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For the facts: drinkaware.co.uk It’s not just a journey through the high seas, it’s a combination of history, flavour and variety 04. INTRODUCTION

What’s inside CONTENTS

History About Range

- The origins of Rum - What is Rum? -  Pg. 06 - 07 Pg. 16 - 17 Pg. 24 - 45

- The etymology of 'Rum' - Production & flavour - Central America Pg. 08 Pg. 18 - 19 Pg. 46 - 51

- Drink of the high seas - Rum flavour profiles - South America Pg. 09 Pg. 20 - 21 Pg. 52 - 61

- Triangular trade - Rum styles - Eastern Hemisphere Pg. 10 - 11 Pg. 22 - 23 Pg. 62 - 63

- Improved quality - Spiced Rum Pg. 12 Pg. 64 - 69

- Prohibition in America - Rhum Agricole Pg. 13 Pg. 70 - 71

- Rum in the On-Trade - Cachaça Pg. 14 - 15 Pg. 72 - 73


We believe that rum is set to take off in the UK and the spirits revolution that started with gin is now moving to dark spirits.

Rum as a category is subject to few rules Matthew Clark and as a result it is bursting with an array of flavours, an aged demerara rum is a totally - Classic serves different beast to a dry white Spanish style Pg. 74 - 81 rum, both equally good but at different ends of the flavour spectrum. - Range & merchandise Pg. 82 - 83 That is why we at Matthew Clark love rum so much, it offers so much variety and - Design Studio versatility. Flavours vary due to production Pg. 84 - 85 process, the length of fermentation, whether - Matthew Clark product index it is aged and if so how long, type of cask Pg. 86 - 89 used, climate and of course blending. All of this makes rum an exciting category and the new Matthew Clark range offers you plenty to explore.

Great on its own as a sipping drink it is perfect mixed and features in many classic cocktails.

We hope you enjoy the new range as much as we do and find inspiration in this brochure to offer something new to your customers.


Origins of RUM

Although synonymous with the Caribbean, the origins of rum date back thousands of years to the other side of the world in Asia, where the Malays produced a drink known as “brum” from fermented sugarcane.

Indeed Marco Polo in the 14th century spoke about “a very good wine with sugar” which he sampled in what is now Iran.

Sugarcane was introduced to Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican


Republic) by Columbus in 1493, the climate in the Caribbean proved perfect for sugarcane production and to satisfy 's insatiable demand for sugar or 'white gold' as it was known, the English, Spanish, French, Dutch and Portuguese rapidly introduced it to their colonies in the Caribbean and Americas.


The work on sugar Indeed a drink fermented plantations was from sugar which was incredibly hard and was known as “kill devil” is exacerbated by the referred to in the writings hot climate; plantation of Richard Ligon, a loyalist owners regrettably that fled England for used African slaves in 1647 during to meet their labour the Civil War. requirements with the “The drink of the Island, first ship arriving in 1505. which is made of the Which of these colonies skimming’s of the Coppers, first produced rum is that boil the Sugar, which unclear, there are records they call Kill-Devil”. of production in Brazil in the The first record of the word 1620's which at the time “rum” is also from Barbados was a Dutch colony, but in 1688. the most popular claim is for Barbados.


The etymology OF ‘RUM’

So where did the word rum come from?

The etymology is unclear; we already know the Malays used the term “brum”, however many believe it is derived from “rumbullion” or “rumbustion” which were slang terms for “tumult” or “uproar”.

Others believe it comes from “roemers” which were large drinking vessels used by Dutch sailors, or from the Latin word for sugar “saccharum”. Whatever the origins are, “rum”, “rhum” or “ron” has been used since the mid 17th century.


Drink of the HIGH SEAS

When we think of rum and its In 1740, appalled by the The Royal Navy continued to issue history, after the Caribbean, drunkenness on board, Admiral its daily “tot” of rum until 31st July Pirates and the Navy are Vernon insisted that the mixture 1970 when it was abolished, a date probably the next things that was watered down. referred to as “black tot day”. spring to mind, and certainly it was the drink and currency of the high seas. “THIS MIXTURE BECAME The links with the British Royal Navy date back to 1655 when KNOWN AS GROG” they captured Jamaica. Used as a bribe, rum started to replace brandy as protection against pirates This mixture became known According to legend, after his death and in 1687 the daily ration given as “grog” perhaps due to the at the Battle of Trafalgar, Nelson’s to seaman was officially changed “grogram” cloak he wore. body was preserved in a cask of from brandy to rum. We still use this term today to rum to be transported home. On describe a hot rum drink and to arrival it was discovered that the This ration, ¼ pint of 58% ABV define the feeling of "groggy”, sailors had drilled holes in the cask rum issued twice daily, was maybe a term best used when and drank all the rum, leaving just originally drunk neat or mixed expressing the after effects of Nelson’s pickled remains. This gave with lime to combat scurvy. drinking too much “grog”! rise to the term “Nelson’s blood”.


The triangular TRADE

Initially rum was a harsh drink, “kill devil” probably being a very appropriate description and was used to subdue slaves, but over time quality improved and it started to be traded internationally.

However, to protect their domestic spirits, Britain and France forbade its importation. As a result molasses was shipped to the new American colonies and distilled there, becoming America’s first commercially produced spirit and creating an enduring demand for rum in the US that persists today.

By the late 17th century Caribbean rum was a thriving export trade and became part of the triangular trade where molasses was sent to New England to be distilled into rum. Rum was then shipped to West Africa and exchanged for slaves which in turn were sent to work on sugar plantations in the Caribbean. Horrifyingly, up to an estimated 30% of slaves died on the journey.



Improved QUALITY

During the 18th century, no longer hindered During the 19th century, with restrictions on sugar by import restrictions, rum started to grow in imports into the US and the development of American popularity in the UK. Whiskey, rums popularity declined in America. At the same time, the Caribbean sugar industry started to There were several reasons for this; returning sailors decline due to the eventual abolition of slavery and who developed a taste on ship, improved quality due also the production to new distillation of sugar from techniques and beets instigated wood ageing, and “WITH RUM PUNCH by Napoleon. the decline of brandy BECOMING A due to import bans The quality of and poor harvests FASHIONABLE DRINK” rum continued to which left little grain improve, the column for distillation. (continuous) still which was patented Whilst gin became associated as the drink of the by Aeneas Coffey in 1831 was introduced to the poor, the middle classes turned to rum with rum Bacardí Distillery in in 1889. Bacardí used punch becoming a very fashionable drink. Molasses these stills together with selected yeast strains and was imported to the UK and rum was produced in filtration technology to make the clean dry light rums port cities such as Bristol and London. that they have become so famous for.


Prohibition in AMERICA

This improvement in quality and the fact that it was being pioneered in Cuba meant that rum, and Cuban rum in particular, was ready to capitalise on the next opportunity that came its way, prohibition. Many wealthy American’s unable to drink legally at home holidayed in Cuba, and enjoyed cocktails often served by American bar tenders made unemployed by prohibition.

Prohibition also drove the illegal consumption of rum within America, and gave rise to the term “the real McCoy” after the smuggler William McCoy who provided branded rums to clients. Smugglers were known as “rum runners”.

During World War II, with no spirits imported from Europe and with domestic whiskey distilleries being used to make industrial alcohol, rum again had a boost in popularity in the US with rum and coke becoming the drink of choice. After the war, when US servicemen returned from the South Pacific, they brought with them the taste for rum and Tiki style drinks, made famous by Trader Vic and Don the Beachcomber, a trend which lasted for the next two decades.


Rum in the ON-TRADE

Rum and cocktails fell out of fashion during the latter part of the 20th century with the popularity of vodka and a trend for convenience using commercial ready made mixers.


Today, however, rum is very much on the up although the demise of the Caribbean sugarcane industry has left molasses in short supply and some producers are turning to imported molasses; more encouragingly some are growing their own cane.


There is an increased The buoyant cocktail culture interest in the UK for rums is helping boost rum sales. outside of the Caribbean, The Mojito is currently the and from a very small base, number one selling cocktail Rhum Agricole, which is in the UK On-Trade* and made from sugarcane the traditional rum cocktails juice negating the need for are being revisited to be sugar processing plants is increasingly popular in growing in popularity. British outlets.

In short, the range and Rum is also replacing some variety of rums readily other spirits in some all time available in the UK has never classic cocktails such as been greater nor has the the Old Fashioned, Sidecar consumers knowledge and or Manhattan. interest in rum, than it is now.

// RUM 16. ABOUT

What is RUM?

Rum or "Ron" in Spanish; "Rhum" in French or "Aguardiente de Caña" in Portuguese is subject to very few international rules.

In short, to be a rum it should be produced from a sugarcane product; juice, molasses or syrup and fermented and distilled in a cane producing country. Finished rums can then be sent to non cane producing countries to be aged or blended. Colour can vary through all shades from clear through golden to dark mahogany.

To legally be a rum in the EU the finished product must be a minimum of 37.5%ABV or 40% in the US. Within the EU, flavouring is not permitted and caramel can be added but only to add colour.

Rum as a category offers huge variety and differences in the production processes have a profound impact on the flavour and colour of the finished product.


"Why is the Rum gone?"

