News From Acrefair, Mawr, Newbridge, Plas Madoc & Issue 20 September 2013 1st Mrs Barbara Lloyd, 18 Erw Deg Acrefair COMMUNITY IN BLOOM WINNERS 2nd Mel Currie , 23 Well Street 3rd Karen Jones, 33 Heol y Plas Cefn Mawr BEST CONTAINER GARDEN 1st K Bimpson, Mostyn House Church St, Rhosymedre 2nd Mrs Barbara Shaw, 67 Heol Cefnydd Cefn Mawr 3rd Karen Jones, 33 Heol y Plas, Cefn Mawr BEST OVERALL GARDEN Kevin Bimpson, Mostyn House, Chapel St, Rhosymedre Gardens of Merit Nigel Fawcett, Lamorna, Plas Kynaston Lane, COMMUNITY IN BLOOM Cefn Mawr Cefn Community Council are pleased toannounce the Michael Morris, 5 Cae Bedw, Acrefair winners of the popular Community in Bloom Competition. David Evans, 87 Heol Cefnydd, Cefn Mawr BEST LARGE GARDEN Sylvia Wooding, 2 Nant Glyn, Brook Street, Rhosymedre st 1 Kevin Bimpson, Mostyn House, Church St, The thirteenth garden competition was by far not unlucky Rhosymedre this year the Judges Mr Owens and Mr Pemberton had nd 2 Mrs Gwen Jones, 56 Heol Cefnydd, Cefn Mawr their work cut , the sun shone as bright as the gardens , nd 2 Mr Colin Brown, 196 Cae Gwilym Lane, Cefn Mawr the high standards were a credit to the gardeners , I rd 3 Gareth Davies, 39 Emmanuel Grove, Cefn Mawr thank all the people who entered ,and the Judges for their BEST SMALL GARDEN time and expertise in what was a very successful Community in Bloom Competition Ken Bathers Chair Cefn Community Council. More photos on page 6 inside A HEARSE? BALLOONS? SNAKES BY THE GEORGIE, IT MUST BE THE CEFN FEST The village was full of smiles and people for the day of the festival and with a selection of stalls, fair rides, sun, face painting, classic vehicles display, food, the reptile man and the balloon man it felt like a really good day. What’s with the hearse? Go to page 12 to find out what this was all about and see who got caught by out by our happy snapper with his candid camera. We all enjoyed it so much we are doing it again for Christmas!

