A report from


By David G. Robinson and Miranda Bogen

The primary research and drafting of this report took place over the spring and summer of 2017.

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Cover photo: Alex Berger / Flickr

About NetGain In February 2015, a group of leading public interest funders made a public com- mitment to jointly address the challenges and opportunities of the digital age. This new NetGain partnership was supported by five founding partners: the Ford Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Open Society Foundations, and Mozilla Foundation. This year, for the first time, a sixth funder—the Omidyar Network—has joined with the original five in an expanded coalition. NetGain deepens the commitment to digital rights from the five founding partners, each of which has long worked on and technological issues, spending approximately $65 million collectively each year. By collaborating, the funders aim to make their investments more efficient and better coordinated, allowing the group to address the Internet’s most pressing challenges—those that are too large for any one organization to tackle alone. Each year, NetGain members select and work together on a broad, shared theme. In 2015, the theme was the “pipeline” of tech-related talent into public interest roles, in government and the social sector. In 2016, the coalition focused on the Internet of Things. This year, the coalition’s work focuses on automated decision-making and the quantified society, the subject of the framing paper you are reading now.


NetGain is guided by six core principles. Member philanthropies commit to:

• Work to make the Internet an open, secure, and equitable space for free expression, economic opportunity, knowledge exchange, and civic engagement that everyone can access and afford. • Support the opportunities created by the networked public sphere: new modes of civic and social participation, lowered barriers to engagement, and innovative ways to orga- nize for positive change and social justice; and guard against potential harm: censor- ship, self-segregation, the spread of misinformation, and polarization. • Transform learning and ensure that young people have the skills they need to succeed in a connected, complex world: digital literacy, critical thinking, problem solving, curi- osity, empathy, understanding, persistence, and more. • Cultivate leaders in business, government, and civil society to understand and fulfill the promise of the Internet, and support cross-sector alliances to ensure technology and data are used to advance the public good. • Contribute to the design of Internet and information technology policies, practices, and products that enhance data security and protection of individual privacy. • Ensure that philanthropy leads in digital security and data ethics in its own practices.

About Upturn Upturn is a team of technology and policy experts based in Washington DC, work- ing to ensure that technology serves the dignity and well-being of all people.

Acknowledgements This report would not have been possible without the time and support of the many interviewees whose input and reflection guided the authors’ analy- sis. Participants in a working session at the Data & Society Research Institute, in New York, provided extremely helpful feedback on an earlier draft of this report. Additionally, program staff from several foundations, including the Ford Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Open Society Foundations, the Mozilla Foundation, and Omidyar Network provided input that helped to shape and guide this research.



Executive Summary 7 I. Introduction 11 II. Understanding Today’s Automation 14 Remarkable Benefits and Rapid Change 14 A Newly Powerful Technology: Machine Learning 15 III. Conceptual Tools for the New Landscape 18 Automation Can Trigger Cascading, Unanticipated Change 18 People Often Trust Computers Too Much 19 Governance Regimes May Need to Be Updated 20 Human Rights Frameworks Could Be a Useful Lens 21 The Private Sector Plays a Central Role 22 IV. Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 24 1. Corporate Power, Information, and the Attention Economy 26 Campaigns, Voting, and Advocacy 29 Platforms, Propaganda, and News 29 Trends to Watch For 30 Approaches to Explore 32 2. Patterns, Discrimination, and Justice 33 Disparate Impact in the Courtroom 34 Profiling the Unemployed in Poland 35 Trends to Watch For 36 Approaches to Explore 37 3. Jobs, Work, and Meaning in an Era of Automation 39 Autonomous Trucking 41 The Algorithmic Boss 42 AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY  v

Trends to Watch For 43 Approaches to Explore 44 4. Automated Decisions in the Public Sector 46 Automating Welfare and Benefits Services 48 Software Errors in Courtrooms 49 Trends to Watch For 50 Approaches to Explore 51 5. Freedom, Transparency, and State Power 53 Biometric Identity Tracking in 56 Social Scoring in China 56 Predictive Detention in Israel 56 Trends to Watch For 57 Approaches to Explore 58 V. Conclusion 61 VI. References 63



THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, POWERFUL INSTITUTIONS are increasingly using computers to automate decisions that matter to people’s lives. Artificial intelli- gence and other advances in software development, pervasive data collection, and van- ishingly cheap computing power are working together to drive considerable change, creating what some have called the “quantified society.” NetGain funders and the social sector at large are deeply committed to protect- ing civil and human rights, defending the vulnerable, and building a more humane and equitable world. Meanwhile, technological change is sweeping the landscape, creating both new opportunities and new needs. The current moment demands careful thought and sustained attention, informed by both deeply held values and technical insight. This framing paper is designed to spark and structure an urgently needed conver- sation about what automation in a quantified society means for core human values, across the full spectrum of issues that motivate NetGain funders and their allies—and how we can work to amplify its benefits while mitigating its harms. This report is concerned with decisions made by soft- Artificial intelligence ware, that shape the lives of vulnerable people and groups. It is just one technique reflects extensive research, interviews with civil society stake- holders across the world, and our own sustained work over for automating years of consulting projects, coalition advocacy, and scholar- decisions. Other, older ship and teaching on these issues. software tools are also We begin by briefly describing what’s new in computing that is driving so much social, economic, and political change. being deployed in Reading those few pages, you will learn what “machine learn- new ways that touch ing” is all about. This technique, the dominant form of arti- vulnerable groups. ficial intelligence in use today, harnesses computing power to find patterns in historical data—patterns that can then be used as the basis for predictions and decisions. At the same time, AI is just one technique for automating decisions, and other, older software tools are also being deployed in new ways that touch vulnerable groups. In the second section, we share a few key insights about how social and political systems tend to change at times like this, when computers take on new responsibilities. The benefits of these new technologies are substantial and widespread. At the same time, research on human-computer interaction bears out what many people feel intu- itively: Giving computers more power inside a complex, important institution doesn’t just make things faster or cheaper—the institution itself, and the people inside it, often redefine their goals and change the way they act. When people place too much trust in computers, they risk deferring to automated judgments that may be wrong or ill-in- AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Executive Summary 8

formed. This trust, coupled with problematic training data, algorithms based on incor- rect assumptions, and embedded social bias, can often leave minority populations as what engineers call “edge cases”—people and situations the computer does not handle well. Finally, the heart of our report offers five core themes at the intersection of social change, automation, and the quantified society. With each theme, we explain what is happening and why, anchoring a high-level discussion with real-world examples. We then describe trends to watch for, which are important pathways of benefit and risk that we see inside each area, and potential approaches to addressing these develop- ments. We do not propose or assess specific investments, but instead suggest directions that may warrant further exploration. Each theme is here because it brings a cluster of related developments into focus.

Core Themes: Automation and the Quantified Society 1. Corporate Power, Information, and the Attention Economy: A handful of major compa- nies, most based in the U.S., operate globally dominant Internet platforms. These firms are constantly linked to their users via smartphones and other technology. They have direct, intimate, and immediate knowledge of each of their users, and have a histori- cally unprecedented role in informing, influencing, and motivating the behavior of bil- lions of people. Voting, civic mobilization, and intellectual exchange, around the world, are among the many facets of life these firms increasingly enable, mediate, and shape through increasingly automated processes. Beyond the direct impact of platforms them- selves, philanthropy by the major platforms and their founders plays a growing role in the social sector, where it could shape public debates by highlighting the best impacts of AI and big data while downplaying structural risks. Understanding and responding to the impact of major online platforms is a crucial challenge for the social sector in the years ahead. 2. Patterns, Discrimination, and Justice: When automated decisions are based on histori- cal data, they risk entrenching unjust social patterns and projecting such patterns into the future. Much of the data that exists today about crime, health, commerce and other vital domains was gathered to suit the needs of well-resourced organizations, some- times to the detriment of the marginalized. From a computer’s perspective, minorities are often “edge cases,” exceptions that a system may not be well designed to handle. Systems that reinforce existing patterns often work against the goals of human rights and civil rights advocacy, insofar as advocates seek to change longstanding social pat- terns. Emergent efforts aim to develop more inclusive data, systematically monitor bias and risk, and rectify discriminatory patterns. 3. Jobs, Work, and Meaning in an Era of Automated Decisions: Automated hiring, work- place monitoring, employee assessment, and supply chain and logistics systems are shifting the landscape of non-discrimination law, workplace protection, and labor orga- nizing. Other forms of automation threaten to knock out or redefine entire categories of work. Whether technology displaces workers or simply changes the nature of their AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Executive Summary 9

work, this shift risks deepening the economic inequality and social instability that is already emerging across the world. The specifics of changing labor markets will be dif- ferent in developed and developing economies, in countries with and without strong social safety nets, and in geographies with relatively robust or relatively weak worker protections—but across the board, civil society will need to be attentive to shifting cur- rents to determine appropriate interventions. 4. Automated Decisions in the Public Sector: Governments around the world increasingly use automation to make important decisions about people’s lives, often without broad public consultation or careful assessment of new systems’ impact. When attempting to adapt these technologies for public ends, governments have struggled to access needed expertise and to navigate normative and legal concerns related to equal treatment, pri- vacy, and other ethical challenges. To leverage new technologies in ways that priori- tize the public good, technical expertise, and knowledge is vital. But in their efforts to catch up with private sector innovation, governments often rely on exogenous sources of expertise—such as partnerships with leading technology platforms—that may inter- pose different values into the exercise of public authority. It remains uncertain to what extent the progress of digital technology will be reflected in public services—and where the technology does arrive, how it may reshape how those services operate—for exam- ple, by changing the way that judges perceive and interact with defendants in the courtroom. 5. Freedom, Transparency, and State Power: Automated profiling and predictive analytics make mass surveillance both less expensive and more powerful. That puts more people at risk of being swept up in government scrutiny, targeted by preemptive enforcement, subjected to state prejudice, or manipulated by disinformation. State and state-sup- ported exploitation of automated tools to manipulate public opinion is developing rap- idly, while efforts to map and constrain such activities lag behind. Prompt and coor- dinated philanthropic activity may be able to shift this dynamic, including by building or strengthening walls between government and corporate surveillance. Approaches in this area align with broader privacy and digital rights goals.

Automation and the quantified society are transforming areas of vital concern to NetGain and its allies. We hope this paper provides a clear frame and a useful starting point for the high-impact discussions that lie ahead. ■



THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, POWERFUL INSTITUTIONS are increasingly using computers to automate decisions that shape people’s lives. New techniques for developing software without human instruction, pervasive data collection, and vanish- ingly cheap data storage and processing power are contributing to this trend. Civil society is experimenting with different labels that highlight facets of these related developments: automated decisions, algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI), the quantified society, big data, and data at scale, among others. These terms point to fast-evolving structural challenges that face NetGain funders and their peers—not only in their tech-related grants, but also in their need to anticipate and shape the broader landscape within which all of their efforts unfold. “Machine learning” is one part of the story, where computers are programmed to detect patterns in the data they are given. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an umbrella term for machines taking over cognitive tasks once done by humans, and machine learning is the primary engine behind AI today. The rapid changes machine learning brings—cou- pled with longer-standing challenges posed by other decision-making software—are remaking the landscape that philanthropies work to improve. And the scale and variety of personal data stored and analyzed by major institutions is an inescapable part of the same narrative. What do these developments mean for philanthropy? How will they impact social equities and human rights for those on the margins of society? How will NetGain’s mem- ber philanthropies, and ultimately the broader community of funders, grantees, and other stakeholders working toward its common goals, need to adjust their thoughts and plans in response to these trends? This framing paper is designed to spark, organize, and motivate a shared exploration of those questions. The rapid changes Our thinking here reflects an extensive litera- ture review regarding automation, the quantified soci- machine learning brings— ety, and civil and human rights, including perspec- coupled with longer- tives drawn from current affairs and public policy, law, computer science, and anthropology. We conducted standing challenges semi-structured interviews with a global cohort of posed by other decision- civil society and academic stakeholders to gather their making software—are perspectives on these developments. Additionally, the questions explored in this paper are ones we’ve remaking the landscape grappled with extensively over the last several years, that philanthropies work through a blend of consulting and research projects, to improve. coalition advocacy efforts, and writing and teaching. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Introduction 12

Finally, the text you are reading has itself benefited from feedback by a diverse range of reviewers. At the same time, we are a small, U.S.-based team, mindful of our own inherent limits. We fully expect that other perspectives, beyond the ones described here—and other frames, beyond the ones proposed in this paper—will also play vitally important roles as philanthropy grapples with the transformative impact of automated decisions in a variety of social and geographic contexts. We hope this paper will stimu- late conversation and reflection within and beyond the NetGain community. ■

AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Understanding Today’s Automation 14


THIS REPORT IS CONCERNED WITH LIFE-ALTERING decisions, made by software, that impact vulnerable people and groups. Computers have long played at least some role in the decision-making processes of most large and powerful institu- tions, and in many contexts, that role is rapidly growing. As the extent of automation in human and civil rights contexts increases, the challenges and opportunities for promot- ing and protecting civil and human rights will often change apace. Software’s role in decisions impacting human and civil rights is widely varied, as the many examples throughout this report illustrate. It ranges from simply matching names in a database, to awarding public benefits, to granting visas, to Algorithms are basic weighing dozens or hundreds of factors to determine which job candidates are best suited for an interview or which city blocks building blocks in are most in need of a police patrol. Advanced computer logic mathematics and also enables the automation of activity in the physical world, computer science. in contexts like manufacturing, shipping, driving, and robotics. It is useful to think of automation as a matter of degree.1 Systems that rely An “algorithm,” in the public imagination, is something mysti- on algorithms don’t cal, mysterious, and inscrutable. In fact, however, algorithms always replace human are simply a sequence of steps used to accomplish some task. Algorithms are basic building blocks in mathematics and com- judgment. puter science. Systems that rely on algorithms don’t always replace human judgment, and they aren’t always hard to understand. On the other hand, some systems—after their ini- tial design and ignition—do operate entirely automatically without human intervention, and some are so complex that even experts struggle to understand how they operate.

Remarkable Benefits and Rapid Change Our report naturally focuses on unsolved problems, rather than on the many areas in which automation and the quantified society improve the daily lives of people on the margins of society, and of people generally—improvements that are substantial, often transformative, and that will continue without philanthropic intervention. A vital part of the background for this conversation is to appreciate the many ways in which the rap- idly advancing technology of digitally automated decisions brings benefits to everyone. These benefits include real-time automated translation among many languages; cloud-based services that automate rote office tasks and reduce the capital costs of launching a business; recommendation engines that enhance people’s experience of music, video, and other media; and innumerable “enterprise” innovations inside large AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Understanding Today’s Automation 15

businesses and supply chains, introducing efficiencies and driving down the costs of consumer goods and services.

