EDWARDS BROTHERS, INC. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 1938 Copyright 1<)38 Bess Lloyd Millea

PRINTED !N u.S.A. lithof)rinted by Ed-:vards Brothers, Inc., Lithoprintets and PuhUskers Ann Arbor, Michigan. 193/J The author requests that she be notified of anvCl corrections or additions which users of this book may discover.

Mrs. Bess Lloyd Milles uro u.--r, .... ,..-,..,..,. 201, TLe 1v1 y ne,, .L ct K v, cj,~, Oak Park, Ill.

July, 1938. The author requests that she be notified of anv corrections or Cl additions which users of this book may discover.

Mrs. Bess Lloyd Milles 201 Le Moyne Parkway Oak Park, Ill.

July, 1938.


This history and genealogy of the Lloyd Family is an extended record of the data which Rev. William Artemus Lloyd began collecting during his lifetime.

It is my purpose to include here all of the in­ formation that I have been able to obtain about the family and to publish it in the hope that members of the unknown branches of the family may see it and will send information about their families to complete these records.

My appreciation is extended to Prof. H. A. White of Lincoln, Neb. for the record of the White Family which is included here, and to S. G. Wood for records found in his book "Taverns and Turnpikes of Blandford" which has so much information about Blandford families.



Preface. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • iii

History of the Lloyd Family •••••••••••••• _. • • • • • • • • • 1

Genealogy of the Lloyds...... 8

Tlle Hull Family. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 50

Toe Webster Family...... • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • 55

Tlle Haskell Family. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 60

Ancestry of Sarah White •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 65

Marshall Lloyd's Family •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 68

James Jarvis Lloyd's Family •••••••••••••••••••••••• 69

Col. Artemus William Lloyd's Family •••••••.•••••••• 70

Rev. William Artemus Lloyd ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 73

Will of Roger Haskell of Beverly, Mass •••••••••••• 74

Deed of pew in New Meeting House of Blandford •••••• 76

Revolutionary War Records: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 78 William Loughead Roger Haskell Oliver Webster Samuel Hull Epaphrus Hull

French and Indian War •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 79 Oliver Webster


Civil War. • • • • • • .. . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • . • • 81 Sergius Lloyd Louis Lloyd

Index. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 82 References and Authorities


The "Lloyd Family" of Blandford, Mass. origi­ nated from five brothers and sisters who settled there after 1751. In 1751 Samuel and James filed a deed in Hartford, Conn. for the purchase of land in Blandford. This deed bears the signatures of William, Robert, John and Sarah Laughead. Their name shows a variation of spellings in the records of Blandford. Loughead-Law­ head-Longhead-Lowhead~Loyde-Loyd-Lohed. The name Laughead is of Irish origin meaning Lake Head, and is still found in Belfast and Ulster. These young people gave Hartford as their place of residence but no evidence can be found in or around Hartford which would show they had residence or occupa­ tion there. They all settled in or near Blandford and married into the Scotch-Irish families who had come from Northern Ireland. These Scotch-Irish families arrived in Boston between 1718 and 1725 from the north of Ireland, mainly Ulster. The Scots who left Scotland after the rebellion of 1641 had sought livelihood in Ulster, had intermar­ ried with the Irish and established their Presbyterian communities there. During the Revolution in England the religious and economic oppression became so severe for the group in Ireland that the ministers led their par­ ishioners in a great emigration to America. These groups entered Boston but moved north and south, due to the shortage of food available. The immigrants moved south as far as Worcester where they attempted to settle but because of their Pre~byterian faith they were not wanted and altho some families remained in Hopkinton and Milton, most of the group moved on west. They travelled south into Connecti­ cut, where a few families remained, then on to Hartford and north along the Connecticut River. Groups of fami­ lies remained together and established towns such as Blandford and Palmer, Mass. Blandford was originally called "Glascow. 11 It 2 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS. covered six square miles. This area was divided be­ tween the forty-five Scotch-Irish families who came up from Hartford and settled there in 1737. There is no mention of a family of Lougheads in Worcester or Boston but we find a notation that among the Scotch-Irish immigrants who arrived in 1718 in Boston, was one John Laughead who stopped in Milton, Mass. which is south of Boston. He married Mary Robin­ son in April 1732. The date of marriage appears as April 4 in one record but the Milton Vital Statistics give April 18, 1732. Mary Robinson's birth is recorded in Doc. 59 of the city of Dorchestere Mary Robinson born March 26, 1710 daughter of Samuel and Mary. Dor­ chester included Milton, Mass. Their intentions to marry were filed January 24, 1731 as shown in the Boston City Doc. No. 59. In the Milton Church Records is found:Alexander, son of John and Mary Laughead was baptized April 4, 1740 by Rev. John Taylor. The Milton, Mass. Vital Statistics record three children born to John Laughead and Mary

William son of John and Mary-----Ju.ly 30-1732 John son of John and Mary------Sept.29-1734 Mary daughter of John and Mary--Feb. 24-1748

There are no records of the death of anyone by the name of Laughead in the church or tovm records of Milton, Mass. There are no names of Laughead on the Cemetery Tablets in Milton between 1672-1882, according to published records. The Town Records of Milton show John Laughead was listed among the taxpayers at the West End of town in 1750. The next list of taxpayers does not show his name, and there are no further records of the family in Milton,but the next year the deed to the property in Blandford, Mass. was filed in Hartford, Conn. These records suggest that John Laughead was one of the Scotch-Irish immigrants who came about 1718. He evidently held property in Milton for a few years and then moved on west to the Scotch-Irish settlements. It is assumed that these immigrants were well-to-do for the majority had purchased their passage on the boats HISTORY OF THE LLOYD FAMILY 3 instead of "working for passage" as was a common prac­ tice. It is also noted that the town councils could not very well refuse food to these immigrants since they had the funds to pay for their necessities. In tracing the movement of this family we lose track of Alexander who was born in Milt~n April 4, 1740. Early Blandford records show Sarah Laughead mar­ ried David Fleming of Palmer, Mass. David's father, Joseph, came from North Ireland in 1718 and bought his home lot of 100 acres in Palmer in 1733. The settlers of Palmer were descendants of a colony of Protestants which migrated from Argyleshire in Scotland to Ireland in 1612. William Laughead married Isabel Black in 1759. Her father Robert Black, and his brother Hugh bought one of the original lots in Blandford. Hugh Black bought Lot 1 on March 30, 1737 and held it for 25 years in the original 500 acres. The house built by William Laughead in,1780 is still standing. It was later owned by his son James and occupied by Artemus, son of James, until he built a home near by for his family. Robert Laughead, brother of William and Sarah, married Deborah Moor September 26, 1762. He bought 120 acres of Lot 28 ·in 1759. Deborah's father later deeded to her an adjoining 100 acres of Lot 28. John Laughead, brother of William, Robert and Sarah built a house and tavern northwest of Robert about two miles. He married Mary Butler. Samuel Laughead married Mary Caldwell, who is thought to have been the widow of the Presbyterian Minister. James Laughead first married Sarah Hubbard and later married Huldah Kibbe. James and Samuel bought 120 acres in Blandford fort 750 (pounds). The brothers all changed their name to Lloyd. James Lloyd was considered very wealthy. He was an original land owner and at one time was known to have had 100 cattle and 20 horses. The brothers all built substantial residences and left records as influential citizens in Blandford. The Lloyds had a tendency toward keeping open house and their names appear as Inn Holders of several Taverns. The Town Records show the following Lloyds were 4 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

licensed to own and operate Inns.

John Lloyd licensed 1808-1811 Isaac Lloyd licensed 1818 Sergius W. Lloyd licensed 1823

Isaac was proprieto! of "Scott's Tavern" for a time. The first Tavern, known as "Pixley' s Tavern," stood on the road between Westfield and Sheffield on the farm lot later owned by Almon J. Lloyd. The Tavern was built before the township was organized and a fort or block-house was erected near by the Tavern. "Glascow" was settled first in 1735 and surveyed in 1742 when the name was changed to Blandford. Robert Lloyd built his home on the southern boundary of Blandford, east of Beech Hill, near the Meeting House. The door plate bore his initials cut in imposing fashion, probably done by his son John, the blacksmith. In this house in 1798 were housed the Bishop and Rev. Lee during the annual Methodist Con­ ference. Rather than have the Presbyterian Deacon, Robert Lloyd, know that these guests were paying their own way one of the Methodist members took the silver money over to the Scotch Presbyterian. Up to 1808 the Town Meetings were held in the house of John Lloyd, the blacksmith, because it was the largest home. John Lloyd, son of Deacon Robert Lloyd, had moved his house to the north and built the larger house so he could cater to the public who were in search of health. He advertised a sulphur spring with healing qualities, for it was said that a colored man who dug the well was cured of a sore on his leg, "by virtue of these waters". The well, or spring, contained no min­ eral or sulphur except what was imported into it. Samuel and James Lloyd built a large and sub­ stantial residence, used also as a tavern, close to the Granville line. William built a home shortly after the Revolu­ tion. It was a spacious,broad story and a half building with a roof sloping to the street. The front door opened into a center little hall from which a crooked HISTORY OF THE LLOYD FAMILY 5 staircase led to the two rooms under the roof. The Marshall Lloyd homestead located in the southwestern part of Blandford still stands and is the summer home of Judge Wallace R. Heady of Springfield, Mass. A half mile away is the original Lloyd homestead of which Jarvis J. was the last occupant. This home place was in the family nearly 150 years and t:ti'e Marshall Lloyd place was cut off from it as his share of the proper·ty at the death of his father. His brother Almon kept the home farm. The taverns disappeared with the new modes of travel and change of highways. With the closing of the taverns went the excessive liquor habit which had be­ come a severe menace to all the towns. The prevalence of the use of liquor was evidenced by the town records. In 1757 the town council voted to pay Mr. Root "for the strong drink that the Council drank while they are Hear on Business." For many years the inhabitants at their town meetings adjourned for one hour to the tavern, and on their return failed to accomplish much business. All persons, in those days, partook of this poisonous beverage. It was kept in the house and ad­ ministered in various ways. The effect on the youths of that day became very serious. A temperance reform was accomplished through the efforts of the Rev. Keep. Probably, in coincidence with his movements, the Temperance Pledge was signed in the home of Sarah White Lloyd in 1835. Below is a copy of the pledge and its signatures.

"Whereas Intemperance is an allarming Evil in our land feeling desirous of giving our influence in the cause of Temperance and Virtue We the undersigned Members of the family of James Lloyd deceased Individually solemnly agree that We will abstain from the use of Ardent Spirit Wines as a drink except as an article of Medicene and fur­ thermore we will use our influence in the cause of Temperance in our Families Dated at Blandford January 10, 1835." Sarah W. Lloyd Marshall Lloyd Julia A. Shepard Artemus Lloyd Harriet C. Lloyd 6 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

The reform finally succeeded in prohibiting licenses for the Inns but the vice had been a menace to the town and many petty lawsuits occurred. The Lloyds and their neighbors on Beech Hill became so quarrelsome that the neighborhood gained the name of "Devil's Half Acre." The following was a typical court action aris- ing over the liquor problem:

"May 8, 1803 Horace Harrison of Granville com­ plained of himself that (on the 3rd day of Feb. 1803 with force and arms he did sell and dispose of five gallons of cider brandy to John Lloyd, not having a license as the Law directs to sell same). Fine $6.67.

The reform was sponsored by Col. Artemus W. Lloyd, who as an officer in the army, was alarmed at the drunkenness of the soldiers and with his Lieutenant they solemnly pledged to cease all intoxicating drinks. The Lloyds are mentioned as being active in the trades most successful in Blandford. James and later Artemus had large dairies and _shipped cheese to Hart­ ford. This cheese industry earned $16,000 in one year for Blandford. The tanning and leather business was developed early in Blandford. Lyman Lloyd made the first gold mounted harness in America and sent it to the London Fair in 1851. It was bought by Prince Albert and Queen Victoria sent Lyman a medal for his fine work. The tanning business provided an income of $38,000 for North Blandford in 1853. Enois Boies, who married a granddaughter of Achsah Lloyd, and William Freeland, received a contract in 1806 to carry mail by stage from Hartford to Stock­ bridge through Blandford. He held the contract for 22 years and then his son Watson Boies continued to drive the stage coach until his death in 1892. The railroads were appearing across country by that time and the stage was of less use to transportation. The history of the town of Blandford records several members of the family in governmental positions. HISTORY OF THE LLOYD FAJIILY 7 The following were on the Civil List of Select- man: Robert Lloyd 1809 Isaac Lloyd 1811,1814,1815,1818 Jarvis J. Lloyd 1875-79 A. W. Lloyd 1898

Members of the House of Representatives, Hampden,

Isaac Lloyd 1816-17 Samuel E. Lloyd 1854 LLOYD GENEALOGY


I-John Loughead Intentions to marry filed Jan 24-1731 Married Apr 4-1732 Milton, Mass. to Mary Robinson daughter of Samuel and Mary b Mar 26-1710

Children of John Laughead and Mary II-1-William Laughead b Jul 30-1732 Milton, Mass. 2-John Laughead b Sep 29-1734 Milton, Mass. 3-Mary Loughead b Feb 24-1748 Milton, Mass. (In another record-Milton Church Records 1678- 1754) 4-Alexander baptized Apr 4-1740

II-1-William Laughead b Jul 30-1732 Milton, Mass. d Nov 3-1815 Blandford, Mass. m Aug 23-1757 Blandford, Mass. to Isabel Black dau. of Robt. Black & Jane Osburn b 1740 d Jun 6-1820

Children of Wm. Laughead and Isabel Black III-1-Elizabeth Lloyd b Jun 18-1760 Blandford, Mass. 2-James Lloyd b Mar 21-1762 Blandford d Oct 2-1819 Blandford 3-Rachael Lloyd b Aug 26-1763 Blandford m to Francis Hamilton 4-William Lloyd b Jan 29-1767 Blandford m 1791 to Betsy Blair 5-Achsah Lloyd b Nov 5-1769 Blandford d Mar 5-1839 Blandford m to Wm. Freeland of Feeding Hills, Mass. 8 LLOYD GENEALOGY 9

III-6-Isabel Lloyd b Aug 7-1771 Blandford, Mass. 7-Isaac Lloyd b Nov 5-1773 Blandford m Jan · 1797 Blandford to Eunice Gibbs* 8-Mary Lloyd b Aug 15-1775 Blandford (Polly) m 1798 to Nathaniel Higgins of Russell, Mass.

III-2-James Lloyd b Mar 21-1762 d Oct 2-1819 m Nov 25-1792 bland.ford, Mass. to Sarah White dau. of Dr .• John White and Sarah Cannon b Apr 9-1772 Western, Mass. d Jul 16-1841 Blandford, Mass.

James owned a considerable estate for a mountain farmer .. A summary at his death showed: Homestead of 230 acres and buildings------$2,900.00 Step Hill Farm, 100 acres and buildings------~------$1,100.00 Personal property------ti,454.75 James and Sarah had eight children, all born in­ Blandford; but they and their families all left except Almon James who remained on the original Lloyd land.

Children of James Lloyd and Sarah White

IV-1-Julia Ann Lloyd b Jan 14-1794 Blandford, Mass. d Jan 15-1874 Lyons, Ia. (Tombstone Record) m Nov 14-1816 to Linus Shepard b Jan 4-1792 Blandford, Mass. d Mar 18-1869 Lyons, Ia. Linus· Shepard served as selectman for Blandford in 1855. His son James and his descendants remained in Mass. except for Maria who lives in

*See History of Blandford-Gibbs See Supplement for War Records 10 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

IV-1- Seattle, Wash. The two daughters went to Iowa. Julia took care of her parents during their last days at her home in Lyons, Ia.

Children of Julia A. Lloyd and Linus Shepard V-1-William Shepard b Jun 1-1818 Blandford d Aug 27-1836-8 2-James L. Shepard b Nov 2-1819 Blandford d Jul 15-1896 Westfield, Mass. m Jul 4-1848 Otis, Mass. to Cecelia Phelps

Children of James Shepard and Cecelia Phelps VI-1-Maria Shepard b Oct 19-1849 Blandford, Mass. m Jun 22-1867 Elyria, Ohio to Wm. H. Phelps b May 26-1847 Wellington, Ohio Res. 1210 15th Ave., Seattle, Wash.

Children of Maria Shepard and Wm. Phelps VII-1-Edith Phelps b Feb 14-1874 d May 26-1888 Buried Westfield, Mass. 2-Edward Phelps b Nov 7-1869 d Feb 6-1874 Buried Westfield, Mass. 3-Willie Phelps b Apr 28-1877 d Dec 22-1877 Buried Westfield, Mass.

VI-2-8. Alice Shepard b Aug 23-1855 Blandford d May 5-1925 Buried in Westfield, Mass. m Nov 19-1874 Westfield to Edward Smith b Hadley, Mass.

Children of Alice Shepard and Edward Smith VII-4-Edward S. Smith b Apr 16-1877 Westfield m Oct 1-1907 to Clarissa Gibbs b Dec 4-1886 Westfield LLOYD GENEALOGY 11

VII-4- Dau. of W. E. Gibbs and Ada Hedges Child of Edward Smith and Clarissa Gibbs

VIII-1-Virginia Smith b Aug 14-1908 Westfield, m Oct 27-1934 Mass. to W. A. Fuller Virginia was educated at Abbott Academy, Boston

VII-5-Cecile Smith b Apr 4-1880 Westfield, Mass. m Sep 1909 to Howard Alderman Res. Rose Terrace, Longmeadow, Mass.

Children of Cecile Smith and Howard Alder­ man VIII-2-Lucia Alderman b Jul 20-1910 3~Katherine Alderman b M~r 3-1914

VI-3-William Shepard died in infancy 4--Jo sephine ••• -••••••••••• 5-Carrie Belle Shepard b Jan 26-1865 Blandford m Aug 29-1889 Westfield to W.W. Gowing Res. 68 W. Cedar St., Boston, Mass.