TESCO NEWS Just a thank you to our customers who donated to the Foodbank during our recent collection. This is our best ever result (we've had 3 collections now) and goes to show what a generous community we have here According to the Thrussell Trust It was 2761 meals We raised £460 at our car boot sale in June through the various activities taking place for our national charity partner Diabetes UK 1 COFFEE MORNING CRNCA COMMUNITY NEWS th LUNCH CLUB On 5 September + raffle to The next Lunch Club meal is on September 4th at 12-30 in the Cefn Mawr raise funds for the Georgia Activity Centre cost is £3 for a two course meal and tea or coffee. Any one Appeal in the Fron aged 50 or over living locally can attend dependant on space so please book Community Centre. Come your place by a Monday Just ring the office on 01978 821515 or phone Kris and join us for tea or coffee 07531310335. and / or biscuits. If you've done or do Tai Chi now, come THE CHANGING SEASONS 50+ GROUP and help towards raising This group meets every Tuesday @ 12.30 -2.30pm and enjoy a varied programme of activities, come funds for this little girl's along if you are 50+ you will enjoy a cuppa and chat, small charge applies . treatment. If you haven’t come COMMUNITY GARDEN / ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP along and see what it's about These activities can be enjoyed by all ages and abilities This year the community garden has and even have a go. Tai Chi produced lettuce, beetroot, courgettes, spring onions, carrots, rhubarb, tomatoes and a few energises for Georgia. strawberries. This was mainly due to the help and work of the after school club – just think what can be achieved if more help was available so all you gardeners PLEASE come along and help us to THE HISTORY OF FRON teach gardening skills and exchange advice and plants. Phone Kris 07531310335. Or drop into the A talk by Emrys Roberts on office to know more. our local history at the Fron MEET THE CRNCA Community Centre at 1pm VINTAGE VISITOR STOPS FOR CAKES In June, the Potteries The CRNCA are having an open meeting on Thursday the 26th September 2pm to 4pm to enable on Wednesday 2 October. Omnibus Preservation Society visited the aqueduct, and called at the community to see the building and meet some of the directors. Come along and see what work All are welcome. Admission Cakes and Company for afternoon tea. Pictured are some of the we do and the activities we have at the Activity Centre. Light refreshments available. £1.50 proceeds to St members with volunteers of Cakes and Company admiring the vintage David's Church, Fron. vehicle. SURPRISE PRIZE BINGO The CRNCA are holding a prize bingo session on Tuesday 24th September 6.30pm come along and TAI CHI / CHI KUNG CLASSES IN FRON DVCP TRADING CIC AFTER SCHOOL CLUB have some fun to brighten the dull seasonal evenings. COMMUNITY CENTRE The after school club invites all 11-18 year olds to on Thursdays from 10 – 11am £2 per session. join them, please come and feel free to drop into SEWING MACHINE LESSONS Join us in exercise and gentle movements for the CRNCA Activity Centre , Cefn Mawr any school Anyone who would like to attend a short course of basic sewing lessons please contact Kris Morrison health and relaxation. Tai Chi form created by Dr day between 3.15 - 5.30. Remember all activities on 07531310335 for more information. Paul Lam to treat and prevent problems of arthri- are free, pool, table tennis, x-box, Wii, cooking, CRNCA HERITAGE tis. Certificated Tutor with a friendly and welcom- crafts, computers and free printing for homework st A heritage trail meeting will be held on Tuesday 1 October @ 6.30pm @ the Activity centre ing group of people, no belts or exams just enjoy. call 01978 821515 for more information. For information contact MIKE GLEED on 07944 CRNCA YOUTH CLUB PROGRAMME 386550 BLACK LION NEWBRIDGE SEPTEMBER CRNCA SUMMER PLAY SCHEME nd MONDAY 2 Welcome back after Summer Break and Registration, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre The play scheme was a great resource for the Come & enjoy our friendly atmosphere, Darts th WEDNESDAY 4 Outreach, Acrefair children this summer. We had fantastic numbers 20 Team, Doms Team, anyone interested in th MONDAY 9 Healthy Eating – cook and eat, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre to 40 participating every session and due to the lovely forming a pool team drop in to find out more th WEDNESDAY 11 Energy Drinks Workshop – In2Change, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre weather we brought most of the activities outside. th MONDAY 16 Introduction to Bushcraft - Nantyr, The children enjoyed playing with cardboard boxes th which along with some old paint and sticky tape kept Tel 01978 820123 WEDNESDAY 18 Introduction to Bushcraft - Nantyr, rd them amused for hours. MONDAY 23 TBA, Opening Hours th The play scheme was very successful and PSCO WEDNESDAY 25 Ice Skating, Deeside th Hannah visited and joined in the fun too, her role was Monday to Thursday 7pm to 12 midnight MONDAY 30 Programme Planning Ideas for January – April 2014, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre holding the hose pipe for the children's water slide Friday 4pm to 1.30am OCTOBER and sometimes wetting them too!! The numbers do Saturday 11.30am to 1.30am nd WEDNESDAY 2 Relationships (for under 14’s) – Info Shop, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre show that there is a need for play schemes and Sunday 12 noon to 12 midnight th MONDAY 7 Healthy Eating – cook and eat, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre hopefully money can be found to carry on these th Available for Children's Parties, Christenings & more THURSDAY 10 Staff Planning / Young People Meeting, C of Excellence schemes in the future. th MONDAY 14 Cinema Trip, Wrexham th WEDNESDAY 16 Relationships (for over 14’s) - Info Shop, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre Cllr Derek Wright Cefn Mawr Community st MONDAY 21 Outreach, Acrefair Councillor for Cefn Ward Support Officer rd WEDNESDAY 23 Pumpkin Carving and Halloween Games, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre th You can contact me PCSO 2916 Hannah Harris W/C 27 OCTOBER Half Term, on 01978 822497 NOVEMBER mobile: 07854 997046 th MONDAY 4 Indoor Climbing - Nantyr, or e-mail me at e-mail: th WEDNESDAY 6 Healthy Eating – cook and eat, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre [email protected] [email protected] 2 COFFEE MORNING CRNCA COMMUNITY NEWS th LUNCH CLUB On 5 September + raffle to The next Lunch Club meal is on September 4th at 12-30 in the Cefn Mawr raise funds for the Georgia Activity Centre cost is £3 for a two course meal and tea or coffee. Any one Appeal in the Fron aged 50 or over living locally can attend dependant on space so please book Community Centre. Come your place by a Monday Just ring the office on 01978 821515 or phone Kris and join us for tea or coffee 07531310335. and / or biscuits. If you've done or do Tai Chi now, come THE CHANGING SEASONS 50+ GROUP and help towards raising This group meets every Tuesday @ 12.30 -2.30pm and enjoy a varied programme of activities, come funds for this little girl's along if you are 50+ you will enjoy a cuppa and chat, small charge applies . treatment. If you haven’t come COMMUNITY GARDEN / ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP along and see what it's about These activities can be enjoyed by all ages and abilities This year the community garden has and even have a go. Tai Chi produced lettuce, beetroot, courgettes, spring onions, carrots, rhubarb, tomatoes and a few energises for Georgia. strawberries. This was mainly due to the help and work of the after school club – just think what can be achieved if more help was available so all you gardeners PLEASE come along and help us to THE HISTORY OF FRON teach gardening skills and exchange advice and plants. Phone Kris 07531310335. Or drop into the A talk by Emrys Roberts on office to know more. our local history at the Fron MEET THE CRNCA Community Centre at 1pm VINTAGE VISITOR STOPS FOR CAKES In June, the Potteries The CRNCA are having an open meeting on Thursday the 26th September 2pm to 4pm to enable on Wednesday 2 October. Omnibus Preservation Society visited the aqueduct, and called at the community to see the building and meet some of the directors. Come along and see what work All are welcome. Admission Cakes and Company for afternoon tea. Pictured are some of the we do and the activities we have at the Activity Centre. Light refreshments available. £1.50 proceeds to St members with volunteers of Cakes and Company admiring the vintage David's Church, Fron. vehicle. SURPRISE PRIZE BINGO The CRNCA are holding a prize bingo session on Tuesday 24th September 6.30pm come along and TAI CHI / CHI KUNG CLASSES IN FRON DVCP TRADING CIC AFTER SCHOOL CLUB have some fun to brighten the dull seasonal evenings. COMMUNITY CENTRE The after school club invites all 11-18 year olds to on Thursdays from 10 – 11am £2 per session. join them, please come and feel free to drop into SEWING MACHINE LESSONS Join us in exercise and gentle movements for the CRNCA Activity Centre , Cefn Mawr any school Anyone who would like to attend a short course of basic sewing lessons please contact Kris Morrison health and relaxation. Tai Chi form created by Dr day between 3.15 - 5.30. Remember all activities on 07531310335 for more information. Paul Lam to treat and prevent problems of arthri- are free, pool, table tennis, x-box, Wii, cooking, CRNCA HERITAGE tis. Certificated Tutor with a friendly and welcom- crafts, computers and free printing for homework st A heritage trail meeting will be held on Tuesday 1 October @ 6.30pm @ the Activity centre ing group of people, no belts or exams just enjoy. call 01978 821515 for more information. For information contact MIKE GLEED on 07944 CRNCA YOUTH CLUB PROGRAMME 386550 BLACK LION NEWBRIDGE SEPTEMBER CRNCA SUMMER PLAY SCHEME nd MONDAY 2 Welcome back after Summer Break and Registration, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre The play scheme was a great resource for the Come & enjoy our friendly atmosphere, Darts th WEDNESDAY 4 Outreach, Acrefair children this summer. We had fantastic numbers 20 Team, Doms Team, anyone interested in th MONDAY 9 Healthy Eating – cook and eat, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre to 40 participating every session and due to the lovely forming a pool team drop in to find out more th WEDNESDAY 11 Energy Drinks Workshop – In2Change, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre weather we brought most of the activities outside. th MONDAY 16 Introduction to Bushcraft - Nantyr, The children enjoyed playing with cardboard boxes th which along with some old paint and sticky tape kept Tel 01978 820123 WEDNESDAY 18 Introduction to Bushcraft - Nantyr, rd them amused for hours. MONDAY 23 TBA, Opening Hours th The play scheme was very successful and PSCO WEDNESDAY 25 Ice Skating, Deeside th Hannah visited and joined in the fun too, her role was Monday to Thursday 7pm to 12 midnight MONDAY 30 Programme Planning Ideas for January – April 2014, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre holding the hose pipe for the children's water slide Friday 4pm to 1.30am OCTOBER and sometimes wetting them too!! The numbers do Saturday 11.30am to 1.30am nd WEDNESDAY 2 Relationships (for under 14’s) – Info Shop, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre show that there is a need for play schemes and Sunday 12 noon to 12 midnight th MONDAY 7 Healthy Eating – cook and eat, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre hopefully money can be found to carry on these th Available for Children's Parties, Christenings & more THURSDAY 10 Staff Planning / Young People Meeting, Ruabon C of Excellence schemes in the future. th MONDAY 14 Cinema Trip, Wrexham th WEDNESDAY 16 Relationships (for over 14’s) - Info Shop, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre Cllr Derek Wright Cefn Mawr Community st MONDAY 21 Outreach, Acrefair Councillor for Cefn Ward Support Officer rd WEDNESDAY 23 Pumpkin Carving and Halloween Games, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre th You can contact me PCSO 2916 Hannah Harris W/C 27 OCTOBER Half Term, on 01978 822497 NOVEMBER mobile: 07854 997046 th MONDAY 4 Indoor Climbing - Nantyr, or e-mail me at e-mail: th