Parish Council

Minutes of the Olveston Parish Council Meeting, held at the Queen Alexandra Memorial Pavilion (QAMP), , on Tuesday 22nd April 2014, starting at 19:35.

Present: Mrs J Lyons, Mrs I Reid, Mr J Hughes Mrs S Hunter Mr J Mayes, Mr R Panes, Mr A Baxter, Mr G Chappell Mr G Anderson

Min 32/14 Apologies for absence - Mr M Riddle

Min 33/14 Declarations of interests

Mrs Lyons - Wind Farm Mr Baxter – Allotments, Intelligent Solutions Mr Hughes - Allotments Mr Chappell – Bowls Club

Min 34/14 Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 25th March 2014 were circulated. Mrs Hunter proposed that the minutes were a fair record of the meeting, Mrs Reid seconded the proposal, and agreed by all Councillors.

Min 35/14 Matters arising from the minutes

Councillor Co-option – Mrs Lyons welcomed Mr Geoff Anderson, who has been co-opted onto the Council. Mr Anderson and Mr Chappell were invited to attend the next meetings of Planning and the Rec & Leisure Committee prior to the next Council meeting when the composition of committees and club representatives will be discussed. Mrs Reid reminded the meeting that it was now appropriate to hold a retirement meal for Mrs Webb and Mr Heming. Following discussion it was agreed to host the meal at The Swan, Tockington on Monday 19th May at 7:30.

Action 35/14/1 Clerk to issue formal invite Mrs Webb & Mr Heming

Defibrillators – Subject to cheque approval, an order will be placed with AEDlocator for the Old Down unit (donations having been received from the Cycle Club and Bowls Club). A quotation is awaited for a shield over the light at Tockington, although some temporary shielding has been put in position. Although nominated Guardians are still required for all units, Nikki Clarke has arranged a ‘Grand Opening’ on the 11th May with associated training (to be advertised in May’s Meeting Point). Further training sessions need to be organised (including at a Parish Council Meeting); the defibrillators need to be added to the Insurance Policy, and the Parish Council’s liability needs to be assessed.

Action 35/14/2 Clerk to chase Mrs Clarke for names of Nominated Guardians, and ask Becky Cooper Action 35/14/3 Clerk to add Defibrillators to Insurance Policy Action 35/14/4 Clerk to copy installation/maintenance manual to Mrs Reid & Mr Anderson for review

Annual Parish Assembly – Mr Rod Williams has offered to review the footpaths at the APA, and Mrs Lyons has also received a favourable report from the ladies responsible for the Telephone Boxes. The suggested agenda is to provide Coffee from 7:15; start the meeting at 7:30 with presentations from Bob Everly (police), 1 of 7 Mark King (Streetcare), Jacqui Ward (Safer Stronger); questions, and if time Western Power before the AGM at 8:15; and then the Parish Vision presentation prior to AOB. Further presentations were to be considerd from the Ambulance & Fire Service and if possible they should be fitted in.

Advertising - Mr Mayes has already put out boards publicising the event around the villages, and was asked to update each board as the meeting approached. The Clerk was asked to remind the visitors about presenting, to email out an advert to Parish contacts and to Keren Anstey for forwarding to Parish Vision contacts.

Mr Hughes agreed to prepare a list of potential subject areas that may be discussed and propose potential Councillors to target the response. It was suggested that Social Cycling was discussed and the way cyclists will often spread across the road. The Clerk will forward the current budget file (including the Assett register) and the 2013 presentation to Councillors for consideration.

Min 36/14 Financial report and Accounts for payment

Accounting Statements for 2013/14 (pdf file of accounts forwarded to all Councillors, with a copy available to parishioners at the APA). Following a presentation of the receipts and payments, the Clerk (as RFO) certified that for the year ended 31st March 2014 the accounting statements in the annual return present fairly the financial position of the Council and its income and expenditure. The Annual Governance Statement 2013/14 was then reviewed by the Council to ensure that there continues to be a sound system of internal control. Following review of both documents Mr Hughes proposed that both the Annual Governance Statement 2013/14 and the Accounting Statement for 2013/14 were acceptable, seconded by Mrs Reid, the 2013/14 statements were approved by all Councillors

As part of its ongoing controls, Olveston Parish Council continues to meet its financial obligations by signing cheques drawn against the NatWest bank. Each cheque has to be signed by four separate people, and is generally undertaken as part of the monthly Parish Council meeting following approval by the Council and once adequate funds have been identified in the Current Account or transferred from the Reserve Account.

