© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION


© Jones & Bartlett Learning,Introduction LLC © and Jones & History Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Thomas J. Aicher and Amanda L. Paule-Koba

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Marcio Jose Bastos Silva/Shutterstock Jose Bastos © Marcio

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC CHAPTERNOT OBJECTIVES FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Upon completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to: 1. Outline the origins of facilities and events. © Jones2. Explain & Bartlett the evolution Learning, of facilities LLC in terms of design, financing, ©and Jones use. & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT3. FOR Define SALE the main OR components DISTRIBUTION of the sport facility and event managementNOT FOR and SALEmain OR DISTRIBUTION content areas discussed in detail throughout this text.

CHAPTER OVERVIEW © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC This chapter will outline the evolution of facilities and events from the Greek and NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Roman eras to modern day. It will outline the trends in facility construction, financ- ing, and design over the past few centuries to develop a strong understanding of the evolution to modern facilities. Finally, it will give a brief outline of the entire text to establish an understanding of how to properly navigate the text. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 1

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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2 Chapter 1 | Introduction and History

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC IndustryVOICE NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Alexandra (Alexx) Klein, Senior Studio Production Coordinator—Big Ten Network

s the studio production­ strategy, advertising, and the broadcasts themselves. A coordinator, it is my Social media is also becoming more and more inte- © Jones & Bartlettresponsibility Learning, to LLCbe the con- grated into the ©overall Jones fan experience. & Bartlett To capitalize Learning, on LLC NOT FOR SALE ORduit DISTRIBUTION between the network these trends, BTNNOT created FOR a position SALE called OR Multi-Video DISTRIBUTION and 1) the universities’ public Platform Editor (MVPE). There is one MVPE on each relations departments, 2) the school’s campus, which allows the network to lever- universities’ video services age access to create new ways to connect with fans departments, 3) the confer- through school-specific content. Fans want to feel like © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLCence, and 4) bowl games and © Jonesthey’re getting & Bartlett to know Learning,their favorite teams LLC and ath- NOT FOR SALEmajor OR tournaments. DISTRIBUTION To prepare for this role, I advanced NOTletes, FOR so this SALE position OR allows DISTRIBUTION us to accomplish that. An my education by obtaining a master’s degree in Sport increased presence on digital media platforms leads Administration. While completing this degree, I worked to better sponsorship opportunities, which ultimately as a Information Director dealing with facility helps offset monetary losses from cord cutting. operations and event managers on a day-to-day basis, When hiring someone for an entry-level position, through public relations (PR) and communications. © Jones & Bartlett Learning,I lookLLC for someone with skills that© will Jones contribute & Bartlett to Learning, LLC When I was hired at Big Ten Network (BTN) after grad- NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONthe company, along with the confidenceNOT FORto know SALE that OR DISTRIBUTION uation, I was able to combine my experiences with they can. We seek individuals who are eager to learn, PR and event management and used those skills as a are curious, and are team players. These characteris- foundation for success. tics make for a successful entry-level employee. There The biggest challenge that I believe is facing this are also skills commonly missing among new gradu- © segmentJones of& the Bartlett sport industry Learning, is “cord cutting.” LLC This is © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC ates. The two most significant missing skills that I’ve NOTwhen FOR an individual SALE chooses OR DISTRIBUTION to drop his or her cable NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION TV subscription in favor of streaming over the Inter- seen are an understanding of how organizations work net. The biggest reason that people seem to be mak- and how to navigate complexity, as well as a struggle ing this switch is rising cable bills. Over the past few to deal with ambiguity. To be better prepared for the years, streaming video services have skyrocketed in workforce, I recommend that students get field expe- rience outside of the classroom. The combination of © Jones & Bartlettpopularity; Learning, however, thereLLC is one major flaw with the © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC a good education plus outside experience will set a NOT FOR SALEmodel: OR NoDISTRIBUTION live programming, which is great news for NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION the staff of BTN because live events are such a major candidate apart from a student who only focused on part of the day-to-day operation. The goal is maintain- one of those things. For example, my current position ing the current cable TV model, while appeasing the is unique in that it involves multiple departments. cord cutters and getting the fans to become content Because of this, it requires an employee to come into through over-the-top© Jones (OTT) platforms. & Bartlett Learning,the LLC company with previous experience© Jones in multiple & Bartlett Learning, LLC In the future, INOT believe FOR that there SALE will be OR an increase DISTRIBUTION fields. Students should participateNOT in, and FOR volunteer SALE OR DISTRIBUTION on the emphasis of digital media. Specifically, real- for, a variety of opportunities throughout their under- time interactions with fans through digital platforms. graduate careers in order to be best prepared for the The success of these interactions affect distribution workforce.

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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Introduction 3

Introduction© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Throughout history, sport, sport events, and sport facilities have been a major cultural com- ponent of our societies. Dating as far back as © Jones30,000 &years, Bartlett there is Learning, evidence to LLCsuggest the © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTenjoyment FOR SALE of sport OR and DISTRIBUTION sport for leisure, as NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION supported by the prehistoric cave art found in France, Africa, and Australia ­(Masterman, 2009). The common sports displayed in these © Jones & Bartlettrenderings Learning, are wrestling, LLC running, swimming,© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE andOR archery. DISTRIBUTION While these renderings do not NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION truly depict sport in a manner in which it is consumed and participated in today, cave paint- ings in Mongolia dating back to 7000 BC display wrestling matches with crowds of spectators.

