C A R I B B E A N On-line C MPASS NOVEMBER 2015 NO. 242 The ’s Monthly Look at Sea & Shore


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The Caribbean’s Monthly Look at Sea & Shore www.caribbeancompass.com

NOVEMBER 2015 • NUMBER 242 HOLIAN BENJAMIN Kayakers set the first-ever Cuba-to-USA record. See Regatta News on page 12

DEPARTMENTS Info & Updates ...... 4 Seawise ...... 30 Business Briefs ...... 6 The Caribbean Sky ...... 36 ’s Eco-News ...... 10 Look Out For… ...... 38 Regatta News...... 12 Readers’ Forum ...... 39 Stormvogel Y2A ...... 16 Caribbean Market Place .....41 Preservation continues ...... 9 All Ashore… ...... 26 Calendar of Events ...... 44 Meridian Passage ...... 32 Classified Ads ...... 45 Counting Radio Waves ...... 32 Advertisers’ Index ...... 46 NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 3 the Corals Caribbean Compass is published monthly by Compass Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 175 BQ, Bequia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines. Grenadines reef research ...... 11 Tel: (784) 457-3409, Fax: (784) 457-3410, [email protected], www.caribbeancompass.com SIMPSON Editor...... Sally Erdle Art, Design & Production...... Wilfred Dederer [email protected] [email protected] Assistant Editor...... Elaine Ollivierre Administration...... Shellese Craigg [email protected] [email protected] Advertising & Distribution...... Tom Hopman Passage to Haiti [email protected] Bermuda to Ile-à-Vache ...... 20 Caribbean Compass welcomes submissions of articles, news items, photos and drawings. See Writers’ Guidelines at www.caribbeancompass.com. Send submissions to [email protected]. We support free speech! But the content of advertisements, columns, articles and letters to the editor are the sole responsibility of the advertiser, writer or correspondent, and Compass Publishing Ltd. accepts no responsibility for any statements made therein. Letters and submissions may be edited for length and clarity. Relief Run First Timer’s View… ©2015 Compass Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication, except short Sailing aid to ...... 18 of the Eastern Caribbean ...... 24 excerpts for review purposes, may be made without written permission of Compass Publishing Ltd. ISSN 1605 - 1998 Cover Photo: Mira Nencheva sails to four Caribbean Queens: the fabled Spanish colonial port cities of Havana, Santo Domingo, San Juan and (on our cover) Cartagena. See story on page 26

Compass covers the Caribbean! From Cuba to Trinidad, from Panama to Barbuda, we’ve got the news and views that sailors can use. We’re the Caribbean’s monthly look at sea and shore. ‘It is not always true that you get what you pay for: Caribbean Compass is free and full of useful information. In our early cruising days I saved articles about lesser-known cruising destinations such as Venezuela, Colombia and Panama, and about land excursions on islands and recipes using local fresh produce. I had several folders of useful information that received a lot of use. I am also a big fan of the Caribbean Eco-News section. Many of the islands are trying to address issues of pollution and habitat destruction, and positive press helps their efforts and informs us of new or impending regulations. ‘I strongly feel that the content of the Caribbean Compass represents the interests of the cruising community and yacht-support businesses in the Caribbean islands.’ — Devi Sharp Formerly on S/V Arctic Tern

Santa Marta


Click Google Map link below to fi nd the Caribbean Compass near you! http://bit.ly/1fMC2Oy NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 4 &Updates Info Robin Swaisland,JamesPascall,RosettaWeston,JasonFletcherandDannyDonelan Members ofthenewMAYAGboard:DarrenTurner,NicholasGeorge, full time,sevendaysaweek,operatingon8170USBat8:00 Monday, November2nd,theCoconutTelegraphSingleSideBandNetwillresume During thistimeMAYAGwasabletosecurefundingofmorethanonemillionEastern has accomplishedagreatdealonbehalfoftheisland’sgrowingyachtingsector. get acquainted. covers theentireCaribbeanregion.Everyoneiswelcometocheckinand You know“theseason”isstartingwhentheCoconutscomeback!Starting Coconut TelegraphSSBNetResumes Over thelastfiveyearsMarineandYachtingAssociationofGrenada(MAYAG) Moving AheadwithGrenada’sYachtTradesGroup Kaya AtomZ IBS b/v Bonaire Jolly Harbour Star Marine Antigua &Barbuda durable andtechnologicallyadvancedsailspossible. Built bysailmakersdedicatedtobuildingthefinest, most FOR 5YEARSOR50,000MILES OUR OCEANPLUSSAILSAREGUARANTEED Roseau Center Dominica Marine Dominica Kapiteinsweg #4 Zeilmakerij Harms Curacao Kingston PJG Jamaica True BlueStGeorge Turbulence Sails Grenada AM AST.Thisradionet Panama City Regency Marine Panama 30 BldAllegre Voilerie DuMarin

(which Luperónisnot). fee thatisusuallyrequiredonlyfromcommercialvesselsenteringaport Republic. Reportsindicatethatprivateyachtshaverecentlybeenaskedtopaya pay atLuperón,apopularcruisers’stoponthenorthcoastofDominican keeping Grenada’syachtingindustrygrowingandimproving. Darren Turner,DieterBurkhalter,JasonFletcherandNicholasGeorge. Treasurer andDannyDonelanremainsSecretary.Theotherboardmembersare James Pascall,whoretainsthepostofVicePresident;RosettaWestonisnew Directors. TheboardconsistsofRobinSwaisland,whohastakenoverasPresident; on ABYCstandards. Schools —andtheywillbeassistingGrenadatodevelopitsownstandardsbased has alreadybecomepartoftheABYCtrainingnetwork—TheMarineLeague year planformarineandyachtingtraining.TheGrenadaNationalTrainingAgency Engines, GasolineElectrical,SystemsandComposites). The trainingprovidedcertificationcoursesandstudyguidesforfiveskillareas(Diesel Grenada’s techniciansintheAmericanBoatandYachtCouncil(ABYC)Standards. and theMarineInstituteofNewfoundland(MINF)wascontractedtotraincertify cians. Theneedfornationalstandardswithintheyachtingindustrywasrecognized, ing theeaseofmovementyachtsbetweenthesetwoneighbouringnations. holders inGrenadaandSt.Vincent&theGrenadinesaboutbenefitsofimprov- into andoutofGrenadaeasier.MAYAGhasalsostarteddialoguewithallstake- so thatcaptainscanutilizetheelectronicSailClearsystem,whichmakesclearing Authority andtheRoyalGrenadaPoliceForce. instituting the“Marinewatch”schemeinconjunctionwithGrenadaTourism Coastguard base,PoliceHeadquartersandHillsborough,hasworkedtowards the keting plan,attendingboatshows,producinganddistributingthousandsofcopies the industryasamajorcomponentofitseconomicgrowthstrategy. sentations onbehalfofthesectortoGovernmentGrenada,whichnowsees directly employsmorethan900Grenadians.TheseresultsreinforcedMAYAG’srepre- business contributesmorethanEC$130milliontotheisland’seconomyannuallyand ing inthesector. funds werealsousedforamajorinitiativeontrainingthemanytechnicianswork- improve securityforyachtsvisitingGrenada,CarriacouandPetiteMartinique.The Assessment ofEconomicImpacttheyachtingsectorhasinGrenada,andto Development ofEnterprise,whichwasusedtoimprovemarketing,conductan Caribbean dollarsfromtheDevelopmentBankandCentrefor Rodney Bay Rodney BaySails St Lucia Fajardo, PuertoRico Atlantic Canvas&Sail Puerto Rico Visit www.noonsite.com/Countries/DominicanRepublic/Luperonformoreinformation. There seemstobesomeconfusionaboutwhatharborfeesvisitingyachtsshould Fee ConfusioninLuperón The newboardislookingforwardtobuildingonthesuccessofpreviousyearsand At itsrecentAnnualGeneralMeeting,MAYAGappointedanewBoardof Using theguidanceprovidedbyMINF,Grenadawillnowbedevelopingathree- MAYAG hasinvestedheavilyinthetrainingandcertificationprocessfortechni- To simplifythemovementofyachts,MAYAGpurchasedcomputersforallmarinas Under thesecuritysegment,MAYAGhasimprovedVHFoperationsat Specific deliverablesforthepastfiveyearsmarketingincludedevelopingamar- The mainfindingsoftheEconomicImpactAssessmentwerethatyachting-related Grenada GrenadinesYachtingGuide [email protected] Tel: (284)4942569 Road Town,Tortola Road ReefMarina Doyle SailmakersBVI,Ltd British VirginIslands Chaguramas AMD Trinidad &Tobago Blue Lagoon Barefoot YachtCharters St. Vincent , and developing a social media programme. , anddevelopingasocialmediaprogramme. [email protected] Tel: (246)4234600 St Philip Six Crossroads Doyle OffshoreSails,Ltd Christiansted Wilsons' CruzanCanvas USVI StCroix —Continued onnextpage NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 5


LIFT-ON LIFT-OFF —Continued page 35 in English at

ce, our goal is e mobility needs mobility needs e Cruising Guide to Colombia Vanishing Sail’ ‘ SEVENSTAR-YACHT-TRANSPORT.COM Representative The next screening of ’Vanishing Sail‘ will be on December 1st at the Bahamas The next screening of ’Vanishing Visit www.vanishingsail.com for more information. Download Free Colombia Cruising Guide internet connection, Heading to Colombia? When you’ve got time and a good November is BVI Culinary Month! travelers worldwide who Culinary tourism has increasingly sparked interest among of BVI – Tortola‘ will be held During the month-long festivities, the third annual ’Taste on November 21st on the The third annual ’Taste of BVI – Virgin Gorda‘ will be held Traditional boatbuilding in Carriacou has been brought to worldwide attention Traditional boatbuilding in by the award-winning film International Film Festival. download the excellent free www.cartagenaexcursions.com/Cruising Guide To Colombia.pdf authentic dining opportuni- seek to experience a destination’s local culture through Virgin Islands with the ties. November will see a celebration of food in the British of BVI Restaurant Week. ’Taste of BVI‘ events, which started in 2013 in celebration and food connoisseurs to The event, created to entice the local community, visitors, the shores of the BVI, has continued to grow. II Park, Road Town. on November 7th at the newly refurbished Queen Elizabeth grounds of the Nail Bay Sugar Ruins.

BLOG.LAZYDUCK.NL Le Marin, Martinique Phone +596 596 741 507 Contact: Nadine Massaly Contact: [email protected] Dominica DYT and Sevenstar Yacht Transport Yacht and Sevenstar DYT Yacht Transport Why notchoose the most trusted names in yacht transport for your next passage? Leaders in Worldwide Worldwide in Leaders

YACHT-TRANSPORT.COM of the yachting community. As pioneers and dedicated partners in worldwide yacht transport,to make your each yacht-shipping with over 25 years experience of experien as smooth and simple as possible, while offering you the unbeatable service you deserve. Sevenstar Yacht Transport and DYT Yacht Transport are the world’s premier providers of yacht transport solutions tailored to th Lazy Duck . Although geared to the land-based tourist, its words and lush photos will . Although geared to the land-based tourist, its words FLOAT-ON FLOAT-OFF Continued from previous page Continued from More Awards for ‘Vanishing Sail’ the rounds of interna- The Caribbean film ’Vanishing Sail‘ which has been making last boatbuilders practic- ’Vanishing Sail‘ follows the life of Alwyn Enoe, one of the Yachtswoman Killed Yachtswoman Durdana Bruijn Dutch cruiser New Magazine About Dominica It’s called There’s a new magazine out about the island of Dominica. tional film festivals since its debut in April, has been reaping awards as it goes, most tional film festivals since its debut in April, has been reaping Feature Film at the recently the People’s Choice Award for Best Documentary 15th through 29th. Trinidad & Tobago Film Festival, which ran from September of our journey to connect Director Alexis Andrews says, “These screenings are part sailing and creating works with people all over the world who share a passion for of art.” settlers who arrived in ing a trade passed down the generations from Scottish with no more orders coming Carriacou in the 18th century. Approaching his 70s and that his sons will continue in, he decides to build one last sailing sloop with the hope the wooden vessel, Alwyn the trade. With the family’s hope and resources now in Yacht Regatta. tries to complete her in time to race in the Antigua Classic Traveller you visit The Nature Island give sailors a good feeling of what’s in store ashore when of the Lesser Antilles. Read it now at http://issuu.com/paulcrask-dominicatraveller/ docs/dominica_traveller_2016_by_paul_cra/c/sc4pp0a in Islas del Rosario an apparent was killed during on the evening robbery attempt 19th, when six men of September yacht boarded the — her husband, Peter while she and at Bahía Putker, were anchored in de las Mantas, Isla Grande, miles the Rosario islands about 20 The from Cartagena, Colombia. Rosarios are a popular weekend getaway destination for residents of Cartagena and a convenient the stop for yachts sailing along to Colombian coast en route Panama. They are well patrolled by the coast guard and have heretofore been considered and safe. Peter, who was injured rendered unconscious in the attack, was questioned by con- police and released. Police tinue to investigate and a for reward of US$10,000 is offered information leading to arrests. NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 6

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ST. VINCENT, YOUNGISLAND, Letthetradewindstakeyoufrom secluded The Caribbeanyou’relookingfor endless experiences. 32 islands, .

Photograph by Ferenc Máté of thewaterwhenonplane,soyouget a fast,dryride. quickly. LiftingstrakesontheComfortand NovaSerieshullsgetthetubesentirelyout The LiteSeriesfeaturesasteppedhullthat getsthesesmallertendersuponplane rugged reliability. tubes andsurprisinglylightweightfiberglass hullsthatofferexceptionalqualityand mance andvalue,soyoucanhavemorefunonthewater. Aruba, thisnewlineoffiberglassRIBspromisestheverybestincraftsmanship,perfor- claim tobeingthelogical‘GatewayCaribbean’.” Events willusethisnewopportunitytoensurethatonceagainBarbadoscanlay the firstARC(AtlanticRallyforCruisers)madelandfallinBarbados,CornellSailing Cornell, FounderoftheARCandDirectorCornellSailingEvents.“Thirtyyearsafter of choiceforyachtscrossingtheAtlantictoCaribbean,”commentedJimmy has beenthegreatesthandicapforBarbadostofulfillitspotentialasadestination as shorepowerandwateraccess. accommodate around30yachts,withnewmooringsandstern-todocking,aswell the InnerBasininheartofBridgetown,whichhasrecentlybeenupgradedto on totheCaribbeanandachancejoinBarbadiansintheircelebrations. London downtotheCanariesandonSenegalGambia,beforecontinuing pendence celebrations,theBarbados50sailingrallywilltracehistoricroutefrom making astopoverintheCapeVerdes. Islands Odyssey,whichlefttheCanaryinOctober,boundforBarbadosafter new berthswillbeavailablefromDecember,intimeforthearrivalofinaugural water supplies,aswellofficesforCustoms,ImmigrationandPortHealth.These within theportofBridgetown.Theberthswillhaveaccesstoonshorepowerand approved theconstructionof35newberthslocatedinShallowDraftFacility yachts. MinisterSealy,astheresponsibleforInternationalTransport,has as welllocalBajanswhohaveapassionforanythingfast,onoroffthewater. time aroundtheisland.Thiswillbeavisualfeastofspeedforvisitorsonbeaches repeated runsaroundBarbadosattemptingtoestablishnewrecordsforthefastest Jacques Vabrerace.Then,aspartoftheirprogram,thetwoboatswillmake Concise 10 Barbados “brand”willbehighlyvisibleonracecoursesbothsidesoftheAtlantic. maran carryinga30-foottall“Trident”,theiconicsymbolofBTMI,onitsheadsail, base nearBridgetownfortheEasternCaribbeanwinterracingseason.Withtri- UK, France,Portugal,theCanaryIslandsandBrazil,beforeheadingtotheirnew Barbados Ocean RacingClub(RORC)Class40champion, ever-improving yachtingfacilities.” will helpusraiseourprofileandattractmoreboatstomarvelousislandits believe thatworkingwithahighlyregardedsailingorganizationlikeTeamConcise Government isbuildingmorevisitorberthsintimeforthecomingwinterseason.I have excellentclearancefacilities,twowelcomingyachtclubs,newmarinasand want moreyachtsmenandracerstostopbyenjoyourbeautifulisland.We Barrow’s passion“forallthingssailing”. Independence forBarbadosaswellcelebratingformerPrimeMinisterErrol attention toJanuary2016’sRoundIslandRace,commemorating50yearsof ing team.TheaimistoattractmoreyachtsBarbados,andinparticulardraw new partnershipbetweenBarbadosandTeamConcise,aBritishoffshoreyachtrac- BUSINESS BRIEFS yacht tourismthrust in Barbados’s key component Racing isa Once you’reonthewater,you’llfeel performancebuiltintoeveryArubaRIB. Birgit Röthelreports:IslandWaterWorldjustagotnewlineofdinghiesin—called See What’sNewatIslandWaterWorld “The absenceofaconvenientlylocatedmarinaandyachtingfacilitiesgenerally Yachts takingpartintheIslandsOdysseyandBarbados50willalsobeabletouse In 2016,aspartofthecelebrationsplannedforBarbados’50thanniversaryinde- Barbados hasalsoannouncedawelcomeexpansioninitsfacilitiesforcruising The yachtsareexpectedtoarriveinBarbadosaroundmid-December,after Two ofTeamConcise’syachts,the70-foottrimaran The MinisterofTourism,theHonRichardL.Sealy,commented,“WeBarbadians The CEOofBarbadosTourismMarketingInc.,WilliamGriffith,hasannounceda Barbados TargetsYachtingSector forthecomingwinterseason.Theywillthenfly“Barbados’colours”in completestheRORCTransatlanticRace,and Concise 8 Concise 10 Concise 8 , willbebranded —Continued onnextpage produce durable lous craftsmanshipto blended withmeticu- facturing technologyis State-of-the-art manu- care inmanufacturing. attention todetailand competition isthe Aruba apartfromthe But whattrulysets fast andgood-looking. — they’relightweight, proven Italiandesign Aruba RIBsstartwith As theirwebsitesays, , andtheRoyal theTransat

Ms. PETER MARSHALL PETER NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 7 parties, fire- yet? It contains pagara —Continued on next page at http://issuu.com/curacaomarine/docs/ Curaçao Informational Guide “We now provide a little something extra to our The new color option is available in the mid-range For more information about Suzuki Marine products, award-winning outboard engines,” says Erving Rosario, sales and marketing manager for Suzuki Del Caribe. “Our customers pride themselves on having The Ultimate 4-Stroke Outboard equipped with unique features such as offset drive shaft, self-adjusting timing chain, the largest reduction gear ratio in their respec- tive class, combined with world-leading Lean Burn Technology, all packed in a sleek design that now has the option to be in a Cool White,” he adds. category starting with the DF60A, and all other mod- els in the Inline-4 cylinder and V6 categories. The out- boards can be purchased at any of our Suzuki Marine authorized dealers throughout the Caribbean. dealers, and services, visit www.suzukipr.com, or call outboard engine. The Japanese outboard manufac- turer gives the consumer the alternative to choose between their traditional Shadow Black Metallic and the new Cool White. Informational Guide Continued from previous page Continued from For more information on Curaçao Marine see ad on page 23. Accolades for IGY Marinas IGY Marinas announces that The Yacht Haven Grande Collection — comprised of Furthermore, Island Water World has become the exclusive Yamaha outboard the exclusive Yamaha Water World has become Furthermore, Island which will be new 365-page catalogue, least, we just finished our And last but not 48. World see ad on pages 8 and about Island Water For more information and Better! Budget Marine Gets Bigger to new buildings, adding new outlets and Nicole Corvellec reports: Moving Marine has opened a new Budget Marine Outlet in In the last two months Budget November with the opening of its doors to another The expansion continues in Pam Werdath, and accessories in the Budget Marine is the largest retailer of boating supplies 2. For more information on Budget Marine see ad on page Suzuki Now Gives You the Power of Choice when purchasing an Efraín Rivera reports: Suzuki Marine now offers a color option For more information on Suzuki Marine see ad on page 29. Curaçao is Calling! Many sailors found their way to the southern Caribbean islands to sit out hurricane After hurricane season comes festive season! The month of December means a Have you read Curaçao Marine’s more than just info about the marina and its services. It is also loaded with tips about Curaçao, handpicked with the sailing and yachting community in mind. View, print or download the curacao_marine_publication_pdf Yacht Haven Grande in St. Thomas, Yacht Club at Isle de Sol in St. Maarten, and Rodney Bay Marina in St. Lucia — has been reaccredited with the highest 5 Gold Anchor Award and the ICOMIA Clean Marina Award for an unprecedented fifth year running. dealer for St. Maarten. We are still an Evinrude distributor, so now we can offer our distributor, so now we We are still an Evinrude dealer for St. Maarten. Outboards and Yamaha! NS Marine Marine outboards, Evinrude clients Nissan/NS season. be arriving in time for the Nissan outboards and will are re-branded loaded with is bigger than ever and this month. The new catalogue in distribution searchable PDF islandwaterworld.com in a products. Available at new and existing a USB key version in our stores. version, and as Marine Chandleries are all about these months. expanding in size is what Budget is have been bursting at the seams and Budget Marine Many of their existing stores to meet the diverse and increasing demands of the getting ready for the season its offerings on five islands. boating community by expanding Sound Marine Services boatyard in Antigua, and the magnificent new North Budget Marine Chandlery and superstore in the attrac- opened its doors to the new BVI. tive Nanny Cay Marina in the After years with limited space, the new custom-built brand new building, in Bonaire. away from the old store, on the corner of Kaya chandlery is just one block still within easy walking distance from the sea. Neerlandia and Kaya Djabow, (1,450 square feet) the new space now boasts 230 Instead of 130 square metres feet), almost doubling its size. The new store not only square metres (2,550 square of items such as kayaks, stand up paddle has space for a broader assortment boards, metric stain- less fasteners and nautical knick-knacks, the depth of the cur- rent inventory will also increase with more choices in brands, sizes and colors. manager of Budget Marine Bonaire, reports, “We are always amused at how amazed people are when they walk in carry. Now in the new store our store for the first time and see how many things we easier to find all the prod- there will be enough space to maneuver, making it much location.” Pam also ucts that were packed on top of each other in the previous expansion, enough reasons to mentioned that allowance has been made for future store. visit the beautiful island of Bonaire and its Budget Marine Caribbean-wide, Caribbean. With over 30 years of experience and 13 locations in the Caribbean. They Budget Marine has grown to become the leading chandlery sport fishermen and every- cater to the small-boat cruiser, race boats, superyachts, thing in between. — (787) 622-0600. You can also visit Facebook/SuzukiCaribbeanMarine and click the “like” button. season 2015. As Curaçao Marine marina boatyard was fully booked for the season, it is advised to make your reservations for next summer well in advance. calendar full of fun activities and events; it’s one of the most popular times to visit Curaçao. Think of the End of the Year Sail Race, concerts, works shows, End of the Year celebrations, New Year’s Swim, Fuik Day and more! works shows, End of the Year celebrations, New Year’s Swim, Fuik Day and more! NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 8 Tango after awarmwelcomeonthedock,people werereadytoboard ets tobothFoundations. Adventures addedtotheamountbydonating proceedsofthePinkSunsetSailtick- have achanceofwinningprizesdonated bylocalbusinesses.AquaMania sible bythegenerousdonationsofall150 guests,whoboughtmanyraffleticketsto Elektralytes Foundationsinsupportofbreast cancerawareness.Thiswasmadepos- cess. OverUS$2,500wasraised,whichis all beingdonatedtothePositiveand October 2ndtolaunchBreastCancerAwarenessmonth,wasaspectacularsuc- he added. training modelhasbeenusedonthemainland,EuropeandNewZealand. ing andeventuallyeachonecanrunthecompany,saidDifede.Thecompany’s Croix highschools.Employeesgothrougha“lifetime”ofcareerdevelopmenttrain- years. Thecompanycurrentlyhas42employeesincludingseveralgraduatesofSt. class standard.There’sonlyahandfulofpeoplewhocandothatandwecan.” is thatsomeoneintheVirginIslandscanactuallybuildtostandard—aworld product iscomfortable—sleepingten,withthreebathrooms,anofficeandfullgalley. with titaniumfixturesandcarbonrigging. ogy,” Difedesaid,and60dayslatertheboatwasassembledatSaltRiverfacility another cofounderofGoldCoastYachtsanddesigner/engineer,tookfourmonths. according toDifede.ThedesignandengineeringledbyBiekerRogerHatfield, plans toraceheraswellenjoyleisuresailing. built forGregSlyngstad,formerMicrosoftexecutiveandfounderofExpedia,who neered foilsforthe2014American’sCupwinnerOracleTeamUSA.Theboatwas — WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/FUJINSAILING product about12,000poundslighterthanothervesselsofitstypeandsize. specifically forthevessel.Thematerialprovidedstrengthwhilerenderingfinished ably alreadythere,”saidRichDifede,cofounderandpresidentofGCY,toldEllis. Croix toSt.Thomasinalittleovertwohours,andthenMartin15hours. by GoldCoastYachtsonSt.Croix,waslaunchedAugust28thandsailedfrom catamaran thatcouldbethefastestcruisingsailboatinworld,designedandbuilt slated todoubleinsizeandbecomeaWiFihub. automatically leadintodancinginthenewspace,too!Theotherhalfofbaris Chocolate”, afilmallaboutGrenadachocolate)andhostkaraokeevenings,which layout givesustheabilitytoshowmovies(clientsrecentlyviewed“NothingLike added benefitofincreasedspace! delivery offoodandbeveragestoourguests.Themissionseemssuccessful,withthe tion wasforthebarandkitchentoworktogethermorecloselystreamline in toworkatGrenadaMarine,themissionbeingOperationMoveBar.Theinten- recent bankholidaywhileotherswerereveling,ahandfulofdedicatedstaffcame Grenada Marine’sbarinitsnewplace,withmovie/karaokescreen Visit www.stmaarten-activities.comformore information. Upon arrivalatAquaManiaAdventures guests receivedauniquePinkT-shirt,and The PinkSunsetSail,organizedinSt.MaartenbyAquaManiaAdventureson Aqua Mania’sPinkSunsetSailRaisesBreastCancerAwareness Visit www.facebook.com/fujinsailingformoreinformationonFujin. Read thefullstoryathttp://stcroixsource.com. “We’re basicallyatraininginstitutiondisguisedasboatbuildingcompany,” Gold CoastYachtshasbuiltmorethan115multihullsonSt.Croixoverthelast30 “Most shipbuilderscouldn’thavedoneitthatfast,”Difedesaid.“What’simportant Two monthslater,thefinishingtoucheswereputonUS$3.5millioncat.Thefinal In anotherthreemonths,thepartswereconstructed,using“topoflinetechnol- The Bieker55wasGoldCoast’sfirstcarbonconstructionandseriouscruisingboat, Fujin The 53-foot “Our goalhasbeentobuildthefastestcruisingboatonplanetandwe’reprob- As reportedbySusanEllisintheSeptember1steditionof St. CroixCompanyBuildsSuper-FastCat For moreinformationonGrenadaMarineseeadpage33. This isonlythebeginningofourintendedimprovements;there’smuchmoretocome! So, withonehalfoftheoriginalbarnowbeingveryclosetokitchen,thisnew Laura Fletcherreports:GrenadaMarinehas“raisedthebar”—literally!Overa Grenada Marine‘RaisestheBar’ Continued frompreviouspage , whichmeans”godofthewind“,wasdesignedbyPaulBieker,whoengi- , the65-footsailingcatamaransthatwere madeavailableforthesunsetsail. Fujin isconstructedofalayeredcarbonfiber,componentproduced St. CroixSource Lambada , the , the and NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 9

(mes- kui still sail- Stormvogel Stormvogel there is nothing to show , the last of the wooden sailing , the last of the wooden sailing “I have visited other countries with “I have visited other countries with rich maritime histories where the rich maritime histories where the wisdom to record that history arrived a generation too late, and most of the information was lost forever. But I also have worked on similar proj- Above: Johnny Craane, the head of restoration, with Bruce Halabisky in Stormvogel’s hull Left: Volunteers harvested kui wood from Bonaire’s hills to replace the ship’s rotted ribs Stormvogel herself is a testament that this obstacle Stormvogel Stormvogel distinctive shape from the drawings and model. by Patrick Holian

Stormvogel’s back together.”

