ENTOMOLOGICAL. SOCIETY OF , PROC. (1957), VOL. 54, DEC. 16, 1957 23 from Salmon Valley north of Prince M. disstria populations undergo George, to Williams Lake; the Vaven­ extreme fluctuations as is suggested by and Grand Forks infestations by the chart in Fig. 1. Baird (1920) disappeared. Infestations were dis­ mentions that records (1790-1920) for covered at Fort Nelson and M. disstria in North America indicate in 1953 and at Bear Lake (near "years of abundance followed by years ) in 1954, but these subsided. of scarci ty". In 1955 no infestations or traces of It is difficult at this time to isolate M. disstria were found except at Sum­ factors responsible for past population mit Lake near Nakusp where larvae collapses. Sufficient evidence is not were present until they succumbed to a vailable to determine the role of disease. Only a single infestation was parasites in the past collapses. discovered in 1956 near Vavenby in a Observations in the field in some in­ stances have shown that disease can previously inaccessible area (see Fig­ be an important natural control ures 1 and 2). factor.

References Baird, A. B. 1920. Some notes on the tent-caterpillar. Proc. Ent. Soc. B.C. 11: 97-100. \Vel!in~ton, W . F., J. J. Fettes, K. B. Turner, R. M. Belyea. 1950. Physical and biological mdlcators of the development of outbreaks of the spruce bud worm, Choristoneura fumi­ ferana (Clem.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Can. J. Research, D, 28: 323-329.


In late September of 1956 cannery for processing, canning was allowed peaches in Summerland, B.C., were to continue, but all further importa­ found to contain live insect larvae. tions of cannery fruit were prohibited. These peaches had been imported from It would appear that the infestation the Yakima area of State, occurred only in a small portion of the U.S.A. Specimens presented to Pro­ imports, as further examination failed vincial and Federal authorities were to reveal any larvae. subsequently identified by G. G. Dus­ tan, Officer-in-Charge, Fruit Insect Cannery boxes in which the ship­ Laboratory, Vineland, , as ments had been made were ordered oriental fruit moth, Grapholitha ?nolesta returned to the U.S.A. There was (Busck.). some delay in action which finally took place on the threat of burning. Infestations reported to be as high as 30% were noted in some boxes of Import records at the Canadian fruit. Local cannery practices con­ Customs port of Osoyoos were re­ viewed. All loads of fruit received sisted of spreading cannery waste by were covered by certificates indicating manure spreader throughout an ad­ that adequate fumigation measures joining orchard. This was stopped had been taken from the standpoint and all future waste was buried in a of temperature, time, and dosage. No pi t. In view of the fact that little of explanation for the tailure of fumiga­ the imported crop of peaches was left tion has been provided.

1. Officer-in-Charge, Plant Protection Division, Production Service. Af,'1-icuiture, Vancouver, Enquiries were made on the exact H.C. o rigin of the specific load of fruit first 2. Provincial Entomologist, Pro\-ince of nriti~h Columbia, Vernon, B.C. found to be heavily infested. The 24 ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROC. (1957) , VOL. 54 , D EC. 16, 1957

orcha rd from which this fruit ori g in­ U . S. a uthori ties versed in urien ta I ated was said to be in the fringe a rea fruit moth and fumigation procedur e~. of the known infested a rea in Yakima. Canadian a uthorities concerned them­ T hi s orchard had not been trapped but selves w ith methods to be used in an traps in adjor-nin g orcha rds had caught a ttempt to eradicate this potential no moths in the past two seasons. pest. The re had been no local reports of infested fruit from this orchard and I t \Va s decided that before the 1957 the only possible sign of trouble mig ht g rowing season commenced the can­ be associated with twig flagging, a neries at Osoyoos a nd Summerland symptom not unusual with twig borer would be complet ely covered with damage. ta rpa ulins and fumigated w ith methyl bromide. T he orchard adjacent to the It was learned that two canneries S ummerland property would be re­ in the Okanagan, the York Cannery moved and burned and the land fumi­ at Osoyoos and Barkwills at Summer­ gated with methyl bromide. The same land, had received fruit from the same fumigant would be used on the fruit area, Yakima, while a third cannery, dump at Osoyoos and the hillside ad­ Rowcliffe at Kelowna, had received joi ning the cannery at Summerland. peaches only from the Wenatchee The ripening rooms of both canneries a rea. The Osoyoos cannery had com­ would receive a fall fumigation. Spring pleted operations but the personnel a nd summer spraying of host plants of had not seen any infested fruit. The the oriental fruit moth would be Kelowna cannery was still in oper­ undertaken in the a reas adjacent to ation ; a ca reful check of the stock on the canneries. and compensation would hand did not reveal any. larvae. It be a rranged for fruit unfit for human was concluded that the Summerland consumption due to excessive DDT a rea would have to be considered in­ residue. Insect traps would be placed fested, as larvae had been found ; the Oil tho. fumigated buildings and in an Osoyoos area possibly infested as a rea beyond a one-mil e radius, as well peaches had been obtained from the as spot trapping from the Interna­ same source ; but the Kelowna area Boundary to Summerland. could be considered as not infested, a s the fruit used was from another It is hoped that this combined Pro­ source and no infestation was found vincial-Federal action will forestall the on investigation. establi shment of oriental fruit moth in the Okanagan Valley. Should this in­ Federal and Provincial officials, sect becom e established and prove to ala rmed at the finding of oriental fruit be of economic importance, it could moth la rvae in Summerland, decided cost the tree fruit industry some that definite action must be taken in an $200,000.00 a year. An estima ted in­ endeavour to prevent this insect from vestment of $65,000.00 attempting becoming established in the Okanagan eradi cation was considered well worth Vall ey. Consultations were held with while.

Royal Jelly, the New Elixir

Last winter the School of Domestic Science Fabul ous claims a re made for it. For a asked me where a supply of royal jelly mere $60.00 you c;J/n obtain a month's supply could be obtained. Apparently the School to enable you to accomplish almost anything, of P hysical Education was seeking it to physically or mentally. As might be ex­ feed to the basketball team to enable them pected, the amounts required for these to win games. I applied to Hugh B. Leech miracles, are very small indeed. The latest of the California Academy of Sciences who use for it is in cosmetics; as a skin food. sent me the addresses of two firms who one application will remove wrinkles for supply royal jelly in retail or wholesale lots. 24 hours and for a mere $10.00 one can be­ come young again.-G. ,. Spen cer, D ept of Zoology, University of British Columbia.