To ensure that there are an adequate numbers of signatories and to avoid conflicts of interest, all Parish Councillors and the Clerk are encouraged to become authorised. As part of the authorisation process, each new signatory needs to submit a ‘Business Banking – Community Organisation Current Account Additional Party Form’ (NWB45153), and a sample signature on an ‘Unincorporated Club, Society or other Community Organisation Mandate’ (NWB50047BCB) to the NatWest Bank. Mr Hughes proposed that the NatWest mandate be changed to remove Mrs Webb and Mr Heming, add Mr Chappell and Mr Anderson, whilst keeping the terms of the Mandate unchanged (ie that 4 signatories are required per cheque and that the Clerk can transfer money between the Current and Reserve Accounts). This proposal was seconded by Mr Baxter, and all Councillors were in favour.

AON, our existing insurers have provided a quote for 2014/15 of £3,841.25 which compares to £3,742.22 in 2013/14. This reflects an increase in the value of the items insured rather than a change in rates. Fidelity insurance is now included automatically up to £250,000, and £5,000,000 Employers’ Liability Insurance. AON have offered a 5% reduction if the Parish Council sign up to a 3 year deal. The defibrillators are not currently covered. The Council indicated that alternative insurers (NFU, Eclesiastical) should be considered.

Action 35/14/2 Mr Hughes and Mr Baxter to obtain quotations

OPHMC have agreed to consider taking on responsibility for the Electricity Charges for the Car Park lights.

2 of 7 The £155 grant has been received from Merlin for planting Daffodil bulbs around the Parish.

Mr R Rogers April Salary (£564.79) - PAYE Tax Period 01 (April) - £112.80 - PAYE Tax Period 02 (May) - - PAYE Tax Period 03 (April) – £451.99 AED Locator (EU) Ltd Defibrillator £2340.00 Inv OPC002 Website Hosting for Parish Vision Intelligent Solutions Inv OPC004 – HM Land Registry £43.18 Post Office Limited SGC Invoice 3802743080, Litter Bin emptying £38.56 September 2013 – March 2014 Iain Selkirk Independent Internal Audit £90.00 Petty Cash Petty Cash £50.00 RGS March 2014 Invoice £858.25 Total £3871.98

The Parish Council needs to transfer £2,000 funds from reserve to cover the invoices above, Mr Hughes proposed that this was acceptable and that the cheques be signed, Mrs Lyons seconded the proposal and agreed by all Councillors.

Present balances after the above charges have been taken into account, but before additional income Current account £1,017.41 cr Reserve account £32,026.65 cr

Min 37/14 Meetings with Other Local Bodies

Olveston School Travel Plan – Meeting postponed. The SGC Consultation postponed to the 8th/ 9th May.

Parish Vision – The initial results are on the Parish Vision Website.

Wind Farm Benefits Group – A legalistic body has been set up on behalf of the three parishes, to clarify how any financial benefits from the Wind Farm can be secured and distributed to the community. It has also been noted that this regular dialogue is bringing benefits to understanding adjacent parish needs, and identifying joint issues etc.

Min 38/14 Committee reports

1. Recreation & Leisure

Aust Road Verge & Hedge trimming – Further Stone has been spread at the Verge parking area, and Mr Gill has offered further supplies of bark should they be required for the footpath

Old Down Recreational Area – Concerns have been raised about the advertising boards on the OSSC, but they are considered essential to raise much needed funds. The signage is legal and conversations are ongoing to find a compromise.

Tennis Club – A 25 year lease is being considered, and funding sought.

Scout Hut Wall – Concerns expressed about the underpinning of a boundary wall,. Ownership of the wall is to be clarified, and the wall cleaned to clarify issues.