. This will be the first permanent record of any of the boats ever built on. This will be the first permanent record of any of the Project Stormvogel Stormvogel Project

, a 34-foot, plank-on-frame gaffer launched in 1952. He financed much of the Stormvogel The experienced shipwright also joined the restoration crew in harvesting Visit www.facebook.com/StormvogelBonaire for more information about Project Halabisky, working with board member Patrick Holian, took detailed measurementsHalabisky, working with board member Patrick Holian, “Obviously, materials are a challenge to obtain on a small island far from the “Obviously, materials are a challenge to obtain on Luckily for Project Stormvogel, Halabisky generously donated his knowledge and Part of that boatbuilding tradition is local Johnny Craane, the head of restoration Part of that boatbuilding tradition is local Johnny Craane, Bruce recently completed a ten-year circumnavigation on his own wooden sloop,

Bonaire had a special visitor arrive in September by the name of Bruce Halabisky. arrive in September by the name of Bruce Halabisky. Bonaire had a special visitor Help From Abroad for Abroad From Help Bonaire. The old shipwrights usually built by eye, intuition and perhaps a smallBonaire. The old shipwrights usually built by eye, intuition the line drawings and donatemodel. Halabisky also plans to make a 3-D model from it to the project. Having these visual records is great insurance. If the boat’s hull should collapse during restoration owing to an unforeseen event, the crew would be able to reconstruct Stormvogel. To make a donation, write [email protected] has been dealt with before. The biggest challenge is the staggering amount of work has been dealt with before. The biggest challenge is the volunteers, there is not necessary to finish the job. From what I saw of the project’s from which to draw in put- only a dogged enthusiasm, but also a deep pool of talent ting he will make line drawingsof the 45-foot long sloop during his visit. From this data reflect the exact shape of— a scaled, dimensional representation that will accurately Stormvogel ing. Not only that, but there is really no record of their hull shapes or even any models existing. Already the younger generation is asking what were the boats like that their grandfathers built and aside from them. For me, this is an extremely worthwhile endeavor.” mainland,” says Halabisky. “But time even during these busy days when his family is trying to re-establish a land- based lifestyle on a Puget Sound island near the Canadian border. Part of the reason for his visit may be due to the urgency to save this southern Caribbean nautical culture. “As I started learning more about the rich maritime history — the relatively recent history — of Bonaire, I was amazed that the boatbuilding skills and the boats themselves have been allowed to vanish without a trace. Here in Bonaire you have what was once considered to be the fastest and most seaworthy sailboats of the whole Caribbean. And yet today there is not a single vessel like for Project Stormvogel. He was glad to have Halabisky visit the old boat. “Bruce was for Project Stormvogel. He was glad to have Halabisky surveyed the whole ship and here for six days and we got a lot accomplished. He also helped us plan a materi- agreed on how we are now re-building the framing. He the next steps.” als list of the nails, planks and rigging we will need for Vixen voyage by working on wooden boat restorations around the world, including in the BVI and the Bahamas. Between those funds and those from his wife, Tiffany, who worked as a yoga instructor, the intrepid couple not only funded their sailing adven- ture, but also supported two daughters who were born during the voyage. Bruce, a Canadian/American who now lives on Orcas Island, Washington State, who now lives on Orcas Island, Washington State, Bruce, a Canadian/American shipwright and marine carpenter for the past 25 years. USA, has been a wooden boat from Fundashon Patrimonio Marítimo Boneiru (Bonaire He received an invitation to visit Maritime Heritage Foundation) help in some way to preserve ects like this before so I thought I might be able to in time to save this important bit of Bonaire history. I think we are just boatbuilding traditions in and possibly rekindle the pride of one of the strongest the Caribbean.” quite wood) from the hills. This timber will be used to replace rotted ribs in the boat’s frame. Joining him were a number of young people from Project Stormvogel’s Junior Shipwright program. This educational outreach initiative, funded in part by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds for the Caribbean, teaches local youth about Bonaire’s rich maritime heritage while they work alongside experienced boat builders. It is an inte- gral part of Project Stormvogel. Halabisky also took time to speak at Scholengemeenschap-Bonaire (SGB High School) to about 30 students on careers in boat building. cargo boats from the ABC Islands. Halabisky then applied to the nonprofit Center for Halabisky then applied to the nonprofit Center cargo boats from the ABC Islands. to and received a grant to cover travel costs Wooden Boats in Seattle, Washington the island. NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 10 Ashton Lagoon Ashton of Agriculture,RuralTransformation,Forestry, Grenadines Inc.incollaborationwiththeSVGMinistry Restoration Project,organizedbytheSustainable Birds in2010. and supportreceivedfromInternationalMigratory Ashton Lagoon.Arestorationprojectwasdeveloped, cuss therestorationandsustainablefutureuseof held toconductparticipatoryplanninganddis- In 2006and2007aseriesofworkshopswas cern forurgentrestorationgainedmomentum. Birds Caribbean.Outofthisexercise,thecon- and theenvironmentalgroupsAvianEyes SVG’s MinistryofYouth,EducationandSports, 2005 withateamincludingrepresentativesfrom restoration worktobedone,touredthelagoonin Grenadines. SusGren,recognizingtheneedfor able livelihoodsforthepeopleofall coastal andmarineenvironmentsustain- Grenada, committedtotheconservationof between St.Vincent&theGrenadinesand a transboundarynon-governmentalorganization was threatened. land habitatformanyspecies,especiallybirds, nut- andgum-boatswasnowmurky,wet- the lagoonwherechildrenoncesailedtheircoco- shore fishingsiteswerecutoff,thecalmwatersof passageways toeasefishers’journeytheiroff- family funareasforpicnickingweregone,the the area.Theoncegoodfishingwasnomore, beds, resultingindepletionofmuchmarinelife stagnation andhencedestroyingtheseagrass cut offthewaterflowtoAshtonHarbour,creating of acausewaybetweenFrigateRockandUnion ect thattroubledtheislandersbutconstruction nomic hardshiphittheisland. benefiting fromthedevelopment.Awaveofeco- many businessesthathademergedinhopesof declared bankruptcy.Thissawtheclosureof struction phase,whentheItaliandevelopers The thrilldiedjustayearintothemarina’scon- propelled localstoinvestinrelatedbusinesses. potential forthepeopleofUnionIsland,which condominiums. Atthetime,projectshowed construct a300-berthmarina,golfcourseand Frigate RocktoUnionIslandwithacausewayand and wasabandonedin1995,proposedtojoin ment. Themarinaproject,whichbeganin1994 mental impactscausedbyafailedmarinadevelop- Project onUnionIslandintheGrenadines. awaited launchingoftheAshtonLagoonRestoration Restoring Lifeto CARIBBEAN The officiallaunchingoftheAshtonLagoon The SustainableGrenadinesInc.(SusGren)is It wasnotjustthenewsofafailedmarinaproj- The projectaimstoreversethenegativeenviron- Marslyn Lewisreports:September18thsawthelong- ECO -NEWS

tion effortssince2005. BirdsCaribbean, championingthecauseforrestora- behind thisinitiativewithsupportfrom remained optimisticandhasbeenthedrivingforce The roadtothisendwaschallenging,butSusGren planned restorationworkiscompleted. depiction ofwhattheareaislikelytobecomeafter jected areasforrestorationworkandthethirdisa the abandonedmarina,secondhighlightspro- depicts threescenarios.Thefirstshowsanoutlineof tries. Ahighlightwastheunveilingofabillboardthat munity andothergovernmentdepartmentsminis- attendance representingvaryingsectorsofthecom- Fisheries andIndustry,sawmorethan100peoplein here inthepastcanberestored,butitisessentialthat SusGren. Cabinet,” saidMartinBarriteau,SpecialAdvisorto permission thisyear—January7th,2015by we nevergaveup,andarehappytohavereceived ous governmentagenciesanddonors,waslong.But for permissiontoproceedandholdingtalkswithvari- The launchceremonywaslikeabreathoffreshair. “Fortunately, thewetlandthathasbeendamaged “The process,whichinvolvedlobbyinggovernment for thepeopleofUnionIsland. which willcreateadditionallivelihoodopportunities This islikelytoincreasetheflowofvisitorsarea, over toFrigateIsland,birdwatchingtowersandtrails. lation intheAshtonHarbour,abypassbridgetocross sons canexpecttoseeanincreaseinthewatercircu- sustainable localtourismandlivelihoodopportunities. to avastarrayofwetland,shore-andseabirdspecies including fishandinvertebrates.Thewetlandishome and providesimportanthabitatforvariousspecies Birding Area Act of1986.ItwasalsodesignatedanImportant ignated aMarineConservationAreaundertheFisheries Lagoon wetlandisstateowned.Theharbourwasdes- ing onbehalfoftheMinistryAgriculture.TheAshton Fisheries OfficerJenniferCruickshankHoward,speak- mentally sensitiveareaslikethisone,”statedChief ensure thatthedevelopmentsdonotaffectenviron- work withgovernmentstoimplementpolicychanges also includetrainingandeducationmustalways restoration projectsbenefitthelocalcommunityand With thisfirstphaseoftherestorationineffect,per- • Maintenanceandmanagementaimedatdeveloping Ashton LagoonisthelargestbayinGrenadines importance ofusingournaturalresourceswisely. environment andsustainablelivelihoodsthe and governmentofficialsofthelinksbetween awareness amongthegeneralpublic,stakeholders mangrove andsaltpondhabitatforbirds. lengths ofsteelsheetpiles. rial andtheremovalofsomerunning removal orresettingofsomethebackfillmate- existing causewayandwillbeachievedbythe improvement tothecirculationinleeof establishing naturalwaterflow,whichwillsee phase are: additional opportunities. research andafishermen’sprotectionzoneoffer keling, scubadivingandmooringfields.Education, kayaking andpaddleboarding,kitesurfing,snor- opportunities arebirdwatching,naturetrails, the proposedpotentialsustainablelivelihood able tourismandotherlivelihoodoptions.Someof development, anddevelopingaplanforsustain- opportunities forsustainablelivelihoodsand flushing ofAshtonHarbour,whileproviding water quality,withafocusonrestoringtidal mangrove habitat,coralreefs,seagrassbedsand to restorelifethisenvironmentbyimproving and barrierreefs. beds andcoralreefsincludingfringing,patch, the mangroveswereoriginallydiversesea-grass sea anddryscrubforest.Ontheseawardsideof stand ofmangroves,tidalmudflats,saltponds, Grenadines. Thewetlandsupportsadiverse mangrove habitatsinSt.Vincent&the expanse of330hectares,andisonethelast tinuous mangrovehabitatsintheregion,an shorebirds. TheLagoonisoneofthelargestcon- and alsosupportsalargenumberofmigratory • Communityoutreachandeducationtoraise • Monitoringandevaluation,withemphasison • Restorationofbirdandfishhabitatbyre- The mainobjectivesoftheproject’sfirst The AshtonLagoonRestorationProject’sgoalis


MARSLYN LEWIS/SUSGREN —Continued on page 46 , whose owner, Jean-Marc Sky Flirt

Eco-News column reported on an expedition to Eco-News column reported

Compass’s by Emma Doyle and Patricia Kramer by Emma Doyle ) because they graze on these algae and help keep the reef clean.

Expedition Examines Examines Expedition

What did the expedition find? The news about corals in the Grenadines is generally positive. Live coral cover in the Managers in the Grenadines are fortunate that some of these coral reef data have The number of black sea eggs on the reef is important (black spiny sea urchins or When monitoring reef fish, there are two key groups: herbivorous fish, including What to monitor? the more live coral the Firstly, the coverage of live coral on the reef is important: The Grenada Bank supports the most extensive coral reefs and related habitats in theThe Grenada Bank supports the most extensive coral reefs Within the Caribbean, the health of the Mesoamerican Reef (the world’s second Within the Caribbean, the health of the Mesoamerican Why monitor coral reefs? see on the reef has a role toCoral reefs are like underwater cities and everything you In November 2014, the But is that reef alive or dead? Healthy or suffering from pollution? Or becoming Healthy or suffering from pollution? Or becoming But is that reef alive or dead? Think of sailing in the Caribbean and inevitably images of blue water come to and inevitably images of blue water come Think of sailing in the Caribbean

The Grenadines coral reef monitoring team aboard the Grenada Marine Protected The Grenadines coral reef monitoring team aboard the Areas patrol boat Grenadine Reefs’ Health Reefs’ Grenadine marine protected areas of the Grenadines is quite good at 25 percent, which is higher than the Caribbean average of 17 percent, although lower than historic values. Among the six study sites, the highest live coral cover was found at Carriacou’s Sandy Island/ Oyster Bed Marine Protected Area (35 percent). Meanwhile, the level of fleshy macroal- gae in the Grenadines study sites is on average 18 percent, which is pleasingly lower than the Caribbean regional average of 31 percent. Particularly low cover of fleshy macroalgae was found at Woburn/Clarkes Court in Grenada, which also happens to have the greatest number of black sea eggs of all the sites, and at Tobago Cays Marine Park, which has the largest biomass of herbivorous fish. been collected in the past, as far back as 1999 in the case of Tobago Cays. There are more than 2,000 sites in coral reefs in the Caribbean region that have been surveyed and provide some reference values for the Grenadines. So the 2014 Grenadines expe- dition used the same methodology as used in these other studies, and since several of the survey sites had been studied before, this enabled some comparison over time. Diadema antillarum parrotfish and surgeonfish, that graze algae growing on the reef and help to keep it clean; and predatory fish that are often commercially important, such as snapper and grouper. A long history of fishing in the Caribbean has resulted in dramatic declines in fish stocks. Reef fish continue to be threatened today by overfishing, unsustainable fishing practices and destruction of habitat, and they are especially vulnerable to targeted overfishing of spawning aggregations. Big, old, fat fish are exponentially more productive, and by protecting them we can help their populations grow and spillover the protected area boundaries to contribute to sustainable nation- al fisheries. The monitoring team assessed fish biomass, taking into account both the number of fish found on the reef and their size. better, as coral provides habitat — shelter, food — for fish and other creatures. In better, as coral provides habitat — shelter, food — for to as “fleshy macroalgae” can contrast, the coverage of a type of algal growth referred can over-grow corals be an indicator of poor reef health. Too much fleshy macroalgae themselves and grow. and take up space where baby corals could otherwise establish So the less fleshy macroalgae, the better. Their numbers in the Caribbean were affected by a mass die-off caused by disease in the early 1980s, and only now are they recovering in some areas. southeastern Caribbean, yet there has been comparatively little monitoring of its coralsoutheastern Caribbean, yet there has been comparatively to a network of six marinereefs. This is changing as the Grenada Bank is now home the protection of naturalprotected areas, all of which have among their objectives reefs. To monitor progress inresources, species and critical habitat, including coral indicators of coral reef health. achieving this objective, it’s possible to track several key longest barrier reef stretching through Mexico-Belize-Guatemala-Honduras) is care- longest barrier reef stretching through Mexico-Belize-Guatemala-Honduras) address transboundary issues fully monitored, allowing coastal managers to better reef organisms don’t conform between country borders. This is important since most marine parks such as Exuma to national borders. Coral reefs in long-established in 1958), and Florida Keys Cays Land and Sea Park in The Bahamas (established well studied. National Marine Sanctuary (1990) have also been particularly play. Coral reefs have high biodiversity, but a few things, like corals, fish and algae, areplay. Coral reefs have high biodiversity, but a few things, or decline of just one of thesethe major players in controlling overall reef health. The loss By tracking the status ofgroups can have a domino effect on the entire reef ecosystem. coral reef health. several key indicators, it’s possible to get a picture of overall stressed due to high water temperatures associated with the current El Niño? stressed due to high water mind. Not just a single blue, but a whole spectrum of blues. A good sailor knows by but a whole spectrum of blues. A good sailor knows mind. Not just a single blue, reef lies below the water. colour or hue where the coral assess coral reef health throughout the Grenadines. Taking part were park rangers the Grenadines. Taking part were park rangers assess coral reef health throughout and St. Vincent & the Grenadines, the Monitoring and wardens from Grenada the Grenadines Inc. and a coral reef scientist with Coordinator from Sustainable Assessment Program (AGRRA). The team sailed over Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef aboard the catamaran 100 kilometres in six days to donated the vessel to support the expedition and Sailly of Wind and Sea, kindly the During the expedition, the team visited each of promote coral reef conservation. along the Grenada Bank to survey coral reefs, and they six marine protected areas sites to track coral reef health over time. established long-term monitoring NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 12 Atlantic hurricaneseasonwouldhaveended,butopen-oceanconditions manship coversabout3,000nauticalmiles.True,bythetimethisracebegins, 15th andendsaboutsixweekslaterinNelson’sDockyardAntigua.Thistestofsea- pating intheTaliskerWhiskyAtlanticChallenge. test theirskillsagainstothercompetitorsandthemightyAtlanticOceanbypartici- surprise thatthey,intheirRannochR45“fours”rowboat, Fuller, PeterSmith,ArchieBaileyandJDHallhaveliterallylivedforthesea.Soitisno from HavanatoKeyWest. the ideaofestablishinganotherspeedandtimewithsamepowerboat,this a one-and-a-half-hourpowerboatrecordfromKeyWesttoHavanaisexcitedwith jet-ski racerAlvaroMarichalar.RogerKlühfromGermany,whoinAugustestablished made byswimmersSusieMaroneyandDianaNyad,paddleboarderBenFribert from HIYC.Thecatamarans peers outtotheentrybuoyatHemingwayMarina.Theywerealsoescortedbyvessels from theCubanCanoe-KayakFederation.TheathletesaccompaniedtheirUS ing andrecreationalevents. organize, andtoworktogetherintheorganizationcarryingoutofkayaksport- ties ofbothcountries,toexchangeinformationandinvitationstheeventsthey actions thatcontributetostrengtheningrelationsbetweenthekayakingcommuni- help promotekayakingasasportandrecreationalactivityinbothcountries,totake Cuba, JoséMiguelDíazEscrich.Thesignatoriescommitted,amongotherthings,to Alejandro Hamze;andCommodoreoftheHemingwayInternationalYachtClub ing theUSkayakingcommunity;presidentofCubanCanoe-KayakFederation, Friendship andCooperationAgreementbyJoeJacobiDavisSmith,represent- tors andthenationalforeignpress. September 11th,receivingawarmfarewellfromHIYCCommodoreEscrich,specta- 6th anddepartedfromtheHemingwayInternationalYachtClubofCubaon despite astormthatdamagedmostofthefivekayaksmakingcrossing. went smoothlyforSedlarandRose,whohadtheendurancetokeeppaddling leader ofthegroupkayakersfromKeyWestthatmadecrossing,saidtrip ever recordedtomakethiscrossingfromHavana,Cubaonakayak.DavisSmith, Brent RosearrivedatKeyWest,FloridaonSeptember12th,beingthefirstpeople REGATTA NEWS This extremerowingcompetitionsetsofffromtheCanaryIslandsonDecember Dubbed TeamWadadli,aftertheindigenousnamefortheirislandofAntigua,Nick Eat, Sleep,Row,Repeat ON THEHORIZON… This historiccrossingjoinsothernoteworthyFloridaStraitscrossings,suchasthose Before leaving,theUSkayakershadawarm-upsessionwithgroupofCuban One ofthehighlightsUSkayakers’stayinCubawassigninga The kayakersandtheirsupportteamarrivedatHemingwayMarinaonSeptember Hemingway InternationalYachtClubofCubareports:KayakersFrankSedlarand First Havana-KeyWestKayakCrossing Win yourskipper’s weight inMountGayRumExtraOld Join usforBarbados’ultimatesailing challenge The OceanPassageRacetoAntigua The MountGayRoundBarbadosRace Three spectaculardaysofcoastalcourse racing The 80thAnniversaryMountGay RoundBarbadosRaceSeries Sunluver and Mirage acted as support vessels to Key West. actedassupportvesselstoKeyWest. January 16th-24th2016 Wa’Omoni, arewillingto www.mountgayrumroundbarbadosrace.com Mount GayRumRound BarbadosRace a longoffshorepassage. “average” cruisingboatandcrew,helpingpeopletorealizetheirdreamofmaking racers, cruisingcouples,bigboatsandmodestboats.Theralliesaredevisedforthe from LasPalmastoSt.Lucia.TheARCisforeveryone:familieswithchildren,tough the Caribbean.TheARCattractsover200boatsand1,200peopleeveryyeartosail Canary Islands,bound2,700nauticalmileswestwardacrosstheAtlanticOceanto sorship cargo,soseethewebsitebelowandbecomeinvolvedinthisworthycause. a totalestimatedcosttotheteamof122,500euros,there’slotmoreroomforspon- ers tobecomeinvolvedinthischarity. Hospice hasbeendoinginAntigua&Barbudafortheterminallyillbutalsospuroth- age generatedwillnotonlyraisetheawarenessofgoodworkthatSt.John ious teamssupport.InthecaseofTeamWadadli,itishopedthatmediacover- for therowers—realbeneficiariesofthisracearemanycausesthatvar- they can“eat,sleep,row,repeat”theirwaytoNelson’sDockyard. now isforTeamWadadlitogetSanSebastianandawaitthestarter’sgunsothat Harbour Marina,whostartedtheballrollingwithasignificantdonation.Allthatisleft Marina, EnglishHarbourCharity,AntiguaYachtCharterMeeting,andtheFalmouth ADOMS, PrincetonTech,AnjoInsurances,MasseyUnitedCatamaran Ministry ofTourism,Hoo-rag,FrancisTradingAgency,NorthCoastHardware, Other sponsorsincludeHarneyMotors,GrantThornton,TheAntigua&Barbuda the startingpointofraceinCanaries,freecostthankstoGeestLines. completed, are alwaysachallenge. Every Novembersince1986,theAtlanticRallyforCruisershassetsailfrom December Marks30thAnniversaryoftheARC Visit www.antiguaatlanticrowers.comformoreinformation. According toNickFuller,a“fairchunk”oftheentrancefeehasbeenpaidbutwith This racecouldbeconsideredanitemona“bucketlist”:thereisnohugebounty Now thatthemanyfamiliarizationpracticerowsaroundislandhavebeen Wa’Omoni hasbeenfilledwithsuppliesandreadiedtobeshipped race series round barbados —Continued onnextpage 2016

NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 13 was the Sea Fox —Continued on next page , will be there on both days to offer a close-up view on the water. on both days to offer a close-up , will be there Massy United Insurance continues as a main sponsor in 2015, along with IGY Rodney sponsor in 2015, along with Insurance continues as a main Massy United As they have every year, Mango Bowl organizers are hoping that more local sailing are hoping that more every year, Mango Bowl organizers As they have or e-mail [email protected] for the full itin- Visit www.stluciayachtclub.com in December New Race from US to Cuba will set sail from Key West, Florida to Varadero, Cuba, The first annual Pilar Regatta Sailing Federation Offshore The race will comply with International for Notice of Race, registration forms Visit www.regattadecuba.com 50th Year of Independence Round Barbados Series for Barbados’ recorded sailboat race around Barbados was in 1936, Sue Pelling reports: The first In 2012, The Mount Gay Round Barbados Race expanded to incorporate the Two In 2012, The Mount Gay Round Barbados Race expanded Barbados Race Series, Now is the time to sign up for the 2016 Mount Gay Round Gay Rum as a prize for the There’s a chance to win your skipper’s weight in Mount raise the party bar with a Saturday Night Beach Party on the sand in front of the Beach Party on the sand in bar with a Saturday Night raise the party SLYC Clubhouse. and Dive Saint since its inception in 2011, has supported the event Bay Marina, which catamaran, and free-to-spectators up last year. The popular Lucia, which signed Endless Summer enthusiasts, as well as newcomers interested in seeing what a big boat regatta looks in seeing what a big boat well as newcomers interested enthusiasts, as and enjoy extended to the public to come and an open invitation is like, will join in, events. of sailing as well as the social the spectacle forms. Register by November 13th and save ten per- erary, Notice of Race and entry cent of the US$100 entry fee. committee and judges are composed of representa- on December 3rd. The race a Sailing Federation. Pilar Regatta events include tives of US Sailing and the Cuban Harbor Marina, Key West; an awards ceremony in VIP welcoming party at Conch Gaviota restaurant at Varadero; and informational meet- the over-the-water Marina community and the Cuban Sailing Federation, hosted ings between the US racing by Pilar Regatta sponsors. Category 2 Regulations. and more information. took up the challenge. The schooner when five trading schooners overall winner with a time of 10 hours 20 minutes. The consolation prize of a barrel of overall winner with a time of 10 hours 20 minutes. The consolation several years later following Mount Gay Rum for the slowest yacht was discontinued and remained out at sea for the discovery that some competitors purposely stalled days to ensure they won the prize! two days. The event Restaurants Race, which meant racing took place over races includ- expanded further in 2014 and ran a series of coastal, round-the-buoy Round Barbados Race. The ing the Two Restaurants Race, as well as The Mount Gay end of the regatta was 300-mile Ocean Race from Barbados to Antigua at the in Antigua. designed to tie in with the start of the Superyacht Challenge are well underway to mark running from January 16th through 24th, as preparations 50 years of the Round Barbados Race’s 80th anniversary, and to commemorate the key events on the race independence for Barbados. This regatta is now one of favourite. circuit, and is fast becoming a speed-sailing, record-breaking Race records are bro- fastest time if any of the 14 Mount Gay Rum Round Barbados the top prizes, amassing a ken. At the 2015 event, three teams managed to scoop total of 78 cases of Mount Gay Rum.