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett© muha04/iStock/Thinkstock Learning, LLC Combined, these portrayals demonstrate the NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION continued importance of sport participation and consumption within our societies. This rich history of sport events was largely associated with ceremo- nies created to honor either religious gods or leaders of the civilization. For © Jonesexample, & drawingsBartlett foundLearning, on pharaonic LLC monuments depicted© individuals Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTparticipating FOR SALE in variousOR DISTRIBUTION sporting activities (e.g., swimming, NOTboxing, FOR wres -SALE OR DISTRIBUTION tling, running, ), believed to be designed and governed by ancient kings, princes, and statesmen. In addition, some argue that these events were the first in which basic rules, officials, and uniforms were used during © Jones & Bartlettthe Learning,sport events. LLCWhile some argue that England© Jones is the &birthplace Bartlett of Learning, foot- LLC NOT FOR SALE ballOR (commonly DISTRIBUTION known as soccer in the UnitedNOT States), FOR the SALE ancient OR game DISTRIBUTION of was played from 206 BC to 220 AD in China, Korea, Japan, and ­Vietnam. This game was very similar to : Players were not allowed to use their hands, points were scored when the ball was passed into a net, and two teams would© Jones compete & Bartlett against one Learning, another. The LLC games were designed as © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC a method ofNOT military FOR training SALE in whichOR DISTRIBUTION the two teams would strive to controlNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION the ball to demonstrate their dominance over their opponent. In the United States, is considered the country’s oldest sporting activity on record. According to records, the game was designed and participated in by Native © JonesAmerican & Bartlett men located Learning, in the western LLC Great Lakes region. Rules© Jones during & that Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTtime FOR are SALEvery similar OR DISTRIBUTIONto the rules of the current version of theNOT sport. FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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4 Chapter 1 | Introduction and History

© JonesThe & Bartlettmodern Learning, LLC are also rooted in a rich ©tradition. Jones &Origi Bartlett- Learning, LLC NOTnating FOR sometimeSALE OR in DISTRIBUTIONthe tenth or ninth century BC, the eventsNOT that FOR would SALE OR DISTRIBUTION become the Olympic Games were a component of a much larger religious ceremony to honor Zeus, the god of the sky and ruler of the Olympic gods. These ceremonies were held every 4 years, similar to today’s Olympics, © Jones & Bartlettand Learning, included the LLC discus and javelin throws,© a Jones foot race, & andBartlett the long Learning, jump. LLC NOT FOR SALE ORAlong DISTRIBUTION with the Olympic Games, these eventsNOT included FOR SALEthe Hera OR Games, DISTRIBUTION Pythian Games, Isthmian Games, and Nemea Games (Toohey & Veal, 2000), and they are largely considered the first instance of ­mega-events in which multiple regions participated in and spectated the event. In © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC393 AD, these events were ©discontinued Jones & Bartlettby Theodosius Learning, I, a ­Chris LLCtian NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONRoman Emperor, because ofNOT their FOR affiliation SALE withOR DISTRIBUTIONthe Greek god. They were ­revitalized in 1896 AD. The that hosted the ancient events were located in the ­Peloponnese region of southern Greece and were combined with religious © Jones & Bartlettfacilities. Learning, It is widely LLC believed that the first ©Olympic Jones Games & Bartlett Learning, LLC TIP NOT FOR SALEwere OR held DISTRIBUTION in 776 BC; however, recent archeologicalNOT FOR evidence SALE OR DISTRIBUTION he History Channel provides suggests that the original Olympic and hippodrome Tseveral videos discussing the were constructed after 700 BC. The stadium held an estimated construction of the ancient and 40,000 people, and the design was not very different from the © modernJones Olympic & Bartlett Games. VisitLearning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC https://www.history.com/topics U-shaped style commonly used today. The hippodrome, which NOT/olympic-games FOR SALE to learn OR more DISTRIBUTION originally hosted chariot andNOT horse FOR racing SALE events, OR could DISTRIBUTION host about the Olympic movement. hundreds, or even thousands, of spectators, depending on the event. The Roman Empire continued to follow a similar design and style of the facilities constructed during the Greek Empire. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLCThe Roman Colosseum,© Jonesoriginally & namedBartlett the Learning,Flavian Amphitheater LLC after NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONthe Flavian Dynasty, was constructedNOT FOR in SALE80 AD underOR DISTRIBUTION the order of Emperor Vespasian as a gift to the people of Rome. For those who have seen the movie Gladiator, the truth behind the story is that Titus, the son of Vespasian, did, in fact, host 100 days of games, including the gladiatorial contests; however, © Jonesit was &to Bartlettcelebrate theLearning, opening of LLC the Colosseum. Other events© Jones that took & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTplace FOR during SALE this OR time DISTRIBUTION included venationes, or wild beast hunts,NOT which FOR placed SALE OR DISTRIBUTION humans and animals in the Colosseum in a fight to the death, and nauma- chiae, also called sea battles, in which the was flooded and two fleets of ships fought in a portrayal of previous naval battles. The Romans dur- © Jones & Bartletting Learning, this time provided LLC us with some of the ©same Jones tools we& Bartlettuse today Learning,to build LLC NOT FOR SALE OR­stadium DISTRIBUTIONs. For example, they used one of theNOT first FORknown SALE cranes, OR consisting DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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Evolution of Facilities 5

