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The BG News February 26, 2001

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 26, 2001" (2001). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6770.

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The following chart is a breakdown of where American tax dollars are being spent.

Tax season hits BG Social Security, Medicare and Other Retirement Those who are non- due, or the Internal Revenue "The ultimate consequence of Kyndra Bacon, former Service pays individuals what not filing your income tax could University student and residents of Bowling they deserve. We call it tax season. be six months of jail time and/or Mich., said that it is not fair that Green still need to During this period, the IRS a $1,000 fine,'' Sweeny said. students' money goes to fund this National Detense. either distributes money to indi- Sweeny said that although stu- city and state. Veterans and pay taxes to the city Foreign Affairs viduals, or collects from those dents may reside in other states "It is unfair and something Social who owe taxes to the govern- or countries, they are still subject needs to be done about it," Bacon Programs By lames Stay ment. to pay taxes. said. Law Enforcement and BUSINESS REPORTER Austin Sweeny, Tax "It does not matter where you Another University students General Government A season is upon us (hat most Commissioner of Wood County, come from... if you live or work in was optimistic about receiving a Physical, Human and people despise, yet others explained the importance of fil- Bowling Green, you must file refund from the IRS. Community Development embrace. It is a time of the year ing income taxes with the govern- your income taxes with the gov- when we pay the government its ment. ernment," Sweeny said. TAXES, PAGE 5 Source: www.its ustreas gov Heidi FoiBG News

I'KATI'HK U. of Miss, professor Grill serves works on male pill |)lenly„i By Shane Scara U-WIRE OXFORD, Miss. - University of Mississippi scientists are working to develop a safe contraceptive pill for men. Mitchell Avery, a University of character Mississippi professor of chemistry Bylordan Foots CUT REPORTER and medicinal chemistry, and Theresa Johnson, a third-year Sometimes, even in Bowling Green, you want grad student of Chemistry from to go where everybody knows your name. For Twin Cities, Minn., are attempting many longtime residents, that place is the to develop a compound capable Comer Grill. of killing sperm cells without For 24 hours a day, Monday through Saturday, the affecting other parts of the body. old Grill entertains a diverse sampling of the city's Ideally they will develop a safe populace. It caters to everyone, from students to alternative to the steroid-based judges to lawyers to construction workers. compounds on which most The core of the Grill's patronage is a group of regu- research has focused. lars who have been coming there since the begin- Lactate dehydrogenase, a com- ning more or less. They come in most mornings, and pound found throughout the sometimes again during the day, to sit at the far end body is essential to cell energy of the vintage counter. They reminisce over their production. Johnson is attempt- meals, heckle each other, or armwrestle the waitress. ing to inhibit only the lactate Those with the longest standing arc honored by hav- dehydrogenase in the sperm cells, ing their coffee mugs hang over the grill. thus rendering the male tem- "It takes a while to get up there," said Paul Gamo, porarily sterile. who's been going for more years than he can count. lohnson intends to produce a But he remembers the original owner, Max I jatman, compound that is reversible and a clothing store owner who opened the Grill so his can stop sperm without affecting workers could have a place for their lunch breaks. other body tissue and organs. Jerry Liss, owner of Pisanello's Pizza across the "If you could somehow stop street, comes in often for breakfast and also remem- sperm you would have a contra- bers batman. ceptive," lohnson said. "But at the "Everyone has a Max story," he said. "He was a same time you don't want to character. It takes a character to start this place." affect any other tissues including Five years shy of being considered a regular, Liss the testes. All signs point to the said he loves the atmosphere and banter he finds at process being reversible. If it isn't the Grill. reversible that is unacceptable "The Grill takes on different characters at different and we'll have to do further times of day," he said. "It has great food, and the research." atmosphere adds to it. It's not the healthiest food in lohnson, who works closest the world, but it makes you feel good." with the project, said she has had Liss recalled that in the blizzard of 1978, the Grill some success. served as a gathering place for everyone fighting the "We've found compounds that snow. "Almost everybody is accepted. By and large, are active as inhibitors," Johnson people come because they enjoy the others who said, "but they are not selective. K/lstatynShelvelandBGNews So, instead of being able to inhibit GRILL, PAGE 5 GREASY FOOD: The Corner Grill, on North Main Street, attracts a number of regulars.

BIRTH CONTROL PAGE 5 Annual art show competitive, varied in works By Amanda Ambroza exhibit were chosen by University Vessel", was impressed by the WORLD »KD NATION REPORTER art faculty and two guest artists number of people who attended from the area, Barbara Miner of the opening reception. Welcomed by an array of fruits, the University of Toledo and punch and two guitar players, "It's good to see all these people Georgette Zirbes of the University come out and see my work," pa,n »is at the opening reception of Michigan. for the annual Undergraduate Art Massey said. Show were treated to a feast for Miner was inspired by the work Other patrons were parents the senses from the moment they she judged. who came to the results of their walked in. "It was a pleasure to spend so children's labor. much time informally around "There's such a wide range of Ceramics, fibers, glass, jewelry, such honest art," she stated in the metals, enamels, paintings, pho- art," said Kara Christy of Newark, exhibit's program. "Above all, the mother of art student J.C Christy, tographs and sculptures are just commitment and energy repre- recipient of the first place Jurors some of the variety of works fea- sented in this show made me Award for Sculpture. tured at the show, which will be want to leave the gallery and race held in the Dorothy Uber Bryan to my studio to work." "You think of art as just draw- Gallery through March. Over $15,000 in scholarships ing, but then you see the stone The art show consists of works and awards were given to stu- and glass and see there's so much by University students who were dents yesterday as reward for more, Kristy said. enrolled in an art course between their work, and many participat- The Undergraduate Art Show summer of 2000 and spring of ing artists were able to sell their will continue until March 25. The 2001. Over 800 students submit- work to patrons of the show. show will close over Spring Break. ted pieces to be considered for Sophomore Kyle Massey, Gallery hours are Tuesday entry into the show, but only 145 Alumni Association Purchase through Saturday from 10 a.m. to wmlttrBurchBGNews made the final cut Award Winner foihis blown glass 4 pin. and Sundays from 1 p.m. Pieces to be featured in the piece "Self Portrait on Glass to 4 p.m. UNDERGRADUATES: Over 800 undergraduate storjents entered their art to be judged in the art show. I 2 Monday, February 26,2001 BG NEWS Online services vie to capture Napster's users ByleffRoedel increase in interest in Gnutella not have to fear a government perspective," Hatch said. Galaxy uses its "satellite" to deter- tively by anyone who isn't a U-WIIE clients recently," said Greg shut down and can also enjoy a The veteran senator may be mine which copy of the desired skilled cornputerprogrammer. BATON ROUGE. La. - Let's face Bildson, current Chief higher level of privacy. LimeWire right. The technology for high- file will take the least amount of Still, the Internet's file-trading it. Napster as we know it will soon Technology Officer at Lime Peer also allows users to share all types speed file swapping is obviously time to download and presents possibilities are endless. be gone. Embroiled in a series of Technologies. of files, not just mp3s. here, and it is rapidly developing. this file to the user. "There is room for great inno- legal wranglings, billion dollar Gnutella is an online network Users can search for and swap According to In a little more than a minute, a vation here," Bildson said, settlement offers and possibly which has spawned LimeWire, a anything from an unsigned there are more than 360 indepen- user can be logged into Audio another round of appeals, Shawn file-sharing system aiming to gar- band's homemade video to dent alternative servers world- Galaxy and downloading music "Gnutella may be the next step Fanning's wildly successful file- ner some of Napster's client base. grandma's spaghetti recipe. wide. Servers like LimeWire and files from this easy-to-operate along the path that was started by swapping program may not live "I would expect 30 percent of And even if Napster begins others that are more decentral- system. the printing press." to see this summer. Napster users to try Gnutella," charging a flat or per download ized are simply impossible to While some of these newer The field is large and the gates And even if it does, a controver- Bildson estimates. "With possibly rate for use, Bildson assures that shut down. programs have features that can wide open. But who will be next sial merger with the multination- up to 100 percent. That's more his company will not follow suit "Gnutella network develop- best Napster, many are still trying to take up the Napster reins? As al publishing giant Bertelsmann than 18 million users." "LimeWire will always be free," ment will never be stopped to work out their kinks. this myriad of contenders devel- seems imminent, in what can But what will these 18 million he said. because it is too adaptable," said With Freenet, every user acts ops and changes, it is impossible only be described as the musical users be flocking to? With Last week Sen. Orrin Hatch (R- Bildson. like a server. So if the government to predict. equivalent of Luke Skywalker Napster, a user logs onto and Utah) made a speech on the Other decentralized systems doesn't like what one trader is lust know that when the gavel joining forces with Darth Vader. uploads files onto a central serv- Senate floor in response to the vying for prominence in the doing and decides to pull his comes down on Napster creator While the music enthusiasts of er. These files can then be Ninth Circuit Court's recent deci- shadow of a possible Napster fall plug, the rest of the Freenet com- America tune in anxiously to accessed by other Napster mem- sion that Napster knowingly out are MusicCity, Freenet, Spin munity is still online. Shawn Fanning and his 20 mil- learn the fate of their beloved bers. allowed its users to violate copy- Frenzy and Audio Galaxy. While Freenet is essentially lion closest friends for the final Napster, other online sites are LimeWire, however, is a more right laws. Audio Galaxy has a user friend- based on the same principles as time, all is not lost. There are now gearing up to be the next big traditional peer-to-peer network "This legal victory for the ly Web-based interface. The dis- the Internet and shows incredible many more downloading thing. without a centralized hub. This record labels may prove pyretic tinguishing feature here is what promise, it has proven to be very options out there just waiting to "We have seen a dramatic means that LimeWire users do and short-sighted from a policy the site calls a "satellite." Audio difficult to install and to use effec- be found. Vanderbilt prof proposes to Taxes loom for reward professors based on merit sholarship earners By Jennifer Pere? athletic scholarships they receive, By Meredith Berger proposal stems from personal idea, but I don't," Lachs said. "I lems than it solves," he added. U-WIRE though the law has been in effect U-WIRE experience. think that students would rise to The proposal was written 10 for years. the occasion." M1SSOULA, Mont. - Last year NASHVILLE, Term. - If you've "I had the misfortune of hav- years ago, but was only brought when University of Montana Scholarships, grants and fel- ever had a bad professor, John If students make responsible ing some pretty bad teachers in to light about three months ago. journalism senior lason Begay lowships used by degree candi- I.Hiis has a proposal that might college," he said. allocations, Lachs said, it will Junior Matt Hedges, after was filing his income taxes, he dates to pay required tuition, fees, be of interest to you. Lachs, Lachs said he worries that raise interest among professors reading Lachs' book found he owed $700 to the IRS for books, supplies, and equipment Centennial Professor of in providing a higher-quality teaching is often not as good as "Intermediate Man," discussed two $3,500 private scholarships are tax-free, but money used to Philosophy, has presented the education. it could be. He said his proposal education with the professor. he received. pay for room, board, travel, following challenge to could make a significant differ- Lachs said that if Vanderbilt research, personal expenses and Vanderbilt University: Give stu- takes on this challenge, it would Lachs mentioned his money- So this year, when Begay was ence in the teaching profession for-merit approach to improv- awarded a $10,000 Scripps clerical help is considered taxable dents the power to influence the at the college level. create good publicity for the income. quality of their education. University, showing that ing teaching, and Hedges was Howard national Top 10 journal- "In this case, the poorer receptive to the concept. ism scholarship, he set aside "This is an obligation that stu- He has proposed that stu- teachers would have to look for Vanderbilt is serious about dents be permitted to allocate improving the quality of teach- "I thought it was a great idea." some money to pay his taxes. dents must be aware of and need other work voluntarily, or they to respond to," said Mick Hanson, between five and 10 percent of ing, and encouraging other uni- Hedges said. "It refocuses teach- "I am scared to do my taxes would have to get fired up and UM financial aid director. their tuition to professors based versities to take similar steps. ers on the world of academia" because of that scholarship," start doing their job," Lachs said. Begay said, recommending that The taxable amount differs for on merit. Vice Chancellor of Public Hedges explained that in his This proposal isn't one to students save some of their award specific students, he added According to the proposal, Affairs Michael Schoenfeld experience, research and writing which a university would have money in case they will owe IRS law allows dependent stu- each student would give a cer- praised the proposal for its - books rather than teaching -- to commit immediately. Lachs income taxes on it. dents an income up to $4,400 tain portion of his or her tuition objective of improving teaching, has been the primary focus of said that the proposal could be but said the actual proposal is Although Begay's scholarship before being subject to taxation, to each of his or her professors professors. according to the quality of tried out on an experimental not feasible. was a part of his 2000/2001 finan- while independent students' teaching. This money would basis to see if it produces results. "The goal is laudable for stu- Enthused by the idea and cial aid package, it still counted in income is not taxable unless it supplement a standard salary The experiment would give dents to have input into the eager to help Lachs gain student last year's income since he got the exceeds $7,200. for all professors. Lachs said that students an unprecedented process, but the actual proposal, support and exposure for his scholarship in one check at the "This is between the student, giving students this authority amount of power over their edu- I think, is pretty unworkable," he proposal, Hedges posted the beginning of the school year. the tax preparer and the IRS," will raise the teaching standards cation, Lachs said. said. proposal along with a petition Many UM students don't real- Hanson said. "The Financial Aid for professors. "There are some faculty that "It seems to me that it has the on the Web at http://collegepe- ize they may owe income taxes Office is not involved in the tax- He said the idea behind the would have trouble with this potential to create more prob- for partial or full-ride academic or consultation process." t<>XX<>XLXI^ 1 I ever just want to... Women's I Leadership Conference ^ Highlights Include: • Skill Sessions Ia H • Keynote Address g • Women's Issues • Life Choices I • And More! B Open to All Students B Sunday, March 4, 2001 Olscamp 101 12-5p.m. B feedback forums & interactive polls Free of Charge Register at: w w w.bgsu .edu / offices / sa / getin volved / wldrconf.html B (By Tuesday, February 27th, 2001) 1 B Office of Campus Involvement 204 South Hall—372-2343 B [email protected] as you want. B In Collaboration With: The Women's Center, B Women's Action Coalition, University Union, Women's Studies Program, and w BGSU Department of Intercollegiate Athletics A bg for the culture that is bg BG NEWS Monday. Februafy 26,2001 3