WORLD CRUISING CLUB ZZZJUHQDGDVDLOLQJZHHNFRP  5DFLQJ 5DFHU&UXLVHU - &UXLVLQJ &ODVVLF Continued from previous page Continued from ARC 2015 will start on November 22nd. The majority of the fleet is expected to ARC 2015 will start on November be held on December After the gala prizegiving ceremony, which this year will Visit www.worldcruising.com for more information. St. Lucia Mango Bowl 2015 on the Start Line! to the fourth St. Lucia Ann Purvis reports: St. Lucia Yacht Club is counting down in the racing off Reduit At least five classes of vessels are expected to participate World Cruising Club was formed by Jimmy Cornell with the very first ARC in 1986, Cornell with the very first Club was formed by Jimmy World Cruising arrive at Rodney Bay Marina between December 9th and 14th. Every boat is wel- arrive at Rodney Bay Marina between December 9th fruit and chilled beer. comed to Rodney Bay Marina with rum punches, fresh stay on the island for 19th, there is so much to do on St. Lucia that many yachts cruising in small groups, often Christmas. Many ARC boats continue their Caribbean meeting other ARC friends in various Caribbean anchorages. looks like an even bigger and Mango Bowl Regatta at the end of this month, and it 28th and 29th, with the better event to take place in Rodney Bay on November Skippers‘ Briefing on November 27th. of course, St. Lucia have Beach. Teams from Martinique, Barbados, the UK and, Classes will participate in already signed up. Racing and Cruising, J/24 and Surprise in Martinique have also a series of races over the two days, and Melges skippers Bowls” will be awarded expressed interest. Signature handmade ceramic “Mango those donated by to winning crews in addition to other generous prizes including Mango Bowl 2015 promises to sponsors Massy United Insurance and Dive . the first-ever ocean-crossing yacht rally. Since Jimmy’s retirement in 1998, the com- Since Jimmy’s retirement in yacht rally. the first-ever ocean-crossing sailing rally is now the world’s leading run by Andrew Bishop. WCC pany has been ARC, every year: ARC, World nine distinct rallies taking place specialist, with DelMarVa ARC USA, ARC Baltic, ARC ARC Europe, ARC Portugal, Caribbean 1500, Cruise. and the Malts — NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 14 January 23rd the absolutemultihullrecordandseveralmonohullclassrecordslooksettofall. branded teamontheirMOD70,andaselectionofsuper-fastmonohullstakingpart, hours 42minutes28secondsin2014.However,withthelikesofBarbados- Andy BudgenandteamontheBritishVO70 Crouch, UK. designed byAlfredMylnein1929andbuiltW.King&SonsatBurnham-on- kling ofclassics.AmongtheprettiestisMatBarker’s65-footcutter, the fleetforMountGayRoundBarbadosSeries,thereislikelytobeafinesprin- local one-designs,cruisersandcharteryachts,areexpectedtomakeupthebulkof Britain’s successfuloffshoreracingteam.[ announced anewandexcitingpartnershipbetweenBarbadosTeamConcise, Independence forBarbados. member oftheBarbadosCruisingClub—commemorates50years Prime MinisterofBarbados,andfatherindependence,whowasakeensailor the ErrolBarrowpublicholiday.ThisyearDay—birthdayoffirst Gay RumRoundBarbadosRace—whichtraditionallytakesplaceonJanuary21st, week inJanuarytoincorporatetheheadlineevent—60-nauticalmileMount Marketing Inc.andMountGay,thisregattaalwaystakesplaceduringthethird establish theuniqueidentityofMountGayRumRoundBarbadosRaceSeries. nial-style BajanhospitalityatanexhibitionpolomatchonLayDay,haveallhelped parties, avisittotheMountGayRumDistillery,andchancesoakupcolo- — The firstBudgetMarineChallengetobeheldinSt.Maartenisscheduledfor First BudgetMarineChallengeforSt.Maarten For moreinformationseeadonpage12. The outrightmonohullrecordroundtheislandofBarbadosremainsinhands Although out-and-outracingmachinessuchasTP52s,MOD70s,Volvoand To marktheoccasion,WilliamGriffith,CEOofBarbadosTourismMarketingInc.,has Organized byBarbadosCruisingClubinassociationwithTourism The racingandrecord-breakingopportunities,togetherwithlegendaryrum-fuelled in Barbados! Racing? It’salwayshot Continued frompreviouspage REPOWER FOR A RENEWED BOAT LIFE insint maarten /saint martin New 2015 us$ price list available ! ! available

and 24th,2016.TheBudgetMarineChallengeconceptoriginatedin EASY BOATING Improve your installation and save time with our high level qualified technici qualified level high our with time save and installation your Improve USA. from imported directly drives + engines with costs and time Save Save money in a DUTY FREE island. : Martin Saint / Maarten Sint in repower to Benefit value. resale boat’s your boost you’ll least, butnot last And consumption. fuel lower to thanks impact, environmental reduce and costs cut also You’ll comfort. and safety on-board reliability, wellas as maneuvering, and performance increase will which engine, new a toinstall easier Volvo Penta’s complete repowering it kits make experience. boating overall your improve will engine new a with boat your Repowering All necessary infrastructures at lower prices (Boatyards, intl. airport, hotels, shipchandlers...) shipchandlers...) hotels, airport, intl. (Boatyards, prices lower at infrastructures necessary All See relatediteminBusinessBriefs,page6.

Monster Project whosetatimeof4 The BluePeter ,

] PETER MARSHALL PETER venue foranafter-raceparty. that extendsinland,providingaperfectovernightstopforcompetitorsandgood WiFi andclearancefacilities.Theentrancetothemarinaislocatedinachannel group, withmanyimprovementsalreadyinplace,includinganewgasstation,free to AnseMarcelonthenortheastcornerofisland. in St.MaartenwillbeanovernighteventthattaketheboatsfromSimpsonBay Different fromCuraçao,wheretheeventisoneday,BudgetMarineChallenge unique inthatitinvolvesananchorstartratherthanonaconventionalstartingline. Curaçao, whereit’soneoftheisland’smostsuccessfulsailingevents.Theeventis more information. in Havana. 6th. EventsinCubawillincludeaparadeofsailfrontthehistoricMalecon Republic CuptotheoverallwinnerataceremonybackinKeyWestonFebruary with awelcomereceptioninKeyWestandfinishtheawardingofConch maritime tradition. malization ofrelationsbetweentheUSandCuba,itispossibletorenewthis from 1997untilthwartedbyUSgovernmentregulationsin2003.Now,withthenor- West CubaRaceWeek.Thishadbeenanannualcultural-exchangesportingevent for bothparticipantsandspectators. that withtheanchorstartandyouwillhaveaguaranteedsourceofentertainment ward leg,aswellracingalongthecoastonbothsidesofisland.Combine porary handicap. open toallsailboats,includingall-outracers;cruisingboatswillbeallocatedatem- an anchorstartwillberepeatedinAnseMarceltoreturnSimpsonBay.Theraceis given, afterwhichtheywillraisetheanchorandracetofinish.OnSunday, The Saturday’sstartwillbeat10:30 The marinainAnseMarcelhasrecentlybeentakenoverbyanewmanagement Visit [email protected] Conch RepublicCupKeyWestCubaRaceWeek2016willbeginonJanuary27th Conch RepublicCupLLChadannouncedthereturnofKey Conch RepublicCupRaceWeekReturnsinJanuary Contact [email protected]. The courseallowstheBudgetMarineChallengetohaveawindwardandlee- ans. ans.  AM  Contact Contact us forany quote orinformations    . Crewswillstaybelowdeckuntilthesignalis Email :[email protected] www.caraibesdiesel.com Phone :(+590) 590 870 373 —Continued onnextpage NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 15 —Continued on page 46 AST January 31st, 2016 pay only AST January 31st, 2016 pay PM Racing will take place on coastal courses within the Virgin Islands and boats will be Racing will take place on coastal courses within the Virgin starting in 2016, on The Maxi Yacht Rolex Caribbean Cup will be held biennially Visit www.yccs.com for more information. 29th Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta be held April 13th through The 29th edition of Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta will Register online at www.yachtscoring.com/emenu.cfm?eID=1502. The NOR is Register online at www.yachtscoring.com/emenu.cfm?eID=1502. Cup for April 2016 Inaugural Maxi Rolex Caribbean was organized by the Yacht Club Costa The first Maxi Yacht World Championship New Classes, New Race Set for St. Thomas Regatta New Race Set for St. Thomas New Classes, in first-ever One boats are set to sail reports: Gunboats and VX Carol Bareuther philosophy of It is a perfect fit with our to offer these new classes. “We are excited offers so many classes and rating rules under No other regatta in the Caribbean in full by 5:00 Entries received and paid for divided into categories ranging from the Mini Maxi and Maxi 72 classes to divided into categories ranging from the Mini Maxi and to participate. The event Supermaxis, with Wally and J-Class yachts also expected Maxi Association. will be organized with the support of the International alternate years to the Rolex Swan Cup Caribbean. 19th, 2016. US$250. The registration fee between February 1st and March 22nd increases to US$250. The registration fee US $250 for beach cats and US $300 for IC24s and Non- US$400 for all boats, except Rated Cruising Class boats. available at www.stthomasinternationalregatta.com [email protected] For more information contact Sardinia in 1980. Since then the event has grown Smeralda (YCCS) in Porto Cervo, yachts racing each September in the Costa Smeralda. into a competition for Maxi Cup, YCCS and their With the announcement of the Maxi Yacht Rolex Caribbean competitive spirit to the oppo- partner Rolex intend to extend the event’s renowned winter home in Virgin site side of the Atlantic, where it will be hosted at the Club’s Gorda, BVI from April 4th through 9th, 2016. Commodore’s Cup and the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta. The complete Notice of Heineken Regatta. The complete Cup and the St. Maarten Commodore’s online entry system. to download from the Race is available March 25th to (STIR), scheduled for St. Thomas International Regatta classes at the also welcome Yacht Club. Organizers will hosted by the St. Thomas 27th, 2016, and to tune up class, plus invite all sailors Offshore Racing Club handicap entries into the 24th. race on March in a new round-the-island within the changing trends in global yacht racing. giving sailors what they want with last year’s introduction of a Non-Rated Cruising Closer to home, we’ll continue Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico,” says Class for boats from the US regatta director, Chuck Pessler. invited to enter in Caribbean Sailing Association; IRC; which to compete. Teams are CSA Bareboat; Non-Rated Cruising Class (PHRF- High Performance Rule; Multihull; One-Design classes with a minimum length of 20 feet. handicap); Beach Cats; and Category Five, Jaguar, Category Five, (see photo), is registered and ready to lead the challenge (see photo), is registered and ready to lead the challenge and more. The Blue Peter Continued from previous page Continued from Racing will start in the calmer waters off Grand Anse Beach, and then progress Racing will start in the calmer Water World, many more In addition to Grenada Sailing Week’s title sponsor, Island some of Grenada’s beauti- Participants will once again enjoy a variety of venues in (473) 440-6826, • Grenada Yacht Club: [email protected], (473) 444-4449, • Secret Harbour Marina: [email protected], www.secretharbourgrenada.com pricklybaymarina.com • Prickly Bay Marina: [email protected], (473) 439-5265, to classic boats. The Classic The GSW organizers extend a warm, special invitation Sign up for a newsletter www.grenadasailingweek.com or see facebook at Sign up for a newsletter www.grenadasailingweek.com For more information see ad on page 13. Gill Commodore’s Cup: St. Maarten Heineken Warm-Up in St. Maarten on March The tenth annual Gill Commodore’s Cup 2016 will be held a new line of regatta- Gill, the technical gear provider for the regatta, will have and click on the To register for this one-day event, visit www.heinekenregatta.com Grenada Sailing Week 2016: Register Now for Discount! Week 2016: Register Now Grenada Sailing January 28th 2016 will take place from Grenada Sailing Week Island Water World around Point Saline to Grenada’s south coast, where current and wind offer a differ- around Point Saline to Grenada’s ent challenge. Rum and Sea Hawk Paints. loyal sponsors are back on board, including Mount Gay (January 28th and 29th),ful bays, starting at the Grenada Yacht Club in St. George’s 30th and 31st) andmoving to Secret Harbour Marina at Mt. Hartman Bay (January last two venues are locatedthen on to Prickly Bay Marina (February 1st and 2nd). The via an enjoyableon either side of the L’Anse Aux Epines peninsula and connected the dock or on a mooringwalk or a short ride over the hill. To ensure your place on as early as possible: (Prickly Bay) it is advisable to book directly with the marinas www.grenadayachtclub.com with the skippers of these Class is one they wish to foster, and ongoing consultation to their needs. Mathew traditional beauties has resulted in longer courses tailored of the well-known and Barker, firm supporter of this developing regatta and captain well-sailed Sam of Hamble, Spirit of Juno, Jings!, Hot Stuff, The Blue Peter, Bluefin, Whistler, Stuff, The Blue Peter, Bluefin, Spirit of Juno, Jings!, Hot Sam of Hamble, Apero, Fiser November 30th at the lower in 2016, so if you have a classic boat, register online by fee for some legendary sailing and partying in Grenada. GrenadaSailingWeek. Regatta are hoping to 3rd. Organizers of this pre-event for the St. Maarten Heineken rating is required. top last year’s record entry of 81 boats of all types; a CSA online in the months branded soft shells, UV Tech shirts, shorts and hats available stores beginning December leading up to the event, at Budget Marine St. Maarten 1st, and during the event at all venue locations. to register for both the Gill top “register” tab. From there participants can choose through February 2nd. The cut-off date for early registration is coming up on early registration is coming 2nd. The cut-off date for through February www.yachtscoring.com/emenu. so register online now at November 30th, fee of US$90. the low early-registration Pay now and benefit from cfm?eID=1464. including lineup of yachts already registered, Join the great — NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 16 Caring andahighregardfortheseaaretwoofjuniorsailing’smanybenefits. ciation, thereisunderstanding.Whereunderstanding,caring. vent littering). later talkedaboutwhereitcamefromandhowkidscanhelpreducetrashpre- ing sails,steering,pickingupmarinedebris(theyscoopedtrashwhilesailingand respectful. Timewasproductive. these factorsyieldedtheresultsMaddoxandothershopedfor.Thekidswere things down,computertimewaslimited,thereaminimalcosttoattend.All ioral rulessuchas“raiseyourhandbeforetalking”,thekidswereexpectedtowrite played outside,theyworkedinsmallgroups(sixkids/oneadult),therewerebehav- Here thekidswalkedtofacility(bychoice),theywerenotgiven“stuff”, kids wererestlessanddisrespectful. “stuff” (food,etcetera),kidsstayedindoorsfiddlingaroundoncomputers.Theresult: ents droppedkidsoff(thechildrenhadnochoiceinattendance),weregiven Boys &GirlsClubs(anationalassociationservinginner-citykids)werethese:par- was remarkable. videos, talkedconceptsandofferedtheprogramatnocharge.Whathefoundout Maddox tooktheprogramtokidsinsteadofwater.Heused go thereandhavenoaffinityforthesea.Becauseoftransportationcosts,initially Although Baltimorechildrenarelocatedwithintwomilesofthesea,mostnever “learning different”,ashepreferstocallchildrenwhoarelearningdisabled. Technology, EngineeringandMath”accordingtowww.reach.ussailing.org. education, establishingaloveoflearningwhileexploringproductiveScience, gram. It“utilizessailingasaneducationalplatform,challengingyouthtoembrace who werehome-schooling,whenMaddoxstumbleduponUSSailing’sReachpro- serve under-privilegedurbanyouth,“Sailingisaplatformforhigherlifefunctioning.” Building anaffinityfortheseainturnbuildsappreciation.Wherethereisappre- Each lessontaughthadtobringrelevance.Asampleofsomethelessons:hoist- Later, MaddoxtriedadifferentformatwithinChristianafter-schoolprogram. The dynamicsofhisfirst“nocharge”after-schoolprogramadministeredthrough Maddox amendedReachmodulestomakethemworkwithnon-sailorsandthe He hadhome-schooledhisownchildren,andthenbeganassistingotherparents According toSteveMaddox,whostartedaprograminhisBaltimore,Marylandarea SEA AFFINITY celebrating sailing’sroleinyouthdevelopment. Youth2Adult –Y2Aisaseriesofarticles beautiful SaintLucia. through itsrestaurants,shopping,andresorts.Immerse yourselfinaluxeyachtingadventuresimply mystique. Ofcourse,nogetawaywouldbecomplete withoutexploringtheluxurioussideofSaintLucia Must-see divespotsabound,andthereareplentyof hiddenbayswhereyou’llcreateyourownCaribbean Petit andGrosPiton.RodneyBayinvitesanighton thetown.OrchooseMarigotBayforachicexcursion. ing scenerythatattractsthefinestyachtsfromaround theworld.Dropanchornearmajesticpeaksof warm andsoothingnortheasttradewindsprovideidealsailingconditions.Yet, it’s SaintLucia’s breathtak- The islandofSaintLuciawasmadeforseafaring–orperhapsit’s theotherway around.Theprevailing Y2A BYELLENEBERTBIRRELL and oftentookmeoutwithhim. love fishingandsoccer.” ics, geography,biology,physicaleducationandmathhesays,“Apartfromsailing,I Fifth FormatBonneTerrePreparatoryHighSchool.Withfavoritesubjectsofphys- considers “oneofthemostexquisiteislandsinCaribbean.”HeisGrade11/ Drop Anchor andEscape At nineyearsoldhisdadintroducedhimtosailing,“Helovesfishingandsailing Although borninFrance,Luc’sformativeyearshavebeenSt.Lucia,aplacehe Favorite Boat:LaserRadial Member: St.LuciaYachtClub Luc Chevrier,16yearsold Y2A FeaturedYouth France: Saint Lucia: w w w w w w . . s s t t l l u u 33 145320254 c c i i a a 7584524094 n n o o w w . . c c o o m m


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USA: w w w 442073417000 w w . 18004563984 . s s [email protected] t t l l u u c c i i a a n n o o w w . . c c o o . m u k

Germany: w Canada: w w


—Continued onnextpage w


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NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 17 — Caona , who, like his wife, , who, like his Caona for Leeward Charters, volunteers as Red Cross Youth for Leeward Charters, volunteers Caona With a large foredeck, a beam of 22 feet and a hull speed of 25 knots, and a hull speed of 25 knots, a beam of 22 feet With a large foredeck, Currently, Lennox lives in St. Kitts with his wife, daughter and son. He makes his his wife, daughter and son. lives in St. Kitts with Currently, Lennox more teaching of children on how to sail.” Lennox’s wish: “I’d like to see working with the elements and generally being a good person.” the elements and generally working with took him back to Nevis many years ago.” This is part of the warm hospitality Lennox This is part of the warm hospitality to Nevis many years ago.” took him back 1980s, after a out in his field. In the guests and makes him stand shows charter UK, he assisted operations course in the aid and emergency/rescue three-week first home, was youth, and, when he returned and physically challenged with mentally British Queen. presented to the livelihood sailing and playing in a rhythm-and-blues band. Director and enjoys singing named after a Carib Indian princess — became much more than a catamaran to became much more than Carib Indian princess — named after a relationship with of having “a very good Lennox. He tells

Skyjack . He began building catamarans Caona Continued from previous page Continued from At 20 years old, Lennox Wallace was just finishing Y2A Featured Adult Lennox Wallace, 53 years old Employment: Senior Captain, Leeward Charters, Luc’s message: “I encourage Caribbean youth to try Luc’s message: “I encourage Luc would like to see “more youth enrollment in youth enrollment in Luc would like to see “more Luc’s racing has taken off. He started in Optimists at Luc’s racing has taken off. Coping with stressful situations, keeping calm, communicating with teammates teammates calm, communicating with situations, keeping Coping with stressful Meeting high-level sailors from around the world has become Luc’s favorite aspect world has become Luc’s sailors from around the Meeting high-level “He was part of a J/24 sailing team and wanted me to follow in his footsteps by wanted me to follow in his of a J/24 sailing team and “He was part technical college in St. Kitts. He joined a boatyard that technical college in St. Kitts. He joined a boatyard that was yielding catamarans such as the 45-foot St. Kitts the sport of sailing. We live on islands surrounded by the sport of sailing. We live water so why not make use of that resource? Sailing is a fun and educational sport. You get to meet other youths from around the world, make lifetime friends and learn many things about the sea that surrounds us. Also, there are many career opportunities in sailing and the marine sector. I would love to see many young Caribbean people take to the seas!” and the 47-foot with the late Philip Walwyn. “They told me I had to learn to sail them. I started out learning on Sunfish,” Lennox explains. “Sailing helps me to deal with people, our sailing program and a larger diversity of boats a larger diversity of boats our sailing program and like to one day repre- added to our fleet.” He would and make a career out sent St. Lucia in the Olympics of sailing. nine years old. By ten, he competed in Canada’s CORK nine years old. By ten, he competed the Dominican Republic in then on to Opti Worlds in Byte CII at the 2014 Youth 2012. “In 2014, I raced the Currently, I am improving Olympics in Nanjing, China. at regattas in St. Lucia, my skills and positioning USA and Italy.” Martinique, France, Canada, and staying focused on the task at hand are some of the skills Luc has developed task at hand are some of the skills Luc has developed and staying focused on the able to apply these life skills in my school work when from junior sailing. “I am His completing large amounts of homework,” he says. studying, socializing and a being surrounded by lightning and thunder in scariest sailing moment was Republic during the 2012 squall in the Dominican Optimist Worlds. of sailing. “I now have many friends in sailing from around the world that I met at sailing from around the world have many friends in of sailing. “I now starting line as the adrenaline rush at the participated in.” For Luc, the regattas I that words can- speed “creates a feeling in extreme conditions at high well as sailing not describe.” enrolling me into St. Lucia Yacht Club’s Learn to Sail program. With my love for theLearn to Sail program. With St. Lucia Yacht Club’s enrolling me into on sailing.” I began to focus very seriously from my parents, sea and encouragement — NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 18 ately decidedwewouldreturntoDominicaafterhur- began pouringin,wewereheartbroken.Weimmedi- guests andnotsimplytourists. shakes anda“Goodday”.Wetrulyfeltlikewelcomed we werewelcomedwithopensmiles,warmhand- the tripespeciallymemorable.Everywherewewent, Island. ButitwasthepeopleofDominicawhomade spectacular, Dominicaearnsitsnickname,TheNature the symphonyofsoundsfromrainforest.Simply against thedenserainforestcanopy,andlistenedto sulfur springswhilethesteamroselikeathickfog waterfalls sculptingamountaintop.Wesoakedinhot a craterlakehighinthecloudsandhikedtotwin waterfall spilledoverus.Wemarveledatthebeautyof cold, clearspringwaterintoacavernwheresmall We visitedthebaseofTitouGorge,swimminginits reaching fortheriverandfoliageblockingoutsun. River, itsbanksdensewithtrees,snake-likeroots time there,aguidepaddledusupthewindingIndian had seenelsewhereintheEasternCaribbean.Inour islands foritsstunningbeauty,unlikeanythingwe during Juneanditquicklybecameoneofourfavorite by floodingandlandslides. inches ofrainwithinaday.Theislandwasdevastated top ofDominicaandonAugust27th,shedumped15 and movedovertheLeewardIslands. Tropical StormErikadevelopedattheendofAugust although safelyanchoredinGrenada,cringedwhen know peopleinharm’sway.Myhusband,Mike,andI, Even whenwearesafe,astravelersmostlikely named storms,whetherdirectlyintheirpathornot.

