



You will begin this Digital Scavenger Hunt by accessing my website Then, go to English 2, click on Dystopian Literature and then select The Maze Runner. Watch the videos first and then scroll down to the bottom of the page to access the links you need to complete this assignment. Answer all questions on a separate sheet of paper. Happy hunting and remember, “If you ain’t scared… you ain’t human.”

Maze Runner Trailers

1. Watch both trailers and then list a few of the ways The Maze Runner embodies a dystopia.

Author Interview

2. What book did read in high school that influenced his writing of The Maze Runner? 3. What life experience influenced Dashner to work harder on his writing? 4. How many rejections did Dashner receive from publishers? 5. What two books inspired The Maze Runner? 6. How many drafts did Dashner write before publishing The Maze Runner? 7. Finish Dashner’s quote, “No one writes ______.”

Book Introduction

8. What is The Maze Runner about? Give a summary. 9. What are the different roles in the society of The Maze Runner? 10. What has been the response of readers to The Maze Runner? 11. How many books are in the series?

Ender’s Game

12. Dashner has said that one of the inspirations for The Maze Runner is the book Ender’s Game. Watch the trailer for the movie and list at least one connection you find between the two books.

Lord of the Flies

13. Dashner has said that one of the inspirations for The Maze Runner is the book Lord of the Flies. Watch the trailer for the movie and list at least one connection you find between the two books.

Author Website

14. List the titles of all of the books in The Maze Runner series and put them in the correct order. 15. Go to the section about the author and find out what Dashner does when he needs inspiration for his writing.

Worse Plagues in History

The Maze Runner trilogy takes place in a futuristic world, one that is struggling for survival and using desperate means to find a cure for a disease that is destroying its people. This kind of desperation has occurred at various times throughout the history of the world.

16. List the 10 worst plagues in history. Next to each plague, write down the year(s) in which it occurred, a description of the disease, and an explanation of how each illness affected the social life of the times in which it occurred.

Post-Apocalyptic Fiction

17. Define Post-Apocalyptic Fiction.

Dystopian vs. Post-Apocalyptic Literature

18. Many people (including the author of the article) enjoy reading post-apocalyptic and dystopian literature. In the author’s words, why is this type of literature appealing? 19. Explain the difference between Dystopian literature and Post-Apocalyptic literature.

Post-Apocalyptic Literature

20. Choose 3 Post-Apocalyptic books that are listed, read the book summaries, and then explain how each book fits into this genre.

IQ Test

21. All of the boys in the glade are exceptionally bright. Take an IQ Test to see how smart you are, and then record your score.


22. Complete the maze. Record how many moves you made and how much time passed.