Children of Carrie Shepard and W.W. Gowing VII-6-Katherine Gowing b Sep 4-1901 m to Clifton Suggalt, New York City

Children of Katherine and Clifton Suggalt VIII-4-Richard Suggalt b 1917 5-Susanna Suggalt b 1919

VII-7-Charlotte Gowing b Aug 1-1903 m to Mr. Cooper of Columbus, Ohio 12 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, .MASS.

V-2-James L. Shepard married secondly 1878, Clinton, Conn. Sarah Susannah Burr b 1852 Haddam, Conn. d 1933 Springfield, Mass.

Children of Jas. Shepard and Sarah Burr VI-6-James Shepard died in infancy 7-Mary Eliot Shepard b Feb 2-1882 Westfield m Feb 19-1910 Westfield to Walter Klar b Mar 20-1882 Westfield, Res. 41 Dartmouth St., Springfield,Mass. Mass. Mary Klar is a landscape artist educated at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Children of Mary Shepard and Walter Klar VII-8-James Shepard Klar b May 30-1912 m Apr 12-1932 Nassa, .. , to Marjory Hemenway N.Y.

Children of James Klar and Marjory Hemenway VIII-6-Carroll Susanne Klar b Sep 25-1933

Children of Mary Shepard and Walter Klar Cont. VII-9-Marguerite Salome Klar b May 9-1916 Res. Springfield, Mass. with parents VI-7

Children of Julia Ann Lloyd and Linus Shepard Cont. V-3-Julia Elvira Shepard b Nov 9-1821 Blandford d Dec 6-1893 Lyons, Ia. m Jun 10-1847 to William Gibbs d Sep 15-1895 age 76 years

Children of Julia Shepard and Wm. Gibbs VI-8-Eugene S. Gibbs b 1853 d Apr 28-1909 Independence, Ia. (Insane for 30 years) 9-Fannie (adopted) b 1845 d Oct 28-1876 Dallas Center, Ia. m to J.M. Hoopes LLOYD GENEALOGY 13

V-4-Levancia Shepard b Mar 5-1831 d Jan 9-1884 Ruthven, Ia. m Apr 4-1866 to Dr. Cornelius Teale

Children of James Lloyd and Sarah White Cont. IV-2-James Jarvis Lloyd b Jun 21-1796 Blandford d Jul 7-1880 Rummerfield, Pa. m Sep 19-1817 Orwell, Pa. to Sophronia Robinson b May 9-1797 Blandford d Dec 27-1891

James Lloyd and Sophronia had ten children. The story of this family is given to us by Jay Gould VII-14 of Piru, Calif. The Warfields and Robinsons with James Jarvis Lloyd of Blandford and the Barnes family of Granville, Mass. moved to Bradford Co., Pa. They each staked out farms in the forest and developed homes. Many inter­ marriages occurred and we find most of the de­ scendents of James Lloyd remaining in that vi­ cinity. Three sons Robinson, William and Julius went to California. Julius had a 1000 acre ranch, mining interests and was a school teach­ er. Robinson and William were merchants and ranch owners and had large families. They lo­ cated near San Francisco. William married a Spanish girl and had fi.ve children, none of whom have been located to date. He later mar­ ried a member of the Salvation Army and lived in Fresno Co., Calif.

Children of James J. Lloyd and Sophronia Robinson V-5-Alfonso Lloyd b Ma~ 16-1820 Orwell, Pa. d Sep 11-1879 Wyalusing, Pa. m Nov 28-1849 to Caroline Ackley b Aug 9-1829 d Apr 26-1908 14 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Children of Alfonso Lloyd and Caroline Ackley VI--10-Hamilin Lloyd b Mar 4-1857 Orwell, Pa. d Sep 11-1933 Wyalusing, Pa. 1st m to Emma Brown 2nd m to Maude Lantz

Children of Hamil in Lloyd and Maude Lantz VII-10-Lorenz Lloyd b Sep 11-1851 Orwell, Pa. d Jan 11-1852 ••••.•

V-6-Angeline Clarissa Lloyd b Jul 8-1821 Orwell,Pa. d Oct 10-1905 u " m Jun 8-1839 II ff to Dr. Jesse Barnes

~hildren of Angeline Lloyd and Jesse Barnes VI-11-Pluma Barnes b Apr 8-1844 Orwell, Pa. d Jan 18-1914 Los Angeles, Cal. m Jun 2-1864 Orwell, Pa. to Charles Gould b Oct 9-1835 d May 22-1895 Buried i:ri S. Owego, N. Y.

Children of Pluma Barnes and Charles Gould VII-11-Thomas Gould b Aug 16-1875 unknown 12-Myron Gould b Feb 10-1881 d Apr 4-1906 of T.B. buried in Los Angeles 13-Julius Gould (Jay) b Sep 15-1865 Res. Piru, Ventura Co., Cal. 14-Jessie Gould b Sep 1-1867 m Aug 28-1900 Binghamton, N.Y. to Wm. Lewis Reso 617 W. 75th St., Los Angeles, Calif.

Child of Jessie Gould and Wm. Lewis VIII-7-Florence Lewis b May 8-1902 Los Angeles 1st m Aug 4-1920 to Manley Wibbell 2nd m Mar 19-1924 Los Angeles to Henry Brunolt LLOYD GENEALOGY 15

Children of ·Florence Lewis and Henry Brunolt IX-1-Gloria Wibbell b Aug 18-1921 (Dau. of Manley Wibbell) 2-Lewis Brunolt b Mar 29-1928 Los Angeles 3-Darlene Brunolt b Apr 21-1931 •.•...•.••• • Children of Angeline Lloyd and Jesse Barnes Cont. VI-12-Ella Barnes b Feb 12-1852 Orwell, Pa. d Feb 23-1883 Orwell, Pa. m Jun 29-1870 to Olyn Wood

Children of Ella Barnes and Olyn Wood VII-15-Marion Wood b ' din infancy LeRaysville, Pa. 16-Clarence Wood b Jul 26-1871 m Apr 22-1892 Lisbon, N.D. to Ethel Gordon Res. Berlin,N.D. Clarence Wood is a Jeweler and Optician

Children of Clarence Wood and Ethel Gordon VIII-8-Ernest Wogd b Jan 5-1895 Res. Forman,N.D. m

Children of Ernes~ Wood IX-4-Deryl b Apr 28-1924 Centralia, Wash. 5-Eunice b Nov 18-1925 •••••••••• 6-Phyllis b Jul 20-1927 •••••••••• 7-Ernest b Sep 24-1929 Brampton, N.D. 8-Clarence b Jul 6-1931 •••••••••• 9-Glenn b Nov 17-1934 Rutland, N.D.

VIII-9-Beryl Wood b Nov 21-1897 Res. On~laska, Wash.

Children IX-10-Doris J. b Jun 24-1922 Onalaska, Wash. 11-Melvin b Jul 1-1924 ••••••••• 12-Richard b Dec 2-1926 ••••••••• 16 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

VI-13-Florence Barnes b Jun 25-1855 Orwell, Pa. d Sep 25-1915 • • • • • • • • • • m Oct 15-1873 LeRaysville, to Martin Wood Pa.

Child of Florence Barnes and Martin Wood VII-17-Lena Wood b Mar 2-1880 m Oct 2-1910 Pike, Pa. to Ephton Smith

VI-14-Ernest Barnes b Mar 4-1867 Orwell, Pa. m Mar 27-1889 to Mert Robinson

Children of Ernest Barnes and Mert Robinson VII-18-Grace Barnes b Dec 8-1889 Orwell, Pa. m Mar 31-1915 to Arthur Burlington Res. Wyalusing, Pa.

Child of Grace Barnes and Arthur Burling­ ton VIII-10-Paul Burlington b Jan 9-1925 Wyalusing, Pa.

Children of Ernest Barnes and Mert Robinson Cont. VII-19-Lilburn Barnes b Jun 23-1891 Orwell, Pa. m Mar 14-1915 to Blanche Manchester Res. Warren, Pa.

Children of Lilburn Barnes and Blanche Manchester VIII-11-Leonard Barnes b Jun 22-1917 Orwell 12-Eleanor Barnes b May 2-1919 • • • • • • 13-0ntalu Barnes b Nov 13-1926 Warren, Pa.

VII-20-Hazel Barnes b Nov 18-1893 Orwell, Pa. d Mar 13-1923 • • • • • • • • • • m Jan 27-1915 to Arthur Ford

Children of Hazel Barnes and Arthur Ford VIII-14-Mavis Ford b Jan 13-1918 Orwell, Pa. LLOYD GENEALOGY 17

VII-21-Blanche Barnes b Jul 10-1896 Orwell, Pa. m Nov 19-1927 Johnson to Theodore Knapp City, Pa.

VII-22-Ernestine Barnes b Aug 2-1900 Orwell,Pa.

VI-15-Martha Barnes b Jul 6-1848 Orwell, Pa. d Mar 19-1866

Children of James ;arvis Lloyd and Sophronia Robinson Cont. V-7-James Lloyd b Oct 14-1823 Orwell, Pa. d Sep 11-1825 • • • • • • • • • • 8-Harrietta b Nov 4-1826 • • • • • • • • • • d Apr 4-1849 • ••• • • • • • • • T.B • 9-Sarah Lloyd b Jul 1-1828 • • • • • • • • • • m 1st Benjamin Vannest 2nd Henry Phelps d Nov 24-1913 Herrlck, Pa. 10-Almon I. Lloyd b Jun 14-1830 Orwell, Pa. d 1910 m Nov 6-1856 WysQx, Pa. to Elizabeth Newell Almon Lloyd was a farmer and a blacksmith

Child of Almon Lloyd and Elizabeth Newell VI-16-Charles Lloyd b Jun 28-1858 d Mar 11-1924 Wysox, Pa. 1st m Dec 18-1907 Minnie Carr to Minnie Carr d Sep 7-1908 2nd m Jun 8-1910 to Ossie Biles

Children of Charles Lloyd and Ossie Biles VII-23-John E. Lloyd b Mar 17-1915 Wysox, Pa. Res. Binghamton, N.Y. 24~Elizabeth T. Lloyd b Feb 9-1918 Wysox,Pa.

V-11-Chauncy Robinson 110yd b Jun 3-1832 Orwell d Apr 6-1903 m 1875 to Jane Benson 18 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Children of Chauncy R. Lloyd and Jane Benson VI-17-James Jarvis Lloyd b Jul 10-1878 Orwell, Pa. d Jun 30-1934 San Andrea~ Calif. m to Rose Agostini no children 18-Julia Lloyd b Jan 21-1876 San Andreas, Calif. m Aug 31-1904 to John Waters - he died May 17-1924 Julia Lloyd Waters is Co. Treasurer of Calveras Co., Calif. Res. San Andreas, Calif.

Children of Julia Lloyd and John Waters VII-25-Marjory Waters b Jan 9-1906 m to Walter Mowry

Children of Marjory Waters and Walter Mowry VIII-15-Patricia Ann Mowry b Jul 16-1927 16-John Walter Mowry b Nov 27-1929

VII-26-John Waters b Jun 3-1915

VI-19-Maryette Lloyd b Jul 24-1880 Res. 2440 Sacramento St., San Francisco, Calif. 20-Almon Lloyd b Oct 6-1882 d 1913 21-Alfonso Lloyd b Sep 17-1888 d 1923 22-Whitman Lloyd b Jul 1884 d 1887

V-12-Whitman Eli Lloyd b May 26-1834 Orwell, Pa. d Dec 17-1918 Herrick, Pa. m May 1-1871 Forest Lake Center, Pa. to Emma M. Birchard b ,Jul 15-1851 Jessup, Pa. d Sep 20-1927 LLOYD GENEALOGY 19

Children of Whitman Lloyd and Emma Birchard VI-23-Meta C. Lloyd b Feb 22-1880 Elk Lake, Pa. d Feb 25-1908 Herrick, Pa. m Nov 1-1899 Orwell, Pa. to Ephton H. Smith 24-Birdie S. Lloyd b Jun 11~1883 Orwell, Pa. m Dec 7-1907 Owego, N.Y. to Ray E. Chaffee Res. Endicott, N.Y.

Children of Birdie S. Lloyd and Ray Chaffee VII-27-Lloyd R.·Chaffee b May 28-1910 Owego, N.Y. m May 29-1934 W. Endicott, to Frances Valerie N.Y.

Children of Lloyd Chaffee and Frances Valerie VIII-17-RayE.Chaffee b Nov 20-1934 Endicott,N.Y.

VII-28-Hugh E. Chaffee b Mar 4-1913 Owego, N.Y.

VII-29-Raymona Chaffee b Feb 24-1917 Owego, N.Y.

Children of Whitman Lloyd and Emma Birchard Cont. VI-25-Bernice G. Lloyd b Aug 9-1886 Orwell, Pa. m Sep 24-1908 Towanda, Pa. to F. C. Cole Res. Rummerfield, Pa.

Children of Bernice Lloyd and F. C. Cole VII-30-Gertrude M. Cole b Apr 7-1910 Rummer­ field, Pa. m May 12-1931 Pike, Pa. to Hugh F. Chaffee Res. Le Raysville, Pa.

Children of Gertrude Cole and Hugh Chaf­ fee VIII-18-Alta Marie Chaffee b Jun 18-1935 Le Raysville

VI-26-Millie M. Lloyd b Jul 10-1890 Orwell, Pa. m May 27-1916 Owego, N.Y. to Le Roy Robinson Res. Waverly, N.Y. 20 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS. Children of Millie Lloyd and Le Roy Robin- son VII-31-Dorothy A. Robinson b Mar 23-1917 Orwell, Pa. 32-Lloyd A. Robinson b Sep 8-1919 • • • • • • 33-Paul Robinson b Mar 14-1925 Endi- cott, N.Y.

VI-27-Dencie Cleantha Lloyd b May 22-1892 Orwell m Jun 24-1915 Waverly, to Earl E. Allis Res. Waverly, N.Y. N.Y.

V-13-Willium Sergius Lloyd b Jun 8-1836 Orwell,Pa.

He was a merchant near San Francisco and had a large family but the names of only two of his children are known and they have not been heard from for many years.

VI-28-Louis Lloyd West Point, Calif. when last known 29-Arthur Lloyd

V-14-Julia Lloyd b Jul 26-1838 Orwell, Pa. d Asbury Park, N.J. to Myron Gould

Children of Julia Lloyd and Myron Gould VI-30-Bernice Gould m to Frances Pawley Res. 517 Asbury Ave., Asbury Park, N.J. 31-Bina Gould m to Raymond Pawley

Children of Bina Gould and Raymond Pawley VII-34-Myron Pawley 35-Arden Pawley 36-Richard Pawley 37-Francis Pawley 38-Raymond Pawley 39-Julian Pawley LLOYD GENEALOGY 21

V~l5-Julius Lloyd b Jul 26-1838 Orwell, Pa. d 1910 Julius was a school teacher at Sheeps Ranch, Calif.

Children of James Lloyd and Sarah White Cont. IV-3-Marshall Lloyd b Dec 6-1798 Blandford, Mass. d-Aug 11-1877 Blandford m Nov 8-1827 to Sarah Huggins b Feb 4-1800 d Jan 5-1877 Granby, Conn. Marshall and Sarah Lloyd had eight children. They lived on a sixty acre farm which was a part of the original James Lloyd homestead in Bland­ ford. Three of their children went to Cali­ fornia. Henry studied Medicine in New York but being unable to practice because of poor health he established a publishing business to which his brother James was also connected. A son Myron, settled in Westfield with his family.

Children of Marshall Lloyd and Sarah Huggins V-16-Dr. Henry Lloyd b Jul 30-1828 Blandford, Mass. d Apr 30-1868 m Jun 27-1861 Brooklyn, N.Y. to Anna Badger b Jan 25-1835 d Jul 28-1922 Dr.Henry Lloyd established the H.H.Lloyd Pub. Co. Children of Dr. Henry Lloyd and Anna Badger VI-32-Herbert M. Lloyd b Mar 29-1862 Brooklyn, N.Y. d Dec 8-1919 Montclair,KJ. m Oct 19-1893 New York City to Anna Lord Res. 24 Lloyd Rd., Montclair, N .J. Herbert Lloyd was a lawyer, educated at Harvard, received the degree of L.L.B. 1886 from Columbia University. He was a Director of American Paper Goods Co. and Webb Wire Works. 2.2. LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

VI-33-Arthur D. Lloyd b Jan 3-1864 Montclair, N.J. 1st m Edith Van Allen 2nd m 1934 Mrs. Nell Res. 1805 Young St., Selma, Calif. 34-Alfred H. Lloyd b Jan 3-1864 Montclair, N.J. d May 11-1927 Ann Arbor, Mich. m Dec 28-1892 Springfield, Mass to Margaret Crocker b Apr 22-1869 Alfred Lloyd was Professor of Philosophy and Dean of the Graduate School at the Uni­ versity of Michigan. He was educated at St. Johnsbury Academy, Harvard University and in Germany. He published many articles on Philosophy.

Children of Alfred Lloyd and Margaret Crocker VII-40-Alice C. Lloyd b Dec 9-1893 Dean of Women at the University of Michigan Res. 1735 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. 41-Frederick Lloyd b Nov 3-1894 Res. Camp Custer, Mich. 42-Anna Mary Lloyd b May 26-1896 m May 30-1930 to Wm. P. Jesse Res. 5534 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, Ill~ 43-Dr. Putmam Lloyd b Oct 9-1899 m Sep 5-1932 Northeast Harbor, Maine to Nancy Trowbridge Res. 16 East 90th St • , N• Y • City

Children of Dr. Henry Lloyd and Anna Badger Cont. VI-35-Walter Lloyd b Nov 23-1866 Montclair, N.J. m Oct 23-1902 Providence, R.I. to Marian T. Baker Res. 12 Lloyd Rd., Montclair, N.J. LLOYD GENEALOGY 23

VI-35- Walter Lloyd was educated at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Profession-Wholesale leather dealer.

