~SRS Date: 15 .04.20 19 National "Stock Exchange of India Ltd SSE Limited 25 th Floor, New Trading Ring "Exchange Plaza", C- l, Block G, Rotunda Building. PJ. Towers Sandra Kurla Complex, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai-40000 I Bandra (El. Mumbai-400051 SCRlP 10: SRSL TO SYMBOL: SRSLTD SCRIP CODE: 533569 SERlES: EQ Ref: Disclosure of List of Creditors of SRS Limited displayed under Regulation 13(2)(c) of lOBI (Iosolvcncy Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016 pursuant to Regulation 30 read with Clause 16(e) of Para A of Part A of Schedule III of SEDI (Listing Obligations and Disdosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018 Dear SirfMa'am. In compliance with clause 16(e) of Para A of Part A of Schedule III read with Regulation 30 ofSEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations. 2018 (LODR), we enclose herewith the list of creditors ofSRS Limited including Financial creditors being Banks and Deposit Holders i.e. class of creditors, operational creditors including workmen/employees and statutory authorities whose claims have been received and ad mined and is being displayed on the website of SRS Limited under Regulation 13(2Xc) of IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016. You are requested to take the above on record. Thanking You, For SRS Limited Resolution Professional Regn no.: IBBlnPA_OO3/IP_N00024n0I7-2018110174 RBSA Restructuring Advisors LLP, 9C, 9th Floor, Hansalaya Building, 15, Barakhamba Road, Connaught Place. New Delhi, 11 000 I E.maiIID: ashQk
[email protected]; Ip . srs@~bsa.in (For Correspondence) SRS UMITED Corp. & Regd, Office: SRS Multiplex. 2 ~d Floor, City Centre, Sector-12, Faridabad, NCR Delh·l.