WEDNESDAY 6 Healthy Eating – cook and eat, Cefn Mawr Activity Centre [email protected] [email protected] 3 AVOW in PLAS MADOC ACREFAIR OVER-SIXTIES CLUB THE HAMPDEN ARMS ACREFAIR Tea & Toast Club is a friendly relaxed place to come, chat and meet new people. You can also The members enjoyed several coach trips during access support, advice and training, if you want to. Free Tea, Toast & Coffee every Monday 9am to the summer months. These included a trip to 11.30am "Charlies" Garden Centre in Welshpool which th led to a coach load of garden plants and Over 50’s Film Club Come and join us in Llys Y Graig, Rhos-y-medre September 16 at 2pm For ornaments being transported back. A similar trip further information call Vicky Westaway on 01978 813918 was made to the Grosvenor Garden Centre near Art Group Come in and be creative! Come meet new people, learn new skills and have fun! Every Chester which resulted in a similar return. Tuesday 10 –12.30 At The Opportunities Centre Plas Madoc. For further information please contact Another outing involved riding on the Llanfair Victoria Westaway on 01978 813918 Caerinion to Welshpool Narrow Gauge Steam Call for volunteers needed to help maintain the community garden and allotment. Every Tuesday & Railway which was thoroughly enjoyed by those Thursday 9.30 -11.30 at The Opportunities Centre who participated. The Club is now looking for other activities for the Autumn and Christmas Play The AVOW Play Department facilitate a wide range of play opportunities including ‘The Land’ A Warm welcome at the Hampden Arms from periods. New members are welcome to attend which is a junk playground situated in Plas Madoc, ‘Get Out and Play’ and also ‘Street Play’, all the new owners Debbie and Julian our Tuesday morning meetings and can look projects aim to provide stimulating experiences that will encourage more children to play out in the Food served 7 days a week communities. All services are free to attend for all children and young people aged 5 – 15 and will be forward to our future escapades out.For more Our Specials include: running in on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday then on a Wednesday information contact Clive Austin on 01978 Plas Madoc Cefn Mawr 2 meals for £10 Monday to Friday and Saturday (all days are subject to change). For more information regarding times and locations 820392 from 12 noon to 5.30pm please contact Claire Griffiths on 01978 813912 Cefn Community Council Plas Kynaston Little Sunflowers After School Club This service runs Monday to Friday during the school term Steak Night on Mondays Sports Complex Hire Charges 2 for 1 from 5 to 8pm times only. For further information please contact Sharon Evans on 01978 813914. MUGA: £10 per hour session with no floodlights, £20 per hour with flood lights. Please call us on 01978 449015 Methodist Church, FASHION SHOW IN PLAS MADOC Pitch: Football £45 per game including pre and ask about our other offers Friday 27 September at 7.30pm. Chapel Street, season friendlies, price includes use of changing Rhosymedre. Bookings now being taken for Choral Variations are holding a Fashion Show rooms. Under 16’s £25 per session with Christmas and the New Year by Bon Marche, Wrexham in the upstairs lounge, Tuesday 10 September changing rooms or £15 per session, no changing Plas Madoc Leisure Centre, Acrefair Coffee & Bring and Buy rooms. Session is 2.5 hours. Hire of Catering Large Car Park. Families Welcome. Ticket are £8 to include canapés with a glass of wine At 2pm. Cabin £10 per session. Adult supervision is and can be obtained from Helen, tel 01978 355519 or All Welcome required for all under 18’s. Please note the Pitch Choir Members. We hope you can join us. and MUGA must be booked and paid for one week in advance. Contact The Clerk Mrs R Plas Madoc Community Cllr Paul Blackwell Roberts on 01978 821298. Acrefair Support Officer Councillor Pizza & Kebab PCSO 2857 Thomas Dewberry for Plas Madoc Chapel Bedrooms & Kitchens Road, LL14 3RP (by the Eagles Inn) mobile: 07854 336368 Residents can contact me Llangollen Road, Acrefair LL14 3RP e-mail: on 07855 620891 or e-mail me at Mobile 07762 354955 [email protected] 01978 810 375 [email protected] Workshop Tel/Fax 01978 822665 MESSAGE FROM OUR NEW PCSO We supply all kitchen appliances OPEN 7 DAY A WEEK INC BANK HOLIDAYS My Name is Victoria Davies PCSO 3463. I have now been working with North All bedrooms and kitchens are Monday to Friday 3pm to Midnight Police for 5 months and am currently based in Plas Madoc working Manufactured & fitted by Craftsmen alongside Tomas Dewberry PCSO 2857. Saturday & Sunday 1pm to Midnight Email I intend to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the area of Plas Madoc as Free Car Parking Opposite well as improving the environmental appearance, in order to achieve this, I will [email protected] be working alongside other agencies and Community Groups within Plas If no reply, please leave your name and Free Delivery between 5pm - Midnight Madoc. Together we can continue to make this a safer place to live and work in. Min order £9 I will be taking part in in forthcoming events and projects that will help me to get telephone number and we will return to know you all. I consider myself to be friendly and approachable so if you feel that you have any your call Chicken Meals  Pizza Special Meals  Kids Meals problems or issues please feel free to stop me on my travels or contacted me on Mobile: 07557 860960 or you can e-mail me at [email protected] VOLUNTEERS WANTED We need volunteers to help us deliver the newsletter ideally a person for each street If you need to contact the police and it is not an emergency there is an easy number you can use. or small area in every village. If you would like to help with this please You just dial 101 and this will put you through to the main police call centre. call Sonia on 01978 814920 or 07831 542872 thank you. 4 AVOW in PLAS MADOC ACREFAIR OVER-SIXTIES CLUB THE HAMPDEN ARMS ACREFAIR Tea & Toast Club is a friendly relaxed place to come, chat and meet new people. You can also The members enjoyed several coach trips during access support, advice and training, if you want to. Free Tea, Toast & Coffee every Monday 9am to the summer months. These included a trip to 11.30am "Charlies" Garden Centre in Welshpool which th led to a coach load of garden plants and Over 50’s Film Club Come and join us in Llys Y Graig, Rhos-y-medre September 16 at 2pm For ornaments being transported back. A similar trip further information call Vicky Westaway on 01978 813918 was made to the Grosvenor Garden Centre near Art Group Come in and be creative! Come meet new people, learn new skills and have fun! Every Chester which resulted in a similar return. Tuesday 10 –12.30 At The Opportunities Centre Plas Madoc. For further information please contact Another outing involved riding on the Llanfair Victoria Westaway on 01978 813918 Caerinion to Welshpool Narrow Gauge Steam Call for volunteers needed to help maintain the community garden and allotment. Every Tuesday & Railway which was thoroughly enjoyed by those Thursday 9.30 -11.30 at The Opportunities Centre who participated. The Club is now looking for other activities for the Autumn and Christmas Play The AVOW Play Department facilitate a wide range of play opportunities including ‘The Land’ A Warm welcome at the Hampden Arms from periods. New members are welcome to attend which is a junk playground situated in Plas Madoc, ‘Get Out and Play’ and also ‘Street Play’, all the new owners Debbie and Julian our Tuesday morning meetings and can look projects aim to provide stimulating experiences that will encourage more children to play out in the Food served 7 days a week communities. All services are free to attend for all children and young people aged 5 – 15 and will be forward to our future escapades out.For more Our Specials include: running in on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday then on a Wednesday information contact Clive Austin on 01978 Plas Madoc Cefn Mawr 2 meals for £10 Monday to Friday and Saturday (all days are subject to change). For more information regarding times and locations 820392 from 12 noon to 5.30pm please contact Claire Griffiths on 01978 813912 Cefn Community Council Plas Kynaston Little Sunflowers After School Club This service runs Monday to Friday during the school term Steak Night on Mondays Sports Complex Hire Charges 2 for 1 from 5 to 8pm times only. For further information please contact Sharon Evans on 01978 813914. MUGA: £10 per hour session with no floodlights, £20 per hour with flood lights. Please call us on 01978 449015 Methodist Church, FASHION SHOW IN PLAS MADOC Pitch: Football £45 per game including pre and ask about our other offers Friday 27 September at 7.30pm. Chapel Street, season friendlies, price includes use of changing Rhosymedre. Bookings now being taken for Choral Variations are holding a Fashion Show rooms. Under 16’s £25 per session with Christmas and the New Year by Bon Marche, Wrexham in the upstairs lounge, Tuesday 10 September changing rooms or £15 per session, no changing Plas Madoc Leisure Centre, Acrefair Coffee & Bring and Buy rooms. Session is 2.5 hours. Hire of Catering Large Car Park. Families Welcome. Ticket are £8 to include canapés with a glass of wine At 2pm. Cabin £10 per session. Adult supervision is and can be obtained from Helen, tel 01978 355519 or All Welcome required for all under 18’s. Please note the Pitch Choir Members. We hope you can join us. and MUGA must be booked and paid for one week in advance. Contact The Clerk Mrs R Plas Madoc Community Cllr Paul Blackwell Roberts on 01978 821298. Acrefair Support Officer Councillor Pizza & Kebab PCSO 2857 Thomas Dewberry for Plas Madoc Chapel Bedrooms & Kitchens Llangollen Road, LL14 3RP (by the Eagles Inn) mobile: 07854 336368 Residents can contact me Llangollen Road, Acrefair LL14 3RP e-mail: on 07855 620891 or e-mail me at Mobile 07762 354955 [email protected] 01978 810 375 [email protected] Workshop Tel/Fax 01978 822665 MESSAGE FROM OUR NEW PCSO We supply all kitchen appliances OPEN 7 DAY A WEEK INC BANK HOLIDAYS My Name is Victoria Davies PCSO 3463. I have now been working with North All bedrooms and kitchens are Monday to Friday 3pm to Midnight Wales Police for 5 months and am currently based in Plas Madoc working Manufactured & fitted by Craftsmen alongside Tomas Dewberry PCSO 2857. Saturday & Sunday 1pm to Midnight Email I intend to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the area of Plas Madoc as Free Car Parking Opposite well as improving the environmental appearance, in order to achieve this, I will [email protected] be working alongside other agencies and Community Groups within Plas If no reply, please leave your name and Free Delivery between 5pm - Midnight Madoc. Together we can continue to make this a safer place to live and work in. Min order £9 I will be taking part in in forthcoming events and projects that will help me to get telephone number and we will return to know you all. I consider myself to be friendly and approachable so if you feel that you have any your call Chicken Meals  Pizza Special Meals  Kids Meals problems or issues please feel free to stop me on my travels or contacted me on Mobile: 07557 860960 or you can e-mail me at [email protected] VOLUNTEERS WANTED We need volunteers to help us deliver the newsletter ideally a person for each street If you need to contact the police and it is not an emergency there is an easy number you can use. or small area in every village. If you would like to help with this please You just dial 101 and this will put you through to the main police call centre. call Sonia on 01978 814920 or 07831 542872 thank you. 5 MORE GARDENS IN BLOOM Old Vaults CEFN MAWR BRIDAL BOUTIQUE OUTLET CHINESE MEALS HISTORIC 3 Well Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AE Our Bridal Boutique offers a very Personal 01978 448 545 Service for Brides. VILLAGE We offer totally flexible appointments including 07947 882773 IS OPEN FOR evenings and weekends to help you get just Open 7 Days a Week the right gown for your special day. Lunchtime Monday to Friday 11.30am ~ 2pm Phone for appointment SHOPPING & 01978 448369 or 07779 454590 Sunday ~ Thursday 5pm ~ 10pm 10 Well Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AE Friday & Saturday 5pm to 11pm BUSINESS Visit our website