Children of Walter Lloyd and Marian Baker VII-44-Herbert Marshall Lloyd· b May 26-1904 Montclair, N.J. 45-Janet Lloyd b Apr 10-1906 •••••

VI-36-Henry Lloyd b Feb 21-1868 Montclair, N.J. d Dec 23-1888 ••••••••••••••

Children of Marshall Lloyd IV-3 and Sarah Hug­ gins Cont. V-17-Mary Lloyd b Dec 16-1830 Blandford, Mass. d Dec 22-1911 Berkeley, Cal. m Jan 3-1879 San Francisco, to Wm. Swain Cal. 18-Sarah Jane Lloyd b Dec 1-1832 Blandford d Feb 25-1890 Oakland, Cal. to George E. Smith m Jun 1-1863

Children of Sarah Lloyd and George Smith VI-37-Grace Smith b Jun 15-1865 . d Oct 27-1890 Grace Smith had artistic talent. She graduated from Mills College in New York. 38-Gertrude Smith b Feb 25-1869 San Leandro, Calif. d Aug 18-1931 Berkeley, Cal. m Sep 26-1893 Westfield, Mass. to Robert Austin b Sep 14-1863 Suffield, Conn. Res. Placerville, Calif. Gertrude Smith was an artist and a sculptor

Children of Gertrude Smith and Robert Aus­ tin VII-46-Charles Lloyd Austin b Aug 25-1898 Placer­ ville, Calif. m Jul 31-1923 Chico, to Gladys Ingraham b Apr 2-1899 Calif. Charles Austin is active in Forest Genetics. 24 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Children of Charles Austin and Gladys Ingraham VIII-19-Norman A. Austin b Dec 7-1924 20-Sylvia Austin b Aug 3-1926 21-Jewell Austin b Jan 8-1930

VII-47-R. Marshall Austin b Apr 12-1907 San Francisco

VI-39-Mabel Whittier Smith b Sep 18-1871 San Leandro, Calif. m 1893 to Irving Reeves Castro Valley, Calif.

V-19-Julia Ann Lloyd b Dec 25-1834 Blandford, Mass. d May 8-1922 Buffalo, N.Y., Buried Westfield, Mass. m May 22-1884 Hotsprings, Ark. to Dr. Clinton Colegrove b Jun 9-1827 d Oct 19-1906 20-Charlotte A. Lloyd b Mar 22-1837 Blandford d Feb 21-1839 ••.••••.. 21-Myron M. Lloyd b Feb 9-1841 Blandford d Dec 3-1884 m Jun 27-1872 Northampton, to Lucy Foote Mass. b Jun 24-1851 Conway, Mass. d Jun 5-1932 Westfield, Mass. Myron M. Lloyd was a teacher and principal in the schools of Westfield, Mass. for 25 years.

Children of Myron Lloyd and Lucy Foote VI-40-Harry R. Lloyd b Jun 21-1873 Westfield,Mass. m Oct 19-1904 Greenf'ield,Mass. to Harriet B. Young b Feb 9-1880 Harry Rogers Lloyd has been in News­ paper work since 1891. He is Editor of "The Springfield Republican," Mass. Res. 25 Vas­ sar St., Springfield, Mass. LLOYD GENEALOGY 25

Children of Harry Lloyd and Harriet Young VII-48-Harry Lloyd b May 12-1909 Springfield, Mass. 49-Lawrence b Jul 18-1905 • • • • • • • • • • • d Feb 7-1909 • • • • • • • • • • • 50-Julian A. b Jul '29-1914 • • • • • • • • • • • 51-Lucia E. b Mar 25-1921 • • • • • • • • • • • VI-41-Marshall Foote Lloyd b Jun 16-1876 d Mar 29-1879 Scarlet Fever

V-22-James H. Lloyd b Mar 12-1843 Blandford, Mass. d Jan 22-1882 San Francisco, Calif. James was associated with his brother in the Map Publishing Co. with offices in Cali­ fornia. 23-Ellen E. Lloyd b Apr 10-1845 Blandford, Mass. d Oct 17-1865 Montclair, N.J. (T.B.)

IV-4-Artemus William Lloyd b Dec 14-1800 Blandford d Dec 17-1885 Malta, Ill. m Oct 2-1827 Peru,Mass. to Parthenia Haskell b Jun 13-1799 Peru,Mass. d Jul 2-1867 Malta,Ill. Artemus and Parthenia had seven·children, all born in Massachusetts except Eli who was bo;rn in New Hartford, Corm. Artemus had a dairy and a lumber business in various towns in Mass. until 1864 when he brought his family to Illi­ nois to settle a farm. Two of his sons became farmers. Louis, the youngest, established an advertising business and later a machine fac­ tory in Chicago, Ill. William became an out~ standing minister in Chicago. The daughters and their families settled in Colo. and the West. (See supplement for biography of Artemus William Lloyd.)

Children of Artemus Lloyd and Parthenia Haskell V-24-Paulina Dorr Lloyd b Dec 9~1830 Blandford d Aug 24-1885 Sycamore., Ill. 26 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

V-25-Wm. Artemus Lloyd b Dec 2-1832 Blandford d Jan 30-1910 Chicago, Ill. m Jan 4-1862 New Salem, Mass. to Helen M. Chamberlain b Nov 27-1837 Greenwich, Mass. d Dec 16-1923 Chicago, Ill. (See supplement for biography of Wm. Artemus Lloyd.) Helen M. Chamberlain was educated at New Salem Academy, Mass., and Mt. Holyoke Seminary. She was a writer and a lecturer on art, active in Temperance and President of "The Dial Club" one of the earliest Woman's Clubs in Chicago.

Children of Wm. Artemus Lloyd and Helen Chamberlain VI-42-William Webster Lloyd b Apr 20-1864 St. Charles, Ill. m Oct 9-1895 Utica, to Henrietta Ireland d Mar 22-1902 N.Y. William W. Lloyd was educated at Beloit College, Chicago Theological Seminary, North­ ern Normal, Aberdeen, S.D., Institute of Ap­ plied Science in Chicago. He has been on the faculty of Rollins College, Fla., Princeton Institute, Ky., and Jamestown College, N.D. Wm. W. Lloyd, M.A. Tutor 2528 W. Wilson Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Children of W.W. Lloyd and Henrietta Ire­ land VII-52-Priscilla Lloyd b Oct 20-1896 Chicago,Ill. m Apr 15-1926 Franklin, Tenn. to Wendell Neil Res. 2737 Murray St., Shreveport, Ia. 53-Wm. W.W. Lloyd b Sep 22-1898 Chicago,Ill. m to Clara Rogers Res. Beggs, Okla., Wm. Lloyd is an Oil-well foreman. LLOYD GENEALOGY 27

Children of Wm. Lloyd and Clara Rogers VIII-22-Wm. D. Lloyd b May 17-1923 Beggs, Okla. 23-Myrtle E. b Jul 16-1925 ••.••••.•••• 24-Kenneth L. b Apr 15-1927 ••••.••.••.. 25-Raymond C. b Feb 6-1929 ••••••..•••• 26-Marion·F. b Nov 23-1931 •••••••••••• 27-Donald E. b Nov 8-1933 •••••••.••••

VI-43-Hattie W. Lloyd b Jul 28-1865 .. Milwaukee, Wis. m Jun 29-1892 Chicago, Ill. to Irving Hamlin b Nov 21-1863 Oshkosh, Wis. Res. 1500 Lincoln St., Evanston, Ill. Hattie Lloyd was educated at Wellesley College and Northwestern University School of Music. She was a piano instructor in that music school and her husband was also associated there. Irving Hamlin invented a Sound Proof Door.

VI-44-Ray N. Lloyd b Feb 12-1867 Morris, Ill. m Dec 31-1897 Chicago, Ill. to Mary G. Foulke b Nov 22-1875 Richmond, Ind. Ray Lloyd, real estate and insurance agent. Educated at Beloit College. He and his wife are very active in the church es­ tablished by his father. He mounted an Herbarium which he donated to the Field Museum Chicago. Res. 4409 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Children of Ray Lloyd and Mary Foulke VII-54-Esther F. Lloyd b Dec 26-1898 Chicago_, Ill m Jun 30-1926 ••••••.• to Arthur Hagg b Apr 17-1900 Res. 1939 S. 11th Ave., Maywood, Ill.

Children of Esther Lloyd and Arthur Hagg VIII-28-Henrietta b & d Mar 26-1927 Chicago

VII-55-Felton C. Lloyd b Dec 21-1902 Chicago,Ill. m Jun 12-1926 ••••••••••• to Beulah MacCoy b Jun 30-1903 •••••••• Res. 632 Pine Ave., Long Beach, Calif. 28- LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

VII-56-Helen C. Lloyd b Jnn 15-1911 Chicago, Ill. m Aug 6-1932 •••••••••.•. to Wm. H. Lange b Oct 16-1907 •••••..•.• Res. 2740 Florence Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Children of Helen Lloyd and Wm. Lange VIII-29-Lloyd Wm. Lange b Aug 21-1934 Chicago 29a-Louise H. Lange b Aug 5-1937 VI-45-Helen Martha Lloyd b Apr 19-1869 Chicago 1st Harry Culp m Oct 28-1902 d May 7-1908 2nd Mar 1-1910 Walter Millinger Res. 1120 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, Ill. 46-Robert C. Lloyd b Sep 29-1872 Chicago 1st m Apr 26-1904 Clara Twitchell d Dec 9-1915 2nd m Jnn 14-1919 Ethel Keplinger Res. 1435 Eleanore St., New Orleans, La.

Children of Robert Lloyd and Clara Twitchell VII-57-Benjamin Lloyd b Dec 5-1905

VI-47-Abby F. Lloyd b Dec 20-1873 d Jul 18-1874

V-26-Eli White Lloyd b Dec 14-18Z4 New Hartford, Conn. d Feb 27-1890 Malta, Ill. m Mar 5-1865 ••••••.••• to Katherine Spickerman b Jan 27-1847 Mal ta, Ill. d Oct 12-1902 .••••• Eli W. Lloyd was born in Conn. but lived in Mass. until he was 20 years old when he came west to Rockford, Ill. with friends and worked there for two years. From there he moved on to the gold regions of Calif. and mined for two years. He established a livery business in San Francisco-where he remained until 1863. He sold out his business and ·LLOYD GENEALOGY 29.

V-26- returned.to Illinois to.j,oin his family. He bought 160 acres in De Kalb Co. near Malta. In all his travels he hoped to find a region where he could get relief from his severe asthma. He was well known for his wit.

Ghild~en of Eli Lloyd and Katherine Spicker­ man VI-48-Frank Budd Lloyd b Apr 27-1866 Malta, Ill. m Sep 3-1~92 .••••••.•• to Katherine Watkins b.Jun 10-1868 ••.•• Res. Sycamore, Ill. Frank Lloyd has been a man of many trades and widely travelled in the United States. He was educated in Malta and Rock­ ford Business College~ He is President of a Coo.perative Farmers Company in Sycamore, Ill.

Children of Frank Lloyd and Katherine Wat­ kins VII-58-Myrle L. Lloyd b Jul 31-1895 Sycamore,Ill. m Jul 22-1915 De Kalb, Ill. to Knill Jones b Aug 23-1893 De Kalb Knill Jones is a farmer and a stock­ man, Res. Hampshire, Ill.

Children of Myrle Lloyd and Knill Jones VIII-30-F. Lloyd Jones b Apr 16-1916 Elva, Ill. 31-Harold Jones b Aug 25-1921 Sycamore, Ill. 32-Loren M. Jones b Jul 7-1927 • • • • • • • • •

VII-59-J~nnie M. Lloyd b Apr 19-1897 Sycamore Jennie M. Lloyd was educated in the Sycamore Schools and De Kalb Normal School. She has been a teacher in the public schools and the church. She is Treasurer of the Federated Church in Sycamore, Ill.

VI-49-Walter Eli Lloyd b Aug 19-1868 Malta, Ill. d Feb 14~1928 .•.••....•• m Feb 23-1890 • • • • • • • • • • • 30 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

VI-49- m to Alice Hoyt b Feb 23-1872 Malta, Ill. d Dec 8-1905 •.•••••••••

Children of Walter Eli Lloyd and Alice Hoyt VII-60-Blanche Lloyd b Dec 5-1893 Malta, Ill. m Feb 16-1913 De Kalb, Ill. to Howard Buttery

Children of Blanche Lloyd and Howard Buttery VIII-33-Howard Buttery b Jul 16-1915 34-Donald ••••••• b Mar 27-1924 35-Vanetta ••••.• b Nov l930

VII-61-Frank Lloyd b Nov 25-1895 Malta, Ill. 62-Gertrude Lloyd· b Aug 2-1897 ••••••••••• m Feb 23-1918 De Kalb, Ill. to George Ecklund

Children of Gertrude Lloyd and George Ecklund VIII-36-Lloyd Ecklund b Oct 13-1920 Sycamore,Ill. 37-Muriel •••••• b Jun 13-1926 •••••••••.

VII-63-Badgely Lloyd b Mar 3-1899 Malta, Ill. 64-Ethel Lloyd b Apr 29-1902 ••••••••••• m Feb 24-1925 Sycamore, Ill. to Arthur Johnson

Children of Ethel Lloyd and Arthur John- son VIII-38-Phillip b Apr 16-1926 39-Doris b Apr 24-1927 40-Lois b Aug 5-1928 41-Dwane b May 16-1930 42-Mary b Aug 30-1934

VII-65-Alice May Lloyd b Nov 26-1905 Michigan m May 24-1924 Malta, Ill. to Rudolph Cullison LLOYD GENEALOGY 31

Children of Alice Lloyd and Rudolph Cullison VIII-43-0live Cullison b May 12-1926 44-Robert •.••••• b Jan 29-1928 45-Vergene •••••• b Jul 7-1931 46-Harold ••••••• b Nov 27-1933

VI-50-Artemus A. Lloyd b Aug 19-1875 Malta, Ill. d Jun 23-1920 •••..•••.•• m Nov 16-1898 • • • • • • • • • • • to Jennie Smith

Children of Artemus Lloyd and Jennie Smith VII-66-Claude Lloyd b Mar 3-1900 Malta, Ill. d Dec 8-1911 •••.••••••• 67-Maude Lloyd b Mar 3-1900 ••...•••••• m Dec 22-1920 to Walter Gustafson Res. Sycamore, Ill.

Children of Maude Lloyd and Walter Gustafson VIII-47-Lowell Gustafson b Jun 2-1922 48-Clee L ••••••••• b Mar 31-1927 49-Laverna ••••..•• b Feb 22-1933

VII-68-Lucile Lloyd b May 16-1901 Malta m Jan 6-1923 Geneva, Ill. to Earl Shattuck 69-Ray Lloyd b Mar 28-1905 Lily Lake, Ill. 70-May Lloyd b Mar 28-1905 •••••••..• m Aug 16-1933 De Kalb, Ill. to Rinnie Korpela Res. De Kalb, Ill.

Children of Eli Lloyd V-26 and Katherine Spickerman VI-51-Kittie Lloyd b Jul 10-1881 Malta, Ill. m Nov 6-1901 to George Plapp Res. Malta, Ill.

Children of Kittie Lloyd and George Plapp VII-71-Lloyd Plapp b May 23-1903 Malta, Ill. m Jun 28-1925 Esmond, ..Ill. to Mina Abbott 32 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Children of Lloyd Plapp and Mina Abbott VIII-50-Lloyd Plapp b Aug 26-1927 Malta, Ill. 51-Robert Plapp b Oct 30-1928 •...•.•.•.. 52-Gerald Plapp b May 7-1934 •.••.••.•••

VII-72-Floyd Plapp b Jan 21-1908 m Jun 28-1931 , Ill. to Lena Moland

Children of Floyd Plapp and Lena Moland VIII-53-Phyllis b Oct 1-1933

VII-73-Robert Plapp b Dec 31-1908 Malta, Ill. m Oct 4-1931 Pontiac, Ill. to Dorothy Hurt

Children of Robert Plapp and Dorothy Hurt VIII-54-Ronald Plapp b Feb 17-1932 55-Kayhla Plapp b Jan 6-1933

VII-74-0live Plapp b Dec 17-1918

VI-52-0live Lloyd b Jun 13-1883 Malta, Ill. m Dec 11-1901 to Robert Mace

Children of Artemus Lloyd IV-4 and Parthenia Haskell Cont. V-27-Mary Webster Lloyd b Sep 15-1836 Stockbridge, Mass. d Apr 5-1920 Denver, Colo. m May 22-1860 Springfield, to Archibald Van Deren b Jan 15-1830 Mass. d Mar 15-1914

Children of Mary Lloyd and Archibald Van Deren VI-53-Lloyd Van Deren b Jul 9-1867 d Aug 22-1892 54-John J. Van Deren b Oct 10-1869 Central City, Colo. m Sep 29~1920 Boulder, to. Harriet Hansen b Jun 27-1888 Colo. LLOYD GENEALOGY 33

VI-54- John J. Van Deren is a salesman, Res. 1771 Penn Ave., Denver, Colo. 55-Mary Van Deren b Apr 12-1871 Central City, Colo. Res. 2109 Franklin Ave., Denver, Colo. 56-Archie Van Deren b Nov 20-1872 d Feb 19-1895

Children of Artemus Lloyd IV-4 and Parthenia Haskell Cont. V-28-Sergius Lloyd b Jun 22-1839 Stockbridge,Mass. d Sep 2-1918 Sycamore, Ill. m may 16-1865 St. Charles,Ill. to Julia V. Gibb b Dec 31-1840 Hinesburg,Vt. d Apr 22-1897 Sycamore,Ill. (See Supplement for War Record)

Children of Sergius Lloyd and Julia Gibb VI-57-Mary A. Lloyd b May 23-1866 South Grove, Ill. m Jul 25-1895 Sycamore, Ill. to Edwin H. Edwards b Mar 12-1867 Rock­ ford, Ill. Res. 1548 Rockway Ave., Lakewood, Ohio Mary Lloyd was educated at Rockford Col­ lege and Wheaton College.

