International Journal of Chemical Studies 2019; 7(3): 3994-3997

P-ISSN: 2349–8528 E-ISSN: 2321–4902 IJCS 2019; 7(3): 3994-3997 Effect of phosphorus, sulphur and on © 2019 IJCS Received: 13-03-2019 protein content, P and S content and uptake of Accepted: 15-04-2019 summer green gram (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) Sadhana Chaudhari Department of Agronomy, B.A. College of Agriculture, Anand Sadhana Chaudhari, RA Patel and HK Patel Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India Abstract

Field experiment was conducted during the summer season of the year 2017 at College Agronomy Farm, RA Patel Department of Agronomy, B.A. B.A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat with three levels of College of Agriculture, Anand phosphorus (0, 20 and 40 kg P2O5 /ha), three levels of sulphur (0, 20 and 40 kg S/ha) and two levels of Agricultural University, Anand, biofertilizer (Without PSB and With PSB) to study the effect of phosphorus, Sulphur and biofertilizer on Gujarat, India protein content, P and S uptake and content of summer green gram. The result revealed that application phosphorus 40 kg P2O5/ha recorded significantly the height seed yield, protein, phosphorus and sulphur HK Patel content and uptake in seed. Application of 40 kg S/ha and bio- seed treatment application Department of Agronomy, B.A. recorded significantly the highest seed yield, protein content, phosphorus and sulphur content and uptake College of Agriculture, Anand by seed of green gram. Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India Keywords: Green gram, protein content, phosphorus, sulphur and biofertilizer

Introduction Pulses production is very low and become challenging problem against the requirement of increasing population of our country. To recover this deficit of productio it is a high time to cultivate pulses crops scientifically with increasing area (Patel et al., 2013) [7]. Green gram (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) is a one of the protein rich (25%) major pulse crop

grown in India. It belongs to the family leguminoseae and origin India and Central Asia. Green gram is an excellent source of high quality protein content (25%) having high digestibility. It also contains 0.5 to 4.33 per cent fats and 23.4 to 66.3 per cent carbohydrates. It is a good source of riboflavin thiamine and vitamin C. When green gram was sprouted, seed synthesized remarkable quantity of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).

Fertilizer is an important factor, which increase agriculture production. It is universally accepted that chemical fertilizer are an integral part of the package of practice for raising agricultural production to higher technological plan. Adequate crop nutrition using fertilizer is a prover route for increasing crop productivity. Phosphorus shortage restricts the plant growth and remains immature. Common diagnostic

properties of phosphorus deficiency are a darker green leaf colour due to higher chlorophyll contents (often with red pigments from anthocyanins), reduced leaf extension and a higher root to shoot ratio, since root growth is much less affected by phosphorus deficiency than shoot growth (Wild 1988; Marchner, 1995) [14, 6]. Sulphur deficiencies have been reported from over 70 per cent countries worldwide including

India. Deficiency of sulphur in Indian soil is increases due to intensification of agriculture with high yielding varieties and multiple cropping coupled with the use of high analysis sulphur free . Phosphate solubilizing bacteria were first used in USSR using Bacillus Bacterium. var. Phosphaticum as phosphate solubilizing bacteria and the product was named as

“Phosphobacterin”. In India “Phospho-bacterin” from USSR was tried for field inoculation in [16] 1960-61 by Sundara Rao and Co-workers (Yadav and Dadarwal, 1997) . Many fungi, Correspondence bacteria and actinomycetes are potential solubilizers of bound phosphates in the soil. Sadhana Chaudhari In commercial agriculture, the use of chemical fertilizers cannot be ruled out completely. Department of Agronomy, B.A. However, these is a need for integrated application of alternate source of nutrients for College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, sustaining the desired crop productivity. In integrated system, is one of the Gujarat, India important components. Further, biofertilizers are low cost and eco-friendly input have ~ 3994 ~ International Journal of Chemical Studies

