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The BG News November 23, 2004

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BATTLE OF 75: Falcons face Toledo CLOUDY HIGH: 54 LOW 42 tonight, determine MAC playoffteams;PAGE9 independent student press VOLUME 99 ISSUE 72

libertarian, Green parties for recount incoming president of the would be far greater. of state certified the results, or democratic process all hinge on to argue in court that it's time Officials are split on a Ohio Association of Election "It's going to crush county sooner if an early recount is a fair, unbiased and transparent for the secretary of state to take proposed recount, Officials, who called the lawsuit governments," Cunningham ordered by a court. counting of ballots in Ohio." a stand and attest that every "frivolous." said. Counties have until Dec. 3 to That assertion offends vote is being counted by local citing a potential for "Commissioners are Carlo LoParo, spokesman report official vote counts, and Cunningham. boards." high costs. beginning to understand — for Secretary of State Kenneth LoParo has said results will be "The inference is that Ohio LoParo had no comment election officials will not count and if they don't, will under- Blackwell, has estimated the certified by Dec. 6. about the intention by the By Terry Kimey actual cost at SI .5 million. "There'sno final count. There's every vote," Cunningham THE ASSOCIATED PRESS stand soon — what kind of third-party candidates to file financial impact this is going to Even though the two no number from which to begin said. "That's just insulting; it's CINCINNATI — Third-party have on them, in a year when third-party candidates received a recount" LoParo said. frivolous and simply the lawsuit in U.S. District Court candidates for president said elections already cost a great a combined 0.26 percent of the The third-party candidates harassment." in Toledo. But he said there is they would sue in federal court deal more than expected," said vote in unofficial results, they contend that would not allow Cunningham said he was no provision for a recount yesterday to force a recount Cunningham, a Republican. contend a recount is necessary enough time for a recount of consulting with officials in before the secretary of state of Ohio hallots before returns Libertarian Michael Badnarik to ensure accuracy and that Ohio's 5.5 million votes before several counties beforedeciding certifies the final tallies from all are certified next week — and the Green Party's David an immediate recount should the state's presidential electors whether to pursue legal action 88 counties. prompting one election official Cobb said last week that they begin, even though the official meet Dec. 13. to prevent a recount. He said the state already to say he might mobilize fellow had raised more than $150,000 canvass is not complete. "Nothing could be more "If, indeed, we are all forced is operating under an important to our country than to do the recount, the negative counties to resist a recount. to cover the state's fee for a Dan Trevas, spokesman for accelerated iimetable "Counties are very upset," the Ohio Democratic Party, ensuring the results of the economic impact far outweighs recount. Ohio law requires because of the Dec. 13 said Keith Cunningham, payment of S10 per precinct, or said the party would join in the Ohio presidential election are any positive good that could director of the Allen County S113.600 statewide, but election recount request that would be accurate and complete," Cobb come from this recount. My meeting of presidential Board of Elections and officials say the true expense filed as soon as the secretary said. "Our faith and trust in the intention would be to attempt electors. Former president;s LITTLE SHOP jet crashes, 3 dead By luan A. Lozano Ixive Field in Dallas, was THE ASSOCIATE!) PRESS approaching the runway when HOUSTON — A private jet thai it clipped the light pole, losing was en route to Houston to pick pan of a wing, authorities said. up former President Bush clipped Wreckage extended about 100 a light pole and crashed yesterday yards from there, Williams said. as it approached Hobby Airport Hie crash site is a in thick fog, killing all three peo- field near the Beltway 8 ple aboard. . tollway. No one on The Gulfstream / WOS deeply the ground was G-1159A jet. coming injured, but one car into Houston, went saddened was hit with debris down about 6:15 a.m. to learn of while another was in an undeveloped area hit with jet fuel. 11/2 miles south of the the plane Williams said. airport, officials said. crash this Roger Smith, a The fonner president spokesman for the had been scheduled to morning." Houston Airport trawl to Ecuador for a System, said the conference. pilot didn't indicate I was deeply TOM FRECHETTE, any problem, and saddened to learn of BUSH SPOKESMAN the landing was the plane crash this routine until com- morning," Bush said through munications abruptly stopped. spokesman Tom Frechette. "I'd Dense fog blanketed most of die flown with this group before and area. know them well. Robert Randall, operations "I join in sending heartfelt manager with the plane's owner, condolences to each and every let Place Inc. of Tulsa, Okla., said member of dicir families." it had two male pilots and a Priscilla Thornton BG Photo The names of the three crew female flight attendant aboard. members were not immediately The company has a fleet of 18 jets SETTING UP SHOP: Senior Jaimmy Bertke sets up for post-Thanksgiving festivities at the Peregrine Shop in the Union. The shop released. and employs about 150 people, will be open today and tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. and will be closed Thursday through Sunday. Bush, was going to give a he said. lecture for the Guayaquil, Right operations at Hobby Ecuador, Chamber of Commerce, Airport were not affected by the Frechette said, adding, "It's very crash, officials said, but a portion sad." of the heavily traveled tollway was Earlier, lack Williams, a closed. district chief with the Houston Eduardo Maruri, president of the Fire Department, confirmed Guayaquil Chamber of Commerce, Report Drug for cholesterol three people had died. said that Bush suspended his visit The jet, en route from until next month. caused fatal muscle spasms By Harilynn MarcNm often are taken by diabetics. Bayer in the 2001 withdrawal THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Six papers on the issue were "I can't think of of Baycol and "acted on the New reports accuse another released yesterday and will be information when it was drug company of being too slow- published Dec. 1 in die Journal another drug safety made available to us." to pull a dangerous medication of the American Medical combination where Merck & Co. and the from the market and question Association. Its editors call FDA have been accused of the ability of the federal Food for a new, independent office the level of risk is moving too slowly to stop and Drug Administration to pro- separate from the FDA to this high." sales -of the arthritis drug tect the public from such risks. ■monitor drugs after they're on Vioxx, which Merck withdrew This time it's Baycol, a the market. in September after revealing it cholesterol-lowering medicine "It is unreasonable to expect DR. DAVID GRAHAM raised the risk of heart attacks FDA SPOKESMAN that Bayer AG withdrew in 2001 that the same agency that was and strokes. Some scientists after some people who took it responsible for approval of drug claim that painkillers similar developed a severe and some- licensing and labeling would need to determine if change is to Vioxx. especially Pfizer Inc.'s times fatal muscle disorder. A also be committed to actively necessary," Galson said in a Bextra, also carry risks. new study found that the risks seek evidence to prove itself phone interview Monday. Last week. Dr. David Graham were far greater than had been wrong," they write. In part, the new study will from the FDAs Office of Dnig believed. Dr. Steven Galson, acting examine how the FDA is Safety told a Senate panel The study concludes that director of the FDAs Center for organized to investigate the the agency was incapable of today's top-selling cholesterol- Drug Evaluation and Research, safety of drugs on the market, protecting die public, and that lowering drugs, called statins, said concerns similar to those and Galson said the FDA would dangerous drugs are being sold are very safe, but could be risky voiced in the JAMA articles are consider recommendations for now. Bextra and AstraZeneca when taken with other drugs what prompted the agency structural change. PLC's statin, Crestor, were among called fibrates by older people earlier this month to seek an Galson said the link between the five he named. Pat Sullivan AP Photo with diabetes. Institute of Medicine study statins and muscle disease, with Crestor wasn't part of the It also reveals that fibrates examining the effectiveness of and without use of frbrates, is new study that Graham and JET CRASHES IN FOB: The remains of one of three people were removed noted on the drugs' labels. He from the Houston site of a private jet crash as officals looked through alone can be dangerous. These the nation's drug safety system. "It needs scrutiny and we also said the FDA worked with BAYC01.PAGE2 the debris yesterday. drugs lower triglycerides and

SATURDAY FOUR-DAY FORECAST "»» Few High: 40' Rain High: 44" The four-day forecast is taken Rain High:47* I*™ 29* Snow Low: 33* Low: 33" from Showers


. * *>.-^..«r »»■*'--.!•••*».< f«. « WWW.BGNEWS.COM 2 Tuesday. November 23.2004 Protesters file lawsuit against Republicans A lawsuit claims without access to their lawyers Barbara Friedman, who had or families at an old bus depot encouraged her 16-year-old 'Guantanamo on the used as a temporary detention daughter's participation in a Hudson' housed 2,000 center; and were exposed for peaceful protest, said she could days to cruel and inhumane not locate her for two days. "I arrested at Republican conditions. just see all our civil liberties convention. "All that was missing were slipping away," Friedman said. the orange jumpsuits," lawyer "It's very, very frightening." By Larry Neumeister lonathan C Moore said. "Under Moore said the treatment THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the guise of terrorism and the of those arrested violated "a NI-.W YORK — Saying the city fear of terrorism, we are all bedrock principle of our had created iis "own little losing our rights." democracy that the police Guantanamo on the Hudson* Kate O'Brien Aiders, a city law cannot simply sweep the streets during the Republican office spokeswoman, had no immediate comment; the office because they find protest National Convention, a lawyer inconvenient or embarrassing." yesterday filed a lawsuit on had not yet received a copy of "They created their own little behalf of nearly 2.000 people (he lawsuit. 'Guantanamo on the Hudson' arrested at demonstrations. Among bystanders arrested File Photo The federal lawsuit claims were a 15-year-old diabetic girl equipped with chain-link fences a nd razor wireand guardsarmed ROUNDED UP: Protestors demonstrate in New York City during the Republican National Convention in protesters and bystanders and a former vice president of September. Protesters were arrested in large numbers, bringing a recent federal lawsuit. alike were rounded up in mass Morgan Stanley who was riding with machine guns escorting arrests without cause; were kept her bicycle. prisoners everywhere," he said.