 CEFN MAWR LIBRARY THINK LOCAL Knit and Natter drop in, Every Wednesday 2-  SHOP LOCAL  Sandra’s Hair Studio 4pm, Come along and share your knitting and  USE YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS crochet skills with others. All levels welcome. & SERVICES Gel Manicure Our Regular weekly Story and Rhyme Time Essie Nail Polish sessions on a Thursdays will NOT restart until Free Car Parking on Keratin Blow Dry Thursday 26 September at 2-2.30pm Well Street & Crane Street Macmillan Coffee 'Afternoon' - Friday 27 Tel 01978 821271 Buses Nos 2, 2A and 65 pass September, 1.30-3.30pm. Come along and help 34 Well Street, Cefn Mawr us support a great charity whilst enjoying lovely through the Village Centre Homemade cakes, Biscuits and a prize raffle. Wrexham LL14 3AE Whilst you’re here, why not find out about the free ICT courses we offer? Macmillan Children's Craft - Friday 27 September, 3.30-4.00. Come along for a Craft Cefn Furniture & CELTIC COMPUTERS session suitable for all ages and donate 50p to Flooring Shop PC Sales & Repairs Macmillan. 33 Well Street, Cefn Mawr Open Monday to Friday 8.15am to 1pm Have you Completed the 'Creepy House' Summer Reading Challenge yet? If so, Our Wrexham LL14 3AE Available for callouts & appointments Award Ceremony will be on Friday 11 October Discount Beds and Mattresses in the afternoon 3.30-4.30. All who have completed the challenge Furniture & Flooring for every Room in Phone 01978 810 639 will receive an invitation to the Award Ceremony Your Home. Mobile 07512 416 453 and finishers party. Don’t worry if you haven't Flooring & Fitting Service finished the Challenge yet, there's still time, The Call in & see our extensive range 32 Well Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AE closing date is Friday 20th September. Free Local Delivery Service email: [email protected] Opening Hours Monday 9.00 am - 6.00 pm, Tel: 01978 824 977 or 07818 448 235 Tuesday 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm, Wednesday 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm, Thursday 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm and Cefn Butty Bar Friday 9.00 am - 6.00 pm. Evans Motor Factors Hot & Cold Food Sale of DVDs Adult and Junior £1.50. We offer Paris House, Well Street Free Local Delivery over £8 a range of services including: Jobcentreplus – Cefn Mawr LL14 3AE All goods freshly made to order Customer Access Phone (CAP), Large print Tel 01978 823 735 Pies freshly baked on premises books, DVDs, talking Books, Request ser- Ask about our Outside Catering vices, Internet and e-mail access, Local study For all your car parts & accessories OPEN resources, ICT taster sessions, Wheelchair tools and paints Monday to Friday 9am to 2.30pm access, Photocopying facilities, Toilet facilities, Saturday 9am to 1pm Baby changing facilities, Free e-books & e- OPEN Sunday Closed audiobooks. Please call us on 01978 820938 for Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm more information. Or email us on Telephone 01978 824 977 Saturday 9am to 1pm cefnmawr.library@ 33 Well Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AE 6 MORE GARDENS IN BLOOM Old Vaults CEFN MAWR BRIDAL BOUTIQUE OUTLET CHINESE MEALS HISTORIC 3 Well Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AE Our Bridal Boutique offers a very Personal 01978 448 545 Service for Brides. VILLAGE We offer totally flexible appointments including 07947 882773 IS OPEN FOR evenings and weekends to help you get just Open 7 Days a Week the right gown for your special day. Lunchtime Monday to Friday 11.30am ~ 2pm Phone for appointment SHOPPING & 01978 448369 or 07779 454590 Sunday ~ Thursday 5pm ~ 10pm 10 Well Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AE Friday & Saturday 5pm to 11pm BUSINESS Visit our website

