Devotion and Small Group Discussion Guide


40 Days with is a series that will explore the way Jesus saw the world and reacted to it.

Each daily reading begins with a verse of Jesus’ very words and is followed by a short devotional reading illustrating each passage.

Also, included in this devotional are optional small group study guides that are based on the previous Sunday’s sermon.

At the end of the devotional, we have included a list of local community ministry opportunities. The hope is that you and your group will choose one or more of these opportunities and help reach the goal of showing Jesus’ love to 40,000 people in 40 days.

Thank you for walking with Jesus for 40 days!



40 DAYS WITH JESUS Devotions

WEEK ONE ‐ :18‐19 Day 1

...He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives. Luke 4:18

I remember the day my toddler accidently locked himself in the bathroom. He had no idea how to get out and immediately began to cry for help. It took me less than five minutes to find the key and free him, but the relief I felt at having him once again safe in my arms was enormous. I held him, saying over and over, “You’re safe, I’ve got you.”

Can you imagine the joy in Heaven the day Jesus spoke these words?

Day 2

...friend, your sins have been forgiven you. :20

I’d been sick and without thinking, I’d made a mistake and said something I shouldn’t have. The thought of how this would hurt my friend overshadowed the nasty virus my body was fighting. The weight of those ill‐timed words sat in the pit of my stomach like a stone. It took me all day to work up the courage to confess my mistake to my friend. When I did, the assurance of his forgiveness and continued friendship came almost immediately. With it came release and the realization that the illness of sin far outweighed any physical infirmity I could ever have.


Day 3

To you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God... Mark 4:11

It used to always make me uncomfortable when someone asked me a question about God or the . I never felt like I was qualified to answer. But time and time again I’d find myself in this situation and I’d say a quick prayer in my heart for wisdom and answer their question. Inevitably the answer would be the one the questioner sought.

Now, when asked about God or the Bible I realize I don’t have to be qualified because the Spirit of God dwells inside me and already knows what must be said.

Day 4 is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick. Matthew 9:12

I was checking my list of Twitter followers and came across three new ones with suggestive pictures and foul language in their descriptive tags. I knew their comments wouldn’t show up in my Twitter feed, but anyone who looked at my list of followers could see them. Because of that, I blocked them from following me. But after my action I stopped. As followers, their comments would never show up on my Twitter feed, but they could read what I and other believers posted. With this verse firmly in my mind, I went back and unblocked them. My Twitter feed might provide their only access to God and I definitely didn’t want to get in the way of that. It made me wonder, are there other times I block people from seeing God in me? 5

Day 5

...and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. John 8:32

Doubt continually plagued my father, making him argumentative and cranky. He couldn’t understand anything about my faith, especially how I could be so certain I’d end up in Heaven. For years I prayed, talked and explained, all with no result. His college professor background wouldn’t let him believe it was that easy. Then the dementia set in. As his mind deteriorated, his heart grew more and more open to hearing about God. Finally the day came when he prayed and turned his life over to Jesus. With that came a profound sense of peace and an end to the struggle. He didn’t have to understand everything, he knew and now he was free.



Small Group Discussion Guide

Week 1 “Set Free” ‐ Luke 4:18‐19

Big Idea—Jesus’ trophies are souls set free

Key Truths in this session – repentance, fellowship

Intro We all love receiving accolades for our achievements. Our trophy racks are dotted with life’s accomplishments. We enjoy them because they represent success that we have experienced. There is nothing wrong with achievement and recognition of those achievements. It’s what we measure our success by. Jesus had a measurement. For Him, it was souls set free. He counted those as His highest achievement. If it matters to Jesus, it should matter to us.

Warm Up • What is the success or achievement that you are most proud of? • If you have time, ask each group member to write down the success on a 3x5 card, collect them, and see if the group can guess to whom it belongs. • Why do we assign value to things that are not eternally significant?

Discussion Select one or more of the following questions to discuss in your group time.

1. Read Luke 4:16‐20.


2. Was it out of the ordinary for Jesus to teach in the synagogue? What made this such a significant event? 3. Verses 18 and 19 attach certain qualities and characteristics to Christ. List these qualities and discuss which of these may have been the most difficult for the religious leaders to acquiesce to. 4. Jesus says of Himself here that He was “anointed” and “sent” to do these things. Would you say that these things sum up Jesus’ purpose on earth? Would you add anything else to this list if it is not exhaustive? Why? 5. After Jesus finished reading, it said that every eye in the synagogue was “fastened” or “fixed” on Jesus. Then He says something that is interesting…what is it and what did He mean by this? 6. Why would such a statement that Jesus makes in verse 20 upset many of the “religious” in that day? Would it make any of the “religious” angry today? Why?

Application • Of the things that Jesus said He was “anointed” and “sent” to do, which one(s) describes your condition before He “found” you? • Illustrate each of these categories: (i.e. give modern day examples for each) o Preaching good news to the poor o Proclaim freedom for the prisoners o Recovery of sight for the blind o Release the oppressed o Proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor • Why is it hard for us to recognize what these look like sometimes? • How can we place more importance/value on the things that Jesus placed value on?


