OCTOBER 21, 1999 VOL 106 No. 49

Jackson testifies at trial for assault charge Matt 1. Smylie Jackson, a member of the Alpha Gamma Wearing a green shirt and khaki shorts, Martin said he saw the deputy sheriff rising The Daily Evergreen Rho fraternity, testified he went to a liquor Jackson said he tilled a shopping cart with from the ground as if he had dodged or been store at about 2 p.rn. on May 2 with another about 60 bottles of Boone's wine. hit by something. The final trial resulting from last year's fraternity member and bought a fifth of Fire During the course of the evening, officers "I never saw it hit him, but I assumed it WSU riot continued Wednesday, with defen- and Ice schnapps and a half-gallon of were called to Colorado Street to help control did," he said. dant Jamie Jackson taking the stand. Morgan rum. the crowd. Martin said he then watched Banks struggle Yesterday was the second day of Jackson's After returning home, Jackson said he and Glenn Martin, a Whitman County reserve with a one-armed man, eventually using pep- retrial for a charge of third-degree assault of a his friend drank the rum, while people coming sheriff deputy was on duty when he was called per spray on him, and then bending him over public servant The charges stem from injuries in and out of his room drank most of the to protect a fire truck assigned to extinguish a the back of a car in an attempt to handcuff him. Whitman County Deputy Sheriff Kirk Banks schnapps. bonfire at the intersection of Colorado and A While Banks was trying to detain the sus- suffered during the early morning hours of "Icouldn't exactly say how much Ihad," he streets. pect, Martin said someone from a nearby May 3,1998. said. "I've drank (that amount of alcohol) During the march, which he said began at crowd screamed, "Oh, you can't handcuff Defense attorney Mike Pettit focused on before. Maybe not as fast" about 3 a.rn., Martin said he saw a "large man" him. He's only got one arm." the clothing the witnesses claimed Jackson, After all the alcohol was gone, Jackson said throwing something with his left hand at Jackson's right arm was amputated below 24, was wearing the night of the riot. Different he and four others drove to Dissmore's to pre- Whitman County Deputy Sheriff Kirk Banks. the elbow after a 1994 car accident. accounts had the defendant wearing either a pare for a barbecue at the Providence Court His attention was diverted for a moment, white- or dark-colored T-shirt. Apartments. but when he turned back toward Banks, See Jackson on page 4 By-laws violation A dream is like a river ... halts ethics case Hannah Bringhurst turned in to the judicial board The Daily Evergreen before the board can take action on a case." The case against an Josh McKarcher, a mem- ASWSU senator accused of ber of the judicial board, gave an ethics violation is on hold senators a copy of the official because the proper procedure grievance form that must be was not followed. submitted before any action The ASWSU Senate vio- can be taken on a case. lated the Senate by-laws in 'This needs to stand as a the way they referred a disci- precedent for the Senate to plinary case involving a sena- follow, especially when there tor to the judicial board. They is a grievance against an offi- were informed of the official cer, senator or executive staff procedure to refer a case to member," McKarcher said. the judicial board during No grievance has been filed for the case involving Wednesday night's meeting. DeWitt. A case involving District McKarcher told the Senate 10 Senator Danielle Dewitt by informing them of the pro- was referred to the judicial cedure to send a case to the board for review at a Senate judicial board, he was not meeting Sept. 8. encouraging them to start DeWitt was accused of an finding cases to refer. ethics violation after she "We (the judicial board) allegedly referred to Native are not looking for busi- Americans as "injuns" at the ness," McKarcher said. "J ASWSU retreat the weekend would have brought these of Aug. 27-29. forms to you today regard- "The action we took was less of whether there was a not in the by-laws or the con- case pending or not." It£ IWLY EVERGREEN/HSlJ-Qf.J, CHUNG stitution," said District 3 Another conflict involving Sarah Allen, a junior member of the WSU crew team, rows on the Snake River during a recent practice. See Senator Jesse Keene. "A page 11for details. grievance form must be See Senate on page 5 Initiative 695 sponsor states case for controversial tax measure Cameron Probert , , You never had to dollars it expects and one that the "Yes on 695" campaign in reduced, every state agency would The Daily Evergreen assumes 1-695 passes, ends the Bellevue said Washington's motor use 695 as an excuse to increase convince people that motor vehicle excise tax and vehicle excise tax is "out of whack" taxes, whether or not they were Most of the opposition to the amount of the tax. reduces the city's revenues. City in comparison to the $37 it costs to affected by the initiative," Eyman Initiative 695 is based on threats, lies was outrageous." officials have predicted across-the- get car tabs for two years in said "We wanted to make sure the board cuts in services, including Oregon. and scare tactics, the sponsor of that lim Eyman, taxpayer was protected from this sort mea"ure said. fire, police and transit. Scare tactics include the broad of retribution." Tim Eyman said he decided to sponsor of J.695 Most of the donations to support interpretation of what taxes and fees Local governments, including sponsor the initiative because he had the campaign have come from aver- will require a vote if 1-695 is passed, Newcastle and Bainbridge Island, increase in taxes or creation of new the lime, and he felt that it would not age people who feel they are suffer- Eyman said. taxes. already were increasing taxes before be hard to convince people the ing under the current lax, Eyman "We're not going to complain if the initiative was voted on, Eyman The prospect of limited revenue licensing fees and car tabs were too said. said. . in the future is affecting local gov- they want to raise the price of Jim "You never had to convince peo- would allow people 10 have high. ernments now. The Pullman City Beam, but if they want to raise sales 1-695 ple that the amount of the tax was control over what their taxes will be 1-695 would eliminate the motor Council wrote two budget proposals tax or property tax or fuel tax with- outrageous," Eyman said. "They used for, Cannon said. vehicle excise tax and set a flat for the year 2000 - one that out asking the voters, then they are already knew that." licensing fee for all vehicles at $30. It assumes the city receives the tax breaking the law," Eyman said. See on page 5 also would require a vote on an Wynn Cannon, a volunteer for "We knew once the car tabs were Eyman

Weather 2 Features: Sports: Warm Restaurant, nightclub Morrell: Money makes the brings new.flavor to World Series go round Pullman Page 5 , J'

PAGE 2 1HE DAILY EVERGREEN • THuRsDAY, OcroBER 21, 1999 Community Calendar

Thursday Saturday • Habitat for Humanity 7K registration is Oct. 15. For more • Grief and IAN> Support Group • Black Woman's Caucus will • Dog Day's Dash, a three- Walkathon starts at ) p.m. Sunday information call 883-7085. is available at WSU Counseling meet at 6 p.m. Thursday in the mile fun run with or without your in the WalMart parking lot. Services. For more information call Heritage House. Secret sisters will dog, will meet at 9 a.m. Saturday Proceeds to benefit home building • A Journey Group for Men is Linda Russell at 33545 II. be picked. All are welcome. in the Vet School parking lot. The fund for needy families. being offered by WSU Counseling registration deadline is Oct. 20. Services. The group explores symp- • Body Image Support Group is • Sigma Iota will meet at 7pm For more info call Denali at 332- Ongoing· toms of trauma that impact men's lives. available at WSU Counseling Thursday in Todd Hall Room 2) 6. 4347. • The Health Exchange will For more information call 3354511. Services. For more information call All are welcome. offer free blood pressure and body Cassie Nichols at 335451 l. • Lincoln Middle School's' composition tests across from the • WSU Counseling 'Services' • Christian Science College "Spartan SK & 1.5 Mile Fun Hallmark Store in the Palouse Mall, Lesbian Support Group is accepting • Women's Transit provides free Organization meets at noon every Run," will start at 8:30 a.m. sponsored by Gritman Medical new members. For more information rides to women at night. Hours are Thursday in CUB room 233. All are Proceeds will benefit PTSA. $15 Center and WSU College of call Alice or Karen at 33545) ) . from 6 p.m. to midnight Sunday welcome. dollar entry fee includes T-shirt Pharmacy. through Thursday; 6 p.m, to 4 a.m. and a light breakfast. • Minimization and Treatment Friday and Saturday. Call 335-6830 • WSU Undergraduate English For more information call • The Moscow Parks and of Depression Group is available at for a ride. Volunteer drivers and dis- Club is having a meeting at 6 p.m. Karen Scheer at 334-2476 or Recreation is currently taking reg- WSU Counseling Services. For more patchers are needed. Call 335-6849 or Thursday in the Bookie Fireside [email protected] or Richard istration for Fall junior basketball information call Trudy Iredale at 335- come by the Women's Resource Center Room. Everyone is welcome. Dragoo at 332-8172. for children grade 6. Last day for 4511. in Wilson Hall 8. The Daily Evergreen Staff Armed man holds wife hostage

EDITOR Matt Smylie 335-3194 [email protected] in school parking lot, kills self MANAGINGEDrrOR Vicki Rothrock 335-1099 [email protected] Associated Press District, arrived. The man then drove about three blocks NEWSEDrroR Jeremy Stiles 335-1140 to his home, where he himself in the head, Troyer [email protected] said. OPINIONEDrrOR Keith Ancker 335-1140 SPANAWA - A man armed with a gun entered the [email protected] parking lot of Shining Mountain Elementary School here The man was taken to Madigan Army Medical Center. His condition was not known. The woman was SPORTSEDrroR Chris Chancellor 335-2465 Wednesday morning, Pierce County sheriff's deputies [email protected] said. not injured. No one at the school of 700 students was injured. The ENTERTAINMENTEDrroR Rebecca Chandler 335-1140 The man, who has not been identified, did not enter school locked its doors, kept all the students and teach- [email protected] the school in this Tacoma suburb. SPECIALSECllONS EDrroR Ryan Ford 335-2465 ers inside their classrooms, and moved students away The man had been holding his wife hostage at their [email protected] from the windows, said Jay Reifel, the district's assistant home near the school, said sheriff's spokesman Ed ONUNEEDrroR Terry J. Mullinax 335-2290 superintendent of communications. [email protected] Troyer. She persuaded him to drive her to the school to "A very quick response from staff ... (made) sure this PHOTOEDrroR Kevin German 335-2292 pick up their child, he said. Once there, she bolted out of was as close to a non-incident as possible," Reifel said. [email protected] the car and ran inside the school, calling for help. The incident happened at 10:50 a.m., Reifel said. It The man remained in his car on the parking lot until a was an early dismissal day due to parent-teacher confer- ADvERTISINGMANAGER Rebecca Andrews 335-1572 sheriff's deputy, assigned to patrol the Bethel School ences, so the students went home at about I ) :10 a.m. [email protected]

PRODUCTIONMANAGER Marcus Michelson 335-4576 GRAPHICSMANAGER Monica Southmayd 335-4179 THu. FRI. HIV-positive Pullman H CLASSIFIEDADvERTISING 335-4573 69 72 man infects ~H NEWSROOME-MAIl, FAX [email protected] 335-7401 Weather L L 38 41 his sister The DailyEvergreenistheoffICialstudentpublicationofWashingtonStateUniversity,operatingunder ~ authOritygrantedtotheBoardofStudentPublicationsbY theWSUBoardofRegents.Responsibilities Wann Wann forestablishingnewsandadveriisingpoliciesanddecidingissuesrelatedtocontentrestsolelywith Associated Press the studentstaff.The editorandadvertisingmanagerprovidereportstothe Board ofPublicationsat its monthlymeetings.Thegoverning"StatementofPoliciesandOperatingBylaws"isavailableatSP's SAT. SUN. MON. EVERETT - An HIV-positive administrativeofficesinRoom113, MurrowBuilding.SPgeneralmanagerisBobHilliard. Postmaster:SendaddresschangestoTheDailyEvergreenatP.O.Box 642510, Pullman,WA 99164- man has been charged with first- 2510. First-class semestersubscriptionsare $90 ifmaileddaily:$60 ifmaiJedweekly.One-yearsub- 63 58 degree incest in an alleged months- scriptionsare $160 ifmaileddaily,$100 ifmailedweekly.USPSPermit No.142-860. 69 ~H ~H L ~H L long sexual relationship with his men- 1999 Region 10 ~ 41 37 tally retarded half-sister, who also has Best Daily College Newspaper tested positive for the virus that causes Wann Partly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy AIDS. The man was charged Tuesday in Snohomish County Superior Court with first-degree incest. He could face additional charges in the alleged HIV ART A LA CARTE transrrnssion, deputy prosecutor Michael Held said. LUNCHEON LE The half-sister, 21, functions with the mental ability of a 10- to 12-year- old, according to charging papers. CheckPoint C~PlptoQUnlon The charge was tiled and bail set at ~'QalSports $100,000 Tuesday in preparation for : SuperCenter extraditing the man, who currently is I serving time in Massachusetts on a I 1455 S.E. I probation violation following a rape IBishop Blvd. conviction, prosecutors said. He is I scheduled to be released sometime I Across from I this month. : Pete's Bar The incest is alleged to have & occurred between October )998 and Grill February 1999, after the woman went to live with her half-brother and his wife in Everett, about 30 miles north of Seattle. She had been raised by anoth- er family and had not seen him since she was an infant, prosecutors said. The woman told investigators that she was a virgin before her half-broth- erused "soft words" to persuade her to being have sex. They repeatedly had sex' while his wife was away, prosecutors with inTPI"PC"l'l alleged. characters, but not c The woman tested positive for HIV looks at the foibles after she told others about the sex, pros- ecutors said. the human passage. ~.~~ "All indications are that the disease ¥ was transmitted to (the woman) by the defendant during sexual contact," Held said in an affidavit filed with charging Programs are on Thursday noon in the papers. CUB Cascade Room 123 accessible He said it was not clear to the through the CUB Court or the main lobby. woman's relatives whether she under- stood the significance of testing posi- live forHlV. THE DAllY EVERGREEN • THURSDAY, OcrOBER 21,1999 PAGE 3 Police Log Man wanted in Washington