Rodney Bay,St.Lucia So whentheinitialreportsofDominica’sdevastation Mike andIhadspentoverthreeweeksinDominica Erika wasn’tahurricane,butthestormstalledon All cruisersintheEasternCaribbeanshareafearof

Tel: (758)4520299

Lubricants &Oils Bilge Pumps Marine Hoses Electric Wire Anchors &Fenders Chain &Rope Johnson Hardware Ltd. over thecourseofnextweek,Imentionedthatwe Grenada cruisingcommunity. whelming outpouringofsupportwereceivedfromthe friends wouldofferhelp,weneverexpectedtheover- radio netthenextmorning.Whilewehopedafew Dominica withsuppliesonGrenada’sCruisers’VHF season. Wewouldannounceourplanstotravel decided wecouldn’twaituntiltheendofhurricane the island.BymorningofSunday,August30th,we eyes. Damagetoroadscutoffsupplychannelsacross their familiesdisappearinmudslidesrightbefore communities beingwashedaway,peoplewatching Group (IRG)tofollowalongwiththeirreliefefforts. we could.WesignedupwithInternationalRescue ricane seasonandbringwithusasmanysupplies Relief Run: byJenniferSimpson Storm-DamagedDominica Cruisers CarryCargoto When Iannouncedourplanstocollectdonations Then morereportscameandwereadaboutentire FOR YOUR MARINEHARDWARE, ANDMORE Fax:(758)4520311 Fishing Gear Snorkeling Equipment Flares &LifeJackets VHF Radios Stainless Fittings Stainless Fasteners e-mail:[email protected] lecting, consolidatingandrepackingpilesofdonations Pam on “Our Place,”alovelySt.George’svenue.Jamesand fundraiser thenextFridaywithalocalmusicianat Somewhere anchorages aroundGrenada.SharonandJimof were inundatedwithvolunteersfromeachofthemany from anyonewhomightwanttohelp.Immediatelywe would bemonitoringtheVHFafternettohear Marina tostorethem. boat toaskforhelp,andworkingwithSecretHarbor donations fromaroundthebay,evendrivingboat-to- Neptune II raiser inSt.George’s.VanessaandGaryon ing transportationfromotheranchoragestothefund- from cruisersintheircrowdedbayaswellorganiz- S/V Lovzur tooktheleadinSecretHarbor,collecting tooktheleadinSt.George’s,settingupa Service andDominicaMarineCenter with personnelfromtheDominicaFire Mission accomplished.MikeinRoseau tooktheleadinPricklyBay,col- —Continued onnextpage Houseware &Cookware Hand &PowerTools Sanding Paper&Discs Epoxy Resins Paint Brushes Antifouling Paint S/V S/V NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 19 for Neptune II who will coordi- Marilyn@selecty- , and and www.internationalrescuegroup. . And of course the members of Portsmouth S/V Somewhere, Lovezur . It costs nothing to join and commits you to We encourage other cruisers to visit Dominica. Should you wish to deliver more supplies, dona- We also recommend that cruisers join International As in Portsmouth, the heat was nearly unbearable, As in Portsmouth, the heat our way back to Grenada We are now slowly making what Mike and I Looking back on this experience, nothing other than receiving information of any coordinated relief efforts taking place The island is ready for the tourist season and visi- tors will be welcomed with open arms. tions will be most welcome, especially items for children as the holidays approach. In Roseau, you may contact Hubert of Dominica Marine Center at [email protected], [email protected] achts.com org Area Yacht Services (PAYS) will be happy to accept donations as well. Rescue Group at nate with the Red Cross. In Portsmouth, you can contact Rotary Club members Lise and Marilyn at their direct efforts and for the countless cruisers, their direct efforts and for friends and even a few complete strangers who donat- ed so much. And of course on Dominica, we cannot express enough gratitude to the Rotary Club, the Red Cross and Dominica Marine Center for not only the assistance they gave us, but for taking on the daily challenges they still face helping the people of their magnificent country. Thank you all for what you have done and continue to do. up at the busy Customs dock, Hubert Winston of Customs dock, Hubert up at the busy Customs to Center arranged for Dominica Marine Hubert, private dock. When we arrived, meet us at his our lines employees were there to catch his friends and arrived to col- cargo. Fire Services first and unload our had given a perfectly happy that we lect their water, then away in Portsmouth. Customs couple of cases shortly after, off our inventory and, arrived to check the rest of volunteers came to collect the Red Cross our donations. good spirits. Mike and I but everyone remained in happily invited people passed out cold drinks and in the shade of our cock- aboard to take some comfort for us all, but beautiful pit. It was an exhausting day together to help the to see how everyone was working we were done, we took a people of Dominica. After by Hubert and stayed mooring ball graciously offered to rest and visit a few in Roseau a couple more days friends on shore for the rest of hurricane season. the cruising community will remember most is how together to organize relief and local businesses came service in this effort efforts. We were a mere delivery those involved, we could and without the help of all are eternally grateful to the never have pulled it off. We crews of tie was load- Three Sheets waterline restored! Right: Three Sheets, We were ready to go IRG was staged in St. Left: Red Cross volunteers taking delivery at Roseau afternoon. By the time the time afternoon. By Three Sheets ed with well over a ton of donated goods, the waterline dropped about three inches. and just needed good weather to sail north. Lucia and recommended we first stop there. After a few weather delays, we arrived in Rodney Bay on September 12th and met with Ray, the found- er of IRG, to coordinate Lise and Marilyn of the local Rotary AM . Thankfully our friends in St. George’s our friends in St. George’s . Thankfully MARINE ENGINEERING PARTS AND LUBRICANTS MARINE ENGINEERING PARTS We offloaded about a quarter of our supplies for the The next morning we sailed for Roseau to deliver the We were thrilled that CK’s, like Hubbard’s, would would that CK’s, like Hubbard’s, We were thrilled We sailed from Rodney Bay bound for Dominica on Club met Mike at Customs to review our inventory and Club met Mike at Customs to review our inventory and help check us in. While waiting at the dock it warmed our hearts to see several other boats, much larger than ours, unloading pallets of donated supplies. It was incredibly hot and humid, yet people were smiling and in good spirits, even the Customs agents in full uni- form who had been working non-stop since the flood- ing began. Rotary Club, who agreed the rest should go to the Red Cross in Roseau. Afterwards we headed for the Purple Turtle, a popular beach restaurant, to drop off a cou- ple of personal “care packages” to locals we knew from our prior visit and for family of dear friends. While Portsmouth itself was largely unaffected by the storm, we learned that the rivers were still at flood stage and any rains made it impossible to travel between towns. Even as we were visiting, clouds built and dumped heavy rain and at least one of the Dominicans we were speaking with knew she wouldn’t make it home that night. We also learned that the primary water supply was contaminated in many areas, and people had to boil it or purchase expensive bottled water. The woman who was stuck in the rain told us she worried that her two-month-old granddaughter would get sick from contaminated water. Mike went straight back to the boat and brought her two of the 15 cases of water we still had aboard, along with some baby formula and chocolate drink for her other grandchildren. rest of the goods. Rather than have loaded us up with candies and cookies for the children with candies and cookies for loaded us up a soft spot shelters, telling us, “We have in emergency for the kiddies.” time with while I was arranging the deliver and goods to was already delivering them, Hubbard’s Three Sheets load up with and came to help Mike were on standby in the and again when CK’s delivered that shipment delivery in Portsmouth, Dominica where the Rotary delivery in Portsmouth, Dominica where the Rotary Club was assisting Customs. We also took on about 15 cases of water slated for Dominica Fire Services and several more bags of clothes. While there, we received word that the Red Cross was accepting donations in Roseau and Dominica Marine Center was coordinating with Customs there. Both the Rotary Club and the Red Cross were helping those in direct need and it was decided we would deliver goods to both. September 17th and arrived in Portsmouth on the 18th. By 10:00 , with every- , who had local Three Sheets S/V Seas the Moment SAINT MARTIN - SINT MAARTEN SAINT MARTIN Chantier Naval Géminga - Marigot 97150 Saint Martin FWI Phone : (+590) 590 870 373 Email : [email protected] www.caraibesdiesel.com Continued from previous page Continued from We were touched beyond words, but entirely over- Then people — friends, other cruisers and followers friends, other cruisers and Then people — We were anchored in Clarkes Court Bay and cruisers in Clarkes Court Bay and We were anchored Our final stop was to CK’s Super Valu supermarket, Next we made a quick stop at Huggins and spent I’ve never had so much fun shopping in my entire whelmed with the prospect of shopping with that much whelmed with the prospect of shopping with that much money and loading our boat, donate cash. Initially I had suggested that cash dona- tions go to IRG, as they had an official fundraising page, but after several requests, we agreed to accept cash donations either directly or through PayPal, assuring everyone that we’d use every dollar for a final shopping run in Grenada. Within two days we had over US$1,000 donated and by the end of the week, more than US$2,000. on our Facebook page — started asking if they could page — started asking on our Facebook brought donations to us directly or to Whisper Cove to us directly or to brought donations to store them management was happy Marina, whose dona- taxi and van drivers encouraged for us. Local to the par- to deliver anything donated tions, offering ticipating marinas. — and when we told the manager we had just around and when we told the manager we had just around US$1,000 to purchase emergency supplies for Dominica, through teary eyes she told us she had lived in Dominica for years. She pulled her staff together and they all shopped with us, helping us select goods she knew the locals would love, while one of her clerks kept a running tally to keep us within budget. When we were down to our last hundred, she about US$200 on supplies for seniors. life. Becky, self-described as “an efficient shopper”, life. Becky, self-described as “an efficient shopper”, knew exactly which stores to hit. We first arrived at Hubbard’s, a wholesale market just across from Port Louis Marina. When we explained to the manager what we were doing and how much cash we had to spend, she happily gave recommendations for goods and kept a running tally so we could save some cash for our next stop. We spent more than US$900 in about 20 minutes, on everything from food to personal hygiene and infant supplies. Even better, Hubbard’s would deliver the goods to us in the marina. thing while on anchor. So when Port Louis Marina thing while on anchor. So when Port Louis Marina offered free berthing for a couple of nights so we could load up, we were more than thrilled. Then when our friend Becky on knowledge of wholesale stores and access to a vehicle, offered to take me shopping, I happily accepted. She agreed to pick up items collected in the other harbors, and then, while Mike stayed behind to organize the col- lected items, she and I went out and shopped. NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 20 and theschooner the firstlegofourvoyagewithallhandsinfineform Vineyard Haven,Massachusetts.Wehadcompleted 2nd, 2014,fourdaysafterourfrigiddeparturefrom bluffs and nourishing the thriving coral terrace. bluffs andnourishingthethrivingcoralterrace. pink whitesandorcollidingagainstruggedrock-faced archipelago surroundedbypaleturquoisesealappingat tone forourreceptioninthislonelymid-Atlanticvolcanic welcome fromtheBermudianCustomsofficialsset alongside theCustomsdockforclearance.Thecourteous tine) flagatthestarboardforemastspreader,wecame and theBermudacourtesyflagabove“Q”(quaran- on thehelmandpleasanttoeye. sails easilyandworkssowellforus—sheiseasy is alowtech,semi-gloss,comfortablecreaturethat her multifacetedpurposemissionwithhighmarks.She the oneconstantinyachtdesignand well asoceansailingtodistantports.Compromiseis guests havingnosailingexperienceamongthem,as with adozenormorefriends,tocharteringsix as manytencloserelativesonboard,todaysailing that rangesfromafamilyboatcapableofcruisingwith binations. Idesigned sloop orcutter)therearealsomoreoptionsinsailcom- strings topullthanonaboatwithonemast(e.g. set, trimandlowereachsail.Althoughtherearemore er piecesspreadoutupontwomastsmakesiteasierto through thewater.Dividingupsailareaintosmall- vessel, themoresailisrequiredtodriveheavierhull able characteristicsinacruisingboat.Thelargerthe has beenrediscoveredbyyachtdesignersforitsdesir- were schooner-riggedandinrecentyearstheschooner early racingyachts,suchasthelegendary speed, abilitytowindwardandseaworthiness.The well asoffshore.Theywereknownfortheirgoodturnof were usedforfishingandcarryingcargocoastwiseas of handlingbyasmallcrew.Theseworkingvessels centuries andbecameverypopularforitsrelativeease Last month,wesetsailwiththeschooner We hikedtotheoldfortatharbourentrance Right: Bermudawasawelcomepitstoponthevoyage. Above right:StrollingtheshorelineatIle-à-Vache from Martha’sVineyard,southwardbound… WE With our United States ensign flying from the taffrail With ourUnitedStatesensignflyingfromthetaffrail The schoonerrigevolvedduringthe18thand19th Charlotte

Charlotte George’s harboronDecember sailed throughthecuttoSt. weather andlightair approached Bermudainfair at herbest. —Continued onnextpage to fit a job description to fitajobdescription Charlotte Charlotte America has met has met

, TO HAITI PASSAGE and Beyond Bermuda Part Two: by NatBenjamin Close to: what wedoandthewayit. THE

Fajardo, PuertoRico Parcelas Beltrán,Bo.Sardinera, E: F: T: • OfficialCruisingStation • CameraSurveillance • WholeAreaPatrolledby • Safety,CleanlinessandService • On-SiteFuelDockandDiesel • WideConcreteFingerPiers • 282FixedSlips DIFFERENCE IS 24 HourSecurity is ourPrimaryConcern on Dock“A” Delivered onallSlipsexcept of SSCA open 7daysaweekfrom8:00amto4:00pm ¡ [email protected] 787.863.5282 787.863.0313 VISIT US! our webpage and bepartofourfamily.

AMENI Join ustoday www.sunbaymarina.com TIES • AmpleParking • USCustomandImmigration • NearSmallEateriesandUpscale • NearbyShip'sChandleryand • LaundryFacilities • RestroomsandShowers • WaterandElectricity • ComplimentaryCableTV Located 1/2mileAwaybyDinghy El ConquistadorHotelandCasino Elegant Restaurantssuchas Convenience Store and Wi-Fi at Fajardo , NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 21 in

America —Continued on next page boiled along, ticking off the miles day after day. After a flurry of provisioning, filling tanks, Brad After a flurry of provisioning, sea-rolling world, standingIt felt good to be back in our The dawn watch is my favorite, if only for the relief This recently restored impenetrable rock-bound bul- This recently restored impenetrable 1851: the America’s Cup. This yacht race between 1851: the America’s Cup. for 2017 in the windy captains of industry is slated environs of Dockyard. a thorough check of the replacing a water pump and we said farewell to sail- rig, engine and ship’s gear, Hollis, our dear old friends makers Stevie and Suzanne our visit to this secluded and the main reason for ocean. We were all eager emerald jewel in the western ride the North Atlantic to get underway again and to our winter home, Haiti. 1100 nautical miles south boys in a boat. A fairwatch with our pals, five bonded by a steep confused seawind from the north bolstered some appetites reduced askept the helmsman alert and Charlotte We became reacquainted with the night sky overflowing with stars and stared at the wonders above in the cool- ness of the tropical darkness. For every 60 nautical miles gained on our southerly course, Polaris, the North Star, slid down towards the horizon astern one degree in alti- tude, mimicking our latitude. On rare occasions a ship would appear on the horizon and the watch captain would take a bearing to the vessel to determine its course. If your bearing doesn’t change it’s a collision situation and time to alter your heading. Constant vigilance! of light following darkness, which in foul weather can be very nerve racking. After a long and harrowing visionless night watch, a welcome sunrise restores your ability to observe the ship and see how this com- plex contraption of lumber, line, bronze and canvas survived the thrashing and pitching in blindness — as if she needs to see. ful pastel outpost. Dockyard is a major fortification Dockyard is a major ful pastel outpost. their embar- the British shortly after constructed by of American by a hardscrabble collection rassing defeat Desperately in the War of Independence. colonial rebels Atlantic, presence in the western in need of a military construct an Brits resolved to the once indomitable of locally cut and naval base out ingenious fortification engineering of architectural and stone. A masterpiece expense of it was built at the expertise, regretfully, the appalling lives subjected to countless Bermudian and living conditions cruelty and inhuman labor war. employed by the masters of stage for another battle, wark will soon be the center schooner one named for the victorious

IAN RIDGEWAY Our bus and ferry ride to the Dockyard Museum where we had begun four days ago in a winter landscape. Voyaging under sail was man’s earliest method to dis- cover new lands and such adventure stirs one’s primor- dial foundation like a lost prehistoric memory rekindled. brought home the historical significance of this color- , ‘a low tech, semi-gloss, comfortable creature’, at anchor in Haiti , ‘a low tech, semi-gloss, comfortable creature’, at anchor Continued from previous page The whole crew set off on a hike to stretch our legs and soak up the rich variety of colors and aromas along the trails of this gardener’s paradise. Meandering out to the fort that once protected the harbor entrance, we looked out to sea and reflected on the stunning change from — Charlotte NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 22 you hadacareintheworld. like abondwithanoldschoolmatefrom longbefore made onaseavoyageendurewithtimeless quality, tion ofthepassage,willalsoend.But friendships those worldlyevents,asignificantpart of theattrac- and thebittersweetknowledgethatour freedom from to anticipationoftheexcitementeventual landfall called land—weaboardbegantoshift ourthoughts feet andeventuallybreakingtheliquid surface tobe keel —frommilesofdepthinmidocean tofathomsor the seafloorrisestoameasurabledistancebelow ronment andpurpose.Approachingsoundings,where are uniquetotheexclusivenatureofitsspecialenvi- friendship andsharedexperienceonanoceanvoyage tations. Theattentivecompanionship,communal sensed aslightseachangeinourattitudesandexpec- northwest capeofHaiti. Turks Islands,andfromthereontoLeMoleatthe us betweenthereef-strewnMouchoirBankand northeast ofGrandTurkIsland.Isetacoursetotake and longitude69°49’west,or100nauticalmiles Bermuda, wewerelocatedatlatitude22°20’north beans, again.Hotsauce,anyone? as wesankourforksintoanotherbowlofriceand ing thecatastrophicoverfishingofworld’soceans forting senseofourecologicalcommitmentinmitigat- racuda, wahooorbonitaonthispassage,justacom- the scalycreaturesfromourbakingdish.Nofreshbar- fouling thehookswithSargassoweedandprotecting our yellow-andpink-featheredlurestrollingastern, positions thatpainterscanonlywishfor. the eveningskyexplodingwithsunsetcolorsandcom- voyage, butstunningpre-prandialentertainmentwith horizon beforesinkingbeneaththesea.Noflashthis rarely, justastheupperlimbofsuntouches “green flash”,anopticalphenomenonthatoccurs, cal miles—anaveragespeedofeightknots. some goodones,thebestloggingjustover200nauti- mates ontheprevious24-hourday’srun.Wehad sight positiongoteveryoneondeckandinvitingesti- the vesselshipshape. nizing thegalleyandanyothertasksrequiredtokeep ing downthecockpit,sweepingupbelowdeck,orga- expected toconductageneralcleanupaboard:wash- — Although still350milesfromourdestination,I At noononDecember8th,fourdaysafterdeparting The divinefishguardianswereclearlyincontrolof At sunsetwestrainedoureyesinsearchofthe The traditionalmiddayritualofcalculatingournoon Those luckysoulswhoenjoytherosyfingersarealso Continued frompreviouspage effervescent covewasawelcomechange. Now wehadnewfreedoms,andswimminginthis previous six-and-a-halfdayssinceleavingBermuda. something wehaddoneourbesttoresistduringthe ing. Allhandsdoveoverthesideforalongswim, we arrivedundermoonlightat3o’clockinthemorn- and beautifulasithadbeenafewhoursearlierwhen across apalm-fringedwhitesandbeachascaptivating south coastofIle-à-Vachetoalightbreezesifting is somethingallwoodenboatbuildersunderstand Above: AshipwrightatworkinHaiti.Caulkingseams We awakenedinoursecludedanchorageonthe correspondent overthepastyear. and searchforSamAlteme,ouradvisore-mail someone overtodoitforus—nohurry. wished toclearCustomsofficially,orwecouldsend that wecouldtakethewatertaxitoLesCayesifso dollar billtookcareofthemayor,whoinformedus but theywerecloseduntillaterintheweek.Afive- Customs agentswereinLesCayesonthemainisland, the mayorwouldbeoutsoontocheckusin.Official see anewarrivalintheirmostlyvacantanchorage. by grinningten-to12-year-oldHaitianboysexcited bottom, threedugoutcanoescamealongsidemanned our anchorchainstretchedoutalongthehardsand Vache, aboutsixmilessouthofmainlandHaiti.While reefs andaheadlandonthenorthwestcornerofIle-à- pirate HenryMorgan,isconvenientlytuckedinbehind Ferret. Thisprotectedharbor,namedforthenotorious for thenextfourweeks,PortMorganinBaiede around thewestsideofIle-à-Vachetoourhomeport foreign mediaasadangerousandtroublednation. Not abadfirstencounterincountrysodistortedby did, andhepartedsmilingwishingusafinevisit. had anoldpieceoflinefortrade,whichcoursewe no Haitiancurrencytopayforthefruit.Heaskedifwe Morgan, toclearCustomsandchangemoney,soIhad that wehadyettoarriveattheportofentry,Port galley stove.ConversinginFrench,Iexplainedtohim complement totheeggsandbeanssimmeringon his vessel.Themangosandpapayaslookedlikeagood delectable displayoffreshfruitandfishonthesole yacht. Hegreeteduscheerfullyandgesturedtothe out canoetoinvestigatetherarearrivalofanAmerican Haitian fishermanpaddledoutto at Ile-à-Vache Bottom: Oneofouryoungwelcomingcommittees Below: Thecoastlineisuncrowdedandunspoiled Next month:Makingfriends. Now itwastimetolaunchthedinghy,rowashore We chattedwiththesepoliteladswhotoldusthat At middayweleftthisidyllicanchorageandsteamed Before thesunpeekedoverhillstoeast,a Charlotte in hisdug- NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 23 NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 24 The schooner cole is peacefulandrural,thatalsowhere theymakesomeofthebest and retainedsomeofthecharmearly 20thcentury.Theinsideoftheisland much concrete,somanyroadsandcars: that’swhatwearetryingtoescapefrom! also feltthatthemainislandsweretoourbanized,Martiniqueespecially,with so in Francebeforewestartedonthisvoyage,itwasalittletoomuchlikehome. We European’s dreamofwhattheCaribbeanislandsareallabout. British dignityandCaribbeanlaid-backattitudewasirresistible. sphere ofNelson’sDockyardfeltbothstrangelyfamiliarandexotic.Themixture of that itwasourlandfallaftertheAtlanticcrossing.Thequaint19thcenturyatmo- impression. Caribbean, andthekindnesscheerfulnessofitspeoplehavemadealasting the sharktheyhadcaught,lyingacrossbowoftheirsmallrowingboat! convinced abouttheshark,untilnextdaywhentheycamealongsidetoshow us about. Theyinsistedandbroughtherbackinoneoftheirboats.Wewereonlyhalf back totheboat,shewasstoppedbyfishermen,whosaidthereashark of ourboatthathegaveusasapresent. my artistmaterialsout,oneofthemaskedforpaperandapencildrewpicture They werelivelyandfun,veryknowledgeableaboutallkindsoffish.AsIhad the pebblebeachandlatertheyswamoveraskedpermissiontoclamberaboard. offer bigsmilesandfreshfishinwelcome.Abandofyoungchildrenwasplayingon gave usgoodshelterfromthe30to35knotwindsblowingoutside. We anchoredinPortodosFerreiros,alittlebayonthesoutherntipofBrava,which Verdes, itisveryaridandthepeopletherearepoor,subsistingmainlyonfishing. was ourlaststopbeforemakingthejumpacrossbigpond.LikemostofCape here goes: I havelivedmoreinthelast14monthsthanwholeofmylifebefore—but the ABCs. Antilles fromFebruarytoAugust,theBVIGrenada,andarenowenjoying paths ofanymajorstorms. a keenweathereyeopenedforhurricanealertsandmakingsurewestayedoutofthe Eastern Caribbeanthroughoutthespring,summerandnowalmostautumn,keeping and theNewYear,hadafastJanuarycrossing(15days)toAntiguastayedin our plansandaddedanextrayeartotravelplans. during thedreadedhurricaneseason! the righttimetocrossPacific,alsobecausewedidnotwantstickaround and itscanal. and thenspendsomesixweeksintheCaribbeanbeforeheadingtowardsPanama the AtlanticafterashortstopinCapeVerdelateDecemberorearlyJanuary2015, globe, stayingmostlyinthetropics. cruisers themselves. coming issues,whilewealsobegintosharetheperspectivesoffirst-timeCaribbean ors fornewCaribbeancruisers.We’llcontinuedeliveringthese“oldsalts’”tipsin anchor anddidnothingfortwoblissful days! Saint Louis,borderedwithcoconutpalms andalongwhitesandbeach,droppedour EASTERN CARIBBEAN However wetrulyenjoyedMarie-Galante, becauseithaslaggedbehindthetimes While weenjoyedallthefacilitiesFrenchislandshavetooffer,us,wholived Marie-Galante And Barbuda,withitsbeautifuldesertedwhitesandbeaches,wasevery We lovedEnglishHarbour,ourfirstimpressionsprobablyenhancedbythefact Antigua andBarbuda We spentthreedaysinBrava,makingfinalpreparationsforourpassagetothe One day,asAudrey,oneofourcrew,hadswumashoreandwaspreparingtoswim We hadhardlydroppedanchorbeforeseveralfishermencameupintheirboatsto Although thisisnotintheCaribbean,Ihavetomentionlittleisland,which Brava, intheCapeVerdearchipelago It isnecessarilydifficulttochoosefromsuchawealthofbrightmemories—Ifeel So, whathavebeenthehighlightsandwerethereanydisappointments? And wehavenotregrettedourdecision.WesailedupanddowntheLesser We spentamonthexploringtheislandsofCaboVerde,stayingthroughChristmas However, havingreadDonStreet’sbooks,wedecidedtotakehisadvice,altered Why soshortatimeintheCaribbean?BecauseallbookssaidFebruarywas We startedourcircumnavigationinTurkeyMay2014.Theplanwastocross My husbandHughandIoriginallyplannedtotakethreeyearsgoaroundthe In theSeptember2015issueof After exploringtheinterior,wefounda lovelyandquietbay,justnorthofPort by PriscillaPacker wecameacross! A FIRST TIMER’S Friendship Rose VIEW OF THE seemedtowelcomeusBequia Compass : , wefeaturedtipsfromexperiencedsail- —Continued onnextpage rhum agri- NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 25   Agents for: 

