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Croatian Police: "Croatian hooligans are planning to break up the match vs. Spain today by attacking the search 813 Referee. We are urging the implementation of additional security measures by the French police." source: submitted 4 hours ago by ead09 this post was submitted on 21 Jun 2016 319 comments share 813 points (96% upvoted) top 200 comments show all 319 shortlink: sorted by: best

Portugal [–] 1000FC 462 points 3 hours ago username password

Uefa will let it happen then fine the Croatian FA remember me reset password login permalink embed

[–] Manchjuestteinr sane98 91 points 3 hours ago United How else can UEFA get their kickback?

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[–] justinhu87 15 points 2 hours ago The UEFA isn't that powerful, unless you want electric fences with barbed wire around the field, backed up by a moat discuss this ad on reddit and minefield.

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[–] England qwop271828 32 points 2 hours ago To be fair, an increased number of stewards on high alert for a pitch invasion would probably do. /r/Soccer Give the ref pepper spray if they're really worried. As long as he doesn't confuse it with the white stuff during a free

kick... subscribe Attendance: 464,472 (10,140) permalink embed parent Get your flag or crest from soccerbot. [–] bazzaretta 30 points 1 hour ago Now imagine ref accidentally using pepper spray instead of the foam to mark the free kick and then all the players in News, results and discussion the wall start crying! :D about the beautiful game. permalink embed parent Follow the rules of our community

[–] Chennaagiynitnkay 19 points 1 hour ago Read the FAQ and wiki FC Our submission guidelines or imagine if the ref uses the foam stuff on the attackers face blinding him temporarily and the attacker runs into Create a match thread (icons/bars) the goal post and gets knocked out. Discover related subreddits permalink embed parent Question? Message the mods [–] France deepstylish 11 points 1 hour ago Follow us on

And now imagine if there was no countries .. it isn't so hard to do .. nothing to kill or die for, and no religion Quick links too! .. imagine all the people living life in peace .. imagine ... Read Watch permalink embed parent Match threads Roundups [–] Chelsedaoormatt26 22 points 54 minutes ago Post match Pre match but then we'd have no Euros! a community for 8 years permalink embed parent

[–] Belgium i_am_another_you 17 points 31 minutes ago

TIL Euro > peace

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[–] OlympDiaeclloMsB 7 points 27 minutes ago

What if i told you humans will always find something to argue/kill/die for ?

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[–] BayerZionnoiZ 7 points 26 minutes ago 04 calmLev edrokuwsenn John

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[–] Liverp8ouo1l 1etpr00f 3 points 33 minutes ago discuss this ad on reddit

permalink embed parent MODERATORS message the moderators reyofish load more comments (5 replies) spinney [–] oh-my 1 point 1 hour ago PrawnSolo 9jack9 Well, that would be totally in spirit of our (Croatian) NT recent match(es). thekrone You never know what happens next! Rossoneri _sic permalink embed parent spisska soccerbot [–] Orlandciotizenkane86 7 points 1 hour ago City AutoModerator Just play the euros on the beaches of Disney world ...and 5 more »

permalink embed parent < > discussions in /r/soccer X [–] Portugal1000FC 2 points 59 minutes ago 2842 points · 343 comments We should go back to having moats around fields actually Thank you Russia fans

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[–] FC barandor 1 point 14 minutes ago Groningen This European Cup is brought to you by the NRA.

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[–] Croatia _underrated_ 29 points 2 hours ago

The worst thing is reading that French police had stopped the last perpetrator(s) for 2 hours, found flares etc... in his car (very manly Renault Twingo just to add), and they just let him go after 2 hours. And probably same people will come to this match and try to disrupt this, French police and security won't do shit, we'll get disqualified, and these bums will get what they want, and the worst thing is knowing that those bums probably will have no consequences.

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[–] France AddictQq 39 points 1 hour ago

Maybe the police let him go because you can't arrest someone for having flares in your boot? I'm not saying that was the case, but that could be true.

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[–] bazzaretta 1 point 1 hour ago* Didn't French police pull over one of the guys involved in Paris attacks and then let him go?