newly paved lot provides 128 spaces for commuter New report challenges reliability of BGNEWS students. The other section of the lot has not been completed, but BRIEFING is expected to be open by the beginning of Spring Semester. Food and Drug Administration UT students spray BAYC0L. FROM PAGE 1 The risk with Baycol was 10 of Washington in Seattle and noting that Psaty and another WBGU banned by times higher than for other three other drug safety experts author have been experts for paint over 'Rock' nine other government and statins, and the risk was write in another article in the people who unsuccessfully Patriot' group private scientists published Last night around 5 p.m.. In an email sent to WBGU astronomical when it was medical journal. sued Bayer over Baycol. He several University of Toledo yesterday because the drug combined with a fibrate: One As proof, they cited published also defended the company's 88.1 member Kyle Gebhart. was only approved in August students were reprimanded the organization Patriot out of 10 patients taking these studies on Baycol and internal actions, saying it labeled and by BGSU police for raising 2003 and their study started in for a year would have developed company documents that have disclosed risks appropriately. Americans Boycotting 2001. just after Bayer withdrew a commotion at "The Rock" Ami-American Hollywood, the dangerous side effect. become public as part of a law- In a separate article, Dr. near Kreischer dormitory. BaycoL suit in Texas against Bayer over Brian Strom of the University stated that they would be they checked records from "1 can't think of another drug According to a University safety combination where the the drug. of Pennsylvania acknowl- boycotting the college station. II large health insurance i Octal, as die UT students According to Gebhart, level ol risk is this high," Graham There is a "striking edged the conflict of interest began spray painting the companies on more than in allowing drug companies on-stage antics of the band 250,000 statin-users from 1998 said. asymmetry" between what the rock, residents of the dorm to 2001. Statins lower 1.1)1 or Some popular brand names company knew within three to monitor their own products, began yelling at the students Skinny Puppy, a metal- but said the solution is more industrial group, led PABAAH bad'' cholesterol, and fibrates of fibrates are Abitrate, Atromid, months of putting Baycol on and "raised a controversy." towel a different kind of fat in l.opid and TriCor. As for Crestor, the market and what it told support for the FDA and its to ban every radio station work — not another Oversight After campus police were the blood, triglycerides. People the newest statin on the the public and physicians, ultimately called, the UT that played their music. Such often are prescribed both. market, its label already they write. Companies have agency. antics included an effigy of financial motives to keep such Graham said people taking students were asked to leave Those taking the top-selling warns that people over 65 and the University the president by decapitation. statins Lipitor, Pravachol and those with diabetes or kidney damaging information quiet, statins or fibrates should watch An additional member of Zocor had an extremely low risk problems are at greater risk of and should not be in charge of for signs of the life-threatening Pike Street parking 88.1 went to an SP concert of the muscle disorder. But it the muscle disorder. monitoring the safety of their muscle disorder, which can be and could not confirm this. own drugs — an independent treated if caught early. Patients Commuter parking lot 4 A was five times more common Bayer added a similar is now open for students to "We were aware thus had group needs to do this, they should immediately tell in people taking a fibrate. and warning to Baycol's label but not park in. It is located between happened at college radio an additional two-fold times for more than a year and a half write. doctors of any muscle pain, Pike and Ridge Streets on stations," he said, but was greater in people taking both after it had evidence of the risk. A lawyer for Bayer, Joseph weakness, fever, dark urine, surprised it happend to them. types of drugs. Dr. Bruce Psaty of the University Piorkowski, wrote a response nausea or vomiting. the west side of campus. The

HEY STUDENTS! Are Your Coming Home To CLEVELAND For The Holiday Weekend THE BIGGEST PARTY NIGHT THANKSGIVINGm OF THE YEAR! "»^nJlninj.,om WIDNESDAY N0V.24TH! MADDEN 2005 THE NAUGHTIEST PARTY IN TOWN IS ALWAYS AT TRAMP! W|jftw 5 "MS Bon£Yar?d TOURNAMENT 1360 W.9TH / WAREHOUSE DISTRICT / 216.776.7777 748 PROSPECT / GATEWAY DISTRICT/ 216.575.0226 • * * -BRING THIS AD FOR ONE FREE ENTRANCE TO TRAMP ON WEDNESDAY, NOV.24TH! WANT TO Liquid Living owns and operates 6 locations in Cleveland such as Liquid, Fusion, Boneyard's. WORK FOR Tramp. & Funky Buddha. We are looking for outgoing, energetic, fun students to neMp on ***(?•• vi promote our establishments over the Christmas break COMPANY f INTERESTED? Give us a call at 216-776-7777 or e-mail us at Playstation 2 Systems

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he Newest Urban and Hip-Hop Apparel for a low price Featuring: Sign up at the God Body iROca^tueaRl Buffalino striped shirts Information Center now! Raw Blue • sweat suits Sean John • faded jeans ,' Rocawear hip-hop jeans Pepe his and her , Diss matching outfits Boom-x Baby Phat ^ Opens ■OWEN-THOMPSON Friday, STUDENT UNION NOV. 26 \2V, N. Main (Rt. 25) Bowlrng Own, OH 13402 I) 3t>3-2980 WWW.BGNEWS.COM Tuesday. November 23,2004 3 WOOD COUNTY CORPS SEEKING HOST SITES The fall of 2005 will bring an Americorps program into Wood County. Any entities interested in participating as a host site must submit an application, preliminary partnership agreement and a member placement profile to the Wood County Corps' office by Dec. 15. Formore information, contact Rosseratjrosser@bgnet. or 372-9288.

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8 a.m. -5 p.m. 11 a.m. :t p.m. Women Survivors of Abusive CMAI Annual Campus-Wide T-Shirt giveaway, Sponsored by Dating Relationships Kwanzaa Celebration Ticket Muslim Student Association Student support group is a Sales Union IMry space for women at all stages of The event features a presenta- recovery to discuss their experi- tion of the seven principles of 11 a.m. ences and the patterns of abuse, Kwanzaa. African dancing and BG@>100 Open Forum explore safety options, facilitate drumming, a soul food dinner This forum is an opportunity to healing and learn to recognize and door prizes! learn more about the BG@100 cues to potentially abusive Admission is $8 w/ student project to implement PeopleSoft behaviors and relationships. ID, $10 non-students and S5 for BGSU's administrative sys- Confidentiality is emphasized. children under 12. Purchase tems and to ask questions of Sponsored by The advanced tickets in the CMAI team members. All are encour- Transformation Project. Office 424 Saddlemire Building aged to attend. Questions regard- For More Information Contact: 11/1/04-12/2/04. ing BG«? 100 may be directed to: Rebecca Nichols Theis at 372- 424 Saddlemire [email protected] 2190 Union 314 Vie Women's Center, 107 Hanna 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Hall Refunds for Ben Folds Concert. 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sponsored by UAO Women's Studies Fundraiser 8 p.m. Brian McRoberts BG News Union Ixtbby and Information Space Dreams - Our Quest to Women's Studies will be selling Explore the Universe CONCERT REFUNDS: Adriana Skowron and Bob Rice sit at the UAO and Family Weekend Committee table 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. glass pendants with funds going Multimedia show in the in the Union yesterday — the two organizations have set-up a table for students to get refunds. Beth Dance Marathon Snowglobe to a charitable cause. Planetarium, $1 donation sug- Squire fills out a refund sheet for the tickets she had purchased for the cancelled family weekend concert. Sale. Fundraiser sponsored by Union Lobby gested. For More Information In order to receive refunds, students must bring their tickets and fill out the paper work at the tables. Alpha Fpsilon Delta Pre-med Contact: Phvsics & Astronomy Society 3:30 p.m. BGSUPlanetarium ■ 112 Physical Union Lobby Fmpowerment Group for Sciences Lab Bldg. DAILY ADVISING TIP Freshman begin registration MMUUCrrrfMCHRORKU today for Spring 2005 i N i IK Jbr UROGYNB OLOGY

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(.111 LanderhavehDr.< i,'vci.incl,OH44.i;4 WWW.BGNEWS.COM 4 Tuesday, November 23,2004 QUOTEHNQUOTE "Bin Laden makes the documentaries that decide elections."

Cuban Itada fiddl BStro,on< uM Mesa Redonda" TV discussion program, on the appearance <>( ml Kama bin laden videotape just before the U.S. election. (AswdwdPm) OPINION sTAKKi-nrmiUAi, Violent acts and sport dorft mix

Minus mne trash talk, the college football game. man recendy arrested for is boxing. Well-trained fighters season. YOU DECIDE Hopefully, this will send a BG-loledo rivalry aeerns to be All these matchups featured opening fire on deer hunters. We wear gloves and most What do think of the recent rivalries, much like the Falcons see the deaths of U.S. soldiers, understand that diere are rules message that this type of hilt) iKiuhostile. Discounting behavior is unacceptable. and Rockets game tonight, as insurgents and civilians in Iraq in the ring ill the standard legal fiKitball tash of violence at sport- Potential criminal charges are and Afghanistan. We see Now we get to see sports in a violence, OUI boys and theirs ing events? Send an Email to well as vicious hand-to-hand pending against the players and murders, robberies and the like different light. TV news seem to be mnrr dvtllzed than thenews© and tell combat. fans involved. some of the other profoMional us what you think, or post There is so much violence In In our own hometowns. organizations, especially ESPN, Games that we were taught andamateut amJetea of today feeback on our web site. the world, many look to sports Sports fans hope to see a good, have been broadcasting these and that kids today learn should lust in the past couple of for escape. Whether or not they competitive contest - most fights as if they were on a not promote violent losses of weeks tm have seen punches should hide from real-world have a team they want to win, constant loop. temper. Ron Attest and teammates thrown by players at the conflicts, they have found that Only a few want to sec the type NBA commissioner David I onigl ii lets behave ourselves declared nuclear war on some ( levelanri Browns Pittsburgh their games have been overtaken of aggression displayed by the Stern has levied huge at the biggest game of the year unruly Pistons fans The next day SteeJertgame, I lien Friday night by assaults and batteries. athletes - and the Pistons fans punishments for the melee in for both Toledo and BG, fights broke out before and after all hell broke loose In I leiroit at People rum on TV news - over the past week. Vox die few Detroit, including suspending hopefully Toledo will follow in a rlemson-South Carolina the Pistons-Pacers game when bmadcasts to see stories about a who enjoy that insanity, there Attest for the remainder of the line.