      Long 62º 50.1’ W Lat 17º 20.3’ N W Lat 17º 20.3’ Long 62º 50.1’ Haul & Storage    Haul and Launch $ 11 / ft. Haul and Launch $ 11 - '   )* ! ( FREE high speed Wifi.    00"$ !"" #"$ () (  . Beat the Hurricane season rush. Have access  '    '  Our 164 ton Travel Lift has ability to lift boats up to 35 ft Lift has ability to lift boats up to Our 164 ton Travel   “QUALITY SERVICE AT A GREAT PRICE” GREAT A AT SERVICE “QUALITY BOAT YARD YARD BOAT %&'()'(*&(*&&+%,-./,&&*(/(. LOCATED AT NEW GUINEA, ST.KITTS NEW GUINEA, ST.KITTS AT LOCATED LO St. Kitts Marine Works SS 1$23)34//*-.5,3 $23)34)3,-'333                                 www.skmw.net E-mail: [email protected] Cell: 1 (869) 662 8930 REGULAR HOURS FOR HAUL: to Noon Thurs 8am to 3pm, Fridays 8am Monday to  &                          !                               !!    #     $ 

    !                " " # %            Storage $ 8 / ft / month to your vessel to be launched at any time and not get stuck behind other boats. down available ($3/ft), backhoe available ($100/hr) to dig hole to put keel down Tie and in etc. Pressure wash, Mechanics ($45/hr), Electricians ($45/hr), Welding Carpenters available. wide and 120 feet long. allow you to do your own work on your boat. No extra charge for Catamarans. We Payments – Cash (EC or US$) Visa, Mastercard, Discover & travellers checks (must sign in front of fenced property with CCTV. completely 24 hr manned Security, us with ID) and electricity available. Water Special - 5% discount for full payment. Friendship getting to your destination. before S/Y Anemos. , welcomes you in the harbour and later we visited the little Maritime Museum , welcomes you in the harbour and later we visited the Continued from previous page Continued from Priscilla and Hugh Packer are cruising aboard That being said, most of the memories we will be taking away with us are warm and This is probably mostly due to what I call “language inhibition”, people being afraid In particular, being a Franco-British couple, we go and meet both French speakers ‘Language Inhibition’ There is another aspect of the cruising life in the Caribbean I would like to see evolve. It seems difficult to obtain accurate information For the same reasons we did not stop in the Venezuelan islands of Los Roques and Perhaps it is because most of the websites dedicated to keeping track of security in So many wonderful images trotting through my head... But are there any regrets, things I’d like to change? Missing Some Destinations some islands because I Well, I do have a few regrets, in particular over not visiting As you approach the Tobago Cays, what strikes you first are the incredible colours: As you approach the Tobago Cays, what strikes you first Our first stop, Bequia, was a delight. There is a real West Indian charm to the village Our first stop, Bequia, was a delight. There is a real West The Grenadines: Bequia and the Tobago Cays Bequia and the Tobago The Grenadines: syrup that you evokes a sweet, red fruit name, to a French person, Grenadines. The wonderful ones. So when the time comes, we will leave the Caribbean with regret. The chances are, though, we will be back! that their language skills will not be up to scratch. But it is a pity! and English speakers, but there does not seem to be a lot of mixing going on! That concerns the socializing that goes on aboard yachts at anchor. We have enjoyed a lot of it and met many interesting and fun people along the way. But we have noticed that some cruisers tend to stick with their own, or other familiar, nationalities. the Aves, which later people said were really beautiful and perfectly safe and easy to check into. the area tend to tell you about the few frightening incidents, but not about all the instances when visitors had no problems and enjoyed their stay. many wonderful accounts of the island that we felt we had really missed out. The author’s watercolor painting of Salt Whistle Bay, Mayreau Inset: Hugh and Priscilla are happy that they took time to enjoy the Caribbean did not feel safe to do so: for instance, based on what were probably out of date did not feel safe to do so: for instance, based on what Dominica, but later heard so reports of bad encounters by yachties, we bypassed the water, all shades of inky blue, turquoise and pale green; the reefs and shoals, the water, all shades of inky blue, turquoise and pale in prickly blobs of vegetation from ochre to reddish brown; the little islets, covered flash of vermillion red or yel- ranging from bright green to purpley grey, with the odd to a slate grey, followed by low; the sky, changing all the time, from a brilliant blue of neighbouring islands, then sheets of rain, then hazy mist that blurs the contours back to porcelain blue skies pouring down red-hot sunshine. of Port Elizabeth. Everywhere people are smiling and friendly. We were soon visited of Port Elizabeth. Everywhere people are smiling and skiff, followed by “Mango Man” by “Bread Man #1” in his beautiful little red rowing lovely old schooner, paddling his surfboard (his mangoes were delicious). A Rose skills and history of this where Lawson Sargent told us all about the boatbuilding little island. Below: A smiling bread man. Rowing vendors sell, bread, fish, fruit, ice and more Rowing vendors sell, bread, fish, fruit, ice and more Below: A smiling bread man. throughout the islands dilute with water; we used to be given it as children when invited out to tea parties. I as children when invited out we used to be given it dilute with water; expected the Ribena. So I subconsciously equivalent would be suppose an English be sweet. And they are. Grenadines to — NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 26 by MiraNencheva Harbor, indifferent to the rest of the city, forever facing the unpredictable seas. Harbor, indifferenttotherestofcity,foreverfacingunpredictableseas. opposite thestatueofChrist;elMorrofortress,heavyonothersideHavana ingly goodexhibitofcontemporaryart;laCasadelChe,anemptyghostlymausoleum filled withCubanpaintingsofallperiods;laGaleriadeArteContemporaneo,asurpris- the city,kissing;elMuseodeBellasArtes,aninterminablemazeofroomsandcorridors Revolution; elMalecón,couplessittingwiththeirbacksto graphs andpagesfromthehistoryofCuban la Revolucion,roomsfilledwithblack-and-whitephoto- Castro embracingHugoChavezinthefront;elMuseode under shadetrees;elCapitolio,ahugeposterofFidel summer, laPlazadeArmas,occupiedbybookvendors ting toknowhercanbeheartbreaking. be schizophrenic,acityofmultiplepersonalities,andget- Havana withtheonebeforeus.LaHabanaturnedoutto streets likesomnambulists,comparingourimaginary your boatnearHavana,andforafewdaysweroamthe illuminate theentiretown. noes, andbeautifulCubanasindressesofallcolors coolness ofparksimprovingtheartchessordomi- ones roarlikelions;wheregrey-hairedmensitinthe streets whereoldSovietcarsandevenolderAmerican ies, colorfulfacadeswithbalconieslookingovernarrow ture, greatcathedralsandplazas,museumsgaller- vibrant cityofmusicandlove,withcolonialarchitec- particular architecturalcharmsandhistoricalheritage. have impressedandsurprisedus,eachwithitsown four largecitieswiththeirpicturesquecolonialzones Colonial Capitals’TourinCartagena(Colombia).These a fewtimestoSanJuan(PuertoRico),andfinishingour visiting SantoDomingo(DominicanRepublic),returning the colonialcities,startinginHavana(Cuba),briefly 30 countriesintheCaribbeanregion,exploringmostof south. Inthesepasttwoyearswehavevisitedmorethan Morgana ing aboardour38-footLeopardcatamaran, ORQUEENS FOUR QUEENS:SpanishColonialCapitalsoftheCaribbean La Catedral de San Cristobal, radiant in the heat of the La CatedraldeSanCristobal,radiantintheheatof We arriveinMarinaHemingway,theonlyoptiontodock The Havanaofournostalgicimaginationwasa Havana We —Ivo,Miraand11-year-oldMayastartedcruis- , in 2013 from Key West, Florida. Direction: , in2013fromKeyWest,Florida.Direction: h CilfhCibb C h f l i lC i l ihC S Fata aeo om n corridors and rooms of e ma —Continued onnextpage ALL ASHORE… had theAlcázarbuiltasafamilyhomeandViceregalseatbetween15101512 Christopher Columbus’ssonDiego,asViceroyofHispaniolaandtheIndies, Santo Domingo’sbroadPlazadeEspañawiththeAlcázarColón. NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 27 t —Continued on next page Getting to know her bit by bit, we discover La Habana is full of glory and misery. La Habana is full of glory her bit by bit, we discover Getting to know Santo Domingo the Caribbean two-year cruising tour of capital we visit on our The second colonial Bartholomew in 1496, the Founded by Christopher Columbus’s younger brother sense to us but we hope that they make sense to the locals. Yet the locals tell us, sense to the locals. Yet the we hope that they make sense to us but have to resort to them sigh. It means, they que inventar,” we hear not really. “Hay side, this ways to survive. On the positive they have to “invent” their imaginations; resourceful people. makes them very the Plaza de la all day on the corner of us of the Cubana posing She reminds mouth, waiting, a huge unlit cigar in her traditional cotton dress with Catedral in her tourists to take her picture. at Disney World, for like Mickey Mouse Republic and the most is Santo Domingo de Guzmán, the capital of the Dominican We leave the boat at anchor in populated metropolis in the entire Caribbean region. a great impeccable highway Luperón and drive a rental car to Santo Domingo on built by the Americans not too long ago. in the Americas and city is the oldest continuously inhabited European settlement New World. Santo Domingo is once the headquarters of Spanish colonial rule in the and fortress in the New the site of the first university, cathedral, castle, monastery Heritage Site. We wish we World and the city’s Colonial Zone is a UNESCO World are innumerable sites and had at least a week to spend here, even a month, as there events worth seeing. But we only have one day. i S t D i d G á th it l f th D i i R bli d th t . The big news on TV is that eggs will be distributed throughout the . The big news on TV is that eggs will be distributed bodegas Continued from previous page Continued from We keep going. We only stop for beers, some ice cream, a small pizza and mango We keep going. We only stop for beers, some ice cream, But the atmosphere of this city, like a storm cloud, seems heavy and charged with cloud, seems heavy and of this city, like a storm But the atmosphere All points of interest are exactly as we expected: impressive in size and reputation. impressive in size and are exactly as we expected: All points of interest nation tomorrow. An old woman explains that the top floor of the building she lives nation tomorrow. An old woman explains that the top year, killing the father. A teen- in crumbled and fell onto her upstairs neighbors last refrigerators we see through age girl is kissing a very old foreigner in the park. All the model. Things don’t make the open doors of apartments are the same made-in-China juice in the heat of July, dodging the inevitable taxi drivers offering rides and guided juice in the heat of July, dodging the inevitable taxi drivers with a bright dress comes tours. We start noticing strange things. A beautiful woman electrical cables form a dense out of a dark, forbidding apartment entrance where diapers are hanging to dry tangled maze on the wall. Used and washed disposable flattening beer cans with on a balcony. A 15-year-old boy is sitting on the sidewalk and invite him to play base- a hammer; his friends pass by holding wooden planks so are the fruit and veg- ball, but he has to work. The little bakery is almost empty, etable attractions but the disastrous ruins of the residential buildings next to the old cathe- attractions but the disastrous ruins of the residential buildings humid interiors; the olddrals and landmarks. Behind colorful facades hide dark, carefree Habaneros of ourapartment buildings are neglected and decaying. The succeeded by people whoimagination have been forever left to linger in the 1970s, have lost faith. Cartagena’s narrow streets and vibrant colors captivated Mira and her family Cartagena’s narrow streets and vibrant colors captivated anxiety. What impresses us most are not the many points of interest turned tourist the many points of interest impresses us most are not anxiety. What We visit them one by one as the tour guide suggests, blending in the steady flow of suggests, blending in the one by one as the tour guide We visit them sunglasses and hats. with cameras, backpacks, pink tourists — NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 28 had the chance to visit one last Caribbean colonial capital: Cartagena de Indias. had thechancetovisitonelastCaribbeancolonialcapital:CartagenadeIndias. mark theendofCaribbeanchapteroursailingjourneyaroundworld,we Trinidad &Tobago,weturnedwest.BeforetransitingthePanamaCanal,whichwould unforgettable journeybackinhistoryandourbestexperiencePuertoRico. era, roaminginsidethedarkhumidcorridorsofElMorroandFortSanCristóbalisan streets ofOldSanJuan,steppingonthebluecobblestonesfromSpanishcolonial military shipstravelingbetweenSpainandtheAmericas. 17th century,thetwofortsdefendedthisimportantseaportusedbymerchantand humanity’s culturalpatrimony.BuiltbytheSpanishgovernmentin16thand former defenseforts:FortSanFelipedelMorroandCristóbal,apartof the mostimportantbuildingsdeclaredNationalHistoricSitesherearecity’s housing museumsandculturalorganizations;publicsquarescathedrals.But from furnaceslagandbroughtoverasballastonSpanishships;historicalbuildings storied houses;anetworkofnarrowstreetscoveredby today amajorculturaltouristdestination,attractingvisitorswithitsancienttwo- blend withthecobblestonespavingnarrowstreetsofoldcity. when walkingaroundlookingupathistoricalbuildings,forthecats,likeshadows, New World. Rico and,afterSantoDomingo,thesecondoldestEuropeancapitalcityin ern coastoftheisland,SanJuanBautistadePuertoRicoiscapital another boatfamilyanddrive. the northside.Nopublictransportationisavailablesowesharearentalcarwith the southsideofbigislandandtrytofigureawaygetOldSanJuan,on Garden withitssmallislandinthemiddleofagreenpond. bromeliads, ferns,palms,orchidsandaquaticplants.AfavoritespotistheJapanese Dominican Republic.Wetakeasmalltraintourinsidethisplant-sanctuaryamong Garden, whichwasfoundedin1976tostudyandpreservethevariedplantlifeof to oncehavebeenthehomeofconquistadorHernánCortés. lated bysmallcoffeeshopsintheshadeofoldtrees,pastFrenchEmbassy,said European latemedievalandRenaissanceworksofart.Wewalkonthestreetpopu- Colón, whosecollectionexhibitstheCaribbean’smostimportantensembleof Viceregal residenceintheAmericas.ThebuildinghousesMuseoAlcázardeDiego and buildingsdatingfromthe1500s1600s.AlcázardeColónisoldest square thatbordersa16th-centurycathedral.Weseefortresses,cathedrals,ruins the oldestpavedstreetinNewWorld,datingfrom1502,toParqueColón,a of well-preservedcoloniallandmarksisoverwhelming.WewalkonCallelasDamas, Botanical Garden. — And finally, after sailing down the Eastern Caribbean island chain all the way to And finally,aftersailingdowntheEasternCaribbeanislandchainallwayto Cartagena Walking nexttothemassivestonewallsoverlookingbayandthroughnarrow Enclosed bymassivestonewallsatthemouthofSanJuanBay,Oldis Our firstimpression:itisfullofcats!Youhavetobecarefulnotsteponacat Founded bytheSpanishcolonistJuanPoncedeLeonin1521onnortheast- A fewweekslater,ourboatbringsustoPuertoRico.WedropanchorinPonceon San Juan After visitingtheColonialZonewespendafewhoursinNationalBotanical The CiudadColonialcoverslessthanfivesquarekilometersandtheconcentration We decidethebestthingtodoinadayisvisitColonialZoneandNational Continued frompreviouspage The enginesarenowdiscontinuedbutwe haveastockofthelastthem. ekn 15Mrn niePerkinsM225TiMarineEngine Perkins M135MarineEngine The PerkinsM135andM225Tiarethelastnew non-electronic 6 cylindermarineenginesavailableonthemarket. Contact Parts&Power todaywhilststockslast! adoquines The LastoftheirBreeds... , bluebrickscast scrapers ofCartagena’sdowntown. old colonialcityofCartagenadeIndias,almosthiddenbehindthetallmodernsky- we seecathedralspiresstickingabovered-tiledrooftops—ourfirstglimpseofthe in themirrorofstillwaters. monotony oftheseaarehugebuildings,straightverticalandparallellinesreflected dramatic momentissailingintothebayforfirsttime!Emergingfrombarren of agiantyoungcityaregreetingus.WhatanawesomesightisCartagena,what tall, stillandsparklingwhiteontheedgeofmorningseashore,skyscrapers shadows ofthestonewallsabigoldfort.Indistanceaheadus,standing boats crossourpath,and Large shipscirculateinchannelsindicatedwithredandgreenbuoys,smallfishing the wallsofanoldfort.Thenextmorning,weslowlysailintobayCartagena. decide tospendthenightatanchorentranceofBocaChicachannel,next coast ofColombia. we sailed100nauticalmilesfromSantaMartatoCartagenaalongtheCaribbean while holdingaforkisasintriguingandinscrutablethecityitself In thehistoriccenterofHavana,abronzestatuenudewomanridingrooster Just beforewedropanchorbetweenmanyotherboatsinthebaynearmarina, Around midnight,weapproachthelightsofabigcity.Thewinddropsand After spendingamonthinSantaMarta,visitingTayronaParkandflyingtoBogota, cayucos withhomemadesailsglidelikeghostsinthe —Continued onnextpage NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 29 Fata with fun little metal sculptures in with fun little metal sculptures

. Their journey is documented in a travel-adventure blog www.thelifenom- . Their journey is documented in a travel-adventure We spend the next couple of days roaming through the plazas and narrow busy through the plazas and next couple of days roaming We spend the ten minutes, past the 17th century Castillo de San From the anchorage we walk plaza, Plaza de la Aduana, surrounded by shops. We Next is the old city’s largest of blocks to Plaza de Bolivar where under the shade We turn right and walk two and a lifesaving ice cream We buy a couple of lifesaving cold beers for Ivo and me, favorite of all four CaribbeanWe are absolutely amazed. Cartagena de Indias is our Maya are sailing around the Mira Nencheva, her husband Ivo and their daughter England ransacked and destroyed part of Cartagena. The Spanish crown then of Cartagena. The Spanish and destroyed part England ransacked in the Americas largest fortification walls city’s defense and built the invested in the Cartagena fell With independence, of Spanish military engineering. — a masterpiece in. Many of the area and the poor settled Many rich families left the into disrepair. a long-term res- and in ruins until colonial buildings were abandoned centuries-old into the breath- the city once again began in the 1950s to transform toration project is today. destination that Cartagena taking global and fortresses, of museums, cathedrals old walled city in the shadows streets of the buildings from balconies of historical of purple flowers cascading among waterfalls hotels and restaurants. housing galleries, boutique a a dinosaur standing watch over the city, and over Felipe, heavy on its hill like walled city covering an area of only about one square bridge that brings us to the of town. Straight ahead, through narrow streets, across mile in the northeast corner La the Pegasus Monument we reach the Clock Tower at the Centenario Park, past yellow taxis. We walk through the gates and we now Paz Square, surrounded by or full of tourists and locals selling hats and sweets stand at Los Coches Square, carriage. offering us a ride in a horse-drawn de steps we arrive in front of the cathedral at Plaza turn west and after a few more Museum of Modern Art San Pedro Claver near the life in Colombia. front depicting scenes of everyday slice of pineapple from a street vendor woman dressed old trees we buy a refreshing The heat is intense and we find shelter inside the Palace in traditional creole dress. filled with instruments of torture used by the Holy of the Inquisition, a museum and infidels. Nearby, the Museum of Gold offers displays Inquisition against witches and farther down the street we reach Plaza de Santo of pre-Colombian gold objects Fat Woman statue. Domingo where we find Botero’s the large stone city wall. We for Maya, and keep walking until the street ends at Sea on our left, a sea of climb the steps and walk on top of the wall, the Caribbean to Las Bovedas: 23 dungeons old Cartagena’s tiled roofs on our right, until we get transformed into tourist shops. capitals in the Caribbean:Queens, as I nicknamed the four major Spanish colonial are places we couldn’t visitHavana, Santo Domingo, San Juan and Cartagena. There overlooking the entire city, asin Cartagena, like the Popa Monastery up on a mount a couple of days and leavewe were pressed for time and had to lift anchor in just up provisions for our long stayColombia. But even this short visit was enough to stock to fill our propane tanks,in the remote paradise of the San Blas islands of Panama, we will return some day. and to fall in love with the old walled city, promising that Leopard catamaran, world and living off the grid full time aboard their 38-foot adik.com. Follow them on Facebook @The Life Nomadik. Morgana Roaming through the forts of Old San Juan was an unforgettable journey Roaming through the forts of Old San Juan was an unforgettable back in history Continued from previous page Continued from Cartagena was founded by the Spanish conquistadors in 1533 and, thanks to its conquistadors in 1533 and, founded by the Spanish Cartagena was strategic location and the large bay with its many islets and inlets, it became one of its many islets and inlets, and the large bay with strategic location plunder found gold and other precious most important ports, where South America’s across the galleons to be transported was loaded into Spanish in this New World treasure, began by this movement of to Spain. Soon pirates, attracted Atlantic Ocean Drake from the infamous Sir Francis city and the ships. In 1586 attacking the — NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 30 up withthecenterofthree-partlift.Theendsspreaderaresecuredto spreader isattachedtoaneyesecuredthebottomofridgelinewhereitlines shrouds. Theridgelineliftsareattachedtothemainhalyard,curvedawning on itselfwithacoupleofhalfhitches.Theforwardcornersareattachedtotheupper a three-pointlift. the aftercornersofawninghavelargegrommetswithlanyards.Theridgelinehas snap ontothemainuppershrouds.Theforwardandafterendsofridgeline with Dacronwebbing.Theforwardcornershavebigjibhanksattachedtothem, spreader thatissecuredtotheridgeline.Theridgelineandalledgesarereinforced is wherethegreatestbeamis.Amid-awningspreaderneeded;noteitacurved (see illustrationonnextpage)iswiderinthemiddlethanatendsbecausethat ketch thanitisonaslooporcutter. the workingcrew.Also,itismucheasiertorigafull-lengthawningonyawlor mizzen riggingisgreatfor“straphangers”tohangoutandofferun-neededadvice to mountawindgeneratorandcanmakenicebackrestforthehelmsman, once frequentedthesewaters.Andwhynot?Themizzenmastprovidesaperfectplace zenmasts —arecurrentlymorenumerousintheCaribbeanthanschoonersthat The centerridgelineisattachedtothemastwithalashinglineandsecuredback A full-lengthawningisagreatassetintheCaribbeanclimate.Thissimple Among split-rigcruisingsailboats,ketchesandyawls—thatis,boatswithmiz- Ketches andYawls— Their SecretWeapon the sizeofmainsail. A yawl’smizzenstaysailwillbeapproximatelytwo-thirds and SEAWISE WITHDONSTREET ducking. Thisresultsinanawningthatdoesnotflapevenhighwinds. enough sothetallestcrewmembercanwalkundermidshipspreaderwithout lar purchase.Onceallistensioned,theridgelineliftedbymainhalyard,high awning aresecuredtotheuppershroudsofmizzenmast,pulledtightbyasimi- zenmast withalanyardriggedasthree-partpurchase.Theaftcornersofthe the awningtight.Atafterendofawning,ridgelineisattachedtomiz- eyes inthereinforcementwebbingonedgesofawningbylashinglinestopull toss itovertheboom,unrollandre-rig. the boom,liftoffandfoldbothhalvestogether,lashstow.Tosetawning, fold itbackoverthefoldedcover.Theneachsidehalfwaytoboom,then forward untilyouarealmosttothemainmast.Thendisconnectfrommainmast, now droppedacrosstheboom.Foldawningupinaboutthree-footfoldsfromaft four cornersfromtheriggingandridgelinemizzenmast.Theawningis downer inshade. length oftheboatforanhourorso,sorigsternawningandenjoyyoursun- awning, aboutthreefeetdeep.Whenthesunislowinwest,itcanshine separate smallsidecurtainsareeasiertorigthanonebigcurtain. ship spreader,theotherfrommid-shipspreadertomizzenrigging.Thetwo the north,soremovablesidecurtainisriggedonportside. overhead, sonosidecurtainsareneeded.FromMayuntilSeptemberthesunisin the south,sorigaremovablesidecurtainonstarboardside.InAprilsunis time. Atanchor,theboatwillusuallylieheadtoeast.Inwintersunisin be gathered. two one-inchplasticthrough-hullsintotheawning,sogoodcleanrainwatercan To un-rigtheawning,slackmainhalyard,removespreader,disconnectall Finally makeasmallremovablecurtainthewidthofafterend Make thesidecurtainsintwopieces,onepiecefrommainriggingtomid- In theCaribbean,sidecurtainsonawningareonlyneededoneata Today’s awningsareusuallymadeofSunbrella.Havetheawningmakerfitin