tremendous potential of supplying nutrients which can reduce recorded significantly the highest phosphorus content (0.52%) the chemical fertilizer dose by 25- 50%. uptake (4.39 kg/ha) and sulphur content (0.120%) and uptake The main objective of research work to find out effect of (1.63 kg/ha) as compared to rest of phosphorus levels. phosphorus, Sulphur and biofertilizer application of quality Increasing higher phosphorus content and uptake might be parameter, nutrient content and uptake of seed. Integrated due to the availability of phosphorus and their complementary system help to reduced chemical load effect on growth and development. The uptake is directly and improved nutrient status as well as soil health. related to content and biomass, increased biomass recorded higher uptake too. Such significant improvement in the uptake Materials and Methods of nutrients could be attribute better vegetative growth of the An experiment was conducted at the College Agronomy plants and proliferous root system which lead to higher Farm, Anand Agricultural University, Anand during summer absorption of water and nutrient. The application of season of the year 2017 to study" effect of phosphorus, phosphorus might have improved the nutritional environment sulphur and biofertilizer on protein, P and S content and in rhizosphere. In the present investigation, phosphorus uptake of summer green gram (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)”. application significantly increased S content and uptake by The soil of experimental plot was loamy sand in texture seed. Such an increase in S content in seed might be due to having good drainage, low in available nitrogen, medium in synergistic effects of both phosphorus and sulphur available phosphorus and rich in potash with neutral in application. reaction. Eighteen treatment combinations comprising of three levels of phosphorus (0, 20 and 40 kg P2O5/ha), three Effect of sulphur levels of sulphur (0, 20 and 40 kg S/ha) and two levels of Data furnished in the Table-1 revealed that differences in seed biofertilizer (without and with PSB) were tried in randomized yield due to application of sulphur was significant. The -1 block design with factorial concept and replicated three times. treatment S2 (40 kg s ha ) found significantly superior (1272 One common basal dose of 20 kg N/ha was applied as a basal kg ha-1) over the rest of the treatments. Significantly the -1 -1 dose on ploughed furrows before sowing as a some part lowest seed yield (978 kg ha ) recorded under s0 (0 kg s ha ) through DAP and remaining through urea was given to all treatment. Result in respect to seed yield indicated plots for initial establishment of the crop. Remaining conspicuous differences by various sulphur levels might be phosphorus and Sulphur application according to set of due to that, crop yield is the complex function of treatment. physiological process and biochemical activities, which modify anatomy and morphology of the growing plants. Results and Discussions Judicious quantity of available nutrients is a basic requirement Effect of phosphorus throughout the crop growth period for smooth running of all A close examination of data (Table 1) indicated that physiological processes. Increase in the yield due to sulphur phosphorus application manifest significant influence on seed application might be due to increase in plant height, number yield. Significant linear increase in seed yield was noted with of branches plant-1, number of pods plant-1 and number of increasing the level of phosphorus. Significantly the highest nodules plant-1 were important growth and yield attributes seed yield (1293 kg/ha) was recorded under the treatmentP2 having significant positive correlation with the seed yield. (40 kg P2O5/ha) which was followed by P1 (20 kg P2O5/ha) With increasing supply of sulphur the process of tissue treatment (1166 kg/ha). P0 (0 kg P2O5/ha) treatment differentiation from somatic to reproductive, meristemic contributed to significantly the lowest seed yield ((960 kg/ha). activity and development of floral primordial might have Probable reason for higher seed yield by phosphorus increased, resulting in more flower and ultimately higher seed application might be due to increase inphotosynthic activity of yield. The present findings are in close accordance with those plant and root system and thus enables plants to extract more reported by sipai et al. (2016) [10] and saini (2017) [9]. water and nutrients from the soil depth, resulting into better Perusal of data presented in Table 1 indicated that the development of plant growth, yield attributes and ultimately application of Sulphur @ 40 kg S/ha recoded higher protein the higher seed yield. These findings are in conformity with content, phosphorus and Sulphur content and uptake. those reported by Gajera et al. (2014) [4], Kumavat et al. Significantly the highest protein content (24.85%) was [5] [10] [15] (2014) , Sipai et al, (2016) and Yadav et al. (2017) in recorded under the treatment S2 (40 kg s/ha) over rest of green gram crop. sulphur treatments. Protein content in seed was increased due Data presented in Table 1 reveled that application of 40 kg to which might be due to the increased availability of sulphur P2O5/ha (P2) exhibited statistically superiority in protein and thus nitrogen availability was increased. Sulphur also content in seed (24.46%) over the rest of the phosphorus synthesized some sulphur containing amino acids like cystine, levels P1 (22.87%) and P0 (21.30%). Increase in protein cysteine and methionine thus, resulting in increased the content in seed might be due to phosphorus promotes root synthesis of protein. Similar results are obtained by Kumavat growth and thus, increase the uptake of nitrogen, which et al. (2014) [5] and Dhewa et al. (2017) [2]. resulted in increased protein content. Another reason for Phosphorus content (0.50%) and uptake (3.92 kg/ha) was increasing the protein content was might be due to that green recorded significantly the highest under S2 (40 kg S/ha) gram is a legume crop and the effect of phosphorus is known treatment over rest of the treatment. Increase in phosphorus to active microbial population responsible for nodulation and content in seed might be due to synergistic effect of both efficient nodulation owing to phosphorus application might sulphur and phosphorus. The result confirms the findings of have enhanced nitrogen fixation to be utilized by plant and Tomar et al. (1997) [13] in mustard crop. ultimately increased the protein content. The results are in Significantly the highest sulphur content (0.130%) and uptake [7] close conformity with Patel et al. (2013) and Rathour et al. (1.55 kg/ha) was recorded under S2 (40 kg S/ha) treatment [11] (2015) . over S1 (20 kg S/ha) and S0 (0 kg S/ha) treatments. the It is an evident from the data presented in Table 1 indicated efficient uptake of nutrient by plants under the influence of that increasing levels of phosphorus upto 40 kg P2O5 /ha (P2) sulphur fertilization could partly be ascribed to the role of ~ 3995 ~ International Journal of Chemical Studies

