Fork GreatUtah Science Activities Weber 1325 Salt River MORGAN Lake DAVIS

1345 1310 2010 Update1435 Coalville 1305 SUMMIT

1722 1338 1295 Salt Lake City 0100 1710 13365 1299 1285 1705 1336 1683

403835112171801 1680 Rock 1550 Uinta 1674

403258112123201 River 1552 2968 Cr 2905 Tooele River 1553 Heber 1542 2910 2920 1728 1554 1560 K2 2925 1555 K1 2790 Qe Jordan K2 1645 1575 K2 DuchesneK3 DUCHESNE U.S. Department of the Interior WASA TCH K3 Qe Qe U.S. Geological Survey K1 Qe Qe Qe Lake River Qe 2775 Qao

Qe Qe Qao Qao Qe Qao Qe Qe Our Mission and Vision

he U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Active USGS projects in Utah Ta bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior, serves the Nation by s an unbiased, multi-disciplinary science organization that focuses on biology, providing reliable scientific information Ageography, geology, and water, we are dedicated to the timely, relevant, and to describe and understand the Earth; impartial study of the landscape, our natural resources, and the natural hazards that threaten minimize loss of life and property us. Learn more about our goals and priorities for the coming decade in the USGS Science from natural disasters; manage Strategy at http://www.usgs.gov/science_strategy/. To see what projects are currently active water, biological, energy, and mineral in Utah please visit our websites below. resources; and enhance and protect our quality of life.

The USGS has become a world leader in the natural sciences thanks to our scientific excellence and responsive- ness to society’s needs.

This newsletter describes some of the current and recently completed USGS earth-science activities in Utah. Please contact us for additional information. Photograph courtesy of Moab Area Travel Council Utah Water Science Center Active Projects Canyonlands Field Station Active Projects http://ut.water.usgs.gov/projects/. http://sbsc.wr.usgs.gov/crs/research/projects/.

2 Spotlight on USGS Scientists in Utah

Dr. Jayne Belnap, Canyonlands Research Station r. Jayne Belnap has been a scientist soils. Applying that knowledge, she then Dwith the Department of the Interior studies the factors that make some desert since 1987 and is currently with the USGS in communities susceptible to invasion by ex- Moab, Utah. She is a past Chair for the Soil otic plants, while others remain uninvaded, section of the Ecological Society of despite similar use patterns. America and is currently President-Elect of Her studies have taken her to a number the International Soil Ecology Society. She of exotic places, including , is also an assigning editor for Ecological , , , , Mon- Applications and participates in a number of golia, , Siberia, , and Iceland, other professional functions. Research Ecologist where she advises scientists and managers USGS Biological Resources Division Dr. Belnap leads the interesting, accom- on how to maintain soil fertility and stability plished, and well-traveled life many of us while still using the land. She also travels dream about. She studies how different land extensively within the United States interact- uses, including some of our favorite recre- ing with and training federal, state, and pri- ational activities such as hiking and biking, vate land managers on how to best manage and activities that support our society such dryland ecosystems. as livestock grazing and energy exploration, affect the fertility and stability of desert

3 Preventing Highway Deaths

USGS maps areas of severe dust production in southeast Utah ust storms in the past 2 years have produce low, moderate, high, and extremely Dresulted in more frequent highway high levels of dust and then mapped. closures and multiple car accidents along Results of this investigation showed that Interstate 70 and State Route 191 in south- most soils did not produce high levels of east Utah. The Bureau of Land Management dust unless the soil surface was disturbed. (BLM), at the request of the local county, When disturbed, several problematic soil Utah Department of Transportation, and units produced high or extremely high the Utah Highway Patrol, asked the U.S. levels of dust until rainfall was sufficient Geological Survey Canyonlands Research to re-stabilize the surface. Unfortunately, Station for assistance in identifying the most of these units were either adjacent to sources of the dust and determining what the highways or upwind of these highways management actions could be taken to avoid during times of high winds or low precipita- excessive dust production from these areas. tion (March-October). Study results are help- Using a portable wind tunnel, the USGS ing BLM make informed land-management characterized and mapped the dominant soil decisions to minimize disturbance of these units in the vicinity of these highways, and soil units during times of drought and during determined the susceptibility of each unit to times of high winds and low precipitation. wind erosion before and after disturbance More information can be found at http:// of the soil surface. These soil units were sbsc.wr.usgs.gov/crs/research/projects/crs. classified into categories of soils that would aspx 4 Use of Groundwater Models

