Curtin ( UUIYIIIIIIIP:IJ'y Or Tbchnolr91pyl
Papers in Labour History No. 22, December 1999, ISSN 1030-6218 PAPERS IN LABOUR HISTORY No. 22 The Centenary of the ALP and the TLC in Western Australia, 1899-1999 EDITOR: BOBBIE OLIVER Curtin ( UUIYIIIIIIIP:IJ'Y or TBCHNOlr91PYl and Perth Branch, Australian Society for the Study of Labour History ***************** SPONSORS The publication of this issue of Papers in Labour Hist01y was sponsored by the Research Institute for Cultural Heritage, Curtin University. The editor also wishes to express her thanks to the following unions for their long standing support for the journal: Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union, WA Branch Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Plumbing and Allied Workers' Union, WA Branch Community and Public Sector Union, WA Branch The editor also wishes to acknowledge the continuing support of the Trades and Labour Council of WA forthe Society in its effortsto advance the study of labour history in WesternAustralia. Generally, sponsorship takes the formof a donation to subsidise the costs of producing and edition. Organisations interested in sponsoring futureeditions should make contact with the General Editor, Dr Patrick Beriola (see below). The views expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsors, the Perth Branch of the Australian Society forthe Study of Labour History, or the Editor. ***************** SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OFLABOURHISTORY The Perth Branch of the Australian Society forthe Study of Labour History aims to promote the study and dissemination of informationabout the history of labour, particularly in WesternAustralia. It organises regular seminars and workshops forthis purpose. These are open to members of the public. For furtherinformation contact: The Secretary, Perth Branch, Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, Cl- Trades and Labour Council, PO Box 8351, Perth Business Centre, WA 6849 Branch membership fees are due on 1 January each year, and currently are: $50 Groups, $30 Individuals, and $15 Concession.
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