A Newly Powerful Technology: Machine Learning One driver of growing automation is an approach called machine learning, in which the computer detects patterns or correlations in existing data (often called its “train- ing data”) to use as models in anticipating future outcomes. This is a different approach than following pre-defined instructions from a human engineer. Machine learning sys- tems are, as Britain’s Royal Society put it, “computers that learn by example.”2 Machine learning is advancing by leaps and bounds, making computers far bet- ter able than ever before to undertake a range of formerly human responsibilities, from identifying the faces in surveillance footage to making subtle, consequential predictions about how people will behave. Indeed, machine learning is the dominant approach to artificial intelligence, the delegation to machines of choices formerly requiring human capabilities and effort. The simplest machine learning models, such as those used in credit scoring, use a few well-understood input factors that are closely related to the outcome being pre- dicted. Their outputs can be simple, linear combinations of a small number of factors. On the other hand, “deep learning” systems find correlations among potentially vast numbers of input variables, and go on to predict outcomes or make choices whose causes cannot be readily intuited by a human observer. Because the systems learn these patterns independent of human guidance, it can be difficult to identify problematic logic, let alone to correct it. In response to this development, some argue that systems must be “explainable” and “accountable”—but technical, regulatory, and advocacy communities and other interested parties lack consensus on precisely what form those concepts ought to take, from both a technical and regulatory perspective.3 Academic researchers are actively working on techniques to better understand how these systems reach their conclusions, but as new machine learning methods are introduced across a wider range of contexts, the lag in our ability to understand and tweak the behavior of these complex digital decision systems is understandably concerning. Although machine learning is widespread, it is also important to note that many critical decisions made by software, that impact civil and human rights, do not pres- ently rely on advanced machine learning methods. These decisions depend heav- ily on traditionally programmed rules—where a software engineer explicitly spec- ifies the rules a computer will follow—and on the humans who receive and interpret the decisions. ■ AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Understanding Today’s Automation 16

Machine Learning in Practice: Job Applications

The first uses of software to screen finds these patterns is a learner. job applicants were relatively basic. For Using patterns in the training data, instance, recruiters would identify key- the learner builds a model that relates job words tied to the skills and competencies applicants’ traits to job performance. New necessary for a job, and a software pro- job applications can then be input into gram would flag applicants whose resumé the model, and the model can output pre- or cover letter included those words. dictions, usually as a numerical score: New machine learning systems for how likely is this applicant to succeed, if hiring use a different approach. Rather hired? The software can rank candidates than relying on human recruiters to iden- according to those predictions, and hiring tify which words in a resumé make a can- managers can interview those with the didate seem promising, a machine learn- highest scores. ing system can analyze the job Machine learning can help hiring applications that were submitted by past managers more quickly find qualified and current employees, and compare candidates, especially those who tradi- each employee’s job application to his or tional hiring software might overlook. her subsequent performance. (The Sometimes, the model contains surprises: employer might define performance by for instance, some employers have dis- productivity, scores in performance covered that college degrees are statisti- reviews, or something else that the cally less important to job performance employer measures and cares about.) The than they thought. But such systems can machine “learns” by identifying features also find correlations that may be inap- in job applications that statistically cor- propriate to use. For example, if opportu- relate with high job performance. Such nities have been denied to women in the features might include the type of educa- past, then features that are more typical tion a candidate has, or the number of of male job applicants might emerge as years’ experience he or she has in a simi- key statistical predictors of success. lar job. The data that gets analyzed for Human review of a learned model, patterns—in this case, the job applica- informed by both engineering knowledge tions and subsequent performance data— and domain expertise, remains vital in is called training data. The algorithm that practice.

AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Conceptual Tools for the New Landscape 18


THIS SECTION PROVIDES IMPORTANT BACKGROUND for consideration of the civil and human rights impacts of automation and the quantified society, describing the common threads of opportunity and challenge that arise across many areas of phil- anthropic and public concern in this context. The same technologies that turn the smartphone into a quasi-magical device, with its real-time traffic and transit updates, instant translation among dozens of languages, and ability to recognize and recommend nearly any recorded music or book, are also helping doctors and technicians diagnose disease, recruiters find and hire job candidates who lack conventional creden- Automated decisions tials, humanitarian aid workers track population movement following natural disasters, and small businesses predict and offer significantly meet market demands. Further gains, such as self-driving cars greater efficiency that empower seniors to remain mobile, are on the horizon. and consistency, For these and other reasons, many people around the world believe strongly that technological progress is mostly good. and reduced cost, The key driver of the major changes described in this relative to the human report is that automated decisions offer significantly greater methods that they efficiency and consistency, and reduced cost, relative to the human methods that they replace, in a startlingly wide and replace. growing range of contexts. Market forces are driving rapid adoption by business. Sometimes, though, speedy adoption of these new tools can happen without careful thought about potential drawbacks, and ways to address those drawbacks.4

Automation Can Trigger Cascading, Unanticipated Change When computers are used to automate a given task, it can be tempting to assume that the institutions and processes surrounding that task will remain the same—that automation will make things faster, but not otherwise different. This assumption— sometimes called the “substitution myth”—is often a mistake. Instead, it is reasonable to expect and helpful to predict that automation will change the nature of the institutions, relationships, and activities into which it is intro- duced—for better or worse. For example: • Automated CV screening can redefine the hiring process. In the domain of employ- ment, software that can assess CVs initially seemed likely to help human recruiters sort AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Conceptual Tools for the New Landscape 19

through the huge piles of job applications that many listings receive. But, increasingly, these same technologies now make it cheap for employers to proactively identify prom- ising candidates for a job—in effect, mass, automated headhunting. Such tools may, in some instances, obviate the problem they were initially intended to solve, as a strategy of individualized outreach replaces the massive pile of applications that the recruiting software first promised to help sort through. • Electronic medical records can lead doctors to “treat the chart.” The introduction of automation “into medicine . . . is influencing the way [physicians] learn, the way they make decisions, and even their bedside manner.”5 Many participants in the healthcare debate argued that huge savings could be achieved by digitizing patient medical records, which would automate the laborious paperwork and billing activities that consume so much attention in medical organizations. But automation of patient recordkeeping did not generally yield the promised savings. Instead, in many instances the auto-generated documentation gave hospitals a chance to bill for innumerable small charges that for- merly weren’t worth tracking. Meanwhile, patient charts came to be laden with verbose boilerplate, making them harder to read and less useful for clinicians.6 In short, automation and quantification change the things they touch.7 The argu- ment that James C. Scott makes in Seeing Like a State—that bureaucracies redefine the world around them in order to make it “legible”—applies with similar force to computer software. People come to be represented as data, and that data becomes a simulacrum for who they are. Especially for minority populations, whose situations often differ from the statistical or cultural “norm” of the population as a whole, this translation into num- bers often leaves them as “edge cases” that the model may not correctly predict.

People Often Trust Computers Too Much Automated systems deliver enormous benefits across a huge range of areas, among them the promise of correcting flawed or biased human decision-making. At the same time, relying heavily on automated systems may lead people to repeat certain predict- able mistakes. Such errors, often called “automation bias,” are explored in depth in the academic literature on human factors engineering.8 In short, people often trust software too much, and end up deferring to computers even when the machines are mistaken. Commercial aviation today, for example, is safer than ever, but the incidents that still do occur are often a result of pilots’ excessive trust and reliance on their aircraft’s autopilot and other automated systems.9 Human skills and judgment often atrophy as software is introduced. And the people who design and build software seldom have a full appreciation for the gamut of real-world challenges that can and will arise in the setting where the computer is being added. As Nicholas Carr has written, automation bias “creeps in when people give undue weight to the information coming through their monitors.”10 (Note this bias—in favor of machines— is different from social biases that can be reflected in automated decisions, which we dis- cuss in Section 4.) This problem is particularly acute where computers are used to make import- AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Conceptual Tools for the New Landscape 20

ant decisions. Because the systems are usually reliable—and the analog alternatives so much less so—they can inspire “learned carelessness” in the humans who operate them.11 For example, whenever machine learning is trained on patterns from current or historical data in order to make future predictions, the system can—and likely will— reproduce whatever biases the training data reflects. But the predictions, emerging from a computer, may still naturally seem trustworthy and lead people to accept their validity despite flawed assumptions. The best outcomes will likely come from solutions that recognize the vulnerabili- ties inherent in both human and automated behavior.

Governance Regimes May Need to Be Updated Most of the governance processes that are in place today to protect civil and human rights were developed before the current wave of automation began. Many will need to be updated to match new realities. When computers replace humans, an activity that was formerly inscrutable—inside of someone’s head—is transformed into something explicit, a system of inputs and out- puts whose workings might, at least in principle, be easier to understand, monitor, and hold accountable. For example, an algorithm that assesses a consumer’s credit risk will have concrete factors underlying that decision, such as payment history and amount of money owed, which can be shared with the affected individual or with regulators. And perhaps more easily than human thoughts, software code and selection of underly- ing data is controlled, and can be altered, through explicit regu- Many of today’s latory choices. But while human legal and political systems have centuries civil and human of practice understanding and regulating human decision-mak- rights regimes ing, relatively little experience is available to guide our approach long predate the to regulating decisions that emerge from computer systems— particularly those powered by machine learning. current wave of This is not an empty field or a brand new challenge, but automation. rather a vibrant space with a fast-evolving, if not yet mature, range of governance approaches12: • Governance strategies designed for rigidly mechanical bureaucracy may apply naturally to software-based automation. These include mandates both for disclosure of infor- mation relevant to a decision, and descriptions of the process by which a decision was reached. For example, in India, the Right to Information (RTI) regime requires govern- ment authorities to “provide reasons for [their] administrative or quasi-judicial deci- sions to affected persons.”13 There is an open question about whether or not these rules apply to technologically automated, as well as traditional policy-driven, decisions. • Some purpose-built legal mandates—some longstanding, and others new—apply directly to automated choices. The U.S. Fair Credit Reporting Act, enacted in 1970 amidst a wave of concern about the human impact of databases, requires in some cases AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Conceptual Tools for the New Landscape 21

that consumers be given “adverse action notices” that explain why they were denied a job or loan. The EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes a “right to explanation” for significant decisions reached on a purely automated basis, though that right has existed in some form in previous data protection laws without its intended effect, and its true reach and meaning under the stronger legal framework of the GDPR remain unclear.14 • In certain contexts, law and policy may hold the person or entity that builds or operates an automated system accountable for that system’s autonomous choices, an approach that Madeline Elish has described as treating human beings as “moral crumple zones,”15 and which may effectively preserve some existing legal protections in the context of newly automated systems. On the other hand, debates are ongoing about how the law might inversely hold autonomous systems themselves responsible for their actions, whether machine liability would actually lead to meaningful remedy, and what “punish- ment” would deter future problematic behavior.

Debates over how best to govern automation, using tools both old and new, are far from resolved, and will continue to evolve in response to the emergent forces we describe below.

Human Rights Frameworks Could Be a Useful Lens In recent years, the digital rights community has focused heavily on the two areas of pri- vacy and freedom of expression, both enshrined in many domestic laws as well as in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As attention has turned to automation and all its related concepts, civil society groups have used these lenses to express concern with the growing influence of algorithms and automation on people’s lives. Automated deci- sions challenge privacy because they rely on the widespread collection and process- ing of personal data, advocates have argued, while automated ranking systems and fil- tering algorithms that online platforms rely on to sort and moderate content challenge people’s ability to express their opinions online. Somewhat separately, groups more traditionally focused on civil rights, particularly in the U.S., are beginning to engage on issues of fairness and discrimination in automated systems—values also included in human rights frameworks. Nevertheless, human rights frameworks remain an underutilized lens through which to understand the impact of an increasingly quantified and automated society. Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enshrines non-discrimination as an inalienable right of all people, and Article 6 holds that everyone has the right to rec- ognition before the law. Article 7 reiterates the value of equal treatment and protec- tion, Article 21 provides that everyone have equal access to public services, and Article 23 reminds us that everyone has “the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.”16 All of these rights are implicated by automated processes that, without care, risk invisi- bly enshrining inequity, quietly making decisions in the courtroom and in social service AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Conceptual Tools for the New Landscape 22

agencies that are difficult to see or challenge, and subversively steering people away from dignified work—or automating away jobs altogether. In the ongoing debates about automation and algorithmic decisions, moving beyond privacy, data protection-centric conversations and domestic legal frameworks to invoke a greater range of universal human rights that are facing new challenges in new contexts could provide a powerful and unifying framework for stakeholders con- cerned about these issues across the world.

The Private Sector Plays a Central Role Private companies have long exerted influence on global affairs, but have taken on new, expanded roles as globalization and the Internet have left traditional public authori- ties with a reduced role in mediating public life or administering certain rights.17 As a result, the allocation of power and influence is in flux:18 Government and regulatory agencies continue to play a primary role in maintain- ing public spaces and protecting the vulnerable, but Corporations are becoming large technology companies are increasingly involved harder to regulate, and may in formerly public, civic functions like building infra- structure,19 validating and arbitrating identity,20 and become more powerful facilitating public discourse.21 At the same time, these allies in efforts to constrain companies are racing ahead to develop even more unwanted actions by advanced machine learning techniques in service of their products, outpacing the capacity of government government. to constrain them. As corporations become more pow- erful in relation to government, they become both harder to regulate and more valuable as potential allies to constrain unwanted actions by government. ■

AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 24


IN THIS SECTION, WE IDENTIFY FIVE CORE THEMES at the intersection of social change, automation, and the quantified society. We believe each of these themes will likely prove important for philanthropy over the next five years:

Corporate Power, Information, Patterns, Discrimination, and the Attention Economy and Justice

Jobs, Work, and Meaning in an Automated Decisions Freedom, Transparency, Era of Automated Decisions in the Public Sector and State Power

Each theme is designed as an aid to thought and planning, a lens that brings important patterns into focus and highlights the relationships among a cluster of important opportunities and challenges. Picking “themes” is as much an art as science. Our judgment here is informed not only by the interviews and research we undertook specifically for this project, but also by our years of consulting, advocacy, and scholarship touching many of the questions addressed in this report. Taken together, we believe that these themes cover some of the most import- ant ways that the quantified society and automation impact the concerns animating NetGain funders. There is some overlap among the themes, and not all issues that could be worthy of philanthropic investment are mentioned. They are rather an attempt to map an emerging terrain. Any map is a simplification, and the territory we describe here is itself constantly changing. The value of the framing we offer ultimately lies in the con- versations and insights that it sparks. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 25

What about the risk of an AI disaster?

