Extensions of Remarks E801 HON. ROBERT A. BORSKI HON
April 30, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E801 Gary Ackerman, Tom Barrett, Xavier ment set in place by its founders, has contin- And finally, and this may be even more im- Becerra, Howard Berman, Rod ued throughout the history of the church. A portant, I am joined by constitutional schol- Blagojevich, Earl Blumenauer, David spirit of warmth and service emanates from ars in saying this amendment actually Bonior, George Brown, Sherrod Brown, strengthens our First Amendment freedoms. Walter Capps, Julia Carson, Donna this group of parishioners. All Saints' is an ex- I emphasize that, Mr. Chairman because Christian-Green, William Clay, Eva ample of community goodwill, and has served some Americans have raised questions about Clayton, John Conyers, Elijah as a unifying force for members of the district. our fundamental freedoms of speech and ex- Cummings, Danny Davis, Jim Davis, Under the direction of Dr. Chinn, the current pression. I have the same concerns they do, Peter DeFazio, Diana DeGette, William pastor, the church has developed programs to and they deserve some straight answers. Delahunt, Ronald Dellums, Peter help those less fortunate. Members of the con- Now, I am not going to spend too much Deutsch, Julian Dixon, Lloyd Doggett. gregation prepare and deliver meals for the el- time paying tribute to the flag. I am sure it's Eliot Engel, Anna Eshoo, Lane Evans, derly and families who are struggling in their safe to say that respect for the flag is some- thing everyone in this room shares. Sam Farr, Chakah Fattah, Bob Filner, current situations. In times of crisis and need, Floyd Flake, Thomas Foglietta, Harold Americans have always felt that way about Ford, Jr., Barney Frank, Elizabeth help is always forthcoming in family oriented their flag, and that's why there is so much Furse, Gene Green, Luis Gutierrez, programs of service and volunteerism.
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