FOOD: CROSSWORD We all love it, but with ACfiOSS 1 1 IV ii ■ ' •• " ' ' * " the burgeoning popula- i African snane 6 May and Arm. " '' '* tion at BG, maybe it's a eg 11 _voyaQB< ' '* ** privilege that should be 14 Mora aloof .■■ '■ 11 i$_w8jr? reserved for upperclass- 16 ^■J i* 17 Actress Reese H men. Guest writer Jack D. 15 Washercyde • * H >l i' ■ ^H^ 3» 19 Gravo engravng V ■ Eagleeye envisions such TO Muslim Hi ■ " 1 21 Snger Rimes * ■ K " "' a future. Oogie will be 22 Humbug pfDcedor LV 23 ShrllbUk " * 1 •■ fine, but don't tell ."■ VrftDOus residue ■ *' 1 26 Gobbled '* " ^B** •' Marvin. He wants to go 27&solorth 30 Author Levin ■' '** ■^■j ' ' to BG, but maybe he'd be 32 Picked another * " m '•< straw ; "' better off as a Buckeye. 34 Palo Allo to San '■ '■' Jose ••

38 Shapeyirut "• ■ 39 L^ll Knock * 40 Green shade '' " 43 location of " 11 H ■ e J 6 B d 59 Snowed 1? Narcotc - i d V "J 3 N ' _ s 1 s By lack Daniel Eagleeye 61 Oust 13 Brother's boy « "A freshman who eats too often, since they will be asking V d GUtS I WRITER 65 Aswel 24 PGA member J ■j v r .'. V 7

much will be unhealthy, much them to bring food to their .'■ 66 Funny Hardy 27 Mind-reader's .' i 1 1 V r. a J 1 1 'J Members of the like any freshman who needs to dorms. 67 French OtTy tollers V * H a 1 b V 1- 1 J - i 11 V Undergraduate Ztudent leave campus — for whatever When one senator-at-large was 68 Escort's oner 28 Equal score 1 i vH'J V l '■' I * 69 Is affected by 29 Scncd settings H V G H N N V 3 llj.- V 1 s 1 Government passed a bill yester- reason," one UZG representaUve asked if he thought it was unfair 70 Domesticated 31 Against d 1 <<■ , s N 1 1 1 3 0 guanaco 33 _vu ' 1 ■ day forbidding freshmen from said. that the upperclassmen should 4 d vli N "H t; •"■H" d 3 1 71 Spanish arWe 35 Eye pan 11 N 0 i << V ■( - a ('. V n eating at any dining service on In turn, this will make the cam- throw away freshmen rights for 72 Worries 36 Movng vehicle ■' campus starting in fall 2002. pus more enjoyable for anyone the gain of the upperclassmen, he 73 Madndmiste' 37 Simon Says player 46 Dramatic vgiwn over? Before going into effect, the legis- who is not a freshman. This rep- responded with, "We will not only DOWN 41 Sandra or Ruby 47 Author of'7 he 57 Serf --mposed resentative gave his definition of 1 South of France 42 Pipe a-ound a Time Machine' absence lation must be approved by peo- deter freshmen from leaving 2 King beaters comer 48 Part of USPS 60 Hardy lass ple who will not be freshmen in unhealthy as being "anything that campus (with the exception of 3 "The _ on the 44 Hrtstwroad 49 boreaks 62 Des

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For delivery or carryout. For a limited time only For a limited time only I Must present coupon at time No coupon necessary, No coupon necessary, No coupon necessary, 1 of ordering. Expires March 31,2001. just mention the special. just mention the special. just mention the special. 1— ------J ^ 2 Monday. February 26, 2001 BG NEWS Online services vie to capture Napster's users ByletfRoeM increase in interest in Gnutella not have to fear a government perspective," Hatch said. Galaxy uses its "satellite" to deter- tively by anyone who isn't a U-WIRl clients recently," said Greg shut down and can also enjoy a The veteran senator may be mine which copy of the desired skilled computerprogrammer. BATON ROUGE La. - Let's face Bildson, current Chief higher level of privacy. LimeWire right. The technology for high- file will take the least amount of Still, the Internet's file-trading it Napster as we know it will soon Technology Officer at Lime Peer also allows users to share all types speed file swapping is obviously time to download and presents possibilities are endless. be gone. Embroiled in a series of Technologies. of files, not just mp3s. here, and it is rapidly developing. this file to the user. "There is room for great inno- Users can search for and swap According to In a little more than a minute, a legal wranglings, billion dollar Gnutella is an online network vation here," Bildson said, settlement offers and possibly which has spawned LimeWire, a anything from an unsigned there are more than 360 indepen- user can be logged into Audio "Gnutella may be the next step another round of appeals, Shawn file-sharing system aiming to gar- band's homemade video to dent alternative servers world- Galaxy and downloading music Fanning's wildly successful file- ner some of Napster's client base. grandma's spaghetti recipe. wide. Servers like LimeWire and files from this easy-to-operate along the path that was started by swapping program may not live "I would expect 30 percent of And even if Napster begins others that are more decentral- system. the printing press." to see this summer. Napster users to try Gnutella," charging a flat or per download ized are simply impossible to While some of these newer The field is large and the gates And even if it does, a controver- Bildson estimates. "With possibly rate for use, Bildson assures that shut down. programs have features that can wide open. But who will be next sial merger with the multination- up to 100 percent. That's more his company will not follow suit "Gnutella network develop- best Napster, many are still trying to take up the Napster reins? As al publishing giant Bertelsmann than 18 million users." "LimeWire will always be free," ment will never be stopped to work out their kinks. this myriad of contenders devel- seems imminent, in what can But what will these 18 million he said. because it is too adaptable," said With Freenet, every user acts ops and changes, it is impossible only be described as the musical users be flocking to? With Last week Sen. Orrin Hatch (R- Bildson. like a server. So if the government to predict. equivalent of Luke Skywalker Napster, a user logs onto and Utah) made a speech on the Other decentralized systems doesn't like what one trader is Just know that when the gavel joining forces with Darth Vader. uploads files onto a central serv- Senate floor in response to the vying for prominence in the doing and decides to pull his comes down on Napster creator While the music enthusiasts of er. These files can then be Ninth Circuit Court's recent deci- shadow of a possible Napster fall plug, the rest of the Freenet com- Shawn Fanning and his 20 mil- America tune in anxiously to accessed by other Napster mem- sion that Napster knowingly out are MusicCity, Freenet, Spin munity is still online. learn the fate of their beloved bers. allowed its users to violate copy- Frenzy and Audio Galaxy. While Freenet is essentially lion closest friends for the final Napster, other online sites are LimeWire, however, is a more right laws. Audio Galaxy has a user friend- based on the same principles as time, all is not lost. There are now gearing up to be the next big traditional peer-to-peer network "This legal victory for the ly Web-based interface. The dis- the Internet and shows incredible many more downloading thing. without a centralized hub. This record labels may prove pyretic tinguishing feature here is what promise, it has proven to be very options out there just waiting to "We have seen a dramatic means that LimeWire users do and short-sighted from a policy the site calls a "satellite." Audio difficult to install and to use effec- be found. Vanderbilt prof proposes to Taxes loom for reward professors based on merit sholarship earners By Jennifer Perez athletic scholarships they receive, By Meredith Berger proposal stems from personal idea, but I don't," Lachs said. "I lems than it solves," he added. U-WIRE though the law has been in effect U-WIHE think that students would rise to experience. The proposal was written 10 MISSOULA, Mont. - last year for years. the occasion." NASHVILLE, Term. - If you've "I had the misfortune of hav- years ago, but was only brought when University of Montana Scholarships, grants and fel- If students make responsible ever had a bad professor, lohn ing some pretty bad teachers in to light about three months ago. journalism senior Jason Begay lowships used by degree candi- Lachs has a proposal that might college," he said. allocations, Lachs said, it will lunior Matt Hedges, after was filing his income taxes, he dates to pay required tuition, fees, raise interest among professors be of interest to you. Lachs, Lachs said he worries that reading Lachs' book found he owed $700 to the IRS for books, supplies, and equipment Centennial Professor of in providing a higher-quality teaching is often not as good as "Intermediate Man," discussed two $3,500 private scholarships are tax-free, but money used to Philosophy, has presented the education. it could be. He said his proposal education with the professor. he received. pay for room, board, travel, following challenge to Lachs said that if Vanderbilt could make a significant differ- So this year, when Begay was research, personal expenses and Vanderbilt University: Give stu- takes on this challenge, it would Lachs mentioned his moncy- ence in the teaching profession for-merit approach to improv- awarded a $10,000 Scripps clerical help is considered taxable dents the power to influence the at the college level. create good publicity for the income. quality of their education. University, showing that ing teaching, and Hedges was Howard national Top 10 journal- "In this case, the poorer ism scholarship, he set aside "This is an obligation that stu- He has proposed that stu- Vanderbilt is serious about receptive to the concept. teachers would have to look for some money to pay his taxes. dents must be aware of and need dents be permitted to allocate improving the quality of teach- "I thought it was a great idea," other work voluntarily, or they to respond to," said Mick Hanson, between five and 10 percent of ing, and encouraging other uni- Hedges said. "It refocuses teach- "I am scared to do my taxes would have to get fired up and UM financial aid director. their tuition to professors based versities to take similar steps. ers on the world of academia" because of that scholarship," start doing their job," Lachs said. Begay said, recommending that The taxable amount differs for on merit. Vice Chancellor of Public Hedges explained that in his This proposal isn't one to students save some of their award specific students, he added. According to the proposal, Affairs Michael Schoenfeld experience, research and writing which a university would have money in case they will owe IRS law allows dependent stu- each student would give a cer- praised the proposal for its - books rather than teaching - to commit immediately. Lachs income taxes on it. dents an income up to $4,400 tain portion of his or her tuition objective of improving teaching, has been the primary focus of to each of his or her professors said that the proposal could be but said the actual proposal is Although Begay's scholarship before being subject to taxation, professors. according to the quality of tried out on an experimental not feasible. wasapartof his 2000/2001 finan- while independent students' Enthused by the idea and teaching. This money would basis to see if it produces results. "The goal is laudable for stu- cial aid package, it still counted in income is not taxable unless it supplement a standard salary The experiment would give dents to have input into the eager to help Lachs gain student last year's income since he got the exceeds $7200. for all professors. Lachs said that students an unprecedented process, but the actual proposal, support and exposure for his scholarship in one check at the "This is between the student, giving students this authority amount of power over their edu- I think, is pretty unworkable," he proposal, Hedges posted the beginning of the school year. the tax preparcr and the IRS," will raise the teaching standards cation, Lachs said. said. proposal along with a petition Many UM students don't real- Hanson said. "The Financial Aid for professors. "There are some faculty that "It seems to me that it has the on the Web at http://collegepe- ize they may owe income taxes Office is not involved in the tax- He said the idea behind the would have trouble with this potential to create more prob- for partial or full-ride academic or consultation process." K>XIOXC<>II<>XXOXE^ I 1 ever just want to... Women's 1 Leadership Conference ^ Highlights Include: • Skill Sessions Iu| t4 • Keynote Address M • Women's Issues • Life Choices i • And More! 8 n a Open to All Students Sunday, March 4, 2001 Olscamp 101 12-5p.m. feedback forums & interactive polls Free of Charge 3 P3 Register at: H w ww.bgsu .edu / offices / sa / getinvol ved / wldrconf.html Q (By Tuesday, February 27th, 2001)

