(Library ebook)

Mapp and Lucia

Par EF Benson DOC | *audiobook | ebooks | Download PDF | ePub

Dtails sur le produit Publi le: 2014-09-19Sorti le: 2014-09-19Format: Ebook Kindle | File size: 79.Mb

Par EF Benson : Mapp and Lucia before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Mapp and Lucia:

Commentaires clientsCommentaires clients les plus utiles2 internautes sur 2 ont trouv ce commentaire utile. Formidablement drle!Par Phil-DonVoici le 4me volume de la srie des Mapp Lucia. Nous avons fait connaissance avec la machiavlique Lucia dans les pisodes 1 et 3, et avec la malveillante Miss Mapp dans l'pisode 2. Dans cette 4me aventure, Lucia, veuve prsent, dlaisse son village de Riseholme et s'installe quelques mois , o rgne et svit Miss Mapp. Dans le charmant petit village, c'est bientt une guerre acharne entre les deux femmes, chacune rivalisant d'ingniosit - et d'amabilit - pour nuire son ennemie.E.F. Benson nous offre nouveau un livre exquis, tant pour l'lgance de son criture que pour la finesse de son humour. La vie de village est dissque dans ses moindres dtails, les actes, les mots, pour y dbusquer l'hypocrisie omniprsente. Et c'est terriblement drle. Le moindre compliment, le moindre sourire, peut dissimuler une attaque froce. L'action est souvent minimale, et l'intrigue anodine, et pourtant le lecteur se passionne pour les faits et gestes de ces deux formidables hrones. J'ai ador!

Description du produitThis is the fourth installment in the delicious "Mapp Lucia" series, and a hilarious study of 1930's manners and the pecking order in the fictional English village of Tilling. Having long ago conquered the timid town of Riseholme, Emmeline "Lucia" Lucas finds herself rather bored and so rents a summer place in Tilling. To be specific, she rents the home of Miss Elizabeth Mapp, queen of all she surveys from her garden window. Immediately the gauntlet is thrown down as the two would-be arbiters of good taste battle it out over excruciatingly endless musicales, phony Italian conversation and bad homemade art. Assisted by her aide-de-camp Georgie, a supremely fussy and utterly cowed sidekick, Lucia marches in...but Mapp is not without her supporters, or her binoculars.

Prsentation de l'diteurSoon to be revived in a new BBC series, Mapp and Lucia is a poisonous witty, comic tale of two upper-class women battling for social supremacy in the most underhand ways possible. Meet Mapp and Lucia - two of the most unpleasant, disgraceful women you're ever likely to encounter, in E.F. Bensons carefully observed tale of 1930s village life and social ranking. Emmeline Lucas (known as Lucia to her friends) is emerging from mourning following the death of her husband. Pretentious, snobbish and down-right devious, she feels her home town of Riseholme offers no longer challenges and decides to holiday in the town of Tilling. She rents 'Mallards' from Miss Mapp. The two women clash immediately. Miss Mapp is used to being top of the social ranking in Tilling and there is no way she is going to let a vulgar outsider claim her position. So begins a battle of one-upmanship, peppered with queenly airs, ghastly tea parties and unnerving bridge evenings as the two combatants attempt to out-do each other to win social supermacy. The pompous Lucia and malignant Mapp are characters you will love to hate, wonderfully penned by E.F. Benson. Darkly comic and witty, it is soon to be a new BBC series written by Steve Pemberton.Revue de presse"Sparkles with wicked wit." --"Sunday Times"Prsentation de l'diteurSoon to be revived in a new BBC series, Mapp and Lucia is a poisonous witty, comic tale of two upper-class women battling for social supremacy in the most underhand ways possible. Meet Mapp and Lucia - two of the most unpleasant, disgraceful women you're ever likely to encounter, in E.F. Bensons carefully observed tale of 1930s village life and social ranking. Emmeline Lucas (known as Lucia to her friends) is emerging from mourning following the death of her husband. Pretentious, snobbish and down- right devious, she feels her home town of Riseholme offers no longer challenges and decides to holiday in the town of Tilling. She rents 'Mallards' from Miss Mapp. The two women clash immediately. Miss Mapp is used to being top of the social ranking in Tilling and there is no way she is going to let a vulgar outsider claim her position. So begins a battle of one-upmanship, peppered with queenly airs, ghastly tea parties and unnerving bridge evenings as the two combatants attempt to out-do each other to win social supermacy. The pompous Lucia and malignant Mapp are characters you will love to hate, wonderfully penned by E.F. Benson. Darkly comic and witty, it is soon to be a new BBC series written by Steve Pemberton.