-2 SO4 ions in maintaining turgor pressure in plant cells. the PSB) over B0 (without PSB) treatment. Phosphorus other probable reason for higher sulphur content in seed under solubilizing microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) enable P to higher application of sulphur might have increased their become available for plant uptake after solubilization of concentration in soil solution, which increased the availability secreting organic acids such as formic, acetic, propionic, and uptake by plant the results obtained in the present lactic, glycolic, fumaric, succinic, glutamic, oxalic glyoxalic, investigation are in conformity with the finding of bairwa et maleic, fumaric and ketobutric acids. Some of these acids al. (2014) [1] in green gram crop. (hydroxyl acid) may form chelates with cations such as ca+2 and fe+2 which resulted in effective solubilization of Effect of biofertilizer phosphates. In addition to phosphate solubilization by these Data tabulated in Table 1 clearly revealed that the levels of microbes can mineralizes organic phosphorus and because of PSB had significant influence on seed yield of green gram. the microorganisms renders more p into soil solution than Significantly the highest seed yield (1213 kg/ha) was recorded required for their own growth and metabolism, the surplus is under treatment b1 (with PSB) over b0 (without PSB) (1063 for plant to absorb. These results supported by Yadav et al. kg/ha). The increase in seed yield due to PSB liquid (2017) [15]. biofertilizer inoculation may be attributed to solubilization of Significantly the highest sulphur content (0.120%) and uptake native (insoluble) or applied phosphorus in soil by bacteria (1.51 kg/ha) was recorded under treatment B1 (with PSB) over and thus, making it available for plant use which in turn helps B0 (without PSB) treatment. Increase in S content in seed to put forth profuse growth and produced more seed yield. might be due to synergistic effects of both phosphorus and Other reason might be due to inoculation of PSB, increased sulphur. The results obtained are in consonance with the availability of phosphorus and favored higher nitrogen works of Jaggi and Sharma (1997) [3] in green gram crop. fixation, dry matter accumulation, rapid growth, higher absorption and utilization of phosphorus and other plant Interaction Effect nutrients and ultimately positive resultant effect on growth Interaction effect of phosphorus and sulphur with respect to and yield attributes, which led to increase the seed yield. seed yield was found significant. Combined application of Similar observations were also made by tanwar et al. (2003) phosphorus and sulphur showed increase in the seed yield [12] and patel et al. (2013) [7]. with increasing rates of phosphorus and sulphur (Table 2). Seeds inoculation with PSB shows significant effect on Significantly the highest seed yield (1499 kg/ha) was recorded protein content (%) in seed. significantly the highest protein under the treatment combination of 40 kg P2O5/ha and 40 kg