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[–] France AkrourTheMagician 18 points 1 hour ago

Yeah they stopped his car near the border with Belgium but they didn't know yet that he was a terrorist

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[–] OlympDiaeclloMsB 1 point 25 minutes ago

What's wrong with having flares in your car if they won't throw them into the pitch.

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[–] Arsenpaal rallacks 2 points 1 hour ago

UEFA playing exactly into the hands of the Ultras would be a very UEFA thing to do

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[–] Arsenaapl ple_kicks 2 points 2 hours ago

Issue is isn't this what the fans want to happen or worse

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[–] StolenWindbreaker 145 points 4 hours ago Good God that would be horrible. I hope that does not happen. Wonder if the referee is sweating a bit. Having to deal with controlling an important match is probably stressful enough without having to worry about being attacked by a bunch of no-good bastards.

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[–] Mark_o131 61 points 3 hours ago I wonder if the referee could demand more security because he fears his own safety. Pretty reasonable demand that.

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[–] MaltaColtons13 113 points 3 hours ago

Imagine UEFA saying no. Like, "Nah, mate. You'll be fine. Just keep your head down."

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[–] Sweden Aurori 21 points 2 hours ago

Reminds me about when I was a referee for one of Sweden largest youth tournaments, we got chased of the field and threatened with beheading by a Mexican team and had to ref the game after (had two ref teams on place, one got chased off and the second stepped in to help gain control of the situation and team 2 had the game after) and the Mexican team + coaches stayed outside our dressingroom waiting for us, we told representatives of the tournament that we wanted them gone and their answer was "but they have to be allowed to shower", while true, I could accept it if they actually went to their dressingroom and started showering, but now they just waited for us to show up... Ended with us calling the cops by ourself and they sent out a patrol that made sure the team left the arena and that the second game could get started without issues.

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[–] England Chillah89 16 points 2 hours ago

The horrible part is that it sound not surprising to me...

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[–] England Mark_Corrigan_AMA 23 points 2 hours ago

Really? UEFA would intentionally let one of their employees be in harms way without even implementing security?

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[–] England Chillah89 44 points 2 hours ago

I just tried to meme sir

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[–] TottenBhlaumbbey 4 points 1 hour ago Hotspur They slip him some brass knuckles - "you didn't get these from us"

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[–] Croatia Wrwemi 3 points 1 hour ago

Well, maybe if he didn't wear his usual "look at me, I'm special" clothes, he wouldn't have any troubles. He's kinda asking for it, really.

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[–] oh-my 1 point 1 hour ago "If you're not fine, someone's getting a fine!"

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[–] United FalcoLX 42 points 2 hours ago States He could defend himself

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[–] MFK krhick 11 points 2 hours ago Frýdek- ImaMgístienke Clattenburg doing his tongue move and then shooting Pepe like this.

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[–] England Chillah89 6 points 2 hours ago

Just imagine living in a world where this is the norm... we are so lucky living in a more sane present.

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[–] United FalcoLX 20 points 2 hours ago States There was an incident a few years ago in Brazil where the ref stabbed a player, then fans quartered and decapitated the ref and put his head on a spike.

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[–] OlimpHijalofit 3 points 16 minutes ago Ljubljana What the fuck?

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[–] 1810310516 3 points 2 hours ago Where is that from ?

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[–] United tokengaymusiccritic 10 points 2 hours ago States A trailer for the new Wolfenstein game

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[–] OlympDiaeclloMsB 2 points 23 minutes ago

His face looks like some kind of world war II Nazi or something

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[–] United FalcoLX 3 points 22 minutes ago States That's the point. It's from a Wolfenstein trailer where Germany won WWII.

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[–] egladil86 1 point 38 minutes ago Yeah, the american way :D

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[–] Germanysdfghs 3 points 1 hour ago

Imagine a ref running around with 2 bodyguards

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[–] Valencaiqaua_maris 1 point 21 minutes ago

Now give them the offside flags

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[–] Germanysdfghs 1 point 19 minutes ago

But then they couldn't protect him. They have to run next to him all the time

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[–] Germanyzombiepiratefrspace 1 point 17 minutes ago

He'd probably lose them by minute 15 because they'd be tired from hauling all their muscles around. Also, at least one will be hit by a ball. And the incident will break a pair of sunglasses.