Office of Campus Involvement 204 South Hall—372-2343 B [email protected] as you want. In Collaboration With: The Women's Center, B jment Women's Action Coalition, University DMsionofSludentAlbirs Union, Women's Studies Program, and r^ I BGSU Department of Intercollegiate Athletics A v^ for the culture that is bg BG NEWS Monday. February 26.2001 3

FOOD: CROSSWORD We all love it, but with So then the bartender says... ACROSS the burgeoning popula- 1 African snike 6 May and Ann. tion at BG, maybe it's a eg 11 _ voyage- privilege that should be 14 More akxX 15 _weair> reserved for upperclass- 16 GrODon.cq 17 Actress Reese men. Guest writer Jack D. 18 Washer cyde 19 Grave engrawng Eagleeye envisions such ?0 Muslim Ml 21 anger Rimes a future. Oogie will be 22 Humbug procodor 23 Shnil bent fine, but don't tell 25 VWroous residue 26 Gobbled Marvin. He wants to go 27 & so lo it" 30 Author Levm to BG, but maybe he'd be 32 Picked another straw better off as a Buckeye. 34 Palo Ado to San Jose 38 ShapCy Irut 39 Ughtknodk 40 Green shade 43 Location of Mehetangeto's ceding 48 Quarterback, often 5 Biblical language ANSWERS 50 Obvious toupee 6 Reiner or Sagar ^ q 51 Shpperyftsh 7 Zodiac ram u O N i ■ J i d <■<: V i 52" Town" 8 Ol punishment * n » l i 8 1 3 i i ■ >, H y 53 Cruise and Mix 9 Tan£eup .1 i i i i d i t i o I u i 56 Lamb's mom 10 Longtime Yankee J .> -. s N 1 ulv T 1 ^ 0 guanaco 33_vu ■ d .i vHi N i K vHb H 1 3 1 day forbidding freshmen from said. that the upperclassmen should 71 Spanish arMe 35 Eye part N c sfls 1

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For delivery or carry out For a limited time only For a limited time only Must present coupon at time No coupon necessary, No coupon necessary, No coupon necessary, of ordering. Expires March 31,2001. just mention the special. just mention the special. just mention the special. I - 4 Monday, February 26, 2001 BG NEWS

EARNHARDT JR. CRASHES IN FIRST LAP ROCKINGHAM, N.C. (AP) — In an eerie reminder of his father's fatal accident last weekend, Dale Earnhardt Jr. crashed hard on the first lap of Sunday's rain- delayed Dura Lube 400. The 26-year-old son of the racing great walked away limping from a car that was badly damaged after hitting the wall. OPINION EDITORIAL Vanna, can I buy a pardon? Money talks. Clinton's decision to pardon a backers make it almost impossi- was push his luck one last time. been debated before, this is one Influence, power and favors chorus line of criminals, but pres- YOU DECIDE ble to see who is pulling the Perhaps, his biggest mistake. of the first times that the validity play a role in politics. It's as old as idential pardons are nothing new. strings. For a presidential candi- On a Saturday Night Live of the practice has been ques- the ground that many politicians What is new, is the question What do you think about the date to become a candidate, he sketch foUowing impeachment, tioned. A monetary bribe could must indirectly or directly peddle fight over. "has a bribe influenced a pardon a president's right to grant comedian Wil Ferrel proclaimed have occurred. his services to many particular decision?" pardons? Let us know at that he was "buJletproof," in his For the first time in eight years, The National Enquirer broke groups in exchange for financial the story of Hugh Rodham When former president [email protected] portrayal of Clinton at a news Clinton backers are siding against backing. the fallen figure. For the first time accepting $400,000 to successful- Clinton was impeached he conference. incurred a massive debt that Remember when Al Gore in a while, people are also begin- ly lobby the former president to preached video game, music, and While this may have been true ning to debate if a president's grant two pardons. The brother of could have possibly forced his at the time, the former president hand into illegal activities. movie accountability to a rally, right to pardon should be abol- former first lady Hillary Rodham the memo line, how can the only to travel to Hollywood to col- may have pushed his luck one ished. Clinton then gave the money But how can anyone really tell American public ever really lect a mulii-million dollar dona- time too many. know? What is clear is that this could back when the controversy made if a pardon has been bought? tion within the week? This sort of News organizations can smell national headlines. be the straw that breaks the Aside from rinding a cashed The insane amounts of thing happens every day in poli- a rat, and have been hounding camel's back if Clinton accepted Much debate and criticism has check for $200,000 with "Clinton Washington lobbyists, special tics. this story since it first broke. money for pardons. Infidelity is surrounded former president pardon payment" scribbled into interest groups, and financial The only thing that Clinton did While the topic of pardons has one thing, bribery is another. LJ-WIRE COLUMN Internet is only PEOPLE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ON THE STREET reaUy cares for the student body I When they offer their views to Let us use our really believe that they should go those receiving aid it is merely What are you giving ahead and allow Domino's to that, an offer. It is not as if aid is a suplement up, if anything, for meal cards off- begin accepting the food card. withheld just because someone Lent? in an underdeveloped country AT ISSUE The internet has changed the lives of every- BillRoehl doesn't wish to accept one, but not as much as expected campus [email protected] Christianity or whatever beliefs PEORIA, 01. - News flash: The belong to the aid workers. F.RIKA The current costs of food on I just think that it is unfair to Internet hasn't turned out to be WITTEKIND as revolutionary an innovation as, campus is astronomical. Yes, I liken missionary work to that of a say, the wheel. Bradley U. understand that we need to sup- large corporation trying to set up The wheel deserved its port a good number of workers to Faith-based franchises. The messages are dif- grandeur It has survived thou- millions of dollars, according to prepare, cook and serve us our ferent and so are the ideas and sands of years without much The Washington Post food, but there is absolutely no charities given goals. alteration. It lets you move heavy The Internet supposedly offers reason that we should not see I think it would be more appro- some outside competition. priate if every week Eric Kintner things, rollerblade and get speed- the convenience of multiple news ELIZABETH MAAHS a bad rap ing tickets. outlets at your fingertips, but As long as I have been here just called his column, "This That's much more than cave- maybe the novelty of reading half JUNIOR there has been a definite problem week's attack on the Bush with on campus food. It is poor In response to Eric Kintner's Administration," because that is men probably envisioned when a dozen versions of the exact APPAREL DESIGN the first one let a round rock slip same headlines that appear on quality, very little variety and it is column "Aid Plan too non-secu- all we've seen from him since he from his hand, watched it roU everyone's breakfast table has "Studying." very expensive. lar," I would say that he's off the began writing for the BG News. down a lull and exclaimed, worn thin. Take, for example, the cost of a mark. "Erghh!" In fact, that one mono- Where's the diversity that was 20oz. bottle of Gatorade. It was BasicaUy, 1 would agree that Joseph Case syllabic grunt probably could promised? Online news outlets $1.99 at the Sundial. 1 just pur- Bush is really making those who [email protected] sum up every expectation placed follow the pack as much as their chased eight 20-oz. bottles of receive U.S. aid choiceless in how on the wheel. paper ancestors. The reaOy Gatorade for $6.79 at the local it is packaged, but the end of his The Internet, on the other unique, valuable tidbits are Meijer... That comes out to .85 article confused me. per bottle (a profit of $1.14/per He stated, "I think that the hand, caused giddy shouts of buried in comers around the SUBMISSION POLICY anticipation when it first explod- Web, hidden from the eyes of bottle for the University). implications of this (the privatiza- They do not have to cook, pre- tion of foreign aid) undermind ed upon the tech world. inept search engines. The BGNews gladly prints Letters Suddenly, all eyes were on the the soothsayers were right pare (other than stock the shelves everything this country was to make money on this item). To founded on." How is that? to the Editor and Guest Cotamns. computer geeks, waiting to see about one thing, at least: There's a Letters should be less than 300 what their creation would bring lot of stuff out there. So much that ERIKBORK teU the students that by adding Our country was founded by outside competition to the political refugees who were seek- ywrds and Guest Cohmms can be us: A peaceful world united by it's like the Super-Walmart of JUNIOR 500 to 700 words. Name, phone wires? Business meetings con- information - except without University food services, the ing relief from religious persecu- VCT Dining Services will lose the abili- tion. One of the first tasks they set number and address should be ducted from bedrooms by people helpful employees who can tell Included for verification. Ml sub- in pajamas? you that the particular item you ty to support its student workers to was the "saving" of the native "I'm giving up sports and scholarships is an outright peoples. missions may be edited for. Ivy League graduates suddenly want is located in Aisle BZ: 124, on length and clarity. I thought it was a good idea to the other side of the lawn acces- cars. fa I am not trying to attack Mr. I personally believe that the Kinlner or his views, just under- attacks and an invest millions in the online ven- sories department staBWtSnotbep tures of 11 -year-olds who used to University is afraid of opening its stand them. I can understand his And I si ill don't get how submissions to the Opinion I make their bucks mowing lawns Internet sites that don't sell any- doors to outside competition dislike of President Bush and/or and baby-sitting. Why? knowing that there is a severe his policies, but I can't under- box at210 West Halt or thing are supposed to make bgnews