3 of 7 CCTV – postponed to next Parish Council Meeting

Parish Signage – Mr Mayes produced samples of the work he had been undertaking on the first Street sign, and indicated that each white board would cost £50 each to renovate. Mr Hughes proposed doing one sign at a time, seconded by Mrs Reid and agreed by all.

Parish Hall – Quotations have been received for marking out the third tennis court for 5-a-side football. The Tennis markings can be refreshed at the same time, and there is a two year guarantee on the work. A donation is being sought from the Tennis Club, but Mr Mayes proposed that the work be undertaken, Mr Baxter seconded the proposal and all present agreed.

War Memorial – Needs cleaning before the end of July.

2. Footpaths and the Environment

Work on the replacement Kissing Gate on the Common is in hand with South Glos

3. Planning

With the advent of paperless planning applications, Wifi is now required at planning meetings, and the Planning Committee would be prepared to fund the cost of installing Wifi at the QAMP. Mr Baxter has started to discuss the opportunity with the OSSC Steward who also expressed an interest in having Wifi. Subject to confirming the pay phone’s number, the additional cost for broadband would be £10-£12 per month and possibly even as low as £3. Mr Hughes proposed that if <£15 per month charge was agreed that the Council should proceed with this work, Mrs Lyons seconded the proposal and all present agreed.

Consultation Documents to be forwarded to Mr Anderson & Mr Chappell for consideration

Planning Applications Approved/ passed by SGC since last meeting:

PT14/0351/F 6 Green Court Olveston Bristol South BS35 4DL {Demolition of existing rear extension and conservatory to facilitate erection of single storey side and rear extension to form additional living accommodation. (Resubmission of PT13/4231/F)} PT14/0463/F 14 The Crescent Old Down Bristol BS32 4PJ {Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extension to form additional living accommodation} PT14/0562/F Bradstones Haw Lane Olveston Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 4EG {Erection of single storey rear and side extension to include raising of roofline with front dormers to form loft conversion and additional living accommodation. Existing bay window to be replaced with square bay window (Re Submission of PT13/3850/F)} PT14/0660/TCA 1 Zion Cottages Church Hill Olveston Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 4BY {Works to fell 1no. Holly tree situated within Olveston Conservation Area} PT14/0873/TCA Long Leaze Haw Lane Olveston Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 4EG {Works to prune back Leylandii trees to boundary wall all situated within the Olveston Conservation Area. - Tree's Adjacent To West Boundary Wall}

Planning Applications Refused by SGC (or withdrawn) since last meeting:

PT14/0336/F School Garden Nursery Elberton Road Olveston South Gloucestershire BS35 4DB

4 of 7 {Demolition of existing nursery building to facilitate erection of 4no dwellings with associated works} PT14/0413/F The Bower House Old Down Hill Tockington Bristol South Gloucestershire BS32 4PA {Demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension to form additional living accommodation} PT14/0433/F The Former Coach Depot Tockington Green Tockington South Gloucestershire BS32 4NN {Demolition of shed to facilitate the erection of 1no. detached dwelling, 1no detached annexe ancillary to main residence and 1no. detached garage with new access and associated works}

Planning Applications Pending Decision by SGC since last meeting:

PT13/0956/F Land At Manor Farm Lane Tockington South Gloucestershire BS32 4LP {Conversion of agricultural building to provide detached dwelling with access and associated works (Retrospective)} PT14/0696/F Straight Mile Cottage Gloucester Road Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 3SB {Erection of single storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation}

New planning applications received:

PT14/0503/PNH Sundown The Inner Down Old Down Bristol South Gloucestershire BS32 4PR {Erection of single storey rear extension which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 4 metres, the height would be 3.5 metres and the height of the eaves would be 3.5 metres} PT14/1065/F Green Farm The Green Olveston Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 4EJ {Erection of single storey side extension to form sun room} PT14/1067/LB Green Farm The Green Olveston Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 4EJ {Erection of single storey side extension to form sun room and alterations to window to form internal door} PT14/0425/F Old Down Cricket Club The Park Road Old Down Bristol South Gloucestershire BS32 4PH {Erection of a two bay practice cricket nets facility with associated works} PT14/1097/TCA 6 Denys Court Olveston Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 4DW {Works to fell 1 no. Leylandii tree situated within the Olveston Conservation Area} PT14/1185/F Land West Of Hawkfield Haw Lane Olveston Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 4EG {Construction of widened vehicular access from Haw Lane. Erection of 1.2m maxiimum high timber gates} PT14/1338/F Rivers Mill New Road Olveston Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 4DX {Erection of new front porch and new pitched roof over existing bay window} PT14/1261/F Cromwell House The Street Olveston Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 4DR {Reconstruction of existing outbuilldings to form office accommodation} PT14/1358/F Valley Farm Lower Hazel Rudgeway Bristol South Gloucestershire BS35 3QP {Erection of single storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation}