Some artificial intelligence experts, and research company,” has announced com- other prominent voices including Stephen mitments totaling more than $1 billion Hawking and , are publicly warn- from donors rooted in Silicon Valley. In ing of disaster scenarios in which AI announcing their effort, they wrote that threatens humanity itself. In these scenar- “[b]ecause of AI’s surprising history, it’s ios, machine intelligence exceeds our own hard to predict when human-level AI capabilities and then turns against us. might come within reach. When it does, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, for example, it’ll be important to have a leading recently urged a gathering of U.S. gover- research institution which can prioritize a nors to regulate AI before it spins out of good outcome for all over its own self-in- control, calling it a “fundamental existen- terest. We’re hoping to grow OpenAI into tial risk for human civilization.”22 For such an institution.”24 Several initiatives, decades—long before the current wave of like the One Hundred Year Study on expert warnings—scenarios like these Artificial Intelligence (AI100) have been have been a favorite theme in media and funded to track the long-term develop- popular culture. ment of AI capabilities,25 and such studies Opinion among AI researchers is as well as expert consensus, suggest the divided, and while some leading experts sort of generalized artificial intelligence see these concerns as urgent, others fear seen in the movies remains, at minimum, that such discussions distract from decades away.26 important hazards that are evident in sys- We agree that the “steering prob- tems already fielded today.23 Focusing lem”—the question of how to make smart- heavily on these extreme scenarios could er-than-human AI accord with human divert attention and resources from aims—may one day be a vital concern. addressing present challenges. But for NetGain’s purposes, the critical Moreover, the strong interest in these priorities are to understand and address scenarios among opinion makers and social, political, and economic shifts pre- technology executives has already sented now and in the next few years by sparked substantial investments by actors automated systems. beyond the NetGain coalition. For exam- ple, OpenAI, a self-described “non-profit AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 26

Corporate Power, Information, and the Attention Economy

In its first days, the Internet seemed to be an essentially decentralized place, an idyl- lic and at times anarchic commons that could connect and empower people, reinvigo- rate democratic ideals, and provide a jumping off point for humanity’s best impulses. An early manifesto argued that “the global social space we are building [is] naturally inde- pendent of the tyrannies” of national governments, “a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth.”27 The Internet indeed brings transformative opportunity—and attendant disrup- tion—to many of its more than three billion global users worldwide.28 More than a third of the globe, including more than 80 percent of the population in developed economies, uses an Internet-enabled smartphone every day, with those in the developing world rapidly adopting these tools thanks largely to inexpensive mobile devices and cost-effi- cient wireless network buildouts. But the early ideal of decentralization has not persisted. The online experience is now shaped by a handful of dominant companies, which engineer and control the major platforms that shape online (and, increasingly, offline) life. Google, , and Apple—three companies headquartered and culturally rooted in Silicon Valley—now mediate the Internet for billions of people, most of whom live outside the United States.29 Across the globe, there are more than two billion smart- phones using Google’s Android operating system, and more than 700 million Apple .30 These are intimate devices, that people treat as extensions of their bodies31 and rely on constantly to access information, news, and services. Facebook has more than two billion active users,32 a population that includes 68 percent of U.S. adults (most of whom check the network daily) and 42 percent of everyone in the EU. Many Facebook users are unaware the information they see in their news feed is filtered by an algorithm,33 and those who are have only vague and often mistaken ideas of how that algorithm works.34 Some Facebook users in developing countries make no distinction between the platform and the larger Internet.35 Google is even more pervasive—most of those two billion Android handsets rely on its search engine, email services, app store, and other offerings, and people collec- AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 27

tively spend a billion hours every day watching YouTube videos, many of which are rec- ommended by Google’s automated recommendation system.36 These companies, along with others including Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft, are vying for leadership in develop- ing the underlying infrastructure, machine learning algorithms, and training data that will shape applications of artificial intelligence for decades to come.37 At the same time, several Chinese companies enjoy massive scale—search engine Baidu and online marketplace Alibaba each have roughly 500 million, mostly Chinese, users and Tencent’s WeChat app has nearly a billion, each company with global ambi- tions38—and a substantial portion of the leading research in artificial intelligence is tak- ing place in China, where funding, talent, and data are abundant, and legal and privacy constraints anemic. While many U.S. companies have committed to consider ethics and safety as they pursue advanced automation technology, Chinese firms and research- ers have not made the same commitments. And since Chinese firms are vulnerable to influence from the coun- try’s autocratic government, this competitive edge has Technology companies left some concerned that future dominant AI platforms, and their platforms particularly in developing economies,39 won’t sufficiently protect the values of democratic and free societies.40 play a globally Technology companies and their platforms play a unprecedented role in globally unprecedented role in shaping what people all shaping what people all over the world learn, believe, and do. Although the com- panies sometimes leverage this privileged position to over the world learn, speak for themselves,41 they most often act as amplifi- believe, and do. ers for their customers: the app developers, advertisers, political campaigns, advocates, and others who have the money, expertise, celebrity, and other resources needed to draw attention and engage users. Faced with a growing pressure to prevent extremist content and misinformation on their platforms and to address other perceived ills, some companies are consider- ing turning to AI to help detect and remove posts with such content,42 in a process many advocates fear will sweep up legitimate free expression. The information ecosystems these companies command—and more specifically, the algorithms, policies, and norms that govern these systems—both overtly and subtly shape what is shared, what is seen, and what is suppressed online. Facebook’s news feed works automatically to decide which news, information, and social updates its users see first, based on its assessment of what will keep each person most engaged. Google’s search engine surfaces information its algorithm deems most relevant to a query, sometimes displaying controversial results or particular worldviews that are contested by users, who argue that opinion is being presented as fact. In the mobile ecosystem, Google and Apple decide which apps may be deployed to the hand- sets that are their users’ constant companions—and shape how those apps may behave. The power of these companies stems in part from their primary business model. Google and Facebook, in particular, are in the attention business. They attract as much attention as possible from their users, while learning as much as possible about each AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 28

person, and sell that attention to advertisers in small, narrowly targeted pieces.43 It’s a cluster of developments that Tim Wu (among others) calls an “attention economy,”44 and that Shoshana Zuboff has dubbed “surveillance capitalism.”45 These firms—and others, including gig economy platforms like Uber and Lyft46—are creating a new sci- ence of applied digital persuasion, one that was born with the aim of getting people to buy things, but whose logic also shapes other behavior as well as our politics. As Zeynep Tufekci has argued, these incentives push our media landscape toward polar- ized, extreme views, and away from humane discourse and civility.47 These dynamics arguably are key contributors to ongoing debates about “fil- ter bubbles” and online hyperpartisanship, harassment and trolling, “fake news,” and media manipulation. Platforms are struggling to remain neutral, and are under growing pressure to incorporate more discretionary judgment into which ideas and messages they allow to spread. The dominant platforms each rely increasingly on artificial intelligence to tailor the online experience, and each has a combination of massive data and world-leading teams of data scientists, unrivaled by any in the academy or social sector. At the lead- ing International Conference on Machine Learning this year, Google employees were listed as authors on 69 of the papers; Microsoft employees were listed on 33.48 Carnegie Mellon—the academic institution with the greatest representation at the conference— saw its affiliates listed as authors on just 32 papers. Companies should be commended for publishing and sharing so much insight within the technical community. Still, they are accumulating unique practical knowledge in automated decision-making and emerging as, by far, the most fertile seedbeds of future research in machine learning. Whether Facebook, Google, and Apple retain their dominance or are replaced by other platforms or companies, the Internet ultimately offers enormous advantages for platforms that achieve dominant scale. These firms—or other actors exercising similarly centralized power—may remain powerful for the foreseeable future, using massive scale and data science acumen to fortify their advantages over other sectors and institutions. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 29

Campaigns, Voting, and Advocacy Politicians and activists of all stripes increasingly rely on online platforms to reach and mobilize the public, and political movements across the geographic and ideological map can now count victories in which online platforms were catalytic. In the U.S., online campaigning was arguably indispensable to ’s 2016 election, much as online fundraising was for Barack Obama in 2008.52 Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines,53 Muhammadu Buhari in Nigeria,54 and Narendra Modi in India55 have also relied heavily on online elements to reach electoral victories. The groundswell of #BlackLivesMatter, #Brexit and the U.S. Tea Party movement relied on Twitter, a smaller platform of 300 million or so global users but whose popularity with journalists and elites makes it a notable player in framing popular opinion in the online ecosystem. Today, online cam- paigning and political discourse on these platforms is increasingly shaped by opaque forces of automation including hired, coordinated “astroturf” participants in online dis- cussions56 and the algorithmic profiling and microtargeting of voters.57

Platforms, Propaganda, and News In a competitive election, even a modest impact on each person’s probability of voting or opinion of a candidate or issue, scaled across entire populations of likely voters who lean one way or another, could move enough votes to change who wins. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote after the 2016 U.S. election that the platform’s encouragement of voter registration reached more people than both major U.S. political parties com- bined. Moreover, Facebook’s own research has shown that social cues, delivered over its platform, can shape voter turnout on a large scale.58 To the extent political participa- tion is desirable in democratic systems, such large-scale efforts have the potential to be a positive force in society—but they can also be tools of manipulation. After vigorously rejecting accusations that its platform facilitated the spread of false and misleading news during the #Brexit referendum and the 2016 U.S. election, Facebook recently disclosed that it is in fact aware of, and is taking countermeasures against, “information operations” in which governments and non-state actors use false personas and thorough understanding of Facebook’s content ranking algorithms to spread propaganda and sway public opinion.59 The company has announced new efforts globally to cultivate trustworthy information and reduce the spread of content that the company or its allies deem manipulative or propagandistic, by teaching its algorithm to demote or suppress such content. These automated decisions shape what facts, opin- ions, and worldview people are exposed to. Google has faced its own controversies over the automatically generated results served on searches for political candidates and contentious issues,60 especially in the wake of research showing that skewed search results could theoretically shift votes at a statistically significant rate.61 While the company has long publicly resisted manually intervening to correct perceived bias in its search results, it eventually announced plans to fight “downright false information” and “clearly misleading content” online, partly by changing the way its algorithm ranks websites.62

Photo: Ryan O’Hara / Flickr AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 30

What about data brokers?

Data brokers—companies that collect Data that is for sale in a commodity mar- consumers’ personal information to resell ket acts, to some extent, as a corrective or share49—play an important, and largely against the uniqueness of major plat- unregulated, role in the information eco- forms. However, rather than selling their system and the attention economy. data, these giants reinforce their own Leaders in machine learning and business dominance by providing third parties with have compared data to the coal that pow- limited ability to access inferences auto- ered the industrial revolution,50 and data matically derived from such data. Major brokers mine, refine, and commoditize a platforms’ role, and their interactive, con- massive amount of raw information that stantly updated, comprehensive picture has helped power the steady shift toward into their users’ lives, is the envy of any automation. Data provenance and related broker. Moreover, data brokers have been issues of representation, correctness, and well explored in existing policy discussion faulty inferences are certainly relevant in and research,51 and so do not strike us as any discussion of automated decisions. an area of pressing, unmet need.

Trends to Watch For

Elections and democratic participation are increasingly mediated by online platforms.

Political parties, public figures, and political antagonists could move even further toward algorithmic profiling and microtargeting to shape public opinion and sway civic participation in ways academics and advocates struggle to understand.

A growing amount of governance and socially impactful policymaking happens inside companies, with potentially minimal public input.

As lawmakers across the world debate approaches to governing automated decisions, companies could increasingly control both the terms of debate and the outcomes public policy traditionally seeks to address, including access to economic and educa- AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 31

tional opportunity. In this scenario, corporate platforms will wield growing power, and accountability mechanisms will be lacking. Platforms face competing incentives to adhere to their own corporate values, propagate norms from their home country, and accede to local legal regimes in order to access new markets.63 While the platforms that have gained the broadest traction have been largely U.S.-based and have tended to embrace American norms of free expression, they have also bent in some cases to inter- national pressure to enforce local laws and norms. Online platforms developed under different political systems, such as Chinese firms Tencent and Alibaba, are now looking to increase their international footprint, and may embed different values in their prod- ucts. Advocacy organizations that have traditionally targeted government may evolve to focus more directly on corporate behavior, including by mobilizing the public.

Collaborative work across corporate, civil society, and governmental lines may become more important.

Groups like the Partnership on AI, which seek to engage working engineers from leading companies with civil society groups, may play a central role in defin- ing the public understanding of AI. It remains to be seen to what extent questions that corporate actors may find unwelcome—such as the potential antitrust ques- tions associated with dominant platforms—will be able to be addressed in such fora.

Governments increasingly rely on the expertise and technology of major online platforms.

As they seek to apply AI to health, national security, and other quintessentially public challenges, governments will need help.64

The business model of targeted online advertising rewards strongly emotional content, filter bubbles, and time-hungry interface choices.

As Tristan Harris, former design ethicist at Google, has argued, the high emotional salience of outrage and the behavioral psychology of intermittent reward are two cen- tral drivers of many design choices in today’s information technologies.65 AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 32

Approaches to Explore The challenge of how best to respond to online platforms’ evolving role in society is far from resolved. It remains unclear to what degree, and by what means, philanthropy can shape what the platforms do. Meanwhile, major platforms will likely shape the pub- lic understanding of AI’s relationship to the common good, focusing attention on evoc- ative instances in which technology advances social good and human rights and dimin- ishing public attention to the scale and potential downsides of the platforms’ power. Judicial reform in the United States may be a useful analogy. In the 20th century, U.S.-based funders on both the left and the right made concerted, decades-long invest- ments to shape the nation’s courts. Progressive foundations invested in the public inter- est law movement, whose law school clinics supported progressive causes while steer- ing generations of students toward the public interests. At the same time, the Federalist Society cultivated a large and well-vetted talent pool for conservative judicial appoint- ments.66 Similarly long-term investments in aligning the governance and behavior of major online platforms with the values of NetGain foundations may take time. These investments might include, for example, steps designed to:

Influence who is trained, mentored, and hired to design, build, modify, and govern the powerful platforms that these companies operate.

In particular, just as newsrooms need to be diverse, key leaders inside these firms should (among them) have personal familiarity with the experiences of marginalized and underrepresented populations.

Strengthen government’s and the public’s capacity to understand and (where appropriate) regulate platforms.

For example, by creating appropriate transparency or disclosure requirements as to the ways these platforms work, advocating for reinvigorated antitrust enforcement that grapples with the power of online platforms and “data monopolies,” and incentivizing responsible behavior through the threat of U.S. or EU regulatory enforcement.

Study and refine models for successful corporate advocacy.

Learning from past efforts to shape private sector and platform behavior. This may include a spectrum of strategies, both “outside” plays that mobilize public and con- sumer opinion and encourage regulatory oversight, and “inside” ones that focus on encouraging responsible long-term behavior by companies. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 33

Patterns, Discrimination, and Justice

Automated systems emerge from a combination of computer software, statistical mod- els, rules, and policies—all shaped by the human goals and purposes that surround them. As more civically important decisions—like eligibility and access to finance, housing, education, and public assistance—are embedded in computer code, con- cern about “algorithms” and “artificial intelligence” that animate these systems has expanded beyond the realm of technologists and futurists into civil society and the halls of government. By finding and repeating patterns, machine learning-driven automation may increase the speed and consistency of social programs that suffer from a legacy of bureaucratic inefficiency and exclusion. But when automated pattern-finding is based on historical data, it risks bringing outmoded social patterns to the present—frustrat- ing civil and human rights advocates, who argue that some of these patterns still need to change.67 These problems are made even more acute by the lack of diversity in the field of machine learning: As Kate Crawford has put it, artificial intelligence has a “white guy problem,” with minorities and women not meaningfully included in the design and training of automated systems that will nevertheless affect them.68 Image recognition software that can’t detect black faces;69 databases that fail to recognize that women can have the title of “Dr.;”70 and search engines that suggest Muslims are evil71—all might have been avoided had the teams developing those systems included members of the disparaged group. And often, these sorts of errors are caused or exacerbated by incom- plete or misrepresentative data used to train the predictive models that power auto- mated systems.72 Legal tools across jurisdictions are poorly suited to constrain today’s decisions. Efforts to update legal frameworks, such as the introduction of a “right to explanation” for people subject to automated decisions in Europe, are largely vague and their appli- cation uncertain, while civil rights laws that depend on judging a decider’s intent don’t work well with automated decision systems that lack the capacity to justify their out- comes. Prior policy approaches to preventing identity-based discrimination, like prohib- iting certain decisions from considering protected characteristics, are losing relevance now that close proxies for race and other sensitive categories are readily available. And transparency laws frequently clash with trade secrecy protections for those who argue AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 34

for greater scrutiny of underlying code of a particular system. A number of governments are beginning to tackle legislative and regulatory approaches to handling automated decisions in a variety of contexts, and the com- ing years represent a critical juncture to shape the legal landscape around automated decisions. Because the problem space remains underdefined and lawmakers often lack familiarity with technically complex issues, research, education, and advocacy will need to advance simultaneously to head off shortsighted or faulty policy propositions. Many blame new applications of automated decision systems for perpetuating social problems, but the technology just as frequently reveals thorny social issues that society has been able to avoid debating. For example, it’s easier than ever to measure bias in and improve performance of social programs and philanthropic interventions across demographic groups, in all kinds of settings. But once it’s possible to detect pre- cise rates of differential treatment, how do we determine what is acceptable? Issues like this one raise fundamental questions about ethics and social values—questions that can’t be solved by any technical fix.

