SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Central Community Assembly Report 10

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SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Central Community Assembly Report 10 Version 2 Central Assembly 9 June 2011 SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Central Community Assembly Report 10 Report of: Executive Director PLACE ______________________________________________________________ Date: 9 June 2011 ______________________________________________________________ Subject: Thriving District and Local Centres ______________________________________________________________ Author of Report: Fiona Champion ______________________________________________________________ Summary: A City of Opportunity identifies Thriving District and Local Centres as a new priority for the Council and a key initiative in creating sustainable communities across the city. Last year we carried out a citywide consultation with local people and businesses which contributed directly to the development of a Thriving District and Local Centres Area Strategy for each Community Assembly Area and a Citywide Framework document. Together they form a framework for future action and investment over a number of years This report sets out the results of the consultation and appends the Local Area Strategy for the Central Community Assembly approval. ___________________________________________________________ Reasons for Recommendations: These strategies set out our vision for district and local centres, proposing which centres are priorities for further work and investment, and what actions the Council and its partners need to take to realise the potential of all our centres. It is anticipated that the Council and its partners will use the strategies to identify how the city’s network of centres can improve the quality of life for people and to make best use of our combined resources Recommendations: Central Community Assembly is recommended to (a) Note the outcome of the consultation; (b) Approve the Thriving District and Local Centres Strategy and Action Plan prepared for the Central Community Assembly Area; and 1 Version 2 Central Assembly 9 June 2011 (c) Confirm its belief that implementation of the proposals in the Strategy and Action Plan is likely to promote the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Central Community Assembly Area and the individuals and businesses present within it. Background Papers: Thriving District & Local Centres Cabinet report, 24 March 2010 – sets out the context, vision and consultation proposals to develop the draft strategy Thriving District & Local Centres Cabinet report, 9 March 2011 – details the results of the consultation and approves the Thriving District and Local Centres Citywide Framework Citywide Framework (- Appendix 1) Central Community Assembly Local Area Strategy (Appendix 2) Category of Report: OPEN 2 Version 2 Central Assembly 9 June 2011 Statutory and Council Policy Checklist Financial Implications YES Cleared by: Liz Orme Legal Implications NO Equality of Opportunity Implications YES Tackling Health Inequalities Implications YES Human rights Implications NO Environmental and Sustainability implications YES Economic impact YES Community safety implications YES Human resources implications NO Property implications NO Area(s) affected Central Sheffield Relevant Cabinet Portfolio Leader Cllr Rooney Relevant Scrutiny Committee if decision called in Safer and Stronger Communities Is the item a matter which is reserved for approval by the City Council? NO Press release NO 3 Version 2 Central Assembly 9 June 2011 1.Summary 1.1 A City of Opportunity identifies Thriving District and Local Centres as a new priority for the Council and a key initiative in creating sustainable communities across the city. 1.2 Last year we carried out a citywide consultation with local people and businesses which contributed directly to the development of a Thriving District and Local Centres Area Strategy for each Community Assembly Area and a Citywide Framework document. Together they form a framework for future action and investment over a number of years 1.3This report sets out the results of the consultation and appends the Local Area Strategy for the Central Community Assembly. 2. What does this mean for people within the Central Community Assembly Area? 2.1 District and local centres provide a common feature in communities of very different character and form. They act as hubs for their neighbourhoods, connected to the city centre and main employment areas by public transport and offering facilities and services to meet everyday needs. They are vital to the attractiveness and success of housing areas, are a key component in why people choose to live or work in an area and an important feature of their everyday life. 2.2 District and local centres also support a range of businesses across the city including shops, places to eat and drink, offices and workshops. Strengthening centres will bring learning, work and enterprise opportunities closer to where people live. But centres are not just about shops – they are also critical as places where people can access public services and facilities such as libraries, schools, community buildings and health centres. They also have a ‘sense of place’ and act as focal points for communities. We aim through the new strategy to encourage all partners to focus investment in buildings and public spaces within district and local centres. 3. Outcomes and Sustainability 3.1 By talking to local people and businesses we have developed a series of Thriving District & Local Centres Strategies tailored to the requirements of each individual Community Assembly Area that can guide future investment in centres by the public, private and voluntary/community sectors. We have identified where need is greatest but also where we can have most impact and can hope to lever in most funding from the public and private sector. The strategies provide an opportunity to make a real difference and optimise the use of resources in centres over the next few years. 3.2 The development of a network of district and local centres across the city is a key part of our approach to developing sustainable communities. Ensuring high quality local facilities within walking distance and with good public transport connections reduces the need to travel by car for everyday goods and services; concentrating activity in centres rather than dispersing 4 Version 2 Central Assembly 9 June 2011 them across a neighbourhood increases the viability of businesses and public sector services alike; creating a recognisable focal point where people come together in a neighbourhood strengthens the identity of a community. Successful centres can have a big impact on the success of a neighbourhood as a whole, thereby making the community more sustainable. 4. Full Proposal 4.1 Background 4.11 On the 24th March 2010 Cabinet approved a report that set out our vision for centres and proposals for further consultation with local people and businesses to inform and develop a city wide strategy for Thriving District and Local Centres 4.12 District and local centres can fulfil a similar role in the villages, suburbs and neighbourhoods that make up the rest of the city; and their success is also key to the success of those places and to the city as a whole. Although some excellent work has been done in relation to some centres in the city to understand how they work and what needs to happen to make them into successful places, this is the first time that the Council has taken a comprehensive look at centres across the whole city. 4.13 This was an ambitious piece of work, not least because there are so many centres to consider and because even the best centres can always be better. Because district and local centres are so important for people’s quality of life the Council wanted to make sure that local people helped shape our strategy for centres: identifying which centres matter and prioritising the investment that is needed in their local area. 4.14 We undertook a wide-ranging consultation process, facilitated by Community Assemblies, to help us develop the strategy. The consultation has been critical in shaping the strategy and giving us a picture of what needs to change. 4.15 During the consultation process, it was apparent that different areas raised different priorities in terms of the provision in their District and Local Centres, and so a separate strategy has been developed for each Community Assembly Area, to reflect these priorities. However, these strategies are linked together and supported by a single Citywide Framework that details the guiding principles for the whole network of centres across the city. 4.16 On 9 March 2011 Cabinet approved the Citywide Framework, and endorsed the Local Area Strategies, with the view that the approval for each Strategy should be given by the respective Community Assembly 4.2 Summary of Strategy 4.21 We have had a great response to the consultation with people taking time to give us detailed comments and have their photos taken and offering to get involved as ‘champions’ for their centre. Citywide we received 1100 general questionnaire responses, and a further 210 from businesses. We 5 Version 2 Central Assembly 9 June 2011 received comments on all 17 district centres and all but 7 of the 58 local centres included in the strategy. We now have a wealth of information about what people do and don’t like about the centres that they use, what they think is special about each and the changes they feel would make the biggest difference. This information has been captured in the narratives of each Local Area Strategy. 4.22 A City of Opportunity sets out the overall vision for district and local
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