New computer model aids groundwater management in Northern Utah Valley tah Valley is experiencing a period water use and a changing land-use pattern on Uof rapid population growth that the valley’s water resources. The USGS will includes a change from agricultural to com- be working with study cooperators to use the mercial and residential land and water uses. new groundwater computer model to help Much of the recent growth is occurring on water managers define a management plan the west side of the valley, in previously that will meet their municipal water needs undeveloped areas, requiring additional and minimize adverse impacts from future groundwater development. The USGS, in groundwater development. cooperation with valley municipalities and “Hydrology of Northern Utah Valley, water users, has recently completed a new Utah County, Utah, 1975–2005” k

k Creek assessment of groundwater resources in http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2008/5197, and Cree 4614610 4594590 0 Dry CreeCreek Northern Utah Valley and has produced new 0 t 4644600 “Three-Dimensional Numerical Model of 0 87 modeling tools to help water managers. 71 ForFort Ground-Water Flow in Northern Utah Val- 4584580AlpinAlpinee 0 k 186 ForFork New USGS models of groundwater con- ley, Utah County, Utah,” http://pubs.usgs. 4500 n JordaJordan 4574570 AmericaAmerican 0 Highland ditions and flow include updated estimates of gov/sir/2008/5049 are now available n recharge to and discharge from the valley’s and are free to the public. RiveRiver r 4564560 -118 0 aquifer system. Scientists have incorporated -83 CedaCedarr 58 HillsHills these refined estimates into a three-dimen- -51 4554550 0 k Lehi sional computer model of the Northern Utah Mill CreeCreek Cedar 4524520 4544540 0 -41 Pond 0 American e Pass 0 Valley aquifer system capable of simulating 4544540 Fork 0 Eagle GrovGrove k 4534530 Mountain 4544530 CreeCreek TickvillTickville e the potential effects of increases in ground- 0 0 BattlBattle 4524520 4514510 e 5 0 0 h 0 4510451 GulcGulch 4500450 Utah Lake Pleasant Grove USGS StreamStats Web Application

Utah Water Science Center releases a new web- based application for estimating streamflow characteristics for Utah streams eliable estimates of a wide range of StreamStats allows users to easily Rstreamflow statistics are needed by obtain streamflow statistics, drainage-basin water-resource managers, land-use plan- characteristics, and other information for ners, and structural designers. Obtaining this user-selected sites on streams via an interac- information has just been made much easier tive web-mapping application. Currently, with the recent release of the Utah Stream- StreamStats for Utah can be used to estimate Stats tool. StreamStats is a web-based Geo- the magnitude of peak flows under natural graphic Information System (GIS) devel- streamflow conditions at the 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, oped by the USGS that provides users with 50-, 100-, 200-, and 500-year recurrence access to an assortment of analytical tools intervals. that are useful for water-resources plan- The StreamStats application for Utah ning and management, and for engineering incorporates new statistical models for design applications. For example, flood-flow streamflow statistics developed by the USGS estimates, that can now be quickly obtained Utah Water Science Center on the basis of from the StreamStats application, are used historic streamflow data from the USGS in the design of highway and railroad stream National Water Information System (NWIS). crossings, delineation of floodplains and More information can be found at http://wa- flood-prone areas, management of water- ter.usgs.gov/osw/streamstats/. control structures, and water-supply manage- 6 ment. USGS Seismic Hazard Maps

Hazard maps play an important role in Utah earthquake preparedness

tah is one of many states where tion into an indication of shaking hazard and Great Wasatch faults and earthquake hazards play were created to provide the most accurate Salt U Lake an important role in the lives of its citizens. and detailed information possible to assist Salt Lake City

The largest concentration of major faults in engineers in designing buildings, bridges, Front Utah lies along the Wasatch Front, home to highways, and utilities that will withstand the largest population centers. Preparing for shaking from earthquakes. These maps are the eventual earthquake is stressed through used to create and update the building codes civic and religious organizations and gener- that are now used by more than 20,000 cit- ally includes an assessment of the risk to you ies, counties, and local governments to help and your home based on location. Because a establish construction requirements neces- large earthquake can be felt over a large area, sary to preserve public safety. The National you can be affected by movement along a Hazard maps for Utah, as well as other fault miles away from where you are. states, are available at http://earthquake.usgs. Faults, both near and far, provide a gov/research/hazmaps/. source for hazards from surface ruptures and ground shaking. The USGS, as part of its Hazards Reduction Program, has compiled probability maps for shaking hazards for the entire United States. These maps integrate available faulting and seismicity informa- 7 Great Salt Lake Science