Jack Sparrow

// RUM 18. ABOUT

Production & FLAVOUR

Sugarcane: Fermentation:

Once the cane is Yeast is added to harvested, it is then convert the sugars into crushed to extract the alcohol. When using juice. The sugarcane the sugarcane juice juice can either be fermentation can occur fermented immediately straight away, however (most common in molasses needs to be Rhum Agricole and diluted with water as the Caçhaca production) or concentration of sugars boiled into a syrup to is too high and would crystallise the simply kill the yeast. sugar for use by the The length of time of sugar industry, which the fermentation will then leaves behind a effect the end product thick dark residue with light rums being called molasses. fermented from 12 hours to 2 days and heavy dark rums up to 12 days.


Distillation: Ageing: stored in long rows and Blending: stacked several levels Distillation can be Most rum is aged; the Almost all rums high. As rum is drawn carried out in either type of wood, length of available are a blend from the bottom barrel it continuous column time and climate all effect of a number of rums, is refilled from the barrels or pot stills; this will the flavour of the finished this gives the master above, with new rum have a huge impact on product. Due to the blender the opportunity being added to the top the flavour of the rum availability of ex-bourbon to create a perfect barrels, creating a blend produced. In general, a casks, American Oak is balance of weight of vintages. column still will produce mainly used, but distillers and flavours. a lighter, delicate style also experiment with The majority of rum of rum and a pot still will a number of different is aged where it is provide a heavier, fuller casks, ex Cognac or Port produced, in hot humid flavoured rum. for example. climates. Interaction with the wood is accelerated Most rum is aged in and the ageing process individual casks but takes less time than a some, mainly Spanish colder climate - whisky in style rums, use the solera Scotland for example. system where barrels are

// RUM 20. ABOUT

The different flavour PROFILES

With little or no real legalisation around the production and labelling of rum, the debate on the most accurate way to categorise it rumbles on.

Some say by colour - white, golden & dark, which certainly works in a lot of situations, but it doesn't tell you enough about the flavour profile when you are selecting a range; in theory you can just add a little more caramel and a gold rum becomes dark without changing the flavour.

We believe the most accurate way is by the flavour profile and the clearest way to group these is by the language spoken in the country of origin.


RHUM French

Martinique - AOC Guadeloupe Mare Galante Haiti icole Rh French Guyana Agr um (s ug Réunion fruity a rc Mauritius elegant a n powerful e

terroir j complex u i c RUM m vivid e u lighter intense ) English R heavy


e spiced

Jamaica s s

a oily

Barbados l sharp floral o M RON Trinidad & Tobago unctuous Virgin Islands dark buttery Spanish sweet Antigua m u Cuba St.Lucia round R es Puerto Rico British Guyana ass Mol Mauritius Venezuela Guatemala Nicaragua Panama Columbia Peru Costa Rica

(Created by Spiridom) Ecuador

// RUM 22. ABOUT


White Golden Dark

Clear and colourless rums which Also know as "amber rums", Usually made from molasses either spend no time in wood or golden rums are medium bodied and generally aged for longer in are aged briefly in wood to round and spend time in wood. heavily charred barrels, the flavour but are then filtered to They sit between white and dark dark rums have a fuller flavour remove the colour. with a fuller flavour than white with a pronounced molasses, rums. Caramel may be added for caramel overtone. colour consistency.

Perfect in: Perfect in: Perfect in: Mojito Cuba Libre Planters Punch


Navy Spiced Overproof

A sub-category of dark rum, Golden or dark rum with the These rums have a higher navy rum was originally distilled in addition of spices and natural ABV than usual. wooden stills imparting a rich full flavourings. Commonly used heavy flavour. This style of rum is flavours include cinnamon, vanilla, associated with the Royal Navy; nutmeg, cloves and pepper. caramel is evident in not only the colour but also the taste.

Perfect in: Perfect with: Perfect in: Painkiller Ginger Beer Zombie

// RUM 24. RANGE



Pyrat XO Reserve Anguilla Style: Dark Poduct Code: 00029034 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Mount Gay Eclipse English A blend of unique Barbados Style: Golden Caribbean rums, XO Signature Serve: Product Code: 00015764 Reserve is aged up to Pyrat Old Fashioned ABV: 40% Flavour Profile 15 years in Limousin Brand facts / USP: English and American oak Mount Gay is the oldest, Each bottle is adorned with most storied, most Signature Serve: barrels, creating a a Hoti medallion - patron nuanced rum in the world. Bajan Rum Punch perfectly balanced, elegant saint and protector of The unique double- and smooth medium bartenders. Brand facts / USP: pot distillation process bodied rum. The oldest rum in the came to Barbados with world, with over 300 years the first merchant ships of artisanal rum making and is the source of the expertise. rum’s distinctive aromatic character since 1703.

// RUM 26. RANGE

Mount Gay Black Barrel Barbados Style: Golden Product Code: 00028607 ABV: 43% Flavour Profile Mount Gay XO English The latest from Master Barbados Style: Dark Blender Allen Smith, Black Signature Serve: Product Code: 00015779 Barrel is a small batch, Black Barrel Manhattan ABV: 43% Flavour Profile handcrafted blend made Brand facts / USP: English of matured double pot and An opulent blend of the The only Mount Gay rum aged column distillates. In finest spirits aged for Signature Serve: finished in charred bourbon 8 to 15 years. Where X Old fashioned a process called finishing, oak barrels, this is the full- Eclipse is floral and fruity, the blended rum is then bodied product of more than Brand facts / USP: XO blends significantly matured for a second time three centuries of Mount Since 1703, a unique in deeply charred bourbon Gay innovation. older barrels of mainly source of production in oak barrels. double pot still distillates Barbados, to maintain the that have rounded these highest standards of quality. crisper notes into a subtler balance: ripe banana and toast, followed by vanilla, pastry, candied fruits and warm spice.


Pusser’s Gunpowder Proof Barbados Style: Dark Product Code: 00028938 ABV: 54.5% Flavour Profile Pusser’s Blue Label English Created in exact Barbados Style: Dark accordance to the Signature Serve: Product Code: 00028946 Admiralty recipe, Pusser’s Pusser’s Painkiller ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Gunpowder Proof is the Brand facts / USP: English same great rum issued The exact same rum as the Today Pusser’s Rum is the to service men for over Gunpowder Proof - simply Signature Serve: biggest contributor to the cut to a lower ABV. Created Ginger Sea Dog 300 years. Pusser’s Rum Royal Navy charity outside to allow a more gentle became available to the of the Navy. Brand facts / USP: introduction to Pusser’s general public in 1979. A greater amount of Rums, but still with all Wooden pot still rum is used the flavour and character to ensure the full bodied expected of Pusser’s. notes of Pusser’s are maintained and the rum still stands tall.

// RUM 28. RANGE

Bacardí Carta Blanca

Originally Cuba now Style: produced in Puerto Rico White Product Code: 00029496 Flavour Profile ABV: 37.5% Spanish Bacardí Carta Blanca is the Signature Serve: original light white rum, first Bacardí Daiquiri made in 1862 by Don Facundo Brand facts / USP: Bacardí Massó. It is a mix of Widely recognised as the premium heavy-bodied and drier light- rum that inspired the cocktails that bodied rums aged separately we know and love today including in American oak barrels for an the original Bacardí Daiquiri. average of 12-24 months. These barrels are used to develop the light vanilla and almond notes in the rum whilst proprietary charcoal filtration shapes the flavour to remove the dominant oaky notes and colour.


Bacardí Heritage Originally Cuba now Style: produced in Puerto Rico White Product Code: 00030334 Flavour Profile Bacardí Carta Oro ABV: 44.5% Spanish Originally Cuba now Style: It took founder Don Signature Serve: produced in Puerto Rico Golden Facundo Bacardí 10 years Bacardí Daiquiri Product Code: 00029498 Flavour Profile to create his ultimate rum. Brand facts / USP: ABV: 40% Spanish He aged it in oak barrels, Bacardí Heritage 44.5% Bacardí Carta Oro is Signature Serve: then filtered through is the same strength as expertly crafted by Tormenta Negra charcoal to create its Bacardí Carta Blanca had Maestros de Ron Bacardí. ultimate smoothness. when Don Facundo first Brand facts / USP: Its rich flavours and golden produced it. The Cuba Libre was created Crafted at 44.5% to give it a complexion are developed powerful but refreshing taste. in 1900 by Captain Russell in toasted oak barrels who mixed Carta Oro with This vibrant liquid then kicked and the mellow character off a cocktail revolution and Coca-Cola and fresh lime and comes from being filtered declared ‘Por Cuba Libre’. became the foundation of through a secret blend of some of the world’s most charcoals. Flavours of rich famous light cocktails - vanilla, buttery caramel, including the Daiquiri. toasted almond and sweet banana notes with the warm zest of orange peel.

// RUM 30. RANGE

Bacardí Ocho Años Originally Cuba now Style: produced in Puerto Rico Golden Product Code: 00029497 Flavour Profile Bacardí Carta Negra ABV: 40% Spanish Originally Cuba now Style: Originally created in Signature Serve: produced in Puerto Rico Dark 1862, Bacardí Ocho Rum Old Fashioned Product Code: 00029508 Flavour Profile Años remained the sole ABV: 40% Spanish preserve of the Bacardí family for 7 generations, Bacardí Carta Negra is a Signature Serve: one of the oldest private medium-bodied black rum, Tormenta Negra rum blends in the world. expertly blended by the

Each batch is made from Maestros de Ron Bacardí a special selection of using rum developed in barrel-aged reserve rums heavily charred oak barrels and aged for a minimum and then shaped through a of 8 years, giving it a secret blend of charcoals. refined flavour with notes Sweet, tropical fruit, buttery of prune, apricot, nutmeg caramel and vanilla notes and vanilla. give way to a smoky liquorice and molasses finish.