of rope, wooden© Jones wheels, & and Bartlett a long Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC wooden armNOT that wouldFOR liftSALE items OR to DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION the higher ­levels. The Colosseum was one of the first structures made from a concrete-type material, and the arched © Jonesdesign &is stillBartlett modeled Learning, in many mod LLC- © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTern FOR stadiums. SALE Archeological OR DISTRIBUTION evidence NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION also shows that the Romans used tick- ets, numbered gates, and reserved seating during their events. Finally, one of the © Jones & Bartlettmost Learning, ­impressive LLCfeatures of the Roman © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ­ColossOR DISTRIBUTIONeum was that the design allowed NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION for 50,000-plus ­people to exit the stadium

in less than 5 ­minutes—something most © Aspen Photo/Shutterstock modern facilities are unable to achieve. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Evolution of Facilities The revival of the Olympic Games in 1896, the addition of collegiate sports in the United States, and the early growth of professional fueled © Jonesthe development & Bartlett of Learning,sport facilities LLC in the modern era. From© an Jones interna &- Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTtional FOR perspective, SALE OR the DISTRIBUTION revival of the Olympic movement facilitatedNOT FOR the conSALE- OR DISTRIBUTION struction of facilities in Greece, London, and Los Angeles, as these cities hosted the first three editions of the modern Olympic Games. The Panathe- naic Stadium was constructed from the remains of an ancient Greek sta- © Jones & Bartlettdium Learning, and is the onlyLLC stadium in the world constructed© Jones & of Bartlett white marble. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE Recently,OR DISTRIBUTION the ­Panathenaic Stadium was renovatedNOT FORto host SALE various OR events DISTRIBUTION associated with the ­Olympic Games in 2004, and it is still in use for national and regional events. The White City Stadium in London was constructed to host the 1900 ­Olympic Games and went through several renovations until it was demolished© Jones & in Bartlett 1985. During Learning, its time, LLC it housed varying sport- © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC ing events butNOT was FOR most SALErecently OR known DISTRIBUTION for greyhound and auto racing. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum is the only stadium to host two Olympic Games (1932 and 1984). It has also hosted two Super (I and VII) and a Major League Baseball World Series (1959, © Joneswhen the& Bartlett Dodgers hostedLearning, three LLChome games). In addition, ©the Jones Coliseum & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTholds FOR ­atten SALEdance OR records DISTRIBUTION in international soccer (92,650 spectatorsNOT FOR during SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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6 Chapter 1 | Introduction and History

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC TIP a Chivas vs. Barcelona match in 2006), baseball (115,300 spec- NOT FOR SALEtators OR DISTRIBUTION­during a Dodgers vs. Red Sox exhibitionNOT game FOR in 2008), SALE OR DISTRIBUTION ou can view photos of the and ­special events (134,254 spectators during a Billy Graham Ytransformation of these two facilities. For a timeline and pho- event in 1963). In 1984, the Coliseum became a registered tos of Fenway Park, visit mlb.mlb landmark, and recently, the University of Southern California © .com/bos/fenwaypark100Jones & Bartlett Learning, signed LLC a lease agreement through© Jones 2054, &which Bartlett should Learning, guaran- LLC NOT/timeline.jsp. FOR SALE For Wrigley OR Field, DISTRIBUTION tee its maintenance and upkeep.NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION visit www.chicagotribune.com Within intercollegiate athletics, Franklin Field in /videogallery/76640826/. ­Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is recognized by the National ­Collegiate Athletic Association as the oldest university © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC ­stadium used© to Jones host an &intercollegiate Bartlett Learning, event. Originally LLC con- NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONstructed in 1895 for $100,000,NOT the FOR facility SALE hosted OR the DISTRIBUTION first Penn Relays (the oldest and largest track and field competition in the United States) and

VIGNETTE 1-1 Practice Facilities© AreJones the New & Bartlett Arms Race Learning, in Intercollegiate LLC Athletics © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION he facility arms race is not a new phenomenon in inter- T collegiate athletics; however, the stadium and arena build has slowed to give way to other ­capital spending. For example, the University of Illinois recently announced © plansJones to spend & Bartlett more than Learning,$200 million for LLC a newly con- © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTstructed FOR football SALE performance OR DISTRIBUTION center; upgrades to the NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION ­practice facility, soccer facility, and track facili- ties; and an indoor practice space for baseball and soft- ball. This is in addition to a multisport facility being constructed to host , , wrestling, and © Jones & Bartlett­gymnastics. Learning, Not to be LLCoutdone, the University of Notre© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALEDame OR announced DISTRIBUTION that it is constructing a 114,000 squareNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION foot, indoor practice facility, price tag unknown, to house the football, men’s soccer, and women’s soccer teams. Even lower level conferences at schools such as University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) are joining in the race. UNLV recently announced© Jonesthat it will & spend Bartlett $22.5 m illionLearning, on a LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC football training complexNOT FOR complete SALE with a OR9,000-square- DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION foot, weight-lifting area, a full kitchen, study areas, coaches’ offices, locker rooms, and a barbershop. Columbia Uni- versity of the Ivy League is also adding a bubble to the soccer facility on campus to create an indoor facility for © trainingJones and & practice Bartlett during Learning, the winter months. LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, Silva/Shutterstock Jose Bastos © Marcio LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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Trends in Sport Facilities 7

