13 September 1983] 161669
[Tuesday, 13 September 1983] 161669 QUESTIONS ?Gr~tiaathw (lhni Questions were taken at this stage. Tuesday, 13 September 1983 During questions without notice the President made the following statement- The PRESIDENT (Hon. Clive Griffiths) took STANDING ORDER No. 212 the Chair at 4.30 p.m.. and read prayers. Statement by President TEMPORARY REDUCTION OF REM UNER- THE PRESIDENT (Hon. Clive Griffiths): ATION (SENIOR PUBLIC OFFICERS) BILL Honourable members will be aware that one hour has now elapsed since the time set down for the Assent commencement of business of the day. I wish to Message from the Governor received and read make a couple of comments in regard to the state notifying assent to the Bill. of affairs we have now reached. Members will know that until quite recently it ANIMALS: DOG ACT has never been necessary to invoke the provisions Review: Petition of Standing Order No. 212. 1 have been interpreting it in the same way, on the odd oc- On motions by the Hon. Fred McKenzie, the casion that the situation has occurred in recent following petition bearing the signatures of six times and applied to it the same provisions as I persons was received, read, and ordered to lie have for Standing Order No. 181. 1 have been upon the Table of the House- looking at Standing Order No. 212 and it occurs to me that it is worded slightly differently from To the Honourable Members in Parlia- Standing Order No. 18 1. ment Assembled, We, the undersigned, wish In future, commencing now, it is my intention to draw your attention to the fact that the not to initiate the seeking of leave to proceed with recommendations put to the Minister by the whatever we are doing at one hour after the com- Dog Act Review Committee, May 1983, are mencement of the House.
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