i,V|V il J mS TO THE EDITOR PEOPLE Good deeds were ON HIK STREET A big thank you goes out to traffic and also assisted the never given back "What is your favorite Thanks to the following BGSU students: health department staff with History is filled with reasons Katie Gcrken, GinaTortorella, other clerical duties. part of to be embarrassed about being t lhanel Griffith, Akecla Welch, Students - thank you so MEGAN students who Thanksgiving?" white. SCHMIDT Aileen llaig. lain Stelzer, David much for helping things run so Caucasian Americans do not volunteered Cheney, and Rebecca Scherer. smoothly and for giving of your have the greatest track record as Opinion Cohomk A record number of people time and energy to serve your far as human rights are The staff and received flu shots on that day, local community. Vbuarea concerned. We enslaved Africans employees of Wood County and there were many positive credit to your generation and to for centuries. We stood by as journey over (big surprise). comments made regarding how Health Department and Wood BGSU. Adolph Hitler came to power. Some researchers say that if County('oinmitlee on Aging smoothly the clinic was We evacuated and relocated indeed the first thanksgiving conducted. would like to thank the BGStI thousands of our own Japanese feast even took place, the Nadve lite BGSU students did a WOOD CO. HEALTH Americans supplied most of die Serve volunteers who assisted DEPARTMENT STAFF AND THE Americans during World War II with the Wi II id ( .ounly Senior wonderful job of helping senior food because the Pilgrims ran WOOD CO. COMMITTEE ON so we could keep a better eye on ( iti/enst enter flu clinic on citizens fill out dieir consent them. out. forms, directing the flow of AGING STAFF Hi toiler 2H.2004. lit be frank, we just aren't very How embarrassing Who BRANDON DAVIS nice people. InvtM people over for a jjarty, runs out of food, then makes the I know that we are not pmud JUNIOR, guests bring their own? That's of these accomplishments just had manners. CRIMINAL JUSTlCe Many of us would take them Unity is trumped by diversity If we want to talk a I mm bad "Killing turkeys." back, if we were able to. manners, though, maybe we I mean, it's not like we're out 2004) aside, serious efforts at should talk about how the be enough outstanding votes celebrating that all this occurred? preserving honest democracy Pilgrims repaid the naUves for all IED for us to oe able to win Ohio. ()h, wait. Yeah, we are. And therefore, we can not win are taking place In Columbus, of tiled kindness. Surely no good HERRINGT0N___ We actually celebrate our this election." whether Kenneth "I'll Deliver" deed goes without some complete disregard for another Opinion Cobmnht Ah yes, the "danger of Blackwellllkeslturnot. compensation, right? culture every year at the end of division," Man, we don't want The Libertarian and Green The Pilgrims left died new i November people getting crazy and parties along with private friends with some lovely parting Its called Thanksgiving. Although I've tried to steer attempting to stand up for their lawyers providing pro bono gifts, such as smallpox, and other I don't understand It. We away from talking about the belief in a secure democracy service are footing the bill for life-threatening epidemics that don't observe a National Slavery "lection again, truth has You arc absolutely right a recount. Why arc they doing eventually wiped out 90 to 96 Day, do we? We don't cook up slapped me ill the back of die Mm, assimilation is always the this? percent of the Native American a bunch of food and sit around, head and demanded some answer. Your supporters (and Is It because of evil BRENDA TORRES population. Prom time to time, saying "gee, this sure isn't like more time in discussing its people that despise you but Intentions? they would rob Native American SOPHOMORE, the good 'ole days when the absence in the presidential voted for you anyway) should It might be possible the villages when they needed house slave could've done It sector of the infected rat race drop their ideals and just "go Green Party* platform of CRIMINAL JUSTICE supplies, and dig up their graves for us for free, hull?" (Maybe known as "Decision 2004." with the flow." saving the environment Is In the offerings that had "Hike food. I don't they might, in some backwoods, I went to |ohn Kerry's web You go be the good sport so only a mask for their close ties been burled with the deceased. you and George can be friends care what it is." Confederate flag waving I lassv' siic lasi night, ill light of with the sinister clean energy now. community in Mississippi reading numerous articles conglomerates. White settlers didn't mind die Hie many somewhere, but odierwise detailing the progress of Thellbcrtarians Native Americans being around things you "Civilization and probably not.) at first, as long as they could non-Democrat funded lawyers could be stuck debated him Why do we really celebrate steal land, resources, and ideas carrying out attempts at a the ideas that In a on throughout llianksglving? We are taught at from them. But as soon as their recount in Ohio. define it evolve netherworld Various reporls of voier your candidacy a young age that we celebrate towns, and later, their colonies, which disenfranchisement range from an- not serious through change. It In the name of friendship began to flourish, they began to facilitates Michael insufficient machines provided enough to between the Pilgrims and Native resent the natives. If it didn't, we'd Ibulnarik's rise to in highly Democratic precincts stifle congeni- Americans, when Uiey shared They began to refer to them the White House to touch screen inaccuracies ality towards have American a feast together one fateful day as "savages" and claimed that t if COI irse, the lawyers are your buddy. 1 throne. What do In late November of 1621. And they needed to be "purified" (i.e. Ix'ing stupid and arc wasting bet you are slave owners you think? JASON PIERRE everyone was so happy to see turned Christian). Hie whites their time Mm Kerry doaarn finally still arguing the To the JUNIOR, BUSINESS each other, and they talked and began to force their even want a recount. He said it coming Democrats: laughed and cooperated and religion upon many of the himself on concession day. around in Earth Is flat." Defect. Your party "Sweet potato pie." blah blah blah... Native Americans who were still "Farlier today, I spoke to realizing your sucks. Does anyone buy this for alive and healthy. For the rest, President Hush, and I offered foolish error in Its a more than like, five seconds? they just waited for die smallpox him and I aura our protesting the atrocities of the watered-down subsidy of the Come on. I may have believed to kill them. congratulations on their victory. Vietnam War. You know now Republican Party. High-ranking this story when I was six and Sure the Pilgrims could not We had a good conversation that war talk should be left to Democrats are as liberal mind- that was only because I liked have known that they were and we talked about the danger the "adults" ed and "ail-about Democracy" making little Pilgrim hats in my spreading disease, but they of division in our country and The Skull n'Bones as persons that lip-sync are first grade class nut of didn't have to be so pleased the need the despente need connection is alive and kicking. about cherishing music cotwtniction paper.* about It. When the whites for unity, for finding the Did you and George have a And to the Republicans: There are major holes In this realized what was happening to common gnu mil, coming few drinks and talk about the II the truil uf millions nl plot. the nadves, King lames actually together. good old secret fraternity times Democrats can be exploited so First of all, the Pilgrims were said that he thanked "almighty "Today. I hope that we can as undergrade? old Yale buddies can sip grossly morons. They came over on their God In his great goodness and begin the healing. In America Did Theresa and I aura get expensive champagne while MayfltAver ship and when they bounty towards us for sending together to exchange Ideas for it is vital that every vote count, playing a global-scaled game ANGELA REDA got here, they Idnd of just stood this wonderful plague among and that every vote be counted. the task of decorating mansions of "Civilization," so can yours. around going, "what do we do?" the savages." But the outcome should be for Christinas? Guess what kind of catsup JUNIOR, Big ideas, absolutely no planning If the first Thanksgiving even decided by voters, not a I for one feel totally confident they'll be selling In Iraq. ability. happened, the only thing the In the electoral process SPECIAL EDUCATION protracted legal process. Instead of getting mad about Luckily for them, die Nadve Pilgrims gave "thanks" for was "I would not give up this fight knowing that John Kerry is sure so-called "pinko commies" "Spending time with Americans were here to teach the fact that they could mooch all of the votes will be counted. if there was a chance dial we talking conspiracy theory, try them some skills They taught off of the Native Americans and I bet you were right there when family." would prevail. But it is now something else. them to grow com so they get away with it. clear that even when all the the first provisional ballot was wouldn't starve to death, since unsealed, weren't ya iohn? provisional ballots are counted, UNITY, PAGE 5 the Pilgrims barely brought which they will be, there won't All jokes (Kerry/ Edwards enough to eat for the DEEDS,PAGF 5

