Multiclass Pick 'n' Mix Multiclassing in Dungeons and Dragons is a fun way to add some extra flavour to a character concept. The fighter who dabbles in destructive magic. The barbarian who makes a deal with a devil. The bard who devotes themselves to the Goddess of Luck. Unfortunately, multiclassing, as an optional rule, isn't completely balanced. The synergies between some classes are far stronger than others. The design of some classes can Optional Rules even actively discourage picking up other classes to mix with These are among the simplest ways to tweak the way them because their features heavily scale with class level. multiclassing works at your table. Most of them revolve around taking the sting out of multiclassing. Reducing the What follows is a series of Optional Rules, Feats, Spells and opportunity cost just enough to make it exciting. Eldritch Invocations designed with multiclassing in mind. The idea here is that you can pick and choose the ones you like and integrate them into your game. Some of them may Smooth Extra Attack tread the same ground as each other, some of them may If you gain levels in multiple classes that have the Extra overlap in ways that are over-powered. Attack feature, add them together to find out when you get Pick your favourites to combine and tweak as you see fit. the feature. Your combined level in classes that grant the feature must equal the level at which the latest class grants it. Good Resources As an example: College of Swords Bards get Extra Multiclassing has been covered by many others. Optimisers, Attack at level 6. A 5th level Fighter/Swords Bard homebrewers and third party publishers have all put out must wait until level 6 to obtain the Extra Attack some fantastic work on the topic. In the interest of not feature. repeating their work, I'll list a few recommendations below. This is a vast improvement on waiting until they reach 5th level in fighter or 6th level in bard. Master of None This piece on DM's Guild is a great work on multiclassing. It covers the history of multiclassing in D&D and presents three different options for implementing it. The fighter's Extra Attack feature includes additional extra It covers methods for earning your multiclass and gestalt attacks at 11th and 20th level, to qualify for these, a character builds. It even includes neat flavour abilities you can give to must be primarily a fighter. They must have more fighter characters when they multiclass to make them feel more levels than levels in any other class. special. Highly recommend it; it's an electrum best seller for a (Unless you want barbarians and rangers who dip one level reason. in fighter to eventually get 3 attacks, in which case go ahead.) The Dungeon Coach did a great video on this piece. First Level Free PeteNutButter's Multiclassing Guide The first time you take a level in a class other than the one in This is a great analysis of many different multiclass options if which you started, you gain that level in addition to one of you're following rules as written. While the advice held within your current class. Your character level only increases by one, might not be explicitly useful if you apply some of these rules but you gain all the features of the additional level in your and feats, reading through the logic can give you an idea of starting class and the first level of your new class. what sort of changes you might want for your games. Follow the normal rules for multiclassing in all other As an added bonus, this guide includes flavour archetypes respects, but this first multiclass level is treated as gestalt. that each multiclass might occupy. (You gain all the features of both, and the better option where ' features overlap. For instance, you take the higher of the two Treantmonk s Wizard Multiclass Video hit dice.) This particular video is specific to wizards, but as with the last recommendation, this is about understanding how This is a tricky one, because it makes multiclassing feel multiclassing works to better understand what things you mandatory. It can be fun if you have a party that want to feel want to grab. powerful and have lot's of options. It can also work well in The logic applied in this video to how beneficial different games where a narrative requirement must be met in order classes are to a mainly wizard build can be applied to other to multiclass, finding a teacher, studying ancient scrolls or RAW multiclasses. making a bargain with a powerful planar creature. 2020 Feats SomeSample of the feats in the this release of Unearthed Arcana are Going Full Ges taltfile very obviously multiclassing feats. Options designed to give a I probably don't need to tell you how this one works. Gestalt taste of a class without fully dipping in. leveling has been a thing for almost as long as dungeons and dragons. The holy grail of pick and mix power building. Softer Requirements Multiclass Feats When multiclassing into or out of a class in D&D you must There are two ways to approach feats when it comes to meet certain ability score requirements. This is a useful tool multiclassing. for balancing multiclassing, because it stops you from being Feats can take the approach seen in fourth edition, able to take a little bit of everything. granting elements of other classes to remove the need for full But maybe you want to play a wizard who isn't particularly multiclassing. This allows customisation without the gifted and ends up making a pact for more magic from a potential headache of combining whole swathes of class fiend? Well, your Wizard needs at least 13 intelligence to features. Alternatively, feats can be tailored to specific multiclass out of the class. multiclasses, enhancing synergies or reducing opportunity You can change these requirements to suit your game. costs. Hopefully which is which is fairly obvious. You can choose to remove the ability score requirement to In most cases I have not specified any sort of prerequisite multiclass out of a class, most characterts will have decent for taking these feats. You can choose to restrict them to their stats in those scores anyway. intended class combinations, let people choose from them at You can choose to lower the requirements, making their leisure or even hand them out for free if you're feeling a multiclassing between classes that don't share ability little bit spicy. scores easier. You can forgo the requirements entirely, allowing your Adrenaline Rush players to go wild and combo up whatever they feel like. You can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a Though this does remove the safety net that minimum moment. On your turn, you can take one additional bonus ability scores can provide for game balance. action. You can switch to a narrative or holistic approach to Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long multiclassing. Looking at the character's abilities, current rest before you can use it again. class features and how much help and training they have access to in order to decide whether a multiclass feels right. Arcane Renewal You learn 2 cantrips and one 1st level spell from the wizard Class Tweaks spell list, you gain one 1st level wizard spell slot. If you have Are you tired of seeing the same old combinations of the spellcasting or pact magic feature you may use an action charisma casters over and over again? Do you want to see to restore one spell slot of third level or lower that you have some Cleric/Paladins and Warlock/Artificers? expended. You may not use this feature again until you finish At your discretion you can choose to tweak the ability score a long rest. used by a class.