the ­University© Jonesof Pennsylvania & Bartlett (Penn) Learning, , LLC with a capacity of © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC approximatelyNOT 30,000 seats. FOR SALE Since OR then, DISTRIBUTION the facility has gone through sev- NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION eral ­renovations and has been home to other Penn intercollegiate teams and even the ­. Curren­ tly, Franklin Field is the home of Penn’s ­football and lacrosse teams, with a capacity of more than 50,000 seats. Even © Jonesin the early& Bartlett years of Learning, ­intercollegiate LLC athletics, universities participated© Jones in & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTwhat FOR is known SALE as OR the DISTRIBUTIONarms race, in which they compete with NOTone another FOR SALEto armsOR race DISTRIBUTION As it relates have the biggest or best facilities and amenities associated with their athletic to the sport event industry, the compe- programs. Review the vignette for more information about the arms races tition among sport as well as early and modern examples. organizations to have © Jones & Bartlett Learning,The oldest LLCMajor League Baseball (MLB)© facility Jones still & in Bartlett use in the Learning,United theLLC best facilities, NOT FOR SALE StatesOR DISTRIBUTION is Fenway Park (1912), home of the BostonNOT Red FOR Sox, SALEfollowed OR closely DISTRIBUTION by resources, revenue- generating ameni- Wrigley Field (1914), home of the . These two facilities are staples ties, and other event in the sport facility landscape but have gone through several renovations since features to ensure their inception. Both facilities followed what is known as the jewel box design, an advantage in the marketplace. which is characterized© Jones by & theBartlett two-tier Learning, grandstand; LLCsteel, wood, or concrete sup-© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC port beams leftNOT exposed FOR SALEand incorporated OR DISTRIBUTION into the design; seats that are tradi- NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION tionally green; and an unconventionally shaped outfield, as most stadiums in this era were built to fit within one square city block. During this early era of baseball, several facilities were constructed across the country to host teams. © JonesIn fact, &between Bartlett 1880 Learning, and 1920, the LLC MLB lists more than 60 stadiums© Jones that & were Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTbuilt. FOR The SALE growth OR in theDISTRIBUTION number of teams and stadiums becameNOT a part FOR of the SALE OR DISTRIBUTION American landscape during this era and was part of the great migration toward the city centers and away from the farmlands during that time.

© Jones & BartlettTrends Learning, in Sport LLC Facilities © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION From this early part of the modern era until the early 1990s, stadiums were constructed and continuously maintained and renovated to remain com- petitive on the sport facility landscape. However, with changes in the way stadiums were funded, an increase in demand for suites and luxury seat- ing and a rise© inJones sport-specific & Bartlett stadiums, Learning, an estimated LLC 84 percent of pro- © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC fessional sportNOT facilities FOR underwentSALE OR either DISTRIBUTION major renovations or brand new NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION construction since 1980 (Fried, 2010). The recent construction of Levi’s Sta- dium in Santa Clara, California, the home of the San Francisco 49ers, may be the best example of the various reasons for the changes in sport facili- © Jonesties and & will Bartlett be used Learning, as an example LLC throughout the following© discussionJones & toBartlett Learning, LLC NOThighlight FOR SALE these changes.OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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8 Chapter 1 | Introduction and History

© JonesBrown, & Bartlett Rascher, Learning, Nagel, and LLC McEvoy (2017) outlined the© fiveJones phases & Bartlettof Learning, LLC NOTfacility FOR SALEfinancing OR and DISTRIBUTION the evolution of funding over time. NOTPhase FORone was SALE the OR DISTRIBUTION original construction era (1880s–1910s) and all stadiums were 100 percent­ financed by the ownership of the sport team. Wrigley Field is the only remaining structure from this era. The transition occurred when the previ- © Jones & Bartlettously Learning, mentioned LLC LA Coliseum was constructed© Jones in 1923. & BartlettThis marked Learning, the LLC NOT FOR SALE ORtransition DISTRIBUTION in which stadiums were financedNOT with FORless than SALE 1/3 ofOR the DISTRIBUTION funds coming from public financing with the balance left to the ownership group. In the 1960s, the shift to more public financing occurred with more than 80 percent of the funding for the majority of the stadiums coming from © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC­public funds, which is representative© Jones of& theBartlett second Learning, phase of stadium LLC financ- NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONing (Brown et al., 2017). TheNOT beginning FOR SALE of the OR1980s DISTRIBUTION marked a quiet period for stadium construction until Miami built Joe Robbie Stadium in 1987. This development marked a bomb in sport facility development with more than 90 new facilities being constructed through the 1990s. The 2000s continued © Jonesthis trend & Bartlett of major Learning, renovations LLCand new constructions and© the Jones majority & usedBartlett Learning, LLC NOTsome FOR public SALE monies. OR DISTRIBUTION Brown et al. (2017) reported of the $21NOT billion FOR spent SALE on OR DISTRIBUTION facility projects, public monies were responsible for $12 billion of the costs. Currently, citizens are beginning to call into ­question the use of public funds referendum A direct for these facilities and are voting down referendums to increase taxes to fund vote in which an their construction. For example, the city of Arlington, Texas, agreed to use ©entire Jones electorate & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT(i.e., voting FOR public) SALE is ORa half-cent DISTRIBUTION sales tax, 2 percent hotel occupancyNOT tax, FOR 5 percent SALE rental OR DISTRIBUTIONvehi- asked to accept or cle tax, and $2 million in rent per year to fund $500 million of the proposed reject a proposal put $1.1 billion needed for the stadium. Alternatively, the city of forward by the com- selected to not fund a new stadium for the San Diego Chargers, leading to munity leadership. the subsequent departure of the Chargers to Los Angeles. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Sport facilities are moving further away from the “seat ’em and feed ’em” NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION mentality. Stadiums and alike are being filled with seating zones, play areas, and vendors to enhance the fans’ entertainment. Seating zones include the move of the seats to indoor club areas, which are complete with a bar, restaurant, and numerous televisions to keep up with © Jonesthe action. & Bartlett Another Learning, type of seating LLC zone is the standing-room-only© Jones seats & Bartlett in Learning, LLC NOTwhich FOR individualsSALE OR have DISTRIBUTION access to high-top tables and a full-serviceNOT FOR conces SALE- OR DISTRIBUTION sion stand to use as their private space. Another alternative to traditional seating are social zones. For example, the Oriole Park at Camden Yards in Baltimore features a rooftop deck and bar. This section is behind the cen- © Jones & Bartlettterfield Learning, wall and LLC features a great view and© open Jones seating & Bartlettto allow peopleLearning, to LLC NOT FOR SALE OR­mingle DISTRIBUTION with their “new friends.” This newNOT social FOR space SALE is also ORoccurring DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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Trends in Sport Facilities 9