USGS scientists look at mercury in Great Salt Lake

espite the ecological and economic major inflow sites and determined daily and Dimportance of Great Salt Lake, annual mercury contributions to the lake. little is known about current and historic The effort also has included utilizing sedi- mercury input and biogeochemical cycling. ment cores retrieved from the lake bottom to In response to increasing public concern help define a record of riverine and atmo- regarding mercury in the lake, the Utah spheric mercury input to the lake over the Department of Environmental Quality, Utah last 100 years. Study results indicate that the Department of Natural Resources, and the majority of mercury input to Great Salt Lake USGS initiated studies to investigate the is from the atmosphere and the more toxic amount of mercury entering the lake from form of mercury is removed from wetland surface and atmospheric sources. water bodies during daylight hours and USGS scientists have quantified stream replenished during non-daylight hours. You inflows and mercury concentration at all can learn more about Great Salt Lake and its unique ecosystems at http://ut.water.usgs. gov/greatsaltlake/.

80 2 8 18 32 Hg 18 Mercury 2 200.59 8 Pass the Salt

USGS scientists work to understand salinity sources to streams in the Upper Colorado River Basin

he Upper Colorado River Basin (the and sources, and enabling them to make TColorado River drainage above Glen informed decisions about the most cost-ef- Canyon Dam) discharges more than 6 mil- fective use of salinity control program funds lion tons of dissolved solids annually. It has and mitigation projects. been estimated that about 40 to 45 percent of The statistical model used is known as that total is contributed by human activi- SPARROW, which stands for Spatially Ref- ties—principally agricultural land and water erenced Regression on Watershed Attributes. use. The Bureau of Reclamation has estimat- The Upper Colorado River Basin model is ed the economic damages related to salinity capable of producing estimates of salinity in the basin to be in excess of 330 million load at more than 10,000 stream locations dollars annually. The economic effects of and estimating dissolved solids coming increased salinity in the Colorado River have from individual sources including the largest prompted a number of water-quality legisla- producers—rocks high in dissolvable miner- tive actions. als, saline springs, and irrigated agricultural The USGS Utah Water Science Center lands. More information about the Upper has recently developed a statistical model for Colorado River Basin dissolved-solids the basin which is providing Colorado River SPARROW model can be found at Basin Salinity Control Program managers http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2009/5007/. and others with estimates of salinity loads 9 Indirect Effects of Pest Control

Understanding the effects of grasshopper and cricket control in Utah’s West Desert

n rangeland ecosystems of the United and terrestial invertebrates living in the pest IStates, such as Utah’s West Desert, control areas, and the birds that eat them. rangeland grasshopper and Mormon cricket USGS scientists are assessing both immedi- (Orthoptera) populations periodically build ate and long-term effects of pesticide ap- to extremely high numbers and can cause plication, focusing on the area in and around significant economic damage in rangelands the West Desert of Utah. More than 300,000 and agricultural fields. A variety of insecti- specimens of land and aquatic arthropods cides have been applied to control popula- and other invertebrates have been collected tion outbreaks, with recent efforts directed during this study. at minimizing impacts to nontarget fauna in A link to the report documenting treated ecosystems. study results to date can be found at The U.S. Geological Survey, in coopera- http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2008/1305/. tion with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and the Bureau of Land Management are investigating whether applications of pes- ticides for grasshopper and cricket control may affect other biota including aquatic

