MRFF Proud to be Part of Coalition that Stopped Confirmation of Islamophobic, Racist Defense Dept. Nominee Anthony Tata 7/30/20, 4:29 PM


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A coalition of over 50 organizations representing civil and human rights advocates, including the Southern Poverty Law Center, the North Carolina NAACP, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the Anti-Defamation League, Faithful America, MoveOn, and other allies, spearheaded by Muslim Advocates, has successfully stopped the ​Senate confirmation of ANTI-MUSLIM, ANTI-BLACK TRUMP NOMINEE BRIG. GEN. ANTHONY TATA (U.S. Army-ret.) as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, the third highest office at the Pentagon.

Some of the reasons the coalition declared Anthony Tata “ONE OF THE MOST OPENLY AND BRAZENLY BIGOTED NOMINEES IN RECENT MEMORY"

He repeated false claims based on bigoted narratives about Islam that the nation’s first Black President was a “Muslim,” and a “terrorist leader” with “Islamic roots” who sought “a weaker America.”

He called Islam “most oppressive violent religion I know of."

In one of his novels that was published in 2019, he included a subplot about “Islamic gang rape” of white women.

He was a leader in the effort to resegregate schools.

He called veteran Congresswoman a “vicious race baiting racist” for her defense of Rodney King, a victim of police violence.

He invoked plantation slavery to criticize a Black news anchor.

He repeatedly invoked the “birtherism” conspiracy theory about President Obama.

MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein's Statement on the Withdrawal of Tata's Nomination as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

“The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) celebrates the sudden, last-minute cancellation of the Senate confirmation hearing of the reprehensible Anthony Tata for the extremely senior DoD position of Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and the withdrawal of his nomination by the White house.

MRFF vigorously opposed Tata’s confirmation!

Why, you might ask?

Because Tata is a rapacious racist and bigot and is an evil purveyor of pervasive and pernicious Islamophobic prejudice.

He is not qualified to run a lemonade stand let alone occupy the 3rd highest position in the Pentagon."

Letter from Coalition of over 50 Organizations to Senators Opposing Tata's Nomination as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Click to enlarge and read letter

Letter from 10 Democratic U.S. Senators Calling on Tata to Withdraw his Nomination as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and Resign from the Pentagon

Click to enlarge and read letter

CNN COVERS WITHDRAWAL OF TATA NOMINATION White House tells Senate Armed Services they plan to withdraw controversial Pentagon nominee, source says

By: Em Steck Thursday, July 30, 2020

(Excerpts from CNN/Emphasis Added by MRFF) The White House notified the the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday morning that they will withdraw Retired Army Brig. Gen. Anthony Tata's nomination to become the Department of Defense's undersecretary of defense for policy, a Senate source tells CNN.

Tata was scheduled to testify in front of the committee Thursday at 9:30 a.m. ET, but the hearing was canceled. He was expected to face a tough nomination hearing after CNN's KFile reported that he made numerous Islamophobic and offensive comments and promoted conspiracy theories.


If he had been confirmed, Tata would have assumed the third-highest position at the Pentagon, overseeing policy from Afghanistan, China, Iran and Russia to nuclear deterrence and missile defense.

After the White House officially nominated Tata in June, CNN's KFile reported the retired general has a history of making Islamophobic, offensive and extremist comments on social media and in radio interviews.


At least 51 advocacy groups had condemned Tata's nomination. Tata's support from some in the military community has slipped, too. At least two high-profile retired generals pulled their support for Tata since his tweets were reported.


Click to read Article

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