects In aviation: Deafness, tinnitus, vertigo, nau­ sea, cardiac depression, allergic hypersensitivity. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use; may be permitted after that time if examina­ tion reveals no vestibular disturbances. However, medical condition would ordinarily preclude duty during therapeutic use. CHLOROQUINE GROUP amodiaquin ( Camoquin) chloroquine ( Aral en) (Plaquenil) quinncrine ( Atabrine) Undesirable effects in aviation: Early: anorexia, nausea, diar­ rhea, headache, , pruritis. Late: ocular palsies, neuropathies, lenticular opacities. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated during usual suppressive antimalarial doses; contraindicated for 48 hours after therapeutic dosage. Medical examination indicated before return to duty to eliminate presence of early or late toxic effects. Medical condition ordinarily precludes duty during therapeutic use. CHLORGUANIDE GROUP chlorguanide ( Guanatol; Paludrine) (Daraprim) Undesirable. effects in aviation: Toxicity relatively slight; nau­ sea, vomiting, diarrhea ( chlorguanide) ; dermatitis, marrow depression, convulsions (high doses of pyrimethamine). Use in aviation personnel: Same as for chloroquine group. PRIMAQUINE GROUP (obsolete) pentaquine (obsolete) primaquine 8 6. ANTH~LMINTICS FLATWORM AGENTS aspidium ( male fern) pelletierine quinacrine: see ANTIPROTOZOAL AGENTS Undesirable effects In aviation: Headache, vertigo, blindness, collapse, convulsions. Use In aviation personnel: Work contraindicnted for 48 hou!'ll after use. , CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS carbon tetrachloride tetrachlorethylene Undesirable effects In aviation: Dizziness, staggering, narcosis; · later, hepatitis. Uee In aviation personnel: Work contraindicated for 48 hours after use. Frequent medical examinations indicated for the next 2 weeks. PHENOL DERIVATIVES hexylresorcinol Undesirable effects In aviation: Local irritation; but severe tox· . icity unlikely. Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use. CYANINE DYES dithiazanine (Delvex} (Poquil; Povan; Vanquin) Undesirable effects In aviation: Frequent nausea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal symptoms; possible nephrotoxicity. U,e In aviation per,onnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 2 days after use.

18 PIPERAZINES diethylearbamazine (Hetrazan) ( Antepar; Anthelcole; Oxucide; Pipazan) Undesirable effects in aviation: Infrequent nausea, vomiting, headaches, abdominal cramps, urticaria, neurological disturb­ ances (piperazine); nausea, headache, fever, dermatitis, a11ergic reactions ( ). I Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours ( piperazine), and 72 hours ( diethy lcarbamazine), after use. BEPHENIUM bephenium (Alcopnr) Undesirable effects in aviation: Slight nausea, vomiting, soft stools. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use. OTHER ANTHELMINTICS methylrosaniline (gentian violet) oil of chenopodium Undesirable effects in aviation: Various mild and severe side effects. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 2 days after use; obsolete.

14 4. METAL BINDING AGENTS (ANTIDOTES) DIMERCAPROL dimerca proI (BAL) Undesirable effects In aviation: Massive symptoms may follow large therapeutic doses: unrest, weakness, fatigue, paresthesias, lacrimation, perspiration, vomiting, tachycardia. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use; metal poisoning for which dimercaprol was given would probably preclude work still further. TETRAACETIC ACID SALTS edathamil -disodium (calcium disodium versenate) edathamil disodium (Endmte disodium) penthamil calcium trisodium Undesirable effects In aviation: ·Hypocalcemia ( edathamil di­ sodium), but all relatively nontoxic. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. Disease requiring use of the agents would ordinarily preclude duty. PENICILLAMINES acetylpenicillamine Undesirable effects in aviation: Relatively nontoxic. Use in aviation personnel: Airm8Jl duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. Medical condition would be presumed to preclude duty.

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5. AGENTS IN TROPICAL DISEASES ANTIMONIALS potassium (tartar emetic) stilbamine glucoside (Neostam) I ( Fuadin) Undesirable effects In aviation: Trivalent forms (tartar emetic, stibophen) may produce coughing, vomiting, pneumonitis, ar­ thralgic, bradycardia, thrombocytopenia. Penta valent forms may produce vomiting, anaphylactoid reactions, hepatitis. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 72 hours after use. Frequent medical examinations indicated for the next 2 weeks. Medical condition would ordinarily pre­ clude duty. SYNTHETICS aminostilbamidine antrycide hydroxystilbamidine (Miracil D) metamidium stilbamidine ( 205; Germanin; Naphuride) Undesirable effects in aviation: Various mild and severe adverse effects. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use, but patients requiring these a.gents must be considered unfit for duty.

12 ,

7. ANTICANCER AGENTS ALKYLATING AGENTS (Myleran) (Leukeran) cyclophosphnmide ( Cytoxnn) epipropidine (Eponnte) mechlorethamine (Mustnrgen; mustnrd) sarcolysin (TEM) mustnrd Undesirable effects in aviation: Certnin members (nitrogen mustards) nre local vesicants nnd necrotizing agents; all may produce nbdominal pain, diarrhen, nausea, muscular paralysis, convulsions, damage to the bone marrow (early and delayed). Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use, or in the presence of any of the adverse effects. Medical conditions requiring such would ordinarily preclude flying. FOLIC ACID ANTAGONISTS ( amethopterin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Ulceration of buccal mucosa, bleeding gums, dinrrhea, purpura, ecchymoses. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use, or in the presence of any adverse effects. Medi­ cal condition would ordinarily preclude duty. PURINE AND PYRIMIDINE ANTAGONISTS 5- ( Purinethol) Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea, vomiting, bone marrow depression with bleeding, thrombopenia, leucopenin. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use, or in the presence of adverse effects. Medical condition would ordinarily preclude duty. 15 OTHERS aznserine ( Colcemid) meractinomycin (Actinomycin D) puromycin urethane ( Velbnn) Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and various other symptoms. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use; also, on medical grounds, patient must be pre­ sumed unfit for duty.

16 cetyl pyridiniu/11 (Ceepryn) soap sodium laury I sodium tetradecyl sulfate ( Sotrndecol; Tergitol) triclobisonium (Triburon) Undesirable effects in aviation: Relatively nontoxic. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not restricted 11fter topi· cal use in conventional dosage. SCLEROSING AGENTS sodium morrhuate sodium psylliate sodium ricinoleate sodium tetrncedyl sulfate (Sotradecol) Undesirable effects In aviation: Local irritation and . Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use; thereafter permitted when examination shows vascular process healed. PROTECTIVES, EMOLLIENTS, COSMETICS Undesirable effects in aviation: None. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated. SUN TAN AND DEPIGMENTING PREPARATIONS dioxyacetone (Man-Tan) methoxsalen (Meloxine; Methoxa-Dome; Oxsoralen) monobenzone (Benoquin) Undesir(lble effects in aviation: May produce severeerythema and blistering; liver damage from systemic administration of meth­ oxsalen. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use or in presence of signs of toxicity. Frequent medical examinations indicated for the next 2 weeks.

19 9. CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES (Acylanid) deslanoside (Cedilanid D) digilanid ( Le.noxin) gitalin (Gitalgin) Undesirable effects In aviation: May produce anorexia., nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, visual abnormalities, arrhythmias. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 2 weeks after initiation of use. Thereafter, well stabilized digi­ talization is not of itself a contraindication to duty. How­ ever, the medical condition requiring digitalization would a.1­ most certainly preclude work. ANTIARRHYTHMICS procaine amide ( Pronesty I) Undesirable effects In aviation: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tin­ nitus, arrhythmias, sensitivity phenomena, thrombocytopenia from quinidino; , granulocytopenia from procaine amide. Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 2 days after cessation of treatment; patient ordinarily considered permanently unfit for work because of underlying disease. AGENTS IN HEART BLOCK isoproterenol (Aleudrin; Asdrin; Isopro; Isuprel) Undesirable effects in aviation: Palpitation, tachycardia, nerv­ ousness. UBe In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 6 hours after use; however, medical condition (heart block) must be presumed to prohibit duty permanently. 20 DIURETICS, OSMOTIC AND ACIDIFYING ammonium chloride potassium salts Undesirable effects In aviation I Dehydration, electrolyte dis­ turbances. Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours or longer after use, and in any case are permissible only after examination shows effects of agents on electrolytes to have ceased. Medical condition ordinarily precludes duty. DIURETICS, XANTHINES (Aminocardol; Cardophyllin; Diophyllin; Meta­ phyllin) Undesirable effects In aviation: Immediate nausea and vomiting after oral, rectal or intravenous adminietra.tion; la.ter dehydra­ tion, electrolyte disturbances. Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours or longer after use, and in any case are permissible only after examina.tion shows effects of agents on electrolytes to have cea.eed. Medics.I condition ordinarily precludes duty. DIURETICS, MERCURIALS chlormerodrin (Neohydrin) meralluride (Mercuhydrin) mercaptomerin (Thiomerin) mercumatilin ( Cumertilin) merourophylline (Mercuzanthin) merealyl sodium a.nd theophylline (Diursal; Merphylline; Salyr­ ga.n theophylline) Undesirable effects In aviation: Stomatitie, renal damage, fever, rash; ventricular fibrillation after intravenus use; electrolyte abnormality. U,e In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use; or 1 week a.fter appears.nee of any adverse effects, and in any case are permissible only a.fter examination shows effects. of agents on electrolytes to have ceaeed. Medical condition orclinarily precludes duty.

21 DIURETICS, CARBONIC ANHYDRASE INHIBITORS ncetnzolnmide (Dinmox) dichlorphennmide (Darnnide) ethoxzolnmide ( Cnrdrnse) methnzolnmide (Neptaznne) Undesirable effects in aviation: Anorexia, fatigue, drowsiness, tingling, leg pains. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use of agents for nny reason, or for 1 week after nppenrance of any adverse effects. However, usual indications ordinarily (edemn), or absolutely (, ) con· trnindicate duty. DlURETICS, THIAZIDE AND RELATED bendroflumethinzide (Nnturetin) benzthiazide ( Di·ademil) chlorthalidone (Hygroton) ch)orthiazide (Diuril) f!umethiazide ( A demo I) hydrochlorothiazide (Esidrix; Hydrodluril; Oretic) methy]clothlnzide (Enduron) polythiazide (Renese) trlchlormethiazide ( N aqua) Undesirable effects In aviation: Minor nausea and vomiting; weakness from potassium deficiency; rare agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use, or for 1 week after appearance of any adverse effects. Medict1l condition requiring use would ordinarily pre· elude duty permanently. DIURETICS, AMINOURACIL DERIVATIVES aminometradine ( Mictine) amisometradine ( Rolicton) Undesirable effects in aviation: Toxicity minimal but nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and rash may appear. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use ( nearly obsolete). DIURETICS, ALDOSTERONE ANTAGONISTS ( Aldactone) 1,1

Undesirable effects in aviation: Rare headache, drowsiness, abdominal pnin. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. Medical conditions requiring use would ordi­ narily preclude duty permanently. DIURETICS, CATIONIC EXCHANGE RESINS cnrbncrylamine resins (Carbo-Resin) Undesirable effects in aviation: May produce nausea from local irritation; constipation from bulk. Use in aviation pers()nnel: Airman duties contraindicated in the presence of any side ell'ects. However, conditions requiring use would ordinarily preclude duty permanently. (Little used). AGENTS INHIBITING RENAL 'I'UBULES (REABSORPTION OF ; OF PENICILLIN) ( Benemid) ( Anturane) (Flexin) (withdrawn from market) Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, rashes; activation of peptic ulcer and bone marrow depression (sulfinpyrazone); liver damage (zoxazolamine). Use in aviation perBOnnel: Airman duties contrailidicated for 48 hours after use. Frequent medical examinations for the next week. AGENTS IN ATHEROSCLEROSIS heparin nicotinic acid; safflower oil (Baff; Saffola; Saffolin) sitosterols (Cytellin) sodium dextrothyroxin (Choloxin) thyrotropic acid (Triopron) triparanol (MER-29) (withdrawn from market) unsaturated fatty Undesirable effects ill aviation: Minimal adverse effects except for unpleasant immediate flushing from nicotinic acid and un­ determined hazards ( alopecia, cataracts, accumulation of cho­ lesterol precursor) from triparanol. Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated during use of triparanol, for 4 hours after nicotinic acid, 6 hours after heparin; otherwise not contraindicated if ad\"erse effects absent.

23 However, the presence of atherosclerosis requiring treatment ordinarily precludes duty. HYPOTENSIVES, CENTRAL alka vervir ( Veriloid) ( Apresoline) protoveratrines A & B ( Veralba) rauwolfia group reserpine ( Crystoserpine; Eskaserp; Rau-Sed; Reserpoid; Roxi­ noid; Seriin; Serpasil; Serpiloid) eyrosingopine (Singoserp) Undesirable effects In aviation: Postural hypotension, headache, vomiting, diarrhea. From hydralazine: edema, urticaria, poly­ neuritis, systemic lupus erythematosus. From rnuwolfia, re­ serpine, : sedation, nightmares, , nasal stuffiness, bleeding from peptic ulcer. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use, or in presence of any later drug symptoms. requiring treatment ordinarily contraindicates duty. However, patients with formerly mild hypertension, who have been completely controlled by the lower conventional doses of drugs for periods of 6 months or longer, and who show no postural hypotension or other adverse effects of drug ther­ apy, may be considered for restricted duty. HYPOTENSIVES, GANGLION BLOCKERS (Eeolid) (Bistrium; Esomid; Hexameton; Hiohex; Meth­ ium) (Inversine) ( Perolysen) ( Ansolysen) (Etamon) trimethaphan (Arfonad) Undesirable effects In aviation: Postural hypotension, impaired cerebral and renal circulation, dilated , dry mouth, uri­ nary retention, constipation; central stimulation (mecamyla­ mine). Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for l week after use, or in presence of any later drug symptoms. Hypertension requiring treatment ordinarily contraindicates duty. However, patients with formerly mild hypertension, who have been completely controlled by the lower conventional

24 doses of drugs for periods of 6 months or longer, and who show no postural hypotension or other adverse effects of drug ther­ apy, may be considered for restricted duty. HYPOTENSIVES, (Darenthin) (Ismelin) (Aldomet) Undesirable elfects in aviation: Postural hypotension, nasal stuffiness, drooping eyelids, bradycardia, diarrhea, muscular weakness, mental confusion or sedation, facial pain (bretyl­ ium). Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use, or in presence of any latE!r drug symptoms. Hypertension requiring treatment ordinarily contraindicates duty. However, patients with formerly mild hypertension, who have been completely controlled by the lower conventional doses of drugs for periods of 6 months or longer, and who show no postural hypotension or other adverse effects of drug therapy, may be considered for restricted duty.

25 10. SMOOTH MUSCLE AGENTS NITRITES AND NITRATES amyl erythrityl tetra. ( Erythrol tetra.nitrate) glyceryl trinitra.te isorbidedinitra.te (Isordil) hexanitrate (Ma.xitra.te) octyl nitrite ( Octrite) pentaerythritol tetra.nitrate ( Angitet; Circulin; Duotra.te; Pen­ card; Pentritol; Peritra.te; Rythritol; V a.sodilatol) trolnitra.te (Metamine) Undesirable effects In aviation: Flushing, throbbing headache, palpitation, fainting. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 12 hours after use. It is to be noted that certain indications ( an­ gina. pectoris) are absolutely incompatible with duty, while others (mild hypertension, completely controlled for 6 months and without adverse drug effects) might not be disqualifying for certain ground duties. XANTHINES aminophylline diphylline oxytriphylline (Choledyl) theophylline methyl glucamine (Glucophylline) theophylline sodium glycina.te (Theoglycinate) Undesirable effects in aviation: Gastric irritation after oral use; vomiting after intravenous (see also DIURETICS and PSYCHIC STIMULANTS for other uses). UBe in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. PAPAVERINE AND SIMILAR AGENTS amotriphene (Myodil) ( Cyclospa.smol) dioxyline (Paveril)

26 J

ethyl papaverine (Ethaverine) papaverine Undesirable effects ln aviation: Cardiac depreesion possible from po.po.Verine. Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use.. However, underlying medle11l conditions (an­ gina pectoris or phlebothrombosis) would contraindicate duty, ERGOT (DHE-45) ( Gynerg0,n) methyl ergonovine (Methergine) Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea, vomiting, vascular spasm. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use, or if any side effects are present. It should be noted that repeated attacks of migraine are disqualifying for duty. POSTERIOR PITUITARY PREPARATIONS oxytocin ( Pitocin; Syntocinon} posterior pituitary vnsopressin ( Pitressin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea, abdominal cramps cere­ bral or coronary artery spasm, water intoxication. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. However, most conditions requiring use (labor, intestinal paresis) ordinarily contraindicate duty for a much longer period; completely controlled insipidus might be judged compatible with certain duties.

1 27 I 1 11. AGENTS IN BLOOD DISEASES IRON PREPARATIONS dextriferon (Astrnfer) ferric ammonium citrate ferrocholinate (Chel-Iron; Ferrolip) ferrous fumarate (Ferrospnn; Fumnsorb; Hemorate; Ircon; Tol­ eron) ferrousgluconate (Fergon; Irox; Nionate) ferrous sulfate ( Feosol; Ferralyn; Ferro-Theron; Irosul; Sul­ ferrous) iron complex (Imferon) iron oxide, saccharated (Proferrin) polyferose (Tefron)

Undesirable effects In aviation I Indigestion from oral adminis· tration; nitritoid reactions, hemochromatosis from intravenous. UBe In aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated after oral use; contraindicated for 12 hours after intravenous use. VITAMIN B,,, LIVER, FOLIC ACID PREPARATIONS calcium leuoovorin cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B11 ) folio acid (alpha·Redisol) liver Undesirable effects In aviation: None. U,e In. aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by use. HEPARIN PREPARATIONS heparin potassium, sublingual (Clarin) heparin repository (Depo-Heparin) heparin sodium (Had-Heparin; Lipo-Hepin; Liquaemin) Undesirable elfeets In aviation: Nontozio except for danger of bleeding from excessive doses.

28 Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. However, medical status ordinarily precludes duty. HEPARIN ANTAGONISTS hexadimethrine ( Polybrene) tolonium (Blutene) Undesirable effects in aviation: Protamine may give shock from overdosage. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use; however, the medical indication would ordi­ narily prohibit duty. COUMARIN AND INDANDIONE DERIVATIVES acenocoumarin (Sintrom) anisindone (Miradon) bishydroxycoumarin (Dicumarol) cyclocumarol (Cumpyran) diphenadione (Dipaxin) ethylbiscoumacetate (Tromexan) phenindione (Dnnilone; Hedulin; Indon) phenprocoumon (Liquamar) warfarin (Coumadin; Panwarfin; Prothromadin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Danger of bleeding; vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria; hepatitis and agranulocytosis ( indan­ diones). Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated during first month of therapy; thereafter therapy per se may not be contraindicated if administration well controlled and signs of overdosage absent. However, t.he most common use, underlying coronary artery disease, contraindicates duty on medical grounds. PROTEOLYTIC AND OTHER chymotrypsin (Chymar; Chymotest; Enzeon) fibrinolysin (human) (Actase; Thrombolysin) pancreatic dornase ( Dorn a vac) streptokinase-streptodornase ( Varidase) trypsin ( Orenzyme; Parenzyme; Tryptar; Tryptest) Undesirable effects in aviation: Febrile reactions, allergic symp· toms after parenteral use.

29 Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 2 days after parenteral use; for 24 hours after local use. Medi­ cal condition would often preclude duty. VITAMIN K PREPARATIONS menadione (Kanone; Kappaxin; Kayklot; Kayquinone; Thylo­ quinone) menadione sodium bisulfite (Hykinone) phytonadione ( Konakion; Mephyton) vitamin K, oxide Undesirable effects in aviation: Relatively nontoxic in adults. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by the toxic effects from the agents.