Cool Down & Prayer Time • Some evaluation… o As an individual, do you value the saving of souls as important? o As a group, do you think the salvation of souls is important? Why or why not? • What are some things we can, as a group, do to raise the value of this in our group?

For Next Week • Part 2, “Transformational Teaching” :1‐10 • Remember to read the devotional between discussion times. This greatly increases the amount of interaction during group time each week. • Check out the ministry opportunities section in the back of this devotional for ideas on how your group can help us reach 40,000 people with the love of Christ.



WEEK TWO ‐ Luke 17:1‐10 Day 1

...come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while. Mark 6:31

It had been a stressful few months and I knew I was approaching burn‐out. The longer my to‐do list got, the shorter my devotion time, and the more intense the stress. It took a wise friend to point out the cause and effect my lifestyle had developed before I could see the toll it was taking. But her advice was more than words, with it came the offer of a weekend away to refocus and regroup. How amazing to realize that Jesus offers us this on a continual basis.

Day 2

...If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me. :23

I think we all have regrets in our life, no matter how old we are. I have things I regret doing and not doing. I also have things I regret going through. I used to spend a lot of time in prayer asking God why and I got frustrated because God often didn’t seem to answer. Then one day, while reading my Bible, I came across this verse. Now I’ve read this verse many times before, but this time God’s Spirit spoke to me. He showed me that God doesn’t like the pain I’ve been through, but He’s used it in a powerful way in my life. He showed me that I wouldn’t be the person I am, without those times I regret. They are, in effect, my cross. They are things I have had to carry to become more Christ‐like.


Day 3

Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men. Mark 7:8

“But we’ve always done it this way.” How many times had I tsk‐ tsked over another misinformed church member who uttered these words? Didn’t they know that tradition didn’t guarantee truth? Now these words had been uttered by me and I sat stunned, amazed they’d come from my mouth. With those words came the realization that all of us fall into a rut at times and it’s caused me to take a long look at my daily life and re‐ evaluate what is truth and what is tradition.

Day 4

These things I have spoken to you so that my joy may be in you and that your joy will be made full. John 15:11

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

Contrary to this old saying, words do have power. We all carry painful memories of times when words have wounded us, tearing us down. But words also have the power of healing and joy. That is never truer than when they’re spoken by the Creator of this world. Are you listening to His affirming words or do you let echoes of past verbiage crowd them out? Take out your Bible and read the letters of love written and spoken just for you.


Day 5

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy‐laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest in your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. :28‐30

I was familiar with all the old clichés that went along with this verse, but had never really understood the truth behind it until I learned a little about oxen. I discovered that when a young ox is put into a yoke, it’s always with an older, wiser partner. This partner walks along‐side the young one, sharing the burden, giving it the wisdom to know how to cope with an unfamiliar load. Jesus shares our burdens, bringing all His power and might to bear on our behalf.



Small Group Discussion Guide

Week 2 “Transformational Teaching” ‐ Luke 17:1‐10

Big Idea—Trusting the Teacher Brings Transformation… (See Mark 1:22)

Key Truths in this session—discipleship, Scripture, silence, solitude

Intro In this Chapter in Luke, Jesus shares some seemingly unrelated teachings to his disciples. There are four themes that are taught in the first 10 verses: stumbling block, continual forgiveness, quality of our faith, and the proper understanding of the relationship one has with Christ. The loose connection here is that these are the sayings of Jesus. A more general theme is discipleship. All of these sayings are examples or encouragement to those who would follow the Great Teacher. Today we will look at the connection between trusting the Teacher before expecting transformation to occur.

Warm Up • Do you remember the best teacher you ever had? Who was it? • Why did they have such an impact on you? • What quality would you say describes them the best?

The best teachers are the ones we trust the most. We believe they have our best at heart and will do what it takes to bring out the best in us. We are pliable and teachable when we are in a position of trust. Jesus discusses some difficult issues with His disciples but they

13 listened because they trusted. Let’s see how well we trust.

Discussion Select one or more of the following questions to discuss in your group time.

1. Read Luke 17:1‐10. 2. Jesus seems to admit that people will stumble (i.e. “sin”). Does this shock you? Why is Jesus on pretty solid ground to make this assertion? 3. Some people take this as a personal affront for someone else to tell them what they can or can’t do. Is Jesus limiting our freedom here and if so, why? 4. As Jesus moves on to the second saying, forgiveness is the theme. What does Jesus say is necessary when our “brother sins?” Would the term “brother” be important here? Why? 5. Since the “rebuke” leads to repentance, what should always be the goal of rebuking someone? To condemn or to persuade? How should that affect the way in which we rebuke? 6. Jesus calls for continual forgiveness. Seven times a day is a lot! Even so, what should be our response to one who seeks forgiveness from us? 7. The third of Jesus’ sayings focuses on faith. Remembering who His audience was (His disciples), would Jesus be referring to a saving faith or to an everyday, active faith? 8. Do you think the size of the seed here is significant to the discussion? Why?


