Reprinted from



Sor.ITA F. c��.ulu-REsA, M.D., M.S. (Biochemistry) ·:md

Mt,..ERVA R.n·AcLA'I, R. �. !'h:HI1l.** M Department of Bi&chemi.rtry, (;r,flege of erlicine, Vni<'CI'.

This report brings to a conclusion our work on the sodium and potassium content of Philippine foods. The first of the series was a report on 218 food items of plant origin and six samples of water (1). The second was a study of 50 sample daily diets (:2).

Like the two previous studies, this survey was done in conjunction with the program of food analysis of the Institute of Nutrition. The most common food items were obtained from the public markets of :Manila and Pasay City and the slaughter house of Manila. Animal meats not readily available in the public markets were obtained from animals slaughtered in the laboratory. This was the case with lamb, goat, rabbit, and certain fowls like duck, goose and turkey. Our venison and wild fowls came from the nearby provinces. About half of our samples of fish was obtained with the cooperation of the Bureau of Fisheries, and the other half was bought in the local markets.

The 340 samples reported in this paper represent 61 meat cuts from cow, carabao, pig, deer, rabbit, goat and lamb, 5 meat products, 67 organ meats, 21 fowls and poultry, 20 eggs,

4This stud�· h;t� been pno::<:"ih�� h,· :t l!T:\!H fr11m the 1n:-titutt' nf �\ltritit�n.

*"'"A:-sbtant Chemis.t rtmp:�lo�t'd under �l grant from the In�titute of Nutrition.

601 602 Acta Medica Philippina

7 milk and milk products, 128 fresh and 31 processed fish, crustaceans and mollusks.

Experimental Methods

Whole organs and 1 to 2-pound portions of muscle meats were cut into small pieces and ground in a Waring Blender. In several meat cuts such as muscle, rib portions and plate muscle from big animals like the cow and the carabao, separate analyses were made on the upper, middle and lower portions and results were averaged to get the value for the whole sample. In the case of small animals like fish, crustaceans and mollusks, the flesh from several individual samples was pooled.

To extract the electrolytes, wet ashing was done by tritu­ rating duplicate samples of 4 gm of blended tissue with 100 ml of 0.75 N HN03 for 30 minutes following the method described by Wallace et al (3). The nitric acid extract was then properly diluted with the internal standard solution of lithium and water and analyzed by indirect flame photometry. In the case of li­ quids like patis and milk, simple addition of the internal stan­ dard and dilution with water were done before analysis with the flame photometer ( 4).

Results and Discussion

The sodium and potassium values obtained by averaging at least duplicate determinations on each sample are expressed in milligrams per 100 grams of edible portion on a fresh and dry basis. The values on a fresh basis are chiefly for the use of dietitians and those on a dry basis are for comparison with other workers' results, with the variable factor of moisture content eliminated.

Table I-a includes meat cuts, processed meats, fowls and poultry, organ meats, eggs and miscellaneous food items. Table I-b includes fresh and processed fish, crustaceans and mollusks. Sodium & Potassium of Pliitippine Foods 603





Meat cuts from pig, cow, goat, carabao, lamb, rabbit and deer show a variation of sodium content from 36 mg for beef club steak to 109 mg for beef head. A chart showing the dif­ ferent cuts of meat copied from the Meat Manual of the National Livestock and Meat Board of Chicago, Illinois, is included in this paper to guide the reader in our nomenclature. Since meat sold in the local market is cut differently and local names applied to the cuts vary among the meat distributors, several meat handlers were consulted and the more widely used terms were employed in our tables. 604 Acta Medica Philippin.a

Mean values for the different animals are: pork, 62 mg; beef, 53 mg; carabao meat, 72 mg; goat meat, 79 mg; rabbit meat, 55 mg; lamb, 72 mg; and venison, 74 mg. The head and neck cuts show higher sodium ·content than the rest of the meat cuts.

The meat of fo\Yls and poultry give a mean of 78 mg sodium. In this group, except for the moorhen, the leg and wing meat contains more sodium than the breast meat.

Among the organ meats, the lung, ute-rus, kidney, and brain give values consistently above 100 mg sodium. The liver, tongue and heart show higher sodium content than meat cuts. while the rest show values comparable to meat cuts.

Except the incubated duck's egg ( ), all the eggs ana­ lyzed were found to contain more than 100 mg of sodium per 100 gm edible portion, averaging 178 mg for the different var­ ieties of hen's eggs. A consistent finding is the greater con­ centration of sodium in the white than in the yolk. The values given in Table 1-a are in mg per 100 gm of edible portion; values for the individual sample eggs analyzed are as follows:

:Mg Sodium Mg Potassium per egg per egg

Native hen's egg, whole ______--·- 57 49

white ______------· 38 2"8

yolk ______------19 21

Rhode Island hen's egg, whole ___ _ 82 62

white ______63 43

yolk ______19 19

White Leghorn hen's egg, whole ____ 94 77

white ______------73 56

yolk ______---· 21 21

Duck's egg, whole ______133 95

white ______94 65

yolk ____ ··-- ______29 30

The milk values are similar to those of meat cuts. 3 sam­ ples of human milk showed increasing sodium and decreasing Sodium & Potassium of Philippine Foods 605 potassium as the time interval after delivery increased. The number of samples is however too small to warrant a definite statement.