EDITORIAL BOARD 210WestHallT|^V g\ Bowling Green MARY BETH MURTHA, MANAGING EDITOR KRISTALYN SHEFVELAND, PHOTO EDITOR State University Bowling Green, MARY BETH WILFONG, ASST. MANAGING ED. TONY RECZNTK, ON-LINE EDITOR Ohio 43403 Phone:(419)372-6966 PETE STELLA, SPORTS EDITOR JENNIFER JACOBS, GRAPHICS EDITOR Fax (419) 372-6967 E-mail: ERIK PEPPLE, NOW EDITOR MICHAEL LEHMKUHLE, DESIGN EDITOR [email protected] HEATHER HEBAN, PAGE 3 EDITOR APRIL ELLIOTT, COPY CHIEF BGNEWSM*r V>H AMYJO L BRfflVN, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF J. MICHAEL BESTUL, OPINION EDITOR t CRAIG GIFFORD, CHIEF REPORTER BG NEWS Monday, February 26,2001 5 News travels quickly at Grill Birth control for men tested GRILL, FROM PAGE 1 newspaper, you find out what's "I love my job, because of the BIRTH CONTROL FROM PAGE 1 said. "We model the lactate have as much chance for com- going to happen at the court- people," Stacy said. "They're real- dehydrogenate system on the mercial success as other prod- come here," he said. "Let's face it, house before it happens," he ly good customers. Super, super lactate dehydrogenase in the computers. We use that informa- ucts," Johnson said. "It becomes the place is just what it is. It's not said. people. With 80 percent of the sperm and testes it would do it tion to design the compounds a social issue: will men use a con- fancy, and it's tiny." The group of regulars is also people, when they come in, we systemically (throughout your Then we synthesize them in the traceptive agent? I don't have to If not for the distinct 1950s known as the Board, because know what they want" body), which is not acceptable." lab, and then we test them." worry about that though. Mine is design, the small restaurant at they interview and approve all She said that while some have The male contraceptive At the end of this semester, the science not the social issue." the comer of E Court and N. prospective workers. passed away, there are always research is Johnson's PhD pro- Johnson will graduate. Avery will Main roads would probably go Johnson hopes to move to the "They were tough on me, way more to take their places. ject for which she has worked six continue the research with other next step -- tests on animals — unnoticed amidst the larger years. The research was going on tough," said Christopher Flores, "You miss the ones who graduate students or post-doc- soon. In the next couple weeks, buildings surrounding it. under Avery before Johnson recently hired. passed away," Gamo said. "They toral researchers. Avery and Johnson will test a Signs outside advertise Waitress Theresa Boggs, who began her study. "Biggest & Best Hamburgs in get replaced, but it's not quite the Male contraception has been group of compounds in test started in 1992, gets a T-shirt same" "It is a project that was started town," and "Breakfast served a while ago," Johnson said. "I'm a research topic for over 30 years. tubes. If the results are good then anytime." A "help wanted" sign whenever one of the regulars He recalled the late Art With the introduction of the they can proceed. goes on vacation. Her collection not the first person who has hangs tilted in the front door. The Schooner, in observance of worked on this." birth control pill for women, the "I feel (this research) is impor- most prominent feature, a light- now includes at least 300. "I've whose funeral the restaurant idea was put aside. tant because there is definitely never been to any of these Johnson's research involves ed "Maxwellhouse Coffee" sign closed. "Cue side had Comer computer technology. The soft- The World Health concerns that the world popula- above the door, announces places," she said. Grill people, and the other side ware most often used is Sybyl by Organization has made it a pri- tion seems to be increasing at an some of the featured dishes. In charge of keeping the regu- was his family," he said. Tripos and Associates. ority because of concerns about alarming rate," Johnson said. "You don't see many of them lars in line is cook and owner When any of the regulars don't "To design these compounds overpopulation in developing "And any compound that would anymore," longtime regular Ted since 1978 Linda Stacy, who does come in for a few days, the others we've been using computer- countries. help to limit the population Fletcher said of the sign. Fletcher so with a Oyswatter. "They have start to worry, Gamo said. "We aided drug design," Johnson "Male contraception doesn't growth would be helpful." recalled that he first came to the to watch their language," she want to know where, and how Grill in 1954. He said he comes said. But they don't seem to they are. We will go to great back for the camaraderie. mind, as they've given her a few lengths to find out You don't get "Knowing everyone who comes novelty flyswatters over the that kind of concern from other in. The news is quicker than the years. restaurants." Utah State U. professor names 20 new species By Dave Boyle colleagues from the United On this particular trip, howev- Taxes local gov. (•Will States and Mexico drove nearly er, they did find a new species of TAXES. FROM PAGE 1 Constitution allowed the federal LOGAN, Utah - Reptiles or 9,000 miles around Mexico con- salamander and several rare receive their contribution until amphibians. Either way, Joe ducting surveys of frogs in rain government the right to tax citi- the reach the age of 65. frogs. Dab Dahon, freshman, stated zens Mendelson is happy. Especially and cloud forests of southern According to Ohio's when he gets to name new Mexico. Over the years, he has found that he is ecstatic about receiving Ever since then, the money Department ofTaxarjon, approx- and named about 20 species of the return. species of them. "It's a thrill and This research was funded by collected has gone to help the imately 30% of state tax money an honor to name new species," National Geographic and was frogs from Latin America, plus a "I already have filed my taxes government pay its debts, help and I am excited to be getting goes to the school systems in the said Mendelson, assistant pro- intended to check the current few snakes and lizards. back a return ... it is like receiv- the elderly and poor, support the state. fessor of biology at Utah State status of Mexican populations of Mendelson conducts similar ing an award for my faithful ser- military and provide law This year, people who live or University. frogs. research with frogs in vice to the government," Dalton enforcement. work in Bowling Green pay a flat "While I mostly work on As for the results, Mendelson Guatemala said. Although approximately 37% rate tax fee of 1.92%. This money frogs," he said, "I have named said he was disappointed. two new species of snakes, one "It was depressing to see how "A primary aspect of these According to the IRS, the gov- percent of tax money goes to the primarily goes to support local projects is to determine how ernment began to tax back in new lizard and two new sala- many populations have declined Social Security program, government and construction many species exist in Mexico 1788 when the newly ratified younger taxpayers will not manders." and how many species have projects within the city. Last summer Mendelson and clearly become extinct," he said. and Guatemala," he said.

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Bowling Green State University Master Teacher $ DOLLAR mm $ The Student Alumni Association, in conjunction with the Alumni Association, is proud to announce their search for the Bowling Green State University's Master Teacher. This year marks the twentieth year of this prestigious award that allows both graduate and undergraduate students to participate by nominating one of the University's professors.

Your nominee should: -Be presently employed full-time by BGSU -Have taught a minimum of 5 years full-time at BGSU -Have scholarly knowledge of their subject matter -Present class material in an organized and effective manner PLEASE PRINT Name of nominee: Department: Dance music from the late Your Name 80s to the mid 90s Your BGSU Status: (circle one) FR SO JR SR GRAD If necessary, please use additional sheets of paper. Featuring DJs 1.) Comment on why you believe that this person is a "Master Teacher." B.A.M. and Tab Tanner 2.) How does your nominee stimulate the intellect of students, encourage critical thinking, and question our surrounding environment? DOLLAR 3.) How is your nominee an effective communicator of goals and objectives? 4.) Is your nominee willing to assist students in solving individual and group problems, and is he/she DRINKS available for out-of-class counseling, (e.g. academic advising, etc.)? Please site examples.

To nominate your master teacher, simply complete the nomination form above and mail it via campus 2.50/pitchers mail to Master Teacher, C/O SAA, Mileti Alumni Center. Or, email the completed application to NO COVER [email protected]. Any questions? Call 372-6849. Deadline March 9, 2001 6 Monday, February 26,2001 BG NEWS Governor resigns during economic crisis ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — The governor of Turkey's Central Bank has offered to resign following the finan- cial crisis that saw the Turkish lira plummet 36 percent last week, media report said Sunday. WORLD Armies rest as UN. observes cease-fire By Arnaud Zaitman castically. tions to the north. cer said, marveling at the sleepi- IDE ASSOCIATED PRESS Mbandaka will be one of the In all, reason enough for a ness after the intense action of MBANDAKA, Congo — A main zones in which U.N. troops Ugandan-backed rebel group to just weeks ago. Czech hard-rock tape in the play- and observers deploy when — fight for years to seize it. Congo's allies are not the only er, fingers bearing the rhythm on and if — the antagonists pull Vassin is among eight ones sleeping out the heat in the steering wheel, Russian U.N. back, as agreed. unarmed U.N. observers now Mbandaka officer Vladimir Vassin threads his A U.N. resolution approved monitoring the cease-fire, which Rocking in a chair on the ter- way from pothole to pothole, Thursday calls on all forces to should have started with its sign- race of his villa, Gen. Kisembie roadblock to roadblock, on dusty start a nine-mile withdrawal by ing by Congo and other combat- Ixmga oversees the Congolese tracks through western Congo. March 15. ants in 1999. armed forces in the province. As The sparsely populated, dense- Bound by the accord, in what In fact, the truce took hold in such, he's someone with whom ly forested region of Equateur is has been called Africa's world war, earnest only in the last month, the U.N. observers have — and about to become a testing ground are Rwanda and Uganda, which with the assassination of Kabila will — deal frequently. for U.N. observers overseeing a took up arms alongside Congo and the succession of his son, In Mbandaka, Longa is privi- cease-fire in 2 1/2 years of fight- rebels in August 1998 to oust the Joseph. leged: He owns a working fridge. ing among six armies and three late Congo President Laurent "Since Kabila was killed, fight- "Here, the beer is cold!" he major rebel movements. Kabila, as a threat to their own ing has stopped," Vassin insisted. Bump by bump, the road countries; and Congo and its remarked, his car heading to the He's a laconic man. "Where our reaches Mbandaka, the provin- allies, Angola, Zimbabwe and airport to check activities there. territory ends, territory con- cial capital on a Congo riverbank, Namibia. On the runway, four govern- trolled by rebels begins!" is all he right on the equator where the Mbandaka, Congo's fourth- ment planes sat under tarps — would say when Vassin asked for river turns to plunge deep into largest city, has no running water unused for weeks, Vassin con- a briefing. Then he opened the forest. or electricity for eo.OOO towns- firmed. another bottle. "As a result, it is full of mosqui- people and 13,000 war-displaced. One thousand soldiers from But he assured Vassin, "As soon tos," Vassin complains, crushing But it's the last major stop on the Zimbabwe and Namibia now as I am ordered to, my troops will one with his left hand. way south to the capital, sleep inside their green tents or disengage." Associated Press Photo "But surely this is not the main Kinshasa, 360 miles away. And it play cards in the shade of palm- Congolese officers say they are reason why the waning parties has a two-mile runway which for leaf huts clustered around the air- praying for the United Nations to PEACE: Congolese President Joseph Kabila sits behind the Congo are fighting for this place," the two years has served government port. seize the rare moment of good flag as he attends a peace talk Thursday. U.N. military observer adds, sar- warplanes bombing rebel posi- Unbelievable, a Congolese offi- will and deploy soon.