ANTACIDS aluminum hydroxide gel (Alcid; Alokreen; Amphogel; Creama­ lin; Fluage!; Gelumina; Hydroxal) aluminum phosphate (Phosphaljel) basic aluminum carbonate (Basaljel) calcium carbonate , dihydroxyaluminum amino acetate (Alglyn; Alkam; Alminate; Aspogen; Dimothyn; Robalate) gastric mucin oxide magnesium trisilicate ( Chooz; Magmasil; Salicyl; Trimax; Trinesium; Trisomin) polyamine-methylene resin (Exorbin) sodium bicarbonate Undesirable effects in aviation: Minor constipation or diarrhea. At high altitudes, the CO, libernted by sodium bicarbonate may give dangerously increased intragastric pressure. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by most of the agents. However, use of sodium bicarbonate should be limited to ground personnel. (see under PARASYMPATHETIC ) EMETICS sulfate Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea and vomiting. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated within 24 hours of use by the effects of the drug itself. The under­ lying medical condition would presumably contraindicate duty for a longer period. CHOLERETICS bile acids bile salts ( Chobile; Glycotauro; Plebilin) 31

' • dehydrocholic acid (Decholin; Dehychol; Dilabil; Hykolex; Oxycholin; Procholon) florantyrone (Zanchol) ox bile extract sodium dehydrocholate Undesirable effects in aviation: Adverse effects unlikely. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by use. CATHARTICS: LUBRICANTS, SOFTENERS AND BULKY SUBSTANCES calcium-bis-dioctyl sulfosuccina,te ( Surfak) dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (Colace) emulsion of liquid petrolatum ( Agarol; Cremagol; Nivea Cream; Petrogo.lar) liquid petrolatum (Albolene; Nujol; Saxol; Petronol) methylcellulose ( Cellothyl) plantago ovata coating ( Konsyl) poloxalkol (Polykol) psyllium hydrophilic mucilloid (Metamucil) sodium co.rboxymethyl cellulose ( Almelose; Apergel; Carbethox; Carmethose; Cethylose; Natulose) Undesirable effects in aviation: Leakage of oil from anus; inspissation of fecal mass. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by use. CATHARTICS: , VEGETABLE AND OTHER aloe aromatic fluid extract of cascara bisacodyl (Ducolax) cascara diacetyldihydroxyphenylisatin (Isacen) magnesia magma (Milk of Magnesia) magnesium sulfate mild mercurous chloride ( Calomel) rhubarb senna sodium phosphate sodium sulfate

32 14. AGENTS FOR IMMUNOLOGY AND TOXINS AND TOXOIDS diphtheria. toxoid (ve.rious forms) tetanus toxoid ( various forms) Undesirable effects in aviation: Local pain and soreness. Use in aviation personnel: Work not contraindicated after use. VACCINES adenovirus vaccine cholera vaccine epidemic typhus vaccine influenze: virus vaccine mumps virus vaccine pertussis vaccine ( various forms) plague vaccine poliomyelitis virus vaccine (killed and attenuated) rabies vaccine smallpox vaccine tuberculosis vaccine (BCG) typhoid and paratyphoid vaccine ( various forms) yellow fever vaccine Undesirable effects in aviation: Local pain, nausea, vomiting, lassitude, aching to varying degrees. Use in aviation per11onnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours or longer if reaction persists, except after oral poliovirus vaccine and smallpox vaccine which do not contraindicate duty. IMMUNE SERA antivenin (various types) diphtheria antitoxin gas ge.ngrene antitoxin ( various types) hyperimmunized gamma-globulin immune serum globulin pertussis immune serum poliomyelitis immune globulin scarlet fever immune serum tetanus antitoxin

36 j cular twitching, rare· hyperpyrexia. The drowsiness can be a particular hazard because it may not be recognized by the patient, and because it may recur after seeming alertness. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after administration of usual dose; for 12 hours after one-half of the smallest adult dose listed in USP or NND. ANTIMOTION SICKNESS AGENTS cinnamzine (Mitronal) (Marezine) ( Bonamine; Bonine) phenglutammide ( A turban) Undesirable effects in aviation: Similar to those for antihista­ mines. UBe in aviation personnel: Contraindications same as those for .

38 Undesirable effects in aviation: Mild and severe hypersensitivity reactions. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours afteruse, and in presence of any later effects. ALLERGENIC AND DIAGNOSTIC PREPARATIONS allergenic preparations ( danders, dusts, plants and many others) skin test antigens ( diphtheria, streptococcus, mumps, tuberculins) Undesirable effects in aviation: Local whealing and urticaria. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 6 hours after use or in presence of any later adverse ef)'ects. ANTIHISTAMINES ( Antistine) antergan ( Clistin) (Perizil) (Tagathen) chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton) (Systiral) ( Allercur) (Periactin) dimethpyridene (Forhistal) (Benadryl) diphenylpraline (Diafen) (Decapryn) methapheniline (Diatrine) (Histadyl) (Tacaryl) phenindiamine (Thephorin) (Trimeton) (Phenergan) proxamine pyrathiazine ( Fyrrolazote) pyrilamine maleate (Antamine; Antihist; Diamidide; Neo­ antergan; Renstamin; Thylogen) ( Pyronil) (Sandostene) (Thenfadil) ( Anahist; N eo-hetramine) tripellenamine ( Pyribenzamine) ( Actidil) Undesirable effects in aviation: Drowsiness ( excitement with phenindinmine), dizziness, dry mouth, headaches, nausea, mus­

37 Undesirable effects In aviation: Allergic reactions and derma· titis; agranulocytosis. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated until the drug effect is stabilized, and without the presence of ad· verse symptoms; thereafter it may be permissible for certain types of duty. Periodic medical examinations are indicated during the course of therapy. sodium strong iodide solution (Lugol's) Undesirable effects in aviation: Iodism, characterized by derma­ titis, bronchitis, stomatitis and mental depression. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by iodides in usual dosage if no adverse effects are present. (Octofollin) (Tace) ( Restrol) () (Aquagen; Dimenformon; Diogyn; Estraldine; Ovo­ cyclin; Progynon) (Theedol) , conjugated (Ammestrogen; Cogenat; Conestron; Estrifol; Konogen; Premarin) ( Crystogen; Menagen; Menformin; Theelin; Thelestrin) ethinyl estradiol (Diogyn E; Esteed; Estinyl; Eticyclol; Inestra; Novestrol; Orestralyn) (Vallestril) piperazine (Sulestrex) Undesirable effects in aviation: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, headache. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated only if adverse effects are present. PROGESTINS (Gestanon) (Lucorteum; Lutocyclol; Lutoral; Ora-Lutin; Pra­ none; Progestoral ; Tyrosinone) (Prohalone) hydroxyprogesterone (Delantin) 41 ( Provera) norethindrone (Norlutin) norethynodrel ( component of Enovid) normetandrone (Orgasteron) (Colprosterone; Lipo-Lutin; Lucocorteum; Luto­ cyclin; Syngesterone) Undesirable effects In aviation: Minor nausea. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated only if adverse effects are present. NONSTEROID LUTEAL FACTORS relaxin ( Cervilaxin) lututrin (Lutrexin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Rare allergic sensitivity. Use in aviation personnel: Work contraindicated only if adverse effects are present. dromostanolone (Drolban) (Halotestin; Ora-Testryl; Ultrandren) methalone methandrostenolone (Dianabol) methylandrostenediol ( Androdiol; Methostan; .Nabadial; Neo­ stene; Stenediol) (Dumogran; Masenone; Metandren; Oreton­ M;Testra) (Durabolin) (Nilevar) (Aldroyd) stanolone (Androlone; Neodrol) (Winstrol) (An<.Irolin; Mertestate; Neo-Hombreol; Oreton-F; Synandrol; Testobase; Testryl) Undesirable effects in aviation: , baldness, testicular inhibi­ tion, priapism, hepatic damage (methyltestosterone, norethan­ drolone), sodium and water retention, hypercalcemia. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated only if adverse effects are present. chorionic ( Antuitrin; APL; Chorioginin; Follu­ tein; Pregnyl)

42 15.

ADRENAL MINERAL CORTICOIDS desoxycorticosuirone ( Cortate; Cortenil; Cortiron; DCA; Syn­ cort) Undesirable effects In aviation: Excessive retention of sodium with edema and hypertension; exce~ive depletion of potassium with muscular weakness. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by the drug in the absence of side effects and when clinical con· dition is stable. However, underlying medical disease is ordi­ narily a contraindication to duty. ADRENAL GLUCOSTEROIDS ( Celestone) chlorprednisone cortisone ( Cortogen ; Cortone) (Decadron) fludrocortisone (Alflorone) fluocinolone (Synalar) fluoxolonate ( Oxylone) (Cortef; Cortife.n; Cortril; Heb-Cort; Hycor­ tole; Hydrocortone) (Medrol; Wyacort) ( Cotolone; Delta-Cortef; Hydeltra; Meticortelone; macort) (Deltasone; Deltra; Listacort; Metasone; Meticorten; Paracort) ( Aristocort) Undesirable effects in aviation: Cushing's syndrome with edema, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, potassium loss and hypertension being particularly relevant to aviation. Also, aggravation of peptic ulcer and diabetes, masking of myocardial infarction, non-restraint of , mental changes, euphoria and psy­ chotic reactions. Sudden withdrawal may produce prolonged mental dep=. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 3 days after systemic use in customary dosage, or in the presence of any side effects. Topical use not a contraindication to duty.

39 Small, (physiologic) replacement, doses do not contraindicate duty, but the underlying medical state (adrenal insufficiency) ordinarily would. ADRENAL CORTICAL ANTAGONISTS mepyrapone (Metopirone) Undesirable effects In aviation: Vertigo; precipitation of adrenal insufficiency. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated within 3 days of use. CORTICOTROPIN corticotropin (ACTH; Acthar; Acthotrop; Cortrophin; Solac­ thyl) Undesirable effects in aviation: Allergic symptoms possible; otherwise effects similar to, but milder than, adrenal glycos­ teroids. Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 2 days after use. PREPARATIONS , sodium (Synthroid) , sodium (Cytomel) thyroid thyroxin (see also Agents in Atherosclerosis under CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS) Undesirable effects in aviation: of hyper­ thyroidism: nervousness, tremor, sleeplessness, weakness, ex­ ophthalmoe. Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated when used in dosage adequate to control with­ out producing any significant hyperthyroidism; administration not permitted for the purpose of inducing hyperthyroidism (e.g. in the treatment of obesity). ANTITHYROID SUBSTANCES ( Neomercazole) iothiouracil (Itrumil) methimazole (Tapazole) methylthiouracil ( Methiocil; Muracil) thiouracil 40 Undesirable effects in aviation: Adverse effects unlikely. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated. INSULINS insulin ( all forms) Undesirable effects In aviation: Hypoglycemia with sweating, dizziness, impaired judgment, unconsciousness, convulsions; rare allergic hypersensitivity. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated by Fed­ eral Aviation Regulation for any patient taking any amount of insulin. However, if exceptions are made in the future for personnel with ground duty of noncritical nature, the following will provide a guide: Work may be permitted when the patient requires only small doses (less than 15 units) and has been under satisfactory medical control, without laboratory or clini· cal hypoglycemia, for 3 months. INSULIN SUBSTITUTES (Diabinese) phenformin (DBI) ( Orinll.Se) Undesirable effects in aviation: Chlorpropamide and tolbutamide may produce, variously: indigestion, urticaria, nausea, vomit­ ing, flushing after , cholestatic jaundice, hypoglycemia ( chlorpropamide), neurological disturbances ( chlorpropa· mide), thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis. Phenformin may produce severe gastrointestinal effects, acidosis and ketosis. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated by Fed­ eral Aviation Regulation for a patient taking any amount of such drugs. However, if exceptions are made in the future for personnel with ground duty of noncritical nature, the following will provide a guide: Work may be permitted when the patient has been under satisfactory medical control, without laboratory or clinical hypoglycemia, for 3 months. PARATHYROID parathyroid injection (Parathormone) Undesirable effects in aviation: Excessive dosage may produce hypercalcemia; little therapeutic application. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use. Underlying medical condition would ordi­ narily preclude duty.

43 16. BLOOD, FLUIDS AND ELECTROLYTES BLOOD AND BLOOD PRODUCTS albumin, normal human serum human albumin normal human plasma plasma fraction,human (Plasmanate) whole blood Undesirable effects in aviation: Incompatibility and other im­ mune reactions; serum hepatitis. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 3 days after use. Medical reason for use would ordinarily pro­ vide further contraindication. PLASMA SUBSTITUTES dextran (Expandex; Gentran) gelatin solution, special intravenous (Plazmoid) polyvinyl pyrrolidone (Periston; PVP) Undesirable effects in aviation: Toxicity negligible, but immun­ nological type reactions may occur. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 3 days after use. Medical reason for use would ordinarily pro­ vide further contraindication. INORGANIC SALTS calcium lactate calcium salts potassium chloride sodium bicarbonate sodium chloride sodium lactate Undesirable effects in aviation: Oral use in customary dossge unlikely to produce troublesome effects. Parenteral use may produce electrolyte disturbances. Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated after usual oral dosages ( except, potassium chloride contrain­ dicates for 24 hours). Work contraindicated after parenteral use for 24 hours. Medical indication would ordinarily preclude duty.

44 18. AGENTS IN NUTRITION NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS, CARBOHYDRATE dextrose () fructose glucourolactone ( Glucurone) Undesirable effects in aviation: Unlikely. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by use. NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS, PROTEIN AND AMINO ACID (Argivene) arginine glutamate (Modumate) glutamic acid (Altara; Amurex; Meonine; Metione) potassium and magnesium salts of aspartic acid ( Spartase) protein hydrolysates (Am-B; Amigen; Aminonat; Aminosol; Aminovitox; Amiprote; Calorigen; Caminoids; Casein hy­ drolysate; Lactamin; Travamin) sodium glutamate ( Glutavene; Glutavite) Undesirable effects in aviation: Relatively nontoxic by mouth; allergic symptoms possible after intravenous use. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after intravenous use. NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS, FAT cottonseed oil emulsion (Lipomul) homogenized fat preparations Undesirable effects in aviation: Severe immediate "colloid" reac­ tions may occur after parenteral use, with dyspnea, flushing, urticaria, fever and other symptoms. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 8 days after parenteral use. Medical indication for use would presumably contraindicate duty.

47 AGENTS IN OBESITY (Amitrene; Amphedrine; Benzedrine) (Adrizine; Am-Dex; Dadex; Dexedrine) diethylpropion (Tepanil) (Amphedroxyn; Desoxedrine; Desoxyephe­ drine; Desoxyn; Desyphed; Drinalfa; Methedrine; Methoxyn; Norodin) ( Preludin) phentennine ( Ionamin) (Propadrine) (see also SYMPATHETIC STIMULANTS) Undesirable effects in aviation: Nervousness, wakefulness, errors in judgment, psychotic reactions. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use.


PARASYMPATHETIC STIMULANTS, DIRECT (Urecholine) carbnchol ( Carbamiotin; Carcholin; Dory!) furtrethonium (Furmethide) (Mecholyl) .. Undesirable effects in aviation: Intestinal cramping, sweating, diarrhea, bronchial constriction, pulmonary edema, , bradycardia, cardi11c arrest. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after local or systemic use. PARASYMPATHETIC STIMULANTS, ANTICHOLINESTERASE ambenonium (Mytelase) benzpyrinium ( Stigmonene) demecarium (Humorsol) echothiophate (Phospholine) isofluorophate (Fluoropryl) neostigmine (Prostigmine) ( eserine) Undesirable effects in aviation: Same as parasympathetic stimu­ lants direct, plus some element of muscular weakness. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after local or systemic use. Medical indication would ordinarily contraindicate duty.


52 20. SYMPATHETIC DEPRESSANTS VASODILATORS AND HYPOTENSIVES azapstine ( Ilidar) dihydroergot alkaloids (Hydergine) (Dibenzyline) (Regitins) (Benodaine) (Benzazoline; Priscoline; Vasimid) (see also Hypotensives, Sympe,tholytics, under CARDIOVAS­ CULAR AGENTS) Undesirable effects in aviation: Mild to severs side effects com­ mon, including variously tachycardia, hyperpnea, postural hypotension and mixed autonomic effects. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use.

i I • I ..

51 drine; Desoxyn; Desyphed; Drinalfa; Methedrine; Methoxyn; Norodin) phenmetrazine (Preludin) (see also Agents in Obesity under NUTRITION) Undesirable effects in aviation: Wakefulness, nervousness, im­ paired judgment. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. SMOOTH MUSCLE RELAXANTS isoetharine ( Dilabron) isoproterenol (Aleudrin; Aludrin; Asdrin; Isopro; Isuprel) isoxuprine (Vasodilan) .. nylidrin (Arlidin) protochylol (Caytine) Undesirable effects in aviation: Palpitation, tachycardia, tre­ • mulousness, insomnia. UBe in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use.

50 19. SYMPATHETIC STIMULANTS VASOCONSTRICTORS ( Clopane) ephedrine epinephrine (Adrenalin; Supranephrin; Vasodrine) hydroxynmphetamine ( Paredrine) ( Octin) .. levarterenol (Levophed) (Wynmine) (Aramine) (Vasoxyl) methoxyphennmine ( Orthoxine) methylamihoheptane ( Oenethyl) methylhexaneamine (Forthane) (Privine) nordefrin ( Cobefrin) (Isophrin; Neosynephrine; Synasal) phenylpropanolamine (Panamine; Propadrine) phenylpropy lmethy lam ine ( Vonedrine) (Benzedrex) racephedrine (Vaponephrin) tetra.hydrozoline (Tyzine) (Tuamine) (Otrivin) Undesirable effects In aviation: Local use as nasal seldom produces side effects, but naphazoline may induce wake­ fulness. Systemic use may produce, variously: local tissue necrosis (levarterenol) ; trembling, pallor, nervousness ( epine­ phrine). Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by topical use in the nose, but should not be allowed for 6 hours after systemic use (12 hours for preparations of epinephrine in oil). CENTRAL STIMULANTS • amphetamine ( Amitrene; Amphedrine; Benzedrine) dextroamphetainine (Adrizine; Am-Dex; Dadex; Dexedrine) methamphetamine ( Amphedroxyn; Desoxedrine; Desoxyephe­

49 Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated during first week of use, but then allowable 24 hours after use if medi­ cal condition permits, providing that no adverse effects are present. It is to be noted that the presence of peptic ulcer precludes flying. CYCLOPLEGICS AND MYDRIATICS ( Cyclogyl) eucatropine ( Euphthalmine) (Mydriacyl) Undesirable effects in aviation: Dilated pupils and paralyzed accommodation after local use in eyes. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. • CENTRAL DEPRESSANTS AND ANTIPARKINSON AGENTS belladonna bi peridin ( Akineton) benztropin (Cogentin) (Panparnit; Toryn) ( Pagitane) diethazine (Diparcol) ethopropazide (Parsidol) (Disipal) ( Kemadrin) stramonium tincture of belladonna trihexlphenidyl (Artane; Pipanol) Undesirable effects in aviation: Sedation, dry mouth, dilated pupils. Use in aviation personnel: Same as for group. Parkinsonism·would ordinarly be expected to preclude duty.



ANTISPASMODICS ndiphenine (Trasentine) ambutonium aminopentnmide ( Centrine) amolnnone ( Amethone) ., amprotropine ( Syntropan) belladonna benzomethamine ( Cotrnnul) • dibutoline ( Dibuline) dicyclomine (Benty!) diethylnminoethyldiphenylncetnte ( adiphenine; Trnsentine) diphemanil ( Prantal) (Tral) homatropine (Homapin; Homatromide; Malcotran; Mesopin; Novatrin; Sethyl) (Darbid) mepenzolnte ( Cantil) ( Banthine) methscopolamine (Pamine) octatropine (Valpin) (Daricon) oxyphenonium ( Antrenyl) pavatrine pentapiperide (Quilene) (Monodral) pipenzolate (Piptal) (Dactil) ( Nacton) propantheline (Pro-Banthine) tincture of belladonna tricyclamol (Elorine) J (Pathilon) valethamate (Murel) r Undesirable effects in aviation: Dry mouth, dilated pupils and paralyzed accommodation, difficulty in urination, precipitation of glaucoma.