more and more© Jones in soccer. & Bartlett Football ClubLearning, Cincinnati LLC currently plays in © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC ­Nippert StadiumNOT onFOR the SALEcampus ORof the DISTRIBUTION University of Cincinnati. During a NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION recent renovation of the facility, two bump-outs were created behind the end line. This space now features an open-seating area complete with food and beverage service for individuals to host larger groups of people. The © Jonessideline & experience Bartlett Learning,can be found LLC courtside as well. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORAs the SALE demographics OR DISTRIBUTION and needs of sports fans continue NOTto evolve, FOR sta SALE- OR DISTRIBUTION dium managers and professional sport organizations are beginning to respond to the need for connectivity. The younger generation of sport fans consider Internet connectivity equally important to basic needs of life (i.e., © Jones & Bartlettwater, Learning, food, and LLCshelter) and removing the ability© Jones to share & Bartlett their experi Learning,- LLC NOT FOR SALE enceOR DISTRIBUTIONvia their social media platform of choiceNOT limits FOR their SALE desire OR to attend DISTRIBUTION sport events. Additionally, the increase in size and quality of televisions has forced sport stadiums to consider the quality of the in-stadium experience, especially when the costs are tremendously high. This has led many sport venues to increase© Jones their & connectivity Bartlett Learning, via wifi or LLCcell service to allow sport © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC fans the abilityNOT to remainFOR SALE connected OR whileDISTRIBUTION in stadium. In doing so, they are NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION also developing ways to enhance revenues in the stadium, as well as collect more data on sport fans via in-stadium purchases. For instance, when you arrive at a game that is not sold out, the ticket app you used to purchase the © Jonesticket may& Bartlett alert you Learning, to a $25 seat LLC upgrade to the lower level© sections. Jones Or & youBartlett Learning, LLC NOTmay FOR order SALE your favoriteOR DISTRIBUTION drink and hotdog to have it deliveredNOT to yourFOR seat SALE OR DISTRIBUTION so that you do not miss a minute of the action. And rather than standing in a long line at the restroom, you could check the stadium app to see which

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORVIGNETTE DISTRIBUTION 1-2 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Changes to Parking and Transportation Services

arking has been a point of contention for many fans the challenge of cars attempting to enter the stadium P over the years. The high costs associated with parking area while everyone else is trying to exit. For example, and the traffic© Jonesinto and &out Bartlettof the stadium Learning, has led many LLCMetLife Stadium introduced a partnership© Jones with & BartlettUber to Learning, LLC facility managersNOT to FORsearch forSALE new ways OR to DISTRIBUTIONimprove this create the “Uber Zone” in one NOTof its parking FOR lots. SALE Com- OR DISTRIBUTION experience. The challenge has moved beyond having plete with instructions on their website, MetLife officials the correct number of spaces within a close distance outline the steps and directions to meeting the Uber and helping individuals to get in and out of the area driver. The relationship has also led to a sponsorship for quickly, however. With services such as Uber and Lyft the facility and Uber recoups some of that expense by © Jonesgaining & popularity,Bartlett facility Learning, managers LLCare now faced with charging individuals© Jones an extra& Bartlett $5 fee for Learning,the ride. LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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10 Chapter 1 | Introduction and History

© Jonesbathroom & Bartlett closest toLearning, you has the LLC shortest lines. The best change© Jones is when & Bartlettyour Learning, LLC NOTfavorite FOR SALE player scoresOR DISTRIBUTION a goal and you will be able to view theNOT replay FOR on theSALE OR DISTRIBUTION team app and share the video with your friends on social media. The chal- lenge of all of this is creating and maintaining the infrastructure needed to ensure that the fans have the fastest and best access to the Internet. Most © Jones & Bartlettstadiums Learning, have turnedLLC to their communication© Jones partners & (e.g.,Bartlett AT&T) Learning, to LLC NOT FOR SALE ORhelp DISTRIBUTION them develop the infrastructure neededNOT to maintainFOR SALE the level OR of DISTRIBUTION speed needed to keep the fans entertained and engaged.