Bacardí Reserva Limitada Originally Cuba now Style: produced in Puerto Rico Golden Product Code: 00030458 Flavour Profile Gosling’s Black Seal Rum Spanish ABV: 40% Bermuda Style: Signature Serve: Golden Bacardí Reserva Limitada Product Code: 00021743 Neat was originally crafted only ABV: 40% Flavour Profile for the family of founder English Don Facundo Bacardí Super-premium rum is and was kept from public made from a Gosling’s Signature Serve: consumption until 2003 family recipe dating Dark 'n' Stormy back over two centuries when it was released to Brand facts / USP: and comprises of commemorate the opening The original Bermuda rum. independently aged of the distillery’s visitor Bermuda’s National Drink, centre. Composed of distillates matured in once- the classic Dark ‘N Stormy, only the finest rums and used, charred, American is made with Gosling's Black aged in American white oak bourbon casks. The Seal Rum, ginger beer and oak barrels, it has a rich, smooth, full flavour is the a squeeze of lime. smooth taste with hints of result of a careful blend of vanilla, oak and dried fruit. aged pot and continuous still distillates. One imparts flavour, the other a subtle elegance, together they work wonders.

// RUM 32. RANGE

Havana Club Añejo 3 Años

Cuba Style: White Product Code: 00015769 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Spanish Havana Club Añejo 3 Años is made and aged in Cuba, under Signature Serve: its warm and humid climate and Mojito surrounded by the care of Cuban Brand facts / USP: maestros. That’s how it develops Cuba’s number 1 rum and winner the aromas that compliment of the gold medal at the prestigious perfectly the most famous Cuban San Francisco Spirit awards. cocktail, the mojito, and gives it its unmistakeable Cuban flavour.


Havana Club Añejo Especial Cuba Style: Golden Product Code: 00015780 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Havana Club Añejo 7 Años Spanish Havana Club Añejo Cuba Style: Dark Especial’s golden colour Signature Serve: Product Code: 00015754 announces the rich and Cuba Libre ABV: 40% Flavour Profile round taste of the rum. Brand facts / USP: Spanish The woodiness coming Havana Club Añejo 7 New formula released in Años was brought to the Signature Serve: through from the barrels 2015 with an extra period world by legendary Cuban El Presidente as you smell the rum of finishing for additional Maestro Ronero Don José reveals the extra notes smoothness, vanilla notes Brand facts / USP: Navarro. It’s the taste of of spice, orange & floral and depth of flavour. Havana Club Añejo 7 Años brought on by the second the ‘Cuban terroir’ that was the first Cuban Extra finish in young oak barrels. comes through, from aged rum that showed the It’s a delight to taste, the world famous Cuban world that rum could be as it is round with some tobacco, the rich and drunk neat. creaminess and notes of sweet fruits of a Cuban vanilla and caramel, a hint garden to spices and of tobacco, cinnamon and vanilla flavour brought by orange peel. long ageing. Some rums are made to be mixed, this style was made to be savoured neat.

// RUM 34. RANGE

Havana Club Selección de Maestros Cuba Style: Dark Product Code: 00024243 ABV: 45% Flavour Profile Havana Club Añejo 15 Años Spanish Selección de Maestros Cuba Style: Dark distinguishes itself by a Signature Serve: Product Code: 00019249 warm amber hue, with a Neat on the rocks ABV: 40% Flavour Profile deep, red glow. Toasted Brand facts / USP: Spanish pecan and spice aromas Añejo 15 Años is a Triple aged, single barrel precious blend of rum Signature Serve: reveals its robust origins rum handpicked by Don reserves that have been Neat on the rocks and wood character while José Navarro, Primer aged for at least 15 in the mouth, a round and Maestro Ronero. Brand facts / USP: years. A clear, bright and buoyant entry leads to a Only 58 barrels produced complex, full-bodied palate full-bodied liquid, with a each year. Super exclusive of cocoa, coffee, sweet mahogany colour. Dried and rare extra aged rum. tobacco and brown spices. fruits, prunes and raisin A remarkable balance aromas stand out with thanks to a smoky oak and oaky notes, while in the spice finish blended with mouth, a cascade of candied fruits. well-integrated flavours of sweet fruit, chocolate, coffee, tobacco and spices meet a smooth texture.


Atlantico Platino Dominican Republic Style: White Product Code: 00030521 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Atlantico Reserva Spanish A rare blend of rums made Dominican Republic Style: Golden from fresh cane juice, Signature Serve: Product Code: 00030758 molasses and aguardiente. Cuba Libra, Daiquiri ABV: 40% Flavour Profile These are aged separately Brand facts / USP: Spanish for 3 years before blending A rare blend of rums made “A” Rating - Exceptionally from fresh cane juice, Signature Serve: and and then rested in creamy and light with notes molasses and aguardiente. El Presidente, Cuba Libre Tempranillo barrels. of whipped cream” - Good These are aged separately Spirits News, “9/10 - An Brand facts / USP: for 3 years before blending outstanding white rum” - Gold Medal & Best Golden RnD Rum Reviews. and returning to “private Rum” - Dutch Rum Awards casks” to marry for 2 2012, Silver Medal- WSWA years. The rum is then Las Vegas 2012, “A” Rating moved to a 3 stack solera - Good Spirits News. warehouse for final ageing.

// RUM 36. RANGE

Atlantico Private Cask Dominican Republic Style: Dark Product Code: 00030759 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Brugal Añejo Spanish A rare blend of rums made Dominican Republic Style: Golden from fresh cane juice, Signature Serve: Product Code: 00024138 molasses and aguardiente. Neat, Rum Old Fashioned ABV: 38% Flavour Profile These are aged separately Brand facts / USP: Spanish for 3 years before blending Since 1888, 5 generations "Best Solera Rum" - UK of the Brugal family have Signature Serve: and returned to “private Rumfest 2010, been crafting this carefully Dry Santo Libre casks” to marry for 2 "Best Aged & Best in Show" smooth rum. Brugal years, then moved to a 5 - Berlin Rum Festival 2011. Brand facts / USP: is the No.1 rum in the stack solera warehouse for Brugal is only ever produced final ageing. Caribbean. Añejo has a in the Dominican Republic light aroma of wood with and is a true taste of the hints of chocolate and is Caribbean. Añejo has a dry dry on the palate offering profile perfect for cocktails. a rum with a slight hint of caramel and wood tannin.


Brugal Especial Extra Dry Dominican Republic Style: White Product Code: 00025970 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Brugal VX Spanish Brugal Especial Extra Dominican Republic Style: Dark Dry is a smooth premium Signature Serve: Product Code: 00021610 quality white rum that Daiquiri ABV: 38% Flavour Profile is double distilled to Brand facts / USP: Spanish ensure the cleanest spirit Expertly crafted for 3-8 Expert crafting of aged years in white American Signature Serve: is produced. It works rums up to 5 years with a oak casks. XV is a Neat over Ice perfectly with any fresh triple filtration to achieve the smooth, dry, elegant rum citrus fruits which balance Brugal Especial Extra Dry. Brand facts / USP: with touches of vanilla, the dryness of the rum. It Dark amber in appearance, is smooth, crisp and dry. caramel and cocoa. It is XV is best enjoyed neat long on the palate with over ice. a peppery finish.

// RUM 38. RANGE

Blackwell Rum Jamaica Style: Dark Product Code: 00028184 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Mezan XO English Chris Blackwell is an Jamaica Style: Golden international music icon, Signature Serve: Product Code: 00029964 entrepreneur and cultural Black Storm (Ginger Beer) ABV: 40% Flavour Profile pioneer. His grandfather Brand facts / USP: English once owned J.Wray & Made in small batches of Based on an original family 5000 bottles, a blend of Signature Serve: Nephew, renowned for recipe and blended to Chris rums from several different Neat the best rum in Jamaica. Blackwell’s personal taste. Jamaican distilleries, each With his music label, Island Brand facts / USP: selected by the Master Records, Chris brought the Unsweetened, uncoloured best of Jamaican reggae Blender so that the typical and only slightly filtered to the world, now he brings pungency and tropical Mezan XO captures the the finest Jamaican rum. flavours of Jamaican rum depth and diversity of are shown at their very the Caribbean. best. Each single batch is re-aged following blending, creating a marriage of flavours and enhancing the structure and subtlety of the rum.


Captain Morgan White Jamaica Style: White Product Code: 00029719 ABV: 37.5% Flavour Profile Captain Morgan Original English It’s all about the blending Jamaica Style: Dark with Captain Morgan; the Signature Serve: Product Code: 00010023 master blenders mix to Mojito ABV: 40% Flavour Profile flavour rather than recipe. Brand facts / USP: English They taste and re-taste Derived from Caribbean Captain Morgan White Rum sugarcane, Captain Signature Serve: until they get Captain is the ultimate white rum, Morgan Original Rum is Cuba Libre Morgan White Rum sourced from the Caribbean, blended according to an exactly right. and created to be the most Brand facts / USP: age-old recipe. It has an delicious cocktail base. Serious depth of flavour, intense dark colour with reminiscent of the navy caramel and vanilla notes rum rations which went that make it recognised down so well with sailors, around the world. swashbuckling adventurers and connoisseurs alike.