53 23. MYONEURAL AGENTS MUSCLE RELAXANTS, TYPE benzoquinonium (Mytolon) chondodendron (Intocostrin) curare (Syncurine) dimethyltubocurarine (Metubine) gallamine (Flaxedil) succinylcholine (Anectine; Quelicin; Sucostrin; Suxinyl) tubocurarine (Delacurarine; Mecostrin; Tubadil; Tubarine) Undesirable effects In aviation: Paralysis of muscle; rare extreme respiratory depression. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use. Medical condition would usually preclude work. MUSCLE STIMULANTS ambenonium (MytelMe) benzpyrinium ( Stigmonene) edrophonium (Tensilon) neostigmine ( Prostigmine) pyridostigmine (Mestinon) (see also PARASYMPATHETIC STIMULANTS) Undesirable effects In aviation: Overdosage may produce muscu­ lar fasciculations, weakness and paralysis. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use; work improbable on medical grounds. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, TYPE (Soma) mephenesin (Avosyl; Glyotol; Mephedan; Myanesin; Oranixon; , Prolax; Sinan; Tolansin; Toloxyn; Tolserol) mephenesin carbamate (Tolseram) ( Robaxin) (Dimethylane) (Sinaxar)

55 Undesirable effects In aviation: Sleepiness, weakness, vertigo, lassitude; rare hemolysis and hemoglobinuria ( mephenesin). Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OTHERS (Trancopal) ( Pa.raflex) zoxazolamine (Flexin) ( no longer marketed) Undesirable effects In aviation: Headache, weakness, drowsiness, rashes, hepatitis, ( chlorzoxazone, zoxazolamine) ; sedation ( chlormezanone) . Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. •

56 quinine and urea hydrochloride saligenin Undesirable effects in aviation: Allergic sensitization; local irritation. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated if no side effects are present. However, underlying condition may contraindicate duty.


' . )

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59 25. NON-NARCOTIC SALICYLATES acety lsalicy lie acid calcium acetylsalicylate carbamide (Calurin) cholin~ salicylate ( Arthropan) methyl salicylate ( oil of wintergreen) (Amid-Sal; Liquiprin, Salamide; ; Salrin) • Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea, tinnitus, deafness, then diarrhea and hallucinations with excessive dosage; local irrita· tion; infrequent allergic manifestations. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by qsual dosage (less than 1 gm. of aspirin) unless adverse effects are present. DERIVATIVES acetaminophen ( Amdil; Anelix; Apamide; Tempra; Tylenol) acetanilid acetophenetidin () Undesirable effects in aviation: Rare sensitivity; prolonged ad­ ministration may cause cyanosis and anoxemia from sulf- or methemo-globinemia. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by usual dosage (less than 0.5 gm. acetanilid) but chronic use should be avoided. PYRAZOLON DERIVATIVES aminopyrine (Pyramidon) antipyrine oxyphenbutazone (Tandearil) (Butazolidin) sulfinpyrazone (Anturane) • Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea, anorexia, vertigo, rashes, water retention; may induce bleeding in peptic ulcer; serious danger of agranulocytosis.

60 29. GROUP rnephobai-bilo!!l (Mebaral) (Gemonil) (Luminal) N-phenylbarbital (Pyrictal) (Mysoline) Undesirable effects in aviation: Excessive sedation and impair­ ment of mental 11nd physical activity. Use in aviation perso11nel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use; however, Federal Aviation Regulation pro­ hibits dt!ty in persons with convufoive disorders. diphenylhydantoin (Dilantin; Diphentoin; Diphenylan) (Peganone) N-methylphenylethyhydantoin (Mesantoin) Undesirable effects In aviation: Minor sedation, hyperplasia of gums, nystagmus, tremor. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use; however, Federal Aviation Regulation pro­ hibits duty in persons with convulsive disorders. OXAZOLIDONES ( Paradione) (Tridione) Undesirable effects In aviation: Glare phenomenon, rashes, fever. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 3 days after use; however, Federal Aviation Regulation pro­ hibits duty in persons with convulsive disorders. OTHER ANTICONVULSANTS (Elipten) (Zarontin) methsuximide ( Oelontin) (Phenurone) (Milontin) 68 r---_ Undesirable effects in aviation: Sedation, headache, nausea, vertigo, rash; prolonged use has caused fever and . Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after a single dose; for 1 week after more continued use. promethazine (Phenergan) (Largon) Undesirable effects in aviation: Same as short acting barbitu· rates. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 , hours after a single dose, or 48 hours after chronic use.

67 28. SEDATIVES AND HALOGENATED HYDROCARBONS hydrate ( Perichlor) toloxychlorinol Undesirable effects in aviation: Rapid sedation, but rather short lived. Overdosage may give cardiac depression. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 12 hours after use. bromides potassium Undesirable effects in aviation: Continued use may cause psy· chosis and dermatitis. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated after a single dose, but prohibited for 3 weeks after steady use for a week or more ; obsolete drugs. paraldehyde ,II Undesirable effects in aviation; Relatively safe in usual doses, but breath highly offensive for 24 hours or more. I: I, Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 2 I, days after use. UREIDES, , HIGHER ALCOHOLS allylisopropylacetylcarbamide (Sedormid) bromisovalum (Bromural; Isoval; Kartryl) ~ '~~ ( Adalin) ectylurea (Nostyn) )/. (Nuncital) (Placidyl) I ( Valmid) ·1 methylparafynol (Dormison) 65 j

l. I Undesirable effects in aviation: Relatively feeble depressants and little chance of serious side effects (except for thrombocy­ topenia from allylisopropylacetylcarbamide). Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. , SHORT AND INTERMEDIATE ACTING allylbarbituric acid ( Sandoptal) ( Amytal) (Alurate) (Butisol) (Pernoston) ( Phanodorn) diallylbarbituric acid (Dial) heptabarbital (Medomin) pentabarbital (Isobarb; Napental; Nembutal; Pembule; Penta!) r ( I pral) ( Barbosec; Evronal; Seconal; Synate) (Lotusate) (Delvinal) Undesirable effects in aviation: Often initial excitement, then sleepiness, sedation, impairment of mental and physical activ­ ity; minor sedation during recovery often not appreciated adequately by patient. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use in usual dosage. BARBITURATES, LONG ACTING (Verona!) phenobarbital (Luminal) Undesirable effects in aviation: Sedation, prolonged, and im­ pairment of mental and physical activity. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use; however, after a month or more of therapy with usual dosage, certain types of ground work might be per­ mitted for patients in whom the only observable effect was .. calmness. However, more often the underlying medical condi­ tion would preclude duty. GROUP • glutethimide ( Dori den) (Nodular)

66 Undesirable effects in aviation: Variously: drowsiness, ataxia, rashes, diarrhea, leucopenin, hepatic damage. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 3 days after use, or in presence of side effects; however, Federal Aviation Regulation prohibits duty in persons with convulsive disorders.


PHENOTHIAZINE GROUP (Tindal) (Thorazine) chlorprothixine (Taractan) (Prolixin) mepazine ( Pacatal) methoxypromazine (Tentone) (Trilafon) piperacetazine (Quide) prochlorpernzine ( Compazine) ( Sparine) (Dartal) ( Mellaril) ( Stelazine) (Vesprin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Autonomic and metabolic: weak­ ness, chilliness, constipation, stuffy nose, blurred vision, dry inouth, hypotension. CNS: drowsiness, parkinsonism, akathi­ sia, dystonia. Organ damage: obstructive hepatitis, marrow depression and agranulocytosis. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use of the drug per se; however, patients requiring tranquilizers are ordinarily excluded from duty. pipamazine (Mornidine) (Torecan) thioperazine (Vontil) (Tigan) Undesirable effects in aviation: Similar to group. Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for hours after use. methdilazine (Tacaryl) trimeprazine (Temaril)


.,. Undesirable effects in aviation: Similar to phenothiazine group. Use in aviation personnel: Work contraindicated for 24 hours after use. RESERPINE GROUP a)seroxylon (Rauwiloid) (Harmony!) rauwolfia (Abten; Koglucoid; Raudixin; Raulon; Rau-Tab; Rautensin; Vio-Serpine) rescinamine ( Moderil) reserpine (Crystoserpine; Eskaserp; Rau-sed; Reserpoid; Rox­ inoid; Sandri!; Serfin; Serpas ii Serpiloid; Serpine) (Nitoman) Undesirable effects in aviation: Autonomic: nasal congestion, rI , salivation, flushing, vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardin. CNS: sedation, nightmares, parkinsonism. Other: induction of i bleeding in peptic ulcer. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use; however, patients requiring tranquilizers nre ordinarily excluded from duty. DIPHENYLMETHANE GROUP azacyclonal ( Freh.quel) (Suavitil) captodiamine ( Suvren) ( Atarax; Vistaril) piperilat.e (Sycotrol) Undesirable effects in Aviation: Sedation, autonomic side effects. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 12 hours after use; however, patients requiring tranquilizers are ordinarily excluded from duty. PROPANEDIOL-CARBAMATE GROUP (Equanil; Meprospan; Miltown) (Quiactin) (Ultran) ( Axiquel) Undesirable effects in aviation: Tremulousness, musculnr relaxa­ tion, sleepiness, nausea, depression, allergic reactions, leuco­ penin, thromocytopenia, intolerance to nlr,0hol, withdrawn! symptoms.

71 Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use; however, patients requiring tranquilizers are ordinarily excluded from duty. chlordiazepoxide (Librium) Undesirable effects in aviation: Drowsiness, vertigo, ataxia (in doses over 50 mg. per day), syncope, itching, dermatitis, im­ paired thinking, confusion. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1!4 hours after use; however, patients requiring tranquilizers are ordinarily excluded from duty. OTHERS nmphenidone (Dornwall) clemizole (Allercur) (Trepidone) Undesirabl

72 Undesirable effects in aviation: Excitement, nervousness, dry mouth, constipation, impotence, visual disturbances, hypo­ tension, rash, jaundice. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 1 week after use. Medicinal need would probably indicate unfitness for duty. DIBENZAZEPINE GROUP (Elavil) (Tofranil) Undesirable effects in aviation: Excitement or drowsiness, dry mouth, blurred vision, tachycardia, constipation, allergic reactions, hypotension, cholestatic jaundice, agrnnulocytosis, parkinsonism, tremor. ' Use in aviation personnel: Work contraindicatoo for 1 week a,lter use. Medicinal need would probably indicate unfitness for duty.

75 33. AGENTS IN ALCOHOLISM METABOLIC INHIBITORS calcium carbide ( Antabuse) Undesirable effects In aviatiou: Distressing effects after the ingestion of alcohol: nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, collapse, psychosis. Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 2 weeks after use; however, alcoholism precludes duty.


i i 1 Pao• Po11e Aminopyrine_____ -- ____ -- ____ _ 60 Antbelcole (piperazine) .._. __ .._ 14 Aminosol (protein hydrolysate) .. 47 Antigens, see Skin test antigens. Amlnostilbamidine•••••••••••• 12 Antihist (pyrilamine maleate). __ 37 Aminovitox (protein hydroly­ Antimony potassium tartrate ..._ 12 sate) ••••••••••••• •• • • • • • ••• 47 Antipyrine. _•.•••_•.•••••••.• 60 Amiphenazole...... 73 Antistine (antazoline). _. _.. ___ _ 37 Amiprote (protein hydrolysate).. 47 Antivenin. __ ----- __ --- ______36 Amisometradine....---- ____ . - - 22 Antrenyl (oxyphenonium). ____ _ 53 Amithiozone...... 5 Antrycide..••••••••••••••.••• 12 Amitrene (amphetamine) •••• 48, 49, 74 Antuitrin (chorionic gonado­ Amitriptyline...... 75 tropin) ••••.••••••.•••••••.• 42 Ammestrogen (estrogenic sub­ Anturane (sulfinpyrazone) ...___ 23, 60 stance)...... 41 Apamide (acetaminophen) __ . __ . 60 Ammoniated mercury______17 Apergel (sodium carboxymethyl Ammonium carbonate______78 cellulose)...... 32 Ammonium chloride ______21, 64 APL (chorionic gonadotropin). •• 42

Amobarbital.....••• • ••• • • • • • • 66 Apomorphine______·31 1 62 Amodiaquin______8 Apresoline (hydralezine)...... 24 Amola.none. ______------53 Aprobarbital...... 66 Amotriphene...... 26 Aqua.cillln (procaine penicillin Amphedrine (amphetamine). 48, 49, 74 0)...... 2 Amphedroxyn (methamphete.­ Aquagen (estradiol) ••.•••.•.••• 41 mine). ------48, 49 Aralen (chloroquine) ______8 Amphenidone______72 Are.mine (metaro.minol) .. __ .. __ 49 Amphetamine______48, 49, 74 Arfonad (trimethaphan)•••••••• 24 Amphogel (aluminum hydroxide Arginine. ______. ___ _ 47 gel) ••••.•••••••.•.••••••••. 31 Arginine glutamate._ .. ______47 Amphotericin B_ -..___ . ______7 Arglvene (arginine) •••••••..••• 47 Ampicillin. __ . ______. ______2 Argyn (silver protein) ______._ 18 Amprotropine....____ . ______. 53 Argyrbl (silver protein) .. __ .. __ _ 18 Amurex (methionine) ______. __ _ 4 7 Aristocort (triamcinolone). ____ _ 39 Amydricaine... --- . _. __ --..--­ 58 Arlidin (nylidrin) ••••••.•.••••• 50 ______., ____ _ 26 Aromatlo fluid extract of cascara. 32 Amylsine (naepaine) ..- ____ . __ _ 58 Aromatic spirits of . __ _ 73 Amytal (amobarbital)•••••••..• 66 Arsphenamine.. _. _____ ...___ _ 10 Ana.hist (thonzylamine) ______37 Artane (trihexlphenidyl)•..••••. 54 Analexin (phenyramidol) ••••••• 61 Arthropan ( salicylate) ••• 60 Ancillin (diphenicillin) ..••••••• 2 Ascorbic acid ••.••••.•••.•..•• 45 Androdiol (methylandroslene­ Asdrin (isoproterenol) ••••.••••• 20 diol) ••••••••••••••••••••••• 42 Aspartic acid, potassium and Androlin (testosterone) ••.•••••• 42 magnesiumsalts______47 Androlone (stanolone) ___ _..___ _ 42 Aspldium•••••••••.•.••...•••• 13 Anectine (succinylcboline) .._. __ 55 Aspirin••••••••••••••••••..••• 60 Anelix (acetaminophen) ____ .... 60 Aspogen (dihydroxyaluminum I Angitet (pentaerythritol tetra- ·amino acetate)._. ____ .... __ . 31 nitrate). __ .. ______------26 Astrafer (dextriferon) ••••••.••• 28 .. ____ . __ .. __ . _. __ _ 63 Ate.brine (quinacrlne). __ .. ____ _ 8 Anisindone. ______29 Atarax (hydroxyzine)...•••.•._ 71 Ansolysen (pentolinium) ______.. 24 Atophn.n (einchophen) ______61 Antabuse (disulfiram) ______. _.. 76 Atropine______53 ~ Antamine (pyrilamine maleate) .. 37 Aturbane (phenglutaramide) ___ _ 38 Antazoline______37 Aureomycin (chlortetracycline) __ 3 Antepar (piperazine). _____ . __ .. 14 Aurlcidine (gold sodium thio­ Antergan..._..... _.. __ . ___ ..­ 37 sulfate).••••.•..•.•...••..• 10 78 INDEX