ANGELA GORTER MANAGING EDITOR TIFFANIMCKENZIE CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR NICOLE MUM CITY NEWS EDITOR KARA HULL NEWS EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy BGNEWS MIRANDA BONO FEATURES EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR arc to be fewer POLICIES E4MK SUBMISSIONS as an attach- ASHLEY NEHLS DESIGN EDITOR than 300 words. These are usually Letters to the Editor and Guest ment to CARRIE WHITAKER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF PATRICK MAYNARD ONLINE EDITOR in response to a current issue on the Columns are printed as space on the with the subject line marked "Letter University's campus or the Bowling Opinion Pjge permits. Additional to the Editor" or "Guest CohimnrOnly ELLIOTT SCHREINER SPORTS EDITOR Green area. letters to the Editor or Guest e mailed letters and columns will be 210 West Hall BOB M0SER COPY CHEF Columns may be published online. considered for printing All letters are Bowling Green State University MATT SUSSMAN OPINION EDITOR GUEST COLUMNS are kmger pieces Name, war and phone number subject to review for length and darity Howling(.reen, Ohio 43403 between MX) and MX) words. These should nc included for verification before printing. I'hone: (419) 372 6966 SEAN CORP PULSE EDITOR ate usually also in response to a cur- purposes. Personal attacks, unverified I mail: BEN SWANGER PHOTO EDITOR rent issue on the University's campus information or anonymous submis- Opinion columns do not necessarily Web site: KEN EDWARD! WEBMASTER or the Bowling Green area. r sions will not be printed. reflect the views of The BG News WWW.BGNEWS.COM OPINION Tuesday, November 23.2004 5 Facebook: the new epidemic FCCs standards are indecent losh, that was beautiful. 4-1-9. Powell became the face of an a reputed racist and But it doesn't tell me what Today, more than 200 are DANIEL offended America - the voice anti-Semite - if this is indecent, JOSH Facebook is. Oh, about that, schools on the network, and ADAMS of parents across the nation then over the past week, Powell BRENNER what is it? It's free. Seriously it's getting bigger everyday. Its convinced that they and their has been asleep at the wheel. Opinion Columnist though, Facebook is a directory sweeping campuses like the U-WireColumnist impressionable brood had been Monday through Friday at and everyone at BG whose on bubonic plague swept through victimized by the searing image 3 p.m.. just as little Johnny is it (roughly 1,250 people) has Europe or like syphilis swept Federal Communications OK, so maybe you've heard of Jackson's nipple. Whereas getting off the school bus, ABC these profiles which tell about through MacDonald. Commission Chairman his predecessors were often ran "General Hospital" - a soap of Facebook. If not, you're them; where they're from, what You can also make up groups Michael Powell has a lot to be obviously out of touch with content to quiedy and passively opera often featuring long music they listen to, how often on Facebook, and/or join other thankful for this Thanksgiving. enforce their congressional sexualized montages with lots the world around you. It's they read my column, etc. And people's groups. It's essentially I le can start by being essentially an on-line directory. mandate, Powell has rarely of skin, panting and sultry when you start an account, you common interest type things thankful that he chairs arguably shied away from commenting music. But really, it's far more than can leave different information that people make up. Now one of the most powerful and that. For those of us who have on issues that he sees as a This weekend, kids blank, if you so choose. So if when you start a group, people influential government violation of FCC standards. watching Saturday morning discovered the Facebook, it you don't want some weirdo are just in it by name. It may agencies in Washington - the has proven to be a way of life. I These standards, however, network television were treated leering over his computer at sound silly to join a group, if FCC. Not so long ago, this are hardly clear on what is and to endless replays of the Friday signed onto the site a week ago, your home address, you don't you don't actually do stuff with meant little in the way of name and I've been trying to get my what is not indecent, dubbing night brawl at the have to put it down. Let's face them, but it's all a part of the recognition. Can anyone indecency "language or Pistons-Pacers game, in which friends to sign up ever since. Facebook magic. it, if someone really wants to honestly remember the name material that, in context, Pacers players Ron Attest, They inevitably ask me what it know your address, they'll And To recap: You sign-up for an of the FCC chair before Powell? is. There's the rub. It's kind of account. Then read people's depicts or describes, in terms Stephen Jackson and Jermaine it. Believe me, I know. I low about the one before him? O'Neal jumped into the stands hard to explain. I think it's Another one of the features profiles; sign up as many patently offensive as measured But we know Powells name, by contemporary community of a crowded stadium and easier to clarify the meaning of Facebook is that you list your people as you can as friends, and for that he can thank Janet of life than it is to let someone friends on your profile. And both BG students and friends broadcast standards for the began assaulting fans. Then lackson and her right boob. broadcast medium, sexual or they jumped back on the court know exactly what Facebook is. people list every person whom from other schools; and then Fxposed before 140 million So what is Facebook? they ever meet as their friends. you make up and join groups excretory organs or activities." and, shockingly, continued to Well, urn, it's.. .well with a Americans at last year's Super Powell seems neither assault fans. I've seen some people from which never do anything. Bowl, that breast has clianged metaphysical belief in a higher other schools that have like a So you're not really doing confused nor daunted by this And at noon this Sunday, power, the question could be the way Americans look at the ambiguous mandate. Take FX showed "Booty Call." SciFi hundred people listed. Other anything on Facebook, but it's FCC and its chair. Soon after raised in the same venue as completely addictive. The only for example the most recent "Escape from New York" and colleges had it before BGSU. the incident Powell rushed what is happiness? I believe It was started this past thing 1 can say is try it for FCC flap over the Terrell A&E "Deliverance" - a lovely that meaning then depends yourself. One of my friends in, calling it "outrageous" and Owens/Nicollete Sheridan skit think piece in which Ned February by a sophomore at announcing that he would be not on one finite concept and Harvard. In the beginning of at Ohio State was telling me on Monday Night Football last Beatty's character is raped by a infallible answer, but instead the site, all of the places that about it earlier in the year and launching an investigation, week. In the piece, we have hillbilly. on individuals. Different people had it were prestigious I thought, "That doesn't sound lackson, sensing the Owens, a professional I'm not defending Jackson, have different purposes, thus universities, like Columbia. so great," but it was before I impending media assault, was football player, being seduced nor am I an advocate of having different ultimate Stanford, and Yale. I don't know saw the light. Facebook is quick to apologize. A by Sheridan, who plays a slutty abandoning decency standards meanings, making meaning why it took them so long to awesome, and it's a lot more spokesman offered his version housewife on the appropriately for broadcast media. But this relative. bring Facebook to us in the fun than studying. of what happened, calling it a titled ABC series "Desperate isn't a standard. Standards 'wardrobe malfunction." Housewives." At the end of the aren't supposed to be ihf, Though seemingly skit, Sheridan seems to succeed, arbitrary and confusing. No, UNITY, FROM PAGE 4 and the ideas that define it reasonable argument. Diversity well-intentioned and sincere, dropping the towel and this is one man, with a evolve through change. If it of thought is the key her explanation and apology Step back and ask yourself if didn't, we'd have American jumping into Owens' amis. microphone, editorializing on you are comfortable with your ingredient to eliminating would prove unable to slave owners still arguing the Powell was quick to issues that he personally finds elected officials plotting the unnecessary boundaries. withstand the fire storm of denounce the sketch and offensive. One man, using the next maneuver so they can use Earth is flat. But if "healing" means brutal condemnation that was Bush and Cheney are express his disappointment. power of his position to the genuine core of your putting up with dirty, corporate to follow. Powell and the FCC "I wonder ifWalt Disney influence what is and what is warmongering imperialists, no ideology to make dirty money sponsored politics in which led die charge. Before his own would be proud," he quipped, not allowed on television. and widen the class gap. matter what mom and dad many suffer so few may investigation had concluded referring to the Disney When asked to explain his There is a big difference think, lust because we got it - indeed, before it had even corporation's ownership of ABC, criteria for judging what is good here in rural Ohio, doesn't prosper, than you can count between economic begun - Powell offered his own the network that had broadcast indecent, Powell replied, I mean its good everywhere. me out. The only thing dividing conservatism and fascism. the nation are old, rich guys version of the incident: "deal ly the piece. don't think you need to be a One of the key elements in I'm all about the unity. I'd somebody had knowledge of who lead two teams of the Nevermind that Walt Disney lawyer to understand the basic maturing through the human love to discuss new ideas and it. Clearly it was something was a notorious anti-Socialist, concepts of common decency experience is realizing your how they can better our same players into fake battles diat was planned by someone. with each other so they appear a willing informant to Joe here." parents don't know everything. country with anybody who has She probably got what she was McCarthy's House Committee Actually, to understand, you They have faults. Civilization an open mind and a thorough, to be earning our tax dollars. looking for." on Un-American Activities, and just need to be Michael Powell.

DEEDS. FROM PAGE 4 a joke. The Native Americans were the gracious, hospitable As far as "giving" goes, all the ones, not us. We were too busy whites gave the natives in return snickering as we handed them GET REAL. was some crappy land out in the smallpox-infested blankets and middle of a desert called a saying, "here, these'll keep ya REAL SOLUTIONS FROM PEOPLE WHO LISTEN. "reservation." warm!" to give them the thanks Let's face it. the holiday is they truly deserved. STRAIGHT TALK. NO HYPE. HONEST. Your Opinions Count! Welcome to Exchange Bank Residential Living Survey Friendly advisors for 100 years. I