Trends in Local Sport Facilities and Events © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONThe arms race is not only a NOTcollege FOR sport SALEissue. MunicipalitiesOR DISTRIBUTION are continuing to invest millions of dollars in developing their parks and recreation spaces to increase their capacity to host sport events. The youth sport market is the driver of this growth as countless national and international events promise large © Jones­econo &mic Bartlett impact within Learning, the host LLC community. This has led to© the Jones development & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTand FOR construction SALE OR of megaDISTRIBUTION sport complexes complete with entertainmentNOT FOR and SALE OR DISTRIBUTION accommodations within the location. For example, Spooky Nook is opening­ its second location in Hamilton, Ohio, a city located just north of Cincinnati. This facility will feature indoor soccer fields, basketball courts, a workout facil- ity, outdoor fields, and a hotel with restaurants. Other facilities are outlined © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC throughout the textbook which highlights the growth in this sector. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION The role of emerging sports such as eSports, drone racing, ­Quidditch, and others has led local organizations to turn to developing their own events and tournaments rather than focusing on winning the bid for national or international events. In doing so, this creates new collaborations © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLCin the sport marketplace. For© Jones example, & universities Bartlett Learning, are now housing LLC sport NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONcommissions that are usedNOT to develop FOR events SALE to OR host DISTRIBUTION in the varsity and intra- mural facilities during the periods in which there is limited use. Destin­ ation marketing organizations (e.g., Visitors’ Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, Sport Commission) are partnering with local sport clubs and groups to © Jonesassist &them Bartlett with the Learning, development LLC of new events and tournaments© Jones to drive& Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTtourism FOR SALE to the localOR DISTRIBUTIONcommunity. The destination marketingNOT organizations FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION are also becoming more savvy and including performance clauses and incentive programs to ensure that the event owners deliver on the promises made during the bid selection process. © Jones & Bartlett Learning,Another major LLC factor facing local sport© eventsJones and & facilitiesBartlett are Learning, issues LLC NOT FOR SALE ORwith DISTRIBUTION volunteers and what volunteering meansNOT to FOR the events. SALE A ORcurrent DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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Trends in Local Sport Facilities and Events 11

­lawsuit, Liebeman© Jones v. Competitor & Bartlett Group, Learning, Inc. (management LLC company of the© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC rock and rollNOT marathon FOR series)SALE challenges OR DISTRIBUTION the use of volunteers for charity- NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION related events as the competitor group obscured its for-profit status. This lawsuit may alter the definition of who should be considered an employee and who should be considered a volunteer. © JonesWhile & Bartlett spending Learning, tax money onLLC professional stadiums is ©lessening, Jones there& Bartlett Learning, LLC NOThas FOR been SALE an increase OR DISTRIBUTIONof tax monies used to construct and renovateNOT FOR local SALE OR DISTRIBUTION facilities. For example, the Paco Tourism Development Council was able to pass a 2 percent increase (up to 4 percent) in hotel taxes to pay to market the county as a tourism destination and construct a new sportsplex. © Jones & Bartlett Learning,Recreation Management LLC recently reported© Jonesthat more & thanBartlett half of Learning, the LLC NOT FOR SALE communityOR DISTRIBUTION centers in their survey expectedNOT to engage FOR in SALE new construc OR DISTRIBUTION- tion projects within the next 3 years. The top planned features for all facil- ity types include: Splash pads, synthetic turf fields, fitness trails and outdoor fitness equipment, fitness centers, walking and hiking trails, playgrounds, park shelters,© dogJones parks, & exerciseBartlett studios, Learning, and disc LLC golf courses. In addition© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC to the changesNOT in theirFOR facilities, SALE ORcenters DISTRIBUTION also plan to add new programmingNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION such as nutrition and diet counseling, mind–body programs, sport clubs (e.g., running, swimming, cycling), and sport tournaments and races.

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORVIGNETTE SALE 1-3 OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION If You Lower Prices, They Will Come and Spend Money

n 2017, the Atlanta Falcons opened their new The gamble to lower prices paid off since fans spent I ­stadium, Mercedes-Benz Stadium. Along with 16 percent more at concessions than they did the © Jones & Bartlett­state-of-the Learning,-art LLCfacilities, the Falcons made© the Jones ­previous & Bartlett ­season. Each Learning, home game also LLC saw an increase NOT FOR SALE ORnews DISTRIBUTION when they announced their concessionNOT FORof 6,000 additional SALE OR fans DISTRIBUTION coming into the stadium two prices. A soda, which includes free, unlimited refills, hours before kickoff. However, the biggest change may cost $2. ­Additionally, bottled water, popcorn, and a be how the fans viewed the team. After the 2016 sea- soft ­pretzel also cost $2. A slice of pizza, peanuts, son, the ­Falcons were ranked 18th for food and beverage nachos with cheese, and French fries were $3; $5 for a satisfaction. Once they launched their new concession cheeseburger;© Jonesand a chicken & Bartlett tenders basket Learning, was $6. In LLCplan, the fans ranked the Falcons© 1stJones in food &and Bartlett bever- Learning, LLC order to expediteNOT the FOR concession SALE process, OR DISTRIBUTION the Falcons age customer satisfaction in theNOT league. FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION installed 65 percent more point-of-sale ­checkout reg- The Atlanta Falcons proved that departing from the isters than the ­previous facility. There were also self- standard way of doing concession operations was not serve soda machines installed around the ­stadium only profitable but created a better atmosphere for fans so patrons would not have to stand in a long line for and improved customer satisfaction. And, at the end of © Jonestheir free& Bartlett refill. Learning, LLC the day, a happy© Jones customer & isBartlett a return customer. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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12 Chapter 1 | Introduction and History

