与新传媒资深艺人陈泰铭同游 8/9 天湖北恩施大峡谷/神农架+土家风情 (CENHS) 特别 出发 :5 月 18

大通特别精选精华景点 : • 恩施大峡谷 :云龙地缝 、七星寨 - 世界地质奇观、喀斯特地形地貌天然博 物馆 • 神农架 – 华中屋脊探秘世人瞩目的“野人”踪迹; 是中国首个获得联 合国教科文组织人与生物圈自然保护区、世界地质公园、世界遗产三大 保护制度共同录入的“三冠王”名录遗产地。 • 黄鹤楼 – 享有“天下江山第一楼”之称 • 恩施土 家女儿 城 • 体验 最美水上公路 • 特别安排采摘时令水果

各地风味 :鱼宴风味;土家风味;鄂菜风味;夷陵风味 ; 川菜风味

全程 酒店 : 5 晚住宿当地五星级酒店 全程不进 店 重庆提升住宿国际五星级酒店 神农架住宿神农山庄(当地四星级)

第一天 新加坡 Q 武汉 (晚餐 ) • 搭乘国际航班飞往湖北省省会 -武汉。

第二 天 武汉 / 宜昌 (4.5 小时 ) (早/午/晚餐 ) • 早餐后参观 黄鹤楼 (含电瓶车), 自古享有 “天下江山第一楼 “和”天下绝景 “之称。 • 东湖生态风景区 (不含电瓶车 ),欣赏湖光山色

第三天 宜昌 / 神农架 (4 小时 ) (早/午/晚餐 ) • 经过 古昭公 路前往宜昌 -- 它是一条藏于峡谷之间的公路,盘桓蜿蜒在香溪河之上,犹如一条游龙,故 而被誉为“中国最美的水上公路”。 • 神农架自然保护区 -- 华中屋脊、国家级森林公园。它面积约 2 平方公里,海拔 3105 米,是名副其实 的“华中第一峰 ”。神农祭坛 -- 海外侨胞寻根问祖之地,吸引了无数的海外侨胞寻根,祭祀炎黄子孙的祖 先-炎帝神农氏。小龙潭 ,这里是中国最原始的森林,有机会 与珍惜动物金丝猴近距离接触。

第四天 神农架 / 宜昌 (4 小时 ) (早/午/晚餐 ) • 神农架 官门山景区 及大熊猫馆 ,有机会看到憨态可掬的大熊猫; • 天生桥景区 ,这里飞瀑自峭壁倾盆而下,似银河泻地。集桥、瀑、潭、山于一体,犹如置身“世外桃 源”

第五天 宜昌 / 恩施 (4.5 小时 ) (早/午/晚餐 ) • 途径 世界第一高悬索桥 的四渡河大桥 前往恩施。 • 恩施 云龙地缝 ,它是迄今为止世界上最长的 “U” 型地缝景观 ;

第六天 恩施 / 利川 (1.5 小时 ) (早/午/晚餐 ) • 恩施大峡谷 (含环保车),被誉为世界上最美的大峡谷。七星寨 (缆车上 +扶梯下 ),巨型柱状岩体 群,兀然直立于陡坡上,高耸林,极为壮观。 • 土家女儿城 ,它是恩施土苗文化的集演地,再此可以看到各类土苗族民俗,如:摆手舞、炒茶、打年 糕等等。

第七天 利川 / 重庆 (3.5 小时 ) (早/午/晚餐 ) • 返回重庆。 • 特别安排前往采摘时令水果 :草莓、枇杷等(水果种类根据季节情况而定,含每人水果采摘 1 公斤。 重量超出,费用自理。) • 今晚 安排欢送晚宴 ,与明星互动

第八天 重庆 Q 新加坡 (早餐 ) • 洪崖洞民俗风景区 ,是古重庆城门之一 ,以其巴渝传统建筑和民俗风貌特色 而闻名。 • 解放路步行街 自由活动 • 依时送往机场乘搭豪华客机返温暖家园新加坡。希望您与大通旅游渡过一段愉快的假期。 (9 天团,今晚住在重庆 。)

第九天 重庆 Q 新加坡 (早餐 ) • 依时送往机场乘搭豪华客机返温暖家园新加坡。希望您与大通旅游渡过一段愉快的假期。

特别注明 : 1) 必加 配套 @ RMB 500/ 人:三峡大瀑布+ 土司城 + 重庆鸳鸯火锅 2) 行程顺序若有变动,将以当地旅行社最后安排为准;如果中文行程与英文行程不符合,请以中文行程为 准。

