Cave Fauna of Arkansas: Vertebrate Taxa V

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Cave Fauna of Arkansas: Vertebrate Taxa V Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science Volume 31 Article 22 1977 Cave Fauna of Arkansas: Vertebrate Taxa V. Rick McDaniel Arkansas State University James E. Gardner Arkansas State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology Commons, and the Zoology Commons Recommended Citation McDaniel, V. Rick and Gardner, James E. (1977) "Cave Fauna of Arkansas: Vertebrate Taxa," Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science: Vol. 31 , Article 22. Available at: This article is available for use under the Creative Commons license: Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0). Users are able to read, download, copy, print, distribute, search, link to the full texts of these articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks@UARK. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science by an authorized editor of ScholarWorks@UARK. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science, Vol. 31 [1977], Art. 22 Cave Fauna of Arkansas: Vertebrate Taxa V. RICK McDANIELand JAMESE. GARDNER Division of Biological Science Arkansas State University State University, Arkansas 72467 ABSTRACT The second in a series of papers describing the fauna of Arkansas caves includes distribu- tional records and ecological status (as a cavernicole) of 53 vertebrate taxa, including: 3 fishes, 7 salamanders, 6 frogs, 3 lizards, 7 snakes, one turtle, 3 birds, and 23 mammals. Sev- eral of the taxa occur on state lists of endangered species, but records accumulated during the past 5 years indicate the need for a reevaluation of the actual populational status of these organisms. INTRODUCTION CLASS AMPHIBIA Order Urodela Thispaper represents the second in a series of reports describing Family Plethodontidae the fauna of Arkansas caves. The firstpaper dealt only with selected Eurycea longicauda melanopleura (Cope), Troglophile. Baxter Co.: invertebrate taxa (McDaniel and Smith, 1976). In this paper we at- Irish HillC; Independence Co.: Cushman C, Dodd C, Fair tempt to combine new and unreported records with available pub- Spring*, Forshee C, Hankin's C, Tippewah C; Izark Co.: lished records of vertebrates associated withthe caves ofArkansas. Needles C; Sharp Co.: Center C. #1, Eckel C; Stone Co.: The troglobitic (obligate cavernicole) fauna of Ozark caves has Alexander C.*,Bald Scrappy C, Biology C,Blanchard Springs been described as limited, with possibly no more than one or two Caverns*, Branscum C.*,Half-mile C*.Roasting Ear C. Present troglobites in each cave (Barnett, 1967). Studies during the past 5 records suggest that this common epigean salamander probably years indicate that this is an erroneous conclusion, probably based on occurs in most Ozark caves, although Harvey (1975) considered the relative obscurity of Arkansas caves to the scientific community. it an accidental. Smith (1964) reported hybridization with E. Inan earlier paper (McDaniel and Smith, 1976) four troglobiticinver- lucifuga insome Arkansas caves. tebrate taxa were reported from two Ozark caves, even though onlya Eurycea lucifuga Rafinesque, Troglophile. Baxter Co.: Bonanza few taxa were considered. Certainly the total troglobitic fauna of C*., Saltpeter C; Benton Co.; Fulton Co.: Biggers' HillC.*; Ozark caves willprove to be much more diverse than currently un- Independence Co.: Bat C,Cushman C,Dodd C,Forshee C, derstood. As a group, the vertebrates contribute only two fishes and Hankin's C,Ward's C;Izark Co.: Bergren C, Clay C,Greasy a single salamander to the list of troglobites inhabiting Arkansas Bottom C, Vickery C, unnamed cave; Lawrence Co.: sink- caves (Nicholas, 1960). hole at Smithville; Madison Co.*; Marion Co.: Arrowhead Bluff C,unnamed cave; Newton Co.*; Randolph Co.: Bailey C, Mitchel C; Searcy Co.: Zack C; Sharp Co.: Calamine METHODS Mine, Center C. #1, Center C. #2, Eckel C, Kingshollow C; Stone Co.: Bald Scrappy C, Biology C, Blanchard Springs Methodology was as reported earlier (McDaniel and Smith, 1976) Caverns', Branscum C.*,Cricket C.*, Gunner C.*,Hell Creek inwhich collection of specimens was minimal and usually forthe pur- C, Hidden Spring C.*,Roasting Ear C,Rowland C, Saltpeter pose ofidentification only. Generally, onlyone or two specimens of C.i World Wonder C.*, unnamed cave*; Washington Co.