• Pullman Police throwing soap and knocking each other into the street. Officer contact- surrenders in North Carolina Sunday ed and warned the kids. Associated Press Two other men and a woman The victims knew the kidnap- have been jailed in Cowlitz County pers, he said. 10:59 a.m.- Stray Animals- Dogs - Tuesday KELSO - A wanted man surren- on $3 million bail. They also face running at large. No description The girl was released the next dered to sheriff's officers in kidnapping and first-degree murder given. day, but she did not contact author- charges. 12:50 a.m. Noise Complaint- A Charlotte, N.C., to face kidnapping ities immediately because of and first-degree murder charges for a Authorities say Edward F. Ross. II:45. a.m. Non-Injury Traffic report of "loud rap music" was threats that had been made. crime that started in the Mukilteo 24. of Redmond, and a 17-year-old Accident- Dog struck by car. No made. The group then killed Ross, ferry line. Edmonds girl were waiting in a vehi- one injured but the dog. Damage to sheriff's officers say. His body was Jessie Osalde, 19, of Mukilteo, cle in the Mukilteo ferry line Oct. 10 vehicle under.$500 found late last week in a remote 7:34 a.m.- Noise Complaint- A tumed himself in after traveling when they were kidnapped by three . area of Cowlitz County. person reponed loud music coming across the country by bus for five men and a woman who had several 12:54 p.m.- Kidnapping- Several The three in custody are 34-year- days, 'Cowlitz County sheriff's weapons. subjects jumped out of truck from a construction site in the 1-900 old Angel Antonio Fernandez of deputies said Wednesday. grabbed another subject, duct-taped block of Valhalla Drive. "The kidnapping originated Beaverton, Ore., 19-year-old Paul They planned to bring Osalde to his hands and put him in the back of over money or drugs that was Sarkis of Langley and 20-year-old the Cowlitz County Jail to await the truck, The subjects headed down owed." said Lt. Levi Morgan of the TaLee Colter of Everett. Wednesday trial, Stadium way turned on Monroe. Cowlitz County sheriff's office. Found to be fraternity game. Vehicle stopped at the Alpha Kappa 10:05 a.m.- Animal Problem- THE BOONDOCKS by AARON MCGRUDER Lambda house. Man reports he pur his dog on his roof. Dog has been barking for 30 NO ONE SHOULD HAvE TO liVE ~ THE WAY, IF YOO Monday minutes and he is afraid the dog will ON A STREET NAMEP llIVN'T NOTICE, YOU'RE GVRGlING ~ROOI(. N~OOY. fall off and choke on the leash. Man NOW REPRE5ENllN' 8:27 a.m.- Malicious Mischief- 8O<.I(S~OT AVENUE - took his dog in the house after talk- Someone threw tomatoes and set off SO YOU MlGIIT WA~ ing to Police. TO STOP ORESSING LIKE a tire extinguisher on her two cars. A HER~. They have had trouble with some neighbor kids but have no suspects. II:16 a.m.- Car problem- Man reports that his neighbors have a car 3:54 a.rn- Disorderly Conduct- that has been parked on the street for Pullman Memorial Hospital requst- eight months. ed assistence with an intoxicated subject. 7:43 p.m- Theft- Person reports 12:33 p.m.- Juvenile Problem- that a lighted Pizza Hut car sign was The Daily Euerm-een Person reported six to eight kids stolen. Keepin' it real since 1895. Corrections • The names of Whitman County Sheriff Steve Tomson and Judge Wallis Friel were misspelled in the Oct. 20 issue of The Daily Evergreen. • Patrick McAdams is not among the candidates appearing at Thursday's Higher Education Rally, contrary to a report in the Oct. 20 issue of The Daily Evergreen.



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2X More Digital Music for 1/3 the Price PAGE 4 THE DAILY EVERGREEN • 1'HuRsDAY, OcroBER 21, 1999

JACKSON: Pullman police observed riot from Alpha Gamma Rho} ''Eagle} Roost" room Continued from front page Johnson said he looked back toward Amidst cries of "Kill the pigs" where Jackson had been, but did not , ~ I've never seen him and former photographer for The Love said Jackson had not been and "No more dry," Martin said see him or the officer. like this." Daily Evergreen, testified she chanting, singing or dancing around Banks released the suspect, who Greg Knudtson, a Pullman Fire arrived at the bonfire at about 2 a.m. the bonfire, and that Bayne's photo- then fell to the ground. Department EMT, said he and the She saw Jackson around the bonfire graph of him, which ran in the next Under questioning by defense two other men in his ambulance and photographed him. _ day's issue of The Daily Evergreen, attorney Mike Pettit, Martin admit- were called to respond to a possibly Kirstie Love, "He seemed pretty angry," Bayne did not resemble the Jackson she ted he had identified the suspect a.<; paralyzed man lying on the ground. said. knew. having "longer," "dirty blond" hair. WSU student Knudtson said he approached the Kirstie Love, a Alpha Phi mern- "I've never seen him like this," While he was unable to remember ber, said she met and a she individual, who he later discovered Jackson said. what kind of pants or shoes the sus- nity on the northwest comer of the to be Jackson, lying down against a friend outside the sorority at about Several officers said Jackson was pect was wearing, Martin said he house to observe the crowd and bon- curb on A Street, rubbing his face. fire. 12:30 a.m., then walked to the bon- an active participant in the riot remembered the indi vidual was tire. throughout the night. wearing a white shirt. Knudtson said such behavior was The door to the room, known as consistent with someone who had Love said the three of them went Whitman County Sheriff Det. Several of Jackson's friends took the "Eagle's Roost," was locked and been sprayed with pepper spray. into the AGR house four or five Sgt. Jodie Hamilton said she the stand earlier in the day, describ- had the lights turned off, giving the Although officers had formed a times during the early morning to remained at the intersection of ing Jackson's activities leading up to two officers a secure place to the riot. line between the crowd and the observe the riot, Patrick said. use the bathroom or to get more Colorado and D streets for most of paramedics, Knudtson said he was Grady Johnson, a former WSU After they had been there for a beer. the night, and saw Jackson "doing hit by a glass bottle. He said he then During one venture into the some kind of dance" in the Bookie student and member of AGR, testi- while, Patrick said someone began house, Jackson, wearing a green parking lot to incite the crowd. fied after returning home from a returned to the ambulance for pro- knocking repeatedly on the door. tective gear, and returned to shirt with the Nike "swoosh" logo Hamilton said Jackson was wear- party at the Pink House - a Pi Beta Corcoran answered the door, and Jackson. on it, went up to his room to retrieve ing a white T-shirt and shorts at the Phi live-out house - at about mid- found Jackson asking to be let in. a case of beer, Love said. time she saw him. night May 3, he went to the AGR When he retumed to the curb, "He said it was his room," Patrick Knudtson said he saw Jackson jog- said. "He wanted to know why we Finding his door locked, Love Jackson is scheduled to conclude house to watch the riot. said Jackson knocked and was ging away from the scene with an were there." While looking thro~gh a window greeted, by one of the two officers his testimony this morning, with unidentified male. in the house, Johnson said he saw an Patrick said Jackson, wearing a she saw within the room. prosecuting and defending attorneys Jackson also was identified by blue shirt, took some clothing out of officer about 70 feet away spraying Love said she sat on the stairs making closing remarks later in the officers who were observing the riot a drawer and left. Jackson in the face with pepper outside the room until Jackson day. The jury is expected to begin spray. from a room in the AGR house over- "It was apparent that he was retumed with a gray sweatshirt she deliberations this afternoon. looking Colorado Street. under the influence; that if he had "He fell down, covering his had given him as a present the pre- Pullman police Officer Scott been driving a vehicle, he might eyes," Johnson said. vious Christmas. Patrick testified he and Pullman have been arrested for a our," After turning quickly to watch an "He didn't put it on - he police Sgt. Jim Corcoran gained Patrick said. Progratn injured officer being carried away, wrapped it around his waist," she access to a room at the AGR frater- Rachel Bayne, a WSU graduate said celebrates diversity From staff reports

The Hawaiian Club will do the hula tonight as one of the many per- formances to encourage diversity at the Seventh Annual Building Bridges program. Building Bridges, sponsored by the Association of Pacific and Asian Women, is an event intend- ed to "encourage students to appre- ciate cultural diversity," said Tammy Bayliss, APAW chairper- son. Twelve groups from student clubs and organizations will per- form various types of song, dance and poetry at 7 p.m. in the CUB Auditorium. "It's a lot of fun for the audience as well -as for the performers," Bayliss said. "A lot of the groups perform dances or do readings that reflect their culture, others do more modern dances like hip- hop." This year's theme for Building Bridges is "More than crimson and gray." "We are 'proud to be Cougs of color," Bayliss said. "We hope that all students can appreciate who they are." Art professor mum on theme of CUB show From staff reports

The mysterious art of WSU Professor Patrick Siler will be unveiled today. Siler will showcase his ceramics, sculptures, paintings and drawings as part of Art a la Carte, a program sponsored by the Department of Fine Arts. The theme of Siler's art display will remain unknown until "students come check out my work," Siler said. "If] told you what it was about, it wouldn't make much sense." he said. "In my presentation I will describe each piece and any theme it falls under." His art can be considered "expressive" and "humorous," Siler said. The lunch-time program will begin at 12: I0 p.m. in CUB Cascade Room 123. = THE DAlLY EVERGREEN • THlJRSDA.Y, OcrORER 21, 1999 PA.GE 5 SENATE Brothers bring a little 'Azia' to Pullman Continued from front page Jean-Philippe Wiesgrill ASWSU was brought up in Vice , , I want people to feel President Patrick McAdams' report Contributing writer at the meeting. like a superstar." The Student Government For those seeking a little change Council. made up of all student in their food and musical taste. there presidents and vice-presidents from is a new place in town. WSU and branch campuses. met to The five brothers Pham opened Van Pham, discuss who was the official voice the doors of Azia. their restaurant co-owner of Azia of all WSU students. and nightclub. on Friday. makes it more universal, Van said. It was clarified that President Van. Thy, Canh. Khoa, who are Steve Wymer and McAdams are the students at WSU, and Minh, who is "We want to promote diversity." official voice of all WSU students a student at Pullman High School, he said. from Pullman and all branch cam- fulfilled their parents' dream by The restaurant opens at II a.m. puses. opening a restaurant that also is a daily for lunch. "It was a conflict that never nightclub with karaoke. The club is open to people 18 and should have arisen." McAdams There is an exotic smell dancing older Monday through Friday. said. "But it did and I'm just glad in the restaurant that serves "People under 21 need to go to we could come to agreement about Vietnamese food. The pale green- Moscow to get a club." Van said. it." colored walls are dressed with "Basically, it is nice for them to have carved wooden frames. In contrast something (in Pullman)." with this quiet setting is the dance Techno and house music wiJl be EYMAN and karaoke stage. played Thursdays. Hip-Hop, rap and "My parents always dreamed of rhythm-and-blues music will play Continued from front page a family-owned business," said Thy, Fridays. who is in his third professional year The club will offer karaoke for "The politicians will have to sell in pharmacy. When he saw the those who are 21 and older, from the people on why they need a new building for lease, he talked to his p.m. to 12 a.m., Saturdays and tax, or a raise in an old tax," he said. 9:10 brothers about the idea of starting Sundays. From the stage-lights to States that have passed similar this new business, he said. the set up of the stage, everything is initiatives limiting the state's ability As the five brothers were look- for people to have fun, Van said. to raise taxes have had an increase ing for a name for their new busi- "I want people to feel like a in voter turnout, Eyman said. ness relating to Pullman and the superstar," he said. Initiatives similar to 1-695 have university, it was Diem. their little There are 13,000 karaoke songs passed in Colorado. Florida and sister, who came up with the idea in eight different languages - Missouri. More than 70 percent of of Azia. English. Spanish, Vietnamese, the tax initiatives in Colorado have Chinese, Malaysian, Indonesian, been approved. he said. "She came up with the idea of Asia because the restaurant's spe- Korean and Japanese. The opponents of the initiatives cialty is a Vietnamese noodle dish "WSU is a cross-cultural school accept the $1 billion surplus in the called Pho," said Van, a junior in where students come from different emergency reserve fund would broadcast communication. backgrounds," said Canh, who is in is allow the state to run every state They didn't want to call the fourth professional year in pharmacy. program at its current level, Eyman restaurant Asia with an "s", because Azia is next to the HICO gas sta- said. Initiative 60 I was passed in THE DAILY EVERGREEN/JEFF WHITNEY it targeted the Asian population too tion on 1515 NE Merman Dr. - the 1993. It limited increases in state Chinh Pham prepares a dish of noodles Wednesday afternoon at much, he said. Changing it to Azia site of the former Players Club. spending to the rate of inflation and the new Azia restaurant on Merman Drive. population growth. If 1-695 passes, there will be a If vou haven't picked up surge in consumer spending, Eyman said. Consumers and businesses vour Chiooo" vearbook, would be putting a portion of that stop bv Murrow 113. money back into state government in the form of sales and business taxes, he said. Achieve healthy glowing skin Eyman is a WSU alumnus who Grace Cosmetics majored in business with a focus in Call for a complimentary facial economics. Ind, Cousult:Mindy Creger 332-1662

z . C> Q) U ._-0 en • Hatha Yoga for women, • en men, and kids ~ ._..., • Yoga for Recuperating Bodies 'lJ c Glaish Comm. ce., #304 'lJ 0 115 NW State se., Pullman L ..c 334- YOGA or 892-0820 CD