9. The last saying is one in which Jesus is trying to emphasize to His disciples the importance in having a proper understanding of the relationship between God and His people. Does the illustration here characterize the relationship between God (the master) and His people (the servant) accurately? Why or why not? 10. What is Jesus essentially saying here? Who is to always be in a place of prominence? What is our position to always be?

Application • Which of these four sayings challenged you the most? Why? • Why is it so hard for us to continually forgive? Is there ever a limit? • The faith of a mustard seed speaks to the quantity of our faith. How does God increase our faith? How has He increased yours lately? • At our very best (as believers) all we have done is what we were supposed to do, i.e., what the commandments teach us to do. Why do we sometimes turn the order of the relationship between the Master and servant around? What causes this re‐prioritizing of the relationship? What’s the danger?

Cool Down & Prayer Time • One thing that Jesus seems to be putting His finger on in these sayings is the pride that keeps us from following Him as true disciples. Take some time before you pray, break up into small groups of 2 or 3, and discuss what ways you can show more obedience, forgiveness, faith, and/or humility.


For Next Week • Part 3, “Jesus Loves the Little… People!?” :1‐10 • Remember to read the devotional between discussion times. This greatly increases the amount of interaction during group time each week. • Hopefully you have narrowed down a service project or projects that you can do as a small group or with 2 or 3 others. If you are still unsure of what to do, some suggestions are provided in the back of this devotional. A more detailed description of these Ministry Opportunities can be found at (Just click on the 40 Days with Jesus logo.)



WEEK THREE ‐ LUKE 19:1‐10 Day 1 For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19:10

Alzheimer’s…dementia…the rest of what the doctor was saying evaporated as numbness took over. We had suspected this was what my father was dealing with, but the cold reality shook me to my core. It hit hard, not so much because I’d seen so many friends deal with a parent in similar circumstances, but because my father wasn’t a believer. We’d been praying for him to surrender his life for more than 25 years. Did this close the door on that possibility? Could he even make that decision now? Fast forward six months, and my dad’s mind became more and more child‐like, but with that came an openness to possibilities he’d never considered—and one joyful afternoon he did surrender everything to Jesus! Looking back, I see that God did have a plan. A plan to never give up until this one that was lost came home.

Day 2

...with people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26

Panic rose in my chest. The sanctuary was full, beyond full really, and I was supposed to speak. There was no way I’d be able to. Between the hammering of my heart and the loud, unfamiliar worship music, I could feel the words I’d so carefully prayed over slip away. Then my friend was beside me, praying softly. I could hear an echo of God’s voice in his words. “God gave you this message, don’t let fear keep you from sharing it.” Peace returned as my focus shifted away from the chaos and onto God.


Whatever your impossible task, focus on God and watch the impossible happen.

Day 3

...the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest. Matthew 9:38

Everywhere we turned people seemed to appear. We thought at first they were only interested in the candy or brightly colored balls, but even when the presents ran out the people stayed, eager to learn what brought us half‐way around the world. Every mission trip has this one common element, too many people to reach, too little time and too few of us. God has placed us in this moment in time—with opportunities to reach the world. It’s only possible when we do our part. Not everyone can go, but everyone can pray, beseech the Lord, to send more.

Day 4

Give and it will be given to you...pressed down, shaken together, and running over. :38

As we looked at the budget we’d written on the piece of paper it seemed impossible. According to the figures, there was no way we’d be able to pay our tithe and still have money to live on. It didn’t matter. We’d decided early on in our marriage that this would be our priority, so we wrote the check. Month after month, the budget looked the same—but month after month, the money appeared. Some months it came as a bonus or a gift. Other times it seemed to appear from thin air. When we

18 were faithful to give God His part, there was always more than enough left for us.

Day 5

...I am the bread of life; he who comes to me will not hunger, and he who believes in me will never thirst. John 6:35

The year was 1996 and God had called me to what I had always said I’d never do—homeschool my children. It wasn’t that I thought homeschooling was bad—just that I’d do a lousy job at it. I’m not disciplined, I don’t have a college degree and I don’t have a lot of patience. All of these had seemed like vital necessities to successful homeschooling. Then there was a gang‐related knifing in my son’s school—his elementary school. At that point God’s call was clear, but I knew I needed help. So I did something else I never thought I’d do, I began a fast. I gave up food for forty days. The reason was simple, I knew I’d need to get all my strength during the coming years from God, only He could make the impossible possible. As the fast progressed, this verse became real in ways I never imagined and with this new insight came strength and confidence in God. The homeschooling only lasted two short years before we moved. It was no longer a necessity, but the truth of this verse has changed my life forever.