8/9D Enshi Grand Canyon/ Shennongjia + Tujia Culture Tour With MediaCorp Artiste Rayson Tan (CENHS) Departure on 18May’2019

HIGHLIGHTS: V Enshi Grand Canyon --The world’s most beautiful Grand Canyon: Yunlong Ground Crack , Qixing Village V Shen Nong Jia –UNESCO Global Geopark of . A place of marvelous natural scenery with rare fauna, a treasured land home to species of endangered animals, and tales of the mysterious “Wild Man” that was said to be found in the mountains V Yellow Crane Tower , a famous and historic tower V Tujia Girls’ Town V Guzhao Road - "the most beautiful road on water". V Seasonal Fruit Picking

DELICACIES: Fish feast, Enshi Tujia Cuisine; Ecai Flavor; Yiling Flavor; Sichuan Flavor

ACCOMMODATION: 5 Night stay at local 5-star hotel NO SHOPPING stay at International 5-star hotel STOP Shennongjia stay at local 4-star hotel

DAY1: Singapore Q Wuhan (D) • Assemble at Changi Airport for our international flight to Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province.

DAY2: Wuhan / Yichang (4.5 hr) (B/L/D) • Yellow Crane Tower (include tram), a famous and historic tower. • Donghu Park (excludes tram), is a national cultural scenic area demonstration park. It is five times greater than the area of the West Lake in Hangzhou.

DAY3: Yichang/ Shennongjia (4hr) (B/L/D) • En route Guzhao Road , with beautiful landscape around it. It has been dubbed "the most beautiful road on water". • Shennongjia Peak Scenic Area, its unique geological environment and complex climate has created a legend shrouded in mystery of this verdant and beautiful forest world. Visit Little Dragon Pool , we have chance to see the Golden Snub-nosed Monkey; Shen Nong Altar , where the Chinese people commemorate their ancestors and worship.

DAY4: Shennongjia/ Yichang (4hrs) (B/L/D) • Guanmenshan to watch giant panda, • The Natural Bridge Spot which is also called the "Bio Paradise".

DAY5: Yichang/ Enshi (4.5hr) (B/L/D) • Enroute Sidu River Bridge , it was the world's highest bridge, rising more than 1,500 feet in the air. It's one of the most spectacular bridges in the world. • The Enshi Grand Canyon – the world’s most beautiful natural rock formation. Today, we visit Yunlong Ground Crack - It is so far the world's longest U-shaped geo-fracture. The geo-fracture is suffused with fantastic rocks in a riot of colours. It has leafy ancient trees and bubbling streams.

DAY6: Enshi/ Lichuan (1.5hr) (B/L/D) • Qixing Village (include tram+ one way by cable car; one way by escalator) is famous of its mountain. Normally, Karst Topography generates the cliff without forest or the forest with no vertical cliff. Enshi Canyon not only has them both at the same time, but also the occupied area is big where you could not find the same geological sightseeing in the world. • Visit the Tujia Girls’ Town where there will be performances depicting the Tujia and Miaojia culture. Guests can learn about the Tu and Miao ethnic folklores.

DAY7: Lichuan/ Chongqing (3.5hr) (B/L/D) • Head for Chongqing. • Special arrangements for picking seasonal fruits , such as strawberries, loquat etc. • Farewell dinner.

DAY8: Chongqing Q Singapore (B) • Hongya Cave has a history of over 2,300 years. The site now houses a large-scale stilt house complex built alongside a steep cliff on the bank of Jialing River. • Jiefangbei Pedestrian Street , enjoy own time. • Transfer to the airport for the international flight back to Singapore. We hope you have enjoyed your vacation with CTC Travel. (NOTE: for those who join 9D tour, D8 stay at Chongqing .)

DAY9: Chongqing Q Singapore (B) • Transfer to the airport for the international flight back to Singapore. We hope you have enjoyed your vacation with CTC Travel.

REMARKS: 1) Compulsory Tour @ RMB500/pax: Waterfall + Enshi Tusi City+ Chongqing hot pot 2) CTC reserves the right to change the itinerary according to the local situation. Any discrepancies in information please refer to Chinese itinerary.