 CEFN MAWR LIBRARY THINK LOCAL Knit and Natter drop in, Every Wednesday 2-  SHOP LOCAL  Sandra’s Hair Studio 4pm, Come along and share your knitting and  USE YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS crochet skills with others. All levels welcome. & SERVICES Gel Manicure Our Regular weekly Story and Rhyme Time Essie Nail Polish sessions on a Thursdays will NOT restart until Free Car Parking on Keratin Blow Dry Thursday 26 September at 2-2.30pm Well Street & Crane Street Macmillan Coffee 'Afternoon' - Friday 27 Tel 01978 821271 Buses Nos 2, 2A and 65 pass September, 1.30-3.30pm. Come along and help 34 Well Street, Cefn Mawr us support a great charity whilst enjoying lovely through the Village Centre Homemade cakes, Biscuits and a prize raffle. Wrexham LL14 3AE Whilst you’re here, why not find out about the free ICT courses we offer? Macmillan Children's Craft - Friday 27 September, 3.30-4.00. Come along for a Craft Cefn Furniture & CELTIC COMPUTERS session suitable for all ages and donate 50p to Flooring Shop PC Sales & Repairs Macmillan. 33 Well Street, Cefn Mawr Open Monday to Friday 8.15am to 1pm Have you Completed the 'Creepy House' Summer Reading Challenge yet? If so, Our Wrexham LL14 3AE Available for callouts & appointments Award Ceremony will be on Friday 11 October Discount Beds and Mattresses in the afternoon 3.30-4.30. All who have completed the challenge Furniture & Flooring for every Room in Phone 01978 810 639 will receive an invitation to the Award Ceremony Your Home. Mobile 07512 416 453 and finishers party. Don’t worry if you haven't Flooring & Fitting Service finished the Challenge yet, there's still time, The Call in & see our extensive range 32 Well Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AE closing date is Friday 20th September. Free Local Delivery Service email: [email protected] Opening Hours Monday 9.00 am - 6.00 pm, Tel: 01978 824 977 or 07818 448 235 Tuesday 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm, Wednesday 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm, Thursday 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm and Cefn Butty Bar Friday 9.00 am - 6.00 pm. Evans Motor Factors Hot & Cold Food Sale of DVDs Adult and Junior £1.50. We offer Paris House, Well Street Free Local Delivery over £8 a range of services including: Jobcentreplus – Cefn Mawr LL14 3AE All goods freshly made to order Customer Access Phone (CAP), Large print Tel 01978 823 735 Pies freshly baked on premises books, DVDs, talking Books, Request ser- Ask about our Outside Catering vices, Internet and e-mail access, Local study For all your car parts & accessories OPEN resources, ICT taster sessions, Wheelchair tools and paints Monday to Friday 9am to 2.30pm access, Photocopying facilities, Toilet facilities, Saturday 9am to 1pm Baby changing facilities, Free e-books & e- OPEN Sunday Closed audiobooks. Please call us on 01978 820938 for Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm more information. Or email us on Telephone 01978 824 977 Saturday 9am to 1pm cefnmawr.library@ 33 Well Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AE 7 As a village Cefn is quite unique, where CEFN MAWR else can you get a hand made guitar, a computer fixed, a freshly made bap, a OUR HISTORIC VILLAGE wedding dress, some baby gear, parts for your car, your pushbike fixed, call in to a IS OPEN FOR SHOPPING & charity shop, get a Chinese takeaway, a choice of hairdressers male and female, BUSINESS have a drink or two, get your fire fighting WITH gear checked, buy a few fireworks, hire a Free Car Parking on snow machine or ice bar, get some fish & Well Street & Crane Street chips or a kebab, try different pies, or get your Sunday roast, buy electrical goods Serviced by Buses Nos 2, 2A and 65 or get them repaired, pick up your meds That pass through the Village Centre from the chemist get your family portrait taken, have your pictures framed or your photos enlarged, pick up your fishing tackle, visit your local undertakers, get CRAIG ROBERTS that tattoo you always wanted, call in to TRADITIONAL BUTCHERS the post office for your financial needs, pick up an Indian takeaway, get your CRANE STREET, CEFN MAWR LL14 3AB printing sorted, have a stone wall built, HOWIE’S CARS sell unwanted clothes and after all that HOWIE’S CARS Tel: 01978 824 634 Crane Street, Cefn Mawr, pop into Tescos and do your weekly & MINIBUSES LL14 3AB. or 07717 203 181 shop? So join in with us and; 01978 821863 4,6,8,14 &16 Seater Minibuses e: [email protected]  THINK LOCAL Open: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 9–4.30 For locally sourced Lamb, Beef & Pork.  SHOP LOCAL  Call (01978) 810777 or 846222 Wed 9-12 Sat 9-2 Home Cooked Meats.  USE YOUR LOCAL Mob 0756 345 7273 For all you electrical needs TV’s, fridges, Award winning Handmade Sausages & Burgers BUSINESS & SERVICES washers, cookers, lighting & more! All Your Transport Needs Catered For BBQ Packs, Freezer Packs and Photography by Michael Party Packs to suit all budgets Margaret’s OUR OPENING TIMES Crane Street, Cefn Mawr Frame It Lifestyle Family Portraits Monday 8am to 1pm Total Beauty and Leader Salon Professional Picture and Photographic Framing Baby Cherubs Photographer Service, Photograph Restoration & Repair Tuesday 8am to 3pm 822355 821791 OPEN Wednesday 8.30am to 1pm Thursday 8am to 6pm OPEN Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10am to 4pm Call in to your local professionals for all Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10am to 4pm We can arrange appointments outside these Friday 8am to 4pm your Beauty & Hair needs. Years of times please call for availability Saturday 7.30am to 1pm experience in the industry, to provide We can arrange appointments outside these you with the perfect experience. times please call for availability Tel 01978 820 700 Like us on Facebook Crane Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AB Craig Roberts Traditional Butchers Call to book on the above. Tel 01978 820 700 For our latest offers Visit our website www.photobymichael.couk Consultations free of charge. Crane Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AB

Get inked @ TFS Builders The tackle shop Black Ops Tattooing Stonew ork & Groundwork Tel 01978 823 946 Specialists in Build and Quality fishing tackle supplies Supply of Cefn Sandstone or 07864 304 575 as used in the Aqueduct 01978 822823 or 07907 004182 OPEN   Suitable for Opening Times: Tues - Fri 9.00am - 7.00pm Monday to Thursday 11am to 7pm   Wall s 5a Crane Street, Cefn Mawr. Sat 7.30am - 1.00pm Sunday 1pm to 6pm   Rockeries Wrexham LL14 3AB   Planters Tel: 01978 812000 Every style of tattooing catered for and at an  Specialist pieces ma de Top Quality Fishing Tackle & Bait @ Internet Prices to measure Victoria House, Crane Street, Cefn Mawr, Wrexham affordable price. Bring a design, use one of our collection or have one drawn up just for you. For availability and costs OPEN 7 DAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Please Call 07930 348299 A WEEK !! 16 Crane Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AB 8 As a village Cefn is quite unique, where CEFN MAWR else can you get a hand made guitar, a computer fixed, a freshly made bap, a OUR HISTORIC VILLAGE wedding dress, some baby gear, parts for your car, your pushbike fixed, call in to a IS OPEN FOR SHOPPING & charity shop, get a Chinese takeaway, a choice of hairdressers male and female, BUSINESS have a drink or two, get your fire fighting WITH gear checked, buy a few fireworks, hire a Free Car Parking on snow machine or ice bar, get some fish & Well Street & Crane Street chips or a kebab, try different pies, or get your Sunday roast, buy electrical goods Serviced by Buses Nos 2, 2A and 65 or get them repaired, pick up your meds That pass through the Village Centre from the chemist get your family portrait taken, have your pictures framed or your photos enlarged, pick up your fishing tackle, visit your local undertakers, get CRAIG ROBERTS that tattoo you always wanted, call in to TRADITIONAL BUTCHERS the post office for your financial needs, pick up an Indian takeaway, get your CRANE STREET, CEFN MAWR LL14 3AB printing sorted, have a stone wall built, HOWIE’S CARS sell unwanted clothes and after all that HOWIE’S CARS Tel: 01978 824 634 Crane Street, Cefn Mawr, pop into Tescos and do your weekly & MINIBUSES LL14 3AB. or 07717 203 181 shop? So join in with us and; 01978 821863 4,6,8,14 &16 Seater Minibuses e: [email protected]  THINK LOCAL Open: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 9–4.30 For locally sourced Lamb, Beef & Pork.  SHOP LOCAL  Call (01978) 810777 or 846222 Wed 9-12 Sat 9-2 Home Cooked Meats.  USE YOUR LOCAL Mob 0756 345 7273 For all you electrical needs TV’s, fridges, Award winning Handmade Sausages & Burgers BUSINESS & SERVICES washers, cookers, lighting & more! All Your Transport Needs Catered For BBQ Packs, Freezer Packs and Photography by Michael Party Packs to suit all budgets Margaret’s OUR OPENING TIMES Crane Street, Cefn Mawr Frame It Lifestyle Family Portraits Monday 8am to 1pm Total Beauty and Leader Salon Professional Picture and Photographic Framing Baby Cherubs Photographer Service, Photograph Restoration & Repair Tuesday 8am to 3pm 822355 821791 OPEN Wednesday 8.30am to 1pm Thursday 8am to 6pm OPEN Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10am to 4pm Call in to your local professionals for all Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10am to 4pm We can arrange appointments outside these Friday 8am to 4pm your Beauty & Hair needs. Years of times please call for availability Saturday 7.30am to 1pm experience in the industry, to provide We can arrange appointments outside these you with the perfect experience. times please call for availability Tel 01978 820 700 Like us on Facebook Crane Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AB Craig Roberts Traditional Butchers Call to book on the above. Tel 01978 820 700 For our latest offers Visit our website www.photobymichael.couk Consultations free of charge. Crane Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AB