// RUM 40. RANGE

Appleton Estate 12 YO Jamaica Style: Golden Product Code: 00015786 ABV: 43% Flavour Profile Appleton Estate Signature Blend (VX) English Appleton Estate Rare Jamaica Style: Blend 12YO is aged for Signature Serve: Golden Product Code: 00015774 a minimum of 12 years Old Fashioned ABV: 40% Flavour Profile in oak barrels and is Brand facts / USP: English touted as an unsurpassed The mahogany hue, bold An exceptional blend of Signature Serve: masterpiece of oak ageing. character and smooth taste 15 ages and marques of rum, it is the embodiment Mai Tai A perfectly crafted of Appleton Estate 12YO of the distinctive rums for full-bodied aged rum, it invites favourable comparison Brand facts / USP: which Appleton Estate is provides an intense aroma, to the finest aged Cognacs & Produced by the world’s renowned. “If you could yet is delicate and complex Scotch whiskies. first female master blender; take the cane field, the with a predominantly spicy Joy Spence, in one of only sunshine, the people and bouquet. 3 special limestone karst the music of our home and terroirs in the world. distil it into a single spirit this is what it would be, this is our own precious Appleton estate aged rum and it is 100% Jamaican from cane to cup”.


Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum Jamaica Style: White Product Code: 00015767 ABV: 63% Flavour Profile Koko Kanu Coconut Rum English With a complex bouquet and Jamaica Style: White unique flavour it is an ideal Signature Serve: Product Code: 00015778 ingredient for mixing with Reggae Rum Punch ABV: 37.5% Flavour Profile cocktails and is the base Brand facts / USP: English ingredient to the original Koko Kanu is a subtle Wray & Nephew is blend of the finest white Signature Serve: Jamaican Rum Punch, embedded within the aged Jamaican rum, Koko Colada the ideal party cocktail for traditions, rituals & social blended with the natural sharing with friends. culture of Jamaica and Brand facts / USP: essence of coconut. Produced in Jamaica accounts for around 90% of Named in honour of since 1825 with a unique all rum sold on the island. Koko Kanu offers a Jamaica’s original balance of flavour and smooth quality flavour inhabitants, the Arawak strength, Wray & Nephew combining real full Indians, Koko Kanu is White Overproof Rum strength rum, with the true the only full strength real coconut rum on the market. truly represents the proud, characteristics of coconut. undiluted spirit of Jamaica.

// RUM 42. RANGE

The Duppy Share Barbados and Jamaica Style: Golden Product Code: 00031024 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Plantation 3* White Rum English A brand new and Trinidad/Barbados/ Style: independent golden Signature Serve: Jamaica White Caribbean rum. The Duppy Rum Old Fashioned, Product Code: 00030482 Flavour Profile Daiquiri Share is a fine blend of ABV: 41.2% English cask-aged rums from the Brand facts / USP: Keenly vibrant and well- Signature Serve: islands of Jamaica and Legend says the Duppy balanced, a blend of the Daiquiri / Mojito Barbados. A big, bold, 3 spirits swoop between best that the Caribbean year old, 100% pot still islands stealing the best Brand facts / USP: has to offer. Each island Jamaican rum packed of the rum as it is ageing. Plantation rums are double with tropical fruit flavours They steal only the best, has a distinct style aged. Mature rums from up front is followed by this is The Duppy Share. developed over centuries the Caribbean are brought a smooth 5 year old which is mirrored in their to France where ancient Barbadian rum, giving culture. Trinidad imparts cognac cellar techniques a warm buttery finish. elegance, Barbados are used to ‘elevate’ A versatile rum and the delivers sophistication and the rums. perfect partner in crime for richness, and the 12YO cocktails and mixers. Jamaica rum delivers a rustic punch. Combined, they form the perfect white rum for a daiquiri or mojito.


Plantation Original Dark Trinidad/Jamaica Style: Dark Product Code: 00030481 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Plantation 5YO English Plantation Original Dark Barbados Style: Golden is a blend of aged elegant Signature Serve: Product Code: 00028718 Trinidad rum and high- Rum & Ginger, ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Rum & Coke. ester pot still Jamaican English rum. The blended rum Plantation 5YO is a very undergoes a secondary fine blend of Barbados Signature Serve: ageing in old French oak rums, aged in bourbon Neat or in a Mai Tai barrels in the cool cellars casks in the Caribbean of Maison Ferrand in then refined in old French Cognac. This produces a oak casks in the cooler rich and aromatic rum that climate of Cognac, France. mixes perfectly with ginger Succulent and rewarding, beer, cola or in a cocktail. typical of the Barbados style, the rum reveals notes of toasted coconut and oaky vanilla. To be enjoyed straight, on ice or in cocktails.

// RUM 44. RANGE

Angostura 1919 Trinidad Style: Golden Product Code: 00018373 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Angostura 1824 Spanish Angostura was the only Trinidad Style: Dark rum in the premium Signature Serve: Product Code: 00021662 Neat, over ice category to capture a ABV: 40% Flavour Profile master in the 2013 Spirits Brand facts / USP: Spanish Business Rum masters. Angostura 1824 is a “Our rums are 100% rich yet medium-bodied Signature Serve: An intricate blend of light Trinidadian, made in one premium sipping rum. Neat over ice rums, the youngest of distillery on one island. Carefully blended using which is aged for 8 years, Much like a single malt, Angostura 1919 is a fine only better”. aged rums from the same blend with exceptional distillery, the youngest of smoothness that makes which has been aged for it the perfect rum to be 12 years, Angostura 1824 sipped and savoured. has a seductively dark golden colour with hints of honey on the nose and a long toffee finish.


Banks 5 Island Barbados, Jamaica, Style: Trinidad, Java & Guyana White Product Code: 00030760 Flavour Profile Banks 7 Golden Age ABV: 43% Spanish Barbados, Jamaica, Style: A premium aged white rum Signature Serve: Trinidad, Java, Guyana, Golden Guatemala & Panama composed of a selection Daiquri Flavour Profile of 21 different column Brand facts / USP: Product Code: 00030958 Spanish and pot still rums from 6 ABV: 41.2% The rum takes its name Signature Serve: different distilleries in 5 from Sir Joseph Banks, a Dominated by light Golden Age Old Fashioned different countries. Light noted explorer and botanist column still Trinidadian Trinidadian, complex who travelled the world Brand facts / USP: rum, complexity comes Jamaican, earthy alongside Captain Cook, Master Blender Arnaud de Guyanese and flavourful seeking out new and from Bajan and Jamaican Trabuc has taken a variety Bajan rums are combined unknown flora and fauna to pot still rums, Guyanese of aged column and pot and all brought together bring back and introduce to rum adds an earthiness still rums from different with a touch of spicy the world. whilst Guatemalan and countries, and crafted them Batavia Arrack. Aged in Panamanian rums add into this superior expression second fill bourbon barrels. richness and spice. After of the spirit. ageing in second fill bourbon barrels, the rums are married together to produce the perfect blend. A rum with a sexy Spanish accent tastes great on its own or mixed in your // RUM favourite cocktail. 46. RANGE



Zacapa Solera Gran Reserva Especial XO Guatemala Style: Zacapa Centenario 23YO Golden Product Code: 00024705 Guatemala Style: ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Golden Spanish Product Code: 00023823 Contains a blend of rums ABV: 40% Flavour Profile from 6 to 25 years old, Signature Serve: Spanish with an extra ageing Neat or over ice. Long ageing of Zacapa stage in French oak 23 rum takes place high Signature Serve: Brand facts / USP: barrels that previously up in the Guatemalan Zacapa Old Fashioned One of the world's top 100 mountains, 7,544 feet held cognac. A perfectly luxury brands, crafted at Brand facts / USP: above sea level, in a place balanced combination of 7,544 ft above sea level to The final blend comes sweetness, spice and fruit; develop spiced flavours of known as the “House from a range of rums aged a connoisseur’s delight and delicious, rasined fruit. above the Clouds”. This between 6 & 23 years, the ultimate expression of adds complexity and in what is known as the the Master Blender’s art. finesse to the rum. Each 'solera' method. batch goes into barrels that have previously been used to house whisky, sherry and Pedro Ximénez giving unparalleled complexity of flavour.

// RUM 48. RANGE

Flor De Caña 4 Extra Seco Nicaragua Style: White Product Code: 00030009 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Flor De Caña 7 Gran Reserva Spanish Flor de Caña or “Flower Nicaragua Style: Golden Of The Cane”, one of the Signature Serve: Product Code: 00030011 world’s greatest ‘single Mary Pickford ABV: 40% Flavour Profile estate’ rum brands was Brand facts / USP: Spanish first produced in Nicaragua This mahogany hued, Nicaraguan Rum, Single extra-smooth and full- Signature Serve: in 1890. It is distilled 5 estate, Family owned, bodied rum is great served Daiquiri times for clarity and alcohol established 1890, on the rocks, with a splash purity, Slow-Aged™ in Slow-Aged™ in American charred, American white white oak barrels, of cola, soda or water, also oak barrels and bottled No added sugars or makes a fantastic Daiquiri. exclusively in Chichigalpa, artificial ingredients. Nicaragua. 4 Extra Seco is crystal clear, light bodied and silky; a rum perfect for mixing.


Flor De Caña 12 Centenario Nicaragua Style: Golden Product Code: 00030010 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Ron Abuelo Añejo Spanish This reddish amber rum is Panama Style: Dark stately and elegant, semi- Signature Serve: Product Code: 00029967 sweet. Try it neat, on the Over ice or Old Fashioned ABV: 40% Flavour Profile rocks or with a splash of Spanish water or soda. A blend of selected aged rums and the house Signature Serve: speciality. Slowly distilled Panama Libre and patiently matured in Brand facts / USP: small oak barrels, it is Ron Abuelo is from distinguished by its mellow, Varela-Hermanos, a third rich and smooth flavour. generation family distillery whose history dates back to 1908.