he said. "What we have are prob- Earthquakes off the coast of Fukushima in severe damage. lems of traffic and general panic." province, lapan's meteorological lapan sits atop four tectonic- BG NEWS World The first quake at 10:42 a.m. register in Japan; agency said. Fukushima is locat- plates — slabs of land that move BRIEFING local time was followed by a sec- ed 149 miles northeast of Tokyo. across the earth's surface — ond quake a minute later and a no damage done At 2:05 p.m., a m^jiitude 4.3 making it one of the world's More quakes hit El ning from a theater and the third five minutes after that. TOKYO (AP) — Two undersea quake occurred about 12 miles most earthquake-prone quake caused a brief fire at a Manuel Diaz of the Center of earthquakes jolted lapan on below the seabed in the Pacific nations. Geotechnical Research said the gasoline station on the outskirts Sunday, but there were no Ocean about 62 miles southwest Savador first quake was magnitude 4.2, reports of damage, injuries or of Tokyo. It shook Tokyo and of the capital, said Red Cross SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador centered near the capital about 2 tsunamis — the huge waves that nearby cities but caused no Just another (AP) — Three sharp earthquakes spokesman Carlos Lopez 1/2 miles below the surface. can be caused by such distur- damage. Manic Monday.. shook quake-stricken El Salvador Mendoza Some said it felt stronger than the bances. A magnitude 5 quake can on Saturday, with reports of only "There are small landslides in 4.5 magnitude quake dial shook The first quake, with a prelim- cause damage to homes if it Wish it were minor damage. the crater of the Siin Salvador the region at about the same time inary magnitude of 5.8, struck at occurs in a residential area, and Sunday... One person was injured run- Volcano, but they are not serious'' on Friday. 6:54 a.m. just below the seabed a magnitude 6 tremor can result

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February 26,2001 7 French offer assistance to Iraqi Kurds By Thierry Boinet "Are restaurants in France IHE ASS0CIME0 PRESS always like this?" asked 9-year- FRFJUS, France — As the old Kawan Kawa. who ordered French government offers a kids' meal that came with a medical benefits and shelter to free toy, a miniature Bart 908 shipwrecked Iraqi Kurds, Simpson. the immigrants are being Before leaving, her father greeted in the streets with free expressed thanks for the warm food, clothing and a general welcome. outpouring of hospitality. "1 hope one day to give you "It's up to us to help them," back everything you've done said Ginette Garau, a mother of for us," Hulo Kawa said, speak- 11 children from the town of ing through a translator. Frejus, where the Kurds have As the immigrants apply for been living in a military camp political asylum — almost all since their rusty freighter hope to stay in France or other washed onto the French Western European countries Riviera last week. — they face an uncertain Garau entered the military future and the daunting task of camp and walked out with starting a new life outside the Associated Press Photo Hulo Kawa, 39. bis wife, Hilma, gated military camp. and their three children. She The transition has been LIBERATED: Flames erupt from targets during joint live tire exercises by the U.S. and Kuwaiti militaries at Udari, Kuwait, 20 miles from the opened her home to the family smoothed by the government, Iraqi border Sunday Feb. 25. The exercises were held on the 10th anniversary of the liberation of Kuwait from Iraq. and treated them to lunch at a which has promised lodging fast-food hamburger chain and health care benefits as it during a tour of die town. examines asylum applications. The restaurant's manager And national polls show that welcomed the Kurdish family the French public, moved by Kuwait celebrates Gulf War victory and their French hostess by the highly publicized journey halving their bill, while local of the Kurds, has softened its By Diana Elias pomp and parades for the first into the air, women ululated and States and Britain — for protec- children led their Kurdish peers once less-tolerant attitude IHE ASSOC1*1E 0 PRESS time since the war's end in 1991. schoolgirls sang. tion. Kuwait signed 10-year to the restaurant's playground toward immigration and asy- KUWAIT — As allied war jets "It's a glorious day,'' said Salem Bush and retired Gen. Norman defense agreements with its and the inflatable castle. lum. flew overhead, Kuwaitis raised Alxlullah, a 47-year-old civil ser- Schwarzkopf, who led the inter- Western allies after the war, and Iheir flag and performed a tradi- vant. "But one tiling is missing — national military coalition that 1 has renewed the pact with tional victory dance Sunday to our POWs." fought the war, watched live-fire Washington through 2011. mark the 10th anniversary of the Kuwait accuses Baghdad of maneuvers by U.S.. British and Baghdad has heightened its end of the Gulf War and freedom holding some (iOO people captive Kuwaiti forces some 30 miles campaign against Kuwait in from Iraqi occupation. Iraq insists, however, that it has BG NEWS WORLD from the Iraqi border. recent months with Odai Security was tight as Clu' War released all war prisoners. "I think\.e ought to bring some BRIEFING heroes — including former The Kuwaiti government of tlie (Iraqi) Republican Guards Hussein, the Iraqi president's ■ ..n, telling Parliament Iraq's map Resident George Hush and for decided to part with tradition this here and let them take a good Gaza as soon as possible. mer British Prime Minister year because liberation day, Feb. look," Schwarzkopf said after- should be altered to include Powell: Lift ban Margaret Thatcher — watched 26, falls one day before the 40th ward. Kuwait. The constraints, which men in robes perform the arda, anniversary of the country's inde- Secretary of State Colin Powell, On Sunday, the pro-govern- on workers include a ban on Palestinian the Gulf's traditional dance- pendence from Britain in 1961. the former general who served as ment Al-Anba daily published a workers going to their jobs in depicting the "joy of victory," with On Sunday, soldiers received chairman of the U.S. loint Chiefs cartoon of a joyous Kuwaiti stick- RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) Israel and the withholding of swords and rifles. tin' Kuwaiti flag from (he crown of Stall during die crisis, arrived ing his tongue out at a jumpy, — Endorsing a Palestinian tax revenues, do nothing to Kuwait, which has held off on prince. Sheik Saad Al Alxlullah Al in Kuwait Inter Sunday. sweating Iraqi President Saddam demand, Secretary of State improve the security situation, such galas for a decade out ol Sahah, and hoisted it on a pole at Small oil-rich Kuwait, with a Hussein and saying "Welcome Colin Powell urged Israel on Powell said after a two-hour respect for its war missing, is cel- the seaside Flag Square. Balloons tiny army, still depends on its Gulf Bush," repeaUng the former pres- Sunday to lift an economic meeting with Yasser Arafat at ebrating liberation day with and white pigeons went flying War allies — mainly the United ident's name 15 times. "siege" of the West Bank and his headquarters.

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ADULT CERTIFICATION FOR TEEN IS LIKELY CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Parker, 16, and Robert Tulloch, 17, are charged with first-degree murder- accused in the murder of two Dartmouth College professors. Parker is considered a child under state law, but prosecutors are seeking to try him as an adult. Tulloch already is being treated as an adult. MTION '• ■. s\ *•.'■ ,**», ►. >■ rsli - -J >* . - \ r ■ >? » .-- ' Y 1 \ *. / 4-, 1" ,. M • if •■•.;' £■ M *w*N *&>§* 3T" "^0* fs ■ V v ■.!7^^^Bi" 9 /[ S^- i '*> > ~'