~ S Q) 'lJ -0 ~ S 'lJ -0 "i: > 0 .~ __ S tt» Q) ~ ..c..., • 0> C ~ ._ C L- :::l ~ I- ~ PAGE 6 THE DAILY EVERGREEN • THURSDAY, OcrOBER 21,1999 Motel handyman charged REG~:;~InBrief in Yosemite Park murders FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press • Los Angeles slaying of Joie Ruth Armstrong, a 26-year-old Yosemite naturalist who was beheaded as she fought off her attack- Commission recommends finishing MARIPOSA, Calif. - Motel handyman Cary er in a remote comer of the park. Federal murder charges Stayner was charged Wednesday in the February killings were filed quickly in that case. school complex on toxic oil field of three Yosemite National Park sightseers, resolving one But at the time of his arrest, the FBI was presenting An independent panel recom- would cost far more, push back the of the FBI's most intense investigations. . circumstantial evidence to a federal grand jury in Fresno mended Wednesday that the school opening of a new school many years The complaint filed by Mariposa County District implicating a band 'of drug-abusing ex-convicts in the board finish building the huge and force thousands more students Attorney Christine Johnson accuses Stayner of three sightseers' murders. Some members of the task force Belmont Learning Complex in a to be bused from the area to other continue to believe that the ex-cons were involved, counts of murder as well as special circumstances that toxic oil field. Conditions for deal- campuses. could bring the death . despite Stayner's insistence that he acted alone. ing with the dangers will come later. The vote came after 150 students "I was absolutely stunned when I heard they filed The charges came without any public comment by the The special Belmont marched from the existing, over- charges at this time. There are just too many unanswered FBI and only a short statement from Johnson's office- Commission voted 4-3 to continue crowded Belmont High campus to a quiet anticlimax in the sensational case, which at one questions," said a task force member who spoke on con- the 35-acre project envisioned as a dition of anonymity. urge that the Belmont Learning involved about 50 FBI agents, a special command showpiece for the 697,000-student Complex be finished. "Nobody is disputing Stayner's involvement," but center, and platoons of deputies, police and volunteers. Los Angeles Unified School "You ... invested so much money some task force members still aren't convinced that he An affidavit filed Wednesday in support of the charges District, serving 5,000 high school and time into this school, and all of a didn't have accomplices among the ex-cons in Modesto, was sealed by a judge, so it wasn't immediately clear students in a low-income neighbor- sudden it's not gonna be built? I many of whom remain jailed on unrelated parole viola- hood around downtown. don't think that's right," said senior how the county prosecutor answered disputes within the tions. FBI task force that have lingered long after Stayner The panel could not immediately Brenda Balles, 17. "I don't think it's "To our satisfaction, they haven't been eliminated, he shocked agents in late July by confessing to the slayings. agree on conditions, so said they fair for our taxes to go into some- said. "There doesn't seem to be any benefit to going for- would be specified in a written thing and just be wasted." Stayner has been in jail since his arrest in the July 21 ward right now, rather than waiting." report. The recommendation goes to the The commission did discuss a seven-member Board of Education, Woman attacked in North Dakota sues system to collect and divert methane which has indicated it will follow and hydrogen sulfide gases, which a the advice. The board is in the midst report said would boost the center's of a battle with Superintendent Washingon state corrections officials total cost to nearly $250 million. Ruben Zacarias, who has been iso- Commissioners advocating com- Associated Press lated from direct administration after Police say Gary Wayne Puckett, a arate lawsuits in King County, pletion said starting over at a new a Belmont audit that leveled sharp convicted rapist from Washington against the state of Washington site - if one could be found - criticism at top district officials. BURLINGTON, N.D. - A state, killed himself a few hours after Corrections Department and three woman left for dead after her throat he attacked Schultz, when police in community corrections officers. • Heyburn State Park, Idaho was slashed at a rest stop in Cavalier County stopped him at a They are seeking unspecified dam- September 1997 is suing Washington roadblock. ages for negligence. Water potatoes feed tribal tradition state corrections officials. "I can't sleep at night. I seldomgo The suits were filed last month in The 20 students who fanned out "It works, it really does. A little Julie Schultz said she hopes the anyplace by myself," said Schultz, King County Superior Court. The along Rocky Point on Lake Coeur butter, a little salt, a little pepper. Put lawsuit will change laws dealing 37, a mother of three girls. She still trial date is set for February 200 I. D'Alene were preparing for a nation- about eight or 10 of them in and it with violent criminals. has scars on her throat and she can Puckett, 48, allegedly killed al holiday. takes just a little bit of nothing," the barely talk above a whisper because Underdahl's wife in King County Washington officials have Friday is Water Potato Day for the natural resources technician said. of damage to nerves and neck mus- five days before he anived in North declined comment on the suit. Coeur d'Alene Tribe, which cele- The Coeur d'Alene Tribal School cles. Dakota and attacked Schultz at the "I want to see laws changed brates a traditional food that grows in students will prepare a more tradition- "1 can't even call my dog," she White Earth rest area. Alice where prisoners don't get rights any- mudflats of the lake and Coeur al feast for their parents on Friday, said. "IfI needed help, no one would Underdahl, a flight attendant, was more when they commit a violent d'Alene River. teacher Marla Chance said. Their par- ever hear me." jogging near her home in Kent when crime," Schultz said. "I don't think The starchy tubers look much like ents will sample water potato stew She also has shoulder pain - she was attacked. they should have any rights. ". a human thumb and are considered a with tomatoes, onions and meat. . numbness from the left side of mid- "We have probable cause to "I don't want this to happen to delicacy. They grow about a foot Parents watching the muddy dig- face to her throat, she said. And she believe he (Puckett) committed this anyone else," she added. beneath the mud submerged under- ging on Tuesday said they hope the worries about how her ordeal is crime," said John Urquhart, a Schultz, talking in her office at a water for part of the year. fun becomes tradition. affecting her daughters, ages 8 to 17. spokesman for the King County Burlington bank, said the attack has Tribal member Perry Kitt likes his "It's another part of our heritage," Schultz and Larry Underdahl and Sheriff's Office said of Alice left her fearful. water potatoes cooked in a said Mark Stensgar. "This is the only his daughter, of Kent, have filed sep- Underdahl's killing. microwave. tribe around here to do this." • Vancouver, British Columbia Fast ferry sewage problem fixed CLuec:; B.C. Ferries says it has fixed a He said senior management was problem with the secondary sewage not aware of the problem until it was treatment system aboard its fast ferry. made public last week. The ferry had been dumping The issue came to a head when the chemically untreated sewage into Georgia Strait since it began operat- fast ferry, called the Pacifcat ing between the mainland and Explorer, released its sewage tank Vancouver Island in July. while docked at Horseshoe Bay in The vessel's primary treatment West Vancouver on Oct. II, system blasts the sewage with water Canada's Thanksgiving Day. and air before releasing the waste, B.C. Ferries received complaints TI-II? FinaL The secondary system is supposed to from people who said they saw raw sterilize the sewage with chlorine sewage being dumped into the busy before dumping it into the ocean. bay. CSlCJCLlnSi FOf2 A chemical that de-chlorinates Though the system is operating, sewage before discharge has now been delivered, allowing the sec- there is still a problem during peak PUr2CI..fClCSlnc:; ondary system to be put into opera- periods, Suddaby said. tion, ferries spokesman Clay "When we have peak demand, if Suddaby said Tuesday. there's a surge of sewage to the C:;PCJCI? In TI-II? Suddaby said officials are still try- sewage system, we run into a capaci- ing to determine why the chemical ty problem," he said, adding that the mJLLl:?nnJUm wasn't available in the first place. problem was being addressed. c:,1-tlnOOI~ Ic:i r-f2tDcSJ'rt, oc T cS!'3 TUl2n YOUf2 c:onTICc]1:, T In T.ODc]"", cSJT mUI2f20W 11.3. " nn: DAILY EVERGREEN • THURSDAY, OcroBER 21, 1999 PAGE 7 ~~~~InBrief Lawsuit filed on behalf FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS • Yakima of 13 foster children

Teamsters, fruit packer negotiate Associated Press demonstrate exactly when the children were harmed. contract for union members "It's kind of the chicken-or-the-egg type of thing," he SEATTLE - A lawsuit filed on behalf of 13 foster said. "Were these children harmed by virtue of being in YAKIMA - The Teamsters and bargaining in good faith with the children claims the state failed to provide them with sta- foster care, or were they already harmed by a disruptive the state's largest fruit packer are Teamsters," said Hans van ble homes and left them vulnerable to neglect and abuse upbringing that included being removed from their headed for the bargaining table to Someien Greve, the company's through repeated moves. homes?" negotiate a contract for 600 new general manager. The suit, to go to trial in June in Whatcom County State and federal laws mandate reuniting birth fami- union members, ending a bitter He added, however, that Stemilt Superior Court, seeks unspecified damages for the cur- lies whenever possible, limiting the cases where children three-year organizing campaign will file a motion of reconsideration and legal battle at the Stemilt rent and former foster children from nine families. It also are placed in permanent settings or considered for adop- with Judge Steve Charno, seeking a tion. Growers warehouse in Wenatchee. reversal of the decision. seeks large-scale changes in the foster-care system Farris said the suit, which was filed in November, is "It's over ... we won," Paula But Macchello said an agree- administered by the state Department of Social and unusual in that it targets alleged systemic problems in the Macchello. an organizer for the ment to settle unfairlabor practices Health Services, said Bellingham attorney Tim Farris, foster-care system, rather than specific incidents of International Brotherhood of in April specifically prevents fur- who tiled the suit. neglect or abuse. Teamsters, said Wednesday. ther appeals. The case is closed, she "The state must be held accountable," Farris said. Kathy Morris, who lives near Goldendale in south "Obviously, we're ecstatic about said. "There's no question that moving these children repeat- central Washington, said she joined the lawsuit on behalf the judge's ruling yesterday. "We're going to request bargain- edly injured them. These children have been damaged of her l6-year-old son, whom she adopted when he was Workers got a moment of justice at ing right away," Macchello said. for life." 5. The boy had been severely damaged during his years Stemilt, and we're very pleased." "Our is to get to the table as All 13 children have been diagnosed with Reactive in foster care, she said. An administrative law judge for soon as possible." Attachment Disorder, an inability to bond that can cause She said her son's birth mother was drug addicted and the National Labor Relations Board The union will seek pay raises of self-destructive and violent behavior. neglected him, in addition to exposing him to violent on Tuesday declared the union the a still-undetermined amount and Jeff Freimund, the assistant attomey general defend- boyfriends and sex orgies. He was removed by the state . bargaining agent for the Stemilt better benefits for workers, along ing the department in the case, said it will be difficult to for brief periods until he was 3. workers, who chose Teamsters rep- with improved job security and a resentation by a one-vote margin. grievance procedure, two things "Stemilt will abide by the deci- . repeatedly requested by employees, Man held in slayings tries to hang himself sion of the judge and will begin she said. Associated Press security cell, which has two sets of aggravated first-degree murder and • Seattle bars and doors, after assaulting jail five counts of first-degree assault in TACOMA - One of the men staff, Troyer said. He said Chea and the July 5, 1998, attack at the Trang Border Patrol sent to Arizona charged in a cafe shooting that co-defendant John Phet, 18, have Dai Cafe in Tacoma. claimed five lives tried to hang him- been moved to separate "crisis" Fi ve people were killed after three Efforts by the U.S. Border Patrol Naturalization Service, oversees the self in the same high-security jail cells, where officers will watch them masked gunmen burst into the cafe to beef up staffing along the U.S.- Border Patrol. cell where another man arrested in 24 hours a day. early in the morning and sprayed it Mexico border are coming at the Three weeks ago, Hastings, Rep. the case killed himself last year, the "The possibility of a suicide pact with bullets while two others fired expense of Northwest enforcement, George Nethercutt and Rep. Jack Pierce County Sheriff's Office said. exists, and we're not going to take from the back door. Prosecutors say local agents contend. Metcalf, all Washington Jimmy Chea, 19, suffered only any chances," he said. the shooting stemmed from a dispute Three agents from Border Patrol Republicans, sent a letter of com- bums on his neck after he tried to Samath Mom, 18, hanged himself among gang members. Chea is offices in Pasco, Oroville and plaint to the INS. hang himself with his shirt at about in the high-security cell July 28, alleged to have been a getaway dri- Bonners Ferry, Idaho are scheduled The three lawmakers said they 5:30 p.m. Tuesday in the county jail 1998, a few hours after his arrest in ver. [0 leave for Arizona on Nov. I,which haven't heard back. cell, sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer the slayings. He died in Tacoma If convicted as charged, all five could leave those offices under- The Border Patrol's union local said. General Hospital the next day. defendants would face life in prison staffed, said Tony Davis, the Border here also has suggested that the A corrections officer saw Chea's Troyer said Chea made some without possibility of parole. Patrol's district chief in Spokane. killing of Washington State Patrol body drop, entered his cell and sup- comment'> about Mom before his Chea and Phet also were charged Three agents will be rotated back Trooper James Saunders on Oct. 7 ported his legs to ease pressure on own attempt. in August with intimidating Sok, to this region but not necessarily to might have been avoided had one of his neck until he could be freed. "He wanted to see what his friend who has agreed to testify against those offices, Davis said. Chea was taken to Tacoma General two Pasco-based agents not already went through," he said. them. Both have pleaded innocent to The practice has angered mem- been dispatched to Nogales, Ariz. Hospital and was released about Chea, Phet, Marvin Lofi Leo, that charge. bers of the state's congressional dele- three hours later, Troyer said. An illegal immigrant from Veasna Sok and Sarun Truck Ngeth Trial is scheduled to begin Jan. gation. Mexico, Nicolas Solorio Vasquez, Chea had been placed in the high- are each charged with five count'> of 19. "When you send these agents out 28, of Pasco, has been charged with on detail, you lose consistency; you aggravated first-degree murder in lose effectiveness," said Jennifer the case. He was out on $5,000 bail All's fair In the vvar of love. Scott, a spokeswoman for Rep. Doc awaiting trial on a cocaine delivery Hastings. charge at the time of the shooting, "Obviously, the congressman is and the union has said he might concerned about this, and we plan to have been detained had an agent work with the INS to see if we can been available to check the Franklin stop the detailing." County Jail before Vasquez bailed The Immigration and out. • Olympia DOT outlines effects of 1-695 OLYMPIA - State transportation and reduce other runs and public transit officials, in full doom and gloom mode, likely would be decimated, they said. on Wednesday released lists of pro- Transportation official Jim Slakey, grams that likely would be cut if voters who oversees mil and other public tran- approve a huge reduction inautomobile sit, described his program's future this taxes and the Legislature does nothing way: "In tenus of public transportation, to plug the revenue shortfall. it's a very dim light at the end of a very If Initiative 695 is approved Nov. 2, long tunnel." hundreds of highway projects slated for Terry McCarthy of the ferries divi- construction in the next 18 months will sion was more blunt. "We were not cut- not get started, the ferry system might ting flesh. We were amputating," he have to cut all passenger-only service said.

