Sheffield Network Map Valid from 22 July 2018

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Sheffield Network Map Valid from 22 July 2018 S M t C H W ad r t e o i i o Ro id e s B c ls ur c e v r s to k on F a k n le B n R s St o d A ed oa St x t a goy t d N o Sout t r ve in St . H e o u v n ree B ree fo r ill il R St t ilp r e le k d e C y H S G C e l c h he S t los s o a t e s R Cund r el Hill S rde F re d lo e swi t o ol ni o e oa C n s a d R x t R ru t a t d Da oa m B ee E e St d R ce r D t e re r o t a d et ha St o ee u t e a e r t p y tr n d e re D b r e S e r er oa e e Lo r k S v w t t T e B St n o in e A ee Philad St R r ur h S il ho r rt to d P o g S e n St nd e d t n R lme av d d Ruskin a n S oa y S si ee el tl lb a d lan e t r r e A l C re o G or Ne cy ow B lo o n r s e Hadfi Park e P ut R a e t M a R e e lphia G ps n W L P k a n e t lkl n R e e Y d o e y S a r tr e L d t L H H e oolle oma a a oph al e St Mary’s et r n a W d C e ck S lcar S v en ro o D yg C Lane H R e am t t Church B n ss Neepsend n r a s a h l a ansby St s Be rv o e l ee ree r l t r te t R n d me St re S arvon e St o fo st Ha e A ir r Upper C r Lan t S s v F a d lo ee u s e r d S La se al e n e t t al t t c e r it h u t t e ee Don Walk n t e e S v e p pi e e ro t e rl Prin tr t S S S r a G e an ll ee Ph lphi t r ilade e t d S we e S t L r V om d Street a t y t B Cr t levelan nc e r a tree C a S r b e nk iel Hill S st ll don e Dan er a or t S P Ho t tr B S t L e its o t e et S ee v use ee re t r el tr t m r t l S S S ee o t R eld e sle S d ree c o t o fi y oa a ad Ho o r arli R t d H Infirmary C t t R B e e y w oa e t e re ll a r tr Road St u r u d d S rd M R Co d P fo M d t ll n hilad d o re o e i B D la t wb F a tre l ani e Be e d S l H ak r d P re ra be ie e e elphi oa en St y S om n St l H R n tr c a r e il tmo a e is o ee et un D ee ac l es Dr c t x t treet re D t rr ra on Di Spital S St Te W iv er ile e T e av Hill rt R S iel e o B n lb d reet t N r A a a Spital St t and Da o d ree ort ree R t St e S hfiel reth R c well a Cornish d m rr ley o e C r e g d los C o T a Place id an e C r B d se H o irk o . B C t r e th Cl mery ll h nd re S ni d S o a d oa t a R d and d ra g Kelham rclie a e a ale r s B Medical tt o B w t Swi t A n h St L h o n R R a a Head n nto n a o o o n R t a e Weir S tre m Centre Ful d M et k ortl r c e P Injuries i S e Globe e w t rp Upperthorpe t Denholme ho r s B t Unit e The Foundry n ir Works e u ke Upper Healthy t Independent t nd r Climbing B ree a et le Living Upper re Evangelical Road n W be St t y St tterclie Do a m V e Centre dle A iver rre o ie ad Centre e an Church R e n St nc w Ro r Don Walk H g e t r d Du rov S ee E oa ke G rid t a R Bla all B stfie ld M B k a ol fie tlock f l U r d o R rth R p oa d oa N oa d p Sheffield d No d R H e Burton re e w rt av Vie h Infir Chamber of Ald y o m R Weir g dale rp a iv a en e ry Commerce te Birk R Kelham Island er R oa Green Lan D Bridg o d o e l a Upp St e Industrial Museum n house Group d P s d U erthorpe d hilip Hil oa Ship d a 81 Green l R ale p a s La a ton nd p to o n e R ul e n S o R e pit t F Birk r t ad e Lane Derek Dool S e t re c e h et ra r o r t Philips Ro K ey Wa S r Philadelphia e t elham p T S y t n e ry G ee Five Weirs o Salmon r G Wesleyan e oy t es l m t v e Upper vile S Walk e Pastures n t a Reform Church tgo Daisy Spring S L ee n r Sa t Don Walk vile r S Mo Works n St e tree u t u g e o D et A d e orp C d ri r h elphi St St ert t ey p n e B l d Up o e h t ree r rad a t g B o g t S u n eet i y o Str l t r Bailey m Five Weirs ph R G r e A r e n r Effingha u e dd e e D Kelham r t en Bo Jos B H s ee d un d L