10 Water in the Great Basin

USGS National Water Availability Program targets the eastern Great Basin of Nevada and Utah

he eastern Great Basin Carbonate a conceptual understanding of water move- TProvince, located primarily in west- ment within this complex system. USGS ern Utah and eastern Nevada is undergoing hydrologists will be using this knowledge unprecedented population growth in one of to construct a computer simulation model the nation’s most arid areas. This is placing to help better understand how the system increasing demands on the area’s ground- responds to natural and human stresses. water resources for meeting public supply, More information on this study is available agricultural, and ecosystem demands. As at the USGS Utah Water Science project web part of the USGS National Water Availabil- page at http://ut.water.usgs.gov/projects/ ity Program, the Great Basin Carbonate and greatbasin/. Alluvial Aquifer System (GBCAAS) study is quantifying current groundwater resources, evaluating how those resources have changed over time, and developing tools to assess system responses to stresses from future human uses and climate vari- ability. Researchers are currently gathering and interpreting information related to the region’s geology and hydrology to develop 11 Navajo Sandstone Aquifer

USGS scientists look at the Navajo Sandstone as a groundwater source and storage reservoir s populations in arid areas con- Recharge Project, conducted by the USGS Atinue to expand, permeable bedrock in cooperation with the Washington County aquifers are increasingly targeted for ground- Water Conservancy District and the Bureau water development. Understanding both natu- of Reclamation, has been quantifying both ral recharge and the potential for managed natural and artificial recharge to the Navajo artificial recharge is becoming increasingly Sandstone aquifer. important for sustainable water-resources Important advances have been made management. during this study in understanding how To address this increased reliance on bed- recharge from precipitation moves through rock aquifers, the Navajo Sandstone the subsurface and enters the aquifer, as well as evaluations of the effectiveness of vari- ous techniques for enhancing groundwater resources through artificial recharge. Such artificial recharge methods can be used to offset groundwater depletion caused by in- creased pumping. More information on both natural and artificial recharge to the Navajo Sandstone can be found at http://ut.water. usgs.gov/projects/navajosandstone/.

12 Stream Gaging in Utah

Gages provide long-term, accurate, and impartial information ince the late 1800s, the U.S. Geo- in scientific investigations, and displayed for Slogical Survey has been installing the public on the internet. and operating stream gages throughout the Free access over the internet means that United States. Currently, the USGS operates the streamflow information these gages and maintains over 140 real-time stream provide can be used in a variety of appli- gages in Utah. These gages provide long- cations from recreational use to scientific term, accurate, and impartial information investigations. Water-resource managers and that meets the needs of many diverse users. engineers use the information for planning Stream gages measure stage, or the and design purposes. When flooding occurs, height of the river, which is then used to emergency-response teams and manag- determine the amount of water flowing in the ers use the information for warnings and river. Streamflow measurements are made flood forecasting. Rafters and fishermen several times a year to ensure that the rela- throughout the Nation use the information tion between the recorded stage values and to determine ideal conditions for their use of streamflow is accurate. The stage is recorded the river. Information from these gages con- every 15 minutes and temporarily stored at tinues to be a critical component in National the gage. In most cases the recorded values and local water-related decisions. are transmitted, via radios and satellites, More information about the stream gag- on an hourly basis to the National Water ing program in Utah can be found at http:// Information System (NWIS) database where ut.water.usgs.gov/. the information is permanently stored, used