On aketch,themizzenstaysailcanbeaslargemainsail JEREMY MCGEARY (All) MCGEARY JEREMY —Continued onnextpage NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 31 you before .com , I remembered reading in in 2002, it blew like hell. We in 2002, it blew . When setting up the chain- Iolaire Iolaire Ondine mizzenmast on Ondine’s we had no running backstays on our mizzenmast. We had we had no running backstays Iolaire Crossing the Atlantic on the yawl Crossing the Atlantic sailing broad off with the headsail sheet- Similarly, on a ketch, when are usually needed when flying a Needless to say, mizzen backstays On If your wind generator is mounted on the face of the mizzenmast, you If your wind generator is mounted on the face of the mizzenmast, or yawl can As long as the wind is abeam or forward of abeam, a ketch reached where the mizzen sail is blanketing the mizzen staysail, douse the mizzen staysail, douse the mizzen sail is blanketing reached where flying. keep the mizzen staysail the mizzen and main stowed and the big yankee sheeted to ended up running with the doing 9 to 10 knots. When the wind eased the end of the main boom — area, it was much easier to set the mizzen and we needed more sail main. And when the wind increased, it was staysail than to re-hoist the mizzen staysail than to take down a main, much easier to douse the up against the lee rigging. which would have been plastered boom, if the wind goes so far aft that the ed to the end of the main and collapsing, drop the main and continue headsail is being blanketed staysail. Don’t forget: on a ketch the miz- on under headsail and mizzen as the main. zen staysail is the same area fairly light, and except in the big sizes no mizzen staysail. They can be the windward one up with a high-strength tackle is needed — just set from the backstay to a cleat line (either wire or Dyneema) hoist the mizzen staysail. salvaged it from the wreck of the salvaged it from the wreck plates to step that if a shroud is given one inch of drift one of the late Uffa Fox’s books shroud in effect (distance aft of the mast) for every foot of height, the a stay supports becomes a stay (a shroud supports a mast athwartship, shroud chain- a mast fore and aft). So, to be super-safe, I set the upper are on pivots, plate 36 inches aft of the mizzenmast. The spreaders eased so much it pointing well aft. At the point that the mizzen sail is are digging is laying up hard against the lee shrouds and the shrouds into the sail, it is time to douse it. to the top of the cannot set a mizzen staysail. Move the wind generator mizzenmast — the higher it is, the more efficient it is. using a windvane be made to self-steer by trimming sails rather than by adjustments on or electronic autopilot. When going to windward, minor A rolling hitch: The mizzen staysail tack pendant, when led through a block on the deck and back through the tack eye, makes a three-part adjustable tackle and can be secured to itself with a rolling hitch The mizzen staysail should be trimmed with a sheet through a block on the end of a sheet through a block should be trimmed with The mizzen staysail Hopefully this article will convince owners of yawls and ketches who have mizzen Hopefully this article will convince owners of yawls and Visit Don Street’s website at www.street-iolaire.com This kept the sail under control when hoisting and dousing. When disconnected, the and dousing. When disconnected, sail under control when hoisting This kept the a wire stay, a Today, rather than up at the base of the mizzenmast. stay was coiled could be rigged. Dyneema stay boom or through on the bottom of the then led to a winch, either the mizzen boom the mizzenmast. winch on the after face of mizzen gooseneck and to a a block at the When a point is mizzen staysail are eased. aft, the mizzen sail and As the wind goes the mizzen should allow the boat to self-steer. Once sheets are eased, take the mizzen the mizzen should allow the boat to self-steer. Once sheets rail cap. Then trim the mizzen staysail sheet forward and secure it to a pad-eye on the If the boat bears off, the extra and set up the mizzen staysail sheet as a preventer. If she sails high of the drive supplied by the mizzen will pull her back on course. forward by the mizzen staysail course, the mizzen will go aback, but since it is held back on course. sheet, it becomes a giant air rudder and kicks the boat staysails to use them as often as possible, and to those who do not have them to go to a sailmaker and have a mizzen staysail made. Barefoot Yacht Charters & Marine Centre Yacht Barefoot • Doyle Sail Loft & Canvas Shop • Mechanical & Electrical Repairs • Vehicle Rentals • Raymarine Electronics • Ice & Water • Fibreglass Repairs • Island Tours Work • Refrigeration • Quiksilver Surf Wear • On-site Accommodation • Laundry • Showers • Wi-Fi / Internet Café • Restaurant & Bar • Diesel & Propane • Surftech Surf Shop • Book Exchange • Boutique • Moorings • Hotel Reservations • Air Travel PO Box 39, Blue Lagoon, St Vincent, the skipper was having trouble gathering in his miz- Tel. 1-784-456-9526 / 9334 / 9144 Fax. 1-784-456-9238

Gitana IV was sold in 2012 she had an awning of this design, unchanged. she had an awning of was sold in 2012 Iolaire


Continued from previous page Continued from On the 95-foot yawl When dousing the mizzen staysail, blow the halyard and hold the sheet. The sail When dousing the mizzen staysail, blow the halyard The mizzen staysail should be stowed in a bag with the head, tack and clew The mizzen staysail should be stowed in a bag with The mizzen staysail halyard and sheet should be overlength, with the bitter ends The mizzen staysail halyard and sheet should be overlength, Two lanyards should be secured to the tack, as when the wind is abeam or the wind is abeam or Two lanyards should be secured to the tack, as when If properly rigged, the mizzen staysail made of 1.5-ounce rip-stop spinnaker cloth If properly rigged, the mizzen staysail made of 1.5-ounce The advantages of ketches and yawls enumerated above are well known. But many above are well known. of ketches and yawls enumerated The advantages It took me about five years to come up with this final awning design, in 1963, but this final awning design, five years to come up with It took me about

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will plaster itself up against the mainsail and it can be gathered in. Once half is will plaster itself up against the mainsail and it can the rest in. Stuff it in the bag, gathered in, slack the mizzen staysail sheet and gather above, ready to hoist. with the three corners at the top tied together, as described marked, and with the three corners tied together with the tack pennant. The bag marked, and with the three corners tied together with When it’s time to hoist, tie the should have a handle on the bottom with a lanyard. clew to halyard, sheet and pennant onto something, then attach the head, tack and the bag and handling halyard base of mast, then hoist away, pulling the sail out of and sheet as described above. of each secured. When hoisting, let the sheet run until the mizzen staysail is fully of each secured. When hoisting, let the sheet run until should be sheeted. hoisted and halyard secured. Once this is done the mizzen zen staysail when chartering, because of a small crew. At my suggestion he installed a removable mizzen staysail stay of light wire, tacked down with a Dacron lashing. He put four jib hanks on his mizzen staysail and hanked it to the removable stay. slightly forward of abeam the mizzen staysail should be tacked down to the foot be tacked down to the foot slightly forward of abeam the mizzen staysail should should be moved out to the of the main mast. But as the wind moves aft, the tack the wind moves aft, exactly after lower shroud, hence the two tack lines. (As much argument among where the tack of the mizzen staysail should be causes hot racing crews.) is easy to set, easy to douse. A pennant should be attached to the tack, long enough is easy to set, easy to douse. A pennant should be attached or a pad eye on the after side to thread through the base of the after lower shroud and secured to itself by of the mast, led back through the tack of the mizzen staysail tackle, which will allow the a rolling hitch (see illustration). This forms a three-part adjustment of the height of the tack of the mizzen staysail. staysail is the same area as the mainsail. On a yawl, the mizzen staysail is two-thirds staysail is the same area as the mainsail. On a yawl, the of the area of the main. cruisers don’t avail themselves of these rigs’ best weapon. The mizzen staysail is a rigs’ best weapon. The mizzen avail themselves of these cruisers don’t abeam. Setting or slightly forward of sail once the wind comes abeam very effective ketch, a mizzen knots. On a your speed by one to one-and-a-half it will increase when — NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 32

Lesser Antillesin Puerto Rico ABC Islands Trinidad Jamaica Cuba Haiti Cayman Islands Dominican Republic charts. Fairtides! the tidefloodsfromwesttoeast.Timesgivenarelocal. and fromjustafteritsnadirtosoonrising,thetiderunswestward;i.e. From justafterthemoon’ssettingtoitsnadir,tiderunseastward; hour afterthemoonreachesitszenith(seeTIMEbelow)andthenrunswestward. running totheeastsoonaftermoonrise,continuesrununtilaboutan month, willhelpyoucalculatethetides. shows thetimeofmeridianpassage(orzenith)moonforthisANDnext Street, authorofStreet’sGuidesandcompilerImray-Iolairecharts,which make yourpassagefasterandmorecomfortable.Thetablebelow,courtesyDon 0 1917 1825 1743 20 1640 19 1548 18 1455 17 1404 16 1313 15 1224 14 1137 13 1051 12 1008 11 0925 10 0843 9 0800 8 0717 7 0633 6 0546 5 0456 4 0404 3 2 1 DATE TIME www.freecruisingguides.com For moreinformation,see“TidesandCurrents”onthebackofallImrayIolaire Note: themaximumtideis3or4daysafternewandfullmoons. Water, Donexplains,generallytriestoruntowardthemoon.Thetidestarts Crossing thechannelsbetweenCaribbeanislandswithafavorabletidewill CRUISING GUIDES MERIDIAN PASSAGE

NOVEMBER &DECEMBER2015 Compliments of: Boca Chica, DominicanRepublic OF THEMOON www.marinazarpar.com 0 1107 1018 0932 10 0857 9 0804 8 0722 7 0639 6 0557 5 0512 4 0426 3 2 0326 1 0244 December 2015 0149 30 0052 29 0000(fullmoon) 28 2353 27 2305 26 2158 25 2103 24 2009 23 22 21 FREE Marina 3 volumes 0 0330 0304 31 0434 0215 30 0123 29 0024 28 0000(fullmoon) 27 2334 26 2236 25 2139 24 2043 23 1949 22 1857 21 1805 20 1714 19 1622 18 1530 17 1437 16 1344 15 1250 14 1158 13 12 11 Zar-Par used it. They’ve automaticallyassumedthattheir radiohasbecomedefectivesincetheylast well putyourvacantboatatrisk.Noteveryone onVHFhashonourableintentions. within fivemiles.Similarly,makingonshore dinnerreservationsontheVHFcanvery You’ve nowadvertisedthenameofthis vacantboattoeveryonewithaVHFradio that thecrewhasleftboattogoshopping ortakeanislandtourisadisservice. October 2015issue,page33). for CaribbeanCruisers”inlastmonth’s using thecapabilitiesofyourboat’sVHF-DSC.Wediscussedthisin“ADSCPrimer redundant onshorterrange,full-quieting,FM-modulatedVHFradio. procedures arecommonpracticeonlongdistance,HF-SSBfrequencies,but are the phrase,“Nothingheard,thisisSoggyBottommonitoringchannel68”.These in theheads! before callingthemagain.Idon’tknowofanycruiserswithaVHFradiomounted own boat’snametwice,orthey’rebusyashore.Pleasewaitatleastfiveminutes in acrowdedanchorage.Eithertheboat’screwhasheardyouafterhearingtheir Bottom, yachtSoggyhowdoyoureadme?”)isn’treallynecessaryonVHF (“Leaky Tub,LeakyTubthisisyachtSoggyBottom, your voice. radio, ambientengineorwindnoisehasadebilitatingeffectontheclarity of their firstlanguage. out difficultwordsorphrasesisaboontothoselistenersforwhomEnglish not your boatname.FamiliarityanduseoftheInternationalPhoneticAlphabettospell ond, andthenspeakclearlyslowly,especiallywhengivingphonenumbersor “weak signal”HighFrequencySSB. of cruiserswhoaremonitoringovernightasananchoragesecurityprecaution. pre-arranged channelotherthan68toavoidunnecessarilyawakeningthemultitude should youneedtowakeupyourfriendhaulanchorat“oh-dark-thirty”,usea for anyreasonitdiminishesthesecuritynetworkallofus.It’sapolitepractice, cause manypeopletosimplyswitchofftheirradios.WhencruisersturnVHFs nels, e.g.16,68and77. or cruisers.AllVHFradiosandhandiescanbeeasilysettoscantwomorechan- comes tomind.It’swelloffthebeatenpathandseldomusedbybusinesses,ships evening. Asaconvenientalternativeorbuddychannel,channel77immediately number ofcallson16or68,especiallyintheearlymorningafter10:00 scanning another“Buddy”callingchanneloftheirown.Thiswillhelptoreducethe channel 10insteadof68fortheirmorningnetandcallingwhileatanchor. back to68….Oops!!!”IshouldmentionnowthatinSt.Martin,cruisershaveadopted conversation, it’squiteamusingtohearthemsayon68,“ThisisSoggyBottomgoing sufficient. Cruisersoftenforgettoswitchaworkingchannel.Attheendoftheir there maybeahundredormoreboatshearingtheirconversationon68isprobably iour isconsideredtobeboorish,lowclassandinfantile.Politelyadvisingthemthat with yourmicrophonewon’tsolveanythingandthiskindofpassive-aggressivebehav- away onalocalcallingchannelsuchas68,pleasetrytobekind.Keyingoversomeone not anexclusiveright.Wheneveryouhappentohearsomeoneunknowinglychatting yachts arelisteningtoeverywordontheiragreedcallingchannel. conversing withafriendon68,there’sgreatlikelihoodthatnumberof chatter fromafreighter’sdeckcrew.Whensailingalongbetweenanchorageswhile ship-to-ship channels,fromtimetoyou’lllikelyhearfishingboatsandother cruisers on68callingoneanotheraswell.NotethatchannelisoftheITU don’t wanttomissanything.Thenyou’llhearallofthecommercialtrafficon16and control stationsandcoastguardweatherannouncementswhenwe’renotatsea. for thenight,weswitchto68sothatdon’thavelistenships,pilotboats,port cruising boatsmonitor68overnightasasecuritynetwhileatanchor.Afterstopping informal callingchannelwhiletheyare“limin’”inthevariousanchorages.Some might liketoknowthatmanyoftheirfellowcruisersareusingchannel68asan underway. Yachterswhoarenewtothesesun-drenchedislandsoftheLesserAntilles R After failingtocontacttheirpartyweoften hearastationcallingfor“radiocheck.” When hearingaboatbeingcalledunsuccessfully, keyingupyourradiotopointout Better yet,insteadofcallingon16or68,whynotpageyourfriend’sboatprivately Similarly, afteranunsuccessfulattempttocontactanotherboat,wemighthear On apopularcallingchannelsuchas68,thetraditional“threebythree”call Remember thatwhenusingaVHFcockpitmicrophoneorportablehand-held After activatingyourVHFmicrophone’spush-to-talkbutton,pauseforahalfsec- Short-range VHFradioprocedurescanbeverydifferentfromthemethodsusedfor Voice Procedure We knowthatbuddyboatscallingoneanotherquitefrequentlyon16or68willoften Groups ofboatsthatareconstantlycallingbackandforthalldayshouldconsider Buddy Channels Theinformaluseof68asacruisers’callingchannelisonlyanadhocconvention, Scanning bothchannel16and68duringthedaytimeisagreatideaifyou It’s aworldwideboatingpracticetolistenVHFchannel16whileyourvesselis Eastern Caribbean A Cruiser’sGuide and Netsinthe reputation ofbeing“ThatBoat”. won’t triggergroansfromyouranchoredneighboursorgarnerthe phone; everyonehearseverywordyousay! be community-mindedwhenusingyourradio.It’snotaprivatetele- ecognizing thatmaritimeVHFisasharedresource,it’simportantto Calling Channels Here areafewtipsformoreefficientVHFoperationsothatyou to VHFUse byKenGoodings Compass (www.caribbeancompass.com, —Continued onnextpage NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 33 (send and receive on TAILS.org —Continued on next page simplex CARIB www. itical for conservation efforts. photographs of humpback whales of humpback photographs in Helping? Go to (send and receive on two different frequencies). Confusion often arises when (send and receive on two different frequencies). Confusion Continued from previous page Continued from If you have something to say, wait until the net controller has invited members to Nets operate on a common set of procedures to keep some semblance of order to VHF Nets Many popular anchorages have morning VHF nets to share weather forecasts, To sum up, it’s not the best idea to cruise internationally using the US or Canadian To sum up, it’s not the best idea to cruise internationally Conversing on simplex 66 in US mode anywhere within 30 miles of Grenada will Conversing on simplex 66 in US mode anywhere within This is because many US and Canadian channels are this issue of the three chan- Many cruisers that we’ve met don’t really understand Maritime VHF Band Plans: ‘U’ United States, ‘C’ Canadian and ‘I’ International mode since leaving If you’ve been using your VHF radio in the US or Canadian ‘71 and Up’ up” or, “Go one down” i.e. After making contact we often hear a vessel say, “Go one It’s accepted practice to switch your VHF radio from high power (25 watts) to low your VHF radio from high power (25 watts) to low It’s accepted practice to switch We’ve all heard the entertaining result of a boat’s microphone accidentally jammed result of a boat’s microphone accidentally jammed We’ve all heard the entertaining Incidentally, when your conversation is finished with someone on the radio, wait a is finished with someone on the radio, wait Incidentally, when your conversation Whenever you feel the need to interrupt an ongoing VHF conversation or want to an ongoing VHF conversation feel the need to interrupt Whenever you Checking the operation of your radio anonymously by blowing into the mike while by blowing into operation of your radio anonymously Checking the You might agree that the chance of a complete radio system failure within half a radio system failure that the chance of a complete You might agree transmit. Then state your boat name clearly, not just “Break” or “Info,” and wait for the controller to tell you specifically to go ahead. these “on air” meetings. There will be one station designated as a net controller, who acts as the “chair” of the meeting. All comments and responses should be coordi- nated through this single person. safety and security bulletins, cruiser activities and local events. VHF band plan, as most vessels from other countries may not be able to reach you VHF band plan, as most vessels from other countries reliably on other channels other than channels 16 and 68. Curiously enough, Trinidad & Tobago may have adopted the US band plan. It’s important to check with local VHF radio convention whenever you sail to a new country. result in serious interference with the cruiser’s repeater on channel 66 International. result in serious interference with the cruiser’s repeater US mode, you’re not hearing You would never be aware of this, as because you’re in the Grenada duplex repeater at all. nel sets or band plans. For example, you might think that if you’re operating a US- or nel sets or band plans. For example, you might think that or Canadian channels, regard- Canadian-registered boat, then you stick with the US less of where you’re sailing. This is not so. North America, it’s a good idea to make a change now that you’re sailing in interna- North America, it’s a good idea to make a change now your VHF radio manual and tional waters. We highly recommend that you consult plan. switch your VHF from “U” to “I”, the international band in International mode are the same frequency.) However, many of the same channels duplex a ship or another vessel to a North American yacht whose VHF is in US mode asks example of this: it’s simplex in meet them on another channel. Channel 18 is a great result will be a very unsat- US and Canadian mode but duplex in International. The function for simplex ship- isfactory non-contact. For example, US VHF 18 can only is duplex and can only enable to-ship communications, while International VHF 18 ship-to-shore communications, not boat-to-boat. from 68 to 69 or 67. The odds are good that 67 and 69 will likely be occupied during from 68 to 69 or 67. The odds are good that 67 and 69 This means that the two those busy radio times in the morning and at dinnertime. one another, make contact a boats wanting to talk need to switch back to 68, call trick that we’ve learned is second time, and then decide where to go next. One neat Ham Radio and it works well the “71 and Up” rule. This is an easy adaptation from “Go 71 and up.” Both stations for Maritime VHF. Make first contact on 68. Then say, up to 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 and flip up to channel 71, and if it’s busy, then click slowly and wait for your party 77 until you find a vacant channel. Then announce yourself of it is that there needn’t to arrive. This efficient method is tried and true. The beauty 68. be several time-consuming, hit-and-miss trips back to power (one watt) when anchored or in a marina. It’s an unfortunate idiosyncrasy of or in a marina. It’s an unfortunate idiosyncrasy power (one watt) when anchored VHF radios that you will hear the voice of a neighbour- the receiving circuitry of most many other channels at once. There’s nothing wrong ing boat’s 25-watt signal on you are speaking to another boat using the high power with anyone’s radio. When create local interference (intermodulation) on your transmit setting, you will likely simultaneously. Try to use neighbours’ radios on 16, 68 and several other channels It’s a one-button courtesy. high transmit power when at sea, and low power in port. by all means use high power, Of course, if you need to contact someone farther away, when at anchor. but low power should be your VHF radio’s default setting under a cushion; all the while transmitting a complete and embarrassing play by transmitting a complete and embarrassing play under a cushion; all the while conversation on a calling channel. Again, clicking play of a theoretically “private” “Check your microphone!” will only add to the general your mike or calling out, hear anything on the radio, they’re transmitting! entertainment. That boat can’t second or two before going back to the calling channel. It is not uncommon that back to the calling channel. It is not uncommon second or two before going waiting patiently to speak with you. There’s no rush someone else may have been after all, is there? be heard on a VHF net, shouting “Break” isn’t good radio etiquette. It’s an artifact “Break” isn’t good radio etiquette. It’s an artifact be heard on a VHF net, shouting a Radio days. Saying “Break” on the radio indicates from the old Citizens Band your long message. Never use the term “Break” three separation between parts of there is immediate threat to life or property. It’s much times in succession unless transmissions and throw in your boat name. better to wait for a pause between tuned to a calling channel is inconsiderate. Please respect your neighbours and test Please respect your neighbours channel is inconsiderate. tuned to a calling check”, take If you do hear “Radio another vacant working channel. your radio on an honest opin- them your location and working channel and give them to a vacant to every “Radio helpful than responding quality. This is much more ion of their signal if they’re a bit weak or scratchy. and clear,” especially check” with “Loud day is probably very low. day is probably — Your contributions of tail flukeYour contributions from the Caribbean region cr are from the Caribbean INTERESTED HELP TRACKMIGRATION HUMPBACKHELP WHALE NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 34 boat nameisthekeytoawell-runnet. identify yourselfbyboatname.Waitingforthenetcontrollertoacknowledgeyour unstructured netwillturnintoanarchyifeveryonetriestospeakatonce.Always nets allowonlyonespeakeratatime.Withupwardof100peopleparticipating,an as thenetcontrollerorsomeoneelsemightbetransmittingatsametime.VHF — It’s notaprivatetelephone—otherscanheareverywordyousay! it’s importanttobecommunity-mindedwhenusingyourradio. Recognizing thatmaritimeVHFisasharedresource, Transmitting tothegroupbeforeyouhavebeenrecognizedwillresultinamashup, Continued frompreviouspage Radio in1981withHamcallsignVE0SH. Ryerson UniversityinToronto,Ontario,KenwaslicensedforCanadianAmateur Toronto from2002to2008. examined studentsinVHFandHF-SSBDSCMaritimeRadioboatingclasses Silverheels III. consideration andrespect. mary formofcommunicationwhilecruising,efficientusagedependsonmutual happening inthebaysaroundyou.SinceVHFradiosarebothourlifelineandpri- Your activeparticipationintheseearlynetswillhelpkeepyoutunewithwhat’s on channel68at0800. antenna, andpaystheelectricbill,too! of Fisheriesgenerouslyprovidesthemountaintoptowerinfrastructure,radio technical supportofaGrenadianprivatecitizen.Inaddition,Grenada’sDepartment installed especiallyforyachters,isthankstothefinancialgenerosityandongoing on theair.Thefreeandexclusivecruiseruseofthis66repeater,whichwas may beusedforlong-distancecommunicationswheneverthemorningnetisnot yachters monitorthechannel66repeateraswell68.Thisradiofacility Grenada toNorthTrinidad,andasfarnorthUnionIslandMayreau.Many affords cruisersreliable24-hourcommunicationbetweenyachts,anywherefrom thing that’ssaid. correct setting.You’reprobablyinUSmodeandyouwon’tbeabletohearevery- don’t hearthemusical“beep”aftereverytransmission,yourradioisnoton to theGrenadarepeateron66(not66Aassomeradiosareequippeddo),ifyou International mode,notCanadianorUS,asmentionedpreviously.Whenlistening coverage area.Toparticipatefully,pleaseensurethatyourVHFradioissetto repeater inGrenada,whichissettochannel66Internationalandhasafantastic volunteers onyachtsinCarriacouorGrenada.ThenetutilizesapowerfulVHF Saturday onchannel66(International)at0730.Thisnetoriginatesfromvarious and Grenada,theGrenadaCruiser’sVHFNetisheldfromMondaythrough an excellentandinformativeneteverymorningonchannel68at0800. rity net.It’sheldbyvolunteersinthemarinaonchannel68at0830. announcements onchannel06at0900. taining netfromMondaytoSaturdayonchannel10at0730hours. Working asabroadcasttelevisionandradioelectronicstechnologistfor38yearsat As aDesignatedMaritimeRadioExaminerwithIndustryCanada,hetaughtand Ken GoodingscruisesEasternCaribbeanwithhiswifeLynnKaakon Go “71andup!” VHF netsareagreatwaytoeaseintothedaywhilesippingyourmorningcoffee. • InTrinidadyoucanparticipateinthecruisers’morningnet,sevendaysaweek Operating fromanelevationof640metres,theGrenadianmountaintoprepeater • CoveringthewideareaofSouthernGrenadines,Carriacou,PetiteMartinique • FromBequia’sAdmiraltyBay,CherylJohnsonatTheFigTreerestaurantholds • RodneyBayinSt.LuciaenjoysaregularMonday-to-Saturdayweatherandsecu- • FromEnglishHarbourRadioinAntigua,youcanoftenhearweatherandother • InStMartin,youcanparticipateinMike’s(a.k.a.Shrimpy’s)popularandenter- S/V



