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VOL. XLV., NO. 34. CTm iMWI AdvOTtlilBg o s Faao • MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1926. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT$: S UNCLE JOE GANNON The McAdoos—Unwomed DEMOCRATS TO IS SINKING STEADILY HERINEIS DanTlU* HI., Not. The WAX EFnGY OF MRS. MILLS condition of “ Uncle Joe" Can START CAMPAIGN non is causing some concern REAL RULER among hie relatireB and friends. The aged statesman is gradual TO BE USED AS AN EXHIBIT ly failing. He sleeps and doses T O D im T V A R E sUteen to eighteen hours a day. ^ K A IS E R s He is not suffering from any Prosecutor Simpson Sprinf ailment, according to the at- | MAID IS ACCUSED IN I tending physician, Dr. Charles S8<M,()00 GEM THEFT Another Surprise—F ipre With the Aid of the Repabli- B. Wilkinson, who says “ he is j Wilhelm’s Wife Is a Diplomat DISSENSION ON just wearing out like a piece of New York, Nov. 9.— Margaret old machinery. It is doubtful McConachln, 62, a pantry maid, Of Dead Woman’s Head can hsurgents They Hope if he will live another month." And Plays the Leading BOARD OF THE was being held today on a eh'arge of sdspiclon of ^rand ----------------------------------------------- « larceny in connection with the Will Be Shown to Jury in To Gain Control of the U. Part at the Imperial iheft of $300,000 worth of QUEEN’S TRAIN jewels from the home of Myron Court” at Doom. C, Taylor, wealthy steel man. tiass Case— Will Test S. Senate. WORTH. FASHION I Police say the woman has a po lice record. The jewels have not been recovered. The maid Nerves of Defendants— BY H. C. BUURM.4N An Sorts of Arguments Start Washington, Not. 9.— A. militant LEADER. IN TOWN was employed by the Taylors campaign to seat William B. Wil ten days before the robbery oc . (United Press Staff Correspondent) As Maine Speeds East curred. Fingerprint Experts on son, Democrat, as “ the legally Doom, Nov. 9. (United Press).— elected” Senator from Pennsylvania Hermlne, wife of the ex-Kaiser of Stand Today in the Seventieth Congress has been Head of Dressmaking hdus- Germany, is a dark-haired, dark ward — Loi FuDer to eyed, lively little woman of 38, and agreed upon by a group of nation in appearance rather of the South al Democratic leaders, it was learn try Guest of Cheney ern Belgian or certain French type, leave Party. Court House. Somerville, N. J., ed here today. SNOirBLANKErS than she is of the German type. Nov. 9.— A wax effigy of the late The Democrats expect, and will Mother of five healthy children, get, the support of a majority of Mrs. Eleanor Mills will be dragged Brothers Today. she is the soul and real governor of Aboard Queen^ Marie’s Special the Republican-Insurgents in all THEMIDDLEWEST into the court room of the Hall- probability. The Democrats and In the “ Imperial Court” the ex-Kaiser Train (in Wyoming) Nov. 9— Dls- still loves to hold at his exiled resi Mills murder trial this'afternoon or surgents can control the Seventieth senaion still held away today tomorrow— before the eyes of the Congress whenever they get togeth Jacques Worth, outstanding lead dence here. She looks much more er of the dressmaking Industries aboard the royal Rumanian flier, defendants, Mrs. Frances Stevens like an efliclent mother, than a lov while Queen Marie, outwardly un er. of Prance, who has just arrived ing wife whose aim is to soothe and First Big Storm of Hie Season Hall, and her two brothers, Henry Democrats* Plan. and ’Willie Stevens, it was learned from Paris and was yesterday a charm a man of the disposition of aware of the mess of misunder A week ago the Democrats were today as the defense lawyers were guest of President Coolldge In Wilhelm II, whose nervousness and standings and controversy around talking only of denying a seat to Sweeps Down From Can centerln:; a savage cross examina Washington Is a visitor In Man Irritability, always pronounced William S. Vare, or of expelling him her, conversed gaily with Governor tion on two fingerprint experts. chester today. Monsieur Worth Is when he was Kaiser, has been in after being seated, because of his Nellie Ross, another striking fem Surprise Move visiting Cheney Brothers. creased by his exile and his feeling ada— Coining This Way. expenditures in the Republican inine personality. It is to be the ever-spectacular Charles Cheney, president of that he has been badly abused by a Loie Fuller, one-time dancing primary. If successful, this would Cheney Brothers gave a luncheon Prosecutor Alexander Simpsefn’s create a vacancy which would os great part of his countrymen. star and close friend of her majes newest “ surprise move.” for the noted guest at his home. Chicago, Nov. 9.