Children of Mary Lloyd and E. H. Edwards VII-75-Julia A. Edwards b Jan 1-1898 Cleveland, Ohio Julia Edwards was educated in Cleve­ land schoo.ls> Lake Erie College and Western Reserve University.

VI-58-Herbert G. Lloyd b May 24-1868 South Grove, Ill. m Apr 15-1896 Sycamore,Ill. to Effie I. Preston b May 13-1867 Genoa, Ill. d Jul 18-1934 Chicago, Ill. Herbert Lloyd was educated at Wheaton College. He has been Sales Engineer and 34 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

VI-58- Sales Manager for the E. F. Houghton Co. Since his retirement he has been made Presi­ dent of the Board of Directors for the Martha Washington Hospital and the Wash­ ingtonian Home in Chicago, Ill. Res. 7214 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, Ill.

Children of Herbert Lloyd and Effie Preston VII-76-Preston G. Lloyd b May 10-1897 Chicago d Jan 28-1904 ··•••e• 77-C. Herbert Lloyd b Jan 10-1901 ••••••• m Aug 2-1926 Clinton,Ia. to Myrna Walden b May 8-1903 ••••••..• Herbert is salesman for the E. F. Houghton Co. He was educated in Chicago Schools, Milwaukee, Wis. and at the Uni­ versity of Wisconsin. Res. 1501 Franklin St., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Children of Herbert Lloyd and Myrna Walden VIII-65-Herbert W. Lloyd b Jan 4-1928 Milwau­ kee, Wis. 66-Janice V. Lloyd b Dec 27-1930 •.••... 67-Myrna L. Lloyd b Aug 12-1933 .•..•..

VII-78-Loraine Lloyd b May 10-1903 Chicago Educated at University of Wisconsin and Northwestern Univ. Teacher of Science in the South Milwaukee High School. 79-Eloise Lloyd b Oct 13-1911 Chicago, Ill. Attended the University of Illinois. Secretary in the office of the Equitable Insurance Co. of N.Y. SO-Sergius C. Lloyd b Feb 8-1914 Chicago Attended the University of Ill., Northwestern University. Salesman for the Conn. Mutual Insurance Co. Loraine, Eloise and Sergius make their home with their father at 7214 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, Ill. LLOYD GENEALOGY 35 . Children of Sergius Lloyd V-28 and Julia Gibb Cont. VI-59-Charles H. Lloyd b A~g 29-1870 South Grove, Ill. ls t m Sep 8-1892 Sycamore, Ill. to Gertrude Coolidge b Jan 20-1872 ••••••• d May 21-1902 ••••••• Cr-.arles Lloyd a farmer, owns land in Illinois and North Dakota.

Child of Charles Lloyd and Gertrude Coolidge VII-Bl-Gertrude Mary Lloyd b May 20-1902 Syca­ more, Ill. Gertrude Lloyd was educated at Rockford College, Ill., and Washington Univ. School of Art, St. Louis, Mo. m Aug 17-1927 Chicago to Victor Russell b Aug 11-1903 Water­ vliet, Mich. Res. 4831 Lee St., Niles Center, Ill.

Children of Gertrude Lloyd and Victor Russell VIII-68-Charmaine J. Russel.l b Aug 12-1930 Chicago 69-Rosalind (adopted) b Aug 8-1935 At­ lanta, Ga.

VI-59-Charles Lloyd m Sep 12-1914 Clinton, Ia. 2nd to Belle Johnson b Jul 3~1875 d May 5-1921 Syca­ more·, Ill. m Oct 4-1922 Rockford, Ill. 3rd to Calla Atwood

Child of Charl·es Lloyd and Calla Atwood VII-82-Charles Louis Lloyd b Oct 20-1926 Rock­ ford, Ill.

VI-60-Louis Edward Lloyd b Dec 1-1873 South Grove, Ill. m Sep 5-1895 Sycamore to Ida Hopkins b Feb 3-1873 Cortland,Ill. (See Hopkins Genealogy.) Res. Sycamore, Ill. 36 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

VI-60- Louis E. Lloyd, Farmer and Stockman. Educated at Wheaton College. President and Commander of Sons of Veterans, Sycamore, Ill.; Director of Farm Bureau, Sycamore; Pres. De Kalb Co. Historical Soc.

Children of Louis Lloyd and Ida Hopkins VII-83-Sergius H. Lloyd b Aug 25-1896 Cortland, Ill. Res. Sycamore, Ill. Farmer. Educated at University of Illinois 84-Bess L. Lloyd b Jan 15-1898 Cortland, Ill. m Jun 23-1926 Sycam0re, Ill. to George Milles M.D. b May 14-1902 Chicago Res. 201 LeMoyne Pkwy, Oak Park, Ill. Bess Lloyd, Instructor in Medical

School, Research Assistant at , Carnegie In- stitute. Educated Northwestern Univ., Univ. of Chicago, Washington Univ., Univ. of Illinois. Degrees B.S.; M.S.; Ph.D •. George Milles, Physician; Member of Faculty Univ. of Ill., College of Medicine. Educated, Univ. of_Ill., Pharmacy and Medi­ cine. Degrees M.S.; R.Ph.G.; M.D.

Children of Bess Lloyd and George Milles VIII-70-Lloyd G. Milles b Jan 27-1928 Brookl)J, N.Y. d Feb 13-1928 • • • • • • • • 71-Patricia A. • • • b Oct 18-1929 • • • • • • • • 72-Nancy V. b Jun 15-1932 Chicago 73-Grace Alice • • • b Feb 23-1936 • • • • • • • • Children of Sergius Lloyd and Julia Gibb Cont. VI-61-Jennie Ruth Lloyd b Jan 27-1877 South Res. Sycamore, Ill. Grove, Ill. 68-Alice Winifred Lloyd b Aug 31-1879 •..•.•• Housemother at Masonic Home for Children, Covina, Calif. Res. 720 S. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. LLOYD-GENEALOGY 37

Children of Artemus Lloyd and Parthenia Haskell Cont. V-29-Louis J. Lloyd b Sep 19-1841 Stockbridge, Mass. d Apr 9-1924 Evanston, Ill. m Mar 13-1866 Chicago, Ill. to Adelaide Waite b Jan 11-1841 Hebron,N.Y. d Apr i2-1924 Evanston, Ill. Louis Lloyd was educated at Wheaton Col­ lege, Ill. Taught school in De Kalb, Ill. Settled in Chicago, 1868, and established the· first Advertising Agency. In 1916 operated Eagle Emery and Corundum Co. Served in Co. F, 132nd, Ill. Infantry during last year of Civil War.

Children of Louis Lloyd and Adelaide Waite VI-63-Archie L. Lloyd b May 9-1867 Malta, Ill. d Aug 31-1868 •••••••••• 64-Helen A. Lloyd b Dec 19-1868 Chicago, Ill. 65-Bessie L. Lloyd b Jul 22-1870 Chicago d Nov 8-1918 m Jun 30-1903 ••••••• to Albert Hildebrand 66-Emma Alice Lloyd b Apr 28-1875 ••••••• 67-Louis M. Lloyd b May 23-1877 ••••••• d Mar 16-1907 ••••••• 68-Harry L. Lloyd b Mar 12-1879 ••••••• m Feb 23-1907 to Bessie Stewart b Jul 5-1886 Res. 915 Clinton St., River Forest, Ill.

Child of Harry Lloyd and Bessie Stewart VII-85-Roger S. Lloyd b Apr 7-1910 m Mar 10-1936 to Natalie De Lap

VIII-73a-Roger Stewart Lloyd b Nov 23-1937

VI-69-Grace 1. Lloyd b Jun 8-1881 Chicago m Jun 22-1907 • • • • • • • to Watson Visser Res. 5567 Phinney Ave., Seattle, Wash.

Child of Grace Lloyd and Watson Visser VII-86-Lloyd W. Visser b Mar 28-1915 Chicago d Seattle 38 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Children of Artemus Lloyd and Parthenia Haskell Cont. V-30-Alice E. Lloyd b Apr 17-1847 Washington, Mass. d May 30-1914 m Apr 5-1870 to Wm. M. Rule

Children of Alice Lloyd and Wm. Rule VI-70-Alice E. Rule b Sep 18-1872 Amba, West Indies m Jun 19-1901 Denver, Colo. to Paul Clarke Res. 3001 S. Elati St., Englewood, Colo.

Children of Alice Rule and Paul Clarke VII-87-Pauline A. Clarke b Jul 1-1902 to George Wheeler 88-Lulu G. Clarke b Aug 3-1903 1st m Dec 24-1921 to Jake Tilletson

Child of Lulu Clarke and Jake Tilletson VIII-74-Robert C. Tilletson b Oct 24-1922 Lulu Clark 2nd m Apr 3-1923 to Frank English

Children of Lulu Clarke and Frank English VIII-75-Betty Lou English b Jan 22-1924 76-Beulah P. English b Jan 17-1925

VII-89-Helen R. Clarke b Jan 23-1905 m Mar 15-1923 to George Godfrey

Children of Helen Clarke and Geo. Godfrey VIII-77-Helen D. Godfrey b Jan 13-1924 78-George Godfrey b Jul 14-1935

VII-90-Albert M. Clarke b Nov 19-1908 m Oct 13-1925 to Evelyn Moore LLOYD GENEALOGY 39

Children of Albert Clarke and Evelyn Moore VIII-79-Albert F. Clarke b Dec 6-1927

VII-91-Wm. LeRay Clarke b Mar 26-1910 m Sep 1-1930 to Hazel Peabody

Children of Wm. Clarke and Hazel Peabody VIII-80-Wm. H. Clarke b Oct 25-1931 81-Ronald L. Clarke b Nov 31-1933

VII-92-Paul T. Clarke b Nov 30-1911 93-Robert J. Clarke b Feb 16-1914

VI-71-Pauline Anna Rule b Jul 9-1874 Sycamore, Ill. d May 9-1880 Boulder, Colo. 72-William Rule b Jul 6-1876 Res. 2017 Brighton St., Wilmar, Calif.

Children of William Rule VII-94-William L. Rule b Oct 3-1905 95-Lloyd Rule b Nov 15-1918 96-Bert Rule b Oct 12-1920

VI-73-Mary K. Rule b Nov 27-1871 Boulder, Colo. 74-Ella L. -Rule b Dec 17-1880 to Wm. Heatley 75-Mabel Rule b Aug 3-1883 to J. A. Neihoff

Child of Mabel Rule and J. A. Neihoff VII-97-Lloyd Neihoff b Jan 19-1908

VI-76-Helen Rule b Nov 14-1885 d Aug 18-1887 77-Louis B. Rule b Nov 2-1886 to Doris Stevens 40 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Children of James Lloyd III-2 and Sarah White Cont. IV-5-Almon James Lloyd b Apr 8-1803 Blandford d Jan 1-1857 • • • • • • • • • 1st m to Mary Hinsdale 2nd m Aug 18-1831 to Mary Atwater b Jun 26-1808 Russell, Mass. d Nov 14-1893 Blandford

Children of Almon J. Lloyd and Mary Atwater V-31-Julia E. Lloyd b May 27-1832 Blandford d Aug 19-1854 ••••••• (T.B.) 32-Jarvis James Lloyd b Oct 25-1833 ••••••. d Apr 24-1903 ••••••• m May 15-1865 ••••••• to Julia Cross b Oct 4-1842 Otis, Mass. d May 20-1926

Children of Jarvis Lloyd and Julia Cross VI-78-Dr. Henry Lloyd b Nov 25-1877 Blandford m Nov 8-1905 to Josephine Marx Res. 105 Boston Post Rd., Rye, N.Y. Dr. Henry Lloyd is a Pediatrician. Served 15 mons. in France World War.

Children of Dr. Henry Lloyd and Josephine Marx VII-98-Norman'James Lloyd b Jun 10-1912 99-Robert W. Lloyd b Dec 1923

VI-79-Burton C. Lloyd b Nov 18-1871 Blandford Res. Blandford, Mass. BO-James Almon b Dec 25-1866 Blandford, Mass. d Nov 3-1884 •..••...•.••... Bl-Arthur Lloyd b Feb 8-1887 ..•.••.•.•.•... d Jan 30-1902 ..••...••......

Children of Almon Lloyd and Mary Atwater Cont. V-33-Caroline G. Lloyd b Jan 5-1836 d Jan 1-1923 to David Nichols m Jun 2-1857 LLOYD GENEALOGY 41

Children of Caroline Lloyd and David Nichols VI-82-Wendell Nichols Res. Brookline, Mass.

Children of Wendell Nichols VII-100-Richard Nichols 101-Lloyd Nichols

V-34-Atwater C. Lloyd b Jan 28-1839 d Aug 1-1859 died of T.B. 35-Almon W. Lloyd b Dec-25-1849 Blandford d Jun 20-1932 • • • • • • • • • m Dec 23-1884 Chester, Mass. to Rosa Babb b Apr 27-1863 Tolland, Mass.

Child of Almon Lloyd and Rosa Babb VI-83-Caroline Lloyd b Nov 11-1888 Blandford m Sep 5-1916 Springfield, Mass. to E. Boise Lewis b May 5-1887 Res. 17 Wilder Terrace, W. Springfield, Mass.

Children of Caroline Lloyd and Boise Lewis VII-102-Ella Lewis b Sep 6-1923 Springfield 103-Marion Lewis b Mar 16-1928 &••······•· Children of James Lloyd and Sarah White Cont. IV-6-Angelina Sarah Lloyd b Sep 5-1807 Blandford d Sep 22-1885 Painesville, Ohio m Feb 9-1833 Cincinnati, to Rev. Wm. Young b 1796 Philadelphia, d 1871 Pa.

Children of Angeline S. Lloyd and Rev. Wm. Young V-36-Sarah M. Young b Dec 11-1833 Cincinnati d Mar 15-1906 ••.••••••• to John Whetstone m Jul 19-1864 37-Jas. P. Young b Jul 13-1835 .••••••••• d Nov 12-1878 to Lucy Fricke m Jan 30-1868 Philadelphia 42 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Children of James Young and Lucy Fricke VI-84-Nell Young b Dec 19-1869 St. Louis, Mo. d Feb 4-1930 85-Lucy Young b Dec 18-1870 Res. 6101 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 86-Wm. H. Young b Sep 23-1875 to Mary Young m 1905 Helena, Mont. Res. Kalispeel, Mont.

Children of Wm. Young and Mary Young VII-104-Lucy K. Young b Aug 7-1906

Children of James Young and Lucy Fricke Cont. VI-87-James P. Young b Sep ~-1877 St. Louis to Elizabeth Coughlin m

Children of James Young and Elizabeth Coughlin VII-105-James P. Young b Feb 17-1909 St. Louis 106-Edward H. Young b Dec 26-1910 Res. 601 East Gate Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 107-Harriet R. Young b Jul 4-1912

Children of Angelina Lloyd and Rev. Wm. Young Cont. V-38-Eli White Young b Feb 17-1837 to Fannie Merrill m 1860 Kansas City Eli Young was a farmer near Painesville, Ohio

Children of Eli W. Young and Fannie Merrill VI-88-Wm. Charles Lloyd Young b 1861

V-39-Edward P. Young b Aug 19-1839 to Harriet Sackett m 1862

Children of Edward Young and Harriet Sackett VI-89-Harriet Young b 1865 90-Edward Young b 1863 91-Mary Young b 1870 92-Willie Young b 1874 LLOYD GENEALOGY 43

V-40-Harriet Young b Dec 11-1841 d Apr 16-1906 She taught at the Academy in Cincinnati. She and her mother were badly crippled with rheumatism. 41-John Young b Lived in Bellefontaine, Ohio

IV-7-Eli White Lloyd b Aug 7-1814 Blandford, Mass. d Apr 28-1834 Schenectady,N.Y. Eli Lloyd was a student at the time of his death. He attended Chester Academy 1829, Mun­ son 1830. Union College 1831. Miami Univ. 1833 to his death. 8-Harriet Lloyd b Jan 27-1816 Blandford d Feb 14-1837 m Feb 24-1836 to Jas. Thorp b Apr 21-1809 James Thorp married second Sarah Givar, daughter of Jas. Givar and Margaret Young of Snow Hill, Md. Margaret Young's brother Rev. Wm. Young married Angelina Lloyd as his third wife.

Children of William Loughead and Isabel Black Cont. III-5-Achsah Lloyd b Nov 5-1769 Blandford d Mar 5-1839 Blandford m to William Freeland of Feeding Hills, Mass.

Children of Achsah Lloyd and William Freeland IV-9-Sarah Freeland 10-Eliza Freeland 11-Statina Freeland 12-Isabella Freeland 13-Jonathan Freeland m to Julia A. Gibbs

Children of Jonathan Freeland and Julia Gibbs V-42-John Gibbs Freeland b Jun 2-1833 43-Julia Sophia Freeland b Jun 27-1835 d May 12-1842 44 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

V-44-Achsah Matilda Freeland b Jul 30-1838 d to Enos Boies m

Children of Achsah Freeland and Enos Boies VI-93-Julia F. Boies b Mar 14-1869 94-Alice Robinson Boies b Jan 6-1868 d Feb 24-1872 95-Cora Almeda Boies b Mar 9-1872 96-Watson Boies b d 1892

Children of William Loughead and Isabel Black Cont. III-6-Isabel Lloyd b Aug 7-1771 Blandford,Mass. III-7-Isaac Lloyd b Nov 5-1773 Blandford,Mass. d m Jan 1797 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • to Eunice Gibbs

Children of Isaac Lloyd and Eunice Gibbs IV-14-Sergius William Lloyd b Jul 29-1816 15-Milton Lloyd 16-Cynthia Lloyd 17-Caroline Lloyd 18-Morris Lloyd

III-8-Polly Lloyd b Aug 15-1775 Blandford d m 1798 Russell,Mass. to Nathaniel Higgins

Children of Polly Lloyd and Nathaniel Higgins IV-19-Charlotte B. Higgins 20-William L. Higgins 21-Smiley Higgins

I-John Loughead and Mary Robinson

II-1-William Loughead married Isabel Black 2-Robert Loughead b d to Deborah Moor m Sep 26-1762 LLOYD GENEALOGY 45

II-2- Robe:ft Laughead bought 120 acres in 1759 and his wife was willed an adjoining 100 acres in Blandford. Robert's house was built on the south­ ern boundary of Blandfor~ nea~ the Presbyterian Meeting House, of which.he was Deacon.