.. • • _ ,I au ••. e , ..', i :, t • 1 t t t J PAGE 8 THE DAILY EVERGREEN • THuRsDAY, OcroBER 21, 1999 Researches develop NAT~:;~InBrief FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS possible cancer vaccine • New·York Associated Press vates the immune system, attached it to a common virus Man trapped in elevator for 40 hours and implanted it inside cancerous cells of II prostate ..- BALTIMORE - Researchers have developed an organs surgically removed from patients. A magazine employee got determine who should have been experimental vaccine that appears to fight prostate can- In eight cases, researchers were able to grow a culture trapped in the elevator at his high- monitoring the building's security cer by revving up the body's immune system. of the modified, cancerous cells in the laboratory. The rise office over the weekend and cameras. "This same concept could be applied to breast cancer cells were then irradiated, which kept them alive but screamed, banged on the walls and "That's the heart of the matter," or other cancers," Jonathan Simons, who led the study stopped them from multiplying any further. tried climbing out through the ceil- Manley said. "We have 24-hour done by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Oncology After the vaccine was injected, the immune system of ing before someone' finally noticed security in this building." Center, said Wednesday. "This is.not a cure, but this is a all eight patients produced antibodies which foreign him on a video monitor ~ 40 hours She would not say. whether the whole new door to walk through to get to curing prostate invaders as well as immune cells that attack and kill after he got stuck. elevator cameras run constantly. cancer using the immune system." infectious cells, Simons said. Nicholas White, a production White was working late Friday The study was published in the October issue of the The vaccine not only recognized the injected cells as manager for Business Week, night to finish a project when he left journal Cancer Research. foreign but apparently told the immune system to recog- emerged Sunday afternoon from the his 43rd-tloor office for a cigarette Researchers tricked the human immune system into nize cancerous prostate cells remaining in the body as elevator at his 51-story building at break. A split-second voltage dip recognizing cancerous prostate cells as foreign invaders foreign, Dr. John Gutheil, clinical research director at the Rockefeller Center. He refused med- caused the elevator to stall just by genetically engineering patients' own cells and inject- Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center in San Diego, said of the ical attention but took two days off above the 13th floor. White yelled, ing them back into the body. research. from work. pounded on the elevator's walls and While the approach has been tried before, the "It's good stuff, if they've really had immune "I'm still a little shaky," he. said pushed every button. researchers at Johns Hopkins were able for the first time response," Gutheil said. Tuesday. It wasn't until Sunday afternoon to activate the body's entire immune system to fight "Our immune system doesn't see cancer as being that Sandy Manley, a spokeswoman - after someone saw him a video prostate cancer, Simons said. much different from our normal tissue, a situation we for Rockefeller Center Management monitor - that the elevator started Researchers used a gene, called GM-CSF, that acti- refer to as immune tolerance," he said. Corp., said officials are trying to up again, Ms. Manley said. Court reverses verdict in tobacco case • San Diego America Online, Gateway team up Associated Press the industry has behaved outra- awards than against one big multi- geously." billion-dollar verdict America Online, the world's technology leaders like Gateway and largest Internet service provider, is MIAMI - A Florida appeals Daynard said a big award could The same appeals court withdrew AOL to drive out tile complexity and court reversed itself Wednesday and bankrupt some tobacco companies its decision and agreed to reconsider. teaming with Gateway Inc., the simplify the Internet," said Jeff country's leading seller of made-to- reopened the door to a ruinous, because they would have to post a OnWednesday,just hours after hearing Weitzen, Gateway president and multibillion-dollar verdict against bond greater than the award itself arguments from both sides, the three- order personal computers, to market CEO. "This exciting new relation- the tobacco industry. while they appeal. judge panel issued a unanimous, one- and distribute each other's products. ship does just that." The state's 3rd District Court of On Wall Street, tobacco company paragraph ruling without explaining its As part of the two-year deal the Bob Pittman, AOL president and Appeal said the jury in a big class- stocks dropped in afternoon trading. reasoning. companies announced Wednesday, CEO, said pairing the companies is action case involving 500,000 sick Philip Morris was down $1.87 112at Lawyers for both sides cannot dis- AOL will invest $800 million in natural. Florida smokers can award punitive $28.87 1/2, R.J. Reynolds fell $2 to cuss the case under a gag order cash and equity securities in San "Gateway was the first PC manu- damages in a single lump sum $23.933/4, and Loews Corp., parent imposed by the judge. Diego-based Gateway Inc.; facturer to start its own Internet ser- $180 million of that in AOL stock. instead of one smoker at a time. of Lori liard, was down $1 to $69. Webb told the appeals panel that a vice provider, recognizing that the Tobacco industry lawyer Dan In July, the jury found that the single award would cause- an "enor- Gateway will spend $85 million Internet was a major reason why Webb warned the court that dam- nation's five largest cigarette makers mous amount of irreparable harm to to feature and market AOL product'> people buy PCs," Pittman said. ages from the case could exceed had produced a defective and deadly the industry." But Appeals Judge and services on its Pes. AOL will add Gateway's 600,000 $300 billion - which "would product. The same jury is to deter- David L. Levy said the appeals court "As the Internet fans out into the subscribers to its base of 18 million destroy any industry." mine damages in the second phase "cannot micromanage what the trial mainstream ... people are looking for members. "The stakes have suddenly of the trial, beginning Nov. 1. judge does." become humongous," said Last month, the appeals court The defendants are Philip Monis, • Richmond, Va. Northeastern University law profes- agreed with the industry that dam- RJ. Reynolds Tobacco, Brown & sor Richard Daynard, head of an ages should be decided one smoker Williamson Thbacco, Lorillard Court reverses ABC fraud verdict anti-tobacco clearinghouse. at a time. Investors rejoiced, figuring Tobacco, the Liggett Group and the A federal appeals court on chain could not prove it was injured "The fate of the industry rests on the tobacco industry could more eas- industry's Council for Tobacco Wednesday reversed a jury verdict when two reporters lied to get hired, this jury that has already found that ily defend itself against lots of small Research-U.SA and Tobacco Institute. that found ABC committed fraud in secretly recorded store activities and a hidden-camera expose alleging quit weeks later. unsanitary conditions at Food Lion's While the grocery chain denied supermarkets. the accusations, it did not pursue The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of claims of libel or slander. Instead it Appeals threw out a $315,000 judg- won a claim of fraud seeking dam- Hey! ment against ABC over a 1992 ages for the costs of hiring and train- "PrimeTime Live" story - an ing the two employees. Wanna award that a judge had earlier The court reversed, and said the reduced from $5.5 million. supermarket chain wasn't damaged The court, in a 2-1 ruling, found by the reporters' deception - really that Food Lion did not meet the though it upheld $1 in damages legal standard for fraud under a against each reporter for breaching scare y'0ur North Carolina law because the their duty ()f loyalty to Food Lion. frien~s? c:e : elJ RA'rz N~ IJ 00 Ii ARra ZN 'r#e ~ear October 21, 19994:00 p.m. (No, no, no, Holland/New Library keep your ·1.ecture and Tour'· clothes on!) Byron Clercx, a professor of Art, University of Idaho, presents an overview of the world of artists books and sculpture. This multi-media presentation wilL conclude with Dr. Clercx leading a tour of the three galleries on campus -MASC in the Library, the CUB gallery, and Gallery II, the Fine Arts Center.

W8shJngtDn Stare ~ UnIversity

Waahington Stale Univerldy pntHntI: the exhibitions an c:aoperWon wUh The ttohnd/New libnIry, MASC: 0epaftJnent of FIIMIArts; .. unum of Art; The Visual, Performing. end literary Art. Commllt .. (VPLAC); .nd -I"~ cue Gallery. THE DAILY EVERGREEN • THuRsDAY, OcroBER 21, 1999 PAGE 9 White House officials negotiate budget Associated Press Tom Daschle, D-S.D. "It's a win because it grams. The president wants to kill provisions like delayed spending to mask that fact. confirms what we have said all along ... that helping the oil, mining and other industries that Republicans say the final versions of the bills they're guilty of duplicity when it comes to the the administration considers anti-environmen- WASHINGlDN - Budget talks between will not touch the Social Security money. budget." tal, while Republicans want to give states more Although the two sides have agreed not to White House officials and lawmakers began Republicans say their fight is to keep control over money for schools and other pro- use Social Security funds, they disagree over Wednesday at the Capitol, with the administra- Clinton from paying for added spending by grams than Clinton prefers. whether the underlying bills obey that princi- tion brandishing President Clinton's veto using Social Security money. They say they Both sides agree that those disputes can be ple. If that dispute persists when they complete power in pushing for more money for teachers; will claim victory if they deliver. resolved and that savings to pay for the extra their work, both parties will launch public rela- police and foreign aid. "People are going to judge us on whether spending will be found. That probably will not tions blitzes: The GOP will say it honored the Ultimately, the political victor may be deter- we've kept our promises or not," said Rep. happen by Tuesday, the deadline Clinton and promise and Democrats will contend mined less by whose spending priorities are Jennifer Dunn, R-Wash. congressional leaders have set. Republicans broke it. adopted than by whether Republicans can con- White House budget director Jack Lew met Yet there is a politically more significant For decades, both parties have used Social vince. the public that they have kept their privately for more than an hour with senior dispute over whether the underlying spending Security's surpluses to cover spending without piedge not to tap Social Security surpluses. members of the House and Senate bills - without Clinton's requests for more diminishing the system's benefits. But looking After a final deal, Democrats say they will Appropriations committees. More sessions money - tap the Social Security surpluses. ahead to next year's elections, each party is win the day if the public is convinced were planned for Thursday. With each side citing analyses by the non- eager to cast itself as a defender of the massive Republicans broke their promise and spent On the surface, Clinton wants several billion partisan Congressional Budget Office, pension program for the elderly and disabled. Social Security funds after all. dollars more than Congress has provided for Democrats say the bills already eat into the On Wednesday, Clinton signed the sixth of "Absolutely," said Senate Minority Leader teachers, police, foreign aid, and other pro- pension system's surpluses, using gimmicks the 13 annual spending bills for fiscal 2000. Clemency offer may heighten Clinton urges opponents to Puerto Rican terrorism threat stop trying to kill AtneriCorps Associated Press Counterterrorism and Technology Crime Plan, was written a month before Clinton offered clemency areas such as education, health and human needs, the WASHINGTON - President Associated Press to 16 convicted Puerto Rican mil- environment and public safety. For their effort, they get Clinton's clemency offer to 16 itants. Most of them were associ- $4,725 each to put toward their education. Puerto Rican nationalists helped WASHINGTON - Calling AmeriCorps "an indis- ated with the FALN - the After five years, 150,000 people have taken part in heighten the threat of terrorism pensable force for change in America," President Spanish abbreviation for Armed AmeriCorps, spending a year building houses for the from militant groups seeking inde- Clinton on Wednesday marked the national service pro- Forces of National Liberation :- poor, teaching children to read, working with police on pendence for the island, the Justice gram's fifth anniversary by declaring an end to the bit- blamed for 130 bombings in the domestic violence and gang intervention in exchange for Department said in a report made ter political struggle over its survival. I970s and 1980s that left six dead. a few thousand dollars to pay for college or student public Wednesday. "After years. of fights over funding and purpose in The White House said none of the loans. The report, presented at a hear- AmeriCorps, peace is breaking out all over in 16 had been involved in acts that "There is no question that you are now an indispens- ing by the Senate Judiciary caused injury or death. Washington," Clinton told hundreds of people celebrat- able force for change in America," Clinton said. Committee on the clemency offer, The Justice Department, FBI ing the anniversary at a ceremony under a large tent on "AmeriCorps volunteers prove daily they're one of the said Puerto Rican separatist groups Director Louis Freeh, the U,S. the White House lawn. best and smartest investments our country ever made." pose an "ongoing threat" to attorneys offices in Illinois and As he did five years ago, Clinton assembled mem- Amerif'orps is one of several programs that the White national security. Connecticut, where the national- bers of the current AmeriCorps class and had them House considers part of Clinton's presidential legacy. "Factors which increase the ists were prosecuted, were all recite a pledge to serve their country. "Faced with apa- Clinton asked for $546 million for AmeriCorps in fiscal present threat from these groups opposed to their release. The thy, I will take action. Faced with conflict, I will seek 2000; the House voted to eliminate it. A compromise include renewed activity by a Justice Department made its oppo- common ground. Faced with adversity, I will perse- was reached with the Senate to fund AmeriCorps at $439 small minority advocating Puerto sition to the clemency known in a vere," the volunteers promised. million, a $3 rriillion increase over fiscal 1999. Rican statehood, the IOO-year recommendation to the Clinton led the crowd in a rendition of "America Ihe Republicans in Congress repeatedly have tried to kill 1996 anniversary of the U.S. presence in White House, according to docu-· Beautiful," singing loudly, with his head held high, on AmeriCorps, despite its popularity with govemors and Puerto Rico and the impending the first verse and following printed lyrics he shared other officials in their party. ments made public Wednesday. release from prisons of members Clinton's clemency offer with first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton for subsequent Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., a Peace Corps vol- of these groups jailed for prior vio- caused a furor, as did New York verses. unteer from 1968-1970, says the desire to kill lence," said the report. senatorial hopeful Hillary AmeriCorps is essentially an at-home version of the AmeriCorps lingered because of "incredible dislike The report, the Justice Rodham Clinton's appeal to with- Peace Corps. Participants work with nonprofit groups in some people have" for Clinton. Department's Five-Year Interagency draw it.