— Parts, of the tensibly be filled by the appoint Yet when Hermine first came to ty, together with May Blrkhead, The effigy purports to show how Following the lunch Monsieur Doom she knew full well the task middlewest were blanketed in snow ment of another Republican. But Worth addressed members of the her press agent, were both 111 to the choir singer’s throat was cut. that was ahead of her. Chosen by a today as a bowling storm, the first now, after reviewing the election, firm. day and under care of the queen’s In a glass case, the throat of the they plan to go after bigger game li^amoos Family family council of the Hohenzol- nurse, following what has been of the season, swept in from the dead woman will be exhibited to the — the seating of Wilson. Monsieur Worth Is the grandson ierns with the full consent of the given out as the determinatioQ of Canadian prairies. jury in wax form. The change in Democratic tactics of the founder of the House of German Junker Party, she knew If William G. McAdoo and his family are worrying over the promi Queeif Marie that it would be better A gene/al drop in temperature, It will be one of the strangest for the peace of the entourage if is due in large measure to the con Worth who started the dressmak- that her task would be entirely dif nence of Governors A1 Smith, Vic Donahey and A1 Ritchie in after-the- predicted for today by the weather exhibits ever shown at a murder troversy provoked over the consti Ing industry In France by making ferent from the work of a good election presidential talk, there’s no evidence of it here. This new pic both were to leave the train, per bureau, found Chicago and other trial. mother and good wife such as Wil haps at Chicago, perhaps at Den tutional aspects of the question. gowns for the Empress Eugenie. ture of tho McAdoos shows them on the steps of their Los Angeles home. middle western cities shivering Test Of Nerves The constitution provides a Senator Monsieur Worth was decorated by helm’s first wife had been through- The children are Ellen Wilson, 11 (left), and Mary Faith, 6. ver, where the flier will arrive to while awaiting thq expected fall of day. It is expected to affoid a severe may be denied his seat by a ma the French government with the out her life. snow. test to the nerves of the defendants, jority vote, but to expel him re Legion of Honor for having Is a'Politician Miss Fnner 111 Snow Driftintf Miss Fuller has not been well particularly Mrsi Hall, 'whose view quires a two-thirds vote. Authori fought at Gallipoli In the World Hermlne, who had always taken Kansas, Iowa and Michigan al ^’as blocked by her lawyers the ties on the constitution differ wide War. He Is the present head of WILSON KINDEST and has been positively ill before a great interest in diplomatic af ready have been struck by rapidly other dav when they brought in the ly as to the proper procedure to be the House of Worth. fairs as well as In politics and news ITALIANS REGRET during Queen Marie’s visit. Yester drifting snow. Railroad cuts have OF PRESIDENTS day Miss Birkhead, suffering, it is effects of her slain husband and Invoked against Vare. paper work, knew that the lonely been reperted filled in western his par.imour. Question Legality. said, from nervous collapse, took exiled ex-Kaiser at Doom would Kansas with railroads rushing snow The defense centered all It guns The Democrats, aided by the look to her for love and obedience GARIBALDI AFFAIR Taft Best Natured, Harding to her bed. plows to the affected ares. Colonel John H. Carroll, official this morning on two fingerprint ex counsel of some of the Republican as is expected from every good Ger Best Dressed, Coolidge Most The storm followed balmy In perts. Insurgents, have decided to walk THISTLE ON BED man house-wife; but she also knew Saving, Their Housekeeper host to the Queen by virtue of a dian summer weather, In which the right around this controversy and document and the fact he is repre Joseph A. Faurot of the New that If she knew how to deal with Says. thermometer hovered well over the York Police Department, one of the make a fight on the legality of the involved and complicated tem senting the raliroadr, also discov fifty degree mark. Vare’s election on November 2, Goyemment Did Not< Know ered his health falling under the outstanding fingerprint experts of IS MURDER CLUE perament of the Wilhelm she would New York, Nov.