The values of sodium of fish vary from 36 mg for climbing perch (martiniko) to 182 mg for striped barracuda (torcillo). The average value is 92 mg. Values below 50 mg are given by striped mackerel (alumahan), climbing perch (martiniko), Spanish mackerel (tangingi), and the two-finned runner (salmon).

The fresh water fishes included in. this survey are the flat-headed goby (biang puti), striated murrel ( dalag), fresh­ water catfish (hito), common climbing perch (martiniko) and tilapia. They range from 36 to 86 mg Na and average 59 mg sodium per 100 gm edible portion, while the salt water fish give a range of 48 to 179 mg with an average of 95 mg sodium. The mean sodium content of the migratory fish is 86 mg.

The crustaceans and mollusks belong to a class by them­ selves with regard to their sodium content which is the highest among the foods of animal origin, ranging from 158 to 976 mg and averaging 396 mg. Notable exceptions are the tail of tongue clam (43 mg) and snail (84 mg).

Processed animal foods very commonly used are included in this survey. They all contain much more sodium than un­ processed foods because salt is generally used for seasoning and as a preservative. Heavy salting is done in the production of the fish sauces - and patis.

Whereas the potassium content of foods of plant origin showed a wide variability (from 100 to 1000 mg per 100 gm edible portion) (1), the majority of foods of animal origin gave a narrower range (from 80-600 mg).

Meat cuts gave a range of 106 mg (beef head) to 584 mg (loin of. Iamb) potassium.

An interesting observation on fowls and poultry is that the potassium content of ·each animal analyzed was invariably greater in the breast meat than in the leg and wing meat. The reverse is true with regard to sodium content. 606 Acta Medica Philippina

Wider variation in potassium content was observed among organ meats. The uterus, stomach and large intestines show lower values than the rest which gave values similar to meat cuts.

The fresh water fish, salt water fish and migratory fish give means of about 400 mg of potassium.


The sodium and potassium content of 340 samples of foods of animal origin are presented in Tables I-a and l-b. Scientific name is supplied for correct identification of sample, and edible portion in percentage of whole �ample for fish, crustaceans and mollusks is included for the use of the oietitian.

Our results show that foods of animal origin contain sub­ stantial amounts of sodium unlike vegetable foods which con­ tain this mineral in traces. The potassium content of foods belonging to both categories is more than the sodium content. We encounter greater variation in the amount of potassium among foods of vegetable origin than in foods of animal origin.

Unlike results reported by Bills et al (5), we find that fresh water fish contain much less sodium than salt water fish.

Crustaceans and mollusks comprise the group that con­ tains the most sodium among all the unprocessed food groups studied.

Table II is a compilation of values obtained in this study together with those obtained by American workers (5).


The authors have deferred to this last paper of the series on sodium and potassium content of Philippine foods their ex­ pression of gratitude to Dr. Augusto Camara for hit; great interest in this project while he was in the United States. To him, they owe guidance in the choice of the flame photometer which was the most suitable for research purposes at the time it was purcha�ed, and a supply of the necessary informafon Sodium & Potassium of Philippine Foods 607 and reprints of papers from the United States which were not available in this country.

Thanks are due to the Institute of Nutrition for its con­ tinuous financial support of this project which took from 1950 to 1954 to complete, and to the U.S. Public Health Service which supplied the essential equipment, namely, the flame photometer and the muffle furnace.

The authors are indebted to Director Deogracias Villadolid and the staff of the Bureau of Fisheries for their invaluable cooperation in obtaining and identifying half of the fish sam­ ples; also to Mr. Ngustin Umali, Ichthyologist of the National

Museum for identifying the rest of the fish samples which were bought in the local markets, and to Mrs. Preciosa P. Florentin, Head of the Dietary Department of the Philippine General Hospital, for her help in identifying with local names the dif­ ferent meat cuts analyzed.

The authors cannot but repeat their thanks to Dr. Juan Salcedo, 'Jr., Chairman of the Institute of Nutrition Board, for suggesting this work and helping in various ways to make this series of reports a reality.


1. Camara-Besa, S. F. and M. Bataclan. - The So dium and Potassium Content of Philippine Foods I. Foods of Plant Origin. Acta Med. PhiL 9:1 (1953).

2. Camara-Besa, S. F. and :\I. Bataclan. - The Sodium and Potassium Content of Philippine Foods II. Sample Daily Diets. Acta Med. Phil. 9:270 (1953) 3. Wallace, W. M., ::\f. Holliday, 11. Cush1nan and J. R. Elkinston.- The Application of the Internal Standard Flame Photometer to the Analysis of Biological Material. J. Lab. and Clin. Med. 37:621 (1951).

