1375 Covered Bridge Rd., Cedarburg WI ⬧ Office 262-377-1070 ⬧ Fax 262-377-6898 ⬧

Pastor: Fr. Patrick Burns

Sunday Masses Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at 8 a.m. 10 a.m. ad orientem and 6 p.m.

Weekday Masses Monday 8 a.m. - South Church Tuesday through Friday 7 a.m. - South Church Thursday Mass is ad orientem

Parish office hours Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. to noon

Confessions Sunday 9:15-9:45 a.m. North Church Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 11-11:30 a.m. North Church Thursday 5:30-6:30 p.m. North Church

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration South Church (N44W6055 Hamilton Rd.) Public hours for adoration 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. every day The Eucharistic is reposed during daily Mass.

Pastoral Council Ed Scherr, Chairperson Bob Shimp, Vice Chairperson Sue Ellen Baye, Secretary John Dorr Angela Foy Chris Frommell Christina Garni Jennie Mulcahy Tim Schilter Fr. Patrick Burns Low-gluten Communion hosts are available for those who are gluten intolerant. Joe Carlson and Joe Schirger, Trustees Please see an usher should you need more information.

The Week Ahead Learn Your Faith NC = North Church (1375 Covered Bridge Rd.) SC = South Church (N44 W6055 Hamilton Rd.) CH = Church Hall (church lower level) The Vatican Apostolic Library was begun by Pope Nicholas PCCR = Parish Center Conference Room V, who envisioned a library in where pilgrims could E&AC = Education & Activity Center (1425 Covered Bridge Rd.) come to study. He passed away before he finished this Saturday, August 7 project and his successor, Pope Sixtus IV, completed his • Mass at 4:30 p.m., NC vision by establishing the library in 1475. The library is a Sunday, August 8 research library and is open to anyone who can establish • Mass at 8 a.m., NC qualifications and research needs. • Confessions, 9:15-9:45 a.m., NC • Mass ad orientem at 10 a.m., NC The library contains books and parchments going back to • Hospitality after 10 a.m. Mass, plaza the 1st Century. It also contains a collection of more than • Mass at 6 p.m., NC 300,000 Greek and Roman coins and medals. The Library is Monday, August 9 home to the oldest known nearly complete manuscript of • Mass at 8 a.m., SC the Bible - Codex Vaticanus Graecus 1209 - which dates • Rosary prayers, 6 p.m., SC back to the 4th Century. There are over 200,000 Tuesday, August 10 manuscripts and well over 600,000 texts. The library grows • Mass at 7 a.m., SC by an average of 6,000 books a year. • Confessions, 11-11:30 a.m., NC

• Rosary Group, 6-7 p.m., shrine or NC - weather determines Also part of the Vatican Library is the Vatican Secret Wednesday, August 11 Archives. Historically, the word “secret” means private. • Mass at 7 a.m., SC This special library is specifically owned by the Pope and is • Confessions, 11-11:30 a.m., NC passed on to his successor when he dies. The library Thursday, August 12 contains historical documents of the Popes. The books and • Mass ad orientem at 7 a.m., SC documents in this library were not made available to the • Confessions, 11-11:30 a.m., NC public until 1881. • Confessions, 5:30-6:30 p.m., NC Friday, August 13 Some interesting items in the Archives include the papal • Mass at 7 a.m., SC bull excommunicating Martin Luther; letters from President • Confessions, 11-11:30 a.m., NC Lincoln and Jefferson Davis to Pope Pius IX; correspondence Saturday, August 14 from the Galileo trial and letters from Michelangelo to Pope • Mass at 4:30 p.m., NC Julius II; the 1530 petition from 81 English clergymen and Sunday, August 15 lords asking Pope Clement VII to annul King Henry VIII’s • Mass at 8 a.m., NC marriage to Catherine of Aragon; and transcripts from the • Confessions, 9:15-9:45 a.m., NC trial of the Knights Templar. • Mass ad orientem at 10 a.m., NC • Hospitality after 10 a.m. Mass, plaza Today many items in the Library have been digitized and • Mass at 6 p.m., NC catalogued online. If you would like to learn more about the Vatican Apostolic Library, you can go to https:// Needed! Wanted! You can also find numerous documentaries and articles on the library. More substitute Adorers! Can you help with Adoration every so often? One time per month? Maybe twice? Any amount? One time per year? We need you! Please let us know your scheduling preferences and we will only contact you for those days/times. Perhaps your schedule would allow you to be asked for a specific afternoon, any evening between 6-8, etc. And, if you’re asked but can’t make it, no problem! Email [email protected] with the hours and days of the week that you're willing to sub. Thank you for your service! You may also call the parish office and a message will be shared with the ministry and someone will get back to you. “Our communal worship at Mass must go together with Photo from our personal worship of Jesus in Eucharistic adoration in order that our love may be complete.” 2 ~ Pope John Paul II

Mass intentions Daily Mass is celebrated at the South Church. Mass time is 8 a.m. Monday and 7 a.m. Tuesday through Friday. All weekend Masses are celebrated at the North Church.

August 8 - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30 p.m. †Edward Mrotek (Diana Mrotek) (FJD) 8 a.m. †Jordan Retzke (Neuberger) (FPB) 10 a.m. †Ralph and Gregg Schleicher (Mike & Chris Neuburg) (FPB) 6 p.m. For Members of St. Francis Borgia (FAV)

Monday, August 9 - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross 8 a.m. †Bob Monroe (Monroe Family) Want to sign up for a regular Adoration time? Can you spare one hour per month (or more?) Tuesday, August 10 - St. Lawrence to help cover these hours? 7 a.m. Morning Mass (FPB) Monday 11 p.m. Thursday 2 a.m. Wednesday, August 11 - St. Clare Friday 6 p.m. Family Hour - families needed 7 a.m. †Robert & Debbie Scheftgen Saturday 3 a.m., 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. (Scheftgen Family) (FPB) Sunday 12 a.m., 1 a.m., 3 a.m. and 4 a.m.

Thursday, August 12 - St. Jane de Chantal If so, please email your offer of assistance to 7 a.m. †Andrew Scott (Ann Scott) (FPB) [email protected]. You may also call the parish office and a message will be Friday, August 13 - Sts. Pontian and Hippolytus shared with the ministry and someone will get back to you. 7 a.m. †Joe Willbrandt (Family) (FPB)

August 15 - Solemnity of the Assumption SAM: Substance Addiction Ministry of the Blessed Virgin Mary SAM Prayer Support Group 4:30 p.m. †Joan Schirger (Schirger Family) (FPB) Thursday, Aug. 12 from 7-7:40 p.m. via Zoom conference 8 a.m. †Tor Stanton (Stanton Family) (FPB) The SAM Core Team welcomes anyone who is afflicted or 10 a.m. †Charles Pupp (Family) (FPB) affected by addiction to come and pray. We will start the 6 p.m. For Members of St. Francis Borgia (FRT) evening prayer with a scripture meditation, followed by peti- tions and special prayer requests from those attending. We Presiding at Mass: will conclude our evening prayer with the St. Michael Chap- Fr. Patrick Burns = FPB let, a powerful prayer for strength and protection. Please con- Fr. Jeff Dorr = FJD sider joining us for this special opportunity to lift up those Fr. Al Veik = FAV touched by addictions. All are welcome to attend. Please con- Fr. Ryan Truss = FRT tact Pat Franklin at [email protected] to obtain the Zoom link. Please note: We respect the sensitivity of this topic and your personal Readings for Sunday, August 15 prayers; whatever is said will remain highly confidential.

1st Reading Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab

2nd Reading 1 Corinthians 15:20-27 Please greet these new parishioners who Gospel joined St. Francis Borgia during July: Luke 1:39-56

Aaron and Elizabeth Walczak and Family

Klark and Erin Pennings and Family

Jonathan and Lynn Keepman and Family

Art and Angela Donaldson

James and Julianne Russell 3 Respect Life meeting Everyone is invited to a summer meeting of the Respect Life Committee on Wednesday, Aug. 11 at 6 p.m. Please gather in the outdoor Garden Room behind the Cedarburg Roastery (W62 N603 Washington Ave.). The ministry has many exciting upcoming life projects to share and they can always use more workers in the vineyard! Please contact Tobey Neuberger at 262-376-8847 with any questions.

Please call the parish office with your requests for parish- ioners who are ill or in need of prayers to be published in the Visiting priest - Fr. Ryan Truss bulletin - both the printed and online versions. Privacy issues Next Sunday, Aug. 15, we require that all requests be initiated by a member of the imme- welcome newly-ordained Fr. diate family. Ryan Truss to celebrate the 6 p.m. Names will be published in a total of 12 bulletins (about Mass with us. Fr. Ryan was a student three months). If at the end of that time, the person wishes to at St. Francis Borgia School early in remain on the list, he/she will need to call the parish office and his education. share that request. This biography of Fr. Ryan, The bulletin prayer list only includes the names of parish- written by Jennifer Brinker, is from ioners. Names of non-parishioners, friends and neighbors can the St. Louis Review. Please visit be added to our prayer chain. To be added to the list, please to see the contact the parish office at [email protected] or 262- complete article and to watch a 377-1070. short video about Fr. Ryan.

Ordination to the priesthood: Ryan Truss Education: St. Francis Borgia, Cedarburg, WI (K-2nd); St. Joseph, Josephville, MO (6th); Mother of Divine Grace Homeschool (3rd- 5th and 7th-12th); Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, CA; Kenrick School of Theology, St. Louis, MO. The call: Fr. Truss felt the call to the priesthood when he was young. The desire ebbed and flowed as he grew up. Even in grade and high school, he thought of the priesthood as he served Mass. He enjoyed attending Kenrick-Glennon Days, a camp held at the seminary every summer. After high school, he attended Thomas Aquinas College, where he grew in his love for God through daily discussion of the great books and through the sac- raments. At college, he also was surrounded by friends, teachers and chaplains whose faith inspired him to continue discerning a priestly vocation, and entered the seminary soon after college graduation. The desire for priesthood grew in his heart as he saw more clearly that this is what God is calling him to do. “I desire to be able to be with people throughout their lives and to bring them God,” he said. In his priesthood, Fr. Truss is looking forward to being a spiritual father to others. “I know priests in my own life who have made a big impact on me, whether it’s through walking and talking about the faith or the sacrament of confession,” he said. “That fatherly love that a priest is able to show, is something that I’ve always looked up to and desired to be able give to others.” We are living in a time in which there seems to be so much despair in the world, Fr. Truss said, and people don’t know where to look for true happiness. “I think the Church, and espe- cially, through the priesthood, is able to give hope, that God became man to redeem us from our sinfulness, from our bro- kenness and He wants to share His eternal life with us,” he said. 4 The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - August 15

Next Sunday, Aug. 15, we will celebrate the Assumption. In the eighth century, St. John Damascene was known for Since the solemnity falls on a Sunday this year, it supersedes the giving sermons at the holy places in . At the Tomb of Sunday liturgy. The Assumption is the oldest feast day of Our Mary, he expressed the belief of the Church on the meaning of Lady, but we don't know how it first came to be celebrated. the feast: "Although the body was duly buried, it did not remain Its origin is lost in those days when Jerusalem was restored in the state of death, neither was it dissolved by decay. . . . You as a sacred city, at the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine were transferred to your heavenly home, O Lady, Queen and (c. 285-337). By then it had been a pagan city for two centuries, Mother of God in truth." ever since Emperor Hadrian (76-138) had leveled it around the All the feast days of Mary mark the great mysteries of her year 135 and rebuilt it as Aelia Capitolina in honor of Jupiter. life and her part in the work of redemption. The central mystery For 200 years, every memory of her life and person is her of Jesus was obliterated from the divine motherhood, celebrated city, and the sites made holy by both at Christmas and a week His life, death and Resurrection later (Jan. 1) on the feast of the became pagan temples. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of After the building of the God. The Immaculate Concep- Church of the Holy Sepulchre in tion (Dec. 8) marks the prepara- 336, the sacred sites began to be tion for that motherhood, so restored and memories of the life that she had the fullness of of Our Lord began to be cele- grace from the first moment of brated by the people of Jeru- her existence, completely un salem. One of the memories touched by sin. Her whole being about his mother centered throbbed with divine life from around the "Tomb of Mary," the very beginning, readying her close to Mount , where the for the exalted role of mother of early Christian community had the Savior. lived. The Assumption completes On the hill itself was the God's work in her since it was "Place of Dormition," the spot not fitting that the flesh that of Mary's "falling asleep," where had given life to God himself she had died. The "Tomb of should ever undergo corrupt- Mary" was where she was buried. tion. The Assumption is God's At this time, the "Memory of crowning of His work as Mary Mary" was being celebrated. Later it was to become our feast of ends her earthly life and enters eternity. The feast turns our the Assumption. eyes in that direction, where we will follow when our earthly life For a time, the "Memory of Mary" was marked only in Pales- is over. tine, but then it was extended by the emperor to all the churches The feast days of the Church are not just the commemora- of the East. In the seventh century, it began to be celebrated in tion of historical events; they do not look only to the past. They Rome under the title of the "Falling Asleep" ("Dormitio") of the look to the present and to the future and give us an insight into Mother of God. our own relationship with God. The Assumption looks to eternity Soon the name was changed to the "," and gives us hope that we, too, will follow Our Lady when our life since there was more to the feast than her dying. It also pro- is ended. claimed that she had been taken up, body and soul, into heaven. In 1950, in the Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus That belief was ancient, dating back to the apostles them- Deus, Pope Pius XII proclaimed the Assumption of Mary a dogma selves. What was clear from the beginning was that there were of the Catholic Church in these words: "The Immaculate Mother no relics of Mary to be venerated, and that an empty tomb stood of God, the ever-virgin Mary, having completed the course of her on the edge of Jerusalem near the site of her death. That loca- earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heaven." tion also soon became a place of pilgrimage. (Today, the Bene- With that, an ancient belief became Catholic doctrine and dictine of the Dormition of Mary stands on the spot.) the Assumption was declared a truth revealed by God. At the Council of Chalcedon in 451, when bishops from throughout the Mediterranean world gathered in Constantino- -- Excerpted from Fr. Clifford Stevens in Catholic Heritage ple, Emperor Marcian asked the Patriarch of Jerusalem to bring as found on the relics of Mary to Constantinople to be enshrined in the capi- tol. The patriarch explained to the emperor that there were no relics of Mary in Jerusalem, that "Mary had died in the presence of the apostles; but her tomb, when opened later . . . was found empty and so the apostles concluded that the body was taken up into heaven." 5

Parish office phone 262-377-1070

Pastor Rev. Patrick Burns [email protected]

Parish Staff

Director of Administrative Services Leif Nygaard [email protected]

Parish Accountant Jennifer Justman [email protected]

Director of Liturgical Music Susan DeMarco [email protected]

Assistant to the Pastor and Weddings Yvonne Wolfe [email protected]

Bulletin and Stewardship Julie Larrivee [email protected]

HR, Benefits and Safe Environment Kristin Jacoby [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Sue Blank [email protected]

Director of Apostolates Dave Braun [email protected]

Director of Youth Formation Laura Lindemann [email protected]

Director of Youth Outreach KC Kranich [email protected]

Director of Child and Family Formation Catie Weasler [email protected]

Christian Formation Administrative Asst. Gerilynn Mikkelson In gratitude for the innumerable gifts that God has given us. [email protected] Contributions - July 19-25, 2021 SFB School Principal Amy Royes [email protected] Envelopes $ 15,899.50 St. Paul - Mukono $ 60.00

Cemetery Coordinator EFT $ 6,288.50 Human Concerns $ 20.00 Brian Willbrandt Offertory $ 1,314.42 Vigil Lights $ 139.00 [email protected] Total $ 23,502.42

Finance Council Due to the day of the week the collection is counted and the bulletin deadline,

Fr. Patrick Burns the financials are delayed two weeks in reporting. John Tesensky, chairperson John Dorr Angela Foy 1,018 people attended Mass the weekend of July 31-Aug. 1.

Andy Lampereur Chris Schumacher Thank you for your gifts of financial stewardship to SFB this week. Trustees: Joe Carlson and Joe Schirger 6

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5 CORNERS We Resurrection Cemetery Cater! Your neighborhood Catholic Cemetery. OPEN EARLY FOR BREAKFAST Call for your free planning guide and consultation. 50¢ off 6”/$1.00 off Footlong Sub 9400 W. Donges Bay Road • Mequon, WI 53092 ONE COUPON PER VISIT Call Mary Beth Keller, Cemetery Manager, here to serve you and your family at 414-807-5701 Steve Richardson, Parishioner Compliments of OPENING APRIL 2019 ANTHONY BURANT OPENING OPENING OPENING OPENING OPENINGOPENING D.D.S. APRIL APRIL APRILAPRIL OPENING APRIL APRIL APRIL 2019 2019 2019 2019 20192019 2019 5009 Columbia Road Hamilton House is located in charmingOPENING Cedarburg, Wisconsin with all the amenities to take the stress 377-5900 out of daily living. We offer all the luxuries you’ve always wanted but never wanted to maintain! APRIL Hamilton House is located in charming Cedarburg, Wisconsin with all the amenities to take the stress out of daily living. We offer all the luxuries you’ve always wanted but never wanted to maintain! 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