Page Pao• A Alkam (dihydroxyalumtnum am. Abten (rauwolfia) ••••••••••••• 711 tno acetate)...... 31 Acenocoumarin_. ___ .....______29 Alkavervtr...... 24 Acetaminophen .... __ ._._. ____ _ 60 Allecur (clemlzole) ••••••••••••• 37, 72 Acetanilld•••••••••••••••••••• 60 Allergenic preparations ...... _..... 37 Acetazolanlide•••••••••••••••• 22 Allybarbiturio acid •••••••••••• 66 Acetophenazine...... 70 Allyleatrenol.. •••••••••••••••• 41 Acetophetldin••••••••••••••••• 60 Allylisopropylacetylcarbamlde •• 66 Acetotrizoate••••••••••.•••••. 35 Almelose (sodium carboxmethyl Acetyldigitoxln•••••••••••••••• 20 cellulose)••••••••••••••••••• 32 Acetylpenclllamine...... --.•.. 11 Alminate (dihydroxyalumlnum Acetylsalicyllc acid •••••••••••• 60 amino acetate) ...... 31 Acetylsulfisoxazole••••••••••••• 1 'Aloe••••••••••••••••••••••••• 32 Achromycin (tetracycline) •••••• 3 Alokreen (aluminum hydroxide Acrltlavin •••••••••••••••••••• 17 gel) •••••••••••••••••••••••• 31 Actase (fibrinolysin) ••••••••••• 29 Alphaprodine••••••••••••••••• 63 ACTH (cortlcotropln) ••••••••• 40 Alpba-Redleol (bydroxocobalamln) 28 Aothar (corticotropln) ••••••••• 40 Alpha tocopherol •••••••••••••• 46 Aothotrop (cortlcotropln) ••••••• 40 Alseroxylon••••••••••••••••••• 71 Aotidil (triprolldlne) ••••••••••• 37 Altafur (furaltadone) •••••••••• 5 Aotlnomycin D (meraotinomy. Altara (methionine) ••••••••••• 47 oin)•••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 Aludrln (lsoproterenol) ••••••••• 50 Aoylantd (acetyldtgltoxln) •••••• 20 Aluminum hydroxide gel ••••••• 31 Adalln (oarbromal) •••••••••••• 65 Aluminum phosphate•••••••••• 31 Ademol (fiumethiazlde) •••••••• 22 Alurate (aprobarbital) ••••••••• 66 Adenovirus vaccine...... 36 Alvosulfon (dlaminodlphenylsul- Adiphenlne••••••••••••••••••• 53 lone) •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Adrenalin (epinephrine) •••••••• 49 Aly pin (amydrlcaine) •••••••••• 58 Adrlzine (dextroamphetamlne) •• 48, Am-B (protein hydrolyeate) •••• 47 49, 74 Ambenonium ...... 52, 55 Aeroeporin (polymyxln B)...... 6 Ambutonlum••••••••••••••••• 53 Agarol Olquld petrolatum emulslon) 32 Am-Dex (dextroamphetamine) •• 48, Akineton (btperldin) •• • • • • • • • • • 54 49, 74 Albamyoin (novobtooin)...... 3 Amdil (acetaminophen) •••••••• 60 Albolene (liquid petrolatum).... 32 Amethone (amolanOne) ...... 53 Albumin, normal human serum.... 44 Amethopterin, aee Methotrexate. Aloid (aluminum hydroxide gel).. 31 Amldone ()...... 63 Alcopar (bephentum) • • • • • • • • • • 14 Amid-Sal (ealloylamlde)...... 60 Aldaotone (eptronolaotone). • • • • 22 Amigon (protein hydrolysate)... 47 Aldinamtde (pyrazlnamlde).... • 5 Amlnocardol (amlnophylllne)... 21' Aldomet (methyldopa)...... 25 Aminoglutethlmlde..... •• • • •• • 68 Aldroyd (oxymetholone).... •• • 42 Aminometradine.... •• .••••••• 22 Aleudrin (lsoproterenol)...... 20, 50 Amlnonat (protein hydrolyeate). 47 Alfiorone (fiudrocortleone) ••• • • • 39 Amlnopentamlde...... 58 Alslyn (dihydroxyalumlnum am- Amlnophylllne•••••••••••••••• 21,26 ino aeetate) ••••••••••••••••• 81 Aminopterln... ••••• • • •• • • • • • • 16 77 Por,e Page Aurolln (gold sodium thlosul- Benzoqutnonium. ______.... 55 fate) •••••.•...•••••...•••.. 10 Benzoylpas. ______Aurothioglucose ______5 10 Benzpyrlnium••••••••• _.••• _•• 52,55 Aurothloglycainide••.••••..••• 10 Benzthiazide______22 57 Benztropin. ______Avertin (trlbromethanol) .••••.• 54 Avosyl (mephenesin) ••••••.•••• 55 Benzyl alcohol. •.••••.••••.•.• 58 Axlquel (valnoctamidel. .•••••• 71 Benzyl benzoate ______17 Azacyclonal ______---- ______71 Benzylpenicillin, see Penicillin Azapetine ______51 G. Azaserine______--- ______16 Bephenlum.•.•••••..••.•••.•• 14 Azo-Oantanol (eulfamethoxa- Betamethasone______39 zole) ••••••...•..•••••• ___ •• 1 •••••••.••• _••••• _••• 34 Azuresin •.••••••••..••••••••. 34 Bethaneohol•••••.•.•••.•••••• 52 Blolllin (benzathlne penlclllin B Gl------"--­ 2 Bile acids ______31 Baeiguen t (baeitracirl) __ •. __ ••• 6 Blle salts ••••••••••••••••••••• 31 Bacitracin•.••••.•. __ •.••••••. 6 Blperldin••••••••••••• _••••••• 64 Baetratyeln (tyrothrlcin) ••••.•• 6 Biaacodyl. ••••••••••.•••••••• 32 BAL (dlmereaprol) ••...••••••. 11 Biehydroxycoumarin______29 Bathine (methanthellne) ••••••• 53 Bismuth subcarbonate ______33 Barbital..••.•••.. ___ ..•.••••• 66 Bismuth subsalicylate •••••••••• JO Barbosec (secobarbital) ______66 Bismuth trlbromphenate •••.••• 17 Basaljel (basic aluminum carbon- Bistrium (hexa.methonium) ____ _ 24 ate) •...••..••.....•.•...•• 31 Biutene (tclonium) •••• _••••••• 29 Basio aluminum carbonate ______31 Bonamine (meclizine). _____ .. __ _ 38 Bayer 205 (suramin) ______12 Bonine (mecllzlne) ______38 BCO (tuberculosis vaccine) ____ _ 36 Borio acid ______17 Bretylium. ______Belladonna. ______53,54 25 Bemegride______-- ____ ­ 73 Brevital (methohexltal) •••• _••• 57 Benactyzine. ______71 Bromisovalum. __ ---- ______65 Benadryl (diphenhydramlne) •• _ 37 Bromides....______65 Bendroflumethiazide. ______22 Bromthalein (sulfbromphtha- Benemld (probenecld) ••.•..••.. 23 leln) •••••••.• · ••••••••••••• 34 Benodaine (pfperoxan). ______51 Bromural (bromisovalum) ______65 Benoquln (monobenzone) ______19 Bunamiodyl . .. ______Busulfan. ______35 Benoxinate ______58 15 Benty! (dlcyclomlne) •••..••... 53 ButabarbltaL•••••••••••••••• 66 Benzalkonium. ______. 18 ______58 Benzathine penicillin G. ______2 Butallylonal. ••••••••••••••••• 66 Benzathtne phenoxymethyl pen- Buta.pyronoxyJ ______. ____ _ 17 icillin...... 2 Butazolidln (phenylbutazone) ••• 60 Benzazoline (tclazoline)...... 51 Butesin (butylaminobenzoate) __ 58 Benzedrex (propylhexedrlne).... 49 Butethamlne•••••• _•••• _•••••• 58 Benzedrine (amphetamine) •• 48, 49, 74 Butlsol (butabarbltal) •••••••••• 66 hexachloride. ______17 Butyn (butaoalne) ______58 Benzepas (benzoylpas)...... 5 Butylaminobenzoate. ______58 BenzestroL...... 41 Benzethonium. ______18 c (ethylaminobenzo­ ate) •.•••••••••••••••.••••• 58 Caffeine______---- __ ------74 ••••••••....•••••• 18, 34 CalciferoL••••••••••• __ •••••• 45 Benzomethamine__ ___ . ______.. 53 Calcium acetylsalicylate carba- ... ____ --- -- __ ---- 64 mlde••••••••••••. ____ .••••• 60 79 P0/1• Poqe Calclum-bls-dloctyl sulfosuccl­ Ceepryn (cetyl pyridlnium) ••••• 19 nate------­ 32 Celeatone (betamethasone) ••••• 39 Calcium carbide ••••••••••••••• 76 Cellothyl (methylcellulose) ••••• 32 Calcium carbonate •••••••••••• 31 Celontln (methsuxlmide) ••••••• 68 Calcium disodium versenate, see Centrine (amlnopentamlde) ••••• 53 Edathamll calcium dlsodlum. Cer-0-Clllin (penicillin 0) •••••• 2 Calcium gluconate ••••••••••••• 44 Cervllaxin (relaxln) •••••••••••• 42 Calcium lactate••••••••••••••• 44 Cethylose (sodium carboxymeth­ Calcium leucovortn ...... _...__ 28 yl cellulose)••••••••••••••••• 32 Calcium salts ••••••••••••••••• 44 Coty! pyridlnlum •••••••••••••• 10 Calomel (mild mercuroue ohlo,. Charcoal••••••••••••••••••••• 33 ride) ••••••••••••••••••••••• 32 Cbel-lron (ferrocholinate) •••••• 28 Calorigen (protein hydrolysate). 47 Cblnlofon•••••••••••••••••••• 9 Calurln (calclulm acetylsalicylate ••••••••••••••• 65 carbamide) ••••••••••••••••• 60 Chlorambucll••••••••••••••••• 15 Caminolds (protein hydrolysate). 47 Chloramphenicol. ••••••••••••• 4 Camoqutn (amodiaquin). _____ . 8 Chlorcyclizine______. ______37 Cantll (mepen.olate) •••••••••• 53 Chlordiazepoxide__ __ . ____ . ___ _ 72 Caprylio compound ______18 Cblorgraftn (iodipamlde) ••••••• 35 Caprylic salte ...._...- . _____ . _ 18 Chlorgua.ntde______8 Captodiamine.... _. _...... __ 71 Chloriodlzed oil. •••••••••••••• 35 Caramiphen ..._....__ . ____ . _. 64 Chlorisondamlne .. ______. __ 24 •••••••••••••••••••• 52 Chlormerodrin•••••••••••••••• 21 Carbacryl&mine resins..._____ . 23 Chlormezanone. _. __ ..______. 56 Carbamlotln (carbachol) ••••••• 52 ••••••••••••••••••• 57 Carbarsone...... _.... __ ...... _ 10 Chloromycetin (ehloramphenl­ Carbetapentane ______64 col) •••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Carbethox (sodium carboxy­ Chlorophenothane•••••••••• _•• 17 methyl cellulose) •••••••••••• 32 Chloroquine••••••••••••••• _•• 8 Carblmazole•••••••••••••••••• 40 Chlorothen •••••••••••• ___ • __ • 37 Carbinoxa.mlne..... - ___ . _. _. __ 37 Chlorotrianlsene•••••• _••••• _•• 41 Carbooaine (mepivaoatne) ...._. 58 Chlorphendlanol. ••••••••••••• 64 Carbomyoin. __ . _. ___ .._. _.._. 3 Chlorphenlramlne••••••••• _••• 37 Carbon dioxide______57 Chlorpbenoxamine_____ ....___ . 37 Carbo-Resin (oarbacrylamine res­ Chlorprednl.sone••••••••••••••• 39 ins)•••.•••••••••••••••••••• 23 Chlorprocaine••••••••••••••••• 58 Carbon tetrachloride...... 13 Chlorprocalne penlolllin 0 •••••• 2 Carbromal ______65 Cblorpromazlne••••••••••••••• 70 Carcholin (carbachol) •••••••••• 52 Chlorpropamlde••••••••••••••• 43 Cardlazol () ••• 78 Chlorprothlxlne••••••••••••••• 70 Cardophyllin (amlnophylline) ••• 21 Chlortetracycllne•••••••••••••• 3 Cardrase ( ethoxzolamlde) •••••• 22 Chlorthalldone•••••••••••••••• 22 Carisoprodol•.•••••••••••••••• 55 Chlorthlazlde••••••••••••••••• 22 Carmethose (sodium oarboxy­ Chlor-Trlmeton (chlorphenlra­ methyl cellulose) •••••••••••• 32 mine) •••••••••••••••••••••• 37 Carotene in oil______45 Cblorzoxazone. _. ____ ...... _. _ 56 Cascara ______82 Choblle (bile salts) •••••••••••• 31 Casein hydrolysate (protein hy­ Cbofedyl (oxytriphylllne) ••••••• 26 drolysate) •••••••••••••••••• 47 Cholera vaccine ______36 Castor oil •••••••••••••••••••• 32 Choline••••• _•••••••••••••••• 45 Cathomycin (novobiocin) ______3 Choline sallcylate ••••••• ______60 Catron (phenlprazine) ••••••••• 74 Choloxln (sodium dextrothy­ Caytine (protochylol) •••••••••• 50 roxin) ______23 Cedilanld D (deslanoslde) •••••• 20 Chondodendron••••••••••••••• 55 80 Page Page Deano}______74 Diaminodiphenylsulfone______4 Decadron (dexamethasone) _ __ __ 39 Diamox () ______.. 22 Decamethonium______55 Diampromlde______63 Decapryn. ______. _ _ 37 Dianabol (methandrostenolone}. 42 Decholin (dehydrocholic acid)___ 32 Diasone (oulfoxone) ______4 Declomycin (demethylchlortetre.- Diatrine (methapheniline). __ . __ 37 cycline) ______3 Dia.trizoa.te. ______35 Dehychol (dehydrocholic acid)._ 32 Dibenzyline (phenoxybenzarnine) 51 Dehydrochollc acid.______32 Dibucaine. ______. ___ . 58 Delacurarine (tubocurarine). _ _ _ 82 Dibuline (dibutoline) ______53 Delantin (hydroxyproge'sterone)_ 41 Dibutoline______53 Delta-Corte( (prednisolone) ____ _ 39 Dichlorphenamide______22 Deltasone (prednlsone)______39 Dlcodid (dlhydrocodelnone)_ --- 62 Deltra (prednisone) ______39 Dicumarol (bishydroxycoumarin) Delvex (dithiazanine)______13 Dicyclomine______53 Delvinal (vinbarbitall------66 Didrate (drocodel------62 Demecarium______--- _____ --- _ 52 DtenestroL .. ____ ------_- _- -- - 41 Demecolcine ______16, 60 Diethazioe ...... 54 Demerol (meperidlne) ______63 Dlethylaminoethyldiphenylace­ " Demethylchlortetracycline______3 tate, see Adiphenine. Depo-Cer-0-Cillin (chlorprocaine Diethylcarbamazine. - ___ ...--- 14 penicillin 0)_ ------2 Dlethylpropion______48 Depo-Heparin (heparin repoei- DiethylstilbestroL_ ------41 tory) __ - --- ______------2'8 Digilanid___ ------20 Deserpidine____ . ____ .. ______.. 71 Digitalis. ------20 Deslanoside______. ______. _-. 20 Digitox.in ___ - _ ------20 Desoxedrine (methamphetamine) 48, 49 Digoxin.. __ . ______..- 20 Desoxycorticosterone. ___ . __ __ _ 39 Dihydrocodeinone. ___ . __ . _. --- 62 Desoxyephedrine (methampheta- Dlhydroergot alkaloids ..------51 mine) .. ______. ______48, 49 Dihydroergotamine. ______. _ 27 Desoxyn (methamphetamine). 48, 50, 74 Dihydrohyd.roxycodeinone______62 Desyphed (methamphetamine) __ 48, 50 Dihydromorphinone. ______. _ 62 Detigon (chlorphendianol). ___ _ _ 64 Dihydrostreptomycin. ______. - 4 Dexamethasone. ______39 Dihydrotachysterol. ______. _ 45 Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine) _ 48, Dihydroxyaluminum amino ace­ 49, 74 tate_ ------31 Dextran _____ . _..--- _. _. _ -- . _ - 44 Dliodohydroxyquin______-- 9 Dextriferon______28 Dllabll ( dehydrochollc acid) ___ _ 32 Dextroamphetamine______48, 49, 74 Dllabron (looetharine) ______50 Dextromethorphan______62 Dllantin (diphenylhydantoin) __ _ 68 Dextromoramlde. ______63 Dllaudid (dlhydromorphinone) __ 62 . ______63 Dimenformon (estradiol) ______41 Dextrose, see Glucose. Dimercaprol.. _. - . - - - . ------11 DHE--45 (dihydroergotamin) __ _ 27 Dimethlsoquln______58 Diabinese (chlorpropamide) ____ _ 43 ... ------64 Dlacetyldlhydroxphenyllsatln__ _ 32 Dimetbpyrldene______---- 37 Di-ademil (benzthiazlde) ______22 Dlmethylane (promoxolane) ___ _ 55 Diafen (diphenylpraline) ______37 Dlmethylphthalate_____ ------17 ~ Diagnex (quinine ca.rbacrylic Dlmethyltolumlde______17 resin). ______34 Dimethyltubocurarine______--- 55 Dlagnex blue (azuresin) ______34 Dlmorlln () ____ _ 63 Dial ( dlallylbarbiturlo acid) ____ _ 66 Dimothyn (dlhydroxyalumlnum- Diallylbarblturic acid ______66 amino acetate) ______31 Diamldide (pyrilamlne maleate)_ 37 Dlnacrin (lsoniazld)------5 82 1 Pago Page Chooz (magnesium trisilicate). _ 31 Cotranul (benzomethamine, ___ _ 53 Chorionio gonadotropin ______42 Cottonseed oil emulsion. ______47 Chorloginin (ohorionlo gonado. _ Coumadin (warfarin). _-----·--- 29 tropin) •••• ______••• ___ _ 42 Creamalin (aluminum hydroxide 29 gel) ______Chymar (chymotrypsln) ______31 Cbymotest (chymotrypsin) .•••• 29 Cremagol Oiquid petrolatum Chymotrypsin••• -----~-- ____ • 29 emulsion) __ . ______32 61 CresoL ______Cinohophen ______17 Cinnarazine ______37 Crotamlton••• _••••••••••••••• 17 Circulin (pentaerythritol tetra- Crysticillin (procaine penicillin G) •• 2 nitrate)•••••••. -- •• - - - • - •-­ 26 ICrystogen (estrone) ••••• _. _. __ _ 41 Clarin (heparin potassium, sub. Crystoserpine (reserpine). ______24, 71 lingual)______28 Cumertilin (mercumatilin) ...__ _ 21 Claysorb. __ •••• _•• ______•• 33 Cumpyran (cyclocumarol) ______29 Clemlzole•••••••••••••••••••• 37, 72 Curare______55 Clistln (carbinoxamine)...... 37 Cyanocobalamin. _----- ______28 • Ciopane (cyclopentamine). __ ••• 48 Cyclaine (hexylcnine). _. ______• 58 Ciothera (dimethoxanate)...... 64 Cyclamycin (triacetyloleandomy­ Cobefrin (nordefrinl------49 cin). ___,__ --- ______3 ...... 58 Cyclandelate••••••••• ______• 26 •••••••••••••••• _____ • 62 Cyclizine______37 Cod liver oil. ____,______45 CyclobarbltaL .•••••••.•. _•••• 66 Codone (dihydrocodelnone)_____ 62 CyclocumaroL. _. ______29 Coffee______74 Cyclogyl (cyclopentolate) ••. _. _ 54 Cogenat (estrogenic substance).. 41 . ______58 Congentin (benztropin)______54 Cyclopentamine______48 Colace (dioctyl sodium sulfosuc- Cyclopentolate••.• _••••.•••• __ 54 clnate)••••••••••••••• ___ • __ 32 Cyclophosphamlde. ______• 15 Colcemid (demecolcine) _____ .. __ 16, 61 ______57 Colchioine ______... -.- ______61 Cycloserine•• ______Collstin. ______. __ 4 6 Cyclospasmol (cyclandelate) •••• 26 Colprosterone (progesterone) ___ _ 42 Cycrimine ______54 Coly-Mycin (colistin) ••••• __ • _. 6 Cyproheptadlne•••••• _•••••••• 37 Compazine (proohlorpera.zine) __ _ 70 Cytellin (sitosterols) •••••••• _•• 23 Compocillln V Hydrabamine Cytomel (liothyronine, sodium). 40 (hydrabamlne phenoxymethyl Cytoxan (cyclophosphamlde). __ 15 penicillin)••• ____ •••• ____ ••. 2 Compocillln VK (potassium phe- D noxymethyl penicillin) _____ .. _ 2 Conestron (estrogenic substance) 41 Dactll (piperidolate)______53 Coramlne (nlkethamlde) ••• ___ _ 73 Dadex (dextroamphetamlne) •• 48, 49, 74 Cortate (desoxycortlcosterone). _ 39 Danllone (phenindlone)...... 29 Cortef (hydrocortisone) ______39 Daptazole (amlphenazole)...... 73 Cortenil (desoxycorticosterone) .. 39 Daranide (dichlorphenamide).... 22 Cortiootropin ______. ___ _ 40 Daraprim (pyrimethamine)... . . 8 Cortlfan (hydrocortisone) •••••• 39 Darbid (isopropamlde)...... 53 ~ Cortiron (desoxycortfcosterone) _ 39 Daren thin (bretylium) •••••• _.. 25 Cortisone_____ ._ ..______39 Daricon (oxyphenoyclimine).... 53 Cortogen (cortisone) ______39 Dartal (thiopropazate)...... 70 Cortone (cortisone). __ . ______39 Darvon (dextropropoxyphene). _ 63 Cortril (hydrocortisone) ... ____ _ 39 DBI (phenformin)______43 Cortrophin ( corticotropin) ______40 DCA (desoxycorticosterone).... 39 Cotinazin (isoniazid) ____ . _. ___ _ 5 DDT (chlorophenothane)...... 17 Cotolone (prednisolone) •••••••• 39 Deaner (deanol)______74 81 Page Page Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate __ _ 32 Durabolin (nandrolone). ______42 Diodoquln (diiodohydroxyquin) _ 9 Duracillin (procaine penicillin G) 2 Diodrast (iodopyracet) ______35 Dyelone (dycyclonine) __ . ______58 Diogyn (estradiol) ______41 Dycyclonfne______58 Diogyn E (ethlnyl estradiol) ___ _ 41 Dionin (ethyl ) ______62 E Dionosil () ______35 Echothiophate___ ••.• ___ ..•..• 52 Dlophyllln (aminophylline) ____ _ 21 Eeolid (ehlorisondamine). ______24 Diothane (diperodon) ______58 Ectylurea. ______65 Dioxyacetone ______19 Edathamil calcium-illsodium. __ _ bioxyline______II 26 Edathamil disodium. ______II Diparcol (diethazine) ______54 Edrophonium______55 Dipaxin (diphenadione) ______29 Ela vii (amitriptyline) __ - . - __ . _. 75 Diperodon______58 Elipten (aminoglutethlmide) __ .. 68 DiphemaniL ______53 Elixir hydrate with codeine Diphenadione______29 and similar mixtures_ ------62 Dipbenhydramine. _ _ __ ...___ . 37 Elkosin (sulfisomidine) ___ - _ -- - ­ 1 Diphencillin. _. ______. __ 2 Elor!ne (tricyolamol) ______53 . _. _. __ . _ ....._. 63 Emetin•----·----·--·-····-·-· 9 Dlphentoin (diphenylhydantoin) 68 Emivan (ethamlnvan) •• _·-·-·· 73 Diphenylan (diphenylhydantoin) 68 Emylcamate______65 Diphenylhydantoin______68 Endrate dlsodlum (edathamil Diphenylpraline______37 disodluml----···-·------· II Diphtheria antitoxin ... __ ...__ . 36 Enduron (methylclothiazide). -- 22 Diphtheria toxoid. _..._..... _. Diphylline ______36 Enovid (norethynodrel) .•- • - - - • 42 IJlprotrl,zoate ______26 Enterokin (iodochlorhydroxy­ 35 quinl------9, 17 Dlsipal (orphenadrine) ______Disulfuam______54 Enteroquinol (iodochlorhydroxy­ 76 quinl----·--··------·· 9, 17 Dithlazanlne...... _. __ . ____ _ 13 Enzactln (triacetin) .•____ .•...• 18 Ditubln (lsonlazld)------·· 5 Enzeon (chymotrypsin) __ -----­ 29 Diuril (chlorthfazide) __ • ____ ••• 22 Ephedrine.·-··-·-···--·-·-··· 20, 49 Diursal (mersalyl sodium and ~plnephrine. ______------49 theophylline) _. _ -_.._... __ •. 21 Epipropidine..______15 Dolophine (methadone). ______63 Eponate (epipropldine) _____ . - . - 15 Doriden (glutethlmlde) ______. _ 66 Equanil (meprobamate) __ . _ -- . - 71 Dormison (methylparafynol) ___ _ 65 Ergotamine______27 Dornavae (panereatJe dornaee) __ 29 Erythrityl tetranitrate ______26 Dornwall (amphenidone) ______72 Erthyrocin (erythromycin) ____ - 3 Dorsacaine (benoxinate) ______58 Erythrol tetranitrate (erythrityl Dory! (carbachol). ______52 tetranitrate) ____ • __ - - - • -. - • - 26 Dover's powder (powder of ipecac Erythromycin______• ____ •.• __ 3 and )______62 Eserine, aee Physostigmine. Doxylamlne.______37 Eaidr!x (hydrochiorothiazide) .•_ 22 Dried yeast______45 Eskacillin (procaine penicillin Drinalfa (methamphetamine) __ • 48, 50 Gl------2 Drocode______62 Eakaserp (reserpine) ______24, 71 Drolban (dromostanolone) _.•. __ 42 Esomld (hexamethonium) _. ___ _ 24 • Dromostanolone. ---- ______42 Esteed (ethinyl estradiol) ______41 Ducolax (blsaoodyl) ___ • __ • ___ • 32 Estlnyl (ethinyl estradlol) __ . _. _ 4t Dumogran (methyltestosterone) _ 42 EatradioL.----·-··------­ 41 Duotrate (pentaerythr!tol tetra­ Eat,raldlne (estradiol) ______41 nltrate) _. __ ------______26 Estr!fol (estrogenic substance) __ 41 83 Page Page Estriol______41 Fibrinolysin, human______29 Estrogens______41 Fish liver oils ______45 Estrone ______41 ~Fluorouracil ______15 Etamon (tetraethylammonium) _ 24 Flagyl (mctronldazole)••• _____ • 10 Ethamivan. ______73 Flaxedil (gallamine). ______• __ 55 Ethaverine (ethyl pa.paverine) __ 27 Flexin (zoxazolamine) ______23,56 EthchlorvynoL ______• _••••• 65 Florantyrone____ ------32 Ether______57 Fluagel (aluminum hydroxide Ethinamate______-- ______65 gel)------31 Ethinyl estradioJ ______41 Fludrocortisone______• __ _ 39 Ethionamide______---- __ _ 5 Flumethlazide ______• ____ _ 22 Ethisterone______41 Fluocinolone______39 Ethnine______62 Fluormar (trifluoroethylvinyl Ethoheptazihe. ______63 ether)------57 Ethohexadiol•• ------17 Fluoropryl (isofluorophate). ---- 52 Ethopropazide. ______--- 54 Fluothane () ______57 Ethosuximide.. ______68 Fluoxolonate ______39 Ethotoin ______68 Fluoxymesterone_____ . ______·- 42 Ethoxzolamide______22 Fluphenazine. ______• ____ _ 70 Ethyl alcohoL ___ ••• _. _____ ••• 17 Folio acid. __ • __ . _____ • ______• 28 Ethyle.minobenzoate. ______58 Folluteinpin) ______(chorionic gonadotro­ _ Ethylbiscoumacetate.______29 42 Ethyl cartrizoate______35 Forhistal (dlmethpyridene). _. __ 37 Ethyl chloride------57,58 Forthane (methylhexaneamine) _ 49 Ethylene______57 Frenquel (azaoyclonal) ••• _____ • 71 Ethyl morphine ______62 Fructose·------­ 47 Ethyl papaverine______27 Fuadin (stibophen). ______• _. 12 Eticyclol (ethinyl estradiol)••••• 41 Fugillin (fumagillin) ••••• _____ • 9 Etryptamlne____ • __ ••••••• _••• 74 Fulvicin (griseofulvin) __ ••••••• 7 Euca.tropine. ______- ______• 54 Fumadll (fumagillin) ____ • ______9 EugenoL. ____ •• ______• 58 Fumagillin. ______------9 Euphthalmine (eucatropine). __ - 54 Fumasorb (ferrous fumarate) __ _ 28 Eurnx (crotamiton)______17 Funglsone (amphotercln B)•••• 7 ------34 Furacin (nitrofurazone) ______5 Evipal (hexobarbltal) _. _. ___ • _. 57 Furada.ntin (nitrofurantoin)___ _ 5 Evipan () _ -_•••••• 57 Furaltadone. ___ • _. ______5 Evronal (secobarbital) ______66 Furazolidone______• ___ _ 5 Exorbin (polyamine-methyiene Furmethide (furtrethonlum). __ _ 52 resin) ______------31 Furoxone (furazolidone)______• 5 Expandex (dextran). ______44 Furtrethonium______52