Small Group Discussion Guide

Week 3 “Jesus loves the little… people?!” Luke 19:1‐10

Big Idea—Jesus sees redemption where we see “reject.”

Key Truths in this session—gratitude, repayment of debt, time, service

Intro One of the most beloved children’s stories of all time is Zacchaeus. Several of you just had the familiar tune pop into your head, right?! Well, we want to go a little deeper in today’s session. One of the main thrusts of this entire series is to try and help us see the world as Jesus saw it. No better place to start than with a story that shows us how intentional Jesus was in seeking out the most notorious and disregarded of His time, a tax collector.

Warm Up • Ever heard the saying that “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure?” Have you ever lived out that famous saying? • For those in the group who are yard sale “junkies”, describe a time when you sought out that perfect, although rejected, piece of furniture, antique, or other gently used item at a yard sale. What were you looking for? Did you know immediately that you found the item? How did you feel when you found it?

Jesus came to “seek and save the lost,” right? This story of Zacchaeus is the clearest example of the laser focus Jesus had on redeeming a lost world.


Discussion Select one or more of the following questions to discuss in your group time.

1. Read Luke 19:1‐10. 2. From what we read in verses 2‐4, describe Zacchaeus and his situation. 3. What from verse 5 indicates that Jesus was on a mission? 4. How would you describe these two reactions: a. Zacchaeus in verse 6 b. The “people” in verse 7 5. What did Zacchaeus’ actions in verse 8 indicate about the change that took place in his heart? 6. Was Jesus saying that because of what Zacchaeus did, he was saved? Was it based on his “works?” (reference Ephesians 2:8‐9)

Application • Why is it so easy for us to overlook or disregard those that society deems as awkward or despicable? • When is the last time you have intentionally sought out someone who needed Christ? How did that encounter go? • What is keeping you from noticing the “little people” in your world? What steps can you take to help open your eyes to the needs of people around you?

Cool Down & Prayer Time • One thing that Jesus seems to be putting His finger on in these sayings is the pride that keeps us from following Him as true disciples. Take some time


before you pray, break up into small groups of 2 or 3, and discuss what ways you can show more obedience, forgiveness, faith, and/or humility.

For Next Week • Part 4, “When the comes to life.” :10‐17, 18:35‐43 • Remember to read the devotional between discussion times. This greatly increases the amount of interaction during group time each week. • Hopefully you have narrowed down a service project or projects that you can do as a small group or with 2 or 3 others. If you are still unsure of what to do, some suggestions are provided in the back of this devotional. A more detailed description of these Ministry Opportunities can be found at Just click on the 40 Days with Jesus logo…



WEEK FOUR ‐ Luke 13:10‐17, 18:35‐43 Day 1

...receive your sight, your faith has made you well. :42

It was a life‐changing decision and I couldn’t be there to help him make it. My husband was at a crossroads in his career and needed to know whether God wanted him to stay with this company and weather the moral storm, or move on. With toddlers at home, I couldn’t travel with him as he visited the company headquarters, searching for God’s will. But I could pray, and pray I did, enlisting the support of my best friend.

After his first day at the home office my husband called and demanded to know what exactly we’d been praying. I told him that we’d been extremely specific—praying for God to give him the spiritual sight to see exactly what was happening with this company. His voice broke as he relayed exactly what he’d seen that day, a darkness so overwhelming he thought there’d been a problem with the lighting or possibly his eyes. God had answered and his resulting decision to move on to another work situation proved to be one of the best he’d ever made.

Day 2

Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps lit. :35

Waiting patiently isn’t one of my strengths. I prefer to act, diving in, no matter what needs doing. But I’ve learned that there are times God calls me to wait. As I’ve learned to relinquish control to God, He’s taken me down paths I hadn’t dared dream about. I’m here to say I’m not

23 the one in control, God is, and I’ve learned to trust that He knows the best way to get where we’re going. It does us no good to get ahead of God, only He knows the correct path for each of us.

Day 3

...follow me and I will make you become . Mark 1:17

One of the things I enjoy about the beach is sitting and watching the waves. I’m fascinated by the birds, as they swoop and dive, fishing for food. My favorite bird to watch was the pelican. These majestic birds tended to stay further out from shore and found hearty prey under the sea. I was amazed at their varied flight path, moving from grazing the tops of the water with their wings to spot their targeted meals, to a steep dive that took them completely out of sight under the water. I also couldn’t help noticing how their decision to fish in a certain spot influenced the other birds. These winged giants had a perspective and wisdom that the others relied on. It’s the same way for us. The wisdom and perspective of Jesus will yield results when we follow Him.

Day 4

Return to your house and describe what good things God has done for you... :39

Our youngest son is constantly complaining that we never tell him anything. In some ways, he has a point. He’s an active teenager and keeps a busy schedule, so he’s frequently not around when things happen and we do forget to inform him at times. But I’ve tried to be more deliberate about remembering to keep him up to

24 date. Recently, God did something wonderful in my life and, instead of calling my friends, I made a special point to seek him out and share the news with him first. His joy was overwhelming and humbling. It made me see how important it is to come home, and share what God is doing with those closest to me.