Warlocks have a focus on learning arcane secrets, they Ascetic Strikes could absolutely be Intelligence casters. Opening up Blending your knowledge of martial arts with the better multiclassing with Artificers or Wizards. fundamentals of anatomy, you gain the following benefits: Paladins could easily be justified as Wisdom based instead of Charisma, with a focus more on piety and Add half your Monk level to your Rogue level when insight rather than leadership. Paladins who become determining your Sneak Attack dice. Druids or Rangers sound like a blast. Add half your Rogue level to your Monk level when Clerics could be flavoured as getting their powers through determining the size of your Martial Arts die. study of religious texts, rather than straight up faith. You may trigger your Sneak Attack when you make an Especially appropriate for Clerics of the Arcana or Unarmed Strike. Knowledge domains. Arcane Tricksters and Eldritch Knights are flavoured as Automagical Casting being part-wizard martials. You could tweak their Your studies of the industrial and the arcane make you spellcasting to be charisma based and even give them the uniquely gifted in the field of ritual craft. You gain the sorcerer spell list. (If you want to.) following benefits:

Add half your Wizard level to your Artificer level to determine when you unlock your Magic Item Adept, Rule Reminder: Whenever you divide a number in Savant and Master features. D&D, round down if you end up with a fraction, Add half your Artficer level to your Wizard level when even if the fraction is one-half or greater. determining the spell slots you regain with Arcane Recovery. Your magical contraptions can perform rituals for you, allowing you to attend to other tasks for their duration. SampleOnce a ritual is started you mafiley either return to it upon completion, or instruct your constructs to repeat the ritual for a set amount of time, until a condition is met, or indefinitely. The number of contraptions you can have is equal to your Intelligence modifier. Battle Priest Chakra Channeling When training in the art of battle and learning the intricacies You learn to channel your inner energies and the power of the of arms and armor, some warriors find faith and draw power cosmos through the same channels. You gain the following from it. You gain the following benefits: benefits:

Your Second Wind feature now heals you for 1d12 + your For every 2 levels in the Monk class you have, you gain an Fighter level + your Cleric level. additional Sorcery point. Any weapon you wield counts as magical for the purpose For every 2 levels in the Sorcerer class you have, you gain of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical an additional Ki point. attacks and damage. You may use Sorcery points as if they were Ki points to As a reaction when you take damage, you can spend a activate Ki abilities. spell slot to reduce that damage. The damage is reduced You may use Ki points as if they were Sorcery points to by 2d4 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d4 for each spell slot activate Metamagic abilities. (Ki points cannot be level higher than 1st. converted into spell slots.) Blade in the Dark Cunning Hands Your specialty lies in striking at the opportune moment, and You develop a harmony between your pool of divine energy your myserious benefactor helps with that. You gain the and your dextrous training. You gain the following benefits: following benefits: For each Rogue level you have, add 3 hit points to your Add half your Warlock level to your Rogue level when Lay on Hands pool. determining your Sneak Attack dice. Add half your Paladin level to your Rogue level when Add half your Rogue level to you Warlock level for determining your Sneak Attack dice. determining the requirements for unlocking eldritch You may use your Cunning Action feature to activate your invocations. Lay on Hands ability. When you attack from hidden and use your Sneak Attack feature, the damage becomes necrotic and the target Divine Wellspring cannot regain hit points until the beginning of your next Your connection to the divine is sacred, not just prayer but turn. also the swearing of a powerful oath. You gain the following Blessed Hunter benefits: Some hunters are smiled upon by gods of nature in a way For each Cleric level you have, add 5 hit points to your Lay others will never understand. You gain the following benefits: on Hands pool. Add together your Channel Divinity uses from your Cleric Add half your Ranger level to your Cleric level when and Paladin features, instead of taking the higher total. determining the highest level of spell you can prepare. Add 1d4 to all ability checks you make that use the Animal Druid's Gift Handling, Nature or Survival skills. You have learned to tap into the power of animals and imbue Add your Wisdom modifier to damage rolls made against yourself with their characteristics. creatures who you have previously tracked or stalked. You may cast the alter self spell without expending a spell slot or requiring components. Celestial Form Once you do so, you cannot cast it again until you finish a You may tap into the upper planes instead of the energy of short or long rest. nature when changing your form. You gain the following benefits: Eight Roads Crossing Add half your Cleric level to your Druid level when The monastery taught you that many paths lead to the same determining the limitations of your Wild Shape. destination. So you decided to walk the eight paths of magic. You may expend both uses of your Wild Shape to You gain the following benefits: transform into a pegasus, regardless of other limitations. If you do so, your expended uses do not return until you For every 2 Wizard levels you have, you gain an additional finish a long rest. Ki point. When you cast a spell with a casting time of one action, you can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action, or spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes. Spells you cast consider any part of your body which you Sampleuse to make an unarme d strikfilee to be a weapon. Eldritch Rumination Some make deals with creatures far outside the realms of mortals. Others make those deals and then delve into even deeper secrets. You gain the following benefits:

Add half your Warlock level to your Wizard level when determining the spell slots you regain with Arcane Recovery. Whenever you gain a Wizard level, you may trade out your Eldritch Invocations as if you gained a Warlock level. You gain an additional Warlock spell slot. Once expended, this additional slot is only regained when you finish a long rest. Fury in Service Whether you rage out of choice, at the command of your Feral Transformation patron or against your patron's commands, your rage is formidable. You gain the following benefits: When you tap into the essence of nature you can choose to meld your rage with the fury of nature. You gain the following Add half your Barbarian level to your Warlock level when benefits: determining the requirements for learning eldritch invocations. Add half your Barbarian level to your Druid level when Add half your Warlock level to your Barbarian level when determining the limitations of your Wild Shape. determining your bonus damage during a Rage. Add half your Druid level to your Barbarian level when Whenever you gain temporary hit points, the number you determining your bonus damage during a Rage. gain is increased by your Constitution modifier. You may spend a single bonus action to simultaneously Wild Shape and enter a Rage. When you do so, you take on the Intelligence score of the animal you transform into. Grace of the Divine When you return to your original form, if you are still Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20. raging, you may retain the Strength score of the creature you transformed into until the rage ends. Select a Divine Domain. You gain the Channel Divinity feature associated with that domain. After you use the Fleetest of Foot feature, you cannot use it gain until you finish a long rest. When you gain a level in the Cleric class, you may choose Trained in many environments and disciplined beyond belief, to replace this feat with an ability score increase. nothing trips you up. You gain the following benefits: For each Ranger level you have, you gain an additional Ki Grin and Bear It point. You are a warrior who stands their ground; a warrior who Add your Wisdom modifier to Initiative rolls. takes the punishment and keeps going. You gain the following You are unaffected by difficult terrain, both natural and benefits: magical. Add half your Barbarian level to your Fighter level to Forest Defender determine how many attacks your Extra Attack features gives you. Sometimes the best way to defend the wilds is to create Add half your Fighter level to your Barbarian level when something specifically for that purpose. determining your bonus damage during a Rage. When you finish a long rest you may choose to craft a If you would make a Dexterity saving throw against a defender of nature. This defender of nature is crafted from effect that deals damage, you may choose to instead make whatever natural materials you employ in your artifice and a Constitution saving throw against the same effect. On a takes the form and statistics of a creature into which you can succesfful save, reduce the damage taken by 1d6 times wild shape. your Constitution modifier. To imbue this construct with life, you must use attune to a use of your wild shape ability as if it were a magical item. While a use of wild shape is attuned in this way, it cannot be Holy Warrior used for other purposes. With a drive to fulfill a sacred oath and the intense martial In combat, the forest defender shares your initiative count, training to back it up, holy warriors are a force to be but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and reckoned with. You gain the following benefits: use any reactions on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action Add half your Paladin level to your Fighter level when on your turn to command it to take one of the actions in its determining how many attacks your Extra Attack feature stat block or the Dash, Disengage, Help, Hide, or Search gives you. SampleFor every level of Fight er you filehave, add 3 hit points to your action. Lay on Hands pool. When you use your Divine Smite feature, any weapon attacks you make in the same turn deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage. Inspired Faith Law of the Wild Your bardic arts are touched by the sincerity of true faith, and You may choose to follow the scribbled instructions of rich that faith inspires you in turn. You gain the following benefits: nobles, but the true law is the that of the land and the wild. You gain the following benefits: Add half your Cleric level to your Bard level when determining the size of your Bardic Inspiration die. Add half your Ranger level to your Druid level when Whenever a creature (including you) uses one of your determining the limitations of your Wild Shape. Bardic Inspiration dice, they gain a number of temporary You have advantage on all ability checks that use Nature hit points equal to the amount rolled on the die. or Survival. When you use your Channel Divinity, you gain a Bardic If you possess part of a beast that you tracked and killed Inspiration die. yourself, you can Wild Shape into that creature without expending a use of that feature. Once you do so, you must Infectious Footwork finish a short or long rest before doing so again. Precision of movement can speak to people almost as loudly words or music. Your movements are more akin to dance, Lay on Words and they inspire others to follow your lead. You gain the The words of your bardic inspiration carry with them the following benefits: resolution of your oath. You gain the following benefits:

Add half your Bard level to your Monk level when For each Bard level you have, add 3 hit points to your Lay determining the size of your Martial Arts die. on Hands pool. Add half your Monk level to your Bard level when Add half your Paladin level to your Bard level when determining the size of your Bardic Inspiration dice. determining the size of your Bardic Inspiration die. Creatures who have one of your Bardic Inspiration dice When you give a creature Bardic Inspiration, you may also may spend it to gain the ability to dodge, dash or use your Lay on Hands ability on that creature with the disengage as a bonus action for a number of rounds equal same bonus action. to your Charisma modifier. Magical Arms Infiltration Forms You're expertise in the fields of combat and the arcane allow Sometimes the best way to follow a mark or get into places you to wield the tools of war with the power of your mind. undetected is to look like you belong. Rogues trained by Forget mage hand, you're always ready for action. You gain druids have a unique talent for deceptive transformation. You the following benefits: gain the following benefits: Add half your Fighter level to your Wizard level when You have advantage on ability checks that use the determining the spell slots you regain with Arcane Deception or Stealth skills while in animal form. Recovery. You may transform into any CR 0 beast without expending Add half your Wizard level to your Fighter level when a use of your wild shape. You may not attack in this form. determining how many attacks your Extra Attack feature gives you. Inner Transformation You possess a mote of telekinetic force which follows you Requirements: Ki Points, Wild Shape at all times, ready for battle. By spending a spell slot, you can command this force to carry a one-handed melee Harmony with nature does not have to be a flashy weapon or a shield, occupying the same space as you. This transformation. One can just as easily change the shape of requires your concentration as if concentrating on a spell. their spirit as their body. As a bonus action you may spur this force into action, a When you use your wild shape feature, you can transform held weapon makes a melee spell attack against a target your Ki instead of your body. Choose a creature you can wild and a held shield provides its bonus to AC until the shape into, you gain it's senses, physical ability scores and beginning of your next turn. can use any action in it's stat block that makes sense in your normal form. Magical Inspiration You also gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the Knowing that you are nearby can inspire other spellcasters in chosen creature's hit points, your transformation ends when your party to attempt your feats of arcane control. You gain you no longer have these temporary hit points. the following benefits:

For every 2 level of Bard you have, you gain an additional Sorcery point. Add half your Sorcerer level to your Bard level when determining the size of your Bardic Inspiration dice. Creatures within 30 feet of you who have one of your SampleBardic Inspiration dice may rofilell it when casting a spell. They may apply to that spell any single metamagic option available to you that costs fewer sorcery points than the number on the rolled. Master Arcana Patron's Blessings Whether it comes from within your heart or from deep within When you channel the forces of nature, your otherworldly ancient tomes, magic is yours to harness and control. You benefactor contributes a little of themselves. gain the following benefits: When you Wild Shape into a creature, it is subtly altered in appearance to reflect your patron. In animal form, you gain Add half your Sorcerer level to your Wizard level when the following abilities depending on your chosen determining the spell slots you regain with Arcane otherworldly patron: Recovery. For every 2 levels of Wizard you have, you gain an Archfey - Resistance to Psychic damage and immunity to additional Sorcery point. the Charmed condition. When you cast a spell using a spell slot at least one level Celestial - Resistance to Radiant damage and immunity to higher than the spell requires, you gain a free Sorcery the Blinded condition. point to spend on metamagic to enhance that spell. Fiend - Resistance to Fire and immunity to the Frightened condition. Metamagical Machinations Great Old One - Resistance to Force damage and Requirements: Metamagic, Infusions immunity to the Grappled condition. Hexblade - Resistance to Cold damage and immunity to You learn to infuse your own metamagic into a held or worn the Petrified condition. item through which you can channel your spells. Select a Undying - Resistance to Necrotic damage and immunity metamagic option that costs 1 sorcery point to use, you to the Poisoned condition. create an item of your own design that counts as a spell focus for you. Press the Advantage If you are attuned to this metamagic focus, spells cast You learn to capitalise on particularly brutal attacks by through it automatically benefit from the chosen metamagic doubling down on the attack. You gain the following benefits: option. Add half your Rogue level to your Fighter level to Moment of Inspiration determine how many attacks your Extra Attack feature gives you. Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20. Add half your Fighter level to your Rogue level when determining your Sneak Attack dice. You can inspire others through stirring words or music. To do When you use your Action Surge feature, you may use so, you use a bonus action on your turn to choose one your Sneak Attack feature a second time in the same turn. creature other than yourself within 60 feet of you who can hear you. That creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die, a d6. Pressing Forward Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the When you take a moment to center yourself, you entreat your die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, patron for extra power. When you use your Second Wind or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it feature, you also regain an expended Warlock spell slot. rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Bardic Inspiration die, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll Prodigal Tinkerer succeeds or fails. Once the Bardic Inspiration die is rolled, it is lost. A creature can have only one Bardic Inspiration die at You gain the ability to imbue mundane items with certain a time. magical infusions. The magic items you create with this Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you feature are effectively prototypes of permanent items. finish a long rest. When you gain this feature, pick four artificer infusions to learn, as if you were an artificer. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch a non- Nature's Call magical object and imbue it with one of your artificer Your heart is filled with the song of the wild, and the power of infusions, turning it into a magic item. An infusion works on your voice allows you to share this power with others. You only certain kinds of objects, as specified in the infusion’s gain the following benefits: description. If the item requires attunement, you can attune yourself to it the instant you infuse the item. If you decide to Add half your Bard level to your Druid level when attune to the item later, you must do so using the normal determining the limitations of your Wild Shape. process for attunement. You may maintain one infusion. Add half your Druid level to your Bard level when Your infusion remains in an item indefinitely, but when you determining the size of your Bardic Inspiration dice. die, the infusion vanishes after a number of days have passed You may expend a use of your Wild Shape to sing a song equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 day). of change and adaptation. You cast the alter self spell on a When you gain a level in the Artificer class, you may choose number of willing creatures equal to your Proficiency to replace this feat with an ASI. bonSampleus, bestowing the same gift on all of them for the file spell's duration. Radiant Anger Ripple in Deep Waters When the paths of the oathsworn paladin and the raging When you meditate you can hear them, the whispers of your barbarian cross, anger can become visible. You gain the patron. Focusing on these whispers allows you to incorporate following benefits: them into your stillness of mind. You gain the following benefits: Add half your Paladin level to your Barbarian level when determining your bonus damage during a Rage. Your For every level in Warlock you have, you gain an additional bonus damage becomes radiant. Ki point. For each Barbarian level you have, add 3 hit points to your You may spend a number of Ki points equal to the spell's Lay on Hands pool. level to cast your warlock spells at their lowest level. While raging, you emit bright light in a 10 foot radius around yourself. Rhytmic Breathing While raging, when you hit a creature with an attack, you Control of your breathing is an important skill, emphasised by may spend 10 points from your Lay on Hands pool to both performers and warriors. You gain the following attempt to blind your target. The creature must succeed benefits: on a Constitution saving throw against your Paladin spell save DC or be blinded until the beginning of your next Add half your Fighter level to your Bard level when turn. determining the size of your Bardic Inspiration dice. Your Second Wind feature heals an additional number of Radiant Arcana hit points equal to a roll of your Bardic Inspiration die. You can hold your breath for twice as long as normal. The magic that courses through your veins is supplemented Spells you cast that have only vocal components can be by the power bestowed upon you by your oath. You gain the cast at twice their normal range. following benefits: For every level in Sorcerer you have, add 5 hit points to Sacred Blows your Lay on Hands pool. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can Whenever a spell you cast deals damage, you can have it expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target, in deal the same amount of Radiant damage instead. addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 2d8 You can spend Sorcery points to activate your Divine for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher Smite feature. Consult the 'creating a spell slot' table to than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. The damage increases by 1d8 determine how many Sorcery points are required to if the target is an undead or a fiend, to a maximum of 6d8. equate to each level spell slot. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. You may use this feature without a spell slot Rebuking Strikes as if spending a 1st level spell slot. Meditation and discipline allow you to channel the power of When you gain a level in the Paladin class, you may choose your faith into your hands, rebuking those who stand against to replace this feat with an ability score increase. your god. You gain the following benefits:

Add half your Cleric level to your Monk level when Secondary Guidance determining the size of your Martial Arts die. When you can entreat gods and monsters for power, Add half your Monk level to your Cleric level when sometimes it pays to ask both. You gain the following determining the limitations of your Turn Undead ability. benefits: You may spend 1 Ki point to channel divine energy through your attacks. Until the end of your turn, if you hit When a creature you can see succeeds on a saving throw an undead creature with an attack, they must make a save against your Cleric spell save DC, you may spend a against the effects of your Turn Undead ability. (If you have Warlock spell slot to make them roll again and take the a channel divinity option that allows you to turn other new result. creature types, this ability applies to those as well.) When a spell attack from a Warlock spell you cast misses, you may spend a Cleric spell slot of any level to roll again Righteous Fists and take the new result. Pinnacles of discipline, those who follow a monastic tradition and a sacred oath are capable of invoking immensely focused power. You gain the following benefits:

Add half your Paladin level to your Monk level when determining the size of your Martial Arts dice. For every level in Monk you have, add 3 hit points to your Lay on Hands pool. WhSampleen you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you may file spend 1 Ki point to deal an additional martial arts die of radiant damage. Seething Strength Storm Surge Increase your Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20. The power of nature serves as a focus for your divine energies, turning radiant light into furious lightning. You gain In battle, you fight with primal ferocity. On your turn, you can the following benefits: enter a rage as a bonus action. While raging, when you make a melee weapon attack using You may apply your Divine Smites to ranged weapon Strength, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll. attacks. If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or Your Divine Smites may deal lightning damage instead of concentrate on them while raging. radiant. Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are When you damage a creature with your Divine Smite, the knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t next ranged weapon attack against that target before the attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken beginning of your next turn has advantage. damage since then. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action. Once your rage ends you may not rage Student of the Divine again until you finish a long rest. Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20. When you gain a level in the Barbarian class you may replace this feat with an ability score increase. Select a Divine Domain. If you have the Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature, you add that domain's spell list to your class's Spell Blade spell list, those spells are always known or prepared for you and do not count against spells known or prepared. When magic is a part of your body and you train hard to make When you gain a level in the Cleric class, you may choose your weapons an extension of your body, the results are to replace this feat with an ability score increase. obvious. You gain the following benefits: For every 2 level in Fighter you have, you gain an Supernatural Tracker additional Sorcery point. The power of your bloodline aligns with and boosts your Add half your Sorcerer level to your Fighter level when survival instincts. You gain the following benefits: determining the number of attacks your Extra Attack feature gives you. For every 2 levels in the Ranger class you have, you gain Any weapon you wield counts as magical for the purpose an additional Sorcery point. of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical You learn hunter's mark if you do not already know it, it attacks and damage. does not count against your known spells. You may spend a Sorcery point as a bonus action to The additional damage from hunter's mark applies to your wreathe a weapon you hold in elemental energy. Until the spell attacks. end of the turn, that weapon deals an additional 1d6 While concentrating on hunter's mark you may spend a damage on a hit, the damage type is your choice of fire, sorcery point to divine the marked creature's location as if lightning, or cold damage. casting the locate creature spell. Stoke the Flames Swift Strike Your anger is a source of power, you can use it to wade into Increase your Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20. battle or channel it through violent sorcery. You gain the following benefits: You know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one For every 2 Barbarian levels you have, you gain an creature you hit with a weapon attack if you have advantage additional Sorcery point. on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged Add half your Sorcerer level to your Barbarian level when weapon. determining your number of rages. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another When you enter a rage you may spend 2 sorcery points to enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t invoke your bloodline. For the duration of the rage your incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack weapon attacks deal your choice of fire, cold, lightning or roll. acid damage and deal additional damage equal to your When you gain a level in the Rogue class, you may choose charisma modifier. to replace this feat with an ability score increase. When you cast a spell, you may expend a use of your rage to reroll any 1s on the damage dice, you must take the new results. Sympathy from the Devil Torn between your oath and the bargain you made for power, you are more sympathetic than most to those caught in a bad situation. You gain the following benefits: SampleFor each Warlock level you hafileve, add 5 hit points to your Lay on Hands pool. You may spend 10 hit points from your Lay on Hands pool to cast remove curse without a spell slot or components. Theurgy Truth in the Naming When your faith is the study of spellcraft the options available Bards and Wizards share a fundamental belief about the can expand tremendously. A rare few among practicioners of world. Whether they be poetic, prophetic, power words or the arcane and divine are considered 'Theurges', and their anything else, words, names, are important. You gain the versatility is unparalleled. You gain the following benefits: following benefits:

