Arianas %Riet~~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ Evvs Micronesians to Be Labeled Aliens by Zaldy Dandan Something
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Lii'! :\/[~: -_~;· - arianas %riet~~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ evvs Micronesians to be labeled aliens By Zaldy Dandan something ... the executive branch why they're not given housing," Variety News Staff (can do). without having to go to Tenorio said. i-:EDERATED States of the Legislature:· Tenorio said. Micronesians will still be al Micronesia (FS M) residents com Micronesian children, he added, lowed unlimited entry, but com ing into the CNMI \\'ill soon be have a 'big impact'" on CNMl's panies hiring them will have to classified as aliens. Gov. Froilan public school system. give them the same housing and C. T enmio announced yesterday. "We continue lo build classes other benefits provided to alien Citing the failure of the federal every yea!· when the population workers, he said. gon:rnment to reimburse the of the locals (and other U.S. citi Because the CNMI has no for Commonwealth for the costs of zens) is not really increasing as mal contacts with the FSM, allowing unrestricted entry to much.'" T cnorio said. Tenorio said he will inform the Micronesians. Tenorio said he has Under the governor's new Micronesian states about the to take "correctin: measures." policy. Micronesians seeking policy through the U.S. State De He said once implemented. his employment in the CNM l will be partment. new policy will impose a fee on treated as non-resident workers. "I can (already) hear the rum all tv1icronesians attending pub "This might even be for the bling from the State Department lic schools. benefit of the Micronesians. (At once they hear what I'm going to "I don't know how much at this present). they" re hired as locals tell them," he said. point, but we'll come out with and paid the locals' equivalent Under U.S. Public Law 99-239, something. I hope this is salary. There is no reason at all Continued on page 27 Toin Pangelinan quits; Farrell new BOE chair By Mar-Vic C. Munar Variety News Staff TOM Pangelinan resigned yes terday as chairman of the Board - of Education and former board ,, chairman Don Farrell was unani mously voted to replace him. The election was held during a closed-door executive meeting of the board. Dan Phillips, public infonna tion officer for the Public School System. said it was Pangelinan . who sought the election. citing as -"". - ~~. a reason his "growing commit Don Farrell ment lo my work at the ( Paci fie Regional Educational Lahora Pangcl inan hut he jumped the gun tor1). l lll them. PangL·I i rian is pnigram spL·cial "lk (l'all,!2clinan) handbl it isl for l'RLL. gr:1ccfully because he did nol 11 :111l The hoard ha, yet lt l \'olc for a lo be I utcd out." an insider ,aid. vice chairman. Phillips said. "He has been travelling a lut and Sources said before the meet Gov. Froilan C. Tenorio, flanked by Labor and Immigration Sec. Thomas 0. Sablan (left) and Labor Director has been too busy with his job at Frank M. Camacho, tours the San Vicente factory of Eurotex Garments. The governor made the surprise ing was called, board members PREL. He han.lly had time for the inspection to see for himself whether sw.eatshop conditions exist in the plant. Photo by Ratty Arroyo had actually planned to "oust" Co-n-ffnued-011· page.38 :Weather Congress can restrict US citizenship in NMI-- Aloot By Rafael H. Arroyo "I don't know if it's a long shot. strict US citizenship owing to :.outlook Variety News Staff But citizenship by birth in the concerns over a large number of THERE IS a good chance that fifty states is constitutional. How children born here of non-resi · Gov. Froilan C. Tenorio's pro ever, out in the territories, it is dent workers . posal to restrict US citizenship statutory," said Aloot. U ndcr the Covenant, children by birth in the CNMI could get a "In my opinion, having been born in the CNMI automatically . favorable response from the US, born in the territc-ries doesn't make gain US citizenship regardless acting Attorney General one a US citizen by Constitution, of the nationality of their par Sebastian Aloot said. although it does by statute. So as ents. In an interview, Aloot said the far as the CNMI is concerned, US The governor's proposal, question of whether US citizen Congress can change the law con which has been elevated as a .Cloudy wit~ widely ship could be applied selectively cerning citizenship in the Com topic in the Section 902 consul ;;:: scattered sh<>wers and is a timely one to delve on, con monwealth," said the acting AG. tations, would only allow chil k: isolate thunderstiowers sidering the focus currently given Gov. Tenorio rnrly in his term dren with at least one US citizen ~·: \ ·-> .. ·.: .. : .: ~/. '· .. ·.