Day 5 not worry about how or what you are to say; for it will be given you in that hour what you are to say. Matthew 10:19

I’ll admit it—I’ve always worried about what I was saying. I even take it further and worry about how I said it and what I was wearing when I said it. Then one day, I got an email from a woman I didn’t know. She shared with me about a time when I spoke to a group and the impact my words had on her. After I read the email, I remembered the event, but it wasn’t with joy, but with confusion. It had been a last minute booking and I felt like I’d gone into it unprepared. I’d worried about disappointing those in attendance and those who’d organized the event. This woman’s words reminded me that when we are focused on God and follow His path, He is the one who determines the outcome.



Small Group Discussion Guide

Week 4 “When the Gospel comes to Life” ‐ Luke 13:10‐17, 18:35‐43

Big Idea—Never pass on an opportunity to minister to someone.

Key Truths in this session—gratitude, ministry reveals faith, spiritual warfare

Intro I heard a comedian remark about the process of getting old. He said one indicator that you might be getting old is that when you bend over to tie your shoes, you look for other things to do while you are down there! I don’t know about that but it does relate a bit to our story today. Can you imagine being stuck in any position for more than an hour? How about a week? A month? I had the unenviable situation that required staying face‐ down for 11 straight days! Now, it took a lot of grace and some extra special people to get me through that period but I made it.

In our story today, Jesus encounters a woman who had been stuck in a bent over position for nearly 18 years! Can you imagine?! What we see is the compassion and power of God to heal a woman who desperately needed it. We pass people everyday who need a touch from God and we, many times, look right past it.

The challenge today is to never pass up an opportunity to minister to someone. Let’s see how these passages can help us see the needs of others with “spiritual” eyes.


Warm Up • Have you ever had the experience where you “learned” to like something? You didn’t initially like it but it “grew on you”? A car? A pet? A home? Describe the process of how your feelings about this particular thing or person changed over time… • Why do we judge most things by the initial impression we get? Is that always wrong? • How can we “see” things differently…in a spiritual sense?

Discussion Select one or more of the following questions to discuss in your group time.

• Read Luke 13:10‐17. • As you read of the healing this woman experienced, what about the event stands out to you? What “moves” you the most? What intrigues you the most? What challenges you the most? • Why did the religious leader react the way he did? What “good” thing was he putting ahead of the “best” thing? • What sin does Jesus identify as he confronts the religious leader? • Read Luke 18:35‐43. Describe the scene… • As Jesus passes by, the blind beggar inquired what was going on. Once he was told that Jesus was passing by, what was his reaction? • The “followers” of Jesus had an interesting reaction to the blind beggar…what was it? Why do you think they responded to this man this way? • What was the man’s reaction to the rebuke of the crowd?


• Do you think Jesus’ question to the man was a little “odd”, at best? Why? What might have been His purpose in asking this question of the man? • Jesus heals the man based on what? (see verse 42) • How does the man react? How do you think those who had just rebuked him in verse 36 responded to him now?

Application • These two events that Luke re‐tells for us illustrate the power that Jesus had and it also illustrated the compassion He had toward those in need. Why do we look over obvious ministry needs? What excuses do we give? • What are some specific ways you or your group can begin to identify ministry opportunities around you? • At the end of this devotional, there are several ministry opportunities listed for you to get involved in. Have you identified one? What plan have you or your group put in place to accomplish the goal of ministering to people during these 40 days?

Cool Down & Prayer Time • As you conclude, write on the board or on a piece of paper the ministry opportunities you are going to get involved in over the next few weeks. • Take time as a group to pray over each of these before you leave. Ask God to give you the desire to minister to others and to prepare the way for you to get involved in the lives of people who desperately need it.


For Next Week—“Mite‐y Generous” Luke 21:1‐4 • Don’t forget your daily readings. Also, if you have missed a sermon or you would like to listen to one again, visit for a downloadable version. • For a more detailed description of the ministry opportunities, visit the website and click on “40 Days with Jesus”…



WEEK FIVE ‐ LUKE 21:1‐4 Day 1

He who is faithful in very little is faithful also in much... :10

I was on fire for God, with plans to do great things in His kingdom. All He had to do was open this one door. Not only did He not open that door, it seemed every door had slammed shut and locked. It quickly became obvious that going and doing weren’t part of the call that He’d placed on my life. Instead, the doors at home began to swing wide, as He invited me to share my story with those closest to me. As I swallowed my pride and became obedient to act where He’d placed me, the fruit began to grow. Years later, going and doing have become part of my call, but first I’d had to learn obedience and the difference between His will and mine.