"Do you have "uh, well , writing urn, like, experience?" yeah." • • , , I

, •

"Right." PAGE 10 1HE DAll..Y EVERGREEN • 'fHuRsDAY, OcrOBER 21, 1999 Chinese president faces protesters in Britain

Associated Press Following the visit to the Savoy, where Jiang was visiting police must guarantee that people be allowed to protest peace- Bank of China staff, his motorcade passed within a few feet of fully along the presidential route for the rest of the visit. LONDON - Chinese President Jiang Zemin - unused to chanting demonstrators. "No head of state should be spared the views of their oppo- seeing public protest in his own land - again on Wednesday After an official luncheon, Jiang, known to be a Shakespeare nents, no matter how important their visit," he said. faced demonstrations by rights activists, who made it clear they admirer, visited the re-creation of Shakespeare's Globe Theater A spokesman for Prime Minister Tony Blair's Downing would keep up the pressure throughout his historic state visit to on the south bank of the Thames and watched part of a perfor- Street office said Blair would raise China's human rights record Britain. mance of "Julius Caesar." . when the two leaders meet Thursday. Rights protesters and opponents of the Chinese occupation of About 150 demonstrators waving multi-colored banners "The prime minister will express the concern we have about Tibet were waiting when Jiang arrived on Monday, and have gathered opposite London's Guildhall, the ancient town hall, the human rights record, as we did when we were in China, but dogged his route since. before Jiang's arrival for a banquet Wednesday evening. he will want to talk about other issues relating to other parts of They waved flags and sang songs outside Buckingham They chanted slogans from behind police lines, and one our relationship," the spokesman said on condition of anonymi- Palace Tuesday night, as Queen Elizabeth IIfeted Jiang and his group staged a demonstration of Falun Gong martial arts, whose ty. wife at a glittering state banquet. And on a barge trip down the practitioners have been suppressed in China. Relations between the two countries have warmed since River Thames to see the Greenwich Royal Observatory and As an army band began to play, protesters sounded air horns Britain returned Hong Kong to China's control in 1997. British Millennium Dome on Wednesday, Jiang passed beneath a ban- and sirens in an effort to drown the music out. After Jiang went investment in China was valued at $13 billion at the end of ner that pro-Tibet activists unfurled from a bridge. inside, protesters burned a Chinese flag. 1998. When the Chinese leader arrived for an engagement later at The heavy police protection afforded to him - and the dis- On Wednesday, Britain announced new business deals worth the Savoy Hotel in central London, a cyclist evaded police cor- tance at which many demonstrators have been kept - prompt- up to $3.30 billion between China and some of Britain's largest dons, rode in front of the presidential limousine and waved a ed some criticism. companies, which it said cemented the United Kingdom's posi- Tibetan flag. Two men were arrested after the incident. Simon Hughes of the opposition Liberal Democrat party said tion as the largest European investor in China. Senior Palestinian negotiator Mother of sick Cuban boy in need criticizes Barak's settlement Associated Press only 1,800 housing units had been of U.S. visa for medical treatment approved, disputing the figure of Associated Press tion to help convince Cuba to let the boy go to North 2,600 released by the housing min- JERUSALEM - The Israeli gov- Carolina for surgery. ernment opted against peace in istry last month. Housing ministry HAVANA - The mother of a gravely ill Cuban boy To speed up the process, the liberal Pullen Memorial approving thousands of new apart- officials were not immediately is hoping an American group's efforts will persuade Baptist Church asked Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C. - a ments in Jewish settlements, a senior available for comment. Cuba to grant her son a visa so he can get emergency staunch supporter of the U.S. embargo of Cuba, who Palestinian negotiator complained Some settlers continued to opposes efforts to allow the sale of U.S. medicines to the Wednesday. protest an agreement between medical treatment in the United Slates. The 7-year-old boy, Raudel Alfonso Garcia, suffers island - to intercede on Randel's behalf. In a stinging letter, Saeb Erekat said Barak and the Jewish Settlers The senator asked Secretary of State Madeleine Prime Minister Ehud Barak's plan to Council to dismantle 12 of 42 out- from portal hypertension, a potentially fatal disease that Albright for an emergency humanitarian visa for the boy dismantle 12 Jewish outposts in the posts set up in .the past year as part produces high pressure in blood flowing from several West Bank meant little in the face of of campaign to prevent West Bank organs to the liver. Cuban doctors don't have the facili- and his mother. Cuban authorities might meet this week ties to treat him. his approval of 2,600 new housing land from being handed over to the to discuss it, Walsh said. units for settlers. Palestinians. Ned Walsh, a retired Baptist chaplain at North An unidentified Cuban-American benefactor has told Erekat said construction in the The demonstrators blocked the Carolina State University, is lobbying the Cuban and Duke Medical Center that he wou Id cover Raudel's med- West Bank, where the Palestinians road leading to a hilltop with four American govemments to clear the way for the emer- ical expenses, which could reach $750,000, Walsh said hope to establish a state, rendered mobile homes near the Suissa set- gency trip. in a telephone interview. efforts to reach a final peace deal tlement in the southern West Bank Walsh learned about Raudel during an August visit to Raudel's mother said she is thankful for the efforts "meaningless. " until the council canceled plans to Cuba and enlisted other members of a Baptist congrega- being made on her son's behalf. Among other things, a permanent evacuate it. peace agreement would determine the On Tuesday, demonstrators Military barricades roads to rumbling volcano final borders of Israel and the blocked a truck from removing a Palestinian entity. storage container near the ShVUI Associated Press that could come in a matter of days. and trekking, could be buried within Erekat was responding to a letter Rachel settlement. Another outpost All roads into the area were 10 minutes of eruption, experts say. from Barak's adviser, Danny Yatom, nearby, consisting of a water tower, PINGUE, Ecuador - An army ordered closed Wednesday within a In Pingue, just outside the emer- in which Yatom denied allegations was dismantled. colonel backed by a phalanx of 15 15- to 20-mile radius of the crater, gency zone, Valentina Viii acres said that Israel was preventing Palestinians Barak responded angrily to the soldiers barricaded the road four days after scientists determined people "sleep with one eye open." from building homes in the West delays,saying he expected the set- Wednesday to a now-deserted tourist that lava and ash from the snow- "Behind this hill is the volcano. If Bank by refusing to issue permits. tlers to keep their agreements. The town at the base of the rumbling capped volcano could engulf the you climb up a bit, you can see it," Yatom said no Palestinian land had settler leaders said they intended to Tungurahua volcano. town. said Villacres, 60, who lives in a been confiscated for the new Jewish honor their promises. "Nobody, absolutely nobody, The volcano, which has spewed a simple wooden house at the foot of a homes except for a small area near the Disagreements between the set- passes. This is an order from the steady column of ash and steam, hill. "They say Pingue is out of dan- divided city of Hebron, Erekat said. tler leadership and young activists president," he told a group of vil- appeared to be dying down ger, but we are afraid all the same. Barak aide Gadi Baltiansky said seemed to be behind the confusion. lagers, reporters lind photographers Wednesday, said Hugo Yepez, direc- You can feel the volcano at night." clamoring to get by the military tor of Ecuador's Geophysical Villacres said the moment author- checkpoint. Institute. ities issue a warning of imminent Six miles farther down the wind- "But that's not good news eruption, she will seek refuge in ing highway, nestled in a narrow val- because energy continues to accu- Ambato, a city of 300,000 people 20 ley at the foot of the 16,457-foot vol- mulate below, and that could indi- miles to the east. cano, lies Banos - a town of )7,000 cate a violent explosion," he said. Ecuador has called for aid from evacuated in the face of an eruption Banos, famed for its hot springs international relief agencies.