F G . __ - -- -- _------­ 34 Feosol (ferrous sulfate)_. ______28 Gallamine______55 Fergon (ferrous gluconate) ______28 Gamophen (). _ 17 Ferralyn (ferrous sulfate) ______28 Gantanol (methylsulfanilamidoi­ Ferric ammonium citrate______28 soxazole) ______I Ferrocholinate. ______----- __ _ 28 Gantrisin (sulfisoxazole) __ . ____ _ I Ferrolip (ferrocholinate). ______28 Gantrisin Acetyl (aeetylsulfisoxa­ Ferrospan (ferrous fume.rate) __ _ 28 zolel------­ I Ferro-Theron (ferrous sulfate) __ 28 Gas gangrene antitoxin______36 Ferrous fumarate______28 Gastric muein______31 Ferrous gluconate. ______28 Gelatin solution, special intra­ Ferrous sulfate______28 venous______44

84 Page Page Hygroton (chlorthalidone) ______22 IIsac en (dlacetyldihydroxyphenyl­ isatin) ______Hykinone (meno.dione sodium 32 blsulftte) ______. ______30 Ismelin (guanethidine). ______25 Hykolex (dehydrochollc acid). __ 32 Isobarb (pentsbarbital) ______66 Hypaque () ______35 •• ______74 Hypercillin (procaine penicillin Isoetharine ______50 G) ______·-. ------· 2 Isoftuorophate______52 Hyperimmunizedlin ______gamma-globu- _ Iso-Iodeikon (phentetlathaieln) _ 35 361 Isolyn (isoniazld) ______5 Hytakerol (dihydrotacbysterol) _ 45 Isometheptene______. ____ _ 49 Isoniazid. ______5 I Isonicop (isonlazid) ______5 Isophrin (phenylephrine) ______49 Ilidar (azapetine) ______51 Isopro (isoproterenol) ______20, 50 Iiotycin (erythromycln) ___ . ___ _ 3 Isopropamide _____ .. ______• __ _ 53 lmferon (iron dextran complex)_ 28 Isopropyl alcohol______18 Itnipraurlne ______75 Isoproterenol. ______20,50 .. Immune serum globulin. ______36 Isorbide dinitre.te _____ • __ • _•• __ 26 Inda.lone (butapyronoxyl). ____ _ 17 Isordil (isorblde dlnitrate) ______26 Indon (phenindione) ______29 Isoval (bromisovalum) ____ • ___ _ 65 Inestra (ethinyl estradiol) ____ . _ 41 Jsoxuprine______• ______• __ _ 50 Influenza virus vaccine _____ . __ . 36 Isuprel (isoproterenol)- ______20, 50 I trumil (iothiouracil). __ . _. ___ • INHInsulln (isoniazid)------______5 40 43 K Intocostrin (cbondodendron) ___ _ 55 Kanamycin______Inulin______--- . _. _. __ .. __ . _. _ 4 34 Ka.none (menadione) ______30 Inversine (mecamylamine) ______24 Kantrex (kanamycin) ______4 Iodeikon (iodophtbalein) ______. 35 Kappaxin (menadione) ______Iodine, tincture._._. ______30 17 Kartryl (bromisovalum) ___ • ___ _ 65 lodipamide. ______• __ _ 35 Iodized oil ______Kayklot (menadlone)------30 35 Kayquinone (menadione) ______Iodide solution ______30 41 Kemadrin (procyclidine). ______54 Iodoalphionic acid •• ______35 IodobrBBBid______Koglucoid (rauwolfta) ______71 35 Konakion (phytonadlone) ______30 Iodocblorhydroxyquin ______9, 17 Konogen (estrogenic substance). 41 Iodochlorol (chloriodized oil) __ _ 35 lodoform•• ______Konsyl (plantsgo ovats coating)_ 32 15 Kynex (sulfamethoxypyrlds.- Iodohippurate______37 zine). ______---- _____ ---- __ _ lodomethamate. ______•• 35 Iodophthalein______35 L lodopyracet______35 Lactamin (protein hydrolysate). _ 47 Ionamin () ______48 Lactocaine (procaine) ______._ 58 . ______35 Laniazid (isoniazid) _____ • ______5 Iophendylate______35 Lanodoxin (diiodohydroxyquin) _ 9 lophenoxic acid. ______35 Lanoxin (digoxin) ______20 IothiouraciL ______Largon (propiomazine) ______Ipecac ______40 67 64 Larocaine______58 lpral (probarbital) ______66 , see Opium. lproniazid ______74 Lauron (aurothioglycainide) ___ _ 10 Ircon (ferrous fumarate) ______28 Leri tine (anilerdine) ______63 Iron dextran complex______28 Leukeran (chlorambucil) ______15 Iron oxide, saccharated______28 ______62 Irosul (ferrous sulfate) ______28 Levarterenol______49 Irox (ferrous gluconate) ______28 Levo-Dromoran (). _ 62 86

j Page Page lleroin______Gelumina. (aluminum hydroxide 62 gel) .••.••.••..••••....•.••. 31 lletrazan (diethylcarbo.mazine) __ 14 Gentian violet ______14, 18 llexachlorocyclohexane, see Oemonil ( metharbital) ______• __ 68 Benzene hexachloride. Gentran (dextrnn)______44 Hexachlorophene______17 Germanin (suramin) ______12 llexn.dimethrine ______29 Gestanon (allylestrenol). ______41 Hexamethonium______24 Gltalgin (gitalin) .....•••.••.•• 20 Hexameton (hexamethonium) __ _ 24 Gitalin______20 IIexavitamin______46 Glarubin (glaucarubin) ______O Hexestrol ______41 Glaucarubin. ___ . ______9 HexobarbitaJ. ______57 Glucophylline (theophylllne llexocyclium______--_-­ 53 methyl glucamine) ______26 J{exylcaine_ - - . ------. - - . - 58 Glucose______47 Hexytrcsorcinol ______13 Glucosulfone ______4 Hiohex (hexnmethonium) _. __ . _. 24 -~ Glucourolactone ______. ___ _ 47 Hippuran (iodohippurate) •. __ . _ 35 Glucurone (glucourolactone). __ _ 47 }Iistadyl (methapyrilene) ______37 Glutamic acid ______47 Hlstalog (betazole) ...... 34 Glutavene (sodium glutamate)._ 47 Histamine______34 Glutavite (sodium glutamate)•• 47 Holocaine ()-----·-­ 58 Glutethimlde.•••.••••.....••• 66 llomapin (homatropine) ______53 Glyceryl guaiacolate •• ______. 64 llomnrylamine______64 Glyceryl trinitrate.• ______26 Homatromide (homatropine) ___ _ 53 Glycobiarsol______10 Homatropine ______53, 54 Giycotauro (bile salts) .•.•••••• 31 Jlomogenized fat preparations__ _ 47 Glyotol (mephensln) ••.•...... • 55 Human albumin ______44 Gold sodium thiomalate______10 Humatin (pa.ramomycin) •. ____ _ 4 Gold ______10 Humorsol (demecarium) ______. _ 52 Grifulvin {griseofulvin) ______7 Hycortole (hydrocortlsone) •.... 39 Griseofulvin ______7 Hydeltra (prednisolone) ... ----- 39 Gualanesin (glyceryl guaiac~ Hydergine (dihydroergot alka­ late) •••••.••.....••••.••..• 64 loids) ••...•...... •.•..•... 51 Guanatol (chlorguanide)______8 Hydrabamine phenoxymethyl Guanethidine_·______25 penicillin. ______. _. ______. _ 2 Gynergan. _____ ------__ _ 27 Hydralazlne•...... •• 24 Hydrocalciferol see dihydrotachy­ H sterol. Halibut liver oil______45 Hydrochlorothiazide. _. _.•. ___ _ 22 HaloperidoL______. ____ . - - __ _ 71 Hydrocortisone______39 Haloprogesterone•• ______• 41 Hydroeortone (hydrocortisone) .• 39 Halotestin (fluoxymesterone). __ 42 Hydrodiuril (hydrochlorothia­ Haloth.ane______• ___ _ 57 zlde) •••.••..•.•.•.•.•.•...• 22 HarmonyI (deserpidine) ______71 .------17 Heb-Cort (hydrocortisone). - . __ 39 Hydroxal (aluminum hydroxide Hed-Hepnrin (heparin sodium) __ 28 gel) •••••••.•....•.•.••.. -.. 31 Hydroxocobalamin______28 Hedulin (phenindione) ______29 Hyd,oxyamphetamine.•.••..•• 49 Helium______------57 Hydroxychloroquine. ____ . ____ _ R Hemorate (ferrous fumarate) __ _ 28 lfeparin______Hydroxydlone••.....••.••••• fi7 23 Hydroxyethyl sulfone•. _. _. __ .. _ 4 Heparin potassium, sllblingual __ 28 Hydroxyprogesterone.• _____ •. - 41 Heparin repository. ______28 Hydroxystilbamidine. ___ . - . _. ­ 12 Heoar in sodium ______28 Hydroxyzine______71 JJpnfalhArhitaL ______• 66 Hyflavln (methylol riboflavin)._. •fi 85