Add one third of your Cleric level to your Wizard level Add half your Wizard level to your Bard level when when determining the highest level of spell you can learn determining the size of your Bardic Inspiration die. or prepare. Add half your Bard level to your Wizard level when Add one third of your Wizard level to your Cleric level determining the spell slots you regain with Arcane when determining the highest level of spell you can Recovery. prepare. You can magically divine a creature's true name as a When an ability check allows you to add your proficiency bonus action. A creature of your choice within 60 feet of bonus for Arcana or Religion, treat a roll of 9 or less as a you must make a Wisdom saving throw against either 10. your Wizard or Bard spell save DC (whichever is higher). On a success they are immune to this effect, on a failure, Time Stands Still you learn their true name or the fact that they lack one. Creatures who's true name you know are not immune to A rush of adrenaline, throttled by patience and discipline. For damage caused by your spells. If they are immune to the a moment, time slows to a crawl. You gain the following type of damage dealt by your spell, they are instead benefits: resistant. For every 2 levels of Fighter you have, you gain an additional Ki point. Unfathomable Finesse Add half your Monk level to your Fighter level to Your skill in wielding larger martial weapons is a sight to determine how many attacks your Extra Attack feature behold, the speed with which you swing a blade is grants you. unbelievable. You gain the following benefits: When you use your Action Surge feature, you gain an additional extra action which can only be used to perform Add half your Rogue level to your Barbarian level when the Dash, Dodge or Disengage actions. You also gain an determining the effect of your Brutal Critical feature. additional reaction to use before the beginning of your Add half your Barbarian level to your Rogue level when next turn. determining your Sneak Attack dice. You may Sneak Attack with any ranegd or melee weapon Trapcraft that does not have the heavy property. Your experience in the wilds and your ability to invent collide in the field of trap making. Vicious Stabbery As an action, you may expend a spell slot to lay and prime a When all else fails, just scream as loud as you can and keep trap of your own devising. The trap occupies a five foot cubed stabbing until the enemy dies. You gain the following benefits: area, and deals your choice of piercing, slashing or poison damage to the first creature who enters that area. The Add half your Bard level to your Rogue level when damage dealt by this trap is 2d8 when primed with a 1st level determining your Sneak Attack dice. spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a Add half your Rogue level to your Bard level when maximum of 5d8. determining the size of your Bardic Inspiration die. Traps may not occupy the same space, a creature that does When you use your Sneak Attack feature, you may expend not provoke opportunity attacks may pass through a trapped one use of your Bardic Inspiration to roll that many Bardic area as if it were difficult terrain without triggering the trap. Inspiration dice instead of Sneak Attack dice. The damage If you attempt to hide your traps, the DC to spot them is your dealt this way is psychic damage. Artificer or Ranger spell save DC (whichever is higher). War Chanting The beat of the drum, the blaring of the horn, your blood is filled with fire and song. You gain the following benefits:

Add half your Barbarian level to your Bard level when determining the size of your Bardic Inspiration die. Add half your Bard level to your Barbarian level when determining your bonus damage during a Rage. Allies who have one of your Bardic Inspiration dice may spend it to Rage as if they were a barbarian of your level. As a bonus action they roll the die, entering a Rage for a Samplenumber of rounds equa l to thefile result of the roll. Wild Hunter Zen Apprentice Masters of the wild, in tune with the animals and trees. Some You learn a measure of the disciplined calm that various hunters are able to tap into something more primal. You gain monastic orders espouse, granting you moments of clarity in the following benefits: battle. You may take either the Dash, Disengage or Dodge action Add half your Ranger level to your Barbarian level when on your turn using a bonus action. determining your bonus damage during a Rage. You may take each of these actions in this way once, after While raging, you apply your rage bonus damage to which you must finish a short or long rest to do so again. weapon attacks made with Dexterity. If you gain a level in the Monk class, you may choose to You may expend a use of your rage to enter a primal state replace this feat with an ability score increase. that heightens your senses. For the next hour, you may add double your proficiency bonus to ability checks that use the Perception or Survival skills. Zen Brutality You transcend the limits of mere anger as you enter a state of Wild Shape Warrior cold, murderous intent. You gain the following benefits: When someone puts equal focus on training with arms and Add half your Monk level to your Barbarian level when armor and the ability to transform into the denizens of the determining your bonus damage during a Rage. wild, they sometimes learn to transform their equipment Add half your Barbarian level to your Monk level when more efficiently. You gain the following benefits: determining the size of your Martial Arts die. Add half your Fighter level to you Druid level when Your Rage bonus damage is applied to Unarmed Strikes determining the limitations of your Wild Shape. regardless of what ability is used to make them. When Wild Shaped, your animal form uses the armour While Raging, add your Constitution modifier to your AC. class calculation provided by whatever armour you were This addition stacks with the monk's Unarmored Defense wearing when you transformed. feature. When Wild Shaped, attacks that use natural weapons can instead deal damage equal to whatever weapon you were wielding when you transformed. Wizard Shiv Rogues train to find and exploit weaknesses in the opponent's guard, wizards train to apply force in specific locations. You gain the following benefits:

Add half your Rogue level to your Wizard level when determining the spell slots you regain with Arcane Recovery. Add half your Wizard level to your Rogue level when determining your Sneak Attack dice. When you deal Sneak Attack damage, you may spend a spell slot to enhance the effect. The sneak attack damage is increased by 1d6 per level of the spell slot, the additional damage is your choice of fire, cold, or lightning damage. Wrath of God Your anger is directed at the enemies of your god, those who oppose a right and just world. They'll regret underestimating a holy man. You gain the following benefits:

Add half your Cleric level to your Barbarian level when determining your bonus damage during a Rage. You may spend a use of your Channel Divinity to cast a spell while Raging. If that spell requires concentration, it lasts until the end of it's duration or until you stop raging, whSampleichever comes first. file Herald's Grasp Multiclass Spells Evocation cantrip Multiclassing brings with it a unique opportunity that is Requires: Spellcasting, Barbarian missing from the base game. We can expand the spellcasting Casting Time: 1 action options of characters who branch out beyond their base class. Range: 5 feet Some of the spells included here are cantrips from my Components: V, S Competent Caster's Cantrip Codex, which you can pick up Duration: Instantaneous here for half price (as you already have some of it). I've added class requirements for those cantrips here that You release a roar and lightning wreathes your hand as you are not featured in that product. As always, tweak to your attempt to grab your foe. Make a melee spell attack against a heart's content. target within range, Consitution is your spell casting ability for this spell. On a hit, the target suffers lightning damage Curse of the Hunted equal to 1d8 + your rage bonus, and it can't take reactions 2nd-level enchantment until the start of its next turn. You must be in a Rage to cast this spell. Requires: Ranger, Pact Magic The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th Casting Time: 1 bonus action level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). Range: 90 feet Components: V, S Enrage Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour 2nd-level enchantment You place a curse on a creature that you can see within Requires: Spellcasting, Barbarian range, plaguing them with images of their demise at your Casting Time: 1 action hands. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d8 psychic Range: 60 feet damage to the target whenever you hit it with an attack. If the Components: V, S target attempts to hide they must succeed on a Wisdom Duration: Instantaneous saving throw or instead dash. If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you You attempt to enrage a humanoid you can see within can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to curse range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so a new creature. with disadvantage if engaged in combat. If it fails the saving A remove curse cast on the target ends this spell early. throw, it enters a rage as if it were a barbarian. If the creature has the rage ability, it follows its own rules, otherwise it is At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot treated as a raging level 1 barbarian. If the creature attempts of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your concentration on to use its bonus action to end the rage, it must succeed on a the spell for up to 8 hours. When you use a spell slot of 5th Wisdom saving throw to do so. level or higher, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature Harmonic Radiance for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 Evocation cantrip feet of each other when you target them. Requires: Bard, Cleric Fracture Casting Time: 1 reaction* 3rd-level necromancy Range: 60 feet Components: V, M (a silver tuning fork) Requires: Warlock, Wizard (Undead/Undying Patron or Duration: Instantaneous School of Necromancy) Casting Time: 1 action When a creature you can see attempts to restore hit points Range: 60 feet to themselves or another creature within range, you may Components: S, M (a broken bone) bolster the healing with your own magic. Duration: Instantaneous Any dice rolled to determine the number of hit points restored by the spell or ability are rolled an additional time Target creature you can see witin range must succeed on a and the higher total taken. Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 Necrotic damage, and half as much on a success. On a failed saving throw the * (which you take when you see a creature within 60 feet creature either drops whatever items they are holding or are restore hit points) knocked prone as the bones in either their arms or legs creak under magical pressure. This spell has no effect on creatures without skeletons.