Day 2

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21

As a writer, I’m constantly bombarded with the temptation to gauge my success on other’s opinions. How many views did my article get, how many followers does my blog have, and especially, how many gold stars are the reviewers giving my book. These things can destroy a writer’s perspective. We can get to the point where we treasure what others are saying about us more than what God is doing through us. The key to living in a world where so many pass judgment on us, is to keep focused on what and Who truly matters. When I treasure God’s word and His opinion, my heart stays safe, protected and insulated from a worldly perspective.


Day 3

Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment. John 7:24

I wondered at the unfolding scene outside the car window. We were traveling back from the coast and I couldn’t help but notice numerous trees down on the sides of the road. Although they were huge trees, it was obvious the damage hadn’t come from high winds. But there were enough toppled to make me curious about the cause. As I considered the soggy chaos, I realized the prolonged soaking rain had been the culprit. These particular trees, although still attached to seemingly large root‐balls, hadn’t developed the extended root system necessary to anchor them in near flood conditions.

God used this scene to remind me that only when I dig deep into a relationship with God will I find the strong foundation necessary to weather the inevitable storms of life. So how deep are your roots? Join me as I take time and dig in, anchoring myself to the only One able to provide security.


Day 4

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 6:24

We live in this world and it’s hard not to be influenced by it. The world is constantly shouting conflicting directions—it always has and it always will—we can’t change that. But we can change whether we listen to it. It‘s our responsibility to be so tuned in to the way of Christ that those directions fall upon deaf ears. We must turn completely to Jesus, following His directions without hesitation, standing tall and moving with grace and power. God has given us the freewill to choose the way in which we will go. When we call ourselves followers of Christ, we must choose God’s way.

To avoid a walk that is slow and ineffective, don’t wobble between the world and Christ. Live for God and God alone and life will be new every day.

Day 5

...Where is your faith? Luke 8:25

I used to agonize over decisions in my life, worried that I might miss God’s answer and the consequences would be devastating (or at least unpleasant). This worry often kept me from acting because I really did want what God wanted. Then I realized that this concern was actually a lack of faith. I was, in essence, saying that hearing God was dependent on me—not God! Once I refocused my faith on God, the indecision left.


Small Group Discussion Guide

Week 5 “Mite‐y Generous” Luke 21:1‐4

Big Idea—Our level of generosity reveals the content of our heart.

Key Truths in this session—Proportionate giving, strength of faith

Intro Jesus has just warned His disciples of the Scribes (20:45‐ 47) and their hypocrisy and indulgent desires. As we move into chapter 21, Jesus shows the disciples a clear illustration of this warning AND a picture of generosity and sacrifice. The widow’s mite (literally means “a very small sum of money”) overshadowed the grandeur of the religious leaders’ offering not due to its monetary value, but due to the heart and motives in which it was given.

Warm Up • Where does the desire to hold on to “things” come from? Why is it so hard then for us to give certain things away? • When we have to part with something that has value to us, what emotions do we wrestle with?

In our story today, the widow parts with something that others would deem too valuable to give away. Her faith in the provision of God and her generous spirit overcome any fear that she has of parting with something of earthly value. Let’s discuss this story and see how God can use it to challenge our “value system” and faith in Him.


Discussion Select one or more of the following questions to discuss in your group time.

• Read Luke 21:1‐4. • Jesus constantly drew attention to the difficulty the “rich” would have in following him (cf. :53, 12:2; Mark 10:25). How do we see this principle alluded to in this story? • Why did Jesus say that the widow had given more than all the others? What did she give out of that they did not? • In this passage the words “abundance” and “poverty” are direct opposites, similar to “rich” and “poor widow.” Why is it difficult for us to draw such contrasts in life? Why is it so easy to “blur the lines?” • What was Jesus saying here about the poor widow’s actions? Was he saying that she actually gave more? Or was he measuring what she gave based on what remained?

Application • Jesus was taking the opportunity to show His disciples what really mattered in God’s economy. We have discussed the difficulty we have in determining what is really valuable in this world. How do we live in this world with a spirit of generosity when all we see encourages us to consume? • In Luke 6:20 (The ) Jesus begins this list of the “blessed” by referring to the poor. Obviously he considered this to be a desirous quality. To be “poor in spirit” means what? Why do we fight against embodying such a lowly stature or humble state? Do we see it as a weakness? Why?


Cool Down & Prayer Time • Generous, humble, poor in spirit….these are not “sexy” qualities, according to the current culture. As we close down, ask God to give you the desire to pursue and exemplify these types of qualities. • Make a list of the qualities that you most struggle with. Ask another group member or close friend to pray that these qualities & attitudes will be displayed in your life this week.

For Next Week—“The Strongest Thing about Jesus” ‐ :1‐13 • Don’t forget your daily readings. Also, if you have missed a sermon or you would like to listen to one again, visit for a downloadable version. • For a more detailed description of the ministry opportunities, visit the website and click on “40 Days with Jesus”… • Remember, we only have a week left in our 40 days series! If you haven’t set out on a ministry opportunity, take the time at the end of group time to make final preparations.