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;$:'< "'\~ ... warraiitY

,. .' .~, SPORTS The Daily Evergreen Thursday. October 21, 1999 Ready to row

Rowing team gets early start on Snake West Cleland tice at that position. And that, The Daily Evergreen she said, can be considerable pressure. It was a brisk, overcast "I just want to keep the rate morning at the Snake River. right and be easy to follow," The WSU rowing team Allen said. "I can't just do my arrived at the river in two own thing; Ihave to feel the vans at 7:30 a.m. They were boat." dressed in warm clothing and Placed on and under her wasted little time preparing seat, are two magnets. Every for their morning workout. time her seat passes over the The Cougars had much work magnet in the base of the to do in order to be ready for boat, it registers on the "cox their first race of the season. box." The cox box is a digital The team will be traveling to readout providing the Spokane Saturday for a coxswain with the number of matchup with the Gonzaga strokes per minute. Bulldogs. The coxswain, facing the Like clockwork, they lined rowers in the stem of the boat, up the oars in a neat pile along uses this information to coach the dock. A team of eight and make necessary adjust- transported two boats from ments. the boat house and placed Senior Autumn Miller is them in the water. the coxswain for the Cougar The team appeared varsity boat. She is the only undaunted by the large water- one allowed to talk, and when way looming before them. she yells commands, her Without hesitating, the team teammates listen, launched the two eight-per- "Autumn can feel things in son boats onto the river. the boat that the coach can't," The rowing positions are sophomore Emily Larson numbered one through eight, said, "so it's really important starting at the bow - the to have that perspective when you're getting commands back of the boat - working from a coxswain." forward. While "the stern "She speaks into the four" - rowers five through microphone and there's three eight - are responsible for speakers in the boat so they setting the pace, the No. 8 can hear what she's saying," stroke position otherwise Coach Tammy Crawford known as "the stroke" dic- said. "She's calling the race tates the pace for the entire THE DAILY EVERGREEN/CHRIS FRERICHS plan and giving them techni- boat. Above: Lisa Phillips, a WSU senior, practices with the women's rowing team on the Snake River. Junior Sarah Allen has Top: Members of the WSU rowing team take their shell out on the Snake River early on a Saturday morning. been spending time in prac- See Crawford on page 13 Money matters in IDAHO FOOTBALL World Series matchup Nofoaiga continues Who would have guessed it? honorable ways The Braves and the Yankees go to the show. If Jon Naito tive week Nofoaiga has you jumped on these earned the honor. Nofoaiga The Daily Evergreen teams bandwagons a few led the team with 14 tackles years ago, I hope you Honors continue "to stack nine unassisted, against have jumped off and up for the University of Idaho Arkansas State. He also killed yourself by now. football team. forced and recovered a fum- Ted Turner plus The Big West conference ble and had one sack. George Steinbrenner named senior quarterback Injury report Amy equals one thing folks - Senior outside linebacker Greg Robertson Offensive big money. It is no secret Matt Jasik will miss this Morrell Player of the Week and junior why both of these teams weekend's Homecoming Commentary linebacker Chris Nofoaiga are fantastic. The benches game against Utah State. Defensive Player of the Week and bullpens are stacked Jasik reagravated a neck for their performances in a with the possession we all want: money. stinger he suffered Oct. 2 at 30-24 overtime win at Let's face it: athletes make more than God. Wyoming. Junior Jason Arkansas State Saturday. Daniel will start in hi I Salary caps are ajoke. There are a million ways R be ... IS pace. to get around the cap. Believe me, the agents o rtson - making Im... - '"'t1"'S indefinite right now," knowhow. secon~ start of the season - Idaho Coach Chris Tormey Can you say signing bonus? When is the last completed 23 of 46 passes for said. "He's definitely out this time you hesitated when you said a player 293 yards and three touch- week and we'll have to go signed for $17 million with a $9 million sign- THE DAILY EVERGREEN/KEVIN GERMAN down passes, including the week to week with it. His ing bonus. It rolls off our tongues without a Idaho senior defensive lineman Mao Tosi, shown here celebrating game winner to tight end health is the most important Idaho's. 28-17 victory over WSU Sept. 18, is expected to play this Mike Roberg in overtime. See Idaho on page 12 See Money on page 12 week against Utah State after suffering an elbow injury last Saturday. This. is the second consecu- Sports Editor:Chris Chanc~lof PAGE 12 THE DAILY EVERGREEN • THuRsDAY, OcrOBER 21, 1999 M's re-sign Martinez Sunday games match teams Associated Press Martinez could have become a free agent after the World Series. SEAITLE - Designated hitter He has spent his entire career 'headed in different directions Edgar Martinez has signed a contract with Seattle, since signing as a non- This weekend has some important Denver (2-4) at New England (4- ranked defense against the run and drafted free agent in 1982. extension for the next season, with an match ups in the NFL, so here's a 2): . they'll have their work cut out for "Martinez is a true professional option for the following year. the breakdown of some of those key This game illustrates the shift in hitter," Mariners manager Lou them in stopping Packer runner Seattle Mariners said Wednesday. match ups and my predictions. dominance in the AFe. Dorsey Levens. If the Charger Piniella said. He hits to all fields, he The contract is worth a minimum Denver has won the past two Super offense can pull together and pro- hits for power, he drives in runs and $5.9 million for Martinez, 36. Last San Fran. Bowls, but they are hurting from the duce, they could beat Green Bay. he gets on base. He's a key part of season, Martinez was paid $3.5 mil- (3-3) at Minn. retirement of John Elway and injuries That's a big "if," so don't expect it to our offense and'l' m pleased to have lion. (2-4): to Terrell Davis and Shannon Sharpe. happen. him back." This is a bat- The Broncos are trying to get out of The Packers will be too much for The two-time AL batting champi- Martinez is to receive a $150,000 tle of two teams the AFC West cellar, but the Patriots the Chargers to handle in this low on has led the Mariners in batting signing bonus and $5.2 million in on the decline. have other plans in mind. scoring game. average six times, including the past salary in 2000. The Mariners have an The 4gers New England is a team on the rise. Green Bay 14, San Diego 10. three years. He finished fourth in the option to extend the contract through are taking a Drew Bledsoe has shown exceptional league this season with a .337 mark. 2001 for $5.5 million more. If not, beating without poise this year, and the former WSU Washington (4-1) at Dallas (3-2): His career average is .320. Martinez receives a $500,000 buyout. star Steve "Mr. star looks to take his team to the Super 111isgame is for all the marbles in Mike Concussion" Bowl once again. Expect this to be a the NFC East. The Redskins look to Kreiger Young taking high scoring game in which both avenge their opening day, overtime MoNEY: Few solutions are viable the snaps at teams will be airing it out with the loss to the Cowboys, who are on a two Continued from page 11 Commentary quarterback. passing game. game losing skid. the first $100 million dollar man. Is Jeff Garcia has Patriots 35, Denver 28. thought. Wa<;hingtonholds a one-game lead he worth that much money for 3 I to stepped in, but he's no Steve Young. over the Cowboys, so a Redskin vic- Okay, so maybe I am jealous, but 35 starts a season? His salary is The 4ger defense has allowed the Green Bay (3-2) at San Diego (4- tory will give them a huge boost in the this is out of control. worth more than the entire Dodger most points in the NFC, which is bad 1): division. Washington running back So what should we do? Stadium. news because they take on a potent This is going to be a classic battle Stephen Davis is a stud, leading the I know I'm not about to stop It's all about the media markets. Minnesota offense. Jeff George of a solid offense taking on a great NFL in rushing touchdowns. going to games or quit watching Televised baseball games go replaced Randall Cunningham as the defense. Rookie Redskin cornerback them. I wouldn't have a life any through local markets unlike foot- Vikings starting quarterback. Expect Both teams are in first place in their Champ Bailey is in the running for more and neither would you. So, ball, where games are televised on him to put up big numbers in his first respective divisions and plan to keep it Defensive Rookie of the Year, espe- what is the solution? the national level. Advertising pays start of the year. This looks to be a that way. Brett Favre has been the king cially after his three interception per- We could support the amateurs. mucho dinero and when you're in a good game early on, but the Vikings of comebacks, and he needs to formance last week. Expect Texas Yeah right. If they could really play big market such as New York or will pull away from the 4gers with an improve on last week's three intercep- Stadium to be rockin' and rollin' when ball, they wouldn't be amateurs. Chicago, you're going to make more excellent receiving corps that consists tion outing. He's going to have to face this game kicks off. The only problem Send a petition the commission- money. Do you think a place like of Randy Moss, Chris Carter and Jake Junior Seau and one of the league's is that the Dallas fans won't be as ers? Ican see some geeky sports fan Kansas City can pull the kind of cash Reed. top defenses. happy when the game is over. trying to get everyone to sign some L.A. does? J just don't see it happen- Vikings 28, 4gers 17. The Charger defense is the top Washington 35, Dallas 21. petition at a bar during Monday ing. Night Football. I know what some of you old How about some of us become fogies are saying. You're shaking CEOs of major companies and not your head and saying our generation IDAHO: Dean ankle injury is not considered serious have corporate box seats. What is the is too money-hungry. Continued from page 11 point of being a CEO? We've lost the dream. It should be Idaho jumped from 27th to 18th in ed by the instability that's been cre- Hey Nike, don't pay famous about the competition, right? thing right now." total defense in the national rank- ated by football in the league. It's sports figures top dollar to sponsor Quit lying to yourself At least our Quarterback Ed Dean tweaked his ings. The Vandals allow about 300 probably time for them to try and put your product. I know you can make generation is honest with each other. ankle in practice Tuesday. The injury yards a game. UI is ranked 10th that All-California league together, money some other way. We want to grow up and make does not appear to be serious. He is against the run, allowing 85 yards although the University of Idaho is Okay, I'm not giving a solution. money. Who do you think taught us listed as day to day and will be re- per game and are ranked 39th in pass certainly committed to the Big West To be honest, I really don't know that? evaluated Wednesday. An official efficiency defense. The Vandals Conference:' what to do. I know we can't go back. We can give Ricky Williams decision on his status is expected gave up 297 yards of total offense in Bohn said no timetable has been It's too late. We can't tell athletes to some props for signing a incentive later in the week. Dean originally the win over Arkansas State. set for a possible change. work their whole life for mere recog- contract. Go Ricky' Go Ricky! injured the ankle Sept. 18 against Idaho stays put - for now As for Idaho's options, Bohn said nition and no cash when their heroes Unfortunately, I don't think some of WSU. Idaho Athletic Director Mike the Sun Belt Conference could be a have been making big bucks for the the mediocre players are going to go Left tackle Rick DeMulling Bohn addressed the changes in Big possibility, but any move would be last decade. this route, returns to action this week after West membership Tuesday, in light done so Idaho could keep its Baseball is definitely the most How can we step it up in the fun- missing the past two weeks with an of Boise State's move to the Western Division I-A status in football. greedy of all the sports. Kevin filled sports decades to come? . ankle injury. Tight end Mike Roberg Athletic Conference in 2001. Boise Boise State's departure could Brown, pitcher for the Dodgers, is Demand more. returned last week. Tormey said he State and Nevada will join the WAC leave the conference with no bowl expects Roberg to be closer to full as members in all sports by 200 I, ties. Legally, Boise State can take the strength this week. Defensive line- leaving the Big West with just five Humanitarian Bowl, which is played man Mao Tosi has a sprained elbow football-playing members. in Boise and hosted by BSU, to the but is expected to play Saturday. "Their direction (the Big West's league they are a member of. The FIRST ANNUAL Idaho's defense getting stingier California schools) is certainly current format has the Big West Idaho's defense - No. I in the towards an all-California league," champion meeting a representative LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON FORUM Big West - got better this week. Bohn said. 'They're really not excit- from Conference USA. KEYNOTE SPEAKER STEVE WYMER

Ross Shafer WSUleaders across campus Six Emmy Awards speak on the ship in their respective diciplines. .include discussion George Miller about education, '00+ Leno and All students are Sponsored by Tuesday 12:00 to 3:00 Admission isfree. Closing Date fornegistration is October 25, 1999 For More Information or To Register Call 335-LEAD (335-5323) Washington State -~ University PAGE 13 CRAWFORD: Coach is ex-Cougar

Continued from page 11 cal pointers if their timing is off." , {j I love her (Tammy Crawford also shouts commands. Crawford) like a but with amegaphone from a motor- boat - otherwise known as a coach- mom and whatever she ing launch. says, Ibelieve her." To the team. the language was Autumn Miller, clear that day: This would be the coxswain hardest workout of the young sea- son. By the end of the two-hour work- "We're going to do a practice plan out, the team was breathing hard and today that involves a lot of different huge blisters had formed on some of stroke rates, race work and some their hands. paddle work." Crawford said. For this team, that was nothing The team started rowing in inter- out of the ordinary. vals. and by the end of warm ups, The ride back to campus was several team members removed a upbeat with light conversation layer of clothing to cool off. accompanied by laughter. Crawford led the team through a Although she expects a lot from lHE DAILYEVERGREEN/HSllK:HU, CHUNG moderate pace: rowing hard for 90 her team on the water, Crawford has WSU Rowing Coach Tammy Crawford graduated from WSU and coached at the University of seconds, followed by 30 seconds of developed a close bond with many Washington before returning to Pullman in 1990 to lead the Cougar rowing team. paddling. team members -. It was at UW where Crawford summer in the best shape I've ever rition when Spring season starts The rowers then worked through "I love her like a mom and what- gained most of her coaching knowl- seen," Crawford said. "There's the March 18. ever she says, I believe her," Miller a simulation of their upcoming race edge, she said. She returned to desire to step up and take the pro- But first, the Cougars will get a said. "If Tammy says to do some- in Spokane. The highest rate the PUllman in 1990, eager to implement gram to a different level. They were sneak preview of several Pac-IO thing, do it without question. There team reached so far this season was what she had learned. Now, in her on a mission this summer to come opponents during their upcoming 30 strokes per minute. The crew is no other option." 10th season, Crawford has higt.!aspi- back so we can move forward." Nov. 13 race in Seattle. UW. worked harder as the rate grew high- For Crawford, coaching this team rations for the team. In addition to their work on the University of Southern California, er. They climbed from a rate of 33 to is the culmination of a dream first After a fifth-place finish last year, Water, the team spends time training California and Stanford will be .an unprecedented 39 at Crawford's realized while rowing for the Cougar Crawford said the Cougars are on land. amongst the teams in attendance. command. varsity team in the early I980s. shooting for the Pac-I 0 crown this When they're not sprinting or run- "Cal finished third in the nation The strain could be seen in the After graduating. she spent four season and a trip to the NCAA ning stairs. the team does push-ups. last year, Washington finished fifth," rowers' faces as they gathered their years coaching at the University of championship. sit-ups or jumping jacks. Crawford said. 'That will be a pretty strength to maintain the grueling Washington, following a brief 'This is a particularly strong This type of training regiment important race and then we're done pace. coaching stint with the Cougars. group of people who came back this prepares the team tor Pac-I 0 compe- for the tall." M's send Safeco Field payment dispute to board

Associated Press deal between the contractor, Hunt- need to get paid. It's as simple as six-member Public Facilities Waldman also contended that Kiewit, and the Public Facilities that." District voted Monday to send the Hunt-Kiewit has already received District. the public agency that over- Hunt-Kiewit - ajoint venture of matter to a dispute resolution board enough money to pay all the sub- SEATrLE - A lawyer for the saw construction of the stadium for Huber Hunt & Nichols and Kiewit of three construction experts who contractors and "pocket a tidy prof- Seattle Mariners said the team is Seattle's American League baseball Construction Co. - offered last have been following the building of it." He said non-payment of the con- "shocked" that the Public Facilities team. month to peg its final stadium con- Safeco Field. tractors is Hunt-Kiewit's fault, not District would send a year-long dis- The unpaid subcontractors are tract at $350.8 million. The finn has "We were shocked to learn that the Mariners' fault. pute over final payments on Safeco mostly small businesses that did fin- already earned about $346 million the PFD has decided to refer this Field to a dispute resolution board. But Public Facilities District ish work on the stadium - carpet- on the ballpark; the remaining $4 The Mariners are wrangling over matter to the DRB. This is inappro- Director Ken Johnsen said the team layers, drywallers and painters. million-plus involves costs incurred $1.8 million in the final payment to priate," Mariner attorney Bart is wrong to focus on the lack of a "There's a lot of politics and fin- Safeco Field's contractor while 28 to finish the building. Waldman wrote in -a letter sent formal claim, which is just paper- ger pointing going on, but I just The Mariners countered Friday subcontractors remain unpaid until Wednesday to the public agency. He work. Johnsen said the Hunt-Kiewit want to get .paid," said one flooring by offering $349 million. But after said Hunt-Kiewit has not presented offer of $350.8 million was a pretty the dispute is settled. subcontractor who is owed some discussion, no settlement was a claim to the PFD or the Mariners, good deal and if the Mariners agreed Negotiations have been going on $100,000 on contracts of about reached. so there is nothing to refer to the dis- to pay it, the whole issue could be for more than a year to seal the final $400,000. "We did the work. We At the contractor's request, the pute board. resolved. Galloway visits Seattle, but " no contract talks planned Associated Press sought an extension during the off- season but negotiations collapsed. SEATAC ~ Holdout wide His absence has cost him $558,000 in salary and more than $400,000 in Oest Drive The All New receiver Joey Galloway says he has no plans to talk with the Seattle fines. Seahawks but plans to visit friends The Seahawks let the trading on the team during a visit to the area deadline expire Tuesday without OLDSMOBILE ALERO that began Wednesday. making a deal although 14 clubs had Upon his arrival Wednesday at expressed interest in obtaining rights . ,;\·o~Connected to Seattle-Tacoma International to Galloway. ~ee\ . ~ Airport, Galloway told a KOMO- His absence has been evident on ?J.,(tc._ TV crew the trip was strictly person- the field, especially in a 13-10 loss to al. the San Diego Chargers on Sunday. O~ "This has nothing to do with Galloway said he watched all five signing a contract," he said. "This is of the Seahawks' games on televi- not a business trip. I'm here to see sion from his year-round home in my house. friends, and that's all it Dublin. Ohio. is." "1 root for them. I scream ar the Galloway. who would have TV like any other fan will do and received more than $1.5 million in hopefully, someday, I'll be playing," MSRP $20,460 the year remaining on his contract, he said. YOUR PRICE S17,726 SAVINGS of

Eligible College 6rads receive ail addit:ional 9400. Call1'or Det:ail!i.

by OLDSMOBILE Chipman and Taylor SE250 Bishop Blvd. PuUman,WA 334-3555 email: [email protected]'i 335-4573 CLASSIFIEDS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21,1999 PAGE 14