DAN ROSANDICH we welcome new advertisers Dive Saint Lucia on page 17; we welcome new advertisers Dive Saint Lucia on page Compass www.caribbeancompass.com Caribbean Compass Compass On-Line • Advertisers’ Directory • Check It Out… Tell Your Friends! We’re on theWeb! We’re Continued from page 5 …Info & Updates Continued from Visit http://bvifoodfete.com/taste-of-the-bvi for more information. Old Sails Wanted a “Go Green The Pure Grenada Music Festival’s organizers have established of the canopy covering in One such initiative is the use of old sails in the creation days, April 5th through The Pure Grenada Music Festival will take place over six Visit www.grenadamusicfestival.com for more information. Welcome Aboard! In this issue of Good to have you with us! Anegada Lobster Festival 2015 is a two-day culinary event held on Anegada on culinary event held on Anegada Festival 2015 is a two-day Anegada Lobster taurants. Over the course of two days, attendees will embark on an island adven- taurants. Over the course of two days, attendees will embark scooter or rental car. ture that will take them on a culinary journey via safari, to reduce, reuse and Initiative” committed to environmentally friendly best practices recycle waste. therefore appealing to all required areas of the festival village. The organizers are sails. Anyone wishing to seafarers to assist through the donation of their worn-out for donate their old sails is asked to contact [email protected] or collection. further information and to make arrangements for delivery 10th, 2016. the Business Point of St. Maarten, on page 44; and Desulfater in the Market Please the Business Point of St. Maarten, on page 44; and Desulfater section, pages 41 through 43. November 28th and 29th. The British Virgin Islands Tourist Board, together with the Islands Tourist Board, together and 29th. The British Virgin November 28th on hand to local chefs who will be Anegada, will feature talented population of Anegada res- lobster dishes at participating and serve plated sample prepare, cook — NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 36 Monoceros. TonightisthepeakeventforAlphaMonocerotidsShower.Theseare has mysticalsignificance. course therearemorestarsintheclusterbutthroughouthistorynumberseven are brighter,andthedimmerseventhstarbecameknownasLostPleiad.Of the startandendofsummersailingseasoninancientGreece.Sixstars The starcluster’sconjunctionwiththeSuninspringandoppositionfallmarked active fromNovember10ththrough23rd,buttonightisthepeak. comet Tempel-Tuttle,whichwasdiscoveredin1865.Theshoweris in color.TheLeonidsshowerisproducedbydustgrainsleftbehind Lion. Theseareslow-movingmeteorssotheywillappearredororange Tonight, expectaround15meteorsperhouroriginatingfromLeothe years. Unfortunatelythelasthigh-volumeshowerwasin2001. Meteor Shower.Theshowerproduceshundredsofmeteorsevery33 just madeitsclosestapproachtotheSunthismorning. is at0605.Ithardtopredicthowbrightitwillbebutthecomethas the cometislocated.Itashortviewingwindowbecausesunrise through MarsandpastVenustowardsthehorizonthatiswhere eastern skyisJupiter(seeFigure2).Followthelinefrom to seethecometC/2013US10Catalina.Thehighestplanetin for everypersononEarth.Iwillneedabiggerwallet. the asteroidsbetweenMarsandJupiterisvaluedat$100,000,000.00 online/november14compass_online.pdf, page36),themineralwealthof of November/December2014(http://www.caribbeancompass.com/ of acquiring,studyingandminingasteroids.Lookingbacktomyarticle around Earth.Thereisscientificandtechnologicalvalueintheprocess 2023. Anothermissionwillcaptureanasteroidandplaceitintoorbit alive. OnemissionwilllaunchastronautstoMarsnolaterthanApril is designedtotakeastronautsintodeepspaceandbringthemback est starinthenightsky. in Taurus.FollowthebeltotherdirectiontofindSirius,bright- from NovembertoFebruary. constellation, locatedonthecelestialequator,willbeinwintersky evening andtakeitsplaceinthenightskyuntildawn.Thisprominent • Allslipswithfingers • Shorepower30,50and100amps • ABYCcertifiedmachanics • 70TonTravelift(30'beam) • Slipsto120’withdepth10’ • HighQualityShelteredMoorings Another sourceofmeteorsinthisperiodisapointbetweenCanisMinorand Saturday, November21st At midnighttheSevenSisters(Pleiades)reachesitshighestpointinnightsky. Friday, November20th The Moonwillsetat2256allowingforgoodviewingoftheLeonids Tuesday, November17th You willneedaclearviewoftheeasternskyataround0530hours Monday, November16th A construction,aspacecraftnamed As showninFigure1,useOrion’sBelttofindAldebaran,theBull’seye Orion isonthehorizon.Theconstellationwillriseinearly Zar-Par Marina Mid-November to Visit: marinazarpar.comemail: [email protected] M Mid-December The Skyfrom a

Tel: 8095235858VHF Channel 5


Z i THE FOCALPOINTFORCRUISINGYACHTSMENT by JimUlik Orion , isalsoonthehorizon. &7milesEastofInternationalAirport • 12milesEastofSantoDomingo • DinghyDock • FreeWIFIandInternet • Immigrationofficeinthemarinaforclearance • Showers,Laundry,Restaurant,24hrsecurity Dominican Republic THE CARIBBEANSKY:FREESHOWNIGHTLY! Orion 69.36.67W 18.25.50N

FIGURE1 es thetidaleffect. and risingagainat1553.WatchthetidesbecauseclosenessofMoonincreas- degrees aboveorwestwardfromtheMoon. fall youwillhavetousesomeimaginationbutknowthatUranusisonlythree than 400meteorsperhourcouldentertheEarth’satmosphere. over 2,000meteorsperhourlitthenightsky.Tonightitisanticipatedthatmore meteors, asnotedintheobservationsof1925and1935.In1935itwasreportedthat November 15thto25th.Thereappearsbeaten-yearcycleofhighnumber difference betweenthesemeteorsandtheLeonids.Thisshowerisactivefrom fast-moving meteorsappearingblueorwhiteincolor,soyouwillbeabletotellthe will occuroverthenextfewmornings. you willseethatAldebaranisonedegreeabovetheMoon. Atlantic StandardTime.Tomorrowmorninginthewesternskyjustbeforesunrise Orion followingtheequatorwithpointerstarstoAldebaranandSiriusat2230 The MoonhasreacheditsclosestorbitalpointtoEarth.moonsetisat0339 The SunhasleftLibraandisnowenteringtheconstellationScorpius. Monday, November23rd The Moonisafewdayspastthefirstquarterphaseandrisingat1502.Afternight- Sunday, November22nd Venus hasapproachedSpica.Thecloseconjunctionbetweentheplanetandstar Sunday, November29th The MoonreachestheFullphasewhiledirectlyovercentralAfricaat1844 Wednesday, November25th • Generous commissionsavailable • Introducers waters&related wantedinallports, industries • Fornoobligationquotationcallusorgotoourwebsite • Allhulltypesconsidered, includingFerro, Steel&Timber • Careful sailorsrewarded withnoclaimsdiscounts BOAT INSURANCE Edward MarineServicesare William appointedonbehalfofanE.U.fullyauthorisedandregulated Insurer toofferquotations and completetheonlineproposal form Tel: +34 Any Craft,Use,Age,Anywhere! and arrangecoverforPrivatePleasure marineinsuranceontheirbehalf. Insurers termsandconditionsapply www.edwardwilliam.com 952 476090 Email:[email protected] —Continued onnextpage NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 37 This . 321.514.9197 is a photographer and cruiser currently based in Grenada. We ship to most islands We [email protected] www.coppercoatusa.com www.coppercoatusa.com Now available in the Caribbean available Now S/V Merengue The 10+ Year Contact us for pricing and shipping information Contact us for Anti-Fouling Paint Anti-Fouling All times are given as Atlantic Standard Time (AST) unless otherwise noted. The All times are given as Atlantic Standard Time (AST) unless Jim Ulik of In the News as the Sun moves over the In November, the ocean temperatures begin to decrease Sunday, December 6th & Monday, December 7th 6th & Monday, December Sunday, December On December morning of December 6th. pair up with Mars on the The Moon will 9th Wednesday, December November can be seen anytime between the Puppid–Velid shower Meteors from Monday, December 14th of the year is the Geminids. This shower will reach One of the best meteor showers increase has a measured effect on coral health, coral bleaching and fish habitat. increase has a measured effect on coral health, coral the data. Sentinel-3 is the Another satellite will be added to the list that is gathering Satellites (EUMETSAT) European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological spacecraft will monitor the spacecraft that will be placed in orbit this quarter. The ocean ecosystems, water state of the ocean surface, including surface temperature, additional environmental and quality and pollution. The satellite will also provide will monitor land-use climate monitoring based on land use. The land services and fire detection. change, forest cover, photosynthetic activity, soil quality may vary by only a few times are based on the viewing position in Grenada and minutes in different Caribbean locations. southern hemisphere. Ocean temperatures increase and decrease with the seasons southern hemisphere. Ocean temperatures increase and is showing an overall annual and satellites measure these global changes. The data Sea and Atlantic Ocean increase in the sea temperature for the Caribbean 7th the Moon will be near Venus. Include comet C/2013 US 10, which will be comet C/2013 US 10, will be near Venus. Include 7th the Moon visible because Venus. The comet may be and slightly lower than towards the north days is at 0530. The viewing time for both 14 percent illuminated. the Moon is only our skies from The meteors will enter The peak night is tonight. 17th and January. could be 15 will not interfere and there of Argo Navis. Moonlight Puppis, the stern meteors per hour. 100 on December 14th. There could be as many as its maximum rate of activity the constellation Gemini. These meteors have been meteors per hour coming from colors as they enter the atmosphere. known to produce varying Figure 2: Jupiter, Mars and Venus pointing the direction to comet C/2013 US10 Figure 2: Jupiter, Mars and Venus pointing the direction at 0530 Venus Figure 3: An early morning conjunction between the Moon, and comet C/2013 US10 on December 7th Figure 4: Sea temperature hotspots based on night temperatures

FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 Continued from previous page Continued from For those keeping track, the Sun will enter the constellation Ophiuchus. track, the Sun will enter For those keeping 4th Friday, December the Moon and is a conjunction between day past last quarter. There The Moon is one There is also a chance that the comet C/2013 X1 PanSTARRS will be bright C/2013 X1 PanSTARRS a chance that the comet There is also Jupiter. As is the characteristic case for celestial events, it occurs just after midnight. events, it occurs just the characteristic case for celestial Jupiter. As is 0100. for our viewing happens at between these bodies This close approach enough to be seen with a pair of binoculars. At 2230 look north towards the At 2230 look north seen with a pair of binoculars. enough to be the comet. The above the horizon for about 60 degrees Andromeda constellation the next few days. to get brighter over comet will continue — NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 38 Amazon and iUniverse from available are Books ened cocoashortage. feel thatthemonoculturetechniqueofplantingisactuallycontributingtoathreat- not beasefficientforhumans,thetreesandcropdomuchbetter.Someexperts cultivating, usingthemixedcroptechnique.Whiletechniquemay which iswhymanyfarmershavechosentogobackamorebalancedmannerof bats seemtobeofthesameopinion.Thesetreescanfrequentlyunderproduce, the midgesarenotalwaysinclinedtogoveryfarpollinateacresoftrees.The where theymayusemoretypicalcultivationtechniques,thiscreatesaproblem,as is normallydonebytinyflyingmidges,andsomebats.Inthelargerplantations, habitat forthemidgesandbatsthatpollinatetrees. and citrustrees.Thisprovidesalittleextraincomeforthefarmersgivesgood Grenada, Dominicaandotherislandsareofteninterspersedwithguava,nutmeg, love ofacidic,well-wateredsoil,butwhicharemoretolerantsun.Cocoatreesin nique ofplantingthecocoatreeswithotherfruit-bearingthatsharesame many ofthesmallerplantationsthatarefoundinCaribbeanemploytech- of thestrongsun.Thewildtreeenjoysprotectionrainforestcanopy,and cocoa comingfromlandsnuggledupclosertotheEquator,itisnotparticularlyfond between thelinesofCancerandCapricorn,with75percentworld’scultivated treat —orpossiblyevenanecessityforsomeofus? go back. ings areadded. turers, cocoaandsugararetheonlytwo ingredients,unlesslocalspicesorflavour- three ingredientsthatfinallybecomeschocolate. Yes,whendonebysmallmanufac- the podbecomesthatwonderful,smooth, andtrulywonderfulcombinationoftwoor tion orfactory,it’shighlyrecommended. Theguideswilldelveintothedetailsofhow ball, buttendtobeabout30centimetres inlength,withanellipticalshape. slightly tartpulp.Thepodscandevelop to thesizeofanAmericanfootball,orrugby dispersed bymonkeysorotheranimalsbreakingthroughtheskintoenjoysweet, referred toas“mountainM&M’s”and“junglecandy”bysomeguides.Theseeds are Inside thethickskinarepulp-encapsulatedseeds.Thepulpisedible,andhasbeen for perfecttimingpicking. for twotothreeweeks,makingthemlesstime-sensitivethansomecropstheneed size, andthenanothermonthtoripen.Aripepodcanstayonthetreewithoutrotting which theywilldieunlessfertilized.Apodtakefourtofivemonthsdevelop to pods, asthetreecanbearfruitallyearlong.Theflowerslivefor24hours,after along thetrunkandbranches,canbefoundontreeatsametimeas the but cultivatedtreesmaybeprunedtomakeharvestingthepodseasier. chupon. Lefttoitsowndevices,thetreescangrowaheightofup15metres, branching out.Itisnotuncommonatalltoseefruitgrowingdirectlyfrom the during theday(similartosunflowers,inaway). The treealsohasanadaptationthattheleavescanchangetheirangleby90degrees area whereitisrequired,thetreemayadaptandgrowslightlylargershadeleaves. has alreadygrown.Treeswillgrownewleavesfromtwotofourtimesayear.In an stretched adult’shand(roughly15byeightcentimetres),andgrowfromwhereafruit eventually becomebrightgreen.Theleavesareapproximatelythesizeofanout- leaves growoutreddish,whichprovidesbetterprotectionfromthesun,butthey a chocolatestout! locally grownchocolateinavarietyofways.AbrewpubSt.Luciaisevenoffering Compass Alan Napier’sPointeBaptisteChocolate(featuredintheJune2015issueof organic offerings;tothenewfarmers’cooperative,Jouvay,alsoinGrenada; turers intheEasternCaribbean,rangingfromGrenadaChocolateFactory’s every monththere’ssomethingspecialtolookoutfor. LOOK OUTFOR… Caribbean Cocoa Cocoa treesarehermaphrodites,buttheynotabletoself-pollinate.Pollination The cocoatreeisanativeoftherainforest.Whiletrulytropicalgrowing Once youhavetriedrealCaribbean-grown chocolate,youreallywon’twantto If youhavenotavailedyourselfofthechance totakeatourofchocolateplanta- The podscanbeyelloworredwhenripe,dependingonthespeciesoftree. The flowersofthecocoatreearewhite,andhavenodiscernablescent.Theygrow The trunk,or‘chupon’growsstraightforabout1.5metres,andthenstarts The cocoatreeisdeciduous,soitdoesloseitssmoothleavesseasonally.young But whataboutthetree, It isprettyhardtonotnoticetheincreasein“homegrown”chocolatemanufac- As youtravelthroughtheCaribbean, — It’sGrowing! ) inDominica.Thereareotherboutiqueofferings,andspasfeaturing Theobroma cacao, by LynnKaak andthepodsthatcreatethisspecial NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 39 :

A S I LS LLS The Carenage: Monday - Thursday 8 am to 5:30 pm Friday until 8:45 pm Saturday until 1:00 pm Tel: (473) 440-2588 Grand Anse: Monday - Thursday 9 am to 5:30 pm Friday & Saturday until 7:00 pm Tel: (473) 444-4573 II U NEW SAILS & AWNINGS U/V COVERS UPHOLSTERY SAIL REPAIRS TRAMPOLINES & FOAM LUFFS REPRESENTATIVE STACKPACKS & DINGHY COVERS AA BIMINI, DODGERS Q (evenings) LAZY JACK SYSTEMS Services provided: SS Compass E


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Barbados’ Backcountry by Bus A D Crewing Through the Panama Canal JONAS BROWNE & HUBBARD (G’da.) Ltd. Stock Up on the widest selection and the best prices in Grenada at our two conveniently located supermarkets. Whether it’s canned goods, dairy products, meat, fresh vegetables or fruits, toiletries, household goods, or a fine selection of liquor and wine, The Food Fair has it all and a lot more. Hubbard’s V Month’s AADINES N NN E A R C

. We called G Tel (784) 457-3507 / 457-3527 AM GRE & CANVAS • BEQUIA && CANVAS e-mail: [email protected] VHF Ch16/68 Located opposite G.Y.E. —Continued on next page

, , asked the Immigration department at asked the Immigration department at Compass Compass We as Immigration officers cannot work against the Compass After the Coast Guard left we proceeded to spend timeAfter the Coast Guard left we with a two-horsepower We got into our small dinghy 2015 we hired a car and On the 29th of September We were dropped off in the city and went to the When one goes into a country the first impression We proceeded to Santa Marta, Colombia and we were ARUBA RULES ARE DIFFERENT ARUBA RULES item in Info October issue with the I just read your Aruba and experience: We arrived in Our personal law to suit anyone. We have to work as it is written in law to suit anyone. We have to work as it is written in the law. Nikki Beach is a public beach and not a port of entry. In Aruba we have two harbours where you can officially be cleared by Immigration, and those are Barcadera and Oranjestad. The couple said that they had a motor problem on the way in and that they could not go into either of those harbours on that day. It was explained to them that it is not possible to clear a boat located at Nikki Beach. Barcadera Harbor for their response, which follows. Dear the Port Authority and they did not have space avail- and they did not have the Port Authority We told to anchor in Oranjestad. able and were and could that our boat has no engine informed them not go to a dock. at Nikki Beach. Weout until daybreak and anchored hours looking for Customswent ashore and spent three found a Customs officeand Immigration. We eventually approximately an hour andthat took our form and after because we were attendeda half (and getting rained on, we were told to go toto through a service window), Barcadera to clear Immigration. and did the proper pro- motor and went to Barcadera Customs in a very pro- cedures with Immigration and a form to be filled out at fessional way. We were given do it in Barcadera. departure and told we could clear out and were directed proceeded to Barcadera to would be. The officer in to a trailer where Immigration very unprofessional way. I charge talked to us in a so could not come to the insisted we had no motor, talk to us. I just lifted dock, but she refused to even I was so ashamed of the my hands and said, “Let’s go”. way this officer mistreated us. Customs office that we had gone to on arrival. When we explained the situation, they proceeded to stamp the form and we were directed to Immigration at the cruiseship dock. The security station and officers were very professional and the Immigration officers as well. you get is what remains, and definitely “Aruba, The Happy Island” is not a cruiser friendly island. We have been cruising the Caribbean since December 5th, 2014 and have cleared in and out of all the islands. We had excellent experiences and were treated very pro- fessionally, and at the same time the officers did their job in a strict manner. You can be strict, but not mis- treat people who are visiting the island to learn about your culture and spend money as well. delighted with the way we were treated. Digna Feliciano & Ignacio Estrada S/V Espiritu Libre Dear “Clearing in Aruba”. & Updates on by the Coast Guard at 3:00 were boarded , , , says , says Angelos Silverheels Boldly Go , showed that even the

' Petite Martinique S 16-18 feet of water alongside Suitable for Large Power Yachts Unobstructed dock in calm water Cheapest prices in the Grenadines R , thanks. The best fuel dock in the Grenadines for: E M Ring Anderson ! Readers, Contact: Glenn Clement or Reynold Belmar U D Compass A R FUEL • OIL • WATER • ICE Compass Compass E Tel/Fax: (473) 443-9110 email: [email protected] Easily approached from Carriacou, Union I., Palm I. & PSV O B & C FUELS ENTERPRISE Heed what Jim Hutchins, Jan de Groot, I liked your September issue’s “Tip-Top Tips For I liked your September issue’s WHEN TO FALL OVERBOARD Under “Subjective Advice”, Tor Pinney, Hutch is one of the saltiest old salts we know. You Nice job, On the other hand, don’t forget to fall overboard once And don’t overlook the two most important sailing That’s just some highlights. I thought all of it was FFORUM READERS' RREADERS' seasoned can forget to establish the price of a mooring seasoned can forget to establish the price of a mooring beforehand. And don’t forget to specify EC or US dol- lars… and see if you can figure out whom the mooring actually belongs to. First-Time Caribbean Cruisers”, which is a good First-Time Caribbean Cruisers”, which is a good refresher for some of us saltier dogs as well. Ahoy can read more from this seasoned singlehander by can read more from this seasoned singlehander by going to www.caribbeancompass.com, scrolling down to the Back Issues Archive and typing “Jim Hutchinson” in the Search field. Enjoy! CC about anchoring. Hutch S/Y Ambia Dear you’re anchored and secured. And snorkel your anchor you’re anchored and secured. And snorkel your anchor while you’re at it. tips. Stay as high as you can on the wind and current tips. Stay as high as you can on the wind and current — which doesn’t always mean close hauled. And don’t fall overboard — make sure that everyone aboard knows that one, as a priority. good — even though I do some of it differently. said a lot in a few words about us being visitors. And said a lot in a few words about us being visitors. And I’ll listen to anything that Angelika Grüner, has to say on us being here… or anywhere. NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 40 True Blue, St George’s Grenada True Blue,StGeorge’s Grenada M WORLDWIDE ReadytoShip t Compatible Turbine Fuel t Available UponRequest 500Gal.-LargerSizesReadily t AuxiliaryFuelBladders t FUEL BLADDERS FUEL FARTHER RANGE? TRAVEL GOT +1-201-825-1400 Call 1(473)[email protected] (10yearsandmore…) BOATBLADDERS EVER BEFORE WITH... BEFORE EVER BOATBLADDERS

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Dear CC details andclearanceformsforAruba. sancemarina.com/clearance-procedures, forprocedure and outoftheisland,sotheyareextravigilant. smuggling takesplace,ofbothgoodsandpeople,into South Americanmainland,andwe’retoldthatalotof tion alongsidethedock.Arubaisonly18milesfrom border officerstheoptionofdoinganonboardinspec- actually locatedatoneofthetwoportsentry,giving Aruba youcanonlyclearinandoutwithyourvessel by roadtoclearCustomsandImmigration.However,in ever youlikewhenarrive,andthengobydinghyor of countrieswhereyoucananchorprettymuchwher- but noseparateregulationsforyachts. Caribbean islands,Arubahaslawspertainingtoships those inmanyotherplaces.UnlikesomeoftheEastern clearance proceduresinArubaaremuchstricterthan cruisers headingthatwayshouldkeepinmind stood thatitsenginewasoutoforder.Regardless,any engineless, butImmigrationofficialsapparentlyunder- on theinvasiontakingplace. the placesIdive.Therefore,decidedtowritemypaper ized thereisanongoinglionfishinvasioninseveralof my divingexperiencesinthepastsevenyearsIreal- that’s connectedtomypassionofscubadiving.From paper onatopicofmychoice.Idecidedtodoresearch with myfamily. 18-year-old SwissandIvisittheislandtwiceayear with everydiveImakearoundCarriacou.aman — have beenamisunderstanding: Dear CompassReaders, Government ofAruba Lori Simmons,Immigration law. all whoabidebytherulesandregulationsthatare one happyislandandwillremainfor and legalworkprocedure,stillcomplain.Arubais make adecisionforthem. Customs cannotmakeadecisionforus,norcanwe Immigration andtheywillclearthemout.However, they declaredthatCustomshadtoldthemtogo legally dotheirwork.ThedaytheycametoImmigration that NikkiBeachisnotaplacewhereImmigrationcan not abidingbythelaw.Theyhadalreadybeentold parties withoutbreakingthelaw.Butthiscouplewas is andfindoutifthereasolutionsuitableforboth few daysbeforeyouleave,explainwhatyourproblem to leave,youneedcometheImmigrationofficea motor problemandwhileheretheygotitfixed. the motor?OtherboatshavecometoArubawitha question: couldtheyhavelookedforamechanictofix 7th ofSeptemberuptothe29thSeptember.My LIONFISH LEARNINGINCARRIACOU Visit theRenaissanceMarinawebsite,www.renais- It’s easytobecomecomplacentaftervisitinganumber For myfinalyearofhighschool,Ihadtowritea My fascinationwiththeCaribbeanSeaisgrowing Further tothecorrespondenceabove,thereseems In anycase,theywerehelpedagainstournormal If youhaveaproblemwithyourboatandwant If theyhadamotorproblem,wereherefromthe Continued frompreviouspage lionfish inCarriacou’swaters Swiss biologystudentLuanaHallerstudiedthe To writeapaperforherfinalyearofhighschool, Compass , Espiritu Libre is be editedforlength,clarityandfairplay. Please keeplettersshorterthan600words.Lettersmay name maybewithheldfromprintatyourrequest. We donotpublishanonymousletters;however,your individual regattaresultscomplaints.(Kudosareokay!) e-mail) ifclarificationisrequired. address, andawaywecancontactyou(preferablyby Dear Swtitzerland Luana Haller cause changesinanaquaticfauna. to seehowsmallincidentscanaffectawholeareaand made. Asadiverandbiologystudentitisinteresting the wholeprocessofmyresearchandconclusion er growthofsoftcorals. fewer oftheotherspecies,anditsreefshowedagreat- lionfish. ButatBarrel,thereweremorelionfishand Seaview, thecurrentisstronger,whichdispels able, leadingtoachangeinthelifeofreef.At remaining varietyandpopulationoffishwasremark- the current.Theinfluencethatlionfishhaveon between thetwodivesites,relatedtostrengthof sion tointerprettheirconnectionstheinvasion. charts andphotographs,alwaysfollowedbyadiscus- form aconclusion.Theresultswererepresentedin lionfish tothereef.WiththisinformationIwasable water temperature,thecurrentanddistanceof the sametime,Ialsomeasureddepthofwater, count thedifferentspeciesinanareaforasettime.At variety ofotherspecies.Ameasuringgridwasusedto gated thelionfishpopulationandpopulations in theoutletonrightsideofTyrrelBay.Iinvesti- sites arelocatedonthesouthwestcoastofCarriacou and Barrel,tocomparethelionfishinvasions.Thedive stay inJulyof2015.Idivedattwodivesites,Seaview Send [email protected]. We donotpublishindividualconsumercomplaintsor Be suretoincludeyourname,boatnameorshoreside We wanttohearfromYOU! WE WANTTOHEARFROMYOU! I wasextremelyexcitedandmotivatedthroughout The resultsindicatedthattherewasadifference I startedmyresearchinCarriacouwithathree-week Compass Readers,


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Coffee Shop Office (Ile Marine) Caribbean Compass bold /MarinaPortlaRoyale /Bobby’sMarina ): new Yanmar 4JhJE54hp. charge controller. Newcustomcenterboard, S/S arch,6x65wattsolarpanelswith standing rigging.Stalok’s Harkenfurling,new genoa tracks,primarywinches,chainplates, anchor, newstanchionsandlifelines, Maxwell windlass, for cruisingtheCaribbean.Upgradesinclude: glassed rudder. This boatissetupperfectly of thisyear. Newrudderbearingsandepoxy added, arudderkeelstrapnotonearlyIP’s hardware havebeenre-engineered. Also terboard andallcenterboardbrackets well maintainedbysecondowner. The cen- Rare centerboardtwoownerboat.Extremely 1987 IslandPacket38’ “SaltyShores” Well pricedat$399,950. autopilot, chartplotter, electricwinches. equipment stereo, VHF, 2anchors,allCoastGuard Excellent condition.Liferaft,bowthrusters, 2006 IslandPacket445“Tirnanog” atanyoftheselocations(advertisersin , Red Hook,St.Thomas,USVI• , 12’ CaribeRIB,bimini/dodger, Asking $405,000.00.