4. Projects

Village Internet (02) – Relatively low attendance, and looking for other uses.

Burial Ground (04) – Mr Hicks declined to help find land for this project. Mrs Lyons to discuss with Philip Rowe about other opportunities.

5 of 7 Min 39/14 Correspondence

The application for a donation from the NSPCC was considered, but as the parish tries to support local charities, it was deemed outside this remit. Parish Councillors were asked to consider whether a donation should be made to The Air Ambulance.

Daldry Gardens – The gardens have again not been maintained, despite repeated correspondence. A dialog has also begun to change the rules so that more local people can become residents at Daldry Gardens as originally perceived. It was suggested that this should be taken on by the Projects Committee to prepare a suitable case.

Min 40/14 Meeting Point Article

Synopsis of the chairman’s report from the APA; a future article could cover the heritage of the Parish, the phone boxes; signage; planting trees, bulbs etc.

Min 41/14 Date of next Parish Council meeting

Planning 1 Monday 12th May 2014 at Sue Hunter’s 7.30 p.m. Rec & Leisure Wednesday 14th May 2014 at QAMP 7.30 p.m. Planning 2 Tuesday 27th May 2014 at QAMP 7.00 p.m. Parish Council Tuesday 27th May 2014 at QAMP 7.30 p.m. Planning 1 Monday 9th June 2014 at Sue Hunter’s 7.30 p.m. Rec & Leisure Wednesday 11th June 2014 at QAMP 7.30 p.m. Project Meeting Wednesday 11th June 2014 at QAMP 8.15 p.m Planning 2 Tuesday 24th June 2014 at QAMP 7.00 p.m. Parish Council Tuesday 24th June 2014 at QAMP 7.30 p.m.

Mrs Lyons then took no further part in the meeting

Min 42/14 Wind Farm Update – Chaired by Mrs Reid

The next meeting is on Wednesday 21st May, but consideration of the Wind farm by South Glos Council could be delayed until September, however the Council need only give 10 days notification.

Mrs Reid is currently updating the reasons for objection, including the effect on the Green Belt, the Visual aspect both into and out of the Parish and the Effect that Wind Turbines have on the environment. Councillors were invited to submit further thoughts by email to Mrs Reid via the Clerk.

Mr Riddle has questioned South Glos Council if further time could be obtained for the various groups to speak was informed that OWAG would probably be allowed to have 5mins - the Parish Councils would also probably have 5mins between them and then any member of the public that wished to raise any issues that hadn't been addressed by either of these groups could possibly have 5mins.

The Meeting closed at 22:20

6 of 7 Appendix 1 – Correspondence

South Gloucestershire Received several copies of SGN Spring 2014 Council South Gloucestershire Family FunDay at Kingswood park on 28th May 2014 to celebrate 80 years, more details Council on the South Glos website Letters of thanks South Gloucestershire Over Fifties Forum have written, thanking the Parish for its recent donation, and explaining how it has been representing the older folk at a variety of consultative meetings with South Glos Council.

Also received Spring 2014 newsletter

NSPCC Received promotional literature about the ‘Now I know’ campaign and an associated request for funding to support this initiative in the South West.

Merlin Housing Society Ltd Receipt of £155 towards daffodil planting

CPRE Receipt of Country Voice Spring 2014, passed to Mrs Lyons

Proludic Primo range of Play Equipment for consideration by the Rec & Leisure Committee. Avon & Somerset Crime Newsletter March 2014 Issue 2 + Nominations for PCC’s Pride Awards & Neighbouring Commissioner Policing Awards

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