© JonesScale & of Bartlett the Sport Learning, Event IndustryLLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION The sport event industry may be one of the most challenging industries to define because of the volume and variety of sport-event opportunities that could be included in industry estimates. For example, the sport-event indus- © Jones & Bartletttry Learning, could include LLC something as small as a 50-person© Jones 5K & (5-kilometer) Bartlett Learning, fun LLC NOT FOR SALE ORrun DISTRIBUTIONto raise money for a local charity or somethingNOT FOR as large SALE as the OR FIFA DISTRIBUTION World Cup, an event that draws more than 3 million spectators, with another 250 million watching via various international broadcasts. This example ­highlights two different kinds of events that will be commonly discussed © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLCthroughout this text: Participant-led© Jones and & Bartlettspectator-led. Learning, In the first LLC example, NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONthe 5K race is considered a NOTparticipant-led FOR SALE event OR because DISTRIBUTION the majority of the revenue is generated from those who are participating in the event. In con- trast, spectator-led events either derive the revenue directly (e.g., tickets) or indirectly (e.g., sponsorship) from those who are watching the event. In 2018, the Plunkett Report, a market research organization that © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC provides annual industry reports, estimated that the international sport NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION industry is a $1.3 trillion industry, with annual spending of more than $38 billion on sport-related products or services. In the United States alone, the sport industry employs approximately 5 million people in the broad categories of interscholastic and intercollegiate athletics; profes- © Jones & Bartlettsional, Learning, community, LLC recreation, and sport organizations;© Jones & Bartlett health and Learning, fitness LLC NOT FOR SALE ORorganizations; DISTRIBUTION and sporting goods manufacturers.NOT FOR Additionally, SALE OR the DISTRIBUTION U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that 130,570 people work in the spectator sport industry, a small segment of the overall sport industry, with a 9.8 percent growth rate from 2002. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Who Manages Sport Events? Sport event management is vastly spreading from the normal professional, ­collegiate, and parks and recreation governing structures. For instance, © Jones­cham bers& Bartlett of commerce Learning, and visitors’ LLC bureaus have begun to invest© Jones in staff & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTand infrastructure FOR SALE OR associated DISTRIBUTION with hosting sport events to attractNOT tourists FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION to their communities. The National Association of Sports Commissions (www.sportscommissions.org) was developed in 1992 to provide a communi- cation network between event owners and facility owners to increase access © Jones & Bartlettto Learning,event information LLC and education to best ©practices. Jones Currently, & Bartlett the Learning,mem- LLC NOT FOR SALE ORbership DISTRIBUTION is at an all-time high, with more thanNOT 650 FORmember SALE organizations OR DISTRIBUTION and

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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Case STUDY 13

1,600 event owners.© Jones With & thisBartlett level of Learning, growth in the LLC sport event and facil- © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC ity managementNOT industry, FOR SALE there is OR an increased DISTRIBUTION need for individuals who can NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION manage multiple sport events throughout the year and a need for a better understanding of the event management discipline. For instance, sport event and facility managers need a strong foundation in risk management, finance, © Joneshuman &resource Bartlett management, Learning, marketing, LLC customer service, and© Jones project man& Bartlett- Learning, LLC NOTagement, FOR SALE which leadsOR DISTRIBUTIONus to the contents that you will find throughoutNOT FOR this SALEtext. OR DISTRIBUTION


© Jones & BartlettFor moreLearning, than 30,000 LLC years, organized sport has been© aJones component & Bartlett of human civilization.Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE AsOR humans DISTRIBUTION and communities have evolved during thisNOT time, FOR so have SALE the sport OR events DISTRIBUTION in which we participate and spectate, as have the facilities that we use to host those events. While the designs of our facilities have not changed much in terms of structure, the ancil- lary items we place inside of them and the events they host have changed considerably. The remainder of this text will outline the major components of both facility and event management© as theyJones pertain & toBartlett recreational, Learning, leisure, and competitiveLLC sport events. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION DISCUSSION QUESTIONS

1. Explain the relationship between religion and sport in the development of sport events. © Jones2. What & isBartlett the foundation Learning, of sport facilities LLC and how have the designs© and Jones funding & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORchanged SALE over time?OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 3. What role has the “arms race” played in the development of facilities in the United States? 4. Which organizations are involved in the management of sport events in your local community? University community? © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Case STUDY Is it Time to Renovate or Rebuild Cameron Indoor Stadium?