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IVoostei Street acn HTTP://WWW.BGSU.EDU/OFFICES/SA/GETINVOLVED/ *r THIS WEEK IN BG SPORTS N'S B-BALL: OHIO UPSETS KENT 69-63 SATURDAY AFTERNOON. PAGE 10 Men's basketball MONDAY 2/26 February 26, Host Toledo/ 8 p.m. 2/28 2001 At Marshall/ 7 p.m. 3/3 Host Miami/ 1 p.m. Women's basketball BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY 2/28 Host Miami/ 7 p.m. 3/3 MAC Tourney/TBA Swimming 3/1 At MAC Championships. Falcons hold off Akron Oxford/ noon Hockey 3/2,3/3 Five score in double figures in front of 3,360 Sat. Rockets Host Ferris State/ 7 p.m. By Pete Stela SPORIS I0I10B "We didn't play Women's track If you thought the Bowling very well... if we invade 3/3 Green men's basketball team play like this was going to lay down and die At Sllverston Invite. Ann after its 70-64 toss to Kent State Monday (against Arbor/ 10 a.m. BGfor last Tuesday, you were dead Toledo), we will get Men's track wrong. The Falcons rebounded beat by 20." big game 3/3 strong and defeated Akron 86- At Last Chance Meet, TBA/ 78 Saturday afternoon to LEN MATELA. JUNIOR TBA improve to 13-11 overall and 9- By Nick Hum 6 in the Mid-American ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Conference. defending Akron's three guard Baseball offense, which combined for Bowling Green basketball Despite the vinory. several coach Dan Dakich's 20 minutes 3/3, 3/4 BG players felt they didn't play 52 of Akron's 78 total points. are up. At Eastern Kentucky/ noon very well throughout the after- Andre Sims led Akron with 25 After beating Akron, the third noon and need to improve points and 6-of-9 from three Men's golf before tonight's game against point land. year head coach said he wanted arch-rival Toledo. "They (Akron) battled ... but 20 minutes to savor the taste of 3/3.3/4 "We didn't play very well... if we have to be a lot better on the hard fought win against At I of Mich Invite. Savanah. we play like this Monday, we defense." said BG guard Akron. Then it was back to the Georgia/ TBA will gel beat by 20," said BG for- Brandon Pardon, who chipped office to start sweating bullets ward Len Matela. who netted a in with 15 points (5-of-6 from again. the field. 3-of-4 from three Men's tennis team high 20 points and nine BG senior guard Trent Jackson point land) and five assists rebounds. said he would celebrate the 86- 3/3 BG jumped to an early 6-0 The Zips had troude 78 triumph over the Zips until he At Louisville/ TBA lead, with all the points coming defending Matela in the post got back to his room. Then it was due lo the injury of starting for- from Keith McLeod hitting a three pointer and three free time for Jackson to start thinking Gymnastics ward David Falknor. who about Toledo. guarded the Falcon during the throws after being fouled while Why are the two men savoring 3/4 Jan. 17 game Akron was forced taking a shot. At the 15:34 At Corvette Cup. U of to put 7-1 Matt Seibert, a fresh- mark. Pardon drilled a trey to the victory about as fast as you Missouri/ 2 p.m. man center, on Matela for increase the BG lead to 15-8 can savor the taste of a piece of most the game but was ineffi.'C- but the Zips ait the lead down penny gum? Maybe it's because tive and only hit for six points to three, 16-13, on a three from their biggest arch-rival in the his- and three rebounds. guard Nate Schindewolf, who tory of the school is heading "The difference in our teams was held to just nine points on south. is what Matela can do ... we the afternoon. The Falcons' intense rivalry Glass city The Falcons pushed their don't have that right now." said with Toledo will get a little more advantage to as much as 11 at Akron coach Dan Hipsher. "We intense tonight with an 8 p.m. threw a pretty good shooting one point but Akron remained can kiss strong and by the end of the showdown at Anderson Arena. night away (27-of-54 from the Both teams are fighting for posi - field, 12-of-24 from three first half, after a pair of Rashon Honing in the Mid-American my Falcon point, 12-of-12 from the free Brown free throws, BG s lead by Conference Tournament. More throw line) with 17 turnovers." mearly one point. 39-38. The Brown and Orange Thirteen seconds into the importantly, both teams are lovirfas# struggled throughout the game second half. Pardon drained a looking for the No. 3 seed to earn due to Akron's stingy zone three pointer but was a first-round bye in the confer- ERIN defense, something they don't answered by a Sims three ence tournament that starts next NORMAN sec very much. But BG coach pointer 17 seconds later. At the week. Guest Writer Dan Dakich credited assistant 19:00 minute mark. Akron tied The Falcons believe they will the game at 44 on a trey from coach Keith Noftz for coming have to play better then they did Emmanuel Smith and got their "Norman's Stormin" up with an 'adjustment' to first lead of the afternoon three against Akron to beat a solid break the press, which helped left Hindenadi BG News team like Toledo. BG center Len Traitor trash. minutes later on a jumper BG earn the victory. Matela said if the team had the Sorry excuse for a city. The Falcons also had trouble DUNK: BG center Len Matela dunks the ball to put the Falcons up same performance against Lame ass mascot. 9-6, PAGE 11 77-73 Saturday. Akron's Nate Schindewolf (23) looks on in awe. Toledo as they did against Ever heard of a Mud Hen? Deja Vu (enough said). Akron, they could get blown out. No S.A.T. score needed. When Dakich was asked about I hale Toledo. They think they Matela's quote, he said that his are some high and mighty center stole his exact quote from University 'hat is the top of the the locker room. Hockey splits "That's exactly what I told Mid-American Conference. Well, I have other views of them. Let's Lenny," Dakich said. "Except I compare our two schools and we dropped two F-bombs in the shall see who Is on top in the end. sentence." Coaches: •y^M It's a rivalry that doesn't lose This is easy. Coach D is a stud with Western it's intensity. In 143 meetings, the compared to Stan, who is the Rockets edge out BG with a slim most boring coach ever. Yeah, he By Derek McCord With Bishai controlling the SPOUTS REPORTER 73-70 overall lead. BG has not rushed Kent State's coach but he puck just inside the blue line, lost at home to UT since the would wet his pants If Dakich When it seemed that the Doug Schueller came up and 1997-98 season. would head his way. Our coach mj Bowling Green hockey team stole the puck from him and he shows enthusiasm towards out had the momentum they headed toward WMU goal- During the two teams last team and can get away with needed to get into the playoffs, tender Jeff Reynaert on a meeting in January, the Rockets wearing his clothes backwards. disappointment look the wind breakaway. edged out a 76-73 victory in the Mascots: out of their sails. With a WMU player speed- last seconds of the game. tfn The Falcons opened up the ing forward to catch up to him, Rocket's forward Greg Stempin Freddie has creamed every :: mascot that has stepped foot in next to last weekend of play for Schueller let the puck go and and guard Nick Moore com- Anderson. I don't want to men- ^i the Central Collegiate Hockey scored his second goal of the bined for 43 points on 12-of-25 tion the fact that the Rocket used Association with a brilliant season. shooting. Matela led the Falcons defensive performance. 'Bishai likes to play with the to look like a condom. Plus, the with 23 points. The Falcons shut-down the puck a lot and create space. I Rocket brought a posse to beat "We're looking for a good Conference's third best offen- just kind of poke checked the the crap out of Freddie at rematch." Jackson said. "It does- Jeff HindenacftBG News sive team, Western Michigan, puck away from him," Seagate, so I need my vengeance n't get any easier at this point. by notching a 4-2 victory Schueller recalled. "I got the on that rubber. SPLIT: BG forward Austin de Luis skates around the net as Hopefully, we'll have a good Cheerleaders: Western Michigan defender Mike Jarmuth and Falcon forward Friday. puck and tried to get my feet The Bronco offense stuck going to get away from some crowd. I feel we have the best Well I am a little bias on this Curtis Valentine close in BG split with western this weekend. fans in the MAC, if not the best one, but their cheerleaders aren't early when junior Mike Bishai guys. fans In the country." half as cute as ours - plus they skated Into the Falcon zone, "I thought some guys were right on my tail so I shot It as The Playoff picture: can't compete with our skillz .moved the puck from fore- •Bowling Green (9-6 in the because we took their coach! Defense stands up hand to backhand and slid it quick as I could." Junior defenseman Marc Fans: between BG goaltender Tyler MAC) trails Ohio (11-5) by 2.5 Masters' legs while falling Barlow squeezed the puck UT has a mixture of hillbillies ByDanMed Against No. 12 Western games for the final bye position. SPOtIS REP0RT£R down, scoring 2:34 into the between the post and and wannabe high rollers that Michigan. Bowling Green The Bobcats still have two tough game. Reynaert's arm after receiving have used the same line for five So how does it feel to hold played superb defense against games remaining between MAC The goal of the game for the the pass from Greg Day to years: BGSUcks. It's getting really the nation's top line to one the Broncos' top line of Steve leader Central Michigan and Falcons came frorrj the most score on the power play with old now. Our fans rock - they strength goal and just two Rymsha, Mike Bishai and Miami. If Ohio wins both games, unlikely man on the team. 1:59 left in the second period. throw litter on the court after power play goals over two David Cove. The three had they eliminate the Falcons from The Falcon power play struck horrible, and I mean horrible games and come away with a combined for 56 of the the bye. If the Bobcats split and again 6:44 into the third period calls, nice charge Clay! They are mere split? Broncos' 119 goals on the sea- FALCON HOCKEY BG wins out. the Falcons would Disheartening, to say the son. as Ryan Murphy found a loose hardcore b-ball fans who LAST WEEKEND: Won .1 -2 finish ahead of Ohio by consid- least. To counter the possible goal puck in front of the congested absolutely loathe the Rockets. Friday and tost 2-1 eration of the tiebreaker (BG But that's the situation for scoring deluge, Falcon coach Bronco net and slid it in. Bailers: beat Ohio 78-68 Feb 7). the Falcon hockey team after Buddy Powers matched the Saturday. The Broncos came back They have Greg Stempin ... with a power-play goal of their •The Falcons trail Ball State, they failed to pick up ground in top line with the line of Curtis CCHA PLAYOFF RACE: One oohhh ... we have Len Matela ... own at the 13:53 mark of the Marshall and Toledo by one need I say more. the dwindling race for the last Valentine, Tyler Knight and point behind Notre Dame for third when Steve Rymsha game. All three teams have two, They have inexperienced Central Coollegiate Hockey Dennis Williams and defense- last spot. Association playoff spot this man DougSchueller and Kevin found the puck after it games left to play. If any of the weekend. THIS WEEKEND: Host Ferris I STORMIN1, PAGE 11 T DISHEARTENING, PAGE 10 State Friday and Saturday, t WMU, PAGE 11 TOURNEY, PAGE Tl i 10 Monday. February 26. 2001 SPORTS BG NEWS

BG plays well in against one Women fall to Buffalo 76-< of CCHA's top By Ryan Fowler McClure's eight boards. after the game. During the Falcons' 12-2 run over very bad on the road." SPORIS REPORTER The first couple minutes of the "We got in that 18-6 hole, and the next 4:30. Farmer scored Even with the loss Coach teams seven of her 12 points, including It seems as if the seniors of the contest saw each team trade we just couldn't get out.'' Knoblauch had positive words a traditional three-point play to DISHEARTENING, FROM PAGE 9 University of Buffalo women's buckets. Then the Bulls showed Knoblauch said. "We battled after the game about her squad. their liorns and went on an 11-0 them even after that. We never start the run. With 3:32 left in the "1 was pleased with our com- basketball team like to leave a Bieksa. The five defensive run to increase the lead to 18-7 six held our heads, and we kept contest. BC was down six, but petitiveness: we really battled lasting impression on their faas. warriors contained Bishai's minutes in. competing, but we just couldn't they would get no closer. today." she said. "Senior Day'' was good to Man line, giving up only one goal ori get all the way back." McClure and Bell finished the McClure and Tiffany Bell. Buffalo (19-7,10-5 MAC) kept a nifty move by Bishai. game shooting free throws, con- McClure and Bell, two senior the pressure and hot shooting up, The Falcons, who were led by That's the matchup we verting on 11-14. For the game Bulls, combined for 52 of the leading by as many as 17 points Fran Miller's 14 points, made sev- WOMEN'S B-BALL wanted when Bishai's line was the Bulls shot 40 fire throws to teams 76 points en route to a 76- in the first half. The Falcons went eral nins in the second half to out there," said Powers. the Falcons 16. SCORE: Falcons fall 76-66 66 victory over the road-plagued on a late 8-2 run to close the gap make it interesting. Early in the "Because we were at home, we at Buffalo Falcons on Saturday. within nine, but McClure con- second half. BC (10-16 and 6 9 BG's 2-12 record on the road is had the last line change and The multi-faceted McClure verted a three-point play to put MAC) got within eight at 50-42. a -sore spot that Knoblauch RECORD: 10-16 overall, 6-9 we could do things like that." scored a game-high 31 points, her team up 11,41 -30, going into but another Buffalo doubled the knows has to be fixed. in tlie Mid-American Saturday, in an attempt to snagged eight rebounds and halftime. BG's coach Dee lead to 16 at 58-42. "We have been two different Conference 2-12 on road. create more scoring chances dished out seven assists. Bell Knoblauch was quoted on tlie After that run, senior Angie teams." Knoblauch said "We Western Michigan coach Jim FRAN MILLER: 14 points scored 21 points and equaled Falcons' website. Farmer started to catch fire. have been good at home, and Culhane switched up the lines and replaced Gove with fresh- man phenom Jeff Campbell. Campbell has 21 goals on the season himself, so Powers' Hunter's 33 helps Ohio win strategy didn't change. He sent the same five players out there and they shutdown the top y Miller Michigan 65-52: Robert Brown line just the same, save for a IP SPORIS WRITER "Hunter is hard to scored 22 points to lead Buffalo to power play goal by Rymsha. Kent State was playing at handle. He is one a 66-61 overtime victory over "Buddy told us Wednesday home, for a division title and a tough customer." Miami (Ohio); and Northern that we would have to play record third consecutive 20-win Illinois beat Eastern Michigan 62 against this line." Valentine season. 58 to guarantee the Eagles will said. "We accepted the chal- Standing in the Golden GARY WATERS, KENT STATE finish last in the West. lenge They're the top line in Flashes' way was Ohio Actually, COACH Akron (11-14, 8-8) lost to the league and we did a good make that Brandon Hunter. Bowling Green despite shooting to his star. job of shutting them down" Hunter had 33 points and 12 50 percent from the held and The only problem is that the The Golden Flashes, who rebounds and scored the first behind the 3 point line (12-of 24) Falcons missed a golden trailed by as many as 13 points, 1 nine points of the second half as and hitting all 12 of ils Ire. opportunity to solidify the last pulled to 66-63 on Trevor the Bobcats beat the Golden throws. CCHA playoff spot with Huffman's 3-pointer with 1:05 Flashes 69-63 Saturday. The Falcons (13-11. 9-6). how- Saturday's loss. Ironically, left. "Hunter is hard to handle," ever, hit 27-of-32 free throws while the Falcons were shut- But Kent State didn't score Kent State coach Gary Waters They scored seven of their last ting down the Broncos' often again. Anthony Jones made a foul said. "He is one tough customer. nine points at the line over the sive attack. Western Michigan shot with 36 seconds left and We had trouble with him because final 1:46. was doing the same against Hunter hit two with 24 seconds he was overpowering us." Matela started the spurt, hit the Falcons' top line of Greg remaining. Kent State (19-8, 12-4 Mid- ting two foul shots to expand the Day. Scott Hcwson and Ryan Steve Esterkamp added 20 American Conference), could lead to four. Keith McLeod. who Murphy. points for Ohio which shot 57 have locked up the MAC Fiast scored 19 points, and Cory Ryan, An unlikely 2-1 score was a percent from the field in the sec- Division championship with a who finished with 11. each added tribute to the defensive effort ond half. victory and reached 20 victories two free throws before McLeod on both sides. But still a source "It's just a basketball game." three years in a row for the first added a dunk with 20 seconds of frustration for tlie Falcons, Waters said. "I told our players time. left to make it 85-75. who played well enough to ge) that this is the last time we are Ohio (16-9. 11-5) trailed 35 34 Andre Sims, who came off the the sweep. going to talk about this game." at tlie break but took the lead for bench to make 6-of-9 3-pointers "Everyone made a commit In other games around the good when Hunter accounted for and score 25 points for Akron, hit merit to team defense," said MAC on Saturdiiy. Len Matela all the points in a 9-0 run at the a 3-pointer before Matela closed Louis Mass. This was a hard scored 20 points — and hit two outset of the second half. He hit a the scoring with another foul loss to swallow, we really need- fiee tlirows to touch off a 9-3 run layup. two jumpers and a 3- shot. ed these |x>ints." down the stretch — as Bowling pointer to put the Bobcats ahead "I'm happy as heck to win. bul That's Ixvn the story of the Green beat Akron 86-78; Patrick 43-35 by the 16:50 mark. we can't too excited," Bowling Falcon hockey learn all year, it Jackson scored 16 points as Ball Asuxialed Press Pholo "Brandon Hunter really assert- Green coach Dan Dakich said. seems that when the defense State overcame a 10-point half- ed himself." said Ohio coach 'We have an NBA-style schedule BLOCK: Marshall's Latece Williams blocks Kent State's Bryan shows up. the offense goes time deficit to beat Western Larry Hunter, who is not related the rest of the way." Bedford early in the month. Kent was heal by Ohio Saturday 69-63. home, and vice versa. Saturday, while BG was working 10 hold one of tlie nation's top offenses to a mere two goaLs, they only put up f Did you know... + one on the worst defense in Don't get left out in the CCHA. ♦Chickens can't swallow while they are upside-down??? ♦ That's dislieartening the cold! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