55 lbbronzeBarnacle RoyalOceanRacingClub(RORC),http://rorctransatlantic.rorc.org St.MaartenYachtClub(SMYC),www.smyc.com 30 28 27 –29 www.stluciayachtclub.com 27 –29 25 25 www.yccs.it/marina 24 –29 23 www.worldcruising.com/arc 22 21 –22 (Remembrance 19 http://cornellsailing.com/sail-the-odyssey 18 (IndependenceofCartagenaDay) Day) 18 www.stcroixyc.com 13 –15 YachtClub(RBVIYC),www.royalbviyc.org 11 9 USAtoTortolaBVIandAbacos,Bahamasrespectively.WCC, 8 –9 WorldCruisingClub(WCC),www.worldcruising.com/arc www.worldcruising.com/carib1500 8 8 (SMYC), (AllSaints’Day) 7 –8 3 USAtoSt.Maarten.www.sailopo.com 2 [email protected] 1 1 NOVEMBER rlnik oar;adFr-eFac,Mriiu. PublicholidayinMontserrat;half-dayCuraçao Kralendijk,Bonaire;andFort-de-France,Martinique. includingTrellisBay,Tortola;AdmiraltyBequia; 31 31 www.antiguayachtclub.com 31 26 –27 26 ClubNáuticodeSanJuan(CNSJ),www.nauticodesanjuan.com 25 25 21 19 –20 19 16 -24 15 13 9 8 www.sailingrallies.com 6 [email protected] 5 4 –10 4 –6 www.carlosmatchrace.com 3 –6 1 -12 DECEMBER PublicholidayintheCaymanIslands(RemembranceDay) StartofCaribbean1500andARCBahamasralliesfromVirginia, StartofARC+rallyfromCanaryIslandstoSt.LuciaviaCapeVerdes. PublicholidayinDominica(IndependenceDay) PublicholidayinHaiti(AllSouls’Day) PublicholidayinAntigua(IndependenceDay)andsomeotherplaces PublicholidayinAntigua&Barbuda(NationalHeroes’Day) PublicholidayinColombia(ImmaculateConception) StartofChristmasCaribbeanRally,CanaryIslands to Antigua. ChristmasRegatta,PuertoRico.BorinquenIslandsSailing Association, atthetimethisissueof PublicholidayinBarbados(IndependenceDay) StartofRORCTransatlanticRace,CanaryIslandstoGrenada. PublicholidayinSuriname(RepublicDay) FULL PublicholidayinMontserrat(LiberationDay) Startof30thAnnualARCrallyfromCanaryIslandstoSt.Lucia.WCC, MOON PublicholidayinBelize(GarifunaSettlementDay)andCaymanIslands StartofAtlanticOdysseyIrallyfromCanaryIslandstoMartinique. PublicholidayinHaiti(BattleofVertieresDay) PublicholidayinFrenchislands(RemembranceDay)andColombia e ersEeOdYa’ ih.Frwrsi aypae, NewYear’s Eve/OldYear’sNight.Fireworksinmanyplaces, PublicholidayinMontserrat(FestivalDay) Nelson’sPursuitRace,Antigua.AntiguaYachtClub(AYC), Publicholidayinmanyplaces(BoxingDay) Publicholiday inmanyplaces(ChristmasDay) FULL Winter PublicholidayinAnguilla(NationalHeroes’Day) MOON PublicholidayinBonaire(KingdomDay) Solstice PublicholidayinSt.Lucia(NationalDay) PeteShealsMemorialMatchRace,Tortola.RoyalBritishVirginIslands SOLSintMaartenOptimistChampionship.St.YachtClub alsAulrMthRc,S.Toa,UV. CoursedeL’Alliancerace,St.Maarten,Barth,Anguilla. SMYC CarlosAguilarMatchRace,St.Thomas,USVI. BahamasInternationalFilmFestival,Nassau.www.bintlfilmfest.com NineMorningsFestival,St.Vincent.http://discoversvg.com ored ’line t are,S.Brs nula CoursedeL’Alliance,St.Maarten,Barts,Anguilla. MangoBowlRegatta,St.Lucia.LuciaYachtClub(SLYC), RC44BVIRegatta,VirginGorda.YachtClubCostaSmeralda(YCCS), JollyHarbourYachtClubAnnualRegatta.www.jhycantigua.com St.CroixInternationalRegatta.YachtClub(SCYC), a unSiigCaposis uroRc. DominicaChristmasRegatta. [email protected] SanJuanSailingChampionships,PuertoRico. so pleasecontacteventorganizersdirectlyforconfirmation. in ourmonthlycalendar,pleasesendthenameanddate(s) of [email protected] All informationwascorrecttothebestofourknowledge Start ofNorthAmericanRallytotheCaribbean(NARC),RhodeIsland, Antigua CharterYachtShow.www.antiguayachtshow.com If youwouldlikeanauticalortourismeventlistedFREE of theeventandnamecontactinformation www.caribbeancompass.com We areon-line: Compass CALENDAR went topress—butplanschange, NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 45

BILL & BOB THOMAS Firm located in JOB OPPORTUNITY 3208 CATERPILLARS 2x3208 375hp marine engines/ZF transmissions. Fully rebuilt, zero hrs. Tel: (784) 528-7273 E-mail: [email protected] BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS- SHIPWRIGHT the BVI’s is seeking a full time experienced ship- wright. Requirement: a minimum of 5 years experi- ence w/ various forms of boat building including both woodworking & GRP. The applicant must be able to manage the shop in the owners’ absence, train apprentices, & manage the office if necessary. Must have own hand tools. Must speak & read English fluent- ly, computer knowledge is essential. Email CV to Erik & Sheryl Groenenberg. Fax (360) 365-2379 E-mail esym@ surfbvi.com Trailer type, ANGLO CONCERTINA Traditional Shipboard Instrument. Finest Quality. Play Your Favorite Sea Songs, Shanties, Jigs, Reels and Hornpipes. Complete Instruction- Tune Book, and Carrying Case Included. Send $395.00 ppd. to: Green Mtn. Instruments P.O. Box 964 Burlington, Vermont 05402 (802) 865-3337 4200W GENERATOR 110/220V with only 6 hrs. EC$5000.Tel: (784) 528-7273.

Line drawings/photos and numbers in count. Include name, address US 50¢ PER WORD CLASSIFIEDS Pre-paid by the 10th of the month accompanying classifieds are US$10. e-mail: [email protected] MISC. FOR SALE BEQUIA - LA POMPE house and/ Large 2 bedroom or 1 bed studio apartment.Big stunning verandah and patio, Internet, view, cool breeze. minimum, cable TV. 2 weeks rates. excellent long-term Tel: (784) 495 1177 BEQUIA – LOWER BAY Trinity House, 3 bdrms, 2 bath. Available for long term rental. Over 2,500 sq/ft of living space overlooking Lower Bay, w/ great views of the Bequia Regatta. Built mostly of local stone, com- plete w/ whale bone bar & decorations. Complete w/ 2 balconies. More details www.bequiatrinity.com. E-mail: [email protected] SAILS AND CANVAS EXCEPTIONALLY SPECIAL DEALS at http://doylecaribbean. com/specials.htm

Great CLASSIFIEDS RENTALS PROPERTY FOR SALE BEQUIA – MT. PLEASANT Interesting & unusual, 3 bdrms, 2 baths, pool. Tel: (784) 533-4865 www.cedarretreat.wordpress.com www.caribbeanhouseforsaleonline.com BEQUIA – MT. PLEASANT Tahiti igloo, Rentals available. 3 bdrms, 2 baths & pool. Tel: (784) 533-4865. www.cedarretreat.wordpress.com www.caribbeanhouseforsaleonline.com BEQUIA - MT. PLEASANT views, large lots from US$5/sq.ft. www.bequialandforsale.com BEQUIA-MAC’S PIZZERIA Waterfront location, Bequia’s most popular res- taurant. Same owner-man- ager for 31 yrs. Complete land, buildings, equipment. Island Pace Realty. Tel: (784) 458-3544 Email: emmett@ islandpace.com CARRIACOU - PRIME LAND Stunning panoramic view over- looking Sandy Island & the Grenadines, northern exposure, cooling breezes, four beaches, excellent snorkeling E-mail: [email protected] IRWIN 52 KETCH Full A/C. All teak interior, standing room throughout. Spacious master stateroom, 2 dbl staterooms, 3 heads, large main salon, Perkins diesel, Westerbeke genset, dinghy/ 5 HP, davits , new EPIRB, VHF, SSB, A/P, Radar. Ready for offshore/ charter. US$178,000. Lying So. Caribbean. For full inventory E-mail: keat7179@ yahoo.com [email protected] 2000,ISLAND PACKET 380 original owner added many exceptional features, includ- ing varnished interior, bow thruster, elec. primary winch & a long list of others. For complete list E-mail: 2000ip380078@gmail .com AZIMUT 58’ FLYBRIDGE 2002, Italian luxury yacht, in excel- lent condition. 3 staterooms/ 3 heads, large saloon, full A/C, dual helm stations. New electronics 2014, crew com- partment converted for extra storage w/ 2 freezers, fully loaded fridge/freezer, micro- wave, stove, icemaker, water maker. US$499,000. Lying Barbados- Port St. Charles. Jimmy Tasker Tel: (246) 230- 0256 E-mail: jimmytasker@ caribsurf.com in Feb. Owner anxious to sell forin Feb. Owner anxious Puerto Lahealth reasons. Lying US$30,000.Cruz, Venezuela. 484 6121Mike Lyon Tel: 58 416

44’ Hull One E-mail: Sale or LYING Good condi- owned since 2000, 1991 CATALINA 34 Sloop with tall rig & wing keel. Lying Bequia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines. US$40,000 . OBO, Deborah. [email protected] TAYANA 37' 1977 JEANNEAU SUN ODYSSEY JEANNEAU SUN ODYSSEY 42.1 1995, tion needs a little TLC. Volvo excellent. Bottom job scheduled SEAFOX 230CC 2005, SEAFOX 230CC 2005, Centre console, Suzuki DF225 4-stroke. Fully equipped w/ outriggers, rod holders, livewell, safety gear, elec- tronics, coolers etc. Great condition, well maintained. US$26,000 Tel: (473) 536-2319 E-mail: [email protected] regularly serviced, lightly used, ready to live aboard. Watermaker, solar/wind generators, serviced life-raft, new dinghy, rigging new 2013, genoa 2012, Yanmar 48hp. 5,200hrs. Lying Antigua, US$79,995 E-mail: dbriefuk@ yahoo.com www.amel-mango-for-sale.com SEA RAY 440 SUNDANCER Recently valued at US$145,000, asking US$85,000. Lying in St.Vincent. Tel: (784) 493-3995 E-mail: ftruchot@ vincysurf.com 42’ SEARAY SUNDANCER 1992 New 250hp. 4 strokes, very economical, quiet & clean running. Sleeps 6 in 3 cabins, perfect for overnight charters. trade for a smaller boat Tel: (784) 528-7273 1986 AMEL MANGO owner, lying Grenada. Ready to go for US$150,000 OBO. http:// 1996 pleasure yacht in excel- lent condition. 2 x Cummings w/ low hrs, full electronics, bimini, well-equipped, per- fect for cruising & overnight charters. Sleeps 4 in 2 cabins. HARBOUR SHUTTLE TRINIDAD TT$70,000.00, ONO. Tel: (868) 634-4934 Email: [email protected] HANS CHRISTIAN 33T 1984 #68. Fully reconditioned & ready for cruising. Price reduced to US$90,000. Contact Doug Atkins for detailed infor- mation.Tel: (340) 642-6273 cell, (340) 692-2673 desk E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: sports fisher, Immaculate This luxury This

BOATS FOR SALE FORMULA 30 2002 condition throughout. 2x 220hp V6. Lots of installed extras. US$55,000 OBO. [email protected] BLACK PEARL VEDETTE BLACK PEARL VEDETTE L-10.97m, B-2.44m, Yanmar 6LPA-STP2, 315HP, 4 – stroke. New Mercruiser Bravo 2 stern drive and aluminum prop (installed July ’13). Head / toilet, nav lights, new VHF radio, aft swim deck/ladder. Helm seats/aft sundeck cush- ions new Oct 2012. Surveyed 2013. Contact Matt Semark with offers. E-mail: matthew. [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] GALAPAGOS 43` STEEL KETCH Center cockpit. Recently hauled out and refurbished, ready to sail, lying Bequia, US$39,500. Robin, E-mail: [email protected] 41’ ROGER SIMPSON DESIGN Light weight, cruising cata- maran, 3 cabins, 1 head. USD75,000 ONO Tel: (868) 684-7720/634-2259 0046-765596225 or 0046-29210187 BERTRAM 28 FLYBRIDGE 1983 2x Yanmar 2007 w/ 2000 hrs. Very good condition, com- pletely renovated at Ottley Hall, St.Vincent. Well equipped w/ AP, fish finder & large ice- boxes. US$55,000. E-mail: gar- [email protected] or [email protected]: 47’ JAVELIN/FOUNTAIN 47’ JAVELIN/FOUNTAIN POWERBOAT speedboat is available in Grenada. Gen-Set, A/C, white leather in cabin, galley, shower(s), VaccuFlush, Mercury 502 marine engines over- hauled by Mercury dealer, Bravo 1 drives. 40 MPH cruise props w/over 60 speed props. Tel: (787) 241-9624 www.aviationcms.com E-mail: [email protected] BERTRAM 38 Special [email protected] newly refitted 2015 from cabin to engines. Excellent condition, fully equipped. US$120,000 Tel: (473) 410-2933 E-mail: NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 46 (www.agrra.org). and PatriciaKrameriswiththeAtlanticGulfRapidReefAssessmentProgram conservation effortsinthewonderfulGrenadines? SusGren’s officeinCliftonwhenyou’renextonUnionIsland,tolearnmoreabout en coralreefmanagementpracticesontheGrenadaBank.Whynotstopby through sponsorshipfromtheUSNationalFishandWildlifeFoundationtostrength- expedition wasorganizedbySustainableGrenadines,Inc.andmadepossible them sotheycantakeactionstoprotectcoralreefsforasustainablefuture.The in theGrenadinesbetterunderstandhealthoftheirreefsandthreatsfacing bleaching inreefsthatyouknowwell. Please contactthelocalmarineprotectedareamanagerifyoustarttonoticecoral corals andcausethemto“bleach”(turnwhitefromexpellingtheirsymbioticalgae). surface temperaturesintheCaribbeantowardsendof2015,whichcanstress watch.noaa.gov) arehighlightingaveryrealpossibilityofhigherthannormalsea Coral ReefWatchprogram’s‘CoralBleachingThermalStressOutlook’(coralreef- a fishandwatchwhereitgoeswhateats. view. Thinklikeababycoralandworkoutwhereyouwouldlandgrow.Orfollow time yougosnorkelling,takeachildbythehandandlookatcoralfromfish-eye create andplasticsyouusepickuptrashunderwateroralongbeaches.Next discharge whenonpassagesbetweenislands;reducetheamountofgarbageyou holding tankswheneverpossible,especiallyinmarineprotectedareas,andifneeded use fixedmooringsoranchoronlyinsand(withnocoralheadsseagrass); these priorityneeds. used bythemanagersofGrenadinesmarineprotectedareastohelpfocuson cies onlandtocollaborate.Theinformationgeneratedbytheexpeditionisbeing enforcement effort,wheretotargeteducationactivitiesandwithwhichpartneragen- marine protectedareasastheydecidehowbesttofocustheirmanagementand Nonetheless, knowingaboutchangeincoralreefhealthisvitallyimportantfor So theresultscanvarygreatlydependingonsitethatwe’resurveying. a coralreefcanlookquitedifferentonsidesofthesameisland,forexample. els oftourismandmajordevelopments.Andasanyonewhohassnorkeledwillknow, other factors,suchashurricanes,coralbleaching,changesinlocalpopulation,lev- Mustique MarineConservationArea. herbivorous andcommercialfish,thesestepswillhelpimprovereefhealthinthe to conservewaterandtreatwastewater.Togetherwithadditionalprotectionof the useofphosphates(e.g.inhouseholddetergents),takingstepstoreduceerosion, land. Mustiquehasbeenproactiveinminimizinghumaninfluencesbyprohibiting agement actionstoprotectfishandreducepollutantssedimententeringfrom commercially importantfish.Thereefshavepotentialtoimprovebutwillneedman- Lagoon, St.Vincent,havegoodcoralcoverbuttheyalsocriticallylowlevelsof protection, likeherbivorousfishabundancehasincreased. tant fisharelow,buthavethepotentialtoincreasewithmoretimeandcontinued Island/Oyster BedMarineProtectedArea(launchedin2010),commerciallyimpor- mercial fishbiomassimprovedcomparedwith1999levels.AtthenewerSandy Reef averages.OnlyatTobagoCaysMarinePark(withpatrolssince2007)hascom- across theGrenadinessurveysitesandbelowbothCaribbeanMesoamerican is nowsmaller. herbivorous fishinTobagoCaysthan1999,theaveragesizeof benefits fromthelongesthistoryofprotection.Eventhere,althoughtherearemore Mesoamerican ReefaverageateverysiteexceptforTobagoCaysMarinePark,which the Grenadinesranksaspoor,onaverage,andbiomassislowerthan newer thaninotherareasoftheCaribbean.Focusingonherbivorousfishbiomass, likely reflectsheavyfishingpressureintheregionandalsothatmarineprotectionis much lowerthanboththeCaribbeanandMesoamericanReefregionaverages.This tions recoverandnumerouslobsterstothrive. concern especiallyasthemarineprotectedareaishelpingherbivorousfishpopula- macroalgae areatGrenada’sMoliniere-BeausejourMarineProtectedArea,whichisa means thereisgoodpotentialformorecoralrecovery.Thehighestlevelsoffleshy bleaching, thelowleveloffleshymacroalgaeandincreasingherbivorousfishbiomass SVG’s TobagoCaysMarinePark,whichispossiblyduetohurricanesandcoral — DETSR OAIN P# AVRIE LCTO P# DETSR OAIN P# AVRIE LCTO PG# LOCATION ADVERTISER PG# LOCATION LOCATION PG#ADVERTISER PG#ADVERTISER LOCATION ADVERTISER ieSitLca t ui 17 23 37 MP 34 St.Lucia 5 Curaçao Martinique C/W Martinique Grenada MP Dockwise YachtTransport Dive SaintLucia MP Curaçao Marine Martinique10/MP 44 Copper CoatUSA 47 2 Clippers Ship SVG Clarke's Court Trinidad St.Maarten14/19 St.Maarten MP Caribbean MarineElectrical 40 St.Maarten Grenada Caraibes DieselServices 40 39 31 Caraibe Marine St.Maarten 30 Captain Gourmet Grenada Camper &Nicholsons Business Point Grenada Budget Marine C/W SVG Boat Paint&Stuff SVG Blue LagoonHotel&Marina Barefoot YachtCharters B &CFuelDock Art Fabrik Aero TechLab Emma DoyleisAdvisoronMarineProtectedAreastoSustainableGrenadinesInc. The monitoringexpeditionisnowhelpingmanagersofthemarineprotectedareas Keep aneyeoutforwarmerwatersand“white”corals.ForecastsfromtheNOAA As individuals,wemaystartbydoingsomesimplethings:respectno-fishingrules; How canyouhelp? Of courseinterpretingnaturalsciencedatameansconsideringawholehostof Coral reefsintheproposedSouthCoastMarineManagedAreaaroundBlue What oftheothersites? Commercial fishbiomass—snappersandgroupersis,onaverage,critical The newsaboutreeffishintheGrenadinesislesspositive.Totalbiomass Although therehasbeenadeclinesince1999incoralcoveratthesurveysite otne rmpg 1 …GrenadineReefs’Health Continued frompage11 rndnsSis V 39 UK38/43 MP 33 38 39 25 13 SVG St.Lucia 32 Iolaire Enterprises St.Maarten Grenada Intouchable MarineServices Grenada MP International Inflatables Grenada SVG Hydrovane InternationalMarine MP 24 Grenadines Sails 38 C/W Grenada SailingWeek PuertoRico Grenada Marine 36 SVG Gonsalves Liquors Trinidad Free CruisingGuides 4 Food Fair USA Fernando's Hideaway Fajardo Canvas C/W MP Electropics Trinidad Tortola MP Edward WilliamInsurance Echo Marine Doyle's Guides Grenada MP Doyle OffshoreSails Dominica Down IslandRealEstate Dominica YachtServices ADVERTISERS INDEX C/W MP

WWW.THELUCY.COM — qualities thathavemadehimasuccessfulOlympicInternationalJudge. focus clearly,contributespecialskillsandexpertise,workwellinateamarethe brought theprotagoniststopositionthatcausedincident.Dave’sability sequence ofeventsthatledtoaprotest:the“who,what,where,when”factors rules andtheirapplicationsisjustthestart.Thebigchallengetodetermine tional sailingevents. based ontheindividual’sperformancejudgingatsomeofworld’stopinterna- graphic territory.BecominganInternationalJudgeismuchmoredifficultand and servingatprincipalfleetracingeventsbothinsideoutsideone’sowngeo- member nationauthoritiesworldwide. Sailing Federation’s from theInternational International Judges the bestof Judges arechosenfrom Olympic International each Olympicevent. cess thattakesplacefor stringent selectionpro- achievement giventhe Olympics, anexcellent time officiatingatthe through 12th,2016. Brazil, August5th held inRiodeJaneiro, Olympic Gamestobe ing judgeforthe request [email protected]. Class andshouldapplyinwritingwithphotographsordrawingstosupporttheir fitting intheabovecategoriesmaybeeligibleforentryintoSpiritofTradition hung rudderandbeadescendantofwoodenhulldesign.Exceptionalyachtsnot traditional schoonerrig,andfibreglassyachtsmusthavealongkeelwithkeel- are accepted.Vesselsbuiltofferro-cementmaybeeligibleiftheyhaveagaffor such asepoxyorglasssheathing,newcraftbuiltalongthelinesofanolddesign are oftraditionalrigandappearance.Oldcraftrestoredusingmodernmaterials a fullkeel,areofmoderatetoheavydisplacement,builtwoodorsteeland David deVrieshasbeenthroughthisprocessformanyyears.Knowingtheracing Becoming aJudgeinvolvesattendingISAFseminars,passingwrittenexaminations This willbehissecond David deVries,apartnerinBudgetMarinechandleries,hasbeennamedsail- David deVriestobe2016OlympicJudge Visit www.antiguaclassics.comformoreinformation. The AntiguaClassicYachtRegatta,sponsoredbyPanerai,invitesentriesthathave otne rmpg 5 RegattaNews Continued frompage15 oe ot Tiia MP 26 15 28 Trinidad Martinique MP Aruba 43 37 Tortola 40 24 Grenada Renaissance Marina Regis Guillemot C/W Grenada Power Boats SVG Perkins Engines 36 Tortola MP 27 Off ShoreRiskManagement DominicanRep Neil PrydeSails Multihull Company Mt. GayRoundBarbadosRace Colombia Trinidad 18 44 McIntyre Bros MP Marine World Marina Zar-Par MP St.Lucia Marina SantaMarta Marc OneMarine Grenada C/W St.Maarten35/48 LIAT C/W Grenada Lazy TurtleBar&Restaurant Johnson Hardware Island YachtCharters Island WaterWorld 35 Island Dreams Barbados 12 C/W =Caribbean-wide MP =MarketPlacepages41to43 V ors SG 6 29 MP Grenada 33/MP MP SVG YSATT Trinidad 20 Venezuela WIND Martinique C/W MP Venezuelan MarineSupply PuertoRico SVG Turbulence Sails 16 Tobago CaysMarinePark MP Technick Grenada MP SVG Tourism 21 SVG Suzuki Marine MP St.Lucia MP Sunbay Marina Grenada Sugar ReefBequiaLtd MP Panama St. LuciaTouristBoard C/W7/9/11 St. KittsMarineWorks St.Lucia MP SpotlessStainless C/W Slipway Restaurant Shelter BayMarina Sea HawkPaints Rodney BaySails Limited t it 25 St. Kitts NOVEMBER 2015 CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 47 New rates: 1 December 2015 to 31 May 2016 1 December 31 May 2015 to rates: New at 1.5 times the standard Weekly rate. and monthly apply rates please contact a personalised us for quote. charged Multihulls are to yachtsto staying consecutively or 30 7 days for respectively. days For yachtsFor 100 above and bookings feet for LOA, of longer periods, up to 32 to up $0.87 $0.79 $0.73 up to 75 to up $1.53 $1.38 $1.31 up to 65 to up $1.48 $1.34 $1.25 up to 50up to $1.22 $1.10 $1.04 up to 40up to $1.12 $1.01 $0.96 up to 80 to up $1.68 $1.52 $1.43 up to 60 to up $1.33 $1.19 $1.13 up to 100 to up $1.73 $1.56 $1.48 LOA in feet in LOA $/ft/day Daily $/ft/day Weekly Monthly $/ft/day unrivalled and are local knowledge have

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