~------·---·-­ Poue Pag• Levophed (levarterenol) ______49 Man-Tan (dioxya.cetone). ______19 Levophenethicillin. ______2 Ma.phnrsen (oxophenarsine) ____ _ 10 Levorphanol______62 Marezine (cyclizine). ______38 Levothyroxine, sodium ______40 Marplan (isocarboxazid) ______74 Librium (chlordiazepoxide)___ _ 72 Marsilid () ______74 . _ -- _- ______------_ 58 Masenone (methyltestosterone) _ 42 , see Benzene hexachlo-­ Matromycin (olenndomycin) ___ _ 3 ride. Maxitra.te (mannitol hexani­ Liothyronine, sodium. ______40 tratel------·------·­ 26 L!piodol (iodized oill------­ 35 M-Delphene (dimethyltolumide)_ 17 Lipo--Heprin (heparin sodium) __ 28 Mebaral (mephobarbital)______68 Lipolodine (lodobrassld) ______35 Mecamylamine______• ____ _ 24 Lipo-,Lutin (progesterone).----­ 42 Mecblorethamine see Nitrogen Lipomul (cottonseed oil emul­ mustard. sion) ______------___ _ 47 Mecholyl (methacholine) ______52 Llquaemin (heparin sodium) ___ _ 28 Meclizlne______38 Liquamar (phenprocoumon). __ _ 29 Mecostrln (tubocurarine) ______55 Liquid petrolatum______32 Medomin (hepbl.barbital) ______66 Liquid petrolatum emulsion. __ _ 32 Medopaque (iodohlppurate) ___ _ 35 • Liquiprin (salicylamide) ______60 Medrol (methylprednisolone). __ 39 Listacort (prednisone). ______39 Medroxyprogesterone. ______42 Liver injection. ____ . __ . ______28 Megimlde () ____ . ___ _ 73 :L.Maxipen (levophenethiciUin). _ 2 Meliarll (thioridazine) _____ . _. _ 70 Lomotil (diphenoxylate) ______63 Meloxine (methoxsalen) ______19 Lorfan (levallorph~n) ______62 Menadione______30 Lotusate (talbutall------66 Menadione sodium bisulfate___ _ 30 Lucanthone______12 Menagen (estrone) ______41 Lucocorteum (progesterone). __ _ 42 Menformin (estrone) ______41 Lucorteum (ethisterone)______41 ______- ______- 18 Lugol's (iodide solution) ______41 Meonine (methionine)------­ 47 Luminal (phenobarbital)._ . ___ _ 66, 68 Mepazin•------·------70 Lunargen (silver protein) ______18 Mepenzoiate______53 Lutocyclin (progesterone). ____ _ 42 Meperldlne______63 Lutocyclol (ethisterone) ______41 Mephedan (mephenesln) ______55 Lutoral (ethisterone)______41 Mephenesin ______55 Lutrexin (lututrin)------42 Mephenesin carbamate______55 Lututrin. ______---- ______42 Mephenoxalone•• ______72 Mephentermine______---- ___ _ 49 M MephobarbltaL. _------68 Madribon (sulfadimethoxine). __ 1 Mephyton (phytonadlone) ..___ _ 30 Magmasil (magnesium trisiti­ •. ______.•_____ - 58 cate)______• __ ·-· 31 Meprobamate______71 Magnamycin (carbomycin). __ . _ 3 Meprospan (meprobamate) ____ _ 71 Magnesia magma______32 Mepyrapon•----·------­ 40 Magnesium citrate. ______32 MER-29 (triparanol) ___ - ______23 Magnesium oxide .•______31 Meractinomycin.• ______16 Magnesium salts. ______57 Meralluride.______. ______21 Magnesium sulfate. ______32 Meratran (pipradol) ___ . ______74 Magnesium trisilicate ______31 Merbromin______18 Malcotran (homatroptne). ____ • _ 53 Mercaptomerln.------21 Mandelamine (methenamine Mercaptopurine_. _. ______15 inandelate) •• _. ____ . _. _. ___ _ 6 Mercodinone (dihydracodeinone). 62 Mannitol______34 Mercuhydrin (mera.lluride) ____ _ 21 Mannitol hexanitrnte. ______26 Mercumatilln______21 87 Page Pooe Mercuric chloride ______18 Methoxsnlen ______19 Mercuric salicylate. ______10 ..------­ 57 Mercurochrome (merbromln) __ _ 18 Methoxyn (methamphetamine) _ 48, 50 Mercurophylline ___ • ______21 Methoxyphenamlne....__ . _. __ _ 49 Mercuzanthin {mercurophylline). 21 Methoxypromizine. __ . ______. _ 70 Merphylline (mersalyl sodium Methscopolamine .. __ ... _____ . __ 53 and theophylllne)- --- ___ - __ _ 21 Methsuximide ______68 Mersalyl sodium and theophyl­ l\.fethylaminoheptane ______49 line ______------21 MethylandrostenedioL ______• __ 42 Mertestate (testosterone) ______42 Methylcellulose __ ------32 Merthiolate (thlomersol) ______18 Methylclothiazlde- ______22 Mesantoln (N-methylphenyleth­ Methyldopa______- - . - _. _ 25 ylhydantoin) ______68 Methyl ergonovlne ______.. __ _ 27 Mesopin (homatropine) ______53 Methylhexaneamine ____ - . ___ . _ 49 Mestinon (pyridostigmine) ______55 Methylol riboflavin ______45 Metamidium. ______12 MethylparafynoL _____ . _. __ . __ 65 Metamine (trolnitrate) ______26 - ______74 Metamucil (psyllium hydrophilic Methylprednisolone•• ______39 mucilloid)------32 Methylrosanillne, see Gentian Metandren (methyltestosterone) _ 42 violet. • Metaphen ()______18 Methyl salicylate, see Oil of Metaphyliin (aminophylline)____ 21 wintergreen. Metapon______62 MethylsulfanUamidoisoxazole.• _ 1 MetaraminoL------49 Methyltestosterone. ____ • - __ . __ 42 Metasone (prednisone). ______. 39 MethylthiouraciL ______. ____ _ 40 Methacholine______52 Methyprylon______. ___ _ 66 Methadon•---·-·····------63 Meticortelone (prednisolone) ___ _ 39 MethallenestriL______41 Meticorten (prednisone) ____ • __ _ 39 Methalone______42 Metlone (methionine) ______47 Methamphetamine_. ______48, 49, 74 Metopirone (mepyrapone)-.. __ _ 40 Methandrostenolone __ . ___ - _ -_ _ 42 Metrazol (pentylenetetrazol) ___ _ 73 Methantheline.______53 Metronidazole______. ___ . _ 10 Methapheniline______37 Metubinerlne) ______(dimethyltubocura­ _ Methapyrilene______37 55 MetharbltaL------68 Metycaine () ______58 Methazolamide. ____ • _.. _.. _. _ 22 Mictine (aminometradine) __ . __ _ 22 Methdilazine ... _. ___ ... ____ .• 37, 70 Mild mercurous chloride. ______32 Methedrine (n1ethampht•tnmine) _ 48,50 Miiibis (glycobiarsol) _ . ___ . ___ _ 10 Methenaminc mandelatR __ •.. __ 5 Milk of magnesia (magnesia magma) ______Methergine (methyl ergonovine). 27 32 Methimazole______-- _. _ 40 Milon tin (phensuximide)- ______68 Methiocll (methylthiouracil). __ _ 40 Miltown (meprobamate). -- ___ _ 71 " _. ______. ____ .. __ 35 Miokon (diprotrizoate) .._. __ .._ 35 Methionine. ___ . ______47 Miracil D (lucanthonc) ______12 Methitrual. _. _. _. __ ... __ . ___ _ 57 Miradon (anisindone) ______29 2 Mitronal (cinnarazine) ____ • _. __ Methium (hexamethonium) ____ _ 4 38 71 MethocarbamoL __ . ____ .. ___ . _ 55 Modern (rescinamine) •••------. . ______. ______~lodumate (arginine glutamate)_ 47 57 Moebiquin (diiodohydroxyquin)_ 9 Methostan (methylandrostene­ Monase (etryptamine) ______diol) __ . __ . ____ .. _..• _.. ___ _ 74 • 42 Monobenzone ______19 Methotrexa~ ______• _. __ 15 Monocaine (butethamine)_. ___ _ 58 Mt'thoxa-Do1ne (methoxsalen) __ 19 Monodral (penthienate).------53 l\Iethoxamine.• ______. 49 Mornidine (pipamazine) ______70 88 Page Page Penicillamine ______. ___ . __ 11 Phenazopyridine...... _...... _.. 5 PenicillinBBe. ______2 ..._..... _.. _. ___ ... _ 57 Penicillin G ______2 Phenelzlne...... 74 Penicillin 0------­ 2 Phenergan (promethazine) ______37, 67 Penlcillin V (phenoxymethylpeni- Pbenethicillin.... _.. _... ___ .... ___ .. 2 cillin) ______------__ 2 Phenformin ______43 Penta.barbital..______------­ 66 Phenglutaramide...__ .. _____ .. _.. 38 Pentaerythritol tetranitrate .._. _ 26 Phenindiamine.... _.. _ ... _ ...... 37 Penta.I (pentabarbitol) __ - - _- --- 66 Phenindione. __ . _..... _.. _.. _...... 29 Pentapiperide______. __ _ 53 . ____ .. __ ..___ ...... __ 74 Pentaquine ______8 Pheniramine_____ .._..______37 Penthamil calcium trisodium ___ _ II Phenmetrazine_ ..______.._. _. _ 48,50 Penthlenate____ ---- ___ ---- __ _ 53 Phenobarbital______- _- - - - - 66,68 Penthre.ne (methoxyflurane). __ _ 57 Pheno'------__ ----- _------18 Pentolinium. ____ . __ . ______. _ 24 Phenolphthalein____ -- ______32 Pentothal (thiopental) ______57 , Bee Phenolsulfon- Pentrazol (pentylenetetrazol) _ -_ 73 phthalein. Pentritol (pentaerythr!tol tetra- Phenolsulfonphthalein. _. _. ___ . 34 nitrate) __ ------__ -- - _ 26 Phenoxybenze.mine. _...______. 51 Pentrolone (pentylenet.etrazol) __ 73 Phenoxymethylpenicillin_ --- ..- 2 Pentylenetetrazol ------­ 73 Phenprocoumon______29 Pen-Vee Suspension (phenoxy- Phensuximide___ _ . _. __ . ______68 methylpenicillin) ____ ------_ 2 Phentermine______48 Percodan (dihydrohydroxyco- Phentetiothalein___ - ___ • ______35 deinone) ...... •...... 62 Phentolamine.._- _- - . _.._____ . 51 Percomorph liver oil ______45 Phenurone (phenacemlde) ______68 Periactin (cyproheptadine) .... _ 37 Phenylbutazone. __ . _. __ ..._.. _ 60 Perlchlor (petrichloral) ______65 Phenylephrine------49 Periston (polyvinyl pyrrolidone) _ 44 Phenyl-p-amlnoea.lieylate______5 Perltrate (pentaerythritol tetra- Phenylpropanolamine_ .. ___ . __ _ 48,49 nitrate) ------­ 26 Phenylpropylmethylamine______49 Perizll (chloreyclizine) _....___ _ 37 PhenyramldoL______61 Permapen (benzathine penicillin pHisohex (hexachloropbene) ....· 17 2 ------62 PernostonG>------(butallylonal) ______66 PhoephBljel (aluminum phos- Perolysen (pempidinel------24 phatel------31 Perphenazine_____ ...- _- - ..- - _ 70 Phoepholine (echothiophate) ___ _ 52 Pertussis immune serum ______36 Phthalyisulfathiazole_____ - _- - - 1 PertuBSia vaccine. ______. ______36 Phyeoetigmine ______- _- 52 (meper!dine) ______63 Phytonadione______30 PetrlchlornL-- ______- _ 65 Picragol (silver picrate) ______- 18 Petrogalar (liquid petrolatum Picrotoxin___ ----. __ ...... __ _ 73 emulsion) ______32 Pilocarpine...... ------52 Petrolatum, aee Liquid petro-- PipBnol (tr!hexlphenidyl) ____ --- 54 Iatum. Pipamazine. _..------______70 Petronol (liquid petrolatum) ___ _ 32 Pipazan (piperazine) ______14 Phanodorn (cyclobarbital)______66 Pipenzolate______53 Phemerol (benzethonium) ______18 P!peracetazine______70 Phenacaine ______/ ·;: I 68 Piperazlne_ ...... - - . - .....--- 14 Phenacemide. ___ ----- ____ ---- 68 Piperazine eatrone sulfate ___ . --- 41 Phenacetin (acetophenetidin) . . _ 60 Piperldolate______53 I PhenaglycodoL ___ ---- ______71 Piperllate______71 Phenampromide...--....__ . - .. 63 Piperooa.ine...- ..- . - - - - ..- . - - - 58 l Pbenazooine...... _. _ 62 Piperoxan..------51 91 Pipradol ______l'GP• Pao• 74 Priacoline (tolazoline) ___ ·-·-.__ 61 Piptal (pipenzolate) __ ...__ . _. _ 63 Privine (naphazoline) ______49 Pitocin (oxytocln) ______27 Pro-Banthine (propantbeline) __ _ 53 Pitressin (vasopressln) ______27 ProbarbitaL - ______---- __ 66 Placidyl (ethchlorvynol) ___ • _.. _ 65 Probenecid. _____ . _. ___ ...... 23 Plague vaccine ______36 Procaine...... 58 Pla.ntago ovata coating____ .• __ _ 32 Procaine amide ...... _.. 20 Procaine penicilJin G ______Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) _ 8 2 Plasma protein fraction, human. 44 Procblorperazine ______• _. ___ • 70 Plasmanate (plasma protein frac­ Procholon (dehydrocholic acid) •• 32 tion, human)------44 Prodilidine.Procyolidine______...... _...... _ 64 Plazmoid (gelatin solution, 63 special intravenous). _____ - __ 44 Prolerrin (iron oxide, saccharated)_ 28 Plebilin (bile salts) --- _. _____ . _ 31 Proflavin•------···------·· 18 Poldine____ --- _____ ------__ _ 53 Progesterone.·--·---·------· 42 Poliomyelitis immune globulin __ 36 Progeetoral (ethisterone) ______41 Poliomyelitis virus vaccine. _ . __ 36 Progynon (eetradiol). ______41 PoloxalkoL- _- ___ •• _•• ______• 32 Prohalone (haloprogeeterone) _ •• 41 Polyamlne-methylene resin ____ _ 31 Prolax (mephensin) ______65 Polybrene (hexadlmethrine) ___ _ 29 Prolixin (fluphenazine) •• ______70 PolyoarbophiL. ______• 33 Promacetin (sodium acetosul­ Polycyoline (tetracycline)_ - •• __ Polyferose______• ______3 fonel----·-···-····-···-·-· 4 28 Promazin•-··-··-···---·--··-- 70 Poly kol (poloxalkol) _____ . ___ •• 32 Promethazine.- __ •••• ·-_. ____ • 37, 67 6 Promln (glucosuUone) ______Polymyxin B------·-- 4 Polytbiazide..___ -· _. ___ • ____ _ 22 Promlzole (lhiazolsuUone) ______4 Polyvinyl pyrrolidone ___ . ______44 Promoxolane...... 66 Pontocalne (tetracalne) •• ______58 Proneetyl (procaine amide) ____ _ 20 Poqull (pyrviniuml---·------13 Propadrine (phenylpropanola­ Posterior pituitary. __ • ______27 minel---···-·--··-·-·-··--· 48, 49 ______., ____ _ 65 PropantheJine______53 Potassium chloride ...... 44 Proparaoain•----···-·-··----- 58 PotBBSium and magnesium salts Prop!omazine••••••______67 of aspartio acid _____ , ______47 Propoxyca!ne.______58 ...... 18 Propylhexedrine______49 Potassium phenoxymethyl Propyliodone______35 penicillin_·-·­ -•- ••• - -­ - ·-·· 2 Propylthiourac!l-••••______40 Potassium salts. __ ••• ______·-. 21 Prostaphlin (oxacillin)______2 Povan (pyrvinium>------·-· 13 Prosligmine (neosligmlne) ______52, 55 Powder of ipecac and opium ...... 62 Protamin•----··--·------­ 29 Powdered opium------·--·--·· 62 Prolargln (silver protein).______18 Pramoxine...... 58 ProlargoI (ellver protein) __ .____ 18 Pranone (ethisterone) ______41 Protein hydrolyeatee ••••______47 Prantal (diphemanil)-----·-··· 53 Prothromadin (warfarin)______29 Prednisolone...... --­ ...... 39 ProtochyloJ______60 Prednisone ...... 39 Protoveratrinee A & B--·-···-­ 24 Pregnyl (chorionie gonadolro- Provera (medroxyprogeeterone). 42 pinl- ­-- -­ -­ --­ --•-··­ -- -­ • 42 Proxamlne______37 Preludin (phenmetrazine) _____ • 48, 50 PsyJllum bydrophJllc mucilJoid _ 32 Premarin (estrogenic substance)_ 41 Purinethol (mercaptopurine)___ 15 ' Primadol ()______62 Puromycin______16 Primaquine______8 PVP (polyvinyl pyrrolidone) _ __ 44 Primldone_.______68 Pyramid on (aminopyrine) ____ • _ 60 Priodax (iodoalphionic acid)____ 35 Pyralhlazine.__ •• ___ -·· __ ­- -­ - 37 92 Paoe Pag• Sumycin (tetracycline) ______3 Terpin hydrate, Elixir, Bee Elixir Supranephrin (epinephrine) ____ _ 49 terpin hydrate with codeine Sum.min______.. 12 and similar mixtures. Surfacine (cyclotnethycaine) ___ _ 58 Terramycin (oxytetracycline) __ _ 3 Surfak (calcium-bis-dioctyl sulfo­ Tessalon (benzonatate)______64 succinate}. ______32 Testobase (testosterone). --- ___ _ 42 Surita! (thlamylal) ______57 Testosterone. ______- _ - ____ - • 42 Suvren (captodiamine) ______71 Testra (methyltestosterone) ___ _ 42 Suxinyl (succinylcholine). __ • __ _ 55 Testryl (testosterone) ... ______42 Sycotrol {piperilate). ______71 Tetanus antitoxin ______36 Synalar (fluocinolone) ______39 Tetanus toxoid______36 Synandrol (testosterone) ______42 Tetrabenazine•• ____ - • - - ___ - _. 71 Synasal (phenylephrine) ______49 Tetra.ban (tetracycline)._. __ • __ 3 Synate (secobarbital) _____ . _ ..• 66 Tetracaine______----- _-- ____ _ 58 Syncillin (phenethicillin) ______2 Tetrachlorethylene. ______- ___ _ 13 J Syncort (desoxycortieosterone). _ 39 Tetracycline___ --- _----- ______3 Syncurine (decamethonium) ___ _ 55 Tetracyn (tetracycline). - _____ • 3 - Syngesterone (progesterone). __ _ 42 Tetraethylammonium•.••------24 Syntetrin (rolitetracycline) _. __ _ 3 Tetrabydrozoline. ______. ______49 Synthetic oleovitamin D. ______45 Tetrex (tetracycline) ______3 Synthroid (levothyroxine, sodi­ Theedol (estriol)------41 u1n) ______40 Theelin (estrone)------41 Syntocinon (oxytocin) ______27 Thelestrin (estrone)______41 Syntropan (amprotropine).• _. __ 53 Thenalidine______37 Syrosingopine_ ---- ______• _--- 24 Thenfadil (thenyldiamine)___ --- 37 Syrup of ipecac. ______• ___ _ 31 Thenyldia.mine•••• _•• ___ •• ___ _ 37 Systiral (chlorphenoxamine). __ _ 37 Theoglycinate (theophylllne so­ dium glycinate) •••••---·---- 26 T Theophylline••••••••••••••••• 21 Theopbylline methyl glucamine. 26 Tacaryl (methdilazine) ..______37, 70 Theophylline sodium glycina.te•• 26 Tace (chlorotrianiaene)______41 Thephorin (phenindiamine) ••• __ 37 Tagathen (chlorothen) ______37 Thiamine______._ ••• ___ •• ___ •• 45 . ______Talbutal. ____ .. ______66 57 Tandearil (oxyphenbuta.zone) __ _ 60 Thiazolsulfone•••• ___ • - - __ •• _- 4 TAO (trlacetyloleandomycin) __ _ 3 Thietbylperazine. ___ • _. - __ •• -- 70 Tapazole (methimazole) ______40 Thioban (thiocarbanidin) ______5 Taractan (chlorprothixine) ____ _ 70 Thiocarbanidin______• ____ • __ _ 5 Tartar emetic, see Antimony Thiomerin (mercaptomerin). _•• 21 potassium ta.rtrate. Thiomersol. _. _•• ____ • _-- ____ _ 18 Tebamin (phenyl-p-aminosali­ ThiopentaL __ •• _____ -•- _____ • 57 cylate)______. ____ . ______5 Thioperazine•••••• ______••• __ 70 Tefron (polyferose.). ______28 Tbioprope.zate•••••••••••••••• 70 Telepaque (iopanoic acid) ______35 Thioridazine. __ •• _. __ • __ • ____ _ 70 TEM (triethylenemelamine). __ _ 15 Thiosulfil (sulfamethizole) ______I Temaril (trimeprazine) __ • ___ • __ 70 Thiotepa_. ______• ______• 15 Tempra (acetaminophen) ______60 Thiouracil•••••-- ____ • _____ •• _ 40 Tensilon (edrophonium) ______55 Thiourea••••------·­ 40 .. Tentone (mPthoxypromazine) __ _ 70 Thonzylamine. ______- • -- 37 Tepanil (die'. hylpropion) _____ • _ 48 Thorazine (chlorpromazine).___ _ 70 Terida:x (iopt.enoxic acid) • __ • _. 35 Thrombolysin (fibrinolysin) ____ _ 29 Tergitol (sodium tetradecyl sul- Thylogen (pyrllamine maleate) __ 37 / fate) ______• ______- ___ - - • J 19 Thyloquinone (menadione) ____ _ 30 l 95 P.., P.., ThymoL ••••••••• - - - • - •••• - - • 18, 18 70 Thyroid.... ______------.. ---­ 40 87 Thyrotropic acid. ______. __ •. _ 23 Thyroxln••••••••••••••••••••• 40 31 Tibione (amithiozone) ______5 23 TJgan (trimethobenzamide) ____ _ 70 23 Tincture of opium, aee Opium. 37 Tindal (e.cetophenazine) ....__ .. 87 Toclase (carbetapentane) ....__ _ 81 TofranU (imipramine) ______26 Tolansin (mephenesin). ______. 29 Tolazoline ••••• _••••••••• _. ___ _ 68 Tolbutamlde••••••• _•••• ____ •• 64 Toleron (ferrous fumarate) ____ _ 10 Tolonium. ___ ------. ____ . 29 ToloxychlorinoL ___ •••• _. ____ _ 29 Toloxyn (mephensin) __ .._____ . 29 Tolseram (mephenes1n car­ 49 bamete)•••••••••••••••••••• 49 Toleerol (mepheneein) ••••• __ ••• 66 Tolyeln (neoclncophen). ___ •• _. 65 Torecan (thlethylperazlne) •• __ • 36 Toryn (cammiphen) ••• _. ___ • __ 55 Tral (hexocyclium) ____ ••• ____ • 60 Tmncopal (chlormezanone) ..__ _ 3 Tranyloypromine... __ . ______Traeentine (adlphenlne) •••••••• cine.. __ - .... - ... -- ... ---- .... -- .. - .. 36 Tmvamln (protein hydrolysate). Typhus vaccine ______36 Treca.tor (ethionamide) ____ . __ . Tyroojnone (ethisterone) ____ ••• 41 Trepfdone (mephenoxalone) ___ . Tyrothricln ...... _...... _... _...... 6 Triacetin. _..____ . ___ . _____ . _. Tyvld (isonlazid). ______5 Triaoetyloleandomyoin.. __ . _. __ Tyzlne (tetrahydrozoline) _____ • 49 Triamcinolone____ . ______.. __ _ Trlaeyn B------·------· Tribromethanol ______u Triburon (triclobisonium) ______Ulacort (prednisolone) __ ...... __ .. _ 39 Trichlormethiazide.. ______U!tran (phenaglycodol) ______Trichloroethylene ______71 Ultre.ndren (fluoxymesterone) .... _ Triclobisonium______42 Unsaturated fatty acids.... ______Tricyclamol. ______28 Uracil mustard ...... ______Tridihexethyl. ____ • ______15 Urea______21 Tridione (trimethadione) ______Urecholine (bethanechol) •• ____ _ Triethylenemelo.minc. ______52 15 Uretha.ne ...... 16 Trifluoperazine______70 Urokon (acetotrlzoate) ______36 Triflupromazine______70 Trifluroethylvinyl ether ______57 v Trlhex!phenldyL. __ • ______• _. 64 Valethamate ______Trilafon (perphenazine) .,______70 63 Valleetrll (methalleneetrll) ••• __ _ Trilene () ___ _... _ 57 41 • Valmid (ethinamate) ______65 Trimax (magnesium trisilicate) ... . 81 Va.lnoctamide ... ______... ______Trimeprazine ___ . ______... 71 70 Valpin (octatroplne) •• ______Trimetbadione ... ______53 68 Vaneomyclri ••.•••••.•..•••••• Trimethaphan. _____ . ______3 24 Vaneosin (vancomycin) ...... 3 96 12. ALIMENTARY AGENTS-Continued Pago Emetics______----- •• __ - • _------. ------31 Choleretics.. ______• ______• _____ •. ----. _------______31 Cathartics: Lubricants, softeners and bulky substances._ •• ___ •• 32 Cathartics: Saline, vegetable and other•• ------32 Agents to control diarrhea •• _•••. __ ••• _. --- •• ___ --- ______33 13. DIAGNOSTIC AGENTS------34 Plasma and blood volume agents______34 Gastric acidity agents •• -----.---- __ . __ ---- •• ---•••••• ---- •• 34 and liver function agents.------34 Radio opaque media ••••• ------35 Other diagnostic agents.------35 14, AGENTS FOR IMMUNOLOGY AND ALLERGY______36 Toxins and toxoids- .. ------36 Vaccines ..... ------36 Immune sera .• __ ... __ ------...... 36 Allergenic and diagnostic preparations...... 37 Antihistamines ...... _.... ----- ...... __ .. ------...... 37 Antimotion sickness agents...... 38 15. HORMONES __ --- -- __ ------39 Adrenal mineral corticoids...... 39 Adrenal glucosU>roids __ .. _...... _...... • ...... 39 Adrenal cortical hormone antagonists...... 40 Cortlcotropin______40 Thyroid preparations...... 40 Antithyroid substances ...... _...... ------...... 40 Iodides------41 Estrogens...... 41 Progestins. ___ ...... _...... _...... _...... _...... 41 Nonsteroid luteal factors______42 Androgens ...... ------42 Gonadotropins ______...... 42 Insulins ...... ______43 Insulin substitutes ...... _...... _...... _...... _...... _...... 43 Pal'llthyroid. ------43 16. BLOOD, FLU!Dh AND ELECTROLYTES______44 Blood and blood products------44 Plasma substitutes...... 44 Inorganic salts ...... ----...... 44 17. VITAMINS______------_------_-- ___ ------__ _ 45 Vitamin A _____ --- ______---- ______------______45 Vitamin B members and related substances...... 46 Vitamin C __ ------·- __ ------_------_ 45 Vita.min D and related ...... 45 Vitamin E. __ ..... _...... _...... 46 Polyvitamln preparations._...... 46 18. AGENTS IN NUTRITION______47 Nutritional supplements, carbohydrate .. _ ...... _...... _...... 47 Nutritional supplements, protein and amine acid...... 47 Nutritional supplements, fat...... _...... _...... 47 Agents in obesity_ .. _...... __ .... ------____ ...... 48 19. SYMPATHETIC STIMULANTS______---- ______------49 Vasoconetrictors ...... -...... 49 Central stimulants ...... __ ...... _...... _ 49 Smooth muscle relaxants...... 50

ix Page 20. SYMPATHETIC DEPRESSANTS __ - ---·-········------·--·--- 51 Vasodilo.tors and hypotensives ______­ .. _____ .. _...... _.... __ .... _ 51 21. PARASYMPATHETIC STIMULANTS_······-···--·------52 Parasympathetic stimulants, direct ...... - .. ------.. _-- __ .... _.... _ 52 Parasympathetic stimulants, anticholinesterase ...... ___ .. 52 22. PARASYMPATHETIC DEPRESSANTS-----···-·-·--·-·------53 Antispasmodics______- -• - -•. -··••.• -• ----• -. - - - -• --__ _ 53 Cycloplegics aod mydriatics_ -• -• -·- -. -.•-•••••••• -·.-·-·- - _ _ 54 Central depressants and antipal'kinson agents...... ______54 23. MYONEURAL AGENTS_------·-···--·-·-·-···-·· 55