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Matela leads Rockets leers lose 2-1 SaL Services Offered BG scorers make me Classified Manes Alterations. Experienced WMU, FROM PAGE 9 seamstress will alter men's, wom- en's, and children's clothing for rea- with 24 points ralph all sonable prices Call 352-9727 for in- bounched off the boards the Bronco lead to one when 372-6977 fo, and appointments. behind the Falcon net. Rymsha Scott Hewson put a Greg Day 9-6. FROM PAGE 9 night long Publish Your Work For SI ,295 immediately shot the puck pass behind Reynaert 3:12 into The BG Ne«t »ill not kno*in|lx «tcepi ad.n men* Wi inn dncnraiiul*. or erxourag* diKnm Textbooks, Novels, and More from Brown. ST0RMIN'.FR0MPAGE9 with Masters out of position. the second period. iruiton ifiirui *ny tnati.tduil or froup on Ihr Call FirstPublish. Inc at 888-707- "When you score four goals The turning point of the basil el race. KI. cotor. cited, rthf KMI national 763** or visit The Zips went up by seven but on*in. KIUJI onrnuiion duabilnj. UMui » a guards... we have your pick of the Falcons rallied to tie the game and keep a team to two goals game came in the second peri MM, « on inr ba»n of any other kf. all. pro Pardon, McLeod, Jackson or letted tuiui on two lay-ups from Kevin Netter you win a lot of hockey games." od when the Falcons turned to Ryan. Who do they want a and a three pointer from Cory said BG coach Buddy Powers. their power play. Personals piece of? Ryan, who hit for 11 points. "We got good goaltending. The Falcons were given a 5- The rockets make me sick. I Akron again regained the lead, good team defense and bal- on-3 for 1:11 when Paul Davies Campus Events CAMPUS POLLYEYES went up by live, but BG again am ready to give it to them anced scoring." was sent to the box for rough- BG's Best Stuffed Breadsticks came from behind and retook and make them remember The offensive effort would ing after his teammate Austin Delivered 10am to 1am 352-9638. why they hate BG so much. not carry over to the next game Miller was already there for Love your Genes, not your Jeans! the lead with 8:28 to play on CAMPUS POLLYEYES Although the littering was February 12-March 2 another Ryan three pointer. though as the third highest high sticking. A* A* A* A* A* A* A* A* A* bad I thought it sent a mes- Bnng your old pans that don't fit & The teams continued to fight offense in the league in WMU The BG power play was able bring them to your residence halls or The Sisters ol Alpha Phi have a for the lead but the turning point sage to Kent that this will not and die second best power play to work the puck around the the Wellness Connection (170 House Steward position opening tor of the game, acrording to I Mich, happen again. We'll see you in in BG would only score three zone and generate quality Health Center) to be donated to the remainder of this semester. the tournament! area charities. FREE meals, lots of FUN!! Stop by came at the 3:12 mark. Pardon goals between them as the shots, but Reynaert was able to the A* house or call 372-5209. Football teams: was stuck to his man. Brown, like Broncos won the defensive make every save. The Great Jeans Giveaway A» A0 A0 A0 A» A0 A» A» A<> February 12-March2 glue and stripped the ball from UT 51 BG 17 ... Al Pacino effort 2-1. Charles Alden Barrell Scholarship "I think that you have to give Donate your old jeans that don't fit him when he attempted to take a said it best... "Forget about it." The Broncos stuck first again Reynaert a lot of credit because to area charities. Bring them to your FOR Juniors-lhose who will gradu- ate next Dec. May, or Aug; Major or shot. UT's players arc low ... they when Schueller was sent to the residence halls or the Wellness the kid made a lot of great minor must be in POLS or other re- Pardon took a couple of drib- yelled at the cheerleaders penalty box for an interference Connection {170 Health Center) lated areas: and you MUST be In bles, then found Trent Jackson, saves." Powerssaid. "That isthe before the game about how penalty. WMU senior Brett The Great Jeans Giveaway the College ol Arts « Sciences. Ap- who added 14 points, streaking bad they would kick our ass... Mills found a rebound in front role goaltending can play in a Friday, March 2 10am-2pm plications available in Department down the court and hit him in if your going to talk smack, of Masters after a Dave game. Reynaert was in a zone in Olscamp Main Floor OHice-122 Williams Hall: DUE by Bring your old jeans that don't fit to stride. Jackson took the ball to the don't do it to the cheerlead- Cousineau shot to score his and that makes a difference. yyjjdQeidaxfsb.-28.200i. RE- be donated to area chanties. QUIREMENTS: 3.3 GPA or better hole and was fouled by Sims and ers. fifth goal of the season 7:11 into Masters played a great game by the end of 1 st semester of Jr. was able to complete the three- Our team is on the rise with the game. also, so don't take anything year; a tangibly demonstrated inter- point play. a new sheriff in town laying The Broncos were given away from him." Lost/Found est in the area of public affairs; and The Brown and Orange con- down the law. I love it! another power play soon after scholarship and leadership ability. Reynaert, who is ranked 12th Selection will be based on the Initial trolled the momentum for the Well, it seems the Rockets the Mills goal when Roger in the conference in goaltend- screening of application materials rest of the game and with 20 sec- were wrong. BG is oti top, but Lenoard was sent off for a cross Lost dorm room key, somewhere in Mac East or around shuttle stop AND a personal interview. Call 372- onds to play, McLeod had a break theti again we never claimed check. During the power play. ing, was able to keep the Falcon 2921 for further information. away, one-handed slam to put Small reward offered. 372-3061. UT was known for its intelli- Jeff Campbell took a shot that power play to 0-for-9. while Heel & Sole Shoe Repair the Falcons up 85-75. gence. So tonight is the Battle Masters then deflected up into making 24 saves. Reynaert's 150 S Main BG plays Toledo tonight, (leads of 1-75. so UT will be bringing the air. counterpart. Masters, did not Travel 353-0199. to Marshall Wednesday and hosts INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE: CO- as many fans as they can fit in Not knowing where the puck have a bad game himself, mak- REC BROOMBALL-MAR. 5 Miami Saturday. their trailor. So you know was. Masters was not able to "This is a tough stretch ... its ing 23 saves. GO DIRECT! Internet-based compa- INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL OFFI- those two things dangling rover it before Steve Rymsha almost an NBA deal." Dakich The Falcons now sit with 17 ny ottering WHOLESALE Spring CIALS/SCOREKEEPERS NEEDED. from your hips? Use them, shot it into the net for a 2-0 Break packages! Call 1 -800-367- APPLY IN 130 PERRY FIELD said. points in the CCHA standings and get to Anderson Arena Western Michigan lead. 1252 or www.springbreakdirect com. HOUSE MUST COMPLETE TAKE- tonight! The Falcons were able to cut with one week left to play. »1 Spring Break Vacations' HOME TEST AND ATTEND CLINIC ON MARCH 6, 7-10PM Cancun. Jamaica. Bahamas S Florida. Earn cash & Go Free! .ORAIN COUNTY STUDENTS: Now hiring Campus Reps. PAID Summer Internships Jr. or Sr. 1-800-234-7007. Eduo, Soc. Wk, Rec. Mktg, PR, CS, MIS, IPC, Writing, Fin. History Men still in or others to work at Nonprofit Orgs. Spring Break: Panama City, Dayto- Apply @ Co-op. 310 Si. SVCS Bldg. Wickman won't na Beach, South Beach Florida. 372-2451 BfiadJiQfl Feb 28th! good shape Best parties, hotels, and condos' Lowest prices! for playoff REWARDING SUMMER 1-800-575-2026 PROGRAM change approach run in MAC (scholarship opportunities) ;ni USSOCIAItO PRtSS Enroll in Army ROTC Camp list In nine big league seasons. Services Offered Challenge for 5 weeks this summer. WINTER HAVEN, Fla. - Bob Those are good numbers for TOURNEY, FROM PAGE 9 Catch up on 2 years ot Army ROTC Wickman is proof that looks courses, and compete for someone often dismissed as Demolition Workout Packets now can lx' deceiving — and the lieavy and a junk ball pitcher. three wins their final two scholarships worth up to available! Specialized Exercise regi- $40,000. Cleveland Indians' closer Wickman is listed at 234 games, BG is automatically men to eliminate machines and free wouldn't want it any other way. pounds — on a 6-foot-1 frame eliminated from the bye. weights to enlarge muscles and trim Apply now at the Army ROTC waists. Perfect for a quick spring The somewhat pudgy 32- — but said he came to camp, •Ball State is the only Department on campus. break look! $10.00 only. Call Eric. year old looks more like your Call 372-2476 for details. "eight or nine pounds lighter school out of the three teams 372-1106 24-7 for questions next-door neighbor than the than a year ago." the Falcons don't play this typical mound-stomping, wild- His fastball usually tops out week. The Cardinals will trav- eyed, hard thrower found in in tlie low 90s. atypical for big- el to Akron Wednesday, then many bullpens. league closers. play Toledo in Muncie. Ball "Some people are always "None of that bothers me." State wins the tie-breaker going to look at me and say this Wickman said. "The thing I after beating the Falcons 62- or that." Wickman said Sunday have learned is to be honest 59 at home January 20th. after a spring training workout. with yourself. I am what I am." Marshall battles BG "I'm not here to change a thing What he is. according to I don't come to camp to learn a pitching coach Dick Pole, "is Wednesday, then travels to new pitch. I come here to refine the kind of guy who can get you Buffalo Saturday. what I know works, a sinker, a two outs with one pitch. Wick's •Miami is a half game WtHmmufhl-J.f*-*-. slider, a little change of speeds." got a lot of courage out there." behind the Falcons at 9-7 in FROSH: BG forward Josh Wickman has 92 saves over Wickman's sinker and slider the MAC. They have two the past three years. 356 Almanson slams home his only get him ground balls for double games left with Ohio and BG appearances over the past five plays. He gave up one homer in two points of the afternoon dur- this week. and hasn't been on the disabled 72 2/3 innings last year. ing the Falcons win over Akron.