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[–] Sweden Aurori 1 point 2 hours ago

He can and he probably will, that would just be reasonable and will be brought up during the refs security meeting before the game

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[–] United OswinOswald4 1 point 5 minutes ago States I thought your reply was to the Wolfenstein trailor....that made picturing the security meeting quite different..

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[–] Sweden Aurori 2 points 2 hours ago*

To be fair, threats and the possibility of things happening is a big thing that the referees deal with every game. There are always security meetings with the ref, representatives of the arena, the Uefa and the police before the games. IF they feel that the security is low enough so it doesn't guarantee minimum security they will cancel the game if it's not fixable before the game. In this case I would say that they'll have more guards keeping people from entering the field and be on the lookout for things that might happen. It takes a HUGE amount of shit to actually cancel a game of such calibre.

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[–] England tearyouapart 1 point 48 minutes ago

Modric will sort them out before that happens. I doubt anyone would attack the ref anyways. There's no way you can get away with it and it would be a series crime. Maybe they will just throw stuff at the linesman

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[–] ManchCevseteinr 1 point 28 minutes ago United I hope no one calls him out on bad decisions today. I would not be able to focus.

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[–] Mark_o131 42 points 3 hours ago So is UEFA in charge of security or is France? If UEFA is, could France still enhance security? I mean, people are likely to get hurt in THEIR country. Pretty shitty situation all round.

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[–] France tnarref 18 points 3 hours ago

I believe UEFA has security contractors in and around stadiums but France can provide CRS support if they need it. They'll probably be near the Croatian fans because of the flare incident in the Czech Rep game.

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[–] France DaMisterO 7 points 2 hours ago

They were already there during the flare incident. Entered the stadium 5 mins before it happened. They didn't do shit tho.

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[–] BaboonFury 11 points 2 hours ago They've added FOUR extra guards for this game. They're taking it real seriously. /s

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[–] BorusAsitaticusLynch 3 points 2 hours ago Dortmund Hey that's double what they had last game!

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[–] Sweden Aurori 1 point 2 hours ago

UEFA is in charge but they hire the police to help out

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[–] Portugalultra_22 112 points 3 hours ago

One more reason to watch this match.

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[–] Manchhei7steenr 35 points 1 hour ago United Calling it now, Busquets goes down harder than Tori Black as a Croatian fan runs past him deflecting some air in his direction.

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[–] Tottenahdaemmayor 26 points 1 hour ago Hotspur Tori Black analogy made me masturbate. Thanks.

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[–] Manchhei7steenr 11 points 1 hour ago United Happy to lend a hand.

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[–] Aeceus 1 point just now So was he

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[–] Austria sennhauser 2 points 52 minutes ago

I can only endure so much diving in a certain timeframe. I probably have to turn it off after 15 minutes and then watch the highlights.

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[–] KÍ Cerpin89 27 points 3 hours ago Klaksvík Would be cool if Howard Webb was reffing. Wasn't he a cop?

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[–] United OswinOswald4 16 points 3 hours ago States Yep. Too bad he "retired" from PL and international refereeing! I think he is heading the ref assoc somewhere in the middle east? It's funny the things you remember...haha

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[–] LiverpJoimol _Broadbean 17 points 3 hours ago

He's also a pundit/analyst on the TV in the UK. They cut to him to give a ref's opinion on controversial decisions

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[–] Lech Polskaaaaaaa 21 points 3 hours ago Poznań So a good version of Dr. Joe

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[–] United jogswithwolves 4 points 2 hours ago States mike carey is a good version of dr joe

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[–] jkb_ 1 point 1 hour ago Mike Carey is not a good version of anything.

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[–] United jogswithwolves 2 points 1 hour ago States thatsthejoke.jpg

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[–] Philaddewlpahtiaers11 1 point 46 minutes ago Union mike carey is great, thanks to him i always know the right call. it's the exact opposite of whatever he says.

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[–] France dunneetiger 3 points 2 hours ago

He is also part of the Professional Game Match Officials board, so very much involved in the refereeing world.