Muscle relaxants1 curare type.... - --...... - ...... __ .... __ ...... 55 Muscle stimulants ...... - --...... - ...... 66 Muscle relaxants, mepheneein type______55 Muscle relaxants, others ...... - ...... - ...... __ ...... 56 24. AND THERAPEUTIC GASES------··-·----· 57 Inhalation anesthetics._ ...... _.... __ ...... 57 Nonvolatile anesthetics ...... _ ...... _ ... _ ...... __ .... _ 57 Therapeutic gases ...... __ ...... __ ...... ____ ...... __ .. 57 Local .a, injection or topical ...... ______58 Local anesthetics, topical onlY------···------58 25. NON-NARCOTIC ANALGESICB---·-··-···-·-······-··-······ 60 Salicylates___ . _. ____ . ____ • _____ . __ . ____ ••••••• __ •. __ .••_. _ 60 Aniline derivatives ...... __ .. --- __ ...... __ ...... __ ...... __ .... 60 Pyrazolon derivatives _____ ...... _ ...... _ ...... --- .. ____ ...... _.. __ 60 Colcbicine group _____ • ____ . ______••••••••.• _. ___ .•••••• _ 61 Others______·------·-····-·--·····-----·· 61 26. NARCOTIC ANALGESICS.---·-··--·--·-····-·········-·---·· 62 Opium derivatives ...... __ ...... __ .. __ .... ---- .. ----.... ---- 62 Morphine derivatives and antagonists______62 Codeine derivatives_ .... __ ...... __ ---...... -----.... ------__ .. 62 Methadone group.-··._ •••• ______.•_._ ••••••••••.•..• __ •••• 63 Meperidine group .. _...... ____ ...... _...... ----...... 63 Phenampromide derivatives ...... __ ...... ----...... 63 27, ANTITUSSIVES_. --_. ____ • ___ . --• _. -·-·•• -·••• ___ . __ •.••••• __ 64 Expectorants______64 Nonnarcotic suppressjvce .... ______...... __ ...... _____ ...... 64 28. SEDATIVES AND HYPNOTICS------··-··--·····-·-·-····--- 65 Halogenated.hydrocarbons______65 Bromides------·-··-··-·--·-· 66 Paraldehyde______65 Ureides, carbamates, higher alcohola ...... - ...... _____ 65

Barbituratee1 short and intermediate acting______66 Barbiturates, long acting ____ ••• _•• ______._ ••• ______._ •.. __ 66 Gluteth!m!de group ______._. ______..••••___ ._ .•_____ .___ 66 Antihistamine sedatives ...... __ ...... _ ... __ .. ___ .. _.... _...... 67 29. ANTICONVULSANTS __ • -·-----·-····----·-···------68 Barbiturate group _____ .•._._. __ •.• ______._ •.______• ______• 68 Hydantoins _____ . __ •. ___ .•••_. ____ • __ ••• _. ___ . _____ • ______68 Oxa.zolidones_ ...... _ ...... _.. _ ...... __ .. ____ ...... _.. _ 68 Other a.nticonvulsants ...... __ ...... ___ ...... __ .... __ ...... __ .. _ 68 30. TRANQUILIZERS___ •.• ___ -·-____ ._ •• _. ______• ___ .______70 Phenothiazine group ...... __ ...... _ ...... _ ...... _.... __ .. ____ .. ___ .. 70 Antiemetics ______. _. _. __ •. ______. ____ • ______. 70 x 8. TROPICAL AGENTS

INSECTICIDES benzyl benzoate chlorophenothane (DDT) ~rotamiton (Eurax) lindnne (benzene hexachloride; hexachlorocyclohexane) Undesirable effects in aviation: Local irritation; DDT and lin­ dane may produce irritnbility, numbness and tingling, tremors, and later, convulsions and death in excessive dosage. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated after customary topical application and dosage. Medical ex­ amination indicated before return to duty. INSECT REPELLANTS butapyronoxyl (Indalone) dimethylphthalate dimethyltolumide (m-Delphene) ethohexadiol ( Rutgers 612) Undesirable effects in aviation: Local irritation; little chance of systemic effects. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated after customary application. Medical exnmination indicated before return to duty. ANTISEPTICS: PHENOLS, METALS, HALOGENS, OXI, DIZING AGENTS, ALCOHOLS, DYES acritla vine ammoniated mercury bismuth tribromphenate (Xeroform) cresol ethyl alcohol hexachlorophene (Gamophen; pHisohex) hydrogen peroxide , tincture iodochlorhydroxyquin (Enterokin; Enteroquinol; Quinambicide)

17 menthol (Mercurochrome) mercuric chloride methylrosaniline (gentian violet) I nitromersol (Metaphen) oil of cloves oil of eucalyptus phenol potassium permanganate proflavine scarlet red silver picrnw ( Picragol) sodium perborate strong and mild silver protein (Argyn; Argyrol; Lunargen; Protargin; Protargol; Sil vol) thiomersol (Merthiolate) thymol yellow mercuric oxide zinc oxide Undesirable effects in aviation: Relatively nontoxic. Some may be irritating (tincture of iodine); some sensitizing (ammoni­ ated mercury); some capable of producing systemic toxicity if applied excessively or on abraded skin (phenol). Use in aviation personnel: Airman dutioo not contraindicated after topical use in conventional dosage. FUNGICIDES benzoic acid caprylic compound (Naprylate) caprylic salts salicylic acid triacetin ( Enzactin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Relatively nontoxic. Use in aDiation personnel: Airman duties not restricted afwr topi· cal use in conventional dosage. SURFACE ACTIVE COMPOUNDS benzalkonium (Zephiran) benzethonium (Phemerol) 18 13. DIAGNOSTIC AGENTS PLASMA AND BLOOD VOLUME AGENTS Evans blue radioactive chromic chloride radio-iodinated serum albumin sodium radiochromate Undesirable effects in aviation: Unlikely to produce adverse effects. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated from the use of these drugs themselves, but medical or diagnos­ tic reasons would ordinarily preclude it for at least 24 hours. GASTRIC ACIDITY AGENTS azuresin (Diagnex blue) betazole (Histalog) quinine carbacrylic resin (Diagnex) Undesirable effects in aviation: Transistory flushing and palpita­ tion from histamine. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 12 hours after use. KIDNEY AND LIVER FUNCTION AGENTS benzoic acid galactose inulin mannitol phenolsulfonphthalein (phenol red) sodium p-amminohippurate spdium indigotindisulfonate sodium thiosulfate sulfbromphthalein ( Bromthalein) Undesirable effects in aviation: Adverse effects unlikely. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by the agents themselves.

34 -- J 17. VITAMINS VITAMIN A carotene in oil cod liver oil halibut liver oil oleovitamin A percomorph liver oil vitamin A Undesirable effects in aviation: Unlikely in adults. Use in aviation perslJnnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by treatment with u~ual dosage. VITAMIN B MEMBERS AND RELATED SUBSTANCES choline dried yeast methylol riboflavin (Hyflavin) niacin ( nicotinic acid) niacinamide ( nicotinic acid amide) pyridoxine riboflavin Undesirable effects in aviation: Nil except for immediate flushing from niacin. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated except for 4 hours after the use of doses of niacin which produce any side effects. VITAMIN C ascorbic acid Undesirable effects in aviation: Unknown. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated during use. VITAMIN D AND RELATED STEROIDS calciferol d·ihydrotachysterol ( Hytakerol; formerly hydrocalciferol) fish liver oils synthetic oleovitamin D

45 Undesirable effects in aviation: Excessive dosage may produce hypercalcemia with anorexia and Joss of weight. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by antirachitic dosage. Doses over 50,000 i.u. (vitamin D), or 1 ml. dihydrotaohysterol daily contraindicate work during the first 2 months of therapy; work thereafter may be permitted in some positions when the blood calcium is adequately stabilized and no symptoms are present. VITAMIN E alpha tocopherol Undesirable effects in aviation: Unknown. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by use. POLYVITAMIN PREPARATIONS dried yeast hexavitamin triasyn B wheatgerm Undesirable effects inaviation: Unlikely. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by use.

46 24. ANESTHETICS AND THERAPEUTIC GASES INHALATION ANESTHETICS chloroform cyclopropane ether ethyl chloride halothane (Fluothane) methoxyfl urane ( Penthrane) trichloroethylene (Trilene) "') trifluoroethylvinyl ether (Fluormar) .. ~, vinyl ether (Vinethane) Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea and vomiting during recovery; arrhythmias, liver damage (chloroform). Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 72 hours after use (24 hours after nitrous oxide if examination shows no sequellae) . NONVOLATILE ANESTHETICS hexobarbital (Evipal; Evipan; Sombulex) (Viadril) magnesium salts (Nera val) methohexital ( Brevital) phencyclidine (Sernyl) thiamylal (Surita!) thiopental ( Pentothal) tribromethanol ( A vertin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Recurrent sleepiness after par­ tial recovery. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use. • THERAPEUTIC GASES carbon dioxide helium j oxygen 57 Undesirable effects in aviation: Local irritation and fatigue re­ maining after use. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after therapeutic use. However, it is to be noted that oxygen, properly used, is of ndrnntnge to normal nirmen in high-altitude flying. LOCAL ANESTHETICS, INJECTION OR TOPICAL benoxinate ( Dorsacaine) butacaine (Butyn) butethamine (Monocaine) chlorprocaine ( Nesacaine) cocaine cyclomethycaine ( Surfacaine) dibucaine (Nupercaine) hexy lcaine ( Cyclaine) lidocaine (Xylocaine) mepivacaine ( Carbocaine) naepaine ( Amy!sine) piperocaine (Metycaine) procaine (Lactocaine; Neocaine; Novocaine; Scurocaine) proparacaine ( Ophthaine) (Ravocaine) (Pontocaine) Undesirable effects in aviation: Local discomfort during re­ covery. Excitement and possible convulsions from overdosage. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 12 hours after use. LOCAL ANESTHETICS, TOPICAL ONLY amydricaine (Alypin) benzy I alcohol butylaminobenzoate (Butesin) dimethisoquin (Quotane) diperodon (Diothane) dycyclonine (Dyclone) ethylaminobenzoate (Benzocaine) ethyl chloride eugenol larocaine orthoform ( ) • phenacaine (Holocaine) pramoxine (Tronothane)

58 Undesirable effects in aviation: Moderate depression from large therapeutic doses. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 12 hours after use. METHADONE GROUP dextromoramide tDimorlin; Palfium) dextropropoxyphene (Darvon) methadone ( Amidone; Dolophine) Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea, depression, slowed respiration. ' Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated,for 24 -; hours after use. II'l most instances the medical condition would preclude duty for an additional period. •' ,-­ MEPERIDINE GROUP alphaprodine (Nisentil) anileridine (Leritine) diphenoxy late ( Lomotil) (Zactane) meperidine (Demerol; Pethidine) prodilidine Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea, depression, slowed respiration. Use in aviation personnel: .Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. PHENAMPROMIDE DERIVATIVES diampromide phenampromide Undesirable effects in aviation: Sedation. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 12 hours after use.

/ I ( I

63 27. ANTITUSSIVES EXPECTORANTS ammonium chloride glyceryl guaiacolate (Guaianesin) ipecac sodinm iodide Undesirable effects in aviation: Serious side effects unlikely. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by use. NONNARCOTIC SUPPRESSIVES benzonatate (Tessalon) carbetapentane (Toclase) chlorphendianol (Detigon) dimethoxanate ( Clothera) homarylamine (Nectadon) Undesirable effects in aviation: Occasional mild nausea, dizzi­ ness, drowsiness. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by usual dose.

64 31. STIMULANTS NIKETHAMIDE GROUP ethamivan (Emivan) nikethamide ( Coramine ; Nikorin) Undesirable effects in aviation: Toxicity minor; extra-thera­ peutic doses convulsive. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated by the use of the drug per se for 48 hours. Medical indication would r usually preclude duty for a longer period. OTHER MEDULLARY STIMULANTS amiphenazole (Daptazole) bemegride ( llfegimide) pentylenetetrazol ( Cardiazol; llfetrazol ; Pentrazol; Pentrolone) Undesirable effects in aviation: Strong respiratory stimulation, convulsions. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. However, medical status would presumably preclude duty. REFLEX STIMULANTS ammonium carbonate aromatic spirit of ammonia Undesirable effects in aviation: Effects minor. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by use per se, but medical need would probably indicate unfitness for duty.

73 32. PSYCHIC STIMULANTS XANTHINE GROUP coffee; tea, and other beverages containing xanthines Undesirable effects in aviation: Wakefulness, tremor, indigestion, nervousness. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated by beverage use, but medicinal use would probably indicate un­ fitness for duty. SYMPATHOMIMETIC GROUP amphetamine (Amitrene; Amphedrine; Benzedrine) dextroamphetamine ( Adrizine; Am-Dex; Dadex; Dexedrine) methamphetamine (Desoxyn) Undesirable effects in aviation: Wakefulness, nervousness, impaired judgment. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. DIPHENYLMETHANE GROUP deanol (Deaner) methylphenidate (Ritalin) pipradol ( Meratran) Undesirable effects in aviation: Irritability, hyperexcitability, insomnia. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. Medicinal need would probably · indicate unfitness for duty. AMINE OXIDASE INHIBITORS etryptamine ( Monase) iproniazid (Marsilid) isocarboxazid (Marplan) (Niamid) (Nardi!) pheniprazine (Catron) (withdrawn) (Parnate) 74 Page Pago Vanquin (pyrviniuml. ••••••••• 13 Vonedrine (phenylpropylmethyl­ Vaponephrin (racephedrine) ..•• 49 amine)••••••••••••••••••••• 49 Varida.se (streptokina.se-strepto­ Vontil (thioperazine) •••••• _•••• 70 dorn80e) •••••..•••..••••••• 29 Vasi mid (tole.zoline) ______• __ _ 51 w Vasodilan (isoxuprine) ______50 Warfarin••••••••••••••••••••• 29 Vasodiiatol (pentaerythritol tet­ Wheat germ ______ranttra.te). ______46 26 Whole blood •••••••••••••••••• 42 Ve.sodrine (epinephrine) _____ • __ 49 Winstrol (stanozolol) ______Vasopressin______42 27 Wyacort (methylprednisolone) .• 39 Vasoxyl (methoxamine) ______49 Wyamine (mephentermine) ••••• 49 V-Cillin (phenoxymethylpenicil­ lln)••• ·•••.•••••..••••••••• 2 x Velban (vinblastine) •••••••••• 16 Xanthines••••.••••••••••••••• 74 I Veralba (protoveratrines A & B). 24 Veriloid (alkaven•ir) ••••••••.•. 24 xe;:{;:~-~!~~-u-t~:.t~'.~r_o_~:~~ 17 ( Verona! (barbital) ••••••..•.••• 66 Xylocaine (lidocaine). _•••. ___ • 58 I Vesprin (triflupromazine) ______70 Xylometazoline••••.••••.••••• 49 I I Versenate, see Edathamil cal­ cium-disodium. y Viadril (hydroxydioqe) ••••••••• 57 Yatren (chiniofon) _____ •• ______9 Vinactane (viomycin) ••••••.••• 4 Yellow fever vaccine •••• _•••••• 36 Vinbnrbital••• _. _•••• -•-- --- • - 66 Yellow mercuric oxide ••••• _••• 18 Vinblastine. ______• ______• __ _ 16 Yodoxin (diiodohydroxyquln) ••• 9 Vinethane (vinyl ether) •• ____ •• 57 Vinyl ether •••••••••••••..•••• -57 z Vioform (iodochlorhydroxyquin). 9 Viomycin ______• _. _------___ _ Zactane (ethoheptazlne) ••••••.• 63 4 Zanchol (florantyrone) ______32 Vio-Serpine (rauwolfia) _____ ••• ·11 Zarontin (ethosuximide) •••••••• 68 Vistaril (hydroxyzine) .•••.. ___ • 71 Zephiran (benzalkonium) ••••••• 18 Vitamin A------­ 45 Zinc oxide ______18 Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). _ 28 Zine sulfate ••••.•••••••••• - ••• 31 Vitamin K oxide ______1 30 Zoxazolamine. __ -- ••• --- ••• - - • 23,56