-·. ·,. ·. it by the federal government. Sebastian Afoot came up with the proposal to re- Continued on page 38 arianas %riet~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ ews Micronesians to I ,1 ·I be labeled aliens ,' By Zaldy Dandan something ... the executive branch why they're not given housing," Variety News Staff (can do), without having to go to Tenorio said. FEDER A TED States of the Legislature," Tenorio said. Micronesians will still be al Micronesia (FSM) residents com Micronesian children, he added, lowed unlimited entry, but com ing into the CNMI will soon be have a 'big impact" on CNMI' s panies hiring them will have to classified as aliens, Gov. Froilan public school system. give them the same housing and C. Tenorio announced yesterday. "We continue to build classes other benefits provided to alien Citing the failure of the federal every year when the population workers, he said. government to reimburse the of the locals (and other U.S. citi Because the CNMI has no for Commonwealth for the costs of zens) is not really increasing as mal contacts with the FSM, allowing unrestricted entry to much," Tenorio said. Tenorio said he will inform the Micronesians, Tenorio said he has Under the governor's new Micronesian states about the to take "corrective measures." policy, Micronesians seeking policy through the U.S. State De He said once implemented, his employment in the CNMI will be partment. new policy will impose a fee on treated as non-resident workers. "I can (already) hear the rum all Micronesians attending pub "This might even be for the bling from the State Department lic schools. benefit of the Micronesians. (At once they hear what I'm going to "I don't know how much at this present), they're hired as locals tell them," he said. point, but we'll come out with and paid the locals' equivalent Under U.S. Public Law 99-239, something. I hope this is salary. There is no reason at all Continued on page 27 Toin Pangelinan quits; Farrell new BOE chair By Mar-Vic C. Munar Variety News Staff TOM Pangelinan resigned yes terday as chairman of the Board · of Education and former board chairman Don Farrell was unani mously voted to replace him. The election was held during a closed-door executive meeting of the board. Dan Phillips, public informa tion officer for the Public School System, said it was Pangelinan who sought the election, citing as a reason his "growing commit Don Farrell ment to my work at the (Pacific Regional Educational Labora Pangelinan but he jumped the gun tory)." on them. Pangelinan is program special .. He (Pangelinan) handled it ist for PREL. gracefully because he did notwant The board has yet to vote for a to be voted out," an insider said. vice chairman, Phillips said. "He has been travelling a lot and Sources said before the meet Gov. Froilan C. Tenorio, flanked by Labor anq Immigration Sec. Thomas 0. Sablan {left) and Labor Director has been too busy with his job at Frank M. Camacho, tours the San Vicente factory of Eurotex Garments. The governor made the surprise ing was called, board members PREL. He hardly had time for the inspection to see for himself whether sw.eatshop conditions exist in the plant. Photo by Ratty Arroyo had actually planned to "oust" Continued on page 38 fCongress can r~strict US citizenship in NMI-- Aloot By Rafael H. Arroyo "I don't know if it's along shot. strict US citizenship owing to Variety News Staff But citizenship by birth in the concerns over a large number of THERE IS a good chance that fifty states is constitutional. How children born here of non-resi Gov. Froilan C. Tenorio's pro ever, out in the territories, it is dent workers. posal to restrict US citizenship statutory," said' Aloot. Under the Covenant; children by birth in the CNMI could get a "In my opinion, having been born in the CNMI automatically favorable response from the US, born in the territories doesn't make gain US citizenship regardless acting Attorney General · one a US citizen by Constitution, of the nationality of their par Sebastian Aloot said. although it does by statute. So as ents. In an interview, Aloot said the far as the CNMI is concerned, US The governor's proposal, question of whether US citizen .,~9ng~~j tan change the law con which has been elevated as a ship could be applied selectively ~"c*-ming 'citizenship in the Com topic in the Section 902 consul is a timely one to delve on, con moil\yealth," said the acting AG. tations, would only allow chil sidering the focus currently given Gov. Tenorio early in his term dren with at least one US citizen .