4. Camara-Besa, S. F. - The Serum Sodium and PotaJsium Value3 in Normal Filipino Students. Acta. :\Ied. Phil. 8:151 (1952). 5. Bills, C. E., F. G. :\IcDonald, W. Niedermeier and l\1. C. Sch-,Yartz. - Sodium and Potassium in Foods and WaterJ, Determination by Flame Phobmeter. J. of the Amer. Dietetic Assoc. 25:304 (1949). TABLE I a. The Sodium and Potassium Content of Philippine Foods of Animal Origin 0") 0 00

Values in !llg. Per 100 Gm. Edible Portion

SODIUM POTASSIUl\1 LOCAL NAME I ENGLISH NAME ------·- I Fresh Dry Fresh I Dry Basis Basis i Basis I Basis ------�------I A. MEAT CUTS Baboy (Litsonin) Suckling pig � � Pig's feet I 62 249 377 ; 1508 .,.... Pata I! l � I Spareribs 03 211 365 1226 Tadyang, Iaman I 63 225 303 I 1080 � Tiyan, Kalamnan Bacon meat ('> R. Baboy Pork .. . i' � Bun tot Pig's tail 75 122 139 225 � 220 433 Kasim, bandang ibaba Picnic G7 131 "'(j 3 940 � Liempo, bandang hulihan Loin chop 46 1a2 3 9 .... 287 Liempo sa tian Plate fat 45 I 70 182 ' � Likod Fat back 47 67 196 I 281 � 57 175 388 1199 �· Lomo Tenderloin I � Pata Pig's feet 92 216 253 59G Paypay, Iaman Shoulder steak 56 !l 142 288 723 64 2Gl I 823 Paypay Shoulder, Boston butt 202 Pigi Ham 54 89 i 3(i2 (iOB Tadyang Spareribs GO 133 I 273 603 Tagiliran, Iaman Center loin 36 fi(j 177 275 Ulo Head 105 184 126 220 Baka , Beef Bias I Shank 57 I 212 3(i3 I 1363 TABLE I a. (Continued)

Buntot Tail 73 157 159 341 Kabilugan Flank 49 131 409 1088 Kadera, may buto Rib roast 39 77 312 610 Paypay Chuck 43 123 372 1069 l/) I Round 41 155 418 1575 c Pierna corta I Round 55 204 411 1519 ""�· Pierna larga � Punta y pecho Brisket 58 215 377 1391 I � Solomillo Tenderloin 42 163 407 1585 338 936 R<> Tadyang I Plate 61 I 169 371 368 "\:j Tagiliran, Iaman, bandang Sirloin steak 56 206 1 c <-+- hulihan ,:::, I C/o Porterhouse steak 149 436 1619 C/o Tagiliran, Iaman 40 "" · � Tagiliran, Iaman, bandang Club steak 36 147 422 1561 � unahan c Rump I 165 394 1538 ...... , Tapadera 42 ' Head I 362 106 353 Ulo 109 "\:j ;::,.. Kalabaw Carabao ""· � Shan 326 412 1760 ""· Bias k 76 � 377 1584 � Hita :Round 77 323 ""· ---- 262 360 1532 � I pit 61 Lomo sa hita Inner portion of the round 71 315 394 1749 � Shoulder 4 311 379 1591 c Paypay 7 c Rump 71 308 380 1658 R. Tapadera C/o Kambing Goat Balikat Shoulder 91 380 389 1617 Bias Shank 67 280 413 1723 4 Binti Leg 73 321 395 173 0'> Dibdib Breast 78 345 381 1690 0 I c.c TABLE I a. (Continued) 0') ..... Values in !v[g. Per 100 Gm. Edible Portion 0 --··---····------·---······ ·····-·······-··· ·· ···------SODI,UM POTASSIUIVL LOCAL NA:\IE ENGLI SH NAME ------··--- I Fresh Dry Fresh Dry II i Basis Basis Basis Basis --· ··· �------· ------i I 1- 106 440 379 1571 .Leeg ! Neck 85 383 388 1754 Likod Chuck 57 248 429 1872 Lomo Loin 67 ilOI 403 1795 Tadyang Rib Flank 88 35H 390 1585 � Tiyan ('> """ Koneho Rabbit � Hita (aged 3 months) Leg meat 63 2RO I :387 1713 : 52 � Hita (aged 8 month:;) Leg meat 213 I :lR4 1565 (t) l=l.. Laman (aged 3 months) White meat 55 :Hi7 1645 .... . 24H ('> Laman (aged 8 months) White meat 49 19G :�!)(j 1413 � Tupa Lamb "'tt � Balikat Shoulder 6R 236 :!HG 1347 � .... unahan Bias, Fore shank 80 292 :382 1402 '1::3 '1::3 Bias, hulihan Hind shank 68 3!)9 1450 ... 246 ;::s Leeg Neck 73 254 337 1176 � Lomo Loin 72 263 GH4 1457 I Lomo Loin G4 237 :!!J 1 1446 Tadyang, dibdib Riblets 74 248 37!J 1274 i Tadyang, likod Rib roasts 61 216 a!l2 I 1385 Tiyan Flank 89 298 :H3 1157 Usa De-er I Binti Leg I meat 48 201 I 400 I 1679 Tady ang Rib meat I 100 404 I 347 I 1399 TABLE I a. (Continued)