Get inked @ TFS Builders The tackle shop Black Ops Tattooing Stonew ork & Groundwork Tel 01978 823 946 Specialists in Build and Quality fishing tackle supplies Supply of Cefn Sandstone or 07864 304 575 as used in the Aqueduct 01978 822823 or 07907 004182 OPEN   Suitable for Opening Times: Tues - Fri 9.00am - 7.00pm Monday to Thursday 11am to 7pm   Wall s 5a Crane Street, Cefn Mawr. Sat 7.30am - 1.00pm Sunday 1pm to 6pm   Rockeries Wrexham LL14 3AB   Planters Tel: 01978 812000 Every style of tattooing catered for and at an  Specialist pieces ma de Top Quality Fishing Tackle & Bait @ Internet Prices to measure Victoria House, Crane Street, Cefn Mawr, Wrexham affordable price. Bring a design, use one of our collection or have one drawn up just for you. For availability and costs OPEN 7 DAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Please Call 07930 348299 A WEEK !! 16 Crane Street, Cefn Mawr LL14 3AB 9 TY MAWR COUNTRY PARK USEFUL NUMBERS Susan Elan Jones MP/AS & Ken Skates AM/AC Cefn Community Council 01978 821298 Joint Surgery Dates Thanks to this wonderful weather we have had a Environment Friday 6 September The Cocoa Rooms Overton LL13 0EE lovely summer season with lots of visitors to the WCBC Pride in Your Streets 01978 298989 Friday 11 October Enterprise Centre LL11 5BT Country Park. All of our events have been well WCBC Services Friday 1 November George Edwards Hall Cefn Mawr LL14 3AE supported, our thanks go to everyone both the  Sewers & Drains 01978 292053 All surgeries from 3.30 to 5.30pm, no appointments needed. visitors and our fantastic teams of volunteers for tel: 01978 824288  Pest Control 01978 292041 making them so enjoyable and successful we could tel 01978 869058 not have done it without you. Here we see Kiara  Refuse Collection 01978 292044 Sievewright having a go at weaving on Sheep  Housing Services 01978 315300 GOING OUT LOCALLY METHODIST CHURCH, CHAPEL Shearing Day.  Housing Repairs 0800 085 5808 CEFN MAWR COMMUNITY SOCIAL CLUB (THE STREET, RHOSYMEDRE.  Housing Benefits 01978 292033 LEGION) open 12 noon to 3pm & 7pm to 11pm Monday ALL ARE WELCOME!  Council Tax 01978 292031 to Saturday & to 11pm on Sundays. Bingo nights Tues, Regular Sunday Service: 11am  Registrars Office 01978 292027 Sat & Sun from 8.30pm. Open to all call 01978 821345 for more information about the clubs activities and events. th  Highways 01978 298989 Family Service on the 4 Sunday of the month  01978 315300 FLEXSYS COMMUNITY HALL Tuesday Fellowship at 2pm weekly Visiting Warden Service Modern Sequence & Modern Ballroom Dancing Tues Harvest Festival Sunday 29 September  Dog Fouling 01978 298989 from 8 to10.30pm, admission £2. Thurs & Sun Bingo  Telecare Solutions 01978 292075 from 7.30 to 10pm, admission 30p, with a Snowball each Social Events are Published locally  Welfare Rights 01978 298255 session. Our activities are open to all; Sky sports on 10 ft have  Planning 01978 292016 screen in the members bar, snooker room, darts and WOOLLIES UP CYCLING GROUP Dominoes , Function room available, Main Hall suitable arranged a six week basic sewing class for  Trading Standards 01978 292045 for children’s parties room for bouncy castle in bad beginners at the Cefn Mawr Activity Centre Gas Emergencies 0800 111 999 weather, Sat 7 Sept Quiz night in Bar £1 entry per team Anyone wishing to take this opportunity to learn Dee Valley Water 01978 846946 (4 max) win a gallon beer or coke if U18. Sat 28 Sept @ how to use a sewing machine and learn basic 0845 272 24 24 7.30 Motown/Soul Night fundraiser for Georgie Pie’s Saturday 14 September Hedgerow fruit collecting MANWEB / Scottish Power sewing skills contact Kris Morrison on Brighter Future with DJ Denzil tickets £7 call 07715 walk starts 1.30pm. Finished product by 3.30- 4pm. Hospital 01978 291100 07531 310335. Course will start on Tuesday 17 667253 Sat 12 Oct @ 7pm Magic & Burlesque (Corsets Bring a clean, empty jar and sugar to make jam Adult Social Care 01978 292066 September an run from 7 to 9pm . Cost £20 or & Cabaret) tickets £6 or £8 on door call 01978 821252 for Sessions from 1.30pm – 3.30pm. All ages £2 CAB 01978 364639 information. £4 per weekly payment. Sunday 29 September Free Guided Autumn Amble Consumer Direct Wales 08454 04 05 06 AIR PRODUCTS CLUB to the Aqueduct Admire this Area of Outstanding Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111 HYBU CIG CYMRU CERTIFICATION Live Entertainment in the Club Lounge on Fri and Bingo Natural Beauty (AONB)and a World Heritage site. Congratulations to Craig Roberts Traditional Wales Domestic Abuse Helpline on Fri and Sun in the Concert Hall at 8.30pm. The Club is Start from the Visitor Centre 1pm start. 3 miles Butchers on getting their certificates from Hybu 0808 8010800 open for bookings call 01978 820471 for more return. All Ages Surfaced path with steep steps at the Cig Cymru, the board for meat promotion in Bus Line 01978 266166 Information about events. Aqueduct Home Fire Safety Checks 0800 169 1234 Wales. There are two certificates the PGI welsh October half term there is an Arbor Day CEFN DRUIDS CLUB beef butchers club certificate of membership Community Fire Safety 01745 352693 For information about events call the Club on 01978 Competition, if parents or children are interested and the PGI welsh lamb butchers club certificate Wrexham Care & Repair 01978 268120 , or Sandra Druids Goldmine is £5 any of the art work tree related can be entered and 810287 01978 823151 per month with the chance to win £1000 contact the Club, of membership. To gain these they had to prove judged in November. Wrexham Credit Union 01978 266843 Wrexham Family Information Services our website or Facebook us at they buy only welsh lamb and welsh beef from Car Boot Autumn ‘Recycling’ Saturday 26 October 01978 292094 Druids Social-Club. local PGI certified abattoir/cutting plants Sale 1.30pm – 3.30pm. Cars and stalls £5 Ring 01978 822780 to book beforehand. THE CIRCLE OF SPIRITUAL FRIENDSHIP we have URBAN VILLAGES COMMUNITIES FIRST CLUSTER - Courses a Guest medium every Monday at 7.30pm in Air th Thursday 31 October Halloween Fun and Games. Cefn Mawr CRNCA Activity Centre Intro to Internet & Basic IT Skills Starting 25 September Products Social Cub Bethania Rd. Acrefair LL14 3TS Plas Madoc Opportunities Centre Family History Starting 25th September Join in with a variety of ‘creepy’ activities 1.30pm – rd 3.30pm. All ages. everyone welcome £3.50 payable on the door, then Plas Madoc Opportunities Centre Jewellery Making Starting 23 September every Wednesday at 7pm at Cefn Mawr Community th Saturday 2 November Ty Mawr – Autumn Leaves! Plas Madoc Opportunities Centre iPad Blogging Starting 26 September Social Club, Cae Gwilym Lane Cefn Mawr LL14 Plas Madoc Opportunities Centre Introduction to the Internet & Email Starting 27th September Make an autumnal work of art with Ty Mawr’s 3PE,we have an open development circle everyone colourful leaves. Sessions from 1.30-3.30pm. All welcome £3.50. On Wednesday 23rd October at Cefn Please contact Urban Villages Learning Officer on 01978 813910 or email ages £2 Mawr Community Social Club, we have an evening of [email protected] to book on to a course Call 01978 822780 for information about our events clairvoyance and psychic art, with the Amazing Tracy One-Stop-Shop Doyle and Michael Melia from Liverpool tickets £5 or 4 Saturday 14 September Living Along The Cut ~ Cefn For advice and support on issues like Universal Credit, Bedroom Tax, Learning & Skills, Health and Show & Tell from 10am~1pm @ The George Edwards Hall for £15 available from the bar at the club, or £5 each payable on the door, Tracy is a fabulous medium with Access to Work Cefn Mawr. Aqueducks invite you to bring along your nd th memories, old photos & interesting things about Cefn, see a good sense of humour and very clear informative Cefn Mawr – at CRNCA Activity Centre 1:30pm to 3:30pm every 2 and 4 Wednesday nd th what we have already found out about the village and messages, Michael is a brilliant artist, for more info Plas Madoc Opportunities Centre 10am to 12pm every 2 and 4 Thursday canal. Displays, information & light refreshments available please ring Barb on 07791 709883 or Caz on 07518 For more information contact Urban Villages Financial Inclusion Officer on 01978 813910 or email call Sonia on 07831 542872 for more information. 562896 [email protected] 10 TY MAWR COUNTRY PARK USEFUL NUMBERS Susan Elan Jones MP/AS & Ken Skates AM/AC Cefn Community Council 01978 821298 Joint Surgery Dates Thanks to this wonderful weather we have had a Environment Friday 6 September The Cocoa Rooms Overton LL13 0EE lovely summer season with lots of visitors to the WCBC Pride in Your Streets 01978 298989 Friday 11 October Enterprise Centre Brymbo LL11 5BT Country Park. All of our events have been well WCBC Services Friday 1 November George Edwards Hall Cefn Mawr LL14 3AE supported, our thanks go to everyone both the  Sewers & Drains 01978 292053 All surgeries from 3.30 to 5.30pm, no appointments needed. visitors and our fantastic teams of volunteers for tel: 01978 824288  Pest Control 01978 292041 making them so enjoyable and successful we could tel 01978 869058 not have done it without you. Here we see Kiara  Refuse Collection 01978 292044 Sievewright having a go at weaving on Sheep  Housing Services 01978 315300 GOING OUT LOCALLY METHODIST CHURCH, CHAPEL Shearing Day.  Housing Repairs 0800 085 5808 CEFN MAWR COMMUNITY SOCIAL CLUB (THE STREET, RHOSYMEDRE.  Housing Benefits 01978 292033 LEGION) open 12 noon to 3pm & 7pm to 11pm Monday ALL ARE WELCOME!  Council Tax 01978 292031 to Saturday & to 11pm on Sundays. Bingo nights Tues, Regular Sunday Service: 11am  Registrars Office 01978 292027 Sat & Sun from 8.30pm. Open to all call 01978 821345 for more information about the clubs activities and events. th  Highways 01978 298989 Family Service on the 4 Sunday of the month  01978 315300 FLEXSYS COMMUNITY HALL Tuesday Fellowship at 2pm weekly Visiting Warden Service Modern Sequence & Modern Ballroom Dancing Tues Harvest Festival Sunday 29 September  Dog Fouling 01978 298989 from 8 to10.30pm, admission £2. Thurs & Sun Bingo  Telecare Solutions 01978 292075 from 7.30 to 10pm, admission 30p, with a Snowball each Social Events are Published locally  Welfare Rights 01978 298255 session. Our activities are open to all; Sky sports on 10 ft have  Planning 01978 292016 screen in the members bar, snooker room, darts and WOOLLIES UP CYCLING GROUP Dominoes , Function room available, Main Hall suitable arranged a six week basic sewing class for  Trading Standards 01978 292045 for children’s parties room for bouncy castle in bad beginners at the Cefn Mawr Activity Centre Gas Emergencies 0800 111 999 weather, Sat 7 Sept Quiz night in Bar £1 entry per team Anyone wishing to take this opportunity to learn Dee Valley Water 01978 846946 (4 max) win a gallon beer or coke if U18. Sat 28 Sept @ how to use a sewing machine and learn basic 0845 272 24 24 7.30 Motown/Soul Night fundraiser for Georgie Pie’s Saturday 14 September Hedgerow fruit collecting MANWEB / Scottish Power sewing skills contact Kris Morrison on Brighter Future with DJ Denzil tickets £7 call 07715 walk starts 1.30pm. Finished product by 3.30- 4pm. Maelor Hospital 01978 291100 07531 310335. Course will start on Tuesday 17 667253 Sat 12 Oct @ 7pm Magic & Burlesque (Corsets Bring a clean, empty jar and sugar to make jam Adult Social Care 01978 292066 September an run from 7 to 9pm . Cost £20 or & Cabaret) tickets £6 or £8 on door call 01978 821252 for Sessions from 1.30pm – 3.30pm. All ages £2 CAB 01978 364639 information. £4 per weekly payment. Sunday 29 September Free Guided Autumn Amble Consumer Direct Wales 08454 04 05 06 AIR PRODUCTS CLUB to the Aqueduct Admire this Area of Outstanding Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111 HYBU CIG CYMRU CERTIFICATION Live Entertainment in the Club Lounge on Fri and Bingo Natural Beauty (AONB)and a World Heritage site. Congratulations to Craig Roberts Traditional Wales Domestic Abuse Helpline on Fri and Sun in the Concert Hall at 8.30pm. The Club is Start from the Visitor Centre 1pm start. 3 miles Butchers on getting their certificates from Hybu 0808 8010800 open for bookings call 01978 820471 for more return. All Ages Surfaced path with steep steps at the Cig Cymru, the board for meat promotion in Bus Line 01978 266166 Information about events. Aqueduct Home Fire Safety Checks 0800 169 1234 Wales. There are two certificates the PGI welsh October half term there is an Arbor Day CEFN DRUIDS CLUB beef butchers club certificate of membership Community Fire Safety 01745 352693 For information about events call the Club on 01978 Competition, if parents or children are interested and the PGI welsh lamb butchers club certificate Wrexham Care & Repair 01978 268120 , or Sandra Druids Goldmine is £5 any of the art work tree related can be entered and 810287 01978 823151 per month with the chance to win £1000 contact the Club, of membership. To gain these they had to prove judged in November. Wrexham Credit Union 01978 266843 Wrexham Family Information Services our website or Facebook us at they buy only welsh lamb and welsh beef from Car Boot Autumn ‘Recycling’ Saturday 26 October 01978 292094 Druids Social-Club. local PGI certified abattoir/cutting plants Sale 1.30pm – 3.30pm. Cars and stalls £5 Ring 01978 822780 to book beforehand. THE CIRCLE OF SPIRITUAL FRIENDSHIP we have URBAN VILLAGES COMMUNITIES FIRST CLUSTER - Courses a Guest medium every Monday at 7.30pm in Air th Thursday 31 October Halloween Fun and Games. Cefn Mawr CRNCA Activity Centre Intro to Internet & Basic IT Skills Starting 25 September Products Social Cub Bethania Rd. Acrefair LL14 3TS Plas Madoc Opportunities Centre Family History Starting 25th September Join in with a variety of ‘creepy’ activities 1.30pm – rd 3.30pm. All ages. everyone welcome £3.50 payable on the door, then Plas Madoc Opportunities Centre Jewellery Making Starting 23 September every Wednesday at 7pm at Cefn Mawr Community th Saturday 2 November Ty Mawr – Autumn Leaves! Plas Madoc Opportunities Centre iPad Blogging Starting 26 September Social Club, Cae Gwilym Lane Cefn Mawr LL14 Plas Madoc Opportunities Centre Introduction to the Internet & Email Starting 27th September Make an autumnal work of art with Ty Mawr’s 3PE,we have an open development circle everyone colourful leaves. Sessions from 1.30-3.30pm. All welcome £3.50. On Wednesday 23rd October at Cefn Please contact Urban Villages Learning Officer on 01978 813910 or email ages £2 Mawr Community Social Club, we have an evening of [email protected] to book on to a course Call 01978 822780 for information about our events clairvoyance and psychic art, with the Amazing Tracy One-Stop-Shop Doyle and Michael Melia from Liverpool tickets £5 or 4 Saturday 14 September Living Along The Cut ~ Cefn For advice and support on issues like Universal Credit, Bedroom Tax, Learning & Skills, Health and Show & Tell from 10am~1pm @ The George Edwards Hall for £15 available from the bar at the club, or £5 each payable on the door, Tracy is a fabulous medium with Access to Work Cefn Mawr. Aqueducks invite you to bring along your nd th memories, old photos & interesting things about Cefn, see a good sense of humour and very clear informative Cefn Mawr – at CRNCA Activity Centre 1:30pm to 3:30pm every 2 and 4 Wednesday nd th what we have already found out about the village and messages, Michael is a brilliant artist, for more info Plas Madoc Opportunities Centre 10am to 12pm every 2 and 4 Thursday canal. Displays, information & light refreshments available please ring Barb on 07791 709883 or Caz on 07518 For more information contact Urban Villages Financial Inclusion Officer on 01978 813910 or email call Sonia on 07831 542872 for more information. 562896 [email protected] 11 CEFN FEATIVAL RHOSYMEDRE VILLAGE This event had it all, sun, fun and people in the WITH THE streets of Cefn. Here are some of the faces seen on the day. If you come up and have a look in WHEATSHEAF WORKSHOPS, Photography by Michael’s window you will see a ADVANCE PARK & lot more. PARK ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATES The businesses put on a good show but the best ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS by far was J Francis Roberts   THINK LOCAL who filled their car full with yellow balloons!  SHOP LOCAL  USE YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES They invited people to buy a & SERVICES ticket and guess the total Inside the vehicle and the winner or closest to it would win £25. With a total of 303 JOSIE'S CHIPPY balloons the closest was Mrs Esme Price - congratulation Tel 01978 824011 Esme. With £85 taken on the High Street, Rhosymedre LL14 3YE raffle and a donation of OPEN £10.50 John has made this up to £200 which is going to Nightingale House Monday & Tuesday 11.30 ~ 1.45pm & 5 ~ 8pm Wednesday 11.30 to 1.45pm Thursday 11.30 all day to 6pm Friday 11.30 all day to 6.30pm Saturday 11.30 to 2pm