135 IV. BY RIME RD. TOLEDO 531-0079

ilk Bentwood Subdivision (across from Mercer Manor)



ni> Personals Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted For Rent

Pregnant? Gel Tested. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 500 Summer Camp Positions-North- PLAY SPORTS! HAVE FUN! SAVE 3-4 BR house, country setting, city Confidential, professional service. PERSON Toledo Office east. 1-800-443-6428; MONEY! Top rated boys sports services, W/D. grad/prof., 354-4673 BGPC 'Knowledge required:' camp in Maine. Need counselors to $1000/mo.. Call 354-6036. Accounting knowledge' General Fraternities * Sororities coach all sports: tennis, basketball, Win SI 000 for your 3/2 bdrm house for rent. 1 block ledger entries, financial statement Club! * Student Groups baseball, rollerhockey. water-sports, group or organization! Computer knowledge: Microsoft Of- rock-climbing, biking, golf, creative from campus. 372-2096, daytime, Email: [email protected] Earn S1,000-S2.000 this semester 872-9874 after 6pm. fice 98, Word, Excel 2000 with the easy activities. Work outdoors, have a for contest details Duties: Vendor purchase order en- three hour fundraising event. No great summer. CALL FREE (888)- 4 bedroom house available, sub- try, customer invoicing (Unex cus- sales required. Fundraising dates 844-8080 or APPLY ONLINE: leasers needed May-August 2001. tomized software), collection calls, are filling quickly, so call today! Con- $1080/mo. plus utilities. 352-8380. I OverSnUlllinMuasMli 1 follow up vendor shipments, filing, Wanted tact at (888) The Secret is Out! Lose up to 30 704 5th 2 bdrm. furn. ■ Cow fmDcvery _ sales catalogs, telephone relief, 923-3238 or visit lbs. in 30 days! Natural & Guaran- 9/12 mo. lease - starts 9 $500. ] !*•». S~~^ S52 5166 | lunch & break. teed. 601 3rd 1 bdrm. turn. 2u3 N Mai' B G 1 subleaser for 2 bdrm. apt. in Replies to: Attn: Anita M. Butler, fax 419-531-1750 Purchaser Needed grad. students -12 mo. lease. University Courts, summer; May- Up to $12.00 an hour to start. 710 7th 2 bdrm. unfurn. Aug. Call 352-1554 for details. J Behavior Specialist-full-lime, direct 419-323-9784 mature students • 12 mo. lease. ■ Pizza' i; f care & supervision of seriously emo- Phone 352-3445 for more Info. 2 rmtes needed lor 01 schl yr 135 N. tionally disturbed children & adoles- Summer & Full Time Positions For Sale Main, loft above Brewsters. 200/mo cents in an after school day treat- Beautiful Lakefront Yachting Club Apt. for rent or sublease. 2 bdrm., incl. util Call Cole ® 372-1155 or ment program. Hours are from 1 pm Seeks friendly team players. close to campus, nice. $475/mo Greg « 352-7969 Spacious apt to 9 pm Mon.-Fri. Knowledge of be- Will train qualified candidates as: '97 Suzuki Maurader. 1900 mile, Call 352-5332. Intramural soccer officials needed. havioral principles & interventions mint condilion, 800cc, must sell. Female subleasers needed for sum- Full-time, Red Cross certilied, Apply in 130 Perry Field House or preferred. Experience w/ $4500.00 obo. Call Chad 352-1294 available weekends, experience mer of 2001. New house on Third check intramural web site. Must children/adolescents important. Sal- St. Call 372-4924. needed. HONDAS FROM $500! Police im- Management Inc. complete take-home rules test & at- ary range $18,500-525,000. Send pounds and tax repos! For listings 1- For Rent, 1 bdrm duplex. 2 blks tend mandatory clinics on Mar. 20 & resume & cover letter to SERVERS BUSSERS 800-719-3001 ex14558. from campus. Very private. Aug. SIGNING LEASES 21. or CRC. PO HOST/HOSTESS lease, 1 person. Call 352-9392. Box 738. Bowling Green. OH 43402. New DVD player $125.00. Technics NOW BARTENDERS Subleaser wanted for 1 bedroom, receiver, $70. Call 2-9539. House For Rent 3 to 4 subleasers apt. Hillsdale Apartments, wanted as DOCK ATTENDANTS 2001/2002 [email protected] Needed May to Aug. $250.00/mo. ♦ LIFEGUARDS soon as possible. Lease is up in Utili Call 352-5228. May For further information, please LINE COOKS/BANQUET PREP OAKLEY SUNGLASSES call 354-5528. SNACK BAR SUPERVISOR/ Prescription & non-prescription. Houses lor rent: All 12 month Manas-emem Inc. ATTENDANTS Ray-ban, Gargoyles. & Serengetti leases, tenants pay utilities, security Ilillsdali- ApK 1082 Fairview. ASST SAILCAMP DIRECTOR also avail. John T. Archer & Associ- deposit & parental guarantees. 1 Bdrim & 2 Bdrim. SAILCAMP COUNSELORS ates. 1222 Ridgewood BG 352-2502 734 Elm-Lg. 3 BR, 2 bath, Air condition/Dishwasher Incentive Programs/Flexible Hrs. $800/mo.. available August 18, 2001 Excellent Pay Stunning '86 K-car wagon for sale. 316 Ridge (Rear)-1 BR, $350 avail- Gurhagc Disposal Can double as extra closet space. washer/dryer hook-up in 2 Bdrm Wednesday thru Sunday able May 15,2001 Aon Aon Aon Aon Needs engine. Call Mary Beth @ Starts at S.IW-Call 353-5800 ATTENTION 200 Yacht Club Dr Phone 354-2854 Rocky River. OH 44116 372-1186 for info. Houses, 1, 2, & 3 bdrm apts. begin- I Congratulations (440) 333-1155 OR (440| 333-1310 SENIORS: ning May '01.9412 mo. leases /SfifcCA Ask for Kathy/Marc 352-7454. Management Inc. Alpha Omicron Summer Work for Students Kvergrren Apt. 215 E Poc self employment l'i Dean's List Men willing lo learn and work on For Rent John Newlove Real Estate, Inc. Studios & Large 1 Bdrms. wood floors, including gym floors. 319 E WooslerSt. unlimited income Starting when school is out for the Laundry on site 354-2260 lody Barr summer until the end of August. " 4 bdrm. house for rent. Great Starts at S250-Call .353-5800 extensive training Rentals available for summer & fall Work consists of operating equip- shape including washer & dryer. Stop by for our complete listing. laime Brerhel* ment, including floor buffers and Starts in May 2001 possibly Aug. Does any of this floor sanoing machines. Also meas- 2001 Call 353-0325 Kristy Bruni' uring, laying out and painting game Management Inc. " Apartments, rooms, & efficiencies Now Leasing '01/02 interest vou? lackip Clark lines and art work. And applying Hrinzsite Apis. 710 N. EnicrpfiM1 gym floor finishes. We will thorough- avail 1 or 2 bdrm apis. 300 block Georgetown Manor, 800 3rd St. 1 I Bdrms/Air Condilion Sara Gitilfoyle' ly tram you in all phases of the work. of E. Merry Rooms 309 1/2 E. Mer- bdrm & 616 2nd St. 1 bdrm.& eHic Join one of NW Ohio & SE ry S220 mo includ all util Efficiency Call 354-9740 lor more info. Dish washer/Garbage Disposal Job pays $8.00 per hour. You can 146 S College. $315 mo . w/d, in- Starts al $410 Call 353-5800 Michigan's top real estate ■Courtney Herman* expect between 40-50 hours per Rent new mini, conversion or 15 week. Hours can be flexible Must cluding all util. Plus More! Going pass vans. Low rates Age 25 & un- firms. Contact Joe DiSalle at len Mosel be punctual and reliable and willing Fast! Call 353-0325 der accepted. Call Go-Key Rentals. 419-866-5900 or e-mail al Jennifer Oiello' to accept responsibility. Please con- 2 bedroom apartment, $475 a month Perrysburg, 1-800-370-1297. tact Bob Koch-419-385-5814 or fax Management Inc. disallejd( including utilities 327 1/2 E. Merry, Subleaser needed, Downtown BG Christy llnney resume lo 419-385-6483 available May, 12 month lease. Call Willow House Apts. 830 Fourth St 1 bdrm apt.starting in March, 352-5475 $345 .deposit 345-4025 I hdrms /Air Condilion Will interview Beth Srhroeder WELCOME BACK TO Dish washer/Garbage Disposal students of any major. 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment Subleased needed Large 3 bdrm. Jennifer Walls' Starts at $400 - Call 353-5800 AHOTHER VEEK OF $460 00 • utili. * deposit Subleaser 2 bath house close to downtown & for now til Aug Call Chad 352-1294 Wendy Gaus campus. Large front porch & parking CLASSES/// avail 5/01 to 8/01. <«fl&CA 1 indsay larratf $185/person/month. 352-7305 Management Inc. Stop by out office at la*' aui tstutt co 1045 N. Main St. 'denotes 4.0 GI'A THE for complete listing or Win $100 Call 353-5800." the home team! TANNING for Spring Break! HIGHLAND I 12 Offices Serving Onto 4 Scuttiem McNgan I I Aon Aon Aon Aon «^- CENTER Enter with a package purthase MANAGEMENT I ^^^^^^.aflkifc, -3l.ot \ii SUMMER CAMP JOBS Camp Counselors needed for top girl's camp in The Highlands Maine. Top salary, travel paid in full, room/board/laundry and uniform pro vided. Skilled in Arts/Crafts (ceramics, jewelry, stained glass). Basketball, 220 Napoleon Rd Canoeing, Dance (Jazz, Pointe. Tap), Field Hockey, Coif, Gymnastics, One bedroom laundry facilities Horseback Riding/English Hunt Seat, Lacrosse, Photographer/Videographer, in bldg. a/c. quel Piano Accompanist, Office/Administration, Outdoor Adventure, From $39S/monlh Ropes/Challenge Course, Sailing. Soccer, Softball, Swimming. Tennis, Ahead of schedule Theatre. Volleyball. Water-skiing. Windsurfing. Additional opportunities for kitchen, cooks, maintenance, nurses. The Home»tead- Under the original plans, this was to same order as cable has been installed, Graduale Housing One and two bedroom A/C. with northwest buildings, those sur- be the time when infrastructure project on-srfe laundry, ceromic file. personnel would be gearing up for the rounding Kreischer Quadrangle and soundproof consfnjctlon, skylights first building transitions from the old to buildings in the central campus area dishwashers, vaulted ceilings the new data network. being the following three segments, in From 5510/month - 12 month lease that order. 14354 West Poo The conversion was to begin next CAMP VECA FOR GIRLS!! Visit our website at 3+ bedrooms, rural setting By September, the conversion will month and continue in segments to complete an application and receive a camp video or call I 800 W/D, ofy services (buildings grouped by geography) until catch up with the cable installation, 838-8342. SlOOO/month -12 month tease September. which is now virtually complete in about 35 buildings. Among those scheduled for Come see us! We will be on campus Wednesday, March 28th Call 354-6036 From 9-5 The end date for the process is completion of cabling next are Moore Olscamp Hall Room 104 from I0am-3pm. Drop-in interviews Take a virtual tour at: encouraged, no appointment necessary. unchanged, but as March approaches, Musical Arts Center, Mileti Alumni Center, L^ three network "core" locations—Hayes Saddlemire Student Services Building, Hall, the Technology Building and the Student Recreation Center and WBGU-TV—are already done.The Memorial Hall. corresponding number of computers that have been switched to the new network is just under 800, among roughly 6,000 in all campuswide. Saturday.march 31 The next three buildings to make the move have also been set. Williams Hall Anderson Arena will be the first site in the southwest corner of campus to cut over to the new network, followed by Shatzel Hall and McFall Center.The work will begin next month, with more specific dates to be announced when they are finalized. /75 student employee Brad Hellinger The remainder of the southwest (foreground) and Mike Good, a technology buildings will be next in line for the support specialist for ITS, switch a com- conversion, which will provide reliable puter at WBGU to the new network. Starring Tickets still on sale at and high-speed access to on-campus Jim Breuer llladhatter music (downtown resources. Look for weekly BGsupernet updates Bowling Green] and the Infor- in "The BG News.," More information With Special Guest mation desk at Olscamp Hall. After the southwest buildings are about the project is available on the Web done, the transition will continue in the at Tracy ITIorgan

Hosted by For more Information, BGSU Tommy Blaze call UNO at 372-2486.