A Guide to the EU Referendum Debate
‘What country, friends, is this?’ A guide to the EU referendum debate ‘What country, friends, is this?’ A guide to the EU referendum debate Foreword 4 Professor Nick Pearce, Director of the Institute for Policy Research Public attitudes and political 6 discourses on the EU in the Brexit referendum 7 ‘To be or not to be?’ ‘Should I stay or should I go?’ and other clichés: the 2016 UK referendum on EU membership Dr Nicholas Startin, Deputy Head of the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies 16 The same, but different: Wales and the debate over EU membership Dr David Moon, Lecturer, Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies 21 The EU debate in Northern Ireland Dr Sophie Whiting, Lecturer, Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies 24 Will women decide the outcome of the EU referendum? Dr Susan Milner, Reader, Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies 28 Policy debates 29 Brexit and the City of London: a clear and present danger Professor Chris Martin, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics 33 The economics of the UK outside the Eurozone: what does it mean for the UK if/when Eurozone integration deepens? Implications of Eurozone failures for the UK Dr Bruce Morley, Lecturer in Economics, Department of Economics 38 Security in, secure out: Brexit’s impact on security and defence policy Professor David Galbreath, Professor of International Security, Associate Dean (Research) 42 Migration and EU membership Dr Emma Carmel, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social & Policy Sciences 2 ‘What country, friends, is this?’ A guide to the EU referendum debate 45 Country perspectives 46 Debating the future of Europe is essential, but when will we start? The perspective from France Dr Aurelien Mondon, Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies 52 Germany versus Brexit – the reluctant hegemon is not amused Dr Alim Baluch, Teaching Fellow, Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies 57 The Brexit referendum is not only a British affair.
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