Disparate Impact in the Courtroom Interest in algorithmic risk assessment in the courtroom has increased in the wake of ProPublica’s 2016 investigation of racial impact of the COMPAS recidivism prediction tool, developed in Canada and widely used in the U.S.73 The team used freedom of infor- mation requests and spent months assembling data on specific cases, then conducted a detailed statistical analysis of the calculated risk scores across racial groups. That analysis led ProPublica to argue that the tool disproportionately misclassified black defendants as high risk. The story has sparked a rich and valuable public conversation about competing ways to define, measure, and mitigate racial bias in courtroom risk prediction.74 Public awareness of algorithmic assessments in the courtroom triggered initial advocacy efforts that highlight the risks of proprietary, automated decision systems in the criminal justice system. But it has since become clear that actuarial risk assessment tools raise an array of other issues, ranging from which outcomes the tools should aim to predict to how the technical debate may influence broader debates on bail reforms.75 Researchers now heavily rely on the data generated by the ProPublica investiga- tion to experiment with quantitative methods to detect and correct disparate treat- ment, because it is one of the few datasets that is publicly available and appropriately situated for this sort of fairness analysis.

Photo: Michael Sanger / Flickr AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 35

Profiling the Unemployed in Poland The Polish Ministry of Labor and Social Policy adopted an algorithmic program to bet- ter allocate resources, improve employment outcomes, and minimize structural unem- ployment. The system automatically profiles the unemployed, using an array of 24 data points—including age, gender, skills, disability status, and various indicators of will- ingness to work—to determine their “distance from the labor market” and “readiness to enter or return to the labor market.” The system sorts people based on a numerical score into categories that determine what sort of programs and services a person can access. But the logic of the system is kept confidential, out of fear that people would be able to manipulate the outcome otherwise. Civil society advocates contest the opacity of the system, and have found that the system disproportionately places women, older people, and people with low education—precisely those who might benefit from addi- tional help—into a category that might prevent them from accessing services.76

Photo: alatryste / Flickr AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 36

Trends to Watch For

A technology-oriented renewal of attention to longstanding civil rights issues.

Given new energy under the label of “algorithmic accountability,” issues of racial and economic justice could enjoy renewed public attention and debate, giving advocates more opportunities to push for broader social reforms in response to narrow discov- eries of disparate treatment by algorithms. Public attention may impel the technology sector to direct time and money to social issues it has, so far, largely avoided.

New opportunities to build civic aspirations into software.

The pursuit of procedural regularity and the consolidation of decision rules into cen- tralized computer systems could create new, narrow targets for civil society actors pushing for fairness and transparency in administrative and civically consequential decisions. For example, when a computer makes eligibility determinations for unem- ployment benefits or another social service, the software rules that determine that out- come become a natural target for advocacy. With sufficient channels established across fields and institutions, the development of new methods to embed equitable and inclu- sive treatment in automated decision systems could lead to progress in a broad array of social contexts.

Removing humans from the loop eliminates some opportunities for human bias.

When automated systems are properly calibrated for outcomes that are consistent with healthy and equitable societies, moving decisions from the domain of fallible human decision-makers to a system that minimizes human discretion may lead to more consis- tent and fairer treatment of people by both public and private institutions. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 37

Approaches to Explore The data at the core of the quantified society will often reflect social patterns that reformers hope to change. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for NetGain funders. As society becomes ever more quantified, so too will the work of social change. A major priority for the social sector in the coming years will be to understand, and change, the numbers that drive key life decisions.

Reimagine non-discrimination goals for the era of big data, and raise their profile within the social sector.

Like privacy and free expression, the internationally recognized human right of non-dis- crimination is fast becoming a technologically mediated right, one that a tech-literate social sector must fight to protect. As traditional policy interventions for detecting and correcting for social discrimination become less effective in the face of big data, civil society will need to rethink policy goals and reassess strategies to reach those objec- tives. This effort may benefit from collaboration between organizations traditionally focused on technology, and those traditionally focused on non-discrimination. Funders could support legal research and advocacy to update legislation and regulations, as well as push for new legal precedents that achieve social goals in a way that is consis- tent with today’s technical reality.

Encourage greater diversity in the field of machine learning.

Values embedded in automated systems will reflect the worldview, perspective, and implicit biases of the systems’ human creators. Differences of gender, race, culture, nationality, and disciplinary training all have the potential to enrich the functioning of machine learning systems, if the people involved in creating such systems bring a true diversity of perspectives to the table and those perspectives are heard and considered.

Support research advancing explainability, fairness, and accountability in machine learning.

Academia and civil society are just starting to explore the challenge of how to define and address bias in automated systems, and how to make such systems transparent and accountable. An emergent, multinational, multidisciplinary community effort span- ning academia and civil society has devoted substantial energy to develop methods to detect and correct problematic behavior in automated systems.77

AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 38

Support development and use of less biased training data.

Huge amounts of data are needed to train predictive models, but many publicly avail- able datasets under- or misrepresent minority communities and voices. This is often because the costs of data collection are borne by commercial actors who may have lim- ited incentives to survey economically disempowered minority groups. There may be roles for philanthropy in detecting—and funding data collection efforts to counterbal- ance—such problems.

Support education and advocacy to help civil society and policymakers learn about the impacts of emerging technologies.

Learning about new tools and their evolving impact should be a continuous, ongoing process for all who work toward greater inclusion and social change. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 39

Jobs, Work, and Meaning in an Era of Automation

Technological change has driven economic anxiety and concern about labor disrup- tion since well before the Industrial Revolution.78 Today, automated hiring, workplace monitoring, employee assessment, and supply chain and logistics systems are shift- ing the landscape of non-discrimination law, workplace protection, and labor organiz- ing capacity.79 This is already causing problems like inadvertent discrimination against disadvantaged job applicants who don’t resemble companies’ historic population of high performers, often a homogenous and privileged profile against which an algorithm might be trained to assess candidates. Automated management tools are also gaining popularity, with scheduling systems that are able to squeeze every minute of value out of “part time” 35-hour-a-week workers while keeping full-time, stable positions out of reach, making it nearly impossible to earn enough to cover ever increasing expenses. As machine learning becomes increasingly versatile, though, it threatens to rede- fine or knock out whole categories of employment.80 While optimists point out that fears of massive labor disruption from automation have repeatedly turned out to be over- blown,81 rapid advancements in machine learning and robotics over the last decade have led many to expect that the pervasive adoption of AI differs from earlier disrup- tions and will lead to a sustained, large-scale net loss of low-skilled and semi-skilled employment.82 As machine learning Aggressive estimates suggest nearly half of U.S. jobs becomes increasingly are vulnerable to being displaced by automation—and an versatile, it threatens even larger proportion of jobs in developing countries.83 Jobs in transportation, logistics, agriculture, manufac- to redefine or knock turing, retail, and administrative support face the most out whole categories imminent threat.84 And whether technology displaces of employment. workers or simply changes the nature of their work, mis- managing this transition risks worsening the deep eco- nomic inequality and social instability that is already emerging across the world.85 This shifting landscape will not only affect workers them- selves, but also -being of their families, the vibrancy of their communities, and the dynamism of their cities. Even highly “automatable” jobs won’t necessarily evaporate overnight, and some AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 40

new opportunities for economic activity are sure to arise alongside new technologies, particularly in those non-Western geographies where informal economic activity is more common,86 and where gig economy work is similarly unstable and isolating, and pay is poor due to a high supply of contingent workers.87 This future of work could see artifi- cial intelligence taking over mundane processes, and beyond the creation of new high skilled jobs like “AI trainers” and interpreters,88 there may be a boom in paid care work—modestly paying but numer- Mismanaging this ous jobs looking after a growing elderly population, for example. To the extent that overall employment is reduced, transition risks the change could leave people with more time for uniquely worsening the deep human creativity and innovation. But the dominant impact may instead turn out to be the further erosion of economic economic inequality stability as formerly stable jobs turn into low-paid, isolated and social instability 89 tasks as more work is automated. Job retraining programs that is already emerging will be pressured to serve more people while also, given the rapid pace of technical progress, adapting to ongoing dis- across the world. ruption. Digital skill and infrastructure gaps could make it difficult for many to access the new opportunities that automation does bring.90 Older workers whose occupations are lost entirely to automation may not be able to access new opportunities, even if retraining is offered.91 Automation also stands to significantly shift the role of the private sector and the structure of markets. If full-time jobs dwindle, successful companies could amass sub- stantial influence over contract workers who are vulnerable to replacement and are simultaneously barred or dissuaded from organizing—further amplifying power imbal- ances between employers and workers that technology (like pervasive workplace sur- veillance) has already amplified. Aided by automation, powerful companies will be equipped to consolidate market dominance through anticompetitive behavior like automatic price fixing (what some are calling “algorithmic collusion”). And if govern- ments neglect social safety net programs or tax bases shrink following large-scale job displacement, some experts speculate that corporate giants could even find themselves taking on more city and state functions like public transportation or educational ser- vices—but subject to weaker legal requirements for fairness than the government agen- cies they risk edging out.92 Beyond economic and financial impact, many people derive a vital sense of iden- tity and meaning from their work, leaving some to wonder how people will react to a world with significantly less of it.93 Financial stability aside, a profusion of task-based contracting jobs risks depriving workers of the social and professional networks more easily forged in long-term work environments. Many societies in the developed world are not prepared for a situation in which full-time employment is no longer the norm94; societies that have experienced it know how an idle and frustrated populace can pro- vide fertile ground for crime, extremism, political conflict, and authoritarian populism. The arts, family, sports, religion, and community engagement could fill that time and identity gap—or video games, virtual reality, and passive entertainment could just as AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 41

easily pick up the social slack.95 The evolution of the labor market and automation’s economic impact is highly uncertain, its shape and pace will vary according to political economy and regional context, and potential effects and repercussions expand well beyond what we briefly describe here. Nevertheless, the social sector will play a pivotal role in supporting opportunities and institutions where people can channel their energy into constructive and meaningful activities, to find and retain dignity during turbulent transitions.

Autonomous Trucking Trucking is often cited as a job category at serious risk of erosion as autonomous driv- ing technology matures. Fully ten percent of U.S. jobs, for example, involve operating a vehicle, and nearly nine million people either drive trucks or work in the trucking indus- try.96 And while trucking is a demanding job requiring workers to be away from their homes and families for days at a time, and although truckers have experienced increas- ingly pervasive tracking and monitoring by employers,97 it is one of few jobs that still offers stable, middle class incomes for people without college degrees.98 Truckers themselves don’t believe automation will fully displace drivers, but it will almost certainly send shockwaves through an otherwise stable and growing indus- try in the coming decades.100 Complete displacement of trucking jobs is not out of the question: Autonomous trucks are theoretically safer than trucks with human driv- ers, immune to fatigue, and cheaper to operate. Driverless trucks can complete more trips more quickly without being constrained by shift limits. Without drivers, shipping companies can also avoid pressures from driver shortages and collective bargaining.101 Transportation providers like Uber are chasing all of these benefits, investing heavily in self-driving technology (simultaneously eliminating the need for—and the need to pay—on-demand drivers), and moving into the freight industry. Truckers express far more immediate concerns about financial stability and por- table benefits than long-term worries about redundancy by machine. Efficiencies from automation could, in theory, give truckers the opportunity to find other well-pay- ing, less remote, more family-oriented employment. But just as containerization per- manently changed the shape of the economy at the cost of eliminating dockworker and longshoreman jobs,102 it’s clear that when autonomous driving technology finally matures it will reshape commercial and recreational transportation.

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The Algorithmic Boss International coffee chain Starbucks uses a computer system to schedule workers in its U.S. stores. The scheduling program has been notorious for assigning employees inconsistent and fluctuating shifts—with minimal notice—making it nearly impossible for workers to arrange other part-time jobs, take classes, or care for family members.103 Distributed labor organizing and some high-profile journalism together have been instrumental in improving how the company uses automated scheduling software for its workforce.104 Yet the struggle for fair treatment of workers by the company is ongoing. Last sum- mer, Starbucks baristas noticed that all of a sudden, lines seemed to be out the door during peak hours, a symptom of understaffed stores. But after comparing notes in online communities set up by, an organizing platform for distributed and gig economy workers, workers and organizers realized the chain had tweaked its sched- uling algorithm to cut five hours of work from each store across the board. Organizers surveyed baristas to collect more data and, armed with evidence of a pattern of short- ing baristas on work, confronted the company to demand it walk back the scheduling change. While Starbucks never admitted it had intentionally changed the scheduling formula, workers noticed gradual improvements in scheduling moving forward. Precarious scheduling is not a new phenomenon, but it is a tactic made easier by the profusion of automated tools for employers—and one that is difficult to challenge when the source of schedule changes is hidden within computer programs. Because Starbucks’ workforce is widely distributed and disaggregated, information asymme- try between the company and employees is amplifying. Only by comparing stories and organizing via a central platform were employees able to notice a systemic issue and fight for better conditions.

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Trends to Watch For The specifics of changing labor markets will be different in developed and developing economies, in countries with and without strong social safety nets, and in geographies with robust or weak worker protection.

Fewer traditional jobs are available, but tasks are easy to come by.

Workers may enjoy more flexibility and stimulation from frequently changing roles, and automated matching systems could help employers and workers find each other more efficiently.105 But without the stability and employer benefits of long-term roles, work- ers will need greater external support to smooth uneven income, save for retirement or other major expenses, and afford health insurance.

Remaining work opportunities trend toward roles that feel demoralizing and detrimental to well-being.

The atomization of work into tasks could divert workers away from holding stable jobs and toward chasing contingent roles and performing microtasks that computers are not yet equipped to handle.106 Online content moderation, for example, will still demand human discretion for some time—but the job is known to be traumatic and psychologi- cally damaging.107

Newfound free time opens opportunities for constructive and vibrant social engagement.

If basic economic needs are met, people may enjoy the freedom to pursue more oppor- tunities to build strong interpersonal relationships and communities, to provide care to older generations, to engage in continuing education and creative expression, and to invest time in healthy civic and political processes.

Mass unemployment and underemployment foments frustration and social unrest.

Job and income losses triggered by automation could further polarize the rich and poor, leading to deep rage and anxiety, domestic political clashes, and international conflict over the allocation of economic resources.108 AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 44

Approaches to Explore

Flexible retraining, continuing education, and employment matching programs.