Safeway Scaffolding (North West) Limited

 Domestic, Industrial & Commercial hire  Long & short term hire  Sub contract work undertaken  Free estimates

Safeway House, Park Road Industrial Estate, Rhosymedre, Wrexham LL14 3AQ Tel/Fax (01978) 812749 email: [email protected]

We stock:  Calor Gas  Honda V.I.P. Club (Visually Impaired People)  Stihl Meets at the George Edwards Hall Cefn  Bosch Mawr on the 3rd Thursday monthly from1.30  Makita to 3pm. Free Admission, we offer friendship, refreshments and entertainment.  Hilti  All friends and supporters welcome next Volvo meetings are on: Thursday 19 September  Jcb & Thursday 17 October. Phone Maureen GARDEN MACHINERY SERVICED & REPAIRED  Belle on 01978 822194 for more information PARK ROAD, RHOSYMEDRE, WREXHAM LL14 3AQ.  Boss Alloy Tower 12 CEFN FEATIVAL RHOSYMEDRE VILLAGE This event had it all, sun, fun and people in the WITH THE streets of Cefn. Here are some of the faces seen on the day. If you come up and have a look in WHEATSHEAF WORKSHOPS, Photography by Michael’s window you will see a ADVANCE PARK & lot more. PARK ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATES The businesses put on a good show but the best ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS by far was J Francis Roberts   THINK LOCAL who filled their car full with yellow balloons!  SHOP LOCAL  USE YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES They invited people to buy a & SERVICES ticket and guess the total Inside the vehicle and the winner or closest to it would win £25. With a total of 303 JOSIE'S CHIPPY balloons the closest was Mrs Esme Price - congratulation Tel 01978 824011 Esme. With £85 taken on the High Street, Rhosymedre LL14 3YE raffle and a donation of OPEN £10.50 John has made this up to £200 which is going to Nightingale House Monday & Tuesday 11.30 ~ 1.45pm & 5 ~ 8pm Wednesday 11.30 to 1.45pm Thursday 11.30 all day to 6pm Friday 11.30 all day to 6.30pm Saturday 11.30 to 2pm

Safeway Scaffolding (North West) Limited

 Domestic, Industrial & Commercial hire  Long & short term hire  Sub contract work undertaken  Free estimates

Safeway House, Park Road Industrial Estate, Rhosymedre, Wrexham LL14 3AQ Tel/Fax (01978) 812749 email: [email protected]