Duke University© Jones is a private & Bartlett institution Learning,located in Durham, LLC North Carolina. With an © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC ­enrollment NOTof 6,600 FOR undergraduat SALEe andOR 6,000 DISTRIBUTION graduate students, it is one of the most NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION prestigious universities in the country. Tuition runs about $40,000 a year, making it one of the most affluent schools in the country. Located in what is known as the Research Triangle area of North Carolina, the Raleigh–Durham area has a metropolitan population of 1.5 million people and hosts several headquarters for major corporations. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR(continues SALE) OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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14 Chapter 1 | Introduction and History

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC (continued) NOT FORCase SALESTUDY OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION The Duke University men’s and women’s basketball teams play their home games in Cameron Indoor Stadium, the crown jewel of college basketball. The stadium was originally built in 1935 and was remodeled in the late 1980s. Sports Illustrated ranked the stadium fourth on the list of the country’s greatest © Jones & Bartlett sportingLearning, venues LLC of the twentieth century, ahead© ofJones Pebble Beach,& Bartlett Wrigley Learning,Field, and LLC NOT FOR SALE ORFenway DISTRIBUTION Park. The stadium offers little room for concessionsNOT FOR and SALE no room OR for corporateDISTRIBUTION sponsorships. Stadium capacity is 9,314, with 3,500 of those seats being bleacher seats reserved for students. To say that the stadium is antiquated is an understatement. The Board of Regents thinks a new facility needs to be on par with the other schools in the area; however, they are aware of the public sentiment for Cameron Indoor Stadium. Keep © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLCin mind that the University of© North Jones Carolina, & BartlettWake Forest, Learning, and North Carolina LLC State all NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONplay in new, modern facilities.NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

Things to Consider

Take into account that the University of North Carolina sits 8 miles away from the Duke © Jonescampus, & Bartlett and North CarolinaLearning, State is aboutLLC 22 miles away. Wake Forest ©University Jones is located & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORabout SALE80 miles away.OR DISTRIBUTIONThe Raleigh–Durham area is full of graduates andNOT fans FOR from these SALE OR DISTRIBUTION and other Atlantic Coast Conference schools who would love to buy tickets and watch their school play against Duke but have been unable to do so because of Cameron’s low seating capacity. Thus, in addition to the opportunity to sell more tickets to its own fans, Duke has the opportunity to sell lots of tickets to visiting teams’ fans. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORQuestions DISTRIBUTION That Need to be Addressed NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

In determining the fate of the Cameron Indoor Stadium, the following questions must be addressed: •• Who pays? © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC•• Who should pay? © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION•• Who benefits? NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION •• How do you finance this project? As an agency hired by the Duke athletic department, the athletic director of the university has asked you to evaluate building a new basketball arena or a complete © Jonesremodeling & Bartlett of the currentLearning, facility. TheLLC athletic director wants you to© take Jones into account & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORthe number SALE of seats OR the DISTRIBUTION arena will hold and the added revenue from NOTcorporate FOR sponsor SALE- OR DISTRIBUTION ship as well as a possible naming rights deal. In theory, a new arena would have many new areas for corporate advertising and hospitality. However, this is debatable because donors might want the new arena to have more of a “campus field house” feel (such as that found in the University of Maryland or Indiana Pacers facilities). © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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References 15

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC You will NOThave a chanceFOR toSALE present OR your DISTRIBUTION proposal to the Board of Regents. The Board NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION is split on this proposal, and it is a very touchy subject. Some feel that the success of Duke teams in the last 20 years makes this the perfect time to build an arena, while others disagree. Choose whether you would like to renovate or rebuild the arena, and answer the following questions: © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR1. Which SALE part will OR the DISTRIBUTION Iron Dukes (the athletic department’s fundraising/donorNOT FOR group) SALE OR DISTRIBUTION play in the financial process? 2. What is the Basketball Legacy Fund? 3. Does the Raleigh–Durham area have the corporate infrastructure to support suite/ club seat sales? © Jones & Bartlett 4.Learning, Would a surcharge LLC on student fees work at Duke?© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR5. DISTRIBUTIONHow many suites and club seats would you includeNOT inFOR a new SALE arena? OR DISTRIBUTION 6. How would you position a capital campaign for a new stadium? 7. How many seats would this arena hold? 8. Who will own and manage the arena, the athletic department, or the school? 9. If remodeling, where does Duke play in the meantime? 10. Would ©the Jones women’s team& Bartlett continue toLearning, play in Cameron? LLC Consider this decision from © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC a financialNOT standpoint. FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 11. Will a new facility be a recruiting advantage or disadvantage?

© JonesREFERENCES & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Brown, M. T., Rascher, D. A., Nagel, M. S., & McEvoy, C. D. (2017). Financial man- agement in sport industry. New York, NY: Routelege. Fried, G. (2010). Managing sport facilities (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Masterman, G. (2009). Strategic sports event management. Oxford, UK: © Jones & Bartlett Learning,Butterworth-Heinemann. LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE Plunkett,OR DISTRIBUTION J. W., Plunkett, M. B., Steinberg, J. S., Faulk,NOT J., FOR& Snider, SALE I. J. (2018). OR DISTRIBUTION ­Introduction to the sports industry. Sports Industry. Retrieved from http://www .plunkettresearchonline.com. Toohey, K., & Veal, A. J. (2000). The Olympic Games: A social perspective. Cambridge, MA: CABI Publishing. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.© NOTJones FOR SALE& Bartlett OR DISTRIBUTION. Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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