I B. PROCESSED r-I EATS Kornbif Corned beef 1049 2252 148 318 Langunisa Pork sausage, native 1582 1868 218 258 t/'.2 0 Langunisa Pork sausage, chorizo style 1061 1100 I 35 36 1I ��. Langunisa , Pork sausage, macao 1478 1538 I 92 96 ,:::: Sitsaron Crackling 750 759 114 115 ;:l Rt> C. FOWLS AND POULTRY '\:; 0 Agatsona <-+- Snipe i;l 1380 Cr.> Laman Meat 100 3657 378 Cr.> Baliwis Wild duck �· 1358 Hit a Leg meat 83 372 305 ;:l 1381 Dibdib Breast meat 73 265 379 -0 Gansa Goose 1260 '\:; Rita Leg meat 80 294 342 � 1242 ;:::.: Dibdib Breast meat 72 251 355 �. � Kalapati Pigeon � �. 86 I 788 Hita Leg meat I 236 286 � I 895 (1:) Dibdib Breast meat 72 218 297 ::VJanok (Dumalaga) Pullet ':t:l 1364 0 Rita Leg meat 103 384 366 0 Cr.>� Pit3o Breast meat 77 269 413 1447 Manok Chicken Hita Leg meat 56 208 365 1308 I 1497 Pitso Breast me::�t I 42 I 160 395 Pabo Turkey cr. Hita Leg meat 119 503 357 1510 """"' """"' TABLE I a. (Continued) a;, f-' [..;)

Values in 1\lg. Per 100 Gm . Edible Portion ------SOD IUM POTASSIU:\l LOCAL NA:\!E ENGLISH NAME ------Fresh Dry Fresh Dry Basis Basis Basis Basis ------�-- -·- ----·------

Pitso Breast meat 82 312 382 1454 Pato Duck Bibi Muscovy duck � � Hita Leg meat 71 236 365 1207 N- � Pitso Breast meat 62 212 425 1449 Itik Native duck � � 1238 R. Rita at pakpak Leg and wing meat 134 472 353 ""· � Pitso Breast meat 92 314 427 1465 � Ulok i\loorhen � 805 � Rita, pakpak at leeg Legs, wings and neck meat 72 220 263 "" · <- 297 945 ""· Dibdib Breast meat 65 207 � 311 '"e Rita Leg meat 52 168 97 ""· 1255 ;::$ Dibdib Breast meat 52 158 365 �

D. ORGAN MEATS Atay ' Liver Baboy, litsonin Suckling pig 81 304 318 1192 Baboy Pig 85 350 376 1574 Baka Cow 74 245 315 1049 Gansa Goose 94 - 188 Kalabaw Carabao 101 392 292 1129 Kambing Goat 79 269 347 1180 TABLE I a. (Continued)

355 Manok Chicken 97 326 1112 108 - Pabo Turkey 300 113 - Pato (itik) Duck 277 305 92 319 1053 Tupa Lamb Vl 94 320 Ulok Moorhen 326 1112 0 �'""· Baga Lungs ,:: 672 Baboy, litsonin Suckling pig 119 265 1500 � 6 727 Baboy Pig 11 226 141H 860 R<:> Cow 190 236 1066 Baka '\:1 129 709 207 Kalabaw Carabao 1138 No0 187 856 � Kambing Goat 279 1277 Cr.> 193 857 Cr.> Tupa Lamb 281 1245 ""· Bahay-Guya Uterus 128 80:3 Baboy Pig 100 620 0� 112 -· Baka Cow 628 96 58G Gizzard '\:1 Balun-balunan � I 59 - .Gan sa Goose - � 356 ""· 83 l\J Chicken 317 365 1392 "l::l anok "l::l Turkey I 94 - - ""· Pabo 420 � 85 - - ('::) Pato (itik) Duck I 389 76 Ulok ?vfoorhen 299 330 1315 � 0 Kidney 0 Bato � Baboy, litsonin Suckling pig 143 G91 2U7 14:H Cr.> Baboy Pig 132 G22 292 1386 Baka Cow 182 !l84 262 1342 Kalabaw Carabao 147 850 233 1352 Kambing Goat 210 997 2!)7 1413 Lamb - U'l Tupa 193 247 ,...... I 1;!.:) 0':> TABLE I a. (Continued) 1--" >!'- 100 Values in i\Ig. Per----�------.------Gm. Edible Portion


Basis Basis------Basis Basis

Bituka, Malaki Large Intestines 59 201 _,_ 164 555 Baboy, lit3onin Suckling pig :w 233 108 642 Baboy Pig Eaka 84 386 177 812 Cow � Kalabaw 77 288 147 546 � Carabao .,.,. 744 � Kambing Goat 39 354 83 Bituka, .\Jaliit Small Intestines � � Baboy, litsonin Suckling pig 82 548 249 16G8 R. ""'· Baboy 107 642 225 1349 � Pig � Baka Cow 123 512 213 916 "t1 Ka!al::aw !)8 383 235 919 ;:,-- Carabao . '"""' Kambing Goat 49 371 113 855 . "d Dila Tongue "d i . 557 Baboy Pig i 93 i 202 21i7 ;::;: � Baka Cow 102 275 2GO 701 Lapay Spleen I Baboy, litsonin Suckling pig 76 357 397 1874 Baboy Pig 75 346 432 2019 Eaka Cow 154 699 397 1804 99 452 2040 Kalabaw Carabao 447 126 - Tupa Lamb 40G Librilyo Omassum I 5 212 88 527 Baka Cow ! 3 i I Tl.BLE I a. (Continued)