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[–] Liverpnooowl itasshole 12 points 3 hours ago

Sounds like it'll make an interesting sub-plot in the Jamie Vardy film. The retired cop who just couldn't stay retired. Can Vardy get payback for his family and country, against the murderous Croats.

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[–] BosniaP-ljeskavicaCathedral 3 points 3 hours ago Herzegovina Why is retired in quotes?

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[–] Portugal1000FC 8 points 3 hours ago

He retired from refereeing but he still works.

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[–] United OswinOswald4 3 points 2 hours ago States As in retired in the PL and international but not retired overall...? or maybe just because i like quotations, it's a toss up : )

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[–] France illgiveityou 2 points 3 hours ago

He was a cop? In theory would have been allowed to arrest a player during a match?

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[–] KÍ Cerpin89 6 points 2 hours ago Klaksvík I don't think he was a cop at the same time. Probably turned full-time ref once he started in the Prem.

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[–] Croatia _underrated_ 3 points 2 hours ago

They should give at least a taser to this referee to tase every motherfucker that tries to do anything to him.

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[–] KÍ Cerpin89 3 points 2 hours ago Klaksvík That would spark some life into these dull Euro matches. Actually, Croatia and Spain should be good.

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[–] Arsenpailndi60 65 points 3 hours ago

I seriously doubt that the "hooligans" intend to hurt the referee. This seems like a win win chess move by the Croatian FA to publicly call out UEFA & French security as a defense mechanism. If there happen to be stoppages due to flares, then Croatia FA can say they "warned" the French beforehand to deflect blame. If there aren't any stoppages due to flares being thrown, which is most likely, then Croatian FA can say they've stopped a real and concrete threat.

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[–] DinamNoobody_likes_my_name 51 points 3 hours ago we did the same thing last match but apparently UEFA ignored it so..

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[–] Arsenpailndi60 1 point 2 hours ago

Yeah, probably because they actually had concrete evidence for that warning from their insiders or arrests at the border, or whatever else they use. This seems a little more absurd this time around - how to do you even g about specifically hurting the referee? I just don't see it. I could be wrong tho..

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[–] K-Dot-thu-thu 6 points 2 hours ago

I mean in theory it's as simple as hopping onto the pitch when he's nearby and running him down to do whatever it is they've got in mind... In practice I would hope it is not that simple.

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[–] Arsenpailndi60 1 point 2 hours ago

Right. Plus you'd think they would increase the security presence around the Croatian fans after the last game to prevent individuals or groups from entering the field. I guess we will see what happens in a few hours...

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[–] United OswinOswald4 1 point 1 minute ago States /u/falcolx put this in another comment: That is seriously the very first thing I think of whenever I hear soccer and violence. I may be messed up in the head but at least I can be happy when it turns out that is not what happened this time.

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[–] BaboonFury 1 point 2 hours ago One article said a group of them plan on storming the pitch.

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[–] Newcacsrtalecking_nuts 15 points 2 hours ago United Sound strategy, since thats where he will be during the game...

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[–] 24dogpile24 2 points 15 minutes ago It's a bold strategy Cotton, lets see if it pays off for em.

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[–] Croatia CroGamer002 12 points 2 hours ago

Croatian FA

Croatian police, not FA.

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[–] ArsenJaJlfromNJ 1 point 34 minutes ago

Seems like it's all one organization.

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[–] Croatia ejebiga123 1 point 1 hour ago


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[–] Croatia CroGamer002 11 points 1 hour ago

It is Croatian police that is calling this out, not Croatian FA.

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[–] drunken_madman 30 points 3 hours ago

Can someone explain to me why they would do this? What do they get out of interrupting and possibly losing the game for their own players?

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[–] Croatia ImarvinS 81 points 3 hours ago

Here you go

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[–] drunken_madman 23 points 3 hours ago

Thanks! Awesome post! Super informative!