13 USGS Utah Recent Publications

Assessment of Managed Aquifer Recharge at Sand Hollow Res- Hydrology of Northern Utah Valley, Utah County, Utah, 1975- ervoir, Washington County, Utah, Updated to Conditions through 2005, by J.R. Cederberg, P.M. Gardner, and S.A. Thiros: U.S. Geo- 2007, by V.M. Heilweil, G. Ortiz, and D.D. Susong: U.S. Geological logical Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5197. Available Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5050. Available online online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2008/5197/. at http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2009/5050/. Southwest Principal Aquifers Regional Ground-Water Quality Evaluation of the Effects of Precipitation on Ground-Water Assessment, by D.W. Anning, S.A. Thiros, L.M. Bexfield, T.S. Levels from Wells in Selected Alluvial Aquifers in Utah and Arizo- McKinney, and J.M. Green: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet na, 1936–2005, by P.M. Gardner and V.M. Heilweil: U.S. Geological 2009-3015. Available online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2009/3015/. Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5242. Available online Summary of Fluvial Sediment Collected at Selected Sites on the at http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2008/5242/. Gunnison River in Colorado and the Green and Duchesne Rivers Federal Guidelines, Requirements, and Procedures for the in Utah, Water Years 2005–2008, by C.A. Williams, S.J. Gerner, National Watershed Boundary Dataset, by U.S. Geological Survey and J.G. Elliott: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 409. Available and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conserva- online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/409/. tion Service: Chapter 3 of Section A, Federal Standards Book 11, Three-Dimensional Numerical Model of Ground-Water Flow Collection and Delineation of Spatial Data. Available online at http:// in Northern Utah Valley, Utah County, Utah, by P.M. Gardner: pubs.usgs.gov/tm/tm11a3/. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5049. Geospatial Data to Support Analysis of Water-Quality Condi- Available online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2008/5049/. tions in Basin-Fill Aquifers in the Southwestern United States, by Assessment of Nonpoint Source Chemical Loading Potential T.S. McKinney and D.W. Anning: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific to Watersheds Containing Uranium Waste Dumps Associated with Investigations Report 2008-5239. Available online at http://pubs. Uranium Exploration and Mining, San Rafael Swell, Utah, by usgs.gov/sir/2008/5239/. M.L. Freeman, D.L. Naftz, T. Snyder, and G. Johnson: U.S. Geologi- cal Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5110. Available online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2008/5110/. 14 Dissolved-Solids Transport in Surface Water of the Muddy Principal Locations of Major-Ion, Trace-Element, Nitrate, and Creek Basin, Utah, by S.J. Gerner: U.S. Geological Survey Scien- Escherichia coli Loading to Emigration Creek, Salt Lake County, tific Investigations Report 2008-5001. Available online ath ttp://pubs. Utah, October 2005, by B.A. Kimball, R.L. Runkel, and K. Walton- usgs.gov/sir/2008/5001/. Day: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008- Flood Plain Delineation for the Fremont River and Bull Creek, 5043. Available online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2008/5043/. Hanksville, Utah, by T.A. Kenney and S.G. Buto: U.S. Geological Methods and Basic Data from Mass-Loading Studies in Ameri- Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5233. Available online can Fork, October 1999, and Mary Ellen Gulch, Utah, September at http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2008/5233/. 2000, by B.A. Kimball, R.L. Runkel, and L.J. Gerner: U.S. Geologi- Estimation of Selenium Loads Entering the South Arm of Great cal Survey Data Series 443. Available online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/ Salt Lake, Utah, from May 2006 through March 2008, by D.L. ds/443/. Naftz, W.P. Johnson, M.L. Freeman, K. Beisner, X. Diaz, and V.A. Spatially Referenced Statistical Assessment of Dissolved-Solids Cross: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008- Load Sources and Transport in Streams of the Upper Colorado 5069. Available online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2008/5069/. River Basin, by T.A. Kenney, S.J. Gerner, S.G. Buto, and L.E. Methods for Estimating Monthly and Annual Streamflow Spangler: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report Statistics at Ungaged Sites in Utah, by C.D. Wilkowske, T.A. Ken- 2009-5007. Available online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2009/5007/. ney, and S.J. Wright: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investiga- Principal Locations of Metal Loading from Flood-Plain Tail- tions Report 2008-5230. Available online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/ ings, Lower Silver Creek, Utah, April 2004, by B.A. Kimball, R.L. sir/2008/5230/. Runkel, and K. Walton-Day: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific In- Mormon Cricket Control in Utah’s West Desert—Evaluation vestigations Report 2007–5248. Available online at http://pubs.usgs. of Impacts of the Pesticide Diflubenzuron on Nontarget Arthropod gov/sir/2007/5248/. Communities, by T.B. Graham, A.M.D. Brasher, and R.N. Close: More online reports are available at http://ut.water. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1305. Available usgs.gov/publications/ or http://sbsc.wr.usgs.gov/crs/prod- online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2008/1305/. ucts/. 15 USGS Contacts in Utah

Utah Water Science Center Offices Salt Lake City Patrick Lambert Cory Angeroth David Susong Robert Baskin Utah Director for Water Data Section Chief Investigations Section Chief Scientific Information [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Management Section Chief 801-908-5033 801-908-5048 801-908-5062 [email protected] 801-908-5011 Cedar City Moab Brad Slaugh Chris Wilkowske Field Office Chief Field Office Chief [email protected] [email protected] 435-865-7976 435-259-4430

Southwest Biological Science Center National Geospatial Program Moab Salt Lake City Jayne Belnap Dave Vincent Canyonlands Field Station Chief Utah Liaison [email protected] [email protected] 435-719-2333 801-975-3435 General Information Product 100, 2010