WEEK SIX ‐ LUKE 11:1‐13 Day 1

So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Luke 11:9

I enjoy helping others, but I hate having to ask for help. In the past, this has led to difficulties that could have easily been avoided if I’d just let someone know I needed assistance. Even more than those instances, I sometimes stay silent about things in my life when I’m talking to God. I pass it off with thoughts that perhaps this issue is too trivial or not important enough to mention. God brought this mindset to my attention one day during my devotion time and it stopped me in my tracks. I hadn’t even been aware of withholding my requests from Him. He showed me, through this verse, that everything I care about, He cares about. Not because the individual situations and issues are important—but because I’m precious to Him.

Day 2

...I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:13

Our family enjoys camping. Being outside, sleeping in a tent, is a great get‐away. But one thing I don’t like is having to leave that tent in the middle of the night for a trip to the bathhouse. Have you ever been outside in the woods on a moonless night? It’s dark—horror movie dark. One time I started out and in the middle of my walk my flashlight died. I stumbled over every little thing— things, that had it been light, I would have hardly noticed.


This is a picture of our walk as Christians. When I walk with Jesus, my flashlight works and the world is illuminated. Things in the dark are often times very scary—horror movie scary, but in the light we can see them as they really are and see that, with Christ, there is no need for fear.

Day 3

...the foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. Luke 9:58

I was tired, bone‐weary of moving from place to place with no home, no friends and no church. We had moved fifteen times in nine years and I was a stay‐at‐home mom with a toddler. As we walked into a couples Sunday school class, I prayed someone would want to invest in friendship. The class had the usual introduction time and someone asked how we’d arrived in their community. Hesitantly, we explained our nomadic lifestyle. When one couple asked how they could pray for us, I decided to take a chance. I confessed my loneliness and how I craved a friend. In the silence that followed, I felt the room weighing the cost of friendship, but one woman didn’t even hesitate. “Come over and have lunch with us today after church.” I’ve never forgotten their gift that day and I’ve found many dear friends by taking the chance to invest in others.


Day 4

Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them... Matthew 6:1

The hardest thing about what I do for a living is being noticed. You see, I’m a background sort of girl and any kind of attention makes me desperately uncomfortable. And, in my mind, I’ve always thought that was the way it should be. After all, I’m only where I am because of God’s blessings—not anything I’ve done. So, situations that bring attention to me seem to be diametrically opposed to bringing glory to God. I’d been confident in this reasoning until a close friend of mine reminded me that God can’t bring glory to Himself through me if I’m always hiding. She helped me see that this is a heart issue. It’s only if I’m doing something with the intent of being noticed that I have a problem.

Day 5

Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41

It was all I could do not to nod off during the sermon. In fact, I had to concentrate so hard on staying awake I didn’t take in any of what was being taught. This seemed to be the case week after week and I was just about at my wits end. Finally I began to pray and ask God to show me what was interfering with my worship time. His answer shocked me. Not because it was so unbelievable, but because I had missed it.


One of my favorite pastimes has always been reading. But, with three small children at home and a working husband, I could only burrow into a book in the evening and on the weekends. It had become my habit to spend the weekend reading well into the night. I’d reasoned that with my husband at home on the weekends, I could sleep late on Saturday and be none the worse for wear. Without realizing it, I’d let a harmless habit take me somewhere I hadn’t intended. The spirit is indeed willing, but without discipline and a heart set on following Jesus, we can all be led astray.



Small Group Discussion Guide

Week 6 “The Strongest Thing about Jesus” ‐ Luke 11:1‐13

Big Idea—Prayer was Jesus’ main business

Key Truths in this session—Solitude, worship, prayer


If there is one area where every Christian can improve, it is in the discipline of prayer and solitude. Yet, at the same time, there is no other discipline that is more important. E. M. Pounds once said, “No learning can make up for the failure to pray. No earnestness, no diligence, no study, no gifts will supply its lack." We get a glimpse into how Jesus views prayer in this last session in our 40 Days series.

There is no better way to consider prayer than through the words of Jesus Himself. As we look through the prayer, you may want to see a more detailed version of this prayer captured by Matthew in Matthew 6:9‐13.

Warm Up • Can you think of some things that we know are the best things for us but the hardest for us to do? (Examples: diet, exercise, regular check‐ups, starting and maintaining a savings account, etc…) • Why do you think it is that the very important things are at the same time the hardest to accomplish? Seems like a cruel, cosmic joke, right?!

Our passage focuses on the importance, substance, basis, and practice of prayer, as heard from the very lips of


Jesus. This session will be a success not if we just affirm these things about prayer, but if we actually begin to practice them.

Discussion Select one or more of the following questions to discuss in your group time.