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[–] myvirginityisstrong 3 points 3 hours ago I feel like this post is kind of giving the fuckers an excuse and it's pissing me off

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[–] Manchbeasmtebroo37 38 points 3 hours ago United To be honest, it's a really shitty situation. While the hooligans are absolutely scummy for their actions, the Croatian FA and especially Mamic are ridiculously corrupted. It's very unfortunate that people have to resort to these actions to raise awareness for the corruption too.

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[–] GermanyHyDchen 3 points 1 hour ago

I'm sure they don't have to. It might be a shitty situation and the Croatian FA is appareantly full of absolute dickheads, but risking to hurt innocent people or even doing it on purpose if this story is true, is never acceptable or okay imo.

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[–] Manchbeasmtebroo37 2 points 1 hour ago United It definitely isn't, just pointing out that the situation is just terrible

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[–] Croatia regulatorE500 45 points 3 hours ago

Just to mention they tried to do it in every legal way possible, government doesn't care, Zdravko Mamić is organising birthday parties of president. I'm also saddened by fact that these scumbag fascists hooligans are on 'right side' of the history.

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[–] Iceland nebyzark 1 point 1 hour ago

Have you guys considered the option of direct actions? you know... Invading the FA headquarters, trash the stuff and stay there until the army is called to take you guys out? Have you guys considered other highly illegal stuff? IRA style. Home made bombs underneath cars, kidnapping of their sons and daughters, drive bys etc. I mean...There's so many stuff you guys can do, if you're really that desperate. I know this isn't politically correct to say, but if we analyse history, it shows that violence is the one thing that brought actual change on every society. We like to pretend we're all very civilized and advanced, but we keep forgetting that fact.

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[–] myvirginityisstrong 0 points 2 hours ago if you're going to do it the ''illegal'' way, why do it on neutral (''innocent'') soil risking other people's lives?

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[–] Croatia regulatorE500 8 points 2 hours ago

why do it on neutral (''innocent'') soil risking other people's lives?

EURO, then where they should show people that there's problem? Rather than the biggest european football competition in front of million fans watching, I guess that's better than on 1st tier football match in Croatia played in front of 300 people

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[–] InternSaozuiolnSaleleeper 13 points 2 hours ago

Brings more light to the issue if it's done on a world stage. Not justifying it, but more people are talking about it and hearing about it now because of the Euro's. If they did it locally no one would be talking about it.

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[–] RepubliciiEviNii 9 points 3 hours ago of Ireland Its a reason, not an excuse.

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[–] Beatricejd 10 points 3 hours ago I feel like that post is giving some context to why the fuckers act the way they do. That context doesn't excuse their behavior though.

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[–] Republicsimplysuperman 2 points 2 hours ago of Ireland yeah, at least we know they are thugs with reasons rather than mindless psychopaths out for blood

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[–] BayerIn_haet_typos 6 points 3 hours ago München its "Understanding the enemy". You don't have to like it, but to really be able to solve a problem you have to find the reasons behind all of this and attack the problem at its roots. In this case I would of course take actions against the hooligans, but investigating the Croatian FA wouldn't be a bad idea either to prevent this in the future.

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[–] ManchDeosnteJrulioTO 3 points 2 hours ago City Who? Who should investigate the Croatian FA?

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[–] Ajax Krillin113 4 points 2 hours ago

One of the higher ups of the secret service was fired for wiretapping Mamic.. He's awaiting trial and throwing BDay parties for the president where she shows up and a VIP at basically every event he wants to go to. He funded the campaign of the president and the ruling party. It's not just that he fucks over their FA, he is the embodiment of corruption in Croatia in many people's eyes.

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[–] Croatia MrBathroom 0 points 3 hours ago

Hurting the NT and FA in order to apparently 'send a message' Retards..

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[–] ManchPersotderigyMUFC 8 points 3 hours ago United Who's the ref in that game?

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[–] The EngeErik 51 points 2 hours ago Netherlands Björn Kuipers, the only Dutch guy at the EC. We can't catch a break.

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[–] hungry4danish 8 points 2 hours ago He's a multi-millionaire, wonder if he'd buy some extra security for himself if he feels UEFA would fail him.

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[–] Iceland dayumgurl1 7 points 2 hours ago

Isn't that Swedish ref the multi millionaire one?

