BLOOD FOR RESEARCH 7 VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS 5 QMUNITY CONSULT 9 JAN 29–FEB 11, 201 11, 29–FEB JAN 559 OSCAR # WILDE COUP 13 @dailyxtra Smokin’In print, on screen and on stage — FREE 20,000 AUDITED Alan Cumming is on fire 14 CIRCULATION More at More 2 JAN 29–FEB 11, 2015 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS XTRA Published by Pink Triangle Press VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF NEWS Brandon Matheson #559 JAN 29–FEB 11, 2015 Roundup EDITORIAL MANAGING EDITOR Robin Perelle STAFF REPORTER Natasha Barsotti COPY EDITOR Lesley Fraser EVENT LISTINGS
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