Children of Robert Laughead and Deborah Moor III-1-Thomas Lloyd . b_, Aug 21-1763 . 2-John Lloyd b May·l0-1765 3-Mary Lloyd b Dec 7-1766 4-David Lloyd b Jul 11-1767 5-Abigail Lloyd b Jan 13-1769 6-Betse Lloyd b Oct 15-1771 7-Robert Lloyd b Nov 16-1773 m Oct 26-1809 to Cynthia Moore of Granville, Mass. 8-Dorcas Lloyd · b Aug 26-1775 m Mar 6-1796 · to John Watson, son of John Watson and Sarah Gibbs •.

II-3-John Laughead b Sep 29~1734 Milton, Mass. m May 28-1752 Branford,Conn. to Mary Butler 4-Mary Laughead b Feb 24-1748 Mjlton, Mass. 5-Alexander Laughead Bapt. Apr 4-1740 Milton 6-Samuel Laughead b m May 1758 to Mary Caldwell (The following information was found in an old letter written by Maria Lloyd Newbury.) 7-James Lloyd b died before 1826 m 1770 to Sarah Hubbard

Their children III-1-David b Jul 21-1771

IV-His children 1-Susan married to Jas-Philipps 2-Betsy married to Phiness Kibbe 3-Ray married to Pauline Chaffee 4-Samuel 46 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

III-2-Jas. b Mar 8-1773 3-Andrew b Mar 2(3) 1775 lived in Albany, N.Y. 4-Eziekiel b Mar 1-1780 m to Maria Champlin

IV-Their children 1-Elijah and Mary Bartlett 2-Samuel and Eunice Herrick 3-Caroline and Chas. Kibbee 4-Katherine 5-Lester and Martha Mooney of Providence, R.I. V-1-Virgil m Isabel Heady 2-Henry died at 21 years of age . 3-Martha m John Ripley of W. Granville, Mass. 4-Maria m Fred Newbury of S. Windsor, Conn. 5-George m Edna Hull of Chester, Mass. 6-Elizabeth III-5-Martin b Apr 16-1782 d Mar 27-1838 m Mar 31-1811 to Mary Welch of Pownal,Vt.

IV-Their children 1-George b May 23-1818 d May 15-1838 m to Hannah Woodbridge 2-Maria b -Feb 13-1814 Bermington, Vt. d Dec 6-1898 Fayette, Ohio m Dec 30-1839 to Joseph Cottrell d 1891

IV-2-Maria Lloyd and Joseph Cottrell

Their Children V-1-George T. Cottrell 2-Eldridge Cottrell 3-Freeman Cottrell 4-Nettie Cottrell (Crane) 5-Mrs. Oscar Sargent. Res. Gorham, Ohio 6-Mrs. Courtland Sargent 7-Edgar Cottrell North Dakota Maria Lloyd, daughter of Martin Lloyd and Mary Welch born in Bennington, Vt. attended · school and Seminary in Bennington. Moved to Gorham, Ohio in 1837 and taught 1st. school LLOYD GENEALOGY 47

V-1- organized there. She was post mistress for Fayette when it opened its post office. Mar­ ried Joseph Cottrell.

IV-3-David Lloyd b May 8-1824 4-Hannah Lloyd b Nov 6-1820 d Aug 1861 5--Ebenezer Lloyd b Oct 15-1824 m to Althea d Jan 19-1865

V-Their Children of Ebenezer Lloyd and Althea 1-Mary Lloyd 2-Ernest Lloyd b Oct 22-1858 Defiance,Ohio d Jan 26-1909 Oil City, Pa. 3-Herbert Lloyd 4-Elmer Lloyd 5-Anne Lloyd 6-Albert Lloyd

IV-6-Homer Lloyd b Oct 3-1829 d Jul 2-1859 7-Silvia Lloyd b May 16-1832 8-Elijah Lloyd b Jun 30-1836

III-Other Children of Jas.Lloyd and Sarah Hubbard II-7

III-6-George Lloyd b Mar 27-1784 7-Sarah Lloyd 8-Maria Lloyd 9-Hannah Lloyd

II-7-James Lloyd married 2nd. Huldah Kibbee

Their Children III-1-Stephen) Eliiah Twins CJ

IV-Elijah's Children 1-Abigail 2-Thomas 3-Laura 4-Sally 48 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

III-2-Erastus) Sally Twins m to John Lloyd

IV-Their Children 1-Thomas 2-Lester


IV-His Children 1-Virgil 2-Harvey W. 3-Maria 4-Martha 5-George B. 6-Elizabeth


II-8-Sarah Loughead b 1731 d Mar 29-1826 m May 22-1755 to David Fleming b 1719 d Feb 26-1814 Palmer, Mass.

Their, Children III-1-David Fleming b Apr 5-1756 d Mar 21-1813 m Apr 1785 to Elizabeth Knox 2-Jane Fleming b Apr 5-1763 Palmer, Mass. m Aug 1-1785 to James Freeland 3-Mary Fleming b Mar 5-1758 m Mar 9-1781 to Mathew Huthin 4-Sarah Fleming b Dec 25-1760 Palmer d Aug 23-1799 m Jan 24-1789 to John Hamilton of Chester d Jul 12-1824

Their Children IV-1-SallyHamilton b Dec 25-1789 LLOYD GENEALOGY 49

IV-2-Polly Hamilton b Jan 21-1791 3-Peggy Hamilton b Jun 30-1793 4-Siny Hamilton b Feb 11-1795 5-John Hamilton b Oct 15-1796 6~James Hamilton b Feb 20-1798 7-David Hamilton b Jan 30-1800 8-Asa Hamilton b Feb 7-1802

III-5-Elizabeth Fleming b May 29-1766 Int. m May 30-1805 to Luke Hitchcock 6-Margaret Fleming b May 29-1766 m Sep 13-1798 to Dr. Jabez Lamb 7-Joseph Fleming 8-John Fleming d at the age of 20 9-Samuel Fleming d Sep 2-1838 m Jan 26-1815 to Mrs. Abigail Sherbrick

Children of Samuel Fleming and Mrs. Sherbrick IV-1-George Fleming d Aug 20-1822 age of 2 2-Henry Fleming d Jan 18-1830 age of 1 3-John Fleming b m May 7-1840 to Lucy Monroe 4~Sylvanus Fleming 5-Samuel Fleming m to Martha Ireson He d Nov 12-1869 Pontiac, Ill. SUPPLEMENT


I-Richard Rull b Dec 3-1599 Derbyshire, Eng. d Aug 21-1662 New Raven Moved from Boston to New Raven because he could­ n't endure the Puri tans. A founder of New Raven, made a freeman of Mass. Bay Col., 1634 at Dorchester. Moved to Boston to N.H. 1639. Res. on Chapel St.

His children II-1-Jeremiah b d Jun 13-1700 m Mar 6-1658 at Milford to Hannah Baldwin 2-Dr. John Bapt. b Mar 24-1640 New Haven d Dec 6-1711 1st m 2nd m·Oct 19-1671 to Mary Smith b 3rd m May 13-1675 to Rebecca Turner b 3-Hannah b 1642 New Haven m to Edward Dorman 4-Mary b 1646 m to John Jackson Dr. John built 1st. corn, flour mill in Wallingford. Settled in Derby.

III-Children of Dr. John 1-John b Mar 14-1662 Stratford d 1753 to Mary Jacobs m 2-Samuel b Feb 4-1664 m to Deborah Beers Fairchild of Fairfield 3-Mary b Oct 21-1666 to John Prindle m 1685 50 THE HULL FAMILY HISTORY 51

III-4-Capt. Joseph b Feb 16-1668 Derby d Oct 15-1744 1st m 1691 to Mary Nichols d 1733 2nd m 1735 to Hannah Botsford Prindle d 5-Dr. Benjamin b 1672 Stratford d Mar 8-1741 m 1693 to Eliz. Andrew· b 1674 d Apr 4-1732 She was the dau. of Samuel and Eliz. (Peck) of New·Haven. Dr. Benjamin WE!,S a prominent physician in Wallingford. Note: Capt. Joseph was a great great grandfather of Commodore Isaac Hull who com­ manded "Constitution. n 6-Ebenezer b Sep 18-1679 Derby d 1709 m 1706 to Lydia Mix b 1682 dau of John of New Haven. 7-Richard b Oct 16-1674 Derby, moved to Wallingford. 8-Dr. Jeremiah b Sep 28-1680 Derby d 1736 Moved to Wallingford. m 1711 to Hannah Cook of Wallingford. d 1741 Dau. Sam. and Hope (Parker) Cook. 9-Andrew b Jul 15-1685 Derby

Children of Capt. Joseph and Mary Nichols III-4 IV-1-Samuel b Nov 15-1692 Derby, Conn. d m 1724 to Anna Riggs b 1704 d 1731 Dau. of Capt. John Riggs and Eliz. (Tomlinson). Samuel, a partner in old "Hull Mill." 2-Capt. Joseph b May 28-1694 Derby d Jan 12-1778 52 LLOYDS -OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

IV-2-Capt. Joseph m 1st Bertha d 2nd m Sarah Bennett d Capt. Joseph a Repres. to Gen. Assembly. 3-Caleb b Feb 4-1695 Cheshire d Sep 1788 m May 1-1724 to Mercy Benham of Wallingford d 1766 Caleb an Ensign in Revolutionary Army at 80 yrs. age he marched with his Co. to the re­ lief of Boston. 4-Abigail b Dec 1698 d Aug 10-1773 m 1727 to Harger of Derby 5-Andrew b Jan 13-1698 6-Sarah b Aug 13-1703 m to Wm. Beach of Stratford 7-Mary b 1699 m 1720 to Timothy Russell of Derby

Children of Caleb and Mercy Benham V-1-Sarah b Apr 25-1725 m 1752 to Reuben Atwater of Cheshire 2-Andrew b Aug 23-1726 d Sep 21-1774 m 1750 to Lowly Cook, dau. Capt. Sam and Hannah (Lewis) Cook 3-Mary b Mar 27-1728 m 1745 to Jonathan Hitchcock 4-Samuel b Mar 22-1730 d 1791 m 1753 to Eunice Cook (Sister of Lowly V-2) d 1803 5-Joseph b Aug 29-1732 6-Abigail d infancy THE HULL FAMILY HISTORY 53

V-7-Joseph d infancy 8..-Caleb d infancy 9-Summit d infancy 10-Patience b Oct 15-1740 d 1764 11-Joseph b Apr 18-1741 12-Caleb b Dec 16-1742 d 1767 m to Mary Street d

VI-Children of Samuel and Eunice Cook !-Jedediah b 1756 2-Samuel b 1759 d 1828 m 1784 to Abigail Doolittle b 1766 d 1835 Samuel was a farmer in Cheshire. 3-Zaphaniah b 1761 Moved to Wall- ingford 4-Epaphrus b 1763 d 1827 m to Hannah Atwater 5-Eunice C. b 1767 d 1820 m to Mr. Whipple 6-Lois b. 1767 d 1777 7-Caleb b 1768 d 1816 8-Eliz. b 1770 d 1777 9-Josephus b 1772 d 1813 10-Hannah b 1775 m to M. A. Meacham The first settler known to have resided in Hinesburgh, Vt. was Isaac Lawrence from 54 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

VI- Canaan, Conn. At a meeting of the proprietors· of New Milford, C?nn., Jan. 10, 1775, Mr. Isaac Lawrence was voted 100 acres of land with the liberty to make his own selection of it, in con­ sideration of labor done by him and at his ex­ pense in making roads. He selected Lot No. 26 in the second devision. He left at the begin­ ning of the war but returned afterwards. In 1793, Mr. Lawrence sold out to Epaphrus Hull from Wallingford and moved to Canada. "Vermont Historical Gazeteer," Abby M. Hemenway.

,, VII-Children of Epaphrus and Hannah Atwater 1-Mary Hull b m to Thos. Gibb 2-Elihu b m to Abigail Tryon

VIII-Children of Mary Hull and Thos. Gibb 1-Julia Gibb b Dec 31-1840 Hinesburg, Vt. m May 16-1865 St. Charles, to Sergius Lloyd Ill. See Lloyd record for children of Julia Gibb and Sergius Lloyd.

*Ref.-Hist. of Wallingford, Conn.--Davis Desc. of Rich~rd Hull--Puella F. (Hull) Mason Hist. of the Atwater Family Personal Record Written by Julia Gibb THE WEBSTER FAMILY

Gen.I-Gov. John Webster b Warwickshire, Eng. d Apr 5-1661 Northampton buried in Had­ ley to Agnes Stilman m of Hartford b in England d 1667 Hartford

Children Gen.II-1-Lt. Robert Webster b about 1627 d l 73ff'-~d~ted May_ 20-1676) 2-Mathew b settled in Farmington d after 1671 3-William d 1687-8 Hadley m Feb 17-1670 Springfield to Mary Reeves Estate administered Apr 27-1688 4-Thomas b Hadley, Mass. d 1686 Northfield, Mass. m Jun 16-1663 (she was from to Abigail Alexander Windsor Ct.) d before 1690 Ann-Elizabeth and Mary, dau. of Gov. John and Agnes.

Gen.III-Children of Thomas and Abigail Alexander 1-Abigail b Jan 9~1667 d Inf. Northampton 2nd child Abigail b 1668 Both died in first year of life. 2-George b Nov 7-1670 Northampton d Apr 12-1721 Lebanon, Conn. m Dec 13-1695 to Sarah Bliss of Springfield b Sep 10-1677 d Apr 12-1721 55 56 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Gen.III-2- Sarah Bliss married 2nd. Capt. John Marsh Dec 14-1735 3-John b Sep 11-1672- Northampton (Feb 26, '73) d Nov 3-1735 Lebanon, Conn. 4-Anne b Hadley 5-Elizabeth b Nov 26-1676 Hadley 6-Thankful b Jan 12-1679 Hadley d no record m Dec 12-1700 to John Bascom 7-Mary b May 25-1681 Hadley d m to Jonathan Hunt

Gen.IV-Children of George and Sarah Bliss 1-Abigail b Dec 6-1696 Springfield (no record) 2-Samuel b Nov 5-1698 Northampton 3-Jonathan b Nov 5-1700 d Jul 27-1746 4-Peletial b Nov 17-1702 Northampton d Feb 16-1756 Lebanon, Conn. m Dec 14-1725 to Joanna Smith (widow) of Hadley b Jun 8-1703 d before Feb 4-1772 5-George b Aug 5-1704 Northampton d Oct 30-1742 Lebanon, Conn. 6-Noah b Aug 971706 Lebanon, Conn. 7-Ebenezer b Jun 9-1708 II fl 8-Jerusha b Jan 20-1712 n n 9-Sarah b May 5-1710 II ti 10-Benjamin b Dec 25-1713 n n 11-Mary b Apr 1-1718 " " m Jun 4-1740 to Joseph Smith 12-Joseph b May 20-1720 " fl 13-Zurviah b Apr 22-1724 " " THE WEBSTER FAMILY 57

Gen.V-Children of Peletial and Joanna Smith (widow) Joanna was also called Joanna Crawfoot 1-Peletial b Nov 24-1726 Lebanon, Conn. Rev. and Hon. Peletial, a merchant and statesman of Phila. Grad. of Yale 1746 (See Webster Geneol. of Gov. John, by Wm. H. and M. R. Webster.,) 2-Ebenezer b Sep 15-1729 3-Shadrack b Sep 14-1732 4-0liver b May 6-1735 Lebanon, Conn. d 1827 Bennington, Ohio m Mar 25-1760 in Greenwich to Patience Wright of Rutland. Married by the Rev. Robert·cutler of Greenwich. She was b Jun 29-1743 d Delaware, Ohio b Sep 7-1737 6-Jerusha b Oct 29-1739 7-Constant b Dec 7-1741 8-Abigail b May 31-1745

Gen.VI-Children of Oliver and Patience Wright6 Descent of Patience Wright 5-James---Rutland and Greenwich 4~Samuel--Suubury and-Rutland 3-Edward--Sudbury 2-Francis- 1-Edward--Warwickshire, Eng.

1-0liver b Feb 7-1761 Lebanon, Conn. 2-Mary b Nov 20-1762 3-Ebenezer b Oct 25-1764 (Dec 20-1764) 4-Huldah b Jan 8-1767 5-Parthenia b Jun 13--1799 6-Joanna b Aug 2-1769 7-Lucinda b Jul 27-1772 Worthing ton, Mass. B~Claricy b Oct 22-1774 " ft 9-Sarah b May 25-1777 " n 58 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Gen.VI- 1O-Peletial b Sep 24-1_782 Worthington, Mass. 11-Al thea b Feb 11-1787

*Ref.-Webster Lebanon, Conn. Old Records 1st. Church Records of Lebanon History of Hadley--Judd Family of John Webster--Noah Webster Corrections--History and Geneol. ·of Gov. John Webster Family of Conn., by Wm. H. Webster and Rev. Melville R. Webster. Contains complete records of family and members.