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[–] hungry4danish 3 points 2 hours ago They both might be but this Dutch article talks about how Bjorn made his money owning real estate, supermarkets, and a hair salon.

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[–] riga_mortus 2 points 2 hours ago Yup, the Swedish multi-millionaire ref is .

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[–] Real Cogitas 1 point 9 minutes ago Salt Eh Lyaekeah, even though he's a fairly successful entrepreneur (owns a a couple of supermarkets), he's by no means a multi-millionaire.

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[–] Ajax 2ts1h 1 point 1 minute ago

His shares in his supermarkets and barbershops are estimated at €7,5 million so multi millionaire describes him pretty well

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[–] AnderNleicghhttOblivion 9 points 2 hours ago

Time to get stone cold steve austin as a ref then

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[–] shanewater 1 point 1 hour ago Ken Shamrock as special guest referee.

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[–] Liverp8ouo1l 1etpr00f 26 points 2 hours ago

Why don't they just attack Mamic? Kill him for all I care just leave the honest people doing their jobs out of it.

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[–] bazzaretta 10 points 1 hour ago Throwing flares, disrupting a football match is one thing. Killing another human being? Eh, that's a bit too much even for these retards.

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[–] Croatia regulatorE500 15 points 2 hours ago

Someone would fill in his place, probably his son.

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[–] PartizsatnalkerSRB 3 points 1 hour ago

I like how you got downvoted by someone who clearly doesn't know who Mamic is

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[–] Croatia regulatorE500 1 point 15 minutes ago

well, you know the struggle :)

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[–] Partizdaneusexmashina 1 point 1 hour ago

Well I don't think they want to kill anyone so for them this seems like logical thing to do..

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[–] Croatia CroGamer002 0 points 2 hours ago

Same reason why any other corrupt and powerful rich person and/or politicians isn't getting attacked. Too much security to go against and generally this hooligans are massive cowards.

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[–] MenacingMastiffy 16 points 2 hours ago time to send in the Cro -Cop :

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[–] Croatia _underrated_ 11 points 2 hours ago

Cro-Cop was actually a member of Lucko anti-terrorist tactical unit

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[–] ArsenRalunawaySlav 5 points 2 hours ago

Very rarely do my 2 favorite sports make into the same discussion

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[–] MenacingMastiffy 7 points 2 hours ago Guy was crazy good wasn't he? I remember doing leg day in uni trying to get legs like that. My martial arts instructor told me very rarely can someone with such massive legs make them that effective since your kicks lose velocity. Guy was a force of nature.

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[–] Croatia SkyFall96 1 point 34 minutes ago

Mirko can defeat ISIS

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[–] RoyalRed_Dog1880 6 points 2 hours ago Antwerp I genuinely don't believe they will want to attack any official, this seems like Croatian police overstating what might happen in order to get the French police to intervene faster. It'll probably be flares, some fighting, maybe guys trying to get on the pitch.

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[–] bang_it 1 point 2 hours ago French police arent responsible for the security of the stadiums. The stadiums use outside security firms to do that.

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[–] Italy SDgoomba 1 point 2 hours ago

If I play for the Spanish national team I would be equally worried right now.

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[–] TheBlowersDaughter23 1 point 2 hours ago* According to this website, here is today's game plan. The website is in Croatian (Google translate doesn't work) but the photo/map is there if you scroll down on the page. I'm a big fat phony. Don't mind me.

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[–] nehallem 4 points 34 minutes ago Croatian here. These maps are fake, people made them as jokes and our great media outlets and newspapers picked them up and made a huge deal about it. Last game people tagged themselves in St.Etienne saying they are waiting in the woods for the game ready with flairs, turns out fans were having a laugh with these chek-ins and maps. The guy that drew that map is a former BBB fan and works as a PR guy now. Our journalists are frking dumb and easily bought to write whatever one wants.

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[–] TheBlowersDaughter23 1 point 9 minutes ago Well damn, I'm sorry. I thought it was almost real due to the last one being posted which pretty much showed where the flares were supposed to be thrown.

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[–] BayerWn oland20 3 points 1 hour ago München According to a news portal that also reported about a plan for the Czech Republic match which was an obvious joke. (Also crudely done in paint.)