Index 105 Apts. For Rent 105 Apts. For Rent 301 General FOR SALE ~ 100 RENTALS 401 Stuff that's goHa (iiiPA JOHlii) go Better Ingredients. 200 REAL ESTATE Remember kidS, Better Pizza. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Computers $40-190, printers, dress- RENTALS ers, chairs, drafting tables, desks, 300 EMPLOYMENT Death is still the Looking for mattresses & more, WSU Surplus, Delivery Drivers General Storage Bldg, Dairy Rd. FOR SALE ASSOCIATED -hourly wage plus One day only Thurs. 10/21 lOam- 400 nations number commision and tips 4pm, 335-4 630. TRANSPORT • potential to make up to 500 one killer BROKERS $10.00 an hour 450 Pets/Supplies 405 S. Grand • Pullman' 600 SERVICES Chocolate Lab pups, AKC reg. Shots 334-0562 and wormed. Parents on site. $350. Call 334-4570. 700 NOTICES . ONE BEDROOMS TRANSPORT $335-425 REGISTERED NURSES: Seeking in- TWO BEDROOMS dividuals for supplemental positions which may lead to regular part or full 515 Autos $400-700 . time. Competitive salary and benefits THREE BEDROOMS in pleasant rural environment. Prefer 1970 Mustang. Xlnt. eng. New tires, RN's with 1-3 years medical/surgical/ muffler, battery. Xtra wheels w/snow $585-950 OB experience, but will consider new tires. $2975 OBO. 882-7961 graduates. Whitman Hospital and FOUR BEDROOMS Medical Center, 1200 W. Fairview, '91 Chevy Cavalier. 2-dr 4 cyl., AT. $825-850 Colfax, WA 99111, 509-397-3435. sunroof, 105k, runs great, good con- EOE, ( dition. $3000. OBO.339-2699. 1991 GMC Jimmy, 4WD. Good winter vehicle. 310 Office/Clerical Call 334-6446. '88 Ford Escort. Runs Excllnt. Good QUIET COMPLEX & PEACE OF tires, ski racks, cass. deck w/ 6-disc MIND AT WIL-RU APTS. ACCEPTING 110 Furnished Apts. changer. $2000 OBO 332-7525. APPLICATIONS FOR THE NEW 1990 Burgandy Honda Civic SPRING SEMESTER. 332-5631 OR Oct. & May rent FREEl Huge furn. EX. Good condition. 110K $3000. Call www.palouse.neVailamerican room, kitch & 1.5 bath, avail immedi- ately, $250. College Crest, 332-6m Laura: 334-1196. 1 and 2 bdrm. apts. avail., near bus rt., laundry facilities, no pets. Call 1 bdr furn. apt, $370, low uts., laun- 520 Trucks 332-1602. dry facilities, pkng, on Express & E • • • Midway Property has studios, 1, 2 & 3 bus rt, pets ok, eves, 334-9699 ~., -i- ~., -i- ~., 4 x 4 Are you ready for winter? 1980 bdr apts avail. Jan 1st. for least thru Jeep Cherokee F/T 4 x4. Quadra 1 bdr apt., 5 min. from Bookie, new May 31st. (3 units avail now). 3 blks Current opening for a Secretary. track and high low. V87360 AMC. carpet, DW, WID, Avail Dec. '15, west of Sloan Hall on Maiden Lane. Secretarial experience and knowledge Looks and drives good. $2500 call $330,334-6620. Will show btwn 1-5PM M-F beg Nov of office practices and procedures are 334-3075. required. Personable and able to 1m rr;.4if.'dit 1st. Call 332-2151 btwn 8-5 for an .:: communicate effectively with adults. 530 4WD/Vans .: :: appt, After hrs leave a msg. 125 Mobile Homes Must havetyping and generalcompuer 3 bdrm apts on campus. skills. Limited fiscal knowledge would 1993 Burqandy/Sllver Chevy Blazer . 1 bdrm trailer for rent. 1 block from be helpful. Salary DOE. Benefits. •••••• Across from Rainey park. $645/mo. Nice Condition AT, A/C, Stereo. ? bus route. In Sevdy's Crt. $250/mo. EOE. Send resume and references to: • ••••• Call 334-7444 $15,OOOOBO. Call 334-6406 Call 334-3701 please leave message. 2 bdrm twnhse, 1.5 bath, pkng, Indry rm, downtown area,$435. '93 Ford Ranger, ext. cab, tow pkg, cruise control, AC, shell w/kit, Call 332-6537 or 334-2848. 130 Houses RENTALS $7,600, 339-2051. Pullman 2 bdr 1 bath house for rent, hardwood floors, fenced yard, avail 1990 Ranger. 4WD, 2.3L, 4cyl., MT, Advertise in the Classifieds Section 101 Roommates aREAL ESTATE/RENTALS 11-1,$700, 339-2051. 140k miles, w/canopy, very reliable, Call 335-4573 $4400 OBO. Call: 332-6196. M/F to share mobile home in Terrace Estates. WID, on bus rt, pets? 334-7700 Rentals 140 Duplexes $230/mo. Avail. now. Call 334-1634. 332-4567 Sales DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE 3 Bdrm 1 Bath. 7 mo. lease renegoti- Edited by Fran & Lou Sabin ate after May. $650/mo. + util. Con- ACROSS 2 Toward, 30 Table oil source 46 Boys' go-w~hs Studio apt., avail. Nov. 10. $217 rent tact Paul at 334-4824. 1 Melville novel, biblically 31 Cawing avian (neg.) No deposit. Call 338-9000 or 47 Applies gently e-mail: [email protected] 3 bdrm 2 bath, W/D hookup, on bus "Billy-" 3 Laura or Bruce 32 Correct text 48 Capri, e.g. route, family nghbrnd. $850/mo. Call 5 "Gel lostl" 4 Rum-based 34 Composer 49 Pair of horses 2 bdrm apts across from campus. 332-4773 or (H) 334-2200. 9 Aor 100, e.g. cocktail Legrand 50 Hjingles and Newly remodled, OW. $445/mo. 14 Draftworthy 5 Luster; polish 37 Bojangle's jangles CALL 334-7444 15 Knight of the 6 Pigeon calls specialty 51 Tropical tree .. 145 Subleases road 7 Border on 38 First·rate 52 Kind 01 1 or 2 roomates wanted to share 16 Ancient region 8 Trike rider 44 - qua non: cabinet brand new 4 bedroom apartment Helene's Property Place, II ( 2.Bdrm, 1 bath. WID new carpet and 01Asia Minor 9 John, in essential 53 Unravel close to WSU. Be one of the first to tile. Large living room and kitchen. 17 Delete Genoa 45 Signs of things 54 Stitches share a new appartment home at 225 NE Olsen *Pullman Avail Jan. 1, 2000 Call 332-7748. Cougar Crest. For details, please call 338-9008 19 Horse opera 10 Criticize to come ,56 Mineral spring 334-6028 20 Victory severely ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: IFor ALL Your Rental Needs!1 REAL ESTATE 21 Boob tubes 11 Pay 10 play M/F to share CCN apt. $186.25/mo 22 Coffee cooker 12 Food selection AR.MSIRACOS.MAM.MAT 0 V ATE A M t R + 1/4 util. Call Dave at 334-2179 or 23 Miter or ledora 13 "I'mall-!" Justin after 5:30 pm at 339-2067 201 For Sale 24 Convent garb 18 Russell 01 SOLO GESTE .. P R , NeE C H ARM , N G 27 Get the hang 01 "Stargate" ...... E R R SAN '91 Pont. Grand Prix, Blue,4dr,91 K, 30 Mine yield 21 Sovereign's 105 Apts. For Rent SPA 0 E .~~ N 0 E POT V6, AT, AC, Exlnt. Condo $3900. Call 33 Gen. Bradley seat 334-1357 TAR. TEE PEE. R E N 0 24 Sprayed, in Lg 1 bdrm apts, $360-385/mo., low 34 Carnegie· - R U M P E L S T , L T S K , N util., on Pullman A bus route, 8am - University a way USE R. s ~~e!:. LA. 0 N E 5pm. Call 332-7704. 205 Houses 35 Take it on the - 25 More than A ADS. B LEE 0 36 Grammarian's enough e'CBS 0 L E_ For Sale: 3 Bdrm, 2 3/4 bath, gas no-no 26 Stubborn E E PIN G B E AUT Y heat, central air and 3 car garage. 39 Fraternal order 27 Symphonically 0 0 0 0 Pioneer Hill. Avail 11-1-99. For more St';i:"10 •• R I ' , member slow o N ARE LAY EON A do call 332-1535. 40 On the go 28 Spritelike S TAG S T A Y S DOT S <11 Pizzeria fixture 29 Full 01 energy EMPLOYMENT 42 Susan 01 "L.A Law" 43 "ET, - home!" 301 General 44 Payout 45 Keatsian poem Palouse Hills Nursinq Center looking 46 Tonic gO-With for part time beautician to meet our 47 Gloomy residents needs. Please apply at 50 "Rhoda: "The 1310 NW Deane St., Pullman, WA Jeffersons: etc. 99163 332-1566 or fax resume 332- 55 Rockies resort Now Lga~ingl 0909 AnN: Linda Godfrey. EOE. 56 Weight Rooms in 3&4 bdrm apts watcher's Rent ~21O-250/month RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGIST for target Individual school yr leases full time position in busy rural hospital 57 Mont- setting. At least one year of general 58 Remove a cork 'Roommate locator service diagnostic radiology, as well as mam- 59 Tree gripper Furnished/air conditioning mography experience preferred. 60 Common- Contact Whitman Hospital and Medi- 61 Weaponry OORA large bedrooms cal Center: 1200 W. Fairview, Colfax, 62 Cries of surpnse h,,+--+-~+- ~gg us on 'hI! web at: WA 99111. (509) 397-3435. users.pullman.eom/ cca DOWN '-+-+-332-6777 17 people needed to lose weight, lost 1 Large pear 28 Ibs and 4 dress sizes in just ten By Rich Norris ColIggg Cm~t weeks. call 888-37~756. e 1999 Los Angeles i'mrs Syndieat~ 10/21/99 ------·~ .., ... ',_.'

THE DAILY EVERGREEN • 'fHuRsDAY, OcroBER 21, 1999 PAGE 15 NHL gives defenseman Holmgren unhappy with offensive play two games for bad hit Chargers. talent on offense to make it work in Seattle, Associated Press Associated Press It turned out it wasn't enough. which is without its best offensive player, Walker's interception set up Seattle's only Galloway. NEW YORK - KIRKLAND - Take it from Mike touchdown, a l-yard pass from Jon Kitna to "Right now that doesn't matter," Holmgren defenseman Darius Kasparaitis was suspended Holmgren, who knows exactly what it takes to Hula Mili. told a news conference when asked if he get there. If the Seattle Seahawks' offense The Seahawks' offense couldn't get going thought he had enough offensive talent. Wednesday for two games for his elbow to the keeps playing as poorly as it did in San Diego, against the Chargers and Junior Seau. Their "There's not a lot Ican do about that right now. head of Chicago Blackhawks forward Jean- the team's bid to make the playoffs is in trou- rushing attack was particularly ineffective, The trading deadline passed and we've drafted Pierre Dumont ble. gaining only 61 yards on 27 canies. Kitna was our players. I have to make it work somehow Kasparaitis, who will lose $15,625, was "It's a tall order unless you can score some 17-for-29 for 151 yards and a touchdown with with this group. " assessed a major penalty and a game misconduct points," Seattle's first-year coach said an interception. Seahawks president Bob Whitsitt made for the hit Saturday that left Dumont - carried Wednesday. "If we're only to score 10 points a John Carney's 41-yard field goal as time Holmgren the highest paid coach in the league off the ice on a stretcher - with a concussion. game for the rest of the season, that would be expired ended the Seahawks' three-game win- at $32 million for eight years. Holmgren was "The hit delivered by Mr. Kasparaitis was pretty tough." . ning streak and left Holmgren frustrated. hired to end Seattle's 10-year playoff drought, deliberate and his opponent was not in posses- Holmgren, who coached Green Bay into Three days later, Holmgren tried to look at longest in the NFL. sion of the puck nor in a position to defend him- two Super Bowls, watched the Seahawks lose the Seahawks' final II games optimistically. "Our goals haven't changed," Holmgren self," said Nlfl, vice-president Colin Campbell, 13-10 to the Chargers in a woeful offensive His offense is testing his positive approach to said. "We're still shooting for the playoffs and who handed down the suspension. pertormance last Sunday. Seattle hosts the coaching, though. that kind of stuff. " Chicago general manager Bob Murray says Buffalo Bills this Sunday. With a relatively inexperienced quarterback On Tuesday, the league's trading deadline, Kasparaitis will have more than money to pay. In a game that magnified the absence of in Kitna, in his first full season as Seattle's the Seahawks held onto Galloway. So if he "We're looking after things on the ice," holdout wide receiver Joey Galloway and his starter, and an unproductive offensive line, the plays for them this season, it will be 'his deci- Murray told the Chicago Sun-TImes. "When ability to stretch defenses with his speed, the Seahawks rank 25th in the 31-team NFL in sion to come back for what's left of his $1.585 Mr. Kasparaitis is coming to town to play, I hope Seahawks got pass interceptions from Brian offense and are 29th in rushing. Ricky Watters million contract. he'll be a man and drop his gloves. We'll do it Walker, Chris Canty, Cortez Kennedy and is averaging a career-low 3.1 yards per carry. Galloway is in the final season of his five- face-to-face. We won't sucker-punch or cheap- Willie Williams in the second half against the Holmgren doesn't know if he has enough year contract with the Seahawks. shot anyone." Mesa gets no relief Former Twins owner from Ohio court and batboy dies at 87 Associated Press sition and theft. Curran also dropped Associated Press business, and Calvin Griffith was The Minneapolis Star wrote a a felony assault charge against Mesa. intent on holding the line on escalating front-page editorial calling for Griffith The trial court ruled that the COLUMBUS, Ohio - Seattle salaries. Former Twins great Harmon to sell the team. Griffith said his words Lakewood policy covering searches MINNEAPOLIS Calvin Mariners pitcher Jose Mesa might Killebrew recalled tough negotiations were taken out of context, but civil was vague. The Supreme Court dis- Griffith, a tight-fisted owner who have to return to a Cleveland court- one year. rights groups called for a boycott of agreed. inherited the Washington Senators and room to face a charge of carrying a "We were $500 apart and I wasn't Twins games. "We find that the policy is not moved them to Minnesota, died concealed weapon, the Ohio going to let $500 stand between us Rod Carew, whose contract was ambiguous," Justice Andrew Wednesday in Melbourne, Fla, He Supreme Court ruled Wednesday. and me getting to spring training," soon to expire, said he would no Douglas wrote for the majority. was 87. The court ruled 6-1 that longer play on Griffith's "plantation." "Rather, the only restriction Griffith developed pneumonia, a Killebrew said Wednesday from Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Carew left Minnesota for the Angels imposed by the policy involves kidney infection and a high fever on Scottsdale, Ariz. "I ended up signing Judge Patrick Curran erred when he in 1979. those compartments that are Monday, said Sima Griffith, his the contract Itold him that if that $500 ruled in 1997 that police in the Under Griffith, the Twins led the locked." daughter-in-law. She said he had a meant that much, I'd go ahead and Cleveland suburb of Lakewood had American League in attendance their Justice Paul Pfeifer, in a dissent- pacemaker put in three to four weeks sign the contract." no right to search an unlocked com- first 10 seasons, featuring such stars as ing opinion, said the Lakewood pol- ago and had been in a rehabilitation For all the acrimony brought by partment in a car driven by Mesa, Killebrew, Carew, Tony Oliva, Zoilo icy does not deal with closed but center. Griffith's frugality, his reputation was then with the Cleveland Indians. VersaIles, and Bob Allison. unlocked departments. Griffith moved the Senators after hurt much more by a speech to a local "The people in Minnesota were Lakewood police found Mesa's Doug Weiner, chief of the coun- the 1960 season and the team was Rotary club in 1978. trying 10 get a baseball club for so 9mm handgun Dec. 27, 1996, after ty's criminal division, said a decision renamed the Minnesota Twins. He "Black people don't go to ball many years," Griffith said in 1995. he was arrested in Cleveland on sex on whether to reopen the case was sold the club for $36 million to Carl games, but they'll fill up a rassling ring "They were on the verge of getting abuse charges based on allegations pending. Gerald Messerman, a Pohlad in 1984, ending 65 years of and put up such a chant they'll scare one several times. Then the Giants of two women he had met Dec. 22. lawyer representing Mesa, did not franchise ownership by the Griffith you to death," he said. "We carne (to went to California, Cleveland stayed A jury acquitted Mesa of charges in return telephone calls seeking com- family. Minnesota) because you've got good, in Cleveland and the White Sox the case of rape, gross sexual impo- ment. Baseball was the family's primary hard-working white people here." stayed in Chicago.