I 58 C05 79 I 831 Kalabaw Carabao l\1 ansanilya Reticulum 86 314 161 588 Baka Cow 96 442 163 752 \/) Carabao 0 Kalal:aw R. Heart .,..,, Puso 78 314 27G ;;::: Suckling pig 1119 Baboy, litsonin 9!) 447 330 � Pig i 1497 Baboy I 81 32G 311 1241 � Balm Cow 90 376 323 1350 ""' Ka.labaw Carabao 0 120 483 331 """ Goat 1332 <:> Kambing ""' 119 527 318 1411 ""' LamJ ·-· Tupa .,.., Sikmura Stomach i 70 I Suckling pig 267 223 748 � Baboy, litsonin 0 64 306 179 834 '-;-, Baboy Pig I 57 26G 158 734 Baka Cow ""' so 402 240 1196 """ Kalabaw Carabao � 53 396 125 938 ""· Kambing ,Goat � � Mammary gland .,.,, Sinuso ;:s 63 72 44 co Baka Cow \":) Utak Brain "-"j 130 362 347 1236 0 Baboy, litsonin Suckling pig 0 141 i 300 1311 R. Cow GIG ! ""' Baka ' 148 64G 310 1357 Kalabaw Carabao 157 - 346 Tupa Lamb

I E. EGGS I 167 576 166 570 ltlog, manok Native hen's egg, whole O'l 244 1202 176 867 ,..... Puti nang itlog, manok I Native hen's egg, white I ell I 0':> TABLE a. (Continued) """ 0':>

in l\lg. 100 Values ------Per Gm. Edible Portion

POTASSIUl\1 LOCAL NAl\JE ENGLISH NAME Dry Fresh Dry Basis Basis Basis

112 245 12() 296 Pula nang itlog, manok Native hen's e-gg, yolk 222 770 159 558 Itlog nang manok, luto Native hen's egg, hard boiled ;:r.. 184 671 149 544 0 Itlog, Rhode Island Rhode Island hen's egg, whole �... 235 1702 160 1160 <=> Puti nang itlog, Rhode Island Rhode Island hen's egg, white 106 219 110 227 Pula nang itlog, Rhode Island Rhode Island hen's egg, yolk � 223 816 134 491 � Itlog Rhode Island luto ,Rhode Island hen's egg, hard boiled <=>.. ""· 192 748 134 528 '"' Itlog, white Leghorn White Leghorn hen's egg, whole <=> 240 1739 182 lill8 Puti nang itlog, White Leghorn White Leghorn hen's egg, white 238 '\:J 107 229 111 ;:::,-. Pula nang itlog, White Leghorn White Leghorn hen's egg, yolk ""· 204 731 141 50:J Itlog, White Leghorn, luto White :Leghorn hen's egg, hard boiled 191 660 135 469 Itlog, pato Duck's egg, whole �'<::l 228 1664 158 1156 Puti nang itlog, pato �· Duck's egg, white :;> 105 205 106 206 Pula nang itlog, pato Duck's egg, yolk 125 447 136 486 Itlog nang pato, luto Duck's egg, hard boiled 131 441 154 518 Penoy Duck's egg, infertile, hard boiled 76 275 62 225 Balut Incubated duck's egg 963 2862 134 397 !tlog na maalat Salted duck's egg 187 70!) 205 77!) Itlog nang bayawak Lizard's egg

F. :\!ILK AND :\!ILK PRODUCTS G4 135 Gatas nang baka Cow's milk (Magnolia) VJ 0 � �· TABLE I a. (Continued) � � Gatas nang Kalabaw Larabao's milk -- Gatas nang Kambing Goat's milk -;;50 -�-· --'i:5--1:35 '1::1 ,....0 Gatas nang tao Human milk >=l 1 "' Colostrum 3(i 70 "' 5 38 �5 �· II days after delivery ::s <:-' i 6 days af ter delivery 107 - 40 0 Keso, puti Cheese, white 2o85 [)-!24 30 79 -- '1::1 G. MISOELLANEOUS ;::,- � Balat Se·a cucumber (Class Holothurioidea) 67 149 39 8(i �· � Frog, meat 38 Palaka, Iaman 174 384 1739 �· Pag·ong, Iaman Turtle, meat 109 442 220 891 "" -� "":1 0 0 "'�

0':> f-' -1 TABLE I b. The Sodium and Potassium Content of Phil ippine Foods of Animal Crigin C)> f-4 00 ' ' V.IIXES !]'; mg. PER JCO gm. I�!JIHU: Fllllli.E i I'ORTION PoRTlOK I

LOCAL NA.\IE SCIEN TIFIC NAME ENGLISH NAME IN PER- I - SO!JJ l;�1 POTASSJ L' M CE:-JTAGE OF \VHOI.E Fresh Dry Fresh Dry S.l "''': E Basis B:•-i' Basis B.�� i" --- -� ---�-�

A. FISH � 46 � Alakaak Family Sciaenidae Plain croaker 143 703 271 1330 """ 42 � Alakaak Family Scia enidae Plain croaker 77 349 379 1725 Albakora :VeolhtHli!HS m acroptcrus 77 66 271 492 2035 � Yellowfin tuna (I) 45 Alumahan Rastrellige1· chisozonus Striped mackerel 48 204 511 2192 � 42 "' Apahap" Lates ca!ca rifer Two-finned sea bass 69 286 477 1983 !;l 33 Asogon Sphyraclla fcllo Banded barracuda G6 322 435 2114 '1:1 46 � Asohos Sil/ago sihama Common whiting 96 380 457 1812 "'· 40 Eabansi Therapon theraf's Three-lined teraponid 65 264 490 1977 42 .g:'e Bagaong* Thcrapon jarbua Convex-lined teraponid 101 440 459 1985 Bakokong Moro* Sparus berda Fresh water p-orgy 40 89 372 475 1986 Balila Trichiurus lzaumc/a Hairta il 61 95 514 226 749 �· BaliIa Trichiur11s hau111 cla Hairtail 17 76 310 459 1871 Bangokngok l'o111adasys argyrcus Small pomadasid 29 80 358 358 1611 Banak* Mu.�il caerulcomacu/afus Long-finned mullet 52 61 242 490 1954 Bangos* Chanos chanos .:.Jilkfish 71 68 271 431 1713 Bangos* Clzauos cha11os l\1 ilkfish 65 59 193 371 1212 B 438 iang puti@ c:/ossogobius giurus Flat-he�ded goby 30 59 249 1860 r,;H RH dagat (,/os.wgoll/1ts gntrus Flat-headed gobv 45 �El II 425 470 2022 TABLE I b. (Continued)

Bidbid* Llops hawaiie11sis Hawaiian ten pounder 53 82 159 491 952 Bikaw Ele1tfhcruncllla fctra­ Four-fingered threadfin 35 87 372 372 1587 dactylo Binkugan S{>h}•nw zygaow Hammerhead shark 49 109 501 464 2136 U:l 0 Bisugo Xe111i{>le us tacllij>lcrus Hibbon-finned nemip­ 40 88 374 500 2115 r ""·� terid <:: 276 853 � Bisugong buntotan N emipteridae jape ni�:us Nemipterid 44 106 326 244 Bitilla Lethrinus ope1·cularis Common porgy 45 61 488 l!J67 R<> 501 Bongoan A rius leiotetocepha!ns Small-headed sea cat- 43 114 413 1814 "1:1 0 fish """ ' ' !;l Cypselurus sp. Small-scaled flying fish 62 81 326 516 2083 c, BoJador I ""'c, Buan buan* Megalops eyprinoide11 Tarpon 45 82 347 360 1531 ;,::::· Buguing" Hemir-amphus georgii Non-spotted halfbreak 49 112 349 456 1415 � Dasyatis kuhlii Blue-spotted sting ray 41 168 826 241 1184 0 Dahonan --... Dalag@ Ophicephalus strial.ots Striated murre! 45 86 231 474 1278 601 "1:1 Dalagang bukid Caesio lunaris Plump caesio 47 48 228 2843 � ""· Dalagang bukid Caes o chy�ozonus Gold�n caesio 50 66 237 508 1839 � . 520 Dalagang bukid . Caesw cunmg Denticulated cae.Jio 48 52 230 2360 '"(3� Dalangat I Leiognathus dam·a Black-finned slip- 36 1ao 628 378 1821 �· (1:) iJ ��h

Dam is Hynnis momsa Philippine jack 56 60 124 550 1146 "':l I - 0 Dapang bilog Family Bothidae Rough-scaled brill 46 109 452 5:l9 2230 0 c,� Dapang bilog Family Bothidae Rough-scaled brill 64 80 335 490 2058 Dilis, malaki Stolephorus sp. Long-jawed anchovy 85 148 529 379 1353 · large (without head' 1 I ·- .. - ___.._ __ ..:..._ __ -'- ___;_ __ _ @ Fresh water fishI en ,..... Migratory fish "' TABLE I b. (Continued) c;, � 0 VALUES JN mg·. PER HX.l gm. EDJBU; EDIBLE PORTION Por

Malabanos Gyrnnothom:r sp. :\loray 85 13!) 383 375 1033 Malakapas Gm'Tes filarncntosus Spotted mojarra 44 107 477 404 1806 Malaking mata Monotaxis gra.ndocnlis Big-eyed porgy 54 96 416 483 2097 Malaking mata Monotaxis grandoculis Big-eyed porgy 51 90 181 453 916 V:l I 0 :\famali Family Polynemidae Four-rayed threadfin 40 !)() 273 481 1463 R. 1\lamaleng bato P.olynenws microstoma Small-mouthed threadfiP 42 101 408 391 1586 Martiniko @ A nabas testzulincns Common climbing perch 49 :w 123 438 1481 �· Matang baka Selar crumenoph Big-eyed scad 50 (i1 338 614 3373 R<> Maya maya !J ?ttijanus sp. iV falabar red snapper 47 78 333 417 1780 '"o Maya maya Lutijanu.s sp. :\-Ialabar red snapper 36 79 373 422 1994 """'0 � Mayang 88 315 373 1336 "" D1·epane punctata Speckled drepane 21 "" ""· Oriles M egalaspis conlyla Ha rdtail 30 93 307 404 1341 � Oriles M egalaspis conlula Ha rdtail 30 112 461 377 1547 � Paging bulik Dasyatis uarnak Marbled sting-ray 36 179 1008 236 1327 0 '--;., Parang parang Chirocentru.s dorab Silver-bar fish 76 128 520 235 952 Paro paro Fam ily Chaetodontidae 49 108 499 216 1463 '"o Butterfly fish � ""· Pating Scoliodon palasorrah 1 Sharp-nosed shark 79 204 549 1409 Pindang·a'< llfl.waenPRox cin ereus Silver pike eel 59 101 440 490 2141 �"13 "'· Pindanga* Jfm·aen esox cinereH ,q Silver pike eel 7 -1 74 341 489 2257 ' ;::; Pampano Apolectus nige1· Pomfret I 57 77 287 426 1603 � Pampano Apolectas niger Pomfret 38 136 602 441 1956 � 0 Salmon F.lagatis bipimw/atus Two-finned runner 62 49 208 399 1668 0 � Salmon Elagatis bipinnulatus Two-finned runner 27 59 256 4S5 2093 "" Salay-salay Camnx djedaba Even-bellied crevalle 16 83 370 367 1632 Salay-salay aso Caranx kalla Deep-bellied crevalle 56 100 427 455 1937