// RUM 50. RANGE

Ron Abuelo 7YO Panama Style: Dark Product Code: 00029968 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Ron Abuelo 12YO Spanish During the dry season, Panama Style: Dark freshly-pressed sugarcane Signature Serve: Product Code: 00029969 juice is fermented and then Dirty Mojito ABV: 40% Flavour Profile distilled; in wetter months Spanish a combination of pressed Ron Abuelo 12 Años cane juice and molasses is the great reserve of Signature Serve: is used. the distillery. Sublime Neat or over ice distillation, the best Brand facts / USP: Ron Abuelo 7 Años is then selection of white oak Ron Abuelo is made using aged for 7 years in carefully barrels and the passing selected small oak barrels distillery-grown sugarcane and of time under the tropical is aged in white oak barrels. to develop a seductive, heat have resulted in this distinctly rounded and extraordinary product. exceptional taste.


"The only way I could figure they could improve upon Coca-Cola, one of life's most delightful elixirs, is to put Rum in it."

Lewis Grizzard

// RUM 52. RANGE



Skipper Guyana Style: Navy Product Code: 00028051 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile EL Dorado 12YO English Only rum distilled in Guyana Style: Golden Guyana can be called Signature Serve: Product Code: 00023676 'Demerara'. Skipper is a Sundowner ABV: 40% Flavour Profile blend of 7 dark Demerara Brand facts / USP: English rums from 3 stills, all El Dorado 12YO Skipper Rum hasn't Demerara Rum is a blend Signature Serve: aged for at least 3 years, changed a jot since the of 3 stills – 2 columns Straight up guaranteeing a first-class 1930's; it's reassuringly (including the world’s only rum in the Navy style. reliable and 'The Best in Brand facts / USP: wooden Coffey still) and this Rum World'. El Dorado 12YO has a unique double wooden received numerous awards pot still. Rich amber in including a trophy in the colour. A super attractive rum category at the 2015 nose packed with aromas International Wine & Spirit of sugar, honey, banana, Competition. It's the perfect toffee, raisin and sultanas. sipping rum. Ripe, rich and balanced flavours attend with sweetness, after which the finish is delightful, elegant and dry.

// RUM 54. RANGE

Morton's OVD Guyana Style: Dark "Don't talk to me Product Code: 00015763 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile about Naval tradition! English First imported into It's nothing but rum, Scotland in 1838, O.V.D. Signature Serve: (Old. Vatted. Demerara.) is OVD Planters Punch sodomy, and the lash" blended from the world’s Brand facts / USP: Winston Churchill finest Demerara rums A full strength rum, every made from sugarcane bottle of O.V.D. is matured that grows alongside the in oak casks for up to 7 Demerara river in Guyana. years giving it a mellow, rich and spicy taste.


Woods Old Navy

Guyana Style: Navy Product Code: 00010077 ABV: 57% Flavour Profile English Demerara Navy style rum distilled at the Diamond Distillery Signature Serve: in Guyana. It is produced using Woods Ginger Honey Trap a combination of spirit made in Brand facts / USP: both pot and continuous stills Woods is known as the "real from the finest sugarcane grown deal" in the cocktail industry - an along essential in any drink to give a the banks of the spicy kick. river Demerara.

// RUM 56. RANGE

Pampero Añejo Especial

Venezuela Style: Golden Product Code: 00031047 ABV: 37.5% Flavour Profile Spanish Pampero Añejo Especial is a uniquely mixable and Signature Serve: versatile golden rum, aged in El Ritual Libre ex-bourbon white oak casks Brand facts / USP: for a minimum of 18 months. Originally distilled in Caracas, in A balanced rum; creamy, light, 1938, Pampero Añejo Especial slightly drying with lingering was the first Venezuelan rum to vanilla notes. ever be designated “añejo” or “aged”.


Pampero Blanco Venezuela Style: White Product Code: 00030959 ABV: 37.5% Flavour Profile Pampero Aniversario Spanish Pampero Blanco is a Venezuela Style: Dark blend of white rums, Signature Serve: Product Code: 00029419 aged for a minimum of Mojito ABV: 40% Flavour Profile 2 years in ex-Scotch Brand facts / USP: Spanish whisky casks, before Aniversario is aged for The name comes from the a minimum of 4 years in Signature Serve: i t i s c h a r c o a l fi l t e r e d . 'Pampero', the relentless ex-whisky or sherry casks On The Rocks Fresh and clean with wind of the South American and is a super-premium creamy, blackcurrant, Pampas (prairies). Brand facts / USP: rum of the highest calibre. banana, sweet toffee Aniversario was first released and light vanilla notes. A smooth, dark, rich in 1963 to celebrate 25 mahogany rum with notes years of Pampero. of cocoa and vanilla, touches of woodiness and leather, with a buttery mouth feel and a smoky, rich oak finish.

// RUM 58. RANGE

Diplomatico Reserva Venezuela Style: Dark Product Code: 00026368 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Diplomatico Añejo English Blended from rums between Venezuela Style: Golden 2 and 8 years old, Reserva Signature Serve: Product Code: 00028439 is a blend of pot and lighter Venezuelan Mule ABV: 40% Flavour Profile column still rums with some Brand facts / USP: Spanish of the pot still rums being Aged up to 4 years, By law, Venezuelan rums Diplomatico Añejo is a Signature Serve: distilled from honey sugar have to be aged for at least blend of mainly column still Cuba Libre (light molasses). Rich and 2 years before they can be rum blended with some pot full on the nose with hints of released, one reason for golden syrup and cinnamon. Diplomatico's international still rum. Chocolate velvetiness on success. Brown sugar, cocoa and the tongue with creamy raisins on the nose; the oak spice and citrus notes palate develops exactly as balancing the sweetness. the nose would suggest A cocoa caress with with chocolate and sweet shimmering spices. coffee notes balanced with an oaky spiciness.


Diplomatico Blanco Venezuela Style: White Product Code: 00026366 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva English Packaged differently to Venezuela Style: Dark the rest of the family, this Signature Serve: Product Code: 00026367 is a very unusual white Daiquiri ABV: 40% Flavour Profile rum. Due to Venezuelan English law, rum cannot be bottled An exquisite sipping until it is at least two years rum that is made almost Signature Serve: old but in this case some entirely from sugarcane Rum Old Fashioned of the rums are up to 6 honey (light molasses). years old. The rum is then This fine rum is made with filtered 5 times removing 80% heavy pot still rum all colour and creating a and 20% lighter column very refined, smooth white still rum and aged for up rum perfect for mixing in to 12 years. The result Mojitos and Daiquiris. is a truly exceptional rum with characteristic soft and fruity flavours that reach an even higher level of concentration than its family members.

// RUM 60. RANGE

Santa Teresa Claro Venezuela Style: White Product Code: 00022235 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Santa Teresa Gran Reserva Añejo Spanish Estate produced and family Venezuela Style: Golden owned since 1796, Claro Signature Serve: Product Code: 00022236 is the youngest of the Mojito ABV: 40% Flavour Profile family. As dictated by the Brand facts / USP: Spanish Venezuelan DOC for Rum, Gran Reserva is the Family owned since 1796. highest selling rum in Signature Serve: Santa Teresa Claro is aged Founder of the Alcatraz Venezuela. Enjoyed neat or Guarapita for a minimum of Project - rehabilitating in cocktails, Venezuelan's 2 years using only local Gangs through Rugby Brand facts / USP: do not turn up to a party cane sugar. and Rum. Produced since 1796. without a bottle. Locals call it the "elephants foot" because of the bottle shape.


Santa Teresa 1796 Venezuela Style: Golden Product Code: 00022237 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Santa Teresa Rhum Orange Spanish Released in 1996, Venezuela Style: Flavoured Santa Teresa 1796 Signature Serve: Product Code: 00028188 commemorates the Smoky Rum Old Fashioned ABV: 40% Flavour Profile 200th anniversary of the Brand facts / USP: Spanish hacienda. 5-35 year Produced from macerating Santa Teresa's flagship estate grown Valencian Signature Serve: old rums are blended rum. Voted best rum with orange peels with Santa Orange Daiquiri and further aged in cigars by Cigar Aficionado. Teresa Claro for 3 months. a solera system with Multiple Gold Medal awards. Brand facts / USP: Sweetened with cane cognac barrels. This is a All rum, oranges and sugar rum drinkers' rum - the grown on the estate. from the family estate. Only connoisseurs choice. A fantastic full strength natural ingredients used. orange liqueur. French spelling of Rhum to honour the creator's heritage.

// RUM 62. RANGE



Gold of Mauritius Mauritius Style: Dark Product Code: 00030459 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Don Papa English Blended in paradise and Philippines Style: Golden conditioned in South Signature Serve: Product Code: 00030957 African port-style wine Gold Fashioned ABV: 40% Flavour Profile casks for an extraordinary Brand facts / USP: English taste. The complexity Don Papa is a premium Silver Medal winner at the aged small batch rum Signature Serve: of the aromas and taste World Spirit Awards, the Gold from the isle of Negros Don Papa On The Rocks reflect the essence of Medal winner at the Concour Occidental in the the rich local culture and d’Indien, and rated 91% at Brand facts / USP: Philippines. traditions of Mauritius. the Ultimate Spirits Challenge. One of the unsung heroes The nose reveals hints of Distilled from some of the of the Philippine Revolution, oak, malt, roasted nuts, finest sugarcane in the Don Papa a foreman of chocolate. Whilst on the world, Don Papa is first aged a sugar planation, led palate a subtle note of 7 years in oak barrels before his countrymen in driving vanilla and very fine spices being blended to perfection. out the conquerors of his appear in perfect harmony. beloved land.