John Webster came from Warwickshire, Eng. 1637 to Hartford Conn. as one of the commissioners sent to de­ clare war against the Pequots in the Court of Magis­ trates of the state. In 1637 he was elected to the General Court and with Wm. Phelps and others prepared the noted criminal code enacted in 1656. Aggrieve~ by the noted contention between the churches of Hartford and Weathersfield he headed a list of sixty subscribers of like feeling who removed from the jurisdiction of Conn. to Mass. These purchased the town of Hadley then incluqi_ng Hadley, So. Hadley, Granley, Amherst, Hatfield and part of Williamsburg. He became judge of the· county of Hampshire which included the present counties, Franklin, Hampshire and Hamden~ It is written that dur­ ing his residence in Hartford he did more to improve the laws of the state than any other man. He held the high office of Magistrate and Assistant continually while re­ siding in the state and nas elected to the General Court the year of his arrival in the state. In 1665 he was elected Deputy Governor and 1656 he was elected the 5th Governor of the state. His will allotted his wife Agnes

*(Notes of Gov. John and son Thomas~) THE WEBSTER FAMILY 59 the use of a house in Hartford. The inscription on his monument in Hadley reads as follows: "To the memory of John Webster one of the first settlers of Hartford in Conn. who was many years a mag­ istrate or assistant and afterwards Deputy governor of the colony. In 1659 with his three sons Robert, William, Thomas associated with others in the purchase and settlement where he died in 1661." This monument was erected by his descendent,Noah Webster of Amherst, lexicographer. In 1676 Thomas was driven from Northfield, Mass. by the Indians who destroyed his _property. His children were brought up by his wife's parents, the Alexanders in Northampton. He finally returned to Northfield where he died 1670. He was fined for ndefaming ~e Sabbath by traveling from Windsor Ct. to Westfield late the nite before the Sabbatha 11 His wife was accused of witchcraft and Samuel Partridge 1685 was allowed pay for drawing out copies of tests to be sent to ye Bay in Goodwife Webster's case wherein she is accused with fa­ miliarity w1 th the devil. She was duly tried in Boston and acquitted. HASKELL FAMILY HISTORY

Gen.I-Roger Haskel b 1613 in England d 1667 in Beverly, Mass. 1st m to Elizabeth Stone, dau. or John and Abagail 2nd m to Elizabeth Hardy, dau. of John and Elizabeth Roger was a mariner and conducted a ,fishing business on Winter Is. in Salem Harbor where he erected a fish house and other conveniences for the purpose. In 1646 he was appointed on a committee with Wm. Dodge "to call upon the neighbors about Bass River head to mend the two bridges each are de­ cayed, being the County way, and the way wch was formerly made leading from Jo; Porters farm to Wenham. n , In 1655 Roger was on the Jury and in 1657 he was chosen constable for Cape Ann Side.

Children by 1st Marriage Gen.II-1-John b Salem, Mass. d Middleboro, Mass. 2--William b 1646 3-Mark b 1651 in Beverly, Mass. d May 19-1699 Beverly m Mar 20-1677-8 at Salem to Mary Smith, bapt. Aug 28-1670, dau. of John Smith and Elizabeth Goodale., d Mar 26-1701 Mark Haskell bought a farm in Rochester, Mass. on which have stood eight Haskell Houses. Mark left town when summoned to .· .serve on a jury for the trial or Witchcraft and was separated from his wife five years when he returned to settle in Rochester, Mass. 4-Elizabeth b m Jul 10-1665 to Wm. Dodge in Beverly 60 HASKELL FAMILY HISTORY 61

Gen.II-5-Hannah m Nov 20-1676 to Wm. · Woodbury 6-Josiah b 1658 d May 9-1684 m Nov 22-1682 to Sara Griggs of Glouster, Mass. 7-Roger bapt. May 14-1676 m Dec 21-1682 to Hannah Woodbury 8-Samuel d 1731 9-Sarah · bapt. May 14 m to Richard Woodbury of Beverly, Mass.

Children of II-7 Roger Haskell and Hannah Woodbury Gen.III- 1-Abagail b Oct 18~1681 d Oct 22-1681 2-Hannah b Jan 25-1687 3-William bapt. b Mar 21-1679 4-Josiah b Aug 16-1685 d Aug 26-1685' 5-Judith b Apr 23-1703, corrected to last of May, 1690 6-Elizabeth bapt. May 14-1699 7-Roger b Oct 16-1697 8-Abagail b Mar 30-1684 9-Daniel b Jan 11-1691

Gen.III-Children of II-3 Mark Haskell and Mary Smith 1-Roger b Oct 17-1680 Beverly, Mass. m Feb 25-1707 to Joanna Swift of Sandwich 2-John b Feb 14-1681 m about 1704 in Rochester to Mehitable Clark who was b Dec 6-1687 in Boston 3-Mark b Feb 5-1683-4 m 1709 to Rebecca Thomas 62 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Gen.III- 4--Elizabeth b Nov 10-1686, 5-Mary b Apr 23-1689 6-Joseph b Nov 3-1692

Gen.IV-Children of III-2 John and Mehitable Clark 1-Sarah b Sep 24-1796 (Plymouth Co. Marriages) 2-Rebecca b Dec 14-1707 3-John b May 13-1709 Dorchester, Mass. 4-Roger b Mar 8-1710-11 m Mar 13-1736 to Allis Spooner 5-Andrew m Nov 25-1733 to Jane Clark 6-Mehitible b Jan 23-1714 m Jan 5-1732 to Cornelius Cannon or Connor 7-Mary b Apr 23-1714 m Dec 23-1739 to Dudley Jordan of Harwick, Mass. 8-Thomas b Jan 27-1716 1st m Nov 12-1742 to Hannah Goss who was b Sep 4-1726 d May 15-1749 2nd m to Joanna Hunt of Granville, Mass. 9-Zechariah b Apr 11-1718 Blandford d Aug 18-1816 m Aug 20-1745 Hardwick to Keziah Goss in Blandford who was b Feb 26-1730 Brookfield, d May Mass. 10-Moses b Sep 18-1719 m May 5-1751 (int) to Lydia Clark of Rochester

Gen.V-Children of IV-9 Zechariah Haskell and Heziah Goss 1-Sarah b Apr 8-1747 HASKELL FAMILY HISTORY 63

Gen.V- 2-John b Jul 17-1749 3-Keziah b May 19-1751 b Apr 2-1753 Hardwick, Mass. d Apr 8-1847 Peru, Mass. m May 10-1781 to Mary Webster of Lebanon, Conn. Married at Worthington, Mass. who was b Nov 20-1762 d Dec 14-1849 Peru 5-Philip b Jul 13-1752 bapt. 6-Simon b May 21-1755 m Nov 7-1'79·3 to Ruth Haskell in Brookfield who was b Mar 22-1770 d Apr 1-1814 in Brookfield, Mass. 7-Zechariah b 1758

Gen.VI-Children of V-4 Roger Haskell and Mary Webster 1-Daniel b-Feb 13-1782 m-Jul 31-1804 to Mary Rich 2-Polly (Mary) b Mar 18-1783 m Apr 14-1807 to Carni Turner of New Conn. 3-Zechariah b Nov 3-1784 m Apr 13-1810 to Unity Geer of Peru 4-Simon b Feb 2-1787 m Jul 6-1826 to Chloe Haskell, Granville, Mass. 5-Patience b Apr 14-1789 d Inf. ~ar 20-1790 6-Huldah b Dec 15-1791 m Dec 14-1816 to Phineas Atwood 7-Ebenezer b Jul 15-1794 m Apr 3-1823 to Lydia Philips 8-Silvia b Mar 28-1797 m Feb 14-1822 Peru to Dr. John Smith 64 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Gen.VI- 9-Parthenia b Jun 13-1799 Peru m Oct 2-1827 Peru to Col. Artemus Lloyd d Jul 2-1867 Sycamore, Ill. 10-Sarah b Aug 15-1801 11-Allen b Jun 28-1803 m Feb 14-1831 Peru to Lucy Harmon 12-Lester b Feb 15-1805 13-Luzilla b Feb 21-1807 m Jul 12-1827 to Dr. Levi Hubbard ANCESTRY OF SARAH WHITE, WIFE OF JAMES LLOYD OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

William1 White, b. Nov. 10, 1591 in England, name of parents not known, but it is certain he was Lot the son of a Bishop John White, as many have believed; married Susannah Fuller (sister of Dr. John Fuller of the Plymouth Pilgrims) in Leyden, July, 1612, pastor John Robinson officiating. There was also a civil cere­ mony, now on record at the Stadhus or city building of Leyden, William White died at Plymouth on March 14, 1621. His widow married Edward Winslow, later governor of the colony, and she became the mother of Joshiah Winslow, first native-born governor of Plymouth. She was the first widow, the first bride of Plymouth. Resolved2 White, born in Leyden in 1614; mar. Judith Vassall, April 6, 1640; d. between 1690 and 1694, one of the last three survivors of the original May­ flower band. Judith (Vassall) White, b. in England in 1619, the daughter of William Vassall, and granddaughter of John Vassall, who fitted out two ships for England and commanded them against the Spanish Armada, later elected Alderman of London and called "The Gallant Alder­ man.'' The Vassall family had extensive properties in England, Barbadoes, and Plymouth plantation. It tas been said that Judith Vassall, who like her father was of independent spirit, arose in a meeting at Scituate and rebuked the men there for their persecuticn of the Quakers, and in so doing was the first woman to address a New England assembly or court. She was buried at Marshfield, Mass., on April 13, 1670. Resolved White married, second, Abigail Lord, widow of William Lord of Salem, where he had property as well as at Marshfield and elsewhere. Anna3 White, b. June 4, 1649 at Scituate, Mass.; mar. John Hayward of Concord, Jan. 2, 1671; d. May 25, 1714 at Concord. Judith4 Hayward; b. April 24, 1675 at Concord; mar. Capt. Philip Goss of Boston, Lancaster, and finally 65 66 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

of Brookfield, Mass., on Aug. 20, 1699; d. April 18, 1748 at Brookfield. Thankful5 Goss, b. Dec. 13, 1715 at Brookfield; mar. Lieut. John White, June 20, 1732 at Brookfield, Mass.; d. Feb. 9, 1780 at MurrayfielQ (now Chester), Mass. This John White has often been described as de­ scended from Peregrine White, but as yet no sufficient proof of this claim has been established beyond dispute, though the tradition has come down in several branches of the White family. If it is eventually proved that this John White was in the line from Peregrine White, descendants of him and Thankful Goss would have the honor of descent from both brothers. John White6, b. at Brookfield, Mass., April 7, 1738; mar. Sarah Carnahan (modern spelling Cannon) at Blandford, Sept. 4, 1760. Marriage recorded at Bland­ ford, and shown by Bailey's Early Massachusetts Mar~ _riages, Vol. III, page 159. He was a doctor, served in the Revolution, lived for a time after 1770 at Warren (then Western), Mass. and finally at Blandford again for the second time. Last record of him is that of holding a pew at Blandford in a list as of Sept., 1796. Both his son John and his son Vassall White were re­ corded as at Blandford in the Census of 1790. Sarah (Cannon) White born in 1735, died on Feb. 19, 1812, aged 76 years, 10 months, according to a record in the family Bible in the family of Rev. Ebenezer White (1770- 1813), one of the sons of Dr. John and Sarah (Cannon) White. Sarah6 White, born on April 9, 1772, either at Western or Blandford, Mass., mar. Nov. 25, 1792 James Lloyd of Blandford; d. July 16, 1841. James Lloyd, b. March 21, 1762; d. Oct. 2, 1819. This couple was the only representative of Dr. John White's family that re­ mained in Blandford. The sons Vassall, John, Samuel, and Ebenezer all went to central New York; likewise the other two daughters, Anne and Mary or Polly, married in Blandford, but Mary went with her husband to what is now Nelson, N.Y. and Anne to Chester, Mass. where she and her husband, Rev. Silas Kingsley, are buried. The Whites were a proud and sturdy stock, doc­ tors, ministers, soldiers and educators have pre­ dominated in their line, many of their families ANCESTRY OFi SARAH WHITE 67 migrating to York state in the 1790's and later spread­ ing west and south. One descendant became a large slaveholder in Mississippi. Dr. William A. Lloyd, Con­ gregational minister and teacher, was in early life a roommate of President Garfield. Dr. Whitman Vassall White participated in more than 20 battlfJ in the Civil War, with the 47th N. Y. Infantry. Rev. -,~benezer White is memorialized by a monument at Coopers~,own, N.Y. An­ other descendant was a member of the firs~ constitu­ tional convention of Florida. THE MARSHALL LLOYD FAMILY

Marshall Lloyd was the third child of James Lloyd and Sarah White. He was born in Blandford, Dec. 6, 1798. He was educated in Blandford and later became a teacher in the vicinity. He taught in Holland, N.Y. where he met Sarah Huggins. They were married Nov. 8, 1827. Marshall built his home on a portion of his father's farm in Blandford. He was an ambitious farmer. Like his brothers he was tall and sedate with a mild but firm attitude of government. Sarah Huggins, his wife,was educated in the common schools and in Dr. Cooley's School for Young ladies in Granville, Mass. She was a frail person, a sufferer of migraine. Henry, the oldest son was educated in Blandford and Munson Academy in Hartland. He taught in Russell and Colebrook River until his cousin influenced him to study medicine. Henry was physically unable to prac­ tice medicine and gave it up for the map publishing business, in N.Y. Mary Augusta was an artist and a teacher in Calif. where she married Mr. Swain. Sarah Lloyd had literary talent and expressed it in poems. and letters. She was educated at Wilbraham Academy where she met her future husband, Geo. E. Smith. She was a teacher in the Hartford schools. She and her sister Mary moved to Calif. and Sarah was married there. Julia-Lloyd was the remarkably talented person who has left many poems and records for those who did not know her ·personally. Charlotte Angelina lived only two years. James was a teacher and assisted Henry in the publishing business in N.Y. He died of a lung disease, probably of tuberculosis. Ellen Elvira died of tuberculosis when 20 years of age. *Ref.--Brief from the Marshall Lloyd story written by Mrs. Julia Colegrove. 68 JAMES JARVIS LLOYD F.AMI°LY (Oifered by Jay Gould)

James Jarvis was the second child of James Lloyd and Sarah White. He was born in Blandford, JUne 21, · 1796. He went to Orwell Township, Pa. with three families from Mass., the Robinsons and Warfields from Blandford and the Barnes family from Granville. He married Sophronia Robinson i~ Orwell,Sept. 19, 1817. Jarvis took up land in the forest, cleared the timber and established a home there among his friends. His son Alfonso owned a farm near his father for some years and later became a merchant near Wyalucing, Pa. His one son is now dead. Clarissa Angeline married Jesse Barnes, a farmer who later became a physician. They remained in Orwell with their family of four daughters and one son. James Lloyd died in infancy. Maryette died in her youth. Sarah lived with her parents. Almon Lloyd was a farmer and blacksmith and lived a few miles from his father. Robinson, William and Julius went to California when they were young men and lived there the rest of their lives. Robinson and William were merchants. Julius was a school teacher. Little is known of them. Whitman Lloyd was a farmer and lived all his life near his father. His family were all girls. Julia Lloyd married Myron S. Gould. They had two daughters and lived in Asbury Park, New Jer~ey.


Artemus was the fourth child of James Lloyd and Sarah White. He was born Dec. 14,1800 in Blandford, Mass., educated in the common schools there and then taught school in Otis, Mass. He was married Oct. 2, 1827 in Peru, Mass. to Parthenia Haskell who was born June 13, 1799 in Peru. In a letter dated 1890 Julia Gibbs tells of the evening when Artemus brought Parthenia to his home after their marriage •. "The company had rode across the hills from Peru to Blandford in waggons twenty or thirty miles more or less arriving about.dark. Grand­ mother (Sarah VIJhite Lloyd), mother (Julia Ann Lloyd Shepard) and Aunt Harriet (Thorp) were ready to receive them. The table was spread with a warm supper. Uncle Eli (brother of Artemus) had remained at home to care for the work. There was Uncle Artemus, Aunt Parthenia, Uncle Marshall and Aunt Sarajl, who were mar­ ried soon after. Allen and Sarah Haskell, Mrs. Dorr and Paulina Dorr, Aunt Angelina and I think Lucilla Haskell." In this same letter, 1890, Mrs. Julia Gibbs says, nr see in my ~inds eye the carpet on the floor which was made by grandmother Sarah White." In another letter dated 1890, Mrs. Gibbs wrote to Mrs. Mary Rule "Mother (Mrs. Linus Shepard) had a carpet of grandmother's which she had made. Grandmother spun, colored and wove it, probably_carded and spun the flax for its filling. Of course it is worn and faded but as relic of olden days t have cut pieces for rugs, passed several to grandchildren, have one piece which I will send to you. There were three widths, for the cen­ ter like this piece with a border half of the width around the carpet." 70 COL. ARTEl~US WILLIAM LLOYD FAMILY 71

Artemus was living on the home farm with his mother Sarah White Lloyd at the time of his marriage and he brought Parthenia there to live. In an old diary of Part~enia 1 s we find her own statement of the situation in Sarah Lloyd's home which induced Artemus to build his own house on his father's original property but separated from his mother's hou~e. Parthenia writes "his mother and sisters who resided under the same roof became a continual scourge." Parthenia had been very well educated in schools and tutored by the minister Rev. Roswell Hanks. She had a craving for education and was preparing her life to become a missionary. In 1820 she had hoped to marr: and go to India but her father objected to the marriage and refused to consent to her becoming a missionary. Following this great disappointment she was sent to Am­ hurst Academy. In a letter to her father dated Aug. 29, 1821, she writes, "I must tell you I still value an ed­ ucation above silver and gold and that it is my wish to persue the means of attaining it." She goes on to plead with her father to send her tutor the eight dollars that she owes him. 11 My board will be $1.00 per week for what time I shall remain." Parthenia Haskell organized a private school for young ladies in West Boylston. In Chatham she had 17 scholars. She went to Pleasant Valley, N.Y. in April, 1825 to teach and after three weeks she writes: "I am among strangers given to gayety and amusement, profanity and dissipation." She was in a Dutch settlement of ap­ parently rich families who "appear in the greatest splendor and think only of amusement but have ignorant, uncultivated minds and use profane language," "I feel I have made a great sacrifice in coming here to this land of strangers." "My plans were to stay here one quarter and then to open a young ladies school in Poughkeepsie the first Wednesday in August." This plan did not ma­ ture and she returned to Peru in September, 1825. Her lover, the missionary, died in Albany, N.Y. of tuberculosis in April, 1825. Their romance had been ruined by malicious acquaintances in the town of Peru. Parthenia could not endure the shock of the deceitful­ ness of her supposed friends and she left her home in Peru to live with her sister Sylvia. Shortly afterwards 72 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

she met and married Artemus Lloyd and she writes in her diary, "I was soon married to one who fulfilled all my needs for a sincere friend and affectionate husband." Artemus and Parthenia lived in Blandford until about 1835 when they moved to Stockbridge. Paulina and William were born in Blandford, Eli in New Hartford, Conn., Mary, Sergius and Louis were born in Stockbridge and Alice was born in Washington, Mass. Artemus moved to Washington in 1841. In 1854 Artemus sold his interests in Massachusetts and with Enoch Chapel and Daniel Corey moved their families to Illinois. Artemus had made himself conspicuous in Mass­ achusetts by his military service in the Fourth Regiment of Infantry in the First Brigade and Fourth of Militia of the Commonwealth of Mass. He was appointed: Ensign Feb.10-1826 by Gov. John Brooke Captain Feb.· 7-1827 by Gov. Levi Lincoln Mar.22-1829 by Gov. Levi Lincoln Lieut. Col. Jun. 9-1830 by Gov. Levi Lincoln Colonel Feb.21-1831 by Gov. Levi Lincoln He was a member of the Massachusetts Legisla- ture 1853-54.

