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LINUX MAGAZINE ISSUE 75 OPENSUSE 10.2 FEBRUARY 2007 database system, virtualization tools tools virtualization system, database and a useful 3.0.3, such as Xen system for utilities of collection management. and remote monitoring Developers 5.8.8, with comes 10.2 OpenSuse 1.8.4. and Ruby PHP 5.2, Python 2.5, development are on this DVD Also such as 1.1.17, environments 3.1.1. and Eclipse 3.3.5, KDevelop Conclusion vision builds on Novell’s 10.2 OpenSuse with an a community-based for We enterprise. the corporate to eye our Linux Magazine enjoy hope you DVD. 10.2 OpenSuse such as Apache, Samba, Sendmail, and Sendmail, Samba, such as Apache, 5.0.24 nd the MySQL fi also You’ll Bind. See http:// support. novell. com/ forums/ 2su. html for a summary of Novell- of summary a for html 2su. forums/ com/ novell. support. page documentation OpenSuse the and http:// SDB:SDB See database support org/ OpenSuse the also See forums. support Documentation. opensuse. sponsored org/ en. opensuse. http:// en. http:// HELPSUPPORT& security, and user accounts. You can use use can You accounts. and user security, power partitions, gure confi to YaST and boot options, rewall fi management, settings. loader On the Desktop tools latest nd the fi you’ll On this DVD, ce including OpenOffi the desktop, for 0.8.2. and 0.2.10, Beagle 2.0.4, with the comes also 10.2 OpenSuse manager and GIMP photo 0.2.1 F-Spot 2.8.1, as Evolution as well 2.2.13, 2.0. and 3.5.5, Sysadmin of collection a broad offers Suse supporting the network. for services servers, Linux the standard Included are for managing , hardware, hardware, managing software, for guration, confi system networking, .

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Python 2.5 Python Perl 5.8.8 Perl Sendmail 8.13.8 Sendmail Bind 9.3.2 Bind 3.5.5 Samba Apache 2.2.3 Apache 0.12.17 K3b 0.11.2 Banshee Kaffeine 0.8.2 Kaffeine Thunderbird 1.5.07 Thunderbird 1.4.4 Firefox 2.0 Firefox GIMP 2.2.13 GIMP KOffice 1.6.0 KOffice GCC 4.1.3 GCC 2.0.4 OpenOffice GNOME 2.16.1 GNOME KDE 3.5.5 KDE Linux kernel 2.6.18 kernel Linux

On this DVD:

WWW.LINUX-MAGAZINE.COM puter systems related to the use of this DVD. While this Linux Magazine DVD-ROM has been tested and is to the best of our knowledge free of malicious software and defects, Linux Magazine cannot be held responsible, and is not liable for any disruption, loss, or damage to data and com- YaST provides a convenient user interface interface user a convenient provides YaST respected confi guration tools in all of Linux. in all of tools guration confi respected Suse comes with YaST, one of the most the most one of with YaST, comes Suse YaST

admins, and desktop users. and desktop admins, hundreds of tools for developers, system system developers, for tools of hundreds with better power management and management power with better and other security improvements, along improvements, security and other bluetooth. You’ll also fi nd AppArmor 2.0 fi also You’ll bluetooth. graphics, better WiFi support, and better support, and better WiFi better graphics, 2.16.1 desktops, as well as enhanced as enhanced as well desktops, 2.16.1 Also inside are the KDE 3.5.5 and Gnome the KDE 3.5.5 inside are Also Included with 10.2 is Linux kernel 2.6.18. 2.6.18. is Linux kernel Included with 10.2 support for integrated cardreaders. cardreaders. integrated support for as improved package management and management package as improved

OpenSuse 10.2 delivers new features such features new delivers 10.2 OpenSuse New in 10.2 New Magazine DVD. OpenSuse 10.2 as this month’s Linux as this month’s 10.2 OpenSuse distributions. We are proud to bring you bring you to proud are We distributions.

Suse is still one of the most popular Linux the most one of is still Suse one of the most illustrious Linux pedigrees. Linux pedigrees. illustrious the most one of

their enterprise networking knowledge to to knowledge networking their enterprise When Novell acquired Suse, they brought brought they Suse, acquired Novell When