• Read Luke 11:1‐13. • Consider breaking up into small groups and putting into your own words the Lord’s Prayer. Come back together and let each smaller group read their version and the reasons why they chose the words they did. • How does Jesus emphasize the importance of prayer in verses 1‐3? • Obviously, the disciples of John had a distinctive prayer (vs. 1) and now Jesus’ disciples are requesting that He teach them a prayer that would mark them as one of His disciples. In the early church, the Lord’s Prayer was recited immediately after observance of the ordinances. • Jesus now moves on to talk about the substance of the Lord’s Prayer. Read verses 3 and 4. What did Jesus say should be the substance of the Lord’s Prayer? • In the second section of this teaching on prayer, Jesus uses two illustrations. In the story about the man needing bread, what was the point of that illustration? How does it relate to our prayer life? • In the second illustration, what point was Jesus wanting to drive home to His disciples about prayer? • Verse 10 is central to Jesus’ teaching on prayer. What is that verse saying? What is it NOT saying?


Application • Why is it so difficult for us, as believers, to have and develop a consistent, powerful prayer life? • Verse 2 in our passage lays out two important truths about how we should pray and the attitude we should have as we pray….to honor God’s reputation (His “name”), and to seek His will above ours (“your Kingdom come”). Why could these two truths prohibit or diminish the effectiveness of our prayer life? In other words, can these truths be hard for us to adopt as our own attitudes and therefore keep our prayer life ineffective, at best? Why? • As Jesus taught about what our prayers should consist of, which of those things are the most difficult for you to pray for? To trust God for? Why?

Cool Down & Prayer Time • It might be a good idea to take a little extra time during the close to allow people to pray. As a group, you may want to break into smaller groups, pair up, play some music in the background to direct your focus on God, etc. • Use this time to reflect on a couple of questions about your own prayer life: o How are you praying now and what about your prayer life needs to change? o Have you seen God answer your prayers? How? o What can you do to make prayer a central part of your day, every day?

Well done! You have finished the 40 days study and series but don’t let the impact end today. Allow the things you have learned about Jesus during these 40 days to re‐shape the way to view the world every day. Make sure to let us know how you and/or your small group is impacting your community by posting on our

42 church Facebook page @fbcsimpsonville or emailing us at [email protected]. We would also love to see pictures or videos of what you have done over these 40 days!



Ministry Opportunities

Golden Strip Emergency Relief Center for Community Services Building 7 1102 Howard Drive Simpsonville SC 29681 (864) 688‐2233

Boys Home of the South 10612 Augusta Road Belton SC 29627 (864) 243‐3443

Miracle Hill 2419‐B Wade Hampton Boulevard Greenville SC 29615 (864) 268‐4357

Student Missions of First Baptist Church 3 Hedge Street Simpsonville SC 29681 (864) 967‐8591


Beza Ministries/Change for Change Ethiopia Partnership 5003 Edwards Road #23 Taylors SC 29687 (864) 609‐1191

DSS/Foster Adoption 3 Hedge Street Simpsonville SC 29681 (864) 967‐8591

Samaritan's Purse Boone NC (828) 262‐1980

Perry Correctional Institution 430 Oaklawn Road Pelzer SC 29669 (864) 243‐4700


The Delta 3 Hedge Street Simpsonville SC 29681 (864) 967‐8591

Good News Club Bell's Crossing Elementary School 804 Scuffletown Road Simpsonville SC 29681 (864) 292‐5842

South Carolina Baptist Ministries for the Aging 190 Stoneridge Drive Columbia SC 29212 (803) 227‐6051

Connie Maxwell 810 Maxwell Avenue Greenwood SC 29646 (864) 942‐1400


Pendleton Place Greenville SC (864) 467‐3650

Appalachian Region 3 Hedge Street Simpsonville SC 29681 (864) 967‐8591

Happy Trails Cowboy Church

Whispering Pines

Hidden Creek or Village Park 3 Hedge Street Simpsonville SC 29681 (864) 967‐8591


Triune Mercy Center 222 Rutherford Street Greenville SC 29609 (864) 233‐8020

Laurens/Newberry Campus 3 Hedge Street Simpsonville SC 29681 (864) 967‐8591

Bair Foundation 15 Century Drive Greenville SC 29607 (864) 281‐0058

Growing Home Southeast 29 Ridgeway Drive Greenville SC 29605 (864) 567‐5216


Mexico 3 Hedge Street Simpsonville SC 29681 (864) 967‐8591

Home with a Heart 220 James Mattison Road Liberty, SC 29657 (864) 843‐3058

FAITH/Reach 3 Hedge Street Simpsonville SC 29681 (864) 967‐8591


DOWNTOWN 3 Hedge Street • Simpsonville, SC • 29681 • 864/967-8591

WEST CAMPUS 679 N. Harrison Bridge Road • Simpsonville, SC • 29680 • 864/967-8591

THE DELTA 221 North Main Street • Greenville, SC • 29601 • 864/735-7795

CONNECTION CHURCH Ste A, 104 South Public Square • Laurens, SC • 29360 •

CHURCH OFFICE/MAILING ADDRESS 3 Hedge Street • Simpsonville, SC • 29681

OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm
