Edgeley & (L)

Existing arrangements Polling Total Electors Polling Place District Electors in Person LA 1459 1210 Learning Support Service, Cheadle Heath Centre, Road, Stockport LB 1236 1049 Learning Support Service, Cheadle Heath Centre, Edgeley Road, Stockport LC 1187 1032 Alexandra Park Primary School, Bombay Road, Edgeley LD 1501 1278 Salvation Army Church, 121 Stockport Road, Cheadle Heath LE 1502 1339 Lark Hill Nursery School, Northgate Road, Edgeley, Stockport LF 1653 1463 Edgeley Community Church, Edgeley Road, Edgeley LG 1520 1324 Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School, Edgeley LH 531 464 Edgeley Library, Edgeley Road, Edgeley

All rooms have disabled access and the review has taken into consideration that there should be no barriers to voting for people with a disability.

Returning Officer’s Proposal:

No change to polling stations

Brinnington & Central (R)

Existing arrangements Polling Total Electors Polling Place District Electors in Person RA 1236 1061 Mobile Polling Station, Brecon Towers, Blackberry Lane RB 1758 1547 Westmoorland Primary School, Westmorland Drive RC 1755 1587 St Luke’s Parish Church, Northumberland Road, RD 879 787 Crescent Road Hall, Crescent Road, off Carrington Road RE 844 691 The Pavilion, Park, Love Lane, off Parsonage Street\Southdown Close RF 1831 1625 Ratcliffe Towers Community Room, Bosden Fold, Stockport RG 1380 1219 Kimberley Street Day Centre, Shaw Heath Recreation Ground, Stockport RH 481 428 Learners Lounge, Stonemill Terrace, Stockport RI 489 410 Vernon Park Primary School, Peak Street, Stockport

All rooms have disabled access and the review has taken into consideration that there should be no barriers to voting for people with a disability. Mobile polling station at RA is DDA compliant. RA - Mobile Polling Station at Brecon Towers replaced the Lapwing Centre (demolished) at the Local Elections in May 2018. Further site visits confirmed no alternative buildings in the polling district. Recommend no change.

RF - It has been agreed with Ward Councillors to move from Ratcliffe Towers to Elim Church, Mottram Street.

Returning Officer’s Proposal:

RF Elim Church, Mottram Street to replace Ratcliffe Towers.

No change to other polling stations.

Davenport & Cale Green (S)

Existing arrangements Polling Total Electors Polling Place District Electors in Person SA 1266 1117 Bridgehall Community Centre, Siddington Avenue, SB 1130 971 Edgeley Library, Edgeley Road, Edgeley SC 1219 1044 Chelwood Baptist Church, Adswood Road, SD 1357 1201 Adswood Community Centre, 213 Garners Lane Adswood SE 982 791 Mobile Polling Station, Davenport Playing Fields Car Park, Davenport SF 1487 1224 Davenport Methodist Church, Garners Lane SG 1011 879 Kimberley Street Day Centre, Shaw Heath Recreation Ground, Stockport SH 2187 1860 Evron Centre, 1 Adswood Lane West, Cale Green SI 469 390 Mobile Polling Station, Lorgill Close, Off Bracadale Drive (near junction Armadale Dr)

All rooms have disabled access and the review has taken into consideration that there should be no barriers to voting for people with a disability. Mobile polling stations at SE & SI are DDA compliant.

SI/SF - It has been agreed with Ward Councillors to combine the polling districts of SI & SF making the following adjustment – all properties on Douglas Road and 29 - 47 Bexhill Road move from polling district SF to SD to bring the electorate to the optimum.

Returning Officer’s Proposal:

Combine polling district SI & SF moving Douglas Road and Bexhill Road from SF to SD.

No change to other polling stations Manor (V)

Existing arrangements Polling Total Electors Polling Place District Electors in Person VA 1467 1275 Woodbank Community Centre, Turncroft Lane VB 1313 1092 Union United Reformed Church Maitland Street, Stockport VC 2283 1902 1st Offerton Scout Group, off Offerton Lane, Offerton VD 1758 1505 St. Andrew's Community Church Hall, Hall Street VE 1504 1229 Stockport Sunday School, Nangreave Road VF 635 542 Quaker Meeting House, 2 Cooper Street, Stockport VG 1508 1295 Stockport Sunday School, Nangreave Road

All rooms have disabled access and the review has taken into consideration that there should be no barriers to voting for people with a disability.

Returning Officer’s Proposal:

No change to polling stations

As part of this review, existing polling places and proposed polling places have been visited, photographed and assessed to ensure that so far as practicable every polling place is accessible to electors who are disabled. Consideration has been given to ensure that polling places are within easy reach of all electors from across the polling district and they are within the polling district unless no accessible polling place can be identified in the district. Comments as a result of the consultation from members of the public, Councillors and Area Committees have been taken into consideration and are reflected in the Returning Officer’s proposals.