Col. Artemus had a large dairy in Blandford and sold cheese in Hartford, Conn. In Stockbridge he built an aqueduct of logs from the Housatonic River to bring water to the town. In Washington he continued his logging business and sold timber to Boston and to the railroad. He con­ verted some hardwood into charcoal for shipment to Boston. Artemus brought his family to South Grove, Illi­ nois in 1854 where he purchased prairie land and in the first year he broke 100 acres of land and built a house. In 1855 he moved his family to his farm of 240 acres. Tne first year the family had lived with the Boise fami­ ly. The women gathered wild fruits and dried corn, beans, peas and pumpkins. The men travelled many miles to a saw mill and to a_mill to have their grain ground. Col. Artemus moved to Sycamore in 1872 where he lived until his death, Dec.17-1885. His daughter Paulina had devoted her life to him but she passed COL. ARTEMUS WILLIAM LLOYD FAMILY 73

away in August, prior to his death. His wife, Parthenia died July 2-1867 in Malta, Ill. The original home farm was left in charge of the third son, Sergius, who ac­ quired considerable farm land in DeKalb County during his active years.

Rev. William Artemus Lloyd Born Dec. 2-1832 Blandford, Mass. Died Jan.30-1910 Chicago, Ill. Mar. Jan.4-1862 New Salem, Mass. to Helen Maria Chamberlain Born Nov.27-1837 Greenwich, Mass. Died Dec.16-1923. Chicago, Ill • William Artemus Lloyd was educated at Hinsdale Academy, Hinsdale, Mass. where he was Valedictorian of his class. He graduated fr.om Williams College, Williams­ town, Mass., and attended Western Theological Seminary, Alleghany City, Pa. He travelled in England and France searching for records of his early ancestors. Rev. William Lloyd held the following pastorates: Ringwood and Greenwoo.d 1861-1862 St. Charles Congregational 1862-1864 Plymouth Cong., Milwaukee 1865 Morris, Ill. 1866-1869 Ravenswood Cong., Chicago, Ill. 1869-1890

He founded and built the rlavenswood Congrega- tional church and remained there. Rev. William Lloyd was a teacher prior to his ministerial appointments. He held the following posi­ tions: 1848-49 Teacher in Hyde Park, N.Y. 1849-51 Teacher in Rhinebeck, N.Y. Ellerslie School 1851-54 Member of Hinsdale Academy Faculty Principal of High School in Peru, Mass. 1854-58 Teacher at Williams College Principal of Sanderson Academy, Ash­ field, Mass. ••·•••••••e• Drury Academy, North Adams, Mass. 1859 • • • • • • • • • • • • in Memphis, Tenn. 1861 • • • • • • • • • • • • High School in Lacon, Ill. WILL OF ROGER HASKELL OF BEVERLY Copied from the original on file in Essex Co. Probate Office. (From Derbys White and Haskell Families.)

"The 27: of May: 1667 I, Roger Haskell being sick in body, but of pfect memorye, doe make this my last will and testament. I doe bequeathe and give to my.wife two cowes, the one being at our son in lawes, Wm. Dodge, and one at home named Coll. I likewise doe bequeathe and give to my three youngest sonnes Roger, Johiah and Samuel three other cowes, as young white face, velvett and Colly.­ Likewise I give to my daughters, Hannah and Sarah 2 heifers, a red one named Cherry, a yoake of oxen, caled Browne and broads. I likewise give to my sonns Wm., 2 oxin named blake and Butler and the horse I had of Nehemiah Grover. I likewise give to my son John a lyned ox.- I likewise give to my sister Joane a heifer as scone as the calfe is taken of. I likewise give to my son Mark my Black horse, and to Roger my Roamed horse,- and to my sonne Johiah and Samuel my two mares.- Likewise I give to my wife a yeareling-and a yeareling to my 3 youngest sons.- Like­ wise I leave my sheep to my wife and children to pt them as they think fitt. I likewise give to my 3 youngest sonnes all my lands and houses where I now live, to be equally devided when they cone to age, out of the same land my will is that they pay to my two daughters; Hannah and Sarah, ten pound sterling apeece. I like­ wise give to my sonne Mark my Barne close, with that meddow that joyne to it, out of the which my will is, that this my sonne is to pay to Hannah and Sarah ten pounds sterling when they come of age. - I likewise be­ queathe and give to my son John and William, forty acres of land appeece, behind the great pond. And like­ wise that land at Drapers poynt caled mr Gaffords, with the meddow, my will is that my wife shall have the one half and my 3 sonnes Roger, Josiah and Samuel the other

74 WILL OF ROGER HASKELL OF BEVERLY 75 halfe. And my meddow at Bunkers to be devided equally, between my two sons John and Wm. As likewise my meddow at Wenham meddow, either of thema an equall proportion. Likewise my will is that my son William Dodge shall have half my meddow at the great pond, and John and Wm the other halfe. Likewise my will is that Wm Dodge shall have ten acres of last ~ost_contenient for him, neere his now dwelling, and my two daughters Hannah and Sarah twelve acres apeece out of the same land and the rest of that land to be equaly devided amongst my 3 youngest sonns, provided that the waye may still remaine out of the land, to my no"w dwelling. I likewise give Roger my steer caled Goulding and Josiah a steere caled gallant- my sonn Marke to him I give that land my father in law, John Stone live upon, after his decease, I like­ wise give to my wife one Roome, which she please, And that my wife shall have the desposing of this my estate till my sonns and Daughters come to age. And upon the same she is to bring them up in the feare of God, and to provid for them, and my desire is that my brothers, William and Mark Haskell be the over seeres to see this will truly pformed. the mark of R Roger Haskell. Witnes Thomas Pickton John Hill

And alsoe Eliz Thomas Pickton and ye wife of ye sd John Hill gave oath Roger deceased is in Court at Salem declared by the 26: 4 mo.: 1667: that the court to be above name Roger executrix of ye Haskell signed to the said will. above written and declared it to be his last will and testament, and there was nae other will of him the said Roger made afterwards they know of.

Atest Hilliard Veren Cleri 76 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.



William Loughead (died 1815, at 81) Residence, Northampton, joined the Continental Army Private in Capt. Solomon Brown's Co. (6th Co.) Col. Elisha.Porter's Hampshire Co. Regt. Enlisted July 31-1779 Discharged Sep.1-1779 1 month, 6 days at New London, Conn. Also; William Loughead enlisted Jan., 1778; discharged July 1-1778; service 9 mons. 22 days; company de­ tached from Hampshire and Worcester counties militia to guard stores and magazines at Spring­ field, Mass. and Brookfield. Capt. Morgan's Company.


Dates of Length of Captain Colonel State Rank Enlistment Service

Dec. 5 11 months Shepard Porter Mass. Private Jan. 6, 1777 1 month & Capt. Wm. Col.Bery Mass. Private 14 days Fletcher Simon

He served in the second Berkshire Reg. of Mass. Engaged in no battles. Residence at enlistment Granville, Mass. Application for pension Aug. 28, 1832. Residence at date of application, Peru, Mass. Age at date of application, born April 2, 1753, Hardwick. Remarks: His claim was allowed. He was placed on a pension roll June 6, 1834, to the amount of $42.50 annually. He mar­ ried Mary Webster, May 16, 1781. He died Aprils, 1847 and she was pen­ sioned as his widow. Signed E. F. Wave- Commissioner WAR RECORDS 79


Oliver Webster served in the French and Indian Wars in Capt. Edmond Well 1 s Co. as a private from April 9-1757 for 2 weeks and 4 days receiving as his total wages 10 shillings and 3 pence, a company of Connecticut troops. Oliver Webster served in the War of the Revol~­ tion for 8 months in Capt. John McGreiger 1 s Co., Col. John Durkee's Regt. Conn. Line. Enlisted Aug.16-1779 and discharged Jan.15-1780. Name on muster from Sep.30-1779 to Feb.1-1780. Muster of 1780 made at Morristown.


Samuel Hull-1730-1791, of Wallingford, Conn. Was a soldier of the Revolutionary, serving for 6 months in the 5th Connecticut Battalion which was commanded by Col. Douglas and attached to Wadsworth's Brigade. Revolutionary Record War Rolls Capt. Thos. Barney's Co. in Col. Ira Allen's Regt. of Militia for service done the state in the alarm on the 21st day of Oct. 1781.

Samuel Hull - entered service Oct. 21 Wages per day 1.4 Days in Service 11 No. of miles out 40 Travel per mile 4d Total 1.8.0

- entered ·service Oct. 11 Wages per day 1.4 Days in Service 9 Amt. of Wages 0.12.0 No. of miles out 40 Amt. travel 0.13.4 Total 1.5.4 80 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

-- entered service Mar. 26 Wages per day 1.4 Days in Service 5 Total 1.10.0 Travel (Miles) 70 Days 4


a letter (written by himself-1822)

in 1799 joined Gen. Washington Army. Aged 16- where he · served as a soldier about three years and then was dis­ charged without money to get home two hundred miles ·on the Charity of the People, after fighting hard and go­ ing three or four days at a time without anything to eat, ragged and barefoot and lugging his knapsack and camp kettles on his back to gain Independence. And in 1785 came into the state of Vermont and in 1793 he came into Hinesburg where he lived till 1810 and in that time was called on the grand and petty jury ten years.


Caleb Hull IV-3 of Wallingford, Conn. served 8 days at the siege of Boston in response to the Lexington Alarm April, 1775. He was 80 years old. There was no of­ ficial enlistment. WAR RECORDS 81,


Private Co. A Capt. E. Shears Enlisted Aug 2-1861 DeKalb, Illinois Mustered Apr 12-1864 Discharged Oct 20-1862 Disability from fever

Co. A was attached to the 52nd Illinois Infantry. They acted as body guard to Gen. George B. McClelland until he gave up his command. The Company was t4en assigned to Co. H 12th Illinois Cavalry and subsequently to Co. G 15th Illinois Cavalry. The original C~mpany was known as McClellan's Dragoons. The 12th Illinois Cavalry was conspicuous in Stoneman raid which destroyed the railroad and w~res of communication between Richmond and General Lee.


132nd Illinois Infantry, Co. F Enlisted May 11-1864 Residence Malta, Ill. Mustered Jun 1-1864 Mustered out Oct 17-1864

The 132nd Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment was organized at Camp Fry, Chicago, Ill. by Col. Thomas ·J. Pickett and was mustered in for one hundred days from June 1st 1864. On the 6th of June it started for Columbus, Kentucky and arrived on the 8th reporting to Brigadier­ General Henry Prince. On the 15th of June it moved to Paducah, Kentucky and reported to Col. S. G. Hicks. The Regiment remained on duty at Paducah until the expira­ tion of its service when it was moved to Chicago and was mustered out Oct.17-1864. The commissioned Officers of Co. F were Capt. Isaac S. Burmel 1st Lieut. Jonathan Dow 2nd Lieut. Albert A. Sanborn if-Ref. Adjutant General of the State of Illinois Report Vol. VII-p. 13. 82 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

I offer here the references and authorities for the material and dates which I have used in this history and genealogy of the Lloyd Family.

American Historical Society, American Biography Vol. XVI-XX American Biographical Dictionary Blandford, Early Settlers from Hopkinton, Mass. Sudbury Blandford, History of Wm. Gibbs Blandford, Early History Rev. John Keep Blandford Vital Records Beverly Vital Records Boston City Documents Nos. 43-130; 150 Blandford Tombstones Blandford Soldiers and Sailors S. G. Wood Branford, Conn. Vital Records Beverly 1st Church Records 1676 Builders of Chicago, Ill. Connecticut Genealogy, Vol. III Connecticut Vital Records Conn. Valley, History of Vol. II Louis Everts Conn., Early Marriages Bailey Conn~ and Mass., First Settlers Goodwin Conn. Valley Hist. Soc. Papers, Vol. II E. A. Hall Danbury, Conn., History of J.M. Bailey Dorchester City Documents No. 59 Farmington, Mass. Barry Framingham, Mass. J. H. Temple Genealogy and Personal Memoirs of Boston and Eastern Mass. White Geneal. Diet. First Settlers of New EP..gland Savage Geneal. and History of Watertown, Mass. Rev. E. White Hardwick Vital Records to 1850 History of Berkshire Co. History of Hardwick Paige Hopkinton Births and Marriages History of Hampden Co., Mass. A. M. Copeland History of Hadley, Mass. Judd Haskell Genealogy Noyes Haskell Family Goodenough Hull, Descendants of Richard P. H. Mason REFERENCES AND AUTHORITIES 83

.History of Wallingford, Conn. Davis Haskell, Parthenia's Diary Lebanon, Conn. . Hines Lyons Iowa Tombstones Lloyd Family Bibles Mass. Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. 7 Mass. Pioneers Pope Milton, Mass. Vital Records Milton, Mass. Church Records Milton, Mass., History of Teele Mass., History of Western Holland Mass., Early Marriages Bailey New Engiand Hist. and Geneal. Reg., Vol. 4-17 New England Geneal. Dictionary Savage Peru and Hartford Reg. Mitchell Peru Vital Records to 1850 Palmer, Mass. Vital Records Palmer, History of Temple Portrait and Biog. Album of DeKalb Co., Ill. Scotch-Irish Pioneers C. K. Bolton Scotch-Irish in A.merica H.J. Ford Scotch-Irish in America S.S. Green Scot i:a Ulster J. Harrison Salem, History of S. Perley Stockbridge Town Records Stamford, Conn., History of Rev. E. B. Huntington Taverns and Turnpikes of Blandford S. G. Wood Ulster Scots and Blandford Scots S. G. Wood Vermont Revol. Rolls Washington, Mass. Vital Records Webster, Family of John Noah Webster White Family of Yarmouth Wm. P. Davis Webster, Gov. John Family Wm. H. Webster and Rev. Melville Webster Watertown, Geneal. and Hist. Rev. E. White


(Married names of the women are in parentheses)

Abbot, Mina (Lloyd), 51 Leonard, 16 Ackley, Caroline (Lloyd), 15 Lilburn, 16 Agostini, Rose (Lloyd), 18 Martha, 17 Alderman, Howard, 11 Ontalu, 16 Katherine, 11 Pluma (Gould), 11 Lucia, 11 Bascom, John, 56 Alexander, Abigail (Webster), 55 Bartlett, Mary (Lloyd), 46 Allis, Earl E., 20 Beach, Wiliam, 52 Andrew, Elizabeth (Hull), 51 Beers, Deborah (Hull), 50 Atwater, Hannah (Hull), 65 Benham, Mercy (Hull), 52 Mary (Lloyd), 40 Bennett, Sarah (Hull), 52 Reuben, 52 Benson, Jane (Lloyd), 17 Atwood, Calla (Lloyd), 55 Biles, Ossie (Lloyd), 17 Phineas, 65 Birchard, Emma (Lloyd), 18 Austin, Charles, ~5 Black, Isabel (Loughead), a, 44 Jewell M., 24 Blair, Betsy (Lloyd), 8 Norman A., 24 Bliss, Sarah (Webster), 55 R. Marshall, 24 Boies, Alice R., 44 Sylvia L., 24 Cora Almeda, 44 Robert, 25 Enos, 44 Julia Freeland, 44 Babb, Rosa (Lloyd), 41 Paulina c., 44 Badger, Anna (Lloyd), 21 Watson, 44 Baker, Marion T. (Lloyd), 22 Brown, Emma (Lloyd), 14 Baldwin, Hannah (Hull), 50 Brunolt, Darlene, 15 Barnes, Blanche (Knapp), 17 Henry, 14 Eleanor, 16 Lewis, 15 Ella (Wood), 15 Burlington, Arthur, 16 Ernest, 16 Paul, 16 Ernestine, 17 Burr, Sarah (Shepard), 12 Florence (Wood), 16 Butler, Mary (Laughead), 45 Grace (Burlington), 16 Buttery, Donald, 50 Hazel (Ford), 16 Howard, 50 Dr. Jesse, 14 Vanetta, 50


