Class III Date 8/04/2020 Subject Computer Chapter 2 More about Keyboard N.B. This exercise has to be written in computer book with respective date and has to be submitted on the first day of school reopening.

Keyboard : A computer keyboard is an input device that allows a person to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols (these are called characters) into a computer. A computer keyboard has 104 keys.

Keyboards are basically of two types:

1. Qwerty : Qwerty refers to the type of keyboard on a standard English. The name was given from the first six letters on the row above the home row keys. This layout is most widely used because of its convenience and universal standard.

2. Dvorak : Dvorak keyboard is the type of keyboard used for speed typing. The most commonly used letters are arranged in home row which makes it easy to type. It makes typing easier to one hand people.

Types of keys : Mostly we use QWERTY layout keyboard and the keys on the keyboard can be broadly divided into the following groups :

1. Alphabet keys have letters on them. They are used to type words and sentences. You can write both capital and small letters.

2. Number keys have numbers on them. Numbers from 0 to 9.You can type numbers by using these keys.

3. control keys are used to move the cursor up, down, left and right.

4. Function keys are near the top of a keyboard marked ‘F1’ to ‘F12’. It is used to perform specific functions.

5. Special keys : a) is the longest key on the keyboard. We use it to give space between two words. b) is also called the return key. It is used to move to the next line. c) key is used to remove any character that is present to the left of the cursor. d) Caps on a computer keyboard that makes all the keys produce capital letters. e) is used to remove any character that is present to the right of the cursor. f) can be used to type capital letters when the is 'OFF'.

g) is used to moves the cursor to the start of a line. h) is used to moves the cursor to the end of a line. i) on a computer keyboard that is used in combination with other keys for doing particular operations. This key is usually marked ‘Ctrl’. j) Punctuation key is used to type comma (,), full stop (.), hyphen (-), double quotes (") and single quotes (') to complete our sentences. k) is used to shifts the cursor few space forward.

ASSESSMENT ZONE (Answer Key pg no. 29)

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Backspace 2. Enter 3. Tab

B. Tick (√) the correct statement and cross (x) out the wrong one.

1. X 2. X 3. X 4. X 5. X 6. √

C. Fill in the blanks using the words given below.

1. Delete 2. Caps Lock 3. Shift 4. 5. End