content (23.79%) was recorded under treatment b1 (with PSB) S/ ha application over rest of the treatment combination. No over b0 (without PSB) treatment (21.96%). Since protein phosphorus and no sulpur application recoded significantly content of seed is essentially a manifestation of nitrogen the lowest seed yield (746 kg/ha) over the rest of treatment content, increased nitrogen content due to seed inoculation combinations. It indicated that the combined application of with PSB resulted in higher protein content because of the phosphorus and sulphur have synergistic effect on mung bean beneficial role of PSB in enhancing n content in seed. The yields. Addition of sulphur with phosphorus may maintain results are in agreement with Kumavat et al. (2014) [5]. favorable balance between the applied nutrient in the plant for Data presented in Table-1 revealed that seed treatment with its optimum growth and sulphur enhanced the utilization of PSB gave significantly effects on protein content, phosphorus phosphorus by its effect on metabolism. These results are in and Sulphur content and uptake of green gram seed. close conformity with the finding of bairwa. (2014) [1] and Significantly the highest phosphorus content (0.59%) and sipai et al. (2016) [10]. uptake (3.73 kg/ha) was recorded under the treatment B1 (with

Table 1: Effect of phosphorus, sulphur and biofertilizer on quality and nutrient content and uptake by seed

Treatment Seed yield (kg ha-1) Protein content (%) P content (%) P uptake (kg ha-1) S content (%) S uptake (kg ha-1) Phosphorus levels (P) P0 (0 kg P2O5 ha) 960 21.30 0.40 2.89 0.090 0.97 P1 (20 kg P2O5 ha) 1166 22.87 0.44 3.36 0.110 1.31 P2 (40 kg P2O5 ha) 1293 24.46 0.52 4.39 0.120 1.63 S Em ± 23 0.42 0.01 0.10 0.003 0.03 CD at 0.05% 67 1.22 0.03 0.28 0.008 0.10 Sulphur levels (S) S0 (0 kg S ha) 978 21.53 0.40 3.19 0.090 0.99 S1 (20 kg S ha) 1164 22.85 0.46 3.55 0.110 1.37 S2 (40 kg S ha) 1272 24.85 0.50 3.92 0.130 1.55 S Em ± 23 0.43 0.01 0.10 0.003 0.04 CD at 0.05% 67 1.22 0.03 0.29 0.010 0.11 Biofertilizer levels (B) B0 (Without PSB) 1063 21.96 0.42 3.37 0.090 1.10 B1 (With PSB) 1213 23.79 0.59 3.73 0.120 1.51 S Em ± 19 0.35 0.01 0.08 0.003 0.03 CD at 0.05% 54 1.00 0.03 0.23 0.010 0.09 CV 8.70 7.90 9.10 11.90 10.80 12.00

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Table 2: Interaction effect of levels of phosphorus and Sulphur on seed yield of green gram

Treatments Seed yield (kg ha-1) Sulphur levels Phosphorus levels S0 (0 kg S/ha) S1 (20 kg S/ha) S2 (40 kg S/ha) P0(0 kg P2O5/ha) 746 1082 1151 P1(20 kg P2O5/ha) 1102 1213 1282 P2(40 kg P2O5/ha) 1236 1293 1499 S Em ± 42 CD at 5% 122