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SAdamHrtzak on the line. The others were SISt'Nl SPORTS EDITOR coverage sacks or when Omar The culmination of another got caught. That to me is The successful season comes to incredible," Brandon said. a close tonight for the Falcon The receiving core has football team, as long as they can provided for big play after big enemy beat rival Toledo. play and seems to lie running lit I is one of the hottest teams free for much of the game. in the nation, reeling off seven Cole Magner leads the team consecutive victories In what in receptions 156) and Charles has has appeared to be ease. Ml the Sharon leads in receiving yards gaudy numbers that the offense (860) and touchdowns (12). has put up and big plays the The play of Steve Sanders, who defense has made will lose much averages a team-high IH.9 yards spoken of their steam if the Rockets per catch, has added more fire to arc victorious, the Batons weaponry. That is what a great rivalry 'Steve's really come on," RYAN is. Your entire season and bowl Brandon Slid "I le's emerged as VASKO hopes come down to the final a big time guy. It's nice that Steve regular season game against the has elevated his game so that VI Columnist school whose colors you can he can be a guy In crunch time <9I ditor's Note: To help hardly bear to see now," continue the great BG-UT One game, one monstrous Brandon has challenged rivalry, the Independent rivalry. the offense to outplay c ollegian and the BG News are "It's been a rivalry now for Toledo's offense, much like he mapping columnists for a day. a while and the fact that the challenged the defense to Each was given 1,000 words to school's are only 20 miles outplay Marshall's in their last say which team they thought apart makes it all that more game. Marshall came to town would win. We will find out who Intriguing," said BG head coach with the most talked about is right tonight when the Rockets Gregg Brandon. "It's a great defense in the Mid-American and the Falcons clash in the rivalry because no one team Conference and left haltered battle of 1-75. Hope you enjoy dominates the series and both and bruised after allowing 56 and try not to get too upset. teams have just as good a chance points. to win as the other.'' The task is difficult again When 1 approached my friend For the Falcons, playing at the facing a Toledo offense that I'lliott iihout this whole Glass Bowl tills year makes the averages 33.8 points per game. l Miss-newspaper column idea, game more challenging since The Rockets put up offensive the motivation in my head the home team has won the last numbers that are similar to BGfe, was simple. This'll be great, 1 six contests but their system is different. thought, the chance to run my However, BG has had a Toledo likes to play smashmouth mouth to an entire rival campus, knack for jumping all over their football, then set defenses up thousands of people whose skin opponents early in games and by utilizing the play-action pass to get the ball in their receivers 1 could get under just by saying giving them little, if any, chance lulli OlFranco BG Newt what was on my mind. It's a to come back. They have hands, sports writer's dream. outscored their opponents "They are a two dimensional GET OFF ME: Falcon running back B.J. Lane runs over a Marshall defender in BG's 56-35 victory over the But as the weeks went by, 1 275-92 in the first half of games. team, they can run it and pass Herd. Lane has rushed for 331 yards on the season and has two touchdowns. BG's running game has it," said middle linebacker lovon came to realize that I was Much of this credit is due to helped keep their offense atop the MAC offensive categories all season. thinking about this all wrong. having a top-tier offense that Burkes. I was being given a golden consistendy is on the same page When you have a classic rivalry opportunity to do some good, as they rank fourth in the nation such as BG-UT, certain positions Gradkowski likes to spread "(Moore's) probably one of the and allow their own offense to and I would be wasting it if I just in total offense with 496.4 yards even have a bit of the rivalry the ball around. Receivers best receivers in the conference," carry them to victory. spouted off for an per game and scoring at 43.9. flair, lambs rival at quarterback Kenny Higgins and Steve Odom Brandon said. "(Toledo coach Tom Amstutz) entire column. Quarterback Omar Jacobs has is Bruce Gradkowski, who is have combined for 1,144 yards The Rockets like to run out has done a good job keeping I was being given a chance far exceeded expectations this second to Jacobs in several MAC receiving and eight touchdowns, of a two-tight end formation. that defense together," Brandon to pass on some real, useful year, leading the nation with 32 statistical categories. On the year, but his main weapon is senior This is where they are able to get said. "You can see them getting knowledge to the Bowling touchdown pass and 21.6 points Gradkowski has passed for 2,886 wide receiver Lance Moore. their tight ends involved and let better week to week on film, and Green campus. I realized that I responsible for per game. yards, 20 touchdowns and has a Moore has 70 catches on the year them make big plays to throw they're playing together." off defenses. Chris Holmes has had to do my part to teach you The offensive line has played pass efficiency rating of 163.71. for 870 yards and nine scores. Brandon put the team's recipe like a stone wall as a unit since He is also effective scrambling "These past few years, they caught 27 passes for 254 yards BG students, to school you on a for victory into simple terms. game one at Oklahoma, which out of the pocket, as he has run have great receivers," said senior on the season. subject which, sadly, you don't "We need to control the foot- has given lambs ample time to for seven touchdowns safety Keon Newson. "They got Toledo's defense struggled know an awful lot about: why ball and score points like we nor- your team won't beat our team make his reads and prevent him "What we have to do as a guys making a lot of plays. We've mightily in the early part of the from forcing passes. defense, starting with the got to be ready to step up to the season, but has rebounded mally do and keep their offense come'lUcsday. on the sideline," he said. Alright, so maybe I lied a little "Our offensive line has been defensive ends, is contain him," level of their receivers and jump nicely to keep them in games. outstanding all year. Seven sacks, Burkes said. "1 Ic has great speed up in there and make plays with They were able to shut down Kickoff Is at 7 pm and the RIVALRY, PAGE 7 only two of those have been on turf." them." Northern Illinois' running attack game will air on ESPN2. Pistons win with reserves Auburn has By Larry Ltge When both the Pistons and tut ASS0CIA1E0 PRESS Bobcats went to the locker room work left to do Detroit guard l.inriscy Hunter and returned to the coun, they look pictures with fans while two were escorted by police — one By John Zenor some people did pay a little bit armed police officers stood just a officer in front of each team, and THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of attention to what was going few feet away. one behind. When a teammate handed on," coach Tommy Tubcrville Tilings were cleariy different at Unarmed personnel in blue Carnell Williams an orange said Sunday. The Palace, and it might be a long and red shirts were sprinkled during No. 3 Auburn's postgame "I think the voters will be a time liefoie everything returns throughout the arena in subur- celebration, the llgers' tailback little more serious the next few to normal at the site of one of ban Detroit. Those assigned to knew the timing wasn't right. weeks and look at things a little the worst brawls in U.S. sports stand near the court turned their "No, not yet," Williams bit differently." history back on the game to watch the responded, flinging die fruit to Auburn, third In last week's The defending NBA cham- fans in the stands. the ground. Bowl Championship Series pion Pistons beat the Charlotte PLstons CEO Tom Wilson said He's right. The Tigers standings, lost five votes in Bobcats 117-116 in double he hoped the franchise sent a completed a perfect regular The Associated Press rankings, overtime Sunday night — on message about how serious season with Saturday's 21-13 dropping from a second-place Tayshaun Prince's dunk with 16.5 it was about preventing safety victory over Alabama on tie with Oklahoma. The Tigers seconds left — but few asked problems in the future. Saturday, but they hardly can dropped two votes further about the game just two days "That's why we ratcheted up start celebrating a trip to the after the melee with Indiana that back In the ESPN/USA Today our security/Wilson said. "If you Orange Bowl for a national title coaches poll and already trailed spilled into the stands and onto were sining at home or you were the court. shot. Oklahoma and USC in the com- here watching what happened The far-from-declsive puter rankings, too. "I ain't answering anything the other night, you might have victory means Auburn (11-0, They still need to be about that suspension stuff, thought, 'Can I take my wife 8-0 Southeastern conference) concerned with orange — the nothing about the fight," Detroit's there? Can I take my kids there? will almost surely need some orange and white of No. 15 Rasheed Wallace said before Is that a safe environment?"' Ouina Burleion AP Photo help from above - meaning a Tennessee, their opponent in hearing a question. It wasn't on Friday when an on- QUALITY REST: starters Smush Parker, left, and Tayshaun loss by cither No. 2 Oklahoma the SEC championship game Even though Wallace and the court scuffle between Indiana's Prince rest on the bench during their game against the Bobcats. or No. 1 Southern California. In Atlanta on Dec. 4. Auburn Pistons don't like it, the nation Ron Artest and Ben Wallace of Despite beating their top is seeking its first league title has its eyes on the security issues the Pistons led to Artest charging only happened with that player banned for more than 140 games rival, the Tigers lost ground In since 1989—not to mention Its at their NBA home. into the stands after a bevcragc- in the league," Wilson said. "It including Ben Wallace, who will their national championship second national championship. For Detroit's game against the fllled cup was thrown on him by was like the perfect storm." be out for six games. pursuit after start- Jubervllle Is hoping to a spectator. Bobcats — its first outing since The NBA came down hard on The Pistons plan to add a pro ing out shaky and woo a few voters and com- die fracas — the team doubled "I think we want to show the those involved in the mayhem tectlve covering over the tunnels falling behind 6-0 at halftime. puter programmers with that the number of armed police security, and reinforce that this Is Sunday night. leading to the locker rooms after "Its a little bit alarming that we performance. A repeat of his to about 20 in the arena and the safest place to go to and that Artest was suspended for the the Pacers were showered with would lose ground, but we also team's earlier 34-10 win at increased other arena security what you saw was a horrible aber- rest of the season. Overall, nine picked up some first-place votes personnel by about 25 percent. ration that probably would've players from the teams were PISTONS, PAGE 8 In both polls, which shows that AUBURN, PAGE 7

GET IN ON THE ACTION AT WWW.BGrm.COM/SP0RTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM siwrs Tuesday, November, 2004 7 The Falcons and Rockets Familiar times at OU By Stephen Hawkins from a different standpoint IIIF ASSIKIAIf li par ss Oklahoma is fat from finished after another undefeated RIVALRY. FROM l*A(iF G seem to catch anything thniwn tnattei. keep In mind the fact regular season at them, with two top dogs that right now, a MAC team can The No. 2 Sooners (II 0,8-0 hit about not miming my mouth. leading die way in youi I ble only vvin the conference Utle and llig 12) wen' at the same point Sue nic. On with tlip lesson... Magnet and our lance Mooie. go to Its usual howl game not a last yeaiwithout a loss, but lost AD I've been hearing the last I do have to give the edge in S bowl.Two "on i (inference couple of months from mv two straighi championship to Moore over Magner as the losses to stall the season with games: the Big 12 and then die fiirndsin IK ■ is hi iw great the better rpcelvei. though. IHIIII in were little mote than piact ic a BCS title-deciding Sugar Bowl. team's been playing during its stats and performance. Alaska games as far as the MA('. lace is it's gratifying, but we winning streak. I low much has given us many fine things. concerned. realize lite biggest prizes are bettei Omar Incobs has gotten. King crab legs, Mt. McKinley, uh, So diey never hapiiened. still urn there thai we/re after, I low many points you've scored. snow... But as far as die best Nevei. lust like "Itocky Weie aware ol thai." coach Bob 1 low easy it should be to roll receiver in the MAC goes, nail. V," "Caddyshack 2" and "The Stoops said, "it's a gteal road to through Toledo to end the We both also have defenses (lodfather iton in," they were pursue ,., we'll keep doing the season on a good note thai • an be suspect at limes. just figments of our Imagination. best we can." Well, if this past weekend's Both have questions at certain l-verythlng since then has Oklahoma completed (ihio State-Michigan debacle Spots, and might not be able to mlled along pretty smoothly, the its 19th undefeated regular lias taught me anvthing, It's dial contain the offense opposite only bump In the road mining season and third in six yean iliiiii>sin life don't always turn them Ittesday night. If more in Oxford, wheiefoui turnovers under Stoops With a 36 II onl die way they should than UK) combined points air beat us more than Miami (Ohio) win Saturday Bl llavloi. That I'll admit voiirlriitn's offense Scored liy the dine the final gun did. We know thai all we have to will be good enough lo keep his looked pretty Impressive sounds, i definitely wnn'1 do Is win to go lo the M At' lille them No. 2. SmOirochl AFI'M' since the loss to Nortliei n Illinois be surprised. ganie and get the chance lo beat In the new V.SUI lated Press RUNNING WHO OMahiima running hack Kejaun lonesi antes the ball i1 (earn we boat, by the way, no Actually, I'd expect little less llieinonabiggei slage. lop 25 on Sunday, the Sooners in HIP first qnailei in the Sooner- .111 3 win over Nebraska, big deal). Hacking up 349 points than a great, shootout game like You guys, on the otliei hand, were alone sii No. 2, just live is something a lot oftOUIM don't that from a rivalry that's easily have no shot after lastcrn did on points ahead of Auburn [11-01 a the Sooners' seasotihigh seven lost 38-7, .!> i omplisli in an entire season, the best in the MAC. Ours is a Saturday what Bastem usually week aftei they were tied in the sacks against llavloi. "This WE left something In Kansas andyoui team's < lone it in the good mix of equal reflect and does lose. This is one of the big poll rhe Sooners' margin in die year, knowing we didn't finish it City last yeai thatwewani logo last seven names hatred, one thai lets us party x-faclors to why we'll win. I'm a COB! hes' poll doubled from motivated us. back and gel." Ileisman Itopln but then Hook at the lait together on Thursday nights, hut firm believer that a team wants two to lour points. I he Sooners have won 23 quarterback bison While said that those seven teams have a sport "BOMiiks" or the Infa- In win a i liampinnshipa bit Southern ( alirbmla no-m is straighi regular-season games It's going to be great lot out i omblned record of 23-56. and mous "BG girls are ugly" sbii Is more than wanting lo s|xiil il I'm No I in all the polls What they remember more team. We think about what hap iheMreakkxeia bhofhshMta on game day. And believe me, a anothei team Ilia the Sonnets aien'l aie iiii- two straighi losses thai pencil last yeai al Kansas ' Iti Marshall is the only team beaten lot ol those have been popping The other big x-faclor, and the com eined alioul polls 01 llie sniiied last season ami we don't wan) ii to happen during that streak that's actually up lately. most Important one, I think, is Bi IS l heir primary focus is the "Our guvs, nobody is more again. above ,500a) B 5 Alter losing the Big 12 title the animosity between oui tiiciai i that this game Is being Big 12 championship game De< awaie of trial than thej are," I'll also admit that Jacobs has game last year. Oklahoma schools may not l>e as Intense played at DIM house lutliclasl •i in Kansas Cfty against Iowa Stoops said "ii Is something thai elevated himself to the level of remained No I In the in S and as. say, (>hio Stale Michigan six maich-ups between our two state in i olorado has been on theii minds sin. e the MAI "s elite quarterbacks gol to play in the SugBI Howl, or Auburn Alabama, but we're SCIKH"IS, the home team has won. liisi year.weweni Into the Big two a days finishing." this season, and most definitely and lost 21 Hlol.SU (ertainly not going to walk into and I don't think this is a year for 12 championship with all those Oklahoma scored a quick has a great caieei at IHI ahead Die Sooners worfl be as fot the stadium holding hands and breaking patterns. We |IISI don't guvs up Tor those awards We tout lidown io atari lasi year's luiiaie this yeat if die) I Bill of him. Bui liglil liehlndhim singing each other's fight songs, loseai the Glass BowL were dubbed the best team dial Big 12 championship game win the Big 12 game, espe in the MA('. stats and having an either. The only loss we've suffered evei played," said defensive end against Kansas Slate lint the daft) if use ami Auburn stai equally Impressive yea li Bruce That's why I'm sure many atlioniesiiii eibe middle of I artV Binline, who had three of Sooners didn't score again and undefeated (iiadkovvski And laadkovvski of you will try to bring up our the 'uu season was against has been beie befiue. lie's played fitst two games of the season Miami andsupej quarterback In a game this big in front of a consecutive losses in which Ben Roethdh llielibbeiger. hostile crowd inn rJefnue gave up 63 points Audi linar Jacobs is no lien Heally. OUI two teams are a lot apiece to back up why you ItiH'tlidbclhelibbeigcc alike The spread offenses are think I'm wrong. Pair enough Dial's why It'll l«" a good game, nearly Identical, with the rush [hose ware uglv losses; uglv like bill the ROCketS by seven in the usually taking a bat kseal loan Slntli-fmm-'l he (loonies" uglv. end. I hope you all come lu sec it eflei rive passingattai k I H it lit I t in the whole si hemeol happen! but don't let the door nil team has a stock of receivers thai tilings, they really didn't you on the way out GO BGSU Tigers remain calm during WHMR "ML!!© victory over rival Alabama BLEED ORANQE FOR YOU. AUBURN. FROM PAGI 6 YOU "Nobody was In panic mode," divisions In 1982 - Florida In lennessee certainly wouldn't he said. "Everybody had a smile 1996 and renneasee to 1998. Both hurt on their face. Kveryliody was won national titles, and Auburn DECEMBER "Thai's still not a concern bi us bouncing around. We knew we is Imping to make it 3-foi-3. because we have anolhei game were going to win the football Ittliervllle continued lo argue in which to plav in front of a game I lecnusc we felt like dial we that navigating the SIX with a 6 THRU 10! national television audience and had the best team." perfect record should be enough a lot of people who haven't seen Alabama added Spencet fot a litleshnt us play probably," he said of the Pennington's Ill-yard touchdown I hen again, Auburn went 11 -0 III S standings " Diete's nothing pass in the final two minutes to in the tegulai season iust once we can do about thai Die only moke the score even less impres before, in 1993 -TIE DYE THOM- tiling we can do is go out and sivc for a team trying to display "it will be something they ■ ■■■! .IMJI'I^;.^ play the best we can. llo|iefitl!y its dominance always leincuibei," luliemlle voters wiU lie fair. It might have turned oui to said "Weil go through il and see lie cosmetic |xiluts since Aubui n what happens.'' recovered the onslde kick, but Hie llgers were far from their TubervUle knows everything liest against Alabama (6-3, 3 M counts al into point The offense actually lusi four "ihis is a beauty contest now, STBBEMTS GET IN FREE WITH A VALIB BE SII I.BJ yauis in the last quintet before and yuu'ii' just kind of going out scoring 21 straiglit |K>lnls In the and showing what you can do second hall and sec if people like your learn I ven rnhcrviUo was Impressed bettei than they do the other liy his team's confident mood In team," he said. the locker mom at lialftime in its Only two other teams have liist tiglit game since a 10-9 win gone through die SBC with an 8-0 Falcon Basketballj§> over LSU on Sept in. record since die league split Into BGSU vs. ILLINOIS-CHICAGO Wednesday, November 24th f HOUSES! HOU! SES! HOUSESll 7:00 P.M. 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HaBaaHBHHaHl ■aajaajaa WWW.BGNEWS.COM 8 Tuesday. November 23.2004 SIGHTS Stern correct in suspensions BCS leaves top

By Jim Little portion of the brawl, got six I le removed one big obstacle few weeks ago that he couldn't two in control IHl ASSOOA1ED PRESS games. Pacers guard Anthony by getting Artest off the floor for feed his family on $10 million Hie hasketbrawl in Detroit was Johnson got five and four others the test of the season, and ihe Zar, and zeroing in on Artest, By Ralph D. Russo othei troublemakers out of the has been a problem child 1HE ASSOCIATED PRESS IKM jusi about one league. got off with a game each. since he came into the league 1 he gull between the Better still, Stern was just way long enough to make at Southern California and least a small dent in their thick and added new admirers when players and paying customers is wanning up. he went off recently about Oklahoma held the top two spots growing in every sport. Too '"ITlis," he said at one point skulls and thicker wallets. In the taking time off to promote his in die Bowl Championship Series man) tons believe too many during a news conference, bargain, he might have cost the soon-to-be-released CD. Or standings on Monday, leaving athletes with loo little devotion "is about something more Pacers a chance at the Eastern maybe they just missed hockey. little doubt that the Trojans and to their craft arc making way too profound." Conference title for what, in But none of it justified Sooners are in control of their much money.And waytoooften, That something is about the NCAA terms, is called a "lack throwing beers, food, clothing national title hopes. tin- athletes live down to those boundary that separates the of institutional control." And he and at least one chair into the Unbeaten Auburn is stuck expectations. court from the stands. And give hinted that the Pistons could middle of what was already in third-place behind the So teft be dear Otis mess Stern credit for this much: lie still be held accountable if the a volatile situation. It's hap- first-place Trojans and could have fallen into any- acknowledged the players who league determines security at pened at NFL games with fans second-place Sooners. The Tigers bodys lap But it fell to NBA draw paychecks from his league the Palace was found wanting. dissatisfied by a call, at baseball look like they'll be the team left have done more to blur that line Maybe those were the games over slights real and |ier- out of the Orange Bowl no matter commissioner David Stern ceived, and at soccer matches all because his league is where the than athletes from any other wrinkles" Stem had in mind. how they do in the Southeastern sport, and just as important, But he also talked, correctly, over Europe and South America, gulf is the widest at the moment Stem's remedy for that wasn't Conference championship game 'We didn't ask to be at the that the whole tiling took place about the "social contracts" on Dec. 4 against Tennessee. and "covenants" that fans make new. Knowing that fans are epicenter of this discussion," he on his watch. And while the likely to give as much respect USC finishes the season against responsibility for the brawl may when they buy a ticket to watch said Sunday as they get, he imparted that Notre Dame on Saturday and PlulSakumi AP Photo But Stem didn't shrink from have started there. Stern was a sporting event, and those lesson to the people on his side UCIA on Dec. 4. Ihe Sooners CELEBRATION: Cal head coach Jeff it, either. smart enough to know it won't won't be ironed out easily.Those of the equation as quickly and still have to play the Big 12 title Tedford celebrates a touchdown wen crumpled up long ago and He proved that Ron Attest end there, either. as forcefully as good judgment game against either Iowa State or against Stanford. hi- Pacers posse and those few He vowed that nobody else thrown on the floors in stadiums atid his powers as commissioiH'i Colorado. involved who played a role in and arenas, alongside the spilled allowed. Then he asked fans in dozen fools in the stands who Only an unexpected loss or a Conference rival BYU, all but wanted a piece of them aren't the melee was untouchable, beers, and won't be retrieved the stands to do their part. dramatic shift in the polls, where including the NBAs fans, its widiout some serious effort. "If 20,000 fans decided to go on ensuring themselves of being the only people around the USC is a solid No. 1 and Oklahoma the first team from a non-BCS NBA who know how to throw a franchises and even the alcohol Forget about the fans who a rampage," Stern said in answer holds a slight advantage over conference to play in a punch. companies whose dollars swell willingly — and in the case to a question about security, Auburn for second, could derail even teams coffers. of more than a few. drunk- "we'd have a serious problem." BCS game. \nti before Stern hit back. The NBA already does. And so the Trojans and Sooners. Teams from outside the BCS IK didn't take a vote, worry "Frankly, we've got a lot of enly — took part in the melee. Not only did Oklahoma, widi does every other sports league conferences need to finish in the al out how the players union work to do in the next several Those who didn't get what they a BCS grade of .9642, slightly days and coming weeks. It is were looking for from Artest & and anybody else who thinks top six of the final BCS standings would respond or appoint a die only people who've lost their increase its lead over Auburn to guarantee a spot in on of the commission and wait for the our practice and lias been our Co., will hear from the Pistons grip on trie importance of these (.9356) from last week to .0286, four $14-million bowl games. findings. He went right after practice to deal with discipline soon enough. But their absence games are the ones who play but die Sooners also made a big the troublemakers he could itselfinatimeh fashion, which we can't be the only change in the Boise State is seventh, keeping them. gain on USC. alive the possibility that the BCS identify suspending Artest and have," Stern said. There may be makeup of the crowds, not The dangerous few in every The Trojans' .9789 grade is their Indiana teammates Stephen other wrinkles." just in Detroit and not just crowd are more inventive, more lowest of the season. Their lead could have two mid-major teams on and Jermaine O'Neal for Wrinkles was an interest- in the NBA. abusive and more menacing. on Oklahoma is down to .0147. in it diis season. The unbeaten a total of 128 games and cost ing choice of words for some- Those fans had more than And unless die rest of us are USC was idle last week while Broncos (10-0) of the Western them a combined $12 million in one about to embark on one a few reasons to taunt players serious about stopping them, Oklahoma was shutting out Athletic Conference have a grade salary Detroit's BenWaliace, who of the more ambitious sports in the league, beginning with the way things are going, they'll Baylor 35-0 on Saturday. Auburn of .639 and one game left against instigated the on-court overhauls in a while. Latrell Sprewell's clueless rant a be the only ones in attendance. trailed at the half before beating Nevada. Alabama 21-13. It's still a long shot for Boise California (.8504) is in fourth State, though. Even if California place and Texas (.8301) is fifth. or Texas loses its season-finale with Utah (.8172) sixth. and the Broncos finish unbeaten, The Utes (11-0) finished it might not be enough for them their season on Saturday with a to make the jump they need in Lewis erupts after loss at home 52-21 win over Mountain West the polls and computer rankings.