@ Fresh water fish C') 1\:) * Migratory fish 1-' TABLE I !J. ( Continued) O':l tv tv


Samara! Teuthis sp. Javan siganid 39 266 528 2024 Samara! Teuthis sp. Javan siganid 45 83 296 373 1326 Common slipmout:1 ;:t.. Sapsap Leiognathus cquulns 31 162 707 437 1908 C'> ""'" Saramulyete Family mullidae Yellow-stripped goatfish 39 94 230 384 940 ;:::, Saramulyete Family mullidae Yellow-stripped goatfish 38 102 471 365 1681 � Silinyasi Sa1·dinella fimbriata Fimbriated sardine 60 115 462 ('> 484 1947 ;::,_ ""· Sunog Platycephalus indicus Indian flathead 46 91 408 392 1756 C'> ;:::, Talakitok Caranx sp. Banded cavalla 12 73 271 428 1586 Talakitok 54 '\:1 Ca.1·anx sp. Banded cavalla 81 271 475 1585 ;::,< Talakitok Caran:r sp. 58 112 497 :::::.: Cavalla 343 1524 ""· Talilong* Mu.gil sp. 45 'i3 Black-finned mullet 68 268 485 1903 'i3 ""· Talimosak* OxyuTichthys microlepis Long-tailed goby 101 101 499 339 1529 ;::s ;:::, Tamban SMdinella longiccps Indian sardine 50 61 192 420 1312 Tangingi Scoznbcromorus co11zersoni Spani:;h mackerel 44 49 291 669 3964 Tilapia@ Tilapia mosambica Tilapia 34 52 214 454 1874 Torcillo Sphyraena sp. Striped barracuda 63 182 404 293 649 Torcillo, mali it Sphyra.ena sp. Striped barracuda, small 56 125 524 294 1235 Tsabita Mene maculata Spotted moonfish 48 73 175 437 1052 Tuakang Stoleporus ind·icus Indian anchovy 75 146 610 523 2187 Tun soy Sardinella sp. Fimbriated herring 61 99 400 325 1314 Tulingan [ Family Thunidae Bonito and tuna 55 75 156 402 840 TABLE I b. (Continued)


------�- --· ------___, __ � -- 100 418 I 316 1507 Alamang Atyidae Shrimp, small 1995 I 1:/2 I! 0 Alimango, Iaman ScyUa sen·ata Crab, body - 247 1013 382 1563 R. i ""'· i ..., 42 312 1057 356 1427 .,... Alimango, sipit Scylla serrata Crab claw ""' - 249 195 466 � A.limango, aligue Scylla serrata Crab roe 593 1661 Alimasag 34 386 1575 407 Neptwms pelagicus Swimming crab I I R<> 43 28!) 288 1344 Balay, Iaman Lingula unguis Tongl:.e clam, body 1348 i '"o - 43 363 187 1566 0 Balay, buntot Lingula unguis Tongue clam, tail I I No 4 1315 � Bacsat Cuttlefish 89 277 1381 26 Cl> Sepia sp. Cl> 23 656 7 009 143 1531 '"'· Halaan Cy·menidae Clam I � "" 634 5534 154 1346 Halaan Cymenidae Clam I! 24 ;;:: 21 562 3166 228 1282 Halamis Donax radian Clam 0 - 77 353 1442 Hipon Penaeidae Shrimp 64 Ell :1 63 168 780 234 1086 Ripon, puti Pendeus sp. Shrimp, white '"o 29 ;:::- 22 !)20 5333 109 6 ""· Kabibi SolcteUina cum ing·iana Clam .,_ 9 ""· 2 6933 167 125 Kabibi Soletellina cum ingictna. Clam 25 9 1 "c:l 442 '""''-' 12 976 5942 73 ""· Kanturi Clam ::z 370 117 514 <':> Kuhol Pila luzonica Snail 46 84 2091 164 1311 Paros Macom£t pellucida Clam Gl 262 ":rj0 2368 232 1513 Pugeta Octopns sp. Octopus 93 363 0 1105 >:<.. Pus it Lol·igo sp. Squid n 158 I 781 223 Cl> I 2 Pus it Loligo sp. Squid, ordinary 08 190 773 33!) 138 1384 Pu3it, malaki Loligo sp. Squid, big 93 236 I 1389 235 1515 Sugpo Peneaus monodon Prawn 62 185 757 370 Talaba Ostrea sp. Oyster 12 882 II 592G 237 1591

I 857 Talanka \otamon �1·a1n·oides Potam<>nid era!> 45 4r."v•> 142:) 273 I 1801 Ulang , Palaemnnulae - .. Lob;�ter !j(l I 235 347 500 I I � @ Fresh water fish 1:-.:l ,, I 1;1.:) Migratory fish TABLE I b. (Continued) � I'V ,...