* each species were removed from a cave. Allforms collected by the Records indicate the cave salamander is abundant throughout authors are represented by voucher specimens in the collections at the Ozark region. Very dense populations may occur in some Arkansas State University. Taxa and localities reported are the result verywet caves (Smith, 1960, 1964). of collection efforts by the authors combined with a search of avail- Plethodon cinereus serratus Grobman, Trogloxene. Stone Co.: able literature including: Barnett (1970), Dowling (1957), Grove Blanchard Springs Caverns*. Grove (1974) reported this sala- (1974), Harvey (1975), Sealander (1956), Sealander and Young mander, but the authors have not yet found it in the cave en- (1955), Smith (1977), and unpublished reports of the Arkansas Spe- vironment. Black (1973) reported a specimen from a cave in leological Survey. In the followinglist, an asterisk denotes records Oklahoma. drawn from literature accounts; all other records were determined by Plethodon dorsalis angusticlavius Grobman, Accidental. Indepen- the authors. dence Co.: Confederate C.i Stone Co.: Bald Scrappy C, Blanchard Springs Caverns*, Roasting Ear C. Although an epigean salamander, this species apparently enters caves. ANNOTATEDLISTOF ARKANSAS Plethodon glutinosus glutinosus (Green), Troglophile. Fulton Co.: VERTEBRATE CAVE FAUNA Biggers' HillC; Independence Co.: Cushman C, Dodd C; Lawrence Co.: Powhatan C;Randolph Co.: Bailey C,Man- CLASS TELEOSTOMI sell C; Co.: Center C. #1, Eckel Stone Co.: Biol- Sharp C.i * Order Percopsiformes ogy C., HellCreek C.,Roasting Ear C. , World Wonder C. ,un- FamilyAmblyopsidae named cave*. Although primarily an epigean species, slimy sala- Amblyopsis rosae (Eigenmann), Troglobite. Benton Co.*; Washing- manders are often found inthe deep recesses ofcaves. Brooding ton Co.* The Ozark cavefish has been collected in only a few behavior by this salamander has been observed by the authors caves, but may occur in caves of other northern counties (Bu- several times. Barnett (1970) discussed aspects of the ecology of chanan, 1974; Eigenmann, 1909). this salamander inan Ozark cave. Typhlichthyssubterraneus Girard, Troglobite. Randolph Co.*; Stone Typhlotriton spelaeus Stejneger, Troglobite. Baxter Co.: Irish Hill Co.:Alexander C*Only a single specimen of the southern cave- C, unnamed cave*; Benton Co.: Monte Ne*; Boone Co.: fish has been reported from Arkansas (Woods and Inger, Marble C.*;Carroll Co.: Bentonville* Burnet C.Springs*, Eure- 1957). However, Harvey (1975) reported a recent sight record ka Springs', Logan C.*;Fulton Co.: Mammoth Springs; Indepen- from Alexander C. Intensive searches now inprogress may pro- dence Co.: Allen C.*, Bell C.*, Cushman C, Dodd C, Fair vide additional records. Spring*, Forshee C, Hankin's C, Scout C.*; Izard Co.: Ber- Order Perciformes gren C, Clay C, Greasy Bottom C,Needles C;Lawrence Co.: FamilyCentrarchidae York Spring*; Marion Co.: Arrowhead Bluff C, unnamed Lepomis cyanellus Rafinesque, Accidental. Izard Co.: Needles C. cave*; Newton Co.: Haddock Spring*, John Eddings' C.*; Smith (1977) reported several specimens of this fish apparently Searcy Co.: Hurricane C.*, spring west of Marshall*; Sharp washed into the cave. Co.: Center C. #1, Center C. #2, Eckel C,Ranch C.*;Stone Academy of Science Proceedings, Vol.XXXI,1977 68 Arkansas Published by Arkansas Academy of Science, 1977 68 Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science, Vol. 31 [1977], Art. 22 V. Rick MeDaniel and James E. Gardner Co.: Bald Scrappy C, Biology C, Blanchard Springs entrance ofmany caves. Caverns*, Gunner C.*, Hell Creek C, Hidden Spring C, Lampropeltis getulus holbrooki Stejneger, Accidental. Stone Co.: Roasting EarC, Rowland C, Slick Rock Hollow C.*;Washing- Biology C*Not collected by the authors, but reported by Har- ton Co.: unnamed caves vie. Farmington and Savoy*. The vey (1975). grotto salamander was placed on a list of endangered species in Opheodrys aestivus (Linnaeus), Accidental. Stone Co.: Hell Creek meters Arkansas (Reagan, 1974). Harvey (1975) questioned the status of C. The rough green snake was collected about 200 into this salamander and suggested that it was not actually endang- the cave. Accidental. ered. Certainly the locations presented here do not substantiate Sloreria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata (Storer), an endangered status for this salamander in Arkansas. Presently, Stone Co.: Blanchard Springs Caverns*. Not collected by the it is both widespread and relatively abundant, and only regional authors, but reported by Schuier et al. (1972). habitat destruction in the form of massive ground water pollu- Virginia valeriae elegans (Kennicott), Accidental. Stone Co.: Blan- tion would threaten its future. The taxa T. braggi (Smith, 1968) chard Springs Caverns*. Not collected by the authors, but re- and T.nereus (Bishop, 1944) are synonyms of T.spelaeus (Bran- ported by Grove (1974). don, 1966; Brandon and Black, 1970). FamilyViperidae FamilyAmbystomatidae
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