Spiced RUM


Bacardí Carta Fuego Originally Cuba now Style: produced in Puerto Rico Spiced Product Code: 00029507 Flavour Profile Bacardí Oakheart ABV: 40% Spanish Originally Cuba now Style: Bacardí Carta Fuego is Signature Serve: produced in Puerto Rico Spiced their most daring rum to Bacardí Carta Fuego shot Product Code: 00025191 Flavour Profile date and is named after ABV: 35% Spanish the Spanish word for fire. Aged for a minimum of 1 Expertly crafted by Signature Serve: year in torched oak barrels, Maestros De Ron Bacardí Bacardí Oakheart and Cola it is filtered through from heavily charred oak charcoal and mixed with barrels to give it a unique, a secret blend of flavours smoky flavour. It is then and natural spices for a filtered through charcoal bold yet smooth flavour. and finished by adding a secret blend of spices. Warm with an intense, moody character, vanilla and caramel notes give this spiced rum a sweet, peppery finish.

// RUM 66. RANGE

Pink Pigeon Spiced Rum Mauritius Style: Spiced Product Code: 00029482 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Red Leg Spiced Rum English Rare in nature and free Caribbean Style: Spiced in spirit, Pink Pigeon is a Signature Serve: Product Code: 00029352 Mauritian rum, spiced with Pink & Ginger ABV: 37.5% Flavour Profile three natural botanicals: Brand facts / USP: Spanish vanilla, orange peel and A premium rum made with Named after one of the Caribbean spirit. Infused Signature Serve: orchid petals. world's rarest birds and uses with Jamaican vanilla, ginger Red Leg Libre natural infusions of vanilla, A refreshing sweetness and spices, it’s rested in old orange peel and orchid petals. Brand facts / USP: ensures Pink Pigeon can oak barrels until it emerges Named for the red leg hermit be enjoyed with mixers, as a perfectly smooth within cocktails or simply crab that's native to the coral tasting rum with a hint of reefs of the Caribbean. on its own. sweet spice.


Captain Morgan Spiced Jamaica Style: Kraken Black Spiced Rum Spiced Product Code: 00015760 Trinidad & Tobago Style: ABV: 37.5% Flavour Profile Spiced English Product Code: 00026502 Derived from Caribbean ABV: 40% Flavour Profile sugar cane, Captain Signature Serve: English Morgan Original Spiced Spiced and Ginger Beer The Kraken was the first Gold is blended with of its kind on the spirits Signature Serve: Brand facts / USP: the perfect balance market. Created by blending The Perfect Storm Smooth Captain Morgan's the finest Caribbean rums of indigenous spices Spiced is a spirit drink Brand facts / USP: and naturally infusing them according to an age-old based on a secret blend of One of the fastest-growing recipe shared by a pair premium Caribbean rums, with 14 spices, notably rum brands, The Kraken is of Jamaican pharmacists mellow spice and other cinnamon, clove and ginger, the first black spiced rum, known as the Levy natural flavours. it is named after the sea housed in an iconic bottle brothers. beast of myth and legend. that allows for easy portability After being triple distilled, Aged for around 2 years (as well as potability). the rum is aged in charred in ex-American whiskey American oak barrels that barrels, creating a Spiced help give the rum a rich Rum that is strong, rich, colour and flavour. black and smooth. It is at home on the rocks or mixed.

// RUM 68. RANGE

Sailor Jerry US Virgin Islands Style: Spiced Product Code: 00015613 ABV: 40% Flavour Profile Rumbullion English Sailor Jerry carefully Caribbean Style: Spiced selects rums from the Signature Serve: Product Code: 00031090 finest Caribbean distilleries Jerry & Ginger Beer ABV: 42.6% Flavour Profile and is blended with a Brand facts / USP: English secret recipe of natural Rumbullion! is a cockle- Sailor Jerry is honest and warming spiced rum Signature Serve: spices and flavours. authentic, based on the real produced using the finest Mojito life, work & legacy of the The result is bold and high proof Caribbean father of old school tattoo, Brand facts / USP: smooth. In 2015 Sailor rum, creamy Madagascan Norman "Sailor Jerry" Collins. Each bottle is wrapped in Jerry won gold in the vanilla and orange peel as Global Rum Masters. brown paper and string, then well as cloves, cinnamon wax sealed by hand for a look and a touch of cardamom. worth of Victorian apothecary.


"There's naught, no doubt, so much the spirit calms as rum and true religion"

Lord Byron

// RUM 70. RANGE



Trois Rivières Blanc Martinique Style: White Product Code: 00030456 ABV: 50% Flavour Profile Trois Rivières Ambré Rhum Agricole Rested for only 2 weeks Martinique Style: Golden before bottling, this is a Signature Serve: Product Code: 00030457 fine example of an unaged Ti Punch ABV: 40% Flavour Profile agricole rhum. Bottled at Brand facts / USP: Rhum Agricole 50% ABV, they like their More refined than its It is not just the spelling of unaged sister, Trois Signature Serve: rhum punchy in Martinique. "rhum" that makes Trois Rivières Ambré is aged Daiquiri Trois Rivières Blanc has Rivières different. Rhum in ex-Cognac casks for a classic agricole nose, Agricole is made from cane vivid sugarcane aromas juice not molasses like up to a year. This gives combining with vegetal most rum. the distinctive agricole and banana notes. These characters the chance characters develop on the to mellow and mature palate, the finish being creating a somewhat quite spicy and hot. softer product. On the nose you will find aromas of baked bananas and the ever present vegetal characters of a well made rhum agricole.

// RUM 72. RANGE



Velho Barreiro Cachaça Brazil Style: Cachaça Product Code: 00027608 ABV: 39% Signature Serve: Abelha Organic Cachaça Silver Caipirinha Velho Barreiro, one of Brazil Style: Cachaça the most respected and Brand facts / USP: Product Code: 00024178 appreciated cachaças Velho Barreiro uses ABV: 39% Signature Serve: only fresh juice from the in Brazil. Known for its Caipirinha distinctive taste and unique best sugarcane raised in A premium hand-crafted bottle. First produced plantations off their white cachaça with a clean Brand facts / USP: in 1873, Velho Barreiro own farms. and natural flavour which is Produced from 100% Cachaça is currently the 'rested' (descansada) for a organic sugarcane grown on second top selling brand few months in open steel highland sandy soils in Bahia, in Brazil according to AC/ tanks allowing some of the northern Brazil by a collective Nielsen. A smoky aroma less desirable compounds of small-holding farmers. with a warm and smooth to evaporate or oxidise finish. The ageing process giving cachaça its does not drastically effect characteristic bouquet. The the colour but it does result is a full-flavoured impart depth, flavour artisanal cachaça, with an and harmony. intense fruit/vegetal nose, fresh sugarcane and stone fruits taste, and a smooth dry finish.


Classic SERVES

“Drinking a Mojito was like wearing a badge of Cuban heritage, a display and emblem of national pride.”

Ernest Hemingway


Mojito Daiquiri

Many believe that the Mojito is an evolution of Said to have been created by Jennings Cox, a drink created by Sir Francis Drake. The word an engineer with the Spanish-American Iron comes from the African 'Mojo' meaning little spell. Company, near the town of Daiquiri in Cuba. Made famous by Havana's La Bodeguita del The drink of choice of many historic characters Medio bar of which Hemmingway was a patron. including Hemmingway and JFK, it achieved its iconic status in the Prohibition years when Ingredients Americans visited Cuba on holiday. 2 White Rum 1 bsp (2 for sweeter tastes) sugar Ingredients 1 whole lime cut into 8 wedges 2 Rum 8 mint leaves 3/4 fresh lime juice Top soda water (optional) 1/2 gomme

Method Method Muddle the lime wedges and sugar until all juice Shake all ingredients with ice and fine strain into is released and sugar starts to dissolve. Clap the chilled glass. mint to release flavour and add to glass. Half-fill Garnish glass with crushed ice and add 1 shot of rum. None Stir vigorously for 5 seconds. Fill with crushed ice and add the final shot of rum. Stir for a further 5 Glass seconds. Top with mound of crushed ice, soda if Martini required, and finish with a sprig of mint.

Garnish Mint sprig

Glass Highball // RUM 76. MATTHEW CLARK

Cuba Libre Piña Colada

Cuba Libre means "free Cuba", and was named as In 1954, at the Carib Hilton's Beachcombers Bar a toast to the liberation of Cuba from the Spanish. in Puerto Rico, the owners of the bar asked the Two things occurred at the turn of the 20th century, bar tender Ramón 'Monchito' Marrero to create a the end of Cuba's War of Independence and new drink to delight the demanding palates of his the arrival of the then new Coco-Cola in Cuba star-studded patrons. which by 1900 was widely available. A US soldier Ingredients garrisoned there ordered the drink and proclaimed 2 White Rum "Por Cuba libre!" 1 coconut cream Ingredients 4 pineapple juice 2 Rum 1/2 lime juice 1/2 lime Method Topped with cola Shake ingredients with ice and strain into an Method ice-filled glass and stir Build over cubed ice and stir. Garnish Garnish Pineapple wedge Lime wedge Glass Glass Hurricane Highball


Dark n' Stormy Mai Tai

The original, made with Goslings Dark Rum is the "Mai tai" is the Tahitian word for good. The national drink of Bermuda. drink was made famous by Trader Vic (Victor J. Bergeron) who created it one afternoon for The name is said to originate from a sailor who on some friends that were visiting his San Francisco observing the dark cloudy drink commented that restaurant from Tahiti. One of those friends tasted it was the “colour of a cloud only a fool or a dead it and cried out: "Maitai roa ae!" (Literally "very man would sail under”. good!"; and figuratively "Out of this world! Ingredients The Best!"). Hence the name. 2 Goslings Dark Rum Ingredients Dash bitters 1 1/2 Golden Rum 1/2 lime juice 1/2 Orange Curacao Top ginger beer 1/2 Orgeat syrup Method 1 lime juice Combine the ingredients in an ice-filled glass and Drizzle grenadine stir. Method Garnish Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a Lime wedge glass filled with crushed ice.