V.\l.UES IN mg. PieR l()J gm. EDmLE EmnLE POJ


Alakaak, I Family Sciaenidae Plain croaker, dried 51 4968 82629 6-14 1051 �"' Alamang, tuyo Atydae Shrimp, small, dried 100 1084 1381 943 1201 No- � Alamang, bagoong Atydae Shrimp, salted, fer- 100 7484 20847 283 787 mented � � R. Alamang, bagoong· Atydae Shrimp, salted, 100 6606 17982 293 797 ""'· "' fermented � Alamang·, patis Atydae Boiled sauce from fer- 100 10833 291 �'"tj mented shrimp ""'· Alumahan, daing· Rastrel/ige1· chysozmms Striped mackerel, dried 56 5043 8:132 881 1453 '"(:3 Bacalao, tuyo Family Gadidae Cod, dried 84 5118 6543 1284 1641 � �· Bakoko, daing Spa1·ns bcrda Fresh water porgy, dried 43 5189 9071 669 12()6 � Bangos, tinapa Chanos chanos , smoked 64 1136 2993 837 2199 Bisugo, daing N emipterus tneniJ>tt'1·us Ribbon-finned nemip- 50 [)857 9855 654 1101 terid, dried Dilis, giniling Stolephonts sp. Long-jawed anchovy­ 100 570 627 1154 12694 po wdered Dilis, bagoong Stolephorns sp. Long-jawed anchovy­ 1CO 715;1 20055 341 956 salted and fermented Galonggong, daing mac1·osoma j Big-bodied round scad, 62 4925 4451 760 1217 • dried j' TABLE I b. (Continued)

I Hastrelliger brachysomus I 55 1599 4193 537 1408 Hasahasa, tinapa Short-bodied mackerel, J smoked D3 I t 100 6370 12495 454 8 Heko A yidae Solid residue from the I manufacture of patis ll'} 100 3907 569 915 1333 Hibe Penaeus sp. Shrimp, dried 2_. 58!) I b i, 100 9480 24400 229 rion, agoong Family ,Gobiidae Goby fry �· t 36 6671 1 12891 775 1498 Ka asi, tuyo Anodontostmna chacunda Short-finned gizzard ;::l shad, dried I R<> Arius 56 5409 8538 803 Kanduli, daing sp. ;\ lanila sea catfish, 509 1 o"'0 dried M 10235 1033 atang-baka, daing Selar cnonenophthahnl!s Big-eyed scad, dried 58 5!)71 602 ' �f I � · Scoliodon palaso 179 88 102 Fating, palikpik n·ah Shark's fins, dried ! 14 155 � 0 4 -. Patis Fish sauce, brands 0 1041 456 "Ang Sarap" sold locally 10 !) -- - 137 � "Don Galo'' 100 11408 - - � [ - "Kasikatan" 100 10948 - 282 �· i - "Rufina" : 100 10534 - 460 �. 153!) Pu3it tuyo Loligo sp. Squid, dried 98 944 1361 1068 � Leiognat eqmdus 4 745 12107 Sapsap, tuyo hns Common slipmouth, I 3 5533 8993 � . dried J , g 2 Ta Sardinella i 61 518!) 12·50 72;J 174 mban, tinapa I sp. I Indian sardine, 1 i !} smoked Sardinella sirum 43 6672 11726 672 11818 Tam�a� bato, tuyo Spotted sardine, dried I Scombero 1 Tang1g1, morus �· 89 217 4 3646 : 816 1369 tuyo Sp anish mackerel,. dried I Sa1·di:nella fimb1·ia tct I I G!J 5175 9031 1060 j' 1850 Tt n�oy, tuyo J Fimbriated herring I I dried I @ - Fresh water fish. � "' 1;11 :\ligratory fish, i.e., originally salt wat er fish that may migrate to fre3h water. 626 Acta Medica Philippina

Table II - Sodium and Potassium Content of Animal Foods of this Series Compared to Values Obtained with the Flame Photometer by Amer- ican Authors.

Values in :\!g. Per 100 Gm. Edible Portion ------


- - · Bills et a! This Study Bills et a! ------J:l�is _Stu�!: --·- · · - · - · - ·- · ··- - --- __ _ , .. _ _ I Beef _ 53 53 353 380 -- Beef, corned (canned) 1,049 880 148 380 Brain, Pig 130 150 347 840 Catfish 63 60 410 aB<' Chic}cen, breast meat 60 78 404 320 Chicken, leg meat 80 no 366 250 Clam 617 180 175 240 Duck, ·breast meat 77 68 426 2GO Duck, leg n�eat 103 96 359 210 Egg 181 140 150 130 Egg white 240 200 173 140 Egg yolk 108 34 116 85 Gizzard, turkey 94 58 42) 170 Heart, beef 81 90 311 160 Lamb 72 110 399 340 Liver, calf 74 110 315 380 Liver, pig 85 77 376 350 Liver, turkey 108 51 3CO 160 Lobster 235 210 500 180 l\" 1 ilk, human 60 40 52 64 (3-10 days post-partum) Milk, whole, liquid 54 51 135 140 Oyster, fresh 882 73 237 110 Sausage, pork 1374 1100 115 440 Shrimp 180 140 294 220 Tongue, beef 102 100 260 260 Turkey, breast meat 82 40 382 320 Turkey, leg meat 119 92 357 310