Caldwell, Mary (Loughead), 45 Crocker Cannon, Cornelius, 62 · Margaret (Lloyd), 22 Sarah (White), 66 Cross, Julia (Lloyd), 40 Carnahan, Sarah (White), 66 Cullison, Harold, 51 Carr, Minnie (Lloyd), 17 Olive, 51 Chaffee, Alta Marie, 19 Robert, 51 Hugh E., 19 Rudolph, 50 Hugh F., 19 Vergene, 51 Lloyd R., 19 Culp, Harry, 28 Pauline (Lloyd), 45 Ray E., 19 Dodge, William, 60 Raymona, 19 Doolittle, Abigail (Hull), 55 Chamberlain, Helen (Lloyd), 26 Dorman, Edward, 50 Champlin, Maria (Lloyd), 46 Clark, Lydia (Haskell), 62 Ecklund, George, 50 Jane, 62 Lloyd, 50 Mehitable (Haskell), 61 Muriel, 50 Clarke, Albert F., 59 Edwards, Edwin, 55 Albert M., 58 Julia A., 55 Helen R. (Godfrey), 58 English, Betty Lou, 58 Lulu Gertrude (Tilletson), 58 Beulah P., 58 (English) Frank, 58 Paul M., 58 Paul T., 59 Fleming, David, 48 Pauline A. (Wheeler), 58 Elizabeth (Hitchcock), 49 Robert J. , 59 George, 49 Ronald L., 59 Henry, 49 William H. , 59 Jane, 48 William LeRay, 59 John, 49 Cole, Gertrude (Chaffee), 19 Joseph, 49 F.C., 19 Margaret (Lamb), 49 Colegrove, Dr. Clintqn, 24 Mary, 48 Comrin, Sarah Samuel, 49 Cook, Eunice (Hull), 52 Sarah, 48 Lowly (Hull), 52 Sylvanus, 49 Coolidge, Gertrude (Lloyd), 55 Foote, Lucy (Lloyd), 24 Cottrell, Edgar, 46 Ford, Arthur, 16 Eldridge, 46 Mavis, 16 Freeman, 46 Foulke, Mary G. (Lloyd), 27 George, 46 Freeland, Eliza, 43 Joseph, 46 Isabel, 45 Nettie, 46 James, 48 Coughlin, Elizabeth (Young), 42 Jonathan, 45 . GENERAL INDEX 87

John Gibbs, 45 Hagg, Arthur, 27 Julia S., 45 Henrietta, 27 A. Matilda, 44 Hamilton, Asa, 49 Sarah, 45 David, 49 Statina, 45 Francis, 8 William, 45 Jaines, 49 Fricke, Lucy (Young), 41 John, 48,·49· Fuller, Dr. John, 65 Peggy, 49 Susannah, 65 Polly, 49 W.A., 11 Sally, 48· Siny, 49. Geer, Unity (Haskell), 65 Hamlin, Irving, 27 Gibb, Julia (Lloyd), 55, 54 Hansen, Harriet (VanDeren), 52 Thomas, 54 Hardy, Elizabeth, 60 Gibbs, Clarissa (Smith), 10 Harmon, Lucy (Haskell), 54· Eugene S. , 12 Haskell, Abigail, 61 Eunice (Lloyd), 9, 44 Andrew, 62 Fannie (Hoopes), 12 Allen, 64 Julia (Freeland), 45 Chloe (Haskell), 63 William, 12 Daniel, 61, ·65 W.E. see Clarissa, 10 Ebenezer, ·6~ Godfrey, George A., 58 Elizabeth,60, 61, 62 George R., 58 Hailllah (Woodbury), 61 Helen D., 58 Huldah (Atwood), 65 Gordon, Ethel (Wood), 15 Haskell, John, 60, 61, 62, ·65 Goss, Hannah (Haskell), 62 Joseph, 62 Keziah (Haskell), 62 Josiah, 61 Thankful, 66 Judith, 61 Gould, Bernice S. (Pawley), 20 Keziah, 65 Bina S. (Pawley), 20 Lester, 64 Charles, 14 Luzilla (Hubbard), 64 Jessie (Lewis), 14 Mark, 60, 61 Julius (Jay), 14 Mary (Jordan), 62 Myron, 20, 14 Mehitable (Cannon), 62 Thomas, 14 Moses, 62 Gowing, Charlotte (Cooper), 11 Parthenia (Lloyd), 25, 64 Katherine (Suggalt), 11 Patience, 65 W.W., 11 Philipp, 65 Griggs, Sarah (Haskell), 61 Polly (Turner), 65 Gustafson, Clee LeRoy, 51 Rebecca, 62 Laverna., 51 Roger, 60, 61, 62, 65 Lowell, 51 Ruth (Haskell), 65 Walter, 51 Sainuel, 61 88 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Haskell, Joseph, 51, 52, 53 Sarah, 61, 62, 64 Josephus, 55 Silvia (Smith), 65 Lois, 55 Simon, 65 Mary (Gibb), 54 Thmna.s, 62 Mary (Hitchcock), 52 William, 60, 61 Mary (Jackson), 50 Zechariah, 62, 65 Mary (Prindle), 50 Hayward, John, 65 Mary (Russell), 52 Judith (Gosa), 65 Patience, 55 Heatley, William, 59 Richard, 50, 51 Hemenway, Marjorie (llar), 12 Samuel, 50, 51, 52, 55 Herrick, Eunice (Lloyd), 46 Sarah (Atwater), 52 Higgins, Charlotte, 44 Sarah (Beach), 52 Nathaniel, 9, 44 Zaphaniah, 55 Smiley, 44 William, 44 Ingraham, Gladys (Austin) Hildebrandt, Albert, 57 Ireland, Henrietta (Lloyd), 26 Hinsdale, Mary (Lloyd), 40 Ireson, Martha (Fleming), 49 Hitchcock, Luke, 49 Hoopes, J.M., 12 Jackson, John, 50 Hopkins, Ida V. (Lloyd), 55 Jacobs, Mary (Hull), 50 Hoyt, Alice (Lloyd), 50 Jesse, Wm. P., 22 Hubbard, Sarah (Lloyd), 45 Johnson, Arthur, 50 Huggins, Sarah (Lloyd), 21 Belle (Lloyd), 55 Hubbard, Dr. Levi, 64 Doris, 50 Hunt, Joanna (Haskell), 62 Dwane, 50 Jonathan, 56 Lois, 50 Huthin, Mathew, 48 .Mary, 50 Hurt, Dorothy (Plapp), 52 Philipp, 50 Hull, Abigail (Harger), 52 Jones, Frank L., 29 Andrew, 51, 52 Harold K. , 29 Benjamin, 51 Loren, 29 Caleb, 52, 55 Knill, 29 Ebenezer, 51 Jordon, Dudley, 62 Elihu, 54 Elizabeth, 55 Keplinger, Ethel (Lloyd), 28 Epaphrus, 55 Kibbe, Charles, 46 Eu.nice (Whipple), 55 Phineas, 45 Hannah (Dorman), 50 Kingsley, Rev. Silas, 66 Hannah (Meacham), 55 Klar, Carroll S., 12 Jedediah, 55 James S., 12 Jeremiah, 50, 51 Marguerite S., 12 John, 50 Walter H., 12 GENERAL INDEX 89

Knapp, Theodore, 17 Bess L. (Milles), 56 Knox, Elizabeth (Fleming), 48 Bessie L. (Hildebrandt), 57 Korpela, ~innie, 51 Betse, 45 Betsy (Kibbe), 45 Lamb, Dr. Jabez, 49 Birdie S. (Chaffee), 19 Lange, Lloyd Wm., 28 Blanche (Buttery), 50 Wm. H., 28 Burton C. , 40 Lantz, Maude (Lloyd), 14 Caroline, 44, 46 Lewis, Ella, 41 Caroline (Lewis), 41 E. Boise, 41 Caroline (Nichols), 40 Florence (Brunolt), 14 Charles, 17, 54, 55 (Wibbell) Charlotte, 24 Marion, 41 Claude, 51 William, 14 Chauncey Robinson, 17 Lord, Abigail (White), 65 Cynthia, 44 Anna (Lloyd), 21 David, 45, 47 LLOYD-- Dencie C. (Allis), 20 Abby Felton, 28 Donald E., 27 Abigail, 45, 47 Dorcas (Watson), 45 Achsah (Freeland), 8, 45 Ebenezer, 47 Albert, 47 Eli White, 28,45 Alfonso, 15 Elijah, 46, 47 Alfred H. , 22 Ellen Elvira, 25 Alexander, 8 Elizabeth, a, 17, 48 Alice, c., 22 Elmer, 47 Alice E. (Rule), 58 Eloise, 54 Alice W., 56 Emma, 57 Allie M. (Cullison), 50 Erastus, 48 Almon Jas, 40 Ernest, 47 Almon, 17, 18, 41 Esther F. (Hagg), 27 Andrew, 46 Ethel (Johnson), 50 Angelina Clarissa, 14 Eziekiel, 46 Angelina Sarah (Young), 41 Felton, 27 Anna Mary (Jes$e), 22 Frank, 29, 50 Anna, 47 Frederick, 22 Archibald Louis, 57 Gertrude (Ecklund), 50 Artemus Andrew, 51 Gertrude (Russell), 55 Artemus William, 25, 64, 70 George, 46, 47, 48 Arthur, 20, 22, 40 Grace L. (Visser), 57 Atwater C., 41 Hamilin, 14 Badgely, 50 Hannah, 47 Benjamin, 28 Hattie (Hamlin), 27 Bernice G. (Cole), 19 Harriet (Thorp), 45 90 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

LLOYDS-- Mary (Van.Deren), 52 Harrietta, 17 .Marette, 18 Harry, 24, 25, 57 Maude (Gustafson), 51 Harvey, 48 May (Korpela), 51 Helen, 28, 57 Meta C. (Smith), 19 Henry, 21, 25, 40 Millie M. (Robinson), 19 Herbert, 21, 25, 55, 54, 47 Milton, 44 Homer, 47 Morris, 44 Isaac, 9, 44 Myrle (Jones), 29 Isabel, 9 Myrna, M James, 17, 18, 25, 40, 45, .Myron, 24 46, 66, 69 .Myrtle E., 27 Janet, 25, 54 Norman James, 40 Jarvis Jas., 40 Olive (Mace), 52 Jennie, 29, 36 Pauline, 25 John, 8, 17, 45 Polly (Higgins), 44 Julia A. (Shepard), 9 Preston, 54 Julia (Gould), ·20 Priscilla (Neil), 26 Julia A. (Colegrove), 24 Putman, 22 Julia Elvira, 40 Rachael, 8 Julia S. (Waters), 18 Ray, 27, 51, 45 Julian A. , 25 Raymond, 27 Julius, 21 Robert, 28, 40, 44, 45 Katherine, 46 Roxanna, 48 Kenneth, 27 Sally, 47, 48 Kitty (Plapp), 51 Samuel, 45, 46 Laura, 47 Sarah, 17, 47 Lawrence, 25 Sarah (Vannest-Phelps), 17 Lester, 46,48 Sarah (Smith), 23 Loraine, 34 Sarah (Fleming) , 48 Lorenz, 14 Sergius, 551 34, 36, 44 Louis, 20, 55, 37 Susan (Philipps), 45 Lucia, 25 Thomas, 45, 47, 48 Lucile (Shattuck), 51 Virgil, 48 Maria, 46, 47, 48 Walter, 22, 29 Marion, 27 Whitman, 18 Marshall, 21, 25, 68 William, a, 20, 26, 27, 67, Martin, 46 44 Martha, 48 MacCoy, Beulah (Lloyd), 27 Mary, 8, 45, 47 Mace, Robert, 52 . Mary A. (Edwards), 55 Manchester, Blanche (Barnes), 16 Mary. (Higgins) , 9 Marx, Josephine (Lloyd), 40 Mary (Swain), 23 Meacham, M.A., 55 GENERAL INDEX 91

Merrill, Fannie (Young), 42 Kayla, 52 Milles, George, 56 Lloyd, 51, 52 Grace Alice, 56 Olive, 52 Lloyd, 56 Phyllis, 52 Nancy V., 56 Robert, 52 Patricia Ann, 56 Ronald, 52 Millinger, Walter, 28 Preston, Effie (Lloyd), 55 Mix, Lydia (Hull), 51 Prindle, John, 50 Moland, Lena (Plapp), 52 Hannah (Hull), 51 Monroe, Lucy (Fleming), 49 Mooney, Martha (Lloyd), 46 Reeves, Mary (Webster), 55 Moor, Deborah (Lloyd), 44 Irving, 24 Moore, Cynthia (Lloyd), 45 Rich, Mary (Haskell), 65 Evelyn (Clarke), 58 Riggs, Anna (Hull), 51 Robinson, Dorothy, 20 Neihoff, J. A., 59 LeRoy, 19 Lloyd, 59 Lloyd, 20 Neil, Wendell, 26 Mert, 16 Newell, Elizabeth (Lloyd), 17 Paul, 20 Nichols, David, 40 Sophronia (Lloyd), 15 Lloyd, 41 Mary (Loughead), 8 Richard, 41 Rogers, Clara (Lloyd), 26 Mary (Hull), 51 Rule, Alice E. (Clarke), 58 Wendell, 41 Bert, 59 Ella L. (Heatley), 59 Pawley, Arden, 20 Helen, 59 Francis, 20 Lloyd, 59 Julian, 20 Louis B., 59 Myron, 20 Mabel. (Neihoff), 59 Raymond, 20 Mary K., 59 Richard, 20 Pauline Anna, 59 Peabody, Hazel (Clarke), 59 Pauline Elizabeth, 59 Phelps Cecelia (Shepard), 10 William, 58, 59 Edith, 10 Russell, Charmaine J., 55 Edward, 10 Rosalind, 55 Willie, 10 Timothy, 52 William, 10 Victor, 52 Henry, 17 Philipps, Lydia (Haskell), 65 Sackett, Harriet (Young), 42 James, 45 Sargent, Mrs. Courtland, 46 Plapp, Floyd, 52 Mrs. Oscar, 46 George, 51 Shattuck, Earl, 51 Gerald, 52 Shepard, S. Alice (Smith), 10 92 LLOYDS OF BLANDFORD, MASS.

Shepard, Trowbridge, Nancy (Lloyd), 22 Carrie Belle (Gowing), 11 Tryon, Abigail (Hull), 54 James L., 10, 12 Turner, Cami, 65 Julia E. (Gibbs), 12 Rebecca, 50 Levansia (Teal), 15 Twitchell, Clara (Lloyd), 28 Linius, 9 James, 12 Valerie, Frances (Chaffee), 19 Josephine, 11 VanAJJen, Archibald, 52, 55 Maria (Phelps), 10 Vannest, Benjamin, 17 Mary E. (Klar) , 12 Vassall, John, 65

Willi8lll1 10, 11 Judith (White), 65 Sherbrick, Abigail (Fleming), 49 William, 65 Smith, Cecille (Alderman), 10 Visser, Lloyd, 57 Edward S., 10 Watson, 57 Eph ton·, 10, 19 George, 25 Waite, Adelaide (Lloyd), 57 Gertrude (Austin), 25 Walden, Myrna (Lloyd), 54 Grace, 25 Waters, John, 18 Jennie (Lloyd), 51 Marjorie, 18 Joanna (Webster), 56 Watkins, Katherine (Lloyd), 29 Smith, John, 65 Watson, John, 45 Joseph, 56 Webster, Abigail, 55, 56, 57 Mabel W. (Reeves), 24 Althea, 58 Mary (Haskell), 60 Anne, 56 Mary (Hull), 50 Benjamin, 56 Virginia (Fuller), 11 Claricy, 57 Spickerman, Katherine (Lloyd), 28 Constant, 57 Stevens, Doris (Rule), 59 Elizabeth, 56 Steward, Bessie (Lloyd), 57 Ebenezer, 56, 57 Stilman, Agnes (Webster), 55 George, 55, 56 Stone, Elizabeth (Haskell), 60 Huldah, 57 Street, Mary (Hull), 55 John, 55, 56 Suggalt, Clifton, 11 Jeru_sha, 56, 57 Richard, 11 Joanna, 57 Susanna, 11 Joseph, 56 Swain, William, 25 Lucinda, 57 Swift, Joanna (Haskell), 61 Mary (Hunt) (Smith), 56, 57 Mary (Haskell), 65 Teal, Dr. Cornelius, 15 Mathew, 55 Thomas, Rebecca (Haskell), 61 Noah, 56 Thorp, J. D., 45 Oliver, 57 Tilletson, Jake, 58 Parthenia, 57 Robert c., 58 Peletial, 56, 57, 58 GENERAL INDEX 95

Robert, 55 Glenn, 15 Shadrack, 57 Lena (Smith), 16 Sarah, 56, 57 Marion, 15 Samuel, 56 Martin, 16 ThaDkful (Bascom), 56 Melvin, 15 Thomas, 55 Olin, 15 William, 55 Phyllis, 15 Zurviah, 56 Richard, 15 Welch, Mary (Lloyd), 46 Woodbury, Hannah (Haskell), 61 Whetstone, John, 41 Richard, 61 Wheeler, George, 58 William, 61 White, Anna, 65 Woodbridge, Hannah (Lloyd), 46 Ebenezer, Rev., 66 Wright, Patience (Webster), 57 John, 65, 66 Mary, 66 Young, Edward, 42 · Resolved, 65 Eli White, 42 Sarah (Lloyd), 9, 66 Harriet, 42, 45 Vassall, 66 Harriet (Sackett), 42 Whitman Vassall, 67 Harriet (Lloyd), 24 Wibbell, Gloria, 15 James, 41, 42 Manley, 14 John: 45 Wood, Beryl, 15 Lucy, 42 Clarence, 15 Mary, 42 Deryl, 15 Mary (Young), 42 Doris, 15 Nell, 42 Ernest, 15 Sarah M. (Whetstone), 41 Eunice, 15 William, 41, 42