Conclusion biofertilizer application. The Bioscan. 2013; 8(1):149- From the ongoing experiment and its results concluded that 152. application of 40 kg P2O5/ha recorded significantly higher 8. Patel PM, Patel JS, Patel JJ, Patel HK. Effect of levels seed yield (1293 kg/ha) protein content (24.46%) and P and sources of sulphur on seed yield and quality of content (0.52%), S content (0.120%) and P uptake (4.39 summer green gram. International Journal of Agricultural kg/ha), S uptake (1.63 kg/ha) over the rest of phosphorus Sciences. 2010; 6(1):169-171. treatment. Increasing level of Sulphur upto 40 kg S/ha 9. Saini AK. Effect of iron and sulphur fertilization on recorded significantly the highest seed yield (1272 kg/ha) growth and yield of green gram (Vigna radiata L). protein content (24.85%), P content (0.50%) and S content Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2017; (0.130%) and P uptake (3.92 kg/ha) and S uptake (1.55 6(4):1358-1361. kg/ha). Seed inoculation treatment with biofertilizer recoded 10. Sipai AH, Jat JR, Rathore BS. Effect of phosphorus, significantly the highest seed yield (1213 kg/ha) protein sulphur and biofertilizer on growth, yield and nodulation content (23.79%), P content (0.59%) and S content (0.120%) in mungbean on loamy sand soils of Kutch. Crop as well as P uptake (3.73 kg/ha) and S uptake (1.51 kg/ha) as Research, 2016, 51(1). comparted to no PSB treatment. 11. Rathour DK, Gupta AK, Chaudhary RR, Sadhu AC. Effect of integrated phosphorus management on growth, Acknowledgment yield attributes and yield of summer green gram (Vigna Authors are thankful to Department of Agronomy, B.A. radiata L. Wilczek). The Bioscan. 2015; 10(1):05-07. College of Agriculture for providing support for conduction 12. Tanwar SPS, Sharma GL, Chahar MS. Effect of experiments as well as provided all resources during phosphorus and biofertilizers on yield, nutrient content investigation. Our special thanks to Principal and Dean for and uptake by blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper]. continuous monitoring, encourage and conducting Legume Res. 2013; 26(1):39-41. experiment. 13. Tomar TS, Singh S, Kumar S, Tomar S. Response of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) to nitrogen, phosphorus References and sulphur fertilization. Indian Journal of Agronomy. 1. Bairwa RK, Nepalia V, Balai CM, Jalwania R, Meena 1997; 42(1):148-151. HP. Yield and nutrient uptake of summer green gram 14. Wild A. Plant Nutrient in Soil: Phosphate. In: Wild, A. (Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek) under different levels of (ed.) Russell’s Soil Conditions and Plant Growth. phosphorus and sulphur fertilizations. SAARC Journal Longman, Harlow, 1988, 695-74. Agricultural. 2014; 12(1):162-172. 15. Yadav KR, Manohar RS, Kumawat SR, Yadav VK. 2. Dhewa JS, Daniel S. Sulochana Effect of different levels Effect of phosphorus sources and phosphorus solubilizing of phosphorus and sulphur on growth and nutrient uptake microorganism on growth and yield of mung bean (Vigna of green gram (Vigna radiata L.) under Teak (Tectona radiata L. Wilczek). Chemical Science Review and grandis L.) based agroforestry system. International Letters. 2017; 6(22):1152-1155. Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 16. Yadav KS, Dadarwal KR. In: Biotechnological 2017; 6(2):520-534. Approaches in Soil Microorganism for Sustainable Crop 3. Jaggi RC, Sharma DK. Effect of suphur and phosphorus Production (Dadarwal KR. Ed.) Scientific Publisher, on yield and their uptake by Indian mustard (Brassica Jodhpur, 1997, 293-308. Juncea). Indian Journal of Agronomy. 1997; 42(2):352- 356. 4. Gajera RJ, Khafi HR, Raj AD, Yadav V, Lad AN. Effect of phosphorus and biofertilizer on growth yield and economics of summer green gram (Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek). Agriculture Update. 2014; 9(1):98-102. 5. Kumavat S, Khistriya MK, Yadav SL, Kumar M. Effect of sulphur and phosphorus on growth and yield attributes on summer green gram (Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek). International Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2014; 10(2):770-773. 6. Marchner H. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. 2 nd Ed. Academic press, San Diego, 1995. 7. Patel HR, Patel HF, Maheriya VD, Dodiya IN. Response of Kharif green gram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] to sulphur and phosphorus fertilization with and without

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