By Joe Kay said Monday. "We've got to do than we showed. We're a better interception for six points." IHE ASSOCIATED PRtSS better. We're not going to settle team than 4-6." And there's no explanation This is a side of Marvin Lewis for playing close. We can do Only in spurts. And that's what for how the entire team melted down in the second half— seven that his players didn't know. better and we will do better." has Lewis so steamed. The Bengals outplayed the penalties for 75 yards, only two Angered by his team's Asked if his anger had first downs and 42 total yards. Game goes off inability to get it right for an subsided, Ifwis forced a broad Steelers (9-1) at the outset, That's what set Lewis off His entire game, the Cincinnati smile and a chuckle to mask his taking a 14-10 lead into halftime. players once again lost their Bengals head coach erupted feelings, then waited five full It could have been even better poise with a game on the line in the locker room following a seconds before answering. — Pittsburgh's only touchdown and wound up frittering it away. without a hitch 19 11 loss to Pittsburgh. "We'll see," he said. came when Palmer forced a pass It's been their hallmark since He screamed so loud that What brought his anger to into triple coverage, linebacker 1991, when they started their PISTONS, FROM PAGE 6 his voice carried through a boil? A loss that was vintage James Farrior saw Palmer lock run as the league's most forlorn m issive dosed doors and walls, Bengals, one that effectively onto the receiver, slid in front franchise. They haven't had a beer, popcorn and even a chair .is and that could take weeks. lie poured out his frustrations scuttled any hope of making and returned the interception winning record or made the they tried to get off the court. Nine people were treated for fbi the first time in a tirade the playoffs. A victory over the for a touchdown. playoffs during a 14-year stretch But they don't want to line the injuries, some of which might that took some of his players Steelers would have moved Even though Palmer is of futility that spans five head court with police and security lead to lawsuits. coaches' (Sam Wyche, Dave t by surprise. diem back to .500; instead, they in his first season as a starter, personnel or a physical barrier. Wilson said there's a good he's far enough along in his Simla. Bruce Coslet. Dick LeBeau "I think you've got to be chance that tickets would be 1 \e never seen him like that," fell by the wayside at 4-6. and Lewis! and 151 losses. receiver Chad Johnson said. The mood was grim Monday development that he should careful and not overact to undo an revoked from any season-ticket In the past, a close loss would excellent relationship between holder who was involved in the A day later, Lewis had at Paul Brown Stadium, where have known better. have been cause for opti- toned down his anger but players filed out of meetings I've played 10 games now mism that things were turning fans and players by putting up fight. not his impatience. The sec- quiedy and headed home. Lewis' and got the rust off and seen a around. Until Sunday, Lewis had walls," Wilson said. Don White, 42, of Auburn Hills ond-year coach who prefers to harangue had hit home. lot of different coverages and a remained upbeat even in the Even before Friday's melee, and his 10-year-old son sat in accentuate the positive "Marvin's absolutely right," number of good defenses," toughest times. fans were subject to random the section where Artest and was in no mood to look for said quarterback Carson Palmer, Palmer said. "I'm still going M of that has changed. Lewis searches at Detroit's home games teammate Stephen Jackson sih BT linings. who hadn't shaved his game-day to grow and learn, but there's is no longer in the mood to look and all members of the media are fought with fans two days earlier. 11 hey know my point" Lewis stubble. "We're a better team no excuse for throwing an on the bright side. searched by hand-held wands "I don't really see more and their bags are checked and security," White said. "1 just see tagged. more media attention." Auburn Hills Deputy Chief Print and broadcast outlets lim Mynsberge said investiga- from all over die country covered tors are reviewing film of the Sunday night's game, and some 5-minute fracas using the planned on filing more reports cameras of various media Monday. oudets and are interviewing " With the playoff mob of media witnesses and players. After die that we have here, you would police investigadon is complete, think it's the Finals," Hunter said. f&4Ja/ttfo*7?ai/el Mynsberge said the Oakland I'm not really thinking about it as County Prosecutors Office will much. I think everybody else is and get determine if charges will be filed more than we are." Don't be a Turkey! i BGSU Credit? Gobble up these listings!

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Main: Large three bedroom unfurnished two story part of house. Zoned for no more than three (3) unrelated people. 314 Bowen-Thompson Student Union 343 S. Main: Large three bedroom unfurnished house with washer/dryer hookups. Off Street parking. Zoned for no more Tuesday, November 30, 3:00 p.m. than three (3) unrelated people. Wednesday, December 8, 11:30 a.m. Newlove Rentals 332 S. Main St. 419.352.5620 For more details,Contact the NSE Program at 2-6043 or e-mail gfolkin Iignet, [email protected] WWW.BGNEWS.COM SPORTS Tuesday, November 23.2004 9 Busch wins first title; Turner fired by Dlini ByHmPtuI in 2001 they went 10-2 befbn TMf ASSOCI01 ED PRESS losing to LSI) in the Sugar Bowl. Ron Turner was fired by That team was Turin clutch down stretch Illinois on Monday after three bright spot. Led by QUIUtefbai I straight losing seasons, a sharp Kurt Kittner, Illinois' all timi turnaround from early sun ess winningest quarterback and By Jtrmi Fryer leader in touchdown passes, tin THE ASSOCIAK0 PRESS that included the team's first Big Ten loot ball tide in a decade. team went 7-1 to win 'heir flrsl Hie last time Kurt Busch cried Illinois went 3-8 this season Big Ten title since sharing one in Victory Lane, it was partly and has just one conference in 1990. because lie realized he was one victory the past two years. I lalf Fourteen starters returned of the most hated drivers in of the lllini's four wins overall the in 2002, including All-Big Ten NASCAR past two seasons were against players Tony Pashos and Eugene ' When the tears flowed Sunday Division l-AA opponents. Wilson on defense and big-pla\ at Homestead-Miami Speedway, Turner had two seasons left receivers Walter Young and It could have been because on his contract, which pays him Brandon Uoyd on offense, but Busch realized it doesn't matter If $1.1 million per year in salary Illinois won only once in its fiist he's popular. and deferred compensation. Love him or hate him, Busch is six games and wound up 5-7. "1 realize it's a bottom-line The late-season rally in 20IK' a NASCAR champion. business and the last couple The brash young driver fueled hope for 2003, but the of years we didn't win enough lllini stumbled early with close wrapped up his first title Sunday football games," Turner said by outdriving nine other rivals in losses to Missouri and UCLA at a news conference. "I can and then went to pieces, losing NASCAR's 10-racc Chase for the leave this university know- Nextel Cup championship. 10 straight by an average margin ing that 1 ran a program with of 22 points. It capped a rollercoaster ride great integrity." John C Oiion AP Photo for Busch, a 26-year old I as Vegas Ihe lllini easily won their sea Turner went 35-57 record FIRED: Illinois football coach son opener this season, 52 I t native considered an outsider with two howl trips in eight Ron Turner talks to the media. in NASCAR. He doesn't look like over Florida A&M. but lost the seasons at Illinois. But since He was fired after three the other competitors, he doesn't following week to UCIA and a Sugar Bowl appearance in straight losing seasons. talk like them, and, because he barely squeaked by WBBtcni January 2002, Illinois is just 9-25, Michigan before losing theii. often comes across as cocky and and attendance has been falling with the whole staff," junior arrogant, he isn't embraced next seven games. Ihe low point Seven home games this tlefensiveiackleRyanMathasaid was a 45-0 loss to Minnesota on, like them. season averaged 48,626 in the last week. When he was viciously booed Oct. 23. 69,249-seat Memorial Stadium. After four seasons as "Ron directed the program after winning Bristol Motor lUrner did enjoy the support offensive coordinator for the Speedway last season—one week of his players, several of whom Chicago Bears, Turner was with high integrity, supported after limmy Spencer punched have said they hoped he would hired as Illinois' head coach in our academic mission and him in the face following n race Tiny lima WPlioto return next season. December 1996, succeeding held up his coaches and staff to — it became clear that Busch was "We're talking about die guy LnuTepper. . the highest standards." Illinois NASCAR s newest villain. SWEET VICTORY: Kurt Busch looks up at his trophy after winning athletic director Ron Guenthei the 2004 Nextel Cup Championship in Homestead, Fla. who gave us all the opportu- His first team went 0 11. After Funny how none of that mat- nity to play football In the Big a 3-8 season in 1998, the 1999 said Monday. "However, all ters when the shiny silver Nextel under NASCAR's points system. title. Ten, the guy who recruited us, squad went 8-4 and defeated of that said, the past two 1 a Cup championship is sitting at BUI then NASCAR changed the Ihe field got the green flag the guy who came Into our Virginia 63-21 In the Micronpc. sons of subpar records havt your feet rules, and it suited Busch's style and the desperation was obvious homes when we were in high com Howl. Ihe lllini slipped to led me to make the decision to "It took me some time to pi'ifrctly. in Cordon and Johnson, team school and it's the same way 5-6 the following season, but make a change." understand the bigger More reserved since his feud mates and the closest of friends. picture," he said, "lust to be able with Spencer led sponsor Sharpie Their C.hevrolets darted to the to understand the bigger ethic to make him take a "career bottom of the track, then back and the bigger picture about counseling' course, he stayed racingatthislevelisoneihingthatl to the top, each looking for the Journey to Viet Nam low under the radar until the tiniest bit of room to iqmuai misunderstood the first couple Chaseliegan of years." through, lohnson found a hole I hen he made his move, and and skyrocketed past Cordon. Recognizing that was the key to dodged every speed bump along Busch risingto the top of NASCAR Neither of them saw Greg Biftle, the way, including breaking a Busch's teammate, race past them in just his fourth season. wheel and losing a tire midway He won the title by eight and steadily pull away. through Sunday's race. With Biftle stealing the points over limmic lohnson — a "I was in stitches, sick to my difference of just two places in win they needed, and Busch stomach the last few laps," Busch staying pat in fifth place, the the season-ending race —and IB said. "I had ben out there OWI letTOordon. forever I fell like I had the whole championship was over. "We beat the best of tin- beM I he (liamalic finish was a world on my shoulders and at the December 26, 2004 - January 11, 200S fining end to a new 10 man, same time I Ml I was alone. over 10 races, and to have my 10 rani ha*'fur the Nextel Cup name along the best names In "So many emotions today. It) Expiriinci thi Hth hittory, culture ind hospitality of thil former enemy country. Championship. be able to pull through like we history. It means so much to me." After years of lackluster did and cap off an unbelievable Busch said. Vilit biitoric Hanoi, Hue, Saigon, Khi Siith, Dining, the Cio Dii Temple, ind championship battles, Busch season, it's just a great season." Nothing could stop Busch Di Lit in i special Field Study of Viot Nam. came into Ihe finale leading Some will argue dial it's not, from winning the title. Not a Johnson by 18 points and (iordon that the championship race was blown motor in Atlanta, not Und.r,r,d«it. Coil: $2,775* by 21. with Dale Earnhardt Jr. and manufactured by France. spinning out in Kansas, not Financial