At Higher Levels: When cast using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, this spell deals an additional 1d8 damage for every Sampletwo levels above third. If th e spellfile slot used is at least 6th level, the target both drops their items and falls prone. Improved Polymorph Skin to Acid 5th-level transmutation 2nd-level transmutation Requires: Druid, Wizard Requires: Sorcerer, Wizard (School of Transmutation or Casting Time: 1 action Black/Copper Draconic Bloodline) Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 bonus action Components: V, S, M (a caterpillar cocoon) Range: 90 feet Duration: Concentration, up to the limits of your Wild Shape Components: V, M (the skin of a citrus fruit) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute This spell transforms a creature that you can see within range into a new form. An unwilling creature must make a You focus powerful transmutive energies, affecting every Wisdom saving throw to avoid the effect. The spell has no creature in a 15 foot sphere within range. Each creature effect on a shapechanger or a creature with 0 hit points. within the sphere must succeed on a Constitution saving The transformation lasts for the duration, or until the throw or have the upper layers of their skin turned to acid target drops to 0 hit points or dies. The new form can be any and suffer 4d6 acid damage. beast whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the A creature may use an action to clean the acid off target's (or the target's level, if it doesn't have a challenge themselves or another creature, or else it persists for the rating). The target's game statistics are replaced by the spell's duration. As a bonus action on your turn you may statistics of the chosen beast. It retains its alignment, transmute more acid, dealing 1d6 acid damage to any personality and mental ability scores. affected creatures. The target assumes the hit points of its new form. When it reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to the number Ward of the Divine of hit points it had before it transformed. If it reverts as a 1st-level abjuration result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries Requires: Cleric, Paladin over to its normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn't Casting Time: 1 action reduce the creature's normal form to 0 hit points, it isn't Range: Touch knocked unconscious. Components: V, S The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the Duration: 1 Hour nature of its new form, and it can't speak, cast spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech. A creature you touch gains 2d8 temporary hit points. When The target's gear melds into the new form. The creature the spell ends, the target loses any remaining temporary hit can't activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its points from this spell. equipment. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the temporary hit points gained Lingering Lightning Blade increase by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st, up to a Evocation cantrip maximum of 6d8. Requires: Fighter, Wizard Casting Time: 1 action Range: 5 feet Components: V, M (a weapon) Duration: Instantaneous As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a miss, the target of the attack takes 1d8 lightning damage. This spell’s damage increases when you reach higher levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 lightning damage on a hit, and the damage it takes on a miss increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level. Sample file Warlock Invocations Sylvan Morphology Requirements: Archfey Patron, Wild Shape Warlocks are a pretty versatile class. Between their otherworldly patrons, their pacts and their invocations, it's You gain additional non-beast options for your Wild Shape. pretty easy to make a straight warlock fit a wide variety of Provided you follow the other restrictions of your Wild Shape character concepts. But we're doing a multiclass pick and ability, you can transform into the following creatures: mix here, so let's have some invocations that make not going straight warlock very appealing. Blink Dog (CR 1/4) But before diving into that, let's cover one more quick Satyr (CR 1/2) optional rule that I didn't cover earlier because it is Warlock Dryad (CR 1) Specific. Pact Cantrip - When you learn your cantrips as a Warlock, Twice Blessed you may designate one of them as your 'pact cantrip'. Your Requirements: Celestial Patron, Channel Divinity pact cantrip replaces 'eldritch blast' in the wording and requirements of all eldritch invocations. You can cast bless at will as a 1st-level spell, without expending a spell slot or material components. Edge of the Unknown Requirements: Eldritch Blast, Sneak Attack Undead Morphology Requirements: Undead/Undying Patron, Wild Shape Your eldritch blast cantrip deals piercing damage, and counts as a light weapon for the purposes of triggering Sneak Attack. When using Wild Shape, your animal forms are considered Undead. Effortless Enmity When damage reduces your animal form to 0 hit points, you must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + Requirements: Eldritch Blast, Silent Spell Metamagic the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, you drop to 1 hit point instead of You may cast eldritch blast without verbal or somatic reverting to your normal form. Once you use this feature you components. must wild shape again before you can use it again. Eldritch Rage Requirements: Eldritch Blast, Rage

You can cast edlritch blast while raging, add your rage bonus to the damage it deals on a hit. Natural Predator Requirements: Ranger

You can cast hunter's mark at will as a 1st-level spell, without expending a spell slot or material components.

Sample file Homebrew, Revised and Variant Classes Sometimes you're not rolling with the normal version of a class. Most of the items presented here should be quite easy to tweak to fit a different class interpretation and could probably fit into a different class entirely with a bit of thought. None-the-less, here are a couple of adjustments I've made to suit some specific homebrews, which hopefully serve as an example of what you can tweak. Supernatural Tracker (Pagnabros The Boring Bits Ranger Tweak) The power of your bloodline aligns with and boosts your Writing and Design survival instincts. You gain the following benefits: DarkAbyssKeeper

For every 2 levels in the Ranger class you have, you gain an additional Sorcery point. Cover and Internal Art Add half your Sorcerer level to your Ranger level when Mahua Sarkar on Pixabay, Edited by DarkAbyssKeeper determining the size of your Hunter's Mark die. The additional damage from Hunter's Mark applies to your spell attacks. Layout While concentrating on Hunter's Mark you may spend a Eternally grateful to use the Homebrewery. sorcery point to divine the marked creature's location as if casting the locate creature spell. Comments and Critique Time Stands Still (Captain Variant) The discord community of The Dungeon Coach. A rush of adrenaline, tempered by forward thinking. For a Special thanks to T3ddyBr3wst3r, Lord_Rahlus, moment, time slows to a crawl and you read the situation. pagnabros and DMTip. You gain the following benefits:

Add half your Captain level to your Fighter level to determine how many extra attacks your Extra Attack Playtesting, Revisions and feature gives you. Additions Add half your Fighter level to your Captain level to I'm always open to hearing feedback as a result of analysis or determine whether you have access to the Extra Attack, playtesting. I'm always happy to hear the revisions and Power Attack or Weapon Expertise features.. tweaks other people make to my work. When you use your Action Surge feature, you gain an As I receive feedback and inspiration I intend to add to this additional extra action which can only be used to issue an piece to refine balance and give additional options. Order. You also gain an additional reaction to use before Any adjustments will be made available in a second file, the beginning of your next turn. with change notes, so as not to destroy anything people are happy with. Legal DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, , , , , the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by DarkAbyssKeeper and published under the Community SampleContent Agreement for Du ngeonfile Masters Guild.