Glass Garnish Highball Mint sprig

Glass Rocks


Treacle Painkiller

Created in the mid 1990's by Dick Bradsell whilst The original Painkiller was created with Pusser's in working at LAB London, this is based on the the 1970's at the Soggy Dollar Bar at White Bay Old Fashioned. in the British Virgin Islands. It is a twist on the Piña Colada, it is a rich and fruity tropical drink that’s Ingredients a specialty of the British Virgin Islands. 2 Golden Rum Bsp brown sugar Ingredients 1/2 cloudy apple juice 2 Navy Rum 2 dashes orange bitters 2 pineapple juice 1 orange juice Method 1 coconut cream Add sugar and bitters into the glass and grind into a paste using a muddler. Half fill the glass with ice Method and add 1 measure of rum and stir. Fill the glass Add all ingredients into an ice filled shaker and with ice and the final measure of rum and stir, shake. Strain into an ice filled glass. then float the apple juice on top. Garnish Garnish Grated nutmeg Orange twist Glass Glass Rocks Rocks


Hurricane Zombie

Named after the hurricane lamp shaped glass, this Legend has it that Don Beach originally concocted is a 1940's classic which debuted at the 1939 the Zombie to help a hung-over customer get World's Fair and made famous at Pat O'Brien's through a business meeting. He returned several bar in New Orleans. days later to complain that he had been turned into a zombie for his entire trip. It's smooth, fruity Ingredients taste works to conceal its extremely high alcoholic 1 Dark Rum content. Don The Beachcomber restaurants limit 1 White Rum their customers to two Zombies a piece. 1 passion fruit juice 1/2 orange juice Ingredients 1/4 lime juice 1/2 White Rum 1/4 grenadine 1/2 Dark Rum 1/4 gomme 1/2 Golden Rum 1/2 Apricot Brandy Method 1 1/2 orange juice Shake ingredients with ice and strain into an 1 1/2 pineapple juice ice-filled glass. 1 lime juice Garnish 1/2 Overproof Rum Orange wheel and cherry Method Glass Shake ingredients with ice and strain into an Hurricane ice-filled glass.

Garnish Lime wedge

Glass Highball // RUM 80.80. MATTHEW CLARK

Planters Punch Hemmingway Daiquiri

Made famous by the Planter's Hotel in Created by the head bartender at La Floridita, St. Louis but said to originate from Jamaica. Havana for Ernest Hemmingway who, as a diabetic, liked his daiquiri's without sugar. Ingredients 1 1/2 Dark Rum Ingredients 1/2 lime juice 2 Rum 1 gomme 3/4 lime juice 3 dashes Angostura bitters 1/2 grapefruit juice 2 chilled mineral water 1/4 Maraschino liqueur

Method Method Shake ingredients with ice and strain into an Shake all ingredients with ice and fine strain into ice-filled glass. a chilled glass.

Garnish Garnish Orange slice and mint sprig None

Glass Glass Highball Martini



The best-known origins are from Sao Paulo in 1918, suggesting it was originally based on a medicine for Spanish flu involving garlic and honey. For the creation of the caipirinha, these elements were removed and sugar added to reduce the sharpness of the lime.

Ingredients 2 Cachaça 1 tbsp (2 for sweeter tastes) sugar 8 wedges fresh lime

Method Muddle the lime and sugar in the base of a robust *"Where appropriate, we have suggested glass until the sugar is almost dissolved. Half fill the style of rum traditionally used to make the glass with crushed ice and add 1 measure of these cocktails, but each will work with all cachaça and stir. Repeat this process and finish styles of rum." with a mound of crushed ice on top.

Garnish Measures are multiples of 25ml None 1 = 25 ml, 2 = 50ml, 3 = 75ml Glass 1/2 = 12.5ml, 1/4 = 6.25ml, Rocks 1/3 = 8ml, 2/3 = 16ml



“Best ideas come while sipping Rum”

Pavol Kazimir


Some hints and tips to help you maximise the - Create a rum menu that features a range of potential of rum in your outlet. simple mixed drinks, rum cocktails and some good sipping rums. - Spiced rum has several brand call products, it represents 30% of the rum category and is - If you do not have the time, space or expertise to growing by 12% volume year on year, but is still offer cocktails consider our range of cocktail mixers. only stocked in 55% of On-Trade outlets*. Make They are quick and easy to use all you need to do is sure you don't miss out on this potential and stock add your choice of rum, ice and a garnish. at least one spiced rum. - Seek inspiration from our range of classic - Every outlet at a minimum should stock at least cocktails but don't feel afraid to add you own one white, dark, golden and spiced rum. twist or change the suggested rum. For example a Mojito is generally is made with white rum but is - More spirits focussed outlets should offer a fantastic with golden or spiced. comprehensive range and create a price ladder giving you the opportunity to upsell.

- Make sure you stock a range of mixers that compliment your rum range, apart from cola and *William Grant & Sons 2015 Market Report ginger ale you should also stock a fiery ginger beer **CGA Strategy Mixed Drinks Report 2014 that matches perfectly with spiced rum in particular.

- Cocktails are becoming increasingly important with Range of rum cocktail mixers:- 23.1% of outlets stocking a cocktail* and Mojito is Funkin - Mojito, Pina Colada, Strawberry the No1. cocktail in terms of volume in the UK Daiquiri, Raspberry Mojito On-Trade**. So consider a rum cocktail offering for your outlet. Finest Call - Mojito, Pina Colada



Our in-house team design and print over 7000 items every year and each piece of work is created with enthusiasm, originality and a wealth of experience.

We’re committed to getting the job done professionally and quickly, and we design everything on a brief by brief basis so you can feel confident that you will get an original and innovative design.


Our Design Studio has become an important and popular part of our service and we have a well-qualified, experienced and talented team of designers at your disposal.

PREMIUM SPIRITS MATTHEW CLARK 85. Rum MartinisClassic Martini 7.00 Raspberry Ripple 6.50 (with vodka or gin) Martini A classic Vodka or Gin Martini Dessert by name, dessert by with Vermouth and olives, let us nature, wonderfully moreish, Wine know how you like yours. naughty but very nice. Russian Standard Vodka shaken with English Martini 7.00 Chambord, crème de fraise Rosemary and sweet elderflower finished with cream. WINE liqueur mixed with gin. Pornstar Martini 7.00 Butterscotch Martini 7.00 A fruity sweet crowd - pleaser Sweet and suckable made with served with a double shot of rum and butterscotch schnapps. MARTINI Prosecco. THE Lychee Martini 7.00 Fancy experimenting, ask to have LANE If you like Lychee you will love a Strawberry or Peach Pornstar this delicate martini. Martini! DRINKS Appletini 6.50 Apple schnapps blended with vodka. Cocktails Party make us Mojito Classic Mojito 6.50 French Mojito 7.00 HAPPY Born in Cuba in the 1500’s this A classic mojito with a hint of time classic cocktail is made with berry fruit . Havana club blanco, Havana Black Mojito 6.50 Especial with lime, mint sugar A mojito with a twist made with and crushed ice topped with soda. Black Kraken Rum and Ginger Mojito Royale 7.00 Our experienced designers have BEER Strawberry Mojito 6.50 Our mojito topped with Prosecco A strawberry twist on the classic instead of soda, just to make it mojito extra glorious. undertaken a range of sessions Bar Vintage Classicswith a twist Aperitif Digestif

Lounge a alcoholic liquor taken to stimulate a alcoholic drink, drunk after a meal the appetite before a meal. in order to aid the digestion. in Menu Engineering to ensure Negroni 6.00 Old Fashioned 6.50 (Aperitif) (Digestif) 1 TEQUILA Back in the early 1900’s Count If you love bourbon your definitely Commillo Negroni asked for bit an old fashioned drinker! more kick to his favourite aperitif, Frangelico and Lime 4.00 2 TEQUILA the barman added gin and the (Digestif) classic Negroni was born. we have the knowledge to Simple, nutty, refreshing drink. 3 TEQUILA Aperol Spritz 5.50 (Aperitif) Since 1919 this drink is most 4 widespread and commonly drunk aperitif. It has a unique fusion of bitter and sweet oranges with root and other herbs topped with soda maximise profit through your EAT, DRINK, THE LANE water and Prosecco. SLEEP, REPEAT drinks list.

Menu Engineering involves small techniques such as removing the currency sign and highlighting your most profitable serve.

For more information please contact your account manager or visit our website at:



T. 0344 822 3910 T. 0344 822 3910 W. www.matthewclark.co.uk W. www.matthewclark.co.uk

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Dark history meets Purity inspires individuality bright botanicals

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Products are subject to availability. Products are subject to availability.