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9-10 p.m. this.Fri. & Sat. 710 Lost Oct. 22&23 NO COVER 6pm&8pm LOST CAT: REWARD M/N, short- :1000 NE[olorado - Pullman _ haired, ginger tabby, 6 yrs old, w/ med. condo Last seen near NW Sun- I"",,.,,;zad§.com/\'alhalla.htm , set Dr. 10/10. Any info call 334-0715. ~------~ ~ PAGE 16 THE DAILY EVERGREEN • 'fHuRsoAY, OcroBER 21, 1999 Comedians gather at Kennedy Center to honor Jonathan Winters Associated Press eccentric characters he invented. "He isn't just everyman, he liter- Center's Mark Twain prize for The tribute, which cable network Robin Williams, who improvised ally is every man," Williams said. American humor. Richard Pryor Comedy Central will televise in WASHINGTON - Three gener- alongside Winters in the 1970s tele- Fellow comics including Steve received last year's award. January, featured clips from Winters' ations of comedians honored vision series "Mork and Mindy," Allen, Sid Caesar and Richard Then Winters took the stage. early days on the "Jack Paar Jonathan Winters on Wednesday for said Winters should run for office Belzer took turns providing the "I thought the head would be big- Program" and his role in the film his nearly five decades of improvi- because of his endless supply of entertainment as Winters became the ger," he cracked as he held the award "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad sational humor and the hundreds of bizarre personalities. second winner of the Kennedy - a bust of Mark Twain. World." Russian. forces pressing on in Chechnya New 2000 Associated Press Ford Focus 4D SE Vin YW125511, Silver #ZF7 GROZNY, - Russia artillery pounded the outskirts of 20L DOHC 16 Valve ~n~ine () t'l:l:l} 5-Speed rnonuol tronsmission ~ .. Chechnya's capital on Wednesday, Air Conditioning making the earth tremble in parts of Cruise Control Grozny, while President Boris Spoiler Yeltsin met with top officials near Tachometer Am/Fm with Stereo Moscow to discuss the next phase Fog Lamps of the offensive. Am/Fm , Ask About Russia's strategy since sending ground troops into Chechnya to crush Islamic militants three weeks yooaer ago has been to slowly advance Program from three directions but to stop short of Grozny. Russian forces were devastated by street fighting with guerrillas in the capital during 2000 Last J 999 Escortll the 1994-96 war, which left the Ford Escort ZX2 Ford Escort LX 4-Door republic with de facto indepen- Vin XY284863, Bright Red #9F384 dence. Russia has indicated that it does Low Financing not plan to enter Grozny, but Prime Available Minister Vladimir Putin said 0.9% 36 mos. Wednesday that "the troops will not 2.0L DOHC 16 Valve Engine 4 Cyli 2.9% 48 mos. stop. They will fulfill their task to 5-Speed manual transmission 4.9% 60 mos. the end." Automatic Transmission Air conditioning •. Reor Window Defrost Russia sent troops into the sepa- Power Moonroof • • Air Conditioning OR ratist republic Sept. 30, following Tilt ~teering· • Am/Fm Cossette weeks of airstrikes, to eliminate Cruise Control Islamic militants who invaded Power Windows •• - $2000 neighboring Dagestan twice this Power Locks $11,673 R~t~re ••• ale summer and who are blamed for a series of September apartment explosions in Russia that killed some 300 people. r999 FORD CONTOUR CLOSEOUT Heavy shelling hit LEFT MUSr SELL" Pervomaiskaya and Tolstoy-Yurt, e 10 miles from central Grozny. The y.ampl!. 1999 Ford Contour LX 4-Door roar of shelling echoed in the capi- 1999 Ford Ranger Vin XK101035 #9F57, Tropic Green tal's streets and the ground shook in Vin XPB96907, low Financing #9F359, Toreador Red Supercab 4x4 the northern suburbs. Available XLT Chechen fighters in northern 0.9% 36 mos. 4x4 positions in the capital could easily 2.9% 48 mos. V6 Engine see Russian troops through their 4.9% 60 mos. 5-Speed Monual binoculars, conducting drills and OR Am/Fm/CD Player doing morning exercises. Air Conditioning $2000 4 Cylinder Engine The Chechen chief of staff for the Flareside R...... southwestern front, Isa Astamirov, Automatic Tronsmission Am/Fm CasseHe Tilt Rear Window Defrost Rear Spoiler said Russian long-range artillery Cruise Air Conditionin Aluminum Wheels also pounded the large town of Bamut, a key base for rebels. In USED CARS & TRUCKS Urus-Martan, another sizable south- 99 Mercury Cougar - Light Green, V6, Auto, Air, PWDL, TW, CC, 9P56,11K mi $18,976 ern town, nine people died in 99 Ford ZX2 - Black, 4Cyl, 5-SPD, Air, TW, CC, Spoiler, 9P53, 16K mi $12,786 shelling that began Tuesday and 98 Ford Contour - Blue, 4Cyl, Auto, Air, PWDL, TW, CC, 9P59, 23K mi $12,949 98 Ford Taurus - Silver, V6, Auto, Air, PWDL, TW, CC, P.Seat, 9P55, 21K mi $13,999* continued overnight, local adminis- 97 Ford Escort - Red, LX, 4D, 4Cyl, 5-SPD, Air, Am/Fm, 9F202C, 24K mi _ $9,295 trator Khavazh Bashtayev said. 97 Honda Civic - Green, DX, 4Cyl, 5-SPD, Am/Fm Stereo, 9P43, 66K , $11,597 Chechen fighters reportedly Mercury Sable - Maroon, GS, V6, AT, AC, PWDL, TW, CC, 6M9B, 51K mi , $11,766 launched sporadic raids in the north. 96 Ford Escort - White, 3D, 4Cyl, 5-SPD, Cassette, 9F373A1, 42K $8,740 96 Chrysler Cirrus- Black, 40, 4Cyl, Auto, Air, CC, PWDL, 9F306A, 39K mi $12,962 But Russia appeared to have firm TW, 96 Lincoln Continental- Gold, 4D, V8, Auto, Air, Moonroof, Leather, 8F200A 1, 56K mi $18,558 control of the northern third of the 96 Toyota Tercel- Green, 3D, 4Cyl, 5-SPD, Air, Am/Fm Cassette, 9F217A, 35K mi , $9,479 republic, where the terrain is open 95 Oldsmobile Achieva- Red, 2D 4Cyl, 5-SPO, Air, Cruise, 9P27C, 81K mi , $6,242 and less densely populated than the 95 Mercury Cougar- Green, XR7, va. Auto, Air, PWDL, P.Seat, 9F366A2, 40K mi , $11,444 hills and mountains of the south. 93 Mercury Cougar- Maroon, XR7, V8, Auto, Air, PWDL, TW, CC, 9P17B, 65K mi , $8,778 Putin, whose popularity has 99 Ford F250 SO CC- Red, 4WD, Lariat, T-Dies, Auto, Air, PWDL, ZF13A, #XEA88126 $30,992 soared since the offensive began, 99 Ford Explorer- Grey, 4WD, XLT, V6, Auto, Air, 945 PKG, CD/CAS, ZF123A, #XZA50270 $25,982 visited a Russian air force base, 98 Ford F150 5C PU- Silver, 4WD, XLT, 5.4 V8, Auto, Air, PWDL, BDS, 9F324A, #WkA83562 $20,980 98 Ford Windstar- Green, GL, V6, Auto, F&R AC, PWDL, 7-Pass, 9P25, #WBE28247 $18,980 where he met pilots carrying out 98 Ford Windstar- Silver, GL, V6, Auto, F&R AC, PWDL, 7-Pass, 9F313A, #WBA11483 $17,980 airstrikes and flew in an Su-25 war- 98 Ford Ranger SC- Grey, 4WD, XLT, V6, Auto, Air, Sports Buckets, ZF11A, #WPA11901 $18,875 plane during a training flight. 98 Ford Ranger SC- Green, 4WD, XLT, V6, Auto, Air, Sports Buckets, ZF12A, #WPA26633 , $18,875 The prime minister said the air 98 Ford Windstar- White, GL, V6, Auto, F&R AC, PWDL, 7-Pass, ZF27A, #WBB40867 $18,697 campaign allowed the Russia to 97 Ford Mazda PU- White, 2WD, SE, B2300, 4Cyl, 5-SPD, Air, Cass, 9F379A, #VTM15064 $9,999 avoid exposing large numbers of 96 Ford Ranger RC- Green, ZWD, XL, 4Cyl, 5-SPD, Am/Fm Cass, WHLS, 9F379A, #TPB554407 $7,825 96 Ford Explorer- Iris Frost, 4WD, LTD, V6, Auto, Air, PWDL, Leather, 9P48A, #TZA56858 $19,990 ground troops to attack. 96 Chevy 510 Blazer- Grn/Gld, 4WD, LS, V6, Auto, Air, TW, CC, PWDL, 9P48A, #T2271136 $18,575 Putin also discussed the refugee 96 Ford Ranger RC- Green, 4WD, 4Cyl, 5-SPD, Cassette, 9F9aA, #TUC27452 , , , .. $10,588 crisis in southern Russia. More than 95 Ford Aerostar- Blue, AWD, XLT, V6, Auto, F&R AC, 7-Pass, 9F366A1, #SZA45143 , $12,878 160,000 people have streamed out 95 Ford Explorer- Green, 4WD, XLT, V6, Auto, Air, TW, CC, PWDL, 9F330A, #SZB54736 .. ' $16,875 of Chechnya since the fighting start- 95 Ford Windstar- Red/Silv, LX, Auto, F&R AC, 7-Pass, PWDL, 9F118A, #SZA35860 .. ' $11,722 95 Ford Aerostar- Green, AWD, XLT. V6, Auto, F&R AC, 7-Pass, 9F301A,#SZA45165 $12,978 ed. Most of the refugees are camp- 94 Mazda B3000 X-Cab- White, 4WD, V6, Air, Cassette, Alloy Wheels, 9F103B, #RTM87678 $12,372 ing in Ingushetia, which borders 93 Nissan Quest- Blue, XE, V6, Auto, Air, PWDL, TW, CC, Cassette, 9M14A, #PD841549 ... , $8,974 Chechnya to the west. 92 Chevy S10 Blazer- GrnlSilv, 4WD, V6, Auto, Air, TW, CC, Am/Fm Cass, 9F189A, #N2202972 , $9,179 "The position of the refugees is 90 Ford F150 SC PU- BluelWhite, 2WD, XLT, VB, Auto, Air, TW, CC, Cassette, ZF10A, #LKB30730 .. $8,396 disastrous," Yuri Yezhov, of the 90 Nissan PU X-Cab- White, 4WD, 4Cyl, 5-SPD, Am/Fm, 9P44A, #LC38587 , ,$8,499 .. ' Russian Red Cross, told ITAR-Tass. 84 Chevy K15 PU RC- Black/Blue, 4WD, Silv, 305 VB, 5-SPD, Air, TW, CC, 9F53A, #E1204319 $7,996 *4 TO CHOOSE FROMII Yezhov accompanied a shipment of 3,500 winter jackets for the refugees but said the most critical shortage was tents.