Human capacity for non-routine work like communication, judgement, problem solv- ing, and creativity will command a premium over automated systems.109 In both devel- oped and developing countries, philanthropy could invest in community-based and online retraining opportunities, upskilling, and certifications to ease the transition for displaced workers seeking new opportunities.110

Adaptive labor organizing to slow worker displacement and secure decent work conditions.

Rapid worker displacement may trigger new economic shockwaves or amplify exist- ing trends; slowing down the deployment of automation would give social institutions more time to prepare for labor market disruptions. Philanthropy could support efforts to organize contingent workers and push for regulatory hurdles to ensure employers who undertake rapid or major shifts toward automation provide sufficient support to affected workers.

Social safety net interventions.

Workers suffering from financial shocks from automation-induced job and wage losses, or permanent income gaps in the event automation does leads to wide and sustained unemployment, could benefit from programs to smooth and augment income. In par- ticular, programs and policies that support workers in transition or those juggling mul- tiple part-time or contract positions—like portable benefits, unemployment insurance, and relocation assistance—will become even more important should markets move closer to favoring that structure. The idea of basic income programs is also gaining pop- ularity, with some geographies and NGOs piloting basic income programs. Philanthropy could advocate for policies that strengthen social benefits, and fund research, monitor- ing, evaluation, and dissemination of findings from pilots of different social safety net models. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 45

Outlets for creative, socially positive non-employment.

As people find themselves with less work and more time, their energy can be chan- neled in ways that are personally fulfilling and collectively constructive—or it can be subsumed by idleness and stoked into resentment. Investments in the arts and com- munity strengthening could give the unoccupied ways to find meaning and contrib- ute skills outside of a full-time occupation. This effort could also include supporting media and storytelling that shapes values and perceptions around new modes of social participation.111

Regulatory and legal responses to correct for potent corporate influence over markets.

Automated assessment of workers and other algorithmic tools may give data-intensive companies the insight and ability to concentrate market power and unfairly shape labor and commercial markets in their favor. Philanthropy could support advocates fighting for active antitrust and consumer protection regulations that would reduce information asymmetry and return bargaining power and agency to both providers and consumers on gig economy platforms, and to protect people from unfair and deceptive corporate practices that have been made possible by computers. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 46

Automated Decisions in the Public Sector

Automation offers significant opportunity to advance public goals, which governments themselves are often ill-equipped to take advantage of. As a result, where these technol- ogies do come into government, they often arrive without sufficient public consultation or thorough understanding of social impact, yet are used to reach important decisions about people’s lives. Law enforcement and courts increasingly automate treatment of the vulnerable. And local and national government agencies, like child protective ser- vices, health agencies, and other administrators of social benefits are experimenting with automated assessments of risk, health, and outcomes to further their missions.112 For example, automated welfare allocation and fraud detection tools are designed to help governments provide more effective, efficient services and benefits by identify- ing people most in need of certain services and flagging those who may wrongly collect more benefits than they are due. Automated eligibility systems are marketed as giving more people access to programs, services, and information. On the other hand, some observers argue it is no accident that the high-tech tools being deployed in social services often seem to excel at Governments are denying benefits: in their view, the reasons why social ser- challenged to vices tend to be dysfunctional and demeaning for recipi- understand these ents are essentially political rather than technical.113 Governments largely lack the talent and fis- new applications of cal resources to take advantage of the automation and automation sufficiently machine learning tools that power delightful consumer to provide meaningful experiences to revamp social services and reimagine the citizen-government relationship. As a result, public ser- oversight and protection vices are increasingly perceived as outmoded as the exper- for the people these tise gap widens. The U.K. Government Digital Service, the U.S. Digital Service and Technology Transformation systems affect. Services, and other national and local efforts to recruit technology talent to public services have gained momen- tum in recent years and represent strong efforts to narrow this gap. Such initiatives could in principle drive significant progress in making social services better and more efficient—from taking pilot interventions to scale or tackling opportunities that have gone unexamined or unexploited—but even so, public institutions simply can’t keep AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 47

pace with changes in the private sector. At the same time, as private actors are adopting automated tools to facilitate con- sequential eligibility decisions including hiring, loan assessments, and selection for schools and universities, governments are challenged to understand these new appli- cations of automation sufficiently to provide meaningful oversight and protection for the people these systems affect. Deployed in legally sensitive contexts, these systems often implicate and sometimes challenge existing legal protections, triggering debates whose outcome depends heavily on complex technical details that regulators and civil society are rarely equipped to evaluate.114 Automated tools are also entering the courtroom as everything To both govern and judge from the trigger for legal action, the production of evi- dence, and decision aids for pre-trial risk assessment, automation effectively, bail, and sentencing. and to take advantage To both govern automation effectively, and take of its potential for the advantage of its potential for the public sector, tech- nical expertise and knowledge is vital. But despite public sector, technical the size of the opportunity space, civil society and the expertise and knowledge public sector largely lack the resources or capacity to is vital. engage on, or even understand, these issues. When information and related debates about automated decisions made in other contexts are public, civil society frequently lacks the human capital to size up and respond constructively to the issue. Even when given the oppor- tunity to change or shape corporate practice or policy with respect to automated deci- sions, non-profits and civil society often lack a clear sense of purpose or desired out- come. Though private actors may be open to change, civil society often finds itself without a clear “ask.” Expertise and other resources necessary to automate decisions at scale, which used to live largely in the public sphere in the form of university and publicly funded research, are quickly disappearing into corporations. Especially in the realm of sub- jects like machine learning and robotics, university researchers and academics have seen their departments raided by Silicon Valley giants and hopefuls115—most memo- rably when, in 2015, Uber poached nearly 30 percent of the staff at Carnegie Mellon’s National Robotics Engineering Center for its own autonomous car research. This fight for talent may hit universities, non-profits, charities, and governments—unable to offer competitive salaries, research resources, or large scale data to retain or entice back tal- ent—particularly hard in coming years. At the same time, there is some interest among AI researchers in cycling among industry, academia, civil society, and the public sector. Such migration, which always brings useful perspective, may become especially import- ant in this field due to the particularly vital role of private industry. As societies are augmented and shaped by machine learning applications, the ingredients vital for a broad public debate on issues relating to automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence remain weak or missing. The general public, politi- cians, and journalists tend to lack awareness of and appreciation for these issues.116 AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 48

Automating Welfare and Benefits Services In 2016, the Australian government introduced an automated system to help recover welfare debts. Designed to automatically compare income reported to Australia’s Department of Human Services and income reported to the Australian Taxation Office, the system sent letters to welfare recipients when it detected a discrepancy, demanding the mismatch be resolved. Before, DHS had investigated 20,000 instances of potential non-compliance per year; with the automated system, the agency looked to conduct 15,000 per week.117 But the automated system “generated a large number of errors and treated welfare recipients unfairly, particularly those on sickness allowances.”118 The demands were triggered by faulty logic that wrongly assumed income was earned evenly throughout the year.119 The Australian Department of Human Services failed to consider how many debts were likely to be over-calculated, and did not assess the impact of over-recovering debts from social security recipients in vulnerable populations.120 Similarly, in the U.S. state of Massachusetts, a data-mining program was set up to match food stamp records with records at other state agencies, like the Department of Revenue, to discover unreported income. That effort was part of a broader statewide initiative to overhaul the food stamp information technology system.121 But for many beneficiaries, the system backfired. People who may have earned small amounts of money received threatening letters from the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance demanding proof of eligibility or else risk losing access to their benefits.122 Many recipients were not able to contest the determination made about them because the agency’s phone lines were overwhelmed. Similar problems arose when the U.S. state of Indiana awarded IBM a $1.3 billion, 10-year contract for the company to revamp and automate the state’s processes for awarding food stamps, Medicaid, and other public safety-net benefits. In the first three years of the efforts, though, more than 700,000 people were erroneously blocked from accessing social services.123 Eventually, Indiana exited the contract and both parties sued each other, leading to years of expensive, protracted litigation: As of 2016, Indiana taxpayers had paid at least $11 million for contracted lawyers and IBM had a tentative trial judgment of $60 million.124

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Software Errors in Courtrooms Automated tools are increasingly common in the courtroom—from triggering legal action, to analyzing evidence, to assessing risks in order to inform decision-making by judicial officers. Yet on top of challenges stemming from a broad lack of technical exper- tise across the judicial system, these systems (mostly developed by for-profit actors) are frequently hidden behind claims of secrecy. Such claims—either by non-disclosure agreement, or by actual claims of trade secrecy in the courtroom—further frustrate defendants’ and the public’s efforts to fully understand how these systems work and contest their validity.125 These systems are testing the limits of the current set of legal rules and protections offered to defendants, and at worst, undermining them. The example of probabilistic genotyping software is illustrative. STRMix, a soft- ware tool made in New Zealand, promises to be able to “resolve previously unresolv- able mixed DNA profiles” using statistical models.126 Australian authorities have admit- ted that error in the STRMix code was an issue in at least 60 criminal cases in Australia.127 The company downplayed the error, and its code remains closed to public inspection. TrueAllele—a software package used in U.S. courtroom settings—handles low- grade, degraded, or mixed DNA samples, which are usually discarded by forensic ana- lysts as being too difficult to analyze. Enabling the analysis of previously unusable DNA samples can lead to exonerations and help defendants who were wrongfully convicted— but TrueAllele has also led to guilty pleas in hundreds of cases, despite lingering uncer- tainty that the DNA analysis produced a match “beyond reasonable doubt.”128 While such a tool may present a new evidentiary frontier thanks to automated processes, forensic experts are cautious. In September 2016, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology noted that such software still requires careful scrutiny in order to demonstrate validity.129 Despite this open question, at least eight U.S. states have denied defendants access to the tool’s source code in response to TrueAllele’s claim of trade secrecy.130 It is only a matter of time before governments and courts are called on to update laws and legal precedent to handle the introduction of automated decision tools in society and in the justice system. Without at least some meaningful understanding of the technologies in question, legal protections as related to automated tools could be insufficient, or remain absent altogether.

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Trends to Watch For

Government agencies increasingly rely on automated systems, but lack the capacity to ensure that such systems benefit and protect the vulnerable.

Members of the public could have trouble detecting and correcting errors in decisions made about them, while administrative and judicial systems could struggle to deter- mine whether equity and legal issues are arising from faulty logic in systems, improper use of predictive tools, or human error—much less put forward appropriate remedies.

Judges and public officials struggle to govern an increasingly automated private sector.

High frequency trading on financial exchanges could create a risk of systemic financial instability; instantly customized prices on retail goods may discriminate against some shoppers. Many commercial applications of automated decision-making will carry risks that the public sector cares about. Where governments and regulators enact and enforce laws to govern these decisions, courts may be forced to interpret new concepts (e.g. “algorithmic accountability”) and aspirational statutory text. A lack of understanding of how automation works may profoundly and systematically handicap judicial efforts to enforce existing and new laws alike. Moreover, automated processes like courtroom risk assessment tools will directly affect and disrupt established legal doctrine procedures.

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Approaches to Explore Supporting an effective public sector in the context of automated decisions and the quantified society is a long-term challenge. There is an immediate need to begin lay- ing the foundation for a more informed public and civic engagement with automation. Approaches to explore include:

Direct arts and culture funding to artists, performers, creative writers.

These and others can provide emotional, creative, and other avenues for people to appreciate the real human impact and meaning of what are too often misperceived as either catastrophic clashes between humanity and automated systems or on the flip side, dry, technical developments in computing and law.

Build out broader public awareness and understanding of these technologies, potentially through support for data- driven investigative journalism.

Democratic governments ultimately respond to problems that the public understands and cares about. Advocates can’t challenge systems that are not visible. Philanthropy could support more journalistic efforts that build broad awareness of how these tech- nologies work and of the impact that they have in particular cases. This might include supporting journalistic teams that already exist to do more work, providing more train- ing for journalists and students to cover these issues, or helping advocates to engage with journalists in geographies where this topic is even less prevalent.

Invest in talent for the public sector, partnerships, and mentorship.

The same pipeline issues identified in NetGain’s first report, A Pivotal Moment, remain relevant, and have perhaps become even more urgent as algorithms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence gain momentum on the public stage. Building technical capac- ity in the public domain, where it can be accessed, shared, and debated is essential. This includes technical expertise in academic settings, the public sector, and the social sector. Funders should revisit and evaluate investments made in response to NetGain’s early recognition that pipeline issues present a significant barrier to leveraging tech- nology for the public interest, and determine where to continue or augment existing AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 52

investments, or identify new ones. Additionally, making large datasets and research- ready materials available to academic researchers or to the public may help balance the scales so that the raw material of research is not solely reserved to industry. On the other hand, public releases of large-scale datasets (especially of data held or generated by governments) often carry significant privacy hazards. Exploration of potentially pri- vacy-positive ways to support the data commons—including deidentification strategies, federated learning approaches, and new policy and governance models for the release and management of data—should be a near-term priority.

Push for transparency and equity requirements for administrative use of automation.

Public agencies are likely to contract with private sector providers to build solutions for government and social services, but details of such tools are too often veiled behind opaque contracts, confidentiality clauses, and trade secrecy protection. Philanthropies could support efforts to open government deliberation about and uses of automation to public scrutiny, and to shape responsible procurement guidance (e.g., requirements to test for discriminatory treatment or impact) for public agencies interested in adopting automated tools. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 53

Freedom, Transparency, and State Power

Broad government surveillance and the concentration and forceful exercise of state power have long challenged civic engagement and threatened human rights. With recent technical advancements in automated collection, analysis and tracking tools, mass surveillance has intensified to a point where government agencies and intelli- gence services enjoy unprecedented awareness of citizen activity.131 At the same time, machine learning techniques and automation are being applied in the realms of cyber- security and war.132 As more sensors and “smart” infrastructure are integrated into city planning,133 more stationary and body cameras deployed in the name of public safety, and more data collected with the goal of increased efficiency, electricity conservation, and civic participation, subnational governments like municipalities also play a newly important role in surveillance conversations.134 Dragnet data collection, and the algorithmic profil- ing and predictive analytics that build on that data, can also put more people at risk of being swept up by indiscriminate government scrutiny,135 subjected to prejudiced treat- ment,136 manipulated by propaganda and disinformation,137 and targeted with preemp- tive enforcement.138 Automated tools developed originally for foreign intelligence operations are being applied to domestic activity and dissent at an ever greater rate. From using cell phone location information to register and track protesters139 to screening social media activity en masse for signals of “potential threats,”140 both domestic law enforcement and mil- itary applications of automated tools can be difficult to detect and assess. Even after their existence has been confirmed, agencies still nearly always benefit from broad pub- lic safety or national security exemptions from privacy and due process safeguards— even in geographies with otherwise strong legal protections.141 Purveyors and users of automated surveillance tools are understandably less con- cerned about false positives (accidently flagging people as potential threats), because avoiding false positives could mean missing an actual threat.142 But just as in adminis- trative and social contexts, automated decisions in national security can be based on wrong, incomplete, or improperly inferred data. And when false positives mean sub- jecting innocent people to unwarranted, invasive scrutiny of their expression, activities, and associations, or depriving them of their liberty, debating these technologies in the AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 54

open, validating them for disparate impact on minority groups, and constraining their application by law are vital to protect basic freedoms and the exercise of democracy. Moreover, as algorithmic intelligence analysis and robotics makes military activity eas- ier and less costly, accountability in armed conflicts could erode, with civilians finding themselves at greater risk of physical and material harm.143 The private sector too contributes to government consolidation of power and the erosion of liberty, propelled by automation. Technology contractors like Palantir provide predictive analytics tools to government and military agencies around the world, key infrastructure companies like IBM, Cisco, and Qualcomm work closely with states, and powerful political actors frequently turn to the Internet to influence voters and citizens in domestic and foreign matters.144 And while many telecom, Internet, and social media providers loudly declare their commitment to free expression and access to informa- tion, even those companies play a role in blocking and removing content per local law and other government demands.145 Platforms and governments are currently grappling with whether and how to use machine learning to flag and censor certain controversial keywords, videos, and sites.146 Likewise, companies hesitate to share details about voter suppression and propaganda operations that take advantage of their infrastructure.147 New tools and advanced automation capabilities won’t entirely change the fun- damental structure of government surveillance or the risks of concentrated state power, so some approaches in this area align with broader privacy and digital rights issues. But State and state- because these tools and methods are rolling out so quickly— supported exploitation and behind veils of secrecy—around the world, advocates of automated tools warn that advancing privacy debates and surveillance reform over the next few years will be critical. Moreover, state and to manipulate public state-supported exploitation of automated tools to manip- opinion is maturing ulate public opinion is maturing quickly (often building on quickly. established propaganda strategies from previous eras), while efforts to understand the scope of and constrain such activi- ties in this new context lag behind.148 Some advocates worry that within a decade the deployment and governance of these may be past the point of no return, but prompt and coordinated philanthropic activity may help shift the course.

Disparate Impact in the Courtroom Interest in AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 55

Cybersecurity and the Algorithms of War

Traditional issues of international ing civilian systems or escalating to overly conflict and warfare now arise in cyber- harsh diplomatic or kinetic responses.150 space. Defense and security organizations Automation in the context of national in Russia, China, Israel, and the United security and conflict raises not only the States are all pursuing artificial intelli- same issues of accountability and explain- gence capabilities to augment their tech- ability that plague other consequential nology arsenal.149 From unmanned robotic automated decision systems, but also systems, to rapid surveillance image anal- specific questions of international ysis, to automatic cyberintrusion detec- humanitarian law, law of armed conflict, tion and response, to semi- and fully and norms around how states develop autonomous weapons systems, auto- and deploy new weapons and forms of mated and predictive technology could warfare.151 While these issues diverge allow for more targeted conflict, reducing from the threat of enhanced state power civilian casualties and minimizing the dis- discussed above, they may be of interest placement and human suffering that inev- to funders working in the realms of cyber- itably follows. By the same token, as in security, human rights, human security, the case of drones, these developments and international law. could just as readily make war feel less destructive and so make it more pervasive. In the realm of cybersecurity, auto- mation can help defend against attacks more efficiently, but will also likely con- tribute to an arms race that risks damag- AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 56

Biometric Identity Tracking in India India’s Aadhaar system is a biometric registration system used for everything from elec- tronic benefits transfers to consumer banking to routine purchases. Architects of the system envisioned expanding service to the poor and reducing fraud and corruption.152 But with more than a billion Indian citizens enrolled, the system has triggered criti- cism by rights advocates over accuracy, security, and exclusion.153 Governing laws don’t restrict automated assessment or matching across government databases154—which is particularly concerning considering that law enforcement tracking systems may soon integrate biometric information and automate profiling of suspects and missing per- sons.155 Some argue that Indian surveillance capacity is already significant, and that Aadhaar only marginally enhances state power—but coupled with automated data pro- cessing and predictive analytics, this centralization of information will institutionalize pervasive state control and risk eroding fundamental rights of Indian citizens.156

Social Scoring in China News reports suggest that China aims to roll out a national “social credit scoring” sys- tem for members of the public that may be used for a wide range of government and other decisions in the future, including benefits and access to loans.157 Local govern- ments and private companies are reportedly piloting such public credit score pro- grams—which people speculate to be based on different arrays of commercial transac- tion details, online and offline behavior, and government data—and encouraging users to share and celebrate good scores with friends and romantic partners.158 A mandatory, nationwide social scoring system is not yet in place, but dystopian books and televi- sion shows have vividly illustrated the detrimental impact such pervasive assessments could have on society, freedoms, and social life, degrading interpersonal relationships and locking people into cycles of disadvantage. And in an authoritarian political con- text where surveillance is already commonplace, the risks of unchecked state power will only be amplified by perpetual algorithmic appraisal of the public.159

Predictive Detention in Israel Investigations have revealed that Israeli military intelligence uses automated profiling to flag Palestinian social media users as potential “lone wolf” attackers and apprehend these anticipated suspects before they carry out attacks. The algorithm looks for signals like keyword use, writing style, and even recent changes to profile pictures on social platforms like Facebook. These predictive analytics have identified thousands of sus- pects and led hundreds to be arrested and detained for allegedly signalling a propensity to carry out an attack.160 Non-Israeli citizens identified by the system can be detained without trial; many are later charged with incitement. Israeli security services claim the method has dramatically reduced the number of stabbing attacks on civilians, but crit- ics argue innocent Palestinians, who have committed no crime but expressing frustra- tion about their circumstances, are being denied basic human rights.161

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Trends to Watch For

A profusion of watchlists, preemptive enforcement, and the deprivation of due process.

More people could be questioned or detained based on online expression, movement, or associations, but held on unrelated charges or released without charge. As people understand the extent of government monitoring and what triggers greater scrutiny, they may begin to self-police their own behavior, and report on others. Expression could be chilled, and dissent suppressed, deepening authoritarian tendencies of govern- ments across the globe. Because of national security exemptions, though, privacy laws, where they exist, may fail to protect citizens against broad and automated processing of private communications, personally identifiable information, and metadata. Similar approaches, incubated in the national security context, are already spreading to routine law enforcement.

Governments worldwide gain surveillance power by partnering with major online platforms.

Platforms’ centralized role and growing power make them natural targets for govern- ment information demands. Government’s ability to force companies to share their data—or to buy that data commercially on the “data broker” marketplace—deserves more attention and may come to play a growing role in privacy and technology debates.

More evidence of quasi-censorship on online platforms.

Users might find that their posts are not being seen by friends, or that certain content is arbitrarily blocked or deleted. While platforms claim to have appeals processes, people would report that their content is rarely restored—if they can detect the issue and figure out how to get in touch with the platform in the first place. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 58

Approaches to Explore Many of these approaches build on the existing quantified society and Internet rights work of NetGain partners and grantees, which has been critical in staving off even greater erosions of privacy and other rights than what we see today. The growing role of automation only underscores the continued importance of this work and increases its urgency.

Double down on transparency.

Philanthropy could support advocates pushing for broader interpretations of free- dom of information and data access laws as well as those challenging national secu- rity exemption claims in court. Encouraging expanded corporate transparency reporting would also provide advocates with more opportunities to spot and respond to signs of government overreach.

Strengthen firewalls between governments and the private sector.

Companies should be expected to secure user data and resist sweeping government requests. Government also infringes rights when it buys or rents data from brokers and other companies. Philanthropy could sustain engagement between advocates and com- panies, fund public awareness campaigns around issues including strong encryption and data sharing agreements, and otherwise support policy fights for stronger walls between the government and the private sector.

Protect and encourage whistleblowing.

Intrusive government surveillance may only come to light when someone with priv- ileged access to government agencies comes forward. Many recent privacy reforms would not have been possible without major revelations about the U.S. government’s sweeping data collection programs—but people who come forward with concerns put themselves at risk of being fired, jailed, or exiled. Philanthropy could support secure channels for whistleblowers to contact lawyers and the media, and back advocates fighting for stronger whistleblower protections. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY Core Themes for Philanthropic Focus 59

Advocacy for robust privacy laws and enforcement.

Legal limits on the collection and use of personal and other data are not a panacea, but they give advocates a strong foundation for public engagement and legal action. Philanthropy could continue to support organizations involved in privacy reform and advocacy around the world—including supporting personnel who can react to legal developments within diverse local contexts. ■



AUTOMATION AND THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY are transforming the land- scape within which NetGain funders—and the social sector more broadly—pur- sue longstanding goals of justice, protection for the vulnerable, and a more equi- table and humane society for all. Many of the issues here are longstanding, and where digital technology is driving social change, it is not always the newest or most advanced technology that drives the most important changes. Nonetheless, the constellation of forces and issues described here collectively amount to something genuinely new and important. This framing paper was designed to provide clarifying lenses and useful starting points for this conversation, and to motivate and structure the deeper investigations that doubtless lie ahead. ■



1. For a lucid presentation of this view, see Raja Parasuraman & Victor Riley, Humans and Automation: Use, Misuse, Disuse, Abuse, 39 Hum. Factors 230 (1997).

2. Machine Learning, The Royal Society, (Apr. 2017), policy/projects/machine-learning/publications/machine-learning-report.pdf.

3. See, e.g., Lilian Edwards & Michael Veale, Slave to the Algorithm? Why a ‘Right to Explanation’ is Probably Not the Remedy You are Looking for (May 23, 2017), available at

4. Kate Crawford & Ryan Calo, There is a blind spot in AI research, 538 Nature, 311-313 (Oct. 13, 2016).

5. Nicholas Carr, The Glass Cage: How Our Computers Are Changing Us (2015), 100.

6. Press Release, Accenture Newsroom, Despite Increased Use of Electronic Medical Records, Fewer U.S. Doctors Believe It Improves Health Outcomes, Accenture Survey Shows (Apr. 13, 2015), use-of-electronic-medical-records-fewer-us-doctors-believe-it-improves-health- outcomes-accenture-survey-shows.htm.

7. For more examples and a taxonomy, see Nadine B. Sarter et al., Automation Surprises in Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2d Ed. (1997).

8. For an overview, see Raja Parasuraman & Victor Riley, Humans and Automation: Use, Misuse, Disuse, Abuse, 39 Hum. Factors 230 (1997). And John D. Lee, Review of a Pivotal Human Factors article: Humans and Automation: Use, Misuse, Disuse, Abuse, 50 Hum. Factors 404 (2008).

9. A 2013 FAA investigation found, among other conclusions about the role of automation in aviation accidents, that “[p]ilots [were] out of the control loop and peripheral to the actual operation of the aircraft and therefore not prepared to assume control when necessary” in over 50% of accidents reviewed. Operational Use of Flight Path Management Systems: Final Report of the Performance-based operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee/Commercial Aviation Safety Team Flight Deck Automation Working Group, Federal Aviation Administration, September 5, 2013, available at afs/afs400/parc/parc_reco/media/2013/130908_PARC_FltDAWG_Final_Report_ Recommendations.pdf at 38

10. Nicholas Carr at 69. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 64

11. Raja Parasuraman & Dietrich H. Manzey, Complacency and Bias in Human Use of Automation: An Attentional Integration, 52 Hum. Factors 381 (2010).

12. Approaches to scrutinizing and governing automated decisions are described in greater depth in Aaron Rieke & Miranda Bogen, Public Scrutiny of Automated Decisions: Early Lessons and Emerging Methods, forthcoming.

13. See Douwe Korff,New Challenges to Data Protection Study - Working Paper No. 2: Data Protection Laws in the EU: The Difficulties in Meeting the Challenges Posed by Global Social and Technical Developments, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan. 20, 2010), https://

14. See Sandra Wachter, Brent Mittelstadt & Luciano Floridi, Why a Right to Explanation of Automated Decision-Making Does Not Exist in the General Data Protection Regulation, International Data Privacy Law (Jan. 24, 2017), cfm?abstract_id=2903469.

15. M C Elish, Moral Crumple Zones: Cautionary Tales in Human-Robot Interaction (WeRobot 2016), SSRN Electronic Journal (Mar. 20, 2016), abstract=2757236.

16. UN General Assembly, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations 217 (III) A, Paris, 1948, available at universal-declaration-human-rights.

17. Dirk Matten and Andrew Crane, Corporate Citizenship: Toward an Extended Theoretical Conceptualization, The Academy of Management Review 30, no. 1 (January 2005): 166–79,; S.J. Kobrin, Globalization, Transnational Corporations, and the Future of Global Governance, in Handbook of Research on Global Corporate Citizenship., ed. A.G. Scherer and G. Palazzo (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008).

18. As Yochai Benkler has pointed out, new technologies including big data and behavioral marketing have introduced “new control points and dimensions of power into the Internet as a social-cultural-economic platform. Unlike in the Internet’s first generation, companies and governments are well aware of the significance of design choices, and are jostling to acquire power over, and appropriate value from, networked activity.” Yochai Benkler, Degrees of Freedom, Dimensions of Power, 145 Daedalus 18–32, 18-32 (2016).

19. Joon Ian Wong, Google and Facebook are doubling down on internet infrastructure with a new Pacific cable, Quartz (Oct. 17, 2016), google-goog-and-facebook-fb-are-building-a-new-transpacific-submarine-cable.

20. See, e.g., Caribou Digital, Private-Sector Digital Identity in Emerging Markets, Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom: Caribou Digital Publishing, 2016, available at AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 65

Omidyar-Network-Private-Sector-Digital-Identity-In-Emerging-Markets.pdf; Abby Phillip, Online ‘authenticity’ and how Facebook’s ‘real name’ policy hurts Native Americans, The Washington Post (Feb. 10, 2015), news/morning-mix/wp/2015/02/10/online-authenticity-and-how-facebooks-real- name-policy-hurts-native-americans/?utm_term=.74b22d204b48.

21. Kate Klonick, The New Governors: The People, Rules, and Processes Governing Online Speech (Mar. 20, 2017). Harvard Law Review, Vol. 131, Forthcoming. Available at SSRN:

22. David Blanchard, Musk’s Warning Sparks Call For Regulating Artificial Intelligence, NPR (Jul. 19, 2017), alltechconsidered/2017/07/19/537961841/musks-warning-sparks-call-for- regulating-artificial-intelligence.

23. Tom Simonite, Elon Musk's Freak-Out Over Killer Robots Distracts From Our Real AI Problems, Wired (Jul. 17, 2017) elon-forget-killer-robots-focus-on-the-real-ai-problems.

24. Introducing OpenAI (Dec. 11, 2015),

25. One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI100), Stanford University,

26. Oren Etzioni, No, the Experts Don’t Think Superintelligent AI is a Threat to Humanity, MIT Technology Review (Sep. 20, 2017) https://www.technologyreview. com/s/602410/no-the-experts-dont-think-superintelligent-ai-is-a-threat-to-humanity.

27. John Perry Barlow, A Declaration of the Independence of , Electronic Frontier Foundation (2017), (last visited June 22, 2017).

28. ICT Facts and Figures, International Telecommunication Union, en/ITU-D/Statistics/Documents/facts/ICTFactsFigures2015.pdf (last visited June 22, 2017).

29. “As of 2013, eight of the world’s top 10 Internet companies by audience were based in the United States, though 81 percent of their online visitors were not.” Bill Wasik, Welcome to the Age of Digital Imperialism, (June 4, 2015), imperialism.html.

30. Ben Popper, Google announces over 2 billion monthly active devices on Android, The Verge (May 17, 2017), reaches-2-billion-monthly-active-users; Mobile usage is the primary onramp to networked life for new users, both in the developing world and among under- connected populations in developed economies, including racial minorities in the AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 66

U.S. Mobile apps now attract more attention than the desktop web and mobile web combined, at least in the United States. Benedict Evans, Mobile is eating the world, Benedict Evans (Dec. 8, 2016), mobile-is-eating-the-world (last visited June 22, 2017).

31. Sherry Turkle, Alone together: why we expect more from technology and less from each other (New York: Basic Books, 2013).

32. Company Info, Facebook (accessed Sept. 5, 2017), company-info.

33. Elia Powers, My News Feed is Filtered?, Digital Journalism 1–21, 1-21 (Feb. 21, 2017).

34. Motahhare Eslami, Karrie Karahalios, Christian Sandvig, Kristen Vaccaro, Aimee Rickman, Kevin Hamilton, and Alex Kirlik, First I like it, then I hide it: Folk Theories of Social Feeds, Proceedings of the 2016 cHI conference on human factors in computing systems (May 7, 2016).

35. Shannon Greenwood, Andrew Perrin & Maeve Duggan, Social Media Update 2016, Pew Research Center (Nov. 11, 2016), social-media-update-2016/; Robin Wauters, Facebook in Europe: 315m monthly users, $1.1B in revenue, (Nov. 5, 2015), facebook-europe-q3-2015/; Leo Mirani, Millions of Facebook users have no idea they’re using the internet, Quartz (Feb. 9, 2015), milliions-of-facebook-users-have-no-idea-theyre-using-the-internet/.

36. Sundar Pichai, Making AI work for everyone, The Keyword (May 17, 2017), https:// See also Jack Nicas, YouTube Tops 1 Billion Hours of Video a Day, on Pace to Eclipse TV, The Wall Street Journal (Feb. 27, 2017), hours-of-video-a-day-on-pace-to-eclipse-tv-1488220851. (“YouTube viewers world- wide are now watching more than 1 billion hours of videos a day, threatening to eclipse U.S. television viewership, a milestone fueled by the Google unit’s aggressive embrace of artificial intelligence to recommend videos.”).

37. Will Oremus, What Is “TensorFlow,” and Why Is Google So Excited About It?, Slate Magazine (Nov. 9, 2015), google_s_tensorflow_is_open_source_and_it_s_about_to_be_a_huge_huge_deal. html.

38. Baidu Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2016 Results, Baidu Newsroom (Feb. 23, 2017), newsArticle&id=2248999l; Alibaba Group Announces December Quarter 2016 Results, Business Wire (Jan. 24, 2017), home/20170124005719/en/Alibaba-Group-Announces-December-Quarter-2016- Results; Number of monthly active WeChat users from 2nd quarter 2010 to 2nd quarter 2017 (in millions), Statista (accessed Sept. 5, 2017), AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 67


39. Kai-Fu Lee, The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence, The New York Times (Jun. 24, 2017), economic-inequality.html?_r=0.

40. Why China’s AI push is worrying, The Economist (Jul. 27th, 2017), https://www. developing-powerful-artificial-intelligence-why-chinas-ai-push.

41. For example, in India in 2015, Facebook encouraged its users to lobby the Indian government in support of its Free Basics internet plan, which critics charged would undermine the diversity of the Indian internet; ultimately, the company generated 16 million emails from its users to an Indian telecommunications regulator in support of the project. Rahul Bhatia, The inside story of Facebook’s biggest setback, The Guardian (May 12, 2016), technology/2016/may/12/facebook-free-basics-india-zuckerberg. That effort backfired, triggering strong opposition from civil society and ultimately a ruling from India’s telecom regulator that the service violated net neutrality. Aayush Soni, India deals blow to Facebook in people-powered ‘net neutrality’ row, The Guardian (Feb. 8, 2016), india-facebook-free-basics-net-neutrality-row.

42. Sheera Frenkel, Facebook Will Use Artificial Intelligence to Find Extremist Posts, The New York Times (June 15, 2017), facebook-artificial-intelligence-extremists-terrorism.html; Sara Su, News Feed FYI: New Test With Related Articles, Facebook Newsroom (Updated Aug 3, 2017), https:// (“Now, we will start using updated machine learning to detect more potential hoaxes to send to third-party fact checkers.”).

43. Apple’s focus on direct to consumer sales gives it less conflicted incentives, though it is also shifting its business model toward App Store revenue.See Rani Molla, Why Apple’s Services business is so valuable, Recode (May 3, 2017), https://www.recode. net/2017/5/3/15523268/apple-services-business-revenue-growth.

44. See Tim Wu, The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Heads (2017).

45. See Shoshana Zuboff,Big other: surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information civilization, 30 Journal of Information Technology 75–89, 75-89 (Apr. 17, 2015).

46. See Ryan Calo & Alex Rosenblat, The Taking Economy: Uber, Information, and Power, SSRN Electronic Journal (Mar. 11, 2017), cfm?abstract_id=2929643 AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 68

47. Sam Harris, Persuasion and Control, Sam Harris (5ADAD) (May 26, 2017), https://www.

48. Andrej Karpathy, ICML accepted papers institution stats, Medium (May 24, 2017), bad8d2943f5d.

49. Data Brokers: A Call for Transparency and Accountability, Federal Trade Commission (May 2014), available at brokers-call-transparency-accountability-report-federal-trade-commission-may- 2014/140527databrokerreport.pdf.

50. Neil Lawrence, Deep Learning, Pachinko, and James Watt, Efficiency is the Driver of Uncertainty, (Mar. 4, 2016), http://inverseprobability. com/2016/03/04/deep-learning-and-uncertainty.

51. cf. Aaron Rieke, Harlan Yu & David Robinson, Data Brokers in an Open Society (Nov. 2016), an-open-society-20161121.pdf.

52. Joshua Green, The Amazing Money Machine, The Atlantic (June 2008), https://www. machine/306809/.

53. Sean Williams, Rodrigo Duterte’s Army of Online Trolls, New Republic (Jan. 4, 2017), online-trolls.

54. Alexis Akwagyiram, How technology eased Buhari’s path to power in Nigeria, Reuters (Apr. 2, 2015), technology-idUSL6N0WZ2JF20150402.

55. Vikas Pandey, Narendra Modi: India’s ‘social media’ PM, BBC News (May 26, 2015),

56. Philip N. Howard & Robert Gorwa, Facebook could tell us how Russia interfered in our elections. Why won’t it?, The Washington Post (May 20, 2017), https://www. elections-why-wont-it/2017/05/19/c061a606-3b21-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story. html?utm_term=.2f4cf00f0313.

57. Even those skeptical that advanced “psychometric” targeting was actually used in the 2016 U.S. presidential election acknowledge that recent political campaigns have used microtargeting techniques, including algorithmic profiling of voter interests, to score, segment and persuade potential voters. See, e.g., Leonid Bershidsky, I Want to Surrender to Cambridge Analytica, Bloomberg (May 2, 20217), AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 69

cambridge-analytica. The Trump campaign has revealed that it used Facebook’s “Lookalike Audiences” tool to reach new supporters (this tool relies on the social network's ability to automatically identify and target users who resemble an existing advertising audience segment—though the advertiser cannot not specify what characteristics of its initial list it hopes to replicate). Sue Halpern, How He Used Facebook to Win, The New York Review of Books (June 8, 2017), http://www.nybooks. com/articles/2017/06/08/how-trump-used-facebook-to-win.

58. Zoe Corbyn, Facebook experiment boosts US voter turnout, Nature News (Sept. 12, 2012), voter-turnout-1.11401.

59. Jen Weedon, William Nuland, & Alex Stamos, Information Operations and Facebook, Facebook Newsroom (Apr. 27, 2017), https://fbnewsroomus.files.wordpress. com/2017/04/facebook-and-information-operations-v1.pdf.

60. Olivia Solon & Sam Levin, How Google’s search algorithm spreads false information with a rightwing bias, The Guardian (Dec. 16, 2016), google-autocomplete-rightwing-bias-algorithm-political-propaganda.

61. David Shultz, Could Google influence the presidential election?, Science (Oct. 25, 2016), presidential-election; Robert Epstein & Ronald E. Robertson, The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections, 112 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 4512–4521, 4512-4521 (2015).

62. Ben Gomes, Our latest quality improvements for search, The Keyword (Apr. 25, 2017), improvements-search/.

63. Archie B. Carroll, A Three-Dimensional Model of Corporate Social Performance, 4 Academy of Management Review (1979): 497–505; Thomas W. Dunfee & Timothy L. Fort, Corporate Hypergoals, Sustainable Peace, and the Adapted Firm, 36 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law (March 2003), available at http://go.galegroup. com/ps/ M&asid=e50899fab6d1e895d126960b7ed3c87a.

64. See, e.g., the recent controversy over DeepMind and the UK’s National Health service—Jane Wakefield, Google DeepMind’s NHS deal under scrutiny, BBC News (Mar. 17, 2017),—or the partnership between the U.S. Dept of Homeland Security and Kaggle to improve contraband detection at airports. Cade Metz, Uncle Sam Wants Your Deep Neural Networks, The New York Times (June 22, 2017), homeland-security-artificial-intelligence-neural-network.html.

65. See Tristan Harris, How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds—From a Magician and AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 70

Google’s Design Ethicist, hijacks-peoples-minds%E2%80%8A-%E2%80%8Afrom-a-magician-and-googles- design-ethicist/.

66. See Steven Michael Teles, The rise of the conservative legal movement: the battle for control of the law (Princeton University Press: 2008).

67. See, e.g., Solon Barocas & Andrew D. Selbst, Big Data’s Disparate Impact, 104 Cal. L. Rev. 671 (2016), available at id=2477899; Latanya Sweeney, Discrimination in Online Ad Delivery, 11 ACM QUEUE (Apr. 2, 2013).

68. Kate Crawford, Artificial Intelligence’s White Guy Problem, The New York Times (June 25, 2016), intelligences-white-guy-problem.html.

69. Joy Buolamwini, How I’m fighting bias in algorithms (Nov 2016), available at https:// algorithms.

70. Victoria Turk, When Algorithms Are Sexist, Motherboard (Mar. 20, 2015), https://

71. Carole Cadwalladr, Google, democracy and the truth about internet search, The Guardian (Dec. 4, 2016), google-democracy-truth-internet-search-facebook.

72. See generally, Cathy O’Neil, Weapons of Math Destruction (Crown, 2016).

73. Julia Angwin, Jeff Larson, Surya Mattu & Lauren Kirchner,Machine Bias, ProPublica (May 23, 2016), machine-bias-risk-assessments-in-criminal-sentencing.

74. See Jeff Larson & Julia Angwin,Technical Response to Northpointe, ProPublica (July 29, 2016),; Jon Kleinberg, Himabindu Lakkaraju, Jure Leskovec, Jens Ludwig & Sendhil Mullainathan, Human Decisions and Machine Predicitons (Nat’l Bureau of Econ. Research, Working Paper No. 23180, 2017), available at home/kleinber/w23180.pdf.

75. Logan Koepke & David Robinson, Danger Ahead? Risk Assessment and the Future of Bail Reform, forthcoming.

76. See generally, Jędrzej Niklas, Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska & Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Profiling the Unemployed in Poland: Social and Political Implications of Algorithmic Decision Making (2015), leadimage-biblioteka/panoptykon_profiling_report_final.pdf. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 71

77. See, e.g., Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning (FATML),; Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in Recommender Systems,

78. Servaas Houben, The History of Technological Anxiety and the Future of Economic Growth: Is This Time Different?, 46 CFA Digest 31–50, 31-50 (2015), http://pubs.

79. Michelle Miler & Eric Harris Bernstein, New Frontiers of Worker Power, Roosevelt Institute (Feb. 15, 2017), NewFrontiers_Feb17.pdf at 3, 6, 10.

80. Carl Benedikt Frey & Michael Osborne, The Future of Employment, Oxford Martin Programme on Technology and Employment (Sept. 17, 2013), http://www.

81. Louis Anslow, Robots have been about to take all the jobs for more than 200 years, Medium (May 16, 2016), robots-have-been-about-to-take-all-the-jobs-for-more-than-200-years-5c9c08a2f41d.

82. Supra note 80.

83. Id.; Laurence Chandy, The Future of Work in the Developing World, Global Economy and Development at Brookings (Jan. 31, 2017), wp-content/uploads/2017/01/global_20170131_future-of-work.pdf.

84. Frey & Osborne, supra note 82; The Executive Office of the President,Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and the Economy (Dec. 20, 2016), https://www.whitehouse. gov/sites/ pdf.

85. Chandy, supra note 83; Andrew Norton, Automation and inequality: The changing world of work in the global South, The International Institute for Environment and Development (Aug. 2017), available at

86. Chandy, supra note 83; David H. Autor, Why Are There Still So Many Jobs? The History and Future of Workplace Automation, 29 Journal of Economic Perspectives 3–30, 3-30 (2015),

87. Annie Lowrey, What the Gig Economy Looks Like Around the World, The Atlantic (Apr. 13, 2017), gig-economy-global/522954/.

88. H. James Wilson, Paul R. Daugherty, & Nicola Morini-Bianzino, The Jobs That Artificial Intelligence Will Create, MIT Sloan Management Review (Mar. 23, 2017), http:// source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sm-direct. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 72

89. The Shift Commission describes this potential state as the “Rock-Paper-Scissors Economy.” Shift: The Commission on Work, Workers, and Technology, Report of Findings at 12, avialable at commission-on-work-workers-and-technology-a071bc169df0; Sarah Kessler, These workers have the most automated job in America, and they say they wouldn’t have it any other way, Quartz (May 9, 2017), modern-engraver-the-most-automated-job-in-the-united-states/.

90. Chandy, supra note 83.

91. The Health Automation Project, Automation, Productivity, & Human Work, University of Oxford (Oct. 7, 2016), automation-productivity-human-work/.

92. Supra note 89 at 16. This shift has already happened in some narrow contexts. See Joshua Brustein, Uber and Lyft Want to Replace Public Buses, Bloomberg (Aug. 15, 2016), uber-and-lyft-want-to-replace-public-buses.

93. Yuval Noah Harari, The meaning of life in a world without work, The Guardian (May 8, 2017), virtual-reality-religion-robots-sapiens-book.

94. “‘Government is obsessed with trying to shape society around the idea that everyone has to have a job. What if government was building society around the idea that not everyone has to have a job, what would that world look like?’ Albert Wenger, Union Square Ventures,” supra note 92.

95. See, e.g., Harari, supra note 93.

96. Andrea Korte, Increasing Use of Autonomous Systems Could Threaten Jobs, American Association for the Advancement of Science (Feb. 14, 2016), https:// jobs; Scott Santens, Self-Driving Trucks Are Going to Hit Us Like a Human- Driven Truck, Medium (May 14, 2015), self-driving-trucks-are-going-to-hit-us-like-a-human-driven-truck-b8507d9c5961.

97. Karen E. C. Levy, The Contexts of Control: Information, Power, and Truck-Driving Work, 31 The Information Society 160–174, 160-174 (Mar. 19, 2015), http://www. journalCode=utis20.

98. David Roberts, 1.8 million American truck drivers could lose their jobs to robots. What then?, Vox (Aug. 3, 2016), autonomous-trucks-employment.

99. Supra note 89 at 21. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 73

100. Supra note 79 at 21; Truck Drivers in the USA,, http://www. (last visited Jun 23, 2017).

101. Roberts, supra note 98.

102. Bob Costello & Rod Suarez, Truck Driver Shortage Analysis 2015, American Trucking Assocations (Oct. 2015), Information/Reports%20Trends%20and%20Statistics/10%206%2015%20ATAs%20 Driver%20Shortage%20Report%202015.pdf; Alexis C. Madrigal, Episode 1: Welcome to Gloal Capitalism, Medium (Apr. 7, 2017), episode-1-welcome-to-global-capitalism-f9f56c92f414.

103. Starbucks: Give us a fair workweek!, employees-need-a-fair-workweek (lasted visited June 23, 2017); Aditi Sen and Carrie Gleason, The Grind: Striving for Scheduling Fairness at Starbucks, The Center for Popular Democracy (September 2015), available at static/556496efe4b02c9d26fdf26a/t/56027485e4b02ead4f16bc2a/1443001477305/ The+Grind.pdf.

104. Jodi Kantor, Times Article Changes a Starbucks Policy, Fast, The New York Times (Aug. 22, 2014), times-article-changes-a-policy-fast/?mcubz=1.

105. Supra note 89.

106. Vili Lehdonvirta, Algorithms That Divide and Unite: Delocalization, Identity, and Collective Action in ‘Microwork’, in SPACE, PLACE, AND GLOBAL DIGITAL WORK, available at 2016%2Delocalization%20identity%20collective%20action%20in%20microwork. pdf; Daisuke Wakabayashi, Meet the People Who Train the Robots (to Do Their Own Jobs), The New York Times (Apr. 28, 2017), technology/meet-the-people-who-train-the-robots-to-do-their-own-jobs.html.

107. Olivia Solon, Facebook is hiring moderators. But is the job too gruesome to handle?, The Guardian (May 4, 2017), may/04/facebook-content-moderators-ptsd-psychological- dangers.

108. Carl Benedikt Frey, The Future of Jobs and Growth: Making the Digital Revolution Work for the Many, G20 Insights (Apr. 5, 2017), the-future-of-jobs-and-growth-2; Dave Gilson, Charts: Income Growth Has Stalled for Most Americans, Mother Jones (Sep. 18, 2013), politics/2013/09/charts-income-inequality-middle-class-census; Chandy, supra note 83; Lehdonvirta, supra note 106.

109. Chandy, supra note 83. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 74

110. Frey, supra note 108.

111. Chandy, supra note 83; supra note 89.

112. cf. DeepMind, UK National Health Service and others

113. Virginia Eubanks has done brilliant work on this theme. See, e.g., Virginia Eubanks, A Tale of Four Algorithms, Slate Magazine (Feb. 19, 2016), articles/technology/future_tense/2016/02/a_close_look_at_four_government_ algorithms_designed_to_stop_waste_and_fraud.html; Virginia Eubanks, Want to Cut Welfare? There’s an App for That., The Nation (May 27, 2015), http://www.thenation. com/article/208409/want-cut-welfare-theres-app#.

114. A critical question in a court case involving a predictive model might be whether a cutting edge machine learning technique improperly relied on data that is biased along protected status lines (e.g. race or gender) to calculate a prediction in a legally protected context.

115. “In the past universities employed the world’s best AI experts. Now tech firms are plundering departments of robotics and machine learning (where computers learn from data themselves) for the highest-flying faculty and students, luring them with big salaries similar to those fetched by professional athletes.” Million- dollar babies, The Economist (Apr. 2, 2016), business/21695908-silicon-valley-fights-talent-universities-struggle-hold-their.

116. As the Royal Society observed in 2014, “the ability of people to understand the world in which they live and work increasingly depends on their understanding of scientific ideas and associated technologies and social questions.” Vision for science and mathematics education, The Royal Society (June 2014), media/education/policy/vision/reports/vision-full-report-20140625.pdf at 5.

117. Richard Glenn, Centrelink’s automated debt raising and recovery system, Commonwealth Ombudsman (Apr. 2017), assets/pdf_file/0022/43528/Report-Centrelinks-automated-debt-raising-and- recovery-system-April-2017.pdf.

118. Christopher Knaus, Government backs Centrelink debt system despite ‘incorrect’ $24,000 demand, The Guardian (Dec. 28, 2016), australia-news/2016/dec/29/government-confident-in-centrelink-debt-compliance- system-despite-reported-errors?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other.

119. “[I]n some cases employers have incorrectly recorded an employee as having earned income over a full year, even if the individual had only worked a shorter period.” Christopher Knaus, Centrelink urged to stop collecting welfare debts after compliance system errors, The Guardian (Dec. 13, 2016), centrelink-urged-to-stop-collecting-welfare-debts-after-compliance-system-errors. AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 75

120. An ombudsman report found that while the “number of instances where no debts were raised following contact with a customer (approximately 20 per cent) was consistent with DHS’ previous manual debt investigation process,” it ignored the fact that this rate applied to a significantly higher base rate of individuals. A 20 percent false-positive rate, where no debts were raised following contact, used to only impact about 4,000 individuals per year. Under the automated system, this would impact nearly 156,000 individuals. Glenn, supra note 117.

121. Megan Woolhouse, Antifraud effort on food stamps hurts poor, advocates say, The Globe (Mar. 27, 2015), fraud-detection-system-erroneously-cuts-thousands-from-food-stamps/ AENK4Bv77zdn59AtlBKUzH/story.html.

122. Id.

123. Virginia Eubanks, Caseworkers vs. Computers, PopTech (Dec. 11, 2013), https:// computers/.

124. Dave Stafford,IBM contests judge’s removal petition in welfare-privatization suit, The Indiana Lawyer (May 25, 2016), ibm-contests-judges-removal-petition-in-welfare-privatization-suit/PARAMS/ article/40443.

125. Rebecca Wexler, Life, Liberty, and Trade Secrets: Intellectual Property in the Criminal Justice System, (Feb. 20, 2017), cfm?abstract_id=2920883.


127. David Murray, Queensland authorities confirm ‘miscode’ affects DNA evidence in criminal cases, The Courier-Mail (Mar. 20, 2015), http://www.couriermail. dna-evidence-in-criminal-cases/news-story/833c580d3f1c59039efd1a2ef55af 92b.

128. Logan Koepke, Should secret code help convict?, Equal Future (Mar. 24, 2016), https://

129. Executive Office of the President, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Forensic Science in Criminal Courts: Ensuring Scientific Validity of Feature- Comparison Methods, September 2016, at 79.

130. Wexler, Trade Secrets at 8.

131. For a thorough discussion on the dynamics and consequences of data and computational surveillance, see Zeynep Tufekci, Engineering the public: Big data, surveillance and computational politics, First Monday, Volume 19, Number 7 - 7 (July AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 76


132. Dustin Lewis, Naz Modirzadeh & Gabriella Blum, The Pentagon’s New Algorithmic- Warfare Team, Lawfare (June 26, 2017), pentagons-new-algorithmic-warfare-team.

133. Adam Schwartz, “Smart Cities,” Surveillance, and New Streetlights in San Jose, Electronic Frontier Foundation (Feb. 13, 2017), deeplinks/2017/02/smart-cities-surveillance-and-new-streetlights-san-jose.

134. Jathan Sadowski & Frank Pasquale, The spectrum of control: A social theory of the smart city, 20 First Monday (July 6, 2015), view/5903/4660.

135. Clare Garvie, Alvaro Bedoya & Jonathan Frankle, The Perpetual Line-Up, Georgetown Law Center on Privacy & Technology (Oct. 18, 2016), https://www.perpetuallineup. org/.

136. Robinson & Koepke, supra note 75; Angwin, Larson, Mattu & Kirchner, supra note 74.

137. Weedon, Nuland, & Stamos, supra note 59.

138. Amos Harel, Israel Arrested 400 Palestinians Suspected of Planning Attacks After Monitoring Social Networks, Haaretz (Apr. 18, 2017), israel-news/1.783672.

139. Shaun Walker & Oksana Grytsenko, Text messages warn Ukraine protesters they are ‘participants in mass riot’, The Guardian (Jan. 21, 2014), https://www.theguardian. com/world/2014/jan/21/ukraine-unrest-text-messages-protesters-mass-riot; George Joseph, Exclusive: Feds Regularly Monitored Black Lives Matter Since Ferguson, The Intercept (July 24, 2015), department-homeland-security-monitoring-black-lives-matter-since-ferguson/.

140. Ehud Yaari, How Israel Catches Lone Wolves, The American Interest (Jan. 10, 2017), how-israel-catches-lone-wolves/.

141. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Article 2(1)(d), available at https://www.

142. “‘Intelligence organizations say: ‘I don’t care about 2 or 3 percent of false positives,’’ says Caspi. He adds that Fifth Dimension develops decision-support tools, and that policing actions taken with regard to the system’s output are decided upon by human personnel at the security agencies.” Orr Hirschauge & Hagar Shezaf, How Israel Jails Palestinians Because They Fit the ‘Terrorist Profile’, Haaretz (May 31, 2017),

143. The Problem, Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 77

problem (last visited June 23, 2017).

144. Spencer Woodman, Palantir Enables Immigration Agents to Access Information from the CIA, The Intercept (Mar. 17, 2017), palantir-enables-immigration-agents-to-access-information-from-the-cia; Matt Nippert, Billionaire Peter Thiel’s secret Kiwi spy links revealed, New Zealand Herald (Mar. 9, 2017), cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11814904.

145. The Lumen database tracks such requests across several platforms (https://, and several platforms detail the number of government requests to remove content in periodic transparency reports (e.g. Google Transparency Report, government-removals/overview).

146. See, e.g., Mark Zuckerberg, (June 15, 2017), posts/10103800085669651, “We’re using natural language understanding to analyze text that’s similar to what we’ve already removed. We’re using image matching so that when someone tries to upload a terrorist photo or video we look for whether the image matches a known terrorism photo or video. And when we identify pages, groups, posts or profiles that support terrorism, we use algorithms to find related material across our platform. There’s an area of real debate about how much we want AI filtering posts on Facebook. It’s a debate we have all the time and won’t be decided for years to come. But in the case of terrorism, I think there’s a strong argument that AI can help keep our community safe and so we have a responsibility to pursue it.”; Joshua Topolsky, Google is using AI to delete violent content from YouTube, The Outline (Aug. 2, 2017), google-is-using-ai-to-delete-violent-content-from-youtube.

147. Lotus Ruan, Jeffrey Knockel & Masashi Crete-Nishihata,We (can’t) Chat: “709 Crackdown” Discussions Blocked on Weibo and WeChat, Citizen Lab (Apr. 13, 2017), on-weibo-and-wechat; Joseph Menn & Dustin Volz, Exclusive: Google, Facebook quietly move toward automatic blocking of extremist videos, Reuters (June 25, 2016), idUSKCN0ZB00M; Tim Hwang & Samuel Woolley, The Most Important Lesson From the Dust-Up Over Trump’s Fake Twitter Followers, Slate Magazine (June 2, 2017), http:// up_over_trump_s_fake_twitter_followers.html.

148. One recent effort to map this landscape found that social bots, which can be fully or partially automated, have been used by political and government actors in Argentina, Azerbaijan, Iran, Mexico, the Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Syria, Turkey, and Venezuela. Samantha Bradshaw & Philip N. Howard, Troops, Trolls and Troublemakers: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation, AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 78

Samuel Woolley and Philip N. Howard, Eds. Working Paper 2017.12, Oxford, UK: Project on Computational Propaganda.

149. Stephan De Spiegeleire, Matthijs Maas & Tim Sweijs, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Defense: Strategic Implications for Small- and Medium-Sized Force Providers, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (2017), available at default/files/files/reports/Artificial%20Intelligence%20and%20the%20Future%20 of%20Defense.pdf.

150. Miranda Bogen, Algorithms of War, Slate (Dec. 8, 2015), articles/technology/future_tense/2015/12/the_dangers_of_enlisting_algorithms_ in_statecraft.html.

151. Dustin Lewis, Naz Modirzadeh & Gabriella Blum, The Pentagon’s New Algorithmic- Warfare Team, Lawfare (June 26, 2017), new-algorithmic-warfare-team; Markus Wagner, The Dehumanization of International Humanitarian Law: Legal, Ethical, and Political Implications of Autonomous Weapon Systems, 47 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law (2014), edu/live/files/4003-20141120—-wagner-markus-dehumanizationpdf.

152. “Aadhaar is a strategic policy tool for social and financial inclusion, public sector delivery reforms, managing fiscal budgets, increase convenience and promote hassle-free people-centric governance. Aadhaar can be used as a permanent Financial Address and facilitates financial inclusion of the underprivileged and weaker sections of the society and is therefore a tool of distributive justice and equality. The Aadhaar identity platform is one of the key pillars of the ‘Digital India’, wherein every resident of the country is provided with a unique identity.” About Aadhaar,

153. Hans Verghese Mathews, Flaws in the UIDAI Process, 51 Economic & Political Weekly (Feb. 27, 2016), UIDAI_Process_0.pdf; Sahil Makkar, Aadhaar is actually surveillance Sunil Abraham, Business Standard (Mar. 12, 2016), opinion/aadhaar-is-actually-surveillance-tech-sunil-abraham-116031200790_1.html; Anumeha Yadav, Aadhaar is a legal right, but the government can suspend a citizen’s number without prior notice, (Mar. 23, 2017), aadhaar-is-a-legal-right-but-the-government-can-suspend-a-citizens-number- without-prior-notice.

154. Prashant Reddy, Aadhaar: Amid the debate about privacy, the more pressing issue of exclusion has been forgotten, (Mar. 29, 2017), article/833080/aadhaar-amid-the-hullabaloo-about-privacy-the-more-pressing- issue-of-exclusion-has-been-forgotten.

155. Ians, Alwar police testing AI-based app to register criminal offences, Business Standard (May 29, 2017), AUTOMATION & THE QUANTIFIED SOCIETY References 79

alwar-police-testing-ai-based-app-to-register-criminal-offences-117052901171_1. html.

156. Chinmayi Arun, Privacy is a fundamental right, The Hindu (Mar. 18, 2016), http://www. is-a-fundamental-right/article8366413.ece.

157. Rob Schmitz, What’s Your ‘Public Credit Score’? The Shanghai Government Can Tell You, NPR (Jan. 3, 2017), whats-your-public-credit-score-the-shanghai-government-can-tell-you.

158. Celia Hatton, China ‘social credit’: Beijing sets up huge system, BBC News (Oct. 26, 2015),

159. See, e.g., Gary Shteyngart, Super Sad True Love Story: A Novel (New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2011); Rashida Jones and Michael Schur, “Nosedive,” Black Mirror, aired October 21, 2016.

160. Amos Harel, Israel Arrested 400 Palestinians Suspected of Planning Attacks After Monitoring Social Networks, Haaretz, April 18, 2017, news/1.783672; Orr Hirschauge and Hagar Shezaf, How Israel Jails Palestinians Because They Fit the ‘Terrorist Profile,’ Haaretz, May 31, 2017, http://www.haaretz. com/israel-news/.premium-1.792206.067.

161. Harel, supra note 160.