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[–] PartizsatnalkerSRB 2 points 1 hour ago

Translation: Will there be an end These cant be true! New attack on The Blazers (nickname). New plan for the attack vs Spain announced! After they rioted last night in St. Ettienneu, it looks like the hooligans who want to hurt the Croatian national team and players, still didn't have enough. Before the game with Czech Republic on social media a plan was announced on how the wildlings (thats the best translation I can think of) are going to sabotage the team in France. Day later, after the big shame, again, on social media, new plan started going around, but this time for the game against Spain in Bordeaux played on Tuesday. Plan was announced on their Facebook page by Torcida Split 1950, who has a solid following, with a rude comment: - Here, the man has announced another plan. There will be backup from U.V. (I am guessing another tifos group) In the picture, is the plan of the Nouveau Stade de Bordeaux stadium, where you can see all the different paths on the stands towards the pitch. So far it isn't sure if its a real plan, but it should be taken into consideration Edit: I would like to point out this was published 18.06.2016. at 13:32 (3 days ago) and most of those plans that popped up are considered fake (at least thats the info I got from our media)

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[–] TheBlowersDaughter23 1 point 5 minutes ago Thanks for your input, I had no idea it was a fake. I thought it was real because of the last map that was posted in another thread which was kind of accurate.

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[–] Sevillaruizbgedu 1 point 1 hour ago

Jesus, this Euro is being incredibly problematic... Well, let's hope this doesn't happen. I mean, I guess they have an excuse to protest, since the Croatian FF is so corrupted, but... this is not the right way, guys... :-S

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[–] Tottenahpagmbadboy 1 point 1 hour ago Hotspur I've been at a few games in several different cities (currently at Polska Ukraine half time) and security has been getting worse and worse. First place (Lille) they touched me a little too much, now in Marseille all they did was pat down my pockets and are letting in huge backpacks. Nothing too terrible has happened in France yet but I keep worrying that something might because of the seeming lack of proper security

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[–] ssjgotenks 2 points 14 minutes ago What exactly does " touch you a little too much " entail

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[–] BristoDl emi-Tomato 1 point 1 hour ago Rovers as if refereeing was not hard enough already?

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[–] United ahp327 1 point 1 hour ago States Watch as the French police do nothing, shit kicks off in the stadium, and UEFA then fines the Croatian FA for failure to take appropriate precautions.

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[–] Portlasnhdananiganz 1 point 36 minutes ago Timbers Is there an update on the stadium official that tried to pick up that explosive?

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[–] England Renzolol 1 point 24 minutes ago

Welp, looks like I'm watching this game.

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[–] TottenPheadmropz 1 point 5 minutes ago Hotspur Brazilian broadcast just said that they are having increased security. Apparently there are a shit ton of checks and blockades.

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[–] LeedsSteamyRay1919 1 point 1 minute ago United Well I know which game I'll be watching most

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[–] Broniszlaw -3 points 4 hours ago Seriously fuck the French security if they allow anything like this to take place after multiple warnings from the Croatian police.

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[–] France SamiumAbisare 53 points 3 hours ago

sigh UEFA is responsible for security inside the stadium.

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[–] Atlantkaepleronlyknows 11 points 3 hours ago United HowFC many times will we have to point this out? There's even a highly-voted post about it on this sub as we speak.

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[–] France Zdar78 3 points 3 hours ago

Many people don't need much to shit on French really :)

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[–] Manchbeasmtebroo37 7 points 3 hours ago United UEFA is responsible for security inside the stadium.

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[–] United drsjsmith 6 points 2 hours ago States And let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that UEFA isn't responsible for security inside the stadium. UEFA is exactly responsible for security inside the stadium.

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[–] Liverp-oNoal thanielEssex- 2 points 1 minute ago

tldr; UEFA is most definitely responsible for security on the inside of the stadium.

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[–] France LeFricadelle 2 points 2 hours ago

you aren't cool if you don't hate on the french :)

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[–] Croatia mkez00 3 points 2 hours ago

Just trying to get some clarification....when we had hooligans at our stadium cause shit during qualifiers we were punished...can't the whole "'s UEFA's problem inside the stadium, not our security!" excuse during those incidents be used as well?

