7 Cents Pared from Proposed Red Tax Rate Congress
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THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • JflDDLETOWN, .V. J.: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1970 / 7 Cents Pared From Proposed Red Tax Rate The council abo effected This total rate of $430 for tant for the master plan. RED BANK — Borough get totaled $2,192,677, an in- poses is now estimated at 56 heading at Mohawk Pond was the cost of paying outside contractors for renovation further cuts by deckling to each $100 of assessed valua- Fire Department — $2,000 taxpayers will get at least a crease of $284,448. The bud- cents for each $100 of as- dropped from the budget. work at police headquarters. hire three new policemen this tion represents an increase of for a new car, and $1,500 for 17-ccnt break in their pro- get will be introdutod loniyfit. sessed valuation. The taxHowever, the work will be done this year, but its cost The borough hopes to use its year instead of five as pre- 66 cents compared to 1969's outside inspection of fire- posed 197(1 tax rate. rate for the reserve for tin- The local tax levy was esti- collected taxes is 44 cents, will be bonded. Also $1,0(10 own men for the work. viously had been announced. rate. fighting equipment. That's the amount the Bor- mated at $1,107,975, including thus bringing Uie total mu- was cut from the cost of a Street lighting - $3,000, The council also urged both To cut the rate by 17 cents, Community Center — $6,900 ough Council sliced from the $411,033 in reserve for uniol- nicipal rate to $1 for each new car for the director. A representing half of the esti- the local and the regional the council agreed to appro- was cut from the requested tax rate for municipal pur- letted taxes. $100 of assessed valuation. used car will be bought in- mated cost of increased light- board of education to "re- priate $90,000 more from its $24,500 for operations. But the poses. stead. ing as recommended in a sur- examine their own surplus ac- surplus to $490,000, the same center's operating budget Council ;;(T()mplished this With the cuts, Hie budget If the school rates, county Police — $2,000 lor new uni- vey, was eliminated. counts with a view toward a as last year. will lie increased $1,600 to a during a ihrec-liour session now totals %''.,021,177, and tiierale, veterans and senior cili- forms was dropped as was In addition $29,000 was larger appropriation to help Spending was cut in these total of 517,600. Saturday by finding an addi- tax levy has dropped to S936,- izen exemption rates remain $1,500 for installation of a eliminated from projected reduce the tax burden." areas: Vote Slated tional $90,0(10 m revenue and 475, including the tax reserve. as estimated the total Red telephone monitoring system. salary increases for both the The total tax rate is com- Capital improvements — The regional budget, with a by cutting municipal spend- Councilman Peter Hoffman, Bank tax rate will be Streets — In the hope that police and other borough em- posed of the municipal rate, $15,000, representing one-half local tax levy of $1 million, ing, resulting in a $171,500 finance chairman, said the dropped from the anticipated it won't snow too much, coun- ployes. Both are slated to get now $1; the regional school the appropriation was elimin- will be voted upon tomorrow drop in the municipal pur- result will be a 17-ccnt drop $4.77 to $4.30 for each $100 of cil cut $3,000 from snow re- up to 10 per cent increases rate, $1.10; Jocal school rate, ated. right. poses tax levy. in the estimated 73-eent mu- assessed valuation. moval. although Mr. Hoffman said $1.47; the county rate, 67 Planning Board - $4,300 The local budget, with a Wftcn Uie council revealed nicipal purposes lax rate. 56-Cent Rate Parks and Recreation — Building maintenance — the final amounts aren't jet cents, and the veterans and was dropped. This money was local tax levy of $1.3 million, it.s spending plans for the settled. senior citizen rate, six cents. earmarked to hire a consul- will be voted upon Feb. 17. year Thursday, the 1970 bud- The tax rate for local pur- $4,000 to pay for the bulk- $2,000 was eliminated from Congress Gets Nixon Budget (Continued) was caused by Ihe rise of _—$275 million to launch the —A $680 million postal rate clean water program, when than on national defense." "built-in costs for relatively sh'aring of federal revenues increase which, with other combined with state and local Despite the money squeeze uncontrollable programs" — with the hard-pressed states Post Office proposals, would matching funds, will provide on the Pentagon, Nixon said that is, interest costs, welfare and cities "before the end of reduce the current $1.25 bil- $10 billion worth of sewage his budget( will enable the programs and others legally 1971. Nixon unveiled the lioifpoStaHef'cit to $382 mil- plant construction beyond administration "to meet our authorized spending pro- plan last summer with a lion in 1971. that already appropriated, he international responsibilities grams which the executive promise of $500 million in fis- ~New or higher trans- predicted. Federal outlays on by seeking an honorable lacks authority to curtail. cal 1971. Some officials con- portation user charges total- air pollution will rise 30 per peace in Vietnam, by main- The seven domestic needs sidered that sum almost em- ing $653 million, including an cent in 1971, he added. taining , sufficient military labeled "most urgent" were barrassingly small; now it increase in the excise tax on Nixon announced he will power to deter potential ag- assigned these increases has been cut almost in half. airline passenger tickets propose an "environmen- gressors, and by exploring from fiscal 1970 budget to- —$319 million for increased from 5 to 8 per cent, plus a with the Soviet Union tals' anticrime efforts, for a total $3 tax on each overseas tal financing authority" to possible limitations on stra- —$500 million to start of $1,257 billion. flight. help state and local govern- tegic arms . ." the Family Assistance pro- —$330 million for air and —Extending the 7 per cent ments obtain funds for wa- In acknowledging the gov- gram payments, the core of water pollution abatement, excise on new cars and the 10 ter pollution abatement ernment has missed by $2.2 Nixon's proposed massive per cent telephone excise to parks and open spaces, for plants. Tight money in the billion the $195.7 billion bud- overhaul of the welfare sys- a total of $1,115 billion. Jan. 1, 1972. municipal bond market has get ceiling decreed by Con- tem. When and if enacted, —$764 million for food as- Smallest Since '67 gress, in the last session, Nix- and brought to full operation, sistance programs, to a total At $73.6 billion the na-hampered their financing. on said the whole overrun it will cost $4.4 billion a year. of $2,278 bilUon. tional defense budget —a The budget included these NAMED ASSISTANT vice president of Keansfcurg-MiddletoWn National Bank this —$468 million for transpor- broad category that includes further proposals: HT'TIM"! TW1TV1 I 11 III •itlllTBHTin* miTTHffl lir^lT H'T 1 tation facilities, including a foreign military aid, stockpil- weak, Albert Murphy, left, receives congratulations with Mrs. Florence Artdr»wi, modest $80 million start on a ing, and outlays by several Despite a $496 million cut Hamad assistant cashier, from William C. Johnson Jr., executive., vice president. Mr. proposed 12-year, $10 billion agencies ,other than the Pen- in space funds from fiscal Murphy is manager of fhe Belford branch of the bank where Mrs. Andrews also County Births program to aid urban mass tagon—was the smallest since 1970, Nixon said the nation works. Mr. Murphy has been with the bank 15 years and Mrs. Andrews, 10 years. transit systems. 1967. The department's mili- will extend its capability in —$352 million for manpow- tary outlays alone, at $71.2 space "consistent with other er training programs. billion, would be $5,3 billion RIVERVIEW St., Belford, son, yesterday. Hinges on Sales below this year's figure. national priorities." Bed Bank Mr. and Mrs. William Mad- The precarious Balance for Nixon said national defense Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Foley den (nee Sally Stedman), 17 Puerto Rican 'Lords' fiscal 1971 would be toppled now pre-empts 37 per cent of To Honor Old Ticket (nee Anna Marie Campbell), Branch Ave., Oakhurst, into deficit if Congress should the budget, a smaller per- 19-C Parkview Apartments, St., Belford, son, yesterday. TAKAOKA, Japan (AP) - reject the sale of stockpile centage than in any year Laurence Harbor, son, Thurs- Kiyoyuko Oimatsu will be commodities — described by since 1950. Human resource day. MONMOUTH MEDICAL Nixon as "far in excess of programs — including edu- able to use at Expo 70 at Os- Mr." and Mrs. Jack Meyer Long Branch Get Toehold in State Mr. and Mrs. Herbert foreseeable needs"—and, in cation, health, manpower and aka a ticket he's had 30 years. (nee Vivian Katz), 1 Beverley addition, should refuse to ap- income maintenance — com- Oimatsu's father bought it for Road, Old Bridge, son_ Fri- Breitetfbach (nee Carol Bo- By JAMES M.MARKHAM The phone is answered with chapters jn Ne\v York' and nello), 90 Sagamore Ave., prove any of these further mand 41 per cent, other pro- him so he could go to the 1940/ a snappy "All power to the Chicago .