Bridge Walk y t St e tr oa iel a Square C e S L n e rd Medico R a n F e l r in os o u f rt M oe n D d x a a e Walk Mill a e y St M d Legal li on o d O a n osc City Life r D R da R Rive Ad o S Upper talfields Weir Sheffield rd Centre t tree Spi Martin Clos e Christian Alm Ef a e a Stre fingh R Buddhist w d tr t Shalesmoor et Don Walk W am R iver Do Alpin Roa A A Church al oad Fo n Ho e s d B Philips R y S Opal 3 ker et ley Centre e h dy Driv urli t er S m Stre S Ro Springval be S at N tr fingha tre ad rry n Do u ee Ef et g w W t R e t ning rs New o on e a ry d St U La t e Testament D re pp n e S e pe e e tre t r or t e S r Church e rth Crimean War rt rn ee k A t Cobweb d St Timothy’s ree pe ho o zer Plac B D nd t e t a S Up oad r Ac r of God o re nn Memorial i o o Sli R p en d le w La Bridge e b g t R Church ld R E e ee y n S r x Columns oa So t t W e d fie e ll re S a u n s B d Shalesmo th P e o a t t s y Five Weirs o s a t t w R We u e t hn S l t e o es St e e tree arad J ta S a S e Ro c Walk S h iv E r l n o r ffin Str t tr l n g e e e Ru le le e r ham r t z e S y k Ro e ry w Stre e s y Str Su ad e ee u n s n Mi s Fu t tr b e o e L ee sex o n S t S h r be l a t t l t ee o t r ud t E S anley n Wic St t a W en Str t t ree et S e ot t e S M re t re o St Martin ard S e C r ex W ddy t C o uss d e A t o S S oa llfi t N ree t e R e ee et m ree l tr her M t owling Gr s e gval d th B e an t n C S or ea l M L N pri l rd pe a u T S os C o Pl d ill son o r f ac ow Q h n r e oo x e uee s h s wne O S an o ery k St J es d t Opal 3 n’ t mo e ree s Russell d L South Yorkshire t n oa e R s an Sussex Stree ee d St R r t o tr o t t w S r s S Doncas e n D ’ ree Street Afro Caribbean n r ee riv n t Mo llip o St Sli e ad i e t is t re Centre o ll le er Sheffield & Tinsley Canal n R Ph y St a d t E o Str oa or S Cementation rd Holiday Inn R R H e e o ey e h n mo t p Sha a yd es Furnace lesmo Royal Victoria Me d S k he or S Blue B Sheffield & Tinsley lb roo Lane Hotel Bu C Plum et Sheffield ou d tre Canal Tow Path a o S d r o r ns y Law Centre a n Mo S er le R n o R a t oi v R ree Nurs J R B oa g o oa t t Sheffield & Tinsley n righ prin r Albio e d S E t ree a nd R d t ee S Shale e an m t Adult n tr smoor L Canal Tow Path o S S en ry St d n t l a r l er o e C eet T a Community e A R k D Lumley Str e t e d Sheeld Publici r TransportWilley St rek Map r Martin ver r e Wic Do a Learning Co Spring e oley c t g t Wa e e Stree t y p w Plum B D o Sn R re p Blas Service ridg o r R t Lane d er o St a S Border Agency ee a t l n n a e o Sprin t t o o r rd S ree d e w e do R e p Do r T t h t (Vulcan House) S e u el v r L ree t er S S p rd c Roeb i M h uck C owe R a n oad et t lis t S e r he re la r ee l n B t it ill na t E S t Crookes P e Willey r eld S y e s e t M St an ellfi t G t B ye e B e eado i R r Congregational a e b Wat d Street r e r iv K re ee ral s k d t t De t ree er c a rek D S w S St ta Riverside e o Church len t r Stre SADACCA o oley W y t Al r a T n S t D Wi R y a S ad owne t o re o T t e R en ee e r o n tr t e e n io pringval sc d e S e Ellis t t D ld S t a er n e e S e m t t e d S c r Cr p hfi k e Roa D a H t i S l be t ee oole a mi h r s S t P m fie t r sid Bar hor North Bank y e m t t S ria Wa n ip’ e er t l Cross l e o Netherthorpe e d n o e er t y t e n il tr Stree Holiday Inn to rb r d h o Love Apartments Mo m t t S ic a S S n t Ph e n V Primary School d B d ree e Mor n r N a v Upper Express Hotel om o d orati a f a t St ra Do C d Bar d x o C p l p r R oa O R Ro e Hil r Don Walk a oa b R ’s e th ce o ve oad n a C i Hands R er ns El he rp Str rn a.
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