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[–] ChelsePaandaWrestler 9 points 3 hours ago

they cant give body cavity searches to 30 thousand people

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[–] b0btehninja 4 points 3 hours ago Just male Croatians 18-40 would do

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[–] Hungary-Calidro- 2 points 2 hours ago

Still have to make sure that no one has a hool t-shirt under his normal one. You can't just sniff the Croatian hooligans out. Won't work

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[–] b0btehninja 1 point 2 hours ago They have these fuckers on Camera too. Post "wanted" posters throughout the stadium?

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[–] Vincenttb 9 points 3 hours ago What's this security you're talking about? I've yet to see it.

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[–] France tnarref 18 points 3 hours ago

Everybody expected some terrorist shit to happen, nothing happened yet but dumbasses threw beers and kicks so the security is awful. Drunk fans acting like apes aren't the priority here. They're doing a fine job.

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[–] GermanyLovetan4 2 points 3 hours ago

if this actually happens I'd be real fucking scared if I was anywhere in France right now. whoever is in charge of security failed to stop those hooligans already even after being warned. now they are warned from all sides and also know the identity of a lot of the criminals involved. if they can't even stop them then it's obvious that any terrorist threat could also not be stopped at all.

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[–] Croatia AV15 8 points 3 hours ago

Stop overreacting. They have flares which are like the size of candles and obv wont be picked up by metal detectors. Nothing apart from full body pat downs on every person can stop them coming in. There were flares at the last Hungary game too. Sure, assholes didn't throw them on the pitch.

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[–] Iceland ms__marvel 1 point 1 hour ago

They did throw flars on the pitch vs Iceland

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[–] Croatia AV15 1 point 1 hour ago

Sorry, didn't know that. never ok...

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[–] ILikeMoneyToo 1 point 41 minutes ago Well they can at least check their IDs this time and match them with the names on the tickers, AT THE VERY FREAKING LEAST.

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[–] Croatia AV15 2 points 34 minutes ago

definitely, that should be done regardless of the risk level of the match

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[–] Portugal1000FC 4 points 3 hours ago

We luckily UEFA isn't in charge of security of France, just inside the stadiums.

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[–] France LeFricadelle 2 points 2 hours ago

that was the reddit analyst of the day, thank you

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[–] GermanyLovetan4 2 points 2 hours ago

we..did it reddit?

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[–] ArsenMalrFreeLiving 1 point 2 hours ago

All this talk about ISIS doing something at the Euros, turns out it's football fans doing the damage.

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[–] LiverpSopoilke1718 2 points 2 hours ago

What I don't understand is how can they have such a crappy security with all the threats of terrorist attacks. It's mind boggling.

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[–] the_c00ler_king 1 point 3 hours ago Are Croatia playing today?

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[–] Croatia dinamozg 3 points 3 hours ago

Yes, against Spain. I doubt that hooligans are planning to attack referee but there probably will be another attempt to interupt the game.

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[–] Poland gorionn 1 point 3 hours ago


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[–] JanzqX 1 point 2 hours ago Sad how these hooligans want to ruin the beautiful game. What will they achieve by doing this? Nothing positive at least.

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[–] AC CalcioMilan -1 points 3 hours ago Milan Just label them as terrorists and let your french reserve forces get some live action training at dispersing a hostile group.

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[–] United TheDevilsAgent 6 points 1 hour ago States Terrorists you say?

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[–] NewcaJsotnlenyArtois 6 points 1 hour ago United Don't think they're looking to buy any weapons or receive funding at this time.

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[–] Republicjesusthatsgreat 2 points 1 hour ago of Ireland It's ok, they're not connected to ISIS so they're friendly terrorists...

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[–] Tottenchoaomlhatguy 1 point 1 minute ago Hotspur of course this alerts the american

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[–] AcadéBmriockaaz 0 points 1 hour ago de I reCaoilmlyb rwa ant to see this, please don't stop them

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[+] [deleted] 3 hours ago (4 children)

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