Networks and Actor Attributes in Early Adolescence [2003/04]
ICS Codebook 61 Networks and Actor Attributes in Early Adolescence [2003/04] Principal Investigator: Andrea Knecht Department of Sociology Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 2 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands 2 3 Citation ICS Codebook number: 61 Data set: Networks and Actor Attributes in Early Adolescence [2003/04] Principal Investigator: Andrea Knecht Department of Sociology/ICS, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands Years of data collection: 2003/04 Depositor: Department of Sociology/ICS, Utrecht University Sponsor: NWO Netherlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) Producer: ICS Data Archive Distributor: Data Archiving and Networked Services DANS, Postbus 93067, 2509 AB Den Haag, The Netherlands Restriction of use: All publications using these data, should refer to the data in the following way: The data were gathered by Andrea Knecht, as part of her PhD research, building on methods developed by C. Baerveldt, initiator and supervisor of the project. The project is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO, grant # 401-01-554 and is part of the research program ‘Dynamics of Networks and Behavior’ with principle investigator T.A.B. Snijders. And to this codebook as follows: Andrea Knecht (2006), Networks and actor attributes in early adolescence [2003/04]. Utrecht, The Netherlands Research School ICS, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University. (ICS-Codebook no. 61). 4 Table of Contents Page Title 5-6 1. Study description 7-12 2. Project description 2.1. Scientific relevance 2.2. Elaboration of the problematic 2.3. Methods and techniques of research 2.4. Societal relevance 12-142 3. Data Overview 3.1.
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