I I .. ; -, ../

97 v LI. S. <..OVE:RNMENT PRINTING OFFIC'E 1966 0 • 214-949 ; / " 0 p Paoe Page Octatropine______53 Pacatal (mepazine) ______70 Octin (isometheptene) ______49 Pagitane (cycrimine) ______54 Octofollin (benzestrol) ______. 41 Palfium (dextromoramide) ______63 Octrlte (octyl nitrite) ______26 Paludrine (chlorguanide) ______8 Octyl nitrite ______26 Pamaquine______8 Oenethyl (methylaminoheptane} 49 Famine (methscoplamine) ______53 Oil of chenopodium__ .. ___ • ___ . 14 Pamisyl (para - aminosalicylic 011 of cloves ______18 acldl------­ 5 Oil of eucalyptus. __ . ______._ 18 Panamine (phenylpropanola- Oil of wintergreen.------60 mine) _____ ------49 Oleandomycin. ______3 Pancreatic dornase ______29 OleovitaminOpthalne______A------_ 45 Panmycin (tetracycline) ______3 58 Panparnit (caramiphen) ______64 Opium. ______33, 62 Pantopaque (iophendylate) _. __ . 36 Orabilex (bunamlodyl) ____ . __ • _ 35 Pa.ntopon______62 ,• Ora-Lutln (ethiaterone) ____ ••. _ 41 Pantothenic acid ______45 Oranixon (mepbenesin) ______55 Panwarfin (warfarin) ______29 Ora-Testryl (ftuoxymesterone) __ 42 Papaverine______..______. 27 Orenzyme (trypsin) ______29 Para-aminosalicylic acid ... __ . __ 5 ' Orestralyn (ethlnyl estradlol) __ 41 Paracort (prednisone) . ______. 39 Orelie (hydrochlorothlazide) ___ _ 22 Paradione (paramethadione) .... 68 Oreton-~' (testosterone) ______42 Paraftex (chlorzoxazone). ______56 Paraldehyde. ______Oreton-M (methylU!sterone). __ 42 65 Org88teron (normetandrone). __ . 42 Paramethadione...._. _. ______68 Orinase (tolbutamlde) ______43 Para-nitrosulfathiazole.. ______1 Oriaul (sulfaphenazole) ______I Para.pas (para - amfnosalicylio Orphenadrine ______54 acid) ______.__ •••• - •• - - - • - ••• 5 Orthocaine (orthoform). __ . ___ _ 68 Parasal (para • aminosallcylic Orthoform______. ______•• _ 68 acid) ______•• ______._ •• _. 5 Orthoxine (). 49 Parathormone (parathyroid in­ Otrlvln (xylometazoline) _•• _. __ 49 jection)_ ••• ______._ ••• ___ _ 43 Ouaba.in ______---- __ _ 20 Parathyroid injection ______._ 43 Ovocyclln (estradlol) ______Oxacillin______41 Paredrine (hydroxyampheta- 2 mine) ••••••• _____ • __ •• ____ _ 49 Oxamyein (eyeloserine) _____ . __ 4 Paregorfo ____ . ___ . ___ . _. __ . __ _ Oxanamide______33,62 71 Parenzyme (trypsin) ______29 Ox bile extract ______32 Parnate (tranylcypromine) ____ _ 74 Oxophenarsine. ______10 Paromomycin______. __ . _. __ . _ 4 Oxsoralen (methoxsalen}. ______19 Parsidol (ethopropazlde) ______• 54 Oxucide (piperazine) ______14 Pasara (para-amlnosallcylio acid). 5 Oxycholln (dehydroohollc acid) __ 32 Pathilon (trldlhexethyl). __ ••• __ 53 Oxygen------···-----··--· 57 Pavatrine. __ . ______. ______. 53 Oxylone (ftuoxolonate). ____ • _. _ 39 Paver!) (dioxyline) ____ • ______26 Oxymetholone. ______..__ _ 42 Pectin___ ·------_--·. ______33 Oxymorphone______62 Peganone (ethotoin) _. ______68 ...._ Oxypbenbutazone. ______60 Pelletierine. ______13 ;, Oxyphencyclimine. ______53 Pembule (pentabarbital) ___ • __ _ 66 Oxyphenonium______. __ _ 53 Pempidine______---­ 24 Oxytetracyeline. __ . ______3 Penbrltin (ampiciiiln). ___ .• ___ _ 2 • Oxytocin ______27 Penoard (pentaerythritol tetrani- Oxytrlphylline__ • ______26 trate) _____ . ------___ ---­ 26

90 Pago Paoe Morphine._.---- __ • _____ ----­ 62 N cosynephrine (phenylephrine) __ 49 Mumps virus vaccine.------­ 36 Nepta.zane (methazolarnide) •••• 22 Muracll (methylthiouracil) ••••• 40 Neraval (methitural) ______57 Murel (valethamate)••••••••••• 53 Nesacaine (chlorprocaine) _. ___ _ 58 Mustargen () •• 15 Neutrapen (penlcillinn.se) ••• _•• _ 2 Mye.nesin (mephenesin) ______56 Niacin 1 see Nicotinic acid. Mycifradin (neomycin) ••••••••• 4 Niacl11amide, see Nicotin1c acid Mycostatln (nystatin) .••••••••• 7 amide. Mydriacyi (tropicamide)_ •••••• 54 Nialamide_•• _. _. _••••..•••••• 74 Myieran (bisulfan) ___ • _••••••• 15 Nia mid (nialamide) ___ • __ • ____ _ 74 Myochrysine (gold sodium thio­ Nicotinic acid ______--~- ____ _ 23, 46 malate)••.•••- ••••••••••.•• 10 Nicotinic acid amide______45 Myodil (amotriphene). __ • _. _•• 26 Nikethamid•---·········------73 Mysoline (primidone).------68 Nikorin (nikethamide). ___ • _. __ 73 Mytelase (ambenonium). ______52, 55 Nilevar (norethandrolone). _. _•• 42 Mytolon (benzoquinonium) ___ •• 55 Nioform (iodochlorhydroxy­ quin) •••••••• ______g N Niona.te (ferrous gluconate) ____ _ 28 Nisentil (alphaprodine) __ • __ • __ 63 • Nabadial (methylandrostenedioi) 42 Nisulfazole (para-nitrosulfathia­ Nacton (poldine) •••••••••••••• 53 zole) ••• ----················ 1 Naepaine_____ •• --·- _••• --- __ _ 58 Nitoman (tetrabenazine) ______71 Nalline () ••••••••••• 62 Nitrofurantoin ______5 Nalorphine•• _. -- ••••••• ---••• 62 Nitrofurazone____ • _•• _. _. ____ _ 6 Nandrolone•••••• _•••- •• -- __ •• 421 Nitrogen mustard •••••• _____ ._ 15 66 Napental (pentabarbitai) ••••••• Nitromersol ______18 Naphazoline______49 Nitrous oxide••• ____ --- ______67 Naphuride (suramin) ______12 Nivea. cream (liquid petrolatum emulsion). ______Naprylate (caprylio compound). 18 32 Naqua (trichlormethlazide)••••• 22 N-methylphenylethylhydantoin_ 68 Nardil (phenelzine)•• __ ••••• __ _ 74 Nodular (methyprylon) _. --.---- 66 Natulose (sodium carboxymethyl Nordefrin. ______49 cellulose).•••••••••••••••••• 32 Norethandrolone. ______42 Naturetin (bendroflumethiazide) 22 Norcthindrone ______42 Nectadon (noscapine) ______64 Norethynodrel ______42 Nembutal (pentabarbital) •••••• 66 Norlutin (norethindrone). ______42 Neoantergan (pyrilamine malE~ Normal human plasma______44 ate) ••••••••••••••••••••••• 37 Normetandrone______42 Neoarsphenamine•••••• __ •••••• 10 Norodin (methamphetamine) __ _ 48,50 Neocaine (procaine) ••••••••••j 58 Nasca.pine ______64 Neocincophen••••• _••• _••• _•• _ 61 Nostyn (ectylurea). _•••••••••• 65 Neodrol (stanolone) ••••••••••• 42 Nova.trio (homatropine) ______63 N eo-hetramine (thonzylamine) •• 37 Novestrol (ethinyl estradiol) •••• 41 Neo-Hombreol (testosterone) ••• 42 Novob!ocin••••••••••.•• _••••• 3 Neohydrin (chlormerodrin). _••• 21 Novocaine (procaine) ______58 Neo-Iopax (iodomethamate) •••• 35 N-phenylbarbital..•••••••••• _ • 68 Nujol (liquid petrolatum) •••••• N eolin (benzathine penicillin G). 2 32 ) Numorphan (). __ _ 62 N eomercazole (carbimazole) •• __ 40 Nuncital (emylcamate) ______• 66 Neomycin••••.••••••••••••••• r. 4 Nupercaine (dibucaine) ___ • __ - • 68 Neostam (stilbamine glucoside) •• 12 Nuprin (sulfamoxole) ______1 Neoatene (methylandrostene­ dil) ••• ______Nydrazid (isoniazid) ______5 421Nylldrin______• 60 Neostigmine..••• - •••• __ •••••• _ 62, 65 Nystatin•• _•• _. ___ ••••••••• _. 7 89 26. NARCOTIC ANALGESICS OPIUM DERIVATIVES camphorated tincture of opium () pantopon powdered opium powder of ipecac and opium (Dover's powder) tincture of opium (laudanum) Undesirable effects in aviation: Sleepiness from excessive dosage. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 12 hours after use. MORPHINE DERIVATIVES (AND ANTAGONISTS) apomorphine dihydromorphinone (Dilaudid) levallorphan ( Lorfan) levorphanol ( Levo-Dromoran) metapon morphine nalorphine (Nalline) oxymorphone ( Numorphan) phenazocine (Primadol) Undesirable effects in aviation: Nausea, vomiting, colic, general depression, slowed respiration, vasomotor depression. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 24 hours after use. In most instances the medical condition would preclude work for an additional period. CODEINE DERIVATIVES codeine (Romilar) dihydrocodeinone ( Codone; Dicodid ; Mercodinone) dihydrohydroxycodeinone ( contained in Percodan) drocode (Didrate) elixir terpin hydrate and codeine and similar mixtures • ethyl morphine (Dionin) pholcodine (Ethnine)

62 Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated in the absence of adverse effects; however, patient should be under close observation for blood changes. GROUP colchicine demecolcine ( Colcemid) Undesirable effects in aviation: Purging at upper therapeutic levels. Use in aviation personnel: Airman duties contraindicated for 48 hours after use. .-. OTHERS cinchophen (Atophan) neocincophen (Tolysin) phenyramidol (Analexin) Undesirable effects In aviation: The cincophens may produce hepatitis; phenyramidol causes infreqqent gastrointestinal dis· tress and pruritis. Use In aviation personnel: Airman duties not contraindicated in the absence of adverse effects. Medical examinations indicated at 2-week intervals if therapy continuous.

61 ~------

Poqe Pago Pyrazlnamide.• _. _•• _. _. _. _••• 5 Restrol (dienestrol) •• - •••--•••• 41 Pyribcnzamine (tripellenamlnc) _ 37 Rhubarb______32 Pyrietal (N-phenylbarbltal) •••• _ 68 Riboflavin ___ . ______. __ 45 Pyridium (phenazopyridino) _--• 5 Rimifon (isoniazid) ______. _. 5 Pyrldoetigmine______...__ . --. 55 Rlstocetin_ ..____ . _. _. _. _. _.._ 3 Pyridoxine.. __ ...... _...... 45 Ritalin (methylphenidate) •••.• _ 74 Pyrilamine maleate ...... 37 Robalate (dihydroxyalumJnum amino acetate) ______Pyrimethamine. _. ------8 31 Pyronil (pyrrobut.amine) __ ..... 37 Robaxin (methocarbamol). __ . _.. 55 Pyrrobutamine..... __ ... - ... - - - . 37 Rolicton (amisometradine) ...... 22 Pyrrolazote (pyrathiazlne) ...- .. 37 Rolitetraeycline . .._. ______3 Pyruvic acid isonlcotlnyl hydra- Romilar (dextromethorphan) .•. 62 zone...... O Roxinold (reserpine) ...... 24, 71 Pyrvinium ...... 13 Rutgers 612 (ethohexadiol) ••••• 17 Rythritol (pentaerythritol tetra­ Q nitrate) ••••-•- •••••• - •••••• 26

Quelicin (succinylchol!ne). _. _. _ 55 s Quiactin (oxana.mide) ...... 71 Quide (piperacete.zine) ...... 70 Baff (safflower oil) ••••••••••••• 23 Quilene (pentaplperide) ••••••• _ 53 Safflower oil.-----········-··· 23 Quinacrine ...... 8, 13 Salfola (safflower oil) •••••••••• 23 Qulnadone (diiodohydroxyquin). 9 Salfolln (safflower oil) •••••••••• 23 Qulnamblcide (lodochlorhyd- Salamlde (salicylamlde). _••.-•- 60 roxyquin) •••••••••••••••••• 9, 17 Salazopyrin (sallcylazosuUapy· Quinidlne•••••• _. _••••• _. _. -· 20 ridine) ••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Quinine. __ ·-----•••••• ------­ 8 Snlicin (sallcylamide) •••••-•-•- 60 Quinine and urea. hydrochloride.. 59 Snlicyl (magnesium trislllcate) •• 31 Quinine carbacrylio resin ...... 34 Salicylamlde••••••••• _. _. _. _•• 60 Quotane (dimethiaoquin) ...... _.. .. 58 Salicylanilide•• - •• ---.•. -·--·- 18 Salicyla.zosulfapyridine____ . ___ . 2 R Salicylic acid ...... ----- ... - .. -- 18,60 Rabies vaccine ...... 36 Saligenin.... - ...... --- ..... - .. ------59 Racephedrine ...... 49 Salrin (salicylamlde) ••••••••••• 60 Radioactive chromic chloride_._ 34 Salvarsan (arsphenamine) _ ..... _.. 10 Radioactive vitamin Bu------­ 36 Salyrgan theophylline (mersalyl Radio-iodinated serum albumin_ 34 sodium and theophylline) .. _.. 21 Raudixin (rauwolfi•l-----·----­ 71 Sandoptal (allybarbituric acid). 66 Raulon (rauwolfia). _. _. _••• _•• 71 Sandostene (thenalidine). _...... 37 Rau-Bed (reserpine) •• ___ •••••• 24, 71 Sandril (reRerpine) ______71 Rau-Tab (rauwolfia) ••••••••••. 71 Santonin ______14 Rautensin (rauwolfia) ______71 Sarcolysin ______15 Rauwiloid (alseroxylon) ______71 Saxol (liquid petrolatum). ______32 Rauwolfia group_. _____ ----- __ 24 Scarlet fever immune serum._ - .. 36 Rauwolfia ______..______71 Scarletred...... _.... ______18 Ravocaine (propoxyca.lne). - . - . _ 68 Scopolamine ...... ------54 Regitine (phentolamlne) •••••••• 51 Scurocaine (procaine) ...... _ .. 58 Relaxln ••••••- • ___ ••• _•• _•••• 42 Seeobarbital••••••••••••••...• 66 22 Seconal (secobarbltal) •••••••••• 66 / . Renese (polythlazide) •• _-·---_. Renstamtn (pyrilamine maleate) _ 37 Sedormid (allyilspropylaeetylcar- Rescinamine______. _ .... _ 71 bamide)•••••••••••••••••••• 65 Reserpine______---·------_ 24, 71 Senna ____ ·----·----·------· 32 Reserpoid (reserpine) ____ . ____ _ 24, 71 (reserpine) ••••••••••.••• 24, 71 Resorcinol______. --- _---· _... 18 Sernyl (phencyclldine) ••••••••• 57 93 Page Pao• Spiramycin___ • ___ •• ______Serpasll \reserpine) ______24, 71 3 Serpiloid (reserpine) ______24, 71 Spironolactone______. ______22 Serpine (reserpine) ______71 Spontin (ristocetin) ______3 Sethyl (homatropine) ______53 Stanolone ______42 Silver nitrate ______18 Stanozolol__ __ . _.. ______42 Silver picrate ______18 Btaphclllin (sodium methiclllin) _ 2 Silver protein ______18 Staphylomycin.. ______. ____ .. _ 3 Sil vol (silver protein) ______18 Steclin (tetracycline) ______3 Sinan (mephenesin) ______55 Stelazine (trifluoperazine) ______70 Sina.xar (styra.mate). - ______. 55 Stenediol (methylandrostene- Singoserp (syrosingopine) _____ . _ 24 dioi) ___ .• ---- ______. _---- _ 42 Sintrom (acenocouma.rin) ______29 Stibophen_. ------. ______12 Sitosterols__ . ______. ______. __ 23 Stigmonene (benzpyrinium) _____ 52,55 Skin test antigens. ______. ____ 37 Stilbamidine. __ .._ -_ - ______- _ 12 Skiodan (methioda)) __ . _. ______35 Stilbamine glucoside. ______12 Smallpox vaccine ______' Soap______36 Stilbestroi (diethylstilbestrol)._. 41 19 Stramonium. __ . ______. _. _ 54 Sodium acetosullone ______4 Streptokinase-streptodorna.se. __ . 29 Sodium bicarbonate ______31,44 Streptomycin. ______4 • Sodium bromide ______65 Styra01ate______55 Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose. 32 Suavitil (benactyzine) ______71 Sodium chloride ______44 Succinylcholine ___ . ______. _ 55 Sodium dehydrocholate- __ ----- 32 Succinylsulfathiazole... ______2 Sodium dextrothyroxin ______23 Sucostrin (succinylcholine). ____ 55 Sodium glutamate ______47 Sulestrex (piperazine estrone sul- Sodium hypochlorit.e ______•• 18 fate)------41 Sodium indigotindisulfonate ____ 34 Sulfacetamide______. _. _ 1 Sodium iodide_. ______••• __ -­ 41, 64 Sulfadiazine ___ ---- __ ---- ___ -- 1 Sodium lactat,e ______•• ______44 Sulfadimethoxine.. ______--- _ 1 Sodium lauryl sulfate ______19 Sulfaethidole______• _. ___ . _. -­ 1 Sbdium methlcillin. __ ------2 Sulfamerazine___ . __ . ______1 Sodium morrhuate ______19 Sulfamethazine______. _____ 1 Sodium p-amm\nohippurate _ - __ 34 Sulfa methizole. ___ ...______1 Sodium perborate __ .• ___ -- ____ 18 Sulfa methoxazole ____ . ___ . ____ . 1 Sodium phosphate ______•• _. __ 32 Sulfa methoxypyridazine ___ . - _. - 1 Sodium psylliat•------19 Sulfa. midine ______. ______. 1 Sodium radiochromate. ____ . _.. 34 Sulfa monomethoxine. ___ . ____ -­ 1 Sodium radio-iodide. __ ._ -- _. __ 85 Sulfamoxole. - . ______- . _-­ 1 Sodium rioinoleate ______....__ 19 Sulfamyd (suifacetamide) ______1 Sodium salicylate______60 Sulfaphenazole___ _ - ...._____ -- 1 Sodium sulfate .._. ___ ..._.. ___ 32 Bu lfapyridine_ - ____ --- ____ ---- 1 Sodium tetradecyl sulfate. __ . __ 19 Sulfa.somizole...______. ___ 1 Sodium thiosuifate. _____ - - _- __ 34 Su lfasuxidine (succinylsulfathia- Solaothyl (corticotropin) ______40 zole) __ • --· •• _. _. ___ • ______2 Solganol (aurothfogluoose) .... __ 10 Sulfathalidine (phthalylsulfathla­ Boluthrlcin (tyrothrlcin) ____ - __ • 6 zoie) ______-- __ • _. --_ 1 Soma (carisoprodol) ______55 Sulfazole....___ . ______1 Sombulex (hexobarbital) __ ----- 57 Bulfbromphthalein ______----- 34 SorbitoL. _--_------•• - - - • --- 21 Sulferroua (ferrous sulfate)_. __ . 28 Sotradecol (sodium tetracedyl Sulfinpyrazone. ______23,60 • eulfateJ---·------19 Sulfisomidine. _. __ - - . - . - - - ..- . 1 Sparine (promazine)------· 70 Sulfisoxazole....•• --..- - . --- .. I Spartase (potassium and magne- Sulfoxone...... ------4 slum salts of aspartlc acid) ___ 47 Bulfuno (sulfamoxole) ______1 94 Page 2 AC 91.11-1 7/19/63

4. AVAILABILITY. Although the contents of the guide should be interpreted and applied by physicians, who know the nature of airman activities, it is available to any purchaser, Order it from the Superintendent of Documents, u. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. c. 20401. The purchase price is 55 cents. /( H. L. Reighar , M.D. Acting Civil Air Surgeon

Par 4 AC NO: AC 91,11-1


EFFECTIVE : 7/19/63


1, PURPOSE, This circular announces the publication and availability of the Guide to Drug Hazards in Aviation Medicine.

2, BACKGROUND, Section 91,11 of the Federal Aviation Regulations states:

"91,11 Liquor and drugs.

(a) No person may act as crewmember of a civil aircraft while ­

(1) Under the influence of intoxicating liquor; or

(2) Using any drug that affects his faculties in any way contrary £.2 safety," (Underscoring supplied),

A means of determining the type of drug which "affects his faculties" has not, heretofore, been provided to airmen.

The Guide to Drug Hazards in Aviation Medicine consists of a compre­ hensive list of all connnonly-used prescription and nonprescription drugs, suitably indexed, The text of the guide groups those drugs with similar pharmacological effect, For each group a concise statement is made concerning: (1) the side effects, if any, which make them undesirable for use while serving as an airman, and (2) reconnnendations concerning the length of time an airman should wait after taking a drug before resuming airman activities.

3, APPLICATION, A copy of the guide is in the possession of all FAA Aviation Medical Examiners.

Examiners are prepared to provide advice and professional interpre­ tation of guide reconnnendations as they might apply to specific circumstances involving the use of drugs by airmen,