We stock:  Calor Gas  Honda V.I.P. Club (Visually Impaired People)  Stihl Meets at the George Edwards Hall Cefn  Bosch Mawr on the 3rd Thursday monthly from1.30  Makita to 3pm. Free Admission, we offer friendship, refreshments and entertainment.  Hilti  All friends and supporters welcome next Volvo meetings are on: Thursday 19 September  Jcb & Thursday 17 October. Phone Maureen GARDEN MACHINERY SERVICED & REPAIRED  Belle on 01978 822194 for more information PARK ROAD, RHOSYMEDRE, WREXHAM LL14 3AQ.  Boss Alloy Tower 13 TOCRA NEWS WREXHAM SMALL GRANT SCHEME THI UPDATE LOCAL COMMUNITY GROU PS At the TOCRA Residents Meeting The Wrexham Small Grants Scheme, facilitated by Wrexham The Cefn Mawr Townscape Heritage Initiative Acrefair Brownies 01978 821601 held on 28 June 2013, it was Council, that has been running in North, Central and South for has undertaken two building restoration projects Acrefair Evergreens 01978 821562 decided that TOCRA should a number of years, has now been reviewed and re-launched so far this year. These include A E Roberts Acrefair Mothers & Toddlers 01978 810242 st continue and that there would be with effect from 1 April 2013.The main purpose of the grant Electrical on Crane Street, and Cefn Kynaston Acrefair Youth Football Club 01978 812109 two Residents Meetings per scheme is to support projects which increase the number, on Hill Street. A E Roberts Electrical has seen CRNCA (Cefn Rhosymedre & Newbridge Community annum. If there were any reach and efficacy of activities that foster participation, the re-instatement of two period shop fronts, Association) 01978 821515 from photographic evidence, and the Top-of-Cefn issues where it was learning and volunteering to aid both personal and community CRNCA/Cefn Wide Lunch Club 01978 821515 felt that The Community should be development, particularly in our most deprived communities. conversion of the buildings' upper storeys to CRNCA Eco Team/Tidy Wales 07531 310335 form two self-contained flats. Cefn Kynaston, involved, further meeting could be Community Groups can now apply for three grant levels of up which is a Grade II listed building, and which is CRNCA Gardening Club 01978 821515 convened. Some Litter Picks will to £250, £500 and £1,000. The money can be used for: also be arranged. therefore one of the most important historic CRNCA Heritage Trail Group 07531 310335  Start-up costs (room hire, publicity, promotion, equipment buildings in Cefn Mawr and remembered by CRNCA Youth Club 01978 821515 At the TOCRA AGM held on 26 etc.) many as 'The Doctor's House', has had its roof Cefn Changing Seasons 50+ Club 01978 821515 July thirteen residents were  restored as well as the historic sash windows elected to The Committee. Ian Community projects (e.g. a healthy eating project) Cefn United Football 07791 707594 and 'chinoiserie' porch. The house is a Parry as Chair, Peter O'Byrne as  New Equipment, if it forms part of a bigger project Cefn Mawr After School Drop-in 01978 821515 prominent feature from the Doctors steps as Secretary, Elaine Jones as Deputy  Maintenance/Small repairs for a community venue Cefn Mawr & District Heritage Group 07531 310335 well as on the route between the village centre Secretary, and a Treasurer is still  A community event to encourage participation (e.g. a Cefn Mawr Playgroup— 01978 821515 and the Aqueduct and these restoration works required. PLEASE can we have a village fete or fun day etc) Be used as Match Funding as add greatly to the conservation and integrity of Cefn Wide Tenants & Residents Ass. 01978 823603 volunteer for someone to act as part of a bigger project to enable the group to draw down the historic village of Cefn Mawr. Cefn Mawr Walking Group 07531 310335 Treasurer. This will not be an larger amounts of funding from alternative sources Crazy Tots Parent & Toddlers 01978 813914 The THI Team is currently working towards THI arduous task as there is little Applications will be accepted and considered by the panel DanceZone 01978 824055 or 07903597093 financial activity. Currently there is applications from a number of property owners throughout the year. For further information and to request an Friends of Ty Mawr 01978 822780 slightly over £400 in the bank, and in the village centre, including the Hollybush, application pack, please contact Phil Hughes on 01978 and should be able to announce further Kiddies World 01978 810242 the main activity of the Treasurer 292456 or email him on [email protected] would be to act as a signatory for restoration projects in the near future. Kraft Club 01978 821190 cheques, and to be a "point of Follow Cefn Mawr THI on Twitter for news on Little Sunflowers 01978 822505 contact" for any financial issues CAB Citizens Advice Bureaux projects as well as on the popular THI Llangollen Maelor Angling Club 01978 820608 (supported by The Chair and The CAB Cefn Outreach Service is being held at the Traditional Skills Training Maelor Boxing Club 01978 823551 Secretary). Thanks. George Edwards Hall, Well Street, Cefn Mawr. courses: #@CefnMawrTHI Parent & Carers Group 01978 813914 Sessions are every Friday from 9.30 - 12.30pm. The Secretary may be contacted St Johns Church Rhosymedre, Plas Kynaston Canal Group 07796 260 666 on 01978 824411, or via email at Free confidential impartial advice on any topic including Sunday Morning 11am Holy Eucharist Plas Madoc Lunch Club 01978 813917 [email protected] Benefit Checks and Debt Advice in a private room. Wednesday morning 10am Prayer group meets, Plas Madoc Over 50s 01978 813917 Everyone welcome to both these services. Plas Madoc Opportunity Centre 01978 813910 Harvest Festival Play Project 01978 813912 Cllr David Taylor NORTH WALES GP OUT OF HOURS Councillor for Cefn Ward will take place on Sunday 6th October, Rainbows Group for Girls 01978 823395. SERVICE NUMBER 0300 123 5566 Holy Eucharist at 11 am at which service dry Rhosymedre After School Club 01978 812786 You can contact me Available between 6.30pm to 8am at the Post Office foods such as biscuits and breakfast cereals St John’s Sunday School 01978 810176 Monday to Friday & all day and night at will be collected for Ty Nos or e-mail me at The Circle of Spiritual Friendship 07791 709883 weekends and bank holidays (night shelter in Wrexham) [email protected] TOCRA Top of Cefn Residents Ass. 01978 448932 Ty Mawr Junior Rangers 01978 822780 To advertise in the Dates for Your Diary Community News which is JOHN FRANCIS ROBERTS Friday 29 November Christmas Elves are Ty Mawr Wednesday Afternoon Volunteers distributed around Acrefair, coming to The Cefn Mawr Activity Centre @ 01978 822780 Cefn Mawr, FUNERAL DIRECTORS 5.30pm. VIP - Visually Impaired Club 01978 822194 Newbridge, Plas Madoc Saturday 14 December Cefn Christmas Festival Ysgol Rhiwabon After School Club 01978 813918 & Rhosymedre. on Well Street and Crane Street from 4pm. LONG STANDING PRIVATELY OWNED BUSINESS Call on If your group is missing please send an e-mail to Sonia WCBC’S PLAS MADOC ESTATE OFFICE 01978 - 814926 PROPRIETOR J A ROBERTS [email protected] with the group name and is open for the payment of Rent, Council Tax, contact phone number for inclusion in the next or 07831 542 872 COMPLETE PERSONAL SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT Business card size costs Water & Sewage and all other council issue £10 per advert or £20 invoices. Our opening hours are Monday to double size, other sizes TEL (01978) 810 884 Thursday 9am to 4.30pm and Friday 9am to ELECTRONIC COPIES get the newsletter available, please ask about 10 Crane Street, Cefn Mawr, Wrexham LL14 3AB 4pm. For more information please call 01978 direct into you mailbox, just send your email inserts. 813000. address to [email protected] 14 TOCRA NEWS WREXHAM SMALL GRANT SCHEME THI UPDATE LOCAL COMMUNITY GROU PS At the TOCRA Residents Meeting The Wrexham Small Grants Scheme, facilitated by Wrexham The Cefn Mawr Townscape Heritage Initiative Acrefair Brownies 01978 821601 held on 28 June 2013, it was Council, that has been running in North, Central and South for has undertaken two building restoration projects Acrefair Evergreens 01978 821562 decided that TOCRA should a number of years, has now been reviewed and re-launched so far this year. These include A E Roberts Acrefair Mothers & Toddlers 01978 810242 st continue and that there would be with effect from 1 April 2013.The main purpose of the grant Electrical on Crane Street, and Cefn Kynaston Acrefair Youth Football Club 01978 812109 two Residents Meetings per scheme is to support projects which increase the number, on Hill Street. A E Roberts Electrical has seen CRNCA (Cefn Rhosymedre & Newbridge Community annum. If there were any reach and efficacy of activities that foster participation, the re-instatement of two period shop fronts, Association) 01978 821515 from photographic evidence, and the Top-of-Cefn issues where it was learning and volunteering to aid both personal and community CRNCA/Cefn Wide Lunch Club 01978 821515 felt that The Community should be development, particularly in our most deprived communities. conversion of the buildings' upper storeys to CRNCA Eco Team/Tidy Wales 07531 310335 form two self-contained flats. Cefn Kynaston, involved, further meeting could be Community Groups can now apply for three grant levels of up which is a Grade II listed building, and which is CRNCA Gardening Club 01978 821515 convened. Some Litter Picks will to £250, £500 and £1,000. The money can be used for: also be arranged. therefore one of the most important historic CRNCA Heritage Trail Group 07531 310335  Start-up costs (room hire, publicity, promotion, equipment buildings in Cefn Mawr and remembered by CRNCA Youth Club 01978 821515 At the TOCRA AGM held on 26 etc.) many as 'The Doctor's House', has had its roof Cefn Changing Seasons 50+ Club 01978 821515 July thirteen residents were  restored as well as the historic sash windows elected to The Committee. Ian Community projects (e.g. a healthy eating project) Cefn United Football 07791 707594 and 'chinoiserie' porch. The house is a Parry as Chair, Peter O'Byrne as  New Equipment, if it forms part of a bigger project Cefn Mawr After School Drop-in 01978 821515 prominent feature from the Doctors steps as Secretary, Elaine Jones as Deputy  Maintenance/Small repairs for a community venue Cefn Mawr & District Heritage Group 07531 310335 well as on the route between the village centre Secretary, and a Treasurer is still  A community event to encourage participation (e.g. a Cefn Mawr Playgroup— 01978 821515 and the Aqueduct and these restoration works required. PLEASE can we have a village fete or fun day etc) Be used as Match Funding as add greatly to the conservation and integrity of Cefn Wide Tenants & Residents Ass. 01978 823603 volunteer for someone to act as part of a bigger project to enable the group to draw down the historic village of Cefn Mawr. Cefn Mawr Walking Group 07531 310335 Treasurer. This will not be an larger amounts of funding from alternative sources Crazy Tots Parent & Toddlers 01978 813914 The THI Team is currently working towards THI arduous task as there is little Applications will be accepted and considered by the panel DanceZone 01978 824055 or 07903597093 financial activity. Currently there is applications from a number of property owners throughout the year. For further information and to request an Friends of Ty Mawr 01978 822780 slightly over £400 in the bank, and in the village centre, including the Hollybush, application pack, please contact Phil Hughes on 01978 and should be able to announce further Kiddies World 01978 810242 the main activity of the Treasurer 292456 or email him on [email protected] would be to act as a signatory for restoration projects in the near future. Kraft Club 01978 821190 cheques, and to be a "point of Follow Cefn Mawr THI on Twitter for news on Little Sunflowers 01978 822505 contact" for any financial issues CAB Citizens Advice Bureaux projects as well as on the popular THI Llangollen Maelor Angling Club 01978 820608 (supported by The Chair and The CAB Cefn Outreach Service is being held at the Traditional Skills Training Maelor Boxing Club 01978 823551 Secretary). Thanks. George Edwards Hall, Well Street, Cefn Mawr. courses: #@CefnMawrTHI Parent & Carers Group 01978 813914 Sessions are every Friday from 9.30 - 12.30pm. The Secretary may be contacted St Johns Church Rhosymedre, Plas Kynaston Canal Group 07796 260 666 on 01978 824411, or via email at Free confidential impartial advice on any topic including Sunday Morning 11am Holy Eucharist Plas Madoc Lunch Club 01978 813917 [email protected] Benefit Checks and Debt Advice in a private room. Wednesday morning 10am Prayer group meets, Plas Madoc Over 50s 01978 813917 Everyone welcome to both these services. Plas Madoc Opportunity Centre 01978 813910 Harvest Festival Play Project 01978 813912 Cllr David Taylor NORTH WALES GP OUT OF HOURS Councillor for Cefn Ward will take place on Sunday 6th October, Rainbows Group for Girls 01978 823395. SERVICE NUMBER 0300 123 5566 Holy Eucharist at 11 am at which service dry Rhosymedre After School Club 01978 812786 You can contact me Available between 6.30pm to 8am at the Post Office foods such as biscuits and breakfast cereals St John’s Sunday School 01978 810176 Monday to Friday & all day and night at will be collected for Ty Nos or e-mail me at The Circle of Spiritual Friendship 07791 709883 weekends and bank holidays (night shelter in Wrexham) [email protected] TOCRA Top of Cefn Residents Ass. 01978 448932 Ty Mawr Junior Rangers 01978 822780 To advertise in the Dates for Your Diary Community News which is JOHN FRANCIS ROBERTS Friday 29 November Christmas Elves are Ty Mawr Wednesday Afternoon Volunteers distributed around Acrefair, coming to The Cefn Mawr Activity Centre @ 01978 822780 Cefn Mawr, FUNERAL DIRECTORS 5.30pm. VIP - Visually Impaired Club 01978 822194 Newbridge, Plas Madoc Saturday 14 December Cefn Christmas Festival Ysgol Rhiwabon After School Club 01978 813918 & Rhosymedre. on Well Street and Crane Street from 4pm. LONG STANDING PRIVATELY OWNED BUSINESS Call on If your group is missing please send an e-mail to Sonia WCBC’S PLAS MADOC ESTATE OFFICE 01978 - 814926 PROPRIETOR J A ROBERTS [email protected] with the group name and is open for the payment of Rent, Council Tax, contact phone number for inclusion in the next or 07831 542 872 COMPLETE PERSONAL SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT Business card size costs Water & Sewage and all other council issue £10 per advert or £20 invoices. Our opening hours are Monday to double size, other sizes TEL (01978) 810 884 Thursday 9am to 4.30pm and Friday 9am to ELECTRONIC COPIES get the newsletter available, please ask about 10 Crane Street, Cefn Mawr, Wrexham LL14 3AB 4pm. For more information please call 01978 direct into you mailbox, just send your email inserts. 813000. address to [email protected] 15 PLAS KYNASTON CANAL GROUP UPDATE

Work Begins on the Holly Bush Inn for the full restoration of Cefn Mawr’s oldest pub, and now the headquarters of the Plas Kynaston Canal Group. On the 25th July planning permission was granted by Council for the full restoration of the building as a Pub, Restaurant and Museum. This programme will be linked into the Townscape Heritage Initiative and the Rural Development Programme to help promote our village and encourage footfall back into Cefn Mawr with Visit Wales and other organisations. The work currently being conducted by local builders, TFS, is the restoration of the Old Vaulted Beer Cellar below the bar and Bar so that the beer cellar can be moved from its present location on the ground floor, freeing up this area for the restaurant later next year. During the entire restoration of the Pub we are aiming to keep the doors open and hope you will all support us and be tolerant of all our activities during such time. Although we have been advised that it would be easier to close the pub for the works we are choosing to keep the doors open following popular request to date and the fact that Cefn Mawr, a village once famed with so many pubs, now has so few. As before when we were fighting with the brewery earlier this year, the policy is, the pub stays open! We are hoping that we can complete the Historic Building Restoration for the Easter Bank Holiday Weekend next year, i.e. the start of the season on the Waterways, Llangollen Canal and and we look forward to seeing you all at the Holly Bush Inn over the coming year. You can also contact us at Cefn Mawr’s own Tourist Information Centre, Lure-It UK Fishing Tackle LL14 3AB.

Open Doors event on 28 / 29 September at The Holly Bush Inn Exhibition / Guided Walk from 10.30 to 4.30pm Maps and photographs showing the history of Cefn Mawr will be on display in the Holly Bush Inn the oldest pub in Cefn Mawr. Come and see for yourself living heritage and then take a walk with the Plas Kynaston Canal Group guides around the village. Bring some overall so you can get dirty and we may even show you Watkins Well.. Contact 01978 823700 16