A A • L L E E


STOP IN TO ENTER FINDERS CONTESTS & GIVEAWAYS SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIJ. NEWSLETTER flT WWW.FINPERgRECORPS.COM. WWW.BGNEWS.COM Tuesday. November 23.2004 11 UKRAINIANS DENOUNCE FAULTY ELECTION KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Tens of thousands of demonstrators jammed downtown Kiev in freezing temperatures last night, denouncing Ukraine's presidential runoff election as fraudulent and chanting the name of their reformist candidate, Viktor Yushchenko. Authorities say Yushchenko lost. WORLD Allawi confident of upcoming election and leaders in some neighbor- By Hamza Hemdawi losers." "We went to religion of love and tolerance." members of the U.S. military IHl ASSOCIATED PRESS Allawi is expected to run In the northern city of Mosul, have died since the beginning ing nations did not do enough," BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraq's interim for a seat in the assembly, Fallujah... We found a prominent member of the of the Iraq war in March 2003. he said. "They should have tried prime minister said yesterday he's which would then choose the enought weapons association, Sheik Faidh according to an AP count. to help us at a time when we confident only a small number government. Mohamed Amin al-Faidhi, Insurgents ambushed a U.S. needed help," he said. of people will boycott the Ian. The United States is anxious there to destroy an was shot and killed Monday by convoy in western Baghdad However, Allawi added that 30 elections despite anger among that the election go ahead as entire country." gunmen at his home. He was on Monday, but there were no he looked forward to "positive many Sunni Muslims over the planned, hoping that an elected the brother of the association's reports of casual ties. and balanced ties with all our Fallujah offensive and a deadly government widely accepted national spokesman, and his The U.S. Embassy gave neighbors without exception." U.S.-lraqi raid on a Baghdad by the Iraqi people will take the AYAD ALLAWI killing was likely to anger Sunnis no details on the bomb that Allawi's remarks came as mosque. steam out of the insurgency still in the city, where insurgents was found on the flight inside an . international conference "The forces of darkness and raging in Sunni areas of central, Abu Manila mosque, Iraq's most launched an uprising earlier Iraq, but said authorities were on Iraq convened yesterday at terrorism will not benefit from western and northern Iraq as well revered Sunni site. in the month in support of the installing additional the Egyptian resort of Sharm this democratic experience and as the capital. Witnesses said three militants in Fallujah. screening measures at Baghdad El-Sheik, where delegates will fight it," Ayad Allawi told The As the election approach- worshippers were shot dead and Near Mosul, U.S. forces International Airport. expressed support for his Associated Press. "But we arc es, U.S. commanders in Iraq at least 40 others were detained Monday uncovered a weapons During the interview, Allawi government and the January determined that this experiment probably will expand their troops in the raid. In a gesture to the stockpile that included anti- also complained that some of vote. The conference, which brings together 20 nations includ- succeeds" by several thousand. Army units Sunnis, Allawi has ordered an aircraft guns and surface-to-air Iraq's neighbors have not done Allawi spoke as violence raged slated to depart are also being investigation. missiles and a building filled enough to help stabilize his ing the United States and Iraq's in the capital and other cities, held back until after the election. Yesterday an Iraqi Red Crescent with explosive materials, the country. neighbors, is designed to muster and the U.S. Embassy said a There now are about 138,000 U.S. convoy carried blankets, water U.S. military said. The haul "Certainlv, some brothers support for Iraq's government. bomb was discovered yesterday troops in Iraq. and first-aid kits into Fallujah. included one anti-aircraft gun, on a commercial flight inside U.S. officials are concerned the first time an independent 15,000 anti-aircraft rounds, Iraq. Gunmen in the north that a boycott could deprive the organization has been able to 4,600 hand grenades, 144 gre- assassinated a prominent new government of legitimacy visit the city since U.S.-led forces nade launchers, 25 surface-to-air election opponent, and five in the eyes of the Sunni Arabs, invaded two weeks ago. missiles, 21 mortar rounds, 10 decapitated bodies were who make up an estimated 20 Allawi was defiant in his rockets and artillery rounds discovered south of the capital. percent of the nearly 26 million defense of the Fallujah operation, I Kcw here, Iraqi security forces Despite the violence, the Iraqi population. The majority Shiites, describing it as an unqualified recovered 12 bodies, including government Sunday set Ian. 30 believed to form 60 percent of success. five decapitated ones, from an as the date for parliamentary the population, strongly support "We went to Fallujah and we area south of Baghdad, police elections, the first since the elections. broke their back," he said. "U'r said yesterday. One was identi- collapse of Saddam Hussein's Spearheading the boycott call found enough weapons there to fied as a member of the Iraqi dictatorship. Officials said is the Association of Muslim destroy an entire country." National Guard. the balloting would be held Scholars, an influential Sunni He said that because of the The bodies were found even in areas still plagued by clerical group with suspect- success in Fallujah, "those who during a raid Sunday in Latifiyah. insurgency and despite calls ed links to insurgent groups. will try to obstruct democracy about 20 miles south of Baghdad, by militant Sunni clerics for a The association called for a and election are finished. ... said l.t. Adnan Abdullah. The area boycott. boycott to protest this month's They don't have a safe haven has a mixed Sunni and Shttte However, Allawi, a U.S.-led assault on the insurgent anymore." population and has been secular Shiite hand-picked by stronghold of I allujali and the Allawi also criticized the Sunni described as the "triangle of the Americans last lune, said he continued U.S. military presence association, accusing some of its death" because of the large believed that only "a very small five months after the restoration members of inciting violence. number of fatal attacks against minority" would abstain during of Iraqi sovereignty. "Those who call for violence Shiites and foreigners there. the election "for one reason or Allegations by Fallujah will be dealt with by force. The A U.S. soldier died yesterday another.'' residents that U.S. troops defaced judicial system also will deal of wounds suffered in an attack "Their reason will be mosques and the large-scale with those who allow themselves in Baghdad the night before. political, and not sectarian, and devastation of the city have to stoke hatreds," he warned. The Pentagon also announced they will not be more than 5, 6 further stoked the anger of "I hope that those who call that three Marines wounded Samlr Miibin AP Photo or 7 percent," Allawi said in his Sunnis, who were further enraged themselves the Association of in Fallujah have died, raising INTERIM: Iraq's interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi gestures during an office in the U.S.-guarded Green Friday when Iraqi forces backed Muslim Scholars rise to the the U.S. death toll in the offen- interview with the AP in Baghdad yesterday. Zone. "They are the eventual by U.S. troops raided Baghdad's standards set by Islam as a sive to at least 54. 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S300/day potential. 21 Homesteader 49 Indefinite time No exp. necessary Training provid- periods 2 bdrm. unfum. apt. 1/2 blk. from 1. ■ ■ 22 Greek letters • ,li«.Mily. ed Call 800-965-6520 ext. 174. 25 Intense hatred • 52 First name in campus, on S College Or Avail. ■ i 1 26 Inclined to flow cosmetics May 05 1 yr lease. Dep. req. | - 54 Climbing plants 1 ' .• ■■ ■ 27 Player S650/mo mclu util. 419-686-4700. ■ 1 S600 Group Fundraiser 29 Actor Lew 55 Present packaging 56 Wife of Zeus . «M , M Scheduling Bonus 1 ? 30 Ms. Caldwell ■ 57 Writer Kingsley 4 hours ot your group's time PLUS 2 or 3 bedroom furnished apt. 32 One Jackson , ii*i« All 1 58 Sign of things to our tree (yes, tree) lundraising solu- Available Immediately 33 Soap plant Close to campus. 419-352-5239. 34 Not as refined come tions EQUALS $1,000-2,000 in 59 Seldom seen earnings 'or your group Call TO- - 36 Actor Omar 1 38 Air shaft 60 Come to grips with DAY tor a S600 bonus when you 1 3-4 bdrm houses avail. 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