Please speak to your Sales Account Manager Please speak to your Sales Account Manager regarding availability or for any further gin or tonic regarding availability or for any further vodka product requirements you may have. product requirements you may have.



JDE CODE NAME SIZE ABV ORIGIN White Rum 00027533 Appleton White 6 x 70cl 40.0% Jamaica 00030521 Atlantico Platino 6 x 70cl 40.0% Dominican Republic 00029496 Bacardi Carta Blanca 6 x 70cl 37.5% Cuba 00029494 Bacardi Carta Blanca 6 x 1.5ltr 37.5% Cuba 00029495 Bacardi Carta Blanca 12 x 5cl 37.5% Cuba 00030334 Bacardi Heritage Gran Reserva Blanca 6 x 70cl 44.5% Cuba 00030760 Banks 5 Island Rum 6 x 70cl 43.0% Caribbean 00025970 Brugal Blanco Especial 6 x 70cl 40.0% Dominican Republic 00029719 Captain Morgan White 6 x 70cl 37.5% Jamaica 00026249 Chairman's Reserve White 6 x 70cl 40.0% St Lucia 00026366 Diplomatico Blanco 6 x 70cl 40.0% 00021646 El Dorado 3YO 6 x 70cl 40.0% Guyana 00030009 Flor De Cana 4YO Extra Seco 6 x 70cl 40.0% Nicaragua 00010091 Glen's White 12 x 70cl 37.5% UK 00010159 Glen's White 6 x 1.5ltr 37.5% UK 00015769 Havana Club 3YO 6 x 70cl 40.0% Cuba 00015775 Havana Club Anejo Blanco 6 x 70cl 37.5% Cuba 00015778 Koko Kanu Coconut Rum 6 x 70cl 37.5% Jamaica 00030959 Pampero Blanco 6 x 70cl 37.5% West Indies 00030482 Plantation 3 Stars 6 x 70cl 41.2% Caribbean 00031098 Rebellion White 6 x 70cl 37.5% Caribbean 00022235 Santa Teresa Claro 6 x 70cl 40.0% Venezuela 00015767 Wray & Nephew White Overproof 6 x 70cl 63.0% Jamaica


Golden Rum 00018373 Angostura 1919 6 x 70cl 40.0% Trinidad 00015774 Appleton Estate Signature Blend VX 6 x 70cl 40.0% Jamaica 00015773 Appleton Special 6 x 70cl 40.0% Jamaica 00015786 Appleton Estate Rare Blend 12YO 6 x 70cl 43.0% Jamaica 00030758 Atlantico Reserva 6 x 70cl 40.0% Dominican Republic 00029497 Bacardi Carta Ocho 6 x 70cl 40.0% Cuba 00029498 Bacardi Carta Oro 6 x 70cl 40.0% Cuba 00030458 Bacardi Gran Reserva Limitada 6 x 1L 40.0% Cuba 00030958 Banks 7 Island Golden Age Rum 6 x 70cl 43.0% Caribbean 00024138 Brugal Anejo 6 x 70cl 38.0% Dominican Republic 00015777 Bundaberg Underproof 12 x 70cl 37.0% Australia 00025817 Chairman's Reserve 6 x 70cl 40.0% St Lucia 00015761 Cockspur Gold, 6 x 70cl 37.5% Barbados 00028439 Diplomatico Anejo 6 x 70cl 40.0% West Indies 00030957 Don Papa 6 x 70cl 40.0% Philippines 00021645 El Dorado 5YO 6 x 70cl 40.0% Guyana 00023676 El Dorado 12YO 6 x 70cl 40.0% Guyana 00024875 El Dorado 15YO 6 x 70cl 43.0% Guyana 00030011 Flor De Cana 7YO Gran Reserve 6 x 70cl 40.0% Nicaragua 00030010 Flor De Cana 12YO Centenario 6 x 70cl 40.0% Nicaragua 00015780 Havana Club Especial 6 x 70cl 40.0% Cuba 00026962 Havana Club Especial 120 x 5cl 40.0% Cuba 00029964 Mezan XO 6 x 70cl 40.0% Jamaica 00015764 Mount Gay Eclipse 6 x 70cl 40.0% Barbados 00028607 Mount Gay Black Barrel 6 x 70cl 43.0% Barbados 00015779 Mount Gay XO 6 x 70cl 43.0% Barbados 00018565 Pampero Especial 6 x 70cl 40.0% Venezuela 00028718 Plantation Grand Reserve 5YO 6 x 70cl 40.0% Barbados 00023823 Ron Zacapa 23YO 6 x 70cl 40.0% Guatemala 00024705 Ron Zacapa Centenario XO 6 x 70cl 40.0% Guatemala 00022237 Santa Teresa 1796, 6 x 70cl 40.0% Venezuela 00022236 Santa Teresa Gran Reserva 6 x 70cl 40.0% Venezuela 00031024 The Duppy Share 6 x 70cl 40.0% Caribbean


Product index CONTINUED

Dark Rum 00030759 Atlantico Private Cask 6 x 70cl 40.0% Dominican Republic 00021662 Angostura 1824 6 x 70cl 40.0% Trinidad 00029508 Bacardi Carta Negra 6 x 70cl 40.0% Cuba 00021610 Brugal XV 6 x 70cl 38.0% Dominican Republic 00026368 Diplomatico Reserva 6 x 70cl 40.0% Venezuela 00026367 Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva 6 x 70cl 40.0% Venezuela 00030459 Gold of Mauritius 6 x 70cl 40.0% Mauritius 00028184 Blackwell Rum 6 x 70cl 40.0% Jamaica 00010023 Captain Morgan Original 6 x 70cl 40.0% Jamaica 00010119 Captain Morgan Original 6 x 1.5ltr 40.0% Jamaica 00010105 Glen's Dark 12 x 70cl 37.5% UK 00020698 Glen's Dark 6 x 1.5ltr 37.5% UK 00021743 Gosling's Black Seal 6 x 70cl 40.0% Bermuda 00026992 Gosling’s Black Seal 151 Proof 12 x 70cl 75.5% Bermuda 00015754 Havana Club 7YO 6 x 70cl 40.0% Cuba 00019249 Havana Club 15YO 6 x 70cl 40.0% Cuba 00024243 Havana Club Selección Maestros 6 x 70cl 45.0% Cuba 00015763 Mortons O V D 6 x 70cl 40.0% Guyana 00010146 Mortons O V D 6 x 1.5ltr 40.0% Guyana 00015772 Myer's 6 x 70cl 40.0% Jamaica 00029419 Pampero Aniversario 6 x 70cl 40.0% Venezuela 00030481 Plantation Original Dark 6 x 70cl 40.0% Caribbean 00029034 Pyrat XO Reserve 6 x 70cl 40.0% Anguilla 00029968 Ron Abuelo 7YO 6 x 70cl 40.0% Panama 00029969 Ron Abuelo 12YO 6 x 70cl 40.0% Panama 00029967 Ron Abuelo Anejo 6 x 70cl 40.0% Panama


Navy Rum 00010043 Lamb's Navy 6 x 70cl 40.0% Caribbean 00010133 Lamb's Navy 6 x 1.5ltr 40.0% Caribbean 00028946 Pusser's 40% Blue Label 6 x 70cl 40.0% Barbados 00028938 Pusser's Gunpowder Proof 6 x 70cl 54.5% Barbados 00028051 Skipper Rum, 6 x 70cl 40.0% Guyana 00010077 Wood's Old Navy 100 Proof 6 x 70cl 57.0% Guyana

Rhum Agricole 00030456 Trois Rivieres Blanc 6 x 70cl 50.0% Martinique 00030457 Trois Rivieres Ambre 6 x 70cl 40.0% Martinique

Spiced/ Flavoured Rum 00029507 Bacardi Carta Fuego 6 x 70cl 40.0% Cuba 00025191 Bacardi Oakheart 6 x 70cl 35.0% Cuba 00029304 Brugal Dry Spiced 6 x 70cl 38.0% Dominican Republic 00015760 Captain Morgan Spiced 6 x 70cl 35.0% Jamaica 00015799 Captain Morgan Spiced 6 x 1.5ltr 35.0% Jamaica 00025818 Chairman's Spiced, 6 x 70cl 40.0% St Lucia 00026502 Kraken Black Spiced 6 x 70cl 40.0% Trinidad & Tobago 00029482 Pink Pigeon 6 x 70cl 40.0% Mauritius 00028968 Rebellion Spiced 6 x 70cl 37.5% Caribbean 00029352 Red Leg 6 x 70cl 37.5% Caribbean 00015613 Sailor Jerry 6 x 70cl 40.0% US Virgin Islands 00021876 Sailor Jerry 6 x 1.5ltr 40.0% US Virgin Islands 00028188 Santa Teresa Rhum Orange 6 x 75cl 40.0% Venezuela

Cachaça 00024178 Abelha Organic 6 x 70cl 39.0% Brazil 00022604 Leblon 6 x 70cl 40.0% Brazil 00018012 Sagatiba Pura 6 x 70cl 38.0% Brazil 00018011 Sagatiba Velha 6 x 70cl 38.0% Brazil 00027608 Velho Silver 6 x 70cl 40.0% Brazil

// RUM Caribbean

South America Central America Cachaça Agricole

We hope you enjoy the new Rum range as much as we do and find inspiration in this brochure to offer something new to Eastern Spiced your customers. Hemisphere ways to CONTACT US

T. 0344 822 3910 W. www.matthewclark.co.uk





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Products are subject